#Mona headcanons
striped-carpet · 1 year
M. List
Genshin Characters With A S/O Who Likes to Bake:
Includes: Kazuha, Heizou, Mona, Alhaitham, Zhongli
A/N: i apologize for the lack of posts, and i'm going to be attempting to get back into writing soon! during my absence i got an actual bf who i broke up with, however i got another (almost 2 months ago) so that's nice. i can't wait to disappear for another few months after posting this!
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I feel like Kazuha wouldn't be too big of a fan of sweets, but would definitely eat them if you were the one making them
He would also like to help out in the kitchen when he can, especially since he sees it as a way to bond with his lover
Always makes sure everything is baked to perfection and looks presentable
Definitely focuses on small details if you're doing something more intricate like icing a fancy cake
Heizou probably has a bit of a sweet tooth
Only problem is that he isn't too big of a fan of baking
That being said, he's extremely grateful that you're someone who enjoys doing that
He'll also never refuse or harshly critique any of your baked goods because of that, unless something is seriously wrong with it, of course
He also really likes to help you with smaller tasks like icing, stirring, etc. and would probably be more detail oriented like Kazuha
Mona may be intelligent, but baking is definitely not in her field of expertise
When she found out that you liked to bake she started asking you a bunch of questions about it and was overall very eager to learn
This lead to the two of you spending some time in the kitchen together while you taught her some things about baking
She's also always happy to receive some of your treats considering how she is with money and will occasionally bake you something if she has the time and money
Alhaitham doesn't strike me as someone who would be particularly interested in baking. He's still surprisingly good at it, though
He also doesn't seem like he would have much of a sweet tooth, so I don't think he would accept very many of your treats that you offer to him
Nevertheless, he's glad that you have something that you enjoy doing
If you asked him to, he wouldn't be against helping you with some of your baking if he has the time
Zhongli doesn't seem like someone with much of a sweet tooth either, but he'll accept almost all of the things that you offer to him
He would also give you little tips and advice about baking if he felt the need to
I also feel like he wouldn't mind helping you with baking if he has time since he finds it entertaining
Occasionally makes you a small treat and it always turns out extremely delicious
Thanks for reading! Sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes and have a great day/night! :D
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dixidin · 11 months
Genshin Impact hcs for every nation pt.1
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Mondstadt edition!
Info: OOC? Mentions of other characters, writing sucks, sorry if I get some lore wrong with some characters! Fyi, none of this is cannon besides the occasional lore mentions (also I am trying to clean out all of these hcs before fountaine comes out and I am SPRINTING)
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Albedo: Since he's not a human, he didn't know how to react when he broke one of his bones. Thankfully, Sucrose was there to help him and took him back to Mondstadt to get his broken bone bandaged up. Jean demanded (intimidated) Albedo to rest until he was healed, safe to say he was not happy.
Amber: When she was a kid, she loved apples and even had a tree for apples. When she was hungry, she would climb up the tree and try to get as many as she could. Most of the time, she fell and got some sort of scar of her knee or elbow, but as she grew up, she got better and more agile.
Barbara: She visited Liyue once, and since she's an idol, she got a lot of praise there. The bad part was that some of the guys there were very creepy to her, but she formed a friendship with Yunjin and Xinyan, and they scared them away. Even Xiao since it's his job to protect people in Liyue! They formed an unlikely friendship, and they still write letters to each other (Xiao always asks if she's been doing okay).
Bennett: Bennett has a bunch of pressed four leaf clovers for bookmarks. He'll even go out of his way to search for new four leaf clovers just for luck, he doesn't really care if he gets hurt.
Diluc: Diluc actually has a very good singing voice and knows how to dance very well! But he doesn't sing or dance much since he's so busy, but he finds himself humming to a song that's playing on his record player.
Diona: She has claws but clips them often, but one prominent feature of hers is her nose having a line connected to her mouth, showing some more cat features of hers.
Eula: Whenever her terrible parents weren't looking, she would snatch some candy/sweets and hide them. She once got caught, but luckily, it was by her maid! And her being the wonderful maid she was (also knowing how rude her parents were) let Eula go on multiple occasions.
Fischl: She had a huge interest in string instruments and worked hard to practice with any of them she could find. To this day, she knows how to play a bunch (ex: bass, fiddle, viola, harp, ukulele, etc.)
Jean: She has a bunch of rare allergies, so she's very grateful not to be allergic to pollen, which is why she loves flowers so much.
Kaeya: When Kaeya was growing up in the Ragnvindr family, he learned some English through Diluc. In return, he taught Diluc how to speak some Khaenri'ah.
Klee: She has gotten in trouble so many times to the point where Jean has made a cardboard 'jail cell' for her.
Lisa: She cannot keep a plant alive for the life of her, due to her sleeping so much. On multiple occasions, she has woken up to a dead flower and has had to profusely apologize to Jean for letting her perfect, growing flowers die on her.
Mika: He is an absolute nerd when it comes to literature, so when Razor asks him to teach him some 'fancy words'. Mika was more than happy to help (some times he has to apologize when Razor gets confused when Mika starts spitting our larger words that Razor is still, very new too)
Mona: Unlike Lisa, Mona is a big plant mom, and if any of them were to die on her, then she would cry her heart out and make a funeral for it. She especially loves her Bonsai tree.
