#Moogle Mail
gardenofballads · 4 months
Hiya! Trya Papaya is such a cute lalafellin name x3 hand waving aside if theres actually an Eorzean equivalent name for papaya (or I guess if papaya’s are even a thing…? Thinkin about it I’ve never seen one 🤔 ANYWAYS!)
Has Trya ever actually had a Papaya before?
Oh my gosh, hello!!! I most certaintly did not expect this, it was such a joy to receive! Thanks for making my first ask such a sweet one! 😭💛 Thankyou so much for the compliment, that is so kind! That is also such a great question - going into FFXIV for the first time I had NO idea what Eorzea would be like, including its flora and fauna, yet somehow I still assumed that there would be tropical fruits such as papayas due to at least knowing there would be a Costa del Sol, which was something I was familiar with from previous FF installments. But you're SO right - I had a look at the Gathering Logs earlier today and not a trace of a papayas! 😱 Are they a Botanist's fever dream? Simply a construct? Do they exist but the seeds simply can't survive Eorzea's climate and/or aether? Did Hydaelyn nerf them because they're her least favorite fruit?! Will this mystery ever be solved?! So, dear candycryptids, for the time being I'm going to put my faith into the fruit being added to the expanded Gathering Log when Dawntrail finally rolls out and Trya does indeed know what a papaya is/has tried one - she would totally make the joke, "Wow, I taste pretty good!" everytime with the biggest grin on her face. However...if it's not, well, I have a backup plan that perhaps one of her ancestors inspired the Pa-Paya Orchestration Roll, or her family is distantly related to the bard who composed it many moons ago...
There's a joke in the community that Lalafells are popotos who people are going to eat and/or cook up. This notion has always rolled off of Trya's back, however, if we indeed are doomed to live in a world where papayas will not exist and one somehow fell into her tiny hands to taste...it seems some existentialism would finally be in order.🥭😩
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Moogles are almost always the best part of FF games but they were definitely the best in FFIX! Extra cute and you get to help them deliver mail through Mognet 🥰
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chronicallykiki · 3 months
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Having so many talented creators in the Final Fantasy XIV community is a blessing beyond measure.
Thank you for these absolute gems, Affettuoso. 💖
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youre-ackermine · 8 months
Hey Val! Can I ask 4, 7 & 8 for the AOT questions pleeeease?
Also just taking a moment to appreciate the new wallpaper on your blog. Gorgeous! ✨
Hi Terra Darling ✨
Thank you for dropping by my ask box & for the compliment (I needed a change & some purple). I hope you're doing well!
4- Who is/are your least favorite character(s) and why?
Not only they are my least favourite characters, but I hate & literally despise them!
Hitch & Floch embody almost everything I hate in human beings! Lazy piece of sh*t, coward, turncoat, fanatic, arrogant piece of sh*t, apathetic, pick one of those few qualities of theirs 🤬 Hatred bonus point for Floch who is responsible for Hange's sacrifice!
These people are barely human to me & I would beat the sh*t out of them if I could!
7- Favorite ending song (EP)?
I'd say 'Shougeki' by Yuko Ando (S4).
8- If you're a fic writer, who do you write for?
So far, I posted works for Levi x Hange, Levi x Reader & Hange x Pieck.
But I have more characters &/or ships in my drafts hehe 😉 For the remaining requests still in my ask box, I'm also working on drabbles or headcanons about Kuchel Ackerman, the Survey Corps Vets, Zeke Jaeger, Levi x Petra, Levi x Erwin, Erwin x Miche, Erwin x Reader, Jean x Reader, Ymir x Historia... It’s a real challenge and I'm taking my time, but I'll get there!
Have a nice weekend!
Love you lots Terra ❤️
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holyguardian · 2 years
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Choose your fighter!
Tentative interest check, if these guys were offered as stickers or acrylic charms would people consider grabbing one?
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voidsentprinces · 3 months
...did I just kidnap a mole's child?
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irrya-ainivi · 3 months
Inivi is better
I disagree with your hateful spirit, but I, too, love my sister more than myself. Furthermore in my response, as I am seeing on this platform, 'L take'.
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forgesahead · 8 months
"There is no redemption. Can't you see? It's too late." 🥴
BG3 starters // @heirbane
It feels strange, seeing a man like Gaius in despair. Even now, with his former "shepherd to the weak" mindset forsaken, he remained inscrutable even without the armored helm to conceal his expressions. A changed man now, aye, but a stoic man all the same, whose moments of vulnerability were few and far in between.
