#Mermay Fanfic
tmuse-ac · 1 year
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I have posted nothing for mermay even though I really damn wanted too.
ALL of my ideas didn't go how I wanted, so have this instead. I read an unfinished mer fic by @thedreamerfae called "The Howling Pirate King". I haven't read it since I drew this after I was done so I have no idea if it's updated or not. I just got really invested and interested in how Y/N is this really bold, protective force for the boys. (also i love the nickname Cap, it's so fckin cute).
I really hope this fic gets updated, but if not, I completely understand because I get that life gets in the way and stuff. Damn you life, I'm trying to be a protective force for these beautiful, fishy boys.
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rosesofenvy · 4 months
First Malevolent fic has been posted just in time to end Mermay!
John may or may not be a sea god and Arthur may or may not have gotten himself into trouble (no one is surprised)
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shyvioletcat · 1 year
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A/N: I wrote a little something in celebration of Mermay. It’s just fun that spawned from a completely random idea. Yes, it’s another single parent au but who’s gonna stop me? Certainly not myself. Please enjoy. 
Aelin’s make-up brush was coated in gold as she ran it over her top eyelids. Working in water, there wasn’t much that would withstand it, but she had curated a good collection after some serious trial and error. There was also the toxins in her make-up to consider, if she killed the fish, she wouldn’t have a job. That was why she left off the glitter gel, that would go on after her water performance. This was the ever glamorous life of a mermaid. 
She had worked at the Orynth Aquarium for nearly two years. It had started as a what the hell of it job, and then had progressed into something she loved. Thanks to the support if her parents this job wasn’t make or break for her and realistically Aelin know one day she’s have to get a real job, but in the meantime it was fun while it lasted. Her last minute prep was checking if she had had her earplugs and her airways were clear and ready. The earplugs she tucked into the turquoise scale decorated bikini top she wore and she blew her nose once for good luck.  
Aelin hated to break the illusion but with the irritation in her eye today she needed to wear goggles for this performance. If she persevered through it and kept her eye exposed to the aquarium water it could potentially flare up more and then she’d have to stop work completely. And that just wasn’t fun for anybody. She had forked out a mild fortune for this particular pair. They were clear as they could possibly be, both the silicone and polycarbonate lenses. To hide it further she put a circlet over it to cover the straps wrapping around the back of her head. 
“Lys, can you?” Aelin said to her co-worker and friend. 
“Of course,” Lysandra said, helping secure the circlet onto the straps. She was a mermaid too, and would go on a little later in the day. 
It only took a few seconds and then it was done. One benefit of the goggles and circlet get up was that it would help to keep the hair out of her face while she swam. The silicone of the circlet was fashioned to look like clusters of shells, corals and pearls, all painted to match her overall mermaid colour scheme. Aelin did a quick adjustment of her goggles and the top part of her mermaid outfit, making sure everything was secure and not likely to fall off in the water.  She was as ready as she could be without her tail. 
Aelin left the dressing room that had been repurposed from small storage space for the performers. From the still lingering smell of old fish she suspected it had a prep room for the aquarium residents' food. She’d taken her turquoise coloured tail with her and sitting on the water’s edge rolled down the sides until she got to the flipper. Her feet slipped in and she hooked the strap over the back of her heel to stop them slipping out. Then she lathered herself up in hair conditioner so the tail would slide on a little easier.
It took time and a fair amount of effort, but it wasn’t too long before Aelin was entirely merma-fied. The world became muffled as the earplugs filled her ears. She swung her feet around dipping them into the water, and then eased herself all the way in. Submerging fully for the first time always felt a little odd—getting her legs to kick in sync instead of alternating strides. But after a few good kicks muscle memory took over and Aelin was swimming with ease.
Above the surface Aelin started breathing in and out, readying to hold her breath for her big entrance. She counted one, two and then three and she went under, swimming deeper into the aquarium. Fibreglass rocks jutted up from the tank floor and Aelin made for the decorative arch built, arms in front of her guiding her through the water. 
There were fish around her, nothing too bitey or sharp, for safety reasons obviously. Aelin had been diving in the shark tank before, and they weren’t vicious creatures, just sometimes curiosity got the better of them. So she was in here with the tropical variety, also making the swim just that more pleasant. If any inhabitants happened to bump into her it was a lot less distracting. 
Just as the front glass came into view Aelin lungs began to feel a little bit of strain. She decided that she would do a swim-by of the glass and then pop up for some more air. With her goggles she could see the audience clearly, on other days they would have been blurry blobs of indecipherable colours, but today she could see everything. When children noticed her swimming towards them, they rushed the glass, faces practically squished up on it. They pointed and shouted soundlessly to parents and friends. 
Aelin smiled, one hand swooping down to her side while the other waved at the crowd. There was one girl in particular that caught her eye, brown hair pulled back into two braids, face slack with shock and awe. The precious little thing’s eyes were wide as they tracked Aelin’s movements through the water. It wasn’t until Aelin was almost out of sight that she rushed forward, beckoning to someone behind her. Aelin kept swimming but made sure to give the girl a particular wave before she disappeared from sight. 
Catching her breath Aelin then dived back under. This time she swayed her hips, building up to a spin. The girl from before practically chased her across the viewing area, the skirts of her tutu swishing around her knees as she did. On the next pass Aelin slowed down so that she could interact with her audience. She waved and smiled, swished her flouncy tail at them. But she was saving the air in her lungs for a little something special. The brown-haired girl was front row, little hands on the glass as she bounced on her toes. Aelin swam right up to her, putting her own hands on the glass too. The smile she was being given was infectious and Aelin had to try and keep her lips sealed so she didn’t lose the air trapped inside. Bringing two fingers of each hand to her lips Aelin whooshed out a bubble of air and made a heart shape. Bubbles followed the movement making a clear heart that framed the girl's face. Aelin wished she had a camera to capture the pure elation and joy. 
When the bubbles faded the girl turned, Aelin saw her say something and her companion stepped out of the shadows and came into view. It was an effort not to lose the rest of her air with just how fine a specimen of the human he was. All broad shoulders, chiselled jawline and an usual hue of silver hair, he was knee weakingly handsome. The distortion through the glass did little damage to the overall effect. 
Duty called and Aelin had other viewers to entertain. She went through various routines, backflips and front flips, spins and waves, and more air kisses. A lot of people moved on but Aelin’s biggest fan hung around with her carer who now sat on the lowest step, elbows on his knees as he watched the girl have her fun. He smiled and nodded along with whatever she said. 
Aelin’s window for performing was closing and she wanted to give this girl a special experience before she wrapped it up. Gulping in some air Aelin dove back down. There the girl was, waiting on the glass, kneeling because she was probably worn out from all the games of chase. Aelin beckoned her to stand by curling her fingers to her palm. She misunderstood and waved and it wasn’t until the man said something to her that the girl stood. Aelin nodded, indicating she’d done the right thing. 
Aelin treaded water to keep herself in place and with her pointer finger she made a twirling motion, trying to convey that she was going to spin. The girl clapped before her hands raised above her head like a ballerina. When the girl said something to the man behind her Aelin followed the line of sight. Her lips tightened into a closed lip smirk as she caught him mid check out of her. In this line of work this kind of thing wasn’t unusual, and at least this guy seemed to be doing it respectfully. He was most certainly blushing when he noticed Aelin’s gaze on him and her expression. 
