#Middle school deku x reader
gglitch1dd · 15 days
An Angel
Middle School Midoriya Izuku x Middle School Reader
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Context: You move to a new school and that's where you meet a skinny boy with wild green hair and hopeful but sad eyes.
Note: If there is one thing I do not believe in MHA its that Izuku was never poor or in the lower class before. I mean statistically speaking, this man grew up in a one parent household with only his mom. So that's what I'm gonna emphasis because japanese culture also shuns single parents (sometimes not all the times).
Warning: Bullying, assualt, canon typical violence, Izuku being a teenaged boy Katsuki’s mommy issues
Midoriya Izuku sat at the back of the class, scribbling on a new page of his notebook, softly mumbling to himself as he took the least presence in the room. He sat at the very back of the class, right in the middle where he could easily be forgotten. He preffered it that way. The more he was ignored, the less attention that would be on him, and the less Bakugou Katsuki would torment him so.
"Alright class, settle down, settle down." His home room teacher walked into the room, allowing the class to take their designated seats and focus on whatever announcements or notices would need to be heard. "Today we have a new student joining us, today." He spoke out loud, motioning to the door as a girl walked in. "Please introduce yourself."
Izuku raised his head to look up at you. You stood in the typical middle school girl uniform with your hands gripping your backpack. You smiled kindly as you bowed at the waist. "My name is L/N Y/N, it is a pleasure to meet you all. I can't wait to see what the rest of this year will be like with you." You straightened up your posture.
Izuku thought you liked nice, but then again, a lot of people looked nice and they were nowhere close to that. If you were nice, Izuku couldn't help but feel sorry for you. If there was one thing he hated about Aldera Junior High, it was Aldera Junior High. He put his head down, not wanting to get caught being interested in even talking to you.
You were directed to sit two seats away from him, to the left side of class close to the window.
Up until lunch, you seemed pretty nice. You managed to start talking to some of the girls in class and they seemed to find you funny. That was a good thing. As long as you stayed by the girls and you kept a low profile, Izuku thought you would do just fine.
Then came lunch. Izuku held his little bento box as he kept his head down, trying to make it to the outskirts of the cafeteria. That's all he had to do. Walk in a straight line and ignore everything and everyone.
You're almost there, Izuku. Just a few more-
"Well if isn't stupid Deku!" A hard hand came down on his shoulder making him jolt.
So close.
Bakugou Katsuki stood with a smirk on his face as he looked to the green haired boy. "I've been wondering where you've been Deku. You've been quiet all day!" He grinned as he leaned over on the smaller boy's shoulder.
Izuku swallowed down hard as he gripped his bento. He gave a timid smile. "Morning, Kacchan." He let out softly.
Katsuki's crimson eyes moved down to Izuku's bento. He raised an eyebrow. "What's this?" He peeled off the little sticky note ontop of Izuku's bento, making Izuku cringe. He told his mother not to put those anymore, not because he didn't like them (on the contrary, they were the rare things that made him smile in his day), but because Katsuki would find them. Katsuki's eyes skimmed over the note before an awe came out of his mouth. "Izuku's mommy loves him so much." He teased, Katsuki's stupid middle school friends snickered, encouraging his antics. "Did mommy make you this lunch, Izuku? Let me see!"
He snatched it out of Izuku's hands making the green haired boy's eyebrows furrow. "Give it back, Kacchan!" He reached out to try and get it but Katsuki's pushed his face away making him stumble back.
Katsuki opened it up. "Oh she made you little Onigiri with faces on it, and broccoli and even tamagoyaki!" Katsuki's mocking voice rang out. Izuku tried not to die of embarrassment as his face turned red as he looked at Katsuki. Katsuki's blood eyes stayed on Izuku before his humoured smile left his face. "Your mommy sure loves you huh? Would you eat anything she puts for you?" He asked moving to tip the lunch and let it all fall to the floor. Izuku frowned, knowing that would happen. "Would you even eat it when it's on the floor? Like the useless dog that you are?"
Izuku swallowed down hard but he kept his head up, looking at the blond boy with a scrunched up face in slight pain that he would do this, again and again, and again, and again.
Katsuki stared at Izuku unblinkingly. He threw the bento to the side on the floor and motioned to the ground where the contents of Izuku's lunch lay on the ground. "Eat it. Right on the floor, a perfect plate for a quirkless defect like you."
Izuku scowled, trying to will himself not to cry at all the attention on him and all the eyes and the giggling and pointing. He shook his head. "No."
Katsuki scoffed. He walked over to Izuku, and right before Izuku could bolt he grabbed his arm. With a tough grip, Katsuki moved to force Izuku down. "GRAB HIM!" Katsuki shouted at his friends who moved to hold down Izuku's body as Katsuki used his elbow to try and force Izuku's head down to the floor. Izuku tried to resist as best as he could, pushing back. Katsuki let out a loud laugh. "Come on Doggy Deku! Eat it! Eat your mommy's precious lunch!"
Suddenly the light on his neck was lighter and Katsuki was pushed off of him. Izuku noticed a pair of school shoes in front of him. His green eyes looked up to see you standing there, holding your own bento box as you stood with a scowl on your face. You put down your foot, having kicked the blond boy off of him.
You had a scowl on your face. "I hate bullies." You said as you turned to look at Katsuki's friends. Right before they could scramble away, letting go of Izuku, you kicked one on the back.
"Y/N!" Two girls from Izuku's class stood a bit away from you, with urgent looks in their eyes. "We told you not to interfere!
"Yah! Bakugou is going to-"
Katsuki let out a spit as he flicked his gaze up to you. He rolled his shoulder with a scoff as he got himself onto his feet again. "Well, aren't you bold for being the new bitch in school." You stood with a frown on your face.
You turned to ignore Katsuki all together. You offered him a hand with a gentle smile on your face. "Are you okay?" You asked him.
Izuku stared up at you, and for the first time in his life, he was sure that he saw an angel. He looked at your hand before taking it, allowing you to help him up.
Katsuki scowled at the fact that you were giving that stupid nerd attention and not him. His hands sparked in rage as he stomped over to you. "OI! YOU BITCH!" Just as he grabbed your back collar causing you to take a step back, you unleashed your quirk, pushing him back entirely.
Katsuki fell back onto the ground, shocked at the force that pushed him. Izuku's eyes widened in shock at you. You really were an angel.
White feathered wings sat on your back, flared in anger as you stared down at the blond boy. You scrunched up your face in disgust. "The only bitch I see right now, is you, blondie." You stated as he sat on the ground as you stood above him with Izuku in hand. You rolled your eyes.
You took the green haired boys hand and pulled him out of the cafeteria, moving to leave all the other gaping idiots alone.
Izuku watched you with wide eyes as you pulled him out of the cafeteria to go eat lunch outside. He pulled him along and he didn't really mind. His green eyes moved down to where your hand held his.
Izuku's face burned red as he realised that this was a very important day in history.
Midoriya Izuku was holding a girl's hand for the first time.
Midoriya Izuku.exe has stopped working. Rebooting system now.
You finally found a place outside by a bench. You stopped with a sigh. "What a horrible group of people. Honestly. Who watches someone else get beaten down and says nothing." You shook your head in disappointment, turning around to look at the boy you had just saved. His eyes seemed spaced out and his face was red. "Are... Are you okay?" You asked worried. "Did he hit you in the head? Do you need a nurse?"
Izuku quickly shook his head out of it now that you had let go of him. He let out a nervous laugh as he looked away from you. "No! I'm fine, I'm totally fine. Honestly, I couldn't feel better! Haha! I mean honestly, why wouldn't I be fine! I just got saved by an angel and not many people can say that everyday. I should be thanking you. Your feet must not be okay, but me? I'm totally fine. Yep, fine, fine, fine. Couldn't be better and-"
Izuku stopped talking as he heard a giggle. His eyes widened as you put a hand to your mouth to hide your smile as you giggled at his rambling. In the sun, with your white pure wings out and a gorgeous smile on your face.
You really were an angel.
You lowered your hand. "Well I'm glad."
Izuku took a moment before smiling. He bowed at the waist towards you. "Thank you, for your help." He stated. "But you should really get going." Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "You're going to get bullied for helping me, or just staying with me in general. You seem like a wonderful person and I don't want that to happen to you." He said seriously with his eyebrows furrowed.
You paused for a moment before smiling. "I don't mind. I'd rather have lunch with you than those idiots." You motioned towards where you came from. Izuku let out a scoff but smiled gently. You motioned to the bench and you both sat down. You put down your lunch before noticing. "Oh no! You're lunch!" You said with a frown.
"It's okay." Izuku chuckled, scratching the back of his head.
"Please, have some of mine!" You motioned to your own bento box.
Izuku quickly shook his head. "No, I can't. Really, you need it. This has happened before, I'm used to it." He stated with a shrug as he looked down to where his red Jordans were planted on the dirt ground.
You frowned at that peice of news. "But... aren't you hungry?" You asked.
He froze at that question. He swallowed down hard, his fingers digging into the bench. In truth, Izuku barely ate the breakfast his mom made. To be fair, he knew she needed it more than he did. She worked all day for him, so he knew he could survive off of lunch and dinner. Although half the time his lunch would end up thrown out by Kacchan anyways.
He forced a smile to his face, a fake one that you could read all too well. "No." He shook his head. "I'm alright. Really."
You frowned. "You're all sticks and bones. What's your name?"
"Midoriya Izuku."
You smiled, before giggling. "I'm L/N Y/N. We're in the same home room class and for that," You stood up, placing your lunch on the bench as you shuffled with your wings, standing up and walking a few steps to the vending machine. "I'm buying you lunch."
Izuku's eyes widened as he stood up. "No, no, no. Please don't! Don't waste money on me." He denied quickly.
You shook your head. "Too late."
Before Izuku could step closer, your wings got into the way. His eyes widened in surprise. They were gorgeous. White and expansive, perfect in design.
You looked back and noticed your wings were still out. "Oh! Sorry about them. They kinda just do their own thing sometimes." Carefully, your wings folded back into you and you focused on the vending machine.
While Izuku focused on you and your quirk. He watched as your wings folded back into your skin, tears in your shirt left behind. He noticed marks, sort of like scars, where your wings would come out from. "Fascinating." He mumbled softly as he looked at your skin.
That's also when he noticed the straps of your bra.
Izuku tensed as his face burned red again. He quickly looked away from you entirely, trying so hard not too think too deeply about it. This was all too much for Izuku right now, too much in one day.
However he couldn't help but wonder...
You were really pretty. Like a girl out of a shonen... or a seinen.
He wondered how the front of your bra-
Izuku choked on air.
You turned to look at the green haired boy as you held the hot lunch from the vending machine. He was hitting his chest as he burned as red as a tomato. He kind of looked like a tomato, with his green hair. "Are you okay?" You asked concerned as you walked over to him.
He nodded his head as he hit his chest. "Yah, just-" He coughed. "Choked."
"Spit." He coughed. He shook his head of the embarrasment. "Sorry." He apologised.
He knew he should stop being on his computer all day but damn was he this bad around girls? To be fair, he had never had a friend that was a girl. Girls typically seemed weirded out by him and he couldn't exactly blame him.
Izuku would much rather sit on his computer all day than play a sport.
And he wonders why he gets called an Otaku.
And is probably the reason why he's about to have a nosebleed at the thought of your bra.
"Here you go!" You handed him the hot lunch.
He looked down at it. "L/N, I really can't accept this."
"You can. It was just a thousand yen." (6 US dollars)
His eyes widened in shock, before turning to the vending machine. "A THOUSAND YEN! THAT'S A LOT OF MONEY!" He shouted as he looked back at you. "Please, take it back. I can't repay you."
"I don't want you to repay me." You giggled. "Just eat it and I'll be happy. Now sit and eat before it gets cold." You tugged him down to sit beside you.
It was a struggle to let Izuku eat, but when he finally did, he nearly downed the entire thing in under three minutes. You knew he was hungry.
So then you talked and you told him all about your quirk and the fact that you lived with the Hero Safety and Protection Commission. You also found out he was quirkless, and to Izuku's surprise, you found that cool. Just the fact that he was so rare as to not have a quirk. You could tell he didn't seem to like it but you tried to show him that he was a rare find.
You both went to go get you a new shirt from a teacher before getting back to class before the bell rang.
At the end of the day, you told Izuku you would see him later after you went to go find a club to join.
However, when you found him again, waiting at the bench that you ate at lunch, he was not how you left him.
You gasped. "Midoriya!" You shouted as you ran over to him. He had a bruised cheek as he stood with a soft smile at the sight of you. before he could speak, you quickly took his face. "What happened to you!?" You asked shocked.
"Nothing, just Kacchan got angry as usual." He stated gently as you looked him over.
You furrowed your eyebrows. "I don't know why you don't get mad at such a horrible boy." You stated as you looked over his face. "This is bad."
"This isn't bad. You should have seen him last week after he had a fight with his mom." He chuckled in a self deprecating way. "I was bruised all over after that one." He looked at your face and you weren't laughing. You frowned in deep concern. He cleared his throat, looking away from you.
You took his arm. "Mind if I take you home?"
His eyes widened. "No, but are you sure? I can always just take the bus. The bus driver is a good friend of mine."
You nodded your head as you opened the door to a black car that was waiting for you. You motioned for him to get in and then you. Izuku was as stiff as a board as he looked around at the clean interior of the car.
"Miss L/N." Sitting at the front was a man with sunglasses on.
"Afternoon Fujihara. This is my friend, Midoriya. Do you mind if we take him to go get healed up before taking him home?" You asked the officer in charge of you.
He shook his head, driving the car forward. "What happened?" He asked, not ever really having a smile on his face but you could tell by a frown that he wasn't pleased for this being your first day at school.
"He got ganged up on by bullies." You said with a frown on your face. Fujihara didn't say anythign but gave a curt nod.
Izuku sat as straight as ever, trying to not make a mess of anything. In truth that is exactly what you did. You took him to an impressive building that you apparently lived in, and you took him to someone with a healing quirk before taking him back home.
You left him with a wave, promising to see him tomorrow, before disappearing back into the car and driving away.
Izuku entered his apartment, taking off his shoes as he walked inside. A note from his mother at the entrance small round table telling him that she would be working late today as well.
He smiled gently as he walked further inside, taking off his gakuran and putting his empty bento box in the sink.
Midoriya Izuku promised himself he would never forget this day. The day he got saved by an angel.
