#Milo Coy
rookie-critic · 2 years
Apollo 10½: A Space Age Childhood (2022, dir. Richard Linklater) - review by Rookie-Critic
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Apollo 10½: A Space Age Childhood sees director Richard Linklater in very familiar fashion. Crafting a movie that is not so much a story as it is a nostalgic, semi-autobiographical time capsule of life in Houston, TX in 1969, of being a child at the prime age to watch Neil Armstrong take the first steps on the Moon. Shown through rotoscope animation (live-action footage that has been animated over) so as to convey the fantastical nature of the time and place, Apollo 10½ manages to be fairly engrossing for a movie with barely any coherent plot outside of a few scenes depicting the main child (an obvious stand-in for Linklater) training secretly for a test mission to the Moon prior to the actual launch of Apollo 11. Honestly, I think I would have liked it even more had they just cut out the Apollo 10½ mission altogether and just made this a period piece in the true vein of most of Linklater's catalogue. You truly get a sense of what it must have been like then and Linklater has such a fantastic way of painting an exact portrait of the times and places he's familiar with that it's hard to resist the charm of his movies. This one is no exception.
Score: 8/10
Currently available for streaming on Netflix.
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swede1952 · 2 months
Knight of the Highest Order
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This silver helmeted bird is a male house sparrow (Passer domesticus). You can tell by the large black gorget on his upper chest. The black mark really identifies this bird as a dominate male, a breeding male.
"House Sparrows eat mostly grains and seeds, as well as livestock feed and, in cities, discarded food. Among the crops they eat are corn, oats, wheat, and sorghum. Wild foods include ragweed, crabgrass and other grasses, and buckwheat. House Sparrows readily eat birdseed including millet, milo, and sunflower seeds. Urban birds readily eat commercial bird seed. In summer, House Sparrows eat insects and feed them to their young. They catch insects in the air, by pouncing on them, or by following lawnmowers or visiting lights at dusk." - allaboutbirds.org
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agentplutonium · 10 months
gonna post a WIP Wednesday (not on Wednesday but I get a pass because I said so) because I haven't in a while and I'm actually excited to be working on this specific wip BUT:
@dizzy-n-busy has this amazing Milo art that they gave me permission to write an au off of. So here is a snippet of that cause I can't remember the last time I was this excited to write something.
Milo sidled up to the bar, perching on one of the stools as the bartender approached. “Gin, neat, would’ya Vincent?” “Of course,” Vincent said, giving him a small smile. It wasn’t like Milo’s order had changed much since he started coming here. “I’ll get that right up.” Milo glanced back at his table, watching as Asher continued to animately fight with David about something stupid. He couldn’t even remember what the original argument was about at this point. He scoffed, rolling his eyes. They always got like this. “Gin on the rocks,” a voice said near him, and Milo looked over to see damn near the prettiest person he’s seen in a while. “Anything for you, hun,” the second bartender said, whom they all call Volts because of their power before getting turned, while giving them a teasing smile. “You’re pretty late. I was starting to think I wouldn’t see you tonight.” “Case got me in the office late,” The person said. “Here you go, Milo,” Vincent said, sliding a glass in front of him.  “Hey, hey, before you go,” Milo started, motioning to the stranger a few stools down from him, “who’s that? I haven’t seen them before.” “Who, Sneaks?” Vincent asks. “They usually come in before you lot do. Listen, I wouldn’t-” There was a shout from the other side of the bar, the person waving Vincent over once they had his attention. Vincent turned back to him, hiding the slight frown that etched into his face from the patron. “I’ll be back.” He slipped off, and Milo made his move. Volts was just sliding the glass to this ‘Sneaks’ when Milo came up. “Person of taste, I see,” he commented, grinning at them. Sneaks regarded him for a moment, only to glance back at Volts. Volts only shrugged before slinking off with a coy smile. “What’s it to you, exactly?” “It doesn’t have to be anything you don’t want it to,” Milo said, sitting down, a stool in between them. Milo may have ulterior motives for this chat, but he wasn’t about to scare the pretty thing away. “Just friendly conversation.” “Why do I have a feeling it’s never just friendly conversation with you?” The stranger commented, raising an eyebrow before they took a sip from their drink. “Do you want it to be more than friendly?” Milo asked, lip turning up into a smirk. Sneaks didn’t answer, rolling their eyes. “Name’s Milo,” he introduced himself, holding out his hand. The stranger regarded it for a moment before reaching out to meet him.  “People call me Sneak’s,” They replied.  “You sure do like the mysterious aesthetic, huh, Sweetheart,” Milo teased.  “You got a problem with that?” Sneaks asked. “Not at all,” Milo said genuinely, bringing their hand up to kiss it. “Makes me more curious to get to know you, even.” “Yeah. Sure,” Sneak said, pulling their hand away.  “I’m serious,” Milo insisted. “I’m sure you are,” Sneaks said. “You don’t believe me,” Milo said, taking a sip of his drink. “It’s not that I don’t believe you,” Sneaks said, eyes trained on the glass in their hand, “just that you’re not the first to try. You’re either going to forget about me or not see me enough to properly pursue me.” “As if I could forget a cute face like yours,” Milo said. “I’d sooner be haunted by it than forget. I don’t know if you noticed, but I’m not like other guys.” Sneaks let out a humourless laugh. “Yeah, okay, toots.”
