#Monkey Pox
reality-detective · 1 month
The WHO just declared Monkey Pox an emergency 👇
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However this states the WHO is lying...
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Another document 👆
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That's for the ones that don't know 🤔
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godisarepublican · 1 month
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chawsl · 1 month
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milaisreading · 1 month
I really don't understand people. Monkey pox are a serious, PREVENTABLE disease. A vaccine to prevent it exists. But noooooo, "I don't want my child to get autism, so we might as well cause the world another lockdown"
For fucks sake
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liminalweirdo · 1 month
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“Because clade 1 mpox is more infectious and more virulent than the earlier clade, we need to take non-pharmacologic interventions (NPIs) to reduce the spread.”
. . .
Dr. Angelique Corthals said the mask bans are “robbing us of the main tool to prevent not just this pathogen, but also novel pathogens that are coming our way thanks to climate change.” 
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She asks advocates of #MaskTogetherAmerica to share her deep concerns about the lack of awareness and promotion of NPIs (Non pharmaceutical Interventions). Dr. Corthals urges us: “Public settings, such as schools, universities, hospitals, public transports should have precautions in place, so we don’t see outbreaks spilling from kids to adults (schools), commuters to the rest of the family, etc. A campaign about the protection that masks and handwashing/hand sanitizer provide is critical. Especially on the eve of the DNC convention. But because masks have been so politicized, it is unlikely to happen. Still, advocating to the DNC leadership might be the way to go. And again, rattling the chain of the CDC.”
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aressida · 1 month
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mikeluciraphgabe · 1 month
This is really random but if you’re scared of mpox (monkey pox) we have a vaccine already! Mpox first came around (that I know anyway) during covid and during the covid vaccines they also made one for mpox.
Go get vaccinated!
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I am not feeling hopeful about this
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acelessthan3 · 7 months
Still amazed at how the gay community mobilized and self-advocated access to vaccines and preventative measures hard enough that the whole 2022 Monkeypox outbreak is barely a memory.
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bopinion · 1 month
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2024 / 33
Aperçu of the week
“All we have to do is call our opponent a communist or a socialist or someone who will destroy our country.”
(Donald Trump. We'll see about that...)
Bad News of the Week
Since the end of the coronavirus pandemic - although there hasn't actually been one - I've been waiting for its successor in a slightly anxious mood. Another rapidly infecting virus that spreads worldwide, is potentially deadly and, above all, restricts all our lives again. Now it's here: Mpox. For the first time since Corona, the WHO (World Health Organization of the United Nations) has declared the highest alert level, a “public health emergency of international concern”. Because of the virus that was previously called “Monkey Pox”. Discovered in Congo at the end of 2023, it has now also broken out in Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and Kenya.
The initial figures spoke of 14,000 suspected cases. Based on the usual 50% rate and the reported 500 deaths, this means that one in twelve people who become infected will die. That's a lot. So it's certainly a virus that should be taken seriously. One day later, it was reported that the first case in Europe had emerged in Sweden. Then the first three in Asia in Pakistan. It's the usual pattern: on the one hand, every infectious disease spreads faster and more uncontrollably in times of international travel. On the other hand, specific cases are only discovered when they are specifically sought or tested for. So the numbers will now quickly go through the roof. Because the spread is already more advanced than we know.
What will happen now? What will the states do? How will society react this time? And above all: what have we learned? There is a lot of talk in Germany about the need to come to terms with everything that has happened around COVID. Also to learn from the mistakes. There is a lot of need for clarification - for example with regard to the procurement of masks, the closure of schools, compulsory vaccination, curfews and unequal treatment in the retail sector. And what has happened since (drum roll please!): Nothing. What applies to politics also applies in private life. Some friends turned out to be conspiracy theorists, others were law and order hardliners, most were simply irritated and unsettled. There were even rifts right through families. Rifts that still exist.
And now we could all be facing the same situation, just as ill-prepared. And if Mpox doesn't develop into a pandemic, perhaps swine fever will spread to humans. Or bird flu. Or something else entirely, be it from the South American jungle or from the secret laboratory of some deep state. Or a revenant from the past spreads again - cholera still exists after all and first cases of polio are reported from Gaza. No, I'm not panicking. But I do have one or two worries. After all, humanity has shown itself more than once to be incapable of learning from the past. I would love to be wrong about that.
