#Mitsukuni Mito
bonguri · 6 months
20240316 Endoji 5 by Bong Grit Via Flickr: この立像は徳川光圀というより水戸黄門だよなあ。 @Endoji area, Nishi ward, Nagoya city, Aichi pref. (愛知県名古屋市西区 円頓寺商店街)
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spacevixenmusic · 7 months
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Source: Space Pirate Mito [1999]
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jewlwpet · 7 days
Space Pirate Mito is weird because it has a very clumsily handled sex change of its protagonist where it's like "Your body is female now so you have to be a girl" and nobody ever seriously challenges this. Iirc season 1 ends with the protagonist trying to "find a planet where I can be a boy," but this goal has been abandoned by season 2 with no particular explanation as to why.
...However, there is a character who challenges this attitude with regard to himself, as he has a gender identity (male) that is at odds with how he is perceived by those around him (neither male nor female) due to his physical body. and he is a villain but he is never vilified for this; if anything, it seems like it's meant to make him more sympathetic.
It's kind of interesting that there are no parallels drawn between their situations. I think the two of them having a heart to heart, whether in between seasons or post-series, would make for a very interesting fanfiction, although I don't plan to write it and I doubt anyone else will as the series is quite obscure.
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chernobog13 · 3 months
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The first Mito Kōmon film from Toei, 1957's Lord Mito (aka Lord Mito 1).
Starring Ryunosuke Tsukigata as the retired vice shōgun who wanders the countryside righting wrongs, with Kinnosuke Nakamura and Chiyonosuke Azura as his faithful bodyguards/attendants Suke and Kaku. Mito Kōmon is a fictionalized version of Tokugawa Mitsukuni, an historical figure who was the shōgun's uncle.
I know there were at least three films in the Toei series. Other studios produced their own Mito Komon films, including one from Daiei that co-starred Shintaro (Zatoichi) Katsu and Raizo (Sleepy Eyes of Death) Ichikawa as Suke and Kaku.
The character was so popular that it spawned a Japanese television series that ran continuously from 1969 to 2011, for a total of 1,227 episodes.
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jokertrap-ran · 6 months
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[スタオケ] La Corda d'Oro Starlight Orchestra Main Story Chapter 2-2 Translation
*Starlight Orchestra Masterlist *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Main story tag will be #Main Starlight
Sakuya: Mito really does have a lot of beautifully scenic locations.
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⊳ Choice: Is it your first time here, Sakuya?
Sakuya: …I don’t think I’ve gone anywhere else other than Tokyo and Yokohama…
⊳ Choice: Let’s enjoy ourselves since we’re here.
Sakuya: What’s with that super bookmarked and labeled guidebook you have there with you? We’re not here to play, you know…
Tomoharu: Wow… Hey, this stamina ramen looks delicious. Why don’t we come to try it out next time?
Hayate: It’s said that the first person in Japan to ever eat ramen was Lord Mito Mitsukuni.
⊳ Choice: What’s a “Kodokan”?
Hayate: What, you’re from the General Education department, and you know nothing about Japan’s history?
Hayate: It’s the domain school founded by Tokugawa Nariaki, a feudal lord from the Mito Clan.
Hayate: Its development eventually had a great influence on Yoshida Shoin, Saigo Takamori, as well as the other patriots during the final years of the Edo period.
Hayate: This Bizenbori Canel seems to be part of Modern Mito’s eight picturesque sights, including the Hinuma River.
Hayate: It’s a famous historic city that has prospered since ancient times, thanks to the waterborne transport trade of the Naka River.
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Joyo Male Student 2: C’mon, c’mon! Seems like it has already started!
Joyo Male Student 1: You were way too slow with that bowl of ramen!
Tomoharu: I wonder what happened? A fight, maybe?
Ginga: Maybe, but hearing them mention ramen makes me want to have a bowl of it for myself too.