Noelle: Despite Noelle being very busy with becoming a knight and other work related info, she actually really likes learning about flower languages and all different kinds. Her favorites are roses, which is why she has so much of the on her outfit
Razor: Since Razor has been living with wolves for most of his life, he's developed a strong sense of smell. You give em a candle, he'll smell it and guess the correct answer in an instant without even looking what's scents are in the candle
Rosaria: Rosaria is secretly really good at sewing and can patch up anything! She's also tried crocheting but it didn't go well
Sucrose: Since Sucrose is an animal, she makes sure that her ears are in tip-top shape so they don't get infected or torn
Venti: Since Venti is an archon hiding as a bard, he took inspiration with a newspaper boy cap and Focalor's French like nation where they have something called a beret. Mixing them together and eventually making his hat! It was only till Zhongli explained that he could've just used a regular bard's hat and didn't need to go the extra mile
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If you repost this on another website, please give credit. Any like or repost is greatly appreciated -dixidin
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Watching for her target.
Sometimes that old merc life comes back to bite her in the ass and she has to go out and do some dirty work to settle things.
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raspberryyarn246 · 2 years
Chocolate with nuts part 2 (a Genshin Impact Parody)
Alfred: Yes?
Venti: Hello, sir. we're selling chocolate bars
*Aether making that weird eye contact*
Alfred: Why is that guy staring at me?
Aether: Focusing
Alfred: Back off, Jack!
Aether: Nice place you got here.
Venti: I can't understand what we do wrong.
Aether: I can't understand anything.
Venti: There must be something to this selling some that we just not getting, other people can do it I mean look at them.
Aether: Eat Mondstadt chips, they're delicious.
Venti: They are not certainly delicious.
Aether: Not the way I use them.
Venti: Yet they sell millions of bags a day.
Aether: Well maybe if they didn't stretch the truth they wouldn't sell as many.
Venti: That's it, traveler. We've gotta stretch the truth.
* Suddenly Zhongli appeared again*
Venti: Were work as a team let me get this customer warmed up and then you are coming for the kill.
Aether: Yeah, coming for the kill.
Mona: Yes?
Venti: Hello, young lady. We're selling chocolate bars is your mother home.
Mona: Mom!
Mona's mother: What? What is it darling?
Mona's mother: You just ready to wait for me to die can't you?
Mona: Their selling chocolate.
Mona's mother: What?
Mona: Chocolate.
Mona's mother: I can't hear you.
Mona's mother: Their selling chocolate?
Mona: Yeah.
Mona's mother: Chocolate; I remembered when they first invented chocolate. Sweet, sweet chocolate. I always hated it!
Venti: It's not meant for eating its um...
Aether: You rub it on your skin to feel good.
Mona: No, no, no.
Mona's mother: Sure, I'll take one.
Venti borrows his more to Mona's mother.
Mona's mother: C'mon you lazy Mary. Start rubbing me that chocolate.
Mona: I hate you.
*slams the door*
Venti: If we keep exaggerating the truth, we'll be fancy living in no time.
Aether: Hooray for lying.
Venti: It will make your hair grow.
Customer: Great, my wife is trying to grow a beard.
Venti: It will help you be smart.
Timmy: I'll take 20.
Aether: They make you feel great without getting uglier.
A guy looks like Aether: Just in time.
Venti: They make you fly.
Aether: You'll fall in love.
Venti: They bring world peace. You'll rule the world.
Aether: This'll be the walls lie yet.
Venti: Yeah, this guy feels so sorry for us he'll have to buy all of our chocolate.
Childe: What can I do for you boys?
Venti: Hi sir would you like to buy a chocolate bar. We need a operation.
Childe: Really. Small world what's the matter with you guys?
Venti: Uh, we've got some head trauma and eternal bleeding.
Childe: Uh some guys have all the luck. I was born with glass bones and paper skin, every morning I break my legs and every afternoon I break my arms. At night how I awake in agony till my heart attacks put me to sleep. Oh No!
to be continued to part 3... based from the episode from SpongeBob SquarePants
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queerofthedagger · 1 month
One thing that's just been keeping me up for a week straight is that, while we tend to associate Elrond as the one incredibly skilled in healing - rightfully so - there is also that "little" titbit of how "the hands of a King [of Gondor] are the hands of a healer," which, infamously, is the line of Elrond's brother.
Which leaves just enough room to speculate that they may have both had a talent in healing, and in turn begs the question of just which part of their ancestry they got it from.
And the options there are all wild in their own right - on the one hand, there is Elwing's side which would make some sense due to Lúthien/Melian, but then in at least one version of the tale at the end of the Fall of Gondolin, it's said that Elwing and her people believed that the 'power of healing in their camp' came from the Silmaril if I remember correctly. Which implies that it's not a skill their line has been known to have an extraordinary talent in.
The alternative option is, of course, Eärendil. Now that means it comes either from Tuor, or it means Idril, which means through Turgon/the House of Fingolfin. And if I think about that too much I might just go insane because oh man the implications.
But also all the ancestral musings aside, just the idea that the line of Gondor's Kings is carrying forth Elros' own talent in healing as this permanent relic, reminder, and tangible leftover for Elrond, of something they shared and learned together? just. man
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ta3baee · 1 month
Jungkook with a chubby girlfriend Pt.2 !
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Pairing : Idol!Jungkook x Chubby!Fem!Reader
Warnings : Nsfw headcanons after the sfw, I will include a cut and another warning though.
Mona’s notes : Edited & proofread by my wife. Minors dni! I’m not responsible for what you consume on the internet. Part one here! Reblogs are very much appreciated <3
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• He’s the type to take your insta pictures for you and hype the fuck out of you, I’m talking “Yes mama!”+ “mhmmm look at those hips”+ “those curves my god” + “that’s my sexy lady” and so much more.
• Literally lives for your stomach pudge and your fupa?? Yup, he’s crazy for it.
• He knows you so fucking well that it’d take him just one single look to know how you’re feeling. If he catches you double checking yourself in the mirror with your hand slyly pulling down your shirt to cover yourself, he’d be up on his feet immediately and listing all the beautiful things about you, aka everything.
