#Mod lance ❀ chatting
stardewremixed · 1 year
How Each Bachelor Reacts to the Traveling Cart / What They Would Buy
(FYI, the seller is called Suki in the mod, Stardew Valley Expanded so I will refer to her as Suki).
Alex - laughs when he first stumbles across the cart by accident. "You sell contraband?" Hee... hee.. somehow he finds this hysterical. But the "herbal creme" Suki sells works wonders on Granny's sore back so Alex makes the trip every week.
Elliott - the type to spend all his money on other people and then wonder where it all went. He would get rare foragables from outside the Valley for Leah, and unique fish for Willy. Then he would stay and chat, maybe even have his fortune told or palm read over a spot of strong herbal tea with Suki.
Harvey - doesn't wander that far into the woods that often. However, he knows of Suki and recognizes she is dealing with tough times financially. Once a quarter, he walks out to her cart to offer a discounted wellness check. Suki insists on paying, so he accepts trade in goods like truffles and specialty wines.
Sam - money burns holes in this man's pockets. He wanders out in the woods once when Vincent gets "lost." Sam finds his kid brother chatting it up with the mysterious Suki. He is all about the snacks and stocks up whenever Suki is in town. Sam is also very open-minded, and definitely eats up the crystal ball stuff. They would discuss star charts and horoscopes (which Vincent thinks are "horror-soaps," exactly what he repeats to their mom later).
Sebastian- where do you think this guy gets his "weed?" Certainly not from the local grocer. Suki stocks gummies sometimes too, which Seb hides from Maru (since she once consumed half a bag and thought it was just candy). It was a weird family dinner.
Shane - doesn't care and doesn't really believe in mystical arts. But Suki has a magic concoction for helping him beat alcoholism. Tastes nasty. Burns going down. But man! That stuff works.
Victor - an upstanding citizen. He hears rumblings about a mysterious seller but it's not on his radar. Once, he may have stumbled across Suki's cart and asked about its construction.
Magnus - I like to think these two are friends. Maybe even friendly competitors. After she closes up, Suki goes to smoke with the Wizard and shares tales from the road.
Lance- like Magnus, Lance likes to swap tales of adventure with Suki. Probably over a pint. He would definitely pick up some specialty adventuring items from her cart when he's around.
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ivquatro · 1 year
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The monster crops from the "Stardew Valley Expanded" mod!
I tried to make it like a note from Bella to Lance, as if she were reporting on the growth of the plantations. 🍄👁️
She made the small drawings and asked Leah to paint the big ones (without her knowing exactly why or what they meant).
A short story of Bella and Leah (and a bit of Lance at the end).
Bella: So... Leah, I have a request for you, but don't ask me what it means, I don't even know what it means! Leah: What? What do you mean, Bella? What kind of request? Bella: I'd like to pay you to paint these drawings I've made, I don't know how to paint with ink. I thought it would look better than pencil. Leah: Let me see…Hmm, it's not that large, I don't know how much to charge for it. But I can do it! Where did you get these ideas? Bella: Oh, it was a dream I had! I think I spent a lot of time in the mines and started dreaming about the monsters! If you want to do it and then charge me, that's fine with me! Leah: Offer accepted! Yeah, it sounds pretty creative, I think I'll talk to you when I'm having creative block!
Bella wasn't good at lying, but she was good at being convincing and persuasive. Leah had no idea what the drawings meant, but she did them anyway. Bella wanted to keep the monster crops a secret, since Lance had asked for secrecy, until he had finished his research. They chat and share a cider while Leah works on painting the drawings. As well as paying for the drawing, Bella presents Leah with a wine, since she feels a bit guilty about lying to her.
Bella hands Lance the first two crops, along with notes and some photos. Lance is surprised by her gesture, but he knew that she used to be "suspiciously kind", according to Marlon, who believed that despite this, she wasn't a bad person, just a bit of a lonely one.
Lance: I'm amazed by your dedication, my fellow adventurer. You have my gratitude, Bella. Bella: Ah… you're welcome, Lance! I wanted to help, since you haven't had much opportunity to follow the growth closely! I could teach you about planting, perhaps! Or provide you with more samples! Lance: Really? That would be very kind of you, I don't even know if I can accept it… you've already done a lot for me and my research! But if it's not too much to ask, I'd be very pleased to accept! Bella: Will you? Ah… wow, that's great! I'll do anything for you… I mean, to help a guildmate, of course! Lance: These drawings are very accurate to the samples… Did you make them? Bella: No. I asked a friend to paint them! Lance: Did you… show her the monster crops, Beladona? Bella: No, no! I drew them and asked her to paint them! I swear she doesn't know anything… I made up a good excuse, I promise! Lance: Is that true? I'll take your word for it, Bella. I don't think you have any reason to lie to me and you don't even seem to be lying. Can I trust you? Bella: I promise, you have my word.
She talks with Lance for a while about the monster crops. At this point, Bella was as fascinated by the crops as Lance, and the two began to share a common interest. His passion for research and her dedication to the farm made them both develop a certain admiration for each other.
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storms-path · 3 months
WoLyse Week 2024: Day 2 - AU
[Just Chatting] Meet My Sister!
Sanda-and-lightning [SUBSCRIBE]
520K subscribers
“Heeeeeey there chatty-chat! It’s ya girl, Sanda! How’s everybody doing? SleepySanda? Yeah, just rolled outta bed a few minutes ago, got a major case of bed-head, haha. Anyway, are you guys excited? You’re finally gonna meet my darling sister! Seeing a few SandaPogs in chat, that’s good. She’s a little skittish about this whole thing, so be gentle, alright? If this goes well, maybe I’ll be able to invite her over again! Then you’ll get to be little freaks. So… just be normal for now, okay? Okay! ‘No promises.’ WatersOfMars, you’d better be good! She likes women anyway, so hands off! Okay, that’s the doorbell. I’ll go check on her, make sure she’s good to go, and then you’ll see! My! Sister~!”
“...But you promised!”
“I did, she didn’t. And I don’t want the whole world to know I’m dating…”
“Well, I don’t mind! Come on, what’s the harm in showing me off?”
“I knew I liked you! So what’s the problem, big sis? Everyone else is fine with it!”
“...Fine. If only to stop people thinking I’m dating that weird home-made lance guy.”
“Okay chat, we’re back, sorry about that! So without further ado, allow me to introduce to you… MY BIG SISTER! Introduce yourself, sis!”
“Uh… Hi? I’m Arashi. Think some of you have seen me before in other videos. I… Sanda, what does SandaGasm mean?”
“I’ll explain it to you later! (Chat, chill! Remember what I said about being weird!)”
big sis got the big booba
is that the weird parkour girl?
Yo Sanda Is Your Sister Single? Asking For A Friend
god I’m gay
“But that’s not all I have for you today, chat! Oh, thank you for the superchat, DragonFucker69! “Your sister radiates a beautiful energy”, aww, thank you! She’s really sweet, I promise you. Best sister I could hope for!”
“Anyway, like I said, I got something else for you today, chat! Not only do we have my big sister, she’s also brought along her girlfriend for moral support! Come on in, Lyse!”
“Hiiiii everyone! How are you all doing? Bit of an impromptu collab, I know, but I couldn’t say no to Sanda bringing us both in for a quick chat. WatersOfMars, hi! Didn’t think you were one of Sanda’s mods!”
“Yeah, he’s been a big help, though there was a bit where his account got hacked. It was scary, but we made it through, didn’t we?”
“Sanda, what’s a SandaPog? Big booba…? Hey, why does everyone keep saying they’re gay?”
