#disney company
artist-issues · 10 months
You know... it also just seems really weird that Disney has been going out of it's way to subvert everything from its past.
If I put myself in the mind of "everything we were founded on, and everything we create before ~2016 was bad" I don't see why I'd keep going. Like... if Disney thinks Disney sucks, why be Disney? (money IG)
You're right! It must be a very discouraging thing to work for Disney nowadays, if you're the kind of person to think about legacy, or occupy your daily thoughts with some degree of foresight.
The truth is, there is a part of Disney that is successful because it was innovative--it raised the bar and set the culture.
But there's also a part of Disney that is trying to guess what the culture likes, and capitalize on that popularity--the culture tells it what to do.
That's all organizations. Some are brave and say, "no, this is who we are and what we believe, and you can take it or leave it." And usually the culture takes it, because the culture is inspired by strong leadership and clear identities.
But then they get a big following. And it's almost impossible for the organization that used to shape the culture to do anything but become terrified that they'll lose that culture. So then they start making decisions based out of fear, and self-glorification, and insecurity--the total opposite of the confident, bold, innovative identity it used to have.
Disney used to say "oh you think cartoons are just gags? Let me invent the first ever animated feature film--in color! See you in the National Film Registry, skeptics."
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It used to say, "oh, you critics think all my fairy tale and animal movies are too light? That they've got no weight to help the kids face real life? Let me make a smash-hit about a Nanny who convinces a work-and-harsh-realities-obsessed father that what his children really need is a spoonful of sugar. Because yeah, life's hard, but that's why we make the job a game."
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It used to say, "you think the animated genre died with Walt? You think everyone would rather watch George Lucas movies than a cartoon fairy tale? Let me introduce you to an Academy Award-winning Princess story we call the Little Mermaid. You can stop digging our grave; we just saved animation."
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It used to say "you think it can't be done? Hold my mouse ears." And it just did it. And didn't care if audiences said silly, shallow things like "girls don't need to be rescued by a prince!!1!" Or "grown-ups don't watch cartoons lol!!"
Nowadays, though? They're so big they don't know who they are anymore. And they're so big they're scared to lose anything, or take risks. I'm sure there's a lot of political pockets involved, too. They don't dare say anything but what the loudest, most complaining members of our society tell them to say.
They're no longer trend-setters and trail-blazers. They're a monument that is whatever the loudest people tells them to be. Has to suck, when you're the company that followed Walt's "Keep moving forward" motto.
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lydia-morphmen · 18 days
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Disney °o°💙💚
Inspired by Epic Mickey, I thought it made sense for my design of the festive company to appear similar to a blotling while possessing the troubled mouse's signature ears. *His look will (probably) changed in the future.
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If you ever need a laugh go and look up The Outfits Disney has put Mickey and Minnie's character actors in
In our top spot is this beautiful Disney rendition of Betsy Ross and Alexander Hamilton via Mickey and Minnie for the 4th of July
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Not to be outdone the 80s comes swinging with this amazing dress for Minnie that made them both look like wedding cake toppers for the '80s. This was apparently for Easter,
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Thanksgiving would like to come a knocking by making them look like pilgrims straight out of a children's book
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Daisy apparently was off Duty for fashion with this little number, Mickey looks like the Tourist Dad that has no clue how to not make things clash, some how Minnie is making it work like the Queen she is
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Speaking of Mickey screaming I am Boomer millennial dad
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We got two for the price of one,
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Again with the Historical Outfits
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And just for the shits and giggles this random one I found that just makes it look like Mickey is trying to drag a drunk Minnie back to the ship,
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She's still raring to go and he has his head hung just absolutely done with her Antics haha
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“why is the fairy godmother in this tournament?”
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miss-apparition · 1 year
My Tik tok fyp has so many vids on the new Snow White
I’m sad that the actress doesn’t look like the character but I’m more agitated by Rachel’s and Gals attitude. I’m not and haven’t been a fan of this era of people writing women to be stronger and better than men. Men and women both have strengths and weaknesses and it’s important to have those in a character. It’s like women are just naturally better and have no weaknesses while the men are put down and are displayed as weak.
