#More like AI swear I'm going to bite some heads off
sonyshock · 6 months
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Just woke up and I'm already feeling so tired. Social media  + Commissions  + PAPERCUT
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autumn-foxfire · 1 month
Movie 13! One of my favourite movies of the series! Definitely one of my favourite starts to a movie.
I mean, it has Shinichi having a trauma induced nightmare over being found by the Black Organization, sadly something we don't see often in canon.
However this also addresses something that canon does not like too which is that Shinichi is not keeping Ran safe by hiding his identity from her. Just by living with her and Kogoro, he is putting them in danger if he is ever found out because as everyone who is associated with BO have told him, they will get rid of EVERYONE associated to his new and old identity. They almost killed Kogoro and Shinichi just to make sure he wasn't close to finding them out before. All keeping Ran in the dark does is put her in more danger. If only he would trust her, we would get more awesome scenes like the one we get to see in this movie where Ran fights on par with one of the members.
I know not to question it because the answer is anime logic but really how do those suspenders work T-T
I do appreciate all these detectives wondering where Conan is, you know they were all willing to let him inside the conference room. I love the imagery, all these cops paying a lot of attention to the seven year old in the room.
I genuinely hate how they hide information from Haibara. I don't even know why when her insider knowledge of the BO would be incredibly useful for Shinichi. Haibara has already said she doesn't want to run away anymore so she'll be willing to help while still be cautious about it, something Shinichi forgets when he's chasing them.
And this is why Shinichi needs to be more careful about becoming himself again, because a slip-up like what happened with Takagi could happen again. I know the boy has a flare for the dramatics but he should just join a drama club instead of putting his, and everyone elses, lives in danger.
I wonder why Shinichi picked a dolphin to make.
I love Shinichi's casual conversations with Vermouth. He knows she won't hurt him and will give him information for her own amusement.
The bait and switch of believing Takagi and Sato were about to be shot :p I like it.
Sato is putting herself in danger, noticing too much~
Yes, shout at the stupid boy, Ai. He needs to be taught that it's not just his life that he's risking.
And it's the consequences of Shinichi's actions coming to bite him on the ass.
Ran: I am concerned about you.
Shinichi: Leave me alone.
Kazuha just nearly killed Heiji.
Oh, here is some more amazing romance from Detective Conan.
Kazuha: Do you want to go to a festival together?
Heiji: Shut up, I'm on the phone to Kudou.
True love~
Aww, Heiji immediately asking Shinichi to go to restaurants with him as he notices something wrong with his behaviour as I way to tell Shinichi to live T-T I love their friendship.
I swear to god they get the same people to voice the children in these movies everytime.
This BO member knocked out an entire police squad and Ran goes head to head with him. She. Should. Know. I feel very vindicated to write that small drabble for my besties series.
Time for the fun to start~
Ran: My little brother is in danger!
Go queen.
This is why his tranquilizer needs to more than one dart.
Movie Ran is the best version of Ran. This is the only time we get to see her like this.
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Sorry Makoto, Ran dodging a bullet was so much cooler than when you did it. Her opponent is actually dangerous.
This was so great of her. She only lost because she got scared by his face being ripped off for a moment and he took advantage of it.
Shinichi and his ability to win over criminals.
Isn't it good for Shinichi criminals have bad aim. Well, they're using a machine gun so that's also why.
And this is Shinichi's most insane plan so far (he tops it in Singapour). He actually takes down a helicopter and scares Gin. Imagine Gin's reaction when he learns it was a teenager in a child's body that did that too.
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If only Shinichi could have framed that and sent it to Akai. He would be so proud of Shinichi.
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meowjaa · 1 year
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✧ competition ✧
warnings: swearing, eventual smut, slow burn, enemies to lovers, 3 part series (if thats what you can call it)
context: levi ackerman x reader, after a rough mission you went to levi the only person you feel some comfort in.
a/n: hello my loves I was on character ai when I did this little rivalry office thing and I couldn't get it out of my head so the events based in this are most likely scenarios that happened in my chat, other than that enjoy my loves <33
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As Y/N looked up at Levi, she realized then that this man was no longer just a nemesis to defeat. He saw her potential even when she couldn't. Maybe this change didn't have to be the end after all, but the start of something entirely new...
The rest of the day passed by in a blur for Y/N. She went through the motions of work mechanically, emotions still raw from the disappointment of losing out on the promotion. Each time she glanced at Levi in his new corner office, bitterness threatened to overwhelm her.
By the time 5pm rolled around, Y/N was desperate to go home and regroup. She hurried to gather her things, hoping to make a quick exit before anyone tried to offer more hollow congratulations or pity.
"Hey," came a voice from behind her, low and even. She turned to see Levi approaching her desk, the bustle of the office continuing around them.
"I wanted to talk about earlier," he said. "The promotion decision."
