#Merry Christmas Messages For Teachers
smoooothoperator · 9 months
01: It's Begining To Look A Lot Like Christmas
Lando Norris x OC (Violet Sinclair)
same group friend, unrequited love, acquittances to lovers, ski trip, love triangle
Words: 2.1k
Warnings: lando being cute. nothing serious yet.
a/n: MERRY MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EVERYONE! I think it was the perfect time to post this story since it's actually based on this time of the year. I hope everyone had a great year and that the one about to come is better.
If someone has ideas of songs to add on a playlist please dont forget to tell me!
next chapter
If you want to be tagged don't forget to message me!
Every way of feedback is very welcomed
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Winter. Most people love that season. Snow, shiny streets decorated with lights, hot chocolate, families reunited to decorate the house, cozy clothes… And what couples love: cuddling without melting because of the high temperatures the summer brings, holding hands, sleeping together.
Sounds cute, amazing, beautiful.
Unless you are single.
When you are single, you won't have someone to give you body heat, or to get your hand warm while you walk on the street. Instead of that, you have to wear gloves, scarfs and warm clothes.
I never wanted this to happen. I never wanted to be in this situation, wishing I was her. Everytime they got cozy on the couch, I wished it was me who he was holding. Everytime they walked in front of me, I wish it was my hand the one he's holding and keeping warm in the pocket of his coat.
But sadly, I have a crush on my best friend's boyfriend. It wasn't on purpose. Harry and I started college the same year and both of us were in the same classes, sharing tables and after the first months studying, sharing a group of friends. We were the link of our group, the ones that introduced our friends to the others.
And that's how Eloise met Harry.
Eloise was my childhood best friend, my neighbor, my forever supporter on everything I did, the one that was always behind me with a hand on my back and pushing me to follow my dreams.
Except that one time. But it wasn't her fault.
I knew she liked Harry and he liked Eloise. The moment they met for the first time, I felt how something changed, I felt how Harry couldn't stop looking at her, how his smile was bigger whenever he heard her talk or laugh.
That's why I had to take a step back and let them be happy together, even if it meant that I had to swallow my own feelings and watch how they fell in love with each other.
The winter vacations were getting closer and with that the plans of shopping gifts and decorations started. The last class before the vacations officially started was longer that it looked, time flew very slow and all of us were counting down the seconds to grab our things and leave the campus.
“Do you have something planned with your family?” Harry asked me, talking low.
“No, actually “ I sighed. “I won't go home for Christmas Eve. Eloise asked me to go to the trip you planned”
“Oh, right” he nodded. “The guys will go too”
“Yeah, she told me” I nodded. “Who will go, by the way?”
“Well… Max and Pietra, Lando…” he started to count, making me him and pay attention to the teacher again.
Or at least, look like I was paying attention.
Harry's group of friends is everything but normal. Max and Lando were always there, his childhood friends that met during his short period of kart racing when they were just seven years. While Harry decided to focus on his studies and start a career to follow the steps of his father, Max and Lando continued with their passion for motorsport, but only Lando could make it to the final level, to Formula 1.
“Lando? The season is already finished?” I asked, typing some things on my laptop.
“Yeah, it did some weeks ago” he nodded.
“Ah, nice”
Lando Norris. I rarely talked with him. Every time our group hangs out, he's always with Max and Pietra. What we say to the other is the basic two people from the same group can say. Sure, we texted to congratulate our own personal wins and our birthdays, or even to give details whenever he invited us to some races so each one of us could have their own paddock pass.
“When are we leaving?” I asked. “I have to make my suitcase”
“Then do it when you arrive home because we are leaving in two days” he chuckled, making me frown.
“Oh, okay” I nodded.
In two days. And my birthday will be in the middle of the trip?
When the teacher ended the class I packed my backpack, putting the laptop inside of it as well as my notebook. I saw Harry looking at his phone with a smile and I immediately knew he was texting Eloise.
“I'll send you the details, okay? Lando took care of the plane” Harry said, and I just hummed in response.
I hung the backpack on my left shoulder and walked out, grabbing my phone and getting out of the classroom.
Everyone ran through the corridors, excited to finally leave the classes and have free days for some weeks before going back to bury their noses on the books to study again.
The streets are cold, freaking cold. With only two minutes out of the building, my nose is as cold as an ice cube and the need of wrapping the scarf around my throat makes me smile, feeling the warm material caressing the skin of my cheeks. Only a ten minutes walk and then I'll be at home, where I can change my clothes for cozy ones and drink a warm coffee while reading a book.
I was excited for the trip. It's been a long time since all of us went on a trip. Since Lando is always working around the globe, planning something for all of us was hard. Max and Pietra are always together, if one can go the other will join, they go as a pack unless Max has to do things with Lando's eSports team Quadrant. Harry and I have basically the same schedule, working on the last year of our master to finally have the title of our career.
The group chat was already working, sending messages to check if everything was ready, asking the last details for the trip.
Then I saw a text from another chat. Lando.
Lando Norris: You want to have a single room?
Violet Sinclair: Wow, thank you for reminding me how single I am.
Lando Norris: I wasn't saying it in that way!
Violet Sinclair: I know, silly. And yeah, that would be great 🙂
I sigh, rolling my eyes and leaving my phone on my nightstand while I changed my clothes.
Lando and I are the only ones that are single in the group. Which is kinda a relief, because I'm moments where the six of us hang out together, at least I know that I won't be alone watching how two couples are cozy in front of me.
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The list of rooms reserved was shown on the screen in front of me. Two double rooms and two single rooms.
When Max mentioned that Violet was going to come on the trip after Eloise asked her, I immediately started to search for a place to stay for a week for all of us.
It was my turn to organize the trip, last summer it was Max who did it, even if not all of us went. But this time Violet was coming with us instead of staying with her family or in her apartment to study. At least, she won't be alone during her birthday.
Violet befriended Harry when they started college, and the moment he introduced her to Max and I, it was immediate love at first sight. The moment I saw her walk inside Harry's apartment and her golden hair held on a ponytail wave with every step she made closer to me, I fell hard for her.
But the moment I saw how she looked at Harry, I knew I had zero chances with her.
Even if her best friend dated Harry, she couldn't stop looking at him with adoration, a way sometimes I wished she could look at me.
I never liked being in a love triangle, it always brings trouble, more if it's inside a group of friends. But I couldn't help but feel that way.
“Mate, are you really going to be alone? You won't bring that girl from Raya?” Max asked, walking inside my streaming room and looking at the screen.
“For what? To make things more uncomfortable than they are already going to be with two couples?” I laughed, trying to lock my phone and making sure he doesn't see my chat with Violet.
“I mean, you are always complaining that you are single…” he sighed.
“I won't make Violet be uncomfortable too” I said, raising my shoulders and rolling my eyes.
“So it's because of her?” he smirked, making me roll my eyes and turn around the chair.
It's always because of her.
I made a profile on a dating app, because of her. I flirt with girls, because of her. I try to be at parties, because of her.
Because it is the least I can do to try to forget a woman that will never want me. And no matter how hard the effort is, my mind always crawls back at her.
So yeah, I do many stupid things because of her.
The last stupid thing was buying the book she talked about with Eloise during one of our game nights, sending it to her without a name of who sent it on the package. But at least, I knew she liked it and she was happy because she had it on the coffee table of her living room the day some of us went to her apartment to help her build a new library for her books.
“Harry, Eloise and Violet will take the plane in two days” I told Max. “We can go from here by train”
Max and Pietra came to Monaco a few days ago after I returned back to Monaco once the season was over. I wanted to rest, to forget about the speed and the cars. I needed to disconnect and I knew that spending time with my friends was what I needed the most.
“I'm going to buy some things” I said, getting up from the chair. “You need something?”
“If you buy dinner on your way home, that would be great” he nodded, walking out of the room and going to the guests room.
I sighed and nodded, grabbing a coat and the keys of one of my cars, driving to the mall of Monaco.
Violet's birthday will be during the trip, and I didn't want to go with my hands empty. A few days ago I saw something she would like, so I decided to buy it for her.
It was a necklace of a violet, the flower, and a book.
If there's something that can describe Violet is her passion for books. Her apartment is not big, it only has two rooms, a bathroom and an open kitchen that shares space with the living room. What is supposed to be a guest's room, is her library but with a bed on it. It's full of books, and it makes me proud to say that the books I secretly buy for her are between those shelves.
“Is this what you want?” the shop assistant said, showing me the necklace. “That girl must be lucky, this is a beautiful piece of jewelry. What a lucky girlfriend”
“Yeah…” I nodded.
If only the girlfriend part was true…
Going back home after buying some other things was exhausting. I had to buy clothes for the trip as well as dinner for Max, Pietra and me. But the fact that I had a bag with Violet's present just made me happy.
This would be the first time that I was going to be with her during her birthday, because over the last years she always went with her family to celebrate it with them.
Just when I got inside the elevator with the bags, my phone received a notification.
Violet💜: I forgot to ask, how many days are we going to stay there?
I smiled looking at the text, immediately answering her after leaving the bags on the floor.
Lando Norris: A week, I reserved a house for all of us.
Violet💜: you did? You reserved everything by yourself? How much I owe you?
Lando Norris: It's okay, it was my turn to plan the trip. Don't worry about the money
Violet💜: you sure?
Lando Norris: a hundred percent sure
“Who got you smiling like that?” Max asked when he saw me opening the door.
“What? No one!”
Lie after lie. Why can't I be honest with him? Why can't I say that I'm in love with Violet? Maybe it's because I prefer saving it to myself rather than someone having pity on me because I want someone that doesn't care about me, that wants another man.
I prefer living on my own fantasies and illusions than accepting the fact that Violet is untouchable and I will never have her.