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stillm0nster · 7 months
💭 @faeriemists asked:
one should return the favour , right ? to hand him a rose doused in crimson diamanté’s —- one that he could keep instead of wilting . a symbol of their blossoming romance ; a reminder . yet that wasn’t all , she wouldn’t just give him something so trivial for their first valentines together . a fancy shirt with a tie matching her own dress handed to him with a coy smile before pressing a lingering kiss to his lips , d r o w n i n g in him but forcing herself to pull away . ❛ i may or may not have booked us a table at the fanciest restaurant in town . my treat !! ❜ peppered kisses upon his lips and jawline before she ( forced ) herself to pull away ; he was like a drug . more of that afterwards . ❛ —- happy valentines , my love .. let’s go celebrate !! ❜
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milo  was  a  little  confused  as  to  what  to  feel.  in  a  way,  he  thought  he  should  be  the  one  showering  haerin  in  compliments,  spoiling  her  with  gifts  and  taking  her  out  on  a  date!!  that's  what  he  was  used  to  seeing  (  and  doing  )  before.  however  all  of  that  attention  felt  incredible  and  he  loved  every  second  of  it,  knowing  that  he  would  be  able  to  do  all  of  that  for  her  next  month  (  though  he  didn't  really  need  a  specific  day  to  show  his  appreciation  &  love  ).  smiling  in  the  kiss,  he  brought  a  hand  to  her  hip  keeping  her  close  even  after  she  pulled  away.  " i  might  be  having  heart  palpitations  right  now. "  he  commented  half-jokingly  but  his  heart  was  literally  swelling  with  h a p p i n e s s.  " that  means  i'll  have  to  put  on  the  shirt  and  the  beautiful  tie  that  apparently  matches  this  pretty  little  dress  of  yours? "  chuckling  at  the  sweet  kisses,  milo  freed  both  his  hands  so  he  could  pull  her  flush  against  him,  the  biggest,  sincere  smile  on  his  features.  " happy  valentines,  baby. "  leaning  in,  he  instinctively  tilted  his  head  to  one  side  and  kissed  her  softly,  slowly  as  their  lips  mold  against each  other for  a  while before he has to ( unwillingly ) pull away.  " give me a few minutes. "
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terraliensvent · 2 days
Kitomi -> Mal
Mal was banned during Civ and Coy’s reign of being an owner without evidence of owning a tumblr vent blog, severely lied about by Civ and Coy, harassed by their white knights while they tried to move on from the species, and doxxed by past and current staff.
For the sake of this post I will be using ‘Kit’ as ‘Mal’ is their deadname.
Kit created the first PSA with Milo, later having to prove to staff there was no way they could’ve created or owned the blog in very… demeaning circumstances (from what I saw of the evidence doc he made, which included extremely private stuff on it) soon was unbanned.
Kit soon joined back into Terras but was not very active in it, popping in here and there to say hi.
Kit was known in the community for the lies made about them from Civ and Coy (apparent harassment without proof, which made no sense when Kit was trying to get over the situation and the species) and being a bit argumentative when it came to miscommunication with tone in text.
he’s inactive in terras now, so there really is no need to worry about Kit anymore?
post related
i mean yeah, if theyre not active anymore we really dont have any reason to dwell on them
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night-market-if · 2 years
MC surprising Hazel on her birthday with her favourite dish? (As a prompt!)
Hazel nearly dropped the bundle of herbs she was bringing in from the garden, her eyes wide as she stared at me standing in the middle of the shop, a casserole dish in hand.
"What's the occasion?" she asked, setting down her harvest.
"Milo said it was your birthday today." Horror came over me. "It is your birthday, right?" Leave it to Milo to set me up. No wonder he wasn't here. He was making me look like a fool and...
