#Miguel when someone HITS on him: Okay it's got a little kick
neonwebs · 1 year
Miguel is the exact definition of can dish it out, but can't take it. Like sure he can hit on you and maybe it'll work if you're into him bc he is actually pretty good at it. But you hit on him??? Bluescreen. 404 error. Keysmash. Internet dial up sounds. The number you are trying to reach is not in service at this time.
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thelovelylolly · 11 months
Hobie x reader where she gets her period on a mission and starts cramping realll bad and the monster just so happens to know when someone is hurting in any way and Hobie isn't there but later gets notified his girl got hurt and the rest is just like him comforting her wounds. And she's on so much pain she forgets she even got her period and so she gets up and Hobie is just like "uh.. Bae.."
Not forcing only do it if your comfortable 🫡🫶🩷
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Summary: Your time of the month comes in the middle of a fight, but you're too busy fighting to notice. Warnings: afab reader, mentions of periods, blood and wounds, canon-typical violence (let me know if i missed anything!) Notes: not my cramps starting the day i got this request-
You knew it was coming, but you would never guess that it would come in the middle of a fight. You were trying to catch a Venom variant to send back to HQ when you felt it, followed by a sharp cramp. But you ignored it, you had a job to do.
Venom was a slippery guy to catch, no thanks to him being an actual symbiote that could shift into any shape he wanted. You started to get tired of chasing him up and down the blocks of New York in whatever universe you ended up in. Finally, Venom slowed down just enough for you to shoot some webs and drag him towards you. He roared and tried to escape, but you shot more webs and planted your heels in the ground.
He slashed around, cutting your webs off of him before charging at you. He threw you threw the front windows of a nearby shop, scaring the civilians around you. You hit the ground with a grunt and got back up a bit slower than usual. You could feel cuts from the glass on your back and arms, but you jumped right back into action.
You swung yourself up and kicked Venom in the head, stunning him for just a second. You webbed his hands and pulled them back behind his back, making sure he couldn't claw himself out of it. Then, he kicked you in the stomach since his legs were still free. You stumbled back as the air was knocked out of you.
Venom started to run but you quickly webbed up his legs, causing him to trip. You wrapped his legs up just like his hands and dragged him towards you as you caught your breath. Venom kept yelling at you until you shot a web at his mouth, shutting him up.
You sighed and lifted your watch, making a portal back to HQ before LYLA popped up next to you.
"What do you want, LYLA?" You asked as you threw Venom into the portal for Margo to deal with.
"You were off during your little fight. Slower, maybe?" The AI answered, glitching around you.
"Did you pop up to analyze my fight or something? Because I didn't ask you to do that, and if Miguel did-"
"It's not that. I'm just here to make sure you're okay."
"I'm fine, just tired. And sore."
LYLA looked you up and down, noticing the cuts in your suit. You sighed and rolled your eyes.
"Please don't contact Hobie-"
"Already did," she chirped back. "He's on his way to HQ right now."
You opened another portal. "Alright, thanks LYLA."
"Anytime," she said before disappearing. You walked through the portal to HQ, ready to collapse into your boyfriend's arms and take a long nap.
"Okay, love, how 'bout you take a shower while I get you some clothes and stuff? Then I'll take care of your cuts," Hobie said, leading you to his bathroom. After he found you at HQ, he immediately took you back home to take care of you. Thankfully, you had started to leave some of your things at his place for times like this.
You were too tired to give any real reply, instead nodding as you walked into the bathroom. You started the shower and got out of your suit. You stepped into the shower and washed your body off, careful not to irritate your cuts and bruises. You heard Hobie come in and set clothes down on the counter, then left you to finish up and change.
You switched the water off and got out, bundling up in a towel and carefully patting your hair dry. You changed into what Hobie brought you. One of your tank tops and a pair of gym shorts you had left here. You opened the door to let Hobie know you were ready and tiredly sat down on the toilet.
Hobie came in with a small first aid kit and set it on the counter.
"Let's see what we're working with..." He said, prompting you to show where you got his the worse. There were a bunch of scratches and cuts on your back and the back of your arms.
Hobie carefully took care of them, cleaning them to make sure they wouldn't get infected. For any deeper cuts, he put a bandaid over it. It was quiet, but most of your days together after a mission were and you two wouldn't have it any other way.
"There, all better," he hummed, pressing a kiss to the top of your head before packing up the first aid kit. "Do you need anything else, babe?"
Right as he asked, a painful cramp shot through you, causing you to groan. Hobie immediately knelt in front of you, concern and confusion written all over his face. For a second, you were confused, too, but you quickly remembered that you had started your period in the middle of your fight.
"I got my period..." You grumbled, leaning your forehead against his.
"Oh, I'm sorry love. What can I do to help?"
"Pain meds...and a heating pad..."
"Got it," he replied before quickly getting up and leaving to get you your things.
You closed the door and found some period products you left there last month. You grabbed a pad and took care of your business, then slowly made your way to the living room. Hobie had a heating pad warming up on the edge of the couch and he handed you a glass of water and some pain medicine. You popped the two pills in your mouth, swallowed them down with some water, and let Hobie guide you to sit down on the couch.
He let you sit down first before situating himself behind you, wrapping his arms around you and letting you lean back on him. He grabbed the heating pad and pressed it against your lower stomach, then grabbed one of the throw blankets you had gotten him and covered the two of you with it.
You smiled and hummed contently. "Thank you, Hobie."
"Of course, love."
You quickly dozed off his arms and a few minutes later, he dozed off, too.
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chockfullofsecrets · 1 year
Spiderverse: Smile Log
(Read on AO3)
Rating: Gen
Summary: “Okay, we got the time your baby kicked you in the face and you thought you’d broken your nose. Nice, classic slapstick.” “Lyla-” “And then that time an anomaly accidentally tickled him-” “Lyla, no-”
Peter B. asks an unexpected question and gets some information he really shouldn't have.
Wordcount: 1478
Oh, Miguel is fully aware of what the other Spiders think of him. Feral this, stick in the mud cabrón that - but for putting up with extended exposure to the Earth-616 version of Spider-Man for the six months that his little experimental society has existed? They should be calling him a shocking saint.
The Peter in question continues to hang off his shoulder, where he’s been since he swanned into the monitoring room ten whole minutes ago without an invitation. “-stay with me on this, I’m building to a point here - hello? Earth to Miguel?”
“What,” he snaps.
Peter pouts, an expression that he honestly didn’t think grown men were capable of until meeting this guy. “Did you hear anything I said?”
Easy. “No.”
And anyone who was, you know, sane, might take that as the insult he means it to be, but Peter just laughs and jostles his shoulder companionably. “You really are a grump sometimes, you know that? You gotta lighten up, you’re gonna give yourself a heart attack one of these days.”
“Tell me about it,” Lyla says from his other shoulder. She likes Peter, talks to him directly more than any of the other Spiders, and she’s programmed to gather information that she thinks he wants, which means - yeah, he’s going to go ahead and ignore the implications of that one.
Peter makes a thoughtful noise. Concerning. “Hey, Lyla, you’re around this guy twenty-four-seven, right - does he ever relax? When’s the last time he, I don’t know, smiled?”
Miguel expects a snarky reply, not Lyla’s glasses flashing opaque the way they do when she’s looking something up. “Hm, let me check. Pulling up a smile log…”
He’s focused on the latest multiverse model, like everyone else should be, so it takes him just a bit too long to realize that they’re ganging up on him. “Wait. Lyla, belay that-”
“Okay, we got the time your baby kicked you in the face and you thought you’d broken your nose. Nice, classic slapstick.”
“And then that time an anomaly accidentally tickled him-”
“Lyla, no-”
“And - aw, this one’s cute! - after a mission he helped a girl get her runaway balloon and she hugged him-”
“Lyla!” he snaps, slamming a fist onto his desk, and she finally stops. “Por dios, would you quit that? Why do you even remember that stuff, it’s a waste of storage space!”
She sticks her tongue out at him. “My data, my business.”
“Yeah, yeah, can’t you just run the scans like I asked you to and stop causing trouble?”
They keep bickering over the new extrapolation methods, and Peter -
Okay, look. Miguel doesn’t have a “spider sense” or whatever seems to warn the rest of the Spiders before anything happens, so he has to rely on his own judgment. And with Peter being around all the time, Miguel’s learned to more or less tune him out, figures it’s the only way he’s ever going to get any work done.
Which is more or less why he doesn’t notice that Peter’s still there until someone’s hands shove their way under Miguel’s arms and start tickling, because that’s when his brain decides to turn on the instant reactions. “Jammit - hAh-”
He clamps his arms down automatically, reeling backwards into Peter’s chest just in time for the attack to stop. “Wait - did you just laugh?” Peter demands. “Shit, I didn’t think that was actually going to work, do it again!”
Peter’s fingers start wriggling back into hypersensitive flesh, trapped in his armpits, and Miguel barely manages to keep his mouth shut as more embarrassing sounds start knocking loose inside his chest. Get away, he yells to himself, hit him, move, just fucking move - he can’t remember the last time his reflexes have been anything but overprotective, but right now every fiber of his body insists he has to stay exactly where his is because granting Peter’s hands even a millimetre more of freedom is going to be the death of him.
He refuses to think about the way his mouth is spasming at the corners entirely without his permission even as the rest of him locks in place. Lyla can record that one, if she wants. See if he cares, it doesn’t count. This is fine. All he has to do is stand here until Peter gets bored - the way he acts, the other man might not even know what an attention span is.
Peter sighs, proving his point. “I’m not asking for much, just one laugh,” he laments dramatically, though Miguel can hear the stupid big grin he gets in his voice. “Do I need to be more annoying? I can be more annoying.”
Miguel sincerely doubts it - at least, until Peter flips one hand around from where it’s pressed up against the top of his ribcage, locks onto his elbow, and starts trying to lever his right arm away from his body. “Geez, would you lay off with the triceps? I’m gonna give myself carpal tunnel over here.”
If Peter would just stop tickling for one shocking second, he’d tell him that he sincerely hopes his stupid fingers break off and die. Instead, he wraps his arms around himself in a motion that’s definitely defiant and not at all panicked, getting as far as opening his mouth before the part of his brain that’s being lit up by every twitch of sensation decides to take over. “Nngh - no, nohoho, mierda!”
His entire face burns red as strangled snorts of laughter keep leaking out of him, has to fold over and brace one of his hands against his jaw to regain any kind of dignity - not that it helps, with Peter changing his hold to adapt to even that small bit of movement and using it to finally pry his arm up.
It’s really, really not fair that the most irritating Spider-Man is one of the most competent ones too. Miguel’s pretty sure luck hates Spiders in general, but it seems to love messing with him in particular.
“You know,” Peter starts conversationally, like he’s not wrapped around Miguel and taking half his weight because he’s shaking too hard to do it himself. “I think this is gonna be a good experience for us. Like, ah, coworker bonding. What’d you say we do this every week until you figure out how to loosen up like a normal person?”
Miguel’s going to kick his ass. He’s going to take his watch and ban him from Nueva York in perpetuity, as soon as he can stand up again. Earth-616 has other superheroes, they’ll survive their Spider-Man losing an arm or two.
Peter dodges the frantic headbutts and kicks he attempts and laughs, light and easy - it makes Miguel feel even stupider, twisted up on himself in desperation to avoid just that. “Hey, if it doesn’t work with your schedule you could just say so! I’ll pencil you in for biweekly, then.”
Idiota. Culero. Miguel doesn’t know if he’s cursing himself or Peter out anymore. He’s properly trapped now, sandwiched up against his own desk with one of Peter’s hands keeping his arm pinned and the other wiggling threateningly over a defenseless armpit. “Well? You gonna say something, or do I have to go full supervillain? I do a great Doc Ock impression, let me tell you.”
Miguel painstakingly loosens his death grip on his own jaw and opens his mouth just enough to wheeze out a heartfelt declaration of his undying hatred. Coughs before he can start, his throat raw from attempting to keep his laughter contained. There’s a movement out of the corner of his eye, and he turns his head to find Peter looking down at him with something between amusement and genuine concern.
Fine. Fine. “Can you just. Stop. Before I pass out?”
Peter laughs again, landing firmly in amusement and on Miguel’s list of dimensional threats. “Yeah. Yeah, fine, I’ll let you off easy this time.” He lets go, hovering for a moment and then swooping back in to pull Miguel upright when he can’t quite manage it himself. “Okay, super ticklish and super repressed. I can work with that.”
“Don’t,” Miguel growls, leaning on Peter’s shoulder entirely against his own will as he starts to walk both of them out of the office. Where are they even going? The cafeteria? It’s only been-
Oh. He hasn’t eaten in twelve hours. No wonder Lyla had decided to mess with him. But Peter wouldn’t have known that.
“Nope, too late, I’m invested now. Wasn’t kidding about the biweekly thing, by the way.”
Lyla perks up from behind a screen. “I’ll put it on his calendar.”
“Oye, I’m locking you both out of the monitor room.”
The two of them start talking over his head, planning some kind of break in. Miguel turns his head away so Lyla won’t see him smile.
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silent-raven13 · 1 year
I'm so GLAD you're okay! 2
"Shitshitshit!" Deadpool runs as he carries both Spidermen in each other trying to dodge the tentacle monster. "Shit! Fuck!" He jumps in the air like Mario, "Let's a-go!"
"Wade! You know, we're not injured! We can easily dodge these things!" Peter 616c shouted out loud being annoyed.
"You know, he's not gonna listen to you." Petie rolled his eyes, "This guy been carrying us like we're sack of potatoes!"
"Hahaha, one with a dumb-truck!" Deadpool happily said out loud, always bringing up Petie's ass. "Hahaha, get it! Because you got a nice sweet ass!"
"Why did we invite him, again?" Petie asked Pete.
"Honestly, I dunno!" Peter groans out loud as Deadpool tries to dodge the monster.
"A little help here, Team C! Ya'll are Spider-people, help me and my babies!" Deadpool did a high pitch scream when the monster strike at his head again, "WHOA! TOO CLOSE FOR COMFORT! HELP ME! SAVE ME AND MY HOES!"
Team C were trying to dodge the monster's beams and arms. "We are a little bit busy!" Gwen shouted as she pulls Margo to her direction to dodge a laser beam.
"Thanks, fren." Margo smiles at her.
"No problem!"
Hobie being busy protecting an injured Meows in his arms, he swings from tree to tree, "Miles! MILES!" His eyes scan over the area his Sunflower and Hobie Pine was at, "Miles? Pine!" He calls again until he jumps into another tree seeing the monster's wiggly arms striking at him.
"AHHHH!" Deadpool screams being helpless as he hugs both his Spiderman, "Someone! Anyone save me and my baes!" Their cheeks pressed together making the two Spidermen scowling at him.
Alpha quickly came running and jump in the air as his eyes glow dangerous golden with his fangs out. His body tackles down on of the tentacles that was about to hit Deadpool and the other two Spiderman. "Grr!" With his own strength, he rips off the monster's arm with ease. "YOU! You idiotic stupid..." His eyes glaring at Deadpool being too mad at him, "You think this is a game!"
"Well, no! I couldn't save my babies," He snuggle his Spidermen, then slap Petie's rear, "We can't let my honeys die like this!"
"Alpha, watch out! Behind you!" Petie shouted, noticing another tentacle coming at them.
Then Alpha quickly use his web shooter, before he grab the arm to rip it off. "Whoa, no wonder he works only in high advance missions!" Peter 616c blushes under his mask.
"Oh what a man!" Deadpool shouted out loud being impressed.
The monster roars before Team A and Team B came to help fight off the monster. "Cabrón! La GRAND PUTA!" Miguel came jumping in the air, ready to attack the monster straight on. "Nobody use your weapons! It absorbs to make those beams!"
"We kinda figured!" Margo shouted out loud.
Peter B. Parker shoot his web at the tentacles, "Hey, where's Miles?"
"And Hobie Pine?" Spider-Ham asked out loud.
Peni shouted as she fights the monster with Noir, "The monster split us up!"
"Hobie?" Pavitr shouted out loud to look for his friend.
"HOBIE!" Gwen called out.
The punker appeared from the trees looking upset, "I couldn't find Miles. I'm going to look for him." He's about to ditch the group to find his boyfriend, until he heard Miguel's annoying ass voice.
"NO, YOUR NOT! YOUR GONNA STAY HERE! DO WE NEED TO FIND YOU TOO?" Miguel claws at the monster's thick skin.
Jess said out loud, "Miguel, I think it eats to gain more power."
"Oh great! So we need to fight it until it loses its energy?" Ben shouted, "Ugh! I guess time to go Apeshit!"
Alpha growls as he helps Miguel fight off the monster, "Don't you think you should brought in a bigger team?" He asked Miguel.
"Hey, just do your damn job!" Miguel growls back at him.
Petie quickly went to help, "Guys, come on. Two Spider-heroes are missing and we got this big blob! Let's focus!" He scowls at Alpha and Miguel. "You two are supposed to set a positive example to Team C!"
Web Slinger uses his horse to kick the monster's sides, "Darn it, this thing is made of thick rubber or what!
"And where were you! You were supposed to lead." Alpha fights off the tentacles.
"I was being man handle by him!" Petie pointed at Deadpool being annoyed, "You tell me how you can get out of those strong damn hands! And let see how you like it when every second he's groping you butt and pecks!" He uses his web to tie two tentacles together so Alpha and Miguel can ripped them off together.
"Honestly, you got the softest pecks," Noir said to Petie. "They are so soft like pillows, it's odd."
"Huh!" Petie shouts, "I just had a baby! I'm soft."
Sun Spider tries to use her spider wheelchair to hit jabs into the skin, "No, use! Ugh, this is terrible." She quickly dodge the tentacles as Peni came behind in her SP//Dr suit, as she throws deep punches.
