#platonic hidge
aro-paladin-pidge · 2 years
Hunk and Pidge queer platonic partners is something that is so important to me
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clickabletale · 7 days
I may have been rethinking on my past VLD next gen/ship kids, primarily Pidge and Hunk’s kids. Don’t get me wrong, I still love Zeke and Molly. I want to draw them more, but I think I’ve been coming up with different headcanons for Pidge and having a family ever since I’ve realized last year that I’m asexual. (Like I did technically come out when I was 12 or so but I forgot and it all came back to me as an adult lesbian. 😭)
With my experiences, Pidge as asexual or demisexual just made more and more sense to me, but they would still want a domestic life with Hunk and having a family like her own. Pidge would probably feel really guilty about talking about it, but her family, Hunk and the rest of the Paladins would still be supportive. 💪💕
I’m thinking instead, possibly they both agree get a trusted surrogate to make that happen. (Probably with the tech in Voltron, idk somehow they twins would still inherit most of their parents traits without Pidge having to carry them.)
Just wanted to talk about that as I’ve been thinking on it a lot. 😭
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icypantherwrites · 4 years
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The last fic, barring uploading the final chapter of Still Here, it looks like I’m posting on AO3 for a while. Enjoy :)
Chase Away the Nightmares
Summary: Pidge is hurt. She’s hurt bad. And yet there’s nothing much Lance and Hunk can do. They’re stranded in the middle of a warzone on a hostile planet and help isn’t coming for a long while. No matter what though they will protect Pidge. They’ll keep her from further harm; from the aliens, from injury and even from her own nightmares as her head wound blurs reality and fiction. And maybe, hopefully, soon the nightmare will be over for them all.
Story snippet:
Lance jerked his head up and ocean eyes locked on the alien standing a few feet away.
And he was pointing a blaster right at them and Lance knew, even with their armor and a shield, that a hit from that gun at that range would not be so easily pushed aside.
And this alien…
There was murder in his eyes.
Pidge stirred with a soft groan beneath him and Lance could feel the alien’s bright green gaze shift down towards her.
The gun followed.
“Your fault,” came the quiet hiss. “All of this is your fault.”
Pidge shifted, her head brushing against Lance’s hands on either side of her. Lance couldn’t look down though, not even as he heard a mumbled, confused, “Lance?” because the gun was right there and if he didn’t figure a way out of this,then…
The gun clicked, loaded.
“Look,” Lance blurted out, not sure what he needed to say, what this alien wanted to hear, but he had to do something and he didn’t dare move because then Pidge would be fully exposed and he would never, ever, leave her to save himself. “I’m, I’m sorry that this happened.” His throat bobbed. He was so sorry.
He’d never wanted this.
But it wasn’t Voltron’s fault. This fight had been brewing and the Coalition alliance had been the catalyst.
It wasn’t the cause.
“Your fault,” the alien repeated and there was something else in his eyes past the anger.
Lance’s heart lurched.
Pidge shifted again, another soft moan torn from her.
And like the alien there was something else to her inquiry beyond the confusion.
He responded by cupping his hand more around her head, pressing gloved fingers into her hair.
He would protect her.
No matter what.
Read it here
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multi-fandom-asks · 5 years
Could I get some friendship headcanons for Pidge and Hunk please? :D
Of course! These are two of the purest kiddos ever. Thanks for the ask! 💖💜
Pidge is absolutely the kind of person to call or text someone in the middle of the night and ramble about things that could wait til morning.
“HUNK! guess what? No, don’t guess, you’ll never get it. I just read about a new study on quintessence and it’s connection to life forces and-“
“Pidge, tha-that’s great, it really is, but um, it’s about 3:00 in the morning? I don’t wanna be a jerk but could we maybe resume this little chat at breakfast?”
and Pidge is always salty about it. For about three minutes. Then breakfast comes along and she talks Hunk’s ear off.
Hunk is very much the dad friend to Pidge, even more so than Shiro! He packs her favorite snack, peanut butter cookies, whenever they go on missions and Pidge would never say it out loud but it’s one of the nicest things he does.
Pidge, while always happy to play video games with Lance, has slowly roped Hunk into the world of gaming. He‘s pretty good at first person shooters but prefers cute little indie games with adorable characters.
he’d actually become a fan of a new RPG series that Pidge had bought, and secretly fanboys about the characters and plot.