Stop it.
No one is better than the other! Can we please have women in movies go through character arcs and better themselves again!? Or even better, let fantasy be fantasy! Let a woman dream about true love or let her not choose to be this firey leader. Balance in storytelling is important. We keep leaning on one side. It’s okay to have a physically strong leader and it’s also ok to have a non leader who prefers the sedatary life and focus on family. Both are strong in their own way.
The OG Snow White is being ridiculed and stomped on just like the other princesses. It’s even worse knowing that Snow White is the first full length animated feature And it's the highest-grossing animated movie ever made. Put some respect on that people. You don’t have to like the movie but it’s very special and honorable movie that deserves more love and care in the remake.
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disast3rtransp0rt · 1 year
I just think it's really ironic and silly that Disney is treating their workers so poorly after they literally sent "Unions Fucking Rock: The Musical" on a world tour maybe 5 years ago??
When you got a hundred voices singin', Who can hear a lousy whistle blow?
And the world will know That this ain't no game; That we got a ton of rotten fruit and perfect aim.
So they gave their word, But it ain't worth beans! Now they're gonna see what 'Stop the presses' really means!
... And the time is now, And our ranks will grow and grow...
And so the world will feel the fire and finally know.
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disneydreamer95 · 2 years
Disney Shocker! Bob Iger Back As CEO, Bob Chapek Out – Deadline
So this is happening and I can say that I'm surprised and at the same time not. I mean everyone hated Chapek and everything he did for the company including the disaster that is Genie+.
But I think this is my favorite video concerning the whole situation
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acertainrandomguy · 2 years
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gunitnekoh · 7 months
“The high of moral superiority means that many are quick to take skits and satire at face value…”
- Amelia Tait
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msclaritea · 7 months
Shelving Movies for Fun and Profit
Destroying Movies for Fun and Profit
If you ask any director, screenwriter, actor, stunt performer, gaffer, editor, cameraperson or other Hollywood worker, they’ll likely tell you a variation on the same story: “My dream, ever since I was a little kid making home movies, was to one day grant Warner Bros. a deduction for a loss sustained upon the abandonment of property (reported on Form 4797).” Yes, little is more exciting for an aspiring filmmaker than the idea that—with a lot of dedication and a pinch of luck—their years of driving Lyfts and waiting tables could pay off, resulting in a star-studded line item that will be shelved forever so that a major studio can claim a tax write-off. Ah, the magic of the movies!
This practice is back in the news because the powers that be at WB have gone back to their original decision regarding the hybrid live-action/animated Looney Tunes movie Coyote vs. Acme. Despite the film testing well and generating plenty of buyer interest, a team of execs who haven’t seen the finished movie look like they’re going to “unceremoniously delete it” for tax purposes. Sorry, filmmakers, but apparently it actually looks better to stockholders if WB doesn’t actually put movies out. “Hollywood accounting” has its reputation for a reason, but it’s never been so obviously broken.
It might seem like Warner Bros. Discovery CEO David Zaslav is a true innovator of idiocy, but the man behind the permanent shelving of movies like Batgirl and Scoob! Holiday Haunt is just ramping up a long tradition of burning art to save a quick buck.
After buying up DreamWorks, Universal decided to bury the musical-comedy Larrikins instead of selling it to Netflix. Universal president Jimmy Horowitz told Tim Minchin that “It’s schmuck insurance – if someone made a lot of money out of it, we’ll look like schmucks.” That mindset certainly applies here: Coyote vs. Acme is a creation from an earlier group of WB leaders, and would naturally be on the chopping block from a spiteful new C-suite who also happens to hate movies.
Even more relevant is a case from almost 100 years ago: Charlie Chaplin literally torched the film negatives of A Woman of the Sea back in 1933, in front of multiple witnesses, so that he could claim the movie as a loss for tax purposes.