“It’s because you’re hot, Arashi, like I keep telling you. Mine are bigger though, right, chat?”
“Oh. But they really aren- mmph!”
“Ohohoho! We got a kiss live on air! (Thanks, Lyse, I owe you one.) Soooo, chat. Any burning questions for my darling sister? Oh, here’s a good one! How did you meet your lady love, my dearest sibling?”
“Oh, uh… I… Is it okay to say this on stream? It’s a bit…”
“We met online! She was part of a racing forum, I was a bit of a fangirl after seeing her on the track, we both bonded over our exercise routines, you know how it goes. Ah, yes, MagicMaestro, she is the other half I keep talking about in my lifting tutorials. No, she hasn’t learned to put the sets back in their proper place yet. I’ve mostly given up at this point.”
“What? I wouldn’t have to tell them if it wasn’t true!”
“Oh yeah? Well how about you leaving our to- mmph! Rude!”
“Oooooh, spicy! Okay, let’s see what chat’s asking now…”
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leotello · 2 years
Hey this is a friend of lance just wanted to say why did you ban him?
he likes speaking what's on his mind and the fact you guys literally didn't talk to him about what made you guys unnerved and upset just made him go through depressive episode he liked being on there so thanks for that.
I’d prefer to talk about this in private, but since you’re on anon, I guess I don't have a choice.
We did tell Lance what he did wrong.
We told him not to shame members for their kinks or preferences (which falls under the "be respectful to other members" rule, #5), twice. A mod told him in the server once, and I told him privately in DMs as well. Several members also told him during chats when he was being rude or making them uncomfortable. He continued to judge members, however, and then also made a sexual comment towards another member that made them uncomfortable. After that incident, we also noticed that he tried to backtrack and pretend it was meant for another server instead of apologize properly, even though it was awfully specific to the discussion.
The mods & I decided to take action, and after discussing, decided to remove him from the server as he'd already violated a rule multiple times including after being told by two different mods to stop. We told him why he was being banned when we banned him.
This isn't even including the other rule he broke, which was keeping content in the correct chats, by venting in #general, which was a minor thing so we didn't do anything about it besides move him to the correct channel, but it's worth mentioning here.
Tell Lance that he would have an easier time forming and maintaining friendships if he would listen and respect the boundaries of the people he meets. He's not being discriminated against or unfairly punished when he is removed from a server for breaking rules and making others uncomfortable despite warnings from both mods and regular members.
Lance, I do not think you're a bad person by any means, but you need to work on boundaries and respect.
This is the first and last time I will discuss it on my blog. If Lance or anyone else wants to speak to me, they can do so over DMs or on discord. Lance knows my discord.
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pesquisaomegaverse · 10 months
mod, tem uma coisa que eu acho incomoda e eu acredito que também pega pra algumas pessoas, e é a forma como gravidez vira algo fetichizado no abo. é o lance de 'knot' o parceiro unicamente pra engravidar, como se fosse só pra isso que omegas existissem. li uma fanfic onde omegas unmated não conseguem engravidar e achei a proposta interessante e também foge desse fetiche com gestação/breeding :)
Anon, vou ser sincera e dizer que não entendi muito bem sua linha de raciocínio. Respeito sua opinião e valido ela, mas não acho que seja necessário isso porque... Se você se sente desconfortável com a ideia de gestação ser algo fetichizado e não quer que seu personagem omega engravide... É literalmente só não fazer isso...? Não vejo nada demais nas pessoas terem fetiche com breeding, contanto que façam entre si e com partes consensuais, não tem nada contra. Sem kinkshame nessa casa. Se quiser enviar outra ask ou chamar no chat para explicar melhor sua visão, estamos sempre aí!
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Pidge: I saw this video with a bear hugging a girl and I want to give it a hug too if it didn't want to murder me.
Hunk: Would you say you wanted to give it a...bear hug?
Lance: Please fire yourself from a cannon
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obeythedemons · 2 years
Chaotic Nature [Obey Me! Barbatos/Lance]
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Summary:  Diavolo and Lance discuss who they’re going to marry in their video game.
Pairing: Barbatos/Lance
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 486
Obey Me! Masterlist
“Who are you going to marry in the game?” Diavolo asked as both he and Lance sat side by side, playing their own versions of the same game.
"No one,” Lance grumbled to himself, sounding a bit upset.
Diavolo looked up from his field of crops to Lance with a raised eyebrow. “Is there something wrong?”
“No,” Lance sighed as he worked on reorganizing his endless chests to store everything he’s gathered in the mines. “Just none of the characters catch my attention. I used to have fun romancing them, but…”
“None of them are Barbatos?”
Lance glanced up from his screen towards the smirking prince. He knew there was no point in lying to him. “None of them are Barbatos,” he grumbled in agreement. “Even in a fictional setting, I don’t want anyone else.” Lance went back to sorting his items, taking note of what he needed for future upgrades. “Who are you going to marry?”
“Him!” Diavolo immediately shoved his screen in Lance’s face with excitement. “He sort of looks like Lucifer!”
Lance snorted in amusement. “Are you going to show Lucifer?”
Diavolo was quiet for a moment as he pondered it over. “Perhaps. Maybe I’ll send screenshots of the wedding in the group chat to get a reaction out of him.”
“Please make sure Barbatos is in that group chat.”
“Of course, he’s the one that pesters Lucifer the most. I don’t have to do anything to get a reaction from Lucifer.”
Lance giggled. “Barbatos is actually a bit chaotic, isn’t he?”
“Outside of his position as the royal butler? Very much so. There’s a reason he gets along with Solomon so well. And I presume that’s part of the reason why you are so enamored with him.”
Lance moved his game to hide his face which was likely burning up. “It’s not fair that no one can lie to you.” Diavolo burst out into a low rumble of laughter. “But he does make me laugh. And I do feel special when he decides to use that chaotic energy and tease me.”
“He only shows that side with those he’s close to.”
Lance gave a pause with a shy smile. “I noticed that.”
Diavolo continued, “I’m sure there are sides that Barbatos has shown you that he hasn’t shown anyone else. Not even me.” Lance peered up at Diavolo, hesitating on what he should say. Barbatos did divulge his past with him. The past that Diavolo could only guess. Sensing Lance’s unease, Diavolo quickly dismissed him. "I'm not saying I want you to tell me what sides he's shown you. I'm simply glad he has someone he can do so with.” Lance’s smile returned. Diavolo watched him go back to his games before an idea popped up. “Maybe we could have Leviathan mod the game to add Barbatos as a datable character!”
Lance looked up at Diavolo with wide eyes. “We totally should.”
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cerastes · 3 years
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So yesterday we ventured through the Cinders mod for Dark Souls 3, a complete game overhaul, and this is my character, which was referred to by multiple chat members, in and out, throughout the length of the stream as:
Shadow the Hedgehog.
Bog God.
Florida Man; Florida Woman.
Average Vaper.
A Very Bad Case Of Oripathy.
but where geniuses intersected, that is, where Lance and I went, is that this is actually a future Sarkaz Swordsmaster boss from a Contingency Contract or a Fungimist that doesn’t exist yet. Main weapons are a Sekiro-fied Uchigatana with a mix of moves from Sekiro and Genichirou, the Censuring Palm, which gives you access to powerful barehanded combos and a Tekken kick that sends mobs flying, and the “Holy Glock”, which is the Cleric’s Sacred Chime paired with Refined Lightning Bow, which shoots fast and costs no FP.
Peerless artistic rendition by Lance @coolchulainn go get yourself a piping hot commission and look at dope art.