Hazel laughed. "It is. Don't worry. Did you cook for me?"
"That veggie casserole you love so much. I didn't even burn it this time."
The look of gratitude that crossed her face warmed me, banishing my nerves in an instant. "Oh," she breathed. "And it looks like the vegetables are actually cooked, too. I don't even know what to say."
"The bar was low. I know."
Hopping up on her tiptoes, she pecked me on the lips. "Come on. I want to sit down and eat the entire dish with you."
"That is a lot of food," I commented as she took the casserole from my hands. Walking away, she looked over her shoulder, a bright blush on her cheeks and a coy look on her face.
"You're going to need your energy tonight."
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lindszeppelin · 8 months
At this point I wish he’d stop talking about their fucking dog when it’s just another way to bring her into the conversation. I prefer to forget about her and no offense (maybe some offense bc I’m annoyed lmao) he sure does make it hard Mr “I’ve been in my dogs life for 2 years”. Not even gonna touch the other mention where he said more than he actually needs to.
The interviewer just asked how old the dog is, surely you know the answer to that and didn’t need to get all wink nudge 🙄. If you want privacy you could do a little more to act like that. Put the topic as a whole on a complete blacklist. Don’t mention anything even tangentially related to her, yes including Milo. Is that hard? Or do you want attention more than you want to not turn off fans who don’t wanna hear this shit?
Girl real talk...he doesn't bring up the dog as a way to bring kaia into the conversation. he brings up the dog because he loves that dog more than her. but hell i guess not enough to where he remembers how old the dog is lmfao. Austin is just vibing on a wave that is not even on the Gerber's radar babe. He is in his own world, minding his own business, and he doesn't play these kind of coy games. The man has no time for innuendoes lol. he would bring her up into the convo straight up if he wanted. he has formed a bond with that dog more than anyone else in the entire family, so i believe him to be genuinely meaning milo when bringing up the dog.
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t-annhauser · 1 year
Milano Centrale-Paola
Per una felice congiunzione astrale dei sistemi di prenotazione online avevamo trovato un posto in business sul Freccia a un prezzo relativamente conveniente. Fino a Firenze il vagone è popolato dai consueti turisti tedeschi in Grand Tour, ormai un cliché, abbigliati in qualsiasi condizione meteo come se andassero in gita fuori porta a Fregene, le donne generalmente tutte scosciate, moderne veneri di Milo, gli uomini piuttosto legnosetti nei loro pantaloncini comprati su Asos (i bambini di un biondo abbacinante, giallopaglierini). Bonus track: tre giulive signore tedesche di mezza età, poi scese a Roma, che non hanno mai smesso di parlare un minuto intavolando un'appassionata discussione su "Protein Trink" ed "Enercy Trink" (a questo punto mi sono convinto che "trincare" sia voce di origine germanica). Le abbiamo sentite distintamente pronunciare Reggio Calabria "Reccio Kolapria". Dopo Roma è cambiata la fauna e il vagone si è riempito di manager della PA in camicia azzurrina e matteorenzianesche giacche sciancrate bleu, ai piedi mocassini leggeri coi fantasmini. Trafficavano per un po' su pagine di Excel sopra notebook con gli sfondi dei figli rispondendo professionalmente alle telefonate di lavoro (i colleghi si chiamano generalmente tutti "Maurizio"), poi si abbandonavano mollemente ai giochini online spizzicando annoiati le razioni del cestino di benvenuto: succo di frutta, crostino, brioche (da Roma in giù identificata come "cornetto") salata, un pollice quadrato di cioccolato nero e una bottiglietta d'acqua "vulcanica" da 25 ml. Dopo Salerno si aprivano i consueti paesaggi selvaggi e aspri che complici noia e stanchezza ci catapultavano immantinente in una specie di meriggio o miraggio di mezza estate popolato da ninfe e fauni bruscamente interrotto dalla stazione di Sapri. Sogno confessato di fare un giorno il trasbordo su un wagon lit a Villa San Giovanni prima che rovinino tutta la magia costruendo il modernissimo Ponte sullo Stretto.
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chaos-has-theories · 1 year
@septimus-heap part 2 of your ask!
These are all various bits I wrote for potential sequels for The Long Way Home, my Sep Heap roleswap fic. They're also pretty much all I have for that, but what's the point in hoarding them if I could also share.
