#Mickey mouse house key
kerlonren · 2 years
Mickey mouse house key
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Once you feel like bragging, you can post your World Discovery % and score on the Leaderboard. You also get a Target Element of the Day ! In fact if you have an idea for a combination or feel that two elements should react, the game provides a direct link for the suggestion.Īs you progress, you will find new Elements which will unlock more RealmsĪ scoring system is included (but you can also have fun without it) that gives big rewards for target key Elements or unlocking new Realms. The game includes 1600 discoverable Elements, but grows with updates and your suggestions. Similar games include Doodle God, but please note that this is brand new, built from scratch, taking the concept directly from the old 80s ‘Alchemy’ and reinventing it in the process. Starting with just 6 Elements (no, not just 4) and combining them using your skills, wits and knowledge, you will unlock 1700 more and 26 Realms.ĭo you think you can you discover: Atomic Energy, Zeppelin, Chuck Norris, Atlantis or even ‘Angry Birds’ ? You are tasked with rebuilding the universe, bit by bit, or rather Element by Element. *** 3rd best reviewed game on WP7 ! Thanks !!!
#Mickey mouse house key software
★★★★★ All you Lumia 810 owners out there, do yourself a favor and replace that lame duck camera software that came with the phone. ★★★★★ I am genuinely impressed with just how brilliant this application is. ★★★★★ Beautiful app, love the design and filters! ★★★★★ What an app! This allows absolute control over the camera and is a quality app. ★★★★★ Amazing app showcasing the Nokia imaging SDK You also have a favorite button which you can use for one of your favorite actions. 8 modes: Manual, Program, Portrait, Macro, Scenic, Custom 1-3 Pick photo from library menu item in the photo viewer Grids: Rule of thirds, golden ratio, square, Golden spiral High resolution support (Nokia Lumia 1020/1520) Fun effects (Mirror, Mono colors and more) Real-time filter effects (Vintage, Nashville, Green Pop, 1977, Lomo, Early Bird, Valencia, Amaro, Hudson and more) It containts a fully featured photo editor that allows to edit effects of existing photos and to undo effects of photos that have been taken by OneShot OneShot combines real-time photo effects with photo editing. Apply a change, such as a filter, and you can see the difference on your screen in real time.
#Mickey mouse house key professional
OneShot is a professional mobile camera app and offers high quality filters in a lovely user interface that is overlaid on top of your viewfinder.
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Dictionary works on tablets and phones and is refreshingly free from annoying ads and paid upgrades. There is also a "word of the day" with our pick of the most interesting and entertaining words in the English language.
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And we managed to keep data offline without needing a massive app download. It also works well if you only have an intermittent network connection because the definitions are stored offline, locally on the device. You can see your word history and revisit definitions, or make your own list of favourite words to help build up your vocabulary. The speech function helps provide the correct pronunciation. Definitions include synonyms and antonyms which allows the dictionary to also serve as a thesaurus. Wildcard characters can be used to help with word games like crosswords and scrabble where only some of the letters are known, or you have to find an anagram, or with spelling. Then you can follow the links in the definition page to get more word definitions. As you type, Dictionary homes in on the word you are looking for. The home page contains a randomly selected word cloud which will pique your curiosity and help you improve your vocabulary, while the search box allows you to find specific words easily. The dictionary definitions are stored locally, and because it's ad-free there's no need for a network connection. Dictionary is ideal for both native English speakers and English learners or people studying the English language. Dictionary is a free offline English dictionary containing over 200,000 words and definitions and no ads.
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jaidens · 10 months
If you special requests are still open can I have a hot chai latte with extra whipped cream under name Darrel Curtis? Only if ur ok with that!
So scarlet it was Maroon, The mark they saw on my collarbone
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pairing [s] : darry curtis x reader
warning [s] : mentions of : sex, hickeys, drinking, riding, making out | wrap it before you tap it |
a/n [s] : ty for requesting, I'm sorry for how long it took!
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It has almost been a month without your fiance. Darry had been booked for every single day, and suddenly nurses had become extremely needed everyday for your hospital. You were riled up and upset that your shifts hadn't matched up with Darry's which ended up in only seeing him passing in and out of the house. You were the night shift, and Darry had been the morning shift. You took care of the gang when Darry couldn't, becoming the casual mom of the group when you were around.
As you shift the small ring around your finger, tapping against the table as the clock clicks closer to your shift ending. As soon as it hits twelve, you jump up, grabbing your bag and Darry's jacket and run out of the hospital while saying goodbye to your coworkers. The air is cold as it nips at your nose. You open your car door and turn the car on, the cold air hitting you as it attempts to start up with a rumble. The radio plays quietly as you start to feel giddy at being able to see your boyfriend after a month.
The car ride isn't long, but not very short. After twenty-five minutes of no traffic and long, twisting roads, you pull into the driveway of Darry's house. His truck is sitting next to your car, and the lights are still on the inside of the house. Grabbing your stuff, you run into the house and shut the door quietly behind you. Two-Bit and Steve are asleep on the couch, snoring as Mickey Mouse is playing on the television.
