#Mikey is the ultimate little brother
forgetful-nerd · 8 months
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Why is the sunrise duo so cute?????? I’ll never get over their dynamic I swear.
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glamrock-freddy · 10 months
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Hmgnhm coughing up an au. Have some undercooked doodles
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risestarkiss · 9 months
✨The Fashionista✨
Rise Ramblings #234
While watching “The Clothes Don’t Make The Turtle,” I noticed something.
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I found it interesting that Raph, Mikey, and Leo were content with Raph’s outfit choice until Donnie stated that he wasn’t “in love with it, ya’ know.”
Suddenly, Raph declares “I’m a disaster!” Albeit ridiculously endearing, it was a little strange to see his sudden shift from moderately content to absolute dissatisfaction. Huh…
Then, the disaster twins decide to help him out.
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Take a note of their outfit choices.
Raph tries on all of these fits and more.
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Donnie’s first choice is a mild “no.” Leo’s choice is a hard “NO.” (Not surprising, lol.) But then, the overwhelming consensus lands on Raph’s fourth outfit, which ended up being Donatello’s other pick for his brother.
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So, in summary, Raph tried on his personal choice for an outfit, of which they rejected. Then, ultimately, Donatello picked out an outfit for his brother, and that pick ended up being perfect. Hmm…
Then I noticed something else. In this episode, we never get a Donnie “curtain reveal” moment, to our disdain. I mean, Raph, Leo, and Mikey got to try on several different outfits in order to get their brothers' opinions before landing on that “perfect outfit, you know the one.” All of his brothers got to shine. Why not DonTron?
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Then it hit me.
The try-ons were to get their brothers' opinions and approval. And, for his brothers' choices, he was a major contributor in assisting them in pulling their looks together.
What if, bear with me, Donnie didn’t need the "curtain scene" because he was so confident in his fashion sense that he didn’t need to ask his brothers for help to pick out a great look.
…or they figured out how to break Hypno’s spell before he could get a “curtain reveal.” BUT STILL-
Look at his outfit choices in this episode. Some of his wardrobe changes were off-screen, but all of them were fire.
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(I added the baseball cap pic because it makes me happy. I wish we'd seen more of that fit.)
To me, he makes some really smart choices for himself, pushing the envelope of what is expected and taking chances: an open collar with no tie for a “black tie” event, a beanie and spiked wristbands for their “gansta look,” no socks with loafers (a viral fashion trend that actually began in Africa) with old man slacks in his reclined pose. *muah* Chef’s kiss!
But Don’s fashion sense doesn’t just shine in this episode.
In “Reparin’ the Baron” the boys go to Draxum’s apartment. Leo and Donnie show up in some extra nice “Sunday Dinner” twin drip.
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The gold is in the details. Everything Leo is wearing, Donnie rocks its compliment: for Leo’s round collar, Donnie’s is angled, for Leo’s blue shirt, Donnie’s is white, For Leo’s light slacks, Donnie’s are dark. Blah blah blah. It’s so good!
Look at the winter fit in Snow Day.
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Again, Donnie is Leo’s perfect compliment. As a pair? Fire.
Donnie has “the eye.” I can go on and on with examples, but I’ve said all of that to say this…
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In the future, we see that Donatello’s technology had major pull in the resistance. He had drone ships patrolling the skies. He built and designed Leo’s arm, Casey’s chainsaw-hockey stick, and Casey's mask. The list goes on…
But, when Donatello from the past see’s Casey’s clothing from the future, he says this:
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We know about the “Genius Built” brand. We’ve seen that logo on all of his tech up to this point. But, here he didn’t just say “Genius Built.” He said, “Genius Built Apparel.”
“Apparel” is not a tech brand. “Apparel” is a fashion brand. Of course, tech is incorporated into the clothing, but still.
This means that past Donatello secured this trademark with plans of creating a fashion brand, comparable to the likes of Gucci, Ralph Lauren, or any other modern clothing brand, as a subsidiary of “Genius Built,” the tech company.
And why not? The evidence has been in front of us this entire time. He has a sharp eye for style, fashion, and trends. It is easily canon that he can sew. Splinter sewed their ninja garbs in “Insane in the Mama Train,” and there is a sewing machine in the house.
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They already learned Ninjutsu through basically osmosis, so learning to sew is not too far-fetched.
And here it is, right in front of us, Casey’s entire ensemble, from mask, to weapons, to clothing, was made by Donatello in the middle of the apocalypse under the brand name “Genius Built Apparel.”
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And that was just in the bad future. Resources were limited, they didn’t have access to much of anything in that broken world as they were survivors of a devastating Krang invasion. Yet, he created all of this.
However, now that they’ve changed the future, his future as a fashion designer is limitless. Think of what Donatello could produce with unlimited resources, unlimited technology, and unlimited creative freedom.
Tech genius. Clothing designer. Fashionista. Future Genius Built Apparel Owner and CEO. I’m sorry, but I have to call it...
Donatello Hamato of the present, of the bad future, and of the good future is a fashion icon, the likes of which the world has never seen. ○○○○
Update: I've decided to make this concept into a mini-comic series!
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imababblekat · 1 year
Pushing Buttons
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Anon Request, “ Love your content it’s sooo cute! Can I get a snarky sarcastic reader who calls April for a chat on speaker phone then gets into a funny argument with Ralph trading jabs. Like he tries to get April to hang up because their in the middle of something important but reader gives him a snappy comeback. They keep going with everyone listening. Tired of this April is gonna hang up on them but before that happens “Wait wait! give that guys digits he sounds hot! You know how I love pushing a guys buttons!”
A/N: I hope this is okay, gonna be honest I struggled to write this one for some reason. Hope it’s still at the very least readable \TvT/
April hadn’t meant to answer the phone, but Mikey curiously nudging into her had caused her to ultimately accept your request. As if to make a point at your horrible timing as April and the boys were in the mist of a game plan to take down a new gang, you’re voice rang loud through the speaker causing everyone to simultaneously jump.
“Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!! April you are not going to believe what happened to me at work today!!”
April sighed, giving the ninja turtles apologetic glances. 
“I can’t really talk right-”
“I’ll make it quick! I swear! Okay, so I got up at seven like I usually do, right? I was really tired though, so I went to snooze my alarm and-”
Before April could politely ask you to skip ahead to what had happened at your job, the human girl was thrown for a shock when Raphael had suddenly snatched the device straight out of her hand. She went to reprimand him but all he had done was hold a large hand up to block her as he angrily snapped into the call.
“She’s busy. Call back later.”
April’s eyes had never been as wide as they were in that moment. No way did Raphael just hang up on you of all people. Said terrapin, with a triumphant grin, reached out to hand her back the phone, when it had suddenly started going off again right in his palm. If it weren’t for the growing agitation, he could have sworn it seemed to vibrate with a vengeance. With a hard tap, he answered the call ready to repeat what he had done only a few minutes ago.
“I said-”
“Excuse me!!”
Raphael felt himself fumble at your sudden shout, April standing across from him with a knowing look.
“And who the hell do you think you are, huh?! You do not cut me off when I am talking to my gal pal!!”
Raphael sputtered, caught off for but a second before snapping back.
“Who do I-?! April’s busy! I’m sure whatever little issue you got goin on at work ain’t that important!”
“Oh, and how would you know that?! You read minds huh?! I’d ask if you’re some sort of phycologist but frankly just from your voice alone I’d say you’re need of one.”
“What is that supposed to mean?!”
“I think you know what I mean, big boy.”
Raphael felt his blood boiling in that moment, his brothers Mikey and Donnie doing their best to stifle their laughter behind him while Leo simply smirked at his dismay. All the while all April could do was hide her face in her hands at the embarrassment she felt for her close friend on the line.
“Don’t call me that.”
“What? Would you rather I call you big baby instead? Ya gonna cry about it? Good, cuz sounds to me like you need to shed a few tears. It’s perfectly healthy by the way. Just thought I’d let you know that since you give off the vibe that you’d rather walk around with a stick up your ass then express your emotions.”
“A stick up my ass?! Seriously?! How about I come over and shove one up yours?! You’re just all bark and no bite!”
“Ooo, don’t promise me with a good time~.”
If it were possible, Raph’s face would match the color of his mask at your raunchy response, the suave to your tone not making things any better. It was at the sudden burst of laughter behind him from his brothers and Aprils own snickering that the brute decided in that moment the best course of action was to, once again, hang up the damn phone. 
A groan bubbled up from his throat at he tossed April back her phone, sending a glare to his still cackling siblings. 
“Will ya all stop laughin. Let’s just get back to the stupid plan.”, he glared, arms crossing.
It was Leo, who had to take a few breaths to gather himself, that brought back the others to focus.
“Okay, okay, you heard the big boy. Let’s ready up.”
Green eyes glared daggers at the leader in blue for his jab, the other winking back with a shit eating grin. Raphael stepped forward to make a quip in response to Leo, when a chortle behind him had alerted all the turtles. It was from April, who’s eyes crinkled in the corners as she did her best to bite back some giggles, holding up her phone to show what had caused such a reaction out of her. Each brother leaned in, squinting at the small text on screen and then let out more laughter, Mikey rocking a groaning Raph’s shoulders with congratulations.
On the screen before them, read a text sent by the very person who riled him up quicker then anyone on record.
*Hey girly, you gotta get me your friends digits! Dude sounds hot af 😉💗*
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goodlucktai · 1 month
15. "This is going to hurt, okay?" with leo for your zombie apocalypse au (maybe leo losing his arm??)
dialogue prompts
15. “This is going to hurt, okay?”
When the initial outbreak hit New York City like a bomb, Splinter was adamant that they bunker down in the Hidden City until the world was safe again. One almost-apocalypse was enough for him, thank you. This second one could be someone else’s problem.
Frankly, Donatello could see the merit in that. For those initial frightening forty-eight hours he was all but glued to the TV. A handful of staff and one anchor had remained barricaded in the Channel 6 news room, broadcasting what information they could until the station ultimately went dark like all the others. And what they had to share was grim. 