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pokemagines · 5 years
sylvain, felix, claude, & dimitri + jealousy
anon asked: “Jealousy / someone flirting with their s/o for Sylvain, Dimitri, Claude and Felix?”
a/n: yesss i love jealousy prompts. also i’ve been listening to harry styles’s cover of girl crush for about two hours now someone send help --mod touko
as someone who talks about how jealousy is such an unattractive trait, he sure does get jealous! especially once he confesses his feelings to you, he finds himself being a little bit protective sometimes, especially when others are so obviously in love with you and you don’t seem to notice. 
it shouldn’t bother him as much as it does when he sees a prominent noble from the kingdom chatting you up. especially when that noble is his own father. you laugh along at his jokes, and are seemingly so interested in whatever he’s going on about. felix comes by and calls him pathetic, and he realizes he must be being way too obvious. he trusted you with all that he was... it was just hid dad he didn’t trust. when he touches your arm, that’s all sylvain needs, he’s beelining to your side, laughing and smiling and calling out your name as he pulls you out of the other man’s touch. sylvain would apologize for interrupting the conversation, he just needed to talk to his spouse for a moment. 
“yeah, he was getting a little too friendly with you... who does he think he is... touching you like that?” you blink owlishly at him, a bit confused at sylvain’s reaction. you didn’t think sylvain’s dad meant you any harm by his actions, he was your father-in-law after all. was sylvain jealous? you giggle at the thought, he had changed so much from the student you had first met, sylvain didn’t used to be the jealous type. “hey, why are you laughing?” you voice your earlier thoughts and sylvain flushes, scratching the back of his neck. “well... back then i didn’t have you.” he admits earnestly. 
he’s super jealous, even if he’d never admit it aloud. felix will always stutter out some pathetic excuse as to why he seems to always drag you away when dimitri and you are speaking in hushed voices, or sylvain invites you to tea. once, while you were on a midnight flight with ingrid, he requested that you cut it short, yelling from the ground that he needed to spar with you. definitely not because he saw you clutching her tight and got jealous, that couldn’t have been it.
not only is he easily jealous, he’s really bad at handling his jealousy, like all his other emotions. for a moment, his mind wanders to what would happen if you hadn’t chose him, what if you ended up with someone else. that thought spurs him forward, him latching onto your waist as he mumbles something under his breath about him needing to talk to you. 
when confronted, he’ll vehemently deny it, asking you if you think him a fool who gets emotional so easy. it’s obvious in the way he over-enunciates his words and blushes that he is. you laugh it off, cuddling up to him and assuring him that he’s the only one for you. felix huffs, pulling you close to his chest, nuzzling into your neck and mumbling “i better be”.
claude has so much trust for you, so the thought of you looking at anyone else the way you look at him is far from his mind. though, he doesn’t trust others, so if he sees that you’re uncomfortable, he’ll step in and intervene, a tight smile on his face as he spins some quick lie about why he needs to talk to you in private.
however, he is very playfully jealous. if he sees hilda fawning over you he’ll waltz up to you like “i can’t believe miss goneril has the audacity to flirt with my spouse in front of me! my lord/lady, would you like me to fight for your honor?” meanwhile hilda is rolling her eyes like “CLAUDE, you’re a dork”. 
he does sometimes get truly jealous if he has to be away in almyra for a long period of time. when you talk of how closely you work with seteth in your letters with him, it ignites a little spark of envy in him. when he gets back he makes sure to kiss you out in the open in front of everyone, dipping you and winking at seteth as he does. seteth is fuming from the act which just makes claude even more smug as you tug him back into your chambers, seteth yelling that claude hasn’t been briefed yet.
his jealousy stems from not a lack of trust, but because he’s insecure about himself. especially at the beginning of the relationship when it’s hard for him to accept the fact that you love him despite the horrible things he’s done, his mind often wanders to why you chose to love someone like him. it’s a negative cycle and he often broods in the corner as he sees you having fun chatting away with mercedes and sylvain. 
you can always sense when he’s feeling this way, as he hides himself away, and so you come over to give him a quick kiss on the cheek, assuring you that you love him as you pull him into the crowd of people, holding his hand as if to tell him there’s nothing to worry about.
though, later when he’s more secure in your love for him, his jealousy is more outward. he sees claude throwing flirtations your way, he’ll come up behind you gripping his lance tightly and glaring him down, daring him to say another word. claude looks spooked as he chokes out an apology, but as soon as you turn back to dimitri he’s looking at you lovingly. the duality of the boar.
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sweetheart-station · 5 years
I love your writing for Keith from Voltron! I miss Voltron 😭😭 I was wondering could I request some head cannons for the Paladins x reader and having there first kiss? 😊
Oh boy! A multi-character post! Get ready folks, this is gonna be long! - Mod Venus
Paladin’s First Kiss Headcanons (REQUEST)
Keith Kogane
A first kiss with Keith happens before something major, like the calm before the storm. He’s mulling over things while sitting on a windowsill, one leg drawn up and arms crossed as the cosmos glitter out the window. S/O, having a hunch, goes and finds him and promptly sits on the sill too, facing him.
After a soft inquiry on their part and a bit of a pinched look on his face, he opens up about what’s on his mind. At this point, he already knows he can trust them, so saying what he’s thinking isn’t quite as hard as it used to be before they got together.
After he explains himself, he lets S/O talk. Hearing what they have to say is important to him after all. Their words start sinking in and he finds himself subconsciously relaxing in their presence, shoulders not so tense, face softening.
How do they just...do that? Listening to his deepest troubles and making it seem like something beatable instead of some towering wall?
On one hand, he’s glad he doesn’t have to face everything completely alone anymore. On the other...he’s scared. If he loses them...
Next thing he knows, he’s drawn them up into his arms, pulling them close and resting his forehead against theirs. S/O pauses mid-sentence in surprise as their eyes meet. His eyes are intense, but not threatening. That passion he’s known for is simmering beneath the surface, and it’s sucking S/O in.
“No matter what happens...there’s no way I’m letting anything happen to you...got that?”
S/O can feel his breath brushing their skin as he murmurs those heartfelt words before his lips meet theirs, chapped but tender...tentative...uncharacteristically vulnerable. A hand in his hair makes him melt internally and feel like he’s floating all at once: an odd combination, but not unpleasant.
Even after they part for air, Keith is reluctant to let the go. Bearing so many feelings out in the open like that leaves him a bit emotionally raw, so he’s almost dependent on S/O’s presence like a healing balm for such a young, weary soul.
To sum it up: Keith’s first kiss with his S/O came from a place of fear...of worry for the future. However, it is also a promise; an oath of how much he loves them and how he will fight for the sake of their future together.
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Hunk Garret
Hunk and his S/O were up way late one night...probably from nerves. And what better way to get rid of nighttime nerves than some late night snacks, right? Except...there’s not much to raid in the pantry...so the two decide to whip up a little something instead!
Even if S/O doesn’t know their way around the kitchen, Hunk is happy to let them try and help, or to have them sit and watch while he works...though his focus may be more on the food.
The two try not to make too much noise, but they can’t help but chat about anything and everything: from Voltron to weird alien food to just innocuous things.
It’s not long before the treats are ready, and soon the conversation is accented with comments of how delicious it turned out and how great Hunk is in the kitchen.
Hunk, caught between being humble and being proud of his talent, gets flustered. S/O, who has given him pecks on the cheek before, goes to do so, but because the motion catches him off guard it instead ends up planting squarely on his mouth.
There’s a pause before the two panic, apologizing profusely, followed by another pause and finished with a duet of bashful chuckles at how ridiculous the situation is.
