#Mitchell Elliot (OC)
shaampoo · 7 months
im probably posting too much about my OC's but its all i can think about rn lol, anyways, Mitchell Elliot, Hypnos!
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"Could you guys keep it down? I'm trying to sleep here"
"Dude, it's 4pm, you should be awake anyways"
"Not according to my tired body,"
Meet Hypnos / Mitchell Elliot!
I named him Hypnos, after the god of sleep! Since his powers involve being able to calm people down and making them sleep, downside of this is that he's always tired (he needs to down a ton of coffee just to feel normal lol)
Since hes tired all the time, hes usually just at the hero base, he works at the infirmary (med place? dunno what its called), he helps by calming people down, or putting them to sleep when needed (ex. they're in immense pain, maybe surgery if it works like that, etc.). He rarely goes to battle, only going if it needs to end with no one getting hurt, like if a citizen was being mind controlled, someone's powers going haywire, a villain super close to a redemption, Jinx being a little fuck, or maybe a lot of people are panicking and they need to chill.
Yeaaahh, his costume is like pajama's, to be fair, he doesn't go on battle much, so he's fine. Also, he pissed off the tailor cause he kept falling asleep.
Hes about 20 years old (18 when he joined), uses he/they, and he's also albino! So he has white hair and light skin, he's also easily sunburned, and pretty sensitive to light, so he usually has sunglasses, and uses sunscreen and wears long sleeve shirts, and long pants
He also has pretty bad eyesight, so he usually has glasses (he isn't wearing them here since he just woke up), he doesn't wear contact lenses since he knows he can fall asleep at any time, and it isn't advisable to do that!
Mitchell was an accident child, so yeah, his parents were business owners, and they didn't have time for him, so he was usually left at home, or with a babysitter, Mitchell also didn't do well at elementary school, since he sleeps a lot, high school was a lot more accommodating since usually, high school is when their powers show up, so teachers there are trained to be more accommodating, (they also have a lot of teachers there and trainers, so students can get help almost 24/7)
Also, the backstory for Mitchell getting into the heroes is that one time, Mitchell's powers were flaring up, and everyone around him fell asleep, and the heroes got there, solved the issue, and saw Mitchells potential, and Mitchell joined them (which is pretty good, since most likely, Mitchell probably wont be able to get a job since he's always tired or falling asleep,)
Mitchells hair is pretty messy and fluffy, since he doesn't get much time to take care of himself
His plush bunny is named Pluff, he would love to have a real pet bunny, but he knows he wont be able to take care of it, he also gave Adrian the teddy bear in Adrians room!
hes Aro/Ace, his only love is the bed /j, he is Aro/ace tho.
Have trouble sleeping? Go to Hypnos! Have trouble calming down / need some comfort? Go to Hypnos!
Mitchell's room is really fluffy, with fluffy carpet, fluffy bed, fluffy plushies, etc.etc.
Mitchell can see the future a bit, kinda like, he can see the future in his dreams, but his dreams are a bit foggy,
He keeps in touch with his parents, he doesn't resent them or anything, nor does he feel anything to them anyway,
He isnt really a sidekick, since he usually works at the infirmary of the hero base, but if does go out, he's just partnered up with some other hero on the mission, a strong hero at best, since he's pretty vulnerable
Mitchell can sometimes come off as mean, he's just too tired to lie
For some reason, my thoughts want him to swear, i don't know why, like, the quote i was gonna make for him was like "Can yall shut the fuck up, I'm trying to sleep here" like, maybe calm down asdkjhk
Dream catcher because yes dreams, (it was a gift to him from one of his fellow heroes)
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ratherembarrassing · 3 days
“They’re Haunting Each Other”: Emma D’Arcy And Olivia Cooke On Going Head To Head In House Of The Dragon Season 2
Emma D’Arcy and Olivia Cooke have been through a lot together. The 31-year-old Gloucestershire-raised actor, whose turn as the older iteration of House of the Dragon’s fiery heir apparent Rhaenyra Targaryen earned them a Golden Globe nod, and the 30-year-old from Oldham who came to prominence simultaneously as the HBO hit’s strategic Alicent Hightower formed a close bond over the course of filming – one which became even closer after an eight-word exchange in their “get to know me” promotional video (“Negroni. Sbagliato. With prosecco in it/Oh Stunnin’!”) promptly went viral.
Countless OpEds have been penned dissecting the internet’s obsession with this moment, but key to its deliciousness was the easy, electric chemistry between the two actors. It’s apparent from the moment they first share the screen in the second half of the fantasy epic’s first season, inheriting their parts from Milly Alcock and Emily Carey, and immediately going toe to toe in their battle for power over the realm.
As the former friends’ relationship continues to sour and an all-out civil war inches closer – precipitated by the passing of Rhaenyra’s father and Alicent’s husband, King Viserys (Paddy Considine); a swift plot which sees his son Aegon (Tom Glynn-Carney) crowned over Rhaenyra, and shocks her into having a premature stillbirth; and the sudden death of Rhaenyra’s son Lucerys (Elliot Grihault) at the hands of the new king’s brother Aemond (Ewan Mitchell) – the pair are separated. But, even then, each remains at the forefront of the other’s mind, with two decades’ worth of regrets, resentment, love, betrayals and misunderstandings binding them together forever.
That indelible, indefinable connection is evident when I meet D’Arcy and Cooke on the eve of their show’s season two premiere in London. Subtly coordinated – D’Arcy in a dark double-breasted suit and Cooke in a black strapless jumpsuit – they’re prone to fits of laughter, constantly finishing each other’s sentences and clearly delighted by their reunion.
It’s a dynamic that you wish you got to see more of in Ryan Condal’s sophomore season – one which finds Rhaenyra consumed by grief and licking her wounds in Dragonstone, searching for a resolution that won’t see Westeros reduced to ash, while in King’s Landing, Alicent, having put her son on the throne, also tries to find a way to avoid more bloodshed. Meanwhile, their children, councillors and allies all seem hungry for war – and ensure there’s no turning back.
Ahead of the first episode’s release on 17 June, D’Arcy and Cooke talk to us about missing each other on set, letting loose at the pub and the clues woven into their costumes.
Season one was such a hit. Did that mean more pressure going into season two – also because you’re in the whole thing as opposed to half of it?
Emma D’Arcy: I think stamina was a big worry going in.
Olivia Cooke: And remained a worry.
ED: The great lesson was… four episodes out of 10? [Chef’s kiss] Fantastic.
OC: Stunnin’!
ED: We’d rock up, colour in our cheeks and love in our heart, shoot for a few days, go away for a couple of weeks, go back to our lives. I was on top of my laundry. It was an amazing time. But it was very different this time [laughs]. That’s galvanising in other ways, but certainly you have no choice but to have…
OC: Burnout. [Both laugh].
Well, Rhaenyra and Alicent are both dealing with a lot this season, as all these chess pieces begin to move. What were you most interested in exploring this time around?
OC: In terms of motivations and broad themes, for Alicent, it’s sort of about diminishing power. And what does she do when she doesn’t have agency or any semblance of autonomy within the castle? And who is she if she can’t shape the realm in the background? That was really interesting.
ED: And for Rhaenyra, I think grief is a major engine in the narrative this season. That was a key area of investigation for me, because grief manifests so differently in different people. I think there’s something beautiful in the way that [writers] Ryan [Condal], Sara [Hess] and the team constructed this series, in that so many of the key characters are in quite pronounced stages of grief when we meet them at the start of the first series, and not only does grief dislocate a person from their community, but it can also make people strangers to one another – like multiple grieving people can be quite profoundly changed. So, you end up with this family of strangers who are trying to navigate one another, and navigate the extreme emotional states that are happening within them, too. So, that as the image of the fallout of losing the patriarchal head of the family and the head of state is really astute and quite thrilling.