The tax code may have changed since then, but the logic remains the same: Get rid of the movie so you can avoid all the final complications and lingering expenses associated with its “useful life.” If you cut that life short, pulling off an accounting assassination, you save a little immediate cash at the low, low cost of…art. It’s always been a crass practice, more often performed by resentful new regimes or moneygrubbers who’ve found themselves attracting the gaze of Sauron’s IRS. But now shelving movies, completed films that other companies want, is picking up steam as standard practice. Actually making things is such an outdated, small-time business model. It’s far more lucrative to remove things other people made.
For example, if Disney keeps all of its movies and TV shows on Disney+, it has to pay residuals to the people who made them. They’ve also spread out the costs of a movie like Crater (which was available to watch for a mere seven weeks during the summer of 2023) over the years that the movie will ostensibly be available to the public and, therefore, creating value for Disney. Remove these movies and shows from the streamer, or better yet, remove them permanently (like Disney did with Crater), and their value can be added to an impairment charge—basically, a claim to the tax man that something a company owns has become, suddenly, worthless.
Disney recorded a $1.5 billion impairment charge last year. As Julia Rock points out, this means that Disney is claiming something pretty odd: Both “that the assets were producing so little value that it’s cheaper to destroy them than to keep them and that the assets were worth $1.5 billion.” Huh. There’s no push for anyone to justify this contradiction. The IRS isn’t asking questions. It doesn’t matter if a movie is good, or bad, or somewhere in between. It doesn’t matter if it had the potential to one day be rediscovered as a cult classic. It certainly doesn’t matter that even the worst pieces of Z-grade trash are still worth preserving as cultural artifacts. As an aside, the HBO Original Fahrenheit 451 is still streaming on Max.
And sure, you can say that you didn’t want to watch those movies anyways. Kid movies! Superheroes! Cartoons, yuck. I get it, you’re tough and cool. But one day, this will happen to something that you were looking forward to. It will happen to something that would have moved you. Something you’d have remembered fondly, something that would’ve turned your day around. But even if you’re the most jaded, anti-art, movie-hating curmudgeon, you should remember that, released or not, you’re helping pay for this scheme anyways.
“When intertwined with public funding through state and federal tax incentives, the practice of movie and television write-downs represents a troubling exploitation of taxpayer funds,” writes tax attorney Andrew Leahey. “Coupled with rapidly expanding state tax incentives, it represents a multibillion-dollar Rube Goldberg machine that culminates in a nickel being pulled from your pocket, strapped to an Acme rocket, and fired directly into the bank accounts of movie studios.”
Every loophole taken by these studios doesn’t just rob us of art. It burns the work of countless artists. It steals from our quality of life by monkeying around with our broken tax system, allowing our most powerful corporations to skip out on their bills. It picks the remaining shreds of flesh off the bones of our culture, all to further fatten a few vultures at the top.
Politicians like Texas Representative Joaquin Castro are calling for the government to “review this conduct,” but the only people who seem to have the power here are those actually creating the movies. They can boycott the guilty studios, and we can support them, but there are so few left that aren’t exploiting this practice to its most predatory extremes. Cooking the books has always been a Hollywood practice. Burning them is new.
Jacob Oller is Movies Editor at Paste Magazine. You can follow him on Twitter at @jacoboller.
For all the latest movie news, reviews, lists and features, follow @PasteMovies.
It's too bad that this Paste article was written by a Leftist, who let their biases show, ie pushing Castro, and the 'Sauron's IRS'. But otherwise, it is spot on. What the studios are doing to Intellectual Properties is a SIN. It's cruel, it's greedy and so fucking unnecessary. Just how much money do these studios and their shareholders, NEED? I better not find out that the Supernatural Planet Series was destroyed.