Deadpool giggles, "So do they grow bigger?"
"Are we really gonna talk about that? Isn't that something you take to HR?" Sun-Spider shouted being confused.
"Wait, so you milk like a cow?" Web Slinger asks out loud at the Omega Spiderman being so surprised, even his horse turn his head being surprised.
"Wade, that's rude!" Pete wack his head, "God, the monster should've pulled your tongue out instead!"
Ben shouted, "Can we focus! GOD! It's bad enough we don't have soft pecks like Petie, but now we have to learn about them getting bigger!"
"Wait, you wanna have soft pecks?" Sun-Spider asked him.
"Soft pecks must be nice." Peter B. Parker said, "My wife always say my pecks are too hard."
"Pfft, she's delulu." Ben grunts at Peter, "We all know you gain weight!"
"Hey! That's mean!" Peter shouted.
Sun-Spider laughs, "I mean, you do eat like five donuts in one sitting."
"I stress eat! Who doesn't do that?"
"And drink like five energy drinks mixed with blueberry syrup and ice, and two king size of candy bars." Web Slinger added out loud while his horse nodded.
"Is that why the break room's counter is always sticky!" Jess shouted out loud.
"Jesus, Peter... how can you survive like that?" Ben asked, "I always watch my waistline."
"And you say you're straight?" Sun-Spider snorted in disbelief.
"Hey, straight men can carry about their figure!"
"Wow, Peter. Five energy drinks?" Pavitr asked in shock.
"Let's not forget you ate a whole pizza for lunch!" Ben grunts, "And it was someone else's pizza!"
"Well, you guys are jerks! No one understands me! I stress eat and that's okay!" Peter shouted out loud being offended. "You guys at like you never eat a whole apple pie!"
"I don't like apple pie." Sun-Spider pointed out.
"Ehhh, not a sweet tooth kind of guy." Web slinger said.
"ALL OF YOU SHUT UP AND STOP THIS MONSTER!" Miguel shouted out loud getting too damn mad. It's bad enough they didn't expect such a terrible outcome, but now, he has to look for two of his fellow Spider-men.
The monster suddenly stop having all of its tentacles retracted into its blue black blob form, then made a whale like sound. Jess shouted, "Everyone get back!" She saw the body glowing bright light blue, "Miguel! Alpha getting away!" She use her web to grab Ben and pull him off the monster's body. Miguel quickly grab Petie, while Alpha grab Pete and Deadpool to hide behind some large bolder.
Everyone quickly duct and cover, Hobie protectively wrap his arms around Meows with his jacket cover his small body. The group hears a dangerous whirled high pitch sound, then the monster let out a massive laser beam that destroyed the top tree tops and the first trees it meets. Then, the monster made a small whale sound then quickly moving into the forest.
Everyone slowly came out, "You saw that!" Margo said out loud, "It grew smaller."
"So we need it to do it again! But..." Jess saw Meows being injured. "We need to take him to med-bay!"
Hobie said, "We need to look for Miles!"
"Maybe he went in HQ portal." Peni said as she stood next to Sun-Spider.
Miguel said, "Lyla, is Morales back at Headquarters?"
"Nope. I don't see him here. Oh, he's still on Earth 2088... Huh oh." She said.
"Huh oh? What do you mean 'Huh oh'?" Miguel had his mask removed as he looks concerned by his Ai's voice.
Lyla said in a serious girlish tone, "His watch is damage, he tries to summon the portal but it didn't work. Oh, even Hobie Pine's watch is the same as Miles."
"So your saying..." Gwen said with worried.
"He's here somewhere in the forest, possibly hurt alongside Hobie Pine." Lyla said, "I try to contact him, but his watch only allowed certain coordinated of his location."
"A la miedra!" Miguel mumbling to himself as he place his hand on his chin to think for a moment "Okay, we'll go find the anomaly, and I'll call a back up team to fi-" Pavitri turns around to look for Hobie and Meows, "Hobie? Meows?"
"HOBIE!" Gwen quickly turns to look around just the same with their group, "Meows!"
"Ugh, don't tell me." Miguel angrily rub his whole face with one hand, "Lyla!"
"They are on the move to look for Miles! And- Opp, looks Hobie shut me out of the watch along with Meows... man, he's good." She huffed being locked out of their watches to find their location.
"Do we go look for them?" Gwen asked out loud. "He's looking for Miles and Hobie Pine!"
"Yeah, it's better if we go together!" Pav said out loud, "This place got the weirdest looking monsters around!"
"Okay. Okay. You know what I'm going to do... I'm calling for back up." Miguel taps in his watch, "Lyla, can you-" The large portal opens up as a group of other Spider-heroes come in. One Spider-woman wearing a gray and red spider suit, her arms crossed. Lyla giggles, "Already on it."
Miguel sighs. "Well, and here I thought I wasn't gonna be this missions." The Spider-woman snorted. "Okay guys, let's start with a quick break! Anyone injured go to Spider-man 91132! He got first aid kit, and there's a box of water and snacks. I figured with the way this place looks you guys took a beating." She eyed Miguel. "Well?"
Jess laughs, "Lupe is good to see you. I'm surprised you decided to be part of this mission."
"I wasn't until Miguelito here practically beg me to stay, right big boss!" The Spider-woman named Lupe laughs off at the way Miguel looks at her.
"Who's that?" Gwen asked Pavitr.
Pavitr took a moment then said, "Oh! That is Spider-woman 420x, I think her name is Guadalupe! I heard she's one of the best fighters along side Alpha and she always works on missions involved with rookies. She thinks they are the most important group to watch over. She mentors a lot too. I heard her backstory is terrible like almost Noir's aesthetic."
Noir pops up between them, "It's said that her nephew, only four years old got hit by a car. It was a blood bath." Being dark and gloomy.
"Wow... that's-that's so sad." Gwen blinks in surprised.
"Her canons kept getting worst, I heard her dad was Chief of Police and he got killed. Her brother committed suicide... and her sister in-law wasn't able to cope with her husband death so she went to a psychiatric ward! Like dudes, her story goes way dark..." Margo whispers to them. "I'm always surprised she's this funny."
"And she was only nineteen when she became Spider-woman!" Pavitr said, "Anyway, she's one of the spider-heroes Miguel respects."
"Wow, that's so cool." Gwen gawks.
The Spider-woman stood at Miguel, "Te dije que trajeras más gente. No sabíamos de qué es capaz esta cosa!" She wag her finger at him, then turn to Jess, Peter B., and Alpha, "Didn't I warned him! I swear, it felt like I was talking to a brick wall!"
"Mmhhmm," Alpha nodded with her.
Miguel groans hearing this Spider-woman lecturing him, "Now we got how many Spidermen missing? Four?"
"Take it easy, Lupe. Mig thought this was gonna be a simple mission. I mean look at us!" Peter B. said trying to defend his friend.
The a large Cyborg Spider-woman appeared, "Lupe, what do we do with the missing Spidermen?" Her voice deep and robotic.
Lupe put her hands on her hips, "Okay, everyone. We're going to split into two groups." She took Miguel's leadership role without his permission, which happens a lot.
Miguel said, "Wait, Lupe. No- I was about to-" Jess put her arm on his shoulder, "Let her, Miguel. You know, she's much friendly with them."
"I can be friendly." He mutters lowly.
Parker and Alpha merely look at each other with a side eye. "Wait, why did you two do that?" Miguel asked them.
"Nothing!" Peter quickly said while Alpha left to get himself a snack.
Gwen saw Pav following the footsteps Hobie left, "Hmm, looks like he went this way."
"Maybe because Miles and Pine fell through there." She said.
"Okay, I need Team C around here." Guadalupe called them over as she spot the group separating from each other.
"Um... Lupe, right?" Gwen went to her, she got a good look at her spider suit; dark grey with a bright red and a simple black spider logo, her dark brown thick wavy hair revealing out of the mask. "Look, me and my friends want to look for our friends and I know, Migu-" Lupe had her mask revealed by her high tech suit almost similar to Miguel's suit. Her face brown skinned with a soft smile, "I want you guys to find them. I know the Spider Band like to stick together and you know where to look. Gwen Stacy, isn't it? I trust you can lead the team. Seeing how Petie is..." They saw Deadpool picking up Petie, "busy."
Gwen's eyes gleamed with joy, "Yeah! I can do that!" Another empowering Spider-woman trusting her. "I won't let you down."
Lupe chuckles in amusement, "You won't. Also I want you to let me," She typed in her watch to sync with Gwen's location, "know where you and the gang is at. This forest is dangerous and every second counts."
Ghost-Spider's watch beeps being done syncing with Lupe's watch, then Gwen nodded, "Alright." She quickly gathered Team C to go find their friends.
"You're gonna let the teenagers go! They are so young!" Petra, the cyborg Spider-woman spoke up, "Why?"
"They need the practice, and I'm making Lyla keep tracks on them. Right, Lyla?"
"You got it, boss!" Lyla teased having to annoyed Miguel.
Jess said, "Yeah, boss. What's the plan since Plan A failed." Eyeing at the way Miguel rolled his eyes.
"Well I think we-" Miguel cut Lupe off, "Excuse me, but I do have three other plans! Look, all we need to do is-" Lupe shouted, "Everyone lets form into groups. The anomaly is heading east, based on Lyla's tracking, it's heading somewhere to rest and feed." She show her holo-map from her watch already taking control of the mission. Miguel stood in shocked by her rude take over, this is why he has problems working with other people.
The Spider-heroes gathered around as they listen to the plan. Peter handed Miguel a snack and water, "Easy, Mig. This is Lupe's thing. She's a good public Speaker. Just take it easy."
"Take it easy! How? I already made two other plans that would work. I've always have back up plans." Miguel complains having to eat his own snacks. "Not to mention, she allowed Team C to go solo looking for Miles and the others."
"Hey, they gotta leave the nest at some point." Peter chuckles with his arm around his friend's broad shoulders.
"Hey, you two lovebirds," Hearing Lupe's voice, "Están siquiera escuchándome?" She crosses her arms at them.
Sun-Spider giggles, "You guys are in trouble!"
"They probably wanted to go somewhere private and make-out!" Ben grunts.
Miguel could never win, he throw his hands in the air after muttering, "Qué carajo hice? Soy amable y siempre sigo las reglas!"
Gwen and the rest Team C gathered their snacks and water, a bit extra for their friends as they left to go find them. Unbeknownst to the dangers they were headed.
(Yes, I added my Spidersona into this story, because why? It's the Spider Verse of course 😂 Don't worry she's just a character that likes to challenge's Miguel's authority and it's not anyone's love interest. I'll post a drawing of her later.)
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crimsonblackrose · 2 months
The sekai taikai people have shown up.
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I love how they crash the interview for Silver and Amanda's curtsy with her karate adjacent.
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Johnny: We will (win) and when we do I'm going to shove that pony-tail straight up your ass (Amanda starts giggling) You can translate that.
Johnny checking on Miguel and telling him he won't force him to compete, blaming that and himself fully for Miguel running away.
Is this what fatherly advice sounds like?
K.O by Robby, whose just teasing Johnny.
SATO'S PHOTO IS ON THE DOJO WALL NEXT TO MR. MIYAGI!!!! Did Chozen bring that from Okinawa?
Johnny proving he remembers the story. Though it's not the story Daniel planned to tell.
They also showcase the abandoned warehouse. With Sam kicking a watermelon
Sam gets watermelon all over Gunther Braun. And Johnny uses a Rock reference to try and smooth it over and Gunther Braun goes all in on it, apparently Rock is his hero. Gunther Braun: Show me more. Johnny: Yes, sir.
While Robby and Sam show off their ability to balance together on the wheel, Eli leans over to the guy next to him from Sekai Taikai and starts wiggling his eyebrows. What are you doing?
What Johnny told Kreese threw him, so when Tory comes for advice Kreese tells her to do what's best for her. (Good advice)
Tory's mad at Kreese for giving up on the plan after she's gone through so much but his advice is good. Look after yourself. He is trying to do right by her.
The students are inhaling pizza faster than Amanda and Carmen can get them on the table.
I'm pretty sure Amanda's apron says LaRusso American Born Italian Made
Johnny sitting in the living room with Eli, Robby and Miguel to figure out which one wants to fight.
Miggy's little yeah I did that face
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Awww Robby and Miguel already talked about it and they picked Hawk.
You know what they used to call me? Twig
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Kenny's face lol
Silver shows Kenny the silver bullet, a move that rips the dummy and strikes with enough force between the ribs to take someone's breath away.
Mitch distracted by the girls and the smoothie bar. Hint 3 I think that he won't remain loyal.
Eli's hair is green.
Kenny seeing Robby traded sides and is now talking to Anthony pisses him off.
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Hate to say it, but he's right.
Silver did you pay off the ref again?
They didn't show it this time, as slowly as they did in the tournament, but Johnny says Hawk made contact in bounds.
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Once again Johnny is right, This is directly after the strike, Kenny isn't out of bounds.
The way the ref looks at Tory then Tory looks at Silver and realizes this game is rigged too.
Kenny grabs Hawk's leg and goes for the knee with his elbow the way once was done to Daniel and has been done a lot in this show, I think Hawk even did or tried to do it to Kenny. Kenny gets a warning for that but Eli says he's okay.
Johnny once again being the fastest to get to a student's side. Miggy's soft: Hawk?
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Johnny very softly leans down next to him and asks what's wrong.
Hawk struggling to breathe: I...can't....breathe. Johnny looking around shouting to ask where the medic is
the medic showing up the ref calls it a forfeit even though in the all-valley they literally get a half hour.
They help him up and Hawk leans against Johnny.
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It's kind of a mirror to after Sam's loss. Though eventually Daniel stops to stare down SIlver and Johnny continues with Hawk alone.
Tory realized Silver was cheating again and peaced out. Good for her.
Daniel warns Sam that they're fighting dirty and in the background Johnny is sitting and talking to Hawk who the medic is still checking on.
Devon steps onto the mat, surprised she's fighting Sam because Tory left, only to meet Johnny's gaze, seeing him rubbing Hawk's back.
One bonus of having so many sensei's is Johnny can care for his injured students and stay with them.
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Ref said no point for a shoulder hit. And everyone is confused because it should be because she got her below the shoulder, and she blocked the point Devon got.
If I was Silver I'd be pissed this guy kept looking at me after every bad call.
Sam has to ensure every point is completely undeniable.
I love that Johnny is cheering from the back with Hawk. One of the unnamed background dojo students puts a hand on Hawk's shoulder as comfort when Cobra Kai gets to qualify.
Our Eagle-fang/miyagi-do dojo also qualifies.
Chozen and Johnny hug...but no one hugs Daniel other than Sam, but that was earlier when she beat Devon. (She also hugged Chozen which was very sweet) (Johnny and him fist bump, and even though it looks like they're going to hug Chozen and Daniel just sort of slap each other's backs/shoulders while staying at a distance) Poor Daniel, all he's ever wanted were hugs from Mr. Miyagi and now pretty much the only one giving him hugs are his family. Y'all need to hug him some more.
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Like Johnny runs into join the merriment and cheer on his kids while Daniel just stands alone and stares down Silver.
Awww Johnny looking at their students then stepping forward "We are Miyagi-do" and Daniel looking at him, realizing probably how hard that was, stepping next to and in front of Johnny to say "And we are Eagle fang"
Daniel's speech is so good.
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Summary of both their journeys.
Okay, Johnny and Daniel do a sort of side hug back pat after that too. I think both pleased with the other.
I like Eli telling Sam, "Maybe some day we'll both win"
Johnny has plans to take her and Rosa to dinner and a late night movie. That's cute. I love that Johnny also hangs out with Rosa and likes her, especially since Carmen's last two guys hated Rosa.
The way Johnny tells Robby and Miguel that as a way to be like you can use our place to host the celebration. The way Miguel totally gets it and just grins.
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Miguel trying to clean up his apartment, the courtyard is already trashed. Robby's sitting on the kitchen counter.
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Miguel this is too many people. How did this happen. (Poor boy's first party while his parents are out freaking out. Even though he has permission from Johnny) Moon texted a bunch of people from East Valley.
Sam ubered there.
I would like to point out, technically Sam and Miguel are broken up and she's made no notice of anything that they might be back together.
I do love that every time in this show someone tries to escape unnoticed (Usually Johnny) something keeps them from letting that happen. I.e. Sam trying to leave when she catches Miguel and a random girl kissing.
I think Chris puts two and two together when Miguel calls after her and Sam runs off in tears.
Tory coming to tell the truth about the All Valley
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breanime · 2 years
I saw you reblog someone else do it, so now I need to know your opinion: how many shots to hook up with the Mayans men 👀👀👀
Oof... wow... okay, so, keep in mind that I'm a Whore and I don't like shots so... also I'm high, so my bad for any typos
Warning: Horny Thots
Bish: Three shots, but I KNOW he would buy me more... and I would take them. I would also take him. In a backroom or the bathroom or behind the club in the alley. It'd be a nice, hard fuck and we would laugh together while we fucked, but once it was done, I probably wouldn't wanna see him again... I'm lying, I'd hit him up like once every three months for a booty call till he gets too drunk and yells at me and I have to kick him out at 3 in the morning and then I'm not gonna fuck anyone else for like 8 months cause of the drama. So. Thanks, Bish 🙄
Taza: Three to five shots, just to get the courage to approach an older man who, you know, looks like Taza. I feel like we'd talk the whole night, and by the end of it I'd basically be willing to kill for this man. I have no doubt he holds his liqour better than me, and he's so well spoken and has such an interesting vibe, I'd listen to him tell stories till the bar closed.
Hank: Honestly, maybe two or three. He isn't my type at all, but if he could guarantee some good dick, drunk me would be into it for one time.