I read that Sara was also really interested in the fact that, in George R R Martin’s Fire & Blood, on which the show is based, the focus is less on Rhaenyra and Alicent in this portion of the story – she considered how women are written out of history, and wanted to write these two women back in. Was it fun to consider what they were doing in those gaps in the narrative?
OC: It’s quite a treat for them really, to do whatever they want with the characters. And also the book is, in its own way, sort of Targaryen propaganda – it’s taken from the accounts of men who want to blame it all on the women, to say that it’s their fault that there’s this huge chasm. So, trying to find the humanity within these characters and thinking about what they were actually doing and how they actually felt towards one another was really beautiful.
ED: You’re so right as well in that maybe that’s what creates such a rich relationship between the text and the screen adaptation – the idea that there is space for historical inaccuracy, and the question it raises about what doesn’t get recorded and who’s doing the recording. It’s very exciting stuff.
I also love that, despite being separated this season, there’s still this powerful, electric connection between Rhaenyra and Alicent. Did you get to talk to each other about that relationship at this stage in the story?
OC: I feel like Rhaenyra sneezes and Alicent catches a cold, you know? [Laughs] There’s this ripple effect constantly back and forth. Rhaenyra is this phantom to Alicent at this point. She gets bigger and bigger and bigger in Alicent’s mind and she’s desperate to reconnect and have some sort of face time with Rhaenyra to commune and say sorry but also try and put a plaster over this huge chasm.
ED: They’re sort of haunting one another. There’s a lot of death in the show, but these characters are also being haunted by the living, by the missing people in their lives.
How did you two deal with that separation as actors?
OC: We barely saw each other.
ED: Just in the car park, like, “How’re you doing?” [Laughs.]
OC: It is hard – the hours are so long on set, but I think, with the subject matter that we were embroiled in for all eight episodes, you have to try and keep it light and try to find the fun within the day. I’m lucky to be surrounded by incredibly funny people and so it’s a joy to come to work, even though, from action to cut, you’re trying not to cry.
ED: I… I missed ya.
OC: [Laughs] I missed you too!
ED: Like with Game of Thrones, one of the joys of a show like this, which has such an amazing, complicated constellation of characters, is seeing what happens when different people collide. I felt very lucky to get to investigate some different relationships this season, not least because it brings out different aspects of a character. Particularly with Rhaenyra, I think she has very complicated friendships with other women – they’re never straightforward, and it was interesting to think more about that and what that brings up in her.
After season one, I remember reading that you were looking for a pub near the set in Watford where you could go after filming to debrief. Did you find one? Did you find moments to decompress?
OC: We did our best. We’d meet at the pub – we’d allocate days, because we were on such different schedules. Also, we have drivers so you don’t want them to wait around while we’re at a pub in Watford and they want to get home. So, we’d either meet in town or decide, okay, this Saturday, we’re all going out. We had a mid-season cast mixer.
ED: And those things are important because you tend to be working six day weeks and 14-, 15-hour days, and it’s really lovely to put it all back into perspective a little bit and see everyone, including the people you don’t see while working. It’s great to witness people’s joy and excitement, especially people who’ve come into the show for the first time. Getting to have some evenings – that’s important.
You both have some incredible scenes. What were your favourite moments to film this season?
ED: Well, a way of dodging that question and any spoilers [laughs], would be to say that we were very lucky to have shot in north Wales for about five weeks this season. I love it there. I want to live there.
OC: You should!
ED: I think about it a lot. In fact, recently, I had a dream that there was like an underground train to north Wales. [Laughs] It was just amazing – the weather, the people, the locations. I would have happily shot the rest of the job in north Wales.
OC: And for me, I got to leave the castle and go to Spain.
ED: Which you did ask for, in fairness.
OC: If you don’t ask, you don’t get. They wrote it in and I hope it works for the plot [laughs]. I was in Spain for two weeks and that was nice.
ED: Alicent’s holiday journal.
OC: My vlog! [Mimics speaking into a phone camera] Here we are in Cáceres… That medieval town is stunning. For that to be your set every day – I felt incredibly grateful.
I’d love to ask you about your costumes, too, because I feel like there are subtle differences in them this season – especially as Rhaenyra grieves and gears up for war, and as Alicent experiences a different kind of freedom following her husband’s death.
OC: We might move away from green [laughs]. Maybe she goes to different shades of it? There’s an evolution in the way Alicent looks. We find out in episode nine of season one that one of her handmaidens has been spying on her, so that sort of devolves into her shunning her household staff and wanting to be alone more, because she’s paranoid. So, the hair is really pared back this season, as if she does it herself. I mean, I don’t do it myself – it’s too hard. The cut of her dresses too – it feels younger, in a way, like she’s shedding this role of an authority figure.
ED: Because she was aged up, in a way, by marrying Viserys. [The costume designer] Caroline [McCall] has done an extraordinary job. For Rhaenyra, there’s something quite beautiful about the way her costuming this season feels more traditional, in some ways. It’s as though it’s looking to historic shapes, almost like she’s wearing the clothes of the previous generation. In the context of having just lost her father, I find that very moving. It’s like she’s aligning herself with him, but also it’s a sort of coupling with the past. She spends a lot of time looking at the history of her family this season, as though she’s looking for a clue to her own future. She’s aligned with the old Targaryen gods. There’s almost a desire for small “c” conservatism in this conjuring of the dead.
And she’s discovering what kind of leader she is. I was really struck by the scenes where both of your characters are undermined at council tables by the men around them. While these two women are urging caution, everyone else seems ready for war.
OC: Yeah, it was being surrounded by these men who are so eager to have their names in the annals of history, regardless of the cost to the kingdom. It’s actually really hard on the day shooting those scenes where you feel so undermined and you’re being spoken over and you feel like… I also feel meek and bound and small. You feel this rush of emotion despite yourself, trying in vain to speak to this group of very hormonal, jacked up men.
ED: And for Rhaenyra this season, not only is her leadership, battle strategy and political campaign being judged harshly from without, it’s also being ripped to shreds by her supposed allies and councilmen. I agree with you that those scenes are hard to shoot – I find them so tiring. The text is great and, often, we are not given the words to meet that criticism in the way that one would like to. So, you are literally de-voiced in a room of men. And it’s interesting, right? Those male characters are comfortable with power in a way that certainly Rhaenyra and also possibly Alicent are not. There’s a rub in terms of being a character who has to actively put on the cloak of power and try to wear it and try to wield it in some way. Those men wear it without noticing.
I wanted to end by asking you about Bluets, Emma, which you’re currently performing on stage at The Royal Court. What’s that been like? And Olivia, have you been to see it yet?
ED: It’s been great. It’s a very technical show – we were basically in tech for five, six weeks. But, it’s been lovely. We’ve been open for about a month now. [Bluets’s director] Katie Mitchell, who is a big hero of mine, came back to see the show recently and it feels like… you know when leather wears in nicely? It feels nicely worn in. It’s a really extraordinary collision of artists, so I could never have said no to it. Plus, it’s my favourite colour.
OC: And I haven’t seen it yet, but I need to go soon!
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chadillacboseman · 2 months
"I'm not gonna make him into a full OC" -me when I lie. Anyway, here's Elliot's bio. He's JJ's second in command.
