#Michael Jackson son
neodreamgirl · 3 months
LL Haechan
Latinas Love Haechan
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gi5elle · 7 months
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NIKI sweet venom mv
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honkygay · 6 months
my fav dynamic (romantic AND platonic / familial) is guy who’s seen the horrors his entire life and guy whos only known about them since Last Tuesday band together to Stop The Horrors or at least figure them out
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one-time-i-dreamt · 1 year
Michael Jackson was revealed to actually be Lady Diana's oldest son. He was very surprised that so many people had somehow forgotten this very basic fact.
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dirtyoldmanhole · 8 months
there is no way to say this without sounding cracked from gunter thirst but i always thought his My Room portrait looked slightly off model in a way that bothered me compared to some of his other official art so yolo, here's a redrawn sketch.
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if anyone who's confident in live2D and wants to see this in motion hit me up and i'll send you the raw files/work with you to make it happen.
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laughableillusions · 7 months
Oh darling yeh hai India’s songs have this like 80s pop vibe that I really dig actually
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f0xgl0v3 · 2 months
Seeing as I’ve been dreading doing the SoN re-write post because I don’t have the full outline done, I present,
SoN Re-Write; what I have done so far done in really informal terms
(P.S this is really long sorry guys-)
The Brain vomit ‘I think that’s how I wrote it in my notebook’ with all of the silly bits instead of it being more formal because I can leave the more ‘official’ I guess one for later when I do have the entire story outline roughly done. Anyway,
We start out with a sort of maybe prologue? I like prologues and they can help set up the story (I know tLH is going to have prologue type thing that’s Hera doing Hera stuff) but this prologue starts at the end of Percy’s wolfhouse training. He’s waking up from an Annabeth dream, he gets up and notices that both the pack and his training buddy are just.. gone? He walks through and sees Lupa, who says something something about like Rome and then gives the vague directions on how to get to Camp and it’s like “go south :3”
Then we’re at the stretch to get into Camp Jupiter it’s pretty much how chapter 1 of SoN goes down. Maybe we get word that Percy has like a backpack or something (so stuff like the pillow pet and where that’s been makes more sense because I forget how they explain Percy having the pillow pet goes down) and we like slash slash at the Gorgons and they reform, showing that something’s up and soon enough he’s running down and spots Calcedott tunnel and the two legionnaires (Hazel and Frank) freak for a second and call for him to get over to them.
Percy gets over to Hazel and Frank; who take him through the tunnels. It’s being debated if I want Hazel to collapse Calcedott (Is that what she does in the book? I don’t really remember-) to set up Hazel and her like, power. But Hazel is busy collapsing tunnels and stuff, so Frank is helping Percy, they get roughly to the Tiber as the Gorgons are back. Percy (with aid from Juno in a Homer-esque style) does the power thing and the Tiber does Tiber stuff. By that time a couple legionnaires had filed out including Reyna and Dakota as notable people. Reyna is like “woahzers” and Juno does Juno stuff behind the scenes and Dakota kinda like, shuffles his legionnaires + Percy and Reyna tells him to like, do stuff? Idk, she has to talk with some before before talking with Percy and trusts Dakota to like keep them in check- build up Dakota as a respected guy
So they get to walking camp and stuff Dakota explains what camp is until they reach the Principa They go through the Reyna questioning scene and then she tells them “Go to the Auguraculum so Octavian can like; double check that your supposed to be here” and like yeah. Dakota is excused to find Frank. When leaving the Principa Nico appears out of nowhere, says he needed to talk with Reyna about some stuff but would take the detour to walk with them.
We set up Hazel and Nico being siblings, Nico and Hazel not liking Octavian; all the good things. He wishes Hazel good luck and they enter the Auguraculum. It’s dimly lit apart from the skylight and smells, nicely; just a lot like incense. The central Dias lowers so Octavian can talk. Hazel and Octavian stare at each other silently, he tries to make a joke ease tension, it fails. Kinda drops that he knows it’s Juno who sent Percy here (Percy doesn’t know either, Octavian just like switches the topic and says that he’s the Augur so he should know this stuff) Ushers Percy and Hazel onto the Dias, claiming that it’s better to be closer up to the heavens, Hazel says something how at least it’s not dead animals so we can sneak in the animals fact. Octavian is cool and does the pillow pet thing (asks Percy if he has any stuffed animals with him that are significant. Percy fishes it out of his bag not expecting Octavian to take it) but the Gods say that Percy’s a-ok. We get the blackmail comment (this time including Calcedott’s collapse) and Octavian calls Percy back a second to slyly express interest in Percy joining the 1st; saying he has good potential. Hazel and Percy leave, we get a sneak peak of Mercury slipping into the Auguraculum after them
They leave. Maybe know is the Frank switch, I’m going back and forth on if I want PoV switching or if I want each book to just be in 1 PoV but for that PoV to switch- we’ll see.
