#Monster Hunter Nancy Wheeler
nonymous06 · 2 years
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Werewolf!Robin aus have me in a chokehold
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Also featuring the rest of the fruity four as supernatural creates (Nancy is a monster hunter, mainly cause that dynamic absolutely slaps)
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Hey I have nothing better to do, here’s some fic recs for y’all!!
If you have followed me for any amount of time you know which one I’m about to lose my mind over—
Bloodletting by agentgenevra / @agentgenevra
Nancy is a vampire hunter… And also a vampire. Robin is a vampire. The plot of this fic is SO incredibly woven, I am NOT kidding guys. Every character has their place, and everything connects in just the coolest way. I’m literally obsessed. The slow burn dynamic between Robin and Nancy is incredible and full of tension as well! I am feral about this fic.
dancing in the moonlight by summersociety
Nancy is a monster hunter and Robin is a werewolf. This fic is the PERFECT mix of wacky and serious and I adore it for that. The tension is incredible, I would kill for the side characters, the internal struggle for Robin is so well written! The way this author writes for the werewolf in a different way is such a cool creative choice. This fic will have you crying over “aroo.” Just saying.
a never ending story by summersociety
Robin and Nancy play D&D and their in game romance definitely has nothing to do with Nancy having a big fat crush on Robin. Their dynamic in game and out of game is just so lovely and we love a little comphet Wheeler. Plus!!! This author just has some very poetic writing and I adore it
Raise Dead by EskaWrites / @eskawrites
Robin died in the Upside-Down. Nancy is grieving, but the kids are scheming. One (1) fic has brought actual tears to my eyes. I don’t usually cry over media but this one will pull at the heart strings. Go in knowing that this fic will devastate you, but it will fix you afterwards. I found myself holding my breath through some of the more intense portions, and the way this writer describes Nancy’s grief and uses symbolism just broke my heart.
you’re the reason that i’m hanging on by EskaWrites / @eskawrites
Robin gets Vecna’d. INCREDIBLE angst, I don’t want to say too much and spoil it, but the dynamics are wonderful and the ending is fantastic.
choke up (on my bat and on your heart) by gfbuckleyxwheeler / @werewolfxwheeler
As a bitch who didn’t think I’d be into sports aus, this fic!!! Ronance are on a softball team and they have a wonderful hate/love relationship and I adore it!! And Max and Chrissy are both lovely in this au <333 Em also has a wonderful blog here, please check them out!
feels like I’ve been gettin’ anointed (ever since the day that I met you) by khalasaar / @sapphicriley
Catholic school au with the partner project trope PLEASE. This one is spicy. The writing is incredible, the tension is fantastic, and also I think you can tell she writes/reads poetry in her writing, which I happen to think is cool as shit. Inappropriate use of religious imagery my beloved <333 Did I mention tension—
put me in the movies (on a king sized silver screen) by khalasaar / @sapphicriley
Robin works at a drive in theatre and Nancy keeps visiting her because she’s a dumb lesbian. This is one of my favorite fluffy, sweet stories, oh my god. They are so!!! I want to squeeze them. Their dynamic and their banter and Nancy being So Totally Smooth is the best. I need to reread this one
Handle With Care by ElFandomBirb / @el-fandom-birb
Centering around Robin thinking about love and her Handle with Care patch. Oh. My. God. The types of love actually killed me, this fic is so soft and so sweet. Repetition as a plot device!!! Seriously one of my favorite one shots. Also another great Ronance blog
400 Bones [series] by DearApparition / @anxiouswerewolf
You want to read some of the most delicious angst out there? Here you go. Ronance is messy and angsty but they’re there for each other and I could easily cry about any of the fics in this series
here and wherever you are by penguinwritesbooks
The Half Of It au. Steve recruits Robin to write love letters to Nancy. One of my favorite movies and my favorite ship lovingly rolled into one. Everything feels very true to the characters and the dynamics without being a scene by scene retelling!! There’s a Steddie sequel if that’s your thing
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Robin Buckley: The Beast of Hawkins Nancy Wheeler: Town Hunter
🎺Robin & Nancy🗡
Ronance - Werewolf & Monster Hunter AU
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scrabble-scribbles · 2 years
Kinktober Day 18
not tons of actual smut because im low key burning out also im tired and have college so here ya go were robin and hunter nancy
prompt: knife kink
pairing: robin buckley x nancy wheeler
fandom: stranger things
Tonight hadn’t been the first time Nancy had noticed it. It, being Robin’s tendency to stare at the blade on her desk whenever they were together. It was almost like the silver had some magnetic pull, drawing the werewolf’s attention whenever she was close.