Gilly: Five. Maybe more. Probably more. Definitely more. He isn't my type physically, and I don't think I'd like his personality. I'm not even interested in what he's got under the hood, if ya know what I mean. Not for me.
Creeper: Three shots, maybe less. He's cute and I bet I could tease him and make him flustered, so I would take maybe two shots, one for courage, and the other would be an excuse to go back up to the bar where I asusme he'd be chilling so I could strike up a conversation. The third shot would be the one he buys me. We'd go back to his place and bang, and he'd be super cute asking for my number after and he would want to take me out for breakfast and he'd consider it a date and oh wow, I'm dating Creep now. Okay!
Coco: Two shots. Both for courage because he looks intimidating. I'd get close to him and encourage him to touch me when he's ready, and then next thing you know, I'd be halfway in his lap making out in the bar. I'd have to blow him in the bathroom, which isn't ideal, but I think he's the type to kiss you after he's come in your mouth, so yay. Anyway, we'd go back to his place and fuck a few times before he passes out and I go home. But he'd probably text the next day asking when he can fuck me again, and it'd be on from there 💗
Angel: Not a single shot. I know Angel.I have meet many Angels. I am well versed in Angel. Hell, Angels love me. I would sip my little cocktail and flirt with him until he straight up tells me he wants to stretch my pussy out and when I tell you we would break LAWS speeding to his place and he would put me on my knees in the entry way of his house because he's been rock hard since the bar and he can't wait to get started---anyway. Yeah. I. Uh. I would fuck Angel if I had the chance.
EZ: One shot because he's pretty and I'd be afraid he wouldn't be interested in my basic ass lol. BUT one of us would drop a random fact, and that would become our thing. I'd be slurping him down like a red popsicle on a hot summer day and then stop like "hey, did you know emus can't walk backwards?" And then he'd be drilling my shit, have me face down in the mattress and he would say, "Did you know that the Pope declared war on black cats in the 13th century which lead to an increase in rats and then the plague?" And we would do that forever and ever until we died.
Nestor: Three shots, especially if he's wearing his sunglasses because why would he wear those? What's his deal? He's mysterious and I want to know what his dick looks like. And I will. I will.
Miguel: Three shots. He's intimdating, but he's also perfect and if I saw him, I would never forgive myself if I let him get away. After the three shots, I'm putting anything else he gives me in my mouth. And once we leave the bar, he will have full access to all of my holes. Matter of fact, might need another shot just to help numb me up a bit cause I'm in for a long night.... anyway....
Manny: You already know. It wouldn't take me a single shot, the things I would do to that man, what I would let him do to ME, no question, we fucking. I'm gonna perform magic on his dick. I'm gonna do acrobatics on his dick. I'm gonna put a spell on his dick, he's gonna wanna kill me before he lets another person have me. And I'll be stone cold sober when I spring the trap, babyyyyyyyyy
Felipe: Three shots... might play up how drunk I am a bit, cause I know he's a traditional gentleman and will then take it upon himself to look after me the rest of the night. He wouldn't take me home, he'd probably hump me in the back of the carnicería and then apologize for it after. We'd never hook up again, and he'd feel guilty as hell, like he cheated, but he would still be fond of me and we would become friends. And he'd have to introduce me to his sons and then they'd introduce me to the club and then....
....we're back to taking shots and getting slammed, baby! 😎🤙🏾🤙🏾
Did I forget anybody?
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cow-smells · 4 years
You’re Mine [Eli Hawk Moskowitz x Reader]
Requests: 1. there’s a new girl on miyagi-do, she’s classmates with sam, hawk, miguel, tory, robby, demetri, etc... for some reason, she and hawk didn’t like each other (he can be on cobra kai or eagle fangs, that’s your choice), and one day they make a bet, which this girl wins. hawk has to be her slave for a whole week. BONUS IDEA: a stolen kiss during a fight. maybe admitting feelings for each other? i’d love that! ( @berriewrites​ ) 2. love the hawk smut but i’d also love some fluffy hawk about him secretly liking the reader who’s in miyagido but he tries to act all tough and hide it (anon) 3. AHHH CAN WE GET SOME HAWK FLUFF!? I love the idea where you swear that you don’t like him and you guys make eye contact from a distance when he’s standing with his friend group and you’re standing with yours and you get flustered and he can tell and he smirks and just ahh (anon)
A/N: this took so longggg this came out longer than expected (and honestly i could go on, but i wanted to get this out already) + real life has come hitting all at once and its been overwhelming lol. thanks for being patient and sticking around <3 i enjoyed writing some fluff (amidst a flurry of smut reuests loool :)
Words: 2981
Warnings: none
Read this on AO3
Summary: You don't like Hawk. He's a bad person, that much you know for sure. You're ready to make his life miserable when he loses a bet with you, but then you actually have to spend time with him...
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   You didn't like this.
Forgiveness seemed to be a virtue that evaded you. Eagle-fang and Miagi-Do were uniting and everyone seemed to be all for the union – except for you.
Some things were simply unforgivable. For you, Hawk breaking Demetri's arm was one of them.
You and Demetri became nearly inseparable friends when you both joined Miagi-Do. He had told you all about his former friend Eli and how he'd abandoned him in the favor of bullying him in any way he could come up with; that bullying taking a turn to the extreme when Hawk took to breaking bones.
    Demetri had since forgiven him, but you hadn't.
Demetri had a softer heart than he let on, and he missed Eli terribly, so when the latter suggested they work together he gladly accepted.
But you were more objective about the situation, as you weren't a part of it, and forgiving such cruelty was beyond you.
    The one good thing about the dojos coming together was the intense dedication that grew on everyone. Now that you had a common enemy, many participants would hang around in Miyagi-Do's dojo long after training sessions, training until you could hardly move your limbs.
     The sun had ago long fallen when you and the remaining students took places around a mat, ready for the sparring session to begin.
With Daniel and Sensei Lawrence gone, you had taken to writing down names and pulling them out of a bowl to decide on sparring partners.
    All the negative emotions you felt channeled in to great excitement when Miguel called your name – followed by Hawk's.
You could have sworn you saw a look of something you couldn't read – concern, perhaps, or fear? Before he seemed to share your excitement as he stepped on to the mat with a grin that was almost predatory.
    Two could play at that game.
    “You're as good as dead,” you said, your voice dripping venom. Hawk's smirk just grew.
    “Is that so, princess? I'd like to see you score as much as a point.”
A light bulb lit in your mind.
    “Yeah?” you taunted. “What if I get three?”
Hawk laughed. “You got a lot of confidence, don't you? I'll tell you what. If you can score three points on me and win, I'll...” He bit his lip as he thought. “I'll let you boss me around for a week. Whatever you want.”
The blood rushed through your veins, ready more than ever to fight. You were grateful for the lack of your sensei, knowing this nonsense wouldn't stand if he were here.
    “Are you guys done?” Miguel huffed, standing between you two, ready to referee. “Good. Bow.”
    You bowed without intent and got straight to attacking. Hawk didn't expect it; he came from the dojo that prides itself on strike first and yours cared mainly about defense. You earned your first point within seconds.
    That only served to throw Hawk off his game further. He dived in right away for the attack and was caught unprepared when you fell, sweeping his leg.
  �� You earned your second point.
By that point, Hawk might as well have been fuming out the ears. His brows furrowed in anger as he looked at you like you were the most vile thing he had ever seen; that satisfied something within you.
    The flurry of hits and misses was so rapid you were caught unprepared when you managed to land a punch on Hawk, Miguel's voice rising as he named you victor.
    Hawk huffed, clearly exerted. You smiled. “You're mine.”
You were fully intending to use this bet to its full potential.
The next day was Saturday, and Hawk, true to his word, showed up at your doorstep at 9 p.m sharp, just as you had ordered.
You paid him no kindness when you opened the door, not exchanging a word with him before demanding: “Helmet?”
Hawk handed you a helmet, not looking particularly pleased about the situation but not being able to stop himself from taking in an eyeful of you anyway.
You needed a ride to tonight's party – that's where Hawk came in, beginning his work for you as a personal valet. Accordingly for the event, you were dressed meticulously, showing off your best features – and if you were to judge by Hawks reaction, you were on your way to turn heads.
You climbed on the motorcycle after him, circling your arms around him loosely; but when he kicked off and started the ride, you couldn't help but tighten your hold.
    The party was overcrowded with people from the moment you got there; Yasmine's parties tended to get a bit... excessive.
You ditched Hawk the moment you got sight of your friends, ditching the helmet on his bike to run over to Sam, Moon and Yasmine.
Yasmine didn't hide the dirty look she sent at Hawk. “Ew. Who's the freak?”
You grinned proudly. “My valet. Ignore him. Actually...”
You looked over to the drinks table; someone had tapped a keg and it was being swarmed with people.
    “Hey, Hawk!”
Hawk turned to you, the slightest furrow in his brow as he had already joined his own friends. You pointed at the drinks table. “Vodka soda!” you ordered.
He rolled his eyes, but did it anyway. Your friends watched wide-eyed as he obeyed you wordlessly, bringing over the drink. “Anything else, princess?”
    “Yes,” you gave him a judging once-over. “Don't drink tonight. I want to get home in one piece.”
He bit his cheeks and glared at you before growling “Fine” and returning to his friends.
At some point you didn't even want a drink any more, it was just fun ordering Hawk to go fetch you another one; and so, you found yourself unintentionally drunk, laughing mindlessly at anything said and swaying on your feet.
You didn't even know how late it had gotten when Hawk came in the living room looking for you, ready to go home as most the others already had.
You had earlier made him promise to take you home as well, and – something you were quickly learning was, Hawk was definitely a man of his word. He spotted you half-sprawled on the couch, laughing with Yasmine at something you didn't fully register. Your cup was askew in your hand, contents about to spill over when Hawk grabbed it out of your hand, placing it on a table nearby.
    “Come on, Y/n. It's time to go.”
    “Not yet!” you grinned gleefully, taking hold of his wrist and shaking it dumbly as you spoke. “Later! We're having fun!”
Hawk placed his free hand on yours that held him. “It's four AM, Y/n, time to call it a night.”
    You didn't reply, instead resorting to pouting like a child.
His eyes softened (the puppy eyes never failed to work) – but his jaw clenched. “If you don't come now I'm leaving you here.”
    “Fine!” you hurriedly rose to your feet, using Hawk for balance. “Bye,” you pouted at Yasmine childishly as Hawk pulled you away from her and out of the house.
The sudden quiet of the outside was nearly overwhelming, Hawk's voice sounding too loud for you. “How am I supposed to get you home when you're this drunk?”
    “I'm not drunk,” you answered instinctively, knowing that you very well were.
    “If you can make it to the bike in a straight line, I'll believe you.” You look at his bike, ten feet ahead. You decide to keep holding on to him. “That's what I thought. Listen. You gotta stay awake, okay? I can't have you falling off in the middle of the road, or making me sway, because then we're both dead. Got it?”
    “Dead. Got it.”
Hawk didn't look convinced, but placed a helmet on you and buckled it anyway.
It was about ten minutes in to the ride when Hawk pulled over. He turned to you, his voice as serious as he could make it; you simply smiled, somewhat dazed. “This isn't going to work.”
    “Y/n!” Hawk called, trying to wake you up a little. “Don't fall asleep!”
    “Yes, sensei.” you slurred. Had you been any more awake, you might have noticed the way Hawk's eyes widened at that.
Hawk had to refocus himself to go on. “I'm serious. Look... My house is closer than yours. You can sleep it off at mine, and I'll take you wherever tomorrow. Okay?”
    “Okay,” you shrugged, your mind not caring about much other than regaining the warmth of Hawk's body pressed against yours.
Minutes later you pulled up at an unfamiliar house. Hawk unbuckled your helmet and set it aside, helping you off the bike and guiding you inside, motioning Shhh as he led you through the corridor of his darkened house until you reached his room.
The most natural thing for you to do the moment you saw a bed was to collapse on it. In the seconds Hawk turned his back on you to find you Pj's to wear, you had fallen asleep.
    Looking at you on his bed, Hawk exhaled heavily. He was very aware of your hatred of him; what he couldn't understand was, if everyone else forgave him, why not you?
It certainly didn't help that you looked the way you do, that you were talented, and that everyone loved you.
So Hawk undid your shoes and pulled them off, laying a blanket on you before leaving you to sleep.
    You woke up groggy, somewhat hungover and in a strangers room; an interesting start to the day.
You didn't really want to leave the comfort of your lonesome in the room but it was clear you would have to face the music at some point, so you womaned up and left the room.
Following the smell of food cooking, you walk down a hallway to find a red-haired man in the kitchen, his tattooed back to you, muscles flexing as he flipped a pancake.
With his hair down, it took you a moment to register who you're seeing; who's bed you spent the night in.
Your first instinct was to groan, to cower in to yourself in regret; but then you remember how tenderly he treated you the night prior, making sure you got safely to a bed, letting you have his bed.
You swallowed your pride and stepped in to the kitchen. “Morning.”
Hawk's shoulders jumped in fright as you startled him; you couldn't help but giggle. He quickly rightened himself, straightening his back and flexing his abs as he turned to you.
    He was good looking and he knew it. You hated him.
However, you felt your power returning to you as he couldn't help but look you up and down, your disheveled clothes revealing a bit more than they had the night before. Hawk inhaled sharply, reminding himself of who he was, how he was supposed to act: unfazed.
    “Bout time you got up.”
You frowned, looking at the kitchen clock. “What do you mean about time? It isn't even noon yet.”
    “Yeah, well,” Hawk flipped a pancake on to a nearby plate. “You wanted me to take you to the mall today, right? I have practice later, so it's gotta be now.” The Eagle-fangs were holding weekend practices of their own, something you weren't a fan of.
    “Jeez, fine,” you sneered, allowing yourself to sit at the kitchen table. Amidst the chaos that was waking up in Hawks bed, you had totally forgot you previously asked him to take you out today. Yasmine's parents were making her take tutoring lessons, Moon was doing some spiritual healing thing and Sam was with Miguel, so you were left all alone – but you certainly didn't intend on spending Sunday at home, doing nothing.
    Hawk finally shut off the burner and joined you at the table with a stack of pancakes and two plates in tow. “Eat away your hangover. I'm not gonna hold your hair up if you hurl.”
Breakfast with Hawk ended up being a surprisingly civil affair; so was shopping. There was something exciting about dragging him along after you, shop after shop, having him carry your bags and modeling clothes for him. And honestly, you were loving the effect you had on him. You knew he was trying to hide it, but you could see the way he grew antsy when you tried on bikinis. You loved teasing him, knowing he couldn't have you.
    What also didn't hurt was the way you two turned heads walking down streets together. You were undeniably gorgeous, and he... While at first you thought it was the bright red mohawk that grabbed peoples eyes, after a close inspection you couldn't deny he had fair features, too. You had to look away whenever he tensed his jaw, accentuating his jawline, or if God forbid he smiled, you had to deny the way his smile made your stomach knot up.
    As though to top off the experience of him, by the time you finished shopping, Hawk would have been late if he was to take you home, so you suggested he take you to practice with him and just take you home once he was finished. And oh my... You did not need to see him fighting. Having a whole hour to see his biceps flexing as the threw punches was doing you no favors; when you were both practicing you were too busy with yourself to notice him, but right then you had a whole hour to do nothing but stare.
At the end of the practice you rose when Hawk approached you, ready to go. When his sensei understood you were waiting there for him, he asked Hawk, “Yours?”
Hawk didn't answer; he merely smirked that Hawk smirk of his. His sensei nodded proudly. “Nice.” Creep.
You had a couple more days to squeeze the most you could out of your bet, and by all means were you planning on using them.
Hawk was taking you to school and home every day on the back of his bike – to Miyagi-do, too. It became a regular thing to see you two together, and if anyone was expecting you, they expected Hawk, too.
Just as the previous mornings, you and Hawk walked in to school together. Seeing your friends, you bid him goodbye and went to join them, your eyes lingering on him a bit too long as he said hello to Miguel.
Yasmine's jaw dropped as she looked at you, her expression scandalized. “What?” you asked.
    “You're totally in to the freak!”
    “What? No,” you denied – but even as the words left your mouth, you could hear your lack of conviction. “No.”
You looked back to where Hawk and Miguel stood; this time, he caught your eye. Then, with total audacity, he winked at you.
You felt heat rush through your body.
The smirk that grew on him suggested he knew exactly what he was doing to you.
    You hated it.
Deciding to put an end to this madness, you wordlessly leave your friends and march up to Hawk, a new rage running though you.
He stopped talking with Miguel when you reached him; Miguel visibly tensed at what he felt was a dangerous situation for him to be in.
    “Sidebar,” you ordered. Hawk smirked.
    “After you, princess.”
You hoped no one would notice when you lured him in to an empty classroom, but in all honesty, it was you and Hawk. There were always eyes on you two.
You turned to him once you were engulfed in the silence of the room. “Listen. I don't know what you're playing at, but cut it out. I own you, got it? Don't go winking at me in the hallway like I'm your girlfriend or something.”
You expected to see him cower, blush, show any sign of intimidation – but there was no such emotion. The smirk he wore only grew in confidence. “You sure about that?” he asked cheekily. “Because it seems to me like you'll find any excuse to be around me.”
You couldn't believe the audacity of this boy. You were stunted for words; he went on. “Be honest with yourself. Once the week is up, you'll still find reasons to talk to me.”
You bit your cheeks; you hated how he was right, how he read you so easily. “And look, I'm done playing this game too.”
Your stomach dropped. Was he about to reject you, without you even confessing? “I'm not playing with you,” you tried to say intimidatingly, but your voice came out too small for comfort.
    “Me neither. So...” Hawk looked down at you; you could have drowned in his ocean eyes. You averted your gaze to the side, crossing your arms.