Anyway we get to dinner; the legionnaires don’t like Percy because he relied on his powers and gets special God treatment. Frank’s back, if we don’t do PoV swap he complains about the armory stuff he had to do and then Hazel probably explains that the legionnaires don’t view powers positively (set up the dynamic of Hazel being more in tune with demigod life and the small underbelly of camp, make Frank a bit less experienced but able to be a little more comforting or something- idk). By now Dakota and Mercury slip over, Dakota makes a comment about people flitting between tables all the time, introduces Mercury as an Optio (we get the introduction to the Optio role). Dakota addresses her by her nickname Freddie- she quickly corrects Percy and tells him that only her friends call her Freddie (honestly the whole legion does she’s just salty that a Percy is the newest topic of discussion-) She grumbles a bit and gives a backhanded compliment about Percy’s Tiber incident and says that Octavian was talking about him. Dakota and Mercury maybe banter a bit, she says something about letters of recommendation; explains what those are before someone (Kahale) calls over for her and she’s gone.
By now Reyna calls up for the announcements. Welcomes Percy into the legion officially, here’s where he gets his Probatio tablet. Octavian asks about letter of recommendation, Percy vaguely remembers some envelopes in his bag (Juno planted them; she wanted her guy to succeed-) but they’re gone, or unusable or Percy simply is getting bad vibes from the 1st cohort between Mercury being a little snappy, Hazel and Nico not liking Octavian and stuff. So whatever, Octavian tries to make a case for having Percy join the 1st because of the talent he’s shown, Reyna shoots him down and Dakota snatches Percy up for the 5th. She announces war games, Percy makes eye contact with someone in the crowd whose been staring him down (Bryce Lawerence)
Yay okay, uh. A couple days later. Dakota drags Percy up to a Centurion meeting between the 5th, 4th, and 3rd because more opinions are better than none. Hazel and Frank come along. We meet Gwen!! The other Centurions sit there and are like “Dakota dude, why are they here”, Gwen smooths things over a bit. Uh, we meet her, she tells us that she’s the Senior Centurion of the 5th, daughter of Mithras; gets a personality, shown to be well-liked, easy going, positive. They all yap about stratagems or whatever, 5th gets to be the front lines. Dakota and Gwen bring Percy and Hazel over to the side and go “hey we kinda wanna be cool and like Romans so pretty please don’t use your powers because we want this win to feel genuine” or whatever. Uh, Bryce, is there after the meeting breaks up. Percy stumbles over when Bryce calls his name; he says he’s in the 2nd cohort and that, “it’s for losers who had good letters but weren’t strong enough for the Prima cohort (1st)” he’s sharpening an old family heirloom 1st cohort stamped Pilum (this is important information). Percy gets kinda gross vibes, but Bryce is a sleazy manipulative guy and they walk for a little. Percy notes that people seem to avoid Bryce while they walk, Bryce talks about how he admires Percy using his powers and says how he should in the war games because “Everyone’s on their high horses here and don’t know what it really takes to win” Percy walks back to the barracks conflicted.
War games, war games!!!! Goes pretty much how the actual war games go. Uh, set up that is was indeed Bryce who stabbed Gwen, Octavian is still missing his Pilum. Mars shows up, he’s having trouble staying Roman at the moment, claims Frank, then is splitting a bit too much- gets a couple lines of prophecy out before having to go. All eyes go on Octavian, Reyna diffuses, says to go about their days and they’ll go to the Senate with this soon.