“Do you like my knife?” She asked, speaking right into Robin’s ear. The werewolf shuddered at her words, head knocking back into the wall. Nancy chuckled, relaxing her grip on Robin’s hip. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
Robin’s eyes were fully blown out when she leaned back, the faintest hint of gold flashing over her eyes. Her mouth was cracked open, almost like she was in shock.
“Robbie?” She asked, playing with a strand of Robin’s hair. 
The werewolf shook herself. “Uh, yeah,” she mumbled, an adorable blush coloring her cheeks. 
Emboldened by her admission, Nancy buried a hand in Robin’s hair, tugging sharply.
“Yes what?” She asked, voice sickeningly sweet. “Use your words, Robin.”
“Fuck, Nancy, yes,” she breathed out, hands settling on Nancy’s hips to ground herself. “Yes, I like your knife.”
She smiled sweetly at the blushing werewolf, then let go of her hair. 
“Next time, just say so,” she said, picking up the sheathed blade, pulling the knife free of the leather. 
Robin’s eyes were glued to the metal, eyes flashing gold. 
Rumors about silver, many made by clueless lore hunting humans, claimed that a single touch to a werewolf’s skin would burn. Competent hunters like Nancy knew otherwise. Silver didn’t burn, it just weakened wolf skin, made it easier to cut and pierce. 
But Robin? Robin knew the knife wouldn’t hurt her, Nancy was too good at her job to slip up. She didn’t have anything to be scared about, not from Nancy. The knife though?
The silver knife just made her want.
“Tell me if it’s too much,” Nancy whispered. She knew where this was headed, but she never wanted to hurt Robin. Not again.
The wolf in question swallowed harshly, then nodded. 
“I will,” she said. Her eyes darted down to Nancy’s, before returning to the blade.
Nancy stepped back into Robin’s space, the taller woman still pressed against the wall of the room. She took a handful of Robin’s hair, jerked her head back. 
Robin’s gasp was choked off when she felt the cool metal press against her throat. Her instincts were screaming danger, cold fear washing down her spine. A low growl rumbled in her chest, teeth sharpening into points. The reaction was instinctive, her eyes flashing gold yet again.
“Robbie,” Nancy said, yanking her hair again. The growl quickly turned into a whine. “I know you aren’t growling at me over something you asked for.”
“Sorry,” she forced out.
Nancy’s smile turned dangerous, making Robin’s knees go weak. She released her grip on Robin’s hair, keeping the blade pressed to her skin. 
“Strip,” she ordered, and Robin obeyed. She unbuttoned her shirt, sliding it off her body. Her pants followed soon after, leaving her in her sports bra and boxers. Each movement had been slow, calculated, each one made with the constant reminder of the knife.
“Underwear too.” Robin’s eyes darted down to the knife, then back up to Nancy, who just smiled.
“You heard me, Robbie,” she said. “Underwear too.”
She swallowed, and slowly pulled her bra over her head. Nancy’s hand moved with her, keeping the knife on her skin. 
Once Robin was completely naked, Nancy leaned in and kissed her, hand anchored on the back of her neck. The kiss was hot and filthy, Nancy’s teeth nipping at her lower lip and her fingernails digging into her neck.
Their bodies were pressed together, Robin’s naked skin against Nancy’s clothed body. Despite the intensity of the kiss, Robin was constantly aware of the blade on her throat. 
“Go lie down,” Nancy whispered against her lips, taking the knife away for a second. “Now.”
The werewolf obeyed instantly, watching as Nancy took her own clothes off, lean muscle and scarred skin revealed with each piece of fabric dropped off her body. The dim light coming from the window made her glow.
She stepped onto the bed, straddling Robin’s hips. The knife was still in her hand.
“Still ok?” Nancy asked, and Robin nodded.
“Fuck yes,” she said. “Keep going.”