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zuzu-the-villain · 1 year
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
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♡.ೃ࿐ FORMAT: one-shot / requested
♡.ೃ࿐ PAIRING: ProHero!Deku x Reader
SUMMARY: Noticing some of the most problematic criminals finally in sight in the open, you unconsciously decided to confront them without even knowing what one of them was up to. Now finding yourself in a completely different portal of the world with Izuku who subsequently jumped into the same hole with you, encountering a secret past that you haven't heard a word about from your beloved.
♡.ೃ࿐ WORD COUNT- 2.5k+
A/N- Honestly, I'm not entirely satisfied with how hurriedly I wrote all this, but let's call it progress🧍🧺🍊 In any case, thank you anon for this kind of request, it's my first req ever and it was already pretty challenging, I hope it's alright ♡
The fog triumphantly prevailed on all sides, suffocated all the air that was itself the source of life and left you alone in such a dusty hell. Not a single criminal, not even a citizen was in your sight anymore. The eyes closed little by little, orienting themselves within the sounds that echoed from all corners of your ears, but never knowing where the 'mouth of the river' of it all was.
All you could feel were the bushy shadows that blended into each other, fooling your mind that no longer even functioned at your will.
Such effects were very recognizable to you from before, but now that you found yourself in such a tense environment all on your own, not even that huge heroic feature won't get you out of the foggy situation you've gotten yourself into.
And what was worst of all, your legs gave up on you a long time ago, the whole function of your body sawed you off, snuggling against the cold floor.
"It's over, little hero. You've disturbed a lot of our peace, and the best option I'm giving you right now," a dark villain stepped out of the mist into your view, roughly grabbing your chin to make you look straight at him as he speaks.
"..is to stay quiet and still until it all ends."
You couldn't even see how pitiful it was of you to wail like this on the floor doing absolutely nothing, simply taking fate into your own hands.
The grinning shadow landed towards you, and you who were ready to accept the next blow while closing your eyes in terror, you have come to the point that you have been waiting for that blow for a long time now, but no way to come at you. Instead, there was a gut-wrenching screech that you were absolutely sure wasn't yours, but from the villain who was fit to finish you off on the spot.
And there before your very own eyes, stood Izuku. Terminating them both from getting to you, flipping them aside with all his strenth without even moving an inch from your motionless body.
"What did I tell you about running away like that?“
"But- I caught one of them..! They broke my handset and just-„
"And I did, but this one doesn't seem to give up."
They had already seen Izuku dusting other criminals on TV and it didn't seem like a good sign to them. They weren't entirely sure about his abilities, but they certainly knew that there was no messing around with this guy.
"Stay back, I don't want you to get hur—rnghh!" Successfully blocking the menacing force that was now in front of him, his attention went in sharp corners like a sword and a shield at the same time. Giving them strong strikes, and also defending the entire area where you were lying helplessly on the cold hard ground.
You were out of reach, and that was good. His eyes flashed in flames, determined to finish this pointless game with the serpentine whips that were almost impossible to avoid,
especially for those criminals who had no idea what awaits them when they decide to face a hero who always has victory at his feet.
But any way you turn it, the hero's weak point in general was always something that could easily be managed as one of the plans, and that was the only thing they could get away with. Sacrifice.
"I don't like you, hero. So to make it easier for us, we'll just get rid of that little fellow over there!"
Could they possibly mean..
In the blink of an eye, you felt a texture like living mud under your feet, as if you were no longer standing on level ground. And indeed, when your head went towards the floor, you couldn't even see it anymore, sinking into a black hole that caused immobility in the stuck part of your body.
In a panic, you tried to hold on to something but it was futile, the hole sucking up everything above it was quickly out of reach, leaving only you still barely visible on the surface.
"Crap! Am I gonna die?!“
"Hold on, I-I've got you!" came the shout from Izuku who left the villains on the run, throwing himself in front of you to grab your still-unsinkable arm.
"Izuku, move away! If you stay with me you will be sucked in too!"
"Just hang in there, dammit! Hold on tight!"
"So, what now?"
A dead silence took over the thinned space between the two of you, meeting a familiar street that you believed you had even passed many times, but without any attention.
„Don't act like it's not your fault! If you hadn't followed them when I told you to stay with me, none of this would have happened.“
"You're right, none of that would have happened but," you looked down, grabbing his hands in yours.
"What if someone else got hurt? Who would be to blame then?"
Now there, you've got a point.
Izuku decided to give in, as he always did. He knew how much you liked to be helpful and if you hadn't been there, who knows, maybe someone would have really gotten hurt. After all, you're a pro just like him.
It didn't even take him long to wrap his arms around your loose body when he realized the effects were still on you.
„You alright honey? Does it hurt?“
„Don't worry too much, it will just take a little while for the numbness in my legs to go away, but I'm fine.“
"His quirk- I got written it all down, but, but I'm afraid the notebook fell out of my pocket when I jumped into the hole. It could also be that right now it's in that void between the portals.." You could notice that his curious eyebrows descended like a gloomy puppy, cupping both of his cheeks into your hands while you intended to kiss every little dot that was right there on his skin.
"Stop being so gloomy about that notebook of yours. The important thing is that it didn't end that bad. I mean, we just, found ourselves in a completely different time but that, .. it could have been worse than that, I suppose..?“ You shrugged.
"Out of sight.“
„What?“ you stared puzzledly at the unfamiliar words he mumbled just now, did he just told you to—
„That villain's quirk, it's called 'Out of sight.'“
„It's by the hole that suffered and brought us here. Similar to Warp-Gate, when I think a little better. It's black, there is a little purple color over the edges and the suction strength is strong to fight. I wonder if even the entire wardrobe could sink in the portal, I mean, why not?— but what if the weight of another body does not depend at all, or if self-"
"Love, don't forget to breathe." You smiled at his monologue, looking around once more.
Behind your small figurines was a huge building that was supposed to be a school, most likely middle school with the fact that you saw younger children outside, must be in their teens.
And then you thought.
"That's where you went to school too, let me guess?"
You didn't even notice a thick drop of sweat pouring down his forehead while swallowing that lump in throat, only earning a nervous chuckle from him.
"Yeah..! That's my former school, but! Let'smoveon—"
„Uhm, o-kay? Why are you pulling my hand like that, though?“
At such a terrible speed you couldn't catch his words at all but just him laughing it off, it worried you a little.
„You seem to have predicted a bomb falling from the sky, haven't you?“ you tried to laugh at your own joke, but something was telling you to stop, preventing you from stretching your lips into a smile.
"We uh- we have a lo-lot to find out, you know! What year it is..time of day..are there uhm, well uh— any famous people hereee..whatthehell is going on around us..." he now began to list completely meaningless things that entered his mind so pointlessly, passing in a flash a small alley that barely emerged in that darkness, but something caught your eye.
You suddenly went into reverse dragging a nervous Izuku behind you.
"Woah, hey! Where-"
"I don't know what came over you, but whatever it is there, I'll find out for myself!"
Completely ignoring his panicked gestures behind you, you clung to the wall like gum, listening while also accompanying what was going on.
"Who do you think you are, huh? Trying to be somebody and something, and you know what? Save that for later, maybe after you're done crying like the little whiner that you are!"
Not far in front of you were two younger boys, certainly from that school based on their uniforms, arguing.
"You think your dreams are worth fulfilling so easily? Do you really think, you poor thing, that you can be worth anything in this world? With what, that non-existent quirk of yours?“
Hearing such harsh words that crushed the soul more than any stone, even though you just sneaked up behind the wall and listened, your ears were already enough of a witness thinking with all the windings of your brain for a reason:
„why you should not kill the living god in that child right now?“  And the moment you took two angry steps forward, Izuku pulled you to himself, not knowing when it would be time to drag you back to him once more, but this time you had enough of his games.
"Izuku, move. I want to teach that Mr. toughy a lesson." you leaned forward hoping to magically fly out of his grasp but it was useless.
"No, just wait..!“
"Seriously? Are you even in your right mind right now?— listen, that child is in trouble and you, I don't know what you're doing-"
"No, stop, listen to me. I want you to take a good look and just follow their words. It will click, I know it will."
You looked submissively into the distance, noticing very clear faces with the sharpness of your eyes, not even remembering if you had ever known them, but everything seemed to be in its place in your brain. One was blonde with spiked ends, acting silly like Bakugo in general when he charges at Izuku with all his might, and the other literally looked like your Zuzu. That untamed hair that was springing out in all directions with the voice with a very high, yet cracking tone must have been giving you some signs.
"Once again, if I hear that you are interfering in heroic matters, and especially when it comes to UA high school, you'd better be gone. Don't forget who you are, Deku."
The last word played around in your head for a while. You turned to Izuku, then to them, putting the puzzles together in your brain until it finally clicked.
Right. It did click.
"So, you do realize this is the past, right?“
„Why didn't you tell me right away?“
"You'd just start arguing." He gave you a small kiss on the forehead, taking your hand.
„Now that I know, and now that you know, we can go somewhere else! C'mon!"
"Yeah, totally.“
You moved away from the wall, no longer caring so much if one of them noticed you spying on them, because it was no longer in your plan to hide, listen, observe. You've had enough of hesitation, you still wanted to explain some very major things to someone.
But, of course, there will always be someone that will take you two steps back once again, none other than Izuku.
„What are you doing!? We can't let them see us!"
"And why is that?"
„What if he somehow recognizes you and then what? You're gonna tell him you're from the future?
"Izuku don't be silly, he didn't even know I existed back then, where could he most likely see me anyway? In the butcher shop?"
"Hey, anything is possible..! He knew how to go to the butcher's shop a couple of times when his mother—„
"Izuku, I was joking. But really, like you have any idea where I go on what day. Hey you!" It was already too late for Izuku to pull you back, you were already out in the open.
Now firing himself in the forehead he decided to give in, following you like a baby.
"What the-WhOah!"
You grabbed young Katsuki by the uniform that was wrapped up to his neck and hung him on the wall like a brand new picture, throwing yourself in his face as if you were assigned the role of a mobster, although you were surprisingly good at it.
"What do you think you're doing, Mr. toughy one? You think you're better than anyone in this world, right? Why don't you go home and think about some things and only then go whip someone like that in the streets when there's not a living soul in sight!"
You barked at the top of your lungs at him as your husband tried to pull you off him with all his manly strength that was all along useless against your rages. He could have dragged you with an excavator right now, and you still wouldn't have gotten off the tousled blonde. Not to mention the younger Izuku who was standing there like a statue of liberty between the three of you, fearfully debating in his head whether he had pissed or shit himself.
„No! He doesn't deserve my mercy, let me—ngh—at him! Let me!“
„Don't be a savage! Calm down, understand me!“
No one in this environment knew how many times Izuku had apologized for your barbarian-like behavior, but somewhere deep in his heart he was very glad that you were defending his weaker side, the weaker self that then, and even now, he couldn't defend.
But of course, he couldn't just let you knock all the baby teeth out of the young Katsuki's mouth, even though the thought of it was too ridiculous not to laugh at.
Just imagine, the fearless king explosion murder, without any teeth. Seriously.
"And what are you laughing at?!"
"Nothing, nothing, just calm down, love."
"L-Lo-Looove!?" The younger Izuku shuddered in astonishment, catching him in the act of falling unconscious.
„So, you want to tell me that you are Deku, that little ant, but from the future?“ Leaning against the wall with his arms hugged to his chest, he watched Izuku and his similar figure still lying unconscious on your knees, quite suspiciously comparing in silence.
"Yeah, I don't believe you..."
"I mean-! Who would, right? I know you—"
"This is his twelfth notebook in a row, isn't it?"
"I'm sorry?"
You heard me, is this his twelfth notebook in a row?“ Katsuki repeated the question with an irritated expression on his face, trying to convince himself of something that was almost impossible. But the story with such a forum that played the biggest role made the most sense, could it really be true what they are saying ?, he thought.
"I guess...not? Uh, I probably had another notebook back then, writing down a lot about the professional heroes I saw out there whenever something happened, keeping track of their martial skills and stamina too, but I guess not. Oh, and if I'm not mistaken, you're holding your All might card in your pocket right now.“
„What? How do you-“
„We already told you. We really are from the future, as crazy as that sounds in your head. And the one over there, 'Deku', is also me in front of you. We share secrets..“ He jealously moved his head away the second he glanced at you, watching you glorify every little thing, every breath young Deku takes and lets out, every little movement he makes in your arms.
"You're not bored in life, are you, younger me?" he whispered to himself.
"If you're really not lying…S-Swear on All Might!"
"Hey! We're not going to swear on All Might now, it's serious!"
“Then you're not a real twerp!”
"But! You can't just—"
"Wonderful! Now you've woken him up!" you fumed silently at them, hugging to yourself the green haired 'baby' even tighter now, who looked like he was going to fall into that unconsciousness once again, very soon.
But as soon as you started to scratch his neck from behind, your eyes blossomed as his greenish ones sank into the depths. You simply loved learning a lot about your past sweetheart, and you didn't complain about a single thing.
The silence lasted for a while, but not for the eternity.
„I just want to know one thing,"
„That's alright."
"Will I ever..be what I've.. always dreamed of?"
The question seemed unreal, but as unreal as it was, Izuku just flashed a smile as he stared at his old friend, ready to say something as if it were the whole secret of the world, but as soon as he opened his mouth, you found yourself suddenly entangled in the conversation.
"Hey, Mr. toughy, you want an answer, don't you?"
All attention was curiously on you, especially Katuski's, which grew more and more with time in his playful lungs.
„Promise me something, and the future is all yours…“
The prolonged silence was now erupted by a noise that was like a stick on drums, here and there, all around your head. Squinting with eyes that were sensitive to the brightness shining on you right now, you took some time to recover. Trying to remember at least something that would be clear.
Why were you in a hospital bed? You don't see any cuts or serious wounds on yourself. What happened?
"Ah, you're awake! And it's about time," smiled the old woman, standing calmly by the door, in her hands a small notebook and a pen that produced clicking sounds with the pressure of her finger.
You peeked out the window and saw that it must be daylight, also recording with your eyes the wedding ring that was safely placed on the table next to the hospital bed. The ring was safe, which made you very relaxed in this really confusing, yet so worrying moment.
Of course, the ring.
"Where is Izuku?"
