#Might is Right
queersatanic · 1 year
I don’t want to associate myself with Anton LaVey after having just finding out he was a nazi, but what do I call myself if not a Laveyan satanist? I agree with the teachings, not with the person, but I don’t know what to do.
You would call yourself a LaVeyan Satanist if that's what you are, but you might also consider taking a much deeper look at those teachings of his and what else is buried in them.
If you aren't already familiar with Might Is Right, the fact that our dude plagiarized it and sanded off its rougher ideas for the "Book of Satan" section of The Satanic Bible ought to tell you something about our guy's fundamental principles, which do align pretty well with white nationalism in lots of ways.
Longer post about that here.
Be a Satanist, but be critical and don't be beholden to any would-be prophets or dogmas that are harmful.
That's our advice, anyhow.
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teutatesmars · 2 months
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Between beasts of burden and beasts of prey there is an eternal combat. Natural enemies are they of each other, and whichever proves the stronger must rule, for the time being, or rather, until the next Test. The law of battle is unlimited. It does not end today or tomorrow. It persists for all time.
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debarbat · 8 months
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Here and now is our day of torment! Here and now is our day of joy! Here and now is our opportunity to eat or be eaten to be lion or lamb! Here and now it is war to the knife - no escape, no retreat. Choose ye this day, this hour, for no Redeemer liveth!
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churchofsatannews · 1 year
The Radical Book Shop of Chicago by Magister Kevin I. Slaughter Now Available
Today marks the release of a book of Satanic history, that of rebels who have been forgotten. Magister Kevin I. Slaughter has authored his first book, history of The Radical Book Shop of Chicago, a forgotten hub of anarchist, unionist, socialist, and communist literature. From its humble beginnings in 1914, this bookstore inspired revolutionaries and welcomed poets, novelists, roughnecks, and…
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postersbykeith · 2 years
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axenverse-dnd · 2 years
this song is wise
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frankierotwinkdeath · 3 months
Y’all want Taylor Swift to be gay so bad but you won’t even write femslash about her
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hinamie · 10 days
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10 years later
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teffiebell · 4 months
[comments under a religious debate video]
It's not that suffering makes us strong nessessarily, so much as it weeds out the weak.
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"Suffering makes thing strong"
No, it doesn't. Suffering from PTSD doesn't make someone stronger than someone who hasn't suffered.
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sentientsky · 3 months
just a friendly reminder that, just because slavery was formally "abolished" in the so-called united states* in 1865, enslavement itself is still ongoing in the form of incarceration, which disproportionately affects Black and Indigenous people
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(*i say "so-called" because the US is a settler-colonial construction founded on greed, extraction, and white supremacy) recommended readings/resources:
The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness by Michelle Alexander
"How the 13th Amendment Kept Slavery Alive: Perspectives From the Prison Where Slavery Never Ended" by Daniele Selby
"So You're Thinking About Becoming an Abolitionist" by Mariame Kaba
"The Case for Prison Abolition: Ruth Wilson Gilmore on COVID-19, Racial Capitalism & Decarceration" from Democracy Now! [VIDEO]
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novaneondream · 3 months
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it’s our turn to make you smile
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queersatanic · 1 year
"Lucien Greaves" and The Satanic Temple have a lot to answer for
When confronted with examples of Doug “Lucien Greaves” Misicko’s pattern of reactionary words and actions over the past two decades, usually, The Satanic Temple’s sycophants offer one of a small handful of stock excuses to deflect and otherwise resist actually dealing with it.
Their most recent tack has been “Lucien Greaves has changed! Actually, ‘The Satanic Temple is a church for imperfect people‘, which is why our religion is great!”— an excuse that exceeds parody but more seriously points to the dangers of what is now required of TSTers by way of loyalty.
And yet as we have said, “When it comes to The Satanic Temple, there’s always more and it’s always worse.”
Starting February 26, the admin(s) behind The.Satanic.Wiki began releasing more clips on Twitter and Kolektiva from audio and corrected transcripts of old Internet radio shows The Satanic Temple’s co-owner Doug Misicko used to make with his friend and longtime collaborator Shane Bugbee, primarily from the incomplete audio of a show called The ABCs of the Alphabet.