Pidge absolutely teases him about this (she’s a fan girl herself but she’s got a reputation to uphold, for goodness’ sake!)
Hunk is basically a second pet-parent to Pidge’s bull terrier Bebe, and Bebe adores him! The rest of the Voltron gang address Hunk and Pidge as the proud parents to their dog child Bebe, much to their chagrin.
Hunk has also tried to teach Pidge to cook. It went horrible and Pidge ended up with a nasty burn on her hand. But at the ER, Hunk left briefly to buy her a blueberry muffin and a newly-released video game to try and console her.
needless to say, it meant the world to Pidge and as soon as her hand healed, she played the crap out of that game (with both Hunk and Lance).
they’re both tech geeks so they often join each other late at night to play around with gadgets and watch Internet videos.
Pidge is totally the one that taught Hunk all his technological knowledge.
while Pidge loves all of the Voltron family dearly, Hunk is her closest friend and once confided in him that she felt safest with him (which made Hunk cry for the rest of the night.)
- mod Aoi 🌺
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thingsenjoyed · 6 years
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this is so sweet
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sasunke-archive · 7 years
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characters from ghibli films reimagined as the paladins of voltron ♢
please do not repost without permission.
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greatgreengremlin · 6 years
Hi! I found you through the BTHB tumblr, and liked the way you write! If it’s okay, can I ask for one of your squares? It would be “Cradling Someone in Their Arms” with Hunk and Pidge, but it’s Pidge trying to cradle a heavily injured Hunk in her arms while they wait for rescue and feeling guilty because she isn’t able to carry him to safety herself. Would that be okay?
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Um, would it be okay? No, it would be wonderful! What a fun prompt, I hope I filled it to your liking. Thanks for playing bingo with me!
(VLD) Space: Cradling Someone in Their Arms
“I’m not sure why Allura wants me to hack here,” Pidge mutters, squinting as her rudimentary translator converts the holographic characters into messages she can make decent enough sense of. “It’s mostly about the exports. The fruit exports.”
Hunk shrugs, absently readjusting his grip on his bayard. “The more recon we have, the better.”
“Mm, I guess. Still seems kinda weird though, just reading about shipping fruit. And not like, blueprints for weapons of mass destruction or battleships or something.”
“I don’t think it’s that weird,” Hunk says. “Look at Earth’s history, tons of places were colonized for the exploitation of their food resources, including fruit.”
“True,” Pidge admits, fingers deftly dancing over the keypad.
“And those export reports are probably going to lead us to our next destination.”
“Also true,” she agrees, sighing. “I just wish our assignment was more exciting. Everybody else is kicking butt right now, taking over the command center. And we’re just here downloading transport records.”
“Are you kidding?” Hunk scoffs. “This is a great change of pace! I for one, am tired of being shot at, running into traps, and getting motion sickness flying around laser puke fired by giant planet eating monsters.”
Pidge rolls her eyes. While she doesn’t exactly enjoy any of the things he’s just described, per se, it doesn’t make looking over fruit exports any less boring. When they get back to the castle Lance is probably going to be bragging about how he did this cool thing or that cool thing, or gushing about some badass thing Allura got to do. While she…now knows the Galra character for ‘citrus.’
“I am gonna go do a quick patrol of the perimeter,” he says.
“And leaving your super important post as my bodyguard?” Pidge mumbles, briefly glancing over.
Surely Hunk picks up on the sarcasm, but he answers earnestly.
“Making sure nobody’s sneaking up on us is part of guarding. I’ll be fast.”
Hunk slips from the room and Pidge returns her attention to the screen. Yeah, okay, so this stuff is useful on some level or another. But her eyes are glazing over and she can’t help but feel that fighting with her team would be more useful. Definitely more interesting. This wasn’t even a challenge to hack.
Her comms link gives a soft click, and Shiro’s voice comes through.
“Pidge, status update.”
“Good news is, I could crack this database in my sleep. Bad news is, these reports are putting me to sleep. How are things on your end?”
She hears a crash and loud curse from Keith in the background.
“I’ll get back to you.” Shiro clicks off.
Pidge chews her lower lip. About half the files are downloaded now, hopefully it shouldn’t be too much longer before she and Hunk can regroup with the rest of the team. Maybe actually get in on some of the action.