"How could I have known that you would ask that first," smirking again, the woman took small steps to your bed. Now she was examining you as if you were covered in wounds, writing down that PhD stuff as usual.
"Oh sweetie, don't you worry now! He'll be back soon.“ But soon the lady saw thise stunning eyes of yours now in complete alarm, so she decided to make this aura brighter with some good information.
„However, I remember him saying he was going to visit Tartarus for a very short time."
"Why there..?"
"Ah, only the good heavens know what's he doing there. Want some water, sweetie? I couldn't offer you anything while you were unconscious, you know. Here, I'll bring you water and you just relax, so you can get more circulation back. I'll be quick!“
And with that, the lady slowly ran out into the hallway, hearing her heavy clogs clattering on the parquet floor in the distance. Really, nothing she said was ringing in your head, except for Izuku and Tartarus. Why do you remember absolutely nothing? Maybe you hit your head too hard, maybe...
"You will promise me something.."
"You won't touch Izuku anymore, because your futures aren't that different from now on.."
Maybe t—
"Here I am back!- With the water, of course! Take a sip, just be careful not to spill it on yourself, hihi."
„Oh. Right.“
Meanwhile, in Tartarus-
" If something generally got stuck in that vacuum of yours, you could bring it back, right? It's about uhm, important- very important documents uh, in the form of a.. notebook..yeahh.."
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jellyfishandry · 7 months
MS Izuku rant
In my mind, Out of My League by Fitz and The Tantrums, fits middle school Izuku Midoriya so well.
He has a crush, but he doesn't think he's good enough for them. But they confess to him, and he's absolutely flabbergasted. Someone as attractive and perfect as you, wants to date him? He thinks it's a prank at first, but he doesn't give up the chance to spend time to you.
In the end, he realizes your feelings are genuine, and you want to be his partner.
Crush or relationship, he melts at any affection you give him.
There is so much fluffy stuff going on in my head, I want to cry
"'Cause you were out of my league
All the things I believed
You were just the right kind
Yeah, you were more than just a dream
You were out of my league
Got my heartbeat racing"
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frickingnerd · 11 months
childhood friends to lovers with katsuki bakugou
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pairing: katsuki bakugou x fem!reader
tags: mutual pining, jealousy, reader dating other boys, fluff
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katsuki was the type of little boy who thought girls were gross! 
he would always avoid you with his friends, yet stare longingly when you went to play with deku instead
your moms were friends, so katsuki and mitsuki regularly came over and the two of you were forced to spend time together
after a while, katsuki started to enjoy playing with you, but would only do so if he was visiting you with his mother
otherwise he'd act as if you were gross and tell his friends he'd never ever like a girl! 
katsuki would always pick on your friends, pull their hair or call them names, just to get your attention
you'd always scold him and ruffle through his hair, causing the boy to bark at you and call you a witch! 
when the two of you were in middle school, bakugou became a little less childish and for the first time, the two of you had a normal relationship
he was a good friend of yours, almost as close as a brother
but whenever you'd call him that, he'd yell at you
"no no NO NO NOO– DON'T SAY THAT–!!" he'd bark and glare at you, causing you to chuckle
it was only when you were getting older that you understood why he hated it so much
you two were now in high school and he wasn't the only male friend you had anymore
bakugou had changed a lot since childhood, but he still glared at every boy that got close to you
whenever you were going out with a boy, bakugou would try to talk some sense into you and get you to drop that guy
he still couldn't stand to see you with someone else, nor could he admit he was in love with you
but he just watched as you went out with one boy. and then another one
and everytime things didn't work out, he comforted you after they broke up with you
it took him until your third boyfriend to finally man up and do something about his feelings! 
your former boyfriends were all idiots and katsuki couldn't just sit still while watching you get hurt anymore
you were giving your firsts to those idiots who didn't even treat you right! 
you were getting ready for another date with this guy from class 1B, when katsuki showed up in front of your dorm room, begging you not to go!
after all those years, he finally told you how he felt about you. that he had been in love with you for years
he couldn't keep it to himself anymore. he couldn't stay away from you anymore! 
katsuki was worried that you would turn him down
you just quietly stared at him after he spoke and for the first time in his life, he felt nervous
"don't you have anything to say, dumbass..?" he mumbled nervously
"i think you forgot to ask me something, dumbass~" you just huffed back amused
katsuki thought for a moment, before he finally realized it and started to smile
"would you like to be my girlfriend, y/n?" 
you took a step forward, getting on your tiptoes and slowly got closer and closer to katsuki
"i'd love to~" you whispered, before finally locking lips with your childhood friend
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kingkatsuki · 11 months
— late
This was completely inspired by a conversation I had with my friend about her kids.
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x f!reader.
Warnings: girl dad!Bakugou, established relationship, not proof-read as always.
Word Count: 1.1k.
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Juggling family as a Pro-Hero in the top 10 is never easy. No matter what you do to ensure your plans go smoothly, crime doesn’t sleep— especially not when it’s your daughters fifth birthday.
“I hate you!” Is the last thing Bakugou hears before his daughters bedroom door is slammed shut, the silence after is deafening as you watch the colour drain from your husbands face.
His chest still heaving from the speed in which he rushed home, dirt and grime stain his skin as he stands dejected in the middle of the living room. Boots that are usually abandoned at the door trudge filth through your home as Bakugou stands statuesque in place.
“Baby,” You hum, reaching around his frame to bring him closer to you as you rest your chin on his chest to stare up at him, “You know she doesn’t mean that—”
“Course she does,” He rasps, “She said she fuckin’ hates me.”
You can tell from the slight lilt to his gruff voice that your big, strong husband is on the verge of tears. Bringing his arm up to rub at his blackened eyes with the ball of his hand, smearing the eyeliner along his cheekbones.
Bakugou was used to being hated, from the public to the media and the Hero Commission. It was usually something he could brush off with ease, laughing off angry emails or poorly written articles. But it was a different kind of hurt when the words had come from his own daughter.
“She’s hurting right now,” You soothe, tightening your grip on him as his Adam’s apple bobs, “She was just excited for you to be at the party, but she understands—”
Bakugou had booked this day off a year in advance, it was always the first thing he looked at on the calendar, even before your birthday. It was his daughters special day, and he was determined for it to be perfect. Fully embracing whatever theme she’d decided on for her celebrations— this year had been a Barbie theme that had left your home embellished in vibrant pink and glitter that would probably stay embedded into your plush carpets until her next birthday.
He’d spent the previous night carefully wrapping a custom Barbie doll in pretty pink paper as you prepared the house for her party. Bakugou had even picked out an entire hero outfit that was an on brand Barbie pink, instead of his usual colours that he was planning on surprising his daughter with.
But even with all these plans in place, and even arranging backup from his dutiful sidekicks at the agency— the life of a Pro-Hero is never easy. And just as Bakugou was preparing to change into his outfit for his daughters party, he was called into work. An emergency that superseded anyone working at his agency today, as the Hero Commission requested his presence in the field.
It’s not the first time it’s happened, and Bakugou knows it won’t be the last. Even a last minute phone call to Deku to take the lead wasn’t enough to save his day, as the Commission ended up calling both heroes to the scene.
Hours later, he was explosive and inconsolable. Telling the authorities to fuck the crime scene reports and statements as he shoved an unwitting reporter out of his face as their camera crashed to the floor, certain his PR team would be in his inbox about that incident first thing tomorrow morning. But he was completely uninterested in humouring any of them today, not when he could’ve been at home with his family.
Coming in through the front door as he finally realised just how late it was when the house was completely empty besides you and his daughter.
“I should’ve been here, she needed me—”
“The city still needs Dynamight,” You murmured, “What was the situation?”
“Bad,” He grumbled, “Shithead derailed a train in the city, had a group of school kids on it. One almost— the look in his eyes when he was fallin’.“
He trailed off, scrunching his nose as he thought back to the scene. You felt his arms wrap around your shoulders as he clung to you, leaning into your warmth as he tried to calm his racing heart.
“But he didn’t, right?”
He shook his head as you smiled, breathing in the scent of smoke and ash from his quirk as soot covered his body.
“Because Dynamight is a hero.”
“But not to my own daughter.”
“You’ll always be her hero, baby.” You soothe as he leans down to bury his face in the curve of your neck, deeply inhaling the scent of you.
“I’m a terrible dad,” His breath tickles your neck as you pull back to frown at him.
“Don’t you dare say that,” You scrunch your nose in irritation, “You’re the best dad, Kats.”
“If I was, I woulda been here for her.” He scoffs.
“You’re out there keeping us safe, keeping other kids safe. Making sure they get to go home to their dads too.” You cradle his face in your palms to press a soft kiss to his chapped lips.
The sound of little feet coming down the stairs breaks him away from you as you turn to see your daughter, still dressed in her full party outfit, standing at the bottom of the stairs.
“Hey, is that my little princess?” Bakugou rasps as she comes towards you both, crouching down to her height and adjusting the pink tiara that sits on top of her head.
“Barbie princess.” She whispers, holding a piece of pink paper out to him as he takes it.
“Barbie princess.” He corrects himself, moving his attention to the words words etched onto the page as he unfolds it.
‘I’m sorry I wouldn’t trade you for any other daddy in the world.’
A smile spreads across your face at the cute sentence as you feel the muscles in Bakugou’s back immediately relax, reaching down to lift your daughter up to hold her to his chest as her small arms immediately circle his neck.
“I’m sorry I missed your party, sweetheart,” He rasps, smoothing her wild hair down.
“I’m sorry too,” She sniffs, “I don’t hate you, daddy.”
Bakugou’s lips curl into a soft smile as he leans forward to press a kiss onto her cheek.
“I love you, princess.” He whispers, nuzzling her cheek with his nose.
“Love you too, daddy.” She smiles.
“But you know you can’t trade me anyway, right?” He frowns, pulling back to meet her gaze, “I’m your daddy and I always will be.”
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armins-main-hoe · 9 months
would you make katsuki x twinsister!reader? one where they're both equally talented and competitive 👉🏽👈🏽
Sorry for replying so late!!
I don’t think I can make a whole fic for this since I have 2 on going fics and already struggling to keep up with those but I’ll write it down in headcannon form, sorry :/
The Bakugo Twins
(not proofread)
Honestly as kids, you both were complete menaces. All the other kids in class would follow you both around, no kid would dare step up to you both. Though I can see that at some point it was half the class following katsuki and the other half following you. Talk about sibling rivalry...
You both got your quirk when you both were arguing, both equally hot headed, both shouting and screaming, suddenly bright sparks started coming out from your fists. You both were startled by this and forgot what you were arguing about in the first place.
You both bullied deku. Sorry, but I can only see you also have a superiority complex just like your brother. I mean you grew up in the same environment as your brother and you are expected by others to be just like him. No one has ever taught you otherwise so its was only natural for you to do whatever he does and think whatever he does and visa versa.
You both gave the poor quirkless boy a tough time...
Honestly, unlike how in the anime, Deku wasn't actually thinking about taking a swan dive off of the roof, with you also bullying him, it probably did cross his mind once or twice.
However, by middle school you both had developed your own personalities, though there was not much difference between you both to be honest.
He was a bully, ego as high as the sky, a hero nerd, a complete jerk to everyone and you were one of those popular girls who acted like a bitch with her friends laughing at the back. You were the prettiest girl in the school and you knew it.
Katsuki hated the fact that you were going to apply to UA too. You both had the same quirk, meaning that if you got in, he would constantly be compared to you and there would be nothing special about him since he would not be one of a kind. He didn't understand why you wanted to join UA either. Sure, you liked heroes too but you didn't have collectables like he did. You never showed much interest in becoming a hero while growing up, at least not as much as him anyway. So why would you even think about joining UA?
What he didn't know was that you were applying for UA because of more than just one reason. You both were twins, everyone knew Katsuki was going to to apply for UA since he wasn't exactly shy about it. So naturally everyone thought you were going to apply for UA too. Call yourself some odd variation of a people pleaser and you said "well duh, are you thick or something? Obviously I am."
Another reason was, your looks. Since you were labeled as the prettiest girl in middle school and it got to your head, your looks became an obsession for you. You had to look flawless all the time and you needed someone to compliment you about your looks at least 10 times a day.
What better way to get complimented on your looks than becoming a famous hero? Heros are more popular than any celebrity so obviously becoming a hero would give you more attention.
Another reason was your sibling rivalry, you hated it so much when he would come home first place in a competition that you also participated in. You hated it when he was clearly better than you at something. Since both of your quirks were so 'flashy' and 'dangerous', you both were always competing against each other on who can use their quirk better.
When it was the day of the UA results, you both were equally nervous. Though neither of you tried to show it, acting as if you just know you are 100% going to get in.
Both of you were hoping for the other to get rejected. However, to both of your dismany, you both got in.
You're parents were over the moon of course, both their kids getting into a school like UA was what they called their biggest achievement.
You felt happy too, but in your stomach you felt this uneasy feeling knowing your brother was coming to UA with you. Katsuki felt the same.
You both knew how much more you would have to fight each other for the spotlight. Middle school would be nothing compared to UA.
Upon coming to UA, you both struggled a lot in your own ways. In the first few weeks, everyone thought you both were the strongest (and scariest) in the whole class. Which is good. You wanted it to be that way
Imagine sibling rivalry plus class rivalry. Him in 1A and you in 1B. Both of you the strongest in your classes, both you the scariest in your classes. Everytime you cross one another, the hardest glares were thrown at each other.
The sports festival ended up a mess. Why? Simple, the Bakugo twins.
You both managed to get through most of the festival without killing anyone but once it got to the one to one matches...
The final match was one that everyone was dying to see, the twins facing each other. Two people with the same quirk. Everyone wanted to know who would win, everyone wanted to know who was better. Who was the better twin.
Class 1a were cheering for Katsuki and class 1b were cheering for you because while this match was mostly to see who was the better twin, it would also determine who was the better class since they had the winner in their class.
The only person who thought this was bad as Deku. The kid you both bullied was the only one who could see past the competitiveness and realise that this would end in a disaster. That this was doing more harm than good. That if either one of you were to win the match then it would break the thin sibling bond you both had.
You both began attacking each other left and right, at one point no one could see anything with the amount of debris and smoke filling up the stadium. All they could hear were loud explosions echoing throughout the entire stadium.
Some time later, the staff had to send a teacher down there to try and see what was going on in the match. Immediately the teacher called the match off and another teacher came to break you both off.