S/O quietly asks if they should try that again. Hunk, with a warm smile and overflowing heart, says they should. The sort-of-first-but-technically-second kiss is sweet and soft and dusted with cookie crumbs. It’s the kind of kiss that immediately gets addicting, because your insides feel like cotton and are warm like fresh laundry.
To sum it up: Hunk’s first kiss is steady and sure, the next step in a happy life together. After this milestone, kisses become much more frequent and as natural as saying each other’s name. The man has domestic bliss written all over him, after all.
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Pidge Holt
So...Pidge may be smart, but romance-wise, she’s a bit of a...lame duck. At least at first! She’s good at the casual things, like hanging out and playing games, or messing with Lance for a laugh at his expense. But...what she labels “gushy things” ...? A bit out of her field.
The first kiss didn’t happen for a while and the reason it happened wasn’t exactly romantic. It was getting real late, but it looked like Pidge was shooting for another all-nighter at her computer, much to her S/O’s dismay.
S/O had dozed off for a bit, woken up, and realized Pidge hadn’t moved an inch; the little brainiac was hunched over her clickety-clacking keyboard like some sort of bespectacled space gargoyle. It would be funny if it weren’t so concerning. S/O started off with a quiet inquiry, only to be met with a soft mutter of “Go back to bed.” S/O tried again, more insistent, bordering on pleading, but what the Green Paladin lacks in height she makes up for in sheer stubborness. She merely dismissed her S/O’s concerns again, stating that this isn’t the first time she’s done this and she’ll sleep when she’s done.
S/O, getting miffed, can’t help but snark about how long that’ll take, exactly. Pidge, who was mentally drained even without admitting it, doesn’t take kindly to this and snaps back, only to be shocked when S/O rushes forward and snaps the computer shut. Before she can protest, she’s stunned by the expression on S/O’s face: a scowl with glassy eyes and a slightly trembling lip.
S/O starts on a mini rant about how much it hurts them to see how little she cares about her own well-being when they care so much about it in her stead, and how it feels like what they say doesn’t seem to matter as much as some line of code or encrypted file, and how is she supposed to function properly when dead on her feet in the morning?? It trails into the idea that maybe because they themselves don’t understand this stuff, that maybe she doesn’t trust their judgment as a person; but she should at least know that they only say these things because they worry about her, and it hurts to be brushed off like some sort of pest.
Pidge watches owlishly as S/O stalks off before they really blow up and say something they’ll regret. The silence that ensues is deafening, and ultimately too uncomfortable for her to sit in as she goes and heads over to S/O’s room. She bites her lip as she sees them trying to calm down their breathing. As soon as she sits down next to them, she does her best to awkwardly start up a fresh conversation with S/O’s quiet gaze on her. She stammers during the apology, not from scrambling for excuses, but out of nerves and panic at the idea that she might have ruined the relationship. In the end, she pleads for them to not feel like they matter less than whatever project she’s working on, because it’s not true.
After a beat, S/O nods, much to her relief. After she mutters something about being a terrible girlfriend, she’s surprised by the feeling of S/O’s hand over her own. There’s some relief however when S/O quietly jokes that it’s gonna take a lot more for her to win “Most Terrible Girlfriend” award, followed by a soft kiss to the corner of her mouth that she quickly indulges in, not wanting to waste it.
To sum it up: Pidge is so driven that sometimes other things fall to the wayside. A first kiss with her is a way to plant her back on the ground; a reminder of what she has, and all-together a way for the bond to deepen even farther.
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Lance McClain
Oh, this romantic had been dreaming about this for a while, even before he and his S/O got together. Which means that he’s looking for just the right moment when they do.
It’s one of those moments you read about in sappy romance novels. Lance insists on sneaking out one night when they’re staying on a planet. He takes them on a little adventure: A bit of perusing the streets, indulging the nightlife, and checking out the local sights before headed to a more secluded spot on the edge of the settlement, where the foliage gives way to a horizon crowned with stars.
The two of them sit down and just talk. Lance and S/O, already super close and practically bound at the hip, were no strangers to hanging out together, but this felt so much more intimate. More private. Laying on the ground might’ve been uncomfortable if it weren’t for the happy mood.
There’s banter, but they’re mostly just reveling in each other’s company and taking a moment to appreciate the beauty of the universe that’s under the Paladins’ protection.
The air is quiet, with the exception of some local fauna here and there. Lance is suddenly not so bouncy; instead, he is pensive. His bright smile is faded, catching S/O’s attention. When they ask, he takes a moment to steel himself before coming clean about seeing them as more than just a friend.
“Heh...judging by the look on your face, you weren’t expecting that, huh?”
S/O is stunned, yes, because though they felt the same, they had no idea he liked them that way. He seemed like the type to straight up say he was interested. Lance, sensing the question, looks up with a nervous smile.
“You...you’re worth more than just a wink and a pick-up line, you know? I know it’s hard to believe, but...” his eyes dart to the side, downcast. “I don’t mean this as a fling. I really-“
He’s cut off when S/O moves in close, startled out of his ramble when their hand takes his. Warm tingles skitter up his spine at the contact, and he’s dumbstruck when they tilt his face to look back at them.
“That’s good...because I bet you weren’t expecting me to like you too,” they quip softly. Lance is torn between laughing and getting embarrassed, so he just kinda gurgles out of bashful nerves. When they smile and chuckle at his reaction, it just hits him what’s happening right now, which jumpstarts his brain back to life. He gets this real tender look on his face, hesitantly reaching to brush some of their hair out of their face before leaning in and pressing his lips to theirs. His heart soars and does backflips when he feels them reciprocate, and when they part he can’t help but smile softly.
There’s just this sense of completeness that washes over the two, like two missing puzzle pieces finally coming together to make the picture or a river meeting the sea. It blooms like a cactus flower in the night: fresh and new and oh so worth the wait.
To sum it up: a first kiss with Lance is amazing and memorable, but not flashy, despite what his personality might lead to believe. In matters of serious relationships, Lance gets nervous because real feelings are nerve-wracking (in a good way,) and he doesn’t want to mess up such a good bond. Still, the romantic in him wants to kiss them right at the start of it all, because it just...feels right. Plus, it’s a great story to pass down in the future.
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Takashi Shirogane
A first kiss with Shiro is...a bit complicated.
The man has so many responsibilities on his shoulders that romance is pushed to the side a lot. Not that he doesn’t care about it or his S/O, he just feels obligated to focus on the situation at hand rather than indulge for himself.
His S/O understands that. There’s no way they’d be able to make it work if they didn’t.
On the other hand, his S/O wants to be an anchor for him. With how much he’s been through they have a hard time believing he can just brush that off so easily like the rest of the team might believe - The price one pays for being so revered...
They manage to make a point one night while Shiro is in the training room, asking if he wants to spar with them instead of the robot so they both get some work in. He agrees, happy to help.
It’s too bad the rest of the paladins aren’t awake at the moment to see it, because the sparring session that ensues is quite a sight to behold. Every move and transition and counter is so smooth.
Shiro comments on how much they’ve improved, and they merely reply with a cheeky “Are you really that surprised?”
He laughs, but doesn’t falter. The session comes to a midpoint and the two take a quick break for water.
“It’s good knowing I have someone like you watching my back,” he chuckles, taking a swig from his water bottle. S/O decides instead to douse themselves a bit with theirs. They nod a bit, but their face looks a bit more serious.
“You can always count on me...even when I’m not throwing punches,” they remind him. He pauses, sensing the underlying emotion in that statement, and sighs.
“I know I can, (Name.)” he says in a reassuring tone, but he can’t help but yell in surprise when he suddenly finds his legs swept out from under him. He falls onto the mat with a grunt, sprawled out in his back and staring up at his S/O, who is now straddling him, in shock.