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Full Name: Elliot Andrew Fisher Alias: Falcon-02 Age: 39 Height: 6’1 Species: Human Status: Alive Rank: Second in Command
Overview Elliot Fisher is a former US Army Ranger from Missoula, Montana. Born to Laurie and Garreth Fisher as the eldest of 4 siblings, he struggled with emotional issues and had problems controlling his anger. He enlisted in the Army right out of high school, throwing himself into something he thought was bigger than his family and the town he grew up in. The Army turned out to be a good outlet for his anger, and he proved to excel as a soldier.
Upon his discharge, he found himself missing the order and purpose the service had given him, and he found fortune in the employ of JJ Mitchell and Falcon Company. As JJ’s second in command, Elliot helps keep him in check and hunts down new work when the Special Forces have lulls in activity.
Quick to anger. 
Struggles without structure.
Speaks his mind even when the situation does not warrant it.
Excellent spotter.
Adept survivalist
Master of hand to hand combat
Resolute in the face of hardship
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negative-speedforce · 5 months
Alright, your turn! If YOUR OCs starred in a movie, who would you pick to play them?
(I know you have a ton of OCs, feel free to just do the ones you can come up with a good answer for - I struggled to pick people for this and I have like half the OCs you do lol)
Alright so some of these people aren't actors or anything but they're definitely who I imagine the characters looking like-
Siv: Romy Flores, 100%. She's got the face, the nose, the "don't give a fuck" attitude. All she'd really need is gray contact lenses and either a haircut or a short wig.
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Hailey: Lynk Lee isn't 100% perfect for Hailey, since Hailey has a more stocky, muscular build, but in the hypothetical movie, if she were to do some weight training, she could definitely do Hailey justice. Also, she'd need green/blue contacts for Hailey's post-death heterochromatic eyes.
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Jay: Elliot Fletcher is the closest I can get to how I imagine Jay looking, though I would hypothetically want to cast someone who was both transmasc and physically disabled, since Jay is both.
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Cassandra: Halle is absolutely perfect for Cassandra- though if she were to play the role, she'd need violet contacts for Cassandra's magic-corrupted eyes.
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Arya: Cayley Spivey, 100%! This, but with elf ears and a shaggy mullet! (fun fact: Spivey was the fancast for Siv's original design)
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Esme: Ava Max is my current fancast for her. She's got the bleach blonde hair, the "party girl" vibe and the angular yet cutesy face.
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Gina: Ilianna Ayala Garcia would make a pretty good Gina, imo, though she's a little older than the actual Gina was when she died, what movie doesn't have a 20-something playing a teen?
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Ember: Marina Summers, a queen who starred in S1 of Drag Race Philippines, is absolutely perfect for Ember!
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Cat: Even though she doesn't necessarily look entirely like Cat, I've never been able to imagine anyone but Anna Cathcart as her. I think its just the vibes lol.
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Kyle: This random-ass hockey player from Minnesota, Ryan Johnson, has been my faceclaim for Kyle since I first created the character.
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Max: Heng Sokvisal makes a pretty good Max, just slap on a pair of glasses and we're good to go!
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Khalil: Shameik Moore makes the perfect Khalil imo. No comments, just vibes. (though since Khalil works as a makeup artist I'd definitely give him some gold eyeliner or something)
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Reggie: Winnie Harlow's pretty much perfect for Reggie, though she'd need blue contacts because Reggie has xer dad's eyes.
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Ameerah: Amandla Stenberg makes an absolutely amazing Ameerah, I'd definitely want her to have the light blonde hair like in the picture, and she'd need pink contacts to match Ameerah's description.
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Rania: Denise Bidot, 10000000%. She's been my faceclaim for her for like, FOREVER.
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Director Hawke: Julianne Moore, specifically in her "President Coin" look. Director Hawke was loosely based on President Coin, so I've always imagined her looking somewhat like her.
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Meredith: Rachel Zegler, but with glasses and lighter brown hair.
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Onnie: Same as Siv lol it's her multiversal variant
Jessi: Same as Esme, multiversal variant
Pippa: Veondre Mitchell is the perfect Pippa! She was actually the one who I initially based Pippa's appearance off of.
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Hyun-Ki: Park Sung-Hoon is a pretty good Hyun-Ki. From his dramatic looks to his honestly kinda gorgeous voice. I don't doubt he'd make a great Hyun-Ki
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Thalia: Teyonah Parris is Thalia, there's no doubt about it. Ever since I watched Wandavision and saw her as Monica Rambeau, I knew that she'd be perfect to play Thalia in her hypothetical movie.
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Reyna: K-Pop soloist AleXa is a pretty good fancast for her, though she'd need some pretty good SFX makeup or CGI due to Reyna being a near-human felid species.
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Athena: Alaqua Cox (AKA Echo from Hawkeye) is how I imagine Athena looks, but with a white streak in the front of her hair (and a lot more seductive of an aesthetic)
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Laila: Youtuber Beth Crowley is my faceclaim for Laila, though as Laila I'd want her to either don a short bob or a short wig, and amber contacts.
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Marie: Mayu Maeshima is a great faceclaim for Marie, though she'd need SFX makeup for Marie's Romulan features and her Borg implants.
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Qiara: Due to Qiara's nature as a being of pure energy, she doesn't necessarily take the same form at all times. However, the one she frequents the most could very well be portrayed by Chiquis Rivera.
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Liah: Raquel Rodriguez would make a great Liah, she has the right height and build for her, she would just need SFX makeup for Liah's Cardassian features, and hazel contacts.
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Samira: Desiree Akhavan would make a pretty good Samira. She definitely fits how I imagine Samira to look, and she's got the right vibe to play her as well.
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Sohelia: Golshifteh Farahani is a pretty good faceclaim for Sohelia, though she'd need some light makeup to make her skin more ashy, due to Sohelia being half-vampire.
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Vanessa: Storm Reid is absolutely perfect for Vanessa, though for most of the movie she'd be replaced with either a puppet or CGI double for her monster form.
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Dolores: Diane Guerrero is perfect for Dolores. She'd just need some minor makeup in order to look more like a vampire, i.e. ashy skin, red eyes, fangs, etc.
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I don't have faceclaims for Eric, Jacob, Antonio, Cory, Soraya, Aldrich, Matt, or Victorie yet.