@elisysd @racinggirl @ninifee1802 @kakorrhaphiphobia @landoyesrizz @lorarri @bellwhysomean
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f1crecs · 9 months
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Fic Rec List - Festive Favourites
you might also enjoy: @f1hallmarkfest - for more festive treats🎄🎁
if your fic is on this list and you don’t want it to be, please let us know and we will remove it immediately, no questions asked. we have contacted most of the authors on this list, but sometimes people fall through the gaps - just pop us a message🤍
have a pairing you want me to do next? please read the faqs and then head to the inbox.
don’t forget to give the authors featured on this list some love in the form of kudos, bookmarks, and comments!
Wishing all who celebrate a very Merry Christmas, and a peaceful New Year. Thank you for all of your support in 2023 ❤️🎄
Briony, Alison, Esra, Mandy, Caroleen, Clara, Leaf, Katie & Tia 🎅🤶❤️
nsfw: Glitter and Be Gay by @phebess | E | 14.7k
Lando is an out and proud primary school art teacher, and Carlos is the hot dad who has caught his eye. This is such a sweet and tender story of self-discovery and identity. As always, Phebes' humour is on point - I laughed out loud several times!
'Lando is wearing an ugly Christmas sweater and waiting outside the school for the bus to take them all to the Christmas Village - he's been before, and it's cute. There's little food stalls, a big man dressed as Santa, tons of fake snow, and even a reindeer petting zoo. A small childish part of him is excited, even if he's going with the company of a bunch of five year olds.'
Lonely This Christmas by @seafoampearlygirl | NR | 19.5k
Mark is stuck at home for Christmas with nobody but the dogs and nothing but what's in the freezer during the worst snowstorm in 40 years. Fernando won't hear of it. He turns up on Mark's doorstep with a metric tonne of food and a plan for seduction. Mark is completely clueless. This fic combines all the best elements of Christmas fic and cosy, snowed in snugglefic. Fernando is written here as he seems IRL - larger than life with emotions to match. Mark is quietly pining and completely unaware that he is being wooed.
'He made Fernando's bed up with soft sheets that he knew were the warmest he owned. He added some heavy throws, because Fernando was Spanish and used to warmer weather. If Mark had had mints in the house, he'd have put one on the pillow. Fernando had brought dinner, dessert, wines, snacks, a frankly terrifying amount of cured meats and cheeses, a very stuffed overnight bag that suggested a longer stay, his laptop, hot water bottles and candles (“in case of power problems”), DVDs (no Christmas movies except Die Hard, Mark was glad to note), and some groceries. The last, even though it wasn't festive, really blew Mark away. A Christmas surprise was magical, but someone had to really care to bring you milk and bread and teabags. He'd even remembered Mark had a fireplace, and had brought firewood, firelighters and coal from the car. If Mark had a spare kidney, he'd have put it on Fernando's pillow, never mind a stupid mint.'
slip a sable under the tree by @strawberry-daiquiris | M | 5k George and Alex are roommates, and George takes a Christmas job as a Christmasgram. This story is everything - the humour, the pining, the festive vibes. I loved it!!
George can feel his cheeks turning as red as his Santa hat, sweat trickling down his back under the polyester, and he’ll need to wipe that off before he gets his top off.
home among the gumtrees by @albertparks | T | 10.3k
A love letter to Australian Christmas; Max and Daniel spend the holidays together. This story is stunning, and encapsulates Australian Christmas perfectly. It's so immersive and sweet.
'They walk, and walk, and walk through the yellowing grass. The sky is an endless mirage of blues, pink, and purples, the stars beginning to peak out as the sun lowers its harsh gaze. It's beautiful here, there's nowhere quite like Perth in the middle of summer. LA is fun, Monaco is relaxing, but nowhere will home quite like here.'
People You Know by @estemick | M | 6.4k Esteban invites Pierre to spend Christmas with him after Pierre's flight is cancelled. Set during Christmas 2022, after Pierre's move to Alpine has been announced. Esteban inviting Pierre home with him is something of an olive branch, which Pierre warily accepts. They take a zigzag path toward reconnecting with one another. Their awkward, yet heartfelt conversations show the gradual unfurling of their old friendship, and a little more besides. This fic is gentle and soft, and it's cosy atmosphere of a Christmas for two, curled up safe and warm while a snowstorm rages outside, makes it a perfect festive read.
Esteban had been alone in motorsport for years, and now he’s best friends with Mick Schumacher of all people, the son of his childhood hero. How does something like that even happen? After another stretch of not-quite-comfortable silence, Pierre decides to ask. It’s not like he can make this any more awkward. “You and Mick seem close.” Esteban keeps his focus on the snowy road in front of them, but Pierre can see a vein bulging in his temple before he sighs and responds. “We are.” “How did that happen?” “What do you mean?” “You’ve just never been great at making friends.” As soon as the words have left Pierre’s mouth, he realises how cruel they are. Esteban is silent for so long that Pierre isn’t certain that he’s going to respond at all. “I didn’t need to. I had you.” “You were friends with other people.” They had been close with Charles and Anthoine for almost as long as they had known each other. Esteban had been shy, but it’s not like he was alone . At least, he had always been present by Pierre’s side. "You took them with you. When you left.”
you set my heart on fire by @boxboxbrioche | M | 14.7k
Charles returns home to the small town he grew up in for Christmas. His career as a photographer has kept him away for several years. After being volunteered to help with a charity calendar, he reconnects with his childhood friend, Pierre, who is now a firefighter.Why I liked it: This fic has a lovely Hallmark movie vibe, leaning into the trope of career-motivated protagonist coming home and realising what is important in life. The Leclerc family vibes are exquisite, Charles's mum and brothers just the right mix of teasing and loving. Pierre, of course, is as knee-weakeningly attractive to Charles as he always is.
Pierre gave him a thumbs up, still grinning. Charles watched with wide eyes as Pierre did the one thing that no one else had - headed straight for the fire pole. “You’re not really going to–” Before Charles could finish that sentence, Pierre had grabbed the pole with two hands and was hanging off of it, feet planted firmly on the floor, his head tilted back. He looked - ridiculous, was the first word that came to Charles’ mind, closely followed by (to his horror) hot. There was something about the way he held himself; the curve of his body, the angle of his chin, that had Charles wondering if he’d done this before. Pierre glanced at him, grinning. “Well? Are you not going to take the shot?"
All's Well That End's Well (To End Up With You) series by @welightitup, @boxboxbrioche and @redyellowstupid | T | 15.7k
Due to both of their hectic calendars, Pierre and Charles have a tradition of celebrating their birthdays late - in July for Pierre's, and in December for Charles'. This series is all about celebration, long-time friendship and a delicious slow-burn friends-to-lovers. I love the way these authors capture Pierre and Charles' dynamic - their friendship shines through in a way that feels so beautifully real and true to them. These fics even come with a bonus piece of art in the third part of the series! All in all, the series is just incredibly heartwarming, nostalgic and beautifully written, and will leave you with the biggest smile on your face, just like a true Hallmark holiday rom-com. (Because after all, what's more Hallmark-y than realising you've been in love with your childhood best friend all along?)
The air is sprinkled with the scent of cinnamon and chocolate as they make their way through the market stalls lining the centre of Rouen. Despite the late evening hour, it is teeming with more people Charles remembers there ever being. There’s an empty cup that had contained mulled wine in one hand, the other clutching onto Pierre’s sleeve as he trails behind him to make sure they don’t get separated.
Lights from the market and the fair at the far end twinkle like coloured fairy lights strung across the entirety of the area. There is a contagious merry mood, everyone sharing smiles and nods and the odd “joyeux Noël”, no matter who they are, and bitter bite of the weather - now in the single digits - is soothed by the heat radiating off the bustling crowds and the food stalls.
nsfw: wishing for a blue christmas by @duquesademiel and @wolfiemcwolferson | E | 29.4k
This is a non-drivers AU and soulmates AU. Pierre and Charles have a meet-cute moment when their luggage gets mixed up on a flight. Pierre is on holiday alone after his long term girlfriend left him after finding her soulmate. Charles's family immediately adopts him. What I liked about it: This fic is a lovely feelgood Christmas read. The Leclerc family scenes are wonderful, I'm not sure if I liked matchmaker Pascale, annoying brat younger brother Arthur or kind older brother Lorenzo more but between the three of them Charles's dignity doesn't stand a chance. Pierre and Charles are made for each other, obviously, but the tension arises from the fact that Pierre already has a soulmark and has SOMEone out there already. Hmm.
“I got you something else,” Pierre tells him. “Sit up so you can see.” Charles glares at him but allows himself to be pulled up to a sitting position and then he sets the bag into Charles’ lap and Charles immediately sticks his hand down into the bag to pull out…a - He throws his head back to laugh, reaching for the gift he got Pierre and setting it on his lap. Pierre only has time to look momentarily confused before he is pulling out an identical keychain that Charles is also holding. Charles had purchased it because it looks vaguely like his soulmark and Pierre never has to use it, but it had made Charles smile and apparently Pierre as well. “This is perfect,” Pierre says, and Charles is about to be the one to lean over and kiss him, but he hears Arthur shout from the main room and they both freeze, wide eyed. “You can escape now.” Charles whispers. “Save yourself.”
As long as I get to keep you by @babysharl | T | 34k
When Charles and Max find each other at Daniel's New Year's party, they find themselves in a little predicament–when the clock strikes midnight, it grants a wish to the one who winds it up. It turns out–he's wished for a dream to come true: to be surrounded by love. Oh my goodness, this is one of my all time FAVORITE magical realism fics! The magic of the clock, wish fulfillment, it's amazing and so well-written. Literally, every moment of the fic took me somewhere new, and I definitely recommend it wholeheartedly!!!