• We all know he’s basically a gym rat, and what’s a better trope than gym rat bf x chubby gf?? Absolutely nothing. He’d look so big and buff beside you it’d make you feel tiny and protected.
• When you’re out with him and get some looks from both men and women, he’d just stare at them and make them uncomfortable with a hand wrapped around your waist, holding your tummy (that’s how big his hands are).
• He adores it when he sees you cooking in the kitchen wearing a tank top, shorts, and no bra. You’d be minding your own business, and he’d just come up behind you and grab a boob or both and fiddle with it, other times he’d grab your tummy and squish it while whispering good morning and sweet nothings in your ear.
• During his late night lives, he’d go on and on about you, talking about a very simple feature of you in such beautiful detail; it could be a dimple or a specific stretch mark, he’s smitten.
• Imagine him sleepily blabbing about you;
• “my girlfriend is the best”
• “I’m gonna marry her and make her my queen- she’s already my queen, but an upgrade-not that she needs an upgrade”
• lmao, you get it.
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Nsfw below, do not proceed if it’s not to your liking
or if you’re a minor !
• A lil nsfw version of him taking your pics; “You’re making me so hard” + “What if I were to just bend you over right now?”.
• When your looking at yourself in the mirror, he’d come up behind you, hold your tum tum, and whisper dirty shit into ur ear all while he makes you hold eye contact with him.
• When he takes consensual pictures/videos of you riding him, his hand would either be holding your hip or grabbing a handful of your ass.
• Considering the proven fact that Namjoon loves thick girlies, Jungkook would - with your consent send him some of the videos of you riding him and throwing it back at him just to see Joon literally fall apart. He can look, but he can’t touch.
• On that note, when Jungkook has you over, he’d make sure to tap that ass extra hard so you’d be louder, and his bandmates would be forced to listen to you and suffer with their own boners…If only Jungkook would let them hit it…If only.
• This man is filthy rich, so prepare yourself to be spoiled to the max. New sets of lingerie every fucking day, if he can’t choose between two, he’ll buy you both… and an extra one.
• That hot portrait on his wall? That’s you and him; he’s shameless when it comes to you and doesn’t even bother hiding it when he’s on live. He’d simply do anything to show you off, even if it means getting in trouble with management.
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jash-t · 11 months
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villian bestieeeessssssssss two baddies two baddies one porshh
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I remember you doing something similar for other Genshin girls, but what are your headcannons for sleeping with Ayaka, Beidou, Dehya, Candace and Mona.
Not nsfw but fluff.
(Genshin Impact) Sleeping with Ayaka, Beidou, Dehya, Candace, and Mona
And just like the last post of this HC a year ago, I am dead tired writing this. We are just destined to repeat the same things, aren't we?
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Ayaka fully relaxes into S/O's embrace as her head sinks into the pillow.
She absolutely wants to be the little spoon, and her heart will both melt and beat rapidly as their arms wrap around her waist.
(Ayaka) "Good night, my love."
Ayaka can't help but let out a small giggle as she makes herself comfortable.
She would have to wake up early and go back to attending her duties.
But for now? Ayaka can simply enjoy falling asleep next to S/O, the only worry in her mind of whether she would make them sleep at an awkward angle.
The futons in Inazuma are very low to the ground, and Ayaka's is no exception. However, it is a bit larger and elegantly quilted than a standard futon, giving the two plenty of space to stretch their arms in.
Not that the space is needed, given how closely they cuddle together.
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(Beidou) "Finally, time to get some shut-eye. Come on, S/O! We have plenty of room for two!"
That's a lie.
The Captain's bed could only really fit Beidou, but that wouldn't stop her.
Beidou takes off her eyepatch and lets it rest on a nearby table, letting S/O rest their head on her rather large chest.
Her strong arms lock S/O into place as the ship rocks back and forth, almost cradling them to sleep.
The bed itself is comfortable enough if a bit stiff, though it is quite small for two people sharing it at once.
Beidou could rest easy, knowing that her lover was safe in her ars.
Beidou also has a tendency to snore.
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(Dehya) "Oh man, I can't wait to sleep, it's been a long day...!"
Dehya stretches her arms before plopping onto the bed, scooting to the side for S/O to lay down next to her.
Depending on her mood, Dehya will hold S/O, make S/O hold her, or simply just remain close to them.
But most of all it depends on the bed. If it's a sleeping bag, she'll typically just lay close to them, but if they're inside an inn, then some sort of physical affection will take place.
She chuckes, seeing the relaxed expression on her S/O's face before closing her eyes.
The bed is quite warm thanks to Dehya's vision, making the cold nights of the desert seem negligible.
Her hair also will poke into S/O's face given how long it is.
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(Candace) "Good night, S/O, rest well."
Candace will typically stay up a bit longer than S/O since she needs to keep watch.
She eventually joins them well into the night, trying to be as quiet as she can to not wake them up.
One hand gently caresses their cheek, smiling to herself knowing that her vigilance will keep them and everyone else safe.
Finally, Candace closes her eyes, arms instinctually wrapping around S/O to protect them in their dreams.
Her bed is stiff, yet inviting at the same time. Candace has no desire for anything beyond what she needs to rest, so at times it can be quite cold and rigid to sleep on.
But the moment she arrives to rest with them, both problems go away quickly.
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(Mona) "Is it that time already? sigh "I need to finish writing this first, then I'll join you."
Mona usually sleeps in late due to her research or writing blocks.
However, she does truly appreciate the times she can rest with S/O by her side.
Not that she ever mentions that part to them.
With a very deep sigh, she immediately flops onto the bed, forcing S/O to hold her without uttering a word.
Her green eyes immediately shut as she falls asleep almost instantly.
Mona's bed is quite cold due to how often she isn't inside it. It sometimes also contains random books or astrology tools laying on top of their blankets, which S/O keeps finding everytime they lay down and think its clear.
