#Modern Kimetsu no Yaiba
neonmoonlight514 · 1 year
Genya x Reader The Sumida River Fireworks Festival
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Genya x Reader, Modern Day, Genya/Reader both age 20. No warnings since it's nothing but cuteness. I had fun writing this. I might write more to this, not sure yet. Sorry if there's some errors, I'm only human. Constructive Criticism is welcomed, but keep straight up hate out of comments. Thank you!
Word Count: 2319 
A huge fireworks was happening this weekend at the Sumida River Fireworks Festival was always something you wanted to go to, ever since you were a little kid. You have always asked your parents, but they were always too busy or the lack of money kept you from going. When they started broadcasting the show on television, you were allowed to stay up just that one time to watch the grand display. You were such a cute kid, eyes wide, in awe, so amazingly beautiful.
As you sat at a table in a local restaurant, you placed your elbow on the table, with your chin resting within the palm of your hand. You were gazing over at your boyfriend of almost a year. The thought of asking if he wanted to go to something you've always dreamed about made you nervous, especially since you didn't realize it was so soon, this weekend to be exact.
You blink when you noticed you were staring at him. Not only did you realize it, but so did he, and he made it a point to stare back. Those violet eyes were deadly to you. How could someone with such a perfect complexion and dark hair have such vibrant purple eyes?
"I hope it's me that you're staring at and not the almost bald man behind me."
This caused you to laugh, breaking your thoughts completely. You glanced around him, making it obvious that you were doing so. There was no almost bald man behind him but there was this very beautiful woman, who was in her world.
"I was looking at the woman, but you have my attention now."
You teased back with a smile.
"Of course, Genya, I was looking at you."
This caused him to blush, something he did quite often and you loved it. Oh, he was such a handsome man that you didn't know how lucky you were to have captured his attention and to keep it. He had reached over the table and grasped your hand and brought it to his lips where he kissed the knuckles. This warranted a blush from you now. Two blushing idiots in love.
He hummed in response to you, lowering your hand, but still held it between both of his. His fingers began to gently rub your hand, caressing gently and lovingly. Regardless of his appearance, he was so gentle to you, always loving and attentive, but you loved his appearance. Found it very sexy how his mohawk was long and fell against his cleanly shaved head. How he had multiple piercings in his ear, his lip, and even his tongue.
"There's this thing coming up, and I've been wanting to go since I was a toddler. I know it's sudden, but I didn't realize it was already approaching. This weekend is the Sumida River Fireworks Festival and ---"
"Let's go."
He said with a smile, which got a 'Huh?'. You blinked at him and he was smiling.
"Tokyo isn't that far away and we can make a day of it."
This made your face light up and your hand grasped his. It never failed that this man would bring so you so much happiness. You wanted nothing more than to kiss him, but you both were so shy that even after a year public displays of affection were embarrassing. This was the extent of it, holding hands.
You said with a soft tone.
"Thank you."
The day had come. You spent most of the morning figuring out what to wear. You wanted to look presentable, yet beautiful. You wanted to not get too overheated either. When you finally settled on something simple and changed, you heard the loud rumbling of a motorcycle followed by your sister calling out to you.
"Just let him in!"
You knew that fixing your hair was not going to happen, especially when you'll be wearing a helmet for the trip to Tokyo, so instead, you grabbed a couple of hair ties and pocketed them. You quickly flipped the light switch, grabbed your phone, and hopped out of your bedroom door. Your sister had just opened the door, allowing your boyfriend to come inside. The moment he looked at you, he smiled.
Your sister greeted him and then wished them a safe trip. When she left the room, you approached Genya and immediately wrapped your arms around him. He didn't hesitate to kiss you, those lips pressed so gently against your own. Like always, he took your breath away. His arms moved around your waist as the kiss lingered. That is until you both froze, hearing someone clear their throat.
Both of you slowly stopped kissing, turning your heads at the same time toward the sound. Your sister was leaning against the door frame with the biggest grin.
"If you both don't get moving, you will miss out on Tokyo life. I'm jealous, Onee-Chan."
She teased. Both you and Genya separated, cheeks flaring bright red. He had lifted his hand to the back of his head, sinking his fingertips into the dark strands of his mohawk. You could hear his sweet nervous laugh.
"We're going."
"If it's too late and you can't make it safely back, please get a hotel. No judge! I just rather you two be safe than pick on you for spending the night together."
It was your turn to nervously laugh.
Your sister shrugged and then hugged you.
"Have fun."
She then looked over at Genya and put on her best overly protective big sister attitude, raising a finger to poke gently at his chest.
"Be safe with my sister. No doing weird stunts with your motorcycle."
"Of course. I would never. I promise."
This made your eyes roll. You decided before it got much later, that you two should leave. Especially before your sister started giving the motherly figure lecture about spending the night and whatever else that may slip from that mouth of hers. You grasp his hand and pulled him toward the door. Stepping out into the heat of mid-summer, you immediately eyed the black and yellow bike.
He lifted your hand to his lips where he kissed your knuckles and smiled.
"I hope you don't mind that we're taking the bike, Aneki had plans so I couldn't take the car."
He slowly let your hand go as he handed you the extra helmet before taking it and sliding it on his head. He moved onto the bike and scooted forward which allowed you room to slide in behind him. You immediately wrapped your arms around his waist, buried your face into his back, and kissed just between the shoulder blades. You could tell he felt it, especially when he took a moment to grasp your hand that clutched his shirt.
The loud motor suddenly kicked to life and within a minute, you and your boyfriend were on your way to the great city of Tokyo and you'll get to live within the moment of something you wished for all of your life.
The moment he drove into the heart of Tokyo, you gazed around at the large buildings, the bustling crowds, and the traffic, all of it was so exciting to you. The smell of food made your stomach growl, but you didn't care. You knew that Genya had plans and if he didn't, you would be happy to suggest things to do.
Four Hours until dusk.
The bike slowed and moved into a parking lot where he chose a spot and pulled in. Your ears were ringing, your body was trembling from the hour you had spent traveling to where you two were. You moved off the bike and took off your helmet. Setting it down on the seat right after Genya had gotten off, you began to fix your hair the best you could, pulling it up in a cute messy bun. You knew this would not be the first time you'll be doing something to your hair.
You watched as he locked up the bike and tucked the helmets securely in a large bag that sat on the side of it. Pocketing the key, he pulled you into a hug, placing a kiss on top of your head.
The day was filled with you and him walking down the streets of Tokyo. You both had gotten a small lunch, Onigirazu, which was amazing. A stop at the local cafe, which surprisingly to you was a cat cafe. You giggled at how the cats just flocked to Genya and he loved it. He was such a cat person and you admired that about him. How could you not fall in love with him again after seeing him lovingly hold a cat? He was such a sweet man and someone you were so happy to be spending the day with.
