#Meryamun Ankhkemet
ben-the-hyena 1 year
What do you think the fandom for your character would be like? Are they a fan favorite, a love to hate villain, derided for whatever reason, or something else?
What feelings does your character most often instill in their fans? Affection? A desire to protect? Open lust? A love/hate dynamic? Why do you think their fans feel this way?
By contrast, what would their haters dislike about your character? Is it a petty complaint? A mischaracterization of the character or their intentions? Are they just a woman in a largely male-centric series?
What controversies/drama would your character incite in fandom?
Are there any tropes fandom would put upon your character, for better or for worse?
For any OC, I'm curious xD
Any OC !? X'D That's gonna be hard X'D
Oh well since I did post him once let's go with my Egyptian vampire Lord Meryamun Ankhkemet !
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To be fair, I gave him all the tools fandoms usually love. Slender fancy DILF in suits with a cigarette holder and dark eye makeup, monsterfucking attraction since he's a vampire and his monster form will surely attract, has moments of quirky amongst his usual class, he is a good dad with dad energy for kids in general, he is a great helpful friend who uses his wealth to help anyone and can make rich anyone brcause he is not greedy, and he adores his wife he has a great sex life and love life with while being her "malewife" since he's the one who cooks for her and he fanboys and fans himself when she takes her own werewolf form, BUT without being a good person either since to the public eye he's a beloved philantropic billionaire but he actually keeps humans well fed in order to hunt them down like preys with his family whenever he will want as well as secretly financing wars he always was fascinated with and loathes the sun because by becoming a vampire he sees it as Ra having betrayed him and since has turned to adoring Apep hoping deep down one day the sun could die, so an anti-villain/anti-hero who in fact almost became a full on villain had he not met the love of his life. So sure extreme fandom people who mix up reality and fiction would hate him for being a privileged billionaire and think and his fans should die, but most fan would get it IS the point why I made him morally dark grey and so powerful yet beloved lol and also love him as a flawed character who also is hot anf hot characters are always forgiven especially if they are loving to their loved ones like him
A mix of all those. I imagine him being loved for him being a monsterfucker fantasy and a DILF for villain lovers and goth-like aesthetics since he's a vampire, to be both loved for his aforementionned qualities and hated for the flaws I said so be seen as a lovable asshole in general fans say "what a dick. I hate him *kiss him and tuck him in bed*"
As said people could hate him for being a huge asshole on a wider range. He is one of the main characters so one of the "good guys" since most of the cast are good people and because he loves and likes them he is good to them. And is also a good boss who understood employees must be paid well to be faithful. But that's precisely the thing. To non-loved ones, he is good only as a strategy either for loyalty or for his public image, and he feels no remorse in randomly choosing someone at night to hunt down, bloodily kill and feed upon. Even if, since it did happen, they were acquaintances at the wrong place at the wrong moment. He is a vampire who became rich force of acumulating riches through centuries and travelling and finding/stealing treasures and creating businesses and investing on the long run, he used to be a human but no longer sees himself as one so now everything is made just for him and his family to survive and the secret kept and humans are just disposable cattle and he highly enjoys his sratus that allows him to be unsuspected. Plus even when he was a human he was manipulative sincr he married the pharaoh's much younger daughter just for the throne and as soon as he got crowned went to do wars like he always wished not caring if soldiers and civilians die as long as he expanded Egypt. So many could see him as being way too realistic of an oligarch to be lovable which is fair. However some could also think it means I approve and that the message is "love him he does nothing wrong" and loathe him and the story and myself for that while it is not !
As said, the fact that we live in a time with dangerous billionaires fucking up our economy and society just on whims and we hate them for that and I made a character who is a billionaire with dark ulterior motives behind as well but unlike the real world almost everybody love him because he really plays along, is smart and manipulative and again he is not greedy at all and confident in gaining enough money to spend it on charity, public infrastructures, pays student loans if a fan asks him to, finances health searches and is a loved figured in his town because he personally finances a lot of positive changes to infrastructures and his fancy restaurant offers luxury food for affordable prices because he says everybody deserves the best. Watchers could see it as billionaire propaganda and boycott lmao missing that the point is that he is so good... because he wants his cattle healthy. And of course people who hate villain main characters would think it means it is a good thing because he is a good guy, and others would mean he is excused since never punished and showed in a good light when he is with his loved ones lmao
Tropes as in TV Tropes ? Well... Faux Affably Evil obviously (passes as kind and philantropic while he sees you as his potential dinner or his wife's or children's or vampire friends' and again he doesn't care who dies in a war as long as he gets to feel the thrill of expansion) but also Affably Evil (he GENUINELY is kind and helpful if he likes you even if you are a human and won't betray you and will not hesitate one second to give you the quadruple needed if you have financial problems), Anti-hero (one of the main characters despite sounding like a villain) but also Anti-villain (actually used to be WORST bitter and angry about his vampire condition and stripped titles and how Ra betrayed him in his eyes and so killed much more but also scared on prupose and played with his food giving them false hopes and an "episode" of an alternate reality shows that had he not made friends at last nor met and fallen in love with his non-vampire wife who made him give up on his revenge since they do need the sunlight to live normally he would have been a purely evil and cold CEO actively financing a secret project to straight up destroy the sun and make it an eternal night with Lord Shen energy), Jerk with a Heart of Gold (genuinely loves his wife and children and friends and pets and actually can't kill children ; sure children die in wars but "LALALALALA I HEAR NOTHING" not to feel guilt), Papa Wolf (will go BRUTAL if his son and daughter are in danger), Happily Married (a mix of Morticia ans Gomez, Pansora and the Captain, and Homer and Marge), Excessive Evil Eyeshadow (wears a combination of Ancient Egyptian kohl, mascara and black glittery eyeshadow which only enhance his dark eyebags due to the lack of blood and sun), Yellow Eyes of Sneakiness (got yellow eyes when he got vampirized and he is manipulative and keeps his secret well), Locked into Strangeness (got a white lock out of stress when he lost his humanity and got shoved and locked inside a sarcophagus for 3800 years) etc
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ben-the-hyena 2 years
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Finally, finally drew him. Meryamun Ankhkemet. Believe me or not designing his headshape and face was a PAIN in the ass I had to erase it 3 times until finally figuring it out