You smile at them, shutting off the television and lights. You walk to the kitchen, hang up your keys on the hook, and set your bag down. Your stomach rumbles after hours of being unable to eat due to the rush on the hospital. You pull out some food and heat it up, and bite into it and moan out. Darry’s cooking was always amazing, after years of practicing after the loss of his Mom and Dad. While you're eating, strong arms wrap around your waist and pull you into his hips.
With a gentle kiss to your neck, you smile and twist your body around to be in front of Darry. He's smiling widely, his tongue darting out to like his lips. “Oh, Darry..” You mumble out and he pushes you against the counter and his hand falls underneath your thighs as you follow his movements with your lips. Your hand runs up his shoulders and to the back of his head and you grip onto his messy, ungreased hair. He smells like aftershave and his minty shampoo and conditioner.
You're mumbling out his name every time he pulls away from your lips to let you breathe. “Not here, love. Bedroom c’mon!” You're whisper-shouting, as he picks you up off the counter and carries your bridal style to your small, shared bedroom. The bed is messy and fluffy with blankets as you try and beat the November weather that was attacking Tulsa. The television is on and plays a random show that Darry had liked, but you didn't understand it half of the time.
You crawl onto the bed and pull on the waistband of his pants and he falls on the bed on top of you, not crushing you with his thighs taking his fall. You're wrapped up in the kiss you've been waiting for, deep and full of delicious passion. His lips slide from your mouth to suck against your neck, kissing and biting gently. His name is a prayer as it falls from your lips as you slide against him, his hand tickling against your waistband.
You pull his shirt off and throw it on the floor, staring at his delicious muscles and abs that stretch and pull in every time you touch his warm skin. “Missed you so much.” Darry gasps when you pull him up and push against the wall.
When you wake up the next morning, your legs are sore and your back achy. The bed is cold and alone with Darry's side is put together and cleaned up. Your side however isn't as you get up from bed. You're in a big t-shirt of Darry's with a pair of underwear. You grab a pair of shorts and put them on. You stretch out your body and crack your hands. You fix up the bed and straighten out the sheets and fix up your hair. You put your slippers and rub your eyes. When you look at the mirror, you see all of the purplish and dusty pink bruises that litter your neck and down to your collarbone.
You grab a big hoodie and pull it on and it covers most of them up, but it would be impossible to cover all of them. You open the door to leave and you hear the boys that are somehow rowdy at eight-thirty in the morning. Two-Bit and Steve are ones that you can pick out, teasing Darry and Ponyboy about something you couldn't hear. You walk into the kitchen and you feel people's eyes on you. “Well! Well, how-dy here!” Two-Bit teases and taps against the maroon bruise that's underneath your jaw. “What’s that lil ol’ thing, Y/N!?”
You cover your neck and start to get embarrassed. Darry immediately pulls into protective mode and pulls you into his arms. You smile at him and he kisses the top of your head. You're forced to follow him around to stay in his arms. “Did you fight something last night? What's all over you—oh ew Darry!” Ponyboy says before covering his eyes and gagging. You laugh at him and serve him a plate of food. “Oh hush you too!” Darry shouts when Two-Bit and Pony start to giggle and conspiring about what happened last night.
You kiss Darry and he deepens it softly. “I’m off work today. Charles was being nice by not scheduling me.” You tell Darry and he smiles at you, letting his hands naturally wrap around your waist. You lay against his chest as you both fall into a natural sway. One thing about Darry is he didn't have two of the same feet, he was an amazing dancer and naturally would always be moving gracefully somehow.
You're both lying like that until Ponyboy says he's ready for school. You smile at Darry and hand him the truck keys, giving him a long kiss and twirling the curls around his neck on your finger as he walks out the door. You're smiling at the door when you hear the sound of the refrigerator opening, clicking of glasses, and two pops. “Really Two-Bit!? Beer at nine in the morning?”
“Hey young-lady! We both had fun, you got it earlier than I did. Now, let me enjoy this!”
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new-employeeamillion · 6 months
The past week has seen a big fuss in the cartoon community over the expiration of Mickey Mouse’s copyright, meaning that after 96 years, his first 3 shorts are now public domain and free for anyone to use (although the added soundtracks to the first 2 are still under copyright until next year).
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Everyone’s been preparing for this moment for a long time, ever since Disney got copyright laws extended in 1998. Already, there’s been a lot of people uploading the shorts everywhere without consequence to stick it to the man, and I’ve seen more dark and twisted interpretations of Steamboat Willie in 5 days than my entire life. It’s all been fascinating to see, and while I would be one to participate in such squalor, I’m holding off some energy for next year’s copyright expirations.
12 more Mickey Mouse shorts enter the public domain next year, and conveniently enough, it’s the rest of the catalogue to be animated by Ub Iwerks. That gives me the opportunity to make a video documentary about “the early years of Mickey Mouse”, going frame by frame if I want to, without any threat of a takedown. Of course, I like to believe nearly all my videos are protected under the purposes of analysis and critique, but you can never be too careful with companies like Disney. And that’s just what I plan to be when I make that video next year- too careful.