One hour until dusk.
You and Genya had one more shop that you've been eying. It had so many beautiful antique-like decorations and there was one thing that caught your attention. As you stepped inside the abundance of items cluttering every inch of the shop caused you to gasp in awe. You wished there was more time to gaze at everything, but for now, you walked over to the window display and immediately picked up a beautiful comb hair accessory. It was silver with several Sakura blossoms adorned with Rubellite gems that shimmered in the sunlight that beamed into the window.
You felt Genya move up behind you, and you gazed back at him. You smiled and saw that his hand was held out toward the item you were admiring.
"It's expensive, but it's just so beautiful."
He took the comb in his hand and you watched him brush his thumb over one of the Rubellites that shimmered so perfectly on the metalwork. He then smiled.
"Not expensive. It's the perfect price for something so unique and beautiful. It would look good in your hair."
He stepped back with it still in his grasp and before you could stop him, he was pressing his watch to the sensor at the cash register. Your heart, you thought it would burst as he walked back to you, sliding the comb just behind the messy bun.
"Oh look. I was right again. it just enhanced your beauty even more and I didn't think that was possible."
Your face turned to the brightest red. You tried to swallow that lump in your throat, the compliment making you so happy that you wanted to cry. It was like he could sense it, taking your hand gently in his and guiding you out of the shop. You immediately moved up to his side, leaning your head against his arm, lacing your fingertips between his.
Fifteen minutes til dusk.
The two of you noticed the crowd of people starting to gather and walk alongside a river that lead slightly outside of the large buildings and skyscrapers. Following, you couldn't help the smile that just beamed from you. The happiness radiated so brightly that you felt like the sun that still tried to peek over the horizon. Could this day get any better? Could she feel any more happiness than she already did?
Genya had guided you off the walkway and to an open spot not far from the river. There were people, but everyone was in their world, talking amongst themselves. Two small children giggled and ran around a couple who carefully watched over them. She smiled at the sight and sat down next to your boyfriend. You got as close as you could to him, his arm moving around you, holding you close.
Five minutes til dusk.
You noticed how the sun was now barely peeking through, the area around you was getting a little darker and the kids were now sitting on a blanket, gazing toward the open sky. Cute. You gazed over at Genya who now had his phone out, noticing the name of who he was talking to; Sanemi. You then gazed up at his face, how beautiful he was to you, even with the scar that stretched along his cheek. He was just so perfect. It took him a moment to realize you were staring at him, and slowly lowered his phone down to the grass next to his leg. He leaned over to you and gently kissed your lips, which shocked you since this was the first time he publicly kissed you.
"I love you."
He whispered just as the area around them lit up in a bright red color which was followed by a loud boom. You, however, gazed into those violet eyes and whispered those three words back.
"I love you."
You kissed him again just as a blue flashed around them, then a red. You peeled your lips from him to gaze up at these spectacular fireworks for the first time. You felt his head lean against yours. The night sky lit up in an assortment of colors, and you could have sworn you had seen every one of them. The booms shook your chest, but it felt amazing. You then realized that sometime between the beginning of the display and mid, he had taken your hand, which you tightened your grip on.
As the grand finale of fireworks began to shoot toward the sky, you watched in awe. Your childhood wish came true, a wish to see this grand performance in person, but now you had a new wish and as you peeled your eyes from this spectacular array of lights, you gazed at the man next to you. He too shifted his sight to you. Your new wish was to marry this man and to forever have many more perfect days like this.
You watched as he leaned to you and kissed you just as another set of fireworks flashed in the sky. At this very moment, your life was perfect.
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goobigon · 2 years
Modern! Demon slayer driving head canons!
(Which doubles as my figure skating!AU)
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Kamaboko drivers!
Tanjiro is most often the chaperone when the group carpools to practice. He drives his mom’s minivan.
Second in line would be Kanao, Tanjiro doesn’t really like when she drives since she takes after her older sister… fast- though he’d never admit it to her.
And the final line of defense would be Zenitsu- only if no one else can. He’s a very nervous driver who can’t stand any distractions when he’s at the wheel, so Nezuko can’t even be in the car.
On that note, when Tanjiro is driving, it’s usually Zenitsu who sits shotgun since Tanjiro doesn’t want him sitting next to Nezuko. He gets really giggly and squirmy which pisses Inosuke off, then all hell breaks loose in the back.
Nezuko and Inosuke can’t drive; Nezuko isn’t old enough and Inosuke just has no interest in it totally not cuz he’s been banned by the government because he’s so bad at it.
Genya doesn’t carpool with them much since Sanemi drives him.
^(The tension during their travels is literally suffocating 💀)
When he does ride with the Kamaboko, he tends to sit in the back with either Kanao or Nezuko since Inosuke irritates him.
Tanjiro is such a rule follower on the road, which is very good, don’t get me wrong! But he followed the ‘only one friend in the car until your license is a year old’ much to his friend’s annoyance.
He would only drive Nezuko and Inosuke to practice for a whole year before he drove others.
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luxthestrange · 4 months
KNY Incorrect quotes#116 He prefers yours-
Iguro*Helping the lovable trio with a guide* -I have it all planned here
Tanjiro*hands Insokue a notebook for how to move and identify flora*
Inosuke:...I heart Y/n. Mxs. Y/n Obanai . Iguro L/N Obanai-
Iguroi*Snatches the notebook* Wrong notebook-
Zenitsu:...You're taking their last name?...
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Part 4 of:
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lelee-tdn · 5 months
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In prison
Imagine getting blamed for killing the love of your life 😂😂😂
Muzan is very lucky that there’s a glass between them.
Part 2 :3c
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wltsquareih · 2 months
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Accidentally did a full page of gentan again
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meowzfordayz · 8 months
revealing outfit prank — hashira men
Author’s Note: borderline 18+NSFW, but ~mostly just suggestive. 😉
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revealing outfit prank — hashira men
Himejima Gyomei x Reader, Iguro Obanai x Reader, Rengoku Kyojuro x Reader, Shinazugawa Sanemi x Reader, Tomioka Giyuu x Reader, Uzui Tengen x Reader
Word Count: ~2,000
CW: explicit language, Fem!Reader, mild sexual content
Suggestion Fulfilled: You know those girlfriend pranks on YouTube where the girl wears a sexy/revealing outfit to out in? Can I have HCs of our Hashira with a S/O who tries to walk out in such an outfit? Of course, they respect her choice in wearing whatever she wants, but that outfit is too tempting...
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“Hey babe, guess what I’m wearing!”
—I mean, he’s not wrong 🙃
You huff, “Guess again.”
Gyomei pauses, wracking his brain for whatever else you could have on
“... not, clothes?” 🤨
“Well I’m not going out to dinner naked!”