    “Fine. We can call it off early.”
Hawk chuckled. You wanted to punch him. “You still don't get it, do you?”
You returned your eyes to Hawk, ready to chew him out when he placed his hands on your cheeks, pulling you to him for a kiss.
You could feel yourself melting in to the kiss, feeling a rush of adrenaline run through you as you finally got to experience what you didn't want to admit to yourself that you craved so deeply.
When he finally pulled away, he kept his hands on you, your noses nearly touching. “I've wanted to do that for a long time,” Hawk admitted.
You half-smiled. “It's only been a week.”
Hawk had burst in laughter, his thumbs caressing your cheeks. “You still don't get it.” Before you could protest his words, his lips met your once more.
    Maybe you could find it in you to forgive him, after all.
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sapphireplums · 4 years
Mad For You
Eli Moskowitz x Reader 
Description: Y/n and Eli are in a relationship, but got into a pretty rough fight. They also have to compete against each other in the All Valley tournament. 
Word Count: 1287
Warnings: mild language
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Pain. Anger. Confusion. The emotions that were going through your mind were unbearable. 
It caused heartaches and pain. Even though your best friend was Miguel, you couldn’t tell him anything because he was also good friends with Hawk. 
You and Hawk got into a fight because of how he was acting.
 It was not amusing to you and you really didn’t like it either. 
The result of the fight ended up in you leaving his house in tears, Hawk not even texting or calling you ever since that day. 
But little did you know, he really wanted to text you. 
Which made you mentally exhausted and that was not good because you had the All Valley tournament coming up in a few days. 
Mentally preparing, you asked your father if you can do some meditation before the tournament came. 
Your dad was also a pretty good teacher considering he was a previous All Valley champion. 
“Hey honey, are you okay,” Daniel asked you. 
He saw your face and he was very concerned for your health and mental health. 
“Yeah dad, I’m fine, I’m just a little tired.”
That didn’t settle it for Daniel. He knew his daughter and he knew something was up. 
“Y/n talk to me. I can tell there’s something wrong and you can’t deny that.”
You had to tell your father, there was no hiding from him. 
“Me and Eli got into a fight a couple days ago and now I have to see him at All Valley, and I don’t think I’m prepared for that,” you said truthfully. 
Daniel looked at you with sympathy then it quickly turned to anger. 
“I never liked that kid. He’s no good for you Y/n, and you can do better.”
A a part of you wanted to think that, but the other part knew you belonged with Hawk. 
“I know dad, but let’s see what’s going to happen okay?”
Daniel gave you a small reluctant nod, then proceeded with a smile. 
“I love you dad.”
“I love you too, honey.”
 ───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
The day has finally come and you were now about to compete in the all valley championship with your karate teammate, Robby. 
Robby was a brother figure to you and you loved him as if he really was. 
“Hey, Y/n, are you okay? You seem kinda....... tense.”
“Yeah I’m fine, it’s just that Hawk and I got into a fight and I really don’t want to see him now.”
Robby was panning the room and his eyes met with Hawk’s. 
Staring at him, he shook his head in disappointment, while Hawk stared at him.
Hawk was about to go across the blue mat to talk to Robby, but Miguel held him back. 
“Dude, you can’t make a scene, especially right before we compete,” Miguel said. 
“I don’t like how he’s talking to her,” Hawk said referring to Robby. 
You felt eyes on you then turned around to see Hawk staring at you. 
It wasn't a cold stare, it was more of a sympathetic and apologetic one. 
But when his gaze turned to Robby, his stare was cold as ice. 
The time has finally come and the competition was starting now. 
You were around the third one to go up and compete. A boy around your age was your competition. 
You faced him and bowed, then faced the ref and bowed to him. 
When getting into your stance, you could see Hawk from your peripherals and he seemed to have a worried look on his face. 
As if he was scared you’d get hurt, but he should know that you know how to kick ass pretty well. 
After several hits and kicks, you won with a proud smile. 
Hawk seemed to be proud as well. He clapped and cheered for you. 
Which was surprising to you to be honest, since he hasn’t contacted you for a while. 
Hawk was competing next and he had his ‘intimidating face.’
As expected, he viciously defeated his opponent, then undid his belt and took off his gi. 
He flexed his back and started to move his arms so his hawk tattoo would be moving. 
He then turned to you then looked at you up and down with a smirk. 
You tried so hard not to blush because you were still mad at him, but it was hard not to. 
The time has come and it was the moment you were dreading. 
You had to compete with Hawk. 
When the announcers called your name and Hawk’s, the two of you looked at each other and you slightly smiled, but he did not return it. 
He was confusing as fuck to be honest. 
Hawk went onto the mat first, then you. 
Bowing at the ref, then at each other, Hawk gave you a wink. 
It made you confused because you did not know if he was going to go easy on you or not. 
“FIGHT” you heard the ref say.
“Don’t worry, princess, it will be just like how we practice.”Hawk said. 
You smirked then started to throw punches at him. 
You and Hawk had pretty similar karate techniques, but he was stronger. 
“You’re not going to get away that easily, Eli,”you said to him, out of breath. 
Being the girlfriend of Eli meant you had special privileges, including being the only one to call him Eli without him killing someone. 
“Hey babe, you know I had your favorite food while you were gone,” Hawk said while trying to throw punches at you. 
“Oh, you did not just go there,” you said to him. 
Hawk just smirked, hoping that caught you off guard, but it didn't. 
You decided to get payback with something that will for sure distract him, maybe even kill someone. 
“I think I’m starting to catch feelings for Robby,” you said with a huge smirk. 
Hawk just froze there with a angry face. Oh boy, was this boy about to explode, but unfortunately he was too distracted at that thought and you were able to kick him, scoring a point. 
You won and Hawk was still too in shock to process that he lost. 
He was so pissed and was literally about to run across the mat to go punch Robby, but before he could, you stopped him while putting your hands on his chest. 
That always calmed him down and you knew that. 
“Eli, I was just kidding, you said that only to get you off guard,” you said to him hopefully calming him down. 
He looked at you with anger still in his face, but when he looked into your eyes, he calmed down a bit. 
“Hey are you okay Y/n” Robby asked you, not lookin at Hawk. 
Hawk was literally seconds away from pouncing at Robby, but you stood in front of Hawk and grabbed his arms to put around your shoulders, restraining him basically. 
“Yes Robby, were fine, you don’t have to worry.”
Robby nodded then gave Hawk a glare while leaving. 
“He better not try anything,” you heard Hawk say from under his breath. 
“Eli, whatever happened in the past few days, can we just forget about it please.”
“Look Y/n, I don’t even know why we got into a fight in the first place.”
“It was because you were acting like a dick to other kids.”
Hawk held his head down, but then looked back into your eyes. 
“I’m sorry Y/n, I will try to be better I promise, for you,” He said while kissing your hand. 
“I love you Eli.”
“I love you more Y/n.”
omgggg i actually love this one so much. i hope you guys enjoyed this imagine!!!💕
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cades-outsider · 3 years
Robby Keene X Reader
Warnings: Little Angst!
Not just a Secret
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  Let's get one thing straight, keeping a secret from your boyfriend is not that easy. Especially when it's as big as your secret, you see from the time you were young you always admired karate. Other kids thought it was dumb and would rather play video games or whatever.
  You felt there was no hope for you seeing as, there were literally no karate dojo's available in your area. Only a car salesman by the name of Daniel LaRusso who won a karate battle with an illegal kick but you get the picture.
  It wasn't until someone by the name of Miguel helped spark Johnny your sensei to have his own dojo. You and Miguel were pretty close, you ran into him at the mini mart on your way home where you also met Johnny.
  He was sitting on a curve enjoying his pizza when a bunch of teens decided to get into some trouble with a boy smaller than them.
From most of your karate experience which detained of watching old karate moves on YouTube came into handy when they tried to start with you. You immediately caught Johnny's eye as you; someone 10 times younger than him knew about old time karate, though your stance wasn't completely stable.
Johnny decided to help you out seeing as there were more than just two or three kids you were going against and because they hit his car.
What you thought was cool was that You, Miguel, and Johnny all lived in the same apartment complex. You noticed Johnny a lot, but you knew from his personal actions that he didn't like associating with people.
After Miguel had convinced Johnny to open up his own dojo both Johnny and Miguel came straight to you. Well Both you and Miguel happened to run into Johnny who was looking for you both to tell you the good news.
You were eagerly ecstatic, having had wanted this dream to come true for a while. Johnny taught you a lot that you didn't know before, he was almost like a dad figure.
You see when you met Robby you hadn't know that Johnny was his dad and you didn't know the situation. It took a while for Robby to open up to you about his family issues in the relationship.
You guys were together for about 6 months before you knew about Johnny being his dad and how much he 'hated' him.
You knew Johnny for the first 3 months while learning a little bit of karate, and it wasn't until 3 months later you started fully going every day after school.
Yeah you could say whenever Robby told you who his dad was you immediately felt trapped. For the simple fact that is Robby hated his dad so much and knew how close you and his dad were he might not like that... he'd might even feel betrayed.
So you kept it a secret, which probably wasn't the best and definitely not the healthiest for your relationship but you wanted to keep Robby happy... but you knew if it got out he would not be the happiest about it.
Anyways, you were on your way to Cobra Kai... you guest it. As of right now Johnny had a good amount of students, including You, Miguel, Tory, Eli- also known as Hawk now, Chris, A**- Face as they call him, Bert, and a couple extras.
Practice was as normal as any other day, it consisted of sweat, pounding chest, and happiness. Karate brought joy to you, and you absolutely loved the way Johnny taught you karate.
You could tell from the beginning that Johnny was nervous and scared to teach more kids, you didn't quite know why but you thought it had something to do with his childhood maybe?
It was almost like he thought he was going to mess up, which so far he hasn't. Plus he has you and Miguel for reassurance which he didn't ask for but definitely didn't tell either of you to stop.
Johnny had let everyone take a 10 minute break while he worked on something in his office, a loud shout and bang was heard after less than a minute of him being in his office.
You and Miguel share a knowing look as everyone else's eyes stayed wide and scared, because when Johnny's mad he usually is shall I say more present with his actions.
Both you and Miguel get up from your sitting positions and walk into Johnny's office to see him with his head buried in his hands and the phone beat against the desk.
"Sensei?" Miguel questions worried.
"Yes Mr. Diaz? Do you need something?" Johnny asks, quite stressfully.
"Uh- I was just wondering if you were okay?" He questions softly.
"I'm fine Diaz, just stressed that's all" Johnny nods his head as an okay, Miguel nods and walks to the mats, as you stay behind.
"Uh- Sensei you know you can talk to me- to us" You comment, daringly.
"I appreciate that Miss. L/n" He says as he pops open his famous coors beer, leaning back into his chair.
You take a seat in the chair in front of him "what's wrong?" You question.
He takes a swing of beer keeping eye contact as he sits the beer aggressively down on the table "nothing is going my way, you know? I try one good thing and it escalates into two bad things" Johnny states, running a hand through his hair messing it up a little.
"Uh- Sensei, I can see it on your face you're not that hard to read. I know it might sound crazy but I know what you're feeling all I can say is that it will get better you're doing an amazing job at what you do already... so who says you're not already doing that one thing" You say softly.
Johnny smiles a little, but this time a genuine smile "that's very kind of you Y/n" he says as you smile, feeling accomplished.
"Is something going on with you? You said you knew what I felt" Johnny questions.
"Oh uhm actually I'm kind of stuck on something right now- I'm kinda doing one thing that I know would hurt someone I love but only just found out they wouldn't like it when I'm doing it and it's hard because I know how he'll react" You say nervously, as technically you just told on yourself.
Johnny nods his head in understand-meant "is he a lover?" He asks to which you nod yes.
"Well then he should understand right? I mean you're a great kid he would understand" Johnny encourages.
You smile softly "thank you" you blush of embarrassment from the fact that you know you literally just told on yourself.
"No problem kid, now go get into your stance" He says getting up as you follow, walking out of his office and into your follow in stance.
The rest of practice ended with a happier and more relieved Johnny. At the end of class Johnny asked both of you and Miguel to stay behind saying that he needed to give you both something.
  He leads you both to the trunk of his red firebird, which holds two black Cobra Kai Gi's "I wanted to give both of you these first" He says handing one to both you and Miguel.
  "Sensei this is- incredible" Miguel comments excitedly.
  "They're amazing!" You say excitedly.
  "Well you guys deserved it, you both worked very hard" Johnny says proudly.
  Miguel hugs Johnny until his phone dings causing them to pull away from the hug "sorry sensei that's my mom! Thank you!" He says before running away, over to his bike.
  "Thank you sensei" You smile slightly.
  "You can call me Johnny, Y/n but only out side of the dojo" He says as you give him a hug.
  See this is where it gets complicated, Robby had decided he was going to give his dad a chance and so he thought that he would come to Cobra Kai and speak with his dad.
  As he was riding on his board he stopped and picked it up as he arrived at his destination and saw you with his dad.
  "Y/n?" Robby questions walking up to the scene.
  "Robby-" You gasp internally, slightly freezing. You knew this day would come but not so soon.
  "Robby? What are you doing here?" Johnny questions, confused.
  "Well I came to talk to you but seeing as my girlfriend made it first it seems I don't need to" Robby spits out bitterly.
  "Robby I-" He cuts you off.
  "What you can explain? Oh please do, after I just told you too." He walks closer to you.
  "I guess now I know I should've never tried with you" Robby says walking away.
  "Don't talk to her like that" Johnny stands his ground walking over to Robby as he stops in his tracks.
  "Oh like you talk to me?" He asks sarcastically.
  "You know what I've had it, I'm done. We're done Y/n" Robby says before continuing to walk away.
  You couldn't just let him walk away, so you ran after him once he turned the curve behind the dojo "Robby wait at least let me explain" You plead.
  He stops once again before turning back around "what? What do you need to explain" he sighs.
  "Look I didn't know that Johnny was your dad until yesterday when you told me! I had no way of knowing but I knew that I didn't want to quit karate" You state.
  "Oh so you couldn't have just quit when you knew or at least have told me?" He grits his teeth, walking closer to you.
  "Oh come on Robby, just give Johnny a chance he's really trying" You plead.
  "Oh so now you're on his side" He says defensively.
"I'm not saying that I just thought that if I kept it a secret that I wouldn't hurt you" You say guiltily.
"That is not just a secret Y/n!" He yells stepping closer causing you to flinch accidentally.
  This action didn't go unnoticed to Robby, he immediately goes soft "oh Y/n- I-I'm sorry" He says going to grab your hand but you pull it away.
  "Just. Don't. I think we need some time to collect ourselves" You state before walking away from Robby and back to Johnny.
  "I'm sorry Johnny- I should've told you earlier" You say guiltily as you didn't want Johnny to feel some type of way towards you now.
  He nods his head understandingly "look Y/n. It's okay there's nothing to be sorry for, i actually would spin you two together if he wasn't being such a d*ck" He comments.
  You laugh at his choice of words "you mean ship?" You question.
  "Oh so that's what they call it" He hums as you nod.
  Johnny offered you a ride home, since you both lived at the same apartment complex and of course you agreed.
  As you walked through your apartment door you felt bad, bad about keeping a secret from Robby that would hurt him, but also mad because he had just told you Johnny was his dad so you had no way of knowing beforehand.
  Robby on the other hand felt terrible, he made you flinch. Worst of all he yelled at you which he would never do if it were a different topic, his dad was always a hard topic for him.
  Robby had decided to take action and visit your apartment, he hated being away from you for more than a couple days.
  He bought some of your favorite flowers and made his way to your apartment on his skateboard. Moments later you heard a knock at your door, your parents weren't home and you knew they would be here later so that confused you.
  None the less you opened the door to reveal Robby awkwardly holding your favorite flowers, a look of regret and sadness written clearly on his face.
  "Robby-?" You question confused.
  "Y/n hear me out please..." He pleads.
  "Okay... come in" You say holding the door opened for him more.
  He walks in and sets the flowers down on your counter "look I'm sorry for yelling at you like that, it was wrong of me but I was just upset" He confesses, looking down.
  You sigh "Robby it's okay, I know you would never hurt me like that it was just an instinct. I'm sorry to for not telling you" You say guiltily.
  Robby walks closer to you and grabs both of your hands interwinding them with his "no it's okay Y/n, I know you didn't know I shouldn't have pushed you like that" Robby admits.
  "It's know, I just thought if I kept it a secret it wouldn't hurt you as much...." You mumble honestly.
  He smiles a little "I think it hurt more, but now it's okay because I love you to much to lose you" He shyly admits.
  You smile, wrapping your arms around his shoulders "I love you more" You respond.
"How about we get some food and cuddle?" You question happily.
"That sounds amazing" Robby reply’s.
Even though Robby was desperately hurt at your actions, he knew it wasn’t your fault he knew that you didn’t know I mean how would you have known if he never opened up to you. Anyways life went on and eventually Robby finally spoke and sorted things out with his dad, though that didn’t stop certain people but it did save Johnny’s.
This was requested from Wattpad!!!
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robbyswayzekeenes · 4 years
badass━ demetri (cobra kai) imagine
demetri x badass fem! reader 
requested by @klt123456​
i hope you like it! just a lil demetri with his badass gf and some making out in the dojo :))
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It wasn’t uncommon for there to be competition between high school students. Typically, any teenagers would be warring over who was the most popular, or the most attractive, but something you never tended to find high school students fighting over was who was the toughest. Then again, West Valley High wasn’t like any other high school. Since karate had infested the Valley like it was 1980, people had been changing. It was no longer about who dated who, and who fucked who-- no, the priority was now who could whip the other in a full-blown karate fight. And whilst there was a lot of competition for the top spot; whether it was Tory, or Hawk, or Miguel, and sure, they were all in the running. But everyone knew that the toughest kid at West Valley High was Y/N L/N.
