#Mike x Sulley
spajderserdel · 10 months
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i wasn't planning to draw it in ship way, but it turned out to be in ship way?;?;;😭😭
i really love monster university,,, this little college vibe,,
i rewatch it at least once a year and i feel like its very underrated :((
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yenich · 1 month
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mixed order... but its fine dad mike will fix it)
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crees-a · 1 year
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mumigeonjo · 3 months
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Love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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juanasfanart · 26 days
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"your a loser, scary"
"a loser, but just maybe if we ..."
"scare kids together, things will end up differently ..."
this is an inspiration of the song "loser, baby" from the series hazbin hotel (i love the show btw)
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mikewazowskikinnie · 4 months
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(Note: i ship sulley/mike/celia but semi-human au is set in MU so she’s not in the drawing-)
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bestshipsmackdown · 1 year
Side Two: Group Ten: Round One
Michael “Mike” Wazowski x James P. Sullivan “Sulley” from Monsters, Inc. vs. Rapunzel x Eugene “Flynn Rider” Flitzherbert from Tangled
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dreamsoflightvalley · 5 months
Christmas With Sulley!
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In Monstropolis, they most likely have their own traditions. Spreading fear instead of cheer, laying traps for Santa Claws instead of cookies, lighting up candles that smell like decay as opposed to fresh gingerbread…
But he’s aware human culture works… Differently. So he adjusts for his favorite human and tries to act accordingly.
James is observant, so he keeps his eyes peeled for anything you were looking at or have been looking at for a while. You’d be surprised to find something you mentioned in passing months ago wrapped underneath the tree, or that one object you keep saying you’ll buy (and never do) right alongside it.
If you’re the type to really go all out with the decorating don’t be surprised if his tail knocks and ornament or two off the tree, or if his horns get caught in some fake snowflakes… Oh, and don’t bother making any cookies for Santa because Sullivan will most definitely be scarfing them down before St. Nick can even land on the roof.
He’s not a hard person to gift, he’d be happy with simple dad gifts like a new tie or a backscratcher. The gifts he most treasures are the handmade ones, the shabbiness adds a bit of charm in his eyes.
He normally gives hugs under the mistletoe instead of kisses on the off chance he gets caught under one, but if you reaaaaally want one he won’t say no. He’d be surprised that you’d want to kiss a monster like him, given your fleshiness and such.
He enjoys lounging by the fireplace, usually in his chair, but if you’re around he prefers sitting/laying on the carpet with you. You can use him as a big cozy beanbag to stave off the cold.
Decorating the tree is easy as gooseberry pie when he’s around. He’s about as big as the tree anyway, so no need to worry about reaching the top. He puts his tail to good use too, holding ornament hooks on the spines or using it to untangle bunched up light cords!
He’s no good at cooking, so unless you plan on a feast then he’ll most likely order out for you and whoever else is around (you’re better off bringing your own food though, who knows what monster food can do to your poor, poor tummy).
Of course, being the softy that he is, he’ll always say “You didn’t have to get me anything, you make the holidays great enough on your own,” a sentiment that Mike (being the Grinch he is) disagrees with. Of course his friend will always say “What’s the point of Christmas without the gifts? Now gimme that!” and we still love him all the same.
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cherrygummycandy · 2 years
Monstrous talents
Oozma Kappa x Scarer!Reader x Roar Omega Roar
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(Drabble? Headcanons? I'm not quite sure.)
(I'll probably work this into a longer fic eventually, but it's late enough at night that I'll start with this.)
- If you find yourself as a new student at Monsters University, one of two things pretty much has to be the case for you to catch the attention of both the fraternities. Either you're a promising new student in the scare program, or you're just ridiculously popular for some reason. Maybe you come from an impressive lineage of scarers, maybe your popular online, or maybe your just super friendly, but regardless, you've made a name for yourself in the first few weeks at college, and these greek houses are taking notice.
- As far as meeting the fraternities, it's unlikely you meet all the members of each at once.. During your first introduction with a member of Oozma Kappa, you're sitting in scare 101, waiting for Prof. Knight to return, when something hits the back of your head. When you look down at your desk, you see what looks like a toy wand, the kind you'd see at a childrens magic show. Picking up the stick, you look around for the culprit, your eyes quickly landing on two yellow monsters a few rows behind you. Upon looking closer, you'll realize they're actually one monster with two heads.
-Curious, you climb back a few rows and give the pair back their wand, thus meeting the dynamic duo of Oozma Kappa, Terri and Terry. Despite being one body, they definitely have two minds. While Terry remains cool, and apologizes, Terri immediately panics. There's quick, short apologies, stuttering, and a pack of cards even fall out of his side of the sweater. You learn that the wand projectile was the result of a magic-trick-gone-wrong. You assure the pair that it's alright, and introduce yourself. Terri responds well to your positivity, and quickly changes his mood from panicked to excited at the prospect of a new friend.