It's honestly very normal with nothing noteworthy about its quality, but due to how cluttered it normally is and how much Mona works, it's the comfiest place in all of Tevyat.
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fabuloustrash05 · 2 months
Random TMNT 2012 Headcanons I Have (2):
Click here for part 1
Raph is right handed but he punches harder with his left and even prefers to use his left arm when arm wrestling.
Mona loves hot and spicy food. She has a high tolerance for that kind of stuff and is not affected at all by its burning taste.
April’s dad, Kirby, is a HUGE fan of Spaceheroes. He was a kid when the original series first aired on TV. Because of this, April was very familiar with the show and watched it a lot growing up. Her knowing Spaceheroes is what also started her close friendship with Leo.
Shinigami never knew her father, he abandoned her and her mother when she was still a baby.
Donnie loves peanut butter. His go-to snacks for him to eat always have peanut butter in it.
April and Mikey have been secretly creating an organized file full of ideas, pictures and vision boards for Raph and Mona Lisa’s wedding, hoping one day soon they’ll get engaged and when they do, April and Mikey will be ready to be their wedding planners.
In middle school, April had a punk phase.
Renet is highly allergic to cats, this worried Mikey regarding his pet, Ice Cream Kitty, but to their surprise Renet doesn’t get an allergic reaction from ICK. She’s the only cat Renet can be around so Mikey lets Renet play with her all the time.
Mona Lisa has a fascination with reality TV shows and is 100% convinced that they are in fact REAL.
After Splinter’s death, Casey felt guilty about how he treated/looked at Splinter. He felt he could’ve bonded with him more, seeing him as another father figure, but his phobia of rats got in the way of it. He’s mad at himself that he lost his chance to bond with a potential father figure because of his phobia and now tries to work on concurring his fear.
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midnights-dragon · 2 months
Aziraphale is the type of person who talks about the most obvious things that he probably already knew before and is just now remembering as if they're the most exciting of news, and Crowley is the type of person who will listen with utmost attention and fascination, no matter how many times he's hearing it again.
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Mona is American, but her ethnic background is that it Chinese and Mexican origin. :) Her mother is Mexican, and her father is Chinese! Mona is also a Nomad from Snake Nation and was originally born in an unknown area of Alabama (she only knows its Alabama because they lived there for about five years before heading out to where they were needed in later years).
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fairykazu · 7 months
what kind of dates they would bring you ft. gi chrs ୧ ‧₊˚
mlist ⋆ playlists for each character will be linked on my spotify!
a movie night - at their house. sharing a blanket together, huddled together and listening to their familiar heartbeat, because it is something that the both of you have done more times than you can count.
mona, lisa, layla & kaveh
a fair - hearing your lovers laugh will never fail to light up your entire night. holding their hand on rides, sharing strange food, and riding on a ferris wheel will always hold a special place in your memories.
kaeya, yoimiya, yelan & hu tao
an aquarium - taking many photos, seeing and learning things that you never knew before. silently watching in awe alongside your partner as the jellyfish mindlessly float behind the glass.
kokomi, scaramouche, xiao & sara
an art museum - studying the meaning behind paintings, bouncing back and forth theories, and leaving together filled with inspiration and love for humanity.
albedo, ganyu, kazuha & keqing
ice skating - falling down with your partner and showing them your vulnerability. they smile and pick you off the floor, holding you steady as they guide you on the ice.
childe, ayaka & amber
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taringill · 14 days
Rise girls' families - 1 part. Pink family
Семьи rise девочек - 1 часть. Семья Пинк (или семья Розовые😅)
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Quite a rich family. You can understand what excellent living conditions they have: a large house and servants are available. In principle, the ancestors of the Pink family were distinguished by their wealth and status. And despite the strict dress code, the Mona Lisa still stands out and looks less strict. That's the whole Mona Lisa. She likes to add something of her own:)
Достаточно богатая семья. Можно понять какие у них отличные условия жизни: большой дом и прислуга имеется. В принципе, предки семьи Пинк отличались своим богатством и статусом. И несмотря на строгий дресс-код, Мона Лиза всё равно выделяется и выглядит менее строго. В этом вся Мона Лиза. Она любит добавлять что-то своё:)
Initially, Mona Lisa's surname was Williams, but then I changed my mind. As you understand, the surname is Pink speaking. Like, the color of the Mona Lisa is pink, so why not give her a last name in honor of this color? Cool<3 As you know, the Mona Lisa was named after the painting of the same name by the Renaissance artist Leonardo da Vinci. So I decided to do something similar with Mona's brother. Adam was named after the painting "The Creation of Adam" by the Renaissance artist Michelangelo Buonarroti.
Изначально фамилия Мон�� Лизы была Уильямс, но потом я передумала. Как вы поняли, фамилия Пинк говорящая (Пинк - Pink - Розовый). Типо, цвет Моны Лизы розовый, поэтому почему бы не дать ей фамилию в честь этого цвета? Прикольно<3 Как вы знаете, Мона Лиза получила своё имя в честь одноимённой картины художника эпохи Возрождения Леонардо да Винчи. Поэтому я решила что-то похожее провернуть с братом Моны. Адам получил своё имя в честь картины "Сотворение Адама" от художника эпохи Возрождения Микеланджело Буонарроти.
These are the closest to the Pink family.
Это самые близкие для семьи Пинк.