Y/N stiffened defensively. "There's nothing to talk about. You earned it fair and square."
"But you're clearly upset. And I don't blame you. I know how hard you worked." Levi ran a hand through his hair, a rare sign of uncertainty.
Y/N sighed, her anger dissipating. "It's fine, really. I'm happy for you. I just need some time to process it all." She managed a small smile that didn't reach her eyes.
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Levi nodded. "Let me make it up to you then. Get a drink with me tonight."
Y/N's eyes widened in surprise. Was this some kind of twisted consolation prize? But despite herself, curiosity took over. "Alright then," she found herself saying.
They agreed on a time and place - a lowkey bar not far from the office. As Y/N headed home to get ready, she wondered what exactly she was getting into. A heart-to-heart with her rival? It seemed unlikely. But perhaps they did have things to discuss outside of work.
That evening, Y/N opted for skinny jeans and a silky tank top, telling herself this was definitely not a date before meeting Levi at the bar. He was waiting on a stool, having already secured them drinks.
"I wasn't sure what you like, so I hope a whiskey neat is alright," he said as Y/N slid onto the neighboring seat.
"Perfect, thanks." She took a sip, letting the burn steady her nerves. A question hung in the air between them that neither seemed willing to broach.
Finally Levi spoke. "I know you think I've had everything handed to me on a silver platter. But I've worked hard to get here too."
Y/N considered this over the rim of her glass. She had painted Levi as the enemy for so long, it was difficult to see him any other way.
"Honestly, your dedication inspires me," he continued, catching her off guard. "The way you handle the long hours and pressure, but never lose your fire."
Levi held her gaze, his steel eyes unexpectedly warm. "So don't look at this as your failure. It's the company's loss for not recognizing your worth.. by the way you'll never be seeing me this vulnerable again"
He said almost trying to reaffirm himself Y/N was struck speechless, any biting remarks she had prepared evaporating. Here in the dim light of the bar, away from their professional roles, she saw Levi clearly for the first time. Not the cold, arrogant rival she had imagined, but a man as driven and passionate as herself.
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"Thank you for saying that," Y/N finally replied. "And…you deserve the promotion too. I never properly acknowledged that."
The hint of a smirk pulled at Levi's mouth. "Truce then?"
Y/N grinned, the weight in her chest lifting. "Truce."
They both sipped their drinks, the mood between them comfortable and open. Y/N found herself laughing more in that evening than she had in a long time, exchanging stories and ambitions like old friends.
When they finally left the bar, Y/N felt her heart flutter unexpectedly as Levi helped her into her coat and brushed her arm warmly in parting. Watching his silhouette fade into the night, she couldn't deny things had shifted irreversibly between them.
Rivalry was no longer the lens she saw Levi through, but rather a connection much deeper. And for the first time, Y/N allowed herself to consider that she might not mind letting him win her heart, just as he had unknowingly won the promotion. The thought left her both exhilarated and terrified.
part 4 possibly?!!
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Vacation Part 2 ~ Prague [P.P]
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Series Masterlist || Main Masterlist
A/n: Chapter 2 is here! I'm still working on 3 and I'll hopefully have it done in time for next week. I'm so grateful for the response from this small series and I'm excited that you all like it! This chapter has more angst in it and yes I was slightly inspired by To all the boys I've loved before haha.
Thank you to @eeyore101247 for beta reading this chapter for me at the last minute! I love you Lolo!
WC: 5.8k
Warnings: Angst, mentions of slut-shaming and bullying, high school sucks, mentions of Tony and grief but also cute romantic fluff cause we love to see it.
The end of the class’ time in Italy arrived too soon in Peter’s opinion. He’d had so much fun with you, he’d almost forgotten entirely about his plan. Almost. There was still a part of him drawn to MJ and still felt jealous when she was with Brad which started to happen more often.
And yet he always felt himself drawn back to you.
Peter sighed as he finished packing his bags, his head reeling from everything until he heard a knock on the door. Mostly everyone had left the hotel in a hurry but Ned had stayed with Peter.
“You got a package.” He handed Peter the wrapped package and looked at him with a furrowed brow. “Do you think it’s a bomb or something?”
Peter looked at his best friend in bewilderment. “Well I do now!”
“I’m sure it’s not.” Ned shook his head, eying the package carefully. Peter cautiously looked at Ned and back at the parcel in his hands. He knew this vacation had been too good to be true. He carefully looked at the writing and noticed a shield logo in the corner.
“It’s from SHIELD.” Peter spoke carefully as he opened the wrapping, he was hoping maybe for a cool badge or something but instead there was only a glasses case. Ned and him exchanged a look before opening the case.