Meryamun was born in Thebes, Egypt 5000 years ago within the royal palace. Son of the royal chief embalmer priest and a royal servant, he was a normal child with his own hobbies such as his love for food, drawing and playing music instruments, but he became ambitious early determined not to become a simple servant or embalmer. So he studied assidiously law and politics, without a pause, and played bootkissers with the pharaoh whenever he could which helped since in his mid 30's he became the royal vizir. As prime minister and supreme judge, his punishments and application of the law was cruel and merciless and as the old pharaoh became older and senile he started to become an 茅minence grise influencing him to fight in many wars, for Meryamun loved the art of war and just wished to go there himself fight one day. Force of enjoying his newfoundpower, the vizir became even more ambitious. The pharaoh had no son, only one daughter meant to become someone's Great Royal Spouse one day. So why not him ? His asskissing once again paid and he married her, Maya, but never touched her, finding her too young and uninteresting anyway. And when the pharaoh died of old age, he finally got what he wanted : he was crowned Meryamun I
He was a well appreciated pharaoh, but was unsympathetic to the judged making no exception and found any pretext to go to war against his neighbors, rejoicing at last in battle, first line, slicing up enemies, expanding the empire and enriching it with stoleb treasures. But one day, said treasure was the one too many. In a Mesopotamian temple dedicated to Lilitu, Meryamun went himself pick up the gold idom located in the middle, but in his excitement accidentally dropped it and broke it... unleashing from it a curse which instantly turned him in a monster, a vampire, one of the very first in history ! Out of wild instincts and blinded by the new sensations, he slaughtered everyone in the temple, his own soldiers included, until being stopped by religious artifacts which now burned and stopped him and he could be locked up a cage. By order of Maya, who got the opportunity to cancel their marriage and marry a new pharaoh and erase his name from history, he was sealed inside gold sarcophagus the ankh cross on it preventing him from opening it, and was forced to dry like a mummy and hibernate inside forever... or rather 1000 years, when thieves took the beautiful ruby ank and opened the sarcophagus, to see if the mummy inside had any jewelry. One of the thieves had cut himself by opening the lid, the drop fell on the dry mummy... who immediately opened its eyes, rose, massacred them all for the blood it had been deprived from for a millenium and rose back to its former lively looking shape. Back to his senses now he was filled with enough blood and still horrified at what he did and the time that flew, everyone he knew died some of them even because of himself and his hard earned titles were stripped off him, he was forgotten, alone, a monster, he even realized when trying to get out the sunlight burned him. The sun and holy religious signs, anything representing Ra, he who adored him and prayed him everyday ! Ra abandonned him, Ra had let this pagan goddess curse him, Ra now punished him. He now grew resentment towards him the solar disc above. After everything he did for him !? Now the vampire rejected the falcon god, started to adore his enemy Apep god of chaos who tries every night to kill him, and from now on, even to this day, still wishes the end of the Sun will happen as a revenge. Still, Egypt was not safe for him anymore, and it was with reluctance he had to leave
He travelled across the world, veing able to move only at night or on cloud or rainy days or by hiding inside boats or carriages. Even taking the time to discover before their official discoveries unknown continents. His resentment to mortals in general, the sun and classic religions grew as much as, in contrast, his knowledge did thanks to all the languages he learned and cultures he witnessed. He practised many new art styles, learned to play more instruments and even realized he actually loved cooking?! This felt so relaxing, why did only women do it in his time, all the time he missed! He little by little became a great cook with all the recipes he learned across the globe. But he also grew more powerful as a vampire mastering perfectly skills he now blessed he used to loathe and became a very respectable and feared member of the vampire community whenever he came across some. He was not fully bad either, able to feel pity and spare, but he did charm most people only for their blood or hunt them down, and the loneliness and all the riches he accumulated from all these millenia and long term financial tactics making him more powerful (but still on the run) were about to turn him into an actual villain... This was when he met who would later become his wife, whom I will draw and whose biography I will write one day : Yumi
On a hill in England, during a night of early 1420's, he saw a beautiful middle aged Asian woman he sneaked on and bit. But ew !!! Werewolf blood, that was disgusting ! And of course she did not like it and summoned her pack with a howl who beat him up for her, their leader. Werewolves, vampire enemies, great, what was his luck ! But sly and in a rush to survive, he tried to compromise and find a way to arrange them, noting how most of them looked wounded and tired. Indeed, they had been spotted and were on the run and had no shelter for a while, and whenever they tried to live in the woods it of course looked suspicious to humans. Since himself was getting more and more suspicious from being a lord living inside an old castle in ruins getting out only at night, he offered a symbiosis. They get his shelter, in exchange they help each other with hunts and they get outside for him at day as his emissaries and bodyguards. This was not pleasant for any of them, but survival was ar stake so Yumi agreed. For months the pack and the vampire cooexisted, mostly with a rivalry atmosphere not helped by the vampire lord who loved to taunt and snidely comment anything they did, for he loved to annoy their leader with whom a mutual heated anbeti respectful rivalry developped. Notably fueled with how he found her pretty and how some... FURRY feels awoke in him the first time he saw her turn into a werewolf, feelings he had repressed for millenia whenever he came across a muscley anthro lady (his first fapping session as a teen was at the thought of what Sekhmet could look like for which he had felt overly shameful afterwarend), so part of him infuriating her was so that she could turn into a werewolf, a bit like Kaeloo and Mr Cat's early relationship. That and because he did notice she blushed and get even more agitated whenever he alluded at things, which he found cute and amusing all while loving (deep down since his first reflex was to be offended of course) her temper and the way she put him back in his place, which was the first in millenia someone did not cower to him, and he did respect her leader ways and her intelligence. In short it was flirt, but a way that was meant to look like rivalry since both species were meant to be enemies and none of them wanted to forget that, too prideful. But force of coexisting, knowing each other, learning about each other, fighting or hunting together, saving each other, seeing each other during vulnerable moments and under new lights thanks to the things in common they found out they have and having deep or at least enjoyable conversations with similar morals and philosophies, they ended up falling deeply in love so much one night she was in heat, the first time since they had settled in his castle, they could no longer pretend and ran into each other's arms. At first wanting to keep it secret, it could not last hidden too long from other people with a good sense of smell, and when the danger was over and it was time for them to leave and for him to leave too since staying too long always ended up becoming too dangerous wherever he was, she decides to name her beta the new alpha and followed Meryamun