It took some manoeuvring and effort—this was one of the more advanced moves in her routine, but Aelin spun upwards in the water, gracefully turning in full circles, slower than the girl was twirling. She was over excited and frantic. Aelin kept going until her head broke the surface, allowing herself a smile and a few intakes of air before going back down. The girl was still spinning when Aelin saw her again and it took the man pointing out that the mermaid had returned for her to stop. The poor little thing swayed on her feet, too dizzy to see straight, making Aelin laugh out a bubble of air. She swam down again, lounging lengthways in the water to get to the girl’s eye level easier. 
The laughter had cost her and Aelin would need to swim away soon. So she waved, blowing another heart kiss to the girl’s utter delight. Aelin needed to get to the surface quickly after that so she started swimming straight up. Her new little friend insisted that the man, most likely her father now that she saw them together, wave as well. He did, and Aelin made sure to catch his eye. She winked, then blew him a kiss too, hoping he was blushing again. 
Aelin kept to the surface as she swam back to the edge of the aquarium. She was out of breath when she hauled herself onto the ledge and for a while she just lay there, smiling as she recalled the little girl. The kids and their enthusiasm was one of her favourite things about this job. It gave her a sense of fulfilment bringing a little bit of magic to their lives. This girl had really been something and her father—
“Oh. Oh, shit.” Aelin slapped a pruny fingered hand over her mouth. He’d sure as hell started it but she most definitely might have flirted with a married man. A deep breath out later and she let it go. It was harmless fun and it wasn’t likely that she would see him again. 
This trip to the aquarium was proving to be a hit. When Rowan had seen the promotion about the mermaids at the aquarium he’d known that he had to bring Ivy. Mermaids were her current obsession and the chance for her to see a real life mermaid was something he wasn’t going to pass up. 
Ivy had loved it, every single second. Her enthusiasm had won her the attention of the mermaid. The kisses, waving and the dancing had probably made Ivy’s year. Since the mermaid had swam away Ivy hadn’t stopped talking about it. She’d been disappointed for sure, but the magic from that moment still held sway and she was buzzing. A huge turtle swam by and Ivy followed it with her eyes, head turning and nearly knocking into the glass as she tried to look at it as long as she could. The way things were going they would be here until they were physically kicked out. 
“Ivy, should we go see the penguins?” Rowan asked. 
Ivy spun, so fast that Rowan had to steady her with a hand on her head.
“There’s penguins?”
Rowan chuckled. “Yes, there are.”
“Why are we standing here then?” Ivy told him, grabbing his hand and leading him in the entirely wrong direction. 
“This way, little love,” Rowan said, gently tugging her hand in the right direction. 
It was while they were watching the little, stubby, flightless birds waddle around when the announcement that would change Ivy’s life was made over the loudspeaker.
“Hi there, visitors,” a female voice said. “If you would like to meet one of our resident mermaids please head to Coral Cove where a meet and greet will start in five minutes. They are very excited to meet you, and we hope to see you there!”
“Daddy,” Ivy’s eyes were wide. “Did they say we can meet a mermaid?”
He nodded. “Indeed they did.”
“Can we? Please?” The four year old begged. 
Rowan already had it in his mind to say yes, but if there had been any doubt for him it would have been banished just from the look in her eyes. “Let’s go.”
It frustrated Ivy when she kept taking the wrong turns so Rowan just picked her up and carried her the rest of the way. This place was easy enough for him to navigate, not so much for a little girl who couldn’t read. They found Coral Cove in the tropical section. It was all warm lights, pastels and colourful fish. There was a line already forming and the two of them joined the end of it.
“Is it her, Daddy? The swimming one?” Ivy asked, head peering over the heads in front of them trying to see. 
“I’m not sure, love. We’ll have to wait and see,” Rowan replied.
Ivy was full of nervous energy and eventually Rowan had to put her down because she was shifting around so much. She got antsy and like a dutiful father he was, he handed her some snacks from the backpack to keep her occupied. That gave her five minutes of peace before she was at it again. Holding his hand, Ivy left the line as far as she could while still hanging on. She gasped, hurrying back to Rowan’s legs.
“Dad,” she said in a harsh and very loud whisper. “It’s her.”
“Is it?” Rowan whispered back.
Ivy nodded, such a wide smile on her face. There weren’t too many people ahead of them so it was only another ten minutes before they got to the front of the line. Like Ivy had said, the mermaid from the aquarium was the one doing the meet and greet. She was sitting on a giant pink clam shell, smiling and waving to the visitors. 
She was still wearing her gold and turquoise tail, a white starfish was stuck onto some kind of hair clip to keep her damp hair off her face. The previous kids were finishing their goodbyes so the mermaid hadn’t seen them. Rowan looked down to check on Ivy, she was staring at what could safely be considered her idol with wide eyes. But he also recognised another look.
Ivy was a shy child, she didn’t make friends easily or like talking to people in general. And the look she had on her face now told Rowan she’d entered her freeze response, fully shut down. He crouched next to her, turning her so she could look at him. 
“Hey, Ivy,” he said quietly. “Do you want to meet the mermaid or do you want to go?”
“I wanna meet her,” she replied even softer.
“Did you want to just give her a wave and go, or?” Rowna offered. 
Ivy shook her head. “No, I want to say hello.”
“Okay, I’m right here if you need me.”
Rowan stood and Ivy’s little hand found his. The mermaid’s focus had turned to them now and she clapped her hands and smiled. 
“Oh, you came!” she said, all excitement. 
Ivy nodded, the beginnings of a smile on her face. 
“I really hoped you would,” the mermaid said. “I had so much fun playing with you before. Would you like to come sit down and I can show you some of my treasures I’ve found on my adventures?”
To his mild astonishment, Ivy took a tentative step forward. She did look up at him for reassurance and Rowan gave her an encouraging nod. Ivy’s hands were curled under her chin, still slightly defensive but she kept walking. The mermaid extended a hand and Ivy took it, holding it all the way until they were sitting right next to each other. 
Rowan couldn’t hear what was being said, but only about a minute went by before Ivy had relaxed and she was smiling, animation creeping back into her face. The mermaid was doing an amazing job of bringing Ivy out of her shell and soon they were passing lines of conversation back and forth. Rowan smiled, hiding it as he looked down and shook his head. This woman was dedicated to her job, that much was for sure. 
Ivy and her new best friend were still talking and Rowan was left with nothing much else to do but watch. The woman in the costume was stunning to say the least, and if mermaids did by some chance exist she could be one of them. Dressed like this there was almost something ethereal about her. Details he hadn’t seen through the fog of the glass were clearer now. In the water she had looked paler, but sitting here in the light there was a lovely tan to her skin, and it didn’t look fake. Her make-up was fairly simple, just some gold on her eyes to highlight her lids, and there was some glitter on her cheekbones. When wet her hair had looked dark blonde—nearly brown—but as it dried a brighter colour was coming out. 
She kept to a colour scheme—gold and turquoise. The bulk of her tail was a rich turquoise, with highlights of gold on the scales and fin. That was truly a work of art, the fin itself was more of a feathery look rather than a short fin, and there were even smaller ones on her hips. Her forearms had what looked like scaled gloves on them along with some chunky coral jewellery. Even her top had was scaled and painted to match everything, and the way it fit it—
Rowan’s eyes snapped away from her chest before his appreciation went any further. He told himself to keep his eyes up, she’d already caught him once and that had been embarrassing enough. 