Were you both siblings or enemies sent on an mission to kill the other? Trust me when I say the fight got so bad they had to call if off and just say it was a draw.
Both of you were covered in cuts, bruises and burn marks. By the time the adrenaline wore off, you both collapsed, unconscious on the floor.
They had to tie you both up and All might somehow managed to out the single 1st place gold medal around your necks.
Much to everyone's dismay, no one got to find out who was the 'better twin' or 'better class'.
So for the next few weeks, it was the same as always, trying to prove to everyone that you are better while sending death glares to your brother.
UA destroyed your relationship with your brother.
When you were younger, you both would at least play with each other, you both would hold hands and run around, chasing other kids, you both would still comfort each other when the other was sad, you both used to be each other's biggest supporters and now its all gone.
It all probably began to fade during middle school and now is completely gone in UA.
You saw each other as enemies and nothing more.
Well that's what you thought until your brother got kidnapped by the league of villains.
You could never forget how you felt your heart drop when you heard the news. You even forgot to breath for a few seconds. You scared yourself with how much you got scared of losing him.
So when Kirishma, who you recognised as Katsuki's best friend, came up to you, asking if you would help him and a few other students from 1a, get Katsuki back, you agreed.
When you met up with the group, you were the last one to come along since it took you a little longer to sneak out of the house, you saw the wide eyes they looked at you with, since they were so used to seeing you and Katsuki hate on each other every day.
"I do have a heart you know." you rolled your eyes at them. "Come on, lets hurry before that dimwit starts crying like a baby." you turned around and started walking away.
"Um.. Y/n.. We have to go that way-" A black haired girl spoke up.
You were all were successful with getting Katsuki back, you really wanted to hug him or something but you felt like you couldn't. You felt like it was wrong of you to even think about hugging him after everything you did to him. So on the way back, you didn't say anything. Even while watching All Might fight All For One on a screen, you kept your distance from him, walking next to the black haired girl instead.
The walk back home was silent. He walked ahead while you followed a few feet behind, usually you wouldn't let that slide, you would try to out walk him in some way but right now your mind was filled with so many thoughts.
You were so out of it that you ended up bumping into Katsuki's back when he stopped walking. He turned around and looked at you, a softer look on his face but still glaring at you.
"Why did you come with them?" He asked.
How do you even answer that? 'even though I wished for your death like you wished for mine, i still cared. I still didn't actually want to lose you.' or maybe 'why wouldn't I? I mean sure I hated your guts and hoped everything bad happened to you but I didn't actually mean it.'
You didn't even realise when tears began falling down your cheeks while thinking. Katsuki was shocked to say the least.
"I thought I would lose you..." You spoke out in the weakest voice Katsuki had ever heard you use.
Katsuki's hand lifted up to wipe your tears away but he hesitated. Can he do that? Really? After everything he did to you? He couldn't. So he turned back around.
"Idiot. As if some little villain would ever manage to kill me." You didn't miss how his voice cracked in the middle of the sentence, nor did you miss how he subtly tried to wipe away his own tears.
Maybe you didn't get to hug him like you used to when you were younger, but at least you now know there is a chance that maybe, just maybe, you could fix your relationship with your brother.
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oliverrevengers · 5 months
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katsuki bakugo.
the sun evaded the curtains and ever so rudely hit y/n’s face. his eyebrows scrunched, almost meeting in the middle of his head. turning on his side, he felt the presence of another. he edged closer until he felt soft breath on his skin, a hum rose next to him. yesterday was exhausting. they got used to excessive amounts studying and training but there were some days were it was overwhelming. y/n’s whole body ached, he felt like he needed to rest for years, but his boyfriend would never let him.
“morning,” y/n groaned, refusing to acknowledge that it was time for him to get up. he felt katsuki’s shifting next to him. his eyes subconsciously and forcefully opened, he looked at katsuki who stood by the window, staring at nothing. y/n threw the covers to the other side of the bed and started walking up to the window. he didn’t say anything. he didn’t even get close to katsuki. he simply stood opposite him and waited.
something was up. something was wrong. he knew the signs, he knew katsuki all too well.
“stop. go back to bed. you’re still tired, nothing is going on.” katsuki lowly said. he knew y/n forced himself to wake up to ask what was wrong and he felt almost guilty.
“don’t lie to me, katsuki. you don’t have to tell me what’s wrong, but don’t lie. please.”
katsuki hummed. it was merely minutes before katsuki started speaking, “just exhausted of everything. of always feeling the need to be perfect. of yelling and being stubborn… of being me.” y/n looked at his boyfriend, nodding, he started to get closer until katsuki was in his arms. “did you sleep last night?” y/n asked. he felt katsuki shake his head, blond hair lightly tickling y/n’s neck, “no.”
“figured,” y/n sighed. he didn’t let katsuki go, he knew better than that, “want me to respond or just let you be?” katsuki toke a while until he responded, “just .. don’t go anywhere.”
“where would i go, katsuki? i’m here. always am.”
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izuku midoriya.
“izuku.. why are you awake?” y/n groggily asked. he rubbed his eyes, trying his hardest to fight his sleeplessness. he peaked at the clock that read 4:03 AM. it was too early, even for izuku. he sat up and looked at his boyfriend who sat staring at nothing in the pitch darkness.
y/n heard izuku sigh and turn his head to look at him, “nothing, love. i’m alright.” y/n tilted his head, copying the green individual, “no. no, you’re not alright. you’ve been down for days and i’m worried.” his smile dropped as deku frowned. izuku’s eyes darted to the window that emitted the faintest of light as the sun slowly rose.
izuku uncomfortably shuffled in the bed, “didn’t mean to make you worried.” he said. y/n nodded and softly wrapped his arms around izuku. he felt his boyfriend wrap his own arms around y/n’ waist and rest his head on y/n’s shoulder.
“i don’t know. this is all i wanted and more, but.. it gets loud sometimes. i feel like this was way more fun when it was a mere dream in middle school, nothing is easy, i know that, but is it supposed to be this hard? i don’t know...”
y/n knew izuku wasn’t expecting an answer, and to be frank, he had no idea what to say. he dug his hands in izuku’s curls and kissed the top of his head, “i love you.” the least y/n could do was comfort him and the way izuku’s arms wrapped tighter around y/n made him close his eyes, pleased with this small step for now.
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bbyseok · 2 years
meadow afterglow
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pairing: bakugou katsuki x reader
cw: fluff everyone !! pro hero bakugou, gender neutral reader, reader is a florist and owns a flower shop, reader loves flowers/plants/nature, swearing ofc, brief violence (attempted assault on reader from some strangers), awkward katsuki hours incoming- he’s super whipped but helpless, i switch povs from bakugou to reader often, tiny bit of angst.. some misunderstanding—both bakugou and reader are idiots that can’t communicate
wc: 5.2k words
analysis: bakugou fucking hates flowers—they’re too fragrant, too cliché, too romantic. and yet, he finds himself always coming back to the same flower shop once his shift ends.
bakugou katsuki doesn’t like flowers. hates them, despises them—loathes them even! flowers just aren’t his thing.
when they came along with prizes (where he won first place of course), he’d always snort and throw them away in some trashcan once he could.
when kids back in his middle and high school days were brave enough to make a move on him, he’d send a spark from his palm and ultimately burn their flowers (and hopes) away.
he does the exact same thing to this day with his fans if they were perhaps lucky enough to encounter him during his patrols. (it looks bad when the press covers it obviously and that’s only one problem his pr team deals with.)
so yeah, in conclusion: bakugou isn’t particularly fond of flowers. it’s one of his many supposedly unpleasant traits—not that he really cares. now, he’s changed in these past years, truly, but he’s still maintained some of the roughness of his personality.
‘cause when you think of pro hero dynamight, number two on the hero charts (interchangeably with number one pro hero deku), you don’t think of flowers.
but… here he is. it’s just around thirty minutes past six in the evening, the ropes of dusk in the sky evident as the city prepares for nightlife. his shift had ended a while ago, but everyday, on the way home, he makes sure to stop by a small shop. a flower shop of all places. and bakugou katsuki hates flo- yeah, you get the point.
he doesn’t even know why he hesitates going entering the shop—he’s pretty damn sure you can spot him from outside. his visits are expected. the sound of the dainty bell ringing reaches his ears as he walks in.
“back so soon, dynamight?”
he grunts and turns his head away, sharply avoiding your gaze so you miss the squinting of his red eyes. you’re behind the counter as usual, fixing the arrangement of some daisies in their pots.
his cheeks burn but he’s lingering by the entrance, feigning his attention on the shelves decked with plants so you don’t see any blush. “yeah, yeah.. jus’ give me some damn flowers already,” he demands gruffly.
the sound of you briefly laughing has his head whipping back to you almost instantly. he catches the sight of you lightly shaking your head in amusement.
“anything like usual then, dynamight?”
fuck, he can’t help but wonder what his actual name would sound like off your tongue. it’s always been dynamight this, dynamight that—and while he certainly doesn’t mind, he just can’t help but wonder. when you tilt your head at him, he realizes he had been staring. he clears his throat. “yeah, whatever.”
finally, he walks toward the counter, moving around the small display tables topped with a pretty arrangement of succulents as you beam at him.
“alrighty then!” you clasp your head together, nodding for a bit. “i hope you don’t mind tulips then. we got a fresh new batch so they should just do fine!”
he nods in acknowledgement. “yeah, that’s fine f’me,” he huffs. and as you send him another smile and you dismiss yourself to the back to fetch said tulips, he can’t help but think about your first meeting.
it had been a week or two ago. a usual day of kicking ass was over and he was just on the way home until longtime friend kirishima eijiro called in a favor—he had practically begged bakugou to grab him some flowers for his date with mina since he was running late.
begrudgingly, katsuki had agreed, insisting only because the redhead was being so damn annoying. and so he pulled in to the first flower shop he saw—yours. he had stormed in and just demanded for a bouquet and the rest was history.
he found himself coming back even though he didn’t even need fucking flowers. (at first, he tells himself it’s because he’s got nothing better to do. and then he convinces himself it’s just to ensure the safety of another civilian, since you close nearing nighttime and walk home. and then he can’t lie to himself anymore that he finds you a tad bit.. cute.)
when you return, he breaks out of his reminiscing and looks back to you, blinking expectantly. “here you go!” you chirp, presenting the tucked tulips in some wrapper.
he’s grabbing his wallet from his pocket with a huff. “right.” he can feel your gaze on him patiently and he almost fumbles with his hands. (how embarrassing—he’s done this so many times too.)
and when you exchange the amount of money for the flowers, the briefest of touches from your hands makes him stutter in his movements just subtly. once the flowers are with him, he can smell its scent and he wants to sneeze.
he brushes it off and raises a brow at you. he wants to say something, maybe tell you how endearing it is to see how your name tag is lopsided on your shirt or how your wrinkled work apron has some clear stains of dirt from the flower pots on it. but instead, he says- “go home, dumbass.”
he knows you’re used to his rather blunt comments and words, but he swears he can feel the tips of his ears burn with a scorch as you snort and giggle in amusement. “i could tell you the same thing, dynamight,” you say back.
the flowers shift in his hold and he eyes the counter for two seconds to regain himself as he clears his throat and scoffs. “i meant- it gets dark faster nowadays, ‘kay? go home.”
you salute him playfully. “of course. you know i don’t close up the shop until you leave. you’re my last customer, dynamight.” (he knows.) “drive safe!”
“mhm.” he grunts and decides to take his leave before he makes a fool of himself. you wave him goodbye enthusiastically as he exits your shop and gets back into his car.
and when he returns to his apartment, he places his tulips with the rest of the flowers safely.
the morning is just creeping into the starting hours of noon—it gets a bit busier around this time with people in the city. peak business hour because sometimes, there’s always that one person who’s looking for some flowers or the perfect plant.
but right now, your shop is empty. the wafting scent of roses newly perched on the side counter fills the air but you don’t mind it as you sweep some fallen leaves from the floor.
you had turned on the small tv hooked up in the corner of the ceiling for some background noise, humming to yourself to pass time, but its current broadcast catches your attention.
“pro hero dynamight is on the scene of the ongoing shionosu bank robbery with the help of some sidekicks and-”
you abandon your sweeping to watch the small, short-lived clips of the robbery the news station has to offer, but seeing the familiar red-eyed blonde on screen has you feeling all fluttery.
you fingers tighten around the broomstick and you shake your head to yourself. you had somewhat gotten attached to the explosive hero throughout his daily visits—his honest and brash presentation may be off putting to others but you don’t mind. he’s like a literal explosion in your little life. you like to think that your plants enjoy his company.
besides, it’s sort of cute knowing that such an aggressive man had the time to stop by your shop nearly every single day to buy some flowers. and then you shake your head again—he was buying flowers, most likely for someone he was seeing.
you can still remember your first meeting with him like it was yesterday. man had strutted into your shop like he owned it and ordered you to give him some flowers. something along the lines of “oi! you still open? get me some shit for a date or something!” and that’s how it happened.
you wouldn’t change whatever this.. relationship you had with the pro hero for the world but it did hurt a little, knowing he was coming to your shop for your flowers only to give them to someone else. why else did he buy them?
the sound of his voice from the tv has you perking up and you’re quite embarrassed of yourself by the the effect he has on you, even on a damn screen.
“hah? just some fuckin’ d-list criminals who chose the wrong day to rob a bank,” he barks at the reporter, “you really think i couldn’t handle those shits?” of course, his words are poorly censored and you can’t help but laugh.
yeah, you’re okay with what you have. you’re happy that you can somewhat see another side of dynamight through your little exchanges.
the bell ringing then diverts your attention away from the tv and you politely greet an elderly lady walking in. you place aside the broom and head back behind the counter, content with knowing that you’ll see him later today.
bakugou comes in during his usual time, casual clothes only slightly rumpled since he had been in a hurry to make sure to make it before you closed up the shop.
and there you are as always, behind the counter with a sweet smile. “good evening, dynamight!”
he sighs quietly, taking in the calm and scenery of your shop. it’s a welcomed contrast after the hectic events of today—annoying criminals thinking they could take him down and even more annoying reporters with nosy questions.
“hey.” he grunts, then asks curiously, “how was your day?” he decides to ignore how pleasant surprise flicks over your face by roaming through the shelves on the side.
