#Moonlight Lovers Friendship Bracelets
staryuee · 6 months
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꒰warnings꒱ not proofread…:3
⠀꒲ ` synopsis . . . how would your significant other react when you give them a friendship bracelet made by your own kind hands?
⠀꒲ ` characters . . . diluc, kazuha, kokomi, scaramouche, heizou, itto, cyno, lyney, lynette, freminet, furina, neuvillette, navia, ga ming, chiori, arlecchino
⠀꒲ ` notes . . . this reminded of primary school days of making randomly coloured loom band bracelets…sniffles, the good ol’ days of giving your crush bundled up daisies that had bugs on them from the schools yard and then immediately running away (i am a lesbian i had no such experience in just talking for the sake of poetry ☆〜(ゝ。∂)
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R. DILUC — 迪卢克
“what’s this, my love?” he cautiously surveyed the tiny strings and charms with a shocked yet rather satisfied expression. so this is what you were so focused on for the last couple hours…? he can’t help but feel slightly relieved that instead of wasting away at work you were merely crafting a cutely childish gift for him.
“it’s a friendship bracelet! look, i even managed to find these cute strawberry charms for you.” you laughed and start fiddling with the short strands near his scalp, fiddling with them and folding them over to create a stem-like shape.
diluc softly exhaled in amusement, wrapping the small piece of jewellery around his already bedazzled wrist. it takes him a real good second to actually realise what you just said. awkwardly coughing into his hand, diluc catches your attention, “darling, you do realise we’re married?”
a smile possesses your face as you hook your arm with his. “of course i do! i just thought it’d be cute, you know?” he smiled in response.
diluc is no stranger to friendship bracelets. after all, him and kaeya used to make those for each other all the time. sometimes that young triplet consisting of a very dedicated jean, a shy kaeya and a mischievous diluc (sometimes a cutsey barbara who tried to eat the beads) would gather together to create and exchange such bracelets.
a tradition that diluc might’ve let go of but had never forgotten. when you go to sleep at night diluc immediately places your bracelet into a drawer where he kept all of the ones from his childhood.
K. KAZUHA — 枫原万叶
“is this a friendship bracelet? that’s very considerate of you, my love.” kazuha tilts your chin to press a feather-light kiss onto your lips, his touch so tender it was like being touched by sunlight itself. “but i thought we were passed our journey of friendship?” his hand travel down to your hips. squeezing them intently to bring you close to his flowery scent.
“or do i need to remind you that we’re lovers?” taking your hand in his, kazuha leaned his head down to press his lips against your knuckles, eyes peeking through his bangs as if to entice you. and, well, of course it did. kazuha knew just a simple glance at you paired with an affectionate grin was enough to lure you into loving his arms.
kazuha didn’t expect for a piece of handmade jewellery consisting of maple leaf charms with red string to become so sentimental to him, but it was only a matter of time till the bracelet helped become an engraved memory of you. he’d kiss it each time you were apart, hold it up against moonlight while stargazing, trying to illustrate your figure within a constellation.
wandering became more exciting. he’d get to slowly part from your lips, while still having a perpetual reminder of the love you shared with a few pieces of strings tied to his wrist alone.
kazuha, though content with this, always secretly craved to hear the sound of your voice as you called his name and reached out to him. however, within his life he’s learned one thing that has truly stood out; it’s the small things in life that mirror true beauty.
S. KOKOMI — 珊瑚宫心海
“your excellency? what is that on your wrist?” gorou tilted his head curiously, his ears twitching in tandem.
“hm? oh, this?” she shakes the coral coloured bracelet, making the beads and fish charms jingle excitedly as if they were jumping within sea waves. “haha, [name] gave it to me. it’s a friendship bracelet!” kokomi shows it off with pride, a flutter of flapping fins hit her ribcage in the form of her beating heart at the prospect of people seeing the deepness of your ocean-depth bond with just a few beads on a string.
burnout is utterly debilitating. as kokomi spends only a few minutes in her recluse corner within watatsumi, even the shimmering of pearls and the quiet sound of the shore isn’t enough to bring her fragmented energy to rest. nesting her head upon the bundled arms that laid carefully on her desk, she attempted to snooze. finding that she can just barely flutter her curled eyelashes close before an unbearable ache pinches her eyebrows into a knot.
feeling defeated, kokomi sits back up and taps her fingers absentmindedly on the wood, finding just a tiny bit of solace in the sound of clicking and clacking. wait…she quickly glanced at her wrist, noticing she completely forgot to take off her bracelet when preforming her duties. despite her fatigue, kokomi can’t help but exhale a smile. calloused fingers tweezing the bubbly fish charms in an attempt for stimuli that wasn’t so agonising.
she’s so glad she has you, even if that memory of you is withheld in something children share for an intended promise of foreverness.
“are you twelve?“ scaramouche raises his eyebrows at you with a sneer, a look of either disgust or confusion on his face. “if i didn’t know any better, i’d say you were mocking me.”
“you’re short but not kid short!” you retorted to appease him, rolling your eyes at his annoying theatrics. did he really have to be so bitchy all the time? i guess when people say that short people tend to be the most angry because all that wrath is bottled into such a teeny body it’s very true…
the friendship bracelets (yes you made two!) were a representation of his journey from the malicious “balladeer” to the slightly less malicious and more so bittersweet wanderer. a contradicting colour palette yet his frosty and asshole attitude remained the same no matter what hue of the rainbow he was dipped in (should’ve been named skittle not scaramouche).
“if you don’t like it that much you don’t have to wear it, it’s not like i’m forcing you.” a pang of disappointed squeezed your chest heavily. it would’ve been fine if he just threw it away after a week or so. you would’ve been extremely hurt yes, but it’s better than having your own lover reject a handmade gift without even a thought for your feelings.
seeing your frown lines and the way your eyebrows scrunched together, scaramouche sighed and immediately snatched the bracelets back. quickly covering them over his wrist and crossing his arms over his chest defiantly. “i never said i wouldn’t wear it, stop being whiny.”
the slight embarrassment he felt was worth every stroke of blush on his cheeks if it meant he could see you smile brightly at something so childish.
S. HEIZOU — 鹿野院平藏
“it’s not our anniversary.” heizou stated simply.
“neither of our birthdays.”
“not a special achievement either.”
“alright, love, spill. what’s the occasion, hm? just in the mood to spoil me with your affections?” heizou threw his hands up in defeat. not being able to use his detective experience into deciphering why you decided to be so cute today and bless his otherwise uneventful day.
carefully, you wrapped the bracelet around his eager wrist. “no occasion~ just felt like giving you a friendship bracelet to show my love for you.” he raises an eyebrow. leaning to your eye level, heizou procures a look of confused distaste at your seemingly innocent admission. “friendship?” he looks away dejected, placing his hands on his hips. “and here i thought i was your very cool and sweet boyfriend.”
brushing away his dramatics and looping your arms around his neck to pull his pouty face in closer, you retaliate. “oh hush, you’re still my lovely dramatic boyfriend.” heizou smirked and leaned in impossibly close, his breath tickling your soft skin generously.
“then, could you show your love for me in another way too?” begrudgingly, you caved. moulding your lips with his while his hands gradually situated themselves on your hips. a chuckle escapes his occupied mouth, leaving a tingling feeling down your spine as you pull away, a bright smirk on his face. “thanks for the bracelet, baby~ i’ll be sure to wear it as my lucky charm during investigations!”
A. ITTO — 荒泷一斗
“well of course you’d want to bless the almighty arataki itto with such a gift! i humbly accept your offering~” itto sways a thumbs up, tongue rolling across his pointy teeth in an extravagant display of confident hubris. all in vain, of course. no amount of bravado could dull the charming blush on his cheeks; the way his grin hoisted into a genuine smile of gratitude or the way his eyes glistened with a familiar light; childlike wonder.
itto was never and has never been accustomed to such small things in life. honestly, he was lucky for a stranger to not throw insults, physical objects, hits, kicks, spit, and the like for his mere existence. a friendship bracelet was an event that was so far out of reach for the oni that the only thing he wanted to do right now was to kiss you stupid.
but, he couldn’t. he stood still, twiddling with the beads that nested against his wrist with a haze that was absentminded you felt like tapping him would cause a bubble to burst above his head for water to splash him awake.
the word “friend” doesn’t even register into his brain. he’s too content with the knowledge that your bond meant something to you. that he meant something to you.
you’ve never seen itto so quiet before. he’s usually this giant (literally) ball of energy that bounces around the place and shares an infectious attitude of confidence and joy with no restraint even to the most stoic, but right now, it was like he was that small vulnerable child again given a chance at redemption for simply living.
CYNO — 赛诺
cyno tilts his head to the side as he stares with pinched brows at the weaved threads of purple and yellow beads and charms that you held in front of you with a delicate hand. “what’s the bracelet for?”
“it’s a friendship bracelet!” taking the initiative, you wrap the bracelet around his relatively small wrist and watch in awe as it seems to match his palette perfectly. perhaps not his personality, but maybe if he wore this around regularly people wouldn’t be so frightened by his frozen features.
cyno went quiet for a moment, a look of confusion on his face. a look that made you shrink in shame. did he not like it? was something wrong with it? is it too childish for someone with such an esteemed status? all such baseless thoughts get immediately dispelled once cyno’s lips curl into a subtle grin, his eyes narrowing devilishly.
you’ve often seen this look when he’s about to score a rewarding win in a tcg tournament. but, he also had this look when…fuck. you sigh in defeat and simply let him say it. “why did the friendship bracelet break up with its partner?”
“…ha. why?”
“because it felt tied down.”
you know how in animes when someone says something very fucking stupid, it’s like the world echoes with silence to allow the person to truly feel the embarrassment from their words? you hoped that’s what cyno felt when you blank stared him with a thin line for your lips, hands clenching and unclenching as you fought the urge to squeeze his cheeks together.
“do you get it?” he asks, but before he can ramble about the absolutely articulate construction of his pun, you spring into action and press your lips passionately on his. of course, he replies eagerly. enjoying the clicking of the beads hitting together as his hand made it’s swift, instinctive movement to your waist.
LYNEY — 林尼
“mon ange…is this for me?” lyney smiles gently at you, sneaking the red bracelet onto his wrist. unable to take his away from the fine craftsmanship and the adorable details of hats, doves and some card charms. knowing you thought of him so directly and so in depth made his heart flutter the same way a dove’s wings expand after being liberated from a cooped cage.
“of course it is, it’s a friendship bracelet!” you clasp your hands behind your back, awaiting either his praise or his teasing — whatever he was in the mood for more. despite the happiness that surged through his heart like a bad game of throw the dart, believe me you shot him hard in the feels, lyney frowns.
“but, mon chéri…” he sighs in despair, a theatric hand over the very heart you had gripped tightly in your hand with a mere few beads of coloured wax. “i haven’t gotten a gift for you, i feel rather ashamed of myself.”
“don’t worry about that, this is just meant to be my good luck charm for you during your shows and…” your voice trailed off to him. not because he was uninterested but because he loved the buzzing sound of your melodic syllables each time your lips opened.
“ah, my dear,” lyney paused your affectionate rambles politely, “you’ve got something here…” you tilt your head to the side quizzically and await for him to point at it or take it out. he grins wildly. “well, isn’t that cute?” lyney chuckles softly and while leaning suuuper close to your ear, ‘magically’ pulls out a rainbow rose from seemingly no where.
“it seems we’re even now, hm?” he gestures, handing the rose over with a wink, leaving a cheeky kiss to your jawline in gratitude.
knowing lynette’s character and demeanour intricately, you’re aware that grand gestures aren’t at all her thing. she can barely handle a tea time conversation with someone if she’s forced to play an active role.
the bracelet sat enclosed within your palm as you rambled on about your day to lynette, feeling an unshakable amount of anxiety vomiting into your gut for no reason but overthinking. you’ve been avoiding giving her this bracelet for a week now in fear she’ll find very little value or use in something so minimal.
“you have something you want to give me.” a phrase intended as a question, but said more so as a statement.
“i…uh, how did you know?” you laugh and play with the strings of the bracelet cautiously as to not break it.
“your eyebrows are furrowed and you keep glancing away from me.” she analyses you like a real robot…i guess she’s really committed to that bit. either that or she just loves you too much that being unable to read your expressions would be a grievous sin on her part.
with a sigh of defeat, you slide over the bracelet to her with an awkward smile paling your usually joyous lips. “i made a friendship bracelet for you…thought it’d be cute.” lynette doesn’t understand people around her a majority of the time. truly, she doesn’t even want to, it’s not like she needs to either since she has her brother to leech on and others to fool with her robotic party trick and yet, she can’t help but wonder why it is you choose to defend yourself over something so sweet.
“thank you, it’s cute. i’ll wear it for my next show if i’m able to.” her lips curve upward in what to most would seem like a twenty degree uplift, but to you, it meant quite literally everything.
nothing. no amount of experiences with his interactions with people could’ve prepared him for the absolute heart attack that was this gesture.
he loved it, too much. he wishes he could just dip back into the ocean depths. indulge in a meaningless conversation with the tidalga, or even express his feelings of adoration to you to pers. but currently, it was only you two sharing a humble moment together. no person he could lean in, no space he could rush the words he’d love to say to you in gratitude for the gift.
and you knew that. and that’s what he also loved about you. how willing you were to accept and love him even with him being less socially adept than a coral reef. feeling the cool and vibrant coloured bracelet tilt around his wrist and knot in place, he smiled wobbly.
between the silence, you knew that the quiet smile and nod meant more than his stammered and hushed words could ever express. leaning in to press a kiss to the side of his wrist and cheek, freminet manages to gulp a bit of courage and swallow his static and tingly anxiety, reaching to kiss your forehead. letting his lips linger momentarily before he backed away. “thank you…”
FURINA — 芙宁娜
heartbeat pounding in her ears. eyes narrowing into puffy circles. her bottom lip bitten brutally by her gnashing teeth. hands shaky, making her teacup tremble within her grip. why were you glaring at her so intensely?!
first the invitation for a tea party with only you two as the special guests. second the ominous letter claiming you two “need to talk.” and now, you were completely quiet and calmly snacking, drinking away several blends of tea without a word! it was absolutely ridiculous to think the one person she has entrusted her still mending heart with is ignoring all the clear signs of hesitance and vulnerabilities within the relationship despite them all being initiated by them!
“so, furina.” you clasp your hands together, an impish look transforming your usually peaceful face. her heartbeat stammers as her eyes meet yours in a tender glance. “uhm..yeah?” furina attempts to appear more courageous than she is, but truly, she’s shitting it (for lack of a better term).
the silence stretched on for too long before you giggled and pulled up a blue and white toned bracelet from your sleeves, shaking it with your fingertips with a kind smile. “i made you a friendship bracelet!”
a ghost wavered out of her frightened soul, the tea in her hand put down at this point so she can savour the comforting feeling of her head in her hands. being a gorgeous, shining star in the spotlight of fontaine’s grand stage, furina isn’t a secondhand stranger to gifts. whether they’ve been given to her personally, awkwardly, silently, with no words signed or a creepy letter attached expressing their reverence.
she wishes you’d sometimes go that route instead of matching her in these theatrics! begrudgingly, despite the little flutter in her heart, she slipped the bracelet onto her wrist and looked at you with a pout that you couldn’t help but lean in to kiss.
neuvillette hums a tune along to the orchestra of the vinyl. an accompanying sound of his pen hastily itching onto the paper adding to the rhythm. his door opens and while he’d normally remain quietly focused on his piling paperwork, he recognised this particular patter of footsteps coming towards him. you.
smiling habitually and peering his head up, neuvillette greeted you lovingly. “hello, my love. what brings you here today? did you get in trouble?” he knew the reason you’d come ushering into his office was hardly with the intention of getting him to aid you with your troublesome quarrels, but rather, you just wanting his love and affection that he was more than willing to fulfil. if time allowed, of course.