“Daddy!” Rowan heard Ivy squeal along with the pattering of her running feet. “Look what Aelin gave me.”
Ivy held up a bead that looked like a pearl. It clearly wasn’t, it was just cheap plastic but he knew from the look on her face that she would treasure it until she inevitably forgot about it. 
“Wow, that’s beautiful,” Rowan gushed. “Did you say thank you?” 
“Yeah-huh, I did,” Ivy said. “But Daddy, can you take a photo?”
He nodded, running an affectionate hand over her hair. “Of course.” 
Rowan pulled his phone from his pocket while Ivy ran back over, nearly jumping into the seat next to the mermaid, well Aelin he supposed he could call her now. He glanced at the screen and then up, making sure everyone was in position. It was right then that he realised why she had chosen turquoise and gold… her eyes, that's the colour they were too. For an embarrassing moment Rowan stared a little too long. They were so unusual, so exquisite. He had to wonder if they were contacts to go along with the otherworldly nature of her job. 
He returned his focus back to the screen and the two of them were smiling at the camera. Snapping a few just in case, Rowan nodded when he was done. Ivy ran over to him, thriving on the excitement of it all. They were walking away when Ivy turned around for one last goodbye. 
“Bye, Aelin! Bye!” She was waving frantically as she said the words. 
Aelin looked over at her, smiling widely. “Bye, precious. You have a wonderful day.”
“Bye,” Ivy said one last time. 
They walked for a while, Rowan leading the way as Ivy looked at the pearl cradled in her palm. He smiled to himself, his daughter’s joy so infectious. They ended up in a shark tunnel when Ivy finally looked up. She tracked the sharks and the stingrays that swam over head, a very soft wow escaping her. Rowan crouched down to watch along with her, just to see the world through her eyes for a moment. 
Ivy arms reached out and she hugged him around his neck. Rowan scooped her up, kissing her cheek as he stood. 
“How has your day been, my little love?” He asked. 
Ivy didn’t look at him, but she did hug him tighter. “It’s been the best day ever.”
It was near closing when Aelin was leaving for the day. Today had been great, eye irritation be damned. She waved goodbye to colleagues as she headed for the front exit, tired and hungry. Water performances always left her famished. Make-up and costume gone, she was wearing a simple pair of sweatpants and a hoodie, looking like any other visitor still hanging around. 
She had just walked out the main exit when she stopped to search through her backpack for her car keys. Someone moved past her and she stepped aside to give them some more space. Aelin’s hand was on said keys when she heard her name being called by an unfamiliar voice. She looked up and her stomach dropped. Her new little friend was looking back at her, propped up in her father’s arms and looking over his shoulder.
One key aspect of her job was keeping the magic alive and right now she was watching it fade away before her eyes. 
“Oh, hey Ivy,” Aelin said, waiting was the damning question.
“Where’s your tail gone?” The little girl asked. 
Her father had stopped and now the three of them were forced into starting up a conversation. 
“Well, you see,” Aelin said, quickly scrambling for a reply. “A seawitch put a spell on me and between three and six o’clock I lose my tail and become human. It allows me to get home but that’s about it.” There was a muffled laugh from the girl’s father. Aelin tried not to laugh herself, but the happiness of a small child hung in the balance, so instead she lent in conspiratorially. “To remain a mermaid I need a kiss.”
“Quick, Daddy. Kiss her!” Ivy exclaimed. 
The poor man looked a little panicked, no doubt having been weaselled into gods knew what by the little tyrant in his arms. 
“Ah, there’s the catch. It had to be my true love,” Aelin said with a sigh, and then something a little mischievous crept in. “And I don’t think your mother would appreciate that offer anyway.”
“Divorced,” the man said quite suddenly. “I’m divorced.”
“Oh, I see then,” Aelin said, biting the inside of her lip to stop any laughter over his abruptness escaping. 
All in all, Ivy seemed to buy the whole curse business, even though the premise might have been fairly outdated. 
“That’s so sad. You have to find them,” Ivy said, as serious as a child her age could be. “You have to be a mermaid.”
“You’re right, miss Ivy. I’ll have to keep my eye out,” Aelin replied with a wink.
“Ivy, why don't you go grab some pamphlets to show your uncles, huh?” The dad said. 
“‘Mkay, Dad.” Ivy was set down and she ran off to the wall that had the pamphlets, taking a moment to consider before she started grabbing. 
There was a moment of silence between the two adults, Aelin not exactly sure why this guy had sent his daughter off. She waited, hoping whatever this was would wrap up soon because she was starving.
“Do you do, ah… private functions?
Aelin’s head tilted to the side, blinking a few times. “Ahhh…”
Being hit on was a hazard of the job, she had been flirted with. A lot. And if that was what this guy was going for he was doing a terrible job. In fact, it was coming off a little creepy.
“No, wait. That’s not what I meant,” he said earnestly. “It’s Ivy’s birthday next month and she had such a great time with you today. So, I was just wondering if you worked outside of the aquarium. That was such a clumsy pass on my end.”
Aelin laughed, she couldn’t help it. “Yeah, you could say that.”
“But really, Ivy thinks you’re amazing, but if you don’t I completely understand,” the man said. 
Touched by his sincerity, Aelin only left him hanging for half a moment before she answered him. “For the right price, I most definitely do.”
“That would be fantastic, thank you,” he said. 
“Aelin, by the way,” she said, finally getting to a proper introduction. 
“Rowan,” he said, fishing his wallet out of his pocket and handing her a business card. “Here’s my number, just send me a quick text and we can get it sorted.”
“Sure thing, Rowan.” Aelin tucked the card into her pocket. “Anything for my new bestie.”
That made the father smile. “I’ll let you get back to it. Have a nice evening.”
“You too, Rowan,” Aelin said.
Rowan gave her a final nod before he went off to collect Ivy. He snuck up on her, catching her by the waist and winging her into the hair. The little girl’s laughter echoed and the whole scene was so sweet that Aelin couldn’t help but smile. She hasn’t been lying when she told him she did parties, it was usually just for friends. But watching the duo walk away Aelin decided that she would make an exception—just this once.