Since then, they never left each other's side and travelled the world together, falling more and more in love as the years went by, and marrying in the late 1490's in Venice under the made up bame Ankhkemet. Yumi was no Maya he never gave a fuck about who disgusted him at the idea of having to make her a hair one day for how younger she was and who always berated him and ended up betraying him. Yumi meant so much more to Meryamun. Trusting each other deeply and as passionate as ever no matter the years (to this day they almost always make love once a day MINIMUM), they hide and travel with their share of hunts and kills and get an amazed reputation in both species for being so open about their interspecies relationship. Still, the fact he now got her in his life apeases him and definitively stops him from becoming a villain and he becomes cooler and more open in general as well as now grateful to have become immortal or he would have lever met her. During early 17th century, they settled in US in a little village built by vampires and had their family manor be built. They were finally settled in ; sure nowadays, the village became a district in a large human town, but it is secluded and rarely mixes with a few visitors, so the secret is kept anyway. In fact they felt so comfortable and sure to be 100% safe they made 2 children quite recently, Absinthe and Asmar
Nowadays, he is a billionaire from millenia of harvesting treasures known as Lord Meryamun Ankhkemet and is a famous chef who owns the fanciest restaurant in town. Nobody knows the family is paranormal, they just know they are discrete celebrities rarely making public appearances outside of work and he never gives any interview or accepts to pose for pics since he doesn't appear on pictures, but is generally well appreciated since he gives a lot for the community. He is a good boss who pays and treats well his employees and butler, he pampers his cat Nedjem, he has friends he is a little snobbish and innocently disdainful or menacing (he never had friends before so he doesn't know much how to interact) to but does love them and is faithful and helpful, he is a good caring loving dad who trains his daughter since she has a bigger vampire side and he adores his wife with whom he's almost in a symbiosis 脿 la Morticia and Gomez mixed with Madame Pandora and Captain of the Dead. But that aside he can also be very cold and heartless when you don't matter to him, not minding killing you for blood or if you know his secret (in fact in a general sense he and Yumi are glad to live in a big town in whoch they are popular... so that the "livestock" is easy to collect), sometimes financing shady but legal business like wars since he ALWAYS loved wars, and still adores Apep as well as other gods in a secondary adoration anf dreams to destroy the sun and overthrow power in Egypt to return as its eternal pharaoh. Nevertheless, he is very much happy in life with his family, friends, job and hobbies which holds him back enough from having these thoughts as mere fantasies
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ben-the-hyena 2 years
It has come to me in a vision that to complete his English voice claim which I had already found Meryamun's perfect French voice claim was my favorite French voice actor Richard Darbois all along notably in his role of Shan Yu to make him 100% DILF material and I want this to happen one day so freaking much
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ben-the-hyena 2 years
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Given the numbers of characters who helped me build Meryamun and how I am excited over him, his family, friends and enemies and the lore and universe in which he is, I felt like it would be fun and was needed to be precised through a meme and explain. Source : https://www.deviantart.com/neoduelgx/art/My-Character-Inspiration-Meme-831348312
Zorglub : overall vibes, DILF/GDILF, classy with suits and a similar head and body shape, not evil but can act villainous/chaotic, good dad who means well
Iris : similar nose and head shape, same cold and menacing demeanor he can have with some, Ancient Egyptian, can hypnotize
Akeltonton : similar head shape, Ancient Egyptian, father figure who teaches and means well, not bad but can come out as cold and disdainful, has knowledge about magic and older arts
Gomez : goth aesthetic with morbid tastes and humor and shady morals, billionaire in suits who smokes, not really human, good caring dad to his son and daughter, good boss who's basically friends with his butler(s), kind of a DILF, ABSOLUTELY in love and horny for his wife
The Captain of the Dead : goth and undead background and aesthetic, DILF, great protective father figure, good boss who's protective of those who work for him, adores his wife and is heads of the house with her, reformed morally grey bastard who has blood on his hands
Kingdom of the Sun!Yzma : was nearly turned villainous at some point, hates the sun he blames for his curse and dreams to destroy it, adores a dark deity, a tad loves his looks and feels hot, ambitious and wants the empire, relishes on immortality, son of the royal mortician ; listening to Snuff out the Light and daydreaming AMVs/cinematics with him pre-Yumi/in an AU in which he never met her was what had me decide he grew to hate the sun/Ra for "taunting" him now he would burn under it and was the son of the guy who made mummies in the royal palace lol
Tso Lan : similar body and head shape and hair implantation, same wrinkled and high forehead, cold classy and collected, loves the moon, has knowkedge over older dark arts and wants to rule over his lost empire again with his family, the oldest around ; fun fact Tso Lan's Japanese name means vampire and it accidentally fits lol
Marge : great loving supportive spouse and parent and a great cook who really loves to cook and bake especially for his loved ones
Pinstripe Potoroo : same body shape and similar hair, shady (legal tho) business, tries to be classy and hot with suits
Mr Choc : mysterious to the public eye, billionaire who does shady business, classy cold and collected wearing suits and often seen smoking a cigarette holder, blood on his hands the pragmatic way
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The Vampire King (yes I am aware it's someone in a costume) : vampire, and most importantly my voice claim for him just minus the reverberation
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Wilhamena : vampire of color, supportive loving parent who can be embarrassing, friendly to his kids' friends, very in love with werewolf spouse
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Ratigan : a discrete inspiration that I almost forgot but still was there during the early times ; smokes a cigarette holder, classy with suits, loves and spoils his female cat, tries to hide the murderous beast inside himself to distinguished, does shady business and used to be taunting/toying with his preys and nowadays enemies having a lot of fun terrorizing them, obviously killed and kills
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Chancellor Bernard : similar eyebrows skinny cheeks aand higg cheekbones, same muzzle/nose shape and eye shape, wears kohl and black eyeshadow, not the same eye color but still just as vibrant and almost abnormal, used to be an ambitious 茅minenge grise manipulating the old senile king planning to take his place, relishes about immortality, knows old languages and magic/dark arts