“no, no. nothing like that, yet…” you grinned and neuvillette looked at you with a playful look of disappointment at the hesitance. “i made you a gift!” with a prideful aura that was less arrogance and more pure joy, you presented the bracelet to him. he wasted no time in stirring the small bundle of fabric and beads with his gloves. “look,” you pointed eagerly, “i even managed to commission some furina and melusine charms! you know how we always joke about them being like our children? i thought i’d be a cute addition!”
he exhaled a satisfactory laugh in agreement, interlocking your hand in his to press a kiss to your knuckles in thanks. “cute, indeed. thank you, mon chéri. you’re too sweet sometimes.” you sit on the edge of his desk, watching excitedly as he places the bracelet onto his wrist. “as a gift in return, after i’m done with work, how about we take a nice stroll together? i assure you, no rain will interrupt our serenity so long as you’re by my side.”
NAVIA — 娜维娅
immediately gushes at you as your palm opens to present the gold and blue hued bracelet to her, adorned with rose charms that you personally painted in gold and a greyish blue to accentuate her outfit if she decides to wear it. it was less a decision and more a necessity.
she delicately handled the bracelet onto her wrist and kissed both of your cheeks in gratitude, “thank you so much, sweetheart! this is so cute…but what’s the occasion? it’s not our anniversary or anything like that.” navia smiled at you, playing with some of the little roses and twirling them around in appreciation.
“it’s a friendship bracelet!”
her lips pucker into a pout as she starts to coddle you within her arms, occasionally swinging you around gently. “you’re so absolutely adorable!” she nips at your earlobe, kissing it as a form of apology. “but honey, you do know we aren’t just friends right?” navia captures your cheeks within her palms. “we’re lovers!” she presses several kisses across your face, ending her affectionate spillage with a press of her lips on yours.
“oops— haha, sorry i got lipstick all over you, darling.” navia chuckled and began wiping away all the lipstick smudges from your pretty face. yet her attempts bore no fruit. instead of wiping away anything, she only made it oh so much worse. “ah well, guess we both got presents from one another today?” she snickers, twirling her wrist to show off the bracelet with a wink.
GA MING — 嘉明
if you thought this man’s eyes couldn’t get any brighter, then you’re absolutely dead wrong. if you thought he could jump high while lion dancing, you’re also absolutely dead wrong!
he could outrun god right now. if you asked him to defeat a hoard of lined up mondstadt and liyue treasure hoarders, he’d do it in a heartbeat. what possessed you to be so cute?! do you seriously think he can take another heart attack like this after the one he had during lantern rite?
you aren’t able to say much or even explain your reasons for as to why you decided to make this nor what it even is or represents before ga ming smacks his lips messily all over your face. a mixture of your own gloss from kissing you earlier and his own saliva stick to your skin sloppily and you can’t help but feel both enamoured and grossly repulsed at the mixture of sticky wetness on your cheeks as well as the love that seemed to glow like fireworks.
“mmuah~! i love you so much…are you trying to make me cry?” he pouts, becoming a giggling mess as soon as you roll your eyes at his dramatics.
he keeps the bracelet on every day. sometimes he’ll be pouty all day if he’s unable to wear it in fear of it snapping and wasting away all your precious hard work due to either his negligence or the pains of manual labour…he’ll have to cope with simply glancing at the red imprints the beads had left intended onto his skin for satisfaction.
“what is this?” she jingles the vivid and strong orange coloured bracelet in front of her face, appreciating the tiny details of the cute sewing equipment charms and what looked to be handmade porcelain bows embedded onto some beads.
“it’s a friendship bracelet!” you gleam at her, pride evident in your face at your creation. she hums in agreement; it was certainly something alright.
“oh. cute.” that’s all the genuine feedback she could give you without mentioning how tacky it would look with her attire — it was an affectionate gesture, one which she didn’t want to undermine and therefore, with little complaint despite her own personal conflicts, she slipped the bracelet onto her wrist, extending her hand out and twirling it to admire the craftsmanship.
you won’t see her actively wearing it out in every day life, perhaps you’ll manage to sneak a glimpse of her playing with the beads while she’s going over some designs in her sketchbook but otherwise, her gloved hands contain nothing but the smell of perfume.
not that she’d admit it outright until you asked, but the real reason she refuses to wear your bracelet daily is for a simple reason; she doesn’t want it to break in order to have that constant reminder of you as she goes to bed and stares up at her ceiling with the bracelet being coddled between her fingertips.
“you’re so childish.” she muses, tracing her nails across the beads, eliciting a weird clacking sound as the charms and beads hit against each other. “but i suppose that’s also an alluring aspect to you.” she ushers the bracelet onto her wrist. despite it being completely covered, there was something even more intimate about her gift being a part of a hidden identity for her; your affection only intended for your gorgeous eyes and her narrowed ones.
tilting your head to her eye-level, you can smell her musky perfume. she leaned in for a kiss. her lips tasting like flavoured gloss consisting of all sorts of red berries, an accurate mirror to the rosey colour of her bright lips. a sneaky hand traced circles around your hips and waist as she attempted to take your breath away. a scythe is a befitting weapon for a woman who’s kiss was practically a notion for death.
she’s used to her children offering gifts and trinkets to her. rocks, random jewellery they crafted with glue, messy crayon drawings, sometimes even in the most macabre scenarios, blood itself. each of those, however, she cherished wholeheartedly. the same way she’d cherish the bond between you two that she’d never allow for anyone to break.
so long as she continuously receives silly gestures like this, she’s convinced she’ll be able to hold you within her embrace with very little effort.
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©STARYUEE do not copy, steal or repost ♡ ᴜsᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ɪʜᴇᴀʀᴛɢᴀɴʏᴜ
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hoes4lino · 1 year
Do you wanna share a Towel | Pt2.
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WARNING ⊂✦⊃ This story contains nsfw content! Unprotected sex (wrap before you tap) mentions of alcohol and knifes; minors please don’t interact, please beware of what you consume online.
Genre: Childhood friends to Enemies to Lovers
Word count: 3.6k
Summary: it's spring break and your mom and her best friend decide to rent an airbnb to spend the week in, everything sounds great until you realize Minho has to tag along.
Authors Note: This is part 2 of the story, its not necessary to read the first part to enjoy this part, however I would recommend to read part 1 first!
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The soft moonlight caresses your face as you sleep soundly on your bed, the sound of crickets and rain embracing the ambience. You don’t remember what you were dreaming or how long have you been asleep, you stare at the clock to see is not even dinner time, yet it looks so dark outside.
Your eyes move around analyzing the room, you woke up because you swore something touched your leg. The room was pitched dark due to the rainstorm, you tried to find the switch to turn your lamp on but couldn’t find it and getting up to turn on the bedroom light wasn’t definitely not part of your plan.
The sharp sound of a thunder echoing in the silent room, your eyes squeezed shut as you embrace your plushie. Eyes trembling as you saw something moving on the corner of your eyes “YAH MINHO IF YOU ARE THE ONE DOING THIS IS NOT FUNNY” You screamed in panic.
The room was silent again your heartbeat ringing in your ears; you decided to call for your mom “MO-” you were interrupted as something launched on top of you like a cat, panic filling your body. Muffled screams falling from your mouth as you felt a warm hand covering your mouth, you body moved trying to escape their embrace but it was hopeless they had you pin your bed.
“Y/n relax it’s me” His voice had no reason to sound that soft and comforting, you open your eyes to be greeted with his. Big orbs that shined under the moonlight, his gaze was soft as he slowly started to unpin you from the bed. He moved to turn your lamp on; his eyes quickly moving to focus on the wall and his body tensing. His ears turned into a slight shade of red as he realized you were wearing only a t-shirt and your underwear. Your messy hair and puffy face were quite a sight, he could feel blood rushing down to his… He got smashed out of his thoughts as a pillow flung to his face.
“YAH LEE MINHO IM SERIOUSLY GONNA KILL YOU” You started attacking him with your pillow, he did his best to try and defend himself, however there was no way to block your punches as you were basically on top of him. “YOU SON OF A BITCH DIDNT HAVE ANYTHING BETTER TO DO” You kept screaming as you hit him, his chuckles filling the room.
“I was trying to recreate the old times” You stop at his words and scoff. Minho and you used to prank each other every time you got the chance to, however, as he started high school he became too sensitive and would actually get mad at whatever prank you pulled on him. The last one being the one that broke your friendship.
It was a sunny summer day; you, Minho and your ex boyfriend (who was also his friend) were chilling at the beach, everything was good although you noticed Minho was quieter than usual and seemed rather out of place. You thought an innocent prank would lighten his mood, so you decided to fill a bucket of water and secretly sneak behind his chair. The cold water poured on his brown hair and his whole body tensed. His eyes burning fire as he stood up to look at you and your ex boyfriend laughing.
He walked away without spatting a single word, your stomach dropping as you followed him closer to the ocean, you knew he was mad. Next thing you know he has his friendship bracelet on his hand and he is throwing far away on the ocean. A tear rolled down your cheek as you look dumbfounded at him, you both made those matching bracelets during first grade craft time, it hold a lot of symbolism in your friendship. “Now you are just a memory” Were his last words as he left. Since then you would only see each other when your mothers made reunions, however, never spoke like actual friends again.
“Old times?” You questioned while looking at him, he just hummed in response and a sharp thunder filled the silence of the room. You didn’t realize his hands were resting on your hips until you wanted to stand up “You creep” You mumble.
— — —
“We are going to buy some stuff for today’s movie night, you two stay here and organize the rest of the stuff, we left a list on the counter” The loud clinging of the keys plus your mom’s words were ignored by your brain as you think in the living room couch about Minho’s behavior this past days.
It’s been 3 days into the trip and so far you have noticed his been acting strange, suddenly he is not the cold teenager you knew, he is turning back into the soft funny Minho you knew back when you were 12 years old. What happened that he suddenly want to go back to your childhood times.
“I call dips on the baking part” You look up to be met with Minho standing in front of you holding a list, you must have been really distracted to notice his presence.
“What are you talking about” You furrowed your eyebrows “Did you not hear what your mom said” You look around trying to find you mom but she is nowhere to be seen “Oh my god y/n” He rolled his eyes and sighed in frustration.
“They went out to buy the last ingredients for dinner, they left of a list to prepare the movie night” He hands you over the list, you give it a quick scan before pouting “Why you get the best part” You shot at him “Cause I’m the one listening to what our moms say” He scoff, a lightning illuminating the living room and your eyes shooting up to met his “Wait, but what about the storm? it’s dangerous” Your eyes filled with concern: Minho just shrugging in response “I’m sure they will be fine” He said before leaving to the kitchen.
— — —
You had no business to be so paranoid, sending texts to your mom every 30 minutes to make sure she was ok, 2hrs passed and you were done setting the living room, you made sure it looked comfy and perfect for the movie night, however, you still kept worrying about your mom.
“Can you stop bothering her, nothing bad will happen” Minho said behind you as he placed a plate with brownies in the table in front of you “You never know” You spat back, your hand moving to reach for a brownie.
Your hand being smacked as soon as you touched one “OUUCH YAH” You slightly turn your head to look at him, your heartbeat stopping for a second as his face was already close to yours “No dessert before dinner” He scold you, you could feel his breath hitting your face although it smell like fresh mint you pretended to be disgusted and pushed him away.
“Ewww get your stinky ass away from me” You made a sound like if you were about to puke, Minho just stood there and couldn’t help but laugh at you “I’m sorry princess” He said leaving the living room and leaving you there with a your face red as a tomato. Princess you thought.
The sound of your ringtone filled the silence in the room and caught your attention. Your mom’s name appearing on the bright screen. In that moment you were both relief and concerned that she called you, afraid she might give you bad news.
“Hey mom, everything alright” You were quick to say as soon as you answered the phone, your words catching Minho’s attention and making him come back to the living room.
“Yeah Honey, but theres a slight problem” Both of you turn to see each other with wide eyes, Minho gesturing you to put the phone on speaker as he sat next to you.
“What’s wrong” You could feel your voice trembling a little bit, deep inside you knew you might have been exaggerating the whole situation but it’s your mom and you deeply care about her.
“So we got all the ingredients we needed for dinner, however, a tree fell on the road and now its blocked. The authorities told us to wait inside this restaurant and well…” Her words were interrupted a faint voice speaking in the background. “Here is the pasta you asked for ma’am” Both you and Minho comically gasped as if you both got backstabbed.
“You are eating without us?!?” You place your hand on your heart, your mom laughed in response “We were hungry I’m sorry… But hey you have Minho he a great cook. We will be back soon hopefully, please don’t kill each other” You mom said in a cheerful voice.
“Love you~~~” Both your mom and his said over the phone, giggles being heard as they hung up.
You threw your phone on the table and laid back on the couch “ughhh” You cover your face with your hands as you see Minho’s smirk forming in the corner of his mouth.
“Guess its just you and me” He leaned over teasing you “Why are suddenly excited?” You sat down looking at him with an eyebrow raised. He just laughed.
“Im serious, you been avoiding me for years and suddenly you are all clingy? idk” You said with a dead tone looking at him. His face was emotionless although you could tell by his eyes that he regretted the way he treated you years ago.
“Y/n I-” He began to speak but you were quick to speak “Save it” You stood up from the couch and walked to the kitchen, his body following yours like a magnet. You scan the fridge and took out some chicken and salad ingredients.
“What are you doing” He questioned you from behind as you started to clean the vegetables “I’m cooking my dinner, you might be a better cook but I’m an independent woman” You smug at him.
“Let me help you” He said, his body caging you as he moved to grab some tomatoes —you turn your body around to face him, a knife in your hand “I rather do it myself” You carefully tapped the knife on his chest, your eyes never moving from his as your hand traced lines on his shirt.
His eyes moved to look at the knife, a smirk plastered on his face. He leaned over so he was closer to your face “Do I have to remind you our mom’s want BOTH of us alive?” He emphasized the word as he chuckled.
“You are lucky to be mommy’s boy” You sighed turning around and continuing your task of cutting the cucumbers in small pieces. He chuckled behind you, your blood boiling.
“There’s better cutting methods” He teased leaning over to your ear “I’m sorry Gordon Ramsay” You weren’t having it, one part of you wanted to give in into his teasing; the other part wanted to punch him due to his sudden switch up.
A gasp unintentionally left your mouth as his hand was placed on top of both your hands and his firm body was pressed against yours, caging you between the counter and his body.
“This way is easier” He whispered in your ear as he guided your hands. You weren’t going to lie— you felt like Gordon Ramsay cutting that cucumber… you made a mental note to take some cooking classes.
“Now keep that pace and I will move onto the tomatoes” He let go from your body and left to wash the tomatoes. It felt wrong the way your body missed his warmth behind you, you felt like something was missing.