Tags: @fucking-winchester-trash // @literary-licorice // @galyxsy // @tangledraysofsunshine // @highqueenofelfhame // @3am-reading // @soup-that-is-too-hawt // @aelinfire-bringer // @nalgenewhore // @highladyofthesith // @http-itsrebecca // @sleep-and-books // @alifletcher2012 // @westofmoon // @sleeping-and-books // @ttakeitbacknoww // @armixers-unite // @mariamuses // @chocolate-eating-bitch-queen // @velarian-trash // @queenofxhearts // @heroesofterrasen // @highladyofstoriesandmusic // @empire-of-wildfire // @camerooonchiu // @crackedship // @lowhangingtreebranches // @over300books // @yourwhisperingshadows // @thesirenwashere // @tswaney17 // @impossiblescissorspeachpaper // @cat5313 // @judelovescardan // @flowerspringsea // @chaoticskyy // @the-regal-warrior // @fanfictrash3000 // @blueeyes425 // @starseternalnighttriumphant // @bamchickawowow // @thehuntressofmoon // @giorgia-the-trashpanda // @flora-and-fae // @thereaderandfangirl // @illyrian-bookworm // @chemicha // @meltalgel // @gay-book-nerd // @that-odd-puzzle-piece // @i-love-all-books // @in-love-with-caramel-macchiato // @girl-who-reads-the-books // @hizqueen4life // @the-third-me // @1islessthan3books // @bestmelle // @cursebreaker29 // @b00kworm // @superspiritfestival // @aesthetics-11 // @maastrash // @mynewdreamwasyou // @the-last-apprentice // @charincharge // @firestarsandseneschals // @scarznstars // @absolute-dissapointment // @thesurielships // @df3ndyr // @trinitybailey2003 // @gwynethhberdara // @booknerdproblems // @larisssss // @sevenfreckles-for-sevenloves // @rolltide7 // @scandinavianromantic // @tillyrubes10 // @starwarsslytherin // @minaidss // @paytin77 // @jesstargaryenqueen // @anntheintrovert // @starbornvalkyrie // @loudphantomdragon // @woollycat22 // @claralady // @perseusannabeth // @fangirlprincess09 // @maddymelv // @sierrareads // @more-espresso-less-depresso-xx // @jlinez // @lysandra-ghost-leopard // @rowaelinismyotp // @pullnpeeltwizzlers // @anne-reads // @jadeaffliction // @gracie-rosee // @elriel4life // @rowaelinrambling // @tothestarswholistentodreamers // @thenerdandfandoms // @castielspelvis // @swankii-art-teacher // @grandma-noob-lord // @vanzetanze // @highlady-brittney // @story-scribbler // @linguine-panini // @pastasiren // @surielandiareendgame // @silentquartz // @live-the-fangirl-life // @whimsicallyreading // @goddess-aelin // @s-uppertime // @littleboxofthunder // @empress-ofbloodshed // @booksbqueen // @rowanwhitethornisbae // @charlizeed // @feysand-loml // @aelin-queen-of-terrasen // @alyx801 // @amandaswallowtail​ // @louiseleblancdiggory // @abookishfreak // @danibutterr // @thegreyj​ // @lizzyfirebringer // @endlessdaydream​ // @magnifique1807​ // @renxzs​ //
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violetjedisylveon · 4 months
The Moon Finds A Flower
moonlilyshipping Pokémer AU chapter 1
Summary: Lillie crashes her boat out at sea while trying to take Nebby away from the Aether foundation, she thinks it's all over for them. She doesn't know that she just so happened to crash in the territory of a Pokémer.
Word count: 2.5k
Warnings: angst/torture at the beginning, Lusamine is a bad parent, injury, life and death situations
A/N: I saw really cute Moonlily MerMay art where Moon/Selene (I call her Moon) was a Lumineon based mermaid and I ran with it. So Moon is technically a Pokémon here.
Ages are different, Moon, Lillie and Hau are 14, Gladion is 16, and Nebby is pew years old.
Pokémer AU Masterpost
All she wanted to do was help.
She had just wanted to help Nebby.
She didn't want anyone to get hurt.
She wanted to cover her ears, the screams were unbearable, but she couldn't move.
She couldn't look away from the torturous sight in front of her.
The deep blue, almost black, and shimmering white fins spasmed out.
The sleek, scale covered body convulsed involuntarily, writhing in pain.
She screamed into the water as Lillie just stood there and watched.
The vice grip on her shoulder tightened, making her aware of the chilling presence behind her.
A cold hand grabbed her face, forcing her to keep looking forward. A poisoned, honey sweet voice cooed behind her.
“See? This is what happens when you step out of line.” The cold hissed.
The cold left her, staring at the pain she caused. It was all her fault.
I never should have become her friend. I should have stayed away and told her to go back where she belonged.
It was all over for her.
All the risk she took in stealing Nebby from the labs was going to be for nothing, they were both going to drown.
Though drowning is probably a better date than whatever awaited Nebby. Lillie thought as she frantically tried to maintain control of the boat in the stormy seas. Nebby wriggled in her bag, panicked and in pain from the experiments.
Tears filled her eyes, she grabbed the bag and held it close to her, sinking to the floor with the knowledge that it was hopeless.
She squeezed her eyes shut and prayed to Arceus that their deaths would be painless.
Her boat collided with a large rock.
Everything went dark.
Moon jolted awake at a loud noise traveling through the water. Cautiously, she peaked out of her cave, looking up towards the dark, stormy sky.
Maybe a human got caught in the storm. She thought.
Humans got caught in storms all the time, they were quite dumb despite everything they could do.
Her hip fins fluttered anxiously at the thought of more humans showing up near her territory.
Her cave was situated in a narrow ravine surrounded by rocky and coral filled waters on all sides for miles, humans didn't come here often, and they never came down far enough to reach her cave. The rocks and coral stretched over the ravine opening, interlocking in a complex maze of sharp, fragile stone and coral, making it far too risky to reach.
A panicked, weak cry reached her fin like ears.
A Pokémon was in trouble.
The cry came from the same direction as the crash… She frowned, biting her lower lip.
It was a risk, a human could see her, if they did she could sick an allied Pokémon on them, but it was still a risky move.
Mom always warned her against going near crashes or anything human related. It was always too dangerous for her.
The Pokémon’s cries grew more panicked.
It sounded like a little, scared thing, not made for the seas, not ready to die.
This is going to end badly. Moon thought as she swam out of her cave.
She swam up, twisting through the maze of coral and stone easily, her slime coat allowed her to slide between the tight spots without getting scratched.
Once she was above the coral maze, she scanned the rock spires for signs of where the boat had crashed.
The boat was already below the tumultuous waves. That made her job easier.
She approached the boat cautiously, there wasn't any blood or bodies yet, either it had a smaller crew or everyone drowned and the bodies were stuck.
Her ears flicked at the annoyed, worried squeaks from her friend, quickly coming up behind her.
The little Popplio swam over to her, angrily chittering about how she shouldn't have left the cave without him. He tucked his snout into her side, she patted his head soothingly, Poppy was an anxious little fella.
“Someone needs help.” She whispered.
Poppy glanced at the boat, he glared and shook his head aggressively. Moon rubbed his head sympathetically, Poppy really didn't like humans, he never elaborated on why, maybe it was his coloring.
Her little friend looked different from other Popplio she had seen, his fur was a deeper, more purple blue, and his neck frill was a light pink.
“It's a little Pokémon that needs help, like you did when I found you.” She said.
Poppy frowned at her, crossing his flippers. She rolled her eyes.
“I'm going to help them.” she announced, swimming towards the boat.
Poppy stayed out for all of three seconds, the little guy was a bit of a scaredy cat. He stuck close to her side, brushing against her hip fins as they swam into the ship.
It had the mark of those boats others said were constantly coming and going from the fake island. Those humans were bad news, they kept poking around the various reefs she hunted at.
A flash of light caught her attention.
A part of the boat was sealed, air bubbles were leaking from it at a rapid pace, the weak flashing came from there.
Moon peered into the space through the dark glass, a long cylinder bag was where the light came from. It sat inside a perfectly round air bubble, and a human girl was holding tightly onto it.
“Hello?” She called through the water.
The light flashed rapidly in response, the patterns didn't make any sense to her, it was a whole bunch of gibberish.
“Do you need help?” She asked.
“Yes!” The Pokémon in the bag squeaked.
Moon glanced at the girl holding the bag.
“What about the human?”
“Yes! Friend! Safe!” they squealed.
“If you insist.”