“A cardboard box?” 😅
You can see his brow furrowing
He’s trying his best! 🥺
“So remember that slip dress I was describing for you a while ago?” 😏
His face warms as he recalls how you’d painted quite the picture of dainty ribbon details, an open back, and a satin hem that would barely brush past your thighs
He clears his throat, voice lower than before, “I remember that I encouraged you to buy it.”
He freezes, eyes widening, gaze focusing in the direction of your soft breaths, “You’re wearing it?!!!”
You giggle, he gulps
You can hear his inward groan 😩
“Isn’t it exciting?!” you squeal, stepping toward him, playful palms splaying across his chest as you grin up at his restrained expression, “I feel so pretty!” 😌
“You are so pretty,” he nearly growls, large hands settling promptly on your hips, “Maybe we shouldn’t go out after all.”
“Oh?” 👀
He chuckles as his fingers caress the silky, smooth fabric hugging your body, sensing the heat emanating from your bare, warm skin, eager to feel the curve and seduction of your spine, your shoulder blades, the tenderness of your nape
“I beg your pardon,” he rasps, an unfamiliar darkness in his tone as his fingers move upward to tug at your carefully tied spaghetti straps, tiny bows squished beneath the intensity of his touch, “I’m an adult, you know. I can have dessert for dinner.”
“My love?” ☺️
“And why not? Is my rizz too much for YouTube?”
“YES.” 😐
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“You’re going out in that?” 🧐
You glare back, arms crossing over your chest
A not so subtle attempt to emphasize your tits 😌
Obanai not so subtly glances downward
“I repeat, in that?” 
“The hell is wrong with what I’m wearing?” you scowl haughtily, “I thought you’d like it!” 😞
Blinking in disbelief, Obanai rolls his eyes, amusement softening his judgmental expression 🙄
“I’m not a fucking idiot,” he grumbles, “Of course I love it,” glare returning as he points an accusing finger at you, “But the last time you went out in something like that you ended up stealing all of my layers because you got cold!”
“Well then wear more layers!” you quip cheekily
“That’s my line!” 😐
“Do you want me to change?” 😕
“Absolutely not!” he snaps, ears reddening even as he makes a disgruntled gesture, “But, please, grab a coat.”
“Are you fed up with me?” 🤗
You inch closer to him
His breath hitches
“Are you suuure?”
You can hear his heartbeat now, can see the restraint in his hands as he keeps them firmly by his sides
“If we don’t leave soon, then I’ll show you how not fed up with you I am.” 🙃
You grin easily, lips grazing his earlobe as you murmur
“Obanai, I don’t think that was nearly as threatening as you hoped it was.”
He inhales sharply, stepping away from your sweet, sultry scent, feigning sullenness when he mutters
“Your tits are staring at me.” 😃
You laugh, bouncing on the balls of your feet just enough for them to jiggle slightly
“Or are you staring at my tits?” 😉
He audibly groans, head tilting backward as he averts his gaze
“I hate this.” 😒
Rest assured, you never make it to your reservation 🤫
The video never makes it to YouTube either
PornHub, however…
Jk, jk
And Obanai does not hate this 😏
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“You are breathtaking!” Kyojuro declares, beaming with pride as you twirl for him
He’s doing his best to ignore the fact that he can see your lacey panties when you spin
“Thank you!” you smile, striking a pose for him, “I feel so amazing in this dress.”
“You are amazing in any dress!” 😁
He’s earnest with the perfect dash of seriousness — like he needs to know that you know you’re beautiful
A gentleman as always 🥺
You hesitate, feeling almost guilty as you ask slowly
“Am I only amazing?” 🤭
You hope you’re coming off coy and alluring 😅
For all of his awkwardness, Kyojuro is nothing if not straightforward
“You are also sexy! Most definitely sexy!” 😍
Your expression cracks, your giggling filling the hallway as endeared laughter accompanies you
“How sexy?” you wink, an exaggerated, playful flirtation
Fortunately, Kyojuro loves improv 😏
—Yes, and!
“The sexiest woman I have known, I know, and I will know.”
There he goes again
Earnest, serious, and almost unbearingly sweet 😭💘
“Kyo,” you persist, “I’m trying to seduce you.”
He grins at that, eyes narrowing so quickly you nearly miss the tantalizing glint that flashes through them
“Oh I am aware, sweetheart,” he purrs, gesturing with his index finger for you to twirl again
You do, oblivious to the way his jaw clenches, gaze thickens, your pretty, dainty panties on display for him once more
“Look at me,” he commands softly, relishing the dazed, dizzy, glowing color of your face, “Look at me, and tell me whether you have succeeded.”
You look
It’s impossible to miss his erection, straining against his pants, bulge teasing and beckoning you to come closer
You post the video, minus a sizeable chunk 😶
“So people are allowed to thirst over you, but not me?” ☹️
You snort as Kyojuro pouts, patting his arm consolingly, “You can’t really see anything when I’m spinning, but your dick is a little too obvious.”
He perks up at that, kissing your cheek with reassured confidence, “It is quite large.”
—Whatever makes him feel better, y’know 😆
—That being said, it is quite large 🫣
P.S. Kyojuro begs to differ; he can see plenty when you’re spinning 😃
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Help this man 😵‍💫
He is TIRED 😮‍💨
—Don’t get me wrong!
Sanemi does his best to be a good sport 🥺
And he’s 1,000% watched your videos in “secret”, numerous times over; you are entertaining ☺️
On nights when you’re apart, he falls asleep to his Favorites list (which consists solely of you) on auto-play
But there’re just one (thousand) too many trends for him to keep up with, and he never knows when he’s going to be your ~victim again 🙃
“Is this another prank?” he sighs, only slightly exasperated as his eyes stray from your pretty mouth to your tits practically spilling from your top 🫣
“Oh, so now I can’t look nice without it being a prank?” you retort, scowling playfully, “Rude.” Raising his hands in mock defense, Sanemi smiles softly as you step closer to him
“You can touch me, y’know,” you murmur gently, “I’m not gonna break.”
Swallowing thickly, he lowers his arms, forearms hooking around your hips as he pulls you in
“Yeah,” he croaks, scanning the bedroom for wherever you might’ve hid your phone, desperation and desire bubbling in his throat, “But I’m not so sure about your outfit, it’s got so many strings and… and, holes.” 😃
You laugh cheerfully, squeezing his waist as you inform him, “They’re cutouts. They’re supposed to be sexy.” 😌
“They are,” he replies bluntly, stifling a long inhale as he willingly gives into his fate, “You are so fucking sexy.”