She’s barely completed the thought when she hears the unmistakable firing of a blaster. For a heartbeat she thinks Shiro’s clicked back in, but it’s followed by a yell that is unmistakably Hunk. She wastes no time springing out of the chair and hurrying into the hall.
Pidge sprints toward the echoes of Hunk’s bayard. She materializes her own mid-stride, zapping at a probe that looks like an upgraded Rover before it can lock onto her. She doesn’t stop to reprogram this one, tearing toward the continued noises of combat up ahead.
The violet lit corridor curves and Pidge swerves to avoid the scraps of a blasted sentry. It’s a small patrol, led by a Galra in standard armor. The intact sentry takes aim at her and Pidge drops, somersaulting forward. Surging up, she jabs her bayard into its torso and zaps, currents crackling audibly.
It crashes to the floor and as she whips around, her breath catches. Hunk fires his bayard at the same time the soldier throws this blinking disk no bigger than a sand dollar. The soldier goes down, but the disk hits its mark, snapping to Hunk’s cuirass with a metallic clink.
It immediately begins blinking faster, emitting a shrill series of beeps.
They both realize it’s a detonator at the same time, locking gazes.
“GETITOFF!” Pidge shrieks, so panicked it sounds like one big, messed up word.
And Hunk tries but he’s not fast enough, and the last Pidge sees of him before it goes off with an earsplitting peal is the nakedly terrified look on his face. It’s a look that floods her with cold and she will never, ever forget it. If she survives this war and sixty years down the line develops dementia, the helpless horror in Hunk’s eyes will be the last memory to haunt her.
Hunk is blown back far, so far, and hits the metal floor with a thud that makes the lunch lurch up her throat. Pidge scrambles over in a mad dash, throwing herself down beside him. The sight of the damage is just as nauseating and Pidge has to choke back a gag, clamping a hand around her mouth.
From waist up, Hunk doesn’t really have a suit anymore. Just a few ripped scraps of black fabric. His entire torso is a mess of shrapnel and fragments of shattered armor. As frightening as that is, at least they’re keeping some of the blood inside.
A gaping wound in the center of his chest gushes like a geyser, so deep Pidge could plunge both hands in and touch the pulp. Its inside looks like a sliced pomegranate, all nubbly and viscerally crimson. With a very quiet groan, Hunk lifts his head.
And Pidge gasps, heart skipping as she cups his face, charily positioning her hands to avoid the shards embedded in his cheeks.
“You’re alive, oh, thank goodness you’re alive! Hunk, we gotta get you out of here! C-Can you stand?”
Hunk blinks at her blearily, headband absorbing most of the blood from a scalp wound she can’t quite see because of his hair, but a few droplets seep through it and catch in his eyelashes.
“Dn’t catch that, Pidge, m’ears are still ringing.”
And she notices that those too have red streaming from them. Damn it, the blast probably ruptured his eardrums.
“You need help!” she nearly shouts. “Can you stand up?”
Hunk blinks at her again, a vague look of confusion passing over his features.
“Think something ’sploded,” he slurs without acknowledging her at all, eyes fluttering closed again.
“No, no, no! Hunk, stay with me!”
But he wasn’t entirely with her to begin with and easily slips back out. Pidge gently lowers his head and tries to formulate a plan. Hunk is still bleeding copiously and those are just the injuries she can see. There’s probably a ton of damage on the inside too, he needs a pod as soon as possible.
Green isn’t far from here. She blends in well with the dense forestry of fruit trees and berry bushes that cover this planet. Dragging Hunk to Green would be faster than trying to explain what happened to her teammates and directing them back here.
Pidge removes her own cuirass and tears the padded lining out of it. With shaky fingers, she packs it into Hunk’s chest wound. Pressing down, she chews her lip and watches as it absorbs the blood. Before moving him anywhere, at the very least, she needs to stanch this bleeding.
“I can carry you,” she says aloud, hoping to make it true as the lining soaks beneath her hands. “Green isn’t far and we’ve all been working out, right? This is fine.”
Pidge removes her belt next and rips the lining out of that, folding it over top the first layer and pushing down with all her weight. Hunk twitches a bit beneath her, mewls out a soft, hurt sound without opening his eyes.
When his bleeding seems under control, she lets go and clicks back into her comm link.
“Something happened,” she announces quickly. “Hunk’s hurt bad and he needs a pod like, yesterday.”
“How responsive is he?” Shiro asks, concerned but collected.