Nancy leaned down to kiss her, soft and sweet, at the same time, pressed a thigh in between Robin’s leg.
She was soaked.
Robin’s hips bucked up, grinding her core against Nancy’s thigh. She whined low in her throat, already desperate. 
“Keep going, Robbie,” Nancy said, and then the knife was on her again, the tip pressed to her ribcage, pricking her skin.
Robin obeyed, because what else could she do? Her hips moved faster, and she grabbed Nancy’s shoulders to anchor herself, orgasm creeping up on her embarrassingly fast. 
The hand not holding the knife slipped down Robin’s body, and Nancy’s fingers tweaked her clit.
The gasp that tore from Robin’s throat was near-feral, her eyes almost completely golden now.
“Nance-“ she gasped out, and the hunter responded by moving the blade, back to Robin’s throat. Robin whined, bucking upwards. “Nancy, please!”
The hunter’s fingers pressed hard against her clit, dug the knife a little deeper into her throat, and she came.
Her orgasm washed over her, stronger than a tidal wave, making her toes curl and body shake. It left her floating on cloud nine, so blissed out she could barely feel or think.
Her eyes fluttered shut at the touch to her cheek, a sleepy grumble coming from her chest. 
Nancy smiled down at the werewolf, rubbing a thumb over her cheek as she came back down. Robin just grumbled and wrapped arms around her, pulling Nancy down to cuddle her.
“Cuddle time?” Nancy teased, tapping Robin on the nose. The werewolf’s nose crinkled, and Nancy smoothed it away with a kiss.
“Was really good,” Robin mumbled, burying her face in Nancy’s shoulder. “Really good.”
Nancy chuckled, wrapping her own arms around Robin.
“I’m glad you liked it,” she said, kissing her werewolf’s forehead. 
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morganbritton132 · 8 months
After Eddie’s Tiktok circulates and everybody see Nancy’s text about Steve staying at her house, people start (jokingly, mostly) calling her a harlot for trying to steal his husband.
Nancy responds by tweeting a picture of her, Steve, and (surprise!) Jonathan since Jon’s in town for work. They’re all in her bed and in their pajamas. There are snacks and they’re getting ready to watch a movie. All three of them are doing peace signs because they are bisexuals.
She captions the picture with “Ms Steal-yo-man” and tags Corroded Coffin and Argyle.
Eddie responds with a tweet from the Official Corroded Coffin twitter account like, “This is exactly what everybody thought was going on in high school.”
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renegade-diamonds · 1 month
Monster Hunter AU where Robin’s friends with the Party, Nancy, Steve, and Jonathan, but they all disappear after Barb’s killed by a monster (one of Vecna’s minions).
Robin has no idea what happened to them, but it turns out they were recruited by Hopper for hunter training after being exposed to that world. Robin thinks she’s been abandoned, since they had to “cut ties” with her to protect her, so some pretty mean stuff was said between them.
While they’re away, Vecna targets Robin anyway and she’s nearly mauled by a monster. She manages to escape when her mother intervenes, but she’s mortally wounded. The cops write off the attack as a rabies-driven bear mauling and Robin has to go live with her dad in the trailer park.
Fast forward to Senior Year, and everyone’s back in town. Robin refuses to speak with them, feeling abandoned and traumatized by what she saw. Things are tense, but they give Robin her space.
Things get complicated when Vecna starts attacking teenagers in town again, and Robin starts investigating. Unbeknown to her, she’s not the only one.
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snowangeldotmp3 · 11 months
on my hands and knees for rival monster hunter ronance
zoey i have a few pieces of this au for u!!
first, some rivals (still working on this part kshgkg)
Nancy grabs Robin by the jaw, brings her down to Nancy’s level. Firm, slender fingers keeping her in place. Robin’s mouth runs dry. “Don’t ever get in my way again,” she says through gritted teeth. “Understand?”
then, some friends....perhaps more....