He’s already plucking at your shoulder straps, somehow boxing you in with his broad, chiseled body, even though it’s his back against the wall
“You’re not gonna ask me how I manage to avoid getting tangled?” you tease, your breasts pressed firm and warm into his chest as his heartbeat quickens
The question had occurred to him, but-
“Why the hell would I ask that when I could be untangling you instead?”
“Send me the video.” 😐
“Excuse me?”
You’re grinning
“Please.” 😞
He’s begging
You acquiesce, the thought of Sanemi jerking off to it later inspiring you to reach down again 😉
(Now imagine his faintly pained moan as you slowly caress him, valiantly hardening in your careful grip as he mentally prepares himself, this time intending to punish you; you can’t keep missing your reservations! 😤)
#the pranks are getting out of hand 😬
#but Sanemi can’t really find it in himself to be bothered 😶
#at least not when he’s already in something else 😏
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“Why are you going out in that?” 🤨
“What are you implying?” you frown
“I asked first.”
You huff, “And your question offended me.” 😒
Grimacing, Giyuu glances downward, “I didn’t mean-”
“Do I look horrible?” ☹️
You almost feel badly, giggles brimming in your chest 🤭
“Do I look too good?” 😌
You can practically see the gears turning in his head 
“Yes? No. Yes. Wait. I’m confused.” 🫠
“How does my outfit make you feel?” 😉
He pauses at that, swallowing nervously as you run teasing hands up your sides, accentuating your hips and bust
“I look good, right?” 🥺
“Of course.”
“Do I look too good?” 😏
*Giyuu Panic 2.0 activated*
“What does that mean?” 😭
He’s hushed, in awe of your luscious form, inhaling roughly when you step into his immediate proximity, the hem of your dress nearly brushing against his shins as you twirl for him
“Giyuu, am I turning you on?”
When in doubt, go for frankness
*Giyuu Panic 2.0 deactivated*
Ohhh 😳🙄😎 <— he gets it now
“Not at all,” he says smoothly, “You look quite comfortable.”
You pout, fingers curling into the collar of his shirt as you nudge his feet apart, slipping your leg between his thighs as you close the distance, your body pressing clumsy and hot against his
He sighs, a quiet, enraptured sound, delicately brushing the straps of your dress from your shoulders before he rasps, “I am turned on. Delightfully so.”
Your dress crumples sheer and light to the floor, Giyuu’s jaw ticking with desire as he realizes just how easily it slipped off
“And you,” he murmurs, delicious warning in his tone as he thumbs the undersides of your tits, “Are such a pretty slut.”
“Why is it that every time I try and prank you, you end up fucking me instead?” 🥲
“Hm,” Giyuu hums, voice thick with amusement, “Seems premeditated to me.” 🥴
“Giyuu-!” you sputter 🫣
“GiYuU!” he smirks 🙃
“Are you mocking me?” 😠
“And?” he grins 😎
“See if I ever prank you again!” 😤
“Oh you will,” he remarks, nonchalant and cool, “Judging by how many times we changed the sheets yesterday, I’m not even worried.” 😃
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Ngl, Tengen’s a lil desensitized 😆
He’s got four wives
He knows you’re all hot af 😉
He knows he’s hot af 😎
There’s not much you can do to faze him
Except like, get injured or something, but that’s kinda the opposite of what you’re aiming for 🥴
“Does this mean we’re fucking after dinner?”
✨He has a way with words✨
“Tengen,” Hina scolds
“So vulgar!” Suma exclaims
“Don’t act so innocent when you’ve ambushed me looking like that,” Tengen mutters, pants already tightening as he takes in the silken fabric draped delicate and precarious over your breasts, “Who’s idea was this?”
“Whose do you think?” Makio snorts
“Tengen,” you say breezily, reaching out to grasp his hand, stroking a coy, tender thumb across his knuckles, “Let’s go, we’re going to be late.”
“Obviously,” he grunts, eyes shining with appreciation—a welcomed promise—as he raises your palm to his lips, kissing your fingertips one by one, “We’re not leaving.”
“Hold up, you made two reservations?” Tengen shrieks
Your eyes roll as if to say Duh, already rummaging for a new dress while Suma helps pat Makio’s back dry, steam from the attached bathroom wafting into the bedroom
“She’s always prepared,” Hina chirps proudly, kissing your jaw with a fond smile
“That, and Tengen’s always horny,” you smirk
You don’t really have a video suitable for YouTube 😅, but you do post Before/After photos of the ~prank on Instagram with a cheeky Unfortunately, the “During” photos are NSFW 😏🫢🍑🍆 caption
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scrimblyscrorblo · 4 months
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Giyuu is an athletics prodigy I’m telling you this is my vision + Rengiyuu cuz I havnt posted them in a while <3
Text (if it’s hard to read TT):
Tsutako: Yea, he can’t stick with anything for long but he’s always been great at everything he does!
Shinobu: Huh?
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wenumsmol · 1 month
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ModernAU!Rengoku Kyojuro x GN!Reader
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Summary: Kyojuro just got home from a solo outing on a hot day and he's looking so hot you can barely concentrate on what he's saying. He catches on and it's up from there. (He's innocent and cute til he isn't.)
Content Advisory: Proof-read but the plot twist is my eyes keep crossing from sleepyness. If it doesn't make sense, tough titty.
Fluff, Smut-heavy, Overstim, Gender Neutral Reader, A little rough (He fucks like his daddy and you can't tell me otherwise.)
WC: 3.3k words.
Do not repost anywhere, claim as your own, or advertise my works on tiktok. Kay? Thanks.
*Sprays water* GIT! No means no. I do not consent.
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Kyojuro pedals up to the apartment building, the summer heat clinging to his skin like a second layer. He skids to a stop, dismounting with a fluid motion, and walks his bike to the rack, locking it securely before heading inside. His compression t-shirt is soaked with sweat, clinging to his muscular frame, and his basketball shorts hang low on his hips. A baseball cap covers his signature golden hair, now damp with perspiration.
He climbs the stairs to the apartment, each step echoing in the quiet building. When he reaches the door, he unlocks it and steps inside, the cool air of the apartment a welcome relief. He toes off his sneakers, neatly placing them alongside yours, and tosses his keys and cross-body backpack onto the side table with a clink.
"Hey, babe! I'm home!" he calls out, his voice full of energy despite the long bike ride. He walks into the living room, where you’re lounging on the couch, and stops in front of you.
You look up from your book, momentarily stunned by the sight of him. Kyojuro’s flushed face, the sheen of sweat on his skin, the way his t-shirt clings to every muscle—it’s all incredibly distracting.
He glances toward you, his eyes lighting up as he sees you lounging on the couch, engrossed in a book. "Hey there, sweetheart."  His voice is warm and affectionate as he greets you. "How's your day been? I missed you."
You look up from your book, smiling as you set it aside. "Oh, hey Kyo. My day’s been alright. I just got into a good part of this book," you say, holding up the novel.