Moon slammed her tail against the glass, bracing herself against the sudden pressure release. She swam into the cramped space, hesitating at the edge of the of air bubble.
“Can you make the bubble smaller?” She requested.
“Mom can't breathe!” They responded.
“The human is your mother?” Moon wondered.
“Help! Can't teleport in the water!” They shouted.
“Okay, I'll get you to the surface.” She told them.
She reached her hands into the bubble, snatching the girl by her waist and pulling her out of the bubble, dragging the bag with her.
Moon shot for the surface with rapid, strong flaps of her fins. She broke the water's surface, holding the girl's head above the water. 
Her gills shut as her body adjusted to being out of water, instinctively, she started drawing air from her mouth. She thrust herself out of the water and onto the rock the boat had crashed on for their collective safety.
She set the girl down on the least jagged part of the rock she could find, humans, she was fairly certain, didn't have a slime coat to protect them. 
Out of curiosity, she removed the girl's large hat. She wanted to see the face of the girl this Pokémon considered a mother.
Thick, straight blonde hair framed her pale face, her skin was soft and smooth, she didn't have a scratch or a scar on her.
Moon smiled to herself.
She's very pretty.
The bag rustled, bringing Moon’s attention away from the cute girl.
“Are you alright little friend?” She asked, reaching to open the bag, somehow.
The little Pokémon let out a weak ‘pew’ type sound, and the bag started to glow again.
Moon yelped in alarm as the glow turned blindingly bright, she squeezed her eyes shut, it felt like she was flying.
The light suddenly faded, she opened her eyes long enough to see that she was falling through the air, with the girl and her bag.
She grabbed onto the girl, curling her tail around her, spread her hip fins out and braced for the impact of their fall.
Her body slammed into the water with a loud smack. She couldn't feel her tail but the sight of her fins twitching out of the corner of her eye was enough to signify she wasn't paralyzed.
Her back brushed against soft sand, her face was still above the water.
We're on a beach. She realized.
As the feeling came back to her tail, she unwrapped it from around the girl.
She heard a small sound, felt the girl shift from her place curled against her body.
Looking down, brilliantly vibrant emerald green eyes met her own pink ones. The girl stared at her with wide eyes.
Moon realized she hadn't let go of her yet, she was still holding her in a tight, protective grip.
She'll feel my scales!
Thinking quickly, Moon shifted, turning her singular tail into two human legs.
Moon didn't like to transform much, she didn't have any trouble doing it, it was pretty easy to change and maintain, she just didn't have much reason to risk everything by pretending to be a human. That's what got her mother killed, she got too close to humans.
Silently, she hoped the girl wouldn't try speaking to her, she couldn't speak to humans.
Thankfully, her eyes slipped shut again and her head slumped against Moon's chest.
Moon let out a sigh of relief.
That's a bullet dodged.
She sat up, using one hand to prop herself up, the other securing the girl, she looked around.
Her initial thought was correct, they were on a beach.
A familiar beach.
Mom lives on this island.
That was as good a place as any to go for help. Mom could speak to other humans.
Moon rose out of the water unsteadily, she hadn't used her legs in a long time. She held the girl bridal style, tucking her bag and hat between their bodies, then she began to make her way out of the water.
It's good the storm chased all the humans inside. Moon thought.
She glanced around the beach, it had changed since she'd last been here. There was a lot more stuff now, she didn't know the exact direction to go to get to Mom’s house.
It was much brighter too, a big shift from light being filtered through the water.
The moment Moon stepped out of the water, she felt different.
Her powers had a limit now, they had always had one but she was always being recharged by the ocean. She was still close enough to recharge her powers, only far slower than she was accustomed too.
Just don't get cut off, as long as I can get back I'll be fine. She thought.
She walked unsteadily towards the darker part of the beach, Mom lived on a darker side of the island, close to the water and temple, she remembered that much.
The sand stuck to her legs, she scrunched her nose at the hated sensation, she wanted her slime coat back.
The beach had a strange path in it now, stacked stones leading up to what was once a cliff that Mom had her own way down. At least she was close to Mom’s now.
She heard something, sound was weird out of water. Her hearing wasn't as good either. She turned in the direction she thought it was coming from.
A human woman was approaching her, she started waving once she realized she'd turned around.
“Hey! Are you alright over there?! Did that blast hurt you?!” The woman shouted to her.
Moon walked in the woman's direction, passing the girl off to this human would wash her clean of this entire situation, she wouldn't need to visit Mom, she could get back to Poppy faster. Her little friend was probably worried out of his mind by now.
She stopped a few feet away from the human woman, her hair was white but she wasn't old. The woman looked her over, like she was sizing her up. Moon fought the urge to growl, humans were different from Pokémon, they showed aggression differently.
“Are you okay? Do you need a towel?” the woman asked, pulling folded fabric out of her bag.
Moon stared at it, glancing at the woman in confusion.
“To cover up? Aren't you cold?” The woman explained awkwardly.
Moon didn't think she was too exposed, she had the flowy piece of black and white patterned fabric that she tied around her waist to use as a sack, that was currently covering her leg area, and she always covered her chest with something, though what she was wearing was likely somewhat see through. Maybe that was the problem.
She shook her head and held the girl out to the woman.
“Oh my! What happened to you two?” The woman gasped.
Moon shook her head, she didn't know anything other than the boat crashed in her territory. She gestured towards the girl in her arms, silently begging for this woman to take her.
The woman gave her a concerned look.
“Do you know her?” She asked.
Moon shook her head again.
“So you don't know what happened to her and you don't know her?” The woman prompted.
Moon nodded.
“Is she hurt?” The woman asked, shifting her focus to the girl in her arms.
Moon nodded, holding the girl out to her again. This time, the woman took her from her outstretched arms, she ignored the weird feeling telling her to grab the girl she didn't know back, instead handing the bag to the woman.
She gave the woman a smile, humans liked those, right?, and turned to leave.
“Wait, are you hurt? Do you have anywhere to go?” The woman asked, taking a step towards her.
Moon shook her head, smiling in what she hoped was a reassuring way. She racked her brain for the signs Mom taught her so they could talk way back all those years ago.
She remembered quickly, smiling as she tapped the side of her nose with her pointing finger three times*.
The woman frowned, brow furrowed in deep thought, then her face lit up with understanding.
“Your mother lives around here?” she asked.
Moon nodded, pointing in the general direction of Mom’s house. She smiled, waved then headed off in the direction of Mom's.
She felt the woman's eyes on her even as she began to climb the slope, the feeling only faded once she was over the hill.
Moon dropped into the tall grass on the cliff’s edge, peering down at the woman on the beach, the other Pokémon didn't bother her, she was too tough for them.
The woman was staring after her, considering following her, humans were too nosey sometimes. Luckily, the woman didn't follow her, instead turning away to take care of the girl. Moon breathed out a sigh of relief, resting her chin on the ground.
She waited a while longer, just to be sure the woman didn't come back and the beach remained empty, then she slipped back down to the beach, into the water. She swam out in her human body, checking for any sign of recording, before diving down, allowing herself to change back to her natural form as she swam against the seafloor.
Poppy must be so worried. She sighed, the little guy wouldn't let go of her for weeks after this.
Moon swam faster, trying to leave her questions about the strange girl and strange Pokémon with the island.