Whistleblowers had been quick to throw CEO Theo Audrey’s pharmaceutical subsidiary under the bus as the catalyst, claiming the corporation was in the business of bioweapons. Whether or not that was true, it gave the world a name for the violently aggressive infected: Auds. 
Raphael argued that they had the ability to help people, which meant they had the responsibility to. He was more careful with the word ‘hero’ than he used to be, careful in general with what he said around impressionable little brothers who wanted to live up to whatever idea he had in his head that they should be. But it was obvious to all of them what he thought was the right thing to do. 
They had all looked at Leo then, their fearless leader. He was still growing into the role, but he had always been the voice of common sense that kept their heads above water.
Leo didn’t say anything right away, his mind racing ahead as he chased the thread of each argument to its end. He could account for inevitabilities and pitfalls and curveballs as easily as if it was all one big game of chess. 
And finally he came to the decision he could live with, and said, “Raph’s right. We have to help who we can. But we’ll be safe, papa.”
That was three months ago. The world is still ending, and no cure is in sight, and Donatello doesn’t want to think about how those without portal magic are surviving when they have no choice but to venture out for food or water or medicine.
Sometimes he thinks Splinter was right. Other times he thinks about all the people who are still alive only because of his brothers’ inherent goodness and he can’t imagine having done anything else. 
Today, the portal that brings the patrol team home is orange, not blue. Donnie’s heart is in his throat even before he processes the screaming. 
“POPS!” Raph’s voice tears through the lair. He hasn’t sounded that frightened since those seconds before the Technodrome exploded in the sky. “Donnie, April—somebody!” 
Donnie bursts out of the tunnel into the terminal that makes up their living room and all the air leaves his lungs at once. 
Raph’s hands are bloody, and Mikey is crying, and Leo is writhing in their big brother’s hold. The once-bright yellow hoodie Mikey had been wearing that morning is stained an ugly rust color and pressed hard against Leo’s right arm.
“Shh, hey, it’s okay, we’re home,” Raph murmurs, none of the panic on his face making it into his trembling voice. “Raph’s gotta show Don. This is gonna hurt, okay?” He peels away the hoodie, fighting Leo’s grip on his own arm to do it. Leo chirps in distress, and it’s horrible, and Raph all but trips over himself to soothe, “I know, baby, hold on. Hold on.” 
He finally reveals a gruesome, gaping tear in the flesh above Leo’s elbow. The edges are shaped like teeth.
“No,” Donnie says. 
“We found a few families trapped in an apartment building. One of them had a little girl and she—” Mikey manages to choke out. “She started crying. It was so loud. The Odds swarmed the level we were on in seconds.”
No, is all he can think. No no no.
What apocalypse? The world is ending right here. The world is in Raph’s arms, bleeding and gasping and dying. 
“Move,” Draxum says, as good as appearing out of thin air. Donnie’s situational awareness is apparently nonexistent right now but he still hears it when Splinter dashes into the room a second later, if only because of the wounded sound his father makes. 
Draxum places his hands on Leo’s wounded arm just above the bite and they begin to glow. Donnie loses the strength in his legs before he completes the last couple steps between himself and his brothers, so he just crawls the rest of the way. He takes his twin’s hand and pretends there is nothing that could force him to ever let go. 
“From what we have seen, the infection turns a new host in a manner of minutes,” Draxum says, expression fierce with focus. “How long did it take you to get him home?”
“Um,” Mikey says, scrambling to grab hold of something other than grief and fear the way he would rifle chaotically through the mess of sticker paper and sketchbooks on his desk for the right color copic or drawing pen. Blinking hard and rubbing away fresh tears on his sleeve, their youngest finds the courage to do anything besides just wail and scream the way they all would like to and says, “It wasn’t right away. My portals aren’t instant like L—like Lee’s are. I have to, um, draw the sigils in my mind the way you taught me.”
“Four minutes,” Raph offers. “And twenty-one seconds,” he adds a beat later. “Raph was counting.”
He leans down and presses his cheek to Leo’s forehead. He isn’t saying goodbye, but he’s holding close just in case. He’s giving Leo something sweet to go out on if he has to go. He’s crying, too, a steady, silent drip.
Splinter strokes Leo’s cheek with the backs of his fingers. Donnie isn’t brave enough to look at him. He can’t look at anyone. 
There is no other way for this to end. There isn’t a cure. Any bite or scratch is an instant death sentence. Then Donnie’s twin would become something else, a violent, hungry shell of someone once good and loved, and they would have to deal with that. They would have to see it, the ugly wretchedness of it, and never make peace with it for as long as they lived. 
And yet— 
“He should have turned by now,” April says from just behind Donnie. Her voice is shaking, and she looks like she wants to collapse where she’s standing, but she still manages to claw something shaped like hope out of the worst moment of their lives. “That’s what you’re saying.”
“That’s what I’m saying. This virus is human in nature—mortal. There is a reason the Hidden City is unaffected. Yokai are creatures of magic. In much the same way I could not catch the flu from you, O’Neil, we cannot be infected by Odds. You Hamato call yourselves mutants, but you are yokai. At least in part.”
“And you wouldn’t have thought to mention something like this sooner?” Splinter hisses, something close to hate in his voice. 
“How would you have liked me to test it, Lou?” Draxum bites back. 
“Shut up,” April says. “What does that mean, Barry?”
“It means the virus has been isolated at the site of the infection,” Draxum says. “It will not remain that way for long. It will spread, very slowly, and eventually take him. This pain that he is in will not wane until he is gone. We must act before it is too late.”
Donatello’s mind is as quick as Leonardo’s, even though they are constantly racing down different avenues. He understands what Draxum has not yet said. What exactly he’s proposing. 
They have to remove the site of the infection.
“I can’t do that,” he blurts, too loud.
“Someone must,” Draxum replies, not pulling any punches. “If you want it to be me, then it will be me.”
“What are you talking about?” Mikey says. “Dee?”
Donnie can’t speak. He presses his forehead to the corner of Leo’s that isn’t crammed fitfully against Raph’s shoulder. 
It’s a terrible risk. Amateur amputations are the stuff of nightmares. And it might not even work. There’s no precedent. There’s just a one in a million chance and a family desperate enough to take it.
“Leo,” he whispers. “Hey. Nardo. Please. I can’t just. I need you to—I need you to tell me it’s okay. Lee. I need you to tell me what to do.” 
He feels it almost instantly, the click and connect of a mind meld. Leo’s mind flows into Donnie’s as effortlessly as it has every time they’ve done this before, the mischievous wind of his ninpo breezing through Donnie’s lightning storm like the skies they belong to are one and the same. 
There isn’t a conversation. Leo’s thoughts are muddled, fever-bright and confused, not at all like the shape they take when the wickedly clever slider is feeling like himself. But Donnie hears him anyway. 
He understands just from this instant of togetherness that Leo doesn’t want to leave them. He wants to stay where they are. He would do anything to stay. 
Donnie parts from him with a gasp. His siblings watch him avidly, tears streaming down their faces unchecked. Leo looks tiny in Raph’s arms. There’s already so little of him, and now they are going to whittle him down even more. 
But the helpless screaming fear is no longer the loudest thing in Donnie’s head. It’s drowned out by the deafening rumble of a storm, that faraway sky that flashes with purple lightning and playful gales of blue. Nothing could be louder than the two of them when they have something to prove. 
“You’re not going anywhere,” he says, one hand on his twin’s plastron over the spot where that fearless, unyielding heart beats for them. “Hear me? I’m taking this arm, but I’ll give you back a better one.” 
The air goes out of the room as all of his siblings and his father suck in a breath and hold it. Raph’s grip on Leo tightens, as if he needs just one more second in a world where this doesn’t have to happen, where there’s another way. 
Then he lifts his mismatched eyes and there’s only trust there when he looks at Donnie. Mikey’s hand grips the wrist of the one Donnie has on Leo. April puts her arm around Mikey.
They’re all here. They’re all going to stay right here.  
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formyloveoflove · 3 months
The Bear S3 and the Choices We Make
Ok. After a second watch of S3, I'm feeling a little bit more optimistic about the future. Trust - it's a sad ending. It's my worst nightmare for Sydney. But there's still hope, and that all lies in what Carmen and Syd decide to do next. Season 3 Spoilers - read at your own risk :)
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In S3 E10 Forever, we see our two mains go through a breakthrough. Starting with Carmen, he finally confronts his former boss (who has a name, i think, but fuck him, I ain't using it). It's the first (and only time) that we see Carmen proactively voice his resentment. He avoids his mom (rightfully so imo). He never got the chance with Mikey. But he approaches him, expects the man to have repent (maybe), or at the very least, have a little remorse.
He doesn't. He regrets nothing. In fact, he takes credit for Carmen's success: his hard work, his skills, and his talent. He tells Carmen that he should be thanking him, and that's not even the worst of it. No, for me, it is when he says
Carmen: My life stopped. Chef: That's the point, right? [...] You wanted to be great. You wanted to be excellent. So you got rid of all the bullshit, and you concentrated, and you got focused, and you got great. You got excellent. It worked. You're here. Look at all this
Sound familiar? It should. It's the same sentiment that Carmen said in the Season 2 finale. Remember, he said,
I wasn't here. Right? What the fuck was I thinking? Like I was going to be in a relationship? I'm a fuckin' pyscho. That's why I'm good at what I do. That's how I operate. I am the best because I didn't have any of this fuckin' bullshit, right? I could focus, and I could concentrate.
Carmen's thoughts about himself aren't even his own. They were drilled into him by a man who wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire. He was emulating the abusive behaviors and patterns that crushed him, that gave him "uclers, panic attacks, and nightmares" on the people that he cares about. On his sister, on Richie, on Tina and Marcus. and especially on Sydney, who is the only one who knows exactly how bad it can get. He's hurt those closest to him. He hurts them daily. And for what? And for why? For his own ego.
And this realization leads us to Carmen's first cry.