Ginga: Stamina ramen chock full of ingredients, huh. But Mito Ramen sounds good too~
Sakuya: Huh? Wait… hang on.
Sakuya: Sensei? Didn’t you just cook rice back at the minivan’s kitchen? And quite a large amount of it too.
Ginga: Huh? Err…
Sakuya: And weren’t you saying how all you had to do was to purchase some side dishes for a perfect lunch?
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Ginga: Ehh?  But I can just throw them into the refrigerator, can’t I~?
Sakuya: The refrigerator isn’t capable of holding that much food, and you know that.
Sakuya: Looks like it’s decided then. I’ll go buy some side dishes for us. Ramen next time, yes?
Ginga: …Fine…
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Sakuya: Honestly. His lack of planning is shockingly disconcerting.
Sakuya: And you look like you’re having fun with everything and anything, either way… Hm?
Sakuya: This sounds like… a Trumpet? But where is it coming from?
Sakuya: “Let’s go check it out”? Wait- Hey, (L/n)!
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Sakuya: Wow… What a rich and smooth reverberation…
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Joyo Male Student 1: *sobbing* Kirigaya-san… How amazing…
Joyo Male Student 2: My heart’s been rekindled…
Sakuya: Wha- Watch out. This place is filled with dangerous-looking people!
Sakuya: Let’s quickly make our escape, (L/n). We have to get out before they notice us.
⊳ Choice: I want to listen to the performance a little more / I want to know that Trumpeter’s name
Sakuya: Now’s not the time for that!
Yasu: Oh no! Boss! Something terrible happened!
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Akira: Hm? What’s happened, Yasu?
Yasu: Some guys from Kasa High are tryin’ to pick a fight out at the bridge! They seem super full of themselves!
Yasu: Our 1st and 2nd years are getting overwhelmed by about 3 or so people.
Akira: Oh? Now that’s some guts they have to be attacking Joyo in broad daylight. 
Akira: They asked for it, so I’m going to play along. Let’s go.
Delinquents: YEAH!
Sakuya: I guess they’re all going out to… fight? Everyone filed out just like that, at a snap of his fingers…
Sakuya: I don’t think they saw us at all.
⊳ Choice: I missed his name.
Sakuya: You mean that Trumpeter? I heard someone addressing him as “Kirigaya-san”?
⊳ Choice: Now my adrenaline’s pumping!
Sakuya: You’re really prone to sticking your nose into things that you really should be steering clear of.
⊳ Choice: Terrifying…
Sakuya: Well, I suppose we should count our lucky stars for having avoided them.
Sakuya: Besides, what is this place? The signboard says “Ouroboros”...
Sakuya: There’s a stage here, but it doesn’t seem to be in use.
Sakuya: Anyway, let’s get out of here quick. It’ll be troublesome if those people come back.
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Ginga: Huh, I see.
Tomoharu: A delinquent Trumpeter? Sounds like Louis Armstrong if you ask me.
⊳ Choice: Louis Armstrong?
Tomoharu: He’s an American Jazz Musician. He was sent to a Juvenile Home as a kid and had many ups and downs in life, but…
Tomoharu: Despite facing discrimination,  he was a brilliantly talented genius Trumpeter.
⊳ Choice: Yeah…
Tomoharu: I should have gone with you guys.
Tomoharu: “Ouroboros”...? I recall that that was the name of the Jazz  Café & Bar that opened for business a couple of years ago.
Tomoharu: Here, look. This video seems to have been taken from when the place was still in business.
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I saw 2 Trumpets being played on the video that Narumiya showed me on his phone.
⊳ Choice: It’s the guy from earlier!
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Tomoharu: What? This performer’s the same guy you saw earlier? Wow. He’s definitely good…
Ginga: We can’t really see the other guy. The video’s too dark.
Tomoharu: It looks like this video was shot from the audience, after all.
Hayate: This uniform looks like Joyo Technical High School’s; the same school that Osakabe-san is in.