“I’m not jealous!” “Never said you were, Wheeler,” Robin says, grinning. Nancy’s face reddens, and Robin’s enjoying every second of this. “Besides, we both know that you’re the better shot anyway. Annie has nothing on you.” Robin’s magic thrums again, electricity humming just under her fingertips, and she has the strangest urge to reach out and— “Hey, lovebirds!” Max shouts from across the saloon. “You might wanna come see this.” “We’re not—” “Don’t,” Robin sighs. “You’ll only encourage her.”
and, bonus! steve and robin:
Robin turns around, clutching the vials close to her chest. “No, I can't just magic it away. It doesn't work like that. There are rules, and this is supposed to be a back-up plan anyway,” she says, motioning toward the cauldron. “Plan 'A' is to use Wheeler's special shotgun.” “Special shotgun?” Robin shrugs. “It's charmed or enchanted or some shit. She won't let me experiment on it to see what it's actually made of, or what the charm is. She's very protective over it.” Steve hums, snaps his fingers. “Oh, like you and that book you always carry.�� "For the last time, Steven. It is a grimoire. I have to have it in order to do this,“ she motions to all the vials and the smoking cauldron in front of her. ”it's not just a book.“ ”Whatever,“ he says, grabbing his hat and boots, slipping them on before he slips out the door. ”I've got to go meet Claudia for Dustin's lessons. Says he needs to do more than just experiment on her garden all day. Actually, I might send him here if he keeps that up. He could be a great apprentice.“
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fastcardotmp3 · 1 year
“You made the lights—” a huff, like annoyance of all things, a harsh breath out through the nose as she visibly gathers herself without ever lowering her gun. “Vecna— Henry Creel. He has powers like that. Are you connected to him in some way? Are you a part of the hive?” 
It hurts, the emptiness, and it’s not the pang of a clenching stomach the way she’s used to, it’s her whole self. It’s every inch of the physical existence which she maintains just pulling away from her consciousness. 
It’s like her very skin is being pulled  from the bone, like the force of her life is wailing in the air around her and she’s— she doesn’t know what this girl is talking about, going on and on with questions of hive minds and mind flayers and Chrissy’s mind just hurts. 
That’s all she knows about any of it. 
She just hurts. She just wants. 
There are so many instincts tucked right underneath her skin where the warmth of blood once flowed but she doesn’t know how to verbalize any of them, can’t do anything except— except when— when her senses tune into something.
Oh, god. 
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kas!Chrissy | wheelingham | rated M
part 2 of "how the light gets in"
read more on ao3
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johnnydoodss · 2 years
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look not to be biromantic on main but
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aren't they pretty? aren't they pretty together?
obviously the only valid solution here is polyamory come on writers we've got jonathan/nancy we've got nancy/steve now all we need is jonathan/steve high-stress chaperoning field trip let's go chop chop
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apomaro-mellow · 8 months
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I read a quick synopsis on wikipedia and watched a 1 minute clip on youtube let's do this
Karen Wheeler watched as her daughter went from the sweet, obedient girl she had grown to love into the opinionated, take-no-shit woman that she had become proud of. It was why she felt ready to give her this, to reveal the secret history of their family.
"Nancy, there's something you need to know", Karen said, interrupting her daughter hard at schoolwork.
"What is it?"
"There's something I've been meaning to tell you. For a while now, but it's...it's a little hard to swallow."
Nancy's brow furrowed. "Is this about you and dad?"
Karen let out a breath of laughter. If only it were that simple. She sat down on her daughter's bed and explained. Explained that she had come from a long line of the fabled Grimm family. And that it was their duty to hunt and destroy the monsters of the world. Karen knew it was hard for her to believe. But she had her reasons for telling her now.
Nancy's powers would awaken soon, and Mike not too far behind her. She didn't want this sneaking up on her children the way it did for her. Karen was rusty, but she was able to help Nancy with the basics of weaponry, practicing in an abandoned field where no one would see.
Well, almost no one.
Jonathan had been searching for his missing brother Will when he came upon the two Wheeler women, one teaching the other how to wield a hatchet. It was suspicious to say the least and Jonathan confronted her at school about it.
"What were you and your mom doing out there?"
"Out where?"
"Out there, with the axes." Jonathan got closer, nearly crowding her into the locker. "If you know something about Will-"
"Hey, back off Byers", Steve got between them, pushing Jonathan away.
"Nancy, you know something", Jonathan pressed, not even looking at Steve.
To Nancy, it all suddenly clicked. Benny's death, Will's disappearance, it was all....she thought about how she hadn't heard from Barb all day.