Milestones that expire next year include:
-The Opry House, the first time Mickey wears gloves in a cartoon
-The Plowboy, the first appearance of Horace Horsecollar (and maybe of Clarabelle Cow)
-The Carnival Kid, Mickey’s first audible dialogue (meaning you better be careful to not use his iconic falsetto voice for the meantime)
-Mickey’s Follies, the first appearance of original Mickey Mouse theme song, Minnie’s Yoo Hoo
-The Haunted House, a low key sequel to the premiere of Silly Symphonies, The Skeleton Dance, which is also going public on New Years Day 2025
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Ooh ooh you said requests right?
Ok sooo can you right purly going on a date and Curly goes to pick up Ponyboy and the gang makes fun of them but like not in a bad way like a funny way or whatever
Please and thank you
Curly looked himself over in the mirror once again. He'd never admit it, but damn was he nervous. He smoothed down his button up beneath his leather jacket, sprayed one more spray of cheap cologne, checked to make sure his curls still looked good, and took a deep breath. This had to go well, or else Pony would probably deny a second date, and Curly would have ruined his chance.
"are you borrowing my car?" Tim walked in.
"Can I?" Curly asked, the nerves evident in his tone of voice.
"Sure kid," Tim patted Curly's back, noticing the nerves. "it's gonna be great. Just go, have fun, and be yourself and shit," Tim tried to hype up Curly. "Plus, how could he resist that hair?" Tim looked in the mirror with Curly, locking eyes through the glass.
"Hey kid, relax. You got this," Tim added. "Just breath."
Curly did as told, taking a few deep breaths before finally stepping out of the bathroom, making his way for the door. "Bye Angel, bye Tim!" He said his goodbyes and he was off.
Tossing Tim's keys in his hands a few times before opening the door, Curly felt his nerves slowly slipping away. He regained his confidence as he drove out of the driveway, on his way to Ponyboy's house.
"Are you ready?" Soda stuck his head into the bathroom, flashing Pony one of his movie star smiles.
Pony slicked back his hair one more time with a comb, smoothed over the leather jacket he wore every time he went somewhere special ever since Dallas' death. he slipped Johnny's switchblade into his pocket just for emergencies as he finally responded to Soda. "I'm ready," He said as he stepped out of the bathroom.
"Lookin' sharp," Soda hyped up Pony boy.
Pony stepped out into the living room to see Two-bit, Steve, and Darry all watching TV. The second he noticed Pony's entrance, Darry stood up and walked over to Ponyboy.
"You tell that Shepard kid that if he tries anything, I'll skin him alive," Darry instructed sternly.
"Looks like you can tell him yourself!" Soda ran for the door when three short knocks broke through the sound of their talking. Pony tried to beat Soda to the door so Curly wouldn't have to deal with his brothers, but Darry held him back.
"Hey Curly, how ya been?" Soda asked with his usual charm, but Curly could tell something about the undertones of his voice were unsettling.
"take good care of him, got it?" Darry demanded to Curly.
"Yes sir," Curly said smoothly. "I won't even let a fly bite him," he teased.
"Let us know if Pony is a good kisser," Two-bit shouted from the couch, his eyes still fixated on Mickey Mouse.
Pony's cheeks flushed bright pink at Two-bit's statement, but Curly just smirked. "Will do," he responded, winking at Ponyboy.
"And here I was thinking Pony would be a ladies man like me," Sodapop said, but Pony could tell it was just brotherly teasing. "Just be glad you didn't end up like Darry," Soda whispered loudly on purpose.
"Trust me, I am," Pony loudly whispered back. Darry just glared at the two with piercing eyes.
"ready?" Curly stuck out his hand for Ponyboy to take.
"ready." Pony took his hand.
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I don't think anyone has ever asked about a tsum!Yuu at the House of Mouse. It's going to be just as bad as child!Yuu situation lol. Not only are the tsum!boys are fighting over tsum!Yuu, but the disney are doing that too. The poor thing.
Okay okay so imagine that through some type of magic the HoM staff meet their tsums.
During Mickey's segments, his tsum tsum is bouncing around on stage and wants to be included
Minnie's tsum is perched on her shoulder, with her own mini clipboard, and is helping her mouse counterpart keep everything smooth
Daisy's tsum is hanging around at her counterpart's booth, reading magazines and doing Daisy's nails, maybe helping her with the register book thing
Tsum!Donald is either cuddling with tsum!Daisy or protecting both Yuus by warding away anyone that comes near them like a guard dog (think tsum!Epel whenever someone calls him cute)
Tsum!Goofy is hanging around with tsum!Max and Max's tsum is helping him keep track of the car keys
Tsum!Yuu just wants to hang around with her human counterpart but everyone keeps trying to get her to sit with the twst boys so Yuu asks Alice, Wendy and Marie to look after her (which they gladly do so)
Some of the younger animal children have to be reminded that the tsums aren't chew toys though
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tubbytarchia · 4 days
jim strim. theyre doing a trial chamber today
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jimmy has inherited olis property. honestly there isnt a lot of it but he inherited it. its like a little platform on the side of the disc. notably its right near sausages house
the gang today is jimmy cpk sneeg and martyn. surely this wont go wrong
jimmy has like 9 stacks of eggs in his inventory for some reason so he throws all of them at scotts house. "take that scott smajor. thats what you get. for not being a dischead. for being a donut. take that."
jimmy runs back over to martyn. he asks if theyre a team and martyn says every man for himself. martyn if u dont team with him.. but then sneeg interrupts them by throwing eggs at them. cpk comes over too and they start joking about making a podcast. they switch from bit to bit so fast idk how to summarise it.