“You say that...but you still take everything on your shoulders no matter how many times we tell you otherwise...!” S/O scolds. “How am I supposed to believe you when you don’t tell me how to help?” Their voice goes quieter as they slouch forward a bit, anger starting to ebb into tired pleading.
“I’m not going to tell you what you can and can’t do...” they murmur hoarsely as they lock eyes with him. “But...I hoped that you would trust me enough to tell me when you’ve had enough...to come to me once and a while.”
Shiro is speechless at first, mouth dropped open in bewilderment, before his face softens. A soft hand hand touches S/O’s cheek, catching their attention.
“S/O...this’s been bugging you for a long time now, hasn’t it...I’m sorry...”
Dark eyes reflect regret as he pulls them into his chest after sitting up, not too tight, but definitely firm with conviction. “It was never my intention to make you feel like I don’t trust you...that’s the furthest thing from the truth...I was so focused on not wanting you to worry that I made you worry anyway. I guess I’m a bit of a hypocrite that way, huh?”
The two share a small chuckle at that.
“Maybe...but knowing you, you won’t make that mistake again, hm?”
“Well, if you’re going to sweep me every time I do, I better not,” he jokes. There’s silence between the two as they look into each other’s faces, tension passed. S/O, after a moment of consideration, presses a kiss to his mouth, which he happily reciprocates and even deepens a tad to make it last longer. The weariness in his body slowly fades, replaced by a softness comparable to a fleece blanket after a long trek in the cold rain.
“Don’t worry. Even if that happens, I’ll still be there to pull you back up on your feet.”
To sum it up: A first kiss with Shiro is a mark of trust. For Shiro, who tends to put almost too much on himself, it is a sign that he doesn’t have to be the only one to bear the weight. He can finally find refuge in someone who will stand by him through it all and offer him shelter emotionally.
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Princess Allura
Ah, yes. A first kiss with a princess. Who hasn’t dreamed about that?
This spirited young lady is torn between propriety and just going for it.
It takes time for Allura to come to grips that she even has feelings for someone because, like Shiro, she has such a strong sense of duty that she believes she has no time for romance.
So a first kiss comes along in a moment of peace after a hard-won victory. Her mood is uplifted and she feels a weight taken off her shoulders. For now at least.
S/O on the other hand, seems..off. Jumpy, nervous, a bit spastic. Could it be some sort of odd Earthling disease??
Determined to find out, Allura starts tracking them down. When she first approaches, S/O seems to panic, which makes her even more concerned.
“You’ve been acting so strangely. What is the matter?” She asks, dainty eyebrows drawn together in concern. Somehow, S/O just looks even more nervewracked as they sputter an excuse before darting off. Allura just stares after them in bewilderment.
After several more attempts, she finally corners them somewhere away from the others. No one to distract them, nothing happening that just so happens to need their attention, nothing. She immediately nips any excuses in the bud as she stared directly into what feels like their soul.
“Now, what in heaven’s name is going on? Have I done something to offend you or what??” She demands, exasperated.
“What? No! You haven’t done anything to me! Er, well, not that way, at least,” S/O yelps as they bumble through an explanation. Their eyes are glued to the floor as they continue. “I...there’s something I need to tell you...I’m just too big a chicken to say anything...”
Her face relaxes a little, going from frustration to concern, though a small smile does grace her face.
“Whatever a chicken is...you are far from one, S/O. What is it you wanted to say?”
Cue more stumbling and awkward pauses before S/O finally just sighs, looking at her with a helpless expression.
“I love you!” they spit out, before slapping a hand over their mouth in horror. S/O was hoping to be more subtle than that!! Allura’s just staring at them; of all things, that was not what she saw coming.
Well, it’s not totally unbelievable...she’s not going deny how close they’ve become over the course of their journey together. The late night chats, the sharing of Altean and Earth cultures, the laughs, the tears...
She thinks back on all those times, and her heart swells as the thoughts in the back of her mind come pouring in. She knew she had treasured their relationship for a long time, but now that S/O had given it a name, she couldn’t deny it.
She snaps out of her reverie when she notices S/O stammering out an apology, voice watery and hollowly casual with a face that screams how much they want to go hide under a rock. Immediately, she is filled with regret because she hadn’t realized she’d tuned out that long, which couldn’t have looked that favorable a response.
Before S/O can run off again, she quietly takes their hand and squeezes it. The gesture cuts them off mid-ramble, making them look at her, puzzled. She just smiles, blue eyes soft and twinkling, as she leans forward to press a kiss to their mouth.
At first, S/O is shocked beyond belief. Could this really be happening after how badly they botched their confession? Then, they just melt into it. There’s this sense of tranquility that seeps into their veins.
It lasts a few seconds before their lips part softly. S/O looks flustered, but smitten, which makes Allura melt inside. She’s used to people pledging loyalty and camaraderie to her, but this is a whole new level.
“Now...before I kiss you again, how about I tell you how I feel, hm?”
To sum it up, a first kiss with Allura is sweet and tender. It’s soothing like a lullaby, but steadfast and sure. She wants S/O to have no doubts about her feelings ever again, so she makes it a point to kiss them often. They’re also a good way for her to relax when things get tense; at the very least, she has her S/O with her during this perilous journey.
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*faints* this...took...so long...I’m so sorry... - Mod Venus
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godkingsanointed · 4 years
Jak-knife gothic (sanctuary edition)
(I refuse to just sit around an worry so if anyone has any other borderlands characters they want a gothic post about send an ask)
(Also,a few notes for people who don't know the character so this makes sense: jak-knife is a Pandora born bandit,hired to spy in the COV an dating moxxi,alsoJK hates the lance)
You'd heard the rumour about Pandoran's obsession with meat but you always assumed it was a cruel joke about a starved population. That was until you where fixing their Echo,and found a playlist called "sleep ASMR" that was nothing but hours and hours of butchery videos. You don't recognise the animal. Was that a tattoo? You shut it off and finish the repair as quickly as possible.
He wont go near the Eridian slab in Tannis's office. Its singing makes their bones ache,they said. That it sings like the sand did. Sometimes you catch them staring though,so close their masked face almost touches it's surface. They nod and mumble,unable to hear anything around them. Everyone else pretends not to notice. He doesn't remember when you ask.
The crimson lance on board are going missing. One at a time,in the night. They've all started sleeping in the same room,moving in packs. It isn't helping. You mention it to Moxxi,and she quickly changes the subject. You nod as she tells you about the echoshows she and Jak-knife watch in the evenings,definitely all evening. Together. Your glad things are going well,they seem to help out a lot. You've definitely seen him helping around the place and taking out the trash for her. Come to think of it,huge bags every night. It's probably nothing.
You laugh and chat with them often. As much as you dont want to admit it, you didn't expect them to be friendly under the stoic,rough exterior. Sometimes in the middle of a sentence though,something is off. He's explaining his latest shield mod,but you swear for a second you hear another quick,mumbled interruption they don't seem to notice their doing. "Tear the flesh"..? You shrug it off. But then a few moments later there it is again. A laugh that trails off into a lightening fast "salt the wound!". You ask then to repeat but they only look at you confused before going into the next thing. You don't change your expression but casually take a step back.
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multi-fandom-asks · 5 years
Could I get some friendship headcanons for Pidge and Hunk please? :D
Of course! These are two of the purest kiddos ever. Thanks for the ask! 💖💜
Pidge is absolutely the kind of person to call or text someone in the middle of the night and ramble about things that could wait til morning.