It were moments like these that highlighted just how much of a different reality this was. They weren't supposed to take naps in real life, it fucked up their sleep schedules. He and Max, even though closer, were never this close until probably last night, where Charles had a vague recollection of falling asleep on Max. The general softness of the moment, their breaths slow and gentle, Max's eyes lazily moving from their nephew to Charles again, fondness mushing up the edges of the piercing blue. None of this was reality for Charles. He felt so at peace, though, that he chose to ignore the obvious. He chose to ignore the phone call, and that this wasn't his to have, that this wasn't the Max he wanted in his bed despite how similar he was, that this was just a dream he would wake up from. He wondered if he and Max could ever have something resembling this. He doubted it. Not with their lives.
the season of eyes meeting over the noise by @nobrakesdown | T | 9.1k
Toto and Christian are a pair of mildly antagonistic music teachers fighting over space in a concert venue for their respective classes. Gradually, they find themselves like one another more than they expected. This fic captures the snarky back and forth thise two have irl, and also the hint of affability you see in some of their interactions. A lot of the snark in the fic seems like it's for habit or show, and the gradual bloom of affection is not a surprise considering the groundwork's been done. This is a sweet little holiday story, perfect to curl up with.
He’s still holding his own coffee cup as they walk out of the shop, with Daniel waving after them as they go. The cold hits them as they go through the door, and Toto sees Christian shove his hands into his pockets again. He acts without really thinking, putting his cup down on a low wall that runs along the sidewalk. He slips off one glove, and then the other. Placing them carefully together, he holds them out to Christian, who stares at him. Toto huffs, his breath hanging in the cold air. “I’m not the one who didn’t bring appropriate clothing. Go on, take them.” “But that’s a terrible solution,” Christian says. “Now your hands will get cold.” “They won’t,” Toto says, not getting pulled into this. “I still have a warm cup to carry back with me.” Christian shakes his head, but when Toto holds the gloves closer to him he takes them. He turns them over in his hands before, apparently approvingly, putting them on. Toto finds himself watching, but he forces his mind away from thinking that his gloves look good on Christian. That would be ridiculous to think, because they’re just gloves.
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sunshineseung · 2 years
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assume it’s a smut oneshot if there’s no fluff/series indicator :) 
this won’t get updated often sorry x
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Bang Chan 🐺🦘
Yardwork - The boy next door, Chris, can’t help but notice your eyes on him, and he decides to lend you a hand... and more. Vacation - Your two boyfriends fullfill your needs while you’re on your long awaited vacation (threesome w/ Monsta X’s Shownu). Day 1 - 100 days of smut Mirror - You love making Chan watch himself fall apart. Brats - You and Jeongin get in trouble with your dom, Chan (threesome w/ Jeongin). Interrogation - You get caught by the feds and the detective getting you to crack is too hot to handle... aka your boyfriend wants you to roleplay with him. Overdue - Of all the people to have a crush on you, it had to be the sweetest, most innocent boy in your class, didn’t it? Voice Messages - Your boyfriend just can’t control himself, even when he’s away. #nsfwtwt - one of your moots is a perv lol
Lee Minho 🐱🐰
I’m yours, sir - Your superior just can’t keep his hands off of you, and who are you to deny him?  Royalty - The prince is requesting your attendance to his ball(s).  Day 2 - 100 days of smut Where you Belong - You go to your church to worship God, but you soon find out who you should really be on your knees for. You Tried - When you tie down Minho while he was sleeping, he’s absolutely furious, but there’s nothing he can do about it. You’re the one in control now… right? Voice Messages - Tour is going on for too long and your boyfriend can’t wait to see you! He literally cannot wait.
Seo Changbin 🐖🐇
Keep Me Warm - Changbin finds a creative way to heat you up in the dead of Winter. Experimental - Your boyfriend, Felix, requests an... interesting birthday gift, but you give in because both of you agree that Changbin is irresistible. (threesome w/ Felix) Bully - this one sucks im sorry Day 3 - 100 days of smut Little Secret - Series - Changbin is your brother’s best friend. He comes over all the time, and you practically grew up together. If only you hadn’t gotten a crush on him. If only he knew how hard you had fallen for him. Boobs - tits. Teacher’s Pet - You gotta get your grades up somehow.  Chastity + Sounding - He’s begging to be unlocked, but he doesn’t expect the punishment.
Hwang Hyunjin 🦙🥟
Goodboy - If he wants praise, Hyunjin needs to earn it. Day 4 - 100 days of smut Psycho - Your crazy ex can’t get enough of you. Paperwork - The new CEO of the company you work for needs a companion, and you need a raise. Seems like a win-win.  Voice Messages - The memories of you get Jinnie hot and bothered while you’re away.
Han Jisung 🐹🐿️
Punch Drunk Love - Hooking up with a cute boy in your backseat isn’t uncommon for you, but it is for Jisung.  Movie Night - You... just... can’t... keep... still! Day 5 - 100 days of smut Pathetic - He’s such a loser. You can’t help but step on him.  Sexting - needy Jisung needs his needy girlfriend
Lee Felix 🐥☀️
Dirty Thoughts - He has a crush on you, and he just can’t help having... you get it. Experimental - Your boyfriend, Felix, requests an... interesting birthday gift, but you give in because both of you agree that Changbin is irresistible. (threesome w/ Changbin) Day 6 - 100 days of smut Sinner - part one / part two - You corrupt everyone’s favorite church boy. Lollipop - You need something sweet, and no one is sweeter than Felix. Pegging drabble - felix loves butt stuff Voice Messages - he’s so desperate! please hurry home!
Kim Seungmin 🐶🍒
Anniversary - First smut! - You and your boyfriend prefer carnal gifts over sentimental gifts. Kitten - Everyone thinks he’s a puppy, but you know his true nature. First Kiss - Fluff - A silly accident leads to you confessing to your crush. Day 7 - 100 days of smut Practice - He doesn’t care if you can get caught. He needs you now. Gag Gift - Merry Christmas! Seungmin gets you the gift of being gagged. Caught on Camera - Seungmin wants to preserve the memory of you falling apart in his backseat.  Alone Together - You and your boyfriend, Seungmin, are always busy, but you find the time. Voice Messages - A slight argument turns into many heated voicemails.
Yang Jeongin 🦊🍞
Fuckboy - The worst lab partner ever turns into one you can mildly tollerate. Brats - You and Jeongin get in trouble with your dom, Chan (threesome w/ Chan). Day 8 - 100 days of smut Journal - Series - Yang Jeongin babysits your two children, and he’s always been the most polite boy you’ve ever met. Unfortunately for him, he leaves his secret journal at your house one evening, and your curiosity got the better of you. Morning Dew - Soft morning cuddles turns into soft morning sex. #nsfwtwt - your moot is too horny for his own good
OT8/Multiple Members 🧭🌏
Ideal Dates - Fluff - self explanatory rlly Caught - variations of skz finding you naked What they wear - what skz wear in bed What you wear - what skz like you to wear in bed Submissive Skz - self explanatory Dominant Skz - self explanatory Skz Onlyfans - self explanatory Little things you do - things you do during sex that drive them crazy Levels of Stray Kids - Series - skz as soft/hard dom, switches, and soft/dom sub How they sound - the many, many sounds skz make in bed Skz in feminine underwear - Mini Series - their favorite underwear that might be yours Threesomes w/ bf!Chan - Chan invites one of his members to a threesome with you. How does it go? 
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bratshaws · 1 year
through the hourglass 141. brb x oc
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a/n: I had a good time with my dad...it was good to take this break. Thank you for everyone who messaged me and checked on me, really, you guys are incredible and I couldn't thank you guys enough. Kinda short because of shitty connection but I hope you guys like it. Smut coming soon(reblogs and comments are super encouraged <3)
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: none uwu
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @novastories @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix
@lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
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“So this is your school.”
“...it was.”
He sounded disappointed, with reason considering his high school looked…nothing like he remembered. He holds onto the front gates with his brows low, eyes moving at every corner he could find, hoping to see something that was similar to his brain, something that could wrack his memory. “They removed the old gym,” he mutters, pressing his face harder against the iron bars and squinting under the gentle falling now “And built it so much farther from the school building. Look,” he couldn’t even put his arm through the bars to show it to Beatrice but his wife approached him with Nicole nonetheless.
“That…gray building was your gymnasium?”
“It was rich green back then,” he mutters “They painted for St.Patrick’s day in 1956 and never changed it…until now I guess…at least the tree is still there and they added a pathwalk around it.”
“It wasn’t there before?”
“No, it was just fuckin’ hard earth.” he chuckles as he reminisces, “And some grass that looked like someone just spat it on the ground…” he walks to the left a bit, trying to see more of the glass doors that were covered with cards and ‘Merry Christmas’ signs on it…alongside a large vinyl illustration that Beatrice had to squint her eyes to see better.
“Is that a bobcat?”
“Yeah, we used to call him Bob but I’m sure that wasn’t his name.” he frowns more, “They gave him a goatee, that’s terrible.”
Beatrice felt a bit bad because of Rooster’s constant disappointment in showing her about his past, when in reality it was actually really fun. Their schools weren’t that different, except, well, hers didn’t have a tree…and the gym wasn’t that big…and of course the school building had two floors and the basement of her school was haunted but it was still good! She approached her husband, keeping Nicole wrapped inside her jacket and smiled up at him, “You are pouting.” she giggles, seeing that he immediately pouted more, “Roos, things change, I mean, it’s been over ten years since you’ve been here,right?”
“I mean,yeah.”
“It’s okay honey,” she kisses his covered shoulder, then his jawline, “I still like your school…did you have fun here?”
“I did.” he pauses, “A little.I got in a lot of trouble here too. I fought,” he sputters, “I don’t know, half of the bullies? No one bothered me once I started working out. I know most of my teachers hated that I did that…’You are good boy Bradley’ ‘Don’t let your anger control you,Bradley’, my mom was called to school too often.”
“You mentioned that.”
“She did get mad.” he mumbles, eyelids lowering, “You know? She’d get mad at me, she’d scold me and we’d fight for a few seconds then we’d make up with ice cream or she’d take me to the movies…we never got really angry at each other for too long.” until that day after he was refused entry in the Navy. “...anyway, let’s move on.”