Good News of the Week
Venezuela is not giving up. It is wonderful to see how the people are fighting for democracy, no longer wanting to put up with the corruption of their “elites” and finally wanting to have a perspective worth living in. Just under a month ago, elections were held in the Latin American country, which could actually live in prosperity and peace but is suffering from dramatic economic decline, inflation and poverty since years. Or as investigative journalist Sebastiana Barráez says in the news magazine Der Spiegel: “Maduro has couped!”
Initially, the state electoral authority declared President Nicolás Maduro Moro, who has been clinging to power since 2013, the winner without providing any evidence - as is actually required by the constitution. The opposition has now had access to more than 80 percent of the printed protocols of the individual polling stations and has made them public. According to these, their candidate Edmundo González won with around 67 percent of the vote - compared to 30 percent for the incumbent head of government. So did Maduro commit electoral fraud? It looks like it.
The United Nations and the Carter Center had sent election observers to Venezuela. They have now criticized the election authority's actions and declared that the official result was not achieved democratically. The panel of experts speaks of an “unprecedented process in recent electoral history”. No wonder that most Latin American countries as well as the USA and Europe did not recognize the “official result”. And Maduro? He doesn't give a damn. The despot has further intensified the repression against the population with the help of the military, the National Guard and other state organs loyal to him. According to the independent rights organization Foro Penal, over 2,000 people have been arrested since the election. These include opposition politicians. And journalists. That speaks a clear language.
According to a report in the Wall Street Journal, the US government has now offered Maduro and close associates of the regime an amnesty if they relinquish power. I wish the Venezuelans would keep up the pressure. And the international stage too. Until Madura and his clan really abdicate. Because then the country, which has already been abandoned by 20% of its population in recent years, could return to better times. In a survey conducted by the Gallup polling institute in December 2012, the country's inhabitants were among the happiest people on earth. It would be nice if this vague memory could become reality again.
Personal happy moment of the week
“Your application for an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) has been approved. You are now authorized to travel to Canada by air.” Nothing more to add here. Taking off this sunday. Boy am I excited...
I couldn't care less...
...about the discussion that Germany “only” came 10th in the medal table at the Summer Olympics in Paris - behind hosts France and Great Britain, even though their populations are smaller. “What does it take for more medals?” asks the Tagesschau news channel. That is of little interest to me. Much more important is the charisma of athletes as figures of identification for a nation, the role model function for children, the motivation to surpass oneself. After all, it's not for nothing that the Olympic motto is “Taking part is everything”. In that sense, Eddie the Eagle really did fly.
It's fine with me...
...that the Democrats' party conference is now turning into a coronation mass. Because the most important decisions have been made: Presidential candidate and his (better in this case “her”) running mate. Normally, I would now say that political program content should not be completely secondary. But I don't care about that at the moment. The main thing is momentum. The main thing is optimism. The main thing is not to go back. The main thing is that Donald Jessica Trump doesn't triumph in November. Harris Walz!
As I write this...
...we're trying to catch a mouse. Apparently it was raining too hard outside and it wanted to get out into the dry. Now she's hiding behind a bookshelf and is afraid of us - even though we want to rescue her and set her free. Update: we've got her and she's fine. Second update: there seems to be another one...
Post Scriptum
It's good when someone doesn't look away but points. Even if it's about Israel committing an injustice. After all, you are then almost reflexively vilified as an Anti-Semite. In this respect, I am pleased that the European Union is showing more and more backbone in this regard. In this case, I am not referring to the maltreated Gaza Strip, but to the West Bank, where the Palestinian population is suffering more and more from brutal attacks by militant Israeli settlers - who can be sure of the backing of Benjamin Netanyahu's increasingly right-wing extremist government.
Once again, there have been attacks by extremist Israeli settlers on the population of the West Bank. And now EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell has had enough. He will “present a proposal for EU sanctions against the supporters of the violent settlers, including some members of the Israeli government”. Including the government! That's a bombshell. I very much hope that he finds the necessary support for this. Because this massive problem is currently all too easily overlooked in the great shadow of Gaza.
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wontgetfooledagain · 1 month
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redladypaige · 1 month
"Damn, Inside is so good I wish there was more of it"
Monkey's Pox Curls
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chiiimchar · 1 month
i simply do not consent to it ! no i cant get it !!!
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reblog to turn down monkey pox FOR A MILLION YEARS !!!!
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Le système
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