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For three whole seasons, we see this man lose his idolized brother to suicide, witness his alcoholic mother physically, emotionally, and mentally abuse him, and experience mental degradation to the point where it affects his physical health. Not once did he shed a tear. This is the first time Carmen Berzatto lets himself cry. And I think this is the best thing for him. If he chooses to acknowledge the err of his ways, turn back course, and begin again, I think The Bear could be what he wanted it to be. He needs to decide to stop running, stop fighting himself and everybody around him. He needs to let go. Let it rip, right?
However, if this is what he decides to do, the cards ultimately fall into Sydney's hands.
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If anybody's been through hell and back, it's Ms. Sydney Adamu. All season she's been forced to work in a volatile environment, putting herself between Carmen and whoever's the victim of his anger. She has her ideas shut down, her skills demeaned, and her credit is outright non-existent. Staff keeps quitting; they're not making any money; and Cicero and Co. is doing some shady background shit.
She's trapped, but not really. Not until she signs that Partnership Agreement. But like she told her dad in S2 E9 Omelette, she doesn't think she has another one in her. She can't have The Bear fail like Sheridan Road. She doesn't want to make the same mistakes she did last time. She wants to grow and learn and make her mark on the industry - prove she's not a failure.
She's waiting for Carmen to make good on his promises from The Table Scene, but he's not.
"You deserve my full focus." But his focus is not on her. Remember the Carmen that noticed when something was off with her? Remember the "say more?" or the "what's up with you?" Remember when they worked together, when the menu was truly theirs? Where was Sydney's "margin" moment? What did Carmen do this scene that signaled to Sydney that he was there and present.
"I couldn't do this without you." He does everything without her. Don't even get me started. From the menu to the list of nonnegotiables. Syd gets to make no decisions after being forced to make ALL the decisions. What is she there for? To be Carm's wrangler, his doormat? What has he does to convince her that she is invaluable?
He's egotistical. He's verbally abusive. He's the exact person that she warned him not to be. That he assured her that he wouldn't be in S1 E3 Brigade. She said,
You know I think this place could be so different from all the other places we've been at. But, in order for that to be true, we need to run things different. [...] But you just didn't really listen, and if this is going to work the way I think we both want it to work, I think we should probably try to listen to each other. The reason why I'm here, and not somewhere else or for someone else, is because I think I can stand out here. I can make a difference here. We could share ideas. I could implement things that make this place better. And I don’t wanna be wasting my time, working on another line or tweezing herbs on a dish that I don’t care about.
He didn't follow through the first time, so she left. But now, it's different. She's put her blood, sweat, and tears into this place. She's made a place (a home even) at The Bear. Leaving is not as simple anymore.
S1 Syd would've taken that CDC offer in a heartbeat. But building something and it failing (like The Bear. like Sheridan Road.) is terrifying. Slowly but surely, Carmen has been chipping away at her confidence and her fire. So much so that good things, like The Offer or the review of her risotto from The Beef, don't feel like good things.
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Sydney's Panic Attack is HUGE for her character. We see Sydney at her lowest: her most frightening and vulnerable. She's uncertain. She's in a constant state of panic. And the person that she trusted with her fears and insecurities facilitated this, drove her to this point. It's heartbreaking. I cried when I saw it. No one would blame her for jumping ship. At this point, I encourage it (but she has to talk about it, acknowledge it. no running).
Now, if Carmen decides to change his ways, he'd have apologized to Sydney twice without changed actions. She'd have to believe him after many, many broken promises. At this time, she doesn't trust him, can't rely on him. But when having to decide between staying or going, will she try to trust him again?
Will she? Should she?
That's where I'm at so far. I have more thoughts, but I'll write those out when I get back from my weekend trip.
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somerandomdudelmao · 1 year
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I think this scene is so far my favorite part of the whole comic. Those three panels put my little writer's soul at ease. Major kudos from a storytelling point! It just accomplishes so freaking much. It highlights all of Leo's best character traits (love, strategic thinking, leadership skills), and fixes the problem of having an OP character in your story that otherwise would be able to solve the main conflict in a heartbeat. It does so much for Mikey. There is no one-person-per-portal limitation and I'll always end up wondering why they would not gather the resistance and simply take everyone and go. Sure Mikey might die or end up being left behind if he does so and of course, Leo/April/Casey would try to stop him but in the end, I feel like he would do it anyway cause as long as his family is saved Mikey does not mind. But with this clever twist, he can't do that, cause Leo would be stuck with him, alone and with no resources, and doomed. Not an option. Mikey loves his family above all. Don't get me wrong I think he'd sacrifice his own life to help everyone else (he does so already), but he would never sacrifice his brother. It's a greedy and beautiful love that always gets to me. The moral dilemma of one versus the many. Revealing the core of who you are and what you stand for. It makes him so much more real, more human. It elevates his character from good to great...
I don't know scenes like this - one willing to sacrifice himself and the other refusing - tend to come with a bitter aftertaste. But Leo is not brushing Mikey off. He says not 'no', therefore allowing Mikey's own agency to shine. And in adding his condition he still gives Mikey a choice ultimately helping to shoulder his brother's burden.
Don't get me started on Mikey's 'thank you' as a response cause I already have tears in my eyes! Here both of them bring the best out in each other and the thing I love the most is that it's never at the cost of the other.
All in all this scene is a great character moment, explains plot holes (from the movie), and did I forget something? Ah yes, sets up the upcoming conflict of Casey having to choose between them. And oh my gosh, I wouldn't want to be in his shoes. Leo's declaration to stay with Mikey makes it kinda unlikely for him to go with Casey and leave Mikey behind and though Mikey has some wiggle room in this regard, it is a decision that will not come lightly aka it hurts just to think about separating them...but then again they might even are not together in the first place. Wherever this may be. Who knows?
Thank you so much for creating and sharing this beautiful piece of art!!!
I..mhm..I mean...igdjndukvdjj sorry my brain don't want to do English words today. Thank you oh my god I don't know what to say it's just
T h i s
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fishsticksloser · 11 days
Love the stuff you're writing
I hope you take some requests
I was just wondering on one thing -
Artists tend to draw the person they like, it's like this person become artist's muse
So reader is an artist /you can decide are guys either are dating or no, also totally okay with platonic relationship/
And turtles don't really know how reader feel about them
Until they find the sketchbook full of drawings with them
I'm pretty interested how each one of turtles would react on this)
Totally okay if you don't really want to write about smth like that
Have a wonderful day ✨
RotTMNT x gn!reader
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Warnings: crushes, boys are snooping, kinda short
A/N: there are 2 requests are where the similar so the other one will be at the end.
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Was 100% snooping
He wanted to know how you felt about him
So here he was, in your room
He found a sketchbook, but hesitated
Mikey always hated it when people looked through his sketchbooks without permission
Donnie decided to look elsewhere
Ultimately though, he came back to that sketchbook
He slowly flips open the cover
Then flips through a few random sketches
He sees a sketch that caught his eye and flips back
It's a sketch of him bent over his desk as he works
He flips forward a bit more
Find more and more sketches of him
Donnie's working, rambling, relaxing, training
Everything he does seemingly sketched into the book
He is confused, wondering why you'd draw him
And draw him so beautifully
Either way he's flattered
A few days later, you give him a painting of him
He's so flattered, he can't even speak
After a lot of convincing from Mikey, he does eventually ask you out
Chronic snooper
He can't help it
Your sketch book is just there
Taunting him....
He quickly caves, flipping the cover open
He flips through a few sketches
Enjoying the scratchiness of it
Flipping a bit more, he found sketches of hands
And arms
Flipping further
Leo found sketches of necks and shoulders
Intrigued, he flipped further
The bodies you had drawn grew more
Legs to waist
Plastron to shoulders
There were some of his brothers
Then flipping a few more pages .....
A whole page just of him
His eyes widen
Seeing how you sketch out the expressions he made
He continued to flip through
Seeing more and more of himself
He jumped, slamming the sketch book closed when he hears you come in
Leo tosses it to the other side of the bed where it had been sitting and acted like he was the most innocent person ever
He takes his time before asking you out
He teases you gently
Stretching and flexing any chance he gets
He didn't mean to snoop
He really didn't...
Mikey understands how important it is for your sketch book to stay private
He feels the same about his own
But ...
It was there
On the table
He couldn't help himself
He was curious what you drew
He looked at the open page, seeing himself
In the sketch he was painting
On the page next to it he was cooking
He couldn't help the way his heart swells
The detail you put
The care you took to get his expressions
Mikey stares at it, seeing the hearts
The way you even wrote his name
He jumps when you come back in
His face burns in embarrassment
But he compliments your art
His first date idea?
Painting each other
He'll deny it until the end of time, but he's a chronic snooper
He found your sketch book and wasted no time
He flipped through it
Raph saw all kinds of sketches
Cups, balls, his stuffies
He flipped further, curious about what else you'd sketched
He found drawings of his arms
Even some of his brothers' arms too
He didn't think much of it until he continued flipping
Pages and pages of just him
His tongue sticking out as he stitched up one of his stuffies
Raph training
Raph laughing
He continues flipping through
Pages and pages full of him
Ones just of his shell
His shoulders
He blushes deeply, a little embarrassed
But also incredibly flattered
He eventually brings your sketch book to you
Blushing madly, mumbling something about you leaving it in his room
But now he watches as you sketch, tail thumping
Excited to see what you're drawing
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hangeswif3 · 8 months
Nerve wreck
Pairing: Rindou Haitani x pregnant!reader
Warning: pregnancy, strong language, the Haitani brothers are a warning by themselves.
Note: a bit more lore into pregnant!reader and Rin. My bf and I just broke up so this might be either good or bad.
U know the drill, English is not my first language so pls be nice. I love u all and thank u for reading, x.
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You were walking around the house, cleaning a little bit. Trying to stay active was kinda difficult when every time you did something Rindou insisted on you resting. You didn’t complain though, you were being so spoiled that every time you wanted something he would run and get it for you.