— — —
You came back to the kitchen, a bottle of red wine in your hand. Minho looked at you as you place it in the counter in front of him. “My mom said no alcohol in the house” You look around at the kitchen “No mom’s no rules” You said as you opened the bottle of wine, the sound of the pop and wine pouring in the glass echoing in the kitchen.
He was hypnotized by the way your lips attached to the glass, the liquid going down your throat as you drink it all at once. You groan as you place the glass on the table with a loud thud.
“Want some?” You raise your glass at him. He looks hesitant but grabs it anyway.
— — —
Bottle almost empty you too stand in the kitchen washing the dishes. Even though the wine wasn’t as strong to get you wasted you could tell you were tipsy. You could also tell Minho was tipsy— maybe it was because he was giggling more than usual or the faint pink tint on his cheeks.
“So I guess I was jealous when you dated Jisung” He confessed, his gaze looking at the cup he was cleaning— your laugh ringing in his ears “So you are telling me- 16 year old you, stopped hanging out with me cause I dated your best friend?” You kept laughing making him more embarrassed of his confession.
“It wasn’t like that!” He defended himself “I was happy trust, but then you started ditching me for him and” He stopped mid sentence, his mouth opening and closing.
“And?” You questioned, tilting your head to find his gaze “And…” He continued “I missed your attention I guess…” He trailed “Plus Jisung was really annoying! He would always brag about your relationship” He rolled his eyes “That idiot lucky I love him to death.” He spat taking the last sip of his wine.
You chuckled at his words, hearing this confession cleared out so many things of your friendship “And here I was thinking you hated me this whole time” His eyes quickly moved to look at yours— they were soft and hold a lot of emotions behind them. A pout formed on his mouth before he moved to place a hand on your face.
“Princess I would never hate you” One of his hands moved to your waist and moved you so his body cornered yours against the kitchen counter.
“And… if I ever did… it was out of love” You couldn’t believe his words at that moment… He loved you?— your eyes scanned his face in search for something, a hint. Something that would tell you he is lying… that this is a prank.
“Seeing the way you would kiss him… the things he told me… it all made me hate you… because I wanted your love” He chuckled nervously, his face was inches away from yours. You placed a hand on top of the one he had on your face.
His soft eyes scanned yours, a fond smile forming on his face as he saw your confusion. “May I kiss you” Neither of you knew were this boldness was coming from, maybe it was the alcohol but you didn’t really care as you softly nodded.
Your lips met with a soft peck, his lips felt smooth and warm against yours. A million butterflies ran through your veins as he deepened the kiss, his hands moving to grab your waist and move you to sit on top of the counter.
You spread your legs so he could fit in between them, you thighs trapping him— his body pressed firm against yours.
His hands roamed free on your body as your hand wrapped around his neck. The wet sound of the kisses echoing in your ears. You could feel a pool forming in your panties, your body craving his touch.
Unconsciously you grind on him making him moan in the kiss, the gasp as you bite his lip. Both of you making eye contact as you pant for air. “Not to be a creep but… I have fantasized with this moment” He confessed chuckling.
“You horny creep” You spat back latching your lips again with his— this time your hands roaming under his shirt and moving down to unbuckle his pants. “Will this ruin anything” He stopped your hands and looked deeply into your eyes, trying to find any hint of regret.
You smile at him hoping this would ease his nerves— your face leaning to his ears “If anything it will improve our friendship” You whispered nibbling the flesh on his neck— a purple mark starting to form.
“Fuck” He whimpered, his lips crashing on yours. The way he kisses you is so addicting, the way he would pull your lips with his teeth just to crash back on them. He would also variate the pace, from slow and passionate to fast and hungrier. You know what they say— slow kisses are sluttier, definitely your favorite ones.
Each kiss told a different story, some told you how much he loved you, others how much he craved you, and others how much he was enjoying this. Minho isn’t a man that will express his emotions through words— his way to express emotions is through his body language, and that’s how you know he desperately wants to fuck your brains out.
The way his body would match yours, both grinding against each other like horny teenagers. Maybe you two were 21 now but you know that at some point through your teenage years you fantasized with this. After all he was hot and popular… could you blame you?
A loud moan echoed the room, the way his fingers would tease your dripping entrance while he nibbled the flesh of your neck. “If you are this wet from a little make out session I can’t imagine with my dick inside you” He took his fingers out your panties and move them to show you. His fingers were coated with your arousal, slowly dripping into your thighs— he chuckled before sucking his fingers clean, his dark eyes never breaking contact with yours.
“You are truly a delight” He smiled at your flushed face “Next time I’m eating you out until you forget your name” He chuckled before kissing you again. He pressed his tongue against yours so you could taste yourself. This man was driving you insane.
“I will be gentle I promise” He said as he slid his tip on your slit, covering it with your arousal— he teased your entrance, a moan coming out of his mouth due to his teasing, he was also getting desperate.
“Minho” You squealed in frustration as he slowly pumped in and out his tip on your entrance “Fuck y/n, say my name like that again and I will fill you to the brim” A sharp moan left your lips as he started to move all the way in.
You made a mental note at that moment to ask if he was still going to those dance classes you both joined in high school— He had no business to be so skilled, the way his hips would move sharply but gentle at the same time had you on the edge.
Minho was a man that would put your pleasure first than his. When he saw your back arching as he touched THAT spot multiple times, he felt butterflies running all over his body.
Your mouth half open, eyes rolled back. You felt like you were scratching an itch that you couldn’t find. It felt heavenly.
“Min- I-” You mind goes blank as you try to scramble words together, your vision going blur as you feel your high approaching “I know princess” He placed a hand on your tummy pushing you down on the counter.
With your body fully laid on the counter he had a better access to your dripping cunt. His thumb drew circles on your clit as he kept hitting that spot you loved with the curve of his dick.
Your moans echoed on his brain, it was like a melody to him, he wanted your whimpers and moans engraved in his brain.
A sharp moan left your mouth as you felt your warm cum washing down, your arousal dripping from your cunt and his dick and spilling over his legs and counter.
Minho felt his high approaching as your sensitive cunt squeezed his dick, the way your walls sucked him in was making him reach cloud9. “Fuck” He whispered as he was about to pull out to cum on your stomach.
“Please cum inside me” You grabbed his hand so he wouldn’t pull out— your command was music to his ears. Making it easier for him to cum.
Long shots of warm cum spilling inside of you. It was a sensation you have never experienced before. You were on the pill for a while but never dared to have unprotected sex, however, with Minho… you trust him so much you didn’t care about anything.
Once he pulled out of you, his body crashed on top of yours in the counter. It was indeed uncomfortable but you both didn’t care as you both got off your high.
A ding from your phone startled both of you and straighten your postures. Minho laughed as he checked your phone. It was your mom.
Mom: There in 10 ❤️
It was comically how both of you rushed to clean the kitchen and try to make each other look decent. Both of your bodies crashing on the living room couch once done.
“I should take a shower” You said as you felt sticky and disgusting “Maybe we should share a towel” He teased leaning to peck your lips.
You chuckled as you stood up “Help our moms with the bags and met me in the shower” You wink at him before running upstairs.
In that moment Minho didn’t realize he was smiling like a lovesick boy, until he spotted his reflection on the tv screen. He swears he has never loved someone like this before.
— — —
Authors Note: I originally finished this at 1:30am… when I was scheduling my tumblr crashed and erased the smut part… I was going to give up and postpone it for next month, but I’m tired of procrastinating so I speed ran the smut part with what I remembered 😭
Finished time: 2:47am
723 notes · View notes
canellescandles · 3 months
☆Baby,the stars shine bright☆ pt5
inspired by the 'kamikaze girls',♡ always had unconditional love for lolita fashion and nothing else but when she met ellie,an auburn haired girl whos part of a gang with a dad's fashion sense ,her love for clothes begins to compete with her growing feelings for ellie
strangers to friends to lovers,love-hate friendship,opposite aesthetics,early 2000s
wlw,extra fluff in this chapter
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The sun was setting as Ellie was driving you to her house.
Beforehand, you had time to stop by a shop. Every time you got money, you couldn’t help but use it right away, so you and Ellie bought bracelets.
They weren’t just any kind of bracelets.
You and Ellie bought bracelets shaped like the moon on the day of your birthday.
It turned out your moons completed each other when you put your wrists next to each other!
Ellie's lips turned into a loving smile, as bright as the moonlight. "I really wonder what this means," Ellie said, playing dumb. She wondered if you thought about the same thing.
You quickly bought the bracelets. "You watch too many movies," you replied, leaving things ambiguous even though you did think it was a sign.
Ellie's waning crescent moon and your waning gibbous moon formed one full moon.
Maybe it was the fact that you and Ellie were so different that made you and her get along.
"I knew you'd say that." The poor girl wished you fell for her as fast as she fell for you.
Ellie was driving less fast and less dangerously since you were already hurt.
You told her you were fine, but she didn't believe you. She wanted to get your face cleaned up since your forehead was bleeding a bit after falling on the ground.
You wrapped your arms around her waist like she showed you before and laid your head on her shoulder. The woody and earthy scent with a subtle sweetness didn't leave her body. At first, you didn't bother being close to her, but now, you started to like this.
Sure, here's a corrected version:
The road to her home was long.
Ellie felt excited to bring you over to her house. She didn't want to leave you like last time. She usually hated 'goodbyes,' but with you, she started to despise them. Spending more time with you made her happy, and she thought it wasn't too soon to introduce you to Joel.
It had been a while since she last had someone over. She never dared to invite any of her gang members, even though they were her friends. If they ever turned their backs on her and did something to Joel, she would never forgive herself.
However, you earned Ellie's respect since the day you got your revenge on the thief.
You never dared to unfairly blame her for anything, and that was enough for you to gain her trust.
Remarkable and so beautiful, you were also starting to gain her love.
It felt as if the sun was following you as Ellie drove into a small village, lost in the middle of nowhere, isolated from the big buildings.
Ellie was focused on the road, trying to ignore her heart speeding up when she noticed your bodies touching.
She was already planning excuses in her head for you to sleep over.
You took this opportunity to slip the money you wanted to give her into her pocket.
"Do you often go to the casino?" you asked as the road grew bumpier, interrupting the silence.
"Like 2 or 3 times a month, depending on how much money I need."
You nodded as both of you entered the woods. It was a good thing that she wasn't gambling every day like your dad. She was intelligent and knew her limits.
"How much did you need today?"
"Not so much, I got enough to travel around the country to find someone," Ellie explained. She further mentioned that she had to meet Himeko, an old woman who was the founder of the gang she joined.
You were surprised to hear this name again because your mother had the same name.
If it wasn't for her, Ellie wouldn't be in her gang, which was like a shelter in a hostile place, a second home to her.
She owed it all to Himeko, as well as Dina: being able to fight, making justice right, and making good friends and memories along the way.
It was only when she'd go out driving with her gang members that she'd feel free and forget about everything. "Nobody ever found her, but rumors say she's still alive. I have to find a designer or something to sew my gang's name on the jacket's sleeve and then give it to her."
Ellie parked her motorcycle in front of a lovely wooden house in the middle of the woods.
Both of you arrived at your destination; this time you didn't feel nauseous.
"How do you even know if those rumors are true?" you asked as you got off her motorcycle. Though you had already given her part of what she needed for her trip, you felt like offering more. You wanted to offer her more.
Ellie took back her keys and glanced at you as a smirk formed on her lips. "I guess I'll find out." She didn't care if Himeko was dead or alive, but if the rumors were true, Ellie wanted to be the first person to find Himeko.
She then motioned for you to follow her. "Do you underestimate me or something?"
You walked beside her and climbed the two stairs leading to the porch. "Would you rather I overestimate you?"
"Still better than being underestimated," Ellie smirked at you before knocking on the wooden door. No matter what you say,ellie always had an answer for everything.
The door opened with a creaky sound, revealing a 5'10" man in his forties. He had black hair and hazel eyes and was wearing a simple green button-up shirt and blue denim jeans.
Joel didn't expect to see Ellie bring a girl home. He squinted his eyes at her curiously before telling both of you to come in.
You couldn't tell what the house's usual smell was like since the pizza's aroma was perfuming the whole place. Your stomach growled, and you made sure to keep your mouth shut to avoid drooling.
Ellie introduced you to Joel, who reached out his hand. You shook hands with him and smiled as he said it was nice to meet you.
"You're the one who sells clothes to her? She told me about you. How's your little business going?"
You recognized the same deep voice talking to Ellie on her phone. Joel looked at you curiously; he's always wondered where his money went when he'd give it to Ellie, especially since she spends most of her days outside.
"Ellie’s my only customer, but she's loyal, so it's doing good," you carefully chose your words, remembering you’re known for doing something you're not supposed to. But the fact that Ellie talked about you to a family member warmed your heart; it felt nice to be appreciated by her. "She does think my clothes are underpriced."
Joel glanced at Ellie and sighed like a tired father. It wasn't the first time he had talked about it with Ellie. "I know, she's really bad with the concept of money. I guess she wants to be nice." The way he scratched the back of his neck reminded you of how Ellie would act when nervous. The way they were so similar was so cute!
"Yeah, she got so upset I thought she was going to—" you were about to complain, but guess who cut you off by covering your mouth with her hand.
"Whoa, let's get you cleaned up before you pass out from blood loss," Ellie exaggerated before she took your hand.
Joel's eyes followed Ellie leading you to the bathroom. He smiled to himself; he definitely would not have let you in if it wasn't for the way Ellie was looking at you. It was enough to make his day, knowing someone was able to make her genuinely smile. He hadn't seen it in forever...
Your cut on your forehead was barely visible and already starting to heal, but that wasn't an excuse for Ellie not to apply a band-aid after cleaning your wound with some alcohol.
Ellie made you sit on the cold edge of her bathtub. But with Ellie so close to you and her fingers touching your face, your body felt warm.
Ellie turned around to grab the band-aid package and started to open it. "sit still and don't move."
"I'm telling you, there's no need to do all that," you said, looking up at her walking in front of you with the band-aid in hand. She didn't listen to you anyway. It was her chance to take care of you, and she wasn't going to let it slip. "you know, you'd be like the kind of doctor that asks if they can remove unnecessary organs during surgery and then removes a whole kidney."
"you can survive with one," Ellie shrugged her shoulders.
"but there's no such thing as an unnecessary organ."
Ellie saw your point and nodded so you would stop making fun of her so she could start putting on the band-aid.
"alright, now shut up 'cause your forehead moves when you talk. I don't want to mess this up," Ellie ordered. She looked down at you, meeting your eyes—her biggest distraction. "close your eyes."
"I can't see if you're doing it right with my eyes closed," you said, instead of admitting you liked looking at her focused face. You were enjoying this as much as she was.
"I'm not going to draw a dick on your face, chill," Ellie's chuckle made you roll your eyes before you closed them. You made a mental note to sleep with at least one eye open if you stayed over.
Ellie removed the strips and carefully applied the band-aid on your small cut. Her fingers, usually clenched into fists to throw punches, touched your face as if it were made of porcelain.
Her lips curved into a smile when she saw no sign of pain and instead, your lips forming a smile as well. They were a bit chapped, and she wondered how many kisses it would take to make them soft again.