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 4 months
Ash's Glee OC Masterlist
Glee OC Masterlist for @the-witching-ash (none of these ocs are mine, I only organized the list)
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Name: Andrew Berry
Story: Being Alive
Faceclaim: Logan Lerman
Love Interest: Mercedes Jones
Pinterest: x
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Name: Andrew Cartwright*
Story: To Being An Us
Faceclaim: Logan Lerman
Love Interest: Various
Pinterest: x
*a variation of Andrew Berry who exists in crossovers with @randomestfandoms-ocs' Colton Cartwright and a variety of their other ocs
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Name: Andrew Cartwright*
Story: Everything Changes
Faceclaim: Logan Lerman
Love Interest: Kirsty Gilmore (@randomestfandoms-ocs)
Pinterest: x
*a variation of the standard To Being An Us Verse but combined with the Gilmore Girls Delicate crossover
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Name: Adrien Beiste
Story: Untitled
Faceclaim: Timothée Chalamet
Love Interests: Elphie Jones & Mike Chang
Pinterest: x
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Name: Alma Berry
Story: Multi
Faceclaim: Ashley Tisdale
Love Interest: N/A
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Name: Annie Rose Schuester
Story: Nothing to Fear
Faceclaim: Zoe Colletti
Love Interest: N/A
Pinterest: x
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Name: Aro Flores
Story: Untitled
Faceclaim: Frankie A. Rodriguez
Love Interest: N/A
Pinterest: x
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Name: Billy Gilbert
Story: Being Alive
Faceclaim: Austin Abrams
Love Interest: N/A
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Name: Brax Pierce
Story: Untitled
Faceclaim: Joe Serafini
Love Interest: Rory Flanagan
Pinterest: x
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Name: Christopher Tibideaux
Story: Being Alive, Multi
Faceclaim: Nathan Mitchell
Love Interest: N/A
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Name: Corbin Adams
Story: Multi
Face Claim: Corbin Bleu
Love Interest: Simone Adams & Ezra Berry
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Name: Elliot Berry
Story: Untitled
Faceclaim: Larry Saperstein
Love Interest: Sugar Motta
Pinterest: x
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Name: Elphie Jones
Story: Untitled
Faceclaim: Zendaya
Love Interest: Adrien Beiste & Mike Chang
Pinterest: x
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Name: Ezra Berry
Story: Multi
Faceclaim: Lucas Grabeel
Love Interest: Corbin Adams & Simone Adams
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Name: Faith Hudson
Story: Untitled
Faceclaim: Julia Lester
Pinterest: x
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Name: George Beiste
Story: Free
Faceclaim: Joel Courtney
Love Interest: N/A
Pinterest: x
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Name: Henry Schuester
Story: Untitled
Faceclaim: Tom Holland
Love Interest: N/A
Pinterest: x
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Name: Lorelei Zisis
Story: Untitled
Faceclaim: Beanie Feldstein
Love Interest: Mike Chang
Pinterest: x
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Name: Mary Tibideaux
Story: Being Alive
Faceclaim: Antonia Gentry
Love Interest: Billy Gilbert
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Name: Mona Adams
Story: Untitled
Faceclaim: Dara Reneé
Love interest: Marley Rose & Jake Puckerman
Pinterest: x
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Name: Rosalia Lopez
Story: N/A
Faceclaim: Rachel Zegler
Love Interest: Sam Evans
Pinterest: x
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Name: Simone Adams
Story: Multi
Faceclaim: Monique Colman
Love Interest: Corbin Adams & Ezra Berry
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manyfandomocs · 11 months
Glee OC Masterlist
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Name: Ashton Daniels
Fic: Ego Crush
Love Interest: Santana Lopez, Sam Evans, eventual Blaine Anderson
FC: Keiynan Lonsdale
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Name: Beatrice Hudson
Fic: Dream On
Love Interest: Noah Puckerman (Or Sam Evans)
FC: Olivia Rodrigo
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Name: Bianca Summers
Fic: Summer's On
Love Interest: Santana Lopez
FC: Sofia Black-D'Elia
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Name: Carrie Ryan
Fic: I Hear a Symphony
Love Interest: Jesse St. James, Noah Puckerman, Sam Evans, endgame Jesse St. James
FC: Dove Cameron
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Name: Christina Pierce
Fic: The World According To Chris
Love Interest: Tina Cohen-Chang, Nick Duval, Quinn Fabray endgame
FC: Reneé Rapp
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Name: CJ Kelly
Fic: More Than Surive
Love Interest: Rory Flanagan
FC: Jeremy Shada
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Name: Dominic Davis
Fic: Multi (Potentially in Faithfullly, maybe others)
Love Interest: Will Schuester & Sue Sylvester
FC: Milo Ventimiglia
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Name: Everett White
Fic: Multi
Love Interest: Kurt Hummel
FC: Ben Platt
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Name: Felicity Moore
Fic: Something There
Love Interest: Santana Lopez
FC: Emma Watson
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Name: Felix Dosier
Fic: Paradise By The Dashboard Light
Love Interest: Finn Hudson
FC: Thomas Doherty
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Name: Giselle Abrams
Fic: Backstage Romance
Love Interest: Rachel Berry
FC: Zoey Deutch
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Name: Isadora Beck
Fic: Harder They Fall
Love Interest: Tina Cohen-Chang
FC: Emma Mackey
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Name: Jasper Ratchford
Fic: Glad You Came
Love Interest: Sebastian Smythe
FC: Elliot Fletcher
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Name: Jupiter Ellis
Fic: Jupiter's Rising
Love Interest: Noah Puckerman, Sam Evans
FC: Zendaya
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Name: Kaipo Steele
Fic: How Far I'll Go
Love Interest: Jake Puckerman
FC: Auli'i Cravhalo
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Name: Karina Jimenez
Fic: Walk In The Sun
Love Interest: Brittany Pierce
FC: Melissa Barrera
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Name: Leonard Sparrow
Fic: Mirror In The Sky
Love Interest: Sebastian Smythe
FC: Logan Lerman
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Name: Marigold Stinson
Fic: Walk Walk Fashion Baby
Love Interest: Sam Evans & Mercedes Jones
FC: Josie Totah
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Name: Nico Nichols
Fic: Like A Prayer
Love Interest: Sam Evans & Mercedes Jones
FC: Michael Evans Behling
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Name: Ramona Harris
Fic: Love Song
Love Interest: Rachel Berry & Quinn Fabray
FC: Victoria Justice
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Name: Reagan Harlow
Fic: Show Stoppin' Number
Love Interest: Santana Lopez, Noah Puckerman
FC: Sarah Jeffery
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Name: Saoirse Flanagan
Fic: Luck of the Irish
Love Interest: Mike Chang, Ryder Lynn, Artie Abrams endgame
FC: Brenna D'Amico
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Name: Scott Macmillan
Fic: Slapshot Romance
Love Interest: Brittany Pierce, Sugar Motta, Finn Hudson endgame
FC: Jack Falahee
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Name: Sophia Hummel
Fic: The Tiniest Lifeboat
Love Interest: Mercedes Jones
FC: Mary Mouser
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Name: Steve Schuester
Fic: Faithfully
Love Interest: Jesse St. James, Rachel Berry, Quinn Fabray
FC: Mitchell Hope
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Name: Xavier Carver
Fic: Still Frames In Your Mind
Love Interest: Quinn Fabray
FC: Charles Melton
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Name: Zeke Beiste
Fic: Take Me On
Love Interest: Kitty Wilde, Marley Rose
FC: Booboo Stewart
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thechaosmuses · 1 year
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Below you'll find a list of my Stranger Things muses along with their face claims (more info about each oc muse will be up soon but if you have any questions in the meantime don't be afraid to pm me, I have info on Google Docs for all of them.)
Total Muses; 15 Newest Member; Stella Russell Added; 10/29/22
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Jonathan Ross Byers... portrayed by Charlie Heaton Nancy Diana Wheeler... portrayed by Natalia Dyer Steven Michael Harrington... portrayed by Joe Keery Robin Rae Buckley... portrayed by Maya Hawke Edward Joseph Munson... portrayed by Joseph Quinn Argyle Eduardo Diaz... portrayed by Eduardo Franco Stella Blake Russell... portrayed by Dove Cameron Scarlet Ember Ward... portrayed by Abigail Cowen Jane Eleanor Hopper... portrayed by Hailee Steinfeld Valerie Mae Henderson... portrayed by Willa Holland Dustin Jace Henderson... portrayed by Aaron Taylor-Johnson Lucas Charles Sinclair... portrayed by Michael B. Jordan Mitchell Elliot Mayfield... portrayed by KJ Apa Meredith Eleanor Mayfield... portrayed by Madelaine Petsch Maxine Elizabeth Mayfield... portrayed by Sophie Turner
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antih3r0s · 1 year
tentative muse list:
euphoria: elliot vasquez, nate jacobs, cassie howard, lexi howard, maddy perez, jules vaughn, fezco, kiara jacobs (oc), rue @th1rdact
skymed: milosz nowak, chopper, emma
phantom of the opera: raoul de chagny, erik (the phantom), christine @dreamtagain
hadestown: orpheus
the society: harry bingham, luke holbrook, elle tomkins, kelly aldrich, emily, elaine pressman (oc), allie pressman @pressm4n
stranger things: chrissy cunningham, eddie munson, nancy wheeler, will byers, paula byers (oc), colin cunningham(oc), cindy mckinney (oc), steph mitchell (oc), denise carver (oc)
video games: mike munroe (until dawn), jessica riley (until dawn), leon kuwata (danganronpa), princess peach (mario)
south park: stan marsh, karen mccormick, betsy
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Got tagged by @dickytwister to do this uquiz here for my OCs! Tagging anyone who wants to do it, feel free to tag me so I can see your results too!