The h/c didn’t look like much. (Your height) and seemingly harmless, she was anything but intimidating. If anyone were to suggest to an outsider that she was the toughest kid in the Valley, they would be ridiculed, especially when compared to Eli’s mohawk or Tory’s resting bitchface. But the thing that made Y/N really badass compared to any of the cobra’s or anyone at Miyagi-Do is that, whilst had been training in karate for a year or so, the girl had been fighting competitively since she was eight.
Red Tigers Karate was the only dojo left in the Valley until Johnny Lawrence brought back Cobra Kai. It had started back in the 80s and was the only one left after they all closed down. It wasn’t particularly busy, not like the rush of people Cobra Kai had received after Miguel’s fight in the cafe, but Y/N had been fighting there since she was a kid. Karate was always the best way for the girl to relieve anger, and now everyone was doing it. Despite the different styles, it was no competition that she was by far the best. She wasn’t defensive and passive like the style taught at Miyagi-Do, and she wasn’t all aggressive and merciless like Sensei Lawrence taught at Cobra Kai. The girl’s karate style was the perfect combination of offence and defence, which made her practically unbeatable. Y/N was badass as shit. And everyone knew it.
Demetri was the opposite of badass. Lanky and skinny, with gimpy, out of proportion limps, karate was definitely not his strong suit. He’d taken many beatings, even before karate came back to the Valley, and for a while, these beatings were even coming from his best friend, Eli. Sure, he’d had his victories in karate, for instance, when he had kicked Hawk into the trophy case during the school fight, but all in all, he had not had many successes when it came to karate. However, Demetri’s biggest success was somehow winning the heart of the biggest badass at school; Y/N L/N herself.
The pair had somehow become friends in school, despite the dark haired boy being very much terrified of her. And from there, their friendship had blossomed into a beautiful relationship, and the pair were both incredibly happy, despite the fact that Demetri had no idea how he’d ended up with someone so far out of his league. Since the karate war had started, Y/N had begun training more and more at Miyagi-Do, helping Daniel train the students, and now, after Kreese’s latest attack, helping Johnny Lawrence and the former Cobra Kai’s learn to fight in a style that wasn’t all offence. Today, whilst Daniel and Johnny were outside separately training Miguel and Sam in order to prepare them for the tournament, Y/N was playing a little game.
“Okay,” The h/c grinned, hopping onto the mat and getting in her stance. “Let’s play a sparring game. Winner stays on. I’ll start.” Demetri could see the mischievous twinkle in his girlfriend’s eye, but of course the new members of Miyagi-Do were not aware of the girl’s capabilities. “I’ll take you on,” Mitch had said with a cocky smirk, and the boy was flat on his back in less than ten seconds. Y/N pushed one strand of h/c hair from her face, winking at Demetri who was trying overly hard not to look impressed. “Who’s next?” The girl grinned, exhaling sharply as at least five new sets of eyes marvelled at her. This was the first time the combined dojos had seen each other fight, and they wouldn’t be the first to underestimate the seemingly innocent girl.
“Alright, Y/N, I’ll take you on,” Hawk said, stepping forwards, his scar twitching as his face twisted in determination. The red haired boy climbed onto the mat, and though he would never admit it to his girlfriend, Demetri was worried for her. He knew full well what he was capable of, and he had the scar on his arm to prove it. However, the brown eyed boy was wrong to doubt, as in thirty seconds, Y/N had Eli in a pin. “I win,” The girl breathed, one of her h/c strands falling from her bun. Eli got up with a huff and walked to the edge of the mat again, taking his spot next to Demetri.
As training went on, Y/N took every student on, working her way around everyone except Demetri and every time being victorious. “Holy fuck, she is badass,” Bert breathed after being thrown to the floor less than five seconds. He was the penultimate student, and still no one had managed to beat Y/N. Demetri let out a steady breath as he knew the time had come for him to get his ass handed to him by his girlfriend, and certainly not for the first time. Hawk smirked playfully before whispering to his best friend; “If it took her thirty seconds to get me down, I reckon she’ll have you in three.” “Actually, last time it was two,” Chris chimed in, earning a playful laugh from the others which caused Demetri to blush. However, it was at this moment that Sensei LaRusso chose to step into the dojo alongside Sensei Lawrence.
“Training’s finished for today, guys,” Daniel spoke, and Demetri was hesitant to let out a sigh of relief. As much as he loved Y/N, he would rather not have his ass kicked in front of the other teens, even if she had done the same to the rest of them. “You got lucky, Met,” Chris grinned, clapping the dark haired boy on the back as they began to file out the dojo. “Great training today, guys.” The h/c haired girl smiled, though Demetri’s brown eyes caught the mischievous glint in her e/c ones, and his eyebrows raised. “Sensei, if you don’t mind, I wanna train with Demetri a little longer. We didn’t get to finish today.” As soon as those words escaped her lips, the boy knew he was screwed. “Sure thing, Y/N. Thanks for all your help. It’s good to have someone round here who knows karate but also knows what it’s like to be a teenager.” “No problem,” The girl smiled, her eyes meeting Demetri’s with a smirk. “Yeah, and it’s good to have someone round here who’s an actual badass, too,” Sensei Lawrence chimed in, earning a disapproving look from Daniel. “I”m badass as fuck, I’ll have you know,” The man argued, and Y/N chuckled, closing the dojo doors and forcing the men to take their childish bickering somewhere else.
Demetri exhaled deeply as his girlfriend turned to face him. “Didn’t think you were getting out of a fight, did you?” The girl asked with a smile, causing the boy to roll his eyes. “Gee, anyone would think my girlfriend enjoyed kicking my ass.” “Maybe I do,” Y/N grinned cheekily before pressing a chaste kiss to the tall boy’s lips. “Now come on, in your stance.” Reluctantly, Demetri planted his feet and lifted up his guard, quirking an eyebrow at the girl who adjusted her hair where it sat atop her head before saying; “Ready? Hajime.” The h/c pounced forward, throwing a kick to Demetri’s head which he barely managed to block. She then threw one, two, three consecutive punches, but the boy shielded them all. She’s going easy on me, Demetri decided as not one of her shots landed. Scoffing slightly, the dark haired boy threw a feeble punch, but it was intercepted. “Come on, Demetri. You can fight better than that.” “So can you,” He pointed out, causing Y/N to smirk. The girl threw another kick, but he blocked it with the palm of his hand and retaliated with the same kick. A stupidly predictable move, even when she was taking it easy.
Y/N caught the kick under her arm, leaving the boy fighting for balance as she rotated their stance before forcing Demetri backwards, never letting go of his leg. His back hit the wall of the dojo with a crash, and the boy winced slightly. “Oops,” The h/c said, but she didn’t seem at all apologetic. “That was technically not a karate move,” The pedantic boy pointed out as Y/N finally let his leg drop to the floor and stepped inside his guard. “Neither is this,” She whispered, taking the collar of his shirt and pulling him down into a bruising kiss. Demetri was quick to reciprocate, much happier to be kissing his girlfriend than fighting her. Y/N’s hands snaked up to the boy’s dark hair as they continued to kiss, Demetri’s back pressed against the dojo wall. His hands slotted themselves inside the gaps of the girl’s vest top, setting them on her bare waist and making her shiver. “This,” Demetri mumbled in between kisses, “Is much better than fighting.” “We both know I could still beat you at this,” Y/N responded, pulling herself even closer to the boy so that their chests were flushed together. The two continued to kiss until they heard the opening slide of the dojo door, and hurriedly jumped apart.
“What are you- really, guys?” Sensei Lawrence asked as he stood in the doorway, his eyebrows raised. “Sensei,” Y/N breathed, though it’s not like either of them could deny it with their bruised lips and Demetri’s messy hair. “I don’t wanna know,” He interrupted, before glancing at Demetri; “Good going, kid.” The boy blushed a deep red as Johnny went on. “I won’t tell Daniel if you won’t.” Both teens nodded aggressively, knowing full well how Mr LaRusso felt about kids making out in his dojo. “But if you’re gonna fuck, at least clean the mat afterwards.”
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Can you talk about autistic Hawk/Eil
Sure, I’d love to!!!
Credit where credit is due, of course--I got a lot of my Autistic Eli headcanons from @jackonthelongwalk, who’s got a little more authority to speak on the subject since he’s actually autistic and whatnot. I mainly just saw his takes and was like “THOSE ARE GOOD TAKES” and adopted all of them XD Although I DID come up with a few of my own headcanons!!! I’ll just compile everything here.
~Eli tends to be pretty particular about physical touch, and a lot of the time he doesn’t really like it. Over the years, Demetri’s found that one type of touch that Eli’s okay with is shoulder-squeezing, and it kinda becomes their thing. Typically Demetri giving Eli a quick shoulder squeeze helps comfort him and makes him feel safe by basically reassuring him “I’m here for you, I’ve got your back.” You can see Demetri give Eli a shoulder squeeze in 2x09 when he’s comforting him about Moon, and he does the EXACT same one in the school fight in 2x10 just before kicking him into the trophy case. I think it was his way of saying “even though we’re fighting right now, I still care about you” and that kinda helped snap Hawk out of his near-psychopathic rage. In Season 3, he’s still shitty to Demetri, obviously, but it’s more controlled, not as unhinged or feral--even when Hawk breaks his arm, he hesitates a LOT before and regrets it IMMEDIATELY after in a way I’m not sure his UNCHECKED RAEEEGE self would have during the school fight.
~Over the years Demetri develops kind of a sixth sense of when Eli is about to have a meltdown. He’s able to pick up on super minute changes in body language, changes in the way Eli speaks, small alterations in Eli’s general temperament--basically anything that indicates he’s getting overwhelmed. That’s actually how he discovers the shoulder squeeze tactic--Demetri realizes he needs a quick way to comfort and reassure Eli when he can’t go in for a full hug (like they’re in the middle of class or something) so he can calm Eli down a bit and stop him from having a meltdown. Mainly because Demetri knows the bullies will have a field day if Eli cries in front of the other kids, so the shoulder squeeze develops as sort of a way to protect Eli from this.
~At some point after Demetri first started using the shoulder touch/squeeze on Eli, Eli started also using it on Demetri to quickly communicate affection/appreciation. Demetri isn’t nearly as touch-averse or picky with physical touch as Eli, and would’ve been okay with a number of physical touches, but he’s honestly super touched that Eli saw him doing a thing and was like “Oh hey!!! Demetri does this thing to me and it makes me feel safe and loved, so I’m sure it’ll do the same if I do it to him!!!” It kinda becomes their special touch, and becomes somewhat of a silent “I love you” (although obviously these two clueless idiots are led to believe it’s ONLY platonic love for many, many years XD). You can see Eli give a little shoulder pat/squeeze to Demetri at the beach party in 1x09!!
~Eli really does not like being touched around or under the chin, mainly because this is how bullies like Kyler touch him and it’s triggering for him. Demetri basically never touches him here. Even after they get together and start getting intimate, Demetri tends to touch/stroke Eli’s cheeks or the side of his head if he wants to touch his face, but he avoids touching Eli’s chin like the plague because he knows how much Eli dislikes it. This is something Eli really deeply appreciates--even Moon wasn’t able to catch on to the fact that he didn’t like having his chin touched, and he was too obsessed with coming across as “tough” to her to admit that it bothered him. Moon didn’t mean any harm at all, of course, she just wasn’t able to pick up on his more subtle indications that he wasn’t a huge fan of chin touches. Demetri has come to pick these indications up by second nature.
~The whole thing Demetri does at the beginning of the show where he kinda talks “for” Eli (the thing that, ironically, people loooooove to blast him about for being a “terrible friend”) I think is largely done because Eli is autistic. Eli seems to have a lot of social anxiety right from the get-go--he doesn’t even verbally greet Miguel when he first sits with him and Demetri and Demetri introduces Eli. Eli just kinda awkwardly smiles and nods at him. He’s obviously not great with social cues either, which we see later on--he’s so PAINFULLY oblivious to the fact that Piper is super not at all into it when he tries to hit on her in Season 2. I imagine after a number of social blunders in their youth, and seeing just how uncomfortable and anxious social situations made Eli, Demetri took the reigns and did a lot of communicating FOR Eli to take some of the pressure off of him to talk. I’d argue that once Demetri is taken out of the picture, we can see in full force JUST how socially anxious and uncomfortable Eli really is--he seems damn near terrified trying to stand up for himself against Johnny when Demetri’s not there. He’s lowkey stuttering and tripping over his words, his voice is shaking. He nearly leaves the room in tears. He’s used to letting Demetri be his voice, and this seems to be what makes him feel safest and most secure. When this is taken away, he has to find a new way to protect himself--hence, possibly, the entire Hawk persona.
~Eli has a lot of issues with emotional regulation and often feels emotions really, really strongly and gets overwhelmed by them--as an ADHDer, this is a struggle I understand SO MUCH. When Eli gets really overwhelmed with strong emotion, he tends to have meltdowns. These can be either sadness-based meltdowns (like we see in the flashback) or angry meltdowns (like we see when he beats Brucks up). Due to his emotional regulation issues, Eli has a really hard time hiding his emotions or stopping a meltdown once it kinda onsets--this is why he tends to “bawl” at movies. Once he starts crying, he can’t really stop, or reign it in--it just keeps coming. He also can’t really hold it back--his emotions tend to force their way out, whether he wants them to or not. This is also why he goes so HARD when he’s angry--wailing on Brucks, throwing punch after punch at Demetri at the school fight, getting carried away and attacking Robby’s injured shoulder at the tournament. His anger (and other emotions) tends to just kinda explode out, and he has a really hard time reigning them back in and keeping them in check. Demetri, ever the voice of ration and reason, can help with this--and probably has a lot, historically. With Demetri less and less in the picture and their relationship on the rocks, Eli’s emotions just seem to get even more wild and uncontrolled, particularly his anger. Part of the reason I think Demetri and Eli work so well together--Eli tends to get very caught up in his emotions (no shame in that--I’ll admit I do too!), and needs someone to help him keep his feet on the ground and be the pragmatist who helps him keep things in perspective.
~Karate is most definitely a special interest for him. It lowkey takes over his life and he makes it damn near his entire identity--big special interest energy. And Demetri (at first, at least) is lowkey so supportive!!! Like he goes to the all-valley tournament to support and cheer Eli on, despite not having any personal interest in fighting and seeming to think the whole thing is the kind of dumb macho shit that goes against everything his nerd identity stands for XD But he goes to the tournament anyways to clap for his boyfriend best friend’s badassery!!! The real MVP!!! Also special interests in general (not unlike ADHD hyperfixations) tend to be very random, hence why seemingly out of nowhere Eli gets absolutely OBSESSED with karate.
~Just a random little headcanon I have (I think I mentioned it on one of my general headcanon posts), but I like to think after Eli adopts the whole “Hawk” persona, he gets a special interest in birds of prey in general for a little while. Like back before he’s too “tough” for anything even remotely related to “nerd shit,” he watches nature documentaries on raptors and the whole 9 yards and constantly rambles excitedly to Demetri about how badass he thinks they are, and how cool it is that they can “literally hunt mice from the sky and shit” (probably an exact quote from him). Demetri finds this sudden new obsession both amusing and kind of endearing--but as always, he shows an interest in it and accommodates it as best he can. I imagine he’s seen Eli go through a number of special interests over the years, and is a pro by now on how to handle them (my own childhood best friend is a fellow ADHDer, and he was CONSTANTLY getting new hyperfixations--I imagine it was something like that XD).
~The whole “Hawk” persona in general seems pretty autistic, speaking of that--like it’s almost entirely based in mimicry and masking. Like Hawk pretty frequently mimics Johnny’s expressions, body language, and speech patterns, and (at least at first) Miguel’s fighting style. He also starts to mimic a lot of Kreese’s problematic views and general “never accept defeat” attitude in late Season 2 and Season 3, setting his good old Bastardization Arc in full swing. The whole Hawk thing could easily be masking, especially given how exaggerated and overdramatic Eli’s facial expressions, voice, and actions tend to be when he’s trying to be Hawk. When he slips back into “Eli” (or how he was before he adopted the mask), it’s usually around Demetri (i.e. the Doctor Who conversation)--which makes sense, since Demetri “gets” Eli better than most people and Eli doesn’t have to mask or overexaggerate his expressions or statements to communicate effectively with Demetri. They’ve known each other so long and Demetri is so familiar with his body language and mannerisms that Demetri is able to pick up fairly easily on what Eli’s trying to communicate/express without Eli having to work too hard at getting his point across. It’s why Eli’s expressions and body language aren’t nearly as exaggerated around Demetri, even when he’s trying to intimidate him--he knows he doesn’t have to overstate what he’s doing to communicate with Demetri.
~Relating back to the social troubles and social anxiety thing, I think Eli has always had trouble communicating verbally, hence why he’s so quiet at first. And even when he does get more talkative, a lot of it is mimicking other people’s speech patterns and ideas (namely Johnny’s at first)--it doesn’t really feel like him talking. Even alone with Demetri, he tends to prefer to let Demetri do the talking, hence Demetri saying Eli’s a “man of few words.” He often prefers to communicate nonverbally through body language, and when he DOES communicate verbally, he does it somewhat sparingly and chooses his words carefully, not usually bothering to say things he doesn’t mean (if he isn’t masking, anyways). THIS is why Demetri was so ready to accept such a short, concise “I’m sorry for all of it” from Eli instead of a long, drawn-out apology for each individual thing he did wrong. Eli knows he doesn’t have to bother masking to communicate with Demetri, so he’s not going to bother saying something that isn’t genuine. Eli has never been the greatest at articulating his thoughts verbally either, so TRYING to apologize for each individual thing he did to Demetri would be extremely hard for him, and Demetri knows this. This is why he accepts Eli’s apology without question and doesn’t expect him to elaborate on it. He knows Eli’s communicating a lot more than he’s actually saying aloud, if that makes any sense, and he cares more about the entirety of what Eli’s trying to say rather than just the spoken part. And Eli definitely communicates he’s genuinely remorseful through his actions as well--saving Demetri from the Cobras, teaming up with Demetri afterwards to help Deme’s side win the fight, straight up openly  BETRAYING Kreese and Cobra Kai AT GREAT PERSONAL RISK TO HIMSELF (especially if Tory’s threat is anything to go by!!!) in order to go back to Demetri. Honestly, given everything he knows about Eli and how he operates, expresses himself, and communicates, I highly doubt Demetri expects at all for Eli to go on a long, detailed rant about how sorry he is and is honestly just grateful to have Eli back in his life.