🌩️ Share something funny/cracky from your WIP. (This one’s technically a deleted scene)
When they were done, Jenna frowned at the lopsided snowperson they’d built. “It needs hair”, she said, begrudgingly. Instead of answering, Septimus rolled a snowball and planted it in the middle of the snowman’s chest, right where one would wear a necklace or amulet. “There”, he said. “Now it’s Hotep-Ra.”
🌈 Share something soft/fluffy from your WIP. (this would go between the final chapter and the epilogue - my fic was already at the longer side for the big bang, so I decided to leave it kind of open for now. It's set in Aunt Zelda's Potion's cupboard.)
Jenna didn’t even bother lifting the pistol. “Septimus”, she said coolly. The UnSeen dissolved, leaving the young wizard behind, looking exasperated. “What are you doing”, he hissed. She turned back towards the drawers. “I’m going back to the castle.” The silence behind her rang heavy like a note. “Why?”, he asked finally. Because”, she grit out, “I have one unnamed bullet left and I know every pathway in that Palace. I can get the Custodian tonight, and by tomorrow you can all be home.” She felt more than she saw as Septimus pulled the door closed behind him and leaned against it. “You’re serious”, he said. At that, Jenna straightened up and turned to face him. The moonlight brushed past Septimus and cast sharp shadows onto her face, and in the red dress Aunt Zelda had procured for her and her black cloak she suddenly looked every inch a Queen. He knew that determined look on her face: It was the same as the one Cerys had worn when she had told Marcia that she would never leave the castle behind, no matter what threats were coming for her. “If I have to”, Jenna said, “I’ll scratch the letters off the silver bullets and replace them with a DD and an H myself.” “Alright”, Septimus said, more to himself than to her. “Alright.” He reached past a startled Jenna and pulled the bottom drawer out. “But whatever it is, we’re doing it together.”
🌤️Share your favorite piece of dialogue from your WIP. (ditto as before. It's technically just my notes, but as per usual they got flowery enough to count as writing)
Jenna gestured at the prone form of the Hunter. “He’s all yours”, she said. “If you’re looking for the Custodian, he should be on the road to port. He should be looking for a new posting as a circus clown.” “Why?”; Marcia asked, incredulous. Jenna shrugged. “Septimus spelled him. I was just going to shoot him.” There was no point in playing coy: Either it would help convince them that she’d turned against her old Master, or just serve to remind them that even so, she wasn’t one of the good guys. “But she didn’t”, Septimus interjected. “She didn’t shoot anyone, not even me.” “Not even?”; Cerys asked, aghast. “Did she say you spelled him?”, Marcia asked at the same time. Septimus perked up. “Yes! I found it in one of Aunt Zelda’s spellbooks, here…” He started digging around in his pockets, looking for the knotted handkerchief, when Cerys cleared her throat. “Septimus”, she said. He froze. “Right. Um. I know you don’t like me doing magyk, but it turns out I’m really good at it, and…” “Would you explain to us who this is?” “OH! Uh. This is Jenna. She used to be DomDaniel’s apprentice, but I promise she’s gotten betterm and really it wasn’t her fault, and…” he quietened. Glanced at Jenna. Took a breath. “And, mom. She’s. She’s Matthilda.” Cerys nodded, her face blank. So she had suspected it, back then. “How did this happen?”, Milo asked quietly. “Well…”, Septimus hesitated. “I didn’t die”, Jenna clarified. Septimus made stragled little noise, but Jenna shrugged. There was no point in hedging around it. “Your Midwife was paid off by DomDaniel.” “I see”, was all that Cerys said.
🌧️Share something angsty from your WIP. (Role Swap AU Flyte!)
“I suggest”, Jenna hissed, pressing the blade to Simon’s throat, “that you don’t.” Jenna recognized a ThunderFlash from a mile away. From the way Septimus had stiffened, she suspected that he, too, had seen what Simon had curled his hand around. She should have known that this would happen. It had been right there in the feel of his cloak around her, in the musty smell, in the ice in his eyes. “You’re supposed to be the useless one”, Simon complained, holding perfectly still in her grasp. “As his apprentice? Sure. As Gerald’s, or Elisabetta’s, not so much.” Elisabetta had been the head trainer of the assassin’s, who’d had one leg and one eye and still shot better than anyone else. “I guess he didn’t mention that.” “His?”, Septimus asked warily. “DomDaniel’s”, Jenna confirmed. “Isn’t that right, Simon?” "Well, he has a real apprentice now" Simon spat, and something in Jenna's heart broke a little. That had been her. Just two years ago, it would have been her with the hateful look and the cheap tricks. "He doesn't care for you", she said, and Simon scoffed. "Who needs caring when you can have power." "He doesn't want to share his power, either." She wanted to shake the man, but felt like Septimus would disapprove. "Don't you know? He's immortal. He doesn't need apprentices to… follow his legacy, or something like that. We're just tools, to him." Simon took a breath as if to argue, and this time she did shake him. "He's still using his last apprentice. That shade you so handily attached to my mother? That's Ellis Crackle. That's how DomDaniel repays those who serve him." "What?" Jenna looked up to see Septimus striding towards them, eyes blazing. "YOU set that thing on mum?" Simon rolled his eyes. "She's hardly your…" "Of course she's my mother! Cerys is my mother, and Marcia is, and Sarah is, and Sarah's been looking for you for fifteen years while you've been hanging out with the guy who killed her?" "Sep", Jenna said softly. Her brother was breathing hard, and she thought she saw tears in the corners of his eyes. Sep ignored her and bent down to grab Simon by the lapels. "You'll fix this", he hissed. "You'd better."