“HUNK! guess what? No, don’t guess, you’ll never get it. I just read about a new study on quintessence and it’s connection to life forces and-“
“Pidge, tha-that’s great, it really is, but um, it’s about 3:00 in the morning? I don’t wanna be a jerk but could we maybe resume this little chat at breakfast?”
and Pidge is always salty about it. For about three minutes. Then breakfast comes along and she talks Hunk’s ear off.
Hunk is very much the dad friend to Pidge, even more so than Shiro! He packs her favorite snack, peanut butter cookies, whenever they go on missions and Pidge would never say it out loud but it’s one of the nicest things he does.
Pidge, while always happy to play video games with Lance, has slowly roped Hunk into the world of gaming. He‘s pretty good at first person shooters but prefers cute little indie games with adorable characters.
he’d actually become a fan of a new RPG series that Pidge had bought, and secretly fanboys about the characters and plot.
Pidge absolutely teases him about this (she’s a fan girl herself but she’s got a reputation to uphold, for goodness’ sake!)
Hunk is basically a second pet-parent to Pidge’s bull terrier Bebe, and Bebe adores him! The rest of the Voltron gang address Hunk and Pidge as the proud parents to their dog child Bebe, much to their chagrin.
Hunk has also tried to teach Pidge to cook. It went horrible and Pidge ended up with a nasty burn on her hand. But at the ER, Hunk left briefly to buy her a blueberry muffin and a newly-released video game to try and console her.
needless to say, it meant the world to Pidge and as soon as her hand healed, she played the crap out of that game (with both Hunk and Lance).
they’re both tech geeks so they often join each other late at night to play around with gadgets and watch Internet videos.
Pidge is totally the one that taught Hunk all his technological knowledge.
while Pidge loves all of the Voltron family dearly, Hunk is her closest friend and once confided in him that she felt safest with him (which made Hunk cry for the rest of the night.)
- mod Aoi 🌺
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galteanklancezine · 5 years
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GALTEAN KLANCE Q & A - Ask them whatever you want! 
The mods of the AtS zine will be accepting questions and Galtean!Klance will answer! (via doodles courtesy of @aku-usagi ) We might not have a chance to answer every question we receive, but plan to feature them once or twice a week. We ask that all questions are asked in the spirit of fun, and do not contain any questionable material; such as NSFW, personal details about mods, etc. Questions should be directed towards Galtean!Klance, and they will answer your questions accordingly. 
That said, feel free to send in your questions! :D 
 —————incoming transmission————— 
Greetings earthlings! You have an incoming transmission from the far reaches of the Zexila Quadrant! 
Lance: K-Keith! Move away! I’m doing the message! Keith: No! I’m doing it, move out of my way! Lance: Nuh uh! I’m doing it! Keith: We’ll be answering your questions so-hmph! Lance: We will be answering your questions about us, people of planet Earth! We thought it would be a fun way for us to engage with you all and answer any questions you may have about the Across the Stars zine, and anything about us! We-ouch! Keith! Don’t bite my hand! Keith: We’ll answer once or twice a week, It depends on how busy we are. If we’re in the middle of a battle, we won’t be able to answer your questions for a while. Lance: We hope that you understand that we can’t answer everyones questions! but we’ll try our best! *explosion* Keith: No time to chat! That’s all earthlings! Send in your questions and we’ll be answering them- Lance: Put up the particle barrier, we- 
—————Transmission cut—————
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the truth is out there
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cielrouge · 6 years
Voltron Legendary Defender NYCC 18' Panel Recap
Ahhh okay here’s the recap post I promised! It took a little while to transcribe all the individual videos I had (I think almost 11 in the end? lol). So, normally I’m not a morning person at all, but as soon as I saw NYCC announce the Hammerstein panel and realizing this might very well be the last VLD panel ever, you can betcha that I got up at the crack of dawn to get my ass down to Hammerstein this morning pfftt. I got there around 9ish, and while there was already a line it moved fairly quickly after a quick bag check. Since I was by myself, I managed to get a pretty decent seat, actually much than I anticipated, located in the early middle-ish of the ground floor seating.
The panel began with the moderator (I forgot his name, sorry mod! D:) with introducing the cast and crew: Joaquim Dos Santos & Lauren Montgomery (Executive Producers), Josh Hamilton (Story Editor), and the VA’s for Allura (Kimberly Brooks), Pidge (Bex Taylor-Klaus), Shiro (Josh Keaton), and Lance (Jeremy Shada). Keith’s VA (Steven Yeun) didn’t make it, but I’m assuming maybe this was because he had prior commitments to promote BURNING at the New York Film Festival this weekend?
Joaquim and Lauren started off the panel regarding the Shiro and Adam storyline in S7, and some “understandably hurt reactions to it." Joaquim stated that they emphasize with everyone’s reactions and "really do feel for you,” while Lauren added: “so we clearly can’t change what’s already happened, but this experience has stirred conversation about what meaningful representation is, and we hope that this leads to better representation in the future.”
VLD Show Retrospective & General Fan Appreciation
 Lauren then changed gears to take a moment to say: "how proud we are of our crew who has worked so hard, and our amazing cast who has bought so much life to these characters over these past four years," and a "huge thank you to all of the fans who have just showered us with so much love and support."
Joaquin added that they wanted "our final New York Comic Con, really our final con of the entire series to be a celebration of everyone's hard work. And a really awesome look back at what came before this and an awesome look forward to our final season, of a show that we're so proud to be a part of, and had you guys along for the ride."
The moderator asked what it's been like throughout the years to get to this specific part (season 8) and Joaquim said: "It's amazing for us. It's grown every single year, you guys [the crowd] is the best. It's been an absolute honor working on the show."
Josh H. (VLD's Story Editor) also noted: "It's weird being in the office alone, maybe five of us writers in one room," and they question what will or will not work story-wise, but "then you come to Comic Con and people start to cheer because they love a moment so much."
 "It's so different when you're alone by yourself as a writer, and then when you're with an awesome crowd of people. It invigorates you."
 Josh K. (Shiro's VA) added that it's been amazing for him to meet and work with the cast, but specifically highlighted his appreciation for seeing all the "incredible talent that's been peppered throughout the fandom.
Specifically emphasizing how the cast and crew "see so many amazing cosplay, so much incredible art, videos, everything. You guys [the fans] really dove into this show and we love it. We're just as much fans as all of you, and we love sharing the show with all of you. It's been a fantastic experience and I'm sad it's coming to an end."
Jeremy (Lance's VA) chimed in: "You don't to be part of many shows like Voltron in your career, so it's been a blessing to be a part of this show. Everybody here puts in so much hard work into their craft and what they do, but you never know what's going to do well or not, and this show DEFINITELY did very, very well."  And this was because of the fans, particularly highlighting the passion and dedication, and how "it means the world to us."
 Jeremy then pointed out this was a crowd where there actually seemed to be more cosplayers than non-cosplayers, prompting Josh K. to note: "I love going to these cons and looking at everyone cosplaying, and pretending in my head that Voltron is real and now I'm at Space Mall."
 Bex (Pidge's VA) chimed in to say that she would make things a little more selfish since: "I've always wanted to play a cartoon character so this was very literally a dream come true for me." But not only to play a cartoon character, but to play a powerful female warrior."
Bex additionally noted how amazing how that's what's resonated most is "for young kids to see themselves in Pidge and Allura. It's just been the most heartwarming experience."
Kimberly (Allura's VA) then spoke to the experience among the cast and crew and how they've become good friends with one another, and how it's "bittersweet that this is our last convention, but it's been amazing."
Season 7 Retrospective (General Storytelling  Approach & the VA's Favorite Moments)
Josh H. started off that: "S7 was meant to be putting our paladins at a disadvantage."