-When Prof. Knight returns and calls for the class to settle down and begin, you wave goodbye and return to your seat. Your trying to hyper-focus on the lesson, taking notes at a rapid pace. You've always known that being scary is only half of being an effective scarer. Unfortunately, your focus is broken when your pencil snaps. You reach into your bag and try to grab your sharpener, only for your pencil to roll off your desk and away from you. As you go to retrieve it, the pencil suddenly floats up into the air. You stare wide eyed, until a purple appendage appears coiled around it. You lean back in sudden shock, and see the monster attached to the tail, seemingly some sort of purple lizard. The monster looks at you with an impatient squint. You simply stare, still shocked at how he suddenly appeared, prompting him to shake the pencil in front of your face and huff out a 'Take it'. You take the pencil back quickly, muttering a quick thanks. Throughout the class, you glance a few times in at the strange monster, occasionally catching him looking back at you.
-After class, Terri catches up with you, calling your name as you head out of the lecture hall, dragging a rather embarrassed Terry with him. As they approach, you can hear them arguing about something. "This is an awful idea-" "No it's not, we're making friends-" "I'm fine with you embarrassing yourself, but don't embarrass me by association!". The two come to a stop in front of you, and Terri invites you to meet up with their fraternity at the quad later. You agree, and ask them what frat they're part of. Terry only rolls his eyes, and Terri shrugs. "Oozma Kappa, were not exactly well-known." Terri admits. Regardless, you agree to meet up with them later.
-What you don't see is a purple monster watching you with curiosity from the door of the lecture hall.
-Later, you head out of your dorm and towards the quad, recognizing the bright green and yellow sweater you had seen the twins wearing from a mile away. "Y/N!" Terri yells, prompting his brother to cover his ears. Sitting down next to the pair, Terry shoots you an apologetic look as his brother introduces you to the other monsters sat with you.
-The first to speak is Art, extending a furry purple hand to you, which you shake. "Hola, my friend. I am Art, scare major. It's totally chill to meet you..." He speaks slowly and with a dazed look, but seems very nice. A tentacle extends next, attached to you a middle-aged pink monster. "Howdy, Don Carlton! Ex-salesman, current scare major!" He smiles, his eyes crinkling as he does so. "This is my step-son and fraternity brother, Scotty Squibbles." "Hi..." A soft voice says. You jump at the sudden sound, completely overlooking the small monster who seems to have suddenly appeared beside you. "Sorry, I'm still working on announcing myself."
-You find the conversation flows pretty easily as you hang out with Oozma Kappa. Despite their quirks, you have to admit it's nice to have friends at school. As Don begins to recall his first scare to a fascinated Terri, and Art zones out a few feet away to meditate, you turn to Scott, who you learn the group calls 'Squishy'. "Hey, Uh, Squishy?" He turns to look at you, a bit surprised you're addressing him. He looks around first, as if making sure you're not addressing some other Squishy. "Uh, Y-yeah?" He finally responds. "So, your Step-dad is also your fraternity brother..." He winces. "Can I ask how that happened?" You finish. He shake shis head and mumbles. "It's... We don't really like to talk about it." "Sure we do!" Don pops out of nowhere, and Squishy covers his ears and blocks out his stepfather as the tale begins.
-After a while, you hear what sounds like a loud debate coming towards the group, and turn to look in the direction of the noise. "No, and you know that's not right. I said no pickles on my burger, that's no way to run a business Sulley!" A green one-eyed monster yells, waving around a bag of fast food. "Calm down, Mike. A few pickles isn't a big deal." A much larger blue monster chuckles. "Don't talk to me about food, big guy. I've seen you eat half a sandwich off the kitchen tile." The green one grumbles and flops down beside Art as the blue monster follows. "Sorry it took so long to get food guys, they got the order wrong three times AND STILL GAVE ME PICKL-" He breaks into a rant while the blue monster shakes his head with an amused look.
-Just then it seems the bigger monster notices you. "Hey, who's this?" He asks. "Hi, I'm Y/N. Me and Terri-" You look over. "And Terry have Scare 101 together." He nods. "Are you a new transfer?" You nod. "Well, welcome to MU. James, James P. Sullivan." He shakes your hand. "Like Bill Sullivan?" You ask, bringing your knees up under your chin as you tilt your head curiously. "Oh, yeah..." His mood seems to dip at the mention of his family, so you decide not to push the subject.
-"Mike Wizowski, O.K. house president." The green monster proudly steps forward, motioning to his Oozma Kappa hat. "A fellow scare major huh? Well, get ready to be amazed, cause' Oozma Kappa's on track to being the top fraternity in this college." He certainly seems passionate. Sulley tries to reel in his energized friend, and the group digs into the fast food brought by there presidents. Art hands you his fries, sharing his wisdom with you. "Sharing is caring, Muchacho. Take these fries and pass this kindness forward."