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Number 1
Mona Lisa and Adam's grandma on Dad's side. She's friends with Mona's mom, they're like friends. Mona Lisa looks most like her grandma Lucy, they have the same vibe💅 Lucy is a widow, as William's dad (Mona and Adam's grandpa) died a long time ago due to heart problems. But William's father was a bad husband and father. He didn't care about his wife and son. He used physical force against them. He raised his son (Mona and Adam's father) cruelly and beat him, because he believed that this was how he would raise a real man and because he believed that children did not understand differently. William's father loved to rule and assert himself at the expense of others. He died after the wedding of Mona Lisa's parents. And since he was a piece of shit, Lucy and William didn't have any emotions. Well, he died and died. They were finally breathing. Lucy, on the other hand, loved her son, showed affection and tenderness, despite her husband's prohibitions. That's why William didn't grow up to be heartless and cruel, but a little cold. Mona's grandparents on her father's side (and on her mother's side too) had a marriage of convenience. This is not uncommon in such families + traditions that have been preserved to this day, because many just got used to it. Well, it's beneficial for wealth and status. A love match was a rarity for Mona and Adam's ancestors.
Бабушка Моны Лизы и Адама по папиной линии. Она дружит с мамой Моны, они как подруги. Мона Лиза больше всего похожа на свою бабушку Люси, у них один вайб💅 Люси вдова, так как отец Уильяма (дедушка Моны и Адама) умер уже давно из-за проблем с сердцем. Но отец Уильяма был плохим мужем и отцом. На своих жену и сына ему было плевать. Он применял физическую силу по отношению к ним. Воспитывал своего сына (отец Моны и Адама) жестоко и бил, потому что он считал, что так он воспитает настоящего мужчину и потому что он считал, что дети по другому не понимают. Отец Уильяма любил властвовать и утверждаться за счёт других. Он умер после свадьбы родителей Моны Лизы. И так как он был куском говна, Люси и Уильям не испытывали никаких эмоций. Ну, умер и умер. Они наконец-то задышали. Люси же любила своего сына, проявляла ласку и нежность, несмотря на запреты её мужа. Потому Уильям не вырос бессердечным и жестоким, но немного холодным. У бабушки и дедушки Моны по папиной линии (и по маминой линии тоже) был брак по расчёту. Это не редкость в подобных семьях + традиции, которые сохранились до сих пор, потому что многие просто привыкли. Ну, и это выгодно, для богатства и статуса. Брак по любви был редкостью для предков Моны и Адама.
As for Barbara's family (Mona and Adam's mom), everything is bad there too. Both parents were violent. Physical and psychological violence was also used. Barbara has 6 siblings. Barbara has a bad relationship with her family. She keeps in touch with her family only when there is some business or if it concerns some traditions. For example, a family holiday. But there is no family atmosphere there. It's just a tradition that needs to be followed and that's it. Naturally, Barbara's parents don't care about their grandchildren. Well, there are and there are. The main thing for them is that they married all their children in a way that was beneficial to them. There are heirs in the form of grandchildren, the family continues, the status increases (or does not decrease) and this is enough for them. So Mona and Adam don't really remember or know their grandparents on their mother's side.
Что касается семьи Барбары (мама Моны и Адама), там тоже всё плохо. Оба родителя были жестокими. Также применяли физическое и психологическое насилие. У Барбары 6 братьев и сестёр. Со своей семьёй у Барбары плохие отношения. Она поддерживает со своей семьёй связь только тогда, когда есть какие-то дела или если это касается каких-то традиций. Например, праздник семей. Но там нет семейной атмосферы. Просто традиция, которую нужно соблюдать и всё. Естественно родителям Барбары плевать на своих внуков. Ну, есть и есть. Главное для них, что они женили всех своих детей так, чтобы им было выгодно. Наследники в виде внуков есть, род продолжается, статус повышается (или не понижается) и этого достаточно для них. Так что Мона и Адам особо не помнят и не знают своих бабушку и дедушку по маминой линии.
Unfortunately, Mona and Adam's parents entered into a marriage of convenience. They had never loved each other. But William and Barbara have a normal relationship. They are just good acquaintances, no one offends anyone. And even if they don't love each other, they have one thing in common, something very important: it's love for their children. Yes, they love them very much, as normal parents should do. But because of their busy schedule, they paid little attention to the children, even though they did not want to. So, who became a kind of parents for Mona Lisa and Adam? Get to know them better.
К сожалению родители Моны и Адама заключили брак по расчёту. Они никогда не любили друг друга. Но у Уильяма и Барбары нормальные отношения. Они просто хорошие знакомые, никто никого не обижает. И пусть они не любит друг друга, но их объединяет одно, кое-что очень важное: это любовь к своим детям. Да, они их очень любят, как должны делать нормальные родители. Но из-за своей большой занятости они мало уделяли внимание детям, хоть им этого не хотелось. Так кто же для Моны и Адама как родители? Знакомьтесь.
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Number 2 and 3
Дворецкий Роберт (70 лет) и няня и горничная Мария (40 лет).
Of course, this is not all the servants. There are many of them. There is even a guard. But it is Robert and Maria who are the closest to the Pink family. As I wrote above, William's father (Mona and Adam's grandfather) was terrible and it was Robert the butler who became William's father figure, as he helped raise William from childhood. William loves and respects Robert. Robert has been serving the Pink family for many years since a young age. He taught Mona and Adam defense, basic techniques so they could stand up for themselves. In general, he's a cool man, wow👍 and it's not surprising that Lucy Pink (William's mom) has feelings for Robert. Yes, he is much lower than her status, they are different types of yokai (I don't know how to spell this word correctly, correct me if anything): he is a mammal, she is a reptile. In the families of William and Barbara, it is customary to marry someone who is about your status and of the same species. It's the only way, there's no other way, the other way is frowned upon. Lucy also adhered to this for many years, so she denied for a long time that she was in love with Robert. Lucy herself did not notice how she began to fall in love with her butler. And this is not surprising. While Lucy's husband did not put her in anything, ignored her opinion, behaved rudely towards her, Robert supported and helped her as much as possible, complimented her. He even became a father figure to Lucy's son, for which she is noble to him. Lucy and Robert have always been good friends. Robert is like a father to Mona and Adam, too.