~I think at the beginning of the show, Demetri puts a lot of work into helping Eli feel as safe and secure as possible--possibly in part because Eli’s autism makes him feel kinda isolated as a “freak” or “outcast” or what have you. Demetri makes an effort to crack jokes and make Eli laugh when no one else will, possibly to help Eli feel more relaxed and at ease. And Demetri’s reluctance to try out karate could be a kind of misguided overprotectiveness on his part--he’s spent a lot of time building up their own little world for them where he can keep Eli relatively comfortable, and he’s worried anything that interferes with that or shakes up the status quo is going to stress out or overwhelm Eli too much. Demetri wants to keep things as they are, because even if it’s not perfect, and they still get bullied on the regular, at least he KNOWS how best to help Eli and help him feel better (or at least he thinks he does) in their current situation (i.e. “I think we’d rather spend our afternoons playing Crucible Control than getting hit in the face”). If they were put into a drastically different new situation, he WOULDN’T know how he should best assist and support Eli with it, and that scares him a lot--because he’s ALWAYS kind of intuitively known how to help Eli, and the thought of anything changing that makes him terrified that without him, Eli is going to get really hurt somehow.
I think that just about covers everything--might add more stuff if I think of it! Definitely go check out @jackonthelongwalk’s blog for more quality, in-depth autistic Eli content!!!
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blackmissfrizzle · 4 years
Characters: Angel Reyes x black!reader
Summary: A fight with your boyfriend leads you to hide a big secret from Angel
Warnings: Mentions of domestic violence, torture (nothing explicit), blood, violence, and swearing.
A/N: Shoutout to @starrynite7114​ for indulging me and all of my ideas. Thanks friend, you’re the best! Also, I’m really in love with this story, so I kinda got carried away and made it 3.2k words. Sorry guys! I hope you enjoy. 
Divider by: @firefly-graphics​
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Of course, you would refuse to call anyone to come get you. Frankie’s job was never easy and why should it start now? Since, you were put in the cell, Frankie was trying to get you to call Angel, EZ, Miguel, or Nestor, but you refused to.
“Y/N, please!” Frankie was not above begging. He would do anything to get you to call any of your close friends. “They’re gonna find out either way and if they find out I didn’t let you tell them, they’re gonna kill me.”
“Frankie, stop being so dramatic. They’ll beat your ass, not kill you.” The deputy groaned and childishly stomped his feet. “I’m kidding. They won’t lay a finger on you. But if you’re scared of what they’ll do to you, what do you think they will do to Russell?”
Russell, your boyfriend, well your ex-boyfriend now was the reason you were sitting a jail cell. Something must have possessed him, because he was bold enough to punch you, but when you turned the tables and beat his ass, he actually called the cops on you. Then, the cops arrested you because Russell looked like the victim.
“I don’t understand why you’re protecting him. He put his hands on you.”
“And I beat his motherfucking ass. That doesn’t warrant his death. Now let me make my call.” Frankie threw up his hands and let you out of the cell. “Fucking finally!”
The only person you could call knowing they wouldn’t tell any of the Mayans (specifically Angel) and Miguel was Felipe. “Mija,” he whispered when he saw you. He tilted your head gently to inspect your new black eye.
“It looks worse than it feels.” You patted his hand and began walking to his truck. “You know you have to tell Angel.” Felipe began his spiel, commenting on how he couldn’t keep this from his son. “I will. Just give me some time.”
The Reyes patriarch reluctantly agreed and went on to make sure you were feeling okay and safe. He even ignored your protests and walked you inside your home and quizzed you on how to shoot a gun properly. “I’m good, Felipe. I promise, girl scout’s honor.” His eyes roamed your house once more, checking for any threats. “Okay, mija. Don’t hesitate to call if you need anything.” Then he left you to wonder how you were going to avoid seeing Angel, someone you nearly see every day, until you were healed.
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Angel was getting really worried now. He hadn’t seen you in a couple of days due to you being busy, but now you were missing Wednesday breakfast at Pop’s. You never missed those. Even if you were drunk or too tired, you would drag your ass over like a zombie just for that breakfast.
If you were missing breakfast because of Galindo, then he wouldn’t hesitate to tell him off. That man took too much of your time already. “You think something happen to Y/N? Maybe I’ll go over to check on her.” Angel asked his little brother.
“Relax Angel,” Felipe sits a cup of coffee in front of his eldest. “She’s probably just healing up.”
Angel spits out his coffee when the words finally register. “Healing?”
“Fuck,” Felipe mutters. “Healing? Pops, she’s healing from what?” Felipe explained everything to his sons. He told them how Russell hit you and when you defended yourself, he called the cops on you and you had to spend some time in jail.
Both Reyes brothers were pissed, but Angel more than EZ. He’s been in love with you since you were kids. “And you’re just fucking telling me now?!”
“I was giving her a chance to tell you herself. You know she’s as stubborn as you. She almost didn’t call me at all.” Felipe didn’t mind his son’s outburst, he completely understood it. He’s just as pissed at himself for keeping the secret so long (if you consider two days long).
EZ probably understood you a bit better than Angel, because you were both alike, so he could see why you didn’t tell them. That’s why he stopped Angel. He knew if Angel confronted you right now, that you would deflect and shut down. “Angel, not this way.” He pulled his brother back by the bicep.
“Then what do you fucking suggest, Ezekiel?” If EZ didn’t hurry up, he might just catch the hands that were meant for Russell. “Just hear me out. Let’s make a call and if you still wanna go then we’ll go.” After EZ explained exactly what he wanted to do, Angel calmed down significantly.
From the sink, Felipe watched his sons come together and well-meaningly plot against you. When the boys left, Felipe went to Marisol’s urn and pressed a kiss to it. “You think she’ll forgive me, mi vida?” Soon, he felt an overwhelming warmth and calmness. “Thank you, hermosa.”
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You fidgeted with your sunglasses. Hopefully, Miguel wouldn’t comment on you wearing them in the house. If so, you’ll lie about having a hangover or something.
He gave you a couple of days off per your request but called you in for an emergency. He promised it would be quick and that you could go home promptly.
But then you saw the motorcycles. This wouldn’t be the first time you had to mediate between Miguel and the MC. They never spoke about anything illegal around you, but they did call on you to ease the tension. You were better than Marcus at switching in between the two and making them agreeable with each other.
Dealing with their drama was the least of your concerns. Not only do you have to lie to Miguel, but all of the Mayans as well. Plus, you had to deal with Angel, who you’ve been avoiding for the past two days. This was gonna be a challenge.
“Gentlemen,” you greeted everyone. At least they didn’t look like they were gonna kill each other. “What can I do for you?”
“It’s more like what can we do for you.” Miguel was at the table, chin in hand. “No one’s heard from you in a couple of days.”
They couldn’t possibly know. Could they? “Ah, you know this cold is kicking my ass. I’ve just been sleeping.”
Angel sat up a little straighter before leaning his elbows on his knees. “Hmm, and the sunglasses, querida?”
“Oh um, you know cough medicine plus whiskey equals a bad hangover.” All of the men looked like they didn’t believe you. Time to abort mission. “Um, well if there is nothing I can do, I’ll just go on home and get that much needed rest.”
You went to grab your purse, but you were no match against Angel’s long legs. He was in front of you lifting your glasses off. “Angel, no!”
If Angel was pissed about this earlier, now seeing you and your black eye, he was nuclear now. Fuck this, he thought. He was gonna go kill Russell right now.
Grabbing his wrist, you tried to stop him, but Angel was too strong. He slightly pushed you away, but when he heard you wince in pain it stopped him dead in his tracks.
This time it was Miguel’s turn to inspect your injuries. He lifted up your blouse and saw your bruised ribs. All of the men were in a commotion now, ready to ride out and string that motherfucker up.
“Querida,” Angel sighed and gently pulled you into a hug. You could feel his tears on your own cheek which made you shed some of your own. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Bishop chimed in.
“Because it wasn’t a big deal.”
“Because it wasn’t a big deal?!” Miguel repeated, blown away by how nonchalant you were about this. “THAT PENDEJO HIT YOU! Don’t you think it’s a big deal?”
Oh shit, you don’t know if they’re more pissed at you or Russell at this point. “No, it is, but I handled it. Now he has to walk around town looking fucked up knowing I was the one who did it to him.”
Bishop tapped the table in anger. He could just shake you right now. “No, you should’ve called one of us the moment that pussy called the cops on you.”
“Hey, let’s not go insulting pussies! They take poundings most men couldn’t handle.” You weren’t going to allow Bishop to insult the thing they all loved sticking their dicks in.
“Y/N!” Miguel was beginning to get frustrated with you and your deflections. “Miguel!” You mimicked his tone. Nestor stepped in between you, to play ref. Even though you were Miguel’s assistant the two of you fought like siblings. “Okay, Y/N/N that’s enough.”
“Is it, Nestor?” You cocked your head to side, annoyed with being told what to do. “I come out of the comfort of my home thinking my help was needed, but instead I get ambushed!”
“Because you fucking lied!” Angel slammed his hand against the table, causing everyone even you to jump a little. “You let everyone believe you were okay when you were in pain.” His voice cracked slightly, thinking of how much worse you could’ve been. He always heard the horror stories of domestic violence and he promised himself that if something as ugly and vile would happen to anyone close to him, then that sorry excuse of a man would never walk the face of the earth again.
“Okay, I get it. You’re upset. But I handled it, there’s no need for any of you to get involved.” Honestly, you wouldn’t mind if they would just beat Russell’s ass, but that’s all you wanted. A simple (well maybe not so simple considering who these men are) beatdown. But you knew these men who you called family were. A threat to you was a threat to them and vice versa. Their pigheadedness wouldn’t allow it.  As you thought, they explained to you that an affront to you, an extension of the Mayans MC and the Galindo family was disrespect to them and that would not be tolerated.
However, by the grace of God and lots of negotiating techniques, you were able to come to some middle ground. They wouldn’t kill Russell, just make him wish they did. It was going good until a call came in from Russell’s sister Sienna. She was calling you all kinds of bitches, hoes, sluts, and claiming you as the mc’s whore, threatening you that her and a gang of her cousins were gonna jump you for fighting her brother. Conniving little bitch. He probably convinced all of his friends and family you were the aggressor and they would have no problem trying you.
When the phone call ended, you immediately try to place everything back right on track. “This changes nothing, okay?” Even though you could see that you lost them, you were gonna be in the fight of your life. “Really, Y/N? Now he’s lying on your name to his family and they’re ready to beat yo ass. Fuck that! What the fuck is wrong with you!?” Angel was fed up with you protecting Russell’s weak ass.
“WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ME?!” Everything that happened over the past couple of days were finally bubbling over. “It’s all of you fucking alpha males with your machismo thinking I need protection. I’m not weak! I’m not some damsel in distress! I can handle my own damn problems.”
You grabbed your things and shoulder checked Angel on your way out, but you were stopped by one voice that had yet to speak up until now. “Y/F/N Y/M/N Y/L/N!” It was a decibel below a yell, but it still held the same energy.
Marcus Alvarez was your dad’s best friend outside of Bishop. Your dad was his mechanic whenever Marcus came into Santo Padre and that how the quickly bonded with each other. Last year, when your dad died of a stroke, Marcus promised to keep an eye on you. “Sit down,” he ordered, and you quickly listened, knowing his tone tolerated no insubordination.
“You gotta teach me that.” Angel told the revered El Padrino, which earned him harsh glares from you, Marcus, and Bishop.
Alvarez ignored Angel and came to sit next to you. “No one is calling you weak, sweetheart. When you’re a real man, things like what that cabrón did really works you up. Add that you know the woman he did it to and it makes you bloodthirsty. Now if your dad were alive what do you think would happen?” He asked, his voice lighter and more conspiratorial.
Laughter bubbled up your throat. If your dad were alive this conversation wouldn’t even be happening. “Get that baseball bat and bash his knees in and that would be the least of it.” Marcus playfully shoved your shoulder. “You know it. So, you know what we gotta do?” You nodded your head, not liking it, but Russell was grown and should’ve known this would seal his fate.
“And after this could you please put Angel out of his misery? Bishop can’t take anymore of him walking around like a sad puppy dog.” Your eyes went to Angel who was indeed standing not too far away with his puppy dog eyes and fidgeting with his rings. “Yeah, I got you.” Your eyes stayed on Angel as you answered Alvarez. Suddenly, Angel got nervous under your warm stare and smile. He didn’t know what you could possibly be plotting with Alvarez.
Angel was granted his reprieve when you asked what the plan was, which sent everyone in a tizzy. There was a resounding no in the room as the men denied your request to be part of their revenge quest. “You can’t be there, Y/N. You need complete deniability.”  Miguel began to escort you out and you couldn’t even argue against that.
You knew now it wasn’t a woman thing. If they ever find out about his death or dig into his disappearance you would be suspect number one. So, you allowed Miguel to push you into the arms of his mother as him and the rest of the men planned who knows what.
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Russell was smart. He knew word about what happened to you would get to the Mayans and Galindo, so naturally he went on the run.
It took them a little longer than they have liked to find him, but they did. Chasing Russell fueled them even more. By the time they got their hands on him, Russell knew he was a dead man.
Everyone gotten their pound of flesh when they caught Russell. Even Prissy Miguel (something Angel loved to call him behind his back) got his hands dirty.
The best was saved for last though. Angel stood back and watched his brothers and Miguel and his crew beat the dog shit out of Russell.
“What? You’re not gonna get in on this? You’re the whole reason why that whore got hit in the first place.” Russell glared or tried to glare at Angel through his swollen eyes. He thought if he poked the bear hard enough maybe just maybe the bear would go ballistic and end his life right then and there. He didn’t know how much more of this torture he could endure.
“What the fuck are you talking about?” Angel was so caught up that Russell hit you that he didn’t bother to ask what led up to it. To him it didn’t matter because no man should ever put hands on a woman, but to hear he was the cause didn’t sit right with him.
“Of course, she didn’t tell you, dumb fucking slut.” Angel whacked him across his ribs with a baseball bat. “Watch your damn mouth! And start fucking talking.”
“Okay!” Russell cried out in agony. “She was breaking up with me to be with you! She said she couldn’t be with another person knowing she was in love with you.”
Angel stood there shocked. All this time he didn’t think you felt the same way about him and now he found out you got hurt because of your true feelings.
Coco could tell it would take a while for Angel to process that. He was always slow on the uptake when it came to you. So, Coco took his cigarette and burned holes into Russell’s skin. “So, what you’re saying is that Y/N was kind enough to let you down easy and not cheat on you. She told you the truth and you decided to hit her? That’s some weak ass shit!” Everyone was ready to take another hit, but they knew Russell wouldn’t last and that Angel should be the one to take him out.
Finally, Angel snaped out of it and went at Russell with the bat, making sure he broke his knees. “Fucking piece of shit!” Eventually, the baseball bat was forgotten, and Angel was beating Russell with his bare hands. Life left Russell awhile ago, but that didn’t stop Angel. His brothers literally had to pull him off the dead body.
“EZ get your brother cleaned up and make sure he’s calmed down before he goes see her.” Bishop ordered the new patch. Everyone else would stay behind for cleanup. “Got it, Prez.” EZ lightly shoved his brother, “C’mon Angel, let’s go get your girl.”
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You had just gotten home from the movies and drinks with Emily. From how she wouldn’t take no for an answer you knew the guys had found Russell.
Chucking your heels across the room you made your way to your kitchen until you heard your door unlocking. The door opened and revealed Angel. You could tell he just showered by the little droplets of water still clinging to his hair.
“Angel, what are you doi-,” he caught off your question with his lips. He cradled your face as if you were the most precious thing ever.
“Do you love me?” He asked, out of breath like he wasn’t the one to just rock your world with a simple kiss. “Duh Angel, I love you. Why do you think I laugh at all your dumb jokes? You’re not that funny.”
“Ouch, querida that hurts.” He covered his heart in mock hurt. “Question is do you love me, Mr. Angel Ignacio Reyes?” You rested your palms on his chest and looked up at him expectantly.
Angel licked his lips in deep thought and ticked his head to the side. “I thought when I kissed the living daylights out of you it told you so.”
Backing away you patted his firm pecs. “Okay, chill your kiss wasn’t even all that.”
“Is that so?” A smile ghosted on Angel’s lips.
“Yup.” You deadpanned, crossing your arms across your chest. “Okay then.” Angel sighed before he chased you through your house.
All you could hear was Angel’s heavy feet, your giggles, and the occasional taunting. Finally, Angel caught you and sat you on your island. Loud giggles turned into soft chuckles. Soft chuckles turned into silent longing gazes with soft smiles. “I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you too, Angel.”
Angel grabbed one of your hands and interlocked your fingers with his. “I’ll keep you safe.” Angel tilted your conjoined hands to kiss yours. You mimicked Angel’s action and did the same to his. “I know.”
The rest of the night you spent it where you felt the safest, in Angel’s arms.