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Mr Cat : used to be borderline chaotic evil loving to terrorize and toy with people for fun which actually partially hid loneliness and an unability to socialize since he never had friends before all whilr being bitter and sour about life, LOVES big buff anthros in fact his first way to flirt with Yumi was to anger her so she would transform and they first had a tsundere rivalry him being the horny troll in the relationship, little by little became closer to her and her friends by getting more into teamwork/cohabitation rather than solo and better without becoming good either all of sudden
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Cuphead Show!Calamaria : HOW COULD I ALMOST FORGET HER he had the EXACT SAME ANTAGONISTIC VIBES AS HER before meeting Yumi. An anthropophageous monster relishing on his dangerosity and proudly taunting sassily about it who is absolutely unimpressed by mortals coming to his lair to defy him or beg for mercy or these ones he seduced who are still alive and in love with him after he had seduced them with the aim to eat them afterward like he often does with the opposite sex but in the end couldn't but really he don't give a shit about them, but if you do kina amuse him he will give you 10 seconds to run perfectly confident he will get you anyway, morphs to his creepy form just as fluidly either all of sudden or little by little, and is a gourmet who can't say no to good quality food
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ben-the-hyena 1 year
1, 12, 21 for the Basic Ship Asks
Since I started with Meryamun and mentionned him and Yumi, let's see Meryamun and Yumi !
1. Describe their first date.
By first date I precise, it is AFTER they officially got together after she left her pack for staying with him and he stops to be a lone vampire and she stops to be an alpha werewolf, not between that and when they did kiss and fuck admitting they are super attracted, even if they do have romantic moments in between they officially were still friends up to that point. At this moment he loved in the ruins of an abandonned fort in an English forest and humans were still superstitious and hunted down monsters in groups (late 15th century) and they highly suspected that mysterious nobleman living in literal ruins and that strange group of people were up to shady business with him who were camping nearby. So they wouldn't really get to be out in the open much. Especially since they would move out rather quickly for a whole new start when these ruins and their new reputation were becoming too big
Their actual first date would be weeks later once they managed to move to Ireland, in a town. It was now or never since they had freshly come so didn't kill anyone yet to feed on so wouldn't be suspected yet. Meryamun wished he could have offered her a queen's date, but back then they had nothing but their clothes for being on the move and needing to stop at day for him not to burn and at full moons for her not to be unable not to transform. But as much as she missed riches from the days of her being a courtesan Yumi really loved the gesture and just wanted to be with the first and only man she ever loved and still loves. So in that little town, they shared a meal and mead in the pub, they danced to the folkloric music, they had a walk arms over one another speaking sweet nothings and about their future plans and themselves, he courted the courtois way (late Middle Age after all) on his knees with a lute and a rose, still her rose in her hair they killed off a boar together for the thrill of the hunt, they happily brought their hunt home to the little loosy cottage they rented to have food savings laughing, which ultimately turned them on and they banged on the boar and fell asleep on it cuddling and covered in blood. Still a very fond memory
12. Do they have a difficult time when separated from each other, or are they fairly independent?
Surprisingly they are pretty much ok ! They may adore each other, they are not clingy at all and are their personalities are just not defined by each other and know it is the case for each other. Sure the first 2 centuries together they roamed the world the nomadic way always side by side to survive and be as discreet as possible, but once they finally settled in America building the manor they still have to this day using 2 centuries of savings in a little improvised vampire town (not knowing it would ultimately get surrounded by a whole human city and become one of its historical districts, oh well the food is here at least), they could allow themselves a sedentary life. Which implies sometimes one outside while the other stays inside
Which did happen, being sedentary now Meryamun was determined to start anew and not just hunt and run he needed to bring money so started a food business and invest some of his earnings in various fields he hoped would flourish one day thanks to his immortality, and Yumi after centuries of having to just be a beast could finally sit down and write and paint like she missed so much and sold some of her pieces to contribute to the house. Which would imply that during the following centuries Mery would sometimes leave for work (not that he has to much, he is the boss lol) and for meetings and conferences far away and later since late 19th centuries sometimes to cook in his own restaurant the Golden Canine, and Yumi would sometimes leave for artistic deals and nowadays going to conferences as well as receiving rewards (of course if her family is available they do come to cheer for her). They also are away for interviews sometimes, him for being a business man very popular and philanthropic, she for being the woman behind the man as well as a feminust figure for proudly sporting her hairy arms and legs
They also do need alone time sometimes one relaxing at home or relaxing outside like at a spa or something, and do have outings with their respective friends or alone with one or both of their children for parenting bonding while one of them is away or stays behind when they don't go on a family outing. Of course even if they often hunt together sometimes they do alone, and ever since they became parent they also go hunt and teach how to werewolf and how to vampure to their 2 kids, Yumi mostly with their son Asmar who mostly takes from the werewolf side, and Meryamun with their daughter Absinth who mostly takes from the vampire one. Plus, vampires technically being undead they sometimes need to regenerate, so there will be whole days Mery will be pretty much dead hibernating in his sarcophagus (and their kids too) and Yumi would be fully alone and content
21. Do they enjoy domestic life?
They really do, after having been on the run for so long after being stripped off from human lives of luxury they are grateful to finally live in comfort again and not alone this time. They and their children too in fact love to stay inside with all the inside activities a billionaire paycheck can allow. Meryamun loves to cook for his family and Yumi is his biggest fan so no need for a hired cook, Yumi often paints her loved ones who pose him included or herself or any object or subject, they do have a butler woman they consider family Mariam but they don't let her do it all herself and do participate in the chores and force their kids to too, they enjoy the garden during good days (nights in his case) with BBQ with friends, swimming pool, feeding the birds and in Yumi's case gardening a little, cuddling in the sofa, reading, watching TV, playing games, listening to music sometimes played by Mery and their daughter themselves, Yumi and son exercising and dragging the vampires into enjoying it too, playing with their pets... a good rich life
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ben-the-hyena 1 year
For any OC you have
馃挀 - What are some signs they鈥檝e fallen for someone? How do they show their affection?