“Where to?”
“I can’t show you the inside because, well, it’s closed…I dunno if they’d even let me do it.” he murmurs, holding the bars tighter then pushing himself away with a light impulse, “We can take a walk around the park I used to go, but-” he looks up with a frown, “Maybe we should go back to the cabin, we spent a good chunk of time outside.”
Beatrice follows his gaze to see the clouds were getting darker and darker, meaning they’d better go back or else they’d be stuck in this area and wouldn’t be able to return. Nicole, who was just having a blast, bounced on Beatrice’s arms as they walked back to the car, making her father smile towards her once he opened the back door so Bea could latch her in, “I swear, she has so much energy for a six months old.”
“She does,” Nicole’s cute little ‘mama!’ when Beatrice kissed her and placed her on the seat made her mother laugh, “My mother said that if she’s like this now it means the terrible twos won’t be so bad.”
“Well,” she pushes the door closed,”She said the same about Sabrina and she set my nonna’s curtain on fire when she was one and a half.” she blinks at him, “And she was considered a ‘calm’ baby.”
Rooster didn’t know if he should be worried or surprised, then he chose to turn the subject towards Bea, “But you were a calm baby.”
“I was.”
“Did you ever set anything on fire?”
“No,” she giggles, “But I used to bring insects into the house, I especially loved ladybugs.” she heard him whisper a ‘of course you would’. “And…maybe I brought some birds, some…cats and dogs I found on the street, abandoned…the cats never stayed ‘cause Leo is allergic, but the dogs? The dogs did.”
Rooster chuckles, his chest moving for a brief second, “You’d do that, you are just a Disney princess in real life.” her cheeks immediately turn red, “Every day I think you’ll wake up singing and the birds will help you get ready.” he wiggles his fingers, the gloves creaking when he does so, “Like Cinderella–wait, no, Cinderella has a shitty family life…who’s the best one? Oh,I know, Belle.”
“I had a crush on Belle.” he smirks, “What can I say? Brunettes are my one,” he steps closer, “And only,” his arms wrap around her waist and hers go around his neck, “Weakness…and if their names start with ‘B’?” he whistles lowly, “Don’t even get me started.”
Beatrice smiles at him even more, cupping his cheeks with her gloved hands and bringing their lips together in a repetitive flurry of kisses that left the two blushing harder, a mix of their own teenage like feelings and the cold, ‘We better get out of her before it gets too cold to move,Roos.”
“I agree…one more kiss tho.” he does kiss her one final time, loving how her cherry chapstick left its taste on his lips when he licked them, “Alright, atta girl.” he swats her ass cheek as she turns around, opening the passenger door for her and waiting until she was inside fully.
Bradley entered the car a few minutes before the snow intensified so he wasted no time  stalling, driving off from his school towards the cabin. It was quite a trek to go there, but it was fine, the snow was only getting stronger behind them so it was easy to reach the cabin without worries.
Well, of course it was much better to stay inside once the snow landed heavily on the roof and the outside turned one singular color instead of the different shades they were seeing before. Beatrice held Nicole to her chest, their daughter laughing happily when she saw the snow piling on the window, stretching her little arm towards the glass as if she wanted to touch it “Wow, good thing we left,Roos, look.”
“Yeah, it’s going to be bad,” he murmured,”The weather app said it’s a red alert for this region.”
Beatrice turned around with her eyes wide, panic in her green irises, “Wait, really?”
“Yep, but don’t worry,we’ll be okay. It won’t be as bad as the first time we got here.”
“Okay-” she was about to say more but she felt her phone buzzing in her pocket, pulling it out one handed to check who it was “...oh it’s Evelyn.”
“Yea?” he calls from the kitchen, ripping a cocoa packet open as soon as he poured the hot milk in his mug, “What does she want?”
Privacy, Beatrice thinks,”Just to talk…can you stay with Nikki for a bit?” he stops what he was doing and Bea has to chuckle at his boyish grin when he walks over to the two, picking Nicole from her arms and kissing her cheek over and over, “I’ll be right back.”
“Alright,” he didn’t want to pry but Beatrice left the living room area in a hurry, locking the door behind her once she reached the master bedroom, leaving her husband looking in the direction she disappeared into with a frown on his face.
Beatrice licked her lips once she was alone, then frowned, “Weird.” two missed calls…wasn’t it around seven in the morning in California? Beatrice blinked, then shook her head before pressing Evelyn’s name, almost jumping in surprise when her friend picked in the very first ring, ‘...Ev?’ she asks after a few minutes of silence.
“...hi,sorry for bothering you guys during your holiday week.”
“Um no, no it’s okay. What happened?”
Another pause, longer this time, “...I just wanted someone to talk to.” she whispered, “I’m in Jake’s family home in Texas.”
“Oh I didn’t know you were uh…traveling.”
“Me either.”
“...are you okay?”
Beatrice hears her friend sigh, then her feet walking around the room, “...I…I got kinda sick these past days, while we were here.” she explains, “And so I went to the doctor, a family friend of Jake’s…to…check.” Beatrice felt a cold claw coming up in her stomach, the fear palpable, “And see if the Pumpkin is okay.”
“He is okay.”
Beatrice sighed out in relief, almost falling on the floor but managing to do so by sitting on the bed, falling onto the mattress as she rubbed her forehead, “Oh thank God.” she whispered, “I’m so happy to hear that,Ev.”
“...Yeah.Me too…it was really fucking scary,Bea.” she says softly, “I thought–it was scary. The doctor told me it was normal, nothing to worry about, that it was because of the plane and the jetlag and whatnot…he said if it were twins it’d be much worse.”
Beatrice’s eyes snapped open, her body rigid, ‘...what?”
“Yeah, if it was twins and I was feeling like this,he said it’d be worse. I didn’t want him to elaborate as you know I wasn’t really in the mood to do it. It was just a random comment, nothing more.” but that made something within Beatrice panic. What does that mean? What sort of thing was she feeling? Should she be worried? What was she going to do? 
‘But…um…what exactly were you feeling?” what should she look for on the trip back?
“Just really heavy nausea, some headaches.My body hurt too, that was all I was feeling.”
“Ah…I see.”
Both of them remained silent for a second, then she hears Evelyn walk around again, “...Bea.”
“You got quiet.”
I’m worrying about the little beans inside of me so there’s a reason I’m worried but I don’t want you to worry “It’s nothing,Ev. I’m just…well,it’s scary. I didn’t know that it could happen.”
“The doctor said stress also fucks you up so…that could be why? I’ve been really tired ever since my parents found out about it.”
“Oh…I’m sorry Ev.”
“Oh it’s okay…I’m okay now.Jake’s mom is making me uh…I don’t know, something that smells nice and I didn’t want Jake to worry and I couldn’t call Shells because you know how she’d get.”
“Haha,yeah.” but her laugh sounds so nervous, she really didn’t need that right now…stress…stress causes a lot of things. So what should she do? What could she do? Maybe she should stay…quiet inside the room and not move at all- even if she planned things this week, hell even if Rooster had things planned- no, no she shouldn’t let the paranoia take over her especially since it’d be a good week…
Maybe she should tell Rooster later, he’d understand…right? Yeah, of course.
“Anyway,I’m sorry Bea…for the sudden call and message.”
“It’s totally okay,Ev.”
“...can I ask you something,though?”
“Do you think you can call your aunt? The witch lady?”
“...sure? Why?”
‘Just so maybe she can give me some tips on how to not freak out so much during my pregnancy,” she laughs “You know,I’m glad you already had Nikki, it’s a terrible feeling to have when you are pregnant, it really is.” she didn’t hear Beatrice’s hard swallow, “Anyway.I’m going to go now,I’ll talk to you soon okay?”
“Y-Yeah,sure! S-See you!” they end the call and Beatrice stays seated on the bed, mind running miles per minute before she sighs,rubbing her face with both hands, looking down at her phone for a few seconds…Only for then decide that maybe she should call her aunt now.
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redheadspark · 2 years
Christmas Prompt Session!
Hello Lovelies!
We are officially in Christmas Season!
This is my favorite season of the year, so I figured we can get a small head start in the next Prompt session that I promised I would bring you all!
I wanted to do this session now before we are all swamped with Christmas, and I wanted to also make sure I got this Prompt Session out before I would head to Oregon for Christmas with my family in 20 days!
This Prompt Theme is:
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Here are my rules with this prompt sessions:
1.) You maybe chose ONE character from my list that I have Here. It’ll have the list of characters that I write for or have written for in the past.
*(If you have a character not listed that you wish for me to write, PLEASE MESSAGE ME AND CLEAR IT WITH ME FIRST TO SEE IF I CAN OR WILL DO IT!)*
2.) The Prompt list found below has two sections: Scene and Dialogue. You may choose ONE FROM EACH, not two from one and two from another. Also, Please provide the number AND the line that you wish for me to write for you so I don't get confused!
*I write out the request I get as first come first serve. I will try my best to fulfill every request that comes my way, but please bear in mind I work full time as a teacher. Because of that, I’ll be busy most of the day so please be patient and I’ll write on my spare time as much as I can :) *
3.) You can request in my ASK box neither as yourself or anonymously. Although I would LOVE to give you a shout if you request as yourself, anon is perfectly fine!
4.) I will close this prompt session Sunday, December 11th, at 3:00 PST (Pacific Standard, or USA California Time
5.) Have fun and enjoy!
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Prompts created by @geek-girl7
Scene Starters
Gingerbread house
Cookie baking/decorating
Christmas dinner
Christmas/winter party
Snowball fight
Christmas tree
Gift giving
Present wrapping
Christmas movies
Christmas music
Curled in front of the fire
Peppermint mocha
Hot chocolate 
Matching Pjs
Singing Carols
Decorating the Christmas Tree
Ice Skating
Sweater Weather
Hat, scarf & mittens
Shoveling snow
Ugly Christmas sweater
Dialogue Prompts
“Merry Christmas!”