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Milo: ☆Pfff- You've definitely have heard it. Don't play coy. I'm not someone who enjoys repeating themself.☆
☆Maybe it'll be a more familiar name you hear though. Play your cards poorly like you have..☆
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TA: Milx, right? Just wanted tx make sure it's the right xne...
TA: Listen here, Milx, I've gxt nx fucking clue what yxur prxblem with me is, but I hate that yxu are making a fucking game xut xf Nakaxu's feelings. TA: Far as I knxw yxu twx are clxse friends, and I find it disgusting that yxu'd treat him like a prize tx be wxn between the twx xf us.
TA: If ya gxt a prxblem with me, take it up with me and me alxne! Let's talk xr fight it xut like sxme fucking adults! TA: Speak plainly xr fuck xff! I'm nxt gxing tx play sxme shitty games with yxu!
While he was talking he grabbed his phone and started typing up something...
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siridz · 2 years
toccare, guardare, ferire, assaggiare
E guardami, amore
Schiacciami il cuore coi tacchi, fammi male
Staccami un occhio, Carminati
Ancora due, tre carte da giocare
Separare, se ballare
Giochi di ruolo, sai che perdi con me
Mi spezzi il cuore, fa niente, vabbè
Ma tu ci muori, ci muori di me, eh
La mia vita mi schiaccia la testa in sedici noni
L'abbiamo fatto per terra in sedici modi
Morirò di noia, mi scoppia la testa
Vogliamo giocare a farci la guerra, ah-ah
E anche stasera mando giù sedici amari
Finché per comunicare faccio gesti con le mani
Sarà che sei poco sobria ogni volta che mi richiami
E per dimenticare metto piante in origami
Ed hai la fila come i cessi nei locali di Berlino
Venti minuti con te per una notte di delirio
Ma poi torni a casa sola e fai i conti col tuo destino
Vuoi qualcuno da abbracciare ma fai la Venere di Milo
Piangi il Nilo, eh
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eyetheguard · 2 years
Moogle - What is the most obviously annoying habit you have? + Ahriman - How do you react to being stared at? Obviously stared at. + Morpho - What was the cause for a significant transformation in your life? (i hold out my hands for milo and tatjenen lore)
For Milo:
Moogle - What is the most obviously annoying habit you have?
He speaks very quietly, occasionally to the point he may as well be mouthing words, and being told to speak up embarrasses him. Communicating with him initially is troublesome in that regard. He also snores when he’s really tired, so if breathing loudly in his sleep is a bother he should be woken up.
Ahriman - How do you react to being stared at? Obviously stared at.
He might blush a bit, but usually Milo will probably stare back blankly, wondering what they’re looking at him for. If he can gauge that there’s interest, then he will be a smidge softer and coy about it.
Morpho - What was the cause for a significant transformation in your life?
Being disowned and then the calamity happening immediately after? That went quite badly but it resulted in him having to make his way and explore what he wants out of his own life, what he actually enjoys, and how beautiful he can be.
For Tatjenen:
Moogle - What is the most obviously annoying habit you have?
For Tatjenen, he talks a lot, and strangely at that. He’s well aware that he’s annoying though, and plays it up to be left to his own devices.
Ahriman - How do you react to being stared at? Obviously stared at.
Tatjenen kinda does that little head shake that reads pretty clearly as “what the hell are you looking at?” if his mask is off, and he is quite subtle about pretending to not see someone staring if he has it on. He’ll recognize who, but it is a bad sign if someone is looking at him for too long or even worse, looking for him.
Morpho - What was the cause for a significant transformation in your life?