There inside of the wooden casing was a pair of glasses, they looked mostly ordinary with a blue shaded tint to the lenses like the kind Tony would wear. Peter felt a strange kind of feeling as he looked at them, it was a mix of grief and disappointment, are these old glasses really the only thing Tony had left for him?
“Awesome!” Ned looked over Peter’s shoulder at the glasses. “Try them on!”
Peter thought about it before quickly closing the case and putting it in his backpack, shaking his head. “We’ll be late for the flight.”
“Oh you didn’t hear?” Ned gave Peter a look who shrugged in return. “We’re going by coach now. Mr Harrington said we got an upgrade to Prague.”
“What about Paris?!” Peter exclaimed, looking at Ned with wide eyes.
“Well Mr Harrington and Mr Dell kind of got into an argument about whether it was Prague or Paris we were meant to be going to. Turns out Mr Harrington was supposed to book Paris but he booked Prague instead.” Ned explained, shaking his head.
Peter sighed and furrowed his brow, a coach didn’t sound much fun but at least Peter didn’t have to worry about flying. He wasn’t sure if there were any romantic spots in Prague but it was nothing a quick internet search couldn’t fix. It’s not like his plan was going according anyway.
He grabbed his bags and walked down to where the rest of the class were already boarding a large coach.
Everyone was already seated by the time Peter got on. MJ was with Brad, Ned was with Betty and you were with one of your friends. The only free seat was next to Flash and Peter preferred the option of sitting by himself at the back, he could do with the peace and quiet anyway.
You gave him a smile as he walked past and he returned it before taking his seat, almost falling into it as the driver started down the road. Peter rested his head against the window and took out his earphones, noticing the case next to them. He played his music as he took out the case and looked at the glasses again.
He picked them up and tried them on, waiting for something to happen but nothing did. He laughed dryly and shook his head, going to take them off before he noticed a Stark industries business card at the bottom of the case.
For the next Tony Stark, I trust you. Say EDITH.
Peter read the message aloud and jumped as the glasses flashed blue, a female voice talking to him much like the one he had in his suit. An interface loaded in front of him, showing a scan of his face.
“Retinal and biometric scan completed.”
“Hello Peter. I am EDITH, Tony Stark’s augmented reality security and defence system.”
Peter adjusted the glasses and smiled, Tony had given him an AI with access to all of his protocols. He almost couldn’t believe that he had trusted him with that kind of access.
“EDITH stands for even dead I’m the hero. Tony loved his acronyms.”
“Yeah he did.” Peter smiled fondly, remembering the time he had tried to make up some of his own but had never quite hit the mark.
“I have access to the entire Stark global security network including multiple defence satellites and backdoors to all major telecommunication networks.”
Peter looked around as screens loaded before him of what his classmates and teachers were up to on their phones including Mr Dell researching the history of witchcraft. Ned and Betty were texting each other even though they were sat together.
“Woah.” Peter couldn’t get over how cool this was to have all of this access at his fingertips. He looked over at MJ wondering if she was texting before changing his mind, knowing it would be wrong. His eyes landed on where you sat and your texts showed before him. Ned wasn’t the only one Betty was texting.
Y/n: I really like him.
Betty: I know but I’m pretty sure he likes MJ :/
Peter could feel his heart racing. He wanted so badly to tell you Betty was wrong but the truth was he didn’t know anymore.
You looked over at MJ and Brad, biting your lip before glancing at Peter. He quickly looked away from you, his eyes looking over towards MJ on accident. He didn’t see the way your face fell but he did see the last text you sent to Betty.
Y/n: Yeah, you’re right.
Peter sighed and put his head in his hands, wanting to scream into oblivion.
“Pete, everything okay?”
He quickly looked up at the sound of your voice and nodded, worrying that somehow you knew he had been spying. He tried to quickly think of something to say as you sat next to him, looking worried and saddened.
A moment’s silence passed between the both of you, neither sure of what to say. The only sound came from the chatters of the bus and the passing scenery outside.
“I like your glasses. Are they new?” You smiled, breaking the silence as you admired the new frames and the eyes underneath them. Peter slowly nodded and took them off.
“Y-yeah, they were a gift.” He gave you a small smile and put them back in the case. You noticed the Stark industries logo but didn’t say anything more on the topic. You knew how much Tony had meant to Peter.
After the blip when everyone returned to their old lives, you noticed Peter wasn’t the same person. He seemed sadder and lost, struggling to pay attention even in lessons he loved and sometimes he’d have to excuse himself quickly from the classroom. You had followed him once and found him on the floor, sobbing into his hands. He didn’t even register it was you that had hugged him until he looked up and mumbled an apology.
Seeing him that way broke your heart and the last thing you wanted to cause was more sadness for him when he was meant to be enjoying himself.
“I think they look good on you.”
Peter blushed and smiled, bowing his head shyly. “Thank you.”