the trial chamber isnt that far away so they find it and start digging down. sneeg IMMEDIATELY gets lost so cpk goes back up to get him while jimmy and martyn start raiding the chamber.
jimmy starts talking about the new blocks and martyn asks him to repeat himself so hes like "i always think theyre like-" then martyns like "IT DOESNT MATTER WHAT YOU THINK!" and they both laugh (he immediately apologises) then jimmys like haha that actually made me really upset :(
jimmy uses a vault and gets a bad omen bottle and he drinks it almost immediately. keep in mind hes not even in full diamond yet btw. not enchanted.
jimmy gets down to 3 hearts. then 2 hearts. sneeg gives him a golden apple. he manages to heal up so its all fine. they get their ominous keys. sneeg gives him more gapples. while the others are opening their ominous vaults jim crafts a diamond helmet and boots so now hes in full diamond :)
both cpk and jimmy get the "take aim" achievement while in the chamber. ??
jimmy tabbed out for literally a few seconds to ask people to like the stream and cpk started mining the floor under him. for funsies.
sneeg hits jimmy with his bow and apologises. which IS important. to me. sneeg and jimmy can be something so wonderful.
cpk got the mace. jimmy doesnt care in favour of sneeg getting the ominous trial exclusive music disc
they get one of the banner patterns and they. try to test it. on a white banner with white dye. then get confused as to why it doesnt work.
they head back home to drop off some stuff then go to the next chamber. turns out they arent that far apart
fwhip joins the server. they invite him but he is in iron armour. so he doesnt come along.
new info on the deaths, oli died to a creeper on stream and aimsey died in a bastion off stream (but there is video of it? apparently martyn showed his chat earlier)
they play for a bit then jimmys audio fucks up so he has to relog. turns out flick jumped onto his pc and just disconnected a bunch of cables
honestly the rest of the chamber is the standard everyone having fun sometimes making fun of jimmy in a nice way. martyn and sneeg start making fun of cops out of nowhere which is based. jimmy can do a really good mickey mouse impression?
jim tries to leave the trial chamber to log off but he gets lost for ages so just logs off in it. new video tomorrow. yayyyy
Sneeg... I have faith in you Sneeg.... giving Jimmy golden apples and apologizing for accidentally hurting him... Sneeeeg you can make a difference Sneeg.......... Jimmy also ignoring cpk to help Sneeg is awesome. Wow this is so symbolism to me (everything is symbolism to me)
side eyes cpk though. AND MARTYNNN aoughhhhh that "It doesnt matter what you think" bit is SOOOOO property police. This is just Evo property police. The fact that they both laugh about it too. BUT THEN JIMMY?????? UGHHHH please be gentler with him... I know how you are Martyn but you can do better I have faith...
Also them not understanding that white dye does not show up on white banners is really funny. Good job guys
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disneytva · 1 year
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And so, our streaming journey comes to an end. But yours continues on For you are the key to unlocking your own magic....
Top #30 Most Streamed 2022 Shows on Disney+ USA 2022.
Data provieded by Nielsen,ParrotAnalytics and Flixpatrol, Final Math and Stats by Nielsen. 
1 - The Simpsons
2- Bluey
3- Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
4- Spidey And His Amazing Friends
5- Star Wars: The Clone Wars
6- The Proud Family: Louder And Prouder
7- Big City Greens
8- Puppy Dog Pals
9- Zootopia+
10-Cars On The Road
12- Phineas And Ferb
13- Star Wars Tales Of The Jedi
14- Ice Age Scrat Tales
15- Chip N Dale Rescue Rangers
16- Mickey Mouse Funhouse
17- Alice’s Wonderland Bakery
18- Marvel Studios What If?
19- Mira Royal Detective
20- Gravity Falls
21- Firebuds
22- Hamster And Gretel
23- The Ghost And Molly McGee
24- Chibi Tiny Tales
25- Big Hero 6 The Series
26- Eureka!
27- Chip N Dale Park Life
28- Amphibia
29- Rise Up Sing Out
30- The Owl House
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Mickey Mouse, a General Study
His name is Michael Mouse, he's better known as Mickey Mouse, especially with his beloved partner Minnie by his side, three simple circles as Walt once said a universal symbol,
He has watched over nearly a century of life as so many Toons come to life, yet so many Toons die. So many of them forgotten, so many of them just disappeared from history.