Tomoharu: What?
Sakuya: Come to think of it… Those guys were saying something about “Joyo” as well…
⊳ Choice:  Let’s check out Joyo Technical High School.
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Hayate: Yeah. We’re going to ask Osakabe-san to join us, so we might as well drop by.
Sakuya: That’s the school that those guys we saw are attending, right? I’m already having a bad feeling about this…
☆ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♬Main Starlight♬◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ☆
Previous Part: (Chapter 2-1) Next Part:
(Chapter 2-3)
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oniwastagram · 2 years
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📸湊川神社 石庭(兵庫県神戸市) Minatogawa-Jinja Shrine Garden, Kobe, Hyogo ——Located right in front of JR Kobe Station, this shrine is dedicated to Kusunoki Masashige, a military commander of the Nanboku-cho period. The tombstone erected by Mitsukuni Tokugawa, a.k.a. Mito Komon, is a designated national cultural property (National Historic Site). There is also a garden created by Shoichi Tsushima of Tsushima Landscaping, a local landscaper in Kobe. ——JR神戸駅の目の前。“楠公さん”の愛称で親しまれる、南北朝時代の武将・楠木正成を祀る神社。 水戸黄門こと徳川光圀が建立した墓碑などが国指定文化財(国指定史跡)、地元・神戸の対馬造園店・対馬正一作庭の庭園も。 ———————— ▼他の写真や解説のつづきは @oniwastagram のプロフURLかこのURLから。 For more photos and commentary, please visit @oniwastagram 's profile URL or this URL. https://oniwa.garden/minatogawa-jinja-shrine-kobe/ ———————— #japanesegarden #japanesegardens #kyotogarden #zengarden #japantemple #shrine #beautifuljapan #japanesearchitecture #japanarchitecture #japanarchitect #japandesign #jardinjaponais #jardinjapones #landscapedesign #庭院 #庭园 #庭園 #日本庭園 #兵庫庭園 #神社 #寺社仏閣 #枯山水 #枯山水庭園 #karesansui #kobe #hyogo #対馬造園店 #国指定史跡 #文化財 #おにわさん (湊川神社) https://www.instagram.com/p/Co9E7wovCIM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lotusmuses · 2 years
i think Kuni's original name was Hozo (保蔵) which means "to defend, ensure, and store" sounds pretty similar to the task he was created for right? also it's the original name of the real life Niwa Nagakuni (丹羽長国) (and we've seen all 3 parts of this guy's name in genshin 👀)
alternatively his name is likely inspired by Tokugawa Mitsukuni (徳川 光圀)/Mito Kōmon (水戸黄門) who was the son of the first Tokugawa Shogun and now is regarded as a kami (god). his childhood names were Chomaru (長丸) and Chiyomatsu (千代松) — interestingly this guy oversaw Kinbyōzan Zuisen-ji, also known as the Temple of Flowers. and his life was dramatized in narratives that portray him as a wanderer, masquerading as a commoner, who castigated the evil powers in every corner of the nation.
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basedkikuenjoyer · 2 years
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Goes hand-in-hand with Taloon and I've been sitting on it for a special occasion. #600 sounds like a good one! Especially since I just crossed my 1yr anniversary on tumblr. Who caught this reference? It's one of those just about any Japanese reader Oda's age would get but would be a tricky one here. These are the three dudes who shake down Sanji's Soba stand by the way.
Maaaybe you're thinking of Kin's swords, Suke-san & Kaku-san. Same reference. Add Kuni and you have the lead trio from Mito Komon, a massively popular jidaigeki that ran from 1969-2011. Think like, the Japanese equivalent of Gunsmoke or Bonanza but even bigger. Kuni is is short for the lead, based off a real retired daimyo from history Tokugawa Mitsukuni, and Suke/Kaku were his retainers. Wanderers who deal with some troublemaker of the week, weirdly enough people were already spinning tales of Mitsukuni doing that during the Meiji Period. So he was already a folk hero before the TV Show. It’s funny to see them as the bad guys in this role knowing that.