You were making it hard for her to be a lesbian. You were just sitting in front of her, looking pretty so effortlessly, listening to her, and letting her take care of you.
She wanted to punch herself and knock some sense into her for falling for you so easily and so fast. Her heart was so big,with so much room for love but it could hardly handle any rejection.
The only thing she could do was give love.
Give and hope that you would take it.
She didn't want to stop removing her fingers yet. She applied a bit of pressure on the band-aid to help it stick and finally removed them so as not to seem clingy.
You finally opened your eyes and stood up to look in the large mirror in front of you. You thanked Ellie, who smiled at you.
"if you know that much about medicine, I have to ask you something," Ellie said, maintaining eye contact. "are you a surgeon?"
You didn't know what was happening inside her mind, but her flirtiness was back. "obviously,why?" you said, playing along.
Ellie liked that you played along.Even though you were good at talking back when flirting, she hoped to see your demeanor change to a more shy and flustered attitude." She walked closer to you and swiftly took your hand, placing it on her chest while maintaining eye contact, hoping to capture your flustered face. "because I think you stole my heart."
She rolled her eyes when she caught you laughing instead. "I can feel something beating, though."
You were making her weak. "I meant because my heart skips a beat every time I see you," Ellie spoke quickly, struggling to keep her eyes on yours.
She noticed her little mistake and felt embarrassed. You thought it was cute the way she tried to keep flirting despite completely losing her composure.
You tilted your head. "did you practice saying this to me or something?" you asked with a curious tone, but you knew the answer anyway. You smiled at her, making her face feel hot. You counted, and it took three seconds for her whole face to turn red.
Once again, despite her efforts, she struggled to make you lose your composure while you effortlessly made her flustered. "alright, fuck, can I redo it?"
The pizza was a little cold, so Ellie decided to heat it up in the oven. You were beside her in the kitchen when you were surprised by a little friend.
" 'sup, mars? you're hungry too?" Ellie crouched down to gently pat the white cat's head, who purred in response.
Her fur looked so soft. She was looking at Ellie with her beautiful eyes. Even though you and Ellie had opposite tastes, you could understand why she fell for this cute cat.
Noticing how you were standing still, admiring her beautiful pet, Ellie stopped petting her and removed her hand. "you can pet her," she smiled reassuringly before taking your hand again.
You crouched down and patted Mars's head gently. The cat purred, seeming to enjoy it as much as you did.
"careful, she bites a lot," Ellie warned. The look of fear on your face as you quickly removed your hand made her laugh so hard. "man, I was just playing with you. look at her, she's so cute. she wouldn't even hurt a fly, unlike...some people."
"don't be surprised if I stop trusting you," you retorted.
Ellie felt like melting, seeing how adorable the entire reaction was. The sight of someone she loves bonding with her pet made her even more in love.
You played with Mars's face and couldn't stop giggling at the sounds she was making. Ellie grimaced in jealousy
You asked Ellie if you could hold Mars, but got her refusal in response. "you're stealing her from me already?" Ellie smirked. She didn’t expect Mars to love you after just a few pats.
"she looks like she doesn’t mind," you said, continuing to pat her head. You wanted to hold her like a baby.
"well, let's ask her then," Ellie became serious again.
You just met her cat, and you wanted to make Mars yours already? She wasn’t going to let that happen just like she let you steal her heart. She took Mars carefully and walked towards the back of the room before putting her down.
Mars was now sitting four meters away from both you and Ellie, cleaning herself and not paying any attention to either of you.
You laughed as you looked at Ellie. Her plan didn’t seem to work like she wanted since the cat wasn’t even budging. "Look at her doing her toilet after you touched her."
Ellie nudged your arm playfully. "I washed my hands before putting the pizza in the oven, shut up." Ellie turned her attention back to her cat while you kept laughing.
Satisfied and feeling clean, Mars stopped grooming herself. Her eyes lingered on both of you, but sadly, neither of you got to mâle her crawl in your direction since Joel called out Mars to go eat. He poured the kibble in her dish, instantly attracting Mars to him.
Both you and Ellie looked at each other disappointedly, but Ellie wasn’t done competing with you yet.☆°☆°•☆°☆°☆°☆°☆°☆°☆°☆°☆°☆°☆°☆°
"If there was an eating pizza contest instead of the spicy one..." Ellie said after taking a big bite of her pizza slice.
Both you and Ellie sat across from each other, around the kitchen table, with the smell of the pizza perfuming the entire room.
"oh my god, you're still talking about this?" your tone dripping with exasperation.
"yeah, it was rigged. I don't know what kind of spice they put in, but that stuff got my tongue numb. I couldn't even feel it after eating," Ellie complained to you.
"just admit it's the first time you ate something spicy."
Ellie took another big bite of her pizza before quickly swallowing it.
She stood up and quickly went to the kitchen, returning with two big plates of pizza. Her eyes were burning with competition as she handed you one plate and sat next to you with hers in hand. "I want a rematch."
Now that she thought about it, every single time she wanted to impress you, it always resulted in you impressing her instead. Whether it was eating spicy food or playing pachinko, you'd always win so effortlessly. If you lived back in the 18th century, she would have definitely accused you of being a witch. "first one who finishes their pizza slice wins."
You raised your eyebrow at Ellie. "wins what? I'm not putting my heart and soul into this just for another ride on your motorcycle." The pizza you had looked really tasty, and you wondered if you could eat all of it or if your appetite would give out.
"then you'll get that if you lose," Ellie smirked maliciously. She wasn't playing anymore. Her eyes showed no mercy; she wasn't just looking at you like a friend but like one of her gang's opponents.
After counting down from three, both you and Ellie tried to eat as fast as possible. Ellie gathered all the determination she had since the first time she competed against you. She ate her pizza like there was no tomorrow.
Your eyes lingered on Ellie and then on your pizza slice. The look of determination in her eyes made you want to win too, but something in you wanted to let her seize this chance to impress you.
Three minutes were enough for Ellie to finish her entire pizza. The sight of you still eating made her smile proudly.
She finally achieved something she had been desperately trying to do for days.
It didn't seem impossible to beat you at something anymore; you weren't as invincible as she used to think. However, there was still something she wanted to win from you.
You gave Ellie a disappointed face, but deep down, you couldn't care less that you lost. It was a win-win for you.
In fact ,you dont mind losing to her once again, just to see her happy smile.
Ellie wasn't that stupid; she could read you like an open book now. You'd effortlessly win against her in most games, but she saw how you purposely let her win.
Though she wished you'd make it harder for her to win, she didn't feel insulted. It was rather the opposite. "how about you just do whatever I want for the rest of the night?" Ellie's tone was suggestive, but you truly didn't have a choice.
Was it too soon for her to make a move?
She tried flirting, but even when you wouldn't exactly flirt back, you'd still get her flustered.
She tried to impress you again but wasn't that satisfied.
The night was still long. There was no sign of boredom or tiredness on your face, which was already a good sign.
"depends on what you have in mind," you said, pushing back your plate, too full to eat any more. You sighed as you leaned back on the couch, giving Ellie time to think about what she wanted.
But Ellie's mind was freezing. There were so many things she wanted to do, to say, to show... her mind could hardly slow down.Taking things slow would surely get her what she wanted fast.
"it wasn't a suggestion," Ellie smirked at your sass, reminding you that she had won against you. "How about you carry me bridal style to my room?"
It was since that moment, when you did anything Ellie asked, that Ellie's delusions were fed. The map was written, and it didn't take long for you to find what she thought she'd perfectly kept secret: her heart.
The way you didn't hesitate to occasionally massage her shoulders when she'd complain about them being sore. Her eyes practically begging for you to take care of her like she did for you earlier. You asking if you were doing it right was enough to drive her crazy. She'd nod and tell you to keep going while pretending to focus on the TV.
Or when you'd paint her nails black carefully, her hand on your thigh as you held one finger, making sure the polish wouldn't get on her skin. Her hand was so cold to the touch, but it had warmed up when you applied another 'coat.' Ellie's heart was filled with so much warmth she swore it could make the whole Atlantic melt.
"you like it?" you asked, interrupting Ellie's thoughts. She realized she'd been looking at you the whole time when you faced her.
She wondered if you liked doing this as much as she did. The way you took care of her so lovingly made her forget she was the one who ordered you to do this in the first place. But even if you were just following her orders, no sign of unhappiness was shown on your face. That was enough to give Ellie hope.
Her nails looked beautifully painted with no polish outside the lines.
"it's not so bad," Ellie said, not wanting to admit she loved it. She put her hands on her thighs, letting her nails dry.
The wind, bringing in coldness as it came through the window, made you look outside, noticing the brilliant full moon above the trees.
With no city lights chasing away the darkness, all the stars in the sky could shine brightly. Ellie knew the perfect spot to spend time looking at them. She'd start to stargaze every time insomnia hit her, staying because she liked how small it made her feel.
After asking if you were tired, her eyes dropped from your face to your shivering body; you easily feared the cold. But you stopped shivering once you felt Ellie's jacket over your shoulders. You wanted to tell her you didn't need it, but her lovely smile shut you up.
With no words exchanged besides glances, Ellie softly took your hand again before leading you out of her room, your fingers interlocked as you walked up the staircase leading to the roof.
After a few minutes of Ellie going back and forth to the house, you were finally settled, both of you sitting on a thin blanket, unbothered by the cold night breeze. Even at the sight of the two bowls of snacks, you didn't get hungry, too focused on the stars and the peace you felt.
It's true that you never truly paid attention to the stars at night because you'd mostly spend that time sleeping, listening to leaves dancing with the wind and the owls continuously hooting. Tonight was different; the beautiful stars did a good job of taking your breath away.
Ellie felt it again, the warmth enveloping her heart, contrasting with the cold breeze. Her eyes noticed your amazed ones gazing up at the stars; you were experiencing the same feeling she'd get when stargazing alone. No words were needed for her to understand that you enjoyed this moment. She smiled to herself, realizing how easy it was to put sparkles in your eyes.
Did you naturally enjoy the same things as her, or was it the fact that you were spending time with her that made you start to like the same things she did?
Either way, it made Ellie fall for you even more, and she hoped that this special moment made you feel the same way. But if her hope turned out to be useless, she would take action and make you fall for her.
You laid down more comfortably while keeping your eyes on the stars. Ellie followed you and scooted next to you. Her eyes were also fixated on the stars, but you could tell she was lost in her thoughts when you looked at her.
After a few minutes of silence, Ellie broke it. "did you know that when you look at the stars, you're actually looking back in time?" She turned her head to face you, the moonlight illuminating your face just right.
"isn't it because of the time it takes for the light to reach us or something?"
Ellie smiled. You were the only person who would let her ramble about the things she was passionate about. "yeah, the light from the closest star takes over four years to reach us, and light from more distant stars can take thousands or even millions of years to get here."
Never in your life would you have thought your knowledge would be expanded by a gangster, but with Ellie, you learned to expect anything from her. Maybe it was also why you were always curious about her.
"I guess time machines have competition," you said, making Ellie laugh shortly. You couldn't deny it: it was pleasing to hear her softly laughing at your jokes, even when you weren't purposely funny. Something about it made you want to hear more.
Ellie looked at you, still lying down next to her. She wanted to tell you something, but every time she opened her mouth, only uncontrollable laughs came out. You smiled, trying to contain your own laugh, but the sight of her struggling to tell her joke was too hilarious. You put your hand on her shoulder to shake her a little. "come on, what's so funny?"
Ellie tried to calm herself down. She inhaled deeply while closing her eyes. "nothing, I was just... thinking about something stupid."
You sat up, still keeping your eyes on hers. You were used to her stupid jokes. "just tell me man," your voice desperate to hear her joke. It was her chance to make you laugh too.
"you're picking up my phrases," Ellie noted. She smiled proudly, still teasing you by not saying what was making her laugh earlier. You pushed her shoulder slightly, inviting her to let it out.
"ok,fine,it's the story of an elephant and a camel..." Ellie tried her best to control her shaky voice, but you already laughing didn't help. "you're not even letting me start"
You covered your mouth and bit your lip not to let out another laugh and listened to her.
Ellie took another breath before continuing, keeping her eyes on you. "so the elephant asks the camel, 'Why do you have boobs on your back?' The camel replies, 'I don't know; at least I don't have a dick on my face.'" Ellie's voice progressively pitched up before she exploded with laughter, making you laugh even harder.
You wondered how she came up with something so out of pocket.
The tears streaming down your face as you held your stomach made her smile in victory. She made sure to capture this moment in her memory and hoped that moments like these would never stop.
Though Ellie found herself not admiring the stars in the sky as much as usual, she still considered looking at you as "stargazing."
Why would she drift her eyes away from you when you were the most beautiful star she had ever seen? All she needed was your word, and she'd create a whole new universe for you.
Your arms were touching as both of you lay down, neither of you moving away. You finally understood why Ellie liked physical touch. Her forearm stole your attention from the stars for a moment. You had never seen her tattoo until now. Ellie always wore her jacket, but now that it was on your shoulders, it was the first time you saw it.
A large moth alongside some plants adorned her arm. You couldn’t help but trace the plants down with your fingers, feeling Ellie's warm skin. You wondered how she was not shivering in the cold outside when you were literally freezing inside.
She hoped you didn't hear her heart pounding so loudly in her chest.
"it's's ferns," Ellie said, looking at you, then at her own tattoo before lifting her forearm up so you could see it better under the moonlight. She pointed at the plants she was talking about.
"is there a meaning behind this?" Your fingers traced lower, around the moth, unforgivingly making Ellie's heart beat faster. Ellie swore it could explode if you kept touching her so softly.
When you asked the meaning of her tattoo, it brought her back to how her relationship with Joel was before she ran away. Until this day, she wished she could go back in time and change the past to make the present better. It was still hard for her to turn the page, to get to the next chapter.
"not much, just something cheesy. You're going to find it cringe."
like it's new? just tell me; I promise I won't judge." You removed your hand, and Ellie lowered her forearm.
Ellie rolled her eyes at your smirk. "fine, it means being drawn to the light. Like when you're in the darkness and totally hopeless... instead of giving up, you should look for the light... some stupid stuff that makes me think of Joel."
You smiled at her thoughtful words. Your eyes finally left her tattoo to look at her embarrassed face. You realized how much this tattoo meant to her. "that's cute... a little bit cheesy, but I like it."
Feeling your persistent gaze on her, she suddenly found the stars more interesting to look at. Her heart was beating happily, no regrets surfacing from telling you something personal.
You were seriously starting to like her flustered reactions, her pupils dilating in the moonlight making her green eyes ten times more mesmerizing, her nervousness making her cheeks turn red and her breath unsteady.
A part of you hoped you were the only person in the world able to make her feel like this.
"Is there something you're bad at?" Ellie cleared her throat. She sat up, trying to take back control of her body, hoping it would make the effects on her go away.
"why do you want to know?"
"just curious." Ellie's eyes gazed at the stars, then at her thighs, not really knowing where to look but still avoiding looking back at you. "I mean, you play pachinko like a pro. Does your dad secretly own a casino or something?"
"If he did, we wouldn't be kicked out. Also, he used to be in a gang. he couldn't even properly hold a gun, so I can't imagine him owning a casino." The idea of your dad owning a casino or just being the head of some big business was too unbelievable; it'd belong in fictional stories.
"your dad? holding guns? what for?"