From that moment on, she was a girl on a mission. If this was her family legacy, that is, if this were to be her destiny, then so be it. She ignored Steve for as long as she could, until he somehow managed to tag along with her and Jonathan. She couldn't tell her mom, not yet. She'd just be told to slow down or that she wasn't ready.
"You said you're new to all this, so how are we going to find whatever took Will?", Jonathan asked.
"I don't know but I know", Nancy said, understanding she wasn't being very helpful but didn't care right now. They were in the part of the woods where Will's bike had been found, not that far from Steve's house where Barb had last been seen.
"Have I mentioned how crazy this all is?", Steve asked.
"If you're going to be here, you need to accept that this is happening", Nancy said.
Steve closed his mouth because he wasn't leaving but if he talked he was definitely going to start bitching.
"Whatever that thing is, we can take it, right?", Jonathan asked.
Steve rolled his eyes. "What a great time to ask when we're already in the woods."
"It's three on one, we can take it", Nancy said. "We don't have a choice."
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nonymous06 · 2 years
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Don’t mind me just retconning my own au for the sake of a more interesting dynamic, aka Eddie and Nancy are now best friends in the supernatural creatures au
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Now you may be wondering, how does a vampire become best friends with a monster hunter? The answer is Nancy was a very lonely child and resorted to talking to the vampire that got captured
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How about a somewhat angsty post for no reason other than I had the thought and how I’m making you think about it too
Monster Hunter!Nancy and Werewolf!Robin dance around each other for weeks. Nancy is so sure of Robin’s identity, but Robin is somehow incredible at hiding it and Nancy won’t finish the hunt without proof. Robin is a snarky asshole about it and also continues to flirt with Nancy. It’s a very weird, tense push and pull dynamic between them. Nancy is frustrated to admit she enjoys it.
By the time they reach the full moon, Nancy finds she doesn’t want to kill Robin, even if she is a werewolf. But still she stalks Robin down, finds her mid shift, chained to a tree in the woods. Robin begs her not to hurt her, promises she’s never hurt anyone. Nancy drops the knife and she stays, all night. She watches Robin rage against her chains; and then when Robin wears herself out, she sits closer, let’s Robin rest her great beastly head in Nancy’s lap, scratches her ears and kisses her forehead.
Nancy realizes she loves Robin, and she can’t have that, so she distances herself. Robin is hurt by it, but comes to accept it.
Only a few days later, Nancy wakes in the middle of the night to a terrible whining cry and a knock at her door.
She finds Robin on her doorstep, shaking and swaying like a leaf in the wind, face pale and torso absolutely soaked in blood. The girl takes one step before collapsing against Nancy, eyes wild and gleaming fearful gold. “Help me,” is all she can get out before she passes out.
She didn’t hurt Robin—but someone else did. Another hunter got her. She should have protected Robin, and now it’s her responsibility to nurse this monster—this girl—back to health.
She’s hunting again—but this time it’s a vengeance path. Nobody hurts her Robin.
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elliewilliamsun · 2 years
watching first kill (go watch it on netflix pls) and here i am, thinking about a fic where robin is a awkward and clumsy hidden vampire who's always with her bestie steve and nancy is this super focused hunter who kills monters with her bestie(and ex) Steve who thinks he knoooows everything because he know how to kill a monster (but he can't even see that his bestie is one of them + he kills that one monster by accident) and the little kids also hunting monster with Eleven their special friend, idk idk.......can someone write it for me plssss
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eddiesspookettios · 2 years
nancy wheeler keeps salt on her person at all times
nancy wheeler has a Wide variety of knives but the one her mother gave her- the silver blade destined to bring about her own destruction- is the one she uses most frequently
nancy wheeler wears combat boots everywhere she goes- she says they work perfectly for monster hunting- especially on uneven terrain
nancy wheeler wears all pure silver jewelry
nancy wheeler is the best and i am in love with her she could stab me and i’d apologize
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renegade-diamonds · 25 days
oh, sorry! lmao fair. the monster hunter au is the one where Robin is friends with Steve, Jonathan and Nancy but they kinda 'abandon' her and she's targeted by Vecna while they're away; they come back but the friendship is basically over now and Robin starts investigating stuff on her own... the omegaverse au is that one where ronance is married and they have a baby together, and Nancy goes on a trip for her work and ends up sleeping with another woman and Robin kinda finds out while going through her luggage. (sorry if this is rushed/confusing, just wanted to focus on the main points so you could maybe differentiate which aus i'm talking about lol)
Oh yeah, I got you.