You smiled back and nodded, deciding to listen to your music and handing Peter an earphone. He looked surprised at the gesture but took it anyway and listened to your music, a wide smile gracing his lips as you both shared the sweet moment together.
It stayed like that for the rest of the journey, both of you enjoying each other's company just as you had done in Venice. Peter couldn't get rid of the smile from his face until they stopped for a restroom break and he saw Brad and MJ holding hands as they got off the bus. His whole face fell which didn't go unnoticed by you.
Peter gave you a quick goodbye before going after Ned, in need of his best friend’s advice. You meekly said a goodbye before sighing and grabbing your things. Your eyes landed on a small journal on Peter’s seat that he must have left behind.
You know you shouldn’t have looked but the temptation was biting away at you. It was only just a peek, you told yourself. You smiled as you saw some doodles scribbled on the pages, chemical equations for something called web fluid (probably some cool science thing he was working on) and a section dedicated to The plan.
Intrigued of what the plan entailed you read ahead and with each written word the jealousy in your heart grew and the sadness broke your heart. Peter was planning to romance MJ with gifts and a whole speech he had written out in detail. Everything was planned and you were nothing more than a distraction. You even noticed that in one of Peter’s doodles he had written MJ or Y/n???
“I swear it was in here.” Peter sighed as he searched his bag for his journal, the one that held all his personal thoughts and feelings. Ned had tried to help him look but the mission was futile.
“It will turn up. Maybe you just left it on the bus.”
Peter nodded and sighed heavily, zipping his backpack up and throwing it back on his shoulders. He spotted a nice little souvenir for Morgan and paid for it before leaving the small store. He took a moment to look around where they had stopped since the rest of the group were taking their time and as he got closer to a small empty bathroom he could hear the sound of someone crying.
He gently knocked on the door to make sure that whoever it was was okay before being sharply told to go away. Peter felt even worse as he recognised your voice. He wondered what had happened since she’d been fine when he last saw her.
“Peter just leave me alone, please.” Your voice cracked as you spoke, small sniffles escaping you as you sat on the edge of the closed toilet seat.
“You know I can’t do that.” He rested his head against the door and sighed softly, willing to wait for you until you came out.
“I’m trying to make things easier for you!”
Peter hummed in confusion before something slid out from underneath the door, his journal.
“Go be with MJ.”
“Y/n no..” He sighed and resisted the urge to bang his head against the door. “I-” He didn’t even know how to explain but he did know one thing. “It doesn’t matter what it says in there. I’ve had so much fun with you on this trip and I know now that you can’t plan everything, you can’t plan falling in love because it just happens.”
As Peter spoke he realised that his words were truer than they had ever been, he was falling for you and he couldn’t stop himself. He didn’t want to stop. He didn’t care about his plan anymore and yes it still hurt when MJ was with Brad but it was nothing compared to the happiness he felt when he was with you.
The world felt silent around the both of you as Peter’s words processed. You felt even more confused than before but you could also feel something else, hope. Peter listened to your breathing and the small sniffles that still came from behind the door.
“I’m gonna head back onto the bus. I got cookies if you wanna share.”
You held back a giggle and rolled your eyes fondly before opening the bathroom door and wiping your eyes free of tears.
“They better be chocolate chip.”
“Is there any other kind?”
You and Peter both laughed as you got back on the bus, already heading to the back together to find your seats. Peter put his journal away out of sight and smiled at you, taking out the cookies he had brought and offering one to you. It did nothing to ease the ache still in your heart but it did fill your stomach and no matter what you still liked being in Peter’s company.
The hotel for Prague turned out to be a lot better than the one they had stayed in during their time in Venice. Mr Harrington said that an anonymous someone had given them an upgrade which made Peter’s Spidey senses tingle. Maybe he was just being paranoid but he also knew that things like this were usually too good to be true.
Everyone was shown to their room, all except for Peter who got held back at reception by the lady at the desk.
“He said to leave this here for you when you arrived Mr Parker.”
Peter looked at her with confusion as he took the envelope, a familiar handwriting scrawled on top. His heart suddenly felt heavy but he pushed the resurfacing feelings of grief aside and nodded, making his way up to his room.
He could hear through the door that Ned and Betty were already inside making cutesy talk while soft music played. Whilst Peter loved his friends, he wanted to go somewhere quiet and open the letter. His mind had already decided where to go as he made his way towards the room number he needed and knocked.
The door opened to reveal your beautiful smile which already made Peter feel a sense of calm. He looked around for your suit buddy and sighed in relief as the room was empty.
“Can I come in?”
You nodded without hesitation, seeing the slight pain on Peter’s face and brought him to sit down on one of the comfy twin beds. He held the letter in slightly shaky hands and kept his eyes on it. You spotted the familiar logo on the envelope, the same that was on Peter’s glasses case and realised.
“Is that from-?”