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tokyoshrine · 1 year
The Japan No One Knows. Ukiyoe artist Hiroshige Ando, the site depicted by Van Gogh Umeyashiki Fushimi Inari Shrine, a paradise of plum blossoms
In the Edo period, a place famous for its plum blossoms was called Umeyashiki. Mitsukuni Mito and Shogun Tokugawa Yoshimune also came here to view the plum blossoms.
Hiroshige Utagawa left a nishikie (woodblock print) of the site, which was copied by Van Gogh.
Many people gathered here to see the blossoms.
Now it sits at the end of a very narrow alley. Even so, it is a sanctuary of purity where one can see that it has been cherished.
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konradnews · 1 year
Weekend Bento] "Mito Inro Bento" at Mito Station
Mito in Ibaraki Prefecture is associated with Mitsukuni Tokugawa = Mito Komon. The name “Kimon-sama” means “Inro” in Japanese, and “Inro” means “seal” in Japanese. The “Mito Inro Bento” is an ekiben that comes in a two-tiered box shaped like an Inro (seal case). Of course, the promised hollyhock crest is also depicted. The upper section features side dishes seasoned with flavors typical of Mito,…
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“I’ve had your little message to the universe on loop!”
I told you that I saw Spinel in Hikari.
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spacevixenmusic · 7 months
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Source: Space Pirate Mito [1999]
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jewlwpet · 3 years
(Space Pirate Mito S1 spoilers)
Basically, the villain of Space Pirate Mito S1 grew up believing he and Mito would rule the galaxy together after one of them inherited the throne, but he was disinherited, imprisoned, and consigned to being legally considered a minor forever because of transphobia*, leading him to become a dictator to get revenge on the royal family.
*Or something like that--it's a metaphor--members of his species choose (or are assigned? it's unclear) their sex as they come of age, but he refused, saying he was already a man and didn't need a ritual to confirm it.
Mito was totally innocent in all of this, but he targets her and her son out of resentment, as he associates her with everything that was denied to him: power, privilege, and love.
Still, Mito forgives him once he's completely defeated and no longer a threat. The narrative definitely doesn't vilify him for being trans.
But as all this is going on, Aoi is "turned female" and nobody ever questions that this means Aoi has to be a girl if Aoi's body doesn't change back. I get that it's a plot device, but it's strange that the writers seem to respect Ranban's identity while treating the issue as moot in Aoi's case.
That said, as I've talked about in previous posts, it's not explicitly clear how Aoi feels about this: there are numerous indications that Aoi does want to go back, but if you want to believe that Aoi actually wishes to remain a girl, you can. If nothing else, the S2 OP certainly supports it, as the very first line is "I'm a happy but shy girl."
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chernobog13 · 1 year
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Mito Komon: Voyage To Ezo (1961).
Tokugawa Mitsukuni was a nephew of Tokugawa Ieyasu, founder of Japan's Tokugawa Shōgunate (1603-1868), and the daimyo of Mito Domain. After his death in 1701, Mitsukuni-sama's life was fictionalized into a kōdan (an oral story) entitled Mito Mitsukuni Man'yūki, that told of his extensive travels.
The kōdan was dramatized for the stage several times, then became a novel, Mito Komon, a television series in 1951, and numerous films from nearly every studio in Japan.
Mito Komon is a former vice-shōgun and retired daimyo. He is disguised as a commoner, a retired crepe merchant named Mitsuemon. He is accompanied by two young samurai: the mischievous Sasaki Sukesaburo (aka Duke-san), and the more serious Atsumi Kakunoshin (Kaku-san). The three wander Japan, righting wrongs along the way.