馃 - What鈥檚 something they鈥檒l never understand?
Ok how about more Meryamun ? I swear I will talk about his family soon enough too X'D
馃挀 first, context : Meryamun fell in love only 2-3 times in his life
One not mutual as a teenage boy for a mysterious middle aged hairy and muscular-yet-petite woman from very far away in Asia from an unknown country who had come overnight in his town and disappeared a few days later just as suddenly which was brushed off as a teenager infatuition by his parents but forever shaped his tastes in women (plot twist : she WAS his wife, Yumi, who accidentally found herself thrown way back in time after an "episode"'s shennanigans and she tried to be as neutral as ever not to alter the past plus it's weird to see the man you love the age of your own teenage children and rejecting him like "look you are too young for me, you will find the right one one day" while in her time he is older than her, so in a way it means he was always meant to fall in love with her)
Another with his childhood friend Neferet when they were 18 when he realized how she always was there for him and how much they had in common and all the fun they had and they were together for a few months before it... didn't feel right for him anymore both because it was the start of his villain arc and he was becoming ambitious realizing he loves war and wanted to become pharaoh one say and she wasn't socially important enough for him pluuuus deep down he still thought about that one woman and his friend did not look like his type at all so he ended up breaking up with and breaking her heart and she left with her family to another town and he never saw her again (and to this day he feels like an ass about it and feels very guilty wondering if she would forgive him and in fact grieves her since 5000 years later she is probably long dead unlike him)
And who he still loves to this day like he never loved Yumi his wife and mother of his children despite a rocky beginning due to vampire-werewolf rivalry even if FROM the start she absolutely was his type physically and looked nearly identical to that woman from long ago (DUH) so the rivalry was already flirty from the start
And to all 3 of them, when he catches romantic feelings, he gets dreamy. Almost shy even, even when he was flirty and made sex jokes until then if he did like for Yumi. He becomes awkward blth embarrassed his own feelings or fearing to sound creepy or stupid, especially from someone as collected and "professional" as him usually, it feels nearly abnormal, he does slap himself a few times, except maybe the first time when being high on teenage hormones he embraces it much more easily ready to jump on her now hence why it only took him a day before going doki doki while 18 years for Neferet and a year for Yumi (unaware she was his first crush)
But when he ends up accepting it and stop fighting, he goes forward and usually does the first step, telling that mysterious woman right before she left how she can stay and they can be together because he thinks he loves her, and shyly to Neferet his feelings for her seel to have stepped higher tha friendship these days and if she is willing they could give it a try ; it was ironically both harder for Yumi because WEREWOLF and he was still nearly a full on villain when meeting her so he didn't want to soften up again after all his progress done yet also easier because they had no real declaration but sttaight up kissed and fucked because she was in heat and he was in rut from smelling it (they would both try to ignore it and not talk about it again but got super affectionate and nicer after as if they were dating without being dating, until growing sad when having to part ways and he thought he would still just be a lone vampire again full of regrets until she gave up and left her pack to join him again and she was the one to declare him how they can give it a try which reminisced him of what he he said to Neferet and they kissed again but sweetly this time)
Once he was with Neferet (didn't last long tho) and Yumi (600 years and still counting !) no more awkwardness or denial. He can still be dreamy daydreaming about his love unable to wait to see her again (the early times for Neferet at least), will love making or buying presents, will be a flirtatious gentleman finding any excuse to compliment, touch and kiss, and will be horny and passionate, because he is a big romantic who needs to show her and make her feel how much he loves her
But with Yumi who is the love of his immortal life, it is even more beautiful and blatant. They are EXTREMELY horny and passionate doing it at least once a day unless one is sick or away or upset, they are very cuddly and touchy, they go on dates very often, being a billionaire he treats her with expensive stuff very often, having become a talented chef in the meantime he loves to feed her and she being super gluttonous (a side effect of lycanthropism in my lore) happily serves as his test when he asks for her opinion on his future menu additions to his restaurant, they travelled together for centuries seeing the world together, she is his PERFECT type of woman her aggressive werewolf form making him swoon and turning him on like nobody ever did before, and being immortal blood thirsty monsters who once were human and had trauma and felt oh so lonely until meeting they understand each other like no one does either, hunting together, keeping each other's secret safe, listening and giving advice, comforting, and he feels safe enough to confess to her what he used to keep for himself behind a "smug assholish classy villain who mocks" mask when he met het. Their relationship and their hybrid children are so known among the supernatural society it does rise questions about the matter of a werewolf and a vampire together, some applauding the change and others calling them degenerates
As for his first wife, princess then queen Meritites, he never loved her, he didn't even court her he only bootlicked her father enough until he would offer her to him, and he never touched her. Not physically his type (too conventionally feminine), too young to his tastes (he loves them mature), and again it was only as a tool to power, once he was in the royal family he was not interested in having heirs with her and just ignored her for their short years of marriage not bothering to have her at least care for him one way or another and not hiding his contempt and annoyance whenever she wanted to speak with him and seeing mistresses not even in the context of a harem which would have been acceptable for a pharaoh but he wasn't interestee in either but straight up mistresses in town therefore truly cheating to Ancient Egyptian standards, making her resent him deeply and gladly lock him inside his sarcophagus chained up when he became a vampire, remarried and erased his name from history. Something he had not thought through, for someone who manipulated his way up lmao
馃 Meryamun loves many things many don't, and is very tolerant. Peace when war is so cool ? Sure, many people are scared of blood and death, of course they would want the boring way of life to feel safe. Hairy mature muscular women are not seen as attractive to society ? Ok sure, he can see the appeal in liking them young and feminine, he did love Neferet who was his age and more conventionally attractive for a time and before meeting that mysterious lady his hormones had him be attracted to other conventional hot girls his age or older. Not wanting the sun dead ? Well himself used to worship it and the majority of people were not betrayed by it like he had been so let them stay be blind and love it, plus now he has a wife and children and friends he is aware they will need the sun to live, so it kills him to admit it but he can't allow himself to ever ler it dead anymore. Fearing blood and gore ? Well he loves war and is a vampire which many are not so it is understandable they don't see the attrait. Not liking cats when they are superior to dogs ? Well dogs are fun and cats do have an attitude, plus he basically is married to one and father of half canids now so in a way he does love both now. Modern art and music even if they make such weird sounds and are just... one color in a canvas ? To each their taste he guesses he's too old for this anyway. Eat the rich ? Hehe he knows why, and his experience with ignoring his ex wife backfiring taught him on the contrary to have the popular opinion be "eat the rich... except Lord Ankhkemet he is valid" by being very generous and do true actual good better than most billionaires for the citizens to suspect nothing so he can have the time to determine through smell which is the healthiest to drain off their blood tonight