“it was pretty good,” you hum in reply. there’s a pause and then you add, “i saw you on tv today. a robbery, huh?”
the realization that you saw him in action on screen makes his cheeks heat up for some reason but he plays it cool, peering at you from behind one of the shelves. “oh, yeah,” he chuffs, “impressed?”
you giggle to yourself, crossing your arms as you observe him. “impressed by how they somehow managed to censor you, that’s for sure.”
katsuki winces only subtly and rolls his eyes as he comes out from behind the shelving to approach the counter. “yeah, yeah. pretty sure my pr team is gonna try ‘n whoop my ass again for that.” he barks out a rough laugh. “as if they could.”
you tilt your head back as you laugh with him, and fuck, he thinks he can watch you laugh all day. it’s music to his ears. “right,” you snort, “they can try, huh?”
he straightens his shirt somewhat, noticing the obvious wrinkles on them. “oh, yeah. you watch me the whole time?” he’s teasing.
“you wish,” you banter back, now uncrossing your arms to drum your fingers on the table absentmindedly. “this woman came in for some flowers. she was so kind- i gave her some delphiniums!”
he tilts his head, brows furrowing. “delphi-what now?” he huffs, leaning against the counter as he watches you brighten up. (damn, are you cute. but he’s not gonna say that out loud.)
“delphiniums are pretty.” you sigh and then start to ramble, “i gave her some royal larkspurs. pretty easy to take care of at the start! they usually symbolize dignity and grace, amongst some other things like sincerity, dedication- oh, i’m talking too much, aren’t i?” you rub the back of your neck sheepishly. “you’re just here for some flowers, sorry. uh, just anything like usual?”
bakugou blinks and chuckles softly. “nah, don’ worry. like hearing you talk.” shit, did he really say that? he straightens his posture and clears his throat, trying to act all nonchalant. “and uh, actually- i’ll take the larkspurs or whatever.”
you gaze is wide before you nod with a bright smile. “larkspurs it is.”
later that night, he adds those beautiful arching flowers of blue with his growing collection, another reminder of you.
god, how bakugou hates commission meetings with a passion. what he hates even more is waiting for them to actually start. ‘cause that means he actually has to socialize with his fellow colleagues.
like fucking deku here.
most of the heroes are lingering around the long table, and here’s his childhood friend, rambling on with the familiar faces of half ‘n half bastard and round cheeks, and they’re entirely invested with his current dilemma. “i just don’t know what to get her! i’m overthinking this, right? just a simple gift or some flowers could do, right?”
ochako pats midoriya’s shoulder reassuringly, saying, “you shouldn’t worry about it too much, deku. i’m sure your mom would love anything you get her!”
deku shakes his head as he continues mumbling in thought. even after all these years, the nerd never lost some of his annoying traits, much to bakugou’s irritation. old habits die hard, he supposes. (however, when you ramble, he finds that he doesn’t want you to stop.)
some of the others are joining in on the conversation to pass time—there’s fucking both dunce face and soy sauce face and he’s pretty sure he’s one second away from blowing the shit out of all of ‘em. how the hell did he tolerate them in high school?
before icyhot can open his mouth and surely say something idiotic, bakugou groans and turns in his chair to face them, dragging a hand over his face. “oh, for the love of- can you shut your trap already? jus’ get her some larkspurs or some shit.”
fuckin’ nerd looks at him all curious and interested, and he’s got the attention of the others now as well. “larkspurs, kacchan?” deku questions.
“yeah,” he huffs, turning his gaze away. he recites their meaning he had learned from you instinctively, crossing his arms and kicking his feet up onto the table.
denki then speaks up, “woah, kacchan. since when were you a flower expert?” the electric hero grins and leans forward and the others are obviously interested too.
“fuck off!” katsuki snaps roughly, “i ain’t no expert on some damn flowers. hate those fuckin’ things.”
he grumbles when the others laugh and continue to tease him whilst deku thanks him profusely. yeah—he’s still a damn nerd.
it’s another day of business. still midday, with the sun taking its place in the high in the sky. the afternoons aren’t as hot anymore, and you know you should start to move some of the display plants outside back inside but you’ll get to that later.
a lovely couple had left earlier with their desired flowers for their upcoming wedding and you had happily aided them. once they had left, you decided to take a small break, slouching on the counter.
you can’t help but let your thoughts drift back to a certain blonde. judging how he really didn’t care what flowers he got—other than the time he had asked for the larkspurs—you guessed his partner really didn’t mind the type of flowers they received either.
and as if your thoughts had summoned him, the bell rings and the door opens to reveal the man plaguing your mind, fully decked out in his hero costume.
“d-dynamight?” you yelp in surprise, immediately fixing your posture as you stare at him. he only comes at the end of the day, after his work is over and yours is nearly done—what the hell is he doing here? in the afternoon?
“ya busy?” bakugou grunts, making his way in without any further words.
he looks so out of place here—brandished armor and combat duty boots sounding heavy on the floor. you’re pretty sure he almost knocked over the shelves with how big his gauntlets are. he looks made for battle but here he is, standing expectantly, surrounded by dainty flowers and plants.
“um- um, no?” you then shake your head. “what’re you doing here? not that i mind! it’s just.. you’ve never come in the middle of the day before! what if someone sees you?”
he makes sure his grenadier bracers don’t actually knock down your hard work of arrangements, looking to you. “s’why i’m gonna be quick, idiot. can’t come later tonight so ‘m here now.”
“o-oh! of course.” you rush around the counter to pick something simple to offer to him, since he doesn’t seem to care again on what he’ll receive. you’re aware of his eyes following you as you grab some false indigos for a bundle.
“stay safe out there, dynamight,” you bid him, holding out the flowers for him to take. “i’ll see you some other time then?” you hate how hopeful you sound.
his red irises linger on you for a couple of seconds before he nods and pays up. “yeah, you will. you stay safe, idiot.“
his words make you feel warm—with the false indigos now with him, you simply smile. you won’t tell him that they symbolize protection; maybe he can learn that another day.
(later on, you see a media outlet that reads PRO HERO DYNAMIGHT SEEN WITH FLOWERS… HAS HE FOUND A PARTNER? and you hate how the title makes your stomach churn with jealousy—but seeing your flowers tucked delicately in his arms is worth it.)
bakugou actually doesn’t get to see you for a couple of days. there had been a change in his schedule and he had been assigned for some overnight shifts along with some other heroes in another district due to the rise of criminal activity there.
but he’s back now, thankfully, and he’s antsy to see you after all this time. (mind you, it’s only been three or four days. smitten, he is, for the attractive florist that supplies him with flowers even though he claims he hates them. on a side note, he hopes his assistant had taken good care of the false indigos he had placed in his office.)
so as he drives down the familiar street, katsuki can’t help but wonder if you still wait for him so you can close the shop. it has been a while since his last appearance that one early afternoon, so even though he wouldn’t be surprised that you don’t, he couldn’t lie and say that he wouldn’t be a bit disappointed.
but as he pulls in into the parking lot, he’s furious.
you had just closed the shop, not even a few feet away from the door as a gang of looming strangers crowd in towards you, all hunched and shady as you match their stares warily.
katsuki isn’t sure he’s moved faster than he has in his life—he’s scrambling out of the car to help you when you manage to land a sucker punch square into one of the asshole’s jaws. with your flank exposed, another one lunges for you and you scream.
“you fucker!” he snarls and he reaches you in record time, the one you had already knocked to the side being met with an accurately aimed kick to the gut from his boot before he sends an explosion that has the remaining three flying.
when bakugou sees that none of them are making an effort to get up, he slips out of his offensive stance and immediately turns to you in concern, eyes roaming for any injuries. “are you hurt? did they touch you?” he demands, brows furrowed. “i’m-”
he falters when you simply stare at him in awe. the silence between you two is deafening and he doesn’t know how to interpret it. he starts, worried, “hey, are you-”
you arms wrapping him around has him inhaling sharply. his arms linger, unsure of what to do but he accepts your embrace delicately. “thank you, dynamight,” you murmur after a moment, still holding him.
he breathes softly, and he’s all quiet when he speaks again. “..it’s bakugou to you,” he tells you gruffly, “got it?”
his words have caught you by surprise—he knows it by the way your eyes widen when you pull back to look at him. he meets your stare readily.
“thank you, bakugou,” you say gently, and his gaze softens. (hearing his name roll off your tongue is something he can get used to, he decides.)
he then chuckles, all fond. “remind me not to get you mad. that punch looked nasty.”
you laugh genuinely, and katsuki can’t help but think about how much he missed hearing it.
bakugou drives you home every night from then on.
you had no problem before, as your apartment building isn’t that far off, perhaps a fifteen minute walk, pushing ten if you jogged a little, and that was something you could manage. until the incident a couple weeks ago.
you definitely feel safer with him escorting you, even when you did protest that he didn’t have to waste his time driving to your shop, waiting for you to close and then dropping you off at your apartment—but he insisted. like, almost put you in a headlock if your dumbass didn’t listen insisted. (he still buys flowers every time too.)
and as giddy as it made you to spend more time with the pro hero, the reminder that he was supposedly taken was enough for you to know your limits. he’s simply doing his job—protecting people, s’all.
but in moments like this, you think you can selfishly enjoy yourself.
he’s blasting his music—some sort of punk rock that you can’t deny is pretty catchy—with his newly acquired lilacs resting on the center console for him to take home. it’s a bit silly, hearing such vulgar lyrics in the background as the petals of the magenta flowers shake slightly.
“you’ll enjoy your new home with bakugou, won’t you?” you coo at the plant, brushing your fingers over it tenderly. “he’ll take good care of you, i’m sure.”
bakugou’s got one hand on the wheel and he casts you an amused glance. as the car approaches a red light, he turns down the music and snorts. “are you seriously talking to the fuckin’ flowers?”
you lightly glare at him, a smile quirking up on the corners of your lips. “it helps them grow when you talk to ‘em nicely!”
“oh, yeah?” he raises a brow, snorting again—but he’s got an amused smirk on his face now as he focuses back on driving. “i’ll keep that in mind then, idiot.”
you sneak subtle side glances at him the rest of the ride, admiring his beauty—so close yet so far.
this is so fucking stupid, bakugou thinks. he should be buying flowers for you, not from you—or whatever couples do nowadays to please their partners. but here he is, back again. even if he is your drive home, this weird tradition of buying your flowers he had gotten accustomed is getting old. he just hopes you’re getting the hint that he’s not exactly here for the flowers.
katsuki doesn’t even bother announcing himself when he doesn’t see you behind the counter—you’re probably somewhere in the back tidying up some final things so you can leave, so he starts looking for something to buy already.
“hey, got anything new f’me to buy?” he calls out then, and he hears some rustling from the back room. he figures he might help you out so without much thought, he saunters around the counter, following the noise of your muffled movements.
your voice rings out, “yeah, i do! just lemme-” way closer than before and just as he enters the doorway of the backroom, you appear—walking right into him.
now, obviously he’s a wall. lean and fine muscle make up his body—and you crash into him, yelping when you stumble back in surprise.
bakugou’s reflexes are quick and he manages to catch you in time—his arm dips low and braces the small of your back before you can fall over. “fuckin’ idiot,” he huffs out, “be careful.”
“hey!” you cry out in protest, “you’re the one who was standing there! for someone so loud, you sure are stealthy.”
“ah? i can be plenty fucking stealthy!” he argues, voice booming against the walls and proving your point.
you giggle at that—and that’s when katsuki realizes you’re both so fucking close. he can see the shape of your lips and the way your eyes gleam in the lighting from above. he freezes.
you seem to realize it too, falling silent for a couple of heartbeats. bakugou clears his throat and lets you go. “alright, brat. gonna give me my flowers so we can fuckin’ leave already?”
he thinks he sees your shoulders relax and fall down before you nod and brush past him. “yeah, of course.”
he scoffs and follows you, wondering what it’d be like to kiss you.
you twiddle with some ribbons laced around some pottery, trying to redo some decorations on them since you can spare some time.
bakugou had come in a little early for you to close up, so he’s waiting for you to finish, casually leaning on the counter as he observes the store. okay, well- you’re not exactly sure what he’s doing, since he’s probably memorized the entire layout of your small area of the building by now because of how many times he’s been here.
you’re humming idly to yourself, the tv flicked on to some music ambience channel to full in the quiet air anytime bakugou isn’t striking up a conversation. he’s been silent for a while now.
“what’s a person’s ideal date?”
you nearly drop a vase. obviously, the question surprises you. it should, you think, since this is a pro hero who’s been coming to your flower shop for over a month or two now, supposedly getting flowers for his significant other—even if he does linger around longer than he should and drives you home—and he’s asking you on what someone’s ideal date is? this.. doesn’t make any sense.
“well...” you begin reluctantly, unsure of where this is leading, and even more unsure on how to actually answer. “it depends on the person, bakugou.”
the blonde simply clicks his tongue and his eyes meet yours.
“okay then. what’s your ideal date?”
just when you think he can’t surprise you any further, he does. you’re pretty sure your eyes nearly bug out of their sockets as you set the vase aside so you don’t actually drop it. “huh?”
“you heard me, dumbass,” katsuki scoffs with a roll of his eyes and you want to disappear into the floor. “what’s your ideal date?”
your throat suddenly feels dry. “i’m, uh, not the best person to ask for romantic advice, bakugou,” you warn, trying to be all teasing as you laugh anxiously. you do not want to help him plan out a date—you’d rather throw yourself into the sun.
“‘m serious, brat,” bakugou grumbles, crossing his arms and glaring at you. you can’t read him, usually you can’t, but his eyes are warm. “tell me.”
you continue fiddling with some ribbons as you glance away to contemplate. “well.. a- a picnic date would be nice. with some of my favorite foods, maybe. it’d probably be out in some meadow. just.. a nice, open meadow where you can see flowers for miles.” you sigh dreamily.
it’s quiet again and then you glance back to him, stammering, “but- but that’s just my preference! i dunno if the person you’re seeing would like that ‘n stuff. everyone’s different, y’know?”
suddenly he’s got this confused scowl on his face, brows furrowed and eyes narrowed. oh god, did you offend him in some way? say something awful? what if you-
“hah?” bakugou snaps, voice colored in disbelief, “who the hell said i was seeing someone?”
what? now it’s your turn to be utterly confused, and you stare at him with wide eyes. “you’re not- you’re not seeing someone? dating someone?” you inquire, puzzled.