*I believe that three taps with a pointer finger to the side of the nose is the sign for mother in Hawaiian Sign Language(HSL), I got that from this website https://www.listenandlearnusa.com/blog/hawaiian-sign-language/Cause I wanted to have Moon use HSL whenever she does communicate with people outside of the more vague gestures, but it's an endangered language and so finding sources on it is pretty hard, that really sucks.
Pokémer have the ability to change their forms, as long as they are close enough to the ocean to maintain their power, and have human legs/lower halves; they don't speak any human languages, but they can speak to Pokémon, they stay mute even in their human forms.
Moon's Mom and mother are different characters here, Mom is the mom character in the games, she's not Moon's biological mother, her bio mother is dead
I hope you all have a good day, whatever that is for you!
VJS Out!
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fanfic idea
i know may is done and over with for the year but how fun would it be if I wrote a mermay fanfic for steddie or perhaps byler? like c'mon. they're both perfect for it.
then the second question is obviously do I make it smut or just a funny little "oh there is a mermaid in that lake/river/ocean and I want to know more" or maybe both I could do both.
only reason I'm asking is because I'm indecisive, please help a fanfic author out
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robinette-green · 2 years
Fish Fry AU
okay so, hear me out...
Mob boss Sun/ Moon and Siren Y/N.
Mob bosses find siren Y/N at a traveling fair in horrible conditions
Mob bosses steal siren Y/N because Y/N could be sold for a lot of money if they're healed up
Siren Y/N kept in a tank in a warehouse full of other stolen or illegal goods. (stuff for black market auctions)
Siren Y/N refuses to eat or sleep to spite their captors until Sun / Moon start to use sweet talk and delicious treats to try to get Y/N's trust.
(I have more but this is the base)
(also, low key, I'm already writing this because I 100% need more wips on my plate)
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hr-nm-grnd-zr · 1 year
Peggy Carter - Mermay Prompt “Scales” Ao3
no warnings except maybe grammar errors
This takes place after Season 2, she doesn’t know about her brother yet.
I’ve had this Mermaid Peggy headcanon for a while now and I kinda like it. Might post more every once in a while. Feel free to send ideas but I cannot promise anything.
It had been a long day, very hot as well due to the L.A. sun. Peggy was driving home in a car which, now that she was staying in L.A. for a while longer, had been designated to her. It came in quite useful considering Mr. Jarvis had been busy driving Howard around after he had finished his movie project. In fact, him and both Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis went on a business trip over the next few days. They had left earlier that day and wouldn’t be back until Wednesday afternoon.
She turned into the Stark Mansion driveway, stopping in front of the door. It was the first time she would be alone for more than a few hours in this House. She had been thinking about it for a few days now. It had been a long while, with all the working and all the people around her. Also, the water quality in New York’s rivers was worse than just questionable. She had been living here for a few months now but was way too busy to go to the beach. And even though she considered Mr. Jarvis one of her best friends, with his good observation skills it was hard to stay unseen when he was so eager to drive her everywhere. Especially late in the evenings, which was the best time to go swimming without risking anyone to see her. It was frustrating, to say the least. Peggy got out of the car, taking her keys from her bag and opened the door. “Hello?”, she shouted into the house. ‘Just making sure’, she thought. When nobody answered she made her way to the kitchen, dropping off her bag in the hallway, to get something cold to drink. She found a cold, homemade lemonade from Mrs. Jarvis. Peggy wouldn’t tell her husband of course but Ana made the best lemonade she’d ever had. She took the jug out of the fridge and got a glass from the cupboards. Pouring the drink while she walked to the garden, then sat down at the table outside and considered the pool for a second while she practically downed her first glass of lemonade. It was way too hot in this city. Looking around again she slowly got up. No one was here. She unbuttoned her blouse and took off her trousers, subconsciously slipping off her shoes in the process. Walking towards the pool she took off her bra and underwear leaving them in a trail on the floor. She dipped her toes into the water. It wasn’t too cold but nice and refreshing. She sat down on the edge feeling the tingly sensation of the shifting on her legs as scales started to appear. Quickly she lowered herself into the pool, her legs fusing together, her bones getting more flexible shifting into a different structure. She let herself drop under the water breathing out and taking a deep breath of water in. Pool water wasn’t ideal, but it would do for now. Peggy sank to the bottom letting the water cool her overheated body temperature. If she were over the water, you could hear her long sigh. Instead, a bit of left over air escaped her lungs in small bubbles. She couldn’t say how long she swam in that pool, maybe 30 minutes, maybe two hours. Peggy had gotten so used to not being able to swim she totally forgot how good it felt. Like coming home after a very long day. Her thoughts drifted to her parents back in England and her brother. How they had visited related family on the coast and their father teaching them all about their heritage from the sea. Feeling nostalgic she was now letting herself float on the water, deep in thought. That’s when the doorbell rang. Opening her eyes and blinking confused she wondered who could be at the door. Freezing for a moment she remembered Daniel had wanted to come by for dinner. She swam towards the edge of the pool from where she could see the clock on the living room wall. It was 5 pm. He was just on time. Shit. She let her tail shift back into legs as fast as possible and climbed out of the pool. Picking up her clothes on the way to the cabinet. She opened it, got out two towels and stuffed her clothes inside. She wrapped the small one around her head. When she was rubbing the water off her body the bell rang again. Stumbling a bit Peggy made her way to the front door while wrapping the bigger towel around herself, trying to conceal as much as possible. In the hallway she quickly checked in the mirror for panda eyes but the water had washed all the make up away. Only a hint of her red lipstick was left on her lips. She opened the front door. Hadn’t it been so embarrassing she would have laughed at the expression on Daniels face. He was mid frozen in knocking on the door, looking up and down her body. Peggy laughed nervously. “I must have forgotten about the time.”, she offered, and Daniel raised one of his eyebrows. “Where you still in the shower?” “Actually…”, she paused, pursing her lips, “I was in the pool.” Now he was grinning. “You? In the pool?” “Yes me.”, she said in mock offense. “It is surprisingly relaxing when Howard isn’t around.” Peggy took a step back to let Daniel in while he still grimaced at her last comment. Closing the door, she offered: “Why don’t you make yourself comfortable in the garden for a moment. There’s lemonade on the table.” Pausing she furrowed her brows. “You might need some ice, it has been out there for a few hours. I suppose it must be warmed up by now.” Chuckling, Daniel gave her a peck on the cheek. “Alright. I’ll wait for you there.” Peggy smiled and turned around to run up the stairs. “I’ll be quick!”, she shouted back at him. “Okay.”, Daniel answered grinning. But just as she turned around the corner something on her left leg caught his eye. It had only been there for a second. He must’ve imagined it. Daniel shook his head and walked to the kitchen to get the ice. But it had looked so real. He thought he had seen some bright red scales on Peggy’s calf.
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nekophy · 5 months
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Happy mermay everyone! Here's a Little Mermaid AU based on pitFTW's delicious fic 'Ready to Stand'! Yes, Alastor is Ursula- Yes, RadioApple is endgame 👀💯💖
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thinking of mermaids AGAIN sooooooooooooooo
Merman!Ghost x Mermaid!Reader (for Mermay 2024)
cw: dubcon elements, rough sex, SELF-INDULGENT and therefore weird mermaid biology, (suspend disbelief idk and idc about mermaid biology, i just wanted to write ghost fucking a mermaid.), forced?-ish breeding (both parties were aware of the risks)
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Merman!Ghost who's actually a selkie... of sorts.