And so it was your turn to rant, exchanging roles with Ellie. She was carefully listening while you were focsued on talking, casually oversharing to a girl you met this week like she was your best friend. Your trust issues always made you keep quiet, but something told you that trusting Ellie wasn't a mistake.
Everything was told, from your dad's past job as a gangster to your mom who selfishly cheated on him to you selling clothes to sustain your own primary needs (fulfilling your closet of Lolita clothes). It was normal for Ellie to be on your dad's side. She also grew empathy over your grandma, who also played a role in raising you.
She finally understood the real reasons why you refused to join her gang.
You also revealed your successful lying tactics to get money from your dad, which she disagreed with. It was hilarious how a gangster like her thought your tactics crossed the line.
"that's kinda evil."
"he's not at the age when an emotional shock instantly gives you a heart attack... but I stopped lying anyway," you justified. You considered lying okay, but directly stealing your dad's money was beyond your morals.
Ellie raised her eyebrows at you, the moonlight making her green orbs clearly visible. "trust me, if you keep doing this, you're going to be the reason he'll age as fast as the speed of light." Her sarcastic tone still made you think of your actions.
"also, did you know that if he was, by pure luck, thrown in space and stayed one year there away from you, 7071 years would have passed on Earth?" Ellie added. "It's like the ultimate long-distance relationship." A light chuckle escaped from her as she casually switched the conversation to drop a joke about the theory of relativity, making you wonder how she even had so much knowledge.
You were the only person she liked telling stupid jokes to.
Ellie laughed even more at your confused face. "I'm not making this up; it's true. To be able to make a time machine, it has to go as fast as the speed of light... Einstein said it." Ellie's eyes pierced through yours to make you believe her words.
"got a problem with nerds?" Ellie retorted, faking being offended.
"why'd you take it as an insult?" you clapped back as your eyes met hers.
Ellie turned her eyes from your lips forming a smile to the sky again. "because you said it like it was an insult."
"I have nothing against nerds," you reassured Ellie, stealing a last glance at her before copying her and looking at the sky as well. The dark blue hues coloring the sky enhanced the shining stars beautifully, like Ellie entering your boring life out of nowhere even though you didn't ask. You'd be lying if you said she wasn't making you feel things.
Your heart beating a little bit faster, being unable to retain your smile, and your eyes getting lost in admiration. These were familiar feelings you'd get from buying Lolita clothes, but unfamiliar feelings towards people. You didn't know what words to put on this feeling. Yes, it was love, but it was only platonic, right?
But you certainly knew that you enjoyed whatever was going on between you two a little too much.
If there was a shooting star, you'd wish for this night to be eternal.
"you better," ellie muttered because she was not done ranting to you about space. Not only for this night but hopefully forever,she hoped youll always stick by her side no matter what.
Unfortunately,no matter how much time and effort Ellie would put into learn about the universe, a lot of mysteries remained unfolded. "you still didn't answer my question, though."
You didn't even realize you dodged Ellie's question as you talked. There were many things you were bad at, gave up trying to learn, and never tried before.
After answering her,you caught Ellie smirking mischievously before she put M&M's in her mouth, munching as she went back to her room. You stayed on the roof as she told you to.
Hearing a loud 'bump' followed by a 'shit', you turned your head. Ellie walked back to you, holding a guitar with one hand and soothing her head with the other.
"you know we can just go back—" you looked up at her as she put her guitar down.
"no, it's fine, there's no one else around," Ellie said, sitting down next to you before softly strumming her guitar.
"just us." Ellie smiled at you while tuning her guitar to standard.
You didn’t know why, but you looked away from her eyes as your lips curved into a smile too. Feeling like you would explode if you kept looking at her, instead, your eyes drifted to the moth on her guitar.
The same moth on her tattoo was drawn next to the soundhole. Ellie told you Joel made it for her for her latest birthday. You didn't know much about Joel, but you knew enough to assume he truly cared about Ellie.
Ellie tried to calm herself down; her palms were sweating, and her hands slightly shaking. Even though she wasn’t showing off to a big public, she was still nervous playing in front of you.
"do you want me to play something?" was all Ellie managed to say. She realized she should have been careful with what she asked. "vesides classical music, I'm not into that choir and orchestral stuff as you can see."
"I don't only listen to that," you rolled your eyes at her statement. Classical music was certainly your favorite genre, but with indie and jazz, your music taste was hardly limited to one genre. "do you know Lamp?" You weren't surprised to see her nodding in refusal. It was your turn to make her discover your interest.
After making her listen to 'For Lovers' by the band with your MP3 player, Ellie picked up her guitar and started to learn how to play the song.
Her finding the right chords just from listening to the song over and over again easily impressed you.
You didn't pick any random song; it was one of your favorites, and listening to it felt like opening a love letter from someone you love.
Ellie kept practicing, determined to put more stars in your eyes than there were in the sky.
Your eyes drifted from her beautifully focused face to her calloused hands and fingers fingerpicking the strings. You wondered if you were the only one who ever got to see her like this, playing for you. For the first time in your existence, someone made you feel special.
Not clothes but an actual person.
It was so easy for Ellie to hit the right spots in your heart, whether it was from smiling, telling you stupid jokes, or playing this lovely melody.
To make this moment even more magical, a star stole both of your attention; it was brighter than the other ones as it quickly flew across the sky.
Ellie put her guitar aside, taking time to appreciate the uncommon scenery in her eyes.
It was in this moment that things like grabbing your hand and squeezing it made you melt in love.
There was clearly nothing platonic about this moment, you thought.
Ellie’s eyes didn't leave the star until it was out of sight, still holding your hand.
"did you make a wish?" Ellie whispered as she turned to look at you, feeling all giddy inside.
She wasn't nervous to look into your eyes; she wanted to see every single reaction, she wanted to see if she had an effect on you.
Her eyes bore into yours, trying to read your mind, trying to act as if she wasn't desperate to kiss your lips at this moment.
"as if I'll tell you."
Like treasures locked inside chests, both of you kept what turned out to be the same secret.
You didn't want the sun to rise too soon, making the stars disappear, outshined by the moon.
You didn't want this night to end too soon.
A storm suddenly struck, and rain poured heavily outside, so you and Ellie got back into her room before your clothes could soak. Ellie suggested you stay overnight, to which you agreed.
With the sound of rain hitting the windows in vain, you changed into Ellie’s clothes for sleeping after she brought you to the bathroom.
You could hear Ellie practicing the song you recommended from her room, and you couldn't help but feel touched.
She was getting better and would soon perform just for you.
You smiled as you finished putting on her black sweatpants, her dialogue replaying in your mind.
"what's wrong, scared you won't look cute in those?" Ellie had teased, holding out her large black tee and black sweatpants, which looked so comfy to sleep in.
"no," you rolled your eyes at her teasing, "I was just wondering if you were okay with me wearing your stuff."
Ellie loved your reaction. She was convinced you’d look cute in her clothes. It wasn’t hard convincing you, but if she was you,she knew she wouldn't be able to pull off your frilly dresses as well as you. Ellie found you so mesmerizing that she was persuaded you'd look good in anything. "as long as you don’t have fleas on you, it’s fine."
Your lips curved into a smile as you looked at yourself in the mirror, but Ellie’s smile was bigger when she saw you walking back to her room.
She was so happy just matching clothes with you.
After Joel shouted for Ellie to stop playing the guitar at 1 a.m., both of you slipped under the warm covers, giggling and talking until you fell asleep.
In just one day, you had already made so many memories, each too precious to forget.
And in just a few days, you bonded with someone you never thought you’d like in your life.
Ellie lay still on her back beside you, looking at the ceiling, trying her best not to seem awkward. With you so close, her heart was flooding with love, a feeling she hadn’t experienced in a long time. S
he didn’t want a single second to go to waste; otherwise, she’d feel miserable. So instead of sleeping, she stayed up with you.
You were lying on your side, admiring her profile while Ellie kept her eyes averted. Suddenly, you thought about the first day you met her and how you had successfully scammed her. Ellie was really smart, and it was surprising she hadn’t seen through your scam. Something told you she might have heard of your father getting caught for selling fake luxury clothes.
"what would you do if I told you the clothes I sold you were fake?" you asked, already anticipating all the ways she could respond. The worst she could do was end your friendship.
Ellie huffed and turned to look at you in the eyes, "I’d probably drag you with me and lock you in my basement, leaving you there until you die of hunger and boredom."
You scanned for any sign of playfulness, but to your surprise, Ellie actually looked serious. Even though both of you became friends afterward, it would still count as a betrayal for lying to her. When Ellie leaned into you with a serious look on her face, you instantly regretted saying this, not even knowing what pushed you to reveal it in the first place.
She tilted her head to the side. "don’t tell me you’re actually being for real?" Her voice was low with a hint of curiosity, slightly threatening you to tell the truth.
You felt her warm breath hitting your face. You tried to keep eye contact, but something drew your attention to her lips.
A small red crumb of M&M's was on the corner of her lips.
Ellie noticed where your eyes were lingering, and her cheeks instantly turned as red as the M&M.
"um, you have something here," you said, pointing at your own lips so she could mirror you and take it off.
The sight of the crumb staying there despite how many times she wiped her lips made you laugh softly.
"don’t change the subject," Ellie said, keeping her eyes on yours as she kept wiping her lips, still missing the crumb.
"it's still there," you sighed at her struggle, wondering if she was doing it on purpose. You reached your hand towards her lips to help her.
Ellie caught your wrist to stop you, her eyes boring into yours, still waiting for you to explain yourself.
You unconsciously licked your lips, and with her strong grip and lingering gaze, you were slightly scared at first, but the smirk forming on her face was enough to make your stomach flip uncontrollably.
Even if she tried to seem serious, it turned you on more than anything.
Your eyes drifted from the crumb to her kissable lips, and your heartbeat quickened as your imagination went wild.
How would it feel to be pinned by her?
How would her lips feel against yours?
You also wondered.
How would Ellie kiss you?
All of those unusual questions occupied your mind without answers, driving you crazy. Ellie was driving you crazy.
As much as you wanted her to pin you down and release the tension, the urge to finally tell her you scammed her and not keep any more secrets made you speak up. "okay, fine, it’s true."
You apologized sincerely, hoping Ellie would forgive your dishonest act. If you were her, you'd definitely feel betrayed and question your friendship, but to your surprise, Ellie’s face curved into a goofy smile before she laughed out loud.
It was a lighthearted laugh.
Her unexpected reaction absolutely flabbergasted you.
She was just playing with you all this time.
Ellie never knew she could seem that scary, and it secretly filled her with pride.
Ellie gently released your grip.
"I knew it," Ellie laughed, still keeping her eyes on you. She knew about you and your father's doings from the beginning.
Though your intuition was right, it didn't stop the feeling of shock from washing over you.
"why’d you buy my clothes then?" your voice was filled with curiosity and incomprehension.
"you know, I was actually surprised you’d let me walk into your house just like that," Ellie's lips formed a smirk, a malicious one. "uou made everything a lot easier for me, and you had no idea what I was planning to do." Ellie looked at you, trying to make you guess by yourself.
It is only now that you realized how naive you were. The more you talked with Ellie, the more stupid you felt.
With the malicious tone in her voice, it was evident Ellie did have bad intentions, stalking your dad to your house.
"just say it. I’m too tired for this."
"don't like guessing games, hm?"
"you wanted to bomb my entire house?"
"what? no, come on, you're a smart girl."
Your mind replayed the first day you met Ellie. She was just another stupid gangster to you, someone who’d get into useless fights and an outlaw who would do anything they wanted just for money. "I guess stealing my clothes so you could resell them to people who’ve never heard of my dad's scandal? I dont think reselling them in Tokyo is a g--"
Ellie shot you a proud smile. "yeah, I know, but it's not the reason why I gave up. With your grandma acting like a literal control tower, I couldn’t try anything."
She still bought the black jacket because she needed it and couldn’t find any other shops that would satisfy her demands.
At this very moment, you’ve never felt so grateful to have your grandma guarding your house. "thank God. I hope you fail miserably again at your next try."
Ellie nodded. "stealing is not fun. I stopped after helping find your bag. I’m sorry."
Her eyes showed pure honesty. You finally admitted lying to her, and Ellie stopped being troublesome.
In the end, everything turned out fine.
"It's okay... can you also say how much of a good influence I am?" You smiled at her, and she smiled back.
"you're into praises?"
"I'm not giving you the answer to that. you're a smart girl."
"you—oh my God, you could have told me earlier, and here I thought I only had to play guitar to make you all shy and flustered." Ellie looked at you with exaggeratedly unbelievable eyes.
You rolled your eyes at her, okay with admitting your lies but not with admitting you have a soft spot for her. "you played horribly."
"don't act like I didn't see you drooling over me." Ellie didn’t miss your adorable gaze on her when she was playing; that's when she knew she already had you wrapped around her finger.
"don't act like I didn't catch you staring at me all night." You also didn’t miss how persistent Ellie’s loving glances were. You were used to getting stares while walking in public, and at first, it would bother you. But you surely knew that you grew fond of having Ellie’s eyes on you, filled with admiration.
It did take a long time for both of you to finally fall asleep. Conversing this much for this long was unusual for you and took a bit of your energy, but it didn't mean you didn't like talking with Ellie.
You fell asleep first, laying on your side as you used your hands as a pillow. Your soft hums and breaths were like a melodic lullaby to Ellie’s ears.
Despite rambling about everything and anything all night, there was still a lot she didn't say.
Like telling you she wished you’d called her that day she hadn’t seen you at all. That even if she was busy, she'd spare some time exclusively for you.
That day passed like a month to her, and she really missed you.
Ellie let herself fall asleep facing you, hopeful to wake up to your adorable face.
She fell into a restless sleep, dreaming about you and all the wholesome things she wished she could have done with you this night.
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respectthepetty · 6 months
I feel like it's been awhile since we've had a good example of a purple pair... would you say this is being overshadowed by pink = love as a narrative color choice?
Also, what are some of your favorite purple pair / pink = love moments?
Anon, I'm tickled pink due to your amazing questions, so let me give you some answers!
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Would you say [purple pairs] are being overshadowed by pink = love as a narrative color choice?
Purple Pairs normally come from couples being color coded red and blue. When those two colors are combined, they make purple. For example, Oh! My Assistant showed the gay man as red, the "straight" man as blue
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And the bisexual man as purple since he is "between" straight and gay.
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But if the people aren't color coded red and blue, it doesn't make a lot of sense to use purple to show them coming together, and in 2023, a majority of the shows I watched had a black x white color-coded pair, not a red x blue, so purple wouldn't be the obvious choice for love.
Also, sometimes it's difficult to distinguish colors.
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Are we looking at pink, purple, or blue?
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Or is it bisexual lighting?
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In the first photo from Kiseki: Dear to Me, to me, it's pink with purple in the background, but in the second photo from KinnPorsche, I'd argue it's purple since I can see the red and blue lighting components, but . . . colors are a spectrum. They bleed into one another so where one stops and another begins is blurry, and sometimes hard to decipher.
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Which naturally flows well into your second ask:
Top Ten - Favorite Purple Pair/Pink=Love Moments
given in no particular order
Run for Love - My School President
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Tinn was a Blue Boy. Gun was a Red Rascal. And yet when they went on their run, their colors morphed into pink and purple. They were learning more about each other with each passing episodes, but the colors clearly showed that the love was going to get them through no matter what obstacles they ran into.