“no, dumbass!” he barks out, “i’m not- where the fuck did you get that idea from?”
you blink once, twice. “you!” you cry out, saying, “when you came in here for the very first time, you asked me to get you flowers for a date!”
bakugou’s eyes widen and then he’s taking steps towards you. “not a date for me, dumbass! my friend asked me to get him flowers for his date!”
your mind spins with the new information but you’re still so confused, still in denial—you shake your head. “but- but.. why else would you come in for flowers every single day?”
“because i wanted to see you!”
oh. the confession has your cheeks heating up. so… the blonde you’ve been harboring a massive crush on is, in fact, not seeing anyone, and is coming in every day to your flower shop to buy your flowers because he wants to see you?
bakugou stares at you, eyes all wide as if he can’t believe what he had just said aloud. his words are echoing in your head and you laugh a little. “you.. aren’t here for the flowers?” you say softly.
his gaze is all warm as he relaxes, and you can see the faint pink tingeing his cheeks. “no,” he confesses in a grumble, “..‘m here for you and your stupid dumbass.”
you laugh again, and he finally reaches you. his fingers twitch and slowly, you take his hands in yours. they feel a little warm, clumsy like he doesn’t know what to do with his fingers before they tighten around yours. “we really are idiots, huh?” when he glares at you softly, you add, “i like you too. just so you know.”
his blush is visible and oh so pretty now, and he lets out a sigh of relief at your words. and then he snorts, “good, ‘cus i’m gonna need some help takin’ care of all the stupid fuckin’ flowers at my apartment. it’s practically a shop now too.”
as he pulls you into a crushing hug, you burst into a fit of giggles.
“you forgot to water this one, you idiot!” katsuki calls from the corner of your shop, grumbling at some of the drooping crotons you brought in recently. “where the fuck did you put the watering can?”
you point to the counter, too occupied with fixing the succulents. “should be somewhere on the floor over there, suki,” you tell him. and as you watch him snatch the watering can and storm back over to the plants in need, you grin to yourself.
“thanks, katsuki,” you hum as you stand back up, “you’re a big help, y’know?”
he scoffs. “yeah, yeah.” as he tilts the watering can to spray the plants, he continues in a hushed voice. “what you would ‘lil fuckers do without me, ah?”
your heart does a flip. a month or so ago, you wouldn’t believe it if someone had told you that the pro hero dynamight would be in your shop taking care of your plants as he talks to them. but you know, you also wouldn’t have believed it if they had told you he’d be your boyfriend.
and katsuki eventually does take you out on that ideal date once it gets warmer. a dainty picnic lunch with your favorite foods that he made from scratch in his very own kitchen in a heavenly meadow surrounded by flowers all around.
and it’s there, when he kisses you, that bakugou katsuki realizes that he doesn’t hate flowers. especially since he has the most gorgeous flower of them all—you.
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yanderenightmare · 1 year
something i havent seen you do is Bakugou with an equally famous or successful reader, like she's still quirkless but maybe an idol of sorts? i think it could be interesting
Bakugou Katsuki x darling
TW: yandere, some slight nsfw, obsession, coercion, abuse of power
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Your face is on the poster plastered right next to his, only you look like his stark opposite.
Flowers instead of explosions frames you and your dewy skin. Glittering with the spritz of perfume you’re commercializing instead of the droplets of sweat and grease he’s smeared with.
A catlike grin plays deceptively soft in the corner of your glossy lips, whereas his bear a crazed maniacal demonstration of canines like a rabid mongrel.
And your eyes, painted with a seductive blend of smokey colors similar to the smudge of his war paint, though refined to make you look oh-so-lush and divine, like a queen, and he, only a lowly sooty footsoldier in comparison.
He buys magazines you’re featuring in and reads them before bed.
Ending up with a hand bobbing beneath the cover.
Feeling lucky like none when the poster within is a large A3 foldout of you in something rather risqué. 
He reads your interviews from cover to cover or watches them on TV.
His heart pounding when the segment of your nameless childhood bully is brought up. Happy to see you haven't forgotten him.
He was a complete desperate mess when you did that extremely private lingerie commercial that had you showing off nearly all assets on a set of pillows and plushies.
Losing his mind looking through the mesh and chiffon right to where your nipples teased him with their perky strut. 
Not to mention your face and your expressions… 
You really know how to play to the camera. So much so it makes him jealous of the photographer. 
He’d like to be the one to tell you to pose and give him a pout. Pretending he is when slowly peeling each page over to view the following image. Throat tight and dry and palms sweaty, watching you crawl and give a rather intimidatingly large teddy bear a kiss on the cheek.
You’ve definitely become something different from your shared days in middle school.
Something confident and alluring.
Something he wants to play with in a wide new variety of ways than before.
It’s good that your industry often intertwines with his.
He knows exactly which model to request when his agency wants to shoot a new campaign poster starring Dynamight saving a Damsel in Distress.
No one but you fit the role so picture-perfectly, being both a beautiful idol and a quirkless citizen.
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You’ve learned to refrain from asking your handler any questions, just doing what the strict woman tells you, be it what jobs to take, how to dress, or what to eat. It’s better that way. She’s a professional, and you owe your entire career to her wisdom. But once you get to the photo shoot and start recognizing the props of a certain hero decorating the stage, you get queasy with unease upon understanding exactly which pro hero you’re going to be shooting with. 
Swallowing thickly, you bar yourself in your dressing room for a minute. Your handler already shouting at your ear enough to make you wince with tears at the ready as you try to explain the sticky situation to her. Naturally, your cries fall upon deaf ears, and soon enough, you’re convinced you’re being silly. This is a huge opportunity, after all. Dynamight is on par with Deku, having shared the title of the number one hero ever since they graduated. It would be career suicide to decline a collab with him, especially now that you’re already under contract with his agency.
You splash your face with cold water to calm the swelling left by your tears and get dressed in the silky white summer dress provided to you. It’s a pretty article, you think without being overly happy about it. It’s a thin, nearly see-through, backless model with a rather deep dip reaching down between your breasts. And though it isn’t at all the first time you flaunt your body in a nearly nude state in front of the world, it certainly is the first time you do so in front of the guy who used to pick your appearance apart until you cried. You only hope he doesn’t recognize you and that the shoot will be over before he eventually can.
You’re glad your handler does what her job suggests and handles all handshakes and greetings on your behalf. But though all the formalities of the work fall upon her shoulders, the part of the actual modeling is something only you can do.
You’re able to remain professional for the most part, barely ever glancing in his direction, though picking up on his mass from the corner of your eye and through the veil of fake lashes where you keep your eyes glued to the floor as the photographer gives instructions for the new pose. But then comes the direction you were dreading, the one which has the two of you touching. And even though you knew it was inevitable, you still flinch when he puts his hands on you.
And though the assistants, handlers, managers, and photographers are all oblivious to your discomfort, he notices, smiling at your tiny shivers and how well you hide them.
He’s so much bigger than you remember, you think while you try steadying your breath and convincing yourself that it isn’t any different from all those other times you’ve gone out of your comfort zone for the sake of a good deal. The shoot you did for Playboy Magazine had practically been a porno, and that time you’d been surrounded by a great deal of big beefy men, much similar to the one touching you now. 
Still tough... you had a laugh that time around. You had fun.
This wasn’t fun.
“Funny this.” He spoke, and you feared he was speaking to none other than you.
Holding you in a scoop of a bridal carry, you felt the harsh metal of his costume dig into your skin, not more than the grip of his hands clawing at your flesh like a predator sinking its teeth into caught prey. The grime on his fingers dirtying the white of your dress.
“Or… ironic is a better word for it.” He adds, and you finally look up into that face that still sometimes haunts you in your dreams despite having been out of your life for years. “Oh- don’t say you don’t remember me, Quirkless?”
After the shoot, the photographer praises you on your ability to portray true distress, unbeknownst that the sentiments in your expressions were genuine, and you almost trip over the stage props while thanking him, wanting to leave the set as quickly as possible in favor of going home.
But obviously, shooting a campaign poster isn’t why you’re there.
“Have dinner with me.” He says, with his hand, seemingly made to break bones, wrapped tight around your twiggy wrist. Stopping you from running away.
And just as expected, your handler accepts before you can make the costly mistake of refusing.
tip-jar: Kofi
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nnnyxie · 8 months
I‘m inlove with an au I saw- it was bakugo x Popstar!reader so why don’t we Just Switch That and make it Izuku x Popstar!reader??🤭 like Imagine reader being a Popstar since middle/high school so Izu has been a Stan from the start!! And he works his way up to becoming a pro, Reader becoming a fan quickly and appearing on a live stream wearing his merch (I’m thinking an oversized hoodie??) And Deku hears of it- super flustered hehe and also ofc him posting maybe a story with readers music in the bg?? Stuff like that
Does that make sense?? You get what I mean right?? Okay cool
#𖢥 izuku anon
i heart ur brain so bad!!!
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you’ve been a popstar since your first year of high school!!!
you quickly gained popularity because of your unique voice and music style!! i’m thinking smthn along the lines of daoko and jun togawa!!
when you first debuted— he just loved you— he loved your music, voice, and style choices. he’s been your biggest supporter since day one!
now you…. you’ve also been a big supporter of his too!! he was just a sidekick when you first saw him in action. and you were so happy to see how he climbed the ranks!!
you loved how he interacted with his fans and how he treated the younger ones!!
when he started to gain more popularity, merch of him started coming out. you were pretty much the first to get every item. you collected all the posters, figurines, t-shirts, sweatshirts, etc. you were as bad as he was when it came to all might.
though— he was the same with you. he collected your albums in all forms, he had tour shirts and sweatshirts too. (despite never being able to go to a concert.)
now onto the live stream part………
izuku usually isn’t able to watch your livestreams. they’re usually at night and he mainly does night patrol. but!! his schedule’s changed a bit and now he’s doing early noon!! how convenient!!
lucky enough!! as soon as he got home, your stream started. it was labeled:
let’s talk hero!! (aka let’s talk deku!!)
the way his face lit up—
he was definitely quick to join—
though, his ‘username just joined’ notification got drowned by all the other fans so you didn’t see it <//3
but— when you appeared, you were in his newest world heroes era costume— well, it was a sweatshirt design but still!!
he was so surprised that you were a fan of his!!! it made him so happy!!
if homeboy had a tail, it’d be wagging.
“hello everyone!!” you spoke to your phone, laughing at the amount of comments. sometimes it was overwhelming but, you’d do anything for your fans!!
canklebiter: h-h-he-hell-hello🥺
“oh…! hello cankle biter!” you tried not to laugh or outwardly cringe.
cuntryside.living: NAHHHHH THE FUCK???
patricksslutera: ignoring that. LETS TALK ABT DEKU🤭
nana.sei: yes pls 💥 let out ur fangirl side!! we luv it 💥
“alright, alright. we’ll get on with the conversation!” you clasped your hands together in excitement. “did you all see his recent save? he’s such an amazing hero! the way he was able to save all of those residents— it was truly inspiring! and he had the brightest smile on his face when they thanked him.” you smiled fondly, remembering the news report. “it must’ve been so difficult though. having all of that weight on you. all of that expediency. i can’t imagine how difficult it all is for him. he’s strong in many forms. i think that’s why i love him best.” his heart skipped a beat—
“but, he knew what he was getting into, you know? and i don’t mean that in a bad way! i mean it like— he decided to do it, knowing the repercussions. he did it because, he wanted to save people and make them happy.” you sighed, happily. “it’s so admirable.”
“and i’ll be honest— i’d be too scared to ever do that. but, seeing him in action? it’s just… inspiring. i’ve uh… this is a little embarrassing… but, i’ve dedicated quite a few of my songs to him… especially on my recent album…” you held your face in your hands. “you know the songs i’ve never explained the background of? yeah… those were the ones.” you groaned in slight embarrassment. “don’t go spreading that around now though— okay?” you playfully glared at the screen.
koushi.kt: @/mei.mei WHAT DID I SAY
earphone.jack✔︎: the green makes sense now…
pinky✔︎: @/earphone.jack I WAS JUST ABT TO SAY
nana.sei: HELP WHY IS EVERYONE ACTING SO SURPRISED??? this is them we’re talking abt c’mon🧍‍♀️
koushi.kt: wait bc i need to see them tgthr now
izuku feels dizzy and giddy.
he honestly thought that you might’ve had some secret lover due to the nature of the songs— but now that he knows the songs are for him??? he’s just !!!!
(i mean i’d be dying if i were in his shoes /pos)
he watches your live until its end— taking note of when the next will be
he also decides to ‘discreetly’ post on his story about your new album……. tagging you…….
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‘thyme’ was symbolic to courage, strength, power, and sacrifice in ancient greece & rome. which is why i chose it as a song title!!
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thefiery-phoenix · 11 months
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You were a 5 year old cute adorable shy little girl but wasn't afraid to protect your loved ones. You were going to the playground to practice using your quirk which by the way, was Nuclear Explosion. you were about to play on the swing and just then, you saw a certain green broccoli haired boy getting bullied by a loud angry ash blonde who suspiciously, looked like a rat or a hedgehog on crack
''Face it Deku! I'm better than you and you're just a quirkless pathetic waste of space who will NEVER surpass me and don't waste your time aiming to be a hero'' snarled the blonde as the green haired kid looked like as if he was about to cry. The blonde haired boy pushed him and he fell and that's what made your blood boil in anger.
''Hey! Stop bullying him you big meanie!'' you yelled and stuck your tongue at him. ''What did you say to me you damn extra?'' shouted the blonde kid. You fired your nuclear explosions at him and his 3 goons and they left in a hurry after that. "I'll get you for this you damn extra, whatever the hell your name is!'' he shouted. ''I have a NAME and it's Y/N you big moron!'' You helped the green haired kid get up and he had some tears in his eyes and was clutching an all might figurine, someone who you were fond of as well
''Are you all right?'' you asked the green haired kid as he nodded and stuttered that he was fine. He introduced himself as Izuku Midoriya and the blonde who bullied him was Kaachan or Katsuki bakugou. ''Come on, I'll help you clean up, you have a pretty big bruise there on your knee'' and led him towards a park bench. You patched it up with a band-aid as Izuku saw your tiny soft magical hands at work. He turned red whenever you touched him and his face was becoming flushed and his heart beat faster than ever. ''Are you okay? Do you have a fever?'' you asked him and touched his forehead and he shook his head vigorously. You both became best friends after that and you stood up for him whenever Katsuki bullied him. Little did you know, even Katsuki had grown feelings towards you. Fast forward to where you guys are in middle school cuz, I'm too lazy (lol)
Izuku's POV: Here I am, waiting for Y/N chan in front of her house so we can go to school together. I really LOVE and enjoy having her around. She always helps me when Kaachan bullies me and she's really kind and caring. But... why does my chest hurt so much when she talks to other people and gives them her attention? I hate it when Y/N spends her precious time with someone else.... They don't deserve her. They don't deserve her attention. I wish I could be strong so I could protect her just like a knight in shining armor and all that. 