Soon is, the next day at 5:30 sharp. Dakota wakes up Percy, Frank, and Hazel. Explains the Senator stuff while tugging on his toga, says that Gwen’s been inside of New Romes actual hospital due to the severity of her wounds. They head to Camp, Percy notes that he hasn’t seen Bryce since their talk two days ago. Uh, Senate meeting pretty much goes as expected, Octavian gets to actually dish out a prophecy like the cool Augur he is (Mumbles under his breath a little about how it’s not quite a proper prophecy). A Senator proposes Octavian lead the quest seeing as he is the Senior Centurion of the first cohort. He awkwardly says that his job as Augur is too important and that he wouldn’t have quest mates eligible for this mission (elude to Mercury’s family line *The Varus family* being cursed and standard loosing and that Octavian would want to bring his buddies. But bringing Mercury and Michael means there’s no one in charge of the 1st, and Reyna has too much stuff on her plate-) Reyna kinda does Octavian a solid and switches the topic to the fact That Frank was asked to go on the quest by Mars. Everyone (and Cato the Youngers ghost is still there in the audience because I’m sorry but that was a really funny inclusion-) are all in uproar because excuse me that’s a Probatio. Reyna gets enough votes to makes Frank a Centurion (After we get that cameo by Gwen in the crowd saying that she got her honorable discharge from the legion.) Frank picks Percy and Hazel to go on the quest and yay or whatever. Reyna mentions them packing and Octavian bringing them to the docks to go immediately, says there’s more important things and as Octavian is leading them out Percy sees Bryce being dragged up to the center of the Senate room.
Octavian’s kinda iffy. Respecting Reyna’s choice but doesn’t think Frank (or any of them) are ready for a quest like this maybe aside from Percy (look when a guy shows up covered in battle scars, invulnerable, and very strong you take him seriously too). Makes a comment about how they could’ve gone and used one of the legion cars but Someone collapsed Caldecott; Hazel quips back and Frank is like “stop fighting >:((“ and they walk out. Get to the docks where Octavian gives them their stuff, wishes them the best of luck, makes a kinda good joke about how he wouldn’t be good for the quest anyway knowing his families luck with boats (haha Augustus Caesar boat joke-) and off they go :D
Okay that’s all I have drafted out right now that I’m confident on. I have to go re-read how the actual quest-quest part of SoN works through because the order is jumbled in my brain and it’s all like soupy until they get to the iceberg with Enceladus.
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What still makes me laugh, regardless if it was unintentional, is the final scene in “Sons of Anarchy”. It’s this big, dramatic scene where Jax Teller has accepted his death and is about to commit suicide. So, he extends his arms out like he’s Jesus and rides his motorcycle into a big rig.
And what does the trucker say right before Jax hits the truck? “JESUS!!!”
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lunardoesfandomart · 2 years
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my-life-fm · 2 months
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thebolg · 5 months
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this reminds me of 1993 when I felt like Michael Jackson died.
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Just found out Micheal Jackson was a TWINK
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bronva · 2 years
Michael Jackson’s son shuts down claim Harry Styles is the new ‘King of Pop’
Michael Jackson’s son shuts down claim Harry Styles is the new ‘King of Pop’
To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML5 video Some may think Harry Styles is worthy of the title of ‘King of Pop’… but Michael Jackson’s son Prince Jackson isn’t among them. Throughout his career, the late Michael went down in music history with timeless songs including Beat It, Thriller, Billie Jean and Man in the Mirror, having…
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3T and Michael Jackson - Why 1996
"Why?" was written by 13 Grammy Award-winner singer/songwriter/producer Babyface along with Michael Jackson for Jackson's 1995 HIStory: Past, Present and Future album. When "Why" was taken out, Jackson gave it to his nephews TJ, Taj and Taryll (sons of Tito Jackson) for their debut album Brotherhood (1995). It was released as the fourth single from the album. "Why?" was well received on European and Asian music charts. In 1996, 3T were ranked second behind the Spice Girls as the biggest-selling group in Europe.
3T completed a second album to follow Brotherhood that was never released by Sony due to a strained relationship with Michael Jackson (MJJ Music). They signed with the Dutch label Digidance in 2004 for Dutch releases, appearances, and performances, and the album titled Identity was released in 2004.
TJ Jackson became the co-guardian of Michael Jackson's children along with Katherine Jackson in 2012.
"Why?" received a total of 44,3% yes votes.