The scenarios are always the same: traveling incognito, the trio discover some nefarious plot or wrongdoings. They investigate, expose the evildoer(s), fight and defeat the bad guys, then Mitsuemon reveals his true identity and passes judgement. The three men then head off to find the next problem to solve.
Formulaic, but it works. So well, in fact, that a Mito Komon television series that debuted in 1969 ran for 42 (!!!!!!!!!!!) seasons! All while additional film versions were released to theaters!
Anyhoo, in this film directed by Kunio Watanabe, Daiei Film decided to go all out. The studio's three biggest stars were cast as the heroic trio: Shintaro (Zatoichi) Katsu as Kaku-san, Raizo (Nemuri Kyoshiro) Ichikawa as Suke-san - both cast against type, which I loved - and Kazuo Hasegawa as Mitsuemon.
The story involves the trio taking a trip to the island of Ezo, known now as Hokkaido. There they get involved in some troubles brewing on the island between the native Ainu people, the ruling Matsumae clan, Russian pirates/gunrunners, and all sorts of other shenanigans.
To top it off, Hasegawa-san does double duty as both Lord Ito and the Grand Chief of the Ainu, getting plenty of screen time in bargain.
All in all, quite an enjoyable romp! It left me wanting to see these three actors continuing their adventures across Japan. However, it appears that it's some unwritten tradition that the trio - at least in the films - always be played by different actors (at least that's what I've surmised from my limited research; please correct me if I'm wrong).
In the meantime I'll be hunting down more Mito Komon films. I just learned today that there's a mid-1960s one with the late, great Akira Takarada as Suke-san that I'm eager to watch.
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lilyginnyblackv2 · 4 years
Furuba S2, E20 - Thought Post - SPOILERS!
OK, so, I already made a post talking about the cliffhanger ending for this episode. I, personally, wasn’t a fan. But this post is about the stuff that I did like in this episode!
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I think one thing that really stood out to me watching this episode was Uo and the fact that she wanted to do a historical based play. In Season 1, during her background episodes, we saw Tohru helping Uo study for history class. So it makes me think that Uo might associate very positive feelings and emotions towards historical stuff because of that moment with Tohru. 
I know in the Parent-Teacher conference episode we see Uo thinking about becoming a model, but I think it would be neat if she ended up becoming a history professor or something. 
I also decided to look into what Mito Komon was, and according to Wikipedia it was a period drama that ran from 1969 to 2011 and was about the historic character Tokugawa Mitsukuni. He was a vice-shogun and a retired second daimyo of the Mito Domain. The rest of the summary goes as follows:
In the guise of Mitsuemon, a retired crêpe merchant from Echigo, he roams the realm with two samurai retainers, fun-loving Sasaki Sukesaburō (Suke-san) and studious Atsumi Kakunoshin (Kaku-san). An episode typically starts with some injustice perpetrated by a corrupt official, wealthy merchant or gangster; the travelers arrive incognito, discover the injustice and quietly investigate it; and the episode concludes with a brawl in which the unarmed, disguised protagonists defeat a crowd of samurai and gangsters, culminating with the presentation of the inrō that reveals the hero's identity. Afterwards, the hero passes judgement upon the villains, and sets things straight with fair comments and encouragements, and then continues with his journey.
I can see why a story like that one would appeal to Uo. It feels very similar to what we see happen with Tohru really, not in the sense of villains, but with the whole “comments and encouragements” bit.
The hairstyles that Hana did for Uo in this episode were fantastic too!
I liked how this reboot really brings the school to life. Like with this scene:
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It’s simple, it doesn’t show much, but we see two non-descript students who are likely student representatives for their class just existing and commenting in the background. It makes the school feel more real and lived in. We can see that when the students are just walking around the school too.  
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The Yuki and Kakeru moments were very well done. Their conversation of how you can’t choose family, but you just have to learn to live with them. So relatable. I also like how, “learning to live with them,” is a very open statement, which can mean many different things and be expressed in many different ways.