His own brother Oswald the Lucky Rabbit being one of these forgotten cartoons, leaving him wondering of his own identity, but then someone pointed out to him something so key and so important that drew him right out
He may not have been the first but he was the one to save them all when it mattered,
He was the one that everyone relied upon when it came down to what was important only because of his existence does Disney exist
I the writer dare say even if Oswald had been kept the Disney Company would not have made it,
Because there is something about Mickey that is special, he is all of us. There is a reason when we are angry at Disney we are not angry at Mickey. We may jokingly say we are, but we truly never really are. We are only angry at the company
But never the mouse
Because in him we see ourselves, we see our joy, our kindness, our stubbornness, our go get it atttude. Somehow, Walt Disney, Roy Disney Ub Iwerks these three men created a cartoon character that would transcend time, no matter what generation saw him, they could connect with him
Mickey Mouse is the definition of the American spirit, and I'm not talking about little white houses with their white picket fences. I'm not talking about that,
I'm talking about the American Spirit of defying all odds when adversity presents itself, smiling despite what we might be going through, but also being there as a friend going to pick up that sword but there is suddenly somebody standing beside you,
This is what not only Mickey represents but the whole entire main crew of Disney. Somehow, Walt Disney showed what it truly means to be American,
We are kind, joyful, full of hope, laughter, and love. We go through bad times, but we also go through good,
At the core of this, I think this is why Disney is floundering because they have forgotten this about Mickey their mascot and leader, they have gotten too safe, a company that's gripping on to their profits so tightly because that's all that matters to them anymore,
When if you look at Disney's history, Walt Disney took a loan out on his house and sold a vacation home to bring Snow White to everybody. Every single film was almost their last in the original days,
That is until we get to the modern era where they got too big and they got too comfortable and lazy,
This is what's going on with Disney, they don't have that threat anymore. You don't have that connection with the reality of the people, this is why everybody just sees it as a heartless company anymore
Because they have forgotten their roots and what again Mickey Mouse truly stands for as a cartoon character, as a model for everybody
It may not have started with a mouse, but by God, that Mouse picked up the sword and said it is not over just like any American would do in the face of adversity,
That's why he's lasted almost a century that's why he's so beloved because even if the company flounders, Mickey and crew will always be the characters we can always connect to.
But especially one Mickey Mouse the one who saved it All.
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Vance hopper hcs pt.2 bcs I CANNOT be stopped
- hates Disney sm with a burning passion, hates mickey mouse actively shits on him
- secretly loves Mulan tho, Mulan is his ride or fucking die man
- steals from big corps absolutely hates big corporations but buys from them anyways because it's all he (and by extention his family) can afford
- tries to thrift and sew more than buy, found his jacket literally on the ground somewhere and never fucking washed it
- his jacket is fucking filthy. You cannot convince me otherwise.
- hates dark chocolate because of how strong the taste is
- hates broccoli because he ate it everyday for a year bcs it was a major comfort food but then it started tasting gross
- sweet tooth, loves caramels
- buys caramels from the drug store and plays pinball
- pinball special interest pinball special interest pi-
- only ties his shoes where like the laces form a star yk in the like string,,, place,,,
- ik I already said boykisser but he is such a boykisser LOOK AT HIM
- tried to do the metal like growl singing but couldn't and got super pissed off at himself
- a little bit of internalized homophobia bcs of his dad
- randomly screams as a stim
- singing and humming is a major stim for him as well as tapping
- his hair just kinda,, does its own thing. He barely brushes it because his mom does it for him in the mornings
- super close with his mom, again like I said earlier total mommas boy
- his mom kinda got him into singing by singing around him a lot and he'd copy her
- never wears gloves because of the sensory of it. HATES the feeling of shit on his hands, washes them so fucking often shit is peeling dude
- sweats a lot, a literal heater
- hates when people touch him and he's sweaty, will and has gotten into fights abt it
- favorite color is red actually, doesn't share it often but normally wears blue bcs his mom said she liked how it looked on him one time and he just completely took it to heart
- has never taken a girl home but has went to a girl's house a few times
- tends to not go to parties but will go if he's pressured enough or just wants to
- has tried to stop smoking multiple times but always comes back to it, low key a stim tbh
- in 2022 tech he wouldn't really go on social media often but would have a Instagram account where he just shares pics of his friends and shit he finds cool the account is on total fucking lock down tho, no one knows about it
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nymime · 1 year
So, today i have a exam of biology, so, to distress myself i gonna blog something about my lovely steve harrington.
Modern time, Headcanon, Vocaloid. lightly expose myself.
Steve had a early access to internet, either because he memorize the password of his mamma’s laptop or cause they give him an iPad for his 7 birthday. (last celebrated.)
Obviously he watched youtube, starting watching old thing like Tom and Jerry, Mickey Mouse, Lambert the sheepish lion and his personal favorite Donald duck in the Mathmagic land.
But three years later, 2011, he found the huge world of VOCALOID, with the song Melt, of Hatsune Miku, and, man, that song makes him strangely happy, after that, he start listen to them. But he never told nobody, he goes to events of anime at backwards of his parents, wasting nearly all his allowance with discrete pins and one to another poster he tape inside his door’s closet.
When he become “King Steve”, steve stills likes Vocaloid, listen to them in a little MP3 he bought in a tecno shop near his nonna house. After the upside down, he forget of them to focus on the kids.
But 1 years after Upside down and save eddie of dying and becomes boyfrieds, one random day on 2023, he listens Chururira Chururira Daddada! in his living room while he was in the kitchen, curious, he goes where the kid and sees them playing Project Sekai, stunned, he gets closer to see clearly how they played. Steve was stressed looking them lose over and over again just cause they where new in the Vocaloid fandom and didn’t know the rhythm. After watching a while and dustin loses again, Steve took the phone and sit next to them, raise the velocity of the keys and started playing, ignoring the kids talking to him. He pass the level easily, he left the phone in the little table and goes back to the kitchen, smiling to hear the silence behind him. It was funny to be a Vocaloid fan.