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A True Love III
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Gif credit @angelreyesgirl.
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Miguel was furious when you didnt come back with his man. He excused himself and marched down the hall straight into the ladies room without knocking.
"Where the hell is she"? Miguel balled up his fist. Nestor, his second in command came in behind him.
"Not sure. Found this in the grass behind the kitchen". Nestor handed Miguel your wedding ring that you threw in the grass.
"I want her found. Hunt that little bitch down. Kill who ever she's with. But bring her to me". Miguel growled, clenching the ring in his hand.
Thank goodness there wasn't any cameras in the back. They wouldn't have to work as hard as Miguel did.
He stayed up all hours drinking and pacing the house. Smelling your robe. He was losing it. Every time Nestor came back empty handed, Miguel would flip on anyone in the room. The house was destroyed. From his fits.
"How hard is it to find a girl? A beautiful goddess. She has to be here. Find her". Miguel ordered, his moods changed in a heart beat.
"Mikey, what if she didnt run away"? Nestor suggested.
"What do you mean"? Miguel thought about it. Nestor was hinting at maybe you were taken.
"What if she was kidnapped and she tossed her wedding ring as a sign".
"Who would do that? Everyone knows who I am and what I'm capable of. They wouldnt touch her".
"We have lots of enemies. Anyone could have".
"But why would she just tell my man to go away"?
"They could have held a gun to her head or threatened to kill you. Y/N, loves you". Nestor spoke softly to his friend. But boy was he dead wrong about everything.
Meanwhile Angel pulled up to the clubhouse. You jumped off and ran inside. Your hand clamped over your mouth as you saw your mother, little sister and grandfather sitting with the members of the club.
"Mamá! Abuelito!". You cried out, getting their attention. You havent seen them in years. After getting married to Miguel he wouldn't let you see them. All these emotions where hitting full force.
Your mother cried as she hugged you. Her oldest daughter finally coming home. Your grandfather kissed the top of your head. And your little sister gave you a thumbs up and a smile, she was talking to Ez.
"Donde esta papi"? You asked looking around for your father. Your mother looked down at her feet. Your grandfather spat.
"He didnt come, Mi Amor. He felt ashamed. He thought he was doing you good. But now he sees he only brought heartache to this family".
"He stayed? What if Miguel goes there to see if I'm there or if they're there? He'll kill him, if he lies". You panicked turning to Angel.
"We tried to get him to come. He wouldnt. I'm sorry". Angel grabbed your hand.
"Oh God. This is my fault. I need to go back". You went to push past Angel but he grabbed you by your waist.
"Let me go, Angel. I'm not letting my father die because of me". You yelled, wiggling around to get out of his grip.
"I'm not letting you go back. Your father made his choice. You cant do anything about it".
You sobbed into Angel's arms as he held you. "I love him. I can't let him die".
"I'll send a few guys to go see if he'll change his mind but you have got to calm down". Angel suggested.
"Okay. I'm calm. Thank you". You wiped away your tears and walked with your mother to the couch. There was a lot of catching up to do. First thing she wanted to know was who was Angel to you? Oh you hated to tell her. But she'll live.
However Miguel felt like his heart was breaking in pieces. You were gone less than five hours and he has basically everyone there except for the news crew.
"What has happened to my wife"? He sobbed, putting on a show for the police. Miguel wanted to keep the disappearance on the low but some of the partygoers heard and called the police. So he had to put on a show while Nestor did the dirty work of finding you.
"Psst". Nestor motioned to get Miguel's attention after he talked to the police.
"What did you find"?
"There was a witness".
"Well what did they see"? Miguel was getting excited.
"A motorcycle. They didnt see the guy or Y/N. Just a motorcycle".
"That could be anyone. He could have been coming to work for all we know". Miguel scoffed.
"Who knows about motorcycles more than us"?
"Scum bag Mayans. Get them on the phone. They own me a favor. Time to collect". Miguel smirked. If he couldnt find you, a bunch of lowlifes can.
"So he's your boyfriend"? The look on your mothers face said confused. You told her everything about Angel and how he rescued you. Just left out all the sex parts and sneaking around.
"Yeah. I love him".
"Loves a strong word, Lirio de tigre". You smiled at your nickname that shes called you since you were born.
"I mean it. It's not like with Miguel. I was forced to say it with him. Not with Angel, I feel it. Deep down inside with all my heart and soul".
She smiled. "I'm happy for you. I want you to be happy and find true love".
"Angels the one for me". You squeezed her hands as she held yours.
"Guys we have a problem". Bishop the presidente came in the room. He had his cellphone in hand and looked directly at Angel than to you.
"What is it"? You cautiously asked.
"Galindo. He wants his favor".
"And what's that"? Angel gulped, walking over to the couch and sitting on the arm of it. His hand on your back.
"He wants us to find his missing bride. The first place to look is at her family's home".
"Just say we went and she wasn't there".
"He wants us to bring her family back, dead. To make sure she cant go there, if she is running away. Oceteva is calling back with directions.  We got maybe ten minutes to figure something out".
Angel's, your moms and your heart sank. You never thought he would kill your family. You never thought of running away either.
"I'm going back. I have too. Just say you found me on the side of the road and I can come up with some story". You got off the couch and went up to Bishop.
"I didnt mean to bring this to your club. I'm sorry. I dont want anyone getting hurt or killed".
"Another thing. They think someone with a motorcycle kidnapped you or you took off with someone with a motorcycle. We're the only ones that ride except for the SONS but Galindo knows they havent been here".
"So he knows it's one of us. He's just trying to weed us out so he can come in and find her here. That's his plan. Have us looking all over and he comes here. Finds her, kills us all". Angel ran his hand through his hair with a huff.
"I'm going back. There will be no killing". You yelled, over everyone's thoughts.
"What if Angel takes Y/N and her family out of town and stays away"? Bishop suggested.
"You're kicking me out"? Angel jumped up.
"No. You could always start a new charter somewhere. Be presidente. Or you could have a life without the club. Your choice. Better make it quick cause times a ticking". Bishop pointed to his phone.
Angel thought about everything. Leaving his brothers and home forever. Never seeing them again. Cause he couldnt step back here with you because he knew Miguel would still be looking for you. Or he could stay and fight. Maybe lose a brother or two in the process. Maybe his own life. But it would be worth fighting for since he had you.
He could become a family man and settle down. Have a couple of kids and enjoy the normal life. But that really wasn't Angel. He was a fighter. Always has been.
He's made up his mind just in time.
"I'm staying. We'll fight". Angel grabbed your hand and squeezed it. You knew what everyone was sacrificing for your love.
"You sure? You can just leave".
"No. I'm no coward. Answer the phone". Angel gulped, squeezing your hand. His heartbeat was pounding, he thought you noticed when you looked up at him. A scared look on your face.
Bishop picked it up and answered. Nestor gave him directions and who to take out. Bishop ended the phone call.
"We have our orders. But we need a plan".
"They could stay with pop. Galindo doesnt go around there". Ez suggested.
"They could. But what about the bodies"?
"Bodies are easy to come by". Coco chuckled, lighting up a cigarette.
"We have a slight problem on the plan"? Bishop interrupted.
Everyone looked at Bishop, there happiness slowly disappearing.
"He wants the kid sister, alive. Proof of the bodies and he thinks that if he has her. Y/N would come back".
"No. That wont work". You shook your head.
"How long has it been since you've seen your family"?
"Since I've been married. But I dont know if Miguel has seen them or not. Why"?
"She grew up. Changed. We find a girl that is willing and we send her in instead".
"No. I couldn't do that to some poor girl".
"Y/N, this is all we have. We have to do this". Angel looked you in the eye.
"I didn't want anyone to die". Your eyes filled up with tears and your lip quivered.
"We'll find dead bodies. No ones going to die. I promise". Angel kissed your forehead.
"Okay. If you think this will work. Try it". You didn't seem so sure this was going to work. Miguel was a smart man. He would find out sooner or later the truth.
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usaonetwothree · 3 years
First of all thank you thank you thank you so much for the johnny whump!!!
Also wondering if there's any chance you will be writing any johnny whump featuring more johnny/Carmen? Maybe an extension of that part of The Agreement where she's examining his injuries? The thought just gives me total whumperflies!
Thank you so much for the message, Anon!! And you're most welcome! The show is just teeing it up so nicely. I'm really just continuing what they started :)
I hadn't thought about an interlude to The Agreement, but now my plot bunnies are going. Give me a few weeks to see what I come up with! I'll post it here for sure, and if it's long enough, I'll copy it over to ao3 as a second chapter.
In the interim, I have the start of a whumpy two-chapter fic that I don't know if I'm going to finish. Working summary is "Johnny doesn't have time to get sick. Besides, it's just food poisoning... right?" I'll post the completed first chapter below, and the plan for chapter two would be from Carmen's point-of-view from the ambulance ride through surgery and Johnny finally waking up. I wrote a lot of the ideas I had for her part into Conflict, which is why I think I'm stalled on it here in coming up with something different. I don't know how long it'll take me to figure that out (if ever) but at least you'll have the first chapter. Hope you enjoy!
Thank you again for the kind message!
Pain exploded in his side, worse than he’d ever felt before. He had reference for this: he’d torn, strained, bruised, strained, dislocated and broken many things in the past. This pain blew them all away. It was he’d been stabbed with a hot knife up to the hilt, and someone was twisting it around in his guts.
His hand went to the area, came away warm, but he wasn’t bleeding. Felt like it. Felt oozing and wet and raw.
Somehow, above the nausea, above the stabbing ache in his head, he knew this was serious. And he needed help.
He couldn’t remember where his phone was. Didn’t have time to stop and think.
With every inch of his skin on fire, he leveraged himself off the couch and almost screamed as utter agony raced up his side. His knees buckled but he didn’t let himself fall. If he did, he knew he wouldn’t get back up.
Partially hunched over, he stumbled forward, careful not to jar his torso. He caught the door before the handle, barely cracking it open before he almost fell through. He jabbed his right elbow into the stucco wall, used that as a guide.
Elbow on the wall, left hand on his abdomen, trying to hold whatever was wrong in. One foot in front of the other.
It was the only thing going through his head.
A chill tore up his spine. His brain went fuzzy for a second and his elbow came away from the wall.
He almost went down again, caught himself at the last second. Leaned so far right he almost bashed his head into the stucco.
But he was vertical again.
He kept going until he hit another door.
The door that could help him.
Everything hurt now. He was sweating, burning up. His eyes felt like they were bulging out of his head, and his limbs were trembling.
He tried to knock, lost his balance. Went down in a heap of limbs.
His side crashed into the ground and fire tore through his abdomen, pain so sharp and intense he couldn’t speak—couldn’t breathe—couldn’t think.
He thought he smelled something familiar. Heard something close. Felt something against his forehead.
But it was lost in a wave of blackness.
A * A
Twelve hours earlier…
Daniel LaRusso walked into Miyagi-Fang to hear a sound he was uncomfortably familiar with. As his own stomach churned in sympathy, he stepped closer to the small wood door leading to the bathroom and rapped on it.
“Everything okay?” he asked, scrunching up his nose as the stench filtered out into the dojo.
“Fine,” a thin voice gasped.
“Johnny?” Daniel rapped harder on the door. “Let me in.”
“‘m fine.”
Daniel then heard the toilet flush and someone heave themself upright, before the faucet was turned on.
“Johnny, what’s wrong?” The worst-case scenarios were flashing through Daniel’s head: Johnny had gone after Kreese and gotten his ass kicked, he was drunk and trying to sober up before class…
But when the door slid open and a pale-faced and miserable Johnny stepped out, Daniel knew both were wrong.
“Are you sick?”
Johnny shook his head, then winced. “Don’t think so,” he said as he shuffled to the inlaid bench and sat down, propping his head against his hands with his elbows braced against his knees. “Bologna might have turned."
“I told you you should stop buying that stuff,” Daniel said as he fetched a water bottle from the small fridge and sat down beside Johnny, sliding it between his side and forearms.
“Then what am I going to have for breakfast?” he groaned, ignoring the bottle of water.
Daniel lightly wiggled it so it tapped Johnny’s arm and side. Groaning, the other man straightened up so his head was leaning against the paneling and took the water. “Cereal.”
Johnny took a small sip of the water and grimaced. “Milk goes bad,” he said faster but in a much steadier tone.
“Drink it faster. Or have eggs and bacon.”
Johnny groaned and clenched his jaw as his chest heaved painfully. “No more… food talk,” he ground out.
“Duly noted.” Daniel stood again and grabbed a towel, wetting it in the sink and laying it over Johnny’s forehead as he sat back down.
At first, Johnny pulled back in surprise, the towel slipping, but then he caught it and visibly relaxed.
“Thanks,” he muttered, closing his eyes and resituating the towel.
“How are you going to teach like this?”
“It’ll pass.”
“Uh huh.”
“Weren’t supposed to... be here this early,” Johnny mumbled as he shifted in his seat. He winced again then slowly lowered himself so he was lying on the bench, bringing his socked feet to rest on the wood as well. Daniel, who had originally been in the way, just shifted so Johnny could lie down unimpeded.
“That’s not making me feel a whole lot better.”
“’ll be fine by four,” Johnny replied. “Got like... an hour right?”
“Thirty minutes at best, and you know Miguel is always early.”
“’ll be fine by then,” Johnny repeated, somehow sounding so sure that Daniel found himself believing him.
He stood, then lowered the singular shade over the window. “I’ll come get you before class starts.”
Johnny just shook his head, though Daniel had yet to see his posture actually relax.
And yet, twenty minutes later, Johnny was standing in the backyard, dressed in his gi, looking… surprisingly normal. He was still a little paler than usual, but had clearly tried to push some color back into his face, judging by a few fading streaks on his cheeks.
“How?” was all Daniel could ask. The last time he’d had food poisoning, it had taken him four days and a trip to urgent care before he could leave his bedroom without puking.
“Mind over matter,” Johnny mumbled, straightening up as the kids began to stream in through the door.
That was… bullshit? Unbelievable? Incredible? But at the core of it, so very Johnny.
The kids were so caught up in the latest non-karate drama at the high school that none of them shot Johnny another glance. He did look at Daniel, grinning genuinely, and mouthed, “Thanks.”
Daniel just nodded, then set out doing the last bit of preparations for class.
A * A
If Johnny was being honest with himself, he should have known something else was wrong. His stomach had been hurting all day, even though he’d barely eaten anything since dinner yesterday: fried bologna, ketchup and some leftover rice Carmen had brought a few days ago.
But there was too much going on for him to be sick. There was getting the kids ready for the All-Valley, so they could once and for all remove Kreese from Cobra Kai—not that Johnny would be reinstating that name anytime soon anyway; his budding relationship with Carmen—which Miguel still did not know about; and the knowledge that Robby and a handful of his other students were doing who-knew-what under Kreese’s command.
There wasn’t any time for his problems.
So he’d taken a Tums last night, not really understanding how that had shown up in his medicine cabinet, and tried to sleep it off.
He’d shot awake somewhere around two, tangled in a thin sheet, sweating so badly it felt like he’d just come in from a run. But something else was wrong. His face felt too hot, the skin too tight, and his stomach continued to flip lazily, despite him begging it to stay where it was.
He’d cranked up the fan, and sipped some water, which was a mistake.
His stomach had rolled and he was puking up his meager dinner not long after. He sat there for a long time, head leaning against the cool seat, until he’d fallen asleep. He’d woken again when his forehead slid off the toilet and thudded into the vanity.
He was cool this time, freezing, and shit, that was signs of a fever. That much he knew.
He did not have time for this.
Still on his knees, he managed to reach the shower dial and turn it on. Then he crawled into the tub, clothes still on, and sat there, letting the cool water beat on him while he shivered uncontrollably.
He could not get sick. This had to be a twenty-four hour thing. The kids all came in with their runny noses, who knew what they got into at school. Maybe it was time he caved to LaRusso wanting hand sanitizer stations on the way out for those germ-minded kids.
Eventually the freezing water had become unbearable and he barely managed to reach back high enough to turn it off. Then came the more difficult task of stripping off his wet clothes, which he ended up doing still sitting in the tub, because the act of fighting with his clothes while standing seemed rather exhausting.
But then, he did have to get up, and it took everything he had to stay that way. His head swam and his stomach lurched.
That was when he felt a stabbing pain in his stomach around his navel.
No way this was some sort of flu.
He was reminded of Miguel pulling the package of bologna out of the fridge and frowning at the date. “This is over a week old, Sensei.”
“It’s fine,” Johnny had said.
Miguel had looked a split second away from pitching it, but had put it back in the fridge and chosen the bag of pretzels on the counter instead.
So this was food poisoning. It had to be.
He’d be in for a rough night, but it should be over by tomorrow, when he needed to be at the dojo, when he needed to be on.
The knowledge didn’t make his illness any easier, but it had made it manageable. He’d thrown up a few more times; felt his stomach cramp so severely, it doubled him over; and had eventually fallen asleep on the bathroom floor, ankles bracing the toilet, head leaning back against the far wall.
He didn’t feel better, per say, when he woke, but good enough to haul himself out of the bathroom, change into a loose shirt and sweats, and into the kitchen where he sipped at some OJ, literally the only thing in his entire kitchen that didn’t send his stomach rolling again.
At some point, he’d passed out on the couch watching TV and had jarred awake two hours before class.
He had to be there.
So he’d dry swallowed some aspirin and chewed another Tums, begged whoever was up there to keep them down, and headed out with the OJ tucked under his arm.
He’d barely made it to the dojo when his stomach began to cramp again, induced by the shifting horizons while he was driving. LaRusso found him and his once-nemesis had been surprisingly gentle. When he was better, Johnny owed him more than just a quick thanks for being decent about it, instead of leaving him to suffer on his own.