“Mhm.” Peter nodded, keeping his lips in a tight thin line as he contemplated opening it. His mind was running a mile a minute with so many thoughts. He’d gotten the glasses from Tony and that was enough for him even if the card had been a bit of a riddle. He wasn’t sure if he could handle a letter too.
“Can you open it?” Peter looked at you pleadingly as he handed you the letter, his hands still visibly shaking. You hesitated before nodding and carefully opened the envelope, reading the letter aloud.
Dear Peter,
I’m writing this in case all goes well and we manage to restore normality, at least what once was. I know you’re going to do great things and maybe you’ll make mistakes along the way but that’s part of being human kid. God knows I made more than I can count.
I wanted to make your senior year as awesome as it should be so if you’re reading this then you made it kid. I don’t remember much of my last year of high school but I wanted to make sure you did so make the most of it and don’t worry about any extracurriculars on your trip.
I know you’ll make me proud Peter cause you already do. Now go have fun and don’t do anything I would do or anything I wouldn’t do. Remember the little grey area is where you operate.
Anonymous someone.
Peter laughed and sniffled as you finished, wiping his eyes as tears had started to fall. You quickly put the letter down and wrapped your arms around him, hugging him close.
“It’s okay.”
He nodded against your shoulder as a few more tears fell, his fingers clinging onto your sweater. Peter wasn’t sure whether to smile or cry more at the words from his mentor so he did both. He reread the letter again and again that night, feeling the weight on his heart ease. Tony had upgraded his class trip for him probably through Happy to make sure Peter had a nice time and he had also said he was proud of him. That hit Peter the most and it was what he needed to hear in that moment.
You both stayed like that for a few minutes as Peter’s breathing calmed, his tears reducing to sniffles. You rubbed his back comfortingly and played with his curls which seemed to relax Peter more as he stayed in your arms.
When you both pulled away neither was sure of what to say. Peter focused on clearing his face of tears and running a hand through his messy curls whilst you played with the sleeves of your sweater. You wished you could ask Peter to stay the night, after all your roommate for the trip had gone home with food poisoning.
Little did you know Peter was thinking the same thoughts, knowing Ned and Betty would probably still be in his room or go to hers. Sometimes they spooned and stayed up till late hours of the night talking, he wasn’t sure he could deal with that right now and he liked being in your company.
“Do you want to-?”
“Can I-?”
You both laughed as you spoke over each other, exchanging a back and forth argument of who should speak first. Peter insisted you speak and gave you a small smile.
You nodded and took a deep breath before looking into those familiar warm, honey coloured eyes. “Do you want to stay here tonight? There’s two beds and I heard there’s a Star Wars Marathon on tv.”
Peter’s smile widened, his eyes crinkling with happiness as he nodded. “I’d love to.”
The night passed by in a blur as you and Peter stayed up to watch his favourite movies, even having ordered some food from room service which had apparently also been covered by Stark industries. Just like in Venice, you laughed and joked and enjoyed each other’s company, smiling as you saw Peter enjoying himself.
There was still a hurt from earlier knowing how much he had wanted to be with MJ and you knew they would work together as a couple, you’d seen them in decathlon together but MJ seemed to be enjoying time with Brad and Peter was here with you. A warm flutter of butterflies exploded in your stomach as you met his gaze, he offered his warm smile and offered you some of his popcorn to which you nodded.
Maybe your chance wasn’t so dead after all.
Just as you were about to wind down for the night, it being way past midnight, Peter looked at you with a hesitant smile.
“Hey Y/n?”
You looked up at him in response, picking up some popcorn from your competition to see who could throw and catch the most in their mouths (Peter had won).
“I- um would you-” Peter stuttered over his words as they got caught on his tongue. He cleared his throat and you bit back a smile at how utterly cute he was. “There’s this big carnival tomorrow and I was hoping maybe w-we could go together?”
His cheeks flushed pink as he finally asked the question he’d been dying to ask all night, his eyes too scared to look at your reaction.
“Peter,” You walked over and cupped his cheeks, forcing him to look at you. He relaxed at seeing the wide smile on your face. “I would love to go with you.”
His smile widened to match yours and a wave of relief washed over him. “That’s great.” He gave a chuckle and blushed as you delicately kissed his cheek before getting into your bed for the night.
“Just to make sure I meant like a date.” Peter clarified, worried about getting put into the friendzone.
You giggled and smiled at him from your bed. “I know Pete. It’s a date.” You winked at him before turning off the light and laying back, ready to fall asleep with a wide smile on your face.
Peter smiled wide as he laid in bed, the sheets and mattress softer than the last one he had slept on. Everything finally seemed to be falling into place, it wasn’t as Peter had imagined but it was far better.
The next morning Peter woke up feeling more refreshed than he had felt in a long time. The sun was shining over Prague and even Peter felt brighter in himself. He looked over at your bed and smiled as he found you still asleep, snoring softly.