Kyojuro’s eyes follow the book in your hands, then meet your gaze with genuine concern. "I’m glad you’re enjoying it," he says, stepping closer. "I missed you so much today. I know it was too hot for you to join me at the zoo, and that's okay. But tell me, are you doing alright? Did you stay cool and hydrated?"
You chuckle softly, feeling his care and concern warm you. "Yeah, I’ve been good. I stayed inside with the AC and had plenty of water. I’m glad you had a good time, though. I also hope you took breaks while riding. It's crazy out there today."
While he appreciates your worrying, being hot never really bothered him all that much. He'd even go as far as saying that he was made for this weather.
"Perfect," he says with a relieved smile, his eyes still sparkling with the excitement of his day. "Let me tell you all about it. You won’t believe the things I saw. There was this one zoo keeper who—"
He pauses, pulling off his cap and shaking out his hair right in front of you. Flame-tipped strands fall in loose waves around his shoulders, gleaming even in the dim light of the room. Kyojuro runs a hand through his hair, ruffling it to dry off some of the sweat. He looks wild, carefree, and undeniably sexy.
You hum, watching the way a stream of light catches his disheveled strands and hits his eyes just right.
"And the penguins! They were waddling around so cutely. I could watch them for hours. Oh, and the gorillas! One of them came right up to the glass and stared at me for a good minute. It was like we were having a moment."
Kyojuro chuckles, his deep laugh resonating through the room. He walks over to the fridge, grabs a bottle of water, and takes a long drink, his Adam's apple bobbing with each gulp. You can't tear your eyes away, captivated by the casual display of strength and grace.
As he turns back to you, he finally notices your dazed expression. "Are you okay?" he asks, a playful smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. "You seem a little distracted."
You blink, trying to regain your composure. "Uh, yeah, I'm fine. Just... listening."
Kyojuro's smirk widens into a grin. "Oh, I see how it is," he teased, walking over to the couch. He leans down, his face inches from yours. "You can't keep your eyes off me, can you?"
Your breath hitches as he closes the distance, his lips brushing against yours in a feather-light kiss. "Well, I can't blame you," he murmurs, his voice dropping to a husky whisper. "I did work up quite a sweat today."
Before you can respond, he deepens the kiss, his hands roaming over your body with a mix of tenderness and urgency. You melt into him, all thoughts of the zoo forgotten as the heat between you intensifies.
Kyo pulls back just enough to speak, his breath warm against your skin. "Let's take this to the bedroom," he suggests, his tone leaving no room for argument. He scoops you up effortlessly, carrying you down the hall as you clung to him, anticipation buzzing through your veins.
Once inside, he lays you down on the bed, his movements gentle but intense. Calloused fingers graze your skin as he pulls off your oversized tee and slides off your sleep shorts with a tender touch.
 "I've been thinking about this all day," he admitted, his voice rough with need. "Now, let me show you just how much I missed you."
Kyojuro tilts his head back, a soft sigh escaping his parted lips. His thick fingers comb through the flame-bitten strands of his golden hair, eyes locked on you. You watch, mesmerized, as his muscles flex while he gathers his hair into a loose bun.
You can’t resist tracing every dip and contour of his bulky chest and shoulders with your hands, greedily exploring the strength beneath his skin. Your gaze drifts up to his face, and Kyojuro’s half-smile sends a thrill through you.
Heat rushes to your cheeks as he leans down to capture your lips. His mouth moves sensually, a slither of tongue and teeth that nibble at your lips, sucking them gently. Kyojuro's hands roam your body, leaving you breathless and craving more until suddenly he breaks away and rises to a kneeling position on the bed, chuckling deeply.
"You like what you see, huh? Well, hold on, sweet thing..."
All you can manage is a nod, your heart picking up speed.
His eyes sparkle with mischief as he steadies himself with one hand splayed on the bedspread. With the other, Kyojuro teasingly plays with the buckle of his belt before unclipping it. His tongue lazily traces his lips, making a show of holding and dropping the belt, the metal piece clattering on the hardwood floor.
Next, his hands move with deliberate dexterity to the buttons of his pants, undoing each one with practiced ease. The dark denim and briefs slide down, revealing his thick thighs. Kyojuro kicks them aside, his hand wrapping around his cock with a low hum. You gasp as his erection bobs against his stomach, proud and thick. It's impressive and a bit intimidating.
Precum beads at the tip, and he wipes it away with his thumb, smearing it on your lower lip. You taste him as you hungrily suck his finger.
“Wanna see how I do it when you’re not here, sweet thing?”
“Y-yeah,” you mumble breathlessly.
Kyojuro beams, his grin widening as he murmurs something your mind struggles to grasp. You pull off his thumb with a lewd ‘pop,’ releasing it.
He leans back with a sigh, retrieving a bottle of lube from the bag on the edge of the bed. His cock twitches as he holds it up, the grin on his face as infectious as ever. He flicks open the cap and pours a generous amount onto his palm.
You shiver as his fingers wrap around his shaft, slickening it with purposeful strokes. The rhythmic motion of his hands, combined with the way his eyelids hood over his eyes, makes your breath catch.
“Oh yeah...watch carefully,” he rasps. “You’ll get some soon.”
In an instant, his grin fades. He groans deeply as his grip tightens at the base, sliding up to the head. He sizes you up, his hips jolting with each stroke. The bedframe creaks, and his moans fill the room.
“Shit tends to get a little hot when I’m involved. You’ll have to excuse me...” he says, slowing down.
Kyojuro cups his heavy sack, tugging it slightly as he feels the blood pool in his shaft. His red-ringed eyes drink in your reaction.
“Fuck, do you want this dick, baby? I can see you drooling for it.” That award-winning smile returns. “I want to play with you first, though. Make you feel good and ready before I’m deep in you,” he drawls slowly.
His hands slide down your body, tracing the contours of your abdomen, the curve of your hips, and the fat of your ass, until they rest on your thighs. His fingers sink into their plushness, gripping tightly as he maneuvers your legs into a perfect press.
“But I think you’re already well aware of that...” He purrs against your neck, placing a soft, lingering kiss just under your jaw. The kiss is so light you barely feel it until the cool air hits your skin as he pulls away.
Your knees are pinned back, and you're spread out so nicely for him. His eyes drink you in like gasoline feeding a fire. He leans down slowly, watching you watch him kiss and lick the crease of your thighs before focusing on your center. It's so sensitive when it's not blocked by a piece of fabric. Kyojuro makes use of his strong jaw and lips to nip and drag against your inner thigh, and your skin burns from the stimulation.
Finally, he makes contact, and you hiss a sharp gasp as your eyes roll up. He's kissing, using his tongue. Your eyes can't quite focus on the details. All you feel is raw, molten pleasure. So much pressure from different directions, causing the space behind your navel to tense.