Разумеется это не вся прислуга. Их много. Даже охрана есть. Но именно Роберт и Мария являются самыми близкими для семьи Пинк. Как я писала выше, отец Уильяма (дедушка Моны и Адама) был ужасным и именно дворецкий Роберт стал для Уильяма отцовской фигурой, так как он помогал воспитывать Уильяма с самого детства. Уильям любит и уважает Роберта. Роберт долгие годы служит семье Пинк с молодого возраста. Он обучил Мону и Адама обороне, базовым приёмам, чтобы они могли постоять за себя. Вообще он классный мужик, во👍 И неудивительно, что у Люси Пинк (мама Уильяма) есть чувства к Роберту. Да, он гораздо ниже её статуса, они разного вида йокаи (не знаю, как правильно пишется это слово, поправьте, если что): он млекопитающее, она пресмыкающееся. В семьях Уильяма и Барбары принято заключать брак с тем, кто примерно твоего статуса и одного вида. Только так, по другому нельзя, порицается. Люси тоже долгие годы придерживалась этого, поэтому долго отрицала свою влюблённость в Роберта. Люси сама не заметила, как начала влюбляться в своего дворецкого. И это неудивительно. В то время, как муж Люси не во что её не ставил, пренебрегал её мнением, вёл себя грубо по отношению к ней, Роберт же максимально поддерживал и помогал ей, делал ей комплименты. Он даже стал отцовской фигурой для сына Люси, за что она ему благородна. Люси и Роберт всегда были хорошими друзьями. Для Моны и Адама Роберт тоже как отец.
As for Maria, she used to be a nanny and worked as one from the age of 18-19. She gets along very well with children. But since Mona Lisa is 17 years old, and Adam is 21 years old, Maria is now working more as a maid. She always comforted, gave advice to the children, talked to them heart to heart. If Mona and Adam need to speak out, they turn first to Maria. Mr. and Mrs. Pink treat their employees well and with respect. But Robert and Maria became family members.
Что касается Марии, раньше она была няней и работала ею с 18-19 лет. Она очень хорошо ладит с детьми. Но так как Моне Лизе 17 лет, а Адаму вообще 21 год, то Мария сейчас больше горничная. Она всегда утешала, давала советы детям, говорила с ними по душам. Если Моне и Адаму надо высказаться, то они обращаются в первую очередь к Марии. Мистер и миссис Пинк хорошо и с уважением относятся к своим работникам. Но Роберт и Мария стали членами семьи.
Little lizard siblings :3
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As for the relationship between Mona Lisa and Adam, not everything is as good as we would like. They're a little tense, but they love each other.
Что касается отношений Моны Лизы и Адама, не всё так хорошо, как хотелось бы. Напряжённые немного, но они любят друг друга.
As I wrote before, Mona and Adam's parents were raised in strict and conservative families. And this, of course, influenced some parenting methods. Parents didn't beat their children, they bought them almost anything they wanted for good behavior, for example, but there were nuances. The father did not allow his son to show much emotion. After all, he is a boy and therefore he should not cry, he should be tough and not complain + he is the eldest among the children and the main heir, therefore he has more demands. But not everyone followed these parenting methods: Grandma Lucy, Maria and Robert. Parents, especially dad, demanded from his son and put pressure on him, because of this, Adam grew up a little withdrawn. But sooner or later, one would want to escape from this pressure. And in adolescence (from the age of 14-15) Adam began to go out a lot and spend a little less time studying to numb his pain, and he was popular with girls, but by the age of 20 he was tired of it all. But there are still some bad habits. He has been smoking since he was 17, but, to be fair, not often. As a teenager, his relationship with his sister deteriorated. It took a long time before their relationship was restored. Slowly.
P. S. Adam likes to play computer games, he learned to ride a motorcycle and he is doing great, and he knows how to ride horses.
Как я писала до этого, родители Моны и Адама воспитывались в строгих и консервативных семьях. И это, конечно, повлияло на некоторые методы воспитания. Родители не били своих детей, они покупали им почти всё, что они захотят за хорошие поведение, например, но были свои нюансы. Отец не позволял особо проявлять много эмоций своему сыну. Ведь он мальчик и поэтому он не должен плакать, надо быть жёстким и не жаловаться + он самый старший среди детей и главный наследник, поэтому с него больше требований. Но эти методы воспитания соблюдали не все: бабушка Люси, Мария и Роберт. Родители, особенно папа, требовал с сына и давил на него, из-за этого Адам вырос немного замкнутым. Но рано или поздно из этого давления захотелось бы убежать. И в подростковом возрасте (с 14-15 лет) Адам стал много гулять и чуть меньше времени уделять учёбе, чтобы заглушить свою боль, он пользовался популярностью у девчонок, но к 20 годам ему это всё надоело. Но остались, некоторые вредные привычки. Он курит с 17 лет, но, справедливости, ради не часто. В подростковом возрасте у него ухудшились отношения с сестрой. Прошло много времени, прежде чем их отношения восстановились. Потихоньку.
P. S. Адам любит играть в компьютерные игры, учился катанию на мотоцикле и у него отлично получается, и он умеет кататься на лошадях.
Let's move on to the Mona Lisa. Due to the fact that parents paid more attention to their son (I wrote about this above), they work a lot, Mona Lisa felt unnoticed. Mona Lisa is quite emotional and timid) She can play musical instruments: piano, guitar and flute. She likes to dress up in something bright, cute and make up, but not so often. She can sing and dance. And, like Adam, she likes to play computer games, but not often. Sometimes they play together.