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(blonde) ambition
i like to think the world wasn't fully formed around me yet and all the different timelines merge up until that point and then diverge but You and i remain connected and if circumstances would've been different We still would remain totally connected in that regard.
belief vs. knowledge is a beautiful juxtaposition!
kicked to the curb! so many ideas lost in translation and ambition.... sometimes i wish i chose different, but i like to think the connection remains and spurs me on (like a Wolf does to a Fawn) and if i were to break out of it (sever the red string) the world would shatter and i simply would have to die immediately. this is the world where We live. i have to live.
i'm doomed but just enough. it's enough to result in so many beautiful things; i'm making flowers bloom from a Corpse! once again, i am caught in this and am choosing it. there's beauty in the inevitability of it all!
mission statement: I Love Him.
that's it! all of this, all of it! for! para (for)! para (love)! paranoia! paranovia! how romantic! how persistent! how obsessed? enough! enough to drive me mad. i am plagued by prophetic visions.... i have a greater Purpose and am following it, second star to the left.
who am i to deny destiny? the stars are crossing their fingers. i have received so many visions lately that are almost enough to trick me into thinking this play house has real walls.... i will not succumb to pretend! i must have what i want. i will have what i want.
MANifestation is the key. not in the bullshit way, i mean Iconography! i mean Idolatry! i mean Golden Calves! 'Mickey Mouse has grown up a Cow.' it's real to me, i'll have you rest assured! at least, golden-plated....
(indicative, representative...! AH! how ironic! how fitting! i love how my world fits together! as i said before, everything is as it should be.)
i want too much. i try so hard. if i follow footsteps, it'll be like a map to You. take me back. i need to explore more than just the Streets.... this is all because i am separated from my Instrument and my Heart.
sweet reunion, again and again and again and again and again....
ultimately, We are meant to be together.
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neodracunyan · 1 year
The Perfect One|Yandere!Wednesday's Infidelity AUs x Male!Human-ish!Reader
Chapter 0: Prologue - Before the Events in Noir City...
Location: Noir City
Date: September 23, 1929
On a beautiful Wednesday morning, there was once a boy, born with a special gift inside of him, but was hated and disgusted by everyone around him as he is not just born part human, but he is also part toon from the old black and white cartoons that provided rubberhose comedy to both younger and older audience to the world.
The boy's name is Y/n, and he was a 7-year-old, born with an interesting feature as he can morph his ears to look like 3 iconic cartoon characters such as Mickey Mouse, Oswald the Lucky the Rabbit and Felix the Cat and he can also do a bit of cartoon-like physics in the real world like how they did in the cartoons on TV.
However, he was sent to the orphanage by his own biological parents because they both do not appreciate their own son's special gifts as a human/toon hybrid, and they had no other choice, but to leave him at the orphanage to avoid leaving him in the streets and get arrested for child neglect and abuse.
Staying at the orphanage wasn't the best life for Y/n either as he is constantly picked on by the other orphaned kids and the caretakers as he only sleeps in an empty closet with no pillow and a blanket that can barely keep him warm. As for the food, they only served him gruel (better known as Imitation Gruel, 9 out of 10 orphans can't tell the difference and Y/n was the tenth orphan) and tap water to drink and the caretakers forced him to do all of the chores around the orphanage, not caring how sick and tired that Y/n will be after working day and night doing nothing, but chores and getting picked on by the kids at the orphanage for his toon-like appearance.
Then one night, Y/n decided that he had enough of being tortured and a slave to them as he came up with a plan to make his escape from the orphanage, which took him 2 long and grueling weeks of backbreaking work of chores, dealing with the cruel and abusive pranks and beating from the other kids and all gruel and tap water diet to make his plan work without anyone at the orphanage knowing about his escape plan to freedom.
He waited for everyone to go to sleep before he put his plan into action as he managed to shift his hand into a make-shift key to unlock the door, use the towels that he stole from the laundry room as a rope to climb down through the window at the playroom after stuffing them all into the floorboards in his room and thanks to his power and knowledge of cartoon-physics to sneak his way to the window, tied the rope to the nearby heater next to the window and climbed his way down to the ground, before running away from his prison that he called "home" to freedom.
By the time that everyone at the orphanage woke up the next morning, they soon found out that Y/n had escaped through the window and the caretakers tried to call the police to go find Y/n and bring him back to the orphanage so they can give him the worst punishment of his entire life. But unfortunately for them, the police don't seem to believe to whatever the caretakers are talking about when they explained about Y/n's appearance as a half human and half toon hybrid and decided to just ignore the case and not go through an investigation to find Y/n and instead gives the caretakers a warning not to call them again and gave them a ticket for wasting their time.
So far, after Y/n made his great escape from the orphanage, he tried his best to go through his life without anyone to take care of him or love him as he always had a hard time to find a good meal to keep him from starving to death and he is currently living in an old, abandoned house and has to sleep in an old mattress with the same blanket that he took from the orphanage after he escaped that night. 
As the night rolls by with Y/n laying on his mattress, he tried his best to get some sleep, but couldn't sleep a wink after all of the hell that he had to deal with since he was brought into the world by his own parents as the guilt ridden, and overly depressed boy stayed up all night until exhaustion had taken over him as he went into a deep, peaceful slumber.