 So the writers came up with the concept of a 3 year timeskip and "all these stories about going home, and Hunk with his family kind of sprung up naturally from that."
 "There's also a story about Allura. It's kinda subtle, but Allura lost Altea, and now she has a chance to redeem herself and help save Earth."
"A lot of these personal moments start to pop up when we got this new angle, so starting off with this 3 year time gap really helped us."
Joaquim noted it was cool seeing the fan buildup with getting the paladins back home to their families, and "knowing for us, from a story perspective that it was coming down the line, and seeing everything get to that fever pitch point. It was a really great payoff to see it all play out."
Lauren switched gears to comment on the "insane logistics" of the whole big Galra attack at the end. They had some initial trouble figuring out how the Zaiforge cannons were supposed to work.
 Josh H. chimed in to note that Joaquim kept coming to the writers room to say that something needed to be different about this Galra attack, so he and Mitch Iverson would kind of go on walks and try to figure out how the Zaiforge cannons worked.
While Lauren noted that the logistics was a "massive headache, they were still pretty happy with how it turned out since "it was pretty suspenseful, never a dull moment."
 Josh H. added that plot-wise, he liked how the storytelling perspective got to stay on Earth. "We knew that there were going to be seven, Earth-centric episodes," so that gave a lot of time to "meet some new people and come up with MFE pilots."
The writers really enjoyed cracking who the MFE pilots were individually, particularly with the way that Leifsdottir thinks and speaks, so "having this time to stay in one place and time was really fun."
Jeremy noted that they were really happy to have AJ LoCascio (Lotor's VA) still stick around and voice James Griffin in S7.
Joaquim mentioned that for a show of this nature, with all the focus on action-adventure and big explosions and giant robots, it was unusual to "take two episodes and just focus on the logistics on what's going back on Earth while madness is happening. Essentially you had all these meetings going on for what's ostensibly a kid's show."
 In terms of trying to find a fine balance between the Earth storyline and Paladin storyline, Lauren and Jaoquim did wonder whether they could spend that much time on Earth without "seeing Voltron punch something" (ROFL) but they knew it was the right decision as they were reading the scripts when they came in, and it just felt right, and "that's ultimately been a testament to the show. Just going with your gut."
Favorite, Standout Moments of Season 7
 Bex noted that her favorite episodes of S7 were the Earth-centric ones where "we got to experience what was happening on Earth while we [the paladins] were gone. It was everything I got to see and nothing I got to see in the scripts since we weren't there."
 Kimberly noted that the Hunk love was amazing, since he's so "lovable, and we got to see where he was inspired to cook and do all the things that he does, and why he's such a cool guy."
Josh K. added that Hunk really proved himself as the heart of the team.
Jeremy noted that the VA's knew that the Atlas was going to be a thing through the scripts, but they weren't aware of what it actually looked like beforehand.
 Bex humorously chimed in to offer that "Atlas is thiccc. I needs that workout routine, okay?" (omfg)
Jeremy agreed that it has a "nice big booty. It's a thick robot." (And at that point, everyone in the audience started wheezing, shrieking, or cackling).
Josh K. added that the day the episode aired, there was a group chat among the VA's where someone just texted "Atlas is thiccc" and Bex admitted that she had this saved to her Tweetdeck for a longgg time.
 Josh K. admitted that while he's probably biased, this was still his favorite episode, since Josh wanted Shiro to have everything that he deserves, and he loved how "everything was falling apart and everyone was looking for Shiro to lead."
And in terms of the words and the stage direction, Josh remembered just even reading the script just made him swell up with pride for Shiro and think: "This is amazing. Everybody that didn't believe him in the Garrison came back, those that strapped him to a gunnery, and didn't want to listen to him about Voltron is now looking at him to save them."
Bex added the part where Coran calls Shiro 'Captain' for the first time was one of those moments.
And when Shiro finally makes that connection and is able to transform the ship, Josh knew that while this moment was going to happen, he still had no idea how the Atlas transformation was going to look like beforehand.
Josh fondly recalled that he was hoping to see his wife's reaction to the Atlas transformation for the first time, but he missed her whole reaction since he himself couldn't take his eyes off the scene.
Entire Show Retrospective: Favorite Moments and Why
Jeremy’s Pick (Lance and Keith rescuing Shiro in ep 1): "It's special to me, because I think this may have been one of my audition scenes, but it was really one of the  first scenes where you get to see Lance's personality and I love these little moments where he's just very kinda funny and such a goofball, but he still has this goal and is a loyal person. So, when we were recording this scene, I thought: 'Ok I get the character now and this sets the tone for what I wanna do with his character."
Bex’s Pick (Pidge confessing her true identity as a girl): "I love this part. This was something that was in the very beginning not in the audition side, but the character breakdown of Pidge's masquerade as a boy in order to find her family. And who doesn't want to play Mulan? So, it was something that I was waiting for and I remember going back and forth on whether this scene was going to happen in episode 4 or 7. It was really exciting when we got to that part of the script and how we were doing this, and I loved how easy it is."
Josh K's Pick (Shiro rescues Slav): "The thing we know about Shiro, at least in the beginning, is that it seems like there's nothing wrong with him. He seems perfect, he can do no wrong, he's a nice guy, and can kick butt. So sometimes you think, 'can he do no wrong? What's his deal?' and in S2, Shiro meets somebody named Slav and it's once meeting Slav, you start to see that Shiro is not completely perfect. Shiro can get upset, and there definitely is a crack in that paladin armor.”
Josh H's Pick (The 'Slipperies' Scene): "Tim Hendrick came up with the concept of the slipperies as Coran sweating too much and slipping everywhere. Everytime I watch this scene I still legitimately laugh even though the script went through several rewrites."
Kimberly's Pick (Allura and Coran and the milkshake origin): "I think the clip is self-explanatory in terms of our reaction to it."
Lauren’s Pick (When the Paladins hoot fun-sentry into space): "So my clip isn't any moment in the series, but a moment that embodies what our crew does when it comes together, and everybody brings their own thing to it, so it culminates into something so much more."
How Much of the VA's are like their Actual Characters
Josh K. noted that back in 2014, he had just become an actual dad, so he made that weird transition from "living for yourself to having a life were you hold someone else's life in your hands.
”So, he drew a lot of Shiro's "dedication to his team from that feeling. That's really where it all came from.”
While he confesses to generally being more like Lance in real life, still with age and parenting, Josh admits that he's become more of that "space dad type of guy, having to wrangle kids and all that." 
Likewise, he's always liked telling bad dad jokes and now revels in still being able to tell them as an actual dad.  
Bex admits that for her, she feels that "Pidge is so powerful in her own way and so confident, which is so rare for someone so young." So, while Bex isn't sure if she's entirely become the Pidge that she wants to be, but she's getting there.
Kimberly notes that she strives to be like Allura (Jeremy interrupted to say that Kimberly is a queen and has gotten the queenly wave down). 
What Kimberly finds appealing about Allura is that she's a flawed character, but also beautiful, generous, smart, and strong - "these are all things I strive to be, and I feel like I'm becoming more and more like Allura as the show progresses." 
Kimberly also added that Allura is her favorite character that she's ever had the pleasure to voice. Even after recording many, many sessions, Kimberly still had no idea what Allura physically looked like, so the first time she was shown the character concept artwork, Kimberly was "so choked up and blown away," since she had no idea what her skin tone was going to be and so on.
Jeremy confesses that he kind of leans into Lance's personality in real life, but in a joking manner since he likes making people laugh. He finds Lance to be such a goofball and that 'adorkable' type of person, and "that's definitely me in real life, but Lance also has all that sensitive loyal side to him which I have and relate to as well." 