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imaginative-123 · 8 months
Regarding my Account and Clarifications
Jan 18, 2024
Hello guys, this year, I decided to be strict with my account, because I have to delete my other reblogs and comments and unlike on other posts related to Cars bec when I decided check other users bios and they are revealed to be minors which is why I deleted other posts I reblogged and other comments in my account. Bec I put in my bio MINORS Do not interact or in short DNI this year bec I'm 22 years old and I wanted to add details on my bio, bec my tumblr account can also have fictional adult stuff or adult content although I rarely liked posts regarding fictional adult content recently, as much as I like to interact with the Cars fandom of reblogging artworks and complementing other artworks and having fun as part of the community. However I have to be extra careful of who I'm talking to, bec before there are times I don't check other accounts on their bios of who's posts I'm liking and reblogging bec I want to scroll and look for other posts that I find interesting that I follow like pixar cars tag, that example of that tag that is related to discussion or fanarts. Although this year I decided to be more extra careful of who I am interacting with and decide to check bios before I reblog, comment and like. Bec I have to be extra careful of using this account of mine and be aware before I comment on things despite I'm still in the Cars fandom.
Also regarding Disney I decided to take a break from the Disney fandom and remove Disney from my bio, bec of the drama surrounding the company and including Walt Disney himself, I will only come back to the Disney fandom in the right time, and recently I'm only in the Pixar fandom, and if I come back to the Disney fandom I might share Disney fanarts or things I want to share info regarding Disney animation and other stuff however I might not talk about the Disney company's reputation and Walt Disney although it depends on my decision. So if you seen Disney missing on my bio, don't worry, I'm still a Disney fan, although I'm more neutral about Disney recently, I just want to take a break and focus on things that I like. I'll only bring back the name Disney on my bio if I only come back in the right time.
Lastly I apologized if I didn't update my bio before and I forgot to do it, I will do better next time, and I'm all for constructive criticism just as long you're respectful to me. I also have flaws and make mistakes at times and I'll try my best to be better, bec as an adult and artist I still need to be responsible of how I use my account, and I hope I'm clear at the end.
Also I do not allow people to message me about roleplays, Onlyfans, request for Sex, and bots, I will simply block you.
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businessbigwigs · 1 year
Disney Company Raising Prices
Disney Company will be raising their prices for ad-free Disney+ and Hulu, hoping to drive viewers back to ad-supported content. According to Disney’s reports of their fiscal third quarter, which ended July 1, Disney+ is losing subscribers and revenue. This is the streaming service’s third straight quarter of declines in the U.S., Canada, and India, with 300,000 fewer subscribers than last quarter…
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Have you watched The Further Adventures of Walt's Frozen Head?
Hardy har har*major sarcasm* about this old tin hat theory yall do know he was cremated and a memorial was built at the Forest Lawn cemetery, tbh its rude and disrespectful towards the Disney family for everybody to keep this old absolutely not correct idea about Walt's body going,
You wouldn't do this to Norma Jean AKA Marilyn Monroe you wouldn't do this to the Black Dahlia you wouldn't do this to Charlie Chaplin Audrey Hepburn the list could carry on of celebrities
So why is Walt the one that people decide to create such a disrespectful rumor about? Don't get me wrong I'm all for fun and games but not when it's disrespecting the Dead.
I'm pagan irl and we don't mess around with that crap it's like spitting on our ancestors for us
Also btw due to heavy genealogical research and accidental discovery I found I'm 8th Cousins with the Disneys we share a common ancestor, guess entertainment runs in multiple branches of the family as mine was also in the entertainment industry for 3 generations, 3x Great Grandfather was in a Band, 2x Great aunt and Uncle were headliners out here in the midwest, my other 2x Great Uncle was in Vaudeville, my Great Grandma gave up her dream of being an actress to settle down, I'm a 4th gen entertainer artist and writer, so yeah I'm even more respectful as a result.
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squideo · 1 year
Why Should You Animate Your Business Story?
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Telling your businesses’ story is important. It humanises your brand for customers and gives people a better insight into your company. But how to do it? 