It had been 3 weeks since the incident with his “co-workers.” You had had a big conversation about that, but ultimately you weren’t opposed to meet the people he spends most of his time with, you knew they were dangerous but so was your boyfriend, and he could keep you safe. Now he was out again, it was already nighttime but you couldn’t sleep so you got up and started to clean a little and move stuff around.
You were carrying a lamp around trying to figure out were to put it when you felt an excruciating pain in your belly, it was so strong that made you drop the lamp and cause it to shatter on the floor. You grabbed your belly and sat down, trying to breathe. 10 minutes passed when you felt the pain again, something wasn’t right.
You reached for your phone as you could and try to dial your boyfriend’s number. The pain was so strong that was causing you to have trouble breathing.
Rindou was in the car with Sanzu and Ran, Mikey had instructed them to follow around some gang members all day, to try and get some more information on their plans.
“Man, this idiots are dumb as fuck if they don’t know by now they’re being followed.” Said Sanzu, clearly annoyed by the task. “It’s not like we’re the most discreet fucking people.”
It was true though, they weren’t even trying to be discreet. They just wanted an excuse to kill them and get this over with.
But to be fair, the men were pretty stupid.
Ran was telling Sanzu how it would be better if he didn’t have bright pink hair, but Rindou just zoned out for a moment, his phone was vibrating in his pocket and he really had no idea who might be. The only people that called him to his personal phone were you and Ran, and half of those people were with him right now.
He couldn’t help the weird feeling in his chest when he saw your name on the screen, you never called him when he was working. So it had to be an emergency.
Without a second thought he responded.
“Are you okay?” Was the first thing he said, earning Ran’s attention, who shushed Sanzu and stared at his brother to try and understand what was going on.
“No, I… agh… the baby…” you said, barely able to talk. “There’s something wrong, Rin.”
“I…it’s okay… I’ll be there” Rindou wasn’t finding his words. He was feeling the most scared he had ever felt in his life. “We’ll be there.”
He looked at his brother, and his look of utter panic made him realize what was happening.
It was you.
“Stop the car.” Ran said, and Sanzu did it without a word, sensing the tension.
“Rindou, I’m scared.” You said almost crying.
“I-I’ll be there.” Stuttered Rindou, he could feel his heart pounding and his voice shaking.
Ran was noticing how scared his brother was, he was listening to the conversation so he grabbed the phone.
“Hey princess, it’s me.” He said with the calmest voice he could find.
“The one and only” he said smiling “now, I know you’re scared but everything’s gonna be okay, alright? I need you to breathe for me and be ready at the front door okay? We’ll be there in 5.”
“O-okay, in 5” you repeated, trying to breathe.
“Yes, good girl. See you in a bit” was all he said before hanging up.
Ran turned to his brother.
“Man, you have to calm down.” He said serious.
“We have to go, I’ll drive.” Rindou said, trying to get out of the car.
“Hell no, you’re gonna kill us all.” Sanzu said from the drivers seat. “I’ll drive.”
He looked at Ran from the mirror and he only nodded, signaling Sanzu to start driving.
Sanzu remembered very well the was to Rindou’s girl’s house. He was driving as fast as he could (which was very fast for Sanzu), ignoring all the traffic signs and earning a bunch of honks and insults from other drivers. He was a surprisingly good driver.
The arrived at the house in a time record. Rindou got out of the car immediately and went to get you.
You were waiting at the front door, like Ran said. You were sitting on the floor holding your belly. You were crying but trying to appear brave.
Rindou tried his best to look calm for you. He helped you get up carefully and led you to the car.
“Are you okay?” He asked, once you were sitting by Ran.
“Y-yeah, I’m good.” You said, wincing from the pain.
“Let’s go” Rindou said and Sanzu started to drive as fast as he could but trying to be more careful.
Sanzu looked concentrated, for once, he wasn’t playing around.
The whole way to the hospital Rindou was trying to calm you down (and calm himself down as well) by giving you words of affirmation and rubbing your belly.
You arrived at the hospital and Ran was the first to get out, running to get a wheelchair. Rindou helped you get out of the car and get inside.
“She’s almost seven months pregnant, and is in a lot pf pain.” Rindou said hurriedly to the lady at the front desk.
A nurse quickly got you into a room to get checked out. Rindou was with you the whole time, holding your hand. By now you were fully crying, you were so scared.
“Well, let’s listen to the heart.” The doctor said, placing the medical instrument in your belly and listening carefully. “Sounds like everything’s okay here.” He said.
He ran some tests and finally got the ultrasound machine to take a look of the baby.
You were still holding Rindou’s hand, you were calmer now, but still nervous.
“Looks like everything’s okay with your baby.” He said.
Both you and Rindou seemed to be able to breathe once again. He smiled and kissed your forehead.
“So, everything’s okay?” Rindou asked.
“Yes, the pain she was experiencing are regular cramps. Many pregnant woman feel them through their pregnancies, but looks like your little girl is nice and healthy.” The doctor said.
“Girl?” You asked.
“Oh, you didn’t know?”
“We decided to wait but, you’re telling us we’re having a girl?” You said, laughing and crying at the same time.
“Im so sorry” said the doctor “but congratulations. I’ll leave you too alone now”
When the doctor left you and Rindou looked at each other.
“I guess we’re having a girl.” He said.
“Yeah, I guess we are.”
He smiled and kissed you.
Rindou left you in the room so you could change and he could tell Ran that everything was okay.
“Im having a girl.” Was the first thing he said to him.
Ran immediately knew that everything was fine.
“Hell yeah, I knew it!” He said before Rindou started explaining everything that happened.
Sanzu, who had been sitting by himself in the waiting room, finally decided to approach them.
“So, is she okay?” He said, trying to look like he wasn’t worried.
Rindou looked at him, surprised.
“Yeah, she’s okay.” He said, and Sanzu nodded. “Thank you for the, uh, ride.”
“Yeah, don’t even mention it.”
Both men stayed quiet for a while. Until you came out of the room, going directly to Sanzu.
“Thank you for everything, mister Haruchiyo.” You said, placing a small kiss on his cheek.
Sanzu stayed still, his face turning pink. Ran laughed at him while Rindou rolled his eyes, you took your boyfriends hand and walked to the front door.
“Our girl’s gonna have an amazing family.” You said, smiling.
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untitled-tmnt-blog · 8 months
Summary of Cartoon Base's Q&A with Ron Corcillo
(Feb 10, 2024)
This is VERY long, so putting it under the cut!
Apocalyptic Future
We don't know how Donnie and Raph died specifically, but it was in combat against the Krang.
The turtles were leaders of the resistance and obviously went through some serious trauma. We don't really know how that affected them emotionally. It might be interesting to do a series that explored that timeline at some point.
Leo was the best ninja fighter. Once Raph and Donnie were gone, he was also the leader of the resistance. He also had a special affinity for Casey. He may have felt particularly responsible for Casey once his mother was gone.
Mikey probably could have communicated with Raph/Donnie/Splinter in the same way they could communicate with Karai, even though we didn't get the chance to see it.
The turtles wouldn't have had time for having their own kids or starting families. They were too busy fighting the krang, and the world was too dangerous for raising children.
They couldn't work out everyone's timelines in the bad future, but presumably, Big Mama's assistant would have joined the resistance, because what else could you do? She would have to have adopted her brothers as allies.
Mikey is definitely less cheerful and more wise, but he still ultimately has faith in the goodness of people and the world. Some things, you just can't change.
The turtles are in their early 40's, but the war has taken a toll.
Splinter spent a lot of time in the Hidden City, so he knows about more mystic things than we realize. He's developed those skills (i.e. using Leo's odachi to make a portal on the first try), but they've been dormant for a while.
Donnie can temporarily create items with his powers like the ones we see in the movie, but to make a tangible item that would last, he's have to build it physically the way he would with any of his tech.
Leo probably had the hardest time accepting Draxum, since he is the most skeptical. Mikey is the one who accepts Draxum the most easily. But they did have episodes planned where Leo and Draxum work together, so Leo would have gotten over it as well.
They had never worked out a name for the second turtle sister (the first possibly being named after Frida Kahlo), but would have chosen another female artist to name her after. Maybe Camille, after Camille Claudel.
The planned sisters would be roughly the same age as the turtles, so also teenagers. The only existing designs are what we saw on screen. They had never settled on colors for them.
CJ and present Leo is kind of a weird dynamic, when you think about it. Casey still couldn't help but see Leo as a father figure, but it must be a little different when you're roughly the same age.
Leo keeps whatever he wants in the little bags he has attached to his belt. Snacks, candy, fidget toys, body spray - this is Leo, after all.
Splinter had never celebrated the turtles birthdays in the past, because he was so depressed about his own mutation. But going forward, now that he's come to grips with who he really is, he would start to celebrate that day.
A meeting between Cassandra and Casey Junior would be incredibly heartfelt. Break out the tissues.
They thought about bringing Piebald back in Man vs. Sewer, but it didn't work out. She's definitely still out there in the sewers, so there would be plenty of opportunity for the turtles to interact with her again.
Following the movie, the most serious repercussions would be to Raph mentally. He would still be carrying some of that krang mentality. He might even occasionally pick up on thoughts of the krang. It would almost be like he had some form of ptsd.
A lot of Draxum's softening only comes from after his horrible experience of having his life force sucked away by the dark armor. He may have never seen the error of his ways without an experience like that. So, if the boys had never been taken by Splinter, he probably would have gone through with his plan to make them into weapons.
Splinter would have understood that Casey Jr became a soldier because he had to, and wouldn't have a problem with that. He would view Casey Jr as a nephew or grandson. They're all used to thinking of people as family even if they're not exactly related.
As far as mystic abilities, Mikey is definitely the most powerful. Donnie and Raph both seem to have pretty strong powers too, maybe Donnie a little more so. Leo is the one who relies the least on mystic power and the most on his physical and mental skills.
Donnie definitely seems to embrace the mystic power at the end of season 2 and in the movie. Ultimately, he would find ways to combine it with his tech for supreme power-ups.