Merman!Ghost who took the coat of a GREAT Greenland shark over three centuries ago and has lived as a shark ever since...
Merman!Ghost who's a deep dweller and has become quite the hunter, using the darkness of the depths to attract dumb prey so he can kill them.
Merman!Ghost who's not above mauling humans, in fact he despises them, especially when he finds them hurting animals. Sure, he kills them, but he's an animal himself.
Merman!Ghost who when he's bored causes issues on purpose, including scaring fish and other underwater life, and finds great humour in it.
Merman!Ghost who constantly gives trouble to fishing boats by trying to sink them, slamming his tail on the side of them to send them rocking side to side... and by ripping their nets with his teeth...
Merman!Ghost who has had horror stories and cautionary tales told of him by many navigators, pirate captains, sailor crews... who has become somewhat of a legend, a myth, and gets referred to as "The Creature".
Merman!Ghost who's not immune to mermaid song, surprisingly enough, but who can resist it plenty well.
Merman!Ghost who hears the lilting of your voice through the dark water but doesn't seek you out.
Merman!Ghost who succeeds in resisting... for days, weeks, months...
Merman!Ghost who awakes to the endless sound of your singing bubbling into his ears, and gets lulled to sleep by it as well.
Merman!Ghost who finds himself going insane by your voice, that follows him like a backdrop for every waking moment of his life, and cannot tune it out.
Merman!Ghost who eventually bites the bait and allows himself to rise from his domain.
Merman!Ghost follows your voice as it carries for miles upon miles.
Merman!Ghost who comes across a natural cave by the beach. Way too close to the beach. Close enough for him to know he'll end up washing up and getting stuck.
Merman!Ghost who checks both sides, making sure the beach is empty before he tentatively strips off his coat for the first time in years.
Merman!Ghost who stashes his coat between the rocks, covering it with algae before he dares venture into the cave.
Merman!Ghost who can't see as easily without the shark eyes, who can't swim as well without the shark fins, who can barely walk because all his human muscles are atrophied.
Merman!Ghost who wades in waist deep water into the darkness of the cave, looking around for you, his burly, calloused hands using the rocks as crutches to seek you out.
Merman!Ghost who only notices you when it's too late... when your song suddenly stops and the water splashes as you dive back in.
Merman!Ghost who watches you zoom past him in the water, a slippery fishtail propelling you in a zigzag amidst the rocks before you emerge out of the cave.
Merman!Ghost who watches you grab his shark coat and try to make off with it...
Merman!Ghost who takes his sweet time returning back to the mouth of the cave, watching you bob on the water with a mischievous smirk on your lips.
Merman!Ghost who demands "Give it back."
Merman!Ghost who scowls when you tell him "No." and "If you want it back, you have to marry me."
Merman!Ghost who crosses his arms and glares at you, shaking his head and refusing.
Merman!Ghost who scowls even more when you tell him "Then I guess it's bye bye to your skin.".
Merman!Ghost who despises being a human more than he despises the prank you're pulling on him.
Merman!Ghost who tries to negotiate and offers you something in exchange for his coat.
Merman!Ghost who pushes you against the rocks at the entrance of the cave as the cold water and seafoam wash over you both while he kisses you, pressing his tongue, the only warm part of his body, into your mouth, toying with yours.
Merman!Ghost who licks at the salty sea water glistening on your skin and the scales adorning your pretty neck, an arm wrapped around the small of your back.
Merman!Ghost whose human fingers, pale and wrinkled from the salt water, wrap around your exposed breast, softly tugging on the pert nipple while his mouth kisses and sucks at the patches of skin amidst your scales.
Merman!Ghost who tsk's at you for having been singing for so long to attract him, and scolds you for getting him so riled up for weeks on end with your song.
Merman!Ghost whose hands push you up onto the rocks so he can dip his head down your chest, wrapping his lips around one of your nipples, sucking it slowly and watching you mewl and cry so beautifully.
Merman!Ghost who gets a reminder of the one positive side of being a human, as his human cock rises up suddenly and stiffly, large and thick, already oozing precum against your tail scales.
Merman!Ghost who carefully grinds his leaking cock against your slick cunt, right before the spot your thighs meet and blend into a tail.
Merman!Ghost who turns you over, bending you over the rocks, one hand on the back of your neck, the other steadying you around the bones of your hip...
Merman!Ghost who plunges his hooded cock deep into your cunt, causing you both to cry out in delight, eyes rolling and jaws going slack as he bottoms out.
Merman!Ghost who bullies his cock deep into your cunny, feeling how your warm, gummy walls contract and squeeze around him while he groans loudly.
Merman!Ghost who pounds away at you again and again, hearing your voice go high-pitched and squeaky with each snap of his hips, finally shattering the mind-numbing and intoxicating mermaid song he's had stuck in his head for weeks.
Merman!Ghost who watches you squirm and whine as you cum around his thick cock, nearly choking it with how tight you get, before he slams his hips against the back of your tail a few more times, and shoots his cum deep inside you.
Merman!Ghost who watches smugly how blissful, quiet and calm you are after he's done, breathing heavily and your body buzzing.
Merman!Ghost who snatches his shark coat from your hands as you're too fucked out to remember you're meant to keep it out of his reach.
Merman!Ghost who puts his shark coat back on and morphs back to the shape he's comfortable in, then wraps his maw around your tired body, beginning to drag you underwater with him.
Merman!Ghost whose body rumbles with a laugh when you try to get free and loosen his grip on you, demanding he let you go.
Merman!Ghost who tells you "I thought you wanted me to be your husband? Well, I made you my broodmare too... Now I have to take care of you."
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mahoganyrust · 5 months
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Happy Mermay everyone
prt. 1
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emihotaru · 4 months
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Mermay day ???? The Underwater Kiss
Ok... so, we're not on a very daily update for mermay, here...
Buuuut, we knew with. @bucky1984 that our project would take much more time than just a month, soooo, does it really matter??
So here is our must have underwater kiss... and, as you can see, of course, Aziraphale has his wings too^^
The french version of the second chapter of "There are stars at the bottom of the sea is ready, and we're working on the english version, I hope we can post it very soon!
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siddyarts · 4 months
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I missed MerMay, but I wanted to draw Legend with his mermaid tail anyway! At first I was going to make the tail blue to stay true to the original; but, then I turned it pink, and it just looked better on him to me.
I added Wild and Hyrule too, because I totally don’t play favorites. Also, I think they’d be so cute, as a little siren trio 🥰
If anyone has any fanfic recommendations for them or the whole chain as mermen/sirens, I’d so love to check them out!
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the-booty-crusader · 4 months
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A peek into the future of Tim Krake 👀👀💖💖
Based on this fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55652128/chapters/141261118
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sophiesstreet · 4 months
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Late to mermay once again 😅 but here is my last minute merman Draco and pirate Hermione (featuring Ron and Harry as her right hand men)
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moonstruckmoony · 4 months
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LATE MERMAY POST - Because last month my job was very hectic and this weekend happens to be June already 😔
I wrote a quick small drabble below that goes with this drawing, enjoy
SharkMerman!Sebastian x IceBettaMermaid!Winter (MC) ❄️🩵🧜🏻‍♂️🧜🏻‍♀️
Sebastian is a magical shark merman that loves exploring new places and has a voracious appetite for adventure. While exploring the Greenland Sea, he encountered and fell in love with Winter, a rare mythical species of Betta mermaid that could live in icy seawater. He discovered after talking with her that there are currently only three of these Betta merfolks in the entire Arctic ocean, including her.