But if there is ONE thing he will never tolerate is fucking up food to which he turns full on Gordon Ramsay, his trainees CRY in his restaurant and his chefs still sweat in his presence fearing to do one mistake he would notice. If he loves you you sure will argue. He tolerates failing ONLY for children and teenagers but he estimates adults should know for a living ESPECIALLY if it's your job and are supposed to be so-called experienced, the literal "oh darling. Oh gorgeous VS YOU FUCKING DONKEY" Gordon Ramsay meme. Meryamun loves all types of cooking, even junk food or street food which many food snobs would reject, he doesn't at all because to him as long as it is good it is good. But if IN FRONT OF HIM you let the chicken be raw when it's not supposed to be a chicken tartare he will do his BEST not to take his monster form to rip your veins out of you. Sometimes some so called professionals who fucked up a tiramissu in front of him are next on his target list to hunt down. He understands mistakes which are on THIN ice. It is when deliberate or not cared about he goes murderous. Sometimes for the lolz his kids or friends show him videos of badly cooked food and he starts swearing in Ancient Egyptian and his pupils grow feline-like and his teeth bare while they laugh
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ben-the-hyena 2 years
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Meryamun is way less classy when he wakes up. Introducing his cat Nedjem
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ben-the-hyena 1 year
馃挰 and 馃枈 + for Lord Meryamun Ankhkemet!
"You know... it kills me to say it but at least you [insert character name] and [insert character name] were luckier than I ever was..."
"Because we grew up with each other and you grew up alone ?"
"Yes... but mostly because you are orphans..."
-characters whose name I won't say yet from an original story I've been working on for 9 months now I hope to make a serial webcomic of one day (@chaifootsteps and @dracocheesecake know about it because I keep them updated everyday of new things I invenr and add to it, it originally started as a dream of a franchise I loathe I know they have beef with too which was much better than reality that surprised me for how much I loved it then I realized it was a dream and the good elements were from my mind so I told them and they encouraged me not to make it go to waste and I added another dream I had liked from the year before but did not know what to do with to add characters and an episode plot so 9 months later it went from "I dreamt a story I hate wad actually great and written like I would have written it" to its own whole original thing with its own lore, style and characters with just a few common points left), when the bully character opens up to one of the main characters they were a dick to until now and starts their redemption arc
OK as for Meryamun : until he got drunk with power and the ambition of becoming a pharaoh one day, and ditched them as a young adult, Meryamun had 3 childhood friends he grew up with. Neferet I told y'all about he ended up falling in love with shortly and whom he regrets the most for breaking her heart, User a big tough guy who likes to fight but is a gentle giant, and his cousin Kheti who studies to become a scribe his father Maya and Meryamun's father Neferhotep hope would be rivals because they are brothers with a rivality but their sons didn't want to be part of it. They all grew up together for being royal palace's staff's children, Meryamun being the son of Neferhotep (embalmer high priest) and Meresankh (ritualistic musician), Kheti of Maya (scribe high priest) and Ahmose (doctor high priestess), User of Djau (general) and Hetepheres (perfume maker) and Neferet of Sneferu (chief treasurer) and Isetnofret (servant)
I consider making a spinoff of The Ankhkemets focusing on his shenanigans as a teenager with his buddies because ever since I was little I was OBSESSES with Ancient Egypt and FINALLY I found an idea of a story to incorpor Ancient Egyptian everyday elements and be both funny and educative
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ben-the-hyena 2 years
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Yumi Ankhkemet, Meryamun's werewolf wife for nearly 6 centuries, a relationship that totally defies the norms between vampires and werewolves. She is chill and sweet, she just has a resting bitch face. Wow it took me so long to write her bio and post it here it's not even funny
Unlike her husband, her past was not very glorious. Yumi was born in Kyoto in the early 13th century in the streets and was raised until age 5 by her prostitute mother who had done her best to feed and protect her until she died of tuberculosis, a memory that deeply scarred her. She only had herself from this moment and had to survive in that hostile environment from guards, animals, creeps and the cold winters by stealing and sneaking in. Which toughened up and to this day earn you a cold stare until she warms up to you. Aroung age 14, now that she had become pretty with a "woman" body, she entered a brothel in which she would be at least fed and shielded from the cold, even if it meant sleeping with disgusting older men which only intensified her bitch resting face she already had before. At least she knew about plants from her years of survival and observing others harvesting them, and so brewed herself a lot of abortive potions and healing teas. And the brothel being kind of fancy for upper class men, she got to learn to read, write, use good manners and play music. So much she was often joked as being destined to become a geiko. Which she would have loved, actually... for she realized she actually really loved this comfortable artistic lifestyle and wouldn't mind having it minus the gross sex. But of course it was just an impossible dream, so she hid her sorrow behind alluring smiles, fake laughters at dumb jokes from patrons and painting calligraphy during her breaks. But she did keep her grip on her hopes, praying at the Shintoist shrine for spirits and her mother whenever she could
One day, when Yumi was 20, a particularly important patron came in the brothel. The local lord himself, with a bunch of samurai bodyguards. Never a richer patron had come before since Yumi had arrived. In her head, an idea bloomed. It was her chance for a better life, a life to live in luxuries and read and write as much as she wanted while drinking tea and listening to or playing music ! He was married sure, but he was there so he was obviously not the faithful type. Using all her charms and her alluring skills words, determined her chances Yumi seduced the man in age to be her grandfather pretending to agree with his laws and like his flatteries, flattering and fakely admiring him, discussing art and literature together, showing great genuine interest in some jewelry and items he possessed, and did her best to give him the best sex he ever had in his life ; sadly not mutual, but it would be an investment worth it of course and she had learned to be good at simulating to satisfy egos. So much he came back several times exclusively for her. Then started to bring her precious gifts. And in the end after a good while ended up buying her from her pimp and bringing her home as his number one courtesan. Finally, she went from several disgusting old men to one and that one at least respected boundaries more and would maker her life much more comfortable ! Who knows, even if it were for rich upper women she could even manage to become a maiko then a geiko, at last !