“Happy Holidays!”
“Um, I got you something.”
“You look cold.”
“What are you looking at?”
“Ho ho ho”
“Baby, it’s cold outside.”
“Is that mistletoe?”
“All I want for Christmas is you.”
“Here, take my coat.”
“It’s literally blizzarding outside.”
“You’re like my own, personal space heater.”
“Don’t forget the peppermint!”
“What the hell is that supposed to be?”
“I love it...” “No, no you hate it.”
“Are you wearing socks... to sleep?” “My feet get cold!”
“For the last time, Die Hard is not a Christmas movie!”
“You got a little something, right there.”
“Your hands are freezing.”
“Yeah, very funny, I slipped on the ice, asshole.”
“Watch out!”
“Can we just cuddle all day?”
“Looks like we’re snowed in.”
“Wonderful, stuck with you for hours.”
“That tree just looks sad.”
“Do we have enough decorations up yet?”
“Whatever you’re making smells amazing.”
“Just one more.”
“Do you have every Christmas song memorized?”
“Hey! That was mine.”
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Once again, This Prompt Session will close on Sunday, December 11th, at 3:00pm
Have fun, and Happy Holidays!!!
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Tagged: @a-lumos-in-the-nox @heartofwritiing @basicrese @heliosphere8 @botanicalbarnes @hottpinkpenguin @virtueassassin @pemberlyy @vinvantae @the-darkwing-dragon @thedarkestgreys
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makarovsfosterson · 9 months
A message to a person who i loved the most
If you're not them, please scroll away.
Merry christmas to you. I hope the tumblr algorythm thingy does it's job and hopefully reaches this post to you.
This is my first christmas without you. And it's depressing just like how my horrible 16th birthday is without you.
I can't make OCs like i used to anymore.
Nor do i find my EU accounts on Genshin and Honkai star rail useful too.
Wanna know what happened to me eversince you left?
I was mentally torture in my old school. All of my classmates teamed up and agreed to ignore me for what? No idea. And when i confronted the principal and teachers about it, they never took me seriously. I moved out of that school and moved to a new one. It started out great, until two boys won't stop teasing, flirting, and mocking me. Although despite that i made it to the with honours list, made new friends, and learned so many things from my new teachers. I got a Scarameow plush, Pantalone pillow and plush, and got lucky in both hoyo games in the gacha. And i got a new cat named Aliya.
None of that matters.
I wanted to yell at you, so much.
I wanted to raise my middle finger at you and call you pinoy insults you won't even understand.
Yet i miss you so much.
Everyday i had to make up a lie to mom that you were busy. She misses you.
I wanna do silly oc things with you again.
I wanna share my days with you again and spend birthdays or holidays with you.
I miss talking to you everyday.
No matter how hard i try to find someone new it feels useless.
I hate to admit, you're a coward. We had two years together. I wish you stayed.
I hate you, i love you, and i miss you so much.
I hope you're happy out there. And i hope tumblr does it's thing to make sure this post/message reaches out to you.
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ashbrat488 · 1 year
Foul Play - Chapter 18
Millicent stood by the window, her gaze fixed on Henry as he left the porch. Their eyes met briefly, and he lifted a hand in a small wave before he turned back to his car. She let out a nervous breath and absentmindedly chewed on the corner of her mouth. After a moment, he disappeared from view, and she turned away from the window to find her father entering her bedroom, a small box from Henry in his hand.
"Thanks," she murmured, taking a seat on her bed and accepting the box from him. She glanced up at Darren and Abby. "Can I be alone?" She sensed their hesitation but they eventually left the room, closing the door behind them, giving her the space she needed.
She untied the small red ribbon from the box and carefully tore away the green wrapping paper. Pausing for a moment, she took a deep breath before opening the box. Inside, she found a delicate necklace, featuring a rose gold rose with a tiny diamond in the middle. A soft smile spread across her lips as she touched the small pendant, feeling its delicate craftsmanship. Her phone's notification sound chimed, and she glanced at it to find a new message from Henry.
'The rose is from their Disney collection, symbolizing Belle. I thought it was fitting for you, for us. You possess beauty, kindness, and intelligence that resonate with the essence of Belle. You see through me to the core of who I am, and you stand by me when no one else does. I meant it when I said I love you. I have faith that you'll find your way back to me. Merry Christmas, Shortcake.'
She set the phone on the nightstand with the box before crawling into bed under the blanket.
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January 2023
"Couldn't I complete the last two terms at home? Please, Daddy..."
Darren sighed, feeling a mix of tenderness and frustration at Millicent's plea. Ever since the incident with Ben, she had taken to calling him "Daddy," and it never failed to tug at his heartstrings. "I'll see if I can arrange for some form of hybrid learning with your teachers. However, it's not a common practice, and I can't guarantee anything. I'm sorry."
"Don't let them see you falter, sweetheart." Abby chimed in, providing comfort as Darren drove them to get their books for the upcoming school term. "You're stronger than they are."
"I don't know if I am," Millicent whispered, her stomach in knots as Darren found a parking spot. Despite her inner turmoil, she stepped out of the car, her arm linked with Abby's as they walked into the school bookshop.
Inside, they split up to gather their respective books. Millicent's heart raced when she sensed a gaze fixed on her. His laughter reached her ears before she spotted him – Ben. She froze, tears welling up as he approached with a mocking smile. "Well, well, hello, sweetheart. It's been a while, hasn't it? I've missed you," he said, his fingers reaching for her cheek.
"Don't touch her," Henry's voice was a low growl as he stepped between them, firmly gripping Ben's wrist. "Haven't you caused enough pain?"
"I have no idea what you're talking about," Ben retorted, his smile fading as he tried to meet Millicent's gaze. "Just trying to have a conversation with my girl."
"She's nothing of yours. And you won't touch her ever again." Henry pushed Ben away, his expression now a scowl.
"As if I want a repeat performance of her constant whinging," Ben rolled his eyes, his gaze catching Millicent's as she reached out for Henry's hand. "How touching. You're playing hero, taking on my leftovers?"
"Please," Millicent's voice was a soft plea behind Henry, urging him to step back. Ben scoffed and walked away.
Turning back to Millicent, Henry's hand gently cupped her cheek, wiping away the tears. He noticed the necklace he bought her adorning her neck. "You like it?"
"I love it. Thank you, Henry..."
"Step away from her." Darren's voice was stern as he quickly approached them with Abby, pushing Henry back slightly. Henry raised his hands in a gesture of surrender.
"I'm okay, Dad. Henry scared Ben off," Millicent assured, positioning herself in front of Henry, finding comfort in his presence.
"I can't believe he had the audacity to approach you here," Darren commented, concern etched across his face as he looked at his daughter, her eyes red from crying. "Let's just go home."
"Could you go with Dad?" Millicent asked Abby, handing over her basket of books. She turned back to Henry as her father and Abby left. "Can we have a moment?"
Henry nodded, watching her family leave before focusing on Millicent. "I'm sorry, Henry."
"Enough with the apologies," he sighed, his hand gently tucking a strand of hair behind her ear as she leaned into his touch.
"I mean it. Sorry for letting their opinions about you get to me. I've had time to reflect, and you were right about everything. I trust you." She smiled, his grin widening at her confession. Leaning closer, her voice lowered. "Can you come to my window tonight? After my dad goes to bed. I'll text you?"
"I'll be there." The promise lingered in the air as he closed the gap to press a kiss on her cheek before walking away.
Chapter 19
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madame-airlock · 2 years
I started teaching two months ago. It's my first experience as a teacher and I was scared shitless.
Basically this is what happens: we told the children, all aged 6-10, that I'm British (I sound like I'm from London, when speaking) and that I moved to Italy a week before we started classes, so I don't speak Italian and we encourage them to speak English with me so they practice. I go to their class for one hour each week and we have our English lesson, with their other teacher also present. They've made incredible progress in these past few weeks.
I have 16 classes, about 320/330 students total. Some, I like, others not so much, but I always put on my sweetest and goofiest side so everyone can have fun.
There are days where I sit and wonder wtf I'm doing and if I'm doing it right.
Today is our last day of classes before the Christmas holidays. I walk in my first class, a 3rd year class, and the teacher goes "I have a little thing for you". She gave me a little Christmas present with a super sweet card. Then, at the end of the class, she says "the children have something for you"
One by one they all give me cards that say "merry Christmas" or "I love you" and then eventually tackle me in a 25 people group hug.
I didn't expect it, and it was so sweet. I have a bag full of messages and my heart is full.
I'm still terrified about fucking things up, but today I could tell that the little ones were happy with me.
(I'm definitely not playing favourites, this class is hands down one of my best classes. they're a joy)
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vixovavalentine · 2 years
NOTE: Short-ish Chapter. Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas! I know there was suppose to be spiciness in this chapter but it's now pushed to next chapter. 😂 ALSO I DON'T OWN JJK OR ANY ART OR CHATACTERS OR ANYTHING. ALSO PLEASE DON'T TAKE MY WORK. THAT'S RUDE.
Trigger Warnings: None
You spent most of the night, tossing and turning in your bed. Trying to mull over how and what even was yesterday. The next morning, You arrived for class to see Gojo and Nanami both in the classroom already as you and the others arrived for the day. The air almost thickening as you passed Gojo, you nodded Good Morning to him and Nanami separately. Keep your cool... you said to yourself as you made your way to your seat. You weren't sure what to say or how to approach him so you decided to just trying to act as normal as possible. Taking out your notebook and pencil, readying yourself for the lesson today.
That's strange that they're both here though? Is this to go over yesterday? You wondered.
When everyone had finished taking their seats and getting settled, Nanami cleared his throat and Gojo clapped his hands for attention. " Good Morning my precious students! I have some news today! I'll be heading to Kyoto, to our sister school for about three days. Which meeeeeeeeeans....Nanami will be your teacher until I get back! I'm sure Nanami has some thrilling lessons planned for our lovely students in my absence." Gojo smiled then nudged Nanami playfully.