Probably when his previous lover (before Hermes) returned to the aetherial sea without telling him. First his parents, then his first love, and then his second. It left him with a less than stellar reputation considering he was always the last to know. He wasn’t always as eccentric and brash as he currently is, he was a lot sweeter and a social butterfly, but it tapered off after that lover returned and he caught wind of some negative rumors about what sort of person he was to not even be told. He hasn’t been the same ever since and doesn’t really care for people to get to know him, and his his neurological condition makes most forms of intimacy pretty difficult if he gets that far with someone.
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lucidsolar · 2 years
starter for: taylor quinn.
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she hadn’t really been sure as to whether she should attend like the others were, a little concerned that the reaction wouldn’t be as spectacular as she already knew it’d be for milo, timothy and fletcher. millie hadn’t ever been a particularly coy or insecure girl, she wasn’t easily intimidated -- having three older brothers who scared the life out of any potential bullies had put a stop to all that. however there was something about taylor that made her shy, and it didn’t matter how long they’d known each other, that fact really did remain. she’s sort of allowed everyone else to take the lead, until she’s just there in front of the other woman, small smile curling at the corners of her mouth. “surprise!” she laughs gently then, smallest, wimpiest jazz hands following suit. god, she’s an embarrassment. / @lucidlunar​
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stillm0nster · 5 months
❛ so , how about that date ? ❜ pretty smile forming 'pon soft features as she held both of his hands in between them , gaze glistening and a coy chuckle escaping natural pout . ❛ .. i've missed you . ❜ leaning in & pressing a chaste kiss to his lips .
rin to milo !! ♡
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ah,  right–-  that  date.  while  milo  was  away  and  the  only  way  to  keep  in  touch  was  via texting  (  or  facetime  ),  he  had promised  to  take  haerin  on  a  date when he comes back.  he  had  voiced  all  of  the  things  he  had thought  the  two  could  do  and  it  seems  like  she  was  looking  forward  to  it.  " i've  missed  you  too. "  he  says  after  claiming  that  sweet  reward.  pulling  her  into  his  arms,  milo  sighs  softly  before  speaking.  he's  t i r e d  but  he  knows  that  being  around  her,  his  battery  will  be  recharged  in  no  time.  " do  you  want  to  go  now  or  do  you  want  to  go  later? "  a  lot  of  the  activities  he  had  thought  of  can  be  done  during  the  evening  and  through  the  night  so  whenever  she's  ready,  he's  ready  too. / @faeriemists
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terraliensvent · 1 month
I will be responding to the mod from this post.
Hello! It’s Mal/Kit/Bird, whatever you guys call me, I’m responding in anonymous to protect my account as I’ve decided to make an account to continue looking at the disastrous outcome in Terraliens as I’m not active on the art community anymore.
As everyone is aware, I had made the original PSA (will admit it was terrible as it was my first time making one) alongside Milo. Which I apologise for it being so, crappy.
my intentions of the PSA was to start from the start, to when Coy and Civ were on amino making bantulas, Spinks, and way more other species.
Milo and I were in contact with the people who had been trouble by these two back then as well and had a whole plan laid out. Unfortunately, when talking about their situations it had been in call and I had lost all my notes that I had taken from the call we had when discussing it. So I asked them to set a day where they could type it out instead, that day never came. I asked repeatedly for screenshots, and no hate to them really as it had been years since that stuff happened to them, I had not gotten the screenshots.
So Milo and I cut the PSA short and only did it from the stuff that happened within Terraliens, which keep in mind neither Milo or I had access to the server so we couldn’t proof check the rules properly either. (In regards to the cbc rule miscommunication)
in short, it has already been attempted to get info and screenshots from the start of their behaviour to present but due to the lack of communication and presence of the victims it had been scrapped.
post related
fair enough
though i would argue that it might be beneficial for someone new to make a new psa (theres already a thread up now) because there were attempts to poison the well before by saying "ermmmm milo and mal are bad actually"
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spyxfamilyanalysis · 18 days
Important announcement/ Thông báo quan trọng (VN ver.)
-> English version (this post below has some updates abt my story in Eng)
Scroll down for a surprise...
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Tin tốt: Mị sẽ trở thành sinh viên năm nhất!!!