By the time that Y/n had woken up from his deep slumber, he was quick to realize that the old house he is in was abnormally silent, no birds were chirping, no sounds of cars passing by...
Just pure.....
So, he rushed outside as quick as he could, realizing there was no one around him in sight, but only an empty street and a depressing gray sky, Y/n had begun to walk far down the street to clear his head from all of the bad things that happened to him over the years. But as Y/n continued walking down the empty dark street, it always seems to be heading into the same place as if it were looping over and over again...
As time passes, he grew more hopeless and depressed as kept walking down the same, empty street over and over again as it all felt like a really bad dream. Y/n tried to figure out ways to calm himself down and even almost tried to end his own life many times, but despite his efforts, he just couldn't escape from this horrible nightmare.
For three whole months since Y/n has been trapped here in this never-ending nightmare, his sanity had begun to decrease...
The isolation...
The loneliness...
He just couldn't handle it anymore...
Until Y/n suddenly bumped into someone in front of him as he fell down on the pavement before looking up to see someone that he never thought he would meet in these streets...
It was none other than Mickey Mouse himself and Y/n was both shocked and surprised to see one of his favorite idols from the cartoons on TV as Mickey examined Y/n with such curiosity and interest to find a young boy like Y/n to have mouse like ears like his and suddenly he felt something inside of him that he hadn't felt for a long, long time...
He then smiled at the boy and decided to ask him why he was walking down the street alone late at night as the boy began explaining everything to Mickey about all the bad things that had happened to him ever since he was born, which his parents left him at the orphanage and made an escape during the night that led him to where he is right now.
Mickey was shocked to hear every single word from Y/n and felt sympathy for the boy as he shouldn't be treated like garbage just because of his toon like appearance. The cartoon mouse blamed on the people and his parents for every bad things that they've done to Y/n.
Then Mickey had an idea that could work for both of them as he decides to take in the boy as his own son, so he can no longer have to deal with anymore abuse and neglect ever again.
But suddenly, Y/n was already feeling tired after walking for 3 whole months as he fell down to the pavement from exhaustion, but Mickey managed to catch him before he could hit the pavement as he started holding the boy in his arms while rubbing his gloved hand on his snow white hair that made his own tail and mouse ears twitch from Mickey's gentle rub on his head as Y/n soon went out like a candle and goes into a peaceful slumber in Mickey's arms.
This has already made Mickey feel more happy than ever before as he walked all the way back to his house with a smile on his face as he already has some plans for Y/n when they get back home.
However, this was only just the beginning of a nightmare of no return as Mickey is unaware of some other toons like him will try to take the boy from him and keep him for themselves because the boy was just too perfect for them to let go as he is now known....as The Perfect Child.
What will this child do in the world filled with shattered hopes and dreams, surrounded by his favorite toons that wanted to keep him as their own child to take care of?
Well, that my friends is another story to tell next time....
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adrianasunderworld · 2 years
with the mickey pic that yuu took at the end of chapter 5 i cant stop thinking about other reaction to it if mickey is important to the twst world . also do you think that chapter 7 will take part during RSA comptetion or before it ? also do you think mickey will come to yuu world or will yuu enter mickey side ?
I mean considering this is an alternate Disney universe, I can assume Mickey has some significance, otherwise what point is there for him to be here?
My current thought is that Mickey, or rather a variation of him like someone twisted from him, may have once been an important mage. Likely modeled after the sorcerers apprentice from Fantasia. So while the Mickey we , the Mc, know and talk to doesn't know what Twisted Wonderland is, some version once existed there. Because usually Mickey in the general Disney universe is someone of importance. Like in House of Mouse he's a famous club owner or isnt he a straight up king in Kingdom Hearts? So I wouldn't be surprised if the twst version Mickey lived long ago like the great seven and is almost mythical. So the current of Mickey that is in some other plane of existence is the possible key to Mc leaving twisted wonderland.
If there is any crossover I think it's more likely Mickey coming to NRC rather than Yuu going to him. Just because I don't think we would leave the boys at NRC for too long, and if we did we would take whoever helped us in the last book to help reopen the portal and return, because that's been the pattern so far.
But I can't really say my theories on book seven because I don't really know what happens in book 6. So we shall see.
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Inyour house of mouse au, I imagine the tsum tsum are being protective to yuu and often enjoying her affection while being mischievous to there counterparts plus tormenting Crowley
Oh yes! I imagine that the tsum tsums would cling to Yuu all day, stealing her attention and just drowning in her affection and when it’s time for her to go to work, they all start throwing the biggest tantrums on Earth to make her take them with her - all of this, of course, is being watched by the very unhappy NRC students. Yuu allows them to join her at her job after she makes them promise to behave and not cause any problems.
And they do behave! She explains the situation to the staff and promises them that she’ll make sure that they don’t make a fuss and that she’ll be 110% responsible for them. Mickey and the gang are cool and they let her have them as her little assistants. 
They take their job as Yuu’s assistants very seriously. They help her carry plates, clean tables, gather the menus, and keep a look-eye for any tables that need her help. One of them even perches on her shoulder and writes in their own little notebook when Yuu is taking orders except it doesn’t know how to write so the page is covered in scribbles and doodles but Yuu is quick to thank it for their help.