"We're studying theory." Nanami just stated plainly, adjusting his glasses.
Itadori and Megumi both groaned in their seats, and Nobara just slammed her head on her notebook.
"See guys! Interesting stuff!" Gojo cheered clapping his hands together, then turned to Nanami and began to chat about something you weren't within earshot to hear.
Gojo is leaving? Right now? The news in your opinion, couldn't have come at a worse time. You'd wanted to figure out what was going on between the both of you. Him leaving meant you'd be in limbo until he returned which meant your mind would be wandering which was already making you anxious.. He'd told you, you both weren't finished and you could only imagine what he meant by that. The current, maybe he felt it to or maybe he didn't?
"Yo, Y/n." Nobara waved her hand in front of your face to capture your attention.
"Oh sorry" Flushing you turned to her. "What where you saying?"
"Have you heard I word I said? I was asking if you wanted to head to the cinema soon. There's this romantic movie playing and I want to go see it."
"Oh, yeah sure. Sounds fun." You smiled, and listened to her talk about the reviews being good. She had decided that you'd catch a movie during the week as opposed to the weekend since it was cheaper to see movies during the week. Both of you agreed to go on the following Wednesday after dinner. Nodding, you pulled out your phone to place it in your calendar and noticed you had an unread message from a number you didn't recognize.
"When I come back. We're going to have a little chat."
Somehow you already knew who the sender was. Looking up from your phone you saw Gojo facing you, raising an eyebrow. You gave him a slight nod confirm you got his message. Saved his contact, and slid your phone back in your pocket.
"Well everyone..." Gojo stretched. "Have fun while I'm in Kyoto. Try not to dieeeeeeee!" He sung as he left the classroom.
Nanami just simply waved without looking at Gojo and began writing on the blackboard. "Let's discuss, Fighting in environments with Debris and exposed wiring." Fuck. This was going to be a long three days.
Nanami was the only person who noticed the sudden in change in you. Nobara was too busy trying not to pay attention glancing at her phone. Megumi was almost as stotic as Nanami, and Itadori was almost sleep. Your mind seemed elsewhere and you looked on edge. Ever since your mission with Gojo yesterday, you behavior was different. You'd gone from confident trainee to someone who was barely there. During his lecture he noticed that you hadn't written down anything. Not a single thing. You just sat there, your head resting on your palm looking out the window. It was strange, normally you'd be jotting down notes. Asking questions.. It made him curious. When You and Gojo had informed him of the fight with the curse it seemed like an ordinary outing. He at first thought maybe your attitude was from your realization that Gojo was there more so to protect you rather than fight with you. It shouldn't have hurt your pride since you knew your technique wasn't reliable yet..
Maybe it's because this was her first experience with being inside a Domain..
Nanami had seen Gojo's Domain a few times, he knew the strangeness of it and realized that he'd forgotten that even though you'd been in the school for about 2 months now, you were still seeing all these things for the first time.
What was more of a curiosity was Gojo. Gojo was always up to something. Nanami being what you would call a friend to Gojo could see some of his antics from kilometers away. Gojo cared about Gojo's feelings, Gojo's happiness, Gojo's needs. That's all he ever spoke of and was interested in. So when he took Nanami aside early that morning, all he said was.
"We need to get her to be able to activate her technique at will. I can't always be there to save her."
Gojo never gave his two cents, what especially surprised Nanami was the concerned look he had on his face when he said it. Nanami was aware of your faults during your shared mission, and knew your ability to see the bigger picture needed work but he was still unsure how to go about having you activate your technique at will.
Maybe... He thought. Then shook his head. No.. too dangerous.
The markings on your hands bore striking similarities to Sukuna's. The plan in his head, was dangerous, it could get you and others possibly hurt or killed. But still, maybe it was worth looking over. When Gojo arrived back from Kyoto he'd have a talk with him and Yaga about it.
Normally you didn't mind theory. Hell you'd ask so many questions it would make the others groan when your hand shot up in curiosity. But today, you where just too distracted. Nanami finished the lesson for the day and dismissed you all informing you that tomorrow's lesson would be physical training. Which meant you all would be at the training grounds. Itadori tried high fiving Megumi at the news, while Nobara again slammed her head on her notebook. Tucking your stuff away, you grabbed your bare notebook and put in your bag. You couldn't help but glance at your phone. So many times today, you'd glanced at your phone. Wondering if something was there. Thinking you'd heard it vibrate silently. Only to find nothing.
"Stop it." Scolding yourself you tossed your phone in your bag. You began to feel stupid.
You didn't even know how you felt about Gojo. You'd never looked at him differently until yesterday. Before you'd just thought he was an egotistical, idiot. This was the first time you actually felt like you saw him. The feelings you felt, you weren't sure if they were real or not. You knew you felt something tug at you, but was it just because he saved you? Or was it because maybe deep down you had started to like your teacher.
"Oh god." you whispered to yourself. Face palming in the process. "That's right." He was still your teacher. Which made it even worse. You hadn't even thought about that little detail until now. He was your fucking teacher. He probably wants to talk about how inappropriate this all is.
"But I didn't even instigate anything!"" You muttered angrily. Still unsure, still confused. "Fuck." This is gonna be a long three days.
Nanami's voice pulled you out of your self induced scolding and back into the real world.
"Can you stay after please. I'd like to have a word with you."
Fuck. He probably noticed me being out of it.
"Sure thing Sensei." you stayed seated in your desk, Slightly nervous.
As Nobara, Itadori, and Megumi left; Nanami walked to the door and closed it behind them. Then went to stand in front of the desk you still occupied almost towering over you.
"I've noticed today you seem distant. I saw not one note on your paper, and not one question asked. These lessons are important and help ensure your survival. I know your shared mission with Gojo didn't go the way you wanted, but Gojo was there to help. As for the domain, I understand it is a... confusing concept... but you shouldn't let that get in the way of your lessons."
All you could do was nod. You knew Nanami was no fool but he couldn't have been more wrong. It wasn't the domain, it wasn't the mission, it was purely Gojo. Inside you were thankful that Nanami had come up with this reason on his own and decided to play into it. It was still a strange feeling though, you couldn't help but feel a little bad you were sliiiiightly lying to Nanami about the real reason why you were so distant.
"I'm sorry Sensei. I'm just.. Off today. That's the best way I can describe it. It's just a lot to take in." You lied, gripping your bag slightly hoping he wouldn't catch the lie.
Nanami was silent for a moment, the nodded. "I'm just making sure you understand. If you take no effort in your lessons going forward. I'm going to call you out on it. I'll let it go this once because I know these are new experiences. but If yesterday taught you anything, you need to take everything into consideration. That's why we do Theory. Anything can happen."
Nodding to him, you realized just how right he was. Anything could happen. And it did.
"I'm sorry Sensei, I'll be more invested going forward. I won't let yesterday get in the way of my training." Nodding Nanami seemed satisfied and walked you toward the door to dismiss you.
"Training grounds tomorrow, Y/N. Get some rest and shake whatever this is off."
Bowing slightly, you muttered. "Yes Sensei." And turned to walk away. Shake this off? I'll try... you half promised yourself.
The next three days dragged in a lull. You've never felt three days feel like three years. All you could do was try to distract yourself with Nanami's lessons. Training on the training grounds, and trying to get yourself to activate your technique at will. You did everything you could to not look at your phone. You hadn't received anymore messages from Gojo, not that you expected it but you couldn't help but look. In fact, there'd been no word at all. The only information you received was Nanami stating Gojo could be gone for longer or shorter. You couldn't count too much on Gojo's word. Deflated, you just decided to try your best to stop obsessing about it and you'd see Gojo when you could. The lingering current he'd left had all but turned into a memory now, so in a way. You began to wake up and not have too much of his influence anymore. That morning you came to class to see the classroom empty. No sign of Nobara, Itadori, or Megumi.
Was class cancelled or something? You were puzzled. Checking the time and looking on your phone to see if maybe everyone else had slept in.
You noticed that all three of them had been active on their phones this morning and were tempted to send a message. But then you heard the door to the classroom open and quickly straightened yourself out. Readying your pencil and notebook for Nanami's next lesson.
They are so screwed. The fact that all of them are late... oof. You thought to yourself. Nanami was gonna have a field day with them. If there was one thing you knew Nanami hated, it was tardiness. You'd noticed that the first time you ever met the guy.
Chucking your phone in your bag you jotted down the date on your paper and said. "Good Morning Sensei, Ready when you are."
"Good, Now we can have that chat."
Your whole body froze. Slowly, your eyes looked up from your notebook to see none other than Gojo Satoru. Arms folded and smiling at you.
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1, 10, 14 and 22 for the book ask ☺️
And Merry Christmas!! Give a kiss to molly from me 🥰
Thanks! Sadly, i'm here in germany and Molly has stayed in denmark, but i will give him a kiss when i get home.
1. How many books did you read this year?
I kept track this year, because my goal was 15, and i have read a grand total of 18 books! (not counting tintentod, which i haven't finished yet bc i've been too busy). I know people who manage to read 40 or more, but i'm a slow reader so this is a big number for me!
10. A book that didn't live up to your expectations
"Milk and honey" by rupi kaur. Didn't see the hype at all. I liked the message, but personally the book seemed really incoherent to me and the metaphors were quite weak. It had a lot of potential that it just didn't live up to. To me, it a very unsatisfying read.
Also "the buried giant" from haruki murakami. It was a good book, but after reading "klara and the sun" and "never let me go", two books which absolutely knocked my socks off, i think my own expectations were a bit high. I also read it with a big break in the middle, so i think it's my fault that the book didn't feel very consistent. I would still recommend it.