À, không phải "sẽ trở thành", MỊ LÀ sinh viên năm nhất của trường đại học kỹ thuật y dược, chuyên ngành: Y khoa. Mị ko thể diễn tả thành từ được (words can't describe how I feel)!!! Nói ra thì, mị đã học rất chăm chỉ trong kỳ thi cuối cấp (kỳ thi đầu vào), dù có những phút giây thăng trầm, mị vẫn được trả công cho tất cả công sức học tập của mình. Mị từng đề cập trc đây, khi bắt đầu năm lớp 12 (lớp cuối cấp 3), mị hầu như sẽ không hoạt động (à cũng ko nhìu như mị nghĩ, do mị quá ham chơi, dễ bị phân tâm ấy mà :)). Bài đăng đó là vào khoảng tháng 5-6 năm ngoái (do mị lười kiếm quá mà :") (I was too lazy to find it)).
Mị đã có những kỷ niệm đẹp với các bạn cùng lớp, tụi chị cố gắng để ghi lại từng khoảnh khắc đáng nhớ khi còn ở bên nhau. Mị dành thời gian cho các bạn nữ của mình, đôi khi tụi chị bỏ giờ nghỉ trưa (ở trường Việt Nam, giờ nghỉ trưa = giờ ăn trưa + thời gian ngủ trưa (khoảng 1 tiếng) (giáo viên canh tụi chị ngủ) bất cứ khi nào tụi này có thời gian, đặc biệt là khi sắp có bài kiểm tra 15' vào buổi chiều. Chà, vào những lần đó, tụi này hay đến các quán cà phê gần đó ko phải để học bài (có lẽ là ngoại trừ mị, đôi khi), mà để uống chút gì đó, kể những bí mật và những câu chuyện tình yêu, và mị, ừ, ko kể. Mị ko kể cho họ nghe bất cứ điều gì về chuyện tình của mị. Nhưng mị từng kể với họ rằng mị từng phải lòng một cậu bạn hồi tiểu học, nhưng hãy cứ cho rằng lúc đó mị và cậu bạn đó là bạn thời thơ ấu và giờ ko gặp nhau nữa :) )) Và bây giờ mị đang độc thân :')
Trở lại vấn đề, chị đã từng nói dối (rất nhiều) với bố mẹ rằng mị ăn trưa ở căng tin, vì đôi khi, nhóm hội con gái tụi chị hay mua bữa trưa ở ngoài trường, trên lối đi/vỉa hè (Nhiều blog Việt xuất hiện rất nhiều), à mị thích nhất là xe đẩy của chú bán cơm chiên nhất do thường xuyên hay ăn, chú hiền, đồ ăn rẻ khoảng 25-30k, ngon, có nhìu topping để chọn như xúc xích, gà chiên, bò xào, trứng chiên, đc rưới thêm tương cà, tương ớt, mayonaise, có thể thêm sa tế nếu thich ăn cay thêm, chỉ tiếc là sau này ko còn đc ăn nx thui (ah, I like most the mister that sells fried rice on a strolley because I usually bought at his place, he's friendly, the food's cheap around 25-30k, and good, has many toppings like sausages, chicken nuggets, stir-fried beef, fried egg, drizzle with ketchup, chili sauce, mayonnaise, maybe add some chili oil if ya like spice, sucha shame that I can no longer eat there). Đm, để mị nói cho mà nghe, một số phụ huynh châu Á, họ ko chấp thuận việc ăn ngoài trường/đường, bởi vì trường học bảo đảm an toàn thực phẩm nếu bạn bị ngộ độc và các thứ khác, còn ăn trên đường, nếu bạn bị đau bụng, bạn tự chịu trách nhiệm, mặc dù, chúng rẻ hơn rất nhiều so với đồ ăn ở trường. Một số cha mẹ sẽ bỏ qua nếu bạn ăn ở các quán ăn hoặc nhà hàng với bạn bè, ít nhất là chỗ đó sạch sẽ an toàn. Thế là có lần mị bị đau bụng kinh khủng vì ăn milo đá dầm trên vỉa hè bên ngoài trường để ăn trưa. Chị ko nói với cha mẹ rằng mị đã ăn chúng, mị chỉ nói rằng dạ dày của mị rất yếu. Cuối cùng, họ mắng mị vì ăn đồ ko đảm bảo chât lượng khi bụng yếu, và đừng lo, dạ dày vẫn ổn, không có gì quá tệ xảy ra, nhưng ờm, mị sẽ không bao giờ ăn thứ đó nữa.