''Izuku!'' chirped a cheerful and yet soft female voice snapping me out of my thoughts. It was Y/N looking at me with her beautiful eyes. "Shall we get going?'' she asked me. "S-sure'' I stuttered. We were on the way to our middle school and we witnessed a fight between our idol All Might and a villain. ''Oh my gods, LOOK!'' gasped Y/N and clutched my arm looking nervous. Of course, I turned pink but she didn't see it, thank goodness. We were watching the fight and finally All Might won. I wanted to talk to him and I asked Y/N to go on without me even though I was reluctant to leave her alone. I didn't want anything bad to happen to her but..... I needed to talk to All Might alone. "All Might, do-d- do you think I could still become a hero without a quirk?'' and when All Might gave me his answer, it shattered my heart into a million pieces. He said I couldn't be a hero without a quirk and I was devastated! All my hopes and dreams crushed within less than a second! I went to school feeling like garbage since that's exactly how I felt right now. Maybe Kaachan was right..... maybe I shouldn't be a hero..... I'm just a pathetic quirkless nobody. I went to school and when our homeroom teacher announced that me, Y/N and Kaachan wanted to get into the UA, people started snickering at us. Well, at me mostly. Y/N asked them to shut up and then got into a heated argument with Katsuki and finally ended up in detention, along with him. I have to admit, Y/N gotten bolder and it's really cute and adorable. 
But I wasn't going to let MY darling Y/N chan be ALONE with Kaachan for an ENTIRE hour. Who knows what he's going to do to her? So, in order for her not to be lonely and to keep an eye on Kaachan to make sure he doesn't try anything with my puppy, I NEED to get detention too. So, I purposefully looked like as if I wasn't paying attention to the teacher and what do you know? I got detention as well.... 
The bell finally rang and soon, it was time for detention. Y/N headed out and told me she'd wait for me at the detention room. I was about to follow her when Kaachan pulled me back by my collar and hissed, ''Stay the HELL away from Y/N. She's MINE and I LOVE her, you understand, you DAMN nerd?'' and burned my wrists a little. ''Kaachan stop it, I love her too'' I said and that's how burns decorated my body yet again. ''Just stay away from her and why not take a swan dive off a roof? If you're lucky you'll wake up with a quirk in your NEXT life'' and burned  my hero analysis notebook to ash. Y/N chan comforted me during detention and swore that she'd pulverize him to death but I shook my head. Soon, it was time for us to go home but I didn't go home. No. I went somewhere and met someone who changed my life forever and made me see things in a different perspective..... That day had completely changed me and no doubt, my darling Y/N chan would certainly have tears in her eyes but I'll wipe them off and comfort her.... After all... I'm the ONLY one she needs.....
Y/N's POV: It' been 2 years since my best friend Izuku went missing. I never liked calling him 'Deku' since it meant useless and it was given to him by that hot headed hedgehog Katsuki. I swore to myself that I'd gain my pro hero licence and the second I do, I would do WHATEVER I could to find him and get him back. His mother was out of her mind with worry every single day and I would comfort her before going to the UA, the most prestigious school in Japan for upcoming heroes. Unfortunately, even Kaachan got in too. I went to Mrs. Midoriya's house and comforted her and went to the UA. Seeing the building always made me have glistening tears in my eyes since it was our dream to be in the UA together and now.... that was all just a mirage. I made my way to class 1a and while Katsuki was glad that Izuku didn't come to the UA, I told him to shut up. ''This all your fault. You always used to bully him and its because of you he's.... he's gone'' I said angrily as Katsuki replied, ''Tch... why do you even care about that quirkless nerd?'' ''He was my FRIEND!'' I shouted and by now, everyone in class 1a turned to stare at us but I didn't care 
Classes dragged on as usual and when we went to the grounds for hero training, we heard the school's security's alarms blaring loudly. ''Quick! Everyone, stay in the classrooms! The pro heroes will ensure you're safe! There are villains attacking!'' yelled Present Mic over the speakers and just as we were about to make a run for it, a purple portal opened up in front of us and out came a buff well built looking guy with a green mask, with a blue haired crusty looking person and a blonde haired girl wearing a school uniform 
The green haired guy removed his mask and I recognized his freckles along with his emerald eyes and his green hair. Slowly it was starting to hit me.... Izuku, my dear friend was a.... villain!!?? 
''Izuku?'' I whispered and looked shocked as hell and so did Katsuki. "What the HELL you DAMN nerd?'' ''Ah.... an old reunion among childhood friends. How sweet'' said Izuku smiling sickly. ''Stay back'' threatened Aizawa. '' Izuku, why did you become a.... a villain?'' I asked him with tears in my eyes. '' Ah... my darling Y/N chan. Sweetheart, who wouldn't become one after they've been let down by their idol and on top of that being bullied for being quirkless? That arrogant ego filled jerk KATSUKI bullied me till NO ENDS!! And heck! Even my own MOM gave up on me after she found out I was quirkless! But Y/N... you were the only one who gave me hope.... You made me happy, you always supported me, cheered me on.... Join me Y/N... Join me and I'll make sure to treat you like the princess that you deserve to be treated. To hell with this corrupted tainted hero society!'' he roared but I shook my head and ran away from him. ''Y/N chan, love, You can't escape me~'' and released some purple fog all around us. Then, I felt something hit my head and pretty soon, the only only thing I could sense was people yelling and shouting as my consciousness slowly drifted.....  
3rd Person POV: You woke up on a surprisingly comfortable bed but your hands were chained to the bed's headboard. You started hollering through your gag, making muffled noises. Soon a blue haired man and your friend Izuku appeared. ''Ask you girlfriend to join us or die.'' said the crusty looking man, as he removed your gag and you yelled, "I'm NEVER joining the LOV! Izuku, this ISN'T YOU! Why are you doing this!? How could you?'' you screamed at him with tears in your eyes. You couldn't use your quirk since he had placed a quirk canceling collar on you
He unchained you and rubbed your back in a somewhat soothing manner, waiting for you to calm down. ''Do... do you have any idea how WORRIED your mom was'' you asked him, as he quickly kissed you on your lips in order to shut you up. You tried fighting him, but gave in to him in the end. He broke the kiss and cuddled you and whispered hoarsely.... '' I love you Y/N my precious doll.... your MINE and ONLY MINE, no one else's..... And you will learn to love me at some point.....
BONUS SCENE: Toga: Uhh.... Dabi, you Do realize that if you're planning to flirt with Y/N Deku's gonna murder you, right?
Dabi: Yeah you stab queen, I figured that out, but I'm not going to lie, she was pretty good looking
Shigaraki: You're all idiots. 
Izuku: What. the HELL. did you say about MY Y/N?? 
Dabi: Uhhh....n-nothing. She's absolutely PERFECT for you and she's like my little sister. (Chuckles nervously)
Izuku: (smiles in a way no creepy serial psychotic serial killer would) Good to know.
P.S: This convo takes place AFTER you're nicely sleeping on DEKU's bed, END OF STORY
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msfantasy-anime · 1 year
Paybacks a Bitch
ExBoyfriend!Katsuki Bakugo x ExGirlfriend!Reader
Summary: Katsuki and Y/n have been dating throughout middle-school, Katsuki gives a brutal break-up on graduation day. The two meet again as adults
Warnings: Angst, break-up drama, regrets
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“So what if I didn’t get into UA?! That doesn’t mean we have to break-up!” Lip trembling, Katsuki pulls away from your grasp as teary blobs cascade down your red splotchy cheeks.
“You don’t get it. If that quirk-less loser Deku got in, then you should’ve too. You must be incredibly pathetic not to get in. I can’t have a girlfriend holding me back from my goals.” A sob escapes your lips as his ferocious words slam deep daggers into your heart.
“How can you say that?! We’ve been together for years and now-“
“And now I have finally opened my eyes to see you for who you truely were. A pathetic looser who’s holding me back. You’ve been an anchor in my life for long enough.” Overwhelmed with the Katsuki’s brutal words your tears turn off, you look blankly into his face. The face of the boy you had once gone, now scowling at you as if you were a nuisance. As if you were just some stranger causing irritation and ruining his day.
This wasn’t your Katsuki, this was a beastly teenage boy who had no love left for you. After all the time and effort spent in maintaining a relationship with this egotistical fool. But now that you think of it… why did you love Katsuki? Long ago were the days when he was kind, long were the days that he ensured your happiness came first. When was the last time he took you on a date? When did he last make you smile? When was the last time you smiled?
Sudden relief washes over you at the realisation that you were no longer bound to his mood-swings. His overbearing jealously that ruined your plans. His controlling nature dominating what you wore and who you talked to.
You can start a new, High School was just around the corner.
There was no need to waste your time any further.
There was no need to waste another breath explaining yourself.
You looked upon Katsuki’s emotionaless face, there was no need to waste another wasted moment with him.
“Y/n!” A voice calls, looking over your shoulder you see Midoriya holding a beer in one hand and waving ecstatically with the other.
“No fricking way! Your in charge of the tongs- I’ll be back.” You pass your friend the tongs to continue flipping the thin meat whilst you rush over to greet your old classmate.
“Izu! It’s good to see you!” You pull him into a bear hug which he gingerly returns.
“This is amazing! Look Kacchan- it’s Y/n!” You look to the person sitting across from Midoriya to see non-other than Katsuki Bakugo staring at you with his mouth open. You give a small wave from where you stood, knowing that he was never one for mushy greetings.
“Wow- I’d never thought that I’d see Suki drinking beer and eating barbecue with Izu.” Your signature grin spreading across your face. Midoriya pulls a chair out for you to sit.
“Since when did you call the nerd Izu?” Lips curl at the pathetic nickname given to his rival. His stomach turns seeing you look off the the side the way you did when you wanted to avoid a question. Irritation bubbles in his stomach as Midoriya changes the subject quickly.
“So what’s happening with you?!” His excitement was always infectious, it was a quality you had always admired.
“I had a lay-over in Japan, so I thought I’d catch up with some old friends, but I’m heading back to Australia for a bit. I have a new office opening in Sydney.” Midoriya hums excitedly grabbing your hand he gives it a light squeeze. Katsuki glares at your clenching palm.
“This is the 2nd agency you’ve opened right?! I’ve been following your accomplishments in the hero announcements!” Giggling, you shyly wave off Midoriyas’ kind words.
Katsuki hated this.
He hated how familiar you were both acting.
He hated how he didn’t know anything about you anymore and he hated that this damn nerd knew more about you.
He hated that you seem to be casting your full attention on the green grape across from him.
He hated how he was once your whole life and now is no longer privy to your life.
Katsuki had sworn that you were an anchor to his life. He discarded you thinking that you would hold him back, or drag him down.
Instead your travelling the world, building hero agencies and raking in millions in the process.
You achieved everything you’d hoped.
He achieved his goals- but at what cost?
You were Middle-Schoolers, you wouldn’t have lasted together anyway right?
“It was good to catch up with you both- but I can see my friends are needing help keeping up with the barbecue.” Katsuki gripped your wrist as you stood and blurted out a question that shocked your very ears.
“Do you ever miss me?” You shrug awkwardly, you churned words through your head to string together a kind sentence, but this is Katsuki, he appreciates bluntness.
“Romantically? I don’t. We were kids when we were together, I haven’t seen you since we were 15 years old. I honestly barely remember those times.” Your departure left Katsuki feeling cold.
You barely remember being with him? He remembered you vividly. He struggles to be with anyone else because of his stupidity, his ego ruined a good relationship.
That is a regret he’ll just have to live with.
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thehusbandoden · 6 months
Midoriya Izuku x OFA Related Reader Headcannons
A/n: here's the request. For some reason my account is acting weird with requests and I don't wanna risk losing them so I'm doing it differently.
I'm so sorry it took so long! I wanted to write a fic but it wasn't working lol.😅
If you want something changed/want to request something else, please please contact me!
General info:
Genre: fluff + sllight angst \\ wc: 902 \\ posted: 01/01/2024 \\ requested
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Your parents died when you were about six. They were bystanders of a villain attack, and All Might unfortunately didn't get there in time. All Might felt incredibly guilty, even though he knew that he did his best.
His guilt tripled when he found out that the couple had a daughter. He was very invested in your future, and immediately offered to adopt you when he found out you didn't have anyone to take you in.
After a while of debating and arguing, the government finally allowed All Might to adopt you. He took a few months off of work to bond with you and get to know you. He hired a full-time nanny to help take care of you while he was at work.
As you grew, he secretly hoped you would be able and willing to take on his quirk and be the next successor.
A few years pass by, and you haven't developed your quirk. All Might had taken you to your doctor multiple times, but he didn't see anything wrong. You were just a late bloomer.
All Might continued to smile, comforting you whenever you felt like a failure.
At your request, and probably a little bit of All Might's own desires, he started training you a week after your tenth birthday. You were amazing, and All Might was sure you would become the next successor.
Until your quirk came.
On your fourteenth birthday, you received your quirk. It was amazing and powerful, yes, but there was one problem...
It was completely incompatible with OFA.
The news devastated you and put you in a pit of depression for a few weeks.
All Might tried his best to reassure you, but you were too caught up in your own self-pity.
Five weeks later, you finally accepted it. You allowed and appreciated the comfort All Might gave you and started to rethink your life's plan.
After a few more weeks of recovery, you asked All Might to help you train your quirk.
It was tough, and almost overwhelming at times, but with All Might's support and the many professionals he hired with similar quirks, you prevailed.
You were behind your fellow classmates by several years, but made up for it by the relentless hours you trained with several pros.
By the time Middle school was ending, you were equal if not far surpass your classmates. You made it into UA by recommendation.
During the months before UA, All Might introduced you to Midoriya Izuku... his new successor.
They were both nervous about your reaction, but pleasantly surprised when you took the news well.