April is 18 and the turtles are 16-18. Casey Jr is around late teens or 20.
Rise Lore
Given that the first krang that came to earth crashed into the Crying Titan, there must have been some form of historic yokai/hidden city even before the empyrean was around to introduce mystic powers. After all, someone must have built the Crying Titan. Maybe it was built by some other race that actually predates the yokai, and the yokai evolved from that race, affected by the emperyan.
There are definitely still krang out there, and most of the ones that we encounter are evil. The possibility of a good Krang could exist, though.
Before the humans, the yokai roamed freely both on the surface of the Earth and underground. They were probably a lot happier then, and somewhat more numerous. Oppression by the humans must have taken a toll on them.
There were a lot of Hamato and only so many powers you could have, so there would have been a lot of overlap in ninpo abilities across all the ancestors.
The Prison Dimension and Dimension X are two different dimensions. Dimension X is where the krang are originally from, and the Prison Dimension was just used to get rid of villains. Both exist in the Rise universe.
If there was more Rise
There weren't any specific plans for Kendra, but she certainly could have been interesting as a frenemy.
They would definitely want to get into Casey's whole history with the TMNT, his mom, etc.
They would have wanted to develop April and Sunita's friendship a lot more, and see how both of them related to Cassandra Jones.
They'd make as many seasons as they'd be allowed to! But seriously, they could easily fill at least 3 more seasons. There's a lot to unlock with the Krang, and they'd also want to expore much more with Big Mama and the Hidden City.
Cassandra might not have been part of the main group, but she would have been a regular ally.
Cassandra and the turtles would have been allies, fighting the Krang. It's clear from the end of the movie that Cassandra is now roaming around and fighting krang, so she and the turtles could connect occasionally as a running storyline.
A new season would pick up from where the movie left off, so it would be a new plan instead of what was already made.
Bishop would have to be an ally, considering that the turtles had just saved the Earth. But he might be a grudging ally, one who didn't really trust the turtles or didn't like the fact that they don't play by the rules.
It would definitely be easier to do crossovers with the other 2D animated series, like the 87 series or the 2003 series. They could have some fun playing with both the writing and animation style of those shows. Combining 2D and CG animation is more difficult.
They probably would not have mutated April, as it would be a big step. In the scrapped episode where Dale turned into a wolf mutant, it was a result of a temporary mystic curse. They could certainly do something like that with April.
The turtles would still be able to comminicate with Karai through mystic means.
They would have gotten a lot more into the history of the Council of Heads in future seasons when they explored the relationship between the Hidden City and the Krang. They are clearly among the most ancient of yokai, possibly predating the Hidden City itself.
They could have done a temporary reverse mutation via some sort of mystic spell, to give the turtles human designs. It might have been fun since it seems to be something that fans enjoy so much.
They would have had the turtles go to the krang's dimension at some point in order to defeat the krang fully. They could have encountered any of the traditional dimension x/z stuff that way.
The storyline where the boys find their sisters would probably still happen. People would want to see it, even though it's been spoiled.
They had plans to eventually visit other Hidden Cities, such as one beneath Tokyo.
Cut Episodes/Scenes
In the original ending of the movie where Casey says goodbye and leaves, he was going to find his mom.
One of the scrapped episodes had to do with Mikey taking care of the other turtles when they were transformed into toddlers. He was a natural caretaker.
They never planned on a space arc, but they probably would have done one where they travel to the Krang dimension. They also were going to travel to the prison dimension to release Karai, and they could have had other adventures there as well.
Behind the Scenes
For the episode Pizza Puffs, Ben Schwartz did his part for feverish Leo without looking at the script so he would sound confused.
It would be great if Nickelodeon released some of the finished animatics for the lost season 2 episodes that were already boarded, but unfortunately, it's all copywrited material.
All animated movies go through multiple revisions, rewrites, and changes, which is why some of the original rise movie storyboards were scrapped.
They do remote recording all the time, especially since covid.
The amount that a writer incorporates into a fight scene varies from script to script. Sometimes, there are moments in a fight scene that are key to the story. If so, they are written out. Otherwise, they would sometimes write out a fight scene but know that it would change in the board. Sometimes, they'd just shorthand it.
The writers try not to indulge in too much fanfic because there could be copyright issues if it is similar to anything they would ever do in the show.
When writing the brothers, it was important to keep them in character. You have to know exactly who your characters are, all the time, in every way. The audience will forgive you if you do things that aren't exactly logical, but they won't forgive you if you sell out your characters.
There was never an overall map done of the lairs, just individual rooms. It was always kind of tricky for them to figure out exactly how to move the characters from one room to the other.
The krang invasion was specific to the movie, so we probably wouldn't have seen it in the series at all if it had not been cut short.
Other TMNT Characters
They weren't necessarily planning to add characters from other versions yet. They still had so many areas to explore that were specific to Rise, like the Hidden City, the yokai, and the history of the krang.
There were no particular plans for Honeycutt. One character that they wanted to use but never did was Monty Moose, and they were trying very hard to figure out a way to incorporate him into a story.
They didn't have any plans for Renet, but a character like her could easily fit into the Rise universe. Obviously time travel is a big part of the movie. They could use her to explore timelines that might have happened had the events of the movie turned out differently.
They didn't get a chance to explore triceratons, so there could certainly still be some out there.
Any similarities between Big Mama's assistant and the High Mage from TMNT 2003 are coincidental. They gave her the cape and hood to disguise her identity.
They didn't have any plans for Beebop and Rocksteady, since they don't really fit in with the Rise version of Shredder and the Foot Clan.
The turtles certainly could meet Yuichi Usagi.
Usagi Yojimbo crossovers are always fun. Ron could see one where his dimension has been overrun by the krang, and he comes to our dimension to seek the turtles' help because they're the only ones who have ever defeated the krang.
Ron-Specific Questions
Ron's personal favorite episodes are "Hot Soup: The Game" and "Sparring Partner."
They were super excited when they got John Lydon (aka Johnny Rotten) as Meat Sweats, just because Ron and Russ are big pink rock fans.
When asked about favorite duos, Ron likes Raph & Mikey, Donnie & April, and Leo & Senor Hueso.
If he could only save one episode from Rise and the rest became lost media, Ron would save the four-part finale.
If he could save one cut episode or plotline, Ron would want to save the more complete version of the end of season 2, where we would have seen much more of the turtles training and bonding with Karai.
Ron was not part of the new Saturday Morning Adventures comic that has Rise Raph on the cover.
If he could make a spin-off, Ron would want to do a series where Cassandra roams the Earth fighting remnants of the krang, joined by her son Casey, and occasionally joined by individual turtles and others. Draxum might join forces with her as well.
The silhouette in a tank shown at the end of Bug Busters was meant to illustrate Lou Jitsu when he is first hit with the ooze and mutated along with the turtles. It's more of a memory than an exact replication.
The reason Raph was transformed via the pod instead of instantanously may have been because Raph was unwilling, and was more difficult to change than someone like the Foot Clan ninjas, who underwent their transformation willingly.
They never attempted to get a brand deal with a soup company so fans could get Rise hot soup, but it would be a good idea.
The photo from the movie was taken just before the krang arrived.
When asked which Rise character is most likely to be Spider-Man: none of them, because he's owned by Marvel and Sony.
When asked why Donnie likes cute bratty girls: Ron is not sure where that comes from.
In Dungeons and Dragons, Raph would be a fighter class, Mikey would be some sort of illusionist, Leo would be a clever assassin or theif. Donnie would insist on being a scientist because he's sure there would have been at least one sensible person back then. April would be the DM.
Ron doesn't know what the illegible skate ramp graffiti means, but can ask one of the designers about it.
In a coffee shop, Mikey would be the baker, Donnie would create the most efficient coffee brewing system ever, Raph and April would run the business side, and Leo would be the most demanding customer ever.
The Future of Rise
The demand for Rise merch is real. It would be nice if Nickelodeon would put out more official merch.
There are no current plans for a season 3, but we can keep trying!
All we can really do to try and get Rise back is continue to share the show and encourage other people to watch. As well as keep it trending whenever we can. Sooner or later, someone will realize that there's a very real demand for this show.
He has talked about the potential for continuing the show in a comic book or short format, or in some other formats as well.
When asked if there's any chance of Netflix picking up Rise, or for both Tales of the TMNT and Rise to coexist -- anything's possible!
Ron would love to see a Rise comic series, but it's not his call. As far as if it would be darker, Ron thinks it's important that for Rise, they keep things light-hearted and comedic. That was always the goal of the show.
Shows rarely get "cancelled" in kids animation. It can always be brought back, but the focus is on Tales of the TMNT for now. He's said before that Rise could be brought back down the road as a "retro" series, or in other formats like a comic book, movie, or shorts.
... plus one answer, that does not have the original question attached:
"She would be stunned, and probably disbelieving at first. But we would find a way (through mystic means) for her to see her future timeline, at which point she would be overcome with emotion."
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taffybear · 8 months
random list of my bay Leo headcanons ❤
working on Raph next! let's see how many ideas i get lol
also opening my inbox for writing (and perhaps even drawing) requests! feel free to drop me an ask <3
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literally loves mitski and mac demarco. he likes very indie hopeless romantic type music, it's literally hilarious to catch him just vibing in his feels
SECRETLY HAS PINTEREST BAHAHAHAHA but just for finding poetry and looking at bonsai trees. Mikey found out (like he doesn't have pinterest too??) and they all ended up making fun of him for it to the point where Leo debated deleting the app but ended up forgetting about it.
very specific but he has this unique type of love language where he'll ask you something and without any further questions he will go get or accomplish whatever he hinted at. for example, y'all will just be hanging out, and he'll go, "are you hungry?" and if you just as much nod your head hesitantly he will run to the kitchen and make you a 3 course meal. or, he'll just ask you if you're cold, and if you say yes he brings you a heater and a blanket. he doesn't ask things like, "can i get you a water?" he'll just ask if you're thirsty and go from there.
has the most gorgeous handwriting on the planet. this beautiful cursive print that is lowkey unreadable but so aesthetically pleasing. at first you were shocked but as you got to know him it made lots of sense, literally probably his biggest hobby is just remembering some random thing and then spending weeks straight perfecting it until it's natural for him. he loves to challenge himself to be perfect at literally anything, and his hand writing is one of those instances.
speaks fluent japanese OF COURSE but his brothers don't know it as well as he does (they all know a little at least) and he'll curse them out quietly in japanese behind their backs.