Dưới đây là hình ảnh milo dầm, giá khoảng 15-20k, còn ở trường: 25-30k. Chúng cx ổn thui: đá bào với sữa tươi; Bột milo mà bạn hay thấy ở nhiều cửa hàng tiện lợi ở châu Á, thường thì bột đc pha với nước nóng, thêm đá nếu bạn thích uống lạnh, hương vị tương tự như sô cô la nóng, nhưng làm uống nhanh hơn, ngon hơn, có thể coi như sô cô la nóng phiên bản châu Á (xem video của Uncle Roger); trân châu; kèm với sữa đặc; kết thúc với nhiều bột ca cao hơn. Một số cửa hàng trên đường phố thậm chí còn có bánh plan, (như bánh pudding trong bánh kẹo Pháp); thạch/sương sáo, chúng giòn (?), mềm và lạ (?) nếu bạn (ý là một số người ngoại quốc) ko quen với một số loại thạch. Đm mấy cây kem ấy mấy ní, ăn chỉ MỘT VIÊN, và ta chưa đủ sướng trong mùa hè, hãy thử milo dầm của tụi châu Á này, rẻ, và bạn vẫn no đến chiều (tui thì thường ăn trưa nhé :))
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Trở lại câu chuyện, cha mẹ châu Á nào cũng sẽ quý mến mấy ní hết, tự hào khoe với các cô chú, bạn bè rằng con của họ đã thi đậu trở thành bác sĩ, luật sư, kỹ sư… À, ít nhất thì cx giống trường hợp bố mẹ mị. Cha mẹ của một số bạn mị thì để tụi nó được là chính mình, họ tự lựa chọn cho tương lai của mình. Một số đứa chọn Kinh tế, Nghệ thuật… Mấy ngành đó không tệ, nhưng sau này khi nào họ sẽ có tiền??? Mị không viết để nói rằng chúng vô giá trị hay bất cứ điều gì. Đó cũng là những công việc tuyệt vời nếu bạn theo đuổi niềm đam mê của mình. Cha mẹ mị không bị ám ảnh bởi tiền bạc, họ chỉ muốn điều tốt nhất cho mị thui, cho tương lai của mị. Họ trc đây cx học Kinh tế đó! Trước đây, đó là một công việc ổn định, nhưng chúng ta đang sống trong một xã hội phát triển hàng ngày, và mị phải nghĩ xem 10 năm nữa công việc sẽ như thế nào. Và khi trở thành một bác sĩ (nếu làm được), bạn sẽ nhận được sự tôn trọng của xã hội, bệnh nhân của bạn, …. Mị ko biết tương lai chờ đón ra sao, nhưng hãy chúc mị may mắn!
Tin xấu: Có thể mị sẽ ko co thể vẽ đc nx, có khi ko viết bài đc lun…
Xin đừng hiểu lầm. Mong mng thông cảm. Mấy ní biết rùi đấy, học Y khoa phải mất ít nhất 6 năm đại học và mị ko muốn bỏ ngành. Những gì mị ghi ở trên ko có nghĩa là mị không thể làm đc (ý là dành thời gian cho blog), chỉ là ko có thời gian để làm mà thui. Vì vậy mị sẽ ko có ý định xóa blog này. Nhưng cá rằng đến thời điểm 6 năm sau, chưa chắc gì mị còn nhiệt huyết như xưa (ý là bây giờ). Chắc chắn là mị yêu anime, nhưng liệu mị có yêu nó hay ko sau 6 năm xa cách vẽ tranh, hoạt hình, v.v. Mị sẽ sớm bước sang tuổi 18 và 6 năm sau là 24. Chưa hết, mị còn cần chứng chỉ nghề nghiệp, lại là 1 năm: 25. Và chắc vẫn còn độc thân :”))) sao lại phũ phàng thế này :”( M��� bít 6 năm trong tù đại học là một khoảng thời gian dài, khó khăn và nhàm chán, nhưng mị thực sự ước mình có thể tìm được thời gian để viết bài và viết ra những ý tưởng của mình… Vậy nên khi thời cơ đến, khi mị chính thức bước chân vào đại học, xin chúc mị những điều tốt đẹp nhất, và chúc các bạn sức khỏe dồi dào, hãy theo dõi để biết thêm nhiều điều thú vị trong blog này nhé. Mị biết rằng việc viết bài đăng này, tạo blog này trên Tumblr về cơ bản là việc mị làm để giết thời gian, nhưng nó giúp mị suy nghĩ ra điều gì đó, nó giúp mị duy trì hoạt động (à thì là bộ não của mị) Một lần nữa, cảm ơn các bạn đã theo dõi mình, khiến mình vui mừng khôn xiết 💜
P.s. sao cái này trông như di chúc vậy trời 🤣
(Ah, I already turned 18 so, yeah!)
-> Bài đăng chính
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