Yet every man has their shadows, their moonless nights. This, Meteor knows better than most, and when he quietly enters Gaius' room with a tray of stew balanced on his hand, the sight of empty bottles crowding the table reminds him of his own past demons. Of the twenty something bottles that littered the tables and floor of his inn room at Cloud Nine, as much alcohol it took to drown out his sorrow over Haurchefant, until not even his supernatural constitution could keep up any longer.
He had been alone then, unable to show weakness anywhere and thus forced to deal with his pain by himself. He wouldn't let Gaius be the same way, former enemy or no. The tray is set on an empty space on the table that isn't taken up by cups or bottles, and then Meteor takes a seat next to where Gaius slumps. If the man wants him gone, he speaks nothing of it. Instead, he spills his regrets to Meteor, as alcohol is wont to make a man do.
"There is no redemption. Can't you see? It's too late."
Perhaps if these words had been spoken to him back then, he would have no good answer for them, but he has already learned about dealing with guilt through his reconciliation with Fray and Myste, and so he has an answer now.
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That answer, however, does not offer any comfort. He cannot offer any; it is not his place to. Instead, he says, "It weighs as it should." You have sinned greatly, and you must live with that fact. "Maybe there will be no forgiveness, but can you afford to stop moving forward now? Is your burden really that light?"
His hand comes to rest on Gaius' shoulder. "Regardless, the fact remains that you want to change for the better... and so long as that remains true, you can consider me your ally. One who thinks you ought to stop chugging this swill and get some rest."
Eventually, he hauls Gaius to bed, dumping him on the mattress without much effort and pulling the thin worn blanket over his body. The stew he left on the table is brought to the nightstand, a hot tincture placed on top of the lid to keep it warm when the man eventually awakens with a monstrous hangover. When they next meet again, Gaius looks weary and disheveled, but the stoic mask is back, his expression betraying none of crushing guilt he had displayed the night before.
And if he remembered anything, neither of them spoke anything of it.
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littlerequiem · 7 months
send this heart 💗 to the writers that makes your day better with their posting & presence. spread love on this st-valentine's day!
thank you so much Terra, you're awesome! sending you many 💗 as well, cheering you on your writing journey, may it be filled with inspiration ~
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Junelezen 5- Job
"Erm, scuse me. You wouldn't happen to be expecting mail from The Void, do you? Because, eh, you see, it certainly seems to be expecting you. Please take it quick, it tried eating half my route's letters earlier..."
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muddydoo · 2 years
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Choose your fighter!
Tentative interest check, if these guys were offered as stickers or acrylic charms would people consider grabbing one?
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chronicallykiki · 3 months
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Look at all my goodies from Brogan Coral!! ✨
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youre-ackermine · 1 month
HAPPY BIRTHDAY wonderful, dear, lovely friend of mine! Love you lots and hope you have fun celebrating with family and friends 💚💚💚
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(Source: Attack on Titan JH manga)
May the candles on your cake be evenly spaced 🕯️
Have a great day, Val! 😘
Terra darling thank you so much 💚
There were number birthday candles on my cake so everything was up to Levi's standards, don't worry!
Sending much love to you 💚
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maenasmorgul · 2 years
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Fat Chocobo and Postmoogle
Again, I'm not a person fan of Final Fantasy, nor do I know much about it, but I know what a fat chocobo is  (・ω・)b  and when I was commissioned to draw one, I did my best. Big fan of the texture I added with this one as I wanted a more minimalistic, poster-style piece of art at the end of it.
Posted using PostyBirb
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wcrricroflight · 1 year
21. What common etiquette do they disagree with? Do they still follow it?
At this point, Ari doesn't seem to agree as much to the idea of giving people a pass if they're particularly nasty towards her. She'll still follow it... To a point.
You really don't want to see her once she's been pushed past it, though.
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wheresunandseameet · 7 months
Cyra! Gods am I late sending this to you? Thancred told me about the Mail Moogles not sending out letters and I was going to send you something sooner but... twelve I'm sorry.
I've eben so busy with the Sultanasworn lately. How have you been? You've been taking care of yourself right? Gods I hope so. Thancred hasn't been getting on your nerves has he?
I'm trying my best to get home soon but it's been so busy. Maybe I can convince Nanamo to give me some time off.
I miss being around you and Thancred. We need to go out on a date again soon. Just you and me. Is there anywhere you'd like to visit? I'm pretty sure I can make it happen. Just think on it and let me know.
~I love and miss you, Owyne
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I know i should answer these as my Si but i am fhhfh
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