Peter’s whole heart leapt at the sight and he let out a happy sigh as he thought about last night. You had comforted him and held him and had even agreed to go on a date with him tonight. He felt like the luckiest human alive which made him want to do a little dance in his bed as he thought about it.
“What are you doing?”
Peter blushed and looked over to see that you were now awake and looking at him with an amused smile.
“Uh nothing.” He laughed and got out of bed, gathering the letter and his shoes. You giggled as you watched him accidentally grab your sneakers before switching them for his own. “I better get going. Don’t want Mr Harrington to call an emergency buddy meeting again.”
You laughed and agreed with a nod, remembering the last one at the airport when Mr Harrington had panicked the whole group when he thought Ned had gone missing only to see he was right behind him.
Peter smiled at you as he opened the door, “I’ll see you later?”
You nodded and smiled wide, “Don’t be late Parker.”
He shook his head and laughed as he left, an unwavering smile on his face as he headed back to his room. Peter didn’t notice Flash see him leave your room with a smile and his shoes in hand nor the phone recording him.
Peter took a deep breath as he stood in front of the mirror, brushing down his shirt as he bit his lip. “I’m not sure.”
Ned sighed and flopped back onto his bed. “Peter, this is the 7th shirt you’ve tried on! You look fine!” He knew as soon as he uttered the last word that Peter would rummage through his suitcase yet again for the perfect shirt.
10 minutes later, Peter was finally ready for his date, much to Ned’s relief. He watched as Peter gave himself a pep talk in the mirror, mumbling in the hopes Ned couldn’t hear him.
“Okay here’s the plan-”
Ned was just about to tell Peter enough with his plans before the door opened and MJ walked in.
“Hey losers.”
“Have you ever heard of knocking?” Ned looked at her and raised his brow. MJ shrugged in response and sat down on Peter’s vacant bed. She looked at him as he turned back to the mirror and tried to tame his messy curls.
“So you and Y/n huh?” MJ noted with a smirk, stealing some of the gummy worms that Peter had brought for the trip. He turned around so quickly, he almost got whiplash.
“What?! I-” Peter was at a loss for words, he knew news spread quickly at Midtown but how had anyone found out in one night. “We’re not really a thing yet.” He blushed and avoided his friends’ gazes.
“Oh really? Then why did Flash see you leave her room last night in the same clothes as yesterday.” MJ smirked again and threw a gummy worm at Peter who looked at her with wide eyes.
“I just- I stayed in her room last night.” He admitted, his cheeks burning red as Ned and MJ didn’t look convinced. “But nothing happened!”
Ned and MJ shared a sympathetic look as they saw Peter’s distress grow at the rumor. He picked up his phone and panicked as he saw the midtown gossip website showing a video of him leaving your room. Before he could panic anymore Peter quickly made his way to the other side of the hotel floor and banged on Flash’s door.
“Woah penis what-?”
“Take it down.” Peter didn’t disguise his anger as Flash opened the door.
“The video you took last night Flash. Please take it down.” Peter lowered his voice and pleaded. He knew this would affect you as soon as you saw it and the last thing he wanted was for you to get hurt because of him. Not again.
“Why? Don’t want everyone to know you’re not a virgin anymore?” Flash smirked and laughed before noticing the anger grow once more on Peter’s face. “The video’s out of my control. Sorry dude.”
Flash closed the door, not sounding sorry at all. Peter sighed and leaned against the wall, resting his head back. Everywhere around him classmates were getting ready for the carnival, whispering behind his back and giving him looks, he wasn’t sure if they were impressed looks or disgusted ones but either way he didn’t like them.
Peter usually lied low so he could avoid things like this and stay out of the rumor mill. He hated rumors and he hated being a part of them even more. Just as he was contemplating messaging Happy to see if he could do something, he heard a door open and looked up.
You walked out of your room, looking as beautiful as ever and Peter swear his heart almost dropped out of his stomach at the sight as the butterflies ran rampant in his stomach. You looked around before catching his gaze and smiling.
“Hey Pete.”
For a moment, Peter forgot how to form words, too focused on how beautiful you looked as you smiled. His throat felt dry and his hands felt clammy to the touch.
“H-hi.” He finally managed to say, his heart racing as you smiled wider and giggled.
“I was just coming to meet you. Are you ready to go?”
Peter thought back to the video circulating his classmates phones and he assumed you hadn’t seen it. He knew he should’ve told you there and then but he didn’t want to ruin your date or hurt you so he kept his lips sealed.
He nodded and gave you a small smile, heading out of the hotel with you. Your hands touched briefly as you walked and Peter almost took your hand in his before pulling away as he chickened out. You tried not to show your disappointment and offered Peter a smile.