This was back when Misicko was using the pseudonym “Doug Mesner” rather than “Lucien Greaves” as he mostly does now.
These conversations—intended for public consumption!—are incredibly bad, but of course all context added to them makes them even worse.
We’ve censored the slurs below, but in the actual audio clips, they are presented as they were said at the time: in full and without obfuscation or shame.
Jump-to links:
“Lucien Greaves” wants to write a “[ableist r-slur] story”
“Lucien Greaves” on the Oklahoma City Bombing and the bad PR of killing children
“Lucien Greaves” talks about “The View” (TV show) and network [n-slurs]
“Lucien Greaves” on Black co-workers and cunnilingus
“Lucien Greaves” talks about the KKK and killing [Jewish people]
“Lucien Greaves” talks eugenics and “who decides”
“Lucien Greaves” on “N-words”
“Lucien Greaves” makes his case for fascism
“Lucien Greaves” really hates Detroit
The Satanic Temple’s co-owner “Lucien Greaves” on public displays of religion like Judaism and Islam
“Lucien Greaves” recalls his pilgrimage to fascist Italy
“Lucien Greaves” talks about arson and high school bullying as Nazi national anthem plays
“Lucien Greaves” on burning down churches (and temples) plus why we should nuke the “Holy Land”
“Lucien Greaves” and the OfficeMax gay Hindu organ harvester “prank call” story
“Lucien Greaves” on domestic abuse (he blames the victims)
“Lucien Greaves” explains the (true) importance of abortion access: “It’s not so much about dead babies as less people”
The titles The Satanic Wiki gave them are fairly short, and it’s often difficult to describe fully all of what makes them terrible. For example, while Misicko is talking about arson and high school bullying, Bugbee plays the Nazi anthem along under Misicko’s story; how do you best emphasize and summarize that?
In any case, if you still have friends who are supportive or otherwise ignorant of The Satanic Temple, and they don’t want to read a long article about it, any of the below clips should encapsulate quickly why these people are not to be trusted.
(For those not up to date, while these clips are from 2003-2004, the issue is that Misicko and Bugbee were close up through 2013 when Misicko tapped Bugbee to help re-launch TST after the first attempt failed, and their leaked emails and gravestone-teabagging stunt together demonstrate how little change had actually happened in that decade. More of that history here.)
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wyrmrynd · 6 months
⟟⟟⟟⟟⟟⟟⟟⟟⟟⟟⟟⟟ ⟟⟟⟟⟟⟟⟟⟟⟟⟟⟟⟟⟟ ICE TOAD, BELL FROG ●●●●❍❍❍⧳⦲⦲⦲⧳⦵⦵⦵⧳⦲⦲⦲⧳❍❍❍●●●��� HE IS RISEN INDEED ⫱⫱⫱⫱⫱⫱⫱⫱⫱⫱⫱⫱ ⫱⫱⫱⫱⫱⫱⫱⫱⫱⫱⫱⫱
It's 3am and the bell tolls for the bell frog on the first day of his terminal life.
The terminal toad of ice, eye black as bio-nihili, lips hard and waxy ready to receive your blood, the benediction. His bed of ice and moss ready to receive his corpse so cold, to become food for worms of old.
Nothing as free as a toad who doesn't want to live forever. The mountains set his mood with the peaks of his enemies.
He has burned the church of his lord, oh the beauty of that blue flame.
The grey smoke billows with no shame. His heart yearns for feasting and fucking.
Power for the taking the world his for the raping.
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debarbat · 8 months
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It requires a stout rope, a firm post and muscular men to hold an UNBROKEN colt. But when by Force and petting he has once been subdued, i.e. tamed, educated, saddled, bridled, he may be led anywhere, even with a piece of twine in the hands of a little child.
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pigswithwings · 10 months
honestly i am such a sucker for machines being cared for. like? please be gentle. i am not like you. this is my body, please be careful. i do not think like you. i do not work like you, or breathe like you. please be kind. please act kindly. you have me in your hands so please, please show mercy. i was made for a purpose, but that purpose was never intimacy. please show me what this is
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purity-culture · 7 months
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