14. A book that made you cry
"Nothing to envy" destroyed me. OMG PLEASE EVERYONE READ NOTHING TO ENVY IT IS ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS I HAVE EVER READ!!! I think i shed a tear on or twice despite really not being a cryer, and every chapter gave me goosebumps. It's by journalist barbara demick, and in the book she uncovers a lot about what life is like in north korea based on interviews with defectors. It also explains a lot about nk's history and the stories she features are heart wrenching and thought provoking. She really does her research and it's just perfectly executed from start to finish. The same can be said for another one of her books, "eat the buddha", about the chinese invasion of tibet. This is not an ad. I'm just completely speechless over what an amazing book it is and i need people to share this feeling with. OMG EVERYONE PLEASE READ IT THE SHIVERS I GOT FROM THIS BOOK ARE UNREAL
Also i read the fault in our stars (i know i'm the last person on earth) and while i don't think i cried, my eyes did get very moist during a couple of scenes. Don't judge me, i simply don't agree with people that john green is a bad writer and i will die on that hill.
22. Worst book you read for uni/college/school
Luckily, i have put school behind me, but sadly, i have not yet started uni. I read a lot of awful books for school, but i think the worst was "unterbrich mich nicht, gott". It was so bad even the teacher had difficulty trying to find something interesting to say about it.
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noisycowboyglitter · 2 months
Inspiring Growth Mindset: How to Embrace Challenges and Thrive
Inspiring Growth Mindset: Unlock Your Potential
A growth mindset is the belief that your abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication and hard work. It's the empowering realization that challenges are opportunities for growth, not obstacles to overcome. By cultivating a growth mindset, you unlock your full potential and embark on a lifelong journey of learning and improvement.  
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Buy now:19.95$
Embrace Challenges as Stepping Stones: Instead of shying away from difficulties, view them as chances to learn and develop new skills. Every setback is a setup for a comeback. Embrace the thrill of overcoming obstacles and the satisfaction of progress.
Cultivate a Love for Learning: Never stop exploring and expanding your knowledge. Seek out new experiences, read widely, and engage in stimulating conversations. A curious mind is a growth mindset in action.
Believe in Effort Over Talent: While innate abilities play a role, it's your dedication and perseverance that truly shape your success. Understand that consistent effort is the key to mastering new skills and achieving your goals.
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Surround Yourself with Growth-Oriented People: Connect with individuals who inspire and support your growth. Their enthusiasm and belief in your potential can be contagious.
Remember, a growth mindset is a choice. By adopting this powerful perspective, you empower yourself to reach new heights, overcome challenges, and create a fulfilling life. Embrace the journey, celebrate your progress, and unlock the extraordinary potential within you.
Are you ready to cultivate a growth mindset? Start small, celebrate your wins, and watch as your potential expands.
Teacher Christmas Gifts: Show Your Appreciation
Expressing gratitude to your child's teacher is essential, and Christmas provides the perfect opportunity. A thoughtful gift can show your appreciation for their hard work and dedication.
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Consider the teacher's interests and personality when selecting a gift. Practical items like a gift card to their favorite coffee shop or bookstore are always appreciated. For a personal touch, create a handmade gift or a personalized item. A heartfelt card with messages from your child's classmates can also be a meaningful gesture.
If you're looking for something unique, explore options like classroom supplies, a subscription box tailored to their hobbies, or a donation to their favorite charity in their name. Remember, it's the thought that counts, so choose a gift that reflects your sincere appreciation for their efforts.
Let's make this Christmas extra special for the amazing educators who shape young minds!
Merry Christmas Gift: Spread Joy This Holiday Season
Make this Christmas truly unforgettable with the perfect gift. Whether you're searching for something heartfelt, humorous, or practical, there's a perfect present out there for everyone.
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Indulge loved ones with luxurious beauty sets, gourmet food baskets, or cozy loungewear. For the tech enthusiasts, explore the latest gadgets or trendy accessories. If you prefer to give back, consider donating to a charity in their name or choosing a gift with a sustainable or ethical focus.
Remember, the best gifts often come from the heart. A personalized touch, such as a handwritten letter or a homemade creation, can add extra meaning to your present.
So, spread the Christmas cheer with a thoughtful and memorable gift. Happy shopping!
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irishhills · 8 months
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Candy grams are just cheap pieces of paper folded into cards with chocolate bars taped inside of them. Every year, at Christmastime, the junior high student council sells them to raise money for … something. Luke’s still not sure what it’s supposed to be. That’s probably not a great thing, considering he’s eighth-grade president this year, and he should really know all the ins and outs. But he doesn’t. He just likes taping the candy inside the cards, especially when he thinks he knows what candy the recipient will like.
This is especially fun because it’s the first year that Chris and Amy are in junior high, too, and they’ll probably get candy grams. Luke can’t wait to pick out the candy for them. Amy likes Twix bars, and Chris is partial to Kit Kats. But by the time he gets to Amy’s eleventh candy gram from her eleventh friend or admirer, Luke is all out of Twix bars. No one else even got one. Amy took them all, and there’s still a stack of candy grams with her name on them.
The pile of Kit Kats stacks up high. Luke isn’t going to take from it just yet. There are plenty of Snickers, and if Amy doesn’t like those, she can give them away. It’s the least she can do with all this chocolate on her hands. He tapes another candy bar into Amy’s card and moves on … to another card for Amy. And another.
He’s not sure how long it takes him to realize there are no cards for Chris.
How can there be no cards for Chris? Isn’t Blair his best friend, and doesn’t she have a crush on him the size of Jupiter? He would have thought Eliza Murphy would be nice enough to send one to him, too. But there’s nothing. There aren’t even any candy grams for Blair. Luke knows that the popular kids’ languages aren’t usually fun for people like Chris and Blair, even this early into their adolescence, but he doesn’t think it should matter. Everyone deserves a candy gram at Christmastime. Everyone deserves to open that card for a treat in their homeroom, and no one should feel embarrassed when they don’t get one. Everyone should think of you.
Luke taps his pockets to see if he has enough change. He doesn’t. He spent it all in the cafeteria this afternoon, buying his friend a slice of pizza after he forgot his lunch money at home. But that doesn’t stop him. When no one is looking, Luke grabs a card from his history teacher’s desk and scribbles something in it, just for Chris. It’s not stealing when you’re trying to do something nice for your weird little brother. He’s pretty sure Lucy from Peanuts would feel the same way. He’s seen The Great Pumpkin. He relates.
Quickly, and looking over his shoulder to make sure no one notices, Luke jots down a quick message in the card.
Merry Christmas, jerk, he writes before signing his name.
He tapes the Kit Kat bar in the card’s spine, takes a step back, and smiles.
That’ll do it.
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veryfancydoilies · 9 months
hello, hello it’s 🎅🏼!
this might be my last message before the big reveal! christmas is only a few days away, how exciting is that?!
my late great uncle (may God bless his soul) was a brilliant history teacher when he was alive and taught at the university level. i’ve been told that he always outsmarted his students and had the most impressive photographic memory in fact, that he could quote textbook passages in verbatim! i do wish he was still around to chat with me about significant historical events. you’ve mentioned the holocaust..one of the saddest eras in history, really. i used to live with an elderly woman who was a holocaust survivor and i am so glad i had the opportunity to meet her. i could tell how much suffering she went through, the trauma of it all..one can only imagine what it must have been like to live through it. she herself saw it as a very dark era of her life, and would never wish that degree of suffering on anyone. she was also a history teacher i believe, so i learned quite a bit of history from her. it is through that woman, that i have come to appreciate the Jewish faith. i am a Christian, but since knowing her i always have a special place in my heart for Judaism.
yes, i have known about Ray and Dave’s rocky relationship. i am not clear about why they never got along, my guess is that it was normal brother bickering but i will have to consult Ray’s book which i am currently reading for to find out more!
i do like The Turtles, though i haven’t really listened to them exclusively. Herman’s Hermits is another great group in the same realm as The Turtles, i think. i should really give those two bands a listen i think they are brilliant. i do like Led Zeppelin as well, a bit more on the heavy metal side but i love their energy. other favourites of mine are America, Supertramp, Pink Floyd, Chicago, Arctic Monkeys, Tame Impala and The Neighbourhood, the latter three being more contemporary of course. there are very few contemporary bands i like these days.
i do recall seeing the Dickens class “A Christmas Carol” as a play when i was in middle school. it’s funny really, as much as i love musicals, i have never actually seen one live but i have been thinking about going to see a live one soon. for musicals, “Oliver!” has always been a favourite of mine. “The Sound of Music” is also a favourite as i have mentioned. “Willy Wonka” Gene Wilder version and “The Wizard of Oz” are also others that i like.
well, my darling, it has been my great pleasure getting to know you. you sound like a wonderful person, and i do hope we continue interacting even after i’ve revealed myself. with that said, i would now like to wish you and your family a very merry and wonderful christmas! talk soon, ta!
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Hello there! Oh I guess you’re right about this being the last Secret Santa message. Well I’ve had a lot of fun talking to you this month! Remember to not be a stranger after the month’s done. I’m on Tumblr almost everyday so I’ll always be around to chat about anything. I have a strong feeling we’ll continue to get along just fine! 😊
Oh yes, history is certainly not always pretty and many find it difficult to see but I believe we have a duty and obligation to learn everything we can to both remember the people who lived through it and do our best to prevent it from happening again. I’m a firm believer in the power of knowledge. It’s very touching that you listened to what the woman had to say about her experiences. Although I know very little about how survivors of trauma feel after the fact and don’t want to make assumptions, I think you listening to her was possibly a comfort to her. Your late great uncle sounds amazing! I love teachers who are passionate about the subjects they teach. It makes classes so much more enjoyable. I had a very good professor in the Holocaust class. He is Jewish himself and had family including his own father and grandparents who were fortunately able to flee Nazi Germany. He told us about the “memory books” compiled by Jews to honor the people who were murdered since there are no cemeteries where they can pay respects. They put their memories of people and communities lost to ensure they are not forgotten. It is a very sad and poignant reminder of how important it is preserve memories.