The streets of Prague were full of life and celebration, everyone wearing bright colours and dancing along the streets as loud music played. Peter allowed himself to be distracted at the joy of the city before your hand slipped into his, catching him by surprise.
You gave his hand a squeeze and smiled, “So we don’t lose each other.” It was partially the truth but you mostly just wanted to hold his hand. Peter smiled and nodded but you could tell something was wrong.
It wasn’t just the rumour mill that was getting to Peter, the loud noises and brightness was causing his heightened senses to overload. He began to feel on edge and his palms grew even sweatier than before.
“Peter are you okay?”
He looked at you and bit his lip, shaking his head slowly. You squeezed his hand comfortingly and nodded, seemingly understanding what needed to be done as you led him over to the Ferris wheel.
Peter sighed in relief as you and him both got seated, your hands still interlinked as the door shut to the cart you were in.
“I hate crowds too.” You admitted with a soft blush and met his gaze. Peter smiled softly and squeezed your hand like you had done to his.
The wheel moved slowly allowing you both to enjoy the moment and the sights of the city. Peter knew that he didn’t need to fill the silence or try to talk, you were just there for each other as you had been last night and the whole trip.
Music from the streets filled the silence of the night as you and Peter looked out at the stars glittering in the night sky. It was right as you reached the peak of the wheel that Peter finally broke the silence.
“I really like you Y/n.”
You blushed and turned to Peter, noticing the redness of his cheeks and the staggered breaths escaping his lips. He looked straight ahead for a few moments before he felt your hand grip tighter onto his and saw your smile from the corner of his eye.
“I really like you too Peter.”
He smiled wide, mirroring yours before noticing your face fall just as fast.
“But I don’t want to be second best.”
Peter’s heart broke at her words, knowing she was thinking back to his journal. He shook his head and quickly cupped your cheeks in his hands, meeting your gaze lovingly.
“You’re not second best Y/n. You never were and you never will be. The truth is I’ve always liked you but I just- I never thought I would be lucky enough to have a chance with you.”
You smiled at the genuinity in Peter’s voice and his warm brown eyes that pulled you in ever closer until your lips were almost touching. “Always liked me huh?”
Peter nodded and smiled wide, the blush on his cheeks becoming brighter as he looked down at your lips.
“C-can I kiss you?”
“I thought you’d never ask.”
You smiled as Peter’s lips finally met your own, after years of pining and wondering what if. Peter’s lips were soft and tasted like the cotton candy you had shared earlier. Your lips were sweeter than Peter had ever imagined, if that was possible.
Neither of you wanted the kiss to end but you could feel the need for air increasing in your lungs. You were the first one to pull back, catching your breath as you leaned your forehead against Peter’s. He chuckled softly and smiled so wide that his eyes crinkled.
You nodded and pecked his lips once more with a giggle. The blush on your cheeks was rivalling Peter’s now as you noticed the ride was soon coming to an end. Peter looked disappointed before quickly paying for another ride.
“I hope you did that so you can kiss me again.” You smiled coyly and looped your arms around Peter’s neck.
“Maybe.” He shrugged and laughed before leaning in to kiss you again but this time he hesitated as he saw the looks from some of his classmates. The reminder hitting him like a train.
“Pete? What’s wrong?” Your fingers played with the curls at the nape of his neck as the wheel started to move again. Peter visibly gulped and his mood fell as he looked back at you.
“There’s something I have to tell you.”
You bit your lip in worry and nodded, having a feeling you knew what Peter was going to say.
“Pete I know.”
“You do?”
You giggled and nodded again, kissing his cheek and leaning in close. Peter blushed and looked guilty, his eyes avoiding yours.
“You being Spider-Man doesn’t bother me.”
Peter’s blood ran cold and he quickly shifted away, laughing in pretend disbelief. “I-What?! No. I-I’m not Spider-Man!”
You looked knowingly at him and rubbed his arm, taking his hand back in yours. “Peter it’s okay, i think it’s cool.” You smiled but Peter still sat in denial, shaking his head.
“I-” He gulped and sighed, biting his lip. “Is it that obvious?”
“No but I’ve had a crush on your for a while now and I’m not dumb Peter. The glasses and the letter from Iron Man. And then there was Washington. I just know you Peter.” You blushed and fidgeted with your hands, feeling embarrassed to admit your crush even though you had only kissed him 5 seconds ago.
Peter smiled, finding it endearing that you knew him and had paid attention to him all this time. He leaned back in close to you and rested his hand on yours.
“Oh my god!” You gasped, laughing as Peter was taken aback at your exclamation. “I’m dating a freaking superhero!” You giggled with Peter before kissing him again. The kiss was even more perfect than the last as your lips began to learn and memorise each other.