Love is Intense - The Sign
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Both couples got this treatment in the show. When they kissed at the beginning, it was a soft pink, but once their love escalated to sex either fictional or real, the pink intensified. It is such an amazing narrative using lighting that it earned FOUR nominations for my upcoming 2024 Colors Awards.
Love is Soft - Never Let Me Go
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Palm and Nueng flipped the dynamic we saw in The Sign, but Cinematographer Rath, who is behind Moonlight Chicken, Only Friends, Last Twilight and many more beloved BLs was the one in charge here, so it's not surprising. The boys started off with a vibrant purple that slowly transitioned into a soft pink throughout the series to show their differences melting until there was nothing left but each other and the loved they shared.
Love Games - Dead Friend Forever
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Even though this show filled my Macau x Porchay shipper heart after manifesting for two years that Barcode and Ta from KinnPorsche kiss, it also broke me in less than two seconds with this scene. The lovers kissed in an arcade under the pink neon light, but did the red creeping in over Phee signal they would be tied together forever like their bracelets made of red thread suggested or that danger was awaiting both of them? I never feel sure, but I do know this moment is evidence that they did love each other, once, and it was real for both of them.
Love Blooms - Be My Favorite
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This actually won the 2023 Colors Award for Best Pink, and it's all thanks to that pink wisteria. Going through this list, most of the love is shown through lighting or clothing, but this show made it clear through a plant that symbolizes friendship, love, and longevity which perfectly aligned with the themes of the show and this couple's relationship. It earned that award!
Signs of Love - Semantic Error
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This is visual rhetoric at its finest, and it was THE moment. We got the pink and purple neon sign that read, "Lovely pink. Love Me. Kiss Me" boxing in a boy who was running away from love as his pursuer attempted to make it clear that he loved him after they kissed. Sang Woo didn't stand a chance, and all signs pointed out that he was already in love with Jae Young too. Amazing, right?
Love, Meta - Middleman's Love & Last Twilight
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These aren't "love" moments per se, but they were amazing nonetheless because they were a little nod to what pink represents. Middleman's Love saw our lead's love life color his world and everything in it pink, and when he asked his boyfriend why, the simple response was because they were in love. Then, Last Twilight gave a small ode to pink milk which was once a staple in BL series and put the "love" in Boys Love.
Anti Love - Love is Better the Second Time Around
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After an ex-love told Hiro he was still very much in love with Hiro, Hiro immediately ran off to propose to his girlfriend during the cheesiest proposal dinner possible. Thankfully, she rejected him, but this scene was meta without saying it was meta unlike Middleman's Love and Last Twilight. It leaned all the way into what the pink represented then bashed it like it was a piñata at a six-year old's birthday party. It was glorious.
Between Love and Like - Deep Night
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These two have liked each other since the first episode, but this moment visually presented what it feels like to realize it actually might be something more. They themselves aren't pink, but they are caught in the pink with the blinding light of realization (or love?) right behind them. Do they just like each other? Are they just caught up in the moment? Or might they actually love each other?
Open Your Heart to Love - Dangerous Romance
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Ending where we began, this list finishes with a Blue Boy and Red Rascal but instead of purple and pink windbreakers, we got matching pink shirts and purple water. After failing to impress a girl, Kanghan had to change his clothes and was forced to wear a pink "Open House. Open Heart" shirt. Unlike Kanghan, who looked miserable in his new outfit, Sailom was more than excited to get a free shirt out of their adventure. It's not Semantic Error, but the visual rhetoric is clear - Kanghan had already opened his house to Sailom, so why not his heart as well? And once Kanghan was finally ready to make his love clear, the bath he shared with Sailom was magically a blend of their colors, and we finally got purple.
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Regardless of how people felt about the show, it understood the color assignment, and I loved it.
Bonus - Purple is the New Pink - Wandee Goodday
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Hopefully, you noticed throughout this list how often pink and purple reside in the same scene, and how we see purple more often when the pairs are color coded red and blue. But Wandee Goodday is giving us an actual purple color-coded character in the form of the main character Wandee, so instead of seeing the normal pink for love in this behind-the-scene image, we see Yak being engulfed in Wandee's purple, which means he is probably realizing in this exact moment not just that he loves Wandee, but just how intense that love really is.
But it should be obvious how much Yak loves Wandee if he is willing to be the little bunny wunny for his big cat.
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So, all in all, thanks for the ask and for coming with me on this pink (and purple) adventure.
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kafkaesque-x · 2 years
A night's loving story
She was walking ahead. He was behind. In this street deserted of life even her steps are silent. She looks up at the dust-like stars. Which princess dropped her jar of glitter on the Milky Way? Her mind wanders and her path is a kind of zigzag as her dress ripples in the breeze. The boy smiles slightly but keeps the same respectful distance. His gaze is soft, empty of thought on the surface, but we sense a warm affection under his icy pupils. The pace slows and the girl stops under a solitary lamppost. Her face is lit by the dull yellow light while her body looks cold under the moonlight. She turns around and faces the boy who has also stopped moving.
- Do you remember what you used to say when we were little? she asks in a laughing voice.
He nods as their gaze catch each other quietly.
"Rockets tickle the stars, some laugh so hard they burn out."
The two leave in a fit of laughter. The distance disappears, it was an invitation. - One last dance? he asks She nods as their hands entwine, as if they were complementary. They don't dance in the silence of the night but in their living memories, so noisy. They spin, the stars are spectators and the world, their stage. The boy only sees the girl he has in his arms, he considers himself lucky. The girl only has eyes for the boy hugging her, she says she's lucky. A minute, an hour, but time itself seems upset. Is it in a hurry? The two lovers laugh at its face.
A sigh escapes her lips and it's a return to reality. The scene collapses, the echo of their steps goes silent. Soul and body are lost giving way to a familiar loneliness. - That was the last. she declares, her eyes watering. He doesn't say a word. He even stops moving for fear of frightening her. What remains of them? If not a photo album thrown in a corner of the attic or those forgotten friendship bracelets. What remains of Him? So the tears flow. The sun hides and the rain falls cruelly on this face which was smiling a moment earlier. Something breaks in the gaze of the boy who watches her with wide eyes.
The girl seems to be alone in the world, sad and fragile while her shoulders are shaking.
The young man's hands couldn't reach her at that moment and the night, the winter, the summer passed. The seasons passed. The street that was empty one evening came back to life. Once sorry,today lively. The sad girl's shadow faded from the scene. What remains of them? The boy is stardust and the girl prisoner of her grief. She dwells on this evening, it's just a broken record. It was ages ago, actually.
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maidmaxy · 3 years
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Moonlight Lovers Friendship Bracelets.
Made by me
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Werewolf Bites and Hot Summer Nights
An AU in which Laura and Max can’t find Hackett Quarry and end up at the Harbinger Motel, before becoming camp counsellors for the summer. Max is moody and secretive and Laura keeps bumping into the grumpiest sheriff with the cutest puppy dog eyes, and when he gives her his number ‘just in case’ a girl can’t help but drunk dial him one night. Cue overprotective and jealous Travis. And shouldn’t the officer get a birthday kiss?
Banter | Enemies to Lovers | Battle Couple | Smut
NSFW from now on. Ma’am, this is going to get messy.
Start with Chapter One
Chapter Four
Sheriff Hackett slammed the back door of his car. Max glared out, angry and confused, as the cop walked slowly around the vehicle and got into the driver’s seat.
Laura’s heart pounded as she watched them. What the fuck was happening to Max? He hadn’t done anything wrong, that she knew about. Or was there a traffic violation that the sheriff had forgotten to charge Max with?
She stood at the bottom of the steps, the setting sun glaring in her eyes. The strange thing was that the sheriff wasn’t driving away with Max.
They were just sitting there.
She took half a step toward them, but her pride made her hesitate. Max was barely acknowledging her existence and Sheriff Hackett had just blanked her as well.
The sheriff rolled his window down and called out to her.
“Miss Kearney, you were told to be inside by sunset. You have,” he glanced pointedly at his watch, “three minutes.”
Laura pressed her tongue into her cheek, her eyes narrowing at him. Why, because vampires and rabid bears would emerge at sunset to rip her throat out if she didn’t get inside? Or because the sheriff couldn't resist being a massive jerk to her?
She could guess which one it was. 
She dearly wanted to stride over there and give him a piece of her goddamn mind, but the things she wanted to yell at him were for his ears only.
Like, Are you being a jerk because I teased you? I apologised for that, asshole, and if you remember, YOU were the one who kissed ME.
Yeah, that wasn’t something she wanted Max to hear about, or any of the counsellors and kids.
She gave the sheriff one final, dirty look, and turned and stomped up the stairs to the lodge.
He would keep until later. As soon as she was alone with him, she’d give him a piece of her goddamn mind.
Inside, all the kids were running around playing tag or laying on their sleeping bags eating crackers and playing board games. Laura should probably help the other counsellors to keep them entertained. Ryan was handing out marshmallows and chocolate for s’mores. Emma was showing some of the girls how to make friendship bracelets. Everyone was having a good time, but Laura’s stomach was in knots.
If Max got in serious trouble, it would be her fault. She was the one who insisted they drive up in the dark, and then she’d pissed off the sheriff. He was smiling when she left him on his birthday, but maybe she’d offended him with the dating app or because she'd been too obviously shocked that he hadn’t got laid in six years.
Men could be proud.
Hell, she was proud.
She strode to a window, pulled the blind aside a few inches and peered out. The cop car hadn’t moved.
The sun was about to set, and it was painting the tops of the trees gold. She watched the light slowly fade away and the sky turn from purple to blue. Stars came out. The moon rose over the horizon, huge and silver among the trees.
Sheriff Hackett and Max were still down there in his car.
A full thirty minutes later, the sheriff got out, sauntered around the vehicle with his annoying cop swagger, and opened the rear door for Max.
Max clambered out, his expression taut with fury in the moonlight, and pushed past the sheriff without looking at him. He headed straight for the stairs, and from his stomping footsteps, he was pissed.
A moment later, he burst into the lodge and slammed the door. Most of the kids stopped talking and stared at him.
“Sorry, I, uh…” Max gestured behind him.
An engine started outside. Laura turned around just in time to see the sheriff driving away from camp. For some reason, that pissed her off even more.
She strode over to Max and pulled him into a side room. “What was all that about?”
“I’d like to know the same thing,” Max exclaimed, pointing toward the front of the lodge. “That sheriff has a screw loose.”
“What did he say to you?”
“Nothing! He forced me to sit in the back of his car for forty goddamn minutes while we talked around in circles. I tried to open the door but it was locked. There was a grille separating the back seat of the car so I couldn’t even jump out the front. He had me trapped like an animal.”
“Did he try to intimidate you? Coerce to into admitting you did something?”
Some of the anger vanished from Max’s face, and he rubbed his brow in confusion. “No, he said I wasn’t in any trouble. He kept asking how I was feeling. Then he was asking me questions about things that weren’t connected to anything.”
“What kind of questions?”
“About the car. About my driving history. College. The motel we stayed in. Then he was asking about you—’
Surprise shot through her. “Me? What about me?”
“Where we’d met, how long we’d known each other. None of it made sense. He seemed like he was winging it. Just keeping me there and killing time.”
Laura pushed her fingers through her hair. What a strange thing for the sheriff to do. It’s like he came here to intimidate Max, and then changed his mind.
Max shook his head and moved toward the door. “I need some air. I’m all worked up.”
Laura grabbed his arm. “You can’t. He said it’s not safe out there.”
“He who?”
Laura swallowed. “Mr. Hackett. We’re supposed to stay inside.”
“I don’t remember him saying it’s not safe. Whatever.” He went back into the main room and helped himself to lemonade.
Laura leaned against the doorframe and watched him. There was a time when something like this would have drawn them closer together. Max would have cracked a joke about what a jerk the cop was, Laura would have called him a name, they would have both laughed.
Now, Max couldn’t wait to get away from her. It was as if something was weighing on his mind, and instead of facing it, he just kept running away. 
While everyone else was having fun, Laura sat in the corner off the room, hugging a pillow and staring into the fire.
As soon as morning came, she’d have to look after the kids all day and she wouldn’t be able to go looking for the sheriff until the evening.
Maybe there was a phone she could use to call him? She had Sheriff Hackett's number in her pocket and Chris Hackett’s office was in the back of the lodge.
Moving nonchalantly, Laura went over to the door and tried the handle. Locked.
Laura sighed. Even if she could use the phone, he probably wasn’t in range if he was patrolling.
She gazed out onto the moonlight shining on the water. It was a warm, inviting night.
Just the sort of beautiful, silvery darkness in which to have a really good fight.
“Ma’am,” she muttered to herself, pushing up a sash window and ducking out into the night. “I’ll show him ma’am.”
Travis drove slowly with the windows down, straining his ears for any unnatural noises. The last probable sighting of Silas had been north of Syracuse, which meant he was heading back this way.
He hadn’t heard any howling, but there was a jar of Chris’ blood in his glove compartment just in case he needed it.
It would probably be an uneventful night. Chris, Caleb and Kaylee were locked in cages in his parent’s basement to protect the campers. They’d let them roam free again next full moon when everyone had gone home.
The road through Hackett land was winding, and a ways off through the woods, he caught the headlights of another car coming in his direction.
“Who the hell is that?” he muttered to himself. Travis rolled his windows up and moved the car crossways in the road to block it, and waited.
As the approaching car pulled up, he recognized the blonde woman sitting behind the wheel of the tan SUV.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” he growled, getting out of his car.
As he marched over to Laura, she stayed where she was, and he had to tap on the window to get her to lower it.  
“Ma’am. What are you doing out here? You’re meant to be in the lodge.”
Her eyes narrowed with fury. She got out of car and slammed the door behind her.
“Remain in the—” He sighed as she completely ignored him. That slam echoed throughout the woods.
“Why were you talking to Max? Why were you arresting him, or detaining him, or whatever you were doing?”
“Lower your voice,” Travis ground out.
“I’ll lower nothing!” 
“Don’t you ma’am me, you overbearing ass. You don’t go from acting all buddy-buddy with me one night to harassing my boyfriend the next.”
He raised an eyebrow and she glared at him, breathing hard.
“Ex-boyfriend. I don’t know. Anyway, that’s not the point. What were you doing at the lodge tonight?”
Travis folded his arms, willing the smirk not to break over his lips as she said ex-boyfriend. “Official enquiries, ma’am.”
“Oh, bullshit. Why were you asking Max about me?”
Travis clenched his jaw. My, my, Max, what a big mouth you’ve got. “You may have come up.”
He’d had to kill time to be sure Max wasn’t a werewolf and all his thoughts had been consumed by Laura and what she’d been doing since they last saw each other.
Had she and Max reconciled? Been kissing?
Sleeping together?
He was jealous of a skinny college boy who couldn’t even read a map.
Get a grip, Travis, it’s the full moon. She's not safe here. 
 He reached out to take her arm, preparing to steer her back to her car. “You need to get back in your vehicle, ma’am. I’ll escort you back to camp.”
She yanked her wrist out of his grip. “If you ma’am me one more time I will deck you.”