Перейдём к Моне Лизе. Из-за того, что родители уделяли внимание чаще сыну (я об этом писала выше), они и так заняты, Мона Лиза чувствовала себя незамеченной. Мона Лиза довольна эмоциональная и пугливая) Она умеет играть на музыкальных инструментах: пианино, гитара и флейта. Она любит наряжаться во что-то яркое, милое и красится, но не так часто. Она умеет петь и танцевать. И, как и Адам, она любит играть в компьютерные игры, но не часто. Иногда они играют вместе.
You may ask (or not, Idk), if parents can't pay enough attention to children, then why did they give birth to them at all? I wrote above that Barbara and William entered into a marriage of convenience and that they have certain traditions. In the families of William and Barbara, it was customary to give birth to many children. This is a sign of wealth and it is necessary to spread your genes, so it was thought. Therefore, Barbara has many brothers and sisters, but William is the only child in the family, because his mother's health did not allow her to give birth to even more. Lucy couldn't get pregnant for a long time and after the first pregnancy she couldn't give birth anymore. Therefore, William was required to have at least three children. But despite the strict upbringing, Mona's parents went a little against the system and traditions (already progress). They refused to give birth to a third child, because they understand that two children are enough for them and they love them. They also refused the physical method of education. They were condemned a lot by their friends or Barbara's family. Due to the fact that it was customary to marry only someone who was of the same status and type with you, Mona Lisa hid her relationship with Raph for a long time. The fact that he is a turtle will not help matters, it is the yokai lizard that is needed. And the fact that he and his brothers and father are half human (mutants, not yokai) and they are friends with people (April, Casey and Casey Jr.) only made Mona Lisa's situation worse. Therefore, she has been hiding who she is communicating with for a long time. After all, Mona (Adam too) doesn't really have any friends and she didn't want to lose them. If you follow me, you know that Norimi and Mona Lisa will become best friends, but Mona became good friends with Mikey even before she met Nori.
Вы можете спросить (или нет, не знаю), если у родителей не получается уделять достаточно внимания детям, то зачем они их вообще родили? Выше я писала о том, что Барбара и Уильям заключили брак по расчёту и что у них есть определённые традиции. В семьях Уильяма и Барбары было принято рожать много детей. Это признак богатства и надо распространять свои гены, так считалось. Поэтому у Барбары много братьев и сестёр, но Уильям единственный ребёнок в семье, потому что здоровье его мамы не позволяло родить ещё больше. Люси не могла забеременеть долгое время и после первой беременности родить больше не смогла. Поэтому с Уильяма требовали минимум трое детей. Но несмотря на строгое воспитание родители Моны немного пошли против системы и традиций (уже прогресс). Они отказались рожать третьего ребёнка, так как понимают, что двоих детей им достаточно и они любят их. Также они отказались от физического метода воспитания. Их очень много осуждали их знакомые или семья Барбары. Из-за того, что было принято заключать брак только с тем, кто с тобой одного и того же статуса и вида, Мона Лиза долгое время скрывала свои отношения с Рафом. То, что он черепаха делу не поможет, нужна именно ящерица йокай. И то, что он, его братья и отец наполовину люди (мутанты, не йокаи) и они дружат с людьми (Эйприл, Кейси и Кейси младший) только усугубляло положение Моны Лизы. Поэтому она долгое время скрывала с кем она общается. Ведь у Моны (у Адама тоже) особо нет друзей и она не хотела их терять. Если вы подписаны на меня, то знаете, что Норими и Мона Лиза станут лучшими подругами, но Мона хорошо подружилась с Майки ещё до знакомства с Нори.
P. S. Phew...Fuck, I wrote a whole essay. Sorry😅 I wonder how many people will read this? Good luck😂 Damn, I've been keeping this in my head for a long time. I had to put it somewhere.
P.S. Фух...Ебать я целое сочинение написала. Простите😅 Интересно, сколько человек это прочитает? Удачи😂 Блин, я долго в голове это хранила. Надо было куда-то выложить.
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joking-suggestions · 8 months
pining after albedo would include:
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rosaria warning you up that you shouldn't trust the chief alchemist this easily because he's "much more than what he let's see." beware, she is monitoring all of your hangouts together. she could much possibly be worried for you.
kaeya teasing you and albedo, asking you subtle things and alluding to your implicit bond. he knows. and maybe he likes to see both of you frustrated.
diluc puzzled by how you two act together, exchanging complicity glances to kaeya, who looks rather amused. has the chief alchemist ever been so intimate with anyone before?
jean shocked by how albedo becomes a totally different person when he's with you. she'd discuss that with lisa, at first kind of worried for albedo mental health.
lisa would be another person who would tease the hell out of you, but she'd allude to your romance in a more open way.
amber gossiping with eula and sometimes directly alluding that you two would make a cute couple.
Klee loving you and often asking to you or albedo if you actually are in love with each other. she'd love if you actually got together and often sketches you two together. or she forces you to play rather embarrassing such the Knight who has to rescue the Prince or the married couple. maybe she's doing it on purpose for helping her brother, who knows. after all, she'd be the first rooting after you.
sucrose and timeous worried because lately their master looks on cloud nine. he's totally changing behaviour when you're around. they probably made a bet about who's going to ask out who first.
mona being slightly jealous. she'd be kind of reluctant to talk with you at a first. tough she'd start to menage it over time.
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genshinemblem564 · 9 months
Genshin Isekai Headcanons
These can be sagau, but they don't have to be.
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• Xinyan is stoked that you love her music, and is excited when you offer to play her some music from your world, but she's confused by some of the lyrics. She understands metaphorical lyrics, like the person described in the song isn't actually a rocket, but some of them don't make sense or feel like they were added just to fill a void. Aside from that, she kinda wants to perform some of these songs, now if only she had some band members.