He could only see her a couple of times a week because his body could not withstand the icy temperature and his self-warming spell could only last for a day. During the remainder of the time, he would have to return to his home in the Northern Atlantic Ocean.
When she first met Sebastian, Winter was enthralled with his vast knowledge and intellect, as well as his witty and charming attitude. He has a kind and loving heart, despite the fact that he could be rather crafty at times and his stubborn disposition occasionally left her shaking her head.
Sebastian adores her quirky personality and caring nature, and he became even more enamored with her when he discovered that she possesses both intelligence and curiosity that rivals his. And Merlin’s bloody tail, while he finds her beauty captivating, her desire for knowledge is as powerful and forceful as the Gulf Stream, and he’s a goner for her. When he comes to visit her place, they always spend time together, whether it's going on long swims exploring places or simply chatting for hours.
Driven by a desire to see each other frequently, he trained his body to become more tolerant of the cold while she increased her tolerance to warmer waters. He would teach her spells to keep her body chilly while he practiced his self-warming charms to last even longer than before.
Even though their training allowed them to spend days or even weeks together, their enchantment doesn't endure long enough for their liking.
Nevertheless, they are resolute to search for a way to remain together, indefinitely, without the use of their magic.
I actually have more lore on this drabble involving Ominis and other characters but I'll leave it like this for now, indefinitely
EDIT: omg I TOTALLY FORGOT but I meant to give some credits! I eyeballed some poses (by floorsdelluna) and background (from this painting i found in pinterest)
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selineram3421 · 4 months
*whispering chant* Mermay, mermay, mermay!
Other Worldly
Part 4
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Part 3
Alastor X Shy Reader
Warnings ⚠
⚠ selectively mute reader, italics= thoughts, cannibalism-Rosie and Alastor ⚠
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They were still quiet.
Why were they still quiet?
Alastor was confused.
He gave them the option to speak normally, they could talk all they wanted after singing to him. So why wouldn't they?
One thing he forgot to take into account was that the mer was a quiet one, and only spoke out of necessity. Sure, they had spoken to Charlie. Giving the Princess and the others quite the surprise, but they hadn't spoken to him.
It's been a month.
Why not speak to me? I'm a wonderful conversationalist! We could talk for hours! He thought with an annoyed smile.
At the moment he was up in his radio tower, finishing up a broadcast and putting on some music. Muttering about how the siren must be too intimidated or too shy to speak to him.
What he didn't notice was his shadow leaving his side.
You paced back and forth in front of the Radio Demon's hotel door.
Can I go in? Am I allowed to? You kept asking yourself. I mean, it was the other half of the room that I'm allowed to use but I don't know if I can go in through the first half. You sighed. I should have just asked before coming here.
There was an odd rattling chuckle behind you and then you felt something pull you down.
"Whoa!", you yelped and looked down to find Alastor's shadow grinning. "What are you-!"
Everything went black as you were pulled into the darkness.
You closed your eyes out of instinct and held your breath, scared that something bad might happen. There was the sinking feeling in your stomach as you felt the shadow drag you somewhere before everything just stopped.
Then you heard the wind rustle the leaves, feeling it brush across your cheeks. Peeking an eye open, you saw that you were where you wanted to be.
The fireflies were out and blinking their lights, a few landing on the tall grass nearby the wooden dock that went out a few feet in the water. You heard the shadow make another noise and turned around to find them behind you.
"Thank you.", you smiled at them and started to take off your shoes.
The shadow tilted its head at you. confused until you started to take off your pants.
It hissed and turned away.
"Sorry! Sorry, forgot you were there.", you apologized but continued to take off the bottom half of your clothes. "Last time I fell in water, my pants ripped and those were my favorite.", you explained. "Maybe I should just wear long skirts or something."
With the bottom half taken care of, you left your shirt on and jumped into the water, laughing as you made a big splash. The feeling of your legs turning into a fin felt comfortable, you just hated when you had to get your legs back. Lifting your tail fin up, you started to push yourself closer to the middle of the water.
Then you noticed the shadow in the water, moving like a snake to get to your side.
"What are you doing?", you asked but just let the shadow swim around you in the water.
Closing your eyes, you decided just to stay put and float. An activity that you haven't done in a long while since dying.
A minute to relax couldn't hurt.
Alastor noticed his shadow was missing after it didn't appear when he tried to call for it.
How odd.. Where is that rascal? He thought and got up to search for it.
Feeling the static from his shadow, he found that it lead to his hotel room. It's not odd but usually the shadow stuck near him and followed orders. Something had its attention.
As quietly as he could, the deer demon opened the door. A quick glance, nothing was out of the ordinary, so he walked in and closed the door behind himself. Following the static, he found his shadow went deep into the bayou.
Let's see what you've got now. He thought before making his way through the brush.
The Radio Demon made a list of ideas of what his shadow could be doing. Messing around with one of the crocodiles, hunting one of the little creatures, or something entirely different that he hasn't seen it do already.
That's when he found the dock, spotting his shadow with a sleeping mer.
"Well this explains it.", he crossed his arms. "I suppose I don't really need your help, though it would make it easier if I did have it."
All his shadow did was make a rumbling pur.
"Yes, yes. You're comfortable but don't make this a habit.", he waved it off and turned to face away from the water. "I'll leave them in your care.", he said before leaving.
As he made his way over to Cannibal Town, he thought of getting something for his little mer.
Perhaps I can make them a little safe haven to get them more comfortable... Yes, that should work.
The bell of the emporium door rang as he stepped through and greeted his friend.
"Rosie! How lovely it is to see you!", he said with a genuine smile.
"Alastor! Where have you been? Honestly, after hearing about that little fish, I thought you'd give me a clue on what happened next.", the black eyed woman walked over and linked arms with the man in red, guiding him over to her office.
"I do apologize but I have good news!", he said as they both entered the office.
It was a familiar sight for him, the pink-ish wallpaper and the plush cushions on the couches. A few plate platters with snacks on the coffee table, tea, and eating utensils. Quite the relaxing room.
"Well don't keep me in suspense.", Rosie released his arm and took off her hat, setting it aside before sitting on one of the couches. "Would you like a snack? I've got some cut up thigh meat."
"Sounds lovely, don't mind if I do.", he sat on the couch across from her. "Now, for what you've been asking."
"Go on.", she said, getting the plate of thigh meat on the coffee table.
"I finally got the little mer to make a deal with me but the only problem is that I don't own their soul."
"And why not? You'd never make a deal unless you got something worthwhile out of it.", Rosie asked.
"Ha! I've got all that I wanted at the moment.", he grinned. "I've got half of their powers and get to listen to them sing.", his smile widened. "Now all I have to do is make them more comfortable until they give their soul to me willingly."
"Alastor, I hope you're not doing anything to hurt the poor thing.", Rosie placed a fork on the table and took her own to stab into the thigh meat. "Quiet one like that should be taken care of."
"Of course not!", he said to ease his friend's worries. "Which leads me to what I wanted to ask."
Alastor picks up the fork on the table and stabs it through a big slice.
"Do you have anything that would catch a siren's eye?"
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*lying in bed, sick* Mermay, Mermay, Mermay!
~Seline, the person.
Part 5
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ML I Alastor🎙️ | OW🦀
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