#Milestone Memories
candylandphotos · 11 months
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Balloons Happy Birthday Party Girl
"Celebrating Another Year of Wonderful Adventures and Joyful Moments 🎈🎂🎉 #BirthdayBliss"
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I adore the vibe of redeemed durge your sister killed your mind and took your place - it was the greatest gift she ever gave you
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sysig · 5 months
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Stick figure skeletons (Patreon)
#Doodles#UT#Papyrus#Sans#Cutest little lads#I had a good handful of stick figures of them from my 2015/2016 notebook and it really is a cute style#Y'know funny enough now that I think of it lol - Those doodles were also in December!#(I'm tagging these in December still lol hi from the past)#It's that Undertale time of year <3 Apparently I first found it Dec. 17th 2015 hehe#A little late to the party! But not terribly so ♪ And I had managed to avoid spoilers up to that point lol#I do still have some vague memories of watching it for the first time#I watched a Pacifist run first and cried - of course#And then watched a Genocide run soon after and cried even more#I remember being very confused as to what the Fight timing option even was the first time I saw it lol#Since in Pacifist you can go the entire time without even accidentally using it! You can ACT or ITEM instead#It's interesting to think back on such a huge shift in culture on the broadscale#And also a personal milestone :) Something that tipped the scales!#Something that even now I'm grateful for and think of fondly ♥#And it's all still fun to draw! What more could I ask for haha#I think with this super-simple style in particular I like making their designs complement each other#So Papyrus is all stick lines and Sans has thicker bones#Papyrus' eyes are upright and Sans' are laid flat haha#They both have circle heads to start tho! Papyrus just gets a rectangle grafted on for his jaw lol#They're easy to pose together like this too!#It's fun and silly ♪ Just how I like :D
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izzymalec · 1 year
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7 years of shadowhunters
january 12, 2016
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lilacsleeps · 2 months
Memories, they're like treasures stored in the attic of our minds—fragile, yet precious. Whether they're of a friend's laughter, an enemy's scorn, or a loved one's embrace, those moments slowly lose their clarity as the sands of time trickle by.
It's akin to sketching messages in the sand at the beach; without a proper guard, they gradually wash away with the tide, leaving behind only faint traces of what once was. As sands cascade from the palm's gentle hold, so do memories, swept by life's relentless flow.
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boing-sophia44 · 2 months
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ほしのあき💗Hoshino Aki
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cerubean · 1 year
ur sims can have up to 6 traits now?? and they can change over time??? our prayers are finally being answered
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beyourselfchulanmaria · 7 months
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由衷感謝所有幫助我達到 25000 個喜歡的人!
I came to Tumblr My blog Never for the pursuit of popularity I have very few friends here (I didn't follow too much people) I have my own rhythm of life and play But I study quietly from yours Choose who is my teacher Many subjects interest me Thank you, my friends, for your tolerance for me. And I also silently appreciate those extremely popular bloggers I would say everyone has different ambitions and goals No need to make too many assumptions If you don't like me, I'll be happy Because I don't have much free time to do "like(heart)"everyone's page/post. I feel very sorry, so I thank you for you gave me all likes and encouragement.
Sincerely 🙏
11. 21. 2023 🦕 Lan~*
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mneel · 10 days
उतार चढ़ाव जीवन चक्र :)
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uwmspeccoll · 4 months
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Milestone Monday
February 12th commemorates the founding of the National Association of the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) established in 1909 as an interracial endeavor to advance justice for African Americans. Over the years, the NAACP’s mission has evolved “to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate race-based discrimination”.  
Milwaukee lawyer, Wisconsin state representative, and civil-rights activist Lloyd A. Barbee (1925-2002) devoted most of his life to the NAACP’s mission. Joining the association at just 12 years old Barbee went on to become the president of the Madison branch from 1955-1960 and the Wisconsin chapter from 1961-1964. He was simultaneously earning a law degree and using his prowess as an activist to draft Madison’s Equal Opportunity Ordinance, demand Milwaukee Public Schools end segregation, and ultimately ran and won a seat on the Wisconsin State Assembly from 1965-1977 where he was the only African American in the state legislature.  
Browsing the Special Collections stacks in search of materials to honor the day, I came across a quirky item belonging to Lloyd A. Barbee. The book in question is actually four titles Barbee had bound into a single item. The titles include An Outline of the Old Testament, A Hymarx Outline of the New Testament, A Hymarx outline of the Plays of Shakespeare, and NAACP Annual Report 1957-58. Why Barbee had the titles bound together is anyone’s guess, but the NAACP report provides insight into his civil rights passions, including an update on the association’s work with the Wisconsin Industrial Commission to secure Black tradesmen membership within local unions, an effort Barbee would have no doubt contributed to and has annotated with his initials.  
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This book is part of the Fromkin Memorial Collection developed around the broad theme of social justice in the United States. 
Read other Milestone Monday posts here! 
– Jenna, Special Collections Graduate Intern 
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globalchristendom · 8 months
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It's my 10 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
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scrimmybingusfanblog · 6 months
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sensible chuckle in the ladies' room of the church i grew up in
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milkywaycomet · 6 months
I know you don't know my art,
But next year will be better
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doctorbrown · 8 months
DOCTOBER '23 ⸺ 「 7 / 31 * FAMILY 」
December 31, 1999
❝Hey Doc, I just wanted to say thanks again for inviting us over. You know, the twins, they really look up to Jules and Verne❞—both Emmett and Marty glance over to the living room floor, where Verne is sprawled out on his chest besides two young, bright blue-eyed children, playing with souped up toy cars on a holographic course that Verne manipulates at will—❝and Jen really loves Clara and—❞
Ellie's car has just crashed into the wall of the bank and Verne makes dramatic explosion noises, earning a series of uncontrollable giggles from the three year old who leaves the car half-phased through the wall. Curie—the longhaired collie—perks her head up from where she was slumbering on the couch and immediately hops down, padding over to where Verne and the children are laying.