You and Izuku ended up getting along quite well. You quickly became friends, and you helped him with both preparing for and controlling his new power. 
You became very close, becoming inseparable from each other.  
Izuku slowly began to master his new power with your help, filling you with pride.  
Helping him achieve his dream helped you to feel better about your failure.  
Both of you developed feelings for one another but didn’t admit it- even to yourselves.  
You always denied accusations of your crush thrown at you by the majority of Class 1-A.  
It got so bad that Bakugo screamed at you across the hallway, demanding that you and “stupid Deku” stop being wimps and actually confess to one another.  
Izuku was in hearing range, and you almost died from embarrassment.  
Luckily, no one mentioned it.  
It wasn’t until you worriedly entered the hospital, walking down the hall as your eyes flickered from room to room, anxiously looking for his number.  
Your eyes met with the room number, and your heart thundered against your chest as you hurried inside, tears forming at the corners of your eyes as your eyes laid on the broken body of Izuku.
He got so worried when he saw your tears, trying to sit up to comfort you.  
At the sight of him hurting himself, you grew angry.  
Your lips contorting into a snarl, you gently push him back into bed, glaring at him.  
“We’ll talk about this... foolish behavior later.” You growl, your e/c orbs boring into his emerald ones.  
After he healed the two of you shyly confessed. He took you on a date, and you became official three days later.  
You spent even more time together, sitting closer, and staring more openly.  
Neither of you denied your feelings anymore- even though you didn’t tell anyone.  
Almost everyone knew but you didn’t really care.  
You were able to help him whenever he struggled to control or understand OFA, and you were the first one to recognize what was happening and to jump into help.  
You ended up engaged three months after you graduated from UA and married seven months after that. Izuku heavily relied on your knowledge, asking you for help or for advice.  
You both became well-known heroes, and you both went back and forth from number one and number two.  
Bakugo surpassed you once- for two months.  
Izuku was secretly fuming, fighting harder for his position.  
He had a smug smirk on his lips as you regained your ranking, wrapping an arm around your waist as he pressed a kiss to your cheek, not caring about the cameras.  
The affectionate act was all over the news the next day.  
He fainted when he saw the pictures and the clip the next morning, profusely apologizing when he woke up.  
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Reblogs and feedback are greatly appreciated <33
Do not copy, repost, nor plagiarize my work. Ask before you translate or use my work in any way -minus reblogging.
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vanilla-teddybear · 5 months
Remember Me
Hanahaki disease
Izuku Midoriya x Reader
Synopsis: You have been in love with Midorya for months but when he confessed his feelings for someone else you became ill
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Remember me though I have to say goodbye Remember me, don't let it make you cry For even if I'm far away, I hold you in my heart I sing a secret song to you each night we are apart Remember…..
The first flower spilled suddenly from your lips, like a warm waterfall. When you were pretending to be Oblivious and asked Deku who he liked he said “Uraraka”
That broke you to the core and before you knew it you were throwing up daffodils. It Symbolized unrequited love.
Your heart started to hurt and tears ran down your face as you continued to throw up petals. You pathetically chuckled wiping the tears away and flushing your toilet. You laid in your bed with a trash bin near your bed, you been throwing up petals all night now having any average sleep.
For the past first two weeks you’ve been hiding it, playing it off as tiredness.
Until Midoriya and Uraraka actually started dating making you even worse than before. You started throwing up more than petals this time it was full blown flowers. You were scared, you weren't even sure that you can hide this from Mr. Aizawa anymore.
He was suspicious of you already.
You looked up everything about the diseased and you didn't want to take the surgery and forget about your first love. So you were gonna die watch Izuku fall for someone else that isn't you.
As you were throwing up red flowers, Bakugou kneeled beside you in worried surprisingly as he held your hair up.
"What the fuck ___" he mumbled he knew what this was, but he was in denial seeing one of his friends since middle school dying in front of him.
"Im dying I know and my dying wish is for you not to tell anyone, I want to die is peace and in the water" You said bluntly making Baukgou gape at you.
"WHAT? YOUR JUST GONNA ACCEPT THIS ___?" He yelled at you qustioning if your bring rational or not.
You looked dead already with eye bags covered in flowers from your throat. "I-Im so tired Katsuki" You whispered as tears flowed down your face. His face held pity and guilt heistant before nodding. He held you close.
"T-Tell me the guy your dying for at least ___" He mumbled looking you with his red eyes as you sigh in agreement. "Izuku" you said making his eyes widen before nodding.
You both sit in the bathroom in silence on the floor until he inturpts the silence again. "what will your last moments be?"
"In the ocean watching the sunset before fading away" You mumbled sadly.
"Ill come with you to take your body to the officials" Bakugou said sternly making you nod as you both stay in the bathroom longer for peace from each other.
The Next day...
Bakugou kept an eye on you to make sure you weren't worse then before and even if he cant see it he can tell you were gonna fade soon.
"___!!!" Midoriya called out to you grabbing your hand as you tense. "We havent hang out in a while its like I barley see you anymore, How about we go get ice cream later or go to our hangout spot-" He rambles but stop when you snatch your hand from his like he was poison.
He gave you a questioning look trying to take your hand back "Puppy whats wrong?" he asked stepping towards before bakugou steps in between the two of you.
"Move away Nerd" Bakugou mumbles pushing Izuku backwards.
"Stay out of this Kacchan, I just wanna talk to them they been looking sick lately" Deku argued
"I prefer if we didn't hang out Midoriya" You saying his last name hit right through home as you rushed away from the both of them feeling the urge the throw up. Bakugou walked away from Deku ignoring the the green hair questions.
Using an Illusion on your teacher wasn't ideal nor was your plan but if it means leaving in peace then you took the chance.
A few more days pass and you knew it was time.
Bakugou took you to the beach, thrones were piercing your throat as you were in pain but this is your dying wish. "Thank you Katsuki" You mumbled as he stayed silent. You entered the water looking at the sunset, You threw up more flowers and then thrones as you eyes slowly closed as you faded away. Bakugou watched as his childhood friend fades away. Before you could drown he carried your dead body back to campus.
As he entered the dormitory he saw Aizawa and All Might with Midoriya all looking worried. When Midoriya saw your dead drench body he instantly snatch your body not feeling a heartbeat. He let out broken sobs.
"Young Bakugou please explain" All might whispered scared to trigger his young intern.
"She had the Hanahaki disease and she was in love with you" Bakugou bluntly said making Deku sobs louder and more broken.
All Might looked at Aizawa knowing what he meant, "Lets head to bed Bakugou and then we'll ask you questions" Aizawa tiredly said leading his student to his dorm. He can tell by Bakugou red eyes and his tear stain face that he was grieving too.
Once they left Deku sobs could still be heard.
"Young Midoriya let it all out" All might said making Deku screamed making his eyes pure green and green lightning surrounded both your bodies. His screaming was a grieving and broken scream as he doesn’t let go your body.
Remember Me…..
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frickingnerd · 4 months
being in a love triangle with villain!izuku and hero!katsuki
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pairing: izuku midoriya x gn!reader x katsuki bakugou
tags: hero reader, villain deku, friends to enemies
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the first time izuku noticed you was when he and the league of villains attacked class 1A at USJ
that day he saw you on bakugou's side and noticed how protective the blonde boy was of you
izuku's cruel middle school bully was now so sweet towards you and izuku knew that this could only mean one thing
katsuki bakugou was in love with you!
since you were important to katsuki, izuku started to target you, attempting to kill you in front of katsuki's eyes, while the blonde boy desperately tried to save you
but by the end of that day, izuku couldn't deny that you had peaked his interest
he watched you perform during the sports festival, only growing more and more infatuated with you
he wanted nothing more than to steal you away from katsuki!
during the training summer camp the league of villains attacked the students and izuku finally managed to get his hands on you!
both you and katsuki ended up being taken hostage by him
izuku was treating you so gently, while katsuki got one beating after another by the league members
izuku ended up confessing his feelings for you
he told you about what a horrible person katsuki bakugou really was and tried to persuade you to join him and the league of villains instead
you had a hard time believing what he was telling you about katsuki, but eventually you realized that not a single word of what izuku had told you was a lie
despite that, you still believed in the good with katsuki! you were clinging onto the hope that katsuki was able to change for the better
after katsuki and you were saved by the heroes, you started to grow closer to him
now that you knew all about his ugly past there was nothing he had to hide from you anymore
in a way, izuku had only brought the two of you closer by telling you about it
you knew what katsuki had done was horrible, but you wanted to see him change
because everyone was able to change! and that included katsuki. and izuku
you hadn't given up on izuku yet and every time you crossed paths with him, you tried to remind him of his dream of becoming a hero
the more time you spent with the two boys, the more they changed for the better
and despite their relationship to each other slowly improving, none of them were willing to just give up on you…
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eris-snow · 1 year
✨When he gets jealous
Tags: bakugou x fem!reader, bakugou's birthday series 2023
Feelings only complicate everything.
Bakugou can’t deal with these feelings strangling his throat. There’s anger, obviously, because he feels like he can’t tell a fucking soul about his feelings for you even though he’s sure that the Dunce Face has spread the word to half the fucking class.
There’s sadness, which surprised him too. Katsuki Bakugou doesn’t do sad, that was Deku’s job. But when he catches a glimpse of your forced smile today, his eyes narrow and his heart tears painfully at the thought of you not being happy.
You know what, he thinks to himself as the last bell rang. Screw this teenage angst bullshit.
He’s had enough of avoiding you yesterday with fleeting gazes and feigned ignorance. He can handle you. He’s your best fucking friend, and even if you didn’t have feelings for him, he isn’t going to let one night ruin your entire friendship.
Yes, that’s exactly it. It wasn’t like it took him half the day to figure out what to do with you.
Sighing, Bakugou readies himself mentally as he slings his bag over his shoulder. He knows where you’ll be.
This wasn’t supposed to happen.
Bakugou stalks closer but doesn’t round the corner. Instead, he leans on the wall behind him, hearing your voices loud and clear in the empty hallway.
“I know this is abrupt, but I wanted you to know my feelings towards you.” A male’s voice echoed off the walls in the hallway as Bakugou grits his teeth.
This wasn’t supposed to fucking happen.
Part of Bakugou is wallowing in fury. Who did this extra think he was? From his voice, Bakugou could tell he wasn’t even from the Hero course. Shaking his head, he hides a scoff. Whoever this third rated goon was, he was just gonna be let down by you.
He hears you chuckle (god, he loves it when you laugh). “Daiki…you know I don’t see you like that.”
Bakugou’s head shoots up at your voice. First name? You know someone outside of the Hero course personally?
And you didn’t tell him?
Hastily, Bakugou dismisses the second part of his thoughts, swallowing. Should he leave?
“Y/n, come on.’ There’s desperation in this ‘Daiki’s’ voice, but if there’s one thing Bakugou knows about you it’s that you would never date anyone out of pity. Bakugou knows, he knows you would reject whoever that guy is, but-
"We’ve known each other since middle school. You must have felt something, right? I saw the way your eyes sparkled at me. You liked me at some point too, didn’t you?”
Bakugou tastes bile, the thought of going already being thrown into the fires that spark brighter, hotter, at his fury. Glueing the soles of his feet into the cemented ground, he stays.
Bakugou can’t deal with these feelings strangling his throat. Another emotion bubbles up to his throat, about to overflow and makes him want to form words of petty rage.
But that emotion isn’t his signature wrath.
This emotion is rarer, more ugly as it claws its way into his lungs. Envy.
“I…” Your voice falters. “I mean…I did like you.” You confess, voice low. “At some point.” Bakugou hears your voice waver slightly as you reminisce about your childish first crush. Daiki was the jock and playboy of every school, and it didn’t help that he always toyed with and teased you in particular.
How would you not get infatuated with him?
But out of sight means out of mind. Midway into your first year, you just…moved on. It took a while, months that seemed to stretch on for eternity, but then you finally tumbled out of your old love and stumbled into a new one with Katsuki Bakugou.
And there was no getting over him anytime soon.
You swallow, scratching your neck. “I’m not looking for a partner now either.” You say, keeping your voice free from doubt as you smile softly. “I’m sorry, Daiki. I hope you understand.”
Those words make Bakugou’s veins freeze to ice.
“I’m not looking for a partner now either.”
Your love for Bakugou is different from yours for Daiki. While feelings for your middle school crush spurred from his good looks and super fictitious reasons, your feelings for Bakugou were developed from the ground up. It was realistic, heart fluttery sometimes, sure, but it was safe and reachable.
Daiki just…wasn’t the one.
“But I don’t understand!” Daiki tore a hand through his hair, visibly frustrated. “We’ve known each other for so long now! Out of all the chicks in school, I chose you and you’re gonna reject me? Just like that?” There’s disbelief in the man’s voice, and it makes you furrow your eyebrows. What were you to this guy, a trophy?
“I told already, I don’t want a partner now.” You repeat, tone no longer apologetic.
God, you had to say it again.
Before either of you can say anything, Bakugou gnashes his teeth together and turns his heel, finally rounding the corner to walk straight to you and the asshole you were with.
“Dammit all, Sunshine, I was looking all over the fucking building for you.” He voices, keeping his tone levelled. You whip your head around at his voice, and he would have laughed if your words from previously didn’t freeze him over like IcyHot’s quirk on a snow day.
“Come here, Sunshine. We’re going back to the dorms.” He links your arm around his, not even sparing a glance at this third-rated middle school classmate of yours.
“Wait.” There’s a jerk back, and Bakugou stops pulling. Asshole’s voice is dripping with frosted rage. “I’m not done talking with Y/n yet.”
He hears you sigh exasperatedly as you shrug this ‘Daiki’s’ arm off, and Bakugou simply turns around to give him a side-eye. With a raised eyebrow, he states flatly.
“Fuck off, would you? She said she doesn’t want you, right? Because of the whole U.A. hero bullshit? Take a hint and back off then, asshole.”
Next thing he knows, he’s stomping down the hallway with you in tow, leaving the extra behind and blood roaring to his cheeks.
Your words are playing on repeat in his head.
“I’m not looking for a partner now either.”
“I don’t want a partner now.”
His heart runs cold. You’re too smart for your own good. Bakugou knows better than to pursue a relationship now of all times, but why couldn’t he have one precious, special, good thing go his way in his life?
He steels his nerves as he tugs you along, the conclusion in plain, simple, heart wrenching words searing themselves into his brain.
You don’t want him.
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