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pumpkinbxtch · 2 months
hello, a request please, from apollo x readerposeidon, how does apollo react if hermes tries to flirt with his girlfriend reader (hermes just wants to bother his older brother)
• this is a message for THAT nereid!
— apollo x daughter of poseidon!reader
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warnings: none
a/n: Hi baby. here's your apollo crew being jealous there's nothing more like him than that.
Apollo started biting his nails as soon as he heard your laughter echoing in his dining room, which he found stupid because it was HIS dining room and you were laughing with another guy right in his face. Well, it was not just another guy, it was his brother, which made it a million times worse.
His visits used to be enjoyable, now not so much.
— So, ¿what do you say? — Hermes asked, winking at you, and Apollo wondered about the sudden need to make his life miserable by looking you in that way.
Your lips painted another smile as you playfully shook your head, glancing sideways at your boyfriend, who was struggling not to throw the vase at his brother's face. Honestly, it amused you. “This is for all the times you let that Nereid flirt with you in front of me,” you thought, it was your perfect revenge, and with his brother willing to play along, they were hitting the nail on the head.
— Hmm. What do you say, darling? We can stay in that house for the summer. It's close to the water, and I think it would help me train while waiting for the swimming tryouts.
Apollo forced a smile and nodded silently, if he spoke, he'd surely yell. Hermes played with the crystal glass and leaned slightly towards you.
— Even if my brother can't be with you all the time, you can go on your own — he said, looking at his brother, pretending to be kind, and Apollo felt his blood boil. — I'll keep an eye on her for you, brother.
Apollo scoffed — I don't want you keeping any eye on my girlfriend, thanks.
The double entendre floated between you, and you pressed your lips together, trying not to smile.
Hermes ran his hand through his black curls while making loops with his hand, trying to find words to elaborate. That was exasperating, Apollo thought he was just trying to look dashing. For his misfortune, his brother kept talking.
— I think it'll be fine, she needs it for her training, after all, right? — He turned to you with the blue eyes that every son of Zeus seemed to possess. — Although, they should fear you from now on, doll.
Apollo choked at that word and drew both of your attention.
— Is everything alright, Apollo? — Hermes smiled maliciously, and the sun god remembered the stupid rule that whoever gets angry first loses.
— Nothing — Apollo replied, snapping his fingers to start the music. maybe breaking that stupid tension.
When “The Girl Is Mine” by Michael Jackson and Paul McCartney started, you were close to crack up. You couldn’t believe him.
— I love this song, little bro — Hermes hummed while drumming his fingers on the glass table, passing over the message on purpose.
“'Little bro'? I'm the older one,” Apollo thought, annoyed. He couldn't wait to kick that idiot out of his mansion.
The part with the ex-beatle began, and the messenger of the gods leaned closer and starting to sing to you.
— I love you more than he… — Hermes winked at you.
— Okay, enough — Apollo exclaimed, standing up and covering his brother's mouth with his hand. He kept singing even as his voice died in your boyfriend's palms.
 Apollo growled and shot you a furious look before disappearing with him in a golden dust.
As you were left alone in the dining room, you burst into laughter and took a sip of water, impressed by your brother-in-law's performance.
Footsteps echoed in the hallway, and you masked your smile with a serious expression.
 Apollo dusted off his hands and sat back down, his eyes fixed in the center of the table. You cleared your throat and casually propped one leg up on the chair, playing with your hair as you listened to him rant.
— And tell me, my love —your voice echoed through the palace vaults, — how does it feel? — In the midst of those emotions that had him on the edge of a psychotic episode, that question caught him off guard. You raised your eyebrows sanctimoniously and smiled smugly.
— You! — He pointed at you accusingly, and you ran off giggling.
As he tried to catch up with you, he heard the echoes of the palace bringing the reason you played along with his brother's stupid game: “Tell that damn Nereid to screw off, you're mine!” And the brake on his heels, now fearing you'd walk back to him.
Okay, you won. Definitely, Apollo wouldn't even talk to a rock if it kept you from flirting with his brother again.
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burgycreeper405-blog · 5 months
"she says i am the one, but the kid is not my son"
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Branchel Jackson
Michael Jackson sounds like Branch -my brother (thus why he made me draw this)
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my brother's art ↑
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