Learning to live with them could mean trying to make amends or meet half way with some (like we see with Ayame and Yuki) or it could mean just keeping a polite, but distant relationship with your family - regulated to only absolutely necessary contact and so forth (what we see here with Yuki and his mother - he needs her signature to get a phone, once he gets that he leaves and doesn’t bother to try to engage in any further conversation).
For others it could even mean cutting out family members completely. All of these options are “learning to live with it” and there are likely other ways that exist too.
On a funny note - I loved that scene where they showed the students talking about the Culture Festival and the fireworks and bonfire and stuff. That felt like that meme where everyone says something they like about a person/character, lol.
Also, this height difference! It really highlights how short Nao is. As someone who is also on the short side (5ft 1in), I can relate, haha.
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The Yuki x Machi stuff was wonderful too! TOT I love how they framed this whole moment:
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And with the shots that came after too, of Machi continuing to watch Yuki and his expression and his facial expressions + body language. It was so good! <3
(I really loved the Kyoru stuff too, but I want this post to focus more on other things).
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crazy-moko · 4 years
Ken ga Toki - Tokugawa Mitsukuni: Sword Memoirs Chapter 3
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Proofreaders: Miki, Ran
Translator’s Note: **This is not an official translation and I’m just doing this as a hobby.**  If you can somewhat read Japanese, please do play the game.
Other Chapters:
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Matsuo Basho Hah--!
Villager A Gah!
Tokugawa Mitsukuni Basho, behind you!
Matsuo Basho --!
Villager B We won't let you hurt Inari-sama!
Tokugawa Mitsukuni Yah--!
Villager B Ugh!
Matsuo Basho Huff, huff...... There's no end to this......
Tokugawa Mitsukuni It seems that the villagers are under Nine Tails' illusions, and they are completely being controlled by her. Let's end this with as little casualties as possible.
Matsuo Basho Understood.
Tokugawa Mitsukuni (However, running around won't help......) (Thanks to Nine Tails' illusions, the villagers don't feel any form of pain, becoming a monster that only knows to attack their enemies.) (Things will turn for the worst if left as it is)
Nine Tails Do you fancy my illusions, Mitsukuni?
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Tokugawa Mitsukuni Nine Tails! Undo the illusions on the villagers this instant! Let's have a one-on-one match between us!
Nine Tails Undo? I don't mind. But, will those over there accept it, I wonder? Rather than facing the truth where they have no food, the villagers themselves chose the path of illusions.
Tokugawa Mitsukuni ......What? Did you just say the villagers chose to be your pawns?
Nine Tails Yes. After experiencing the many years of drought due to the Marebito's influence, this village has become nothing but a wasteland. Even so, the castle lord of this domain turned a blind eye from the truth and continued to press heavy land tax on the villagers. Those who have no escape route then started offering their prayers to the marebitos. Goodness, rather than marebitos with unknown origins, don't you think it's more credible praying to a divine beast such as I? That's why I used my illusions to show them their dreams. And that's the story of how they came to worship me as Inari-sama.
Tokugawa Mitsukuni What.......?
Nine Tails I gave them their last hope for survival. Once the illusion comes undone, they will have no choice but to face the cruel and hopeless reality. That's why they will never betray me. Isn't that right, village chief?
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Village Chief Yes, that is absolutely right, Inari-sama. We can't live without Inari-sama......
Tokugawa Mitsukuni What is the point of giving in that easily......? All of those are mere fabrications!
Village Chief We know. There's no way we wouldn't! Unless food starts falling from the skies, there will be marebito sneaking about outside the village. However, Inari-sama protected us from those marebitos, and even chased away the tax collectors! But when the shogunate came for the first time, they only cared about their own appearances! They didn't even spare a single glance at our livelihood!