Over the music in the background, you hear lapping and wet sounds and the occasional suck as Kyojuro groans what could have been words. But you aren't sure. All you know is he's getting a taste of his favorite dessert.
He'd stop for a moment, only to look up with a smirk and raise an eyebrow at you, as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, before looking you up and down again. "Don't be so impatient...You think you're soft enough for me, baby? Pliant enough? I want you hot enough to melt my dick off. Lemme finish cookin'..." and he slips his hot tongue back inside.
There's a flame-like glow in his eyes when they make contact with yours, and it does more than set your heart ablaze.
"You're aching for me down here, aren't you?" Kyojuro whispers against your entrance, tracing it with an index finger. "But patience is a virtue."
"I-I can't help it..."
You'd say, a shaky whine in your voice as he kept licking and teasing you, like he was trying to get you to the very edge - trying to get you so close, yet not close enough to send you over.
This position becomes too intense. It's almost unfair how good it feels, and you have to close your eyes as your orgasm rapidly swells.
"Tastes so fuckin' good," Kyojuro's voice is ragged. His tongue outlines the very edge of your wet hole, then dips inside. The slurping is obscene, but he pays it no mind, focused entirely on you and chasing your climax.
It strikes you like a sudden burst of wind to a campfire. And like fire, your back bows in an arch from his relentless motions. You don't remember giving your vocal cords free reign, but the strangled cry of Kyojuro's name floods the entire building. Your stomach clenches and quivers, and you want to clamp your thighs around his head to stop it. It's too strong—it's all so much.
"Ooh, right there. Yeah, just like that...fuck, Kyo," you breathe, your hips faltering.
Kyojuro's jaw pops lewdly at the rough pace, but he picks it up.
"Right here?" He emphasizes his point with two fingers slowly slicking into you. You bite your lower lip, humming a lax 'yeah' as your eyelids flutter at the stretch, and nod.
"Then cum for me, sweet thing," Kyojuro slides his free hand down to cup your ass and effortlessly angles you just right. "Cum for me so I can fuck you proper, make it sloppy."
"Right fucking there, ohmyg-god please don't stop—"
Your head jerks forward violently from his intense sucks, feeling the coiling heat at your belly quickly getting tighter and tighter. A full-body shudder goes through you. Your leg shakes, accidentally kicking him in the back of the head, and he doesn't react beyond a low groan. You can't be bothered to apologize as he mercilessly draws out the pleasure until the sensation finally fades to a dull throb, and he slows to a stop, eventually sliding his fingers from you.
Kyojuro releases your other leg from his grip. Your entire body quivers as the air and his exhale rushes against your now sloppily wet center, making you whimper.
He pants as his wide smile comes into view, and it's so wet it looks obscene. Yet when he pops his fingers in his mouth, it's still not the hottest thing you've ever seen.
The real winner is the look of pure bliss in his warm, hungry gaze as he rolls his tongue, tasting what's left of you.
As he positions himself above you, his lips are soft and warm, but also slightly damp against yours. Everything he does is hot. It's seriously not fair.
"So fuckin' tasty...let's see how many times I can give it to you, hm?" His hips settle against yours. "Sweet thing, I'm gonna wreck you."
"Mmmm..." His breath cools against your sweat-slicked collarbone. Kyojuro tilts your hips, and the shift in pressure sends your gaze spiraling.
"Just take it for me. C'mon baby." It's thick and velvety as it pushes into you, slowly at first. Your jaw goes slack, a small gasp escaping with each movement. Then he stops.
"Wait, wait..."
He flexes within you, hitting the perfect spot just to torment you.
Your breathing is labored as you run your hands over your face, feeling like you could go mad from his sensual torture. It was frustrating, the slow pace he's built up makes you squirm.
"You're so damn tight," he grunts through gritted teeth. "Relax for me, baby."
"Stop teasing, please..." Your plea almost sounds like a sob. "I need more, Kyo."
Kyojuro chuckles deeply, the sound vibrating through you. "Alright, sweet thing. I'll give you what you want."
With that, he pulls out almost completely before plunging back in with a powerful thrust. You cry out, the sudden fullness overwhelming. He sets a relentless pace, each stroke deliberate and deep, hitting all the right spots. The sound of skin slapping against skin fills the room, accompanied by your breathless moans and Kyojuro's grunts of pleasure.
His grip on your hips tightens, his fingers digging into your flesh as he drives into you. The intensity builds, a coil tightening in your core, ready to snap.
"Cum for me again, sweet thing. I want to feel you," Kyojuro growls, his voice rough with desire.
You can't hold back any longer. Your orgasm crashes over you like a wave, your body convulsing with the force of it. Kyojuro follows soon after, his hips stuttering as he spills into you with a guttural moan.
He collapses beside you, both of you panting and spent. He pulls you close, pressing a tender kiss to your forehead.
"That was amazing," he murmurs, his voice filled with genuine affection. "You're amazing."
You smile, feeling a warmth spread through your chest. "You too, Kyo. You too."
You grip Kyojuro's neck, fingers sinking into the sweat-slicked skin, and clutch his bicep as his thrusts grow more frantic, leaving him gasping for breath. His muscles ripple beneath your touch, each movement sending waves of pleasure through you. A guttural groan escapes him, breaking through his clenched jaw. The room fills with the raw, wet slap of skin against skin, mingling with the intoxicating scent of your shared release.
You're both lost in the sensation, growing more sloppy with every breath. Kyojuro's next exhale nearly knocks you off balance as his gaze darkens with deep-seated tension. A whine escapes your gritted teeth, your toes curling as you cry out, his own moans rising in a desperate chorus. His hips twitch uncontrollably, his hand tugging at your hair in a blend of pain and pleasure as you climax together.
He struggles to maintain his rhythm, releasing deep inside you, each pulse flooding you with heat. The overwhelming fullness makes you gasp, each spurt pushing your limits.
Kyojuro pants heavily, his body shaking. Before you can catch your breath, he presses deeper, his cock still leaking copious amounts of cum. His grinding movements elicit sharp intakes of breath as he continues, not quite ready to stop. He hooks your knee for leverage, the obscene sloshing sound and the sensation of his heavy head bumping into that sensitive spot make you yelp in surprise.
"Please, Kyojuro, I can’t cum anymore. It’s too much," you plead, your voice slurred as your body shakes violently beneath him, tears streaming down your face.
"Just one more," he begs, his voice a desperate whisper. "You’re so good. Hold out for me, okay? Just one more."
It’s too much, your brain a fog of pleasure, but he keeps pushing, his desire insatiable. Your body trembles with every thrust, overly sensitive and on fire.