But she had forgotten one very, VERY important detail : he was married. And his wife was obviously not happy of this humiliation of sharing the same roof with the "whore" your husband fucks behind your back. But in her entitlement, Yumi was not aware of another very important element : the wife was actually from a richer, higher background than her husband who had just gotten lucky to marry into nobility. And wives in Japan were and still are the ones in charge of money management. So even if officially he was the head of the house, the lady actually held him by the balls for every decision he took. So of course when she shared her rage over this affair with her husband and gave him a financial ultimatium, of course he stopped to think with his lust but with his greed. Playing the sad boot licking puppy, he promised her to get rid of his sugar baby, and ordered his samurai to get her and throw her in the nearby forest that held the reputation to be full of wolves. Yumi screamed, cried, struggled, prayed, begged him to spare her, but he did not even look at her and turned his back on her getting back home nonchalantly with his wife as sad as someone who broke their sex toy and had to throw it away
Taken away by her hair, Yumi was thrown inside the forest at twilight and tied to a tree, let alone there with her fear and calls for help. She was alone... until a big wolf came, a wolf like she had never seen any, muscular and bipedal. A monster ?! A y么kai ?! Whatever it was it latched at her and savagely bit her on the back-hip area and clawed her other places, making her scream in pain and fear... but thr beast fell back on the ground, dead, before having been able to hurt her any further. A hunter had heard her calls for help in the distance and had rushed in as fast as he could and just needed to shoot a single arrow in the back of its neck. Yumi was still trembling in fear, in shock, from seeing all her efforts for a better life and her dream job destroyed, her ego shattered into being just a disposable whore again, and of course the pain the dying adrenaline was letting its place to and the fact she had seen all her life flash before her eyes. The hunter fortunately was a good man who untied her and kept questionning her if she was ok and how did she even end up there all so she would stay awake until carrying her to his home to heal her, questions she was too shocked to answer. Whatever, he disinfected her sounds with sak茅 (all he had right now ; HURT LIKE HELL) and bandaged her the best she could. What a good man... she finally spoke to thank him and let him lie her down on his bed while he would cook her something, agreeing to him when he ordered her to rest and not move. Well... maybe that would be a new life or the start of a new one...
Little did she know, it was indeed so but a way she did not imagine. Indeed, the full moon rose... and she started to feel intense pain again. Wriggled, growled... hair grew, so did her bones and muscles, her clothes tore under her new mass... she turned into the beast that had attacked her. Before she would fathom what the hell had happened, the hunter entered the room and dropped the food in shock, and rushed for his weapon to kill "it" not realizing it was her, but with her newfound strength Yumi could rip the window open and ran away in the night, instinctively on all 4 to be faster. She had become a werewolf. The early times, she hates herself and this situation, regretting, crying, lamenting over this curse which forced her to turn into this every full moon and even in between caused her to have all her senses wilder, grow more hair and be more aggressive woth a strength she did not control. She even had to leave Japan for hunters kept being on her track and ended up in Korea. But there, she came across a pack of other werewolves. Their alpha was hostile and tried to chase her away, but she was so hungry, had gone through so much anger from her abandonned dreams and het betrayal abd had learned to hunt and fught bigger and bigger preys in the meantime to survive she beat him up, barely noticing him and just the food he had. She didn't expect this to earn her respect and become the new alpha, but this was welcome ! And thus Yumi discovered a new side of her : she could be a leader, and she was stronger than she imagined, more so as she exercised. She learned more about her condition and learned to love it, work in group instead of alone, was no longer a prostitute at all anymore, and even had enough security (even if they had to move frequently not to rise suspicions) to learn Korean and read and write more. But she still was not very satisfied. She needed to fulfill her needs. So she went from pack to pack, from country to country on all Eurasia, to feel alive by challenging and defeating alphas and become stronger and more known and respected among the international werewolf community all while learning more languages and cultures, learning more about plants to brew or just chew tge way they are, finding out other paranormal species existed in secret across the world, master more and more her passions of reading and writing and mastering more and more werewolf skills and making herself stronger (not very visible, she is naturally thin, but she IS toned). To the point she even learned to transform at will anytime and even unlocked her ability to become immortal around her 50's, a skill rare and precious only the best alphas aquire. The only problem was her unsatisfaction towards how her hair grew back too much and how she still didn't live a comfortable life of running away too much with no stable living place. She did make friends in every pack, but being now immortal she didn't dare getting too much attached, besides she just couldn't fill that void by only staying with one pack but didn't know better to do
This was when she met who would be her future husband, Lord Meryamun Ankhkemet, early 15th century in England one night she had gotten a bit far from her pack to breathe, atop a hill at night under her human form. I had already told most of it in the post about him so refer to it for what is lacking, but here is what I can complete. She was rightfully pissed that vampire, a species she had met before and learned to hate for being parasite scavengers, had dared attacking her, and she would have ordered her pack to rip him to pieces if it were not for his correct points : they were homeless and on the run, he had a home but needed an aliby. They needed to coexist in that county to survive. Details, details I said already in the other post... no matter how many times he "flirtatiously" enraged her to be beaten up, and how annoying he was, and how her betrayal had caused her to particularly love tearing nobles apart which he was, she did grow respect for his skills and intelligence, did find him quite handsome and elegant with charisma that flustered her, and force of working together, hunting together, speaking, defending each other, learning more about each other and their origins and sharing their interests (art, music and literature !? FINALLY someone who got it !), they ended up bonding. Bond that turned into