Animation is a powerful medium for storytelling, and a well-crafted story is ideal to build brand loyalty and B2C relationships. Consumers are less interested in listening to ordinary promotional messages and prefer to watch videos that tell compelling personal or brand stories. The ideal way to do that is with an animated video. Animated videos allow you to experiment with various styles and effects and puts no limitations on your imagination.
What is a Businesses’ Story?
Creating an animated business story has a lot of benefits, so let’s explore a few of them. One of the best reasons to create a video is to show off your company’s accomplishments. 
It’s a tough world for any business to survive in, and the older your company is the more impressive it becomes. It puts you ahead of your competitors. Won any awards that are hidden away at headquarters? Instead of taking them on a tour, talk about what made you a winner and set yourself even further apart from other contenders vying for their custom. 
Taking your customers and clients through the story of your business humanises your brand, especially if you focus on the story of the company founders and other people instrumental to its development. This lets the audience forge an emotional connection to these people and become motivated to see the continued success of their business. 
Animating your story also saves a lot of time. Instead of creating content for anniversaries and answering the same questions in business profiles and interviews, roll out the video. And don’t worry about it becoming outdated. The beauty of an animated story is that extra frames can be added over time as more accomplishments are accrued. 
What Story to Tell?
The world is full of stories, and choosing the right one to tell is important. Businesses, big and small, have a lot of milestones and accomplishments behind them. So, what story should your animated video focus on?
01. A Tale as Old as Time
Been around the block a few times? An animated video can quickly encapsulate a company’s history, tracking every step from its foundation to its present activity. Showcasing your longevity will demonstrate to an audience that your company is here to stay; and highlighting your accomplishments will establish you as a forerunner in your field. 
This can be a brief tour, such as this video by Kiehl’s, the American cosmetics brand. It explains its foundation then takes viewers through the introduction of new people and the creation of its most popular products. 
Want something more in-depth. Look no further than The LEGO Story, a seventeen-minute long animated video which takes viewers along the entire journey of this company. It’s certainly too long for a television advert, but that hasn’t stopped the video getting 58 million views on YouTube. 
02. Paint the Town…
Major overhaul? A change in directors, logo, name or branding? Transition your customers and clients through this rebrand with an animated video. Create a narrative which explains the reasoning for these changes and makes your audience excited to become a part of your company’s future. 
Burger King launched its new logo and brand guidelines with a punchy video that showcased its new graphics, uniforms and chain interiors. 
When delivery service Hermes rebranded to Evri, a massive campaign went out to publicise the name change and answer the inevitable questions for the reason behind it. The advert focused on customer service, as the business tried to leave its unfavourable brand reputation behind. 
03. I Do Solemnly Swear
For Starbucks’ 50th anniversary, they launched a short video that took viewers through a brief visual tour of their past before focusing on their future commitments to sustainable products. 
As public scrutiny on businesses grows, due to social media exposing their unsavoury practices, some companies have taken the opportunity to refocus their story to put them in a more favourable light. This could be like Starbucks, looking at environmental sustainability, but can also focus on other topics such as providing a living wage, a commitment to health and safety standards, or aligning with social movements. Apple has long committed to being an inclusive workspace, which is a story they tell in the following video.
04. Come Together
2023 marks the 100th anniversary of the Walt Disney Company. Its advertisements have largely focused on encompassing this vast company, rather than focusing on its history. By compiling references to the multiple studios Disney owns, this video shows the story of the world’s most successful media conglomerate. 
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for anyone who doesn't have the Return YouTube Dislike Plugin, here's how Watcher Entertainment's "Goodbye Youtube" video is doing right now
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yeah... gonna throw out a yikes on that one
i suspect this number will only keep growing in the coming days/weeks, especially the longer and longer we go without any sort of response.
EDIT: its only been three hours and the number has already jumped to 206K dislikes.
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ljones41 · 2 years
WDW News Today on Disney Cast Members Labor Negotiations
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