Leo wouldn't say he had a favorite brother of course but he definitely prefers Don's presense over the others. they always go to each other first when they have a problem or just want to rant, and they have a bunch of inside jokes.
after Donnie, Leo's the biggest insomniac. he gets nightmares a lot unfortunately, and most times when he wakes up he physically can't go back to sleep. literally Mikey will get up for a glass of water at 5:37 in the morning and Leo is up doing flips.
very random, but Leo is AWFUL at math. he meant to learn at some point but the time passed and he missed the boat. ofc math is Don's second language and Mikey and Raph couldn't care less (but somehow Mikey always guesses the right answers without doing the correct work??) but Leo is lowkey embarrassed that he struggles with it so much. he can do basic math and most things that come up in daily life like practical equations, but anything past times tables and division he is cannot understand. if you come over and need help on your math homework he will try his HARDEST to help you but ultimately he's completely clueless.
always takes bugs outside. if the creepy crawly is creepy enough or makes you screech, he'll whip it with his katana but normally he'll take the time to scoop it up in his hands (literally no fear) and walk it outside calmly.
literally LOVES doing chores. it's like a form of self care for him. folding laundry, sweeping, mopping, washing the dishes, organizing the dojo, he'll literally put on some music and go to town. when he visits you he will literally just start straightening things up and picking things off of the floor. he hates having nothing to do so he'll just ask for something he can clean while y'all chit chat.
incredibly flexible. he can bend every which way, sit comfortably in a split for hours, can bend over IN HALF and grab the back of his legs--he's literally maxed out on flexibility. but splits training is his private time so unless you sneak you won't catch a glance. but when you do, in between of sliding dojo doors, it is... something. like excuse me sir how tf doesn't that hurt your bAWLLS
smells like lavender. dead serious his signature scent is lavender. it's not like he wears cologne or anything, he just lights a lot of lavender incense and candles to the point where if someone even steps foot in his room they walk out aroma-fied.
everyone in the fandom has their personal opinion of who's the best cook and who's the worst cook of the four, and it is finally time for my hot take of the century. i think Leo is by far the best chef, and Raph is the one who can't even make toast right. a lot of people say Mikey is the chef of the family, which i agree with, he enjoys cooking and baking very much, but this doesn't mean the food he makes is good 💀💀💀 he trusts himself over any recipe and so he just throws in whatever he feels like. Leo can't stand being in the kitchen while Mikey is cooking, his ocd can't stand it. this said, you'd think this would mean the guys prefer Leo's cooking over Mikey's but fact is Leo is such a perfectionist he will spend hours working on a meal it's past 11 by the time he's done. and he doesn't take requests, he only makes what he wants and then on top of that the healthnut version. he makes sushi a lot and goes crazy when you bring him salmon.
IS SUCH A DORK BAHAHAHA if you even so much MENTION a book or a show he likes he will blabber for HOURS about it. he knows every single fact there is to know about star trek it is insane. you amuse him not because you're interested of course but he is just so damn adorable when he's talking about something he enjoys (which he rarely gets the chance to without being made fun of LMAO)
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indieyuugure · 9 months
Hi there! I have a question that I've been wanting to ask for a while. How does your version of TMNT meet Mona Lisa in space?
Alright, I am FINALLY ready to answer this question lol 🤣
They meet early on in the Space Arc. (There’s a comic at the bottom if you don’t want to read the text)
After the turtles break out of Kraang jail due to a power-outage caused by an invading ship and their supreme acting skills, they attempt to make an escape, but are stopped by Fugitoid who is basically begging them to let him out of jail. Some hemming and hawing before they ultimately decide to bring him with them as a potential bargaining piece if things go south. They meet up with Traximus who is Raph’s friend from the Battle Nexus arc (yes I am working on one of those) and he’s happy to help them escape.
Trax and his team are the ones invading the ship because they’re looking for a certain robot by the name of Fugitoid. The turtles and Fugitoid get rescued, though Raph still wants to punch Fugitoid a few times for getting him interrogated by the Kraang and all the rest of them into this mess out in the middle of nowhere space.
Trax brings them to his ship/colony/base (whatever you wanna call it thing) where they’re able to settle in get fixed up. Trax takes them on a tour of the place, and afterwards Leo and Donnie work with Trax’s second in command, Zeno, to work out where the turtles will be staying while they’re there since, it’s looking like it’ll be awhile before they get home.
Raph and Mikey go with Trax back to the Training room when Raph sees a Salamandrian girl with blue gray skin and teal markings with sick moves wrestling with some other crew mate and Raph starts feeling something he’d never felt before(a crush). So after some questions and a very hard push from Trax, he duels her a few times, finding their equally matched (if not she’s a little better than him).
They become fast friends and over the course of the turtles’ time there, they fall in love. Raph gets her a pink scarf that she always wore from then on and much later, upon her request, an “earth name:” Mona Lisa. Mona also gets him new Sais after his are lost in the nothingness of space.
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Raph is a lot smoother than his brother, but they are both dorks 🤣
Good question! :]
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currymanganese · 3 months
The Bear is a super deconstructed Shakespearean pastoral comedy
Carmy fleeing his dysfunctional family for his mental health's sake, and moving to New York gives Orlando from As You Like It fleeing for his life to the Forest of Arden - unlike Orlando, he has not just one, but two Older Brother figures in Mikey and Richie, one that pushes him away - before reconciling from Beyond the grave, and the other that's still alive that gives him a hard time at times and wants to clean his annoying little brother's clock - in a milder version of Orlando's older brother wanting to kill him, but eventually reconciling with him after Orlando saves his brother's life; Carmy using the restaurant's float to bail Richie out of jail in Braciole, anyone?
While in New York, unbeknownst to him Carmy wins the favour of a fair maiden, but not with his fighting skills, like Orlando, (God didn't bless him in that regard after all) but with his cooking prowess, said maiden doesn't exactly tell him the reason burgeoning fondness and for her respect for him, but, Like Rosalind, she sings his praises anyway in their first meeting. Orlando is dumbstruck by Rosalind's beauty and forgets how to talk, Carmy forgets that he already spoke to Sydney on the phone and she makes him forget what UPS was.
Misunderstandings and foibles and false and farcical romantic interests pursue Rosalind as they do Sydney and Carmy, while Rosalind teaches boyish and inexperienced Orlando how to woo her while in the guise of another; Sydney demands that Carmy defines his relationship with Claire, and to stop being so shitty towards her.
There are separations over misunderstandings, Orlando fails to rendezvous with headstrong and impatient Rosalind in her stipulated manner, and at her stipulated time, but Rosalind returns to her love Orlando, after hearing of his near death experience, and finally reveals her true self to him. 'Green' and 'impatient' Sydney, who Carmy has yet to allow having the honour of a dish of her own being placed on the menu, returns to The Beef after quitting in the disaster that was Review; after lovesick
Carmy dissociates and causes a grease fire. He reached out to Sydney before making his peace with his brother.
to his joy, Sydney accepts a starry-eyed Carmy's business proposal.
By story's end relationship spares are paired off and what began in tears of sorrow, the death of Orlando's father, Carmy's brother, and Sydney's own mother before, ultimately ends in wedded bliss and happy connubial tears...
The Bear is a Love Story, but only if you know what to look for.
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jaycewrites-192000 · 9 months
Crush | Part Four
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Summery: Mikey shows up in hopes to save Y/n, but little does he know, what awaits him when he arrives.
Paring(s): Sano "Mikey" Manjiro x Reader
Warning(s): Kidnapping, Guns, Attempted Murder, Violence, Angst(with happy ending)
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Smiley and Angry rarely ever were afraid. Fear didn’t come easily to them, it would take a lot to get under their skin. Both of them were strong in more than one way. And as a captain and vice captain, they had to keep up the strong willed appearances to their division and fellow Toman members. However…
In this moment. They were never more scared in their lives.
Their sister had been kidnapped, possibly harmed, and god knows what you were going through right now…
It made them sick to even think about it. So, they focused on the rage they felt towards the fuckers who hurt you. Took you away. And when they get there, they would be all but merciful.
“Takemitchy! How much further?” Smiley asked over the loud engines. “Not much more. We’ll be there soon.” Takemichi answers. “How did you find out about all of this?” Asked Angry.
“I overheard Mikey’s conversation with the guy who kidnapped Y/n.” Takemichi lied. He did know about the phone call, but only after he had traveled back to the past for what felt like the hundredth time. But the twins didn’t have to know that. “I wanted to stop him, but I knew that would be useless. I could tell he was ready to put his life on the line to save Y/n.”
That was also true. Only, in the future, it didn’t exactly play out that way. In the future, Y/n had died saving Mikey. She had been shot, taking the bullet that was meant for Mikey. It resulted in Mikey falling deeper into darkness, and ultimately, resulted in Toman’s downfall.
The twins fell silent. They always had a hunch, that you and Mikey might have felt more than the platonic feelings for each other. They were hesitant, of course. Afraid of their sister getting hurt somehow, or her heart broken. While they respected Mikey, they were still hesitant to let him get that close to their sister. It didn’t even involve him personally. That hesitance goes for anyone.
But if Mikey was willing to do this. Go alone, to save their sister, knowing he could be killed…
Maybe they didn’t need to hesitate anymore.
“There!” Takemichi said, looking ahead at the ever approaching warehouse. They pulled up at the front and looked in shock at what they saw. Bodies. Multiple unconscious bodies, scattered about the ground. This was Mikey’s doing, no doubt. Takemichi hopped off the back of Chifuyu’s bike. “I hope we’re not too late. Come on.” The twins and Chifuyu nods and hurried ahead.