Monster Hunter AU - Prior to Nancy, Steve, Jonathan, and the rest of the Party leaving, Robin has some pretty bad fights with Nancy and Steve.
Hopper tells them Robin won't be safe if they stay friends with her now (his first wife and child were killed by revenge-seeking werewolves in this AU), so they're forced to cut ties pretty dramatically in order to prevent Robin from trying to track them down. Things get ugly. It's known that Robin has somewhat of a fledging crush on Nancy by this point (although Nancy doesn't acknowledge it because comphet's got her and she doesn't want to lose Robin if things get awkward). Steve and Nancy are still exes, but the breakup was a lot more mutual. Steve knows Robin likes Nancy- he was the first one she came out to, so Robin's heartbroken when she finds out they're 'dating' again (it's fake- fake, fake, fake).
Nancy has to say some ugly things in order to make it believable, and she barely can bring herself to do it. Robin leaves that night in tears, comes back the next day to try and make things right, only to find out Nancy (and Mike) went and moved to some secret boarding school for the next year and a half.
Robin falls into the monster-hunting business after her mother is killed protecting her. She learns from Eddie (who's uncle is a retired hunter), and they track down the werewolf that killed her mother. That is Robin's first official kill. She becomes known as 'The Ghost' in the Hunter world, because no one knows who she is and she got training outside of traditional means.
When Steve and Nancy return with the others, they have no idea just how much Robin's been through in their absence. They thought she was safe. It breaks their hearts when they find out the truth, and it takes a long time for the older teens to work out their complicated friendships. Robin isn't very forgiving of them at first- she hates them. But she wants to stop Vecna, and she works with them to make that so. Along the way, they start to open up to each other again.
Angsty Infidelity ABO AU
So, this one's going to be a bit shorter since I haven't thought too much about it compared to the others, and it's getting a bit late lmfao.
Amazingly, Robin doesn't immediately demand a divorce when she discovers the used condom wrapper. She merely directs Nancy to sleep in the guest room and reminds her to check on Hope (their daughter) before going to bed. Then she turns away, pushes Nancy's stuff to the far side of their mattress, and sinks into the plush bedding.
Nancy listens to her instructions without a complaint. She doesn't want to leave without talking, without fixing this. But she doesn't know what to do. She cheated- she betrayed Robin's trust in the worst way possible. Her beautiful precious omega- the mother of her child- and she fucking cheated on her.
The next few days are tense. Robin barely speaks to her. She avoids her. Nancy gives her space; she takes care of Hope, she allows Robin all the time she needs to process, to decide what she wants done.
Finally, after a week, Robin informs her that she wants to go to marriage counseling- that she wants to hear the full story about what happened. She wants the truth, and if Nancy doesn't meet her conditions then their relationship will never go back to normal.
Nancy can't believe she's not divorcing her- she thanks God that Robin's not leaving- that she's getting a second chance.
But then she asks why- "Why would you stay with me?"
Robin looks at her with such sad eyes, with such hurt and anger in her gaze. She's never looked at Nancy like that- she's never made her feel so small.
Robin explains that she's been out of work for nearly a year now. She's dependent on Nancy's income- they have a child that's not even a year old together. She can't divorce her; she still loves Nancy, but in all frankness, she's merely stuck with her at the moment. Robin wants to make things work- she wants to know what she did wrong, why she wasn't good enough for Nancy to stay loyal.
Nothing's ever broken Nancy's heart quite like hearing those words. She rushes to explain- to tell Robin that she's the weak one, not her. She betrayed Robin, she let her down. She wasn't the alpha Robin needed, and this was the result of it.
In the end, they agree to counseling- they agree to trying to fix things. Nancy knows she has a problem now- she knows she needs help. She'll do whatever she can to save her family, but the journey to forgiveness is long, and Nancy has a lot of work to do if Robin's ever going to truly forgive her.
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