lust, lust that turned into love. First too prideful to admit it, then one day her heat came aaaand they couldn't deny it anymore. Now the problem was they needed to part ways when he and her pack started to be suspicious to locals in these old ruins they resided. Initially they bid each other farewell... until an epiphany. He was immortal like her, he was handsome and fun, he cooked like a god (and her hunger having multiplied ever since she became a werewolf it was more than welcome), he liked a lot of things she did and was willing to share his knowledge with her who just yearned for more, he could afford luxuries even if he needed to move like her, he was great at sex, he was strong, she felt safe with him, she missed him when he was not around... of fuck she LOVED him he was the perfect match she couldn't just let him go ! So she quickly named her beta the new alpha, bid farewell to her werewolf friends and ran back to Meryamun much to his joy, and since then travelled the world together, their bond only intensifying always stronger than ever, without forgetting her roots and often visitting Japan and praying shintoism
They married late 15th century, hunted together, defied the norms of their species by being openly together but too feared and strong to be contested. Not only did Lady Ankhekemet (even if they needed to move) finally could live the grand life with him treating her, she actually DID love him as much as he loved her and she felt alive to feel as such. For once a man treated her as more than a sex object and less formarly than a feared alpha, but like herself, the last person having done so had been her mother. And he didn't just have her be a sugar baby, no no. He valued her intelligence so much he showed how to invest and had her become his equal in terms of business with shared accounts (especially back in a day only the guy had one back then). She was now actively working for herself with him, and that made her feel even more valued and less like her previous lifestyle. And now thanks to them moving around, she opened her knowledge to many more cultures and languages she learned which gave her more content to read and write, that is until they finally found a vampire village in what would become USA in 17th century in which they finally built their family mansion and have been residing in for 4 centuries now
Like I had said on Meryamun's post, the village became an unsuspected isolated district they could hide in, and Meryamun became a famous chef in his own restaurant. Even if she does not have an official job, Yumi is known for having written many brilliant theses on medieval Japan and art, successful books and novels which earned her prizes and rewards and other written works such as translations, corrections, scripts, reviews and critics whenever she felt like it. She might have never gotten to be a maiko, she still got to achieve her 2nd dream, writing, and have success for writing about her first dream. But she also helps her husband's restaurant business (economically and critically and HAPPILY serving as tester gor his new dishe) as well as financing and investing various projects just like he does... and just like he, most of them are shady. For having spent almost all her pre-Meryamun life having to survive and being alone then onxe a werewolf having to kill or fight to live and be respected did leave a toll on her morality. Less charismatic than her husband, she is openly cold and dismissing, not wanting to pretend emotions again like she had to do as a prostitute. So not even being a human anymore has her, just like her husband, see the human citizens as cattle they just have to pretend to be philantropists to so that her children will be safe and never have to go through whatever she went through
For indeed, in the 2000's they finally felt comfortable and safe enough to have children, but given how the first was a vampire which almost killed her on labor, and just were lucky the second was just a werewolf like her which she could handle, they never dared having a third for her safety. And they and Lord Ankhkemet are some of the only people she is openly sweet and smiley too, she loves her babies and happily teaches her son the ways of being a werewolf while still supporting her vampire daughter and supporting both of them for being trans as much as it did surprise her. She also made friends shr dhowd her sweet side to, common with her husband as well as some of her own such as an old Japanese grandma she met at a Japanese sauna she found very wise and another werewolf, nerdy and awkward but still fierce and whom she suspects to be crushing on her which amuses her ego. That said, if she knows you, aside from these people, she will just have a resting bitch face but stil one friendly and cordial until she learns to know you better, she rarely hunts down people for food anymore and she is emotionally detached from the ones affected from her side business she doesn't see, like Meryamun to his, because she doesn't think much of it. She is also very protective and killed for her family, and adores her husband as much as the first day, both of them being like Morticia and Gomez mixed in with Pandora and the Captain to each other and having a sex life still very active after 600 years of knowing each other, which mortifies the other residents of the mansion (the FIRST man she met who actually makes sure she is satisfied too, he is a gem ! Especiallysinceheneverdidbeforewothotherwomen.hejustlovesHERandwantstoshowitwheneverhecan)
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ben-the-hyena 2 years
When typing "Married female werewolf and male vampire with their mansion"
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They may not look like Meryamun and Yumi and the mansion doesn't exactly look like theirs, I find the gothic romance of a paranormal couple who finally finds their home to live in for eternity coming out of it beautiful
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ben-the-hyena 2 years
Can't help but imagine Yumi and Meryamun waltz to this for hours adoringly
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ben-the-hyena 2 years
First I fall in love with Ptah X Bastet (cat headed)/Sekhmet (lioness headed) from Egyptian mythology and I personally love to see them similar to Morticia and Gomez the way they adore each other and also plan to include them in an original story @papabirdurskeks and I share
Now I made a new story whose one of the main character is a 5000 years old Egyptian vampire who is married to a werewolf and the more I thought of it the more I accidentally made them like Morticia and Gomez (adoring) mixed in with Madame Pandora and the Captain of the Dead (adoring but also more realistic as in arguing or being tired of each other's shit anf more down to Earth)
Which means I now have 2 ancient powerful paranormal intellectual Egyptian men whom I like to see look middle aged, rich, fancy/classy, tall and lanky fawning over their strong furry wives who can turn to tall wild angry muscley beasts who can snusnu them in my imagination library
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