All of them stopped in their tracks, when they heard the unmistakable sound of a gun being fired.
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Mikey had arrived at the warehouse, and he was immediately greeted by at least twenty men. All ready to fight, some ready with bare fist, some with metal poles and knives. Mikey got off his bike and slowly approached.
“Get out of my way.” He says lowly. Much to Mikey’s annoyance, the dumb son of bitches didn’t listen. Which was fine. He’d just make them move.
Every person who dared to stop Mikey, was met with a swift knockout. Not one could land a single hit on him, and before anyone knew it. Mikey had made it to the warehouse doors.
He quickly opened the doors, and was met with a earth shattering ‘bang!’ .
And that’s when he felt it, the sting and the warmth of blood pouring down his skin.
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“You’re an idiot if you think Mikey is coming alone.” You tell Isamu. “If no one else, then my brothers will be with him. They’re protective, sometimes annoyingly so.” Isamu shrugs. “If he wants you to see another day, he’ll be alone. But if what you’re saying is true, then I’ll just kill whoever he brought with him too. Then…” Isamu looked down at you, and tapped the gun against your cheek. You flinched as the coldness of the pistol made contact with your skin.
“I’ll kill you too.”
You glared up at him, more upset with the thought of Mikey and your brothers being harmed, than the threat of you being murdered.
Suddenly, the sound of an engine filled your ears. Isamu smirks and stands up from beside you. He cocks the gun. “And here he is.”
You began to panic. Desperately trying to figure out a way to either stop Isamu, or warn Mikey at least. Isamu walked ahead of you slightly and aimed the gun up at the front doors. “Come on, Mikey.” You took the chance to move your body to an upright position, while Isamu was distracted.
Every slight move you made, sent a fresh wave of nausea through you. You tried to focus on standing, trying to drown out the lightness in your head. You managed to stand up. Just as you did, the warehouse doors began to open.
You raise your leg and kick hard into Isamu’s back, just as he pulled the trigger, throwing his aim off. The sound of the gun going off made your heart sink into your stomach.
Dizziness took over, and you were sent to the ground. The world spun and shifted in your vision. However, you were able to make out something through your slowly blurring vision.
He was standing in the entrance, still alive. By an insane stroke of luck, the bullet that had been fired at him, had grazed his right cheek. It had missed.
“You bitch!” Isamu yelled, turning towards you. This time, he aimed the gun at you. Before he could pull the trigger once again, Mikey rushed towards him. He jumped up and brought his foot down hard onto his head, effectively knocking him out cold.
Another voice filled the empty warehouse. You could recognized it as Takemichi’s voice. You then heard multiple footsteps approaching quickly. “Y/n, are you ok?” Your brother Smiley’s voice. Then, you felt someone tugging at your hands. “Shit, this is on her tight.” Chifuyu’s voice.
Your eyelids threatened to close, exhaustion finally setting in. Though, the sound of repetitive impact kept you conscious. Was Mikey still fighting Isamu? But, Mikey knocked him out…didn’t he?
“Mikey! You got to stop!” Takemichi yells desperately.
“He…He’s gonna kill him.” Angry muttered.
You opened your eyes, your gaze falling onto Mikey’s back. The source of the harsh impact had been coming from him. He was on top of Isamu, delivering blow after blow to his face. Blood covered Mikey’s fist, and speckled his face.
Your stomach twisted at the sight. He really would end up killing Imasu if he didn’t stop. “Mikey…” Your voice cracked, so quiet you could barely hear it. You suddenly felt your hands being freed from the tape. As soon as you were sure it was gone, you used what little strength you had left to push yourself off the ground and hurried to Mikey.
“Y/n, wait!”
When you reached Mikey, you wrapped your arms around him and tried pulling him off of Isamu. However, you were far too weak right now to do much of anything. “Mikey!” You cry, still hearing the impact of his fist colliding with Isamu’s face. “Mikey enough!”
Mikey didn’t stop, he barely registered your voice. “Mikey, you’re gonna kill him! What will everyone else think of you do that!? What kind of leader would you be!?” Mikey seemed to have paused at that, but his fist was still at the ready to punch again. “If you kill him…Toman will never look at you the same way again. I won’t either.”
“What kind of example would you be setting for everyone? Toman doesn’t resort to murder to beat their opponents or solve their problems. It’s not right, and you know it. If it were how you lead, how you persuade Toman to be. It wouldn’t be the Toman I respect, and you wouldn’t be the leader I admire. So please…Stop this.”
It seemed you were finally able to reach Mikey, as his body became less tense, and his fist lowered. As he turned to face you, your body gave out, and you slumped over. “Y/n?” Mikey caught you before you could hit to ground. When you didn’t respond, he became panicked. “Y/n!?” He shook your body slightly, still nothing.
All you could hear was muffled frantic voices before giving into exhaustion, then everything went dark.
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Mikey couldn’t look the twins in the eyes, not after what happened to their sister. You had been kidnapped and badly hurt because of him.
“Hey Mikey.”
But that didn’t stop them from talking to him.
“You have any idea why that guy kidnapped Y/n?” Asked Smiley. Mikey was silent for a good while before finally speaking. Though, he kept his gaze on the ground.
“He wanted to lure me out, and kill me. He had a gun pointed at me as soon as I walked in. And he used Y/n as bait.”
“Bastard.” Smiley spat. “It’s my own fault.” Mikey mutters. “This happened because of me. She was better off not being around me.”
“I wouldn’t go that far.” Angry said. “I’ve never seen Y/n as happy as she has been with you. You mean a lot to her. And after tonight, I can tell she means a lot to you too.”
“We shouldn’t be around each other like we have been. People might think we hate each other or something if we stop seeing each other.” Mikey mutters. “It’s for her own good.”
Smiley sighed and crossed his arms as he leaned against a near by wall.
“I could tell, as soon as she saw you at that first meeting we took her to.” He said. “She met everyone else, she thought they were all cool and respected them. But you…I could see it in her eyes. Her admiration for you was undeniable. She looks at you like you’re her hero. So before you start jumping to conclusions like that, maybe consider how she would feel if you suddenly stopped talking to her.”
A doctor walks out of the room you were currently in. He approached the twins, telling them they were allowed to see you now. Before they went, Smiley spoke to Mikey one more time.
“Take good care of her Mikey, treat her right. She means a lot to us too.”
With that, the two walked inside.
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The sound of beeping stirred you from your slumber, bright light causing you to flinch and narrow your eyes. You turn your head to see a heart monitor, and an iv bag. So, you were in a hospital. You turned your head the other to see your brothers, sleeping in the chairs sat on the other side of the room.
You tried to sit up straight, groaning as you did so. That seemed to have caught your brothers attention. They snapped out of sleep and rushed to your side. “Y/n! How are you feeling?” Asked Angry “Exhausted.” You muttered. “What happened?”
“You were beat up pretty bad. Not to mention that asshole drugged you.” Answered Smiley. Oh, that’s right.
Wait. Then what about…
“Where’s Mikey?” You ask quickly. “Out in the hall.” Said Smiley. “He hasn’t left since you were brought here.”
“Can I see him?” You asked. Your brothers nod and briefly leave the room. After a few minutes, they came back, with Mikey.
“Mikey…” Your voice came out in a relived sigh. “Thank goodness you’re alri-”
Mikey wasted no time getting to your side. As he reached the bed, he hugged you close to him, hiding his face in your shoulder. You didn’t hesitate to hug him back with your good arm. You felt Mikey’s shoulders shake slightly, his grip on you tightened. “I-I thought…I thought you…” His voice was just as shaky. You glance down at him for a moment before looking at your brothers. They both gave you a knowing look before quietly leaving the room.
“It’s alright Mikey. I’m right here. I’m ok.” You said softly. “But what about you? Are you ok?” Mikey nods slowly, afraid that if he started talking, he’d loose what little control of emotions he had. Another sigh left you. “Good. Here.” You scoot to the side, making room for Mikey. He climbed onto the spot next to you, and held you close again.
“That guy…Isamu. Is he still alive?” You ask. Mikey nods. Another good thing. He deserved his lights being punched out, but not to be killed. Mikey was above resulting that kind of violence. He used his fist like a real fighter would. Maybe this time, a little too much.
But at least he didn’t stoop that low. And that’s what matters.
“I’ve never seen you so mad before…I don’t think I’ve seen you mad ever actually.” You mutter. Mikey was quiet for a moment. You felt him shift slightly, moving his head back to look at you. “What do you expect? Some guy takes you away and hurts you, of course I’m gonna be mad. But…”
Mikey’s eyes avoided your own as he spoke. “I really did want to kill that guy for a moment.”
There was something about the way he sounded admitting that, caused a slight twinge of fear to pierce your heart. His voice left no room for consideration. He meant what he said. And that scared you.
“There’s something…wrong with me Y/n. I can’t fully understand it, and the best way I know how to describe it to you is, impulses. They’re so strong and…violent. I can’t ignore them when it happens. And before I know what’s going on, there’s someone’s blood on my hands. Whether that blood belongs to my friends or not.”
Was it fear you were feeling right now, having heard all of this? Or was it something else? You weren’t afraid of Mikey, even hearing this, you don’t think you could say you fear him. Was it pity? Concern?
You guessed, what really scared you, was the fact that he was capable of doing such a thing. Anyone is capable of killing someone else. Mikey was no different. But you hated the thought of someone like Mikey murdering someone.
“So…It’s happened before?” You asked. “Back then, when you were fighting Isamu…you’ve done that before?”
Mikey nods. “As of recent, those impulses haven’t popped up. I have…good people in my life to help with that. Whether they know it or not, they keep me from doing things I don’t want to do. That I shouldn’t want to do…” Finally he looks at you. “This may be selfish of me to say. But, you’re one of those people.”
“I am?”