“He talked incoherently for like two seconds before he passed out. He can’t wait, I’m gonna carry him to Green and head back to the castle.”
“You think you can carry Hunk?” Keith asks skeptically.
“If people can flip cars during adrenaline rushes, then I can carry Hunk,” she snaps, more frazzled than she intends. “It’s not like I have to vault him over my head, I just have to get him to Green, and I mean, I really have to you guys, he— he’s not doing good.”
“We’re almost done here and even if we weren’t, this takes precedence,” Allura says quickly. “Lance, Keith, finish up. Pidge, do what you can for Hunk, Shiro and I are on our way to help.”
“Copy.” Pidge doesn’t wait for anybody else’s affirmatives before she turns her attention back on Hunk.
She tries not to think too hard about things like logic or physics as she hooks her arms under his. Either Hunk’s clavicle is broken or he’s dislocated a shoulder, because she can feel the unnatural way his arm shifts. When she looks down she thinks she can see a bulge that doesn’t belong there too.
“Okay, here we go.”
Pidge digs her heels in and pulls back with everything she’s got. She begs her body to gift her with one of those rare, miraculous adrenaline rushes that allows everyday people to flip cars off children. She doesn’t need to flip a car, she doesn’t even need to carry Hunk, really, she just needs to drag him.
“Come on,” she pleads, desperately trying to pull even harder.
It takes an enormous effort and all of Pidge’s strength to drag him three steps backward and even that leaves her spine aching. She grits her teeth and uses every muscle in her body to pull him another step and doesn’t even accomplish that. She slips, falling hard on her bum and losing her grip on Hunk.
It’s just impossible.
“I’m sorry,” she whimpers, shaking her head against the sting of tears. “Hunk, I’m so, so sorry.”
She can’t carry him anywhere. But maybe she can hold him, at least, and monitor him. Guard him until Shiro and Allura get here.
Pidge sits up, gently takes Hunk’s head in her hands, crossing her legs. She pulls him into her lap as much as she can, which, while a bit difficult, is far less taxing than dragging him. She cradles his head against her chest, worriedly fluffing her fingers through his hair.
“I’m sorry,” she repeats, even though she knows he can’t hear her. “If this were the other way around, you’d already have me in Yellow.”
She has her bayard near in case any new threat shows up. She doubts it, since it seems like the rest of her team handled things at the command center. That soldier Hunk shot still hasn’t moved. Maybe he’s dead and that’s perfectly okay with her.
“I should’ve been satisfied with boring,” she mumbles, guilt churning in her stomach.
Pidge would rather read a thousand stupid fruit export reports than be sitting here like this, listening to Hunk’s breath get shorter and shallower and too weak to get him the help he needs. She hates this, the helplessness. She hates that she couldn’t force an adrenaline miracle out of herself.
Guilt continues to gnaw at her insides. She knows it’s not her fault that she is small and Hunk is big, but it feels like her fault when it’s the obstacle preventing him from receiving treatment right now. The pad of her finger unintentionally locates the head wound she couldn’t see earlier, brushing over the split in the skin.
Anxiety mounting, Pidge begins to rock back and forth, hugging Hunk close. She quits as soon as she hears the grinding noise that rises from what must be his probably broken clavicle. She goes back to stroking his hair instead, staring at the dicey rise and fall of his bloodied chest.
When Shiro and Allura finally show up, it feels like eons later.
“I couldn’t carry him,” Pidge admits as they survey the damage, her guilt coiling even tighter around her chest.
Of course, neither of them seem even remotely surprised. They probably realized what she should have sooner, that it simply wasn’t a feasible feat no matter how badly she wanted it to be.
“We’ll get him back faster in Red than Green anyway,” Allura says, forcing a smile although Pidge can tell she’s worried.
Shiro helps arrange Hunk in Allura’s arms, positioning him a way that’s hopefully the least stressful on his injuries. Allura doesn’t need help with the actual lifting, however. She simply shape shifts to be broader, lengthens her arms to accommodate Hunk’s girth.
Pidge recovers Hunk’s bayard and the drive with the export transcripts. She wishes she could at least be with Hunk, cradling him in the back of Red. But she has her own lion to fly. Hunk will probably be safer in Allura’s arms since her magic has healing properties.
Or at the least, revitalizing properties. And that distinction sinks to her stomach like a stone.