Tokugawa Mitsukuni Village chief...... (How could we befall atrocities upon these people......) (To think we would corner our people this far......!) (However, drowning themselves in illusions is far more dangerous!) Village chief, you are a praiseworthy person indeed, as you still think about your village in such situations. However, entrusting your village's future to illusions, will not solve any of the underlying problems. Look at yourself, and all the villagers! Neither your bodies nor mind can handle the illusions any longer!
Village Chief Wh-, what.......
Tokugawa Mitsukuni At this rate, both you and the villagers will die from Nine Tails' illusion! My name is Mito Mitsukuni. Your food problems and even the land taxes. I will take responsibility for as many of your problems as I can. That is why, wake up! This is no time to run away from reality!
Village Chief I-, is that true......? You will do that for us......?
*light flashes on the village chief*
Village Chief Gaaah!
Tokugawa Mitsukuni --! Nine Tails, what have you done to the village chief!?
Nine Tails Hmph, it's that great that he's useless? He was easily won over with mere flattery! Now you shall become one of my obedient puppets along with the villagers!
Village Chief Ugh......Aaahh......!
Tokugawa Mitsukuni Stop it! Stop! Haaaa--!
Village Chief I won't let you...... lay a finger on Nine Tails-sama......!
Tokugawa Mitsukuni Ngh!
Nine Tails *Giggle*, you did well. Get him, my dear servants!
Villagers Yeaaaah--!
Matsuo Basho Mitsukuni-sama, they are completely being controlled by Nine Tails. If we hold back, we will be the ones in danger!
Tokugawa Mitsukuni ......How...... did this happen......!?
Matsuo Basho Mitsukuni-sama. Please leave the unpleasant tasks to us.
Tokugawa Mitsukuni No...... Basho, I have to be one to do it...... I have to end this with my own two hands!
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*sword clashes* *hurt Nine Tails*
Nine Tails Aaahh! Oww...... How dare you...... How dare you hurt me--!
Tokugawa Mitsukuni It won't end with just defeating you. I will seal you instead without fail! With this Sesho-seki!
Nine Tails No......NOO! I don't want to be seal--! Tokugawa Mitsukuni! If it's me, I can become your strength. I can even save this country, Nakatsu!
Tokugawa Mitsukuni --!
Nine Tails You've travelled to various places so you should understand! The shogunate is filled with those type of corrupted politicians who wouldn't bat even an eye for the people. If I use my illusions on them, everything will be solved!
Tokugawa Mitsukuni ......Are you telling me to use illusions to manipulate the hearts of men?
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Nine Tails Ye-, yes! I can even make you the shogun. That way you'll be able to save the people you want to save! "The Hero of Justice", that's what you are called, right?
Tokugawa Mitsukuni "The Hero of Justice", ...... huh? Nine Tails, to someone such as you who manipulate people using illusions, you don't understand the meaning of that alias. The first time you achieve "honour" with your own two hands, that's the legitimate way of gaining the trusts of the people! Those who play with the hearts of men using illusions has no right to speak of "justice"! Nine Tails, no matter how you try to persuade me, I'll never take your offer! Be gone!
Nine Tails Aaahhh!
Matsuo Basho Mitsukuni-sama, this is your chance!
Tokugawa Mitsukuni Sweet dreams, Nine Tails!
*light flashes*
Nine Tails Aaaahhhh--! Curse you...... Tokugawa Mitsukuni.......!
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Tokugawa Mitsukuni Case closed, huh...... However, the village is completely destroyed...... Shit...... If only we came earlier......
Matsuo Basho Mitsukuni-sama...... There's no need for you to feel responsible. This incident were all orchestrated by the marebitos and Nine Tails--
Tokugawa Mitsukuni --Is it really as such? (No...... it's different. It's as if the shogunate also has a hand in this) (When the people are struggling to survive, not only did they not lend a hand, they didn't even try to listen to their pleas......) (The reason Nakatsu ended up like this is not only due to the marebitos) (I...... need to find out) (--The most reliable way to save Nakatsu)
Extra Notes: With this, we're done with another set of translations.
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