Nate x Alizée (MCU): Nate: love as tenderness [ love as gentleness after a lifetime of cruelty ] when ocean vuong said "sometimes being offered tenderness feels like the very proof that you've been ruined" and when pablo neruda said "like a jar you housed the infinite tenderness and the infinite oblivion shattered you like a jar" and when anais mitchell wrote "all i've ever known is how to hold my own, and now i wanna hold you, too”
Alizée: love as light [ love as a luminous force—warm, radiant, and golden ] when mary oliver wrote "light of the world hold me” and when charles bukowski said “I look at her and light goes all through me” and when david viscott said “to love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides”and when e. e. cummings said “lovers alone wear sunlight”
Leo (OC) x Alex (SDV): love as devotion [ devotion: love, loyalty, or enthusiasm for a person, activity, or cause ] when ruth said to naomi "where you go, i will go, and where you stay, i will stay. your people will be my people, and your God my God" and when hozier sang "i'll be the dreadful need from the devotee that drove [orpheus] underground" and when deathcab for cutie sang "if there's no one beside you when your soul embarks, i will follow you into the dark"
Maïa x Felix x Rime: love as a choice [ love is beautiful because it's built deliberately ] when casey mcquinston wrote "that's the choice. i love him, with all that, because of all that, on purpose. i love him on purpose" and when jenny slate tweeted "i just want someone to grab my little face and scream on purpose, on purpose i am going to care about you" and when jodi picoult wrote "after fifteen years, love isn't just a feeling. it's a choice" and when the good place said "if soulmates do exist, they're not found they're made"
Felicia x Logan (OCs): love as tenderness [ love as gentleness after a lifetime of cruelty ] when ocean vuong said "sometimes being offered tenderness feels like the very proof that you've been ruined" and when pablo neruda said "like a jar you housed the infinite tenderness and the infinite oblivion shattered you like a jar" and when anais mitchell wrote "all i've ever known is how to hold my own, and now i wanna hold you, too”
Lilly (OC) x Elliot (SDV): love as religion [ love as the sole object of your reverence--nothing about you is holy, but maybe your love for another is ] when sappho said "in the crooks of your body i find my religion" and when the cast of les mis sang "to love another person is to see the face of God" and when halsey said "i found God, i found him in a lover" and when katherine philips wrote "to the dull angry world let's prove there's a religion in our love"
Mai x Lea (Shadowhunters): love as being known [ love is knowing all of someone and loving them anyway ] when tim kreider said "if we want the rewards of being loved we have to submit to the mortifying ordeal of being known" and when joe wright said "The idea that these two people know each other, knew each other when they first saw each other. That they recognized each other from their future" and when micah nemerever said "it was a relief and a horror to be known so perfectly"
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multiimistakes · 6 days
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☠️: purely fandomless ⭐: fandom oc or has fandom aspects in their lore ☕: has ties to my main oc Clark ❌: closed to romantic shipping $: see end of post for notes
⭐ GAVIN PAYNE (COD/military fiction) (fc: Alexander Sk*rsgard) [ PMC COO. Full time asshole. ]
⭐ EMERICK (Dead By Daylight) (fc: Ch*rlie Day) [ OC Killer who likes teeth too much]
☕☠️ KERIAN FINCH (supernatural genre) (fc: D*veed Diggs) [ Mostly peaceful monster hunter ]
☠️ STERLING SPECTER (supernatural genre) (fc: Glen P*well) [ Egotistical reality show possessed by demon ]
☠️ PETER SMITH (supernatural genre) (fc: R*hul Kohli) [ hermit werewolf with a grumpy cat ]
☕☠️ ❌ YUN SEO-YEON (supernatural genre) (fc: H*n so-hee) [ Super not peaceful monster hunter ]
☕☠️ KADEN HURST (supernatural genre) (fc: L*ke Mitchell) [ Nephil with daddy and anger issues ]
☕☠️$ MEYA THOMPSON (supernatural genre) (fc: Any* Taylor-Joy) [ half-basilisk running rampant in the business world ]
☕☠️ ❌ LANCE JOSSON (supernatural genre) (fc: R*gé-Jean Page) [ obnoxious vampire who owns a lot of wine companies ]
☠️ LUCIFER (supernatural genre) (fc: G*na Torres) [ ex-ruler of Hell turned fashion mogul ]
☠️ MICHAEL (supernatural genre) (fc: G*llian Anderson) [ disgraced archangel banished to earth. writer and hobby artist. ]
☕☠️ CLEO DAWSON (supernatural genre) (fc: S*nequa Martin-Green) [ living database and lifeline for supernatural hunters on the field ]
☠️ KYLE HARPER (supernatural genre) (fc: W*rren Kole) [ retired mean supernatural hunter turned dilf ]
☠️ OLETHA ANDRYT (supernatural genre) (fc: R*by Cruz) [ medieval thief cursed to perpetually reincarnate ]
☕☠️ ❌ DESTRIAN ANDRYT (supernatural genre) (fc: H*gh Dancy) [ medevial thief/knight cursed to never die ]
☠️ CHOI MI-CHA (crime) (fc: J*on Do-yeon) [ hitwoman in her career twilight years ]
☕☠️ ❌ LILUTHE (supernatural genre) (fc: El*zabeth Gillies / Xolia from TDIAHM / D*ona Cheon from Sadistic Beauty) [ greed demon with a nasty temper ]
⭐ JESSE GRANT (Lethal Company) (fc: G*rrett Hedlund) [ PMC to protect those idiots gathering scrap ]
⭐ DUKE FOSTER (Helldivers) (fc: Andr*ew Lincoln) [ Combat medic ]
⭐ WIRE (Helldivers) (fc: Kim Wo*-bin) [ walking orange tic-tac. jaded helldiver with dead brother issues ]
☠️FELIX MATHIEU (slice of life) (fc: Sw*nn Arlaud) [ retired celebrity chef turned jaded food blogger ]
☠️ ELLIOT JONES (crime) (fc: H*yden Christensen) [ sunshine dork IT guy who could totally hack into the FBI ]
$: if we have a ship with Clark on kxllerblond, shipping is off limits for this character.