Being in bands does have a way of triggering anger and resentment, don’t they? I know the Beatles argued sometimes but they clearly have very strong connections to each other regardless. I hope Ray and Dave are no different. Which book on Ray Davies is that? I’d like to read it myself but I still haven’t finished reading two books I have about the Beatles. Do you often read history books like that? I’ve collected quite a few myself but I seldom finish reading them. I have a habit of buying books but not finishing to read them. Are you a fast or slow reader? The speed at which I read really depends on what the topic is. If it’s something I’m interested in, I read pretty fast but if I find it boring, I’ll read very slow. You can imagine that would make reading for school difficult sometimes.
I haven’t listened to a ton of Pink Floyd myself but like I do for any band from that era, I’d love to explore more of their music. I’d love some recommendations.
Seeing musicals live is a rare treat for me! I do hope you get to see one soon! Anyways, bye for now! I look forward to seeing your blog for the first time. For someone with superb taste such as yourself, I’m sure it’ll be wonderful! Happy Holidays to you! I wish you and your family an awesome Christmas!
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12/18/2023 DAB Chronological Transcription
1st Timothy 1 - 6
Welcome to Daily Audio Bible Chronological, I'm Jill. Today is the 18th day of December, and one week from today I will be wishing you all a very merry Christmas. isn't that like just sit with that for a second? how does it creep up so quickly, and who do we talk to about that? that is not too and still any Panic or chaos it's just dropped right there in case you need to orient yourself. if you haven't started your Christmas shopping, you've got a few days left, only let's just stay present with where we are right now. We are jumping into a brand new book of the Bible for us here in the New Testament, first Timothy. and we'll be reading chapters 1 through 6 today. This week we are reading the New English Translation. 
We began and ended the book of 1st Timothy today. just a few things to take note of for context and reference as we maybe move over some of this reading. The two letters from Paul 1st Timothy and second Timothy are known as the Pastoral Epistles. They are known as that because these letters specifically are for church leadership, specifically priests and deacons. It's important to hold on to that because these letters were not intended to read in front of the whole church, these are letters intended for leadership only. and so we hear very specific instructions in these letters, because it is for a completely different demographic other than just the church as a whole. These are for those leading the church and so we hear verses such as verse 7 in chapter 1, they want to be teachers of the law but they do not understand what they are saying, or the things they insist on so confidently, but we know that the law is good. if someone uses it legitimately realizing that law is not intended for a righteous person, but for Lawless and rebellious people, for the ungodly and sinners, for the Unholy and profane, for those who killed their fathers or mothers, murderers, sexually immoral, practicing homosexuals, kidnappers, Liars, anyone who lives contrary to sound teaching, and then it just goes on to a really great reminder knowing that this is for church leaders during a time when churches early established these words ring true as a good reminder, for us as the body of Christ as well. Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. Let It Drop, Let It Drop because we often confuse the message of the Gospel of Jesus for the righteous, for the wealthy, for those who are doing pretty good, look how right they've got it. the Gospel of Jesus the good news is for sinners, for the sick, for the broken, for the weary, for the poor in spirit, for the downtrodden, for the Hopeless, for the weary, sick and tired, let's not confuse the message of the Gospel the good news of Jesus. and he came for anyone who would call on the name of the Lord. may we leave with that today. 
Jesus, we thank you for being here with us. Thank you for the reminder no matter who we are, leadership, you came for the sinner. not a single one of us has this exactly right. We are striving to be more like you every single day, if we are doing it right. Thank you for meeting us in our striving, allowing us to just be present with you, to know you for who you are, to love you for who you are not what you can do for us. but I do pray that we would stop often and look back and recognize the place that you have saved us from, the place you have brought us out from, the darkness that we so easily get our own selves into. forgive us. maybe turn from our ways and see those in need of the good news, the message of hope, and love a compassion, the message of Jesus. I pray this now in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen. 
Daily Audio Bible, That's home base.  If you would like to partner with us here at the Daily Audio Bible, thank you so much for each and every partnership. we could not do this without you. We are so grateful that we do not have to. if you are giving by mail, DAB PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174. or utilizing the mobile app, look for the give icon up at the top right hand corner. and lastly look for the give icon on the website. if you need prayer, if you'd like to pray for someone that's previously called in, several different ways for you to do so, 800-583-2164. That's the old fashioned way of picking up the phone and dialing. thank God it's not rotary remember how long that used to take, 800 numbers were the worst. or if you're utilizing your mobile app, again hit the red circle button of the top right hand corner. you have two minutes, please listen carefully to the instruction on the recording before you record. hit submit, turn the wheel over to chronological, and it will get to the right place. That's it for me today. I'm Jill, we’ll Turn the Page together tomorrow. It's an honor to be here with you reading the word of God and walking, maybe limping or even crawling so close to the finish line. I pray that we can grab arms, link up, carry one another and help each other cross together. Until tomorrow, I'm Jill, love one another.
Community Prayer Line
I haven't heard from you in a while and Lady of Victory is well, Cody from Utah, Debbie I think from Washington called the beginning of the year. we have not heard that I remember from you in a long time Ashley from Texas, and possible others I just should probably okay you're coming tonight and so many I just love all of you and I'm so sorry I can't lose everything there was one lady I'm so sorry if not think of your name right now but from Kentucky. It's been a little while and I just wanted to say I'm so thankful for every single one of his community. and I'm just praising the Lord with all of you in advance for all of the amazing things and I'll be amazing. Miracles that are gone are in the process of doing right now. no I I will be honest I'm in a really rough spot right now but I'm just mentally, emotionally, and it just communication wise. I need prayers for better communication, people around me, I need guidance and I need the Holy Spirit to happen so if you have to pray for me, I thank you so much I love every single one of you and I hope that you all have a very very Christmas. God bless you all. 
Salutations my DABC family, his little Songbird from Alberta Canada and in the Vine I want to welcome you to the DABC, there's many of us that are Double DABbers, or even Triple DABbers, so welcome. Jill, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for filling in for China. Your voice is so warm and almost reassuring every single morning when I sit down and I have my coffee, and I just turn on the DABC and I sit back and I listen. and I want to thank you for your commentaries They make me take a moment and just sit and pause, Selah. Thank you so much Jill, you'll never know what this platform means to us. It is so precious that we can hear and feed on God's word every single day. having that spiritual food so that my ears can hear and have it go down into my heart that's just priceless. Thank you, thank you so much. and in two days I am going to be celebrating my 51st birthday and the very first thing I'm going to do in the morning to celebrate. So I'm going to sit down, have my coffee and listen to the word of the Lord. Thank you thank you so much that I can do this. 
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locketandsugar · 10 months
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The Chistmas season is here, time to start looking for those unique and unusual gifts to send to say ‘Merry Christmas Teacher’! Our duo letterbox cookies are the perfect way to show your appreciation this holiday season! Delivered anywhere in the UK for free. Available in a variety of colours and can be personalised with your teachers name or any message you wish!
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haruwrites21 · 10 months
Inspiring Christmas Wishes to Show Your Gratitude to Teachers
The Christmas season always brings a glow of warmth, joy, and gratitude with it. It's a perfect time of the year to convey your heartfelt appreciation to the important figures in your life. Among them, teachers hold a unique spot for all the wisdom they impart and the unlimited support they provide. Given the integral role they play in our journey of growth and discovery, crafting inspiring Christmas Wishes for teachers. This season, let's add an extra sparkle to their holiday cheer with some specially curated festive messages.
1. Recognizing Their Wisdom and Guidance
Teachers guide us to reach our potential, threading the pearls of wisdom in our minds. What better way could there be than to acknowledge their invaluable guidance this Christmas? Here's a little inspiration:
"This festive season, I acknowledge the most amazing gift I've received this year - your wisdom. Your lessons are the guiding star in my path. Wishing you a Christmas that shimmers with all the merriment your heart can hold."
2. Appreciating Their Time and Efforts
Teachers invest incredible amounts of time and effort to help us advance our knowledge. To appreciate these precious tokens of dedication this Christmas, consider these words:
"As I light up the Christmas tree, I find my thoughts drifting to the countless moments you've illuminated my path. Thank you for your time, patience, and unwavering faith in me. Merry Christmas to my most inspiring mentor!"
3. Expressing Gratitude for Their Support
In our academic journey, teachers often stand as pillars of support. Christmas offers the perfect opportunity to underline your gratefulness for their assistance. Here's a suggestion:
"This Christmas, I'm counting my blessings and your unwavering support tops the list. Thank you for always clearing the clouds of doubt and springing my confidence back to life. Hope you have a holiday as bright and heartwarming as your guidance!"
4. Chi Ering Their Influence
Often, a remarkable teacher's influence weaves its magic long after school hours, shaping our dreams and aspirations. This Christmas, let them know their influence is cherished:
"May the magic of Christmas sprinkle joy and peace in your life, just like how you sprinkle your wisdom in ours. You have influenced my life far beyond the classroom, and for that, I wish you the merriest Christmas."
5. Celebrating The Role They Play
Teachers don a myriad of roles- from being mentors to friends, guides to problem solvers. A small nod to their versatile roles this Christmas will surely make them smile. Take this for a spin:
"From solving problems to pulling out life lessons from them, you've wrapped so many roles into one. As Christmas bells chime, here’s celebrating the all-in-one hero in my life. May this Christmas bring you immense joy and satisfaction."
Crafting a Christmas wish is about pouring your heart out. It's about reflecting the impact that your teachers have had on your life and the gratitude you feel for their tireless efforts. This Christmas, let's make our teachers feel valued and cherished for the roles they play, for they are the unsung heroes who often hide behind the scenes of our success. Here's to wishing them a season that not only delights their hearts with joyous celebrations but also fills their lives with an abundance of peace and happiness. Let the spirit of gratitude merge with the joy of the season to create the perfect Christmas symphony for our teachers!
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