Verne sputters when Curie sits down on top of a section of his holographic city. Some of the buildings disappear in her thick fur, only for a few rooftops and spires to protrude from her back instead. She wags her tail and it's young Emmett's turn now to be delighted by the sight of the dog as she cleaves fake buildings in two with her tail.
Emmett silences Marty with a hand on his shoulder and a warm smile. ❝You're family, Marty. You, Jennifer, and young Ellie and Emmett. Besides, you only get to see something like this once! We're welcoming a brand new millennium and there's nobody in the universe I would rather usher it in with.❞
Despite the obvious lie coming from the father of time—the inventor of time travel; even Jules momentarily paused in his channel surfing to throw a look over his shoulder at his father—himself, Marty only raises a brow before breaking out into a wide grin. They could watch the clock tick down to the year two thousand as many times as they wanted from anywhere in the world with the time vehicles, but this was the real deal.
The first time. No universe ending paradoxes waiting to ruin the celebrations, no 'let's compare the various new years' traditions', no extenuating circumstances.
Just them, the people most important in their lives, and a countdown that, for once, designates unbridled hope. The future.
We've made it. And though the temptation is still there to check, to make sure Marty's future continues on the bright path it has been since he finally listened and avoided that devastating accident, Emmett has managed to restrain himself thusfar to allow everything to happen in real-time around him.
❝I almost can't believe it, you know?❞ Marty says, and Emmett nods once, slowly, unable to stop the memories from flooding back. ❝That we've actually made it, and—❞
❝Emmett, dear.❞ Clara's voice rings out from the adjoining kitchen, stopping Marty's thoughts in his tracks. ❝There's only seven minutes to the new year; can you go grab the bag that I left on the counter? The camera should be there too! Marty❞—Clara finally emerges from the kitchen with Jennifer in tow, who is balancing a very large sheet cake in her arms—❝be a dear and clear away the rest of the snacks from the table, would you?❞
Both men nod in acceptance of their respective duties and Emmett pecks Clara on the cheek as he disappears into the kitchen. The bag is exactly where she said it would be and curiosity eats away at him; his beloved wife had clearly planned something else for the evening without his knowledge and he considers peering in at risk of ruining the surprise she'd clearly put a lot of thought and effort into.
The new year will be here in—he checks the wall of clocks, ticking rhythmically in perfect synchronisation—five minutes. He can wait that long.
Everyone is gathered around the table, staring at the cake proudly displayed on the table, where a big blue '2000' is written on top, next to the words, Happy New Year! Jen and Clara are a few steps away from them, looking incredibly pleased with their work, and Clara's eyes light up as Emmett places the bag gently in her hand, then joins the others around the table to look at the cake.
In the background, some announcer's voice drones on about there being five minutes left until the new year while footage of the clock tower and a gaggle of people are projected on-screen.
Clara pulls a small golden hat out of the bag for herself with the year written on the front in sparkling silver font, then hands a matching one to Jen, who immediately puts it on. For most of the boys, Clara produces a garish pair of sunglasses from the bag shaped like '2000' in various colours.
Verne makes a face but slips them on anyway, and both Emmett and Marty hold them up to inspect them as if they're suddenly about to explode in their hands in a shower of sparks.
❝Mother,❞ Jules starts, ❝you really didn't have to do this...❞
❝I know we have the time machines, but it's not every day you live the course of your natural life through the turn of a brand new millennium, so I wanted to celebrate. You only have to wear them for the photo, Jules, and you can take them off if you want.❞
Verne grins and throws an arm around Jules' shoulders. ❝Yeah, come on. They might actually make you look better.❞
Emmett slips on his blue glasses with a shrug and then holds his arms out to Marty, as if to ask how do I look? Marty laughs and shakes his head but follows suit, and there's a comment somewhere about how cute they both look, but neither of them are sure if the comment came from Jen or Clara, so in the moment, they decide they said it in unison.
❝Verne, honey, put this on Curie, would you?❞ Clara hands him a colourful bandanna adorned with confetti spirals. ❝And everyone line up. I'll get some of the clocks in the picture so we have the time and—Emmett, you're sure this timer feature will work?❞
❝Positive, dear. I tested it myself.❞
There's less than a minute left on the countdown by the time Clara sets up the camera and hurries over for the photo, taking her place at Emmett's side.
The flash goes off at exactly midnight and as the two couples share a quick kiss, both Jules and Verne make obnoxious gagging noises while the McFly twins stare longingly at the cake on the table.
A chorus of happy new years ring out among the families and as Marty pulls Emmett in for a hug, ❝Happy New Year, Doc,❞ somebody announces that cake is being served.
Emmett pats him twice on the back, smiling. ❝Here's to the future. Now, let's get some of that cake, shall we?❞
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thestressedsimmer · 7 months
September 1312
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In the early hours of the morning, before even the sun, Ealusaid and Seamus were awoken by a soft knock on their door. Almost weak? Seamus was a heavier sleeper and grumbled a "go 'way," but his wife was far too paranoid.
She got out of bed to see who could possibly be at their door at such an hour.
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There was a baby. Fast asleep on the ground with a fur blanket underneath him. His hair was a strange color, but that was only an afterthought to the fact that he is a baby! Alone! On the ground!
Ealusaid looked around for any sort of parent, calling out... but nobody responded. So she scooped up the little one, gently hushing as he fussed.
"It's alright, little one. I have a crib for you to rest in."
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orbees · 11 months
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well. let's have a toke. for 420.
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