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the-witching-ash · 1 month
Glee OC Masterlist
Name: Adrien Bieste
Faceclaim: Timothée Chalamet
Love Interest: Elphie Jones
Story: Unlimited
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Name: Alma Berry
Faceclaim: Ashley Tisdale
Story: Multi
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Name: Andrew Berry
Faceclaim: Logan Lerman
Love Interest: Mercedes Jones
Story: Being Alive
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Name: Andrew Cartwright
Faceclaim: Logan Lerman
Love Interest: Various
Story: To Being An Us
*a variation of Andrew Berry who exists in crossovers with @randomestfandoms-ocs' Colton Cartwright and a variety of their other ocs
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Name: Andrew Cartwright
Faceclaim: Logan Lerman
Love Interest: Kirsty Gilmore*
Story: Everything Changes
*a variation of the standard To Being An Us Verse with @randomestfandoms-ocs but combined with the Gilmore Girls Delicate crossover
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Name: Annie Shuester
Faceclaim: Zoey Coletti
Love Interest: n/a
Story: Nothing To Fear
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Name: Aro Flores
Faceclaim: Frankie A. Rodriguez
Love Interest: Artie Abrams
Story: Something’s Coming*
*Same universe as Brax Pierce
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Name: Billy Gilbert
Faceclaim: Austin Abrams
Love Interest: Mary Tibideaux
Story: Being Alive (and connected @randomestfandoms-ocs crossovers)
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Name: Brax Pierce
Faceclaim: Joe Serafini
Love Interest: Rory Flannigan
Story: The Climb
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Name: Christopher Tibideaux
Faceclaim: Nathan Mitchell
Love Interest: n/a
Story: Being Alice
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Name: Corbin Adams
Faceclaim: Corbin Bleu
Love Interests: Ezra Berry & Simone Adams
Story: Multi
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Name: Elliot Berry
Faceclaim: Larry Saperstein
Love Interest: Sugar Motta
Story: Status Quo
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Name: Elphie Jones
Faceclaim: Zendaya
Love Interest: Adrien Bieste
Story: Unlimited
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Name: Esther Berry
Faceclaim: Gideon Aldon
Love Interest: N/A
Story: A Cautionary Tale
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Name: Ezra Berry
Faceclaim: Lucas Gabrielle
Love Interests: Corbin Adams & Simone Adams
Story: multi
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Name: Faith Hudson
Faceclaim: Julia Lester
Story: Staus Quo
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Name: George Bieste
Faceclaim: Joel Courtney
Love Interest: Sam Evans
Story: Free
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Name: Henry Shuester
Faceclaim: Tom Holland
Love Interests: Artie Abrams & Tina Cohen-Chang
Story: Start Of Something New
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Name: Lorelei Zisis
Faceclaim: Beanie Feldstein
Love Interest: Mike Chang
Story: Don’t Rain On My Parade
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Name: Mary Tibideaux
Faceclaim: Antonia Gentry
Love Interest: Billy Gilbert
Story: Being Alive (and connected @randomestfandoms-ocs crossovers)
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Name: Mona Adams
Faceclaim: Dara Reneé
Love Interests: Jake Puckerman & Marley Rose
Story: What I’ve Been Looking For*, Being Alive (and various @randomestfandoms-ocs crossovers)
*What I’ve Been Looking For Is Mona’s POV of the Being Alive-verse, starting in season 2
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Name: Rosalia Lopez
Faceclaim: Rachel Zegler
Love Interest: Sam Evans
Story: Opening Up
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Name: Simone Adams
Faceclaim: Monique Colman
Love Interests: Corbin Adams & Ezra Berry
Story: Multi
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ofzelmore · 5 months
Hello pretties <3
Last time i updated this blog was 7+ years ago
When i was 11, i started writing ‘The Demoniac of Mitchell Zelmore.’ I gave my OC a life, a backstory, a villain arc, and a real identity.
By age 13 i renamed him Elliot, gave him a super badass sidekick named Yuzuki Mino, a beautiful and skilled woman, wrote her backstory, gave Elliot two henchmen by the names Alec and Arturo Redcloak, and an almighty entity that acted as a mentor. By this age i was writing short stories about my characters and even publishing stories about the Redcloaks on Wattpad.
By 16 i was fully submerged in the realms of which Elliot Zelmore ruled over, created an antagonist clan named Angelious, comparative to heaven and angels. I drew my characters frequently, i just liked to see them on paper. I wasn’t keen to digital art whatsoever, so if you look back on this blog you’ll find that i traced references often and it was sooooo ugly.
By 18 i had an entire web of character arcs, backgrounds, storylines, etc, but it was hard for me to do anything with them, so eventually my creations became still and i stopped writing as i dove deeper into working as an adult and facing real life.
I don’t remember how i began the demoniac, but i know it’s beginning was seeded in my depression and loneliness as a child. This past November (of 2023) after taking up writing as my hobby again, i decided to honor my inner child by continuing her work and my goal is to publish a first novel by the end of 2024. On this blog i want to post my OCs and reimagine what 11-year-old me designed in her lonely mind. I feel it’s only fair to her to really bring her ideas back to life.
By the time i publish ‘Of Zelmore’ i hope to be shortly away from 27 years old. It may have taken me 15ish years to bring Elliot to life, but im proud of the progress I’ve made thus far.
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ame-in-the-rain · 3 years
Melody, holding Elliot: I found one of those he/theys
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problmaticsmoved · 2 years
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a selective multimuse independent rp blog. featuring canon & original muses by sugar. problmatics | tumblr / discord ( mutuals only )
                                       please review my rules &                                         preferences, listed on my carrd.
also found at sataniicpanic // full muse list under the cut
stranger things / jason carver, jim hopper, joyce byers, billy hargrove, chrissy cunningham, steve harrington, max mayfield, will byers ( aged up verses only )
scream franchise / billy loomis, stu macher, sidney prescott, chad meeks-martin, mindy meeks-martin
glee / sebastian smythe, sam evans, hunter clarington, quinn fabray, noah puckerman, kitty wilde, marley rose, blaine anderson
elite / polo benevant, lucrecia montesinos, nano dominguez, christian valera
degrassi / craig manning, eli goldsworthy, jay hogart, jake martin, maya matlin, marisol lewis, miles hollingsworth, riley stravos, tristan milligan
julie and the phantoms / alex mercer, luke patterson, carrie wilson, caleb covington
shadowhunters: the mortal instruments / jace herondale, alec lightwood, simon lewis, clary fray, valentine morgenstern, isabelle lightwood
other fandoms / daphne blake ( scooby doo ), monican geller ( friends ), nick miller ( new girl ), ryan atwood ( the oc ), steven hyde ( that 70s show ), iris west-allen ( the flash/dctv ),barry allen ( the flash/dctv ), guy of gisborne ( bbc’s robin hood ), kevin keller ( riverdale ), moose mason ( riverdale ), jennifer jereau ( criminal minds ), ryan evans ( high school musical ), ej caswell ( hsmtmts ), ricky bowen ( hsmtmts ), harry hook ( disney’s descendants ), pacey witter ( dawson’s creek ), fox mulder ( the x-files ), draco malfoy ( harry potter ), lily evans-potter ( harry potter ), topper thornton ( outer banks ),
analyn reyes / sab zada. twenty one. she/her. bisexual.  nursing home attendant.
bentley prince / keith powers ( alt ) twenty five. he/him. bisexual. actor / business major.
brandon tyson / dylan o’brien twenty nine. he/him. bisexual. unemployed / twitch streamer.
brooklyn scott / madelyn cline ( alt ) twenty three. she/her. bicurious. computer programmer / athlete / lifeguard.
cas ortiz / lizeth selene twenty five. she/they. bisexual. hacker.
cindy lyons / dua lipa twenty six. she/her. bisexual. ( reality ) television personality.
claudia torres / camila mendes twenty four. she/her. bisexual. hotel concierge.
dakota ellis / owen patrick joyner twenty three. he/they. bisexual. actor / onlyfans creator.
drew matthews / joe keery twenty eight. he/him. bisexual. musician / music teacher.
elliot douglas / charles esten fifty one. he/him. closeted homosexual. ethics professor / lawyer.
felix henry / logan lerman twenty seven. he/him. bisexual. paramedic & medical student.
genevieve beaufort / maika monroe twenty six. she/her. bisexual. hair stylist.
harrison michaels / rudy pankow twenty five. he/him. homosexual. coroner.
imogen doyle / maia mitchell twenty six. she/her. bisexual. tour guide / hotel clerk.