Kyojuro lowers himself above you, his grin as delirious as yours, but you can’t help but adore the satisfaction on his face. "That’s it... Take this dick, baby. Just don’t pass out on me. You’re too good to miss this," he murmurs, his breath hot and labored. Sweat drips from his forehead onto yours, mingling with the cum that leaks from you as he drives into you once more.
Each thrust stretches you, and with one final, overwhelming push, he loses control, pumping the last of his cum deep inside you. His eyes lock onto yours, distant yet filled with awe. "God... so hot. I love you."
Kyojuro pulls you into his arms, kissing you tenderly, licking the sweat from your neck and hairline. You swat at him weakly, complaining about how gross it is.
A deep chuckle rumbles through his chest as he eases out with a sigh. You nuzzle into his chest, murmuring, "I love you too, Kyo. Why do you always have to fuck me like it’s the last time..."
Kyojuro kisses your nose, cupping your cheek. "Because," he whispers, his voice tender as he strokes your feverish skin, "I have to make sure you always know the full extent of my love until the very end, ember of my heart."
His answer is sickeningly sweet, but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
He tightens his embrace, stroking your hair until you both drift into a peaceful sleep.
A/N: *Consensual kisses for whoever wants em* Thanks for reading <3 please reblog and like!
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crispypotatopie · 1 year
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Always make sure to wear your sunglasses at the beach 🧉
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trashyshrew · 10 months
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goobigon · 2 years
What is the Modern!figure skater!kny AU?
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As it sounds, it is a figure skater au I’ve made for demon slayer! Some things I’ve added, though, is school, home, and interpersonal relationships!
Two very well known teams
One studio is run by Muzan Kibutsugi- their team is dubbed the ‘Demons’
It’s rumored that Coach Muzan is a very intense, his methods of teaching are harsh
The team seems to have an insatiable lust for blood and destruction
There’s talk about foul play when it comes to this team: After Douma and Kaene Kocho were on the rink together late one night, she was rushed to the hospital with both of her shins viciously fractured and a serious head injury- she passed not too long after. During the intermission between Kyojurou Rengoku and Akaza’s competition, Kyojurou mysteriously sustained a ruptured gut and a cracked orbital bone- he had to retire.
The other is run by Kagaya Ubuyashiki, they’re called the ‘demon slayers’
There’s a diverse group of people who are in this team who find a certain ‘style’ of skating that they connect with, and can be taught by the proclaimed ‘masters’ of said style
Kagaya is confirmed to be blind, but he always seems to know how his students should improve
There do seem to be some members who have skating styles reminiscent of the demonic style…
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•Very recently, two siblings rose into the spotlight in Kagaya’s studio, they were freakishly talented and overall naturals at the craft. They even were able to resurface an old and almost forgotten style of skating called ‘the sun technique’ used by a skating legend long ago. They are named Tanjiro and Nezuko Kamado. •
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These two, by far, are the most genuinely kind people, demons and slayers alike, have ever met. They seemed to have an innate ability to make friends with everyone around them; Giyuu Tomioka, the famously ‘most unfriend-able’ person on the team, was the first.
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luxthestrange · 11 months
KNY Incorrect quotes#74 He feels BONITA
How Teacher Iguro Fell for you...
Iguro*Blinks seeing You grab his hand and put something in it...closing his palm for him not see him...then leaving him confused*???
Iguro*Opens his palm*...!?!?
Iguro*Holding a tiny flower hat for Kaburamar*...
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-In the Faculty Room-
Iguro*Face on his desk*...I think I'm falling for Y/n
Kyo*Who is working on his best man speech, Trying to sound shocked*...Wow!-really?...thats a....shocker!!!
Kaburamar*Slithers to Kyo's desk to show his pretty hat*!!!
Part 2 of :
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lelee-tdn · 3 months
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“When snowflakes fall, I wish you love”
Finally had the chance to finish this comic 😭💖💖 I love them sm.
Akaza barista being a gentleman has my whole heart 😫
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channnel · 1 year
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Pov: You're in a study session with the Hantengu clones siblings
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meowzfordayz · 1 year
caught with them (; — hashira men
Author’s Note: mostly humorous, but ~a lil steamy. 😉 Update: some are def steamier than others. 😅
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caught with them (; — hashira men
Himejima Gyomei x Reader, Iguro Obanai x Reader, Rengoku Kyojuro x Reader, Shinazugawa Sanemi x Reader, Tomioka Giyuu x Reader, Uzui Tengen x Reader
Word Count: ~1,500
CW: 18+NSFW, accidental v!yeurism, cream!pie, dark humor, degrading language, explicit language, Fem!Reader
Emergency Request Fulfilled: Hi T! May I please request an emergency request (I'm  getting surgery on Thursday and I'm a bit stressed) can you please write funny nsfw headcanons where all the male hashira ( except Muichiro) making love to their fem s/o and all of a sudden she calls out ,"Daddy!", And the guys think she's being kinky and they were getting so into it but then with her serious demeanor they stopped and turned to find out it was actually their s/O's Dad who came in to visit? Please and thank you.
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Initially confused
Gyomei didn’t realize you were into that 😏
And he was too invested in how perfectly your pussy suffocated his dick to hear approaching footsteps 💀
“G-gyomei,” you gasp, burning w/ embarrassment, legs wrapped around his waist as you sit full and sweaty on his lap, nose pressed into his shoulder, suddenly grateful it’s his back facing the living room doorway
“Hm?” he murmurs lowly, blissfully unaware, nearing his orgasm as he continues guiding your hips w/ strong, broad palms
“Mydad’shere,” you manage to explain, nearly choking on the feeling of his tip grazing your cervix
#Gyomei is no longer confused
“Oh dear,” he mutters, mortification clear in his voice
Even as his eyebrows furrow, cock twitching in your heat as he finally cums
Meanwhile, your poor dad’s like: 🫠🫠🫠
“Well don’t just stand there!” you shriek, “Go make yourself tea or something!”
Best believe your dad immediately disappears to make himself something much stronger than tea 😭
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And that’s when Obanai remembers 😳
“Please tell me what’s happening isn’t what I think is happening.”😖
—You thought you knew what his desperation sounded like
—Especially after cockwarming him for hrs, clenching and gently grinding every so often to keep him on edge, computer screen bright w/ half finished work, swivel chair squeaking whenever you decide to roll your hips
—But this definitely takes the cake 🥴
“Unfortunately, my dad is here for our scheduled luncheon that we completely forgot about, but fortunately he is also going to wait in his car,” you grit out, glaring harshly at your equally distraught parent, “We’ll be ready shortly.”
Newsflash: your dad could care less about when you’ll be ready for lunch
In fact, he’d much prefer to cancel lunch altogether
Who needs lunch when their appetite’s just been ruined by an emotionally scarring event?