• Tartaglia doesn't have much to say about the guns of your world. The pyro and hydro fatui agents already use guns of some kind, and the cryo fatui agent uses, um. What would you call an ice based flamethrower? No, what he's interested in is the immense amount of new weapons that Teyvat doesn't have, or they probably do, and we just don't hear about them. Like chain blades, I don't know what else to call them, essentially a flail, but instead of a mace, it's blade. I would write something about axes, but I feel like saving that for my crossover series. A scythe is often seen as a special lance, but you tell him that it's much more complicated than that specifically pointing out the blade, and depending on your own skill, you give him a demonstration. He is way too excited to learn all of these new weapons, like a kid excited about a new toy, you can't help but smile.
• Baizhu is perplexed when he first prescribes medicine to you, as you give him a list of allergies, if any, and are more than willing to go through proper examination to learn how resistant your body is to certain toxins. He's even more surprised when you tell him that his unique practice is actually common in your world, so that's why you don't bat an eye at potentially poisonous ingredients.
• Bennett is rather surprised. When you hang out, his bad luck seems to go away. It's actually just you using a bit of foresight, like checking the date on a flyer before rushing to a sale that had already ended, but seeing that glimmer in his eyes, you decide to let his imagination roam.
• You and Cyno are reference lords. You two reference everything, Cyno, his favorite book or book series, and you, your favorite media source. Now, if only people actually understood them, and yes, you do quote Yu-Gi-Oh when playing Genius Invokation.
• If you're an artist, then you quickly catch Albedo's attention. When he sees your drawings, he is quick to ask what you used as a muse, and your answer will have great impact on his reaction. If you point to an object or animal, his response will be normal. If you draw from memory though, he is astounded, especially if what you drew was a scene of some kind, with people, animals, or what have you. Drawing all that from memory is incredible. If you say it's something you made up, he'll compare it to when he's commissioned for his own art.
• Depending on your own interests, you'll be interacting with several different characters. I can't think of anything in depth for these few, so here's a general basis. Barbara is relieved that you're so open to different views. She knows how cruel people can be when they're closed-minded, and she's happy to teach you about the Church of Favonius and Barbatos. Noelle was lamenting not being a knight yet, which led you to bring up the seven chivalric virtues. Yae Miko and Xingqiu are very interested in the stories of your world. Xingqiu hoping to learn more about your worlds code of chivalry, but he ends up learning about justice's different forms. Yae is simply searching for new inspiration. She often calls on you when her old nemesis, writers block, appears. Nahida takes interest in you right away, wanting to gain knowledge from your world, and you seem fun. She knows better than anyone how dangerous knowledge can be, so she asks you to omit potentially dangerous subjects.
• Mona was shocked when you said that you only wanted to know the bad stuff coming your way, not that she could help you, with you being an outworlder and all. When she asked why, you told her "It's best to be prepared for all the bad coming your way, and if you know all the good coming your way, it takes away from life's natural wonder." Which was promptly followed by you asking "Where did that come from?"
I'm thinking making more of that last one, like " Characters reaction to reader who is randomly philosophical" might need to work on the title a bit. Also, as stated above, these can be sagau, but can also be normal isekai, so I'll use both tags so they can be found more easily
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ta3baee · 8 months
Jungkook with a chubby girlfriend !
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Pairing : Idol!Jungkook x Chubby!Fem!Reader
Warnings : Nsfw headcanons after the sfw, I will include another warning though.
Ta3baee notes : Part two here! Reblogs are very much appreciated <3 Minors dni! I’m not responsible for what you consume on the internet. If you feel like you’ve seen this post before it’s because you did! I accidentally deleted my account ‘ta3bae’ (one e) and with it all my posts, sooo consider this a repost ??
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• He’s absolute putty for your stretch marks !
• He’d name each while tracing over them with his finger.
• Jungkook would definitely cup your tummy while back hugging you.
• This man would FOLD if you wear tight dresses, he loves how much they hug and define your curves.
• He’d definitely show you off to his friends, making you sit in his lap when there’s an event/party going on and he wants to sit it out.
• He’d squish your squishy cheeks to make your lips pucker and kiss them.
• He’d make you meals when you feel down and eat with you.
• If you feel like wanting to lose weight, he’d help you lose it in a healthy way! He’d make you nutritious food and snacks.
• He’d love going to the gym with you and wearing matching gym clothes.
• I feel like he’d be very protective over you, so if someone were to make a comment or look at you in the wrong way, he’d ask them to take a walk but if they don’t he’d bring the guns ( 💪🏻)
• He’d purposely get you clothes a bit smaller because he loves seeing you body but he also loves when you wear his oversized clothes that just eat you up.
Nsfw below, do not proceed if it’s not to your
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• While in missionary, he’d grab a hold of your tummy and squeeze while he’s thrusting into you.
• He loves doggy style, the sight of his dick disappearing inside you and your ass giggling makes him whine.
• If you get insecure when he wants you to sit on his face, he just grabs your thighs and manhandles you so you’re above him.
• When you’re close to cumming, and he knows cuz you’d tighten around him even more, he’d lean into your ear “does my big girl wanna cum? Hmm?” ( GRAJJJ)
• When 69ing he’d prefer you on top that way he can spread you and lick a long thick strip from your clit to your entrance, even going as far as to tease your ass (if ur into anal)
• If you surprise him with wearing lingerie, he’d instantly get hard at the sight of your thighs spilling over the knee socks.
• He’d definitely hand cuffs you to the bed post and use a bar spreader just to sit and watch as you cum around the vibrating dildo over and over.
• In other words, he’s obsessed with your pussy. He could spend days down there, and the way your thunder thighs wrap around him? 😮‍💨
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