"He's fun to play, but while Lance tries hard to be very flirty at times, I'm not really like that way. Maybe with my girlfriend, I'll try to say flirty jokes and she'll just laugh and tell me to keep trying."
The Existence of the Voltron Scratch Reel
 Lauren explained the concept of a scratch reel where in between the storyboarding, animating, and voice acting process, sometimes they realize that they might need some additional lines, maybe lines get condensed, change names, and so on.  
But they don't always have time to get the actors back in, so "a lot of times, it falls upon one of us to put in some temporary dialogue and fill that space, they animate to it, and then we get the animation back and the actors replace the dialogue and it sounds great. But in the meantime, we get to watch some ridiculously horrible acting on behalf of the entire staff - editors, assistants, etc."
Bex noted: "It's always breaks my heart a little to dub over the scratch tracks, because it's so beautiful," while Josh added that he'd love to see an episode just entirely of scratch tracks."
Joaquim chimed in that they had two seasons of the 'Scratchy Awards,' where they handed out staff awards for the best scratch tracks produced (hahaha), where Mitch Iverson spraypainted a bunch of backscratchers with 'Scratchy' Awards' on it.
 After they aired the scratch reel, Josh H. noted that there are still some times where scratch ends up being in-screen and it's an unexpected surprise when they're reviewing the editing process.
The most popular scratch reel choice among the VA's is Director Steve Ahn, who had a lot of the 'Ok, calm down' scratch scenes, and Steve Yeun once asked: "Could I get that as my ringtone?"  
Jeremy said his favorite parts of the scratch reel were when half the scene were the actual VA lines, and then it was one non-VA word.
 Benjamin Kaltenecker did all of the 'moo' sounds for Kaltenecker.
Josh K. noted that Joaquim voices a pretty decent Shiro, and "that's why you didn't see any scratch scenes of that because it's not bad."
Bex noted that she loved it when Lauren had to voice some of the Galra men for the scratch scenes.
 Lauren noted that most of the scratch scenes were recorded late at night and the cast & crew weren't really fighting to do a scratch scene, and "we're not usually fighting to voice a character, but it's more like 'who has to do it now? Who hasn't done it in awhile??’
“While we're in shame of our bad acting...poor Rhys [Coran's VA] had to sit through and be insulted since nobody can actually pull off Coran's accent.” Though, Joaquim pointed out that Jeremy does a decent Coran impression which he then demonstrated for the crowd.
Joaquim added: "The hardest thing to do is to record scratch in the booth and it's played back to the actual VA's and we can't hear them because their mics are off, but they're pantomiming the loudest laughter."
Kimberly reassured that the VA's loved hearing the crew's voices for the scratch reel.
Josh K. added that "it's like hearing your friends do an impression of you and makes ADR sessions fun, since they can be so technical at times. It's like getting to watch bloopers."
Getting Some of the Awesome Voltron Guest Stars & Fun VA Recording Moments
Joaquim & Lauren: "We bat around some ideas internally, and couldn't believe when the casting directors were on board with some of our ideas: like getting Vince Shlomi or the ShamWow guy to voice the knife store owner in the Space Mall."
The show's head of casting, Anya's eyes light up this suggestion, and it was kind of a celebrity moment when he came in to record.
Weird Al Yankovic was a fixture of Lauren's childhood, and it certainly helped having a voice director legend like Andrea Romano to fall back on.
 At one point, they had Rhys Darby (Coran) and Paul Rubin sort of 'battling it out in the Space Mall haggling sequence' and it was like 'the Lake House of back-and-forth, like they were on two astral planes' but when it came together, it was 'magical.'
 Since Nolan North voiced both Sam Holt and Commander Iverson, there were literally scenes where he was just literally talking to himself, and Lauren noted that "the guy's such a professional that he does things straight through instead."
 Lauren also noted that Cree Summers is one of those VA's who will sideline an entire session, since she's such a hilarious, big personality.
 Jeremy and the other VA's said that recording with the cast was always the highlight of his week. But one of the coolest things was when they had the entire, locked-in VA cast together for the first time, and they realized that they had picked the right people.
 "I know I'm doing my job right in the recording booth when I'm making my cast mates laugh."
Sometimes the cast would get into fun side conversations catching up that Andrea (the voice director) had to interrupt and remind them that: 'We're literally in a take right now and you're having a full conversation. You can catch up later.'
 Bex once freaked out Josh K. and AJ since they were in the middle of a conversation and they didn't hear the sound beeps, but Bex did and suddenly yelled 'GO!'
Season 8 Plot Teasers
Lauren: "Basically our paladins have freed Earth from Galra rule and all that's left to kind of finish the job and free all the universe."
Joaquim: "We do have this one character that you might have noticed in a clip that becomes pretty pivotal, and she's been gone for a bit..." (Which presumably was Hagger/Honerva since the S8 was then aired) 
Fun Misc. Show Tidbits
Bex apparently came to Pidge's audition in a Batman onsie.
During the 'Slipperies scene', the little side panels of Coran's pants come apart and flap like little tails. This wasn't something that was originally in the design, but the animators added it.
The creators once had an original design where Coran had a tail, and Lauren noted "it was super cute."
Jeremy thought the whole Shiro clone saga was awesome, and he specifically loved the Black Paladins episode. 
Lauren and Joaquim admitted that they were even shocked by that storyline since they had a very different storyline at first - "that's the interesting thing about the creative process, since you'll get notes and have to make some changes, but it then takes you to really unexpected places and make for some unique and interesting storylines."
There wasn't time for a Q&A portion, and the panel ended with the Season 8 teaser/first look. Though, I'd have to say that it was still definitely fun watching the teaser with such a large crowd of fans, and basically shrieking and gasping together at different intervals hahaha.
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camelotremix · 5 years
Title: Paradise Found (The Heart That Made A Family Remix) Creator: Moonflower999 Work Type: (fic, art)Fic Work URL: Mystery Work Remixee Name: Harlequin (Julie) Link to Work Remixed: The Heart that Made a Family - harlequin (julie) - Merlin (TV) [Archive of Our Own] Pairings: Mainly Gaius/Geoffrey, Gaius/Uther/Geoffrey. Background pairings include Merlin/Arthur, Elyan/Percival, Gwen/Lance, and Gwaine/Leon Length: 4405 Rating: T Warnings: None Notes: Beginning Notes: Julie, it was a great (and terrifying) honor to dabble in your playground. You were one of the first Merlin writers I read, and I've so loved your stories! I'd love to give a little bit back to you, so I very much hope you enjoy this little gift. @MK_Emrys, thank you sooo much for the last minute beta, and the kind encouragment. I can't say how much it helps me get the nerve up to actually post! And dear Mods, thank you for your patience (and lack of guilt-tripping!) You're amazing and this fest is lovely. End Notes: Please forgive any inaccuracies in terms of British rules about weddings! Thanks to everyone in Merlin Chatzy for the friendship, the encouragement to write, the brainstorming, the threats. You are all wonderful. If anyone reading this would like a place to come chat, make friends who love Merlin, etc, check out Merlin Chat on Chatzy! It's a really wonderful group of people of all ages from all around the world! We do a Merlin rewatch of an episode almost every Friday. https://merlin-writers.livejournal.com/26549.html And finally, (don't make me beg :) ) but I do really appreciate comments if it doesn't stress you out too much to leave one! Summary: On Boxing Day Geoffrey asked Gaius, his life partner of many years to marry him. Now it's all coming together! Happy Pride!
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