He’d had to pull over on the way home to puke again. Though he didn’t know what he was bringing up at this point. It was all acid and gunk from what he could see.
He was less than a mile from his apartment complex and he sure as hell wasn’t walking, so he slid back into the car, focused with all his remaining energy and went approximately ten miles an hour in the righthand lane the remaining way.
His fever was kicking up again as he parked, and his stomach began to ache with new intensity. He barely made it to the couch before he was retching again into the bowl he’d so left there earlier for just that purpose.
His head was pounding, his ears ringing, and the pain in his stomach had shifted so it was on his lower right side. He’d bruised a kidney before and it’d hurt in its own way, but it had been nothing like this. He hadn’t even fought anyone since Kreese. Couldn’t risk injuring himself and getting benched. Not with everything that was at stake.
It felt like he was getting the massage from hell, but inside, down in his guts. They were churning, dancing, twisting, oblivious to the pain they were causing. His actual organs hurt, however that was possible.
He sipped at the water, and immediately retched it back up.
Somewhere deep down he knew that was bad. Knew he needed to stay hydrated. Knew he hadn’t drunk enough the past eighteen hours. Knew he could replenish some of it from the shower, but it was so far away.
He just leaned his head against the arm rest, shifting until he found an angle that didn’t make him violently nauseous, and must have passed out.
It was only when he woke up that he knew something was seriously wrong, and that he had to get some help, and ended up passing out again in front of Carmen’s door.
Only it hadn’t been Carmen who answered.
“Sensei!” Miguel shouted, trying and failing to catch the older man. “Mama! Yaya!” he shouted as he dropped to his knees beside his Sensei, whose face was red and flushed but otherwise seemed uninjured.
“Sensei, please.” Miguel begged, tapping Sensei’s face and feeling the heat radiating off it. “MAMA!” he yelled again as he jabbed his fingers into Sensei’s neck, finding a thin pulse.
Then arms were on his shoulders, pulling him away, as his mom replaced him.
“¡Llame una ambulancia!”
Yaya was telling him to back up, was shoving her phone into his hands.
He didn’t remember making the call, but he must have. His mom was trying to rouse Sensei, had unbuttoned his shirt, and was swearing.
“Qué pasa?” Miguel demanded, but she didn’t answer.
“Ice, Miguel,” his mom was ordering, still bent over Sensei. “Quick!”
His feet were moving, grabbing whatever frozen vegetables they had in the freezer and handing them to his mom, who was placing them around Sensei’s neck, under his arms, around his groin.
Sensei groaned, flinched, but didn’t rouse.
“What’s wrong?” Miguel heard himself ask, but his mom was telling Yaya to take him in the apartment instead of responding.
“No!” he shouted, planting his feet. “I'm not leaving.”
His mom turned to look at him, a bit of panic in her eyes before she could hide it. “Go inside, Miggy. Please,” she said very carefully.
As much as Miguel didn’t want to, he did. Until he heard the sirens. Then he was outside the door again, watching as the paramedics swarmed Sensei.
They were asking his mom a bunch of questions and she was rattling off the answers. Then Sensei was on a gurney and they were rolling away and his mother was climbing into the ambulance with him, and then they were gone.
Miguel felt Yaya’s arm wrap around his upper back, not tall enough to reach his shoulders, and he turned and buried her head into her shoulder, letting the tears fall.
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booksonablog · 4 years
Self-Defense - Johnny Lawrence Imagine Part 1
Summary: Johnny finds out you know a little bit of self-defense, but learns you don’t know enough as you should when trouble ensues when he’s not around.
Author’s Note: I’m in the middle of writing part 2 so stay tuned and enjoy this first part! (Also I tried very hard to create my own gifs and only one managed to work for some reason so bare with me)
It was nine-fifteen in the evening, you were counting the minutes till you could clock out. It’s not that you hated your job, but it surely wasn’t the job of your dreams. It was something to pay the bills while you worked on your career. It was a trendy hipster bar and restaurant, so it wasn’t the worst. The other employees weren’t too bad, really the worst part of the job was the sleazy men that drowned themselves in liquor and harassed the customers and workers. Your manager had his fair share of jerks he had to kick out, but the past couple months remained enjoyable.
You handed the drink menus to your last table, two young men on a guys night out. You headed back to the bar when you caught eyes with a handsome blonde walking through the doors. He nodded to the hostess, pointing at your direction with a grin on his face. You blushed, making your way behind the bar. He claimed a seat directly in front of you.
He smirked, “Hi beautiful.”
“Hello handsome.” You leaned on the bar.
“I know you get out at nine-thirty but I couldn’t wait to see you.” He winked.
You blushed, flashing him a flirty grin. From the corner of your eye, you caught the men at your table staring at you. You held up your index finger at Johnny.
“One sec.”
He nodded, not-so casually checking you out as you made your way to the table. He returned his attention to the bar, signaling the bartender.
“Sorry about that, what can I get ya?”
“I’m not sure-” One of the men hesitated, the drink menu still in his hand.
“Well, if you’re looking for something strong, I recommend the ‘Shift Drink.’ It’s mixed with a little rye whiskey and ginger syrup, it’s a classic cocktail. But if you’re looking for something sweeter, I’d recommend ‘The Blood and Sand.’ It’s mixed with both orange juice and sweet vermouth. Or the ‘Peach Blood and Sand,’ replacing the orange juice with peach flavoring. Do you like peach?”
“Well -” the man started, completely ignoring your spiel.
“I do.” His friend added, his hand grazing your butt in admiration. You jumped at the touch, though you weren’t the only one. Johnny had turned right at the moment the man put his hand on you, causing him to jump out of his seat, making a beeline towards the table. Meanwhile, you had instinctively grabbed the man by his wrist, pulling it up and towards his back, slamming his head on the table. The commotion shook the restaurant, everyone now staring. Johnny had stopped in his tracks at the scene.
You bent down to the man’s ear. “If you ever lay a hand on me again I’ll break your fucking arm.” You whispered with gritted teeth. Your manager tapped your shoulder, you whipped your head, still in fight mode. He gave you the signal to take off a few minutes early. You released the man’s arm, turning back towards the bar. Johnny gently reached for your arm as you passed him. You looked up, completely oblivious to how close he was to the scene.
“You okay?”
You nodded. “Just gonna get my jacket.” He nodded back, walking towards the bar as you made your way to the backroom.
He reached for his wallet, paying for his drink and tipping the bartender while he waited. You were slipping your arms in your jacket as you made your way over to Johnny. He shoved his wallet in his back pocket, you slipped your arm between his. He peered down at you with a small smile before the two of you exited the restaurant.
Throughout the car ride and on the way to your door, the two of you had joked about the situation at the restaurant.
“Who would’ve thought that the sweetest angel in the world could break a man’s arm.” The two of you laughed, arriving at the front of your door. You turned to face him.
“But seriously babe, where did that come from?” He grinned with intrigue.
You shrugged. “YouTube I guess. Ever since I got this job, I thought it would be crucial to learn self-defense, even if it’s just a move or two.”
Well,” He started with a teasing smirk plastered on his face,  “I wouldn’t wanna fight you, you’re pretty feisty.”
You blushed with a laugh, pushing him playfully before pulling him into a kiss.
- Several Weeks Later -
“Have a good night!” You hollered to the clerk, the door closing behind you with a ring. You had made a quick run to the mini-mart for some milk, it was only a few blocks away from your apartment so you chose to walk rather than waste gas. It was late, pushing nine o’clock. You quickly realized it may not have been the best idea to walk alone at night, especially in such a dimly lit area. You pulled your phone out of your purse to call Johnny, his voice alone made you feel at ease.
Back at the dojo, Johnny was wrapping up with his students.
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Before Mitch could take a second step, Hawk had kicked him halfway off the mat. In the backroom, Johnny's phone vibrated on his desk, the screen illuminating your name.
You sighed, pulling the phone away from your face. The sound of footsteps echoed behind you. You listened closely, your eyes wide. The sound matched yours, same pace, same route, with the exception of the weight the sound carried. You redialed Johnny’s number.
“Alright now I don’t wanna hear any bitchin’ or moanin’ about feeling sore in the morning. You’re here to work hard and be badass.” His phone continued to be ignored as he wrapped up his session.
You held the phone to your face, hoping it would appear as if someone was on the other line. You dared to turn your head only to find no one behind you. You slowly turned your head, eyes wandering over the environment behind you. You turned - smack - you collided with the chest of a tall man towering over you. You quickly backstepped. Two heavy hands wrapped around your arms from behind you. You jumped with a shriek, the screen of your phone cracked as it hit the ground, the carton of milk exploded over the concrete. The man in front of you grinned before taking his steps towards you.
Miguel was the last to leave the dojo, like most nights. Johnny made his way to the backroom, closing the door behind him as he changed out of his clothes. He placed his belongings in his bag, grabbing his phone. The device illuminated, exposing two missed calls from you. He dialed your number, pressing his shoulder to his ear as he gathered his bag and locked the back room. He walked across the dojo, your voicemail playing in his ear. Beep
“Hey babe, sorry I missed your call, was wrapping up with the kids. I’m on my way out, I’ll swing by your place -” He shut the lights to the dojo off, locking the door behind him. “I’ll see you soon.” He hung up, opening the door to his Challenger.
Johnny had knocked on your door for the second time.
“Babe?” Silence. He sighed, shifting his focus to the outside hallway. He dialed your number again.
Nothing. He pulled his phone down and stared at it. It was past ten, he knew you didn’t work late.
He walked down the steps, starting to feel the heat rise in his chest as he grew to wonder where you were. He figured you’d probably call him by the time he reached his place.
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He stared at his phone on the kitchen counter. He took another swig of beer and nearly choked at the rapid knocking on his door. He sped to the door and opened it to see one of the most heartbreaking sights he’s encountered. There you were, trembling at his door. Tears had stained your scratched cheeks, a dark bruise covered your right cheekbone, blood peaked behind your hair from the corner of your head. Your lip, cut, quivered in humiliation and terror. Johnny pulled you in his apartment, as if the action would protect you from further pain.
He turned to you, his throat drying up. He swallowed, “Who did this to you?” He asked in a low but stern voice.
“Johnny-” You choked.
“Babe - please, just tell me who and where the hell they are right now.” He demanded, anger rising. He didn’t bother to ask if you were okay as you clearly weren’t, he thought the quicker he learns about what happened, the faster he’ll get to catching these guys.
“I-I don’t know, I was walking -”
“The Mini-Mart-”
“You were walking to the Mini-Mart?!”
“I needed milk.” You said sheepishly, your voice started to crack.
“Why didn’t you just tell me!?”
“I didn’t want to bother you - you were working!” You shouted back, tears starting to form.
“And look what happened!!”
“Johnny please-” You started to cry, your hand covering your mouth.
His heart shattered. Realizing he was making everything worse he pulled you into his chest.
“I’m sorry.” He rubbed your back. Having you cry into his chest made his eyes start to water.
Once the tears had settled, Johnny had led you to his bathroom where he helped clean you up. He had you lean on the counter as he dabbed the blood off your face with a washcloth. You sniffled, hiccups still lingering. You watched as he focused on rinsing the cloth. He bent down to you again, moving his hand to the back of your neck, pulling you closer to him so he could plant a kiss to your forehead. He looked you in the eyes as if to ask how you were doing. You nodded, unable to muster a sympathetic smile. He showed his instead and kissed you gently on the lips. He left to his room, returning with his Zebra shirt, your favorite. You accepted the offer and sat up as he removed himself from the bathroom.
You were folding your clothes, crossing over to his bedroom when you caught him by the front door, putting on his black leather jacket.
“Where are you going?” Concern in your voice.
He walked over to you, sympathy written over his face. He gently wrapped his calloused hand over your soft ones.
“I’ll be right back, okay?” The two of you knew what he was planning to do after you were calm enough to describe the men and everything that happened.
“Johnny-” You shook your head with worry.
“No!” You squeezed his hand, tugging them towards you.
His face fell, watching your emotions untangle once more.
“Please Johnny-” You shook your head, voice breaking as tears started to fall. “Don’t leave me.” You hiccuped.
To hear the sincerity and fear in your voice was all it took to convince him to stay.
He looked down, partially ashamed. He nodded, looking back at you. He stepped forward and gently swiped his thumb over your cheek.
“I’m not gonna leave you.”
You were sound asleep in Johnny’s bed resting your head on his chest. He, on the other hand, was wide awake. He caressed your hair and continued to stare at the ceiling. He was trying not to grow too angry as he thought about what you had told him. The thought of someone violently harassing you and to learn it was two men, boiled his blood. He wanted so badly to slip out of the apartment, find the men responsible and kick their ass. But he couldn’t betray your trust, he told you he would stay, so he will.
Hope you enjoyed this part, stay tuned for part 2! 💕
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crimsonblackrose · 2 years
Baby LaRusso (Sam) trying to mimic Johnny’s cap flip and sucking at it is kind of adorable. All the fics were totally right. Both Miguel and Sam want to switch dojos for a moment and it’s literally oil on the fire. Like Johnny makes sense because he watched it but I bet for Daniel it was out of left field because he didn’t see Sam’s face when she jumped between the buildings. They pulled the blueberry pie scene!!!!! Now I understand why that was all over my dash. Daniel using pressure points on Johnny and that little “What the hell man?” hurt my soul. Like you’re supposed to use that if someone’s coming in for the kill not your ex rival whose upset because you’re “stealing” the one person who gave him his life back and helped him find his way.  Sorry that’s a teen and you didn’t mean to, but it’s such a bummer you keep taking his son. These two are cliche only children. They can’t share worth anything. Honestly was hoping Hawk showing up would end the fight before the end but the fact they kicked each other in the face at the same time and hit the ground at the same time was a delight. All right All Valley committee got a question for you. If Terry Silver and John Kreese have lifetime bands how on earth are they going to compete? Like I get that John Kreese was supposed to be dead and Cobra Kai made its way back in, but that was with Johnny who didn’t have a lifetime ban. Someone please give me the phone call of “Hello I’m John Kreese, the new sensei for Cobra Kai, er old sensei for Cobra Kai. We’d like to compete.” and the person on the other end being like “But sir? You’re dead and banned.” The comittee meeting is hilarious I love how catty they all are to each other. Demetri missing Robby. I mean that makes total sense. Robby saved him and like he forgave Hawk for breaking his arm so it makes sense that he’d forgive Robby for leaving. Johnny did you spray paint an abandoned warehouse? (Or was this one of those places he looked at? Like he made enough money to rent it?) Okay that’s F-ed up. A girl is surviving and has to work 2 jobs and her aunt comes in and is like your mom is going to die so give me the disability money she gets (which I don’t think is much) so that I can make sure you keep your baby brother when she dies because I’ll get custody. GROSS. I was so hoping that the lady whose always at the strip mall would like defend her because she sees these kids...but I guess not. The adults in this show who just standby and do nothing...is on par with the movies since no one stopped Kreese from trying to kill Johnny in a parking lot except for Mr. Miyagi. Robby being friends with the mini mart owner is cool. And also all the Cobra Kai kids should’ve befriended him. Johnny should’ve tried. AISHA!!!!! I’VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH WELCOME BACK!!!!!!!! T^T Hawk picking Miyagi-do makes sense, he needs some calm breathing exercises. Sam girl chill. The last fight you got into with Tory ended by her throwing glitter at you via children. She’s not actually struck in a while. Anthony your friends literally suck. Anthony you suck. Also what locker room leads directly into the hall? What school does that?  I also totally get why Kenny no longer trusts setting stuff in his locker since they filled his last one with milk. But at this point the kids going to have to hold all of his stuff. I’m holding it for a friend. Anthony. Seriously? Your lies suck. They’re cliche though, like a kid lie. Robby congrats on having a brain cell and telling Kenny that if he does what Robby does he’ll end up in juvie. I would’ve chosen someone with better food in their refrigerator. Miguel. I adore you. Carmen putting doubt in Johnny’s head. You can literally see it happening. He hadn’t thought about that. Things are going to spiral now. Because of course. Honestly Daniel going with the game metaphors for Anthony was a good idea. And I can’t believe he avoided learning. Johnny this girl is your fav. A technique you hope no one ever has to use except you, whose used it twice including on Johnny in a non-dangerous situation.  I’m going to be forever mad at you for that. And would payment for that look of betrayal you got. Daniel have you never talked to Anthony about when he was a baby with Mr. Miyagi. For someone who talks about Mr. Miyagi so much that his family can say word for word the stories you’d think you’d have had this 1 on 1 earlier. Oh Miguel is going to go to Mexico and it’s totally from this chat with Johnny. Miguel all teary eyed. T_T Baby. I know this is not THE scene, but it’s something. Yes Sam skipping school to hang out with Johnny and Miguel. And Johnny being like sure I’ll teach them. Kenny going for his win by hitting Anthony with his parents. Good. Also the way they instantly got quiet. Kreese why are you poking a bear with a ton of money and power that you pulled into this mess???? You’re not as safe as you think you are. I was not expecting to see Stingray back. You know what, Tory and Robby deserve a fun night. I do see that everyone has given them a wide wide birth though. I’m sorry but I kind of love Vanessa judging the LaRusso’s parenting skills. Oh no. Johnny no. Silvers a monster, even if he calls you pretty. He totally caught you in his trap via Robby. It really is that thing isn’t it? Like Kreese is essentially an abusive father to Johnny. He doesn’t want to see other people hurt him, but he will try and kill him if he steps out of line and say that it was Johnny’s fault. Stingray...seriously? Like I get some kids are like yo we know stingray, but the rest of y’all why’d you go to this random dudes house? Okay Stingray accidentally diffused the situation and I love that it turned into a fun pool party and honestly Tory and Robby dance fighting was great. Oh man, I actually feel bad for sting ray. Not cool.
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