“Yeah. But, I don’t want you to feel like you have to be my personal therapist or something. I just, care about you a lot. So, I figured you should know…”
Your hand found it’s way to Mikey’s, you gave it a gentle squeeze. “I care about you a lot too Mikey. And you’re right, I don’t think I can help you on a professional level. But…” A soft smile formed on your face. “I’m willing to help you as best as I can because I…” Your heart was in your throat, the words you wanted to say seemed impossible to get out. But…Mikey was just so honest with you right now. So honest, and vulnerable with you.
You didn’t want to keep secrets from him, even this kind of secret.
“Because I love you.”
There it was.
“I love you way too much to let you deal with that burden on your own. I want to be there when you feel like the world is against you. Like when it seems everyone’s out to get you. I’ll be there at your lowest and I won’t leave you alone no matter what.”
There. Even if Mikey didn’t feel the same, you meant every word. You’d be there for him, even if just as a friend.
Suddenly, tears began to fill Mikey’s eyes, and rolled down his cheeks.
“Mikey? Are you ok? I’m sorry, did I say something to upset y-” Mikey cut you off by bringing you in a tight hug. “Do you really mean that?” He asks shakily. You nod your head. “Every word.”
Mikey then pulled back, only the lean forwards to plant a kiss on the corner of your mouth. Heat rushed to your face. “M-Mikey!?”
“Sorry. I’ve never kissed anyone before so that probably sucked.”
You blinked once, then twice before it all set in. A bright warm smile graced your features, and before you knew what you were doing, you pulled Mikey in and kissed him softly.
Mikey, as awkward as his effort was, melted into the kiss. After a few seconds, you both pulled apart.
“Does this mean you love me too?” You say with a giggle. “Thought that was obvious.” Mikey says, hugging you again. You laughed gently and snuggled in closer to him.
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“I can’t believe you never learned how to tie a tie.” You sigh as you fix Mikey’s messily made tie. “Seriously. Your sister is getting married today, you’d think you’d practice beforehand.”
“When would I ever be wearing a tie aside from this though?” Mikey mutters. You give him a look. “You should still know. You’re a grown man for crying out loud.” You finished tying his tie and take a step back. “There.” You took a moment to take in Mikey. He wore a gorgeous suit, made by Mitsuya personally.
“There’s my handsome man.” Mikey looked away from you, a light blush on his cheeks. “Shut up.” You laugh and take his hand. “Come on, the others are waiting.” You lead Mikey out of the bedroom. Mikey looked down at you, the blush still on his cheeks.
“Y-You look pretty.”
You look up at Mikey. “Thirteen years of us being together, and you still act all shy when complimenting me?” You tease. “I’m trying to be a gentleman!” Mikey frowns. “Well thank you.” You say, leaning up to kiss his cheek.
You both make it to the wedding hall along with everyone else. Emma looked breath taking as she made her way down the isle to meet her husband at the altar. You felt so happy for your best friend. After all this time, she and Draken had finally tied the knot. It was almost tiring seeing neither of them make a move, back when you all were teenagers.
Though he would never admit it, Draken knowing that Mikey of all people got into a relationship before him was little unheard of. He respected Mikey, and loved him like a brother. But Mikey was not the type to get into a relationship. Or at least, that’s what everyone thought at the time.
So when he was told that you and Mikey were together, he figured it was time he hurry up and confess to Emma already. And he was glad he did. Cause look at him now.
Almost in tears at the sight of his soon-to-be wife.
You held Mikey’s hand and rest your head on his shoulder. Mikey smiled softly, glancing down at you.
When he found out Draken had proposed to his sister, it got him thinking.
And thinking got him planning.
And planning lead him to taking action.
Though. He thought it would be rude to propose to you on his sister’s big day.
He’d wait until tomorrow.
Mikey squeezed your hand gently. Tomorrow couldn’t come soon enough…
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My SydCarmy fics MASTERLIST
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Carmen Berzatto just stood there in front of her and didn’t say a word. He didn’t have to. -Copenhagen He was reduced to a bunch of boneless matter with a heartbeat that only existed because she laid her dark eyes on it. -Après ce, la liberté
At that moment, she realized that her favorite place on Earth was right there, standing 334 feet above the ground, nestled in his chest. -Ponte degli Innamorati
🐻 Slowburn >>> They win a Michelin Star and Carmy confesses his love for Sydney.
🐻 Larrabe >>> Syd moves to her own place, they win a Michelin star and “celebrate”. Luca and Claire also make an appearance here.
🐻 Pasta >>> Carmy & Syd cook together, then eat each other and then there’s this invisible string they discover has always linked them in a sense. Mikey is also mentioned here.
🐻 Heart >>> Carmy goes to therapy to get in touch with his true feelings and Syd tries to deny hers, which explains her ❤️ tattoo.
🐻 Hint >>> Claire reflects on her breakup with Carmy.
🐻 Sunset >>> Carmy must make a choice. Are actions ultimately more important than words?
🐻 Pillow >>> Syd and Carmy open their X files. Not what you think. Now part of a collection alongside "Chef Talk".
🐻 Après >>> Carmy hits rock bottom. Love is an act of mirroring.
🐻 Chef>>> Sydney realizes that Carmy has an uncanny resemblance to a celebrity who features in a steamy CK ad. Claire makes a brief cameo here because "maybe" she always falls for the wrong guy. Now part of a collection alongside "Pillow Talk".
🐻 Madame >>> Sydcarmy is written in the starts but they need a little nudge. Love is in the air but they're fire!
🐻 Stella >>> Stella Bear, the heiress, is here. Now part of a collection alongside "Madame Stardust".
🐻 Shark >>> They get married in secret and honeymoon in Barbados where she starts calling him "Bear".
🐻 Ponte >>> They renew their vows in Italy on their 1st Anniversary. Now part of a collection alongside "Shark Hole".
🐻 Focus>>> Sydney finds out Carmy has been drawing Sistine Chapel-level sketches of her.
🐻 Dreams >>> They have wet dreams about each other simultaneously.
🐻 Tucson >>> Carmy goes to rehab because he almost checks himself out of life permanently and learns to use his words, Syd grows too fond of this new Carmy.
🐻 She's not you >>> Claire was great and scared the shit out of Carmy, but she was no Sydney Adamu.
🐻 Beggin' >>> It's a pseudo-songfic, an experiment, a blurb, a rarity, a little cannoli with mortadella mousse and pistachios that links Carmy, Syd, Donna, and others to this song that I love because I feel it just fits.
🐻 Chococookies >>> Auntie Syd and Uncle Carmy babysit little Bianca and Carmy also babysits Syd when she has a severe case of baby blues 🍪🍪🍪
🐻 Sydney’s secret >>> Carmy holds on to one of Sydney’s most personal items and loses his mind, but turns out Syd had a different take on his “madness”.
🐻 Mother of Victory >>> Donna had to die. Austenianly, of course. Now part of a collection alongside "Chococookies".
🐻 The new Berzattos >>> Syd & Carmy are raising a new family, and now The Bear is gonna be a big brother to this new cub Syd is "cooking". Now part of a collection alongside "Mother of Victory".
🐻 Rain >>> Syd kisses the words right out of Carmy's mouth. Chococookies'prequel. Now part of a collection alongside "Mother of Victory". 🍸🍸
🐻 Last clause >>> Syd and Carmy get a divorce and she gets The Bear. The city of Love might play an important part here. Now part of a collection alongside "Sunset clause".
🐻 Every second counts >>> Victor Emmanuel Berzatto, "The Cub", thanks his parents for having taught him the most valuable lesson of them all. Now part of a collection alongside "Mother of Victory".
🐻 3:10 >>> Carmy pushes himself harder than ever and demands excellence from his crew, they do their best to match his intensity. He does this for Sydney and for Sydney only.
🐻 6 Letters >>> Syd and Carmy say the wrong names in bed when they are fucking their respective partners.
🐻 Play >>> Carmy gets too playful with Syd's braids ;)
🐻 Cupid >>> Syd breaks Cupid's heart 💔.
🐻 More often >>> Syd falls asleep on Carmy's new leather sofa and wakes up in his bed.
🐻 Unicorn >>> Uncle Carmy & Aunty Syd confess that they could potentially have a whole soccer team of kids if only they'd find the right "partner" to do that with 🦄
Remember to Reblog and recommend if you like it and comments are always welcome on AO3 because more often than not I get inspo from them, seeing as I have the best Sydcarmy readers out there!
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narcjsistx · 3 months
HI! thanks for the request, hope you have a good day 💝
— Draken as a parent HCS ᡣ𐭩
We all know how he grew up, receiving love but not from his parents. After a certain age, probably 18 or a little more, he started thinking about what he would be like as a father and, thanks to all the experiences as an older brother for the members of Toman, he understood that he would certainly be better than his mother and his father
He has a preference for a possible male child, but for him the most important thing is that he is well. Gender is not important, he will love him unconditionally without scruples
His idea of ​​family is actually just one child, because he is afraid of creating differences without thinking about it and ultimately repeating the same story as the least loved person. You noticed this when by chance the topic of a second child arose between you, and you reassured him that if another was born he wouldn't have to worry because just as he is a fantastic father for the first, he will also be for the second
It is one that would go to every "parent - child" day, those that the school organizes periodically. He hides it with little success, but loves it when on the walk from home to school, your child tells him about all his friends and what he does during school hours
He likes it when you and your son come to his workshop without telling him, it's a more than pleasant surprise for him. Often the child clings to Inui and you and Draken laugh because Seishu doesn't know how to deal with such an extroverted child
He's not the type who spoils so much, yes he does, but he puts the brakes on himself. He grew up with the idea that everything is achieved after a journey, and he will raise his child with the exact same idea (he is afraid that he will become a kind of Kokonoi from 2005 if he gives him everything he wants)
If ever a girl was born instead of a boy, it would be the kind of father who lets the child playing on his face with make up, even if it's not exactly his way of keeping up his reputation... but as long as his littel girl is happy, he is too
The child spends more time with the Sano family, especially with Uncle Mikey. Draken often advises Manjiro to be careful when he and his son ride motorbikes, but it ultimately ends with the boy laughing while his uncle reaches 90 mph
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