As soon as your dad leaves, you clamber off of Obanai’s lap, his cock slick and swollen as he slips from your heat, needy whine shiny on his lips
“We’ll revisit this later,” you promise, “With the door closed.”
Despite the waves of embarrassment still crashing through him, he can’t resist cracking a wicked smile, drinking in the sight of your naked form as you bend over to hand him his shirt, previously discarded on the floor
“Dessert? Sounds good to me.” 😎
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Kyojuro pauses mid thrust, expression eager, chest pink from exertion, longer hairs tickling your collarbones as he haunches over you, “Daddy? Would you like to call me daddy?”
“Kyo-” 😭
Yk when yk what you should say, but you can’t seem to say it? 😬
Ofc that would occur at the least opportune moment 😃
“Sweetheart, there is nothing wrong with liking what you like!” lips grazing your throat, one palm pushing at your thigh, the other splayed on an overhead cabinet to steady himself, “If you want to call me daddy, then I am perfectly happy to be your daddy,” sucking lightly at your jaw, growling at the satisfying thud of your body against the countertop’s edge as he completes his thrust, balls sticky when they tap your skin
“Kyyyo-” 😭😭😭
“Call me daddy sweetheart, let daddy make you feel go-”
“So uh,” finally your dad sputters, “How about you guys text me when you’re finished?”
Kyojuro’s eyes = wider than saucers 😳
“I AM SO SORRY, I HAD NO IDEA.” <— 0.02 secs after your dad slams the front door shut
“That was hot,” you giggle breathlessly, shock still radiating, “Maybe I do have a daddy kink? You had me at a lost for words.” 😇
“Clearly!” he nearly whines, uncharacteristically bashful as he tucks his face into your shoulder, “I would have stopped immediately had I known!”
“I’m sorry, I short circuited.” 😅
“I hope he forgives us.” 😓
You snort, already recovering from the ordeal, “He’ll survive.” 😆
Pouting, Kyojuro clings to you, cock slowly softening in your pussy, “But I may not.” 🥺
“Oh hush,” you pat his head reassuringly, smiling as he nuzzles closer, “Let’s shower and get dressed. My poor dad’s patiently waiting.”
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“Who’re you calling daddy?” Sanemi murmurs, body draped over you, grip warm and steady around your waist, your own hands clutching the edge of the sink, “Listen to your sloppy cunt, so pliant and needy, bent over in the bathroom like a cheap whore.”
“Sanemi,” you squeak, eyes glued to the retreating figure reflected in the mirror
“I asked you a question,” he growls roughly, nipping at the side of your neck, balls tapping your clit as his pace quickens, “Who’re you calling daddy? Who’s fucking your slutty hole? Who’s bringing you closer and closer to your climax?”
“Iwascallingmydad, daddy,” you blurt, diction hurried by the stretch and intensity of Sanemi’s thrusts
He shudders to a halt, dangerous stare meeting yours as he looks up into the mirror
“You WHAT?!!!”
You inhale deeply, enunciation precise and drawn out, “We invited my dad over for dinner. You got me horny. He let himself in… and then let promptly let himself out. We made eye contact in the mirror, I swear he nearly fainted, and I called him daddy because apparently that’s what I do when I panic!”
“Oh so this is MY fault?” 😒
“The fuck?” 😐
“That’s what I’m saying! You got me horny, bitch, you’re always horny! Sorry I enjoy pleasuring my woman!” 🙄
“Well don’t apologize for that!”
“Fine! I’m not sorry!” 😤
“So do I get to cum, or…?” 🙃
“You’re fucking weird. You still wanna cum? Now?”
“I mean dinner’s obviously off the table, so-”
“Fuck’s sake! Okay! I’ll make you cum!” 🤬
“Great! Better brace yourself princess,” Sanemi snarls, slipping his fingers between your legs to flick at your clit, “Because you’re my cocksleeve for tonight.”
—Don’t even ask 😃
—Porn isn’t realistic
—So why should my fanfiction be? 😂
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#riperoni Tomioka Giyuu
“Uh huh baby, baby, fuck, f-fuck, FUCK,” he groans loudly, mouth parting slightly, couch pillow propping his head up to provide the perfect view of your perfect tits as you perfectly ride him
Disclaimer: you’re panicking — not cumming 💀
#unlike someone #that someone being Giyuu
“Shit, you’re incredible,” he murmurs, eyes barely open, thumbs soft and greedy as they dig into your waist, satisfaction welling in his stomach as his cum fills you, warm and viscous, tip swollen and twitching, “Feels good, hm? When daddy cums in your gorgeous pussy?”
#riperoni Tomioka Giyuu x 1,398,742
You clear your throat, blinking awkwardly, “Dad, how about I call you in ten minutes?”
Indescribable dread flickers across Giyuu’s face
But he can’t move 😭, bc he just came inside of you 😭, and apparently there’s an audience 😭
#talk about a mess #pun intended
“You do that honey!” *your dad frantically nods* “You do whatever you need to do!” *your dad frantically flees*
“Murder or suicide?” Giyuu asks quietly
“What?” 🧐
“One of us is a dead man,” he answers solemnly, “But I’ll let you decide who.”
*big sigh* “Neither you nor my dad has to die.”
“I disagree.” 😔
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“The fuck?” 🤨 “Is your dad here?” 🤨 “Are you into that?” 🤨
The fact that Tengen hasn’t stopped thrusting does not help your ability to articulate 💀
“Well?” he grunts, biceps straining as he keeps you pinned to the wall, hands full of your ass, “Which one is it?”
“The fact that you don’t seem concerned in the slightest that it could be the second one is mildly concerning,” you mutter
Meanwhile, you’re frantically shooing your dad away, unable to do much more in your current ~position
“The fact that you only consider that mildly concerning is also concerning,” he retorts, “And quit fidgeting,” tongue licking along the curve of your jaw as he murmurs lowly, “Less wriggling, more cumming.”
The sound of the front door opening and closing barely registers to Tengen 😃
Is he that pussydrunk?
#he just doesn’t give af
#sort of
“Hm?” he smirks, gaze glinting smugly at the feeling of your pussy sucking him in deeper, “You gonna cum for me?”
“You do know my dad was here?” breaking off to a whimper as his pubic bone grinds against your clit, “R-right?”
“I know,” he replies simply, fixated on your building orgasm, determinedly repeating his motions, spurred on by your ragged gasps and staccato moans, “I was certainly surprised,” tone amused and patient, “But I figured he’d leave as soon as he realized what he walked in on,” nonchalant as ever, “No point in ruining our pleasure for a brief interruption.”
—I’m not usually suuuper into Tengen, but damn 🤠😂
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scrimblyscrorblo · 11 months
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Their music taste opposes their fashion sense like true besties
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