He could have seized hold of her, twisted her arm behind her back and shoved her against the car, but he let her slip through his fingers. “Hitting an officer of the law is a serious offense.”
“So is being a massive jerk, Officer Dickwhippet.”
“Keep your voice down. And don’t call me names.” He scowled at her.
Out in the woods, not far away from them, a howl went up.
Horror plunged down Travis’ spine. Not a peep from Silas in months and he choose this moment, right this second, to hurl himself back into their lives?
Laura was gazing with mild interest into the forest, no appreciation whatsoever of the danger they were in.
Her vehicle was closer, but his had the blood. There wasn’t time to reason with her. Travis turned her around and pushed her toward his car. “Go!”
She resisted him, but with a hand gripping her wrist and another on her shoulder she had no choice but to move. He yanked open the back door, propelled her inside and dove in after her.
They ended up splayed across each other. Travis reached behind him to pull the door closed, and then flattened himself against Laura.
Laura’s chest swelled in outrage. She was flat on her back, laying along the seat. “What—"
Travis clamped his hand over her mouth. “Don’t.”
They were nose-to-nose in the semi-dark. With everything he had, he tried to communicate silently that he wasn’t being an asshole, and this was important.
Something snuffled around outside the car. It growled, a menacing, blood-curdling sound.
Laura’s eyes went wide.
The both froze, listening. The snuffling and raspy breath was close to their heads. Claws scraped against the road. The ominous sounds went on and on.
And then finally faded away.
Travis took his hand away from Laura’s mouth. “That was too close.”
“What the hell was that?” she whispered
“A bear my family has been hunting for a long time. It’s vicious.”
“A vicious bear?”
“Bears can…hold grudges.”
She gazed at him like he’d gone mad. “Uh, okay. Let me up.”
“Not yet. We have to be sure it’s gone or it’ll follow us back to the lodge.”
“This isn’t very comfortable,” she huffed, wriggling beneath him.
He’d just saved her life and there was not an ounce of gratitude in her voice. “Then you should have stayed at camp where you’d be in front of the fire eating s’mores right now.”
She glared at him.
He glared right back.
“Why were you talking to Max?”
Travis didn’t answer.
“Max never squashed me on the back seats of cars,” she muttered.
His mouth quirked before he could stop himself.
“Hey, we were adventurous. I mean, I’m adventurous. I mean—wipe that smirk off your face.”
“I’m not smirking.” Travis was smirking. He mentally added can’t be spontaneous to can’t read a map.  
Silence stretched between them. He was doing his best not to put too much weight on her while still keeping out of sight. Laura gazed around the back seat of the car while absent-mindedly running her nails over his shoulder.
Travis was suddenly hyperaware that one of his knees was between her thighs.
“So, uh…are you going to college?”
“Grad school. To be a vet.”
His gaze had slipped down her body to the dress she was wearing. Another short summer dress with hiking boots.
“Looking for my belly button?” Laura asked, her lips quirking.
He was so entranced by the sight of her beneath him that he said exactly what he was thinking. “I like the dress better.”
Her thighs were bare and looked strong and smooth. What he wouldn’t give to feel her gripping his hips with those thighs.
Laura shifted a beneath him and one of her legs hooked over his ankle. Moving her hand, she played with the gold sheriff’s badge pinned to his chest, still smiling, her expression suddenly too innocent.
“Be quiet. I’m listening,” Travis admonished her. He was staring right at her and he couldn’t hear anything but her soft breaths.
Laura smiled sweetly at him. “I didn’t say anything.”
She squeezed him slowly with her knees, and he groaned.
“Oh, am I hurting you?” Laura shimmied beneath him to get a better grip on him, and squeezed again.
Jesus H. Christ.
“We just need to be quiet for a few more minutes,” he murmured, struggling to maintain his concentration. There was a werewolf loose out there. There was nothing sexy about this.
Apparently, his body thought otherwise because things were in motion.
He moved his hips, pretending to shift into a more comfortable position but trying to keep his erection angled away from her.
It didn’t work because she moved at the same time, and now he was pressed tightly against her sex through their clothes.
“Jesus, Travis,” she said softly.
“Sheriff Hackett,” he corrected automatically.
Her lips twitched with amusement.
“We should probably…” he said, staring at her mouth.
“But what if there’s still something out there?” she whispered.
He raised his head to look and shifted his hips back an inch. As he lowered himself back down again, he moved against her, only a little bit, enough that it might be a mistake, but his shaft rubbed firmly along her slit.
"Can't see anything."
Laura closed her eyes briefly and sucked in a breath. Her hand wrapped around the nape of his neck and she licked her lips. “Maybe you should look again.”
“Uh-huh.” He shifted his hips back and thrust forward, more sharply this time, and they both breathed hard. He was transfixed by her flushed cheeks.
“Again,” she whimpered.
Travis looked down between them. Her dress had ridden up and he could see his erection pressed against her white panties. Her hips were splayed wide, and she had started panting. As he drew his hips back and slowly thrust forward again, Laura moaned.
“Oh, fuck me,” he muttered.
“No, me,” she whimpered in response, and Travis couldn’t take it any longer. He covered her mouth with his and kissed her deeply. Kissed her roughly. Parted his lips with her tongue and thrust into her mouth at the same time as he ground the shaft of his cock against her clit. 
Laura’s mouth opened and she moved her tongue against his, encouraging him deeper.
She slid her fingers into his hair and planted a foot against the ceiling so she could better push against him. His knee slammed against the door.
There was no fucking room in the back of this car.
He eased back from her and reached down between her legs, watching her face closely as he trailed his fingers across her sex over her underwear.
Laura still had her hand wrapped around the nape of his neck and she stroked him encouragingly.
He hooked his fingers into her underwear and slipped inside.
Motherfucker. She was soaking wet. Travis groaned and sank his middle finger into her, up to the second knuckle. Laura panted harder.
He drew his finger out and swirled his thumb on her clit. It was swollen to the touch and so slippery that his mouth watered. Laura moaned softy.
“Quiet,” he muttered, and she nodded, biting her lip. “Good girl.”
“I thought I was a misbehaving young lady who couldn’t do what she was told.”
Travis stared at her. Oh, it was like that?
He drove his middle finger into her again, and the mischievous expression on her face vanished in a flicker of pleasure and lust.
“I’m amazed you’ve listened to anything I’ve said.”
He drove his finger deeper and found the spot behind her clit and rubbed it hard.
“You came out here after I expressly told you not to. You don’t deserve this, but I guess I can at least make you listen to me without talking back right now. Do you ever touch yourself?”
She nodded, lifting her hips and pushing her underwear down her thighs.
“Then why don’t you—”
But she was already moving her fingers to her clit and stroking herself in fast circles. Travis swallowed hard, entranced by the sight.
“Not so fast. I’ve got some things to say and you’re going to listen.”
She slowed down.
He pumped his finger slowly in and out of her and braced his forearm by her head so they were nose to nose. “You heard that growling out there? That’s why everyone’s supposed to be locked up right now in the lodge. But you wouldn’t listen to me.”
“That’s because you—”
He pulled his finger out of her and seized hers. “You want me to stop?”
“No, please,” she whimpered.
“Are you going to interrupt me again?”
She shook her head.
He let her fingers go. And then thrust two of his fingers into her tight core.
She gasped and stared down between them. Her fingers moving on her clit. Two of his screwing her slow and deep.
“When I tell you to do something because there’s danger, you do it. No questions. No arguing. No running around getting your goddamn head bitten off by wild animals.”
“What about—what about when there’s no danger?” she panted.
His eyebrows lifted, amused. “Like, wipe that smirk off your face, and why is your belly button always on display? Then do whatever the hell you want because seeing you in a strop gets my dick hard, young lady.”
Laura moaned and her head tipped back.
“You’re so bossy,” she whispered, her breathing harsh.
“You have no idea.”
He planted a kiss against her throat and then murmured coaxing words while she clung to his shirt and whimpered.
Good girl.
Is that the spot?
I can feel you squeezing my fingers.
Are you going to come for me?
Take your time. I’m not going anywhere.
Her soft cries were making her lose his goddamn mind. He was so aroused that he couldn’t help but say the things he really wanted to say. Harsher, rougher things.
The way you talk back makes me crazy.
I want to fuck you face-first into the mattress while your hands are cuffed behind your back like the brat you are.
You’re never good unless someone’s making you.
You like me making you, don’t you?
Laura’s eyes were closed, and she whimpered even harder, her fingers moving faster. She was teetering on the brink. She was going to come all over his fingers. If he shifted onto his back after maybe she would have enough room to ride him. The car was so goddamn uncomfortable, but he didn’t want to let her go until he’d burst inside her. His hand was coated with her slickness and he wanted that all over his dick. She’d feel heavenly after an orgasm. Swollen and tight and burning hot.
“I’m going to pound you so hard and deep until you can’t remember your own na—”
The door by their heads was suddenly ripped open. Night air blew in around them and the overhead light came on. There stood a white-haired old man, dressed in an undershirt and clutching a shotgun. Over his shoulder was a much bigger man in a trucker hat and blue overalls.
Travis flattened himself against Laura before they could see she was half naked.
The old man gripped the shotgun in outrage. “Travis! What the hell do you think you're doing?”
Jedediah Hackett, you goddamn cock blocker. Let your son get his girl off. 
I hope you enjoyed their first smutty encounter. Next chapter: Laura meets Constance 😬
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sunlightwoo · 4 years
just a game
pairing: jaehyun x g.n reader genre:  angst, fluff, friends to lovers au, childhood friend au wc: <1000
a44 - “what am i in your life? because as of lately i feel as though I’ve been nothing to you.”
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The setting of being in a frat house was unlikely for you to be found in, as you were rather outside and away from the loud commotion and groups of people that were inside. There was an empty solo cup in your hand that used to be filled with soda that you managed to find earlier, but your eyes were trained on the clear pool that was in front of you as it reflected against your face in the moonlight.
A jacket of familiarity was on your shoulders and you almost felt horrible for wearing it tonight, seeing as though it had belonged to the host of tonight’s party from years ago. Jung Jaehyun, the person that you had grown up with since you were first graders to where you ended up in the same college together; your first love and worst heartbreak that was yet to come.
From when you were first inseparable, you knew that the inevitable change and differences in being two different individuals would arrive when you first stepped onto campus. You were the English major that you had always sought out for since you first developed a love for it, whereas Jaehyun was the campus crush that had joined one of the biggest frat houses and hockey teams in the city.
It was to the point where you both were too busy for one another that you realized you were losing him as someone important in your life, but you weren’t sure what to think about your friendship as a whole. You understood that being on the hockey team was a commitment and that he was going to have to balance his life between that, the frat and his academics in order to do it all, but you were also the only one on your end that was putting in the effort into actually reaching out to him.
From flaking out on outings that used to be your tradition like friday movie nights, phone calls that used to last up until 4 am were missed to the point where you could just get a dry ‘okay’ from his end were the last bit of your sanity being kept. It had lead you to where you were right now, thinking that maybe you should just break your friendship up for the sake of your time and your heart that was slowly falling in love with your childhood best friend.
“Hey stranger,” You hear someone’s voice from beside you and glance to see Jaehyun already finding a spot beside you on the pool chair that was beside yours, “It’s been forever since I’ve seen you around here.”
“Was starting to feel like you forgot about me, considering you never reach out anymore past the empty texts and ignored calls.” You start off and look into his eyes with a sad smile on your face as you notice the guilt that was starting to seep into his face, the realization that must’ve clicked in his head finally setting in.
“Tell me Jaehyun, what am i in your life? because as of lately i feel as though I’ve been nothing to you.”
He gives you a glance as he was now staring at you with an unknown expression on his face, leaning forward in his chair so that his face was now closer to yours. Before you could even process it, he placed a chaste kiss on your lips in which it had left you confused as his lips were pressed against yours.
“I’m sorry that I’ve been ignoring you and I know, there’s no excuse that I could make to even cover up what I’ve messed up. However, I did just finish up the hockey season for the year and want to make it up to you starting tomorrow with a movie date.” He proposes and you raise an eyebrow at him, unsure as to what had suddenly come of him when you notice on his wrist that he had never taken off the matching bracelet you made for one another from third grade.
“You promise you won’t flake on me this time, Jung?” You mumbled and held up a pinky for him to seal the deal on, something that the two of you had always honored since you became friends as the nervous look on his face grew soft at the small gesture you were initiating.
“I won’t, and just to be sure I’ll bring your favorite snacks and cuddles.”