isaiah bennett / michael cimino twenty. he/him. bicurious. college student ( engineering major ).
jett findley / fivel stewart twenty five. she/her. lesbian. musician ( touring bass player ).
joey russell / madison bailey twenty two. she/her. bisexual. professional hockey player.
kenji simmons / darren barnet twenty seven. he/him. bisexual. nightclub owner / mini-golf course owner ( verse dependent )
matthew peters / robert pattinson thirty one. he/him. bisexual. emergency dispatcher.
reed sanchez / froy guteirrez twenty. he/him. homosexual. college student ( art major ).
remington windsor / jacob elordi twenty five. he/him. bisexual. art curator / art history major.
robbie jeffries / timothy olyphant forty six. he/him. bisexual. set designer / carpenter.
roger atkinson / david harbour forty five. he/him. heterosexual. park ranger.
sam montclair / jake gyllenhaal thirty seven. he/him. bisexual. voice actor.
sugar price / jade thirlwall twenty five. she/her. homosexual. real estate agent.
tatum cooper / chase sui wonders twenty four. she/they. homosexual. gas station attendant.
travis cameron / charlie gillespie twenty three. he/him. bisexual. mechanic.
will richardson / henry cavill thirty six. he/him. bisexual. general contractor.
winter saunders / coco jones twenty two. she/her. bicurious. college student / fashion major. ( nail tech ).
xander lincoln / shawn mendes twenty two. he/him. homosexual. singer / songwriter. ( pop artist ).
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shadesofasummer · 3 years
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( chiquitita, abba )
: : SUMMER MARSDEN, 22 : :
( the farm-girl from far away, kathryn newton )
» full name: summer monroe marsden
» nicknames: sum, tweety-bird by her grandfather, “tita” by her mother and grandfather
» age: twenty-two (in twenty-seventeen)
» birthday: june twenty-eighth, nineteen-ninety-five
» birthplace: rochester, new york, usa
» zodiac sign: cancer
» current residence: schitt’s creek, ontario, canada
» gender: cis female
» occupation: summer is accustomed to being a full-time student studying biological sciences at northwestern university. upon receiving unexpected news regarding the health of her maternal grandfather, she was encouraged by her family to delay completion of her degree during her junior year to move to schitt’s creek to be with him. she complied, serving to look after her grandfather and monitor his condition. moving in with her grandfather ultimately led towards her becoming a farm-hand on the man’s sprawling acreage. later, summer becomes a sales associate at “rose apothecary” where she is responsible for working the cash-register and completing transactions with customers.
» physical health:
» scars:
» broken (any) bones:
» extrovert or introvert:
» logical or creative:
» optimist or pessimist:
» phobias / fears:
» problems:
» goals / dreams:
» quirks / habits:
» likes:
» dislikes:
» flaws:
» parents: mitchell marsden (distant father, fc: ethan hawke),  meredith marsden-greene (mother, fc: alicia silverstone)
» paternal grandparents:
» maternal grandparents: franklin greene (maternal grandfather, fc: mark hamill), eleanor greene (maternal grandmother, deceased, fc: holland taylor)
» sibling(s): n/a.
» children: n/a.
» height: five feet, six inches
» weight: one hundred and twenty four pounds
» eyes: blue that grows deeper in shade as it nears her pupil
» hair: honey blonde
» face and complexion:
» build:
» defining marks:
» dress style:
» faceclaim: kathryn newton
» marital status: never been married.
» sexual preference: summer has only dated and slept with cis men but has felt romantic and sexual attraction towards all genders. as such, she considers herself bisexual.
» ever had sex: yes. summer lost her virginity her freshman year of college to harvey mccormick who would later become one of her closest friends.
» opinion on sex:
» opinion on relationships:
» turn ons:
» turn offs:
» past relationships: despite refusing to label their relationship, summer and harvey slept exclusively with one another for almost two years. they stopped having sex a few months before summer’s move.
» current relationship: at the start of twenty-seventeen, summer is single.
» future relationship(s): elliot beekman (fc: brigette lundy-paine)
» big group of friends or several close friends:
» best friend:
» ever lied to a friend:
» the most horrible thing they did to a friend:
» list of friends:
; harlow moore ( classmate - best friend / kaitlyn dever / oc / @gimmegimmeharlowmoore )
; david rose ( boss & adversary turned friend / dan levy )
; patrick brewer ( boss & close friend / noah reid )
; ted mullens ( career mentor & close friend / dustin milligan )
; alexis rose ( close friend / annie murphy )
; twyla sands ( close friend / sarah levy )
; stevie budd ( friend / emily hampshire )
; harvey mccormick ( former classmate - friend with benefits / wolfgang novogratz / oc )
; heather mccormick ( close friend from college & former classmate / francesca reale / oc )
; elliot beekman ( confidant, friend & future girlfriend / brigette lundy-paine / oc )
» ever been drunk:
» lied to a significant other:
» cheated on significant other:
» gotten into a fight:
» deepest regret:
» religion:
» instagram (as if they were living in the modern day):
» inspiration: amy march (little women), jackie burkhart (that ‘70s show), amy santiago (brooklyn nine-nine), lydia martin (teen wolf), betty cooper (riverdale), quinn fabray (glee), britta perry (community)
» gifboard:
» people:
» playlist(s):
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Glee OC Masterlist
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Name: Aurora Anderson
Story: Somewhere Only We Know
Face claim:  Kaylee Bryant
Love Interest: Sebastian Smythe
AO3 | FFNet | Wattpad
Summary: Aurora had always known that Andersons go to Dalton, she just didn’t think that she would be included in that legacy.  But after the incident at the Sadie Hawkins dance left she and her half-brother in the hospital, their father told them that Aurora would be the first female student in Dalton history, regardless of what she wanted.  Of course the Dalton Brotherhood had always been her family, and being with her closest friends was exactly what she needed, but when a spy shows up in their midst, she knows that her home is going to be changed forever.
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Name: Abbie Hudson
Story: Brutal
Face claim: Savannah Lee May
Love Interest: Sam Evans
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Name: Betty Fabray
Story: A Family Matter
Face claim:  Sabrina Carpenter
Love Interest: Sam Evans
Summary:  Freshman year of high school was supposed to be the start of the best years of your life, right?  That’s what Betty Fabray thought when she walked through the doors of William McKinley High School for the first time. It’s what she thought when she joined the Cheerios, it’s what she thought when she heard about a singing club, and it’s what she thought when she got accepted to the New Directions.  But then she got slushied, her position on the Cheerios was threatened, and her big sister was kicked out of their house.  Now Betty has no idea what to think, but between Sue Sylvester and Sectionals, no one is giving her time to figure out what she wants, other than to get her sister back.
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Name: Christina Hummel
Story: Don’t Stop Believing
Face claim:  Laura Marano
Love Interest: Sam Evans
Summary:  Ever since their mother died, Kurt and Christie Hummel had somehow gotten even closer.  They did everything together; voice and piano lessons, dance classes, working in their dad’s shop, enduring the daily torture that was McKinley High, and, of course, joining glee.  But there was one thing that the twins didn’t agree on: Finn Hudson.  While Kurt saw him as their knight in shining armour, just because he offered them the barest hints of dignity while his friends tormented them, Christie saw him as just as guilty as the rest of his teammates, watching their endless humiliation and letting it happen.  Despite their polarizing opinions, the twins had always been able to look past that - to not let Finn Hudson come between them.  But when Finn joins the glee club, bringing even more jocks and Cheerios with him, their seemingly indestructible bond is going to be put to the test.