- The evening carries on peacefully, and the group seems to welcome you immediately. It starts getting late, and slowly but surely the group separates, going their separate ways. Before you go, Mike stops you. "Look, you seem like a pretty scary monster, but I need to ask you one thing." His voice lowers, and his eye narrows. You nod for him to continue, a little concerned at his intimidating demeanor. "Are you willing to go all the way?" He asks. "Um, I mean, Yes?" You respond. "Alright, I'll take it!" He claps his hands together, satisfied. "If you ever want any scare practice, call me or the guys up. Oozma Kappa is always looking for determined potential scarers." He quickly scribbles down Squishy's home phone number, and heads off, books in hand.
-You head back to your dorm, head filled with thoughts of the busy day you've had. Recounting your lessons and conversations, you must not have been looking where you were going, and you run right into someone. "Hey!" A scratchy voice barks, and you crash to the ground. "I'm so sorry, I must not have seen you!" You scramble to stand back up, brushing off your legs. "That's no excuse, I'm not even camouflaged." You look up, and realize the speaker is the reptilian monster from class this morning. "Oh, it's you!" You exclaim. "You probably don't remember me, I'm Y/N. We have scare 101 together?" You stick out your hand, and he eyes it suspiciously. He sighs and shakes it. "Boggs. Randall Boggs. You new to the scare program?" He asks. You nod happily. He's about to make a snarky comment before you cut him off. "You can turn invisible, right?" You ask.
-He's a bit surprised at how eager to speak to him you seem, and decides to allow you to continue. "Yeah, I can change my skin patterns too. 'S why I'm the best scarer in our class." He boasts. "Wow, I've never met someone who can do that before, is it hereditary?" He answers a few questions you have, clearly happy to talk about himself. After a bit, you feel a bit silly from asking him so much. "Sorry to talk your ear off, maybe I'll see you in class?" You ask. He pauses, but nods. "Sure. I look forward to seeing you scare." He slinks off, back into the darkness of the campus at night. You smile to yourself, thinking about how lucky you are to make friends.
-Back at the frat houses, two conversations take place. At Oozma Kappa, Terri talks up your scare techniques to Mike and the others, with his brother chipping in here and there. "They used a crackle roar in the scare simulator the other day, and I almost screamed!" Terri exclaims, chatting with the others. Mike heads into the kitchen, and sees Sulley by the fridge. "They seem pretty excited by the new scarer, huh?" Sulley says, and Mike nods. "Good, I hate to say it, but I think these guys need some friends outside of the fraternity." Sulley shakes his head. "You need some friends outside of the frat." He teases, only making Mike agitated. "Wha- I have friends! I have you know I am very popular with the lunch ladies..."
-Meanwhile, a different conversation takes place over at the number one fraternity on campus, Roar Omega Roar. Johnny Worhtington is sat in the living room, watching the college Monsterball broadcast on the sports channel. A door closes and he sees a bit of movement coming from the entryway. "Boggs, aren't you gonna say hi?" He asks, grinning when he hears an annoyed groan come from the stares. Another small breeze, and Randall appears beside the large monster. "I'm kind of busy, Johnny." He spits, and Johnny puts his hands up in surrender. "Calm down, just seeing how you're doing. I saw you talking with the new scare student." Randall pauses, and turns to face Johnny."And?" He pushes. "And... I know you share a class with them, are they any good?" He asks. "Yeah, not seen anything crazy yet, but yeah." Randall responds, prompting Johnny to nod. "Good, good." He returns to watching his T.V., clearly thinking about something. Randall watches him for a few moments, before shaking his head and heading back upstairs.
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thepixarau · 3 months
Sulley: fuck you, Mike.
Mike: fuck me yourself, handsome.
Sulley: wait what—
Mike: I said what I said.
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I can't stop giggling over these fucking sketches oh my god
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Its dan and herb as mike and sulley
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jailofmonkeys · 9 months
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Monster May #5, I'd think their dynamic could work romantically, I also like drawing them as anthros
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yenich · 1 month
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a crazy idea hit my mind so i made a crossover with mike\sulley and dirty dancing......
this idea just hit me like a bus so i watched the film the same day and drew smth ahaha
enjoy with me
Mike as Johnny, Sulley as Baby (Kitty :))
Also Celia Mei would be here as Penny i think... Mike's childhood friend Rendall as Johnny's brother (forgot his name...) also Mikey's friend
Johnny (from MU) Sulley's "friend" from rich society (if we take characters from the film, he would be like Robbie; antagonist)
But im still thinking about other characters...
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mikatoonist · 1 year
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sulley and mike from monsters University but humans c:
also bonus little drawings of them in their regular monster form!
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iwillbecomealawyer · 1 year
no one told me monsters at work was this fruity.
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mikewazowskikinnie · 3 months
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