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itsmoonphobic · 3 years
Dream SMP characters and my interpretation of them:
-Techno: The smell of Dirt and soil,blood,wine and old books. Silk pillowcases,golden jewelry,mosaics,stained fingertips, grand staircases,scented candles,storyteller,lazy smiles, secretive,slow dancing,sad resting face,elegant language,cold weather,confident,doubts himself,philosophy, messy braids,glowdust flakes, poetry,graceful movements,neat and cursive handwriting, greek mythology, oriental music,pale skin,libraries,sarcasm, long-lasting friendships,quotes,frosted windows,layering clothes, know-it-all,rude but endearing,pile of papers,cherry blossoms,muted colors,overthinks everything,devotion,logical thinking,insomniac,scattered mind,castle walls,laid back,tired eyes,long debates,show over tell,lingering touches,rulebreaker, dirty palms,old movies freezing feet,old habits,late nights studying,early riser,skips meals,eye bags,tea with milk,velvet jackets,dimly lit by streetlights,ancient wood floors,flowy curtains,art museums, gravely morning voice,echos in the middle of nowhere,sleepy whispers,nostalgia everywhere,red lipstick stains,loves animal more than people,calm and quiet, healing stones,parked car conversations,sharp jaw,obsessed with memes,violins,doves, doves,floats instead of walks,unbroken promises,twisting and winding hair around fingers,nail biting, repeating phrases,mist secret scars,rumors,always wearing earphones,metaphorical, emotions fragile as a flower, speaks with his eyes,fluttery eyelashes,dog lover,forehead kisses,calligraphy,pretty knives,cares too much,lopsided grins,messy desks,talks for hours no,rolling his eyes all the time,powerful strides,wants to conquer the world,slender hands,good grades, dusty book covers,wax stamped envelopes,vintage mirrors
-Phil: The smell of cold air,pine trees and sandalwood.Dead birds and mothballs,stops on the sidewalk to make sure nobody is left behind,morning person,herbal teas,crows,eats breakfast outside,constellations,family portraits on walls, chirping and whistling,crime documentaries,cool father figure, graveyards,weeping angels,meteor shower,many friends but only a single close one,contagious laugh,fragile teacups,fog, early mornings,fuzzy blankets,springs of thyme,bare feet, empty streets,rosemary stems,flickering lanterns,burnt wood bowls,feather collector,antique silverware,a sky full of stars, skylights,torn pages,overstuffed bookshelves,makes you feel comfortable whenever you talk to him,organized,full of ideas, believes in magic,gives the best advice,lost in his own way, warm hugs,scrapbooks and bullet journals,old cars,soft features,daydreaming,bright eyes,getting lost in the woods,moonlight,self knitted sweaters, stargazing on tailgates,the universe,hand in hand with wandering hearts, garage sales,questioning life but feeling at peace,attic bedrooms and haylofts,pursuing science and desiring art, photo albums,hopeless romantic,dark chocolate,open windows and quirky morning rituals,actually knows what brunch is, succulents,a kind-hearted loner,free-spirit,plaid button-ups, always ready to let you rant,abandons projects quickly, complicated past,bold moves,goes with the flow,aims for things that seem unachievable,lives in extremes,knowing smiles,constantly busy with something new,soft touches,love at first sight,naps alot,subsequent tea stains,sparkly eyes, abandoned barns,handwritten notes,feather quills,fascination with the sky,whispering secrets to the wind,great with kids, takes a backpack everywhere,hugs trees,big winter coats,road trips,knows tons of medical info,bites his nails,comforting presence,lost souls,city lights from a high rise
-Wilbur: The smell of fire,smoke,caramel and coffee. Stands up for people who can't for themselves,emotional wreck,loves his family too much but still yells at them,soft turtlenecks,sits in different spots every time he eats dinner,chipped nailpolish, songwriter,probably depressed,wakes up in the middle of the night to write down random thoughts,heartbroken teenager songs,dark psychology and deep meanings,globes and maps, wants to travel and make lots of memories,curls of steam, earbuds in,spattered ink,good singer,keeps to himself,old music and dusty vinyl,the type of person that you could stare at for hours,loud laugh,ride or die,dreams about his future, believes in fresh starts and new beginnings, messy and tangled hair,summer nights,soft features,deep thinker and dimples, having crushes,musicals and theater, half finished diaries and laptop stickers,mixtapes,quirky love notes, secretly kinda insane,always ready for coffee,thrift shops, beachy waves, bonfires,probably drives too fast,cutoff jeans, cream and sugar,nude colors,always creating new problems for himself, fights for equality,long debates and tired eyes, tapping a rhythm and humming quietly,spends all his time on social media,beanie galore,trench coats,foggy glasses,cozy sweaters, dancing around his room to the Beatles,looking out the window when the sun is setting,birkenstocks,guitar strumming on a warm summer evening,bells and chimes,subtle sadness, the feeling of diving into a deep pool,perfect proportions,too many playlists,holding hands,pretty boy,sew on patches and bomber jackets,candid photos,warm sun on bare skin,dancing silhouettes on the sunsets,beach walks at midnight,messy but cozy room,different mood every minute,singing his favorite song at the top of his lungs,sharp grins,haunted houses, paranormal stuff,late night snack runs with friends,explores creeks and lakes,double checks everything he does,walking through hot sand,backyard campfires,acoustic songs,photo booths,train platforms at night,s'mores,sun bleached arbors
-Tommy: The smell of plastic,fresh cut grass and musk. Does the bare minimum at School,unless genuinely interested in a topic,doodles on the side of his paper,movie marathons,empty coca cola bottles everywhere,rope swings,glossy nailpolish,lots of energy,life of the party, kidcore ,can always make you laugh,loves photography,eyestrain and bright colors,bruised knees and untied shoelaces,paperballs in class,brand new red converse,denim jackets,pins and clips,chalk drawings in the middle of the road,every text contains emojis, garden sprinklers,graffiti,wreck this journal,vibrant dyed hair, scribbles and highlighter pens,carnivals,involed in many things, watermelon flavored anything,loves to climb trees,screaming on playgrounds,oversized t-shirts,stained glass windows, anklets,skateboards and hula hoops,milkshakes on the front porch,social butterfly,always in a hurry,pinkie promises,tangled headphones,melted crayons and gummy bears,bean bags and hummingbirds,spinning around till he gets dizzy,chaotic and crazy yet so fun to be around,rushing into things too quickly, roller coasters and derbies,doesn't get knocked back by criticism,cans of fizzy drinks and neon lights,skips school,tye dye shirts and nitendo games,impulse and class clown,sticks stickers on stranger's things,pickpockets his close friends,has to carry a walkie-talkie around with him at all times,sleepovers and sneaking out through windows,pockets full of change and random buttons,stands out in crowds and makes friends easily, pretends to be fearless but is scared of the littlest things,trips and rips his jeans daily,uno cards,social butterfly,music discs, fights with his family but would actually kill for them,broken handwriting,flannels and jerseys around his waist
-Tubbo: The smell of honey,fresh bread and citrus. Lowkey soft, hugging a teddy bear,pressed flowers,eats alot of bread,big hoodies,fairy lights and blanket forts,prank calls while holding in your laughter,beeswax candles,sidewalk dandelions,gentle cuddles on the couch,pastel yellow and cute doodles,flower crowns and diasy chains,plays the ukulele,fascinated by bees and supports local coffee shops,outdoorsy sunshine addict, sparklers and iced lemonade,festivals with fireworks and fireflies in mason jars,homework done as soon as its assigned, watercolor paintings,giggling uncontrollably,long hugs and lazy cartoon afternoons,park dates and forehead kisses,cutting pants into shorts,messy wild hair and pear lollipops,has tiny random braids decorated with golden yarn,hearing the crinkle of leaves underfoot,suprise piggy back rides,adult swim shows and lip gloss stains,being goofy without meaning to,bounces in his step and stops to pet stray animals,baked bread and washi tape bracelets,bike rides and summer picnics,rolling down a hill in the spring and bringing home grass stains on his jeans, waving at someone across a crowded room,spontaneous hang outs and self made clay rings,sitting in the warm sunlit grass on early spring mornings,rock painting and hiding them for other people to find,picking apples from trees but needing to be held up in order to reach one
-Ranboo: The smell of peppermint tea,denim and rain. Is there for everyone but never themselves,regrets things they said but can never find the nerves to apologize,clumps of mascara and winged eyeliner,writes down every tiny thing in notebooks, loves children and their friends,forgetting that they already grabbed a waterbottle,drawing on condensation windows,rainy days and puddles,always on the edge of a breakdown,elevator music and long limbs,old tape recordings and cassettes,moss covered ruins and greenhouses,wanting to be in multiple places at the same time,different colored socks,long hugs and head pats,reading under the covers,collages and spray paint,record players and walks alone through the woods,loves playing by creeks and collecting stones,always wondering and worrying about things they shouldn't,vivid dreams and leather jackets, silver necklaces and piercings,snoozing their alarm clock, seeing the moon in the early morning,blurry photographs and windswept hair,downpours and comfortable silence,wrapping gifts and handing them over with shaking hands,sitting on a rooftop and spontaneous plans,lofi sounds and long train roads,deja vu moments,randomly dissapears and sipping tea, cold concrete and city parks,tickets and brochures from places they visited,dusty parchment and desperately trying to be a good person,wikipedia articles and lace-up boots,often loses track of time while talking to people they love,sings to the radio and avoids conflict if possible,can't sit still for five minutes, perpetually in an emo phase and knows more than they let on, hawaiian shirts,henna tattoos and sparkling water,sleeping in complete darkness and the relief of falling into bed,midnight thunderstorms and anticipation for the coming day,lucky charms and the sound of rain hitting the windows
-Dream: The smell of apples,eucalyptus,vanilla and green tea. Freckles and smiley faces,glow sticks and wrinkled linen, probably a really good singer,wild laughter and jellyfish, popular,tanned skin and cruising with the top down,doesn't take shit from anyone,analytical and self assured,beachy waves and dreamy sunsets,running barefoot,likes being active and on the go at all times,sassy and dramatic as fuck,dream catchers and hammocks,glow in the dark stickers on his phonecase, feisty and a sense of danger,brought home stray cats when he was a child,falling in love with strangers,waking up early and continue laying on the bed,golden hours and 4pm naps,soft aching hands burried in messy hair,center of attention,static and heavy breathing,old percy jackson books under the bed, throwing pebbles at the closed windows of his friends' room, retro diners at 2am,adrenaline junkie and nighttime thriver,will go insane if cooped up indoors for too long,deadlines till last minute,oversleeping and coming home past midnight,naturally a really good surfer,hugs from behind and neck kisses,checking the fridge at 1am,ice cream in bed and cat cuddles,always picks up over facetime
Might make more parts for some of the other guys :)
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missmorosis · 4 years
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100 followers event masterlist! (jan. 2021)
zuko smau (new phone, who dis) masterlist! (ongoing)
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💕 if it’s one of my favorites/longer ones hehe
🌸 fluffffff
✧ comfort :D
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🍓 sokka’s strawberries!
↪  ❝ it’s the quenchiest! ❞
I Lub You 🌸 The reader got her wisdom teeth taken out (request!) 
Whom I Belong 🌸 Sokka finds out about the reader’s amazing voice (request!)
Day at the Carnival 🌸 Sokka and Y/N spend a day at the carnival together! (request!)
Friendship Bracelets 🌸💕 Y/N and Sokka hang out together and make friendship bracelets for each other! (For @twilight-toph​‘s Avatar writing collaboration, prompt: red strings of fate!) 
Thanks, Sokka ✧🌸 The reader is feeling a bit stressed and restless, and Sokka is there to help. (request!)
Study Session 🌸💕 Studying with Sokka, but the reader finds out that she's his lockscreen. (request!)
Bet 🌸 The Gaang has a bet going on, involving whether or not Sokka and Y/N get together, and when. (request!)
Sokka S/O Headcanons!! 🌸 Just a jumble of headcanons on how dating Sokka would be like!! These are a combo from all of my Sokka matchups hehe~
Firebenders 🌸 Y/N is worried she got spotted by some firebenders, but Sokka’s here to protect his baby hehe (request)
Hold my Hand 🌸 Y/N get scared by something and grabs Sokka’s hand. Turns out, it was only a bird...get ready for the teasing.
Science Project  ✧🦋🌸💕 1.4k words of an enemies to lovers; when two enemies are forced to work together in a project, but one of them has hospital trauma, how will it turn out?
Jealous ✧🌸💕 a sick y/n is caught up in a love triangle... which boy is better? Zuko or Sokka?
“I... think I wanna marry you.” 🌸 sokka thought you were asleep when he admitted he wanted to marry you out loud. no, you were wide awake.
idiot  🦋 ✧ sokka was an idiot. he had no idea why he was pushing you away; he was an idiot. an idiot in love, but an idiot regardless.
SMAU STYLE! “why is there a hippopotamus in the bathtub” why is there a hippo in your bathroom?
Short blurbs from 100 followers event! 🌸
Frolicking in the Fields Y/N’s painting, and finds Sokka frolicking in the fields she were using for reference! (100 followers event!)
Rainy Day Cuddles Cuddling together on a rainy day is just *chef’s kiss* (100 followers event!)
Skateboards and Sleepovers Skateboaring and a sleepover with Sokka! (100 followers event!)
S’mores Campfire with the Gaang!! + sokka wants to steal your s’more >:( (100 followers event!)
Snowball Fight It’s a vacation at the South Pole, how do Y/N and Sokka spend it? (100 followers event!)
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🍓zuko’s strawberries!
↪  ❝ that’s rough, buddy. ❞
New phone, who dis (SMAU!) When rushing to get to her flight on time, she accidentally grabs someone else’s phone instead of hers... 👀
Terrible   ✧🌸💕 The reader is very sick, but being so stubborn, she perseveres through it in order to help set up for Aang’s birthday party.
Bad Days  ✧🌸💕 Zuko was having a really bad day until Y/N came along to cheer him up!
Christmas Nightmares  ✧🦋🌸 Zuko helps the reader fall asleep when she gets nightmares.
Do you come here often? 🌸 Y/N meets Zuko, a cute barista, at the Jasmine Dragon. (request!)
Stay Strong, Y/N. ✧🦋 Zuko comforts the reader, who’s having a terrible time trying to get over a death of a loved one. (request!)
Zuko S/O Headcanons!! 🌸 Just a jumble of headcanons on how dating Zuko would be like!! These are a combo from all of my Zuko matchups hehe~
Zuko’s Jacket  ✧🌸💕 Y/N is sick, but she still wants to go to her date with Zuko, and Zuko being the caring boyfriend he is, won’t allow that. (request!)
Birthday Wishes (headcanons) 🌸 Your crush, Zuko, forgot your birthday, but he makes it up to you :) (request!)
I choose you... 🦋✧ Zuko broke your heart, but he finds himself needing your help the next day.
Jealous ✧🌸💕 a sick y/n is caught up in a love triangle... which boy is better? Zuko or Sokka?
Zuko S/O Headcanon/Blurbs!
Short blurbs from 100 followers event! 🌸
Dancing Y/N gets Zuko to dance, and he can’t help but fall in love in her. (100 followers event!)
Rainy Days It’s raining outside, how do Y/N and Zuko spend the day? (100 followers event!)
Bending 🦋 Can Y/N just firebend all her problems away? (100 followers event!)
Indirect Kiss Y/N just wants to try some of your ice cream, Zuko. It’s.. not an indirect kiss..? Right..? (100 followers event!)
Tour Guide Y/N’s museum tour guide, Zuko, is distracted by how cute you are. (100 followers event!)
Dancing in the Moonlight Y/N and Zuko dance together under the stars. (100 followers event!)
Flowers Zuko and Y/N make flower crowns for each other hehe (100 followers event!)
“It’s cold today...” It’s cold outside, but Zuko will keep you warm... (100 followers event!)
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🍓 aang’s strawberries!
↪  ❝ will you go penguin sledding with me? ❞
Ginger 🌸 Aang and Y/N need to hide a cat that Aang impulsively adopted. (For @twilight-toph​‘s Avatar writing collaboration, prompt: heart vs mind!) - platonic
Aang S/O Headcanons!! 🌸 Just a jumble of headcanons on how dating Aang would be like!! These are a combo from all of my Aang matchups hehe~
Can you come get me?  ✧🌸💕 Y/N, a celebrity, is getting overwhelmed with fans; she desperately wants someone to help her, so she calls the first person that comes to mind: Aang.
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🍓 suki’s strawberries!
↪  ❝ i am a warrior, but i’m a girl too. ❞
Suki S/O Headcanons!! 🌸 Just a jumble of headcanons on how dating Suki would be like!! These are a combo from all of my Suki matchups hehe~
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🍓 katara’s strawberries!
↪  ❝ i will never, ever turn my back on people who need me! ❞
Katara, Toph, and Ty Lee S/O Headcanons!! 🌸 Just a jumble of headcanons on how dating these gals would be like!! These are a combo from all of my matchups hehe~ 
Fairytale (songfic: fairytale by alexander rybak!) 🦋 “I'm in love with a fairytale/ Even though it hurts/ 'Cause I don't care if I lose my mind I'm already cursed”
Short blurbs from 100 followers event! 🌸
Sunset Braids Katara’s braiding Y/N’s hair as they watch the sunset together. (100 followers event!)
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🍓 toph’s strawberries!
↪  ❝ it’s upside down, isn’t it. ❞
Katara, Toph, and Ty Lee S/O Headcanons!! 🌸 Just a jumble of headcanons on how dating these gals would be like!! These are a combo from all of my matchups hehe~
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🍓azula’s gang’s strawberries!
ty lee!
↪  ❝ my aura has never been pinker! ❞
Katara, Toph, and Ty Lee S/O Headcanons!! 🌸 Just a jumble of headcanons on how dating these gals would be like!! These are a combo from all of my matchups hehe~
↪  ❝ don’t flatter yourself. you were never even a player. ❞
I choose you... 🌸🦋✧ Zuko broke your heart, but he finds himself needing your help the next day. You get hurt in the process, and Azula’s the one to take care of you.
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More stuff coming!
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118 notes · View notes