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Name: Daphne Carter
Story: Anything Goes
Face claim:  Ashleigh Murray
Love Interest: Leon Elliot, Mike Chang, eventual Sam Evans
Summary: Daphne Carter didn’t miss Lima.  She hadn’t been there since she was five, back before she booked her first commercial and suddenly found herself as The Child Star of her generation.  And ten years later, starring on Broadway across from her best friend and dating one of the biggest up and coming rock stars around, Lima didn’t even crossed her mind enough for her to miss it.  But once the drugs and drinking that her parents had always chosen to ignore made her the front page of every gossip rag across the country, something had to be done.  Not for her well being, of course, but because addiction wasn’t profitable.  And that’s how Daphne Carter finds herself being shipped halfway across the country to live with her parents’ childhood friends, and being dragged into the McKinley High Glee Club.
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Name: Delilah Puckerman
Story: Wish You Were Me
Face claim:  Vanessa Morgan
Love Interest: Sam Evans
Summary: Delilah Puckerman hadn’t actually wanted to leave her boarding school.  Of course, her expulsion hadn’t been a surprise considering what had happened, but being sent to public school?  Unfair and unnecessary, in her opinion.  But nobody cared what the crazy girl wanted, and she found herself sent off to McKinley High.  She honestly thought that things couldn’t get any worse, until she meets a boy named Noah Puckerman.
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Name: Dylan Ayers
Story: Bet On It
Face claim:  Liz Gillies
Love Interest: Brittany Pierce
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Name: Eliana Lopez
Story: Get It Right
Face claim:  Victoria Justice
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Name: Faye Anderson
Story: Teenage Dream
Face claim:  Vanessa Hudgens
Love Interest: Sam Evans
Summary:  To any outsider, the Anderson twins had it all.  4.0 GPAs at Dalton and Crawford, lead soloists of their respective glee clubs, a big house in Westerville, and a celebrity brother.  They didn’t see behind the curtain; didn’t see the absentee parents, the lonely, empty house, or the brother who only texted a few times a year.  But Faye was happy. She loved her school and her glee club and her brother.  And then Blaine decides to go to public school, and her parents decide to send her to McKinley with him.  And although she loves her twin, and would do anything for him, she can tell that her teenage dream is about to become a teenage nightmare.
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Name: Gilbert Hummel
Story: Anthem
Face claim: Casey Cott
Love Interest: Blaine Anderson & Sam Evans
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Name: Jason Conwright
Story: All Or Nothing
Face claim:  Ross Lynch
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Name: Jeanie Boyer
Story: Loser Like Me
Face claim:  Grace Phipps
Love Interest: Ryder Lynn, eventual Marley Rose
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Name: Joy Schuester
Story: By Its Very Definition
Face claim:  Lili Reinhart
Love Interest: Noah Puckerman, Brittany Pierce, Mike Chang, Sebastian Smythe, eventual Sam Evans
Summary:  Joy Schuester knew what glee was - how could she not?  Her dad never shut up about the good old days, his glory years at McKinley High.  He even named her after something his old coach would say - by its very definition, glee is about opening yourself up to joy.  Big whoop, she’d never really cared.  Really she was just interested in cheer, drama club, and dancing around her room while singing along to Taylor Swift. But then her dad takes over the glee club and Joy has no choice but to join.  She expected the showtunes, the divas, and even her dad’s white guy rapping.  She didn’t, however, expect to fall in love, and she definitely didn’t expect to find herself caught in the middle of a war between her coach and her dad.
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Name: June Harris
Story: All Rhodes Lead Home
Face claim: Hailee Steinfeld
Love Interest: Jesse St. James
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Name: Kendall Pierce
Story: Songs Of The Heart
Face claim:  Meg Donnelly
Love Interest: Mike Chang
Summary: Maybe it was her age.  Maybe it was the special Pierce… intelligence.  Maybe it was just that she was a better person than most students at McKinley High.  But whatever it was, Kendall Pierce didn’t understand why she couldn’t cheer and sing.  She didn’t understand why Quinn Fabray was so insistent that she not join Glee, or why the New Directions were so suspicious of her “intentions”.  She loved to sing and she loved to cheer, it should have been simple.  But when Quinn Fabray suddenly joins the club, with her sister and Santana in tow, Kendall starts to realize that nothing about high school is as simple as it seems.
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Name: Lilibeth Anderson
Story: Untitled
Face claim: Olivia Rodrigo
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Name: Logan Hayes
Story: Dream Maker
Face claim:  KJ Apa
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Name: Luci Meadows
Story: Maybe This Time
Face claim: Maia Mitchell
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Name: Marilyn Pillsbury
Story: Life Can Be Beautiful
Face claim:  Madelaine Petsch
Love Interest: Brittany Pierce, eventual Quinn Fabray, possibly Quinn Fabray & Sam Evans
Summary: When Marilyn Pillsbury was ten, her mother died.  When she was twelve, her dad was arrested.  When she was thirteen, she moved in with her aunt Emma.  And when she was fourteen, she started at William McKinley High School.  And she was nothing but the weird guidance counsellor’s weird niece.  But then, after a fateful encounter with three Cheerios in the girls’ bathroom, Lyn finds herself being dragged into the spotlight. She becomes a Cheerio, she’s hot and popular and the school loves her, she’s everything she ever wanted to be.  And when Quinn joins the glee club, Marilyn is right beside her with Brittany and Santana; finally she can do what she really loves without fearing the consequence.  She’s on top of the world, life is beautiful.  And then she finds out that Quinn is pregnant, and she has to make a choice.  Will she seize the opportunity to rise to the very top, or will she stay loyal to the girl who brought her up from the lowest of lows?
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Name: May Taylor
Story: All Rhodes Lead Home
Face claim: Hailee Steinfeld
Love Interest: Mike Chang
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Name: Paige Callahan
Story: Light Up The World
Face claim: Zendaya
Love Interest: Mike Chang
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Name: Robyn Conwright
Story: All Or Nothing
Face claim:  Olivia Holt
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Name: Roxie Flores
Story: The Greatest Star
Face claim:  Camila Mendes
Love Interest: Noah Puckerman, Sebastian Smythe, eventual Sam Evans
Summary: Rosalind Flores was used to living in Quinn Fabray’s shadow.  Quinn was the head Cheerio, even though Roxie was the better cheerleader; Quinn got the boys, even though she had a stick up her ass; Quinn had the friends - lackeys, even though she treated them like dirt.  And then Mr. Schuester takes over the Glee Club and Roxie sees a refuge from her life as Quinn’s understudy.  And it’s great.  Sure, Rachel is as obsessed with being number one as Quinn, but Roxie loves to sing and she’s really, genuinely happy.  It’s everything she hoped for; it’s perfect.  And then Quinn Fabray walks into the choir room and Roxie’s sanctuary collapses around her.
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Name: Savannah Evans
Story: Rumour Has It
Face claim: Dove Cameron
Love Interest: Valeria Ramírez
Summary: The first thing that the Evans siblings learned when they moved to Lima was that rumours spread much faster than they did back home.  The second thing that they learned was how to lie.  And lie they did.  They were just three siblings; their financial struggles were because of their dad’s job; they absolutely most definitely didn’t have another sister who’d been in the hospital for as long as they’d been in Ohio.  And everyone believed them.  Right up until Rachel Berry sees Sam hugging some blonde girl outside of a motel and drags the entire glee club on a witch hunt that ends with them meeting the Evans siblings in their motel room.  All of the Evans siblings.  Even Savannah, Sam’s twin and best kept secret who, rumour has it, it about to start at McKinley High.
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Name: Valeria Ramírez
Story: Rumour Has It
Face claim: Sofia Carson
Love Interest: Savannah Evans
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