Lance usually gets the first hug when Hunk is out of the pod, but this time Pidge beats him to the punch and she kind of thinks he lets her. It hasn’t exactly been a secret that she’s been on edge since what happened. She hurries to Hunk so fast she barely pumps the breaks in time to avoid an outright collision, throwing her arms around his middle and squeezing ferociously.
“Whoa,” he murmurs hazily. “Hi.”
“Hi,” she greets warmly, propping her chin on his belly and peeking up at him. “It’s good to have you back.”
A small, sort of sleepy smile unfurls on Hunk’s face.
“Good to be back,” he says, gently patting her head.
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doodleswithangie · 7 years
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i was playing around with brushes and accidentally drew some punk kids
Check out my other doodles here!
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nicollini · 7 years
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It will be alright
BREAKING NEWS: Local scientists are sad and in dire need of some hugs.
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maychorianrecs · 7 years
And Molasses by Lemon_Lemmings
And Molasses by Lemon_Lemmings Words: 4,008 Author’s Summary: “That’s not enough.” Hunk motions to the cookie mountains. “I need to make more.” “How many more? I can bake.” Hunk gives her a skeptical look.Pidge crosses her arms. “My cookies might not turn out as perfect as yours, boo hoo. At least they won’t be contaminated with the plague.” My Comments: Excellent sickfic with wonderful characterization for Hunk, right on the money. Pidge stepped up to the plate and took it like a pro. I could definitely see this happening, no question.
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icypantherwrites · 5 years
New Fic: Crimson Shock
Prompt request for hurt!Pidge with Hunk. And based on earlier AO3 response another tick towards abandoning AO3 and posting solely on Patreon xD 
Crimson Shock
Summary: What should have been a routine mission takes a terrifying turn when Pidge is injured. She’s trying not to be scared because it’ll make Hunk more so and she needs him not to be but it hurts so much and the world is growing dark and she is so so scared.
Story snippet:
“Hunk,” she rasped, cutting into his babbling now -- thankfully at a lower volume -- and he cut off immediately. “How… how bad...?”
Even with her eyes closed she could see him pressing his fingers together.
“Hunk,” she fought to keep her voice even because snapping at Hunk would only make him more anxious. “How bad?”
“There’s… there’s…” she heard him swallow thickly. “Your armor. It… broke. And your leg… it… it broke t-too. There’s…” he gagged. “B-bone.”
That explained a lot.
“A-and,” Hunk’s voice was growing higher. “Bl… bloooo…”
Oh no.
“No fainting,” Pidge snapped, wrenching her eyes open and angling them to where she heard Hunk.
He was swaying, his eyes blown wide as he stared at her leg further down.
“Hunk!” she bit out. “No--”
A gasp stole the rest of her words away as even though she hadn’t moved her leg, hadn’t so much as twitched, her body apparently wanted to remind her there was a bone poking out of her leg.
Read the fic here~ Please consider leaving a comment
Click Below for Links to IcyPanther’s: AO3 | Ko-Fi | Patreon |Bookshop
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glassy-s · 6 years
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attempting,,,,,,,,anatomy,,,,, tf 
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miwatron467 · 7 years
I have too many voltron ships, like I ship characters with characters I ship other characters with.
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boilingwaater · 7 years
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Pidge and Hunk, reblog if you agree
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hidge-resource · 7 years
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if BTR aren’t on a reunion tour by the time the paladins get back to earth pidge is going to off everyone in the castle and then herself
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(this syncs to like half their songs)
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a-dragons-drabbles · 7 years
Day 12: Socks
Living in such a big castle means that things are constantly getting misplaced but socks, socks are a different story.
Socks don’t go missing in the castle, they are stolen... stolen by the resident Gremlin who constantly has cold feet.
It doesn’t matter where you leave your socks, somehow Pidge will find them and she will take them. Once she has them, you are likely to never get them back. Sometimes she will negotiate and give back socks when promised something in return.
Pidge mainly steals socks from Hunk as his calf length socks nearly reach her knees and they are very comfy and warm. Hunk doesn’t really mind, he just keeps getting more from the space mall. He even goes as far as picking out some patterns that he thinks Pidge may like.
Hunk manages to find an owl patterned pair which he leaves right outside her door for her. Pidge finds them on her way to go steal another pair from Hunk and smiles at the present. She picks them and brings them into her room.
Hunk’s smile is a little brighter the next day when Pidge wears them to breakfast.
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