The carnival livened up even more as the night went on. The music became louder and the people got more drunk, something that might have made Peter annoyed but nothing could ruin his mood right now. He could still taste the sweetness of your lips on his and he just couldn’t get enough.
You giggled as Peter kissed your lips again after winning you a gigantic teddy bear. He smiled wide and giggled with you, the sound like music to your ears. You hugged the bear tight to your chest after choosing to name it Spidey which made Peter blush.
“This is so amazing.” You remarked as you took a moment to enjoy the scenery surrounding you. Peter sat with you on a nearby bench and nodded, hesitantly wrapping his arm around you. He smiled as you leaned into his side with a happy sigh. The moment was perfect and Peter was sure nothing could ruin it.
You jumped a little as your phone buzzed before pulling it from your pocket. Peter smiled to himself as he saw Spider-Man was the wallpaper on your phone. You blushed and tried to quickly hide it as you opened the message from Betty.
Peter turned his eyes towards the street to give you some privacy, the last thing he wanted you to think was that he was reading your texts (again).
He only looked back at you as you slowly pulled away from his arms, clutching your phone in your hands and only then did Peter notice that Betty had sent you the video of him leaving your room last night. You were scrolling through the comments and Peter saw that amongst the nice or gossiping comments that were hurtful ones calling you names.
“Y/n I-”
You shook your head and bit your lip, quickly locking your phone. You noticed a group of girls from your class staring at you and giggling, whispering in each other's ears.
“I have to go.” You sniffled as you grabbed your bag and quickly walked back to the hotel, ignoring Peter’s calls of your name. He sighed and tried to chase after you but within seconds he had lost you in the crowd and maybe for good this time.
add yourself to my taglist here!
Permanent - @eeyore101247 @sinisterspidey @darlingspidey @ameelia @calltothewild @parkerpeter24 @rebekkah4766 @peaches-parker​ @tom-hlover @parker-hollandx @call-me-baby-gir1 @cosmicvibecheck @outshineallthestars @theliterarymess @dummiesshort @sadxaries @boujee-bitches @lowkey-holland @miraclesoflove @quaksonhehe @emistrash @namoreno @just-lost-inbetween-worlds @parkerbunny
Peter Parker - @teen--marvel @musicalkeys @spideyspeaches​ @kickingn-ames @shakespeareanqueer @dpaccione @dreamy-clousds @justwantstosleep @petersgroupie
Vacation taglist - @dragon-princess-21 @letssee2468 @lolooo22 @justwantstosleep @kickingn-ames @youvebeenlizzed
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a-katsukitty · 3 years
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katsuki bakugo x reader
WARNING : ALL CHARACTHERS ARE AGED UP! oral [fem receiving] , alchool and cigaret.
A/N : Ohayoo , this is my first fanfic. I apologize for any mistakes [be gentle with me plz] hope you will like it!
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"Come on dude it will be fun!"
"I said no! How many fucking time do I need to tell you?" Katsuki glaces over Kaminari who's been trying to get his friend for his birthday. "Bakugo, you can't eat pizza playing games on your 20th birthday!" he says placing himself between the blond man and the tv.
"You're fucking annoying you know that" Bakugo paused his game putting down the controler. "My sister is mixing, I swear you will have fun!" looking down his face lights up as his friend nods running one hand in his blond hair. "Give me 1 hour! And don't make me wait or I blow your face , all of you!" he says getting up going up to his room not paying attention of kaminari thanking hima million times.
1 hour to shower and put on some decent clothes , nothing too fancy a pair of black jean, a white shirt thigh around his muscular shoulder and arms , carefully left three buttons open revealing his collarbone , three perfume pumps and he made his way downstairs.
Denki park in front of the nightclub. A huge neon writes Dimension. pressing his finger on his favorite contact on the digital dashboard. "Oh Kami! How you doing cutie" your voice resonates inside the car as your brother blushes "Ai! Don't call me like this I'm not alone!" Mina chuckles on the passenger side. "Oh so you friend decided to come! Wait, what is it again? Baki.. Bak-" you're cut by an angry katsuki "OI! IT'S BAKUGO" he says slamming his wrist on the seat in front of him making Kaminari jump. "Oh yeah Bakugo! Well it's my turn to mix cutie, put everything on me" and with this you hang up. "Okay let's go!"
Denki was used to come often to see you, having a drink always waiting sleeping at your house since you were living on top of the nightclub. His drink were free since they knew he was your brother. Everyone knows him. You started to work here two years ago, you loved everything about night life, you had fun , free drinks and a good salary.
They made their way inside as the music get louder but Denki knew you haven't start yet , it's not your style of music. They take a sit in the VIP lounge beside the scene. They ordered drinks after fighting to know who were going to sip on soda all night and Sero took the responsability.
You step on scene talking with the current dj , plugging your mixing board moving your hip to the music.
"Oh! Hey Bakugo are