There were incidents where the young animals/animal villainous sidekicks tried to bite them but Yuu was quick to save them (which earns her flowers, a tiny gift or a kiss on the cheek for her help)
When they aren’t helping Yuu, the tsum tsums like to hang around the customers that their non-tsum counterparts hang out with. They get into one-sided conversations seeing as they can’t speak and they’re very visibly upset that they can’t be with Yuu since she’s so busy but they’re fun to be around
Since she has a whole tsum tsum army she doesn’t have to worry about Mortimer or Pete because those little things show no mercy (we saw how hostile Epel’s tsum tsum was).
I think one of them would sit with Daisy at the entrance and she will just coo over how cute it is. Maybe another helps Max with valet by handing him the right keys.
I’d say that Idia’s would hide in Horace’s booth but then again he’d be scared that Yuu would forget him and leave him there so he’s gonna sit with Hades and watch anime with Pain and Panic on a tablet.
Everyone enjoyed having them around and were sad when they left.
(Also, side note: I love the Disney tsum tsums so much. I own Winnie-the-Pooh and Mickey Mouse tsum tsums and they are adorable 🥰)
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sebbyisland · 1 year
i know nothing about kingdom hearts, why are there mickey mouse and donald duck and pluto? is it related to mickey mouse club house? is that little guy with the big key the personified toodles? is the key is his mouseket tool or whatever is that translated as
"mouseket tool" faus;gdjhkl;dgjmhk,gfh (also sorry in advance because i physically cannot avoid infodumping about kingdom hearts)
If you're going to include Disney characters in your game, then you are probably going to fight to include the flagship Disney icons in your main cast. The first Kingdom Hearts game wasn't even allowed to fully picture Mickey Mouse, so they just used a silhouette, but they eventually got the rights to use him more freely, like to avenge Goofy's murder.
Donald and Goofy are your permanent party members in the main titles. Donald Duck is the most powerful mage in the universe. Goofy is captain of the royal knights. They serve King Mickey, who owns the entire world, but only his world, because every Disney movie has their own planet too. Pluto shows up so he can be a dog.
It's more like a Disney crossover game than a Disney game itself, so it's not related to Mickey Mouse Clubhouse but like, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is fair game for a boss fight location.
"That little guy" is the main character, Sora! He's died like four times but his heart just won't quit. "the big key" is called a keyblade. I think the closest thing to Toodles in the games is Jiminy Cricket.
I hope this helped/didn't make it worse LOL
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darkdreamtheorist · 1 year
Pluto Rises* (Paul Rudish Mickey short fanstory)
I’ve been looking deep into the Goofy-Pluto Paradox in all of disney media, where regular and anthropomorphic animals coexist yet there are others (**Doug Walker**) who flip out on the logic, can’t get how some animals are in clothes and gloves and others are naked and as pets. Now I did see the Paul Rudish Mickey Shorts on Youtube then Disney+, like the one where Goofy took Pluto’s place for a Dog Show BUTT NAKED ON FOURS, and one with Donald getting treated for Flipperboobootosis by the same bear that attacked him now in full doctor gear, when he chased him Mickey n Goofy for some honey on the sore. Yeah these are meant to be enjoyably chaotic for younger kids, maybe older ones n teens too, but normal thinking grownups see this and its some psychotic naked man on fours, or a furry. DON’T OVERTHINK THEM OLDS!
But I would like to see how far this paradox can go, push the envelope and see how disturbing it would get, with a Mickey Short of my own (*comment for a better title):
As Von Drake demonstrated his new telepods at the same science expo he showed his shrinker, Goofy and Pluto smash into a pod together, coming out the other fine at first,but in Jeff Goldblum Fly remake fashion, slowly yet humorously turn into one another. Mickey needs to return them to the pods and thru usual hapcap antics reverse their “curse” before they remain like this for life! (until the next short, these are episodic serials y’know!)
Certain key points for this short:
They only start switching body types and not voices til later; Pluto still barks even as a Dogman in Goofy’s hand-me-downs and Goofy still talks to people and even other dogs in his four-legged state, unaware how its disturbing the peace and sanity of other folks. Midpoint in the short is when they gradually become one another: Pluto speaks for real telling his mouse owner and Ludwig of the dilemma they need to fix, and as Goofy enjoys his Dog Days, he exhibits more canine instincts he can’t fully control, like chasing Peg-Leg Pete cuz he is a cat or fetching thrown things like sticks and frisbees then burrying them, leading him to the Pound at some point.
The transformations don’t need to be too graphic like the Fly remake I mentioned, but not so exaggerated where the bodies start morphing to and fro. As Pluto starts stretching awake, he begins to stand up and scratch himself with his front paw, followed by both paws becoming his hands and feet, while Goofy at some eatery drinks his water with his long tongue and his back aches only to now stand on fours on his newly formed paws, his gloves don’t fit him and takes them, his shoes and clothes off looking like a stray. Meanwhile Pluto goes to Goofy’s house and wears his clothes for the time, feeling blushed at his nudity as a Dogman, still wearing the collar.
Would it work as a real Rudish Mickey Mouse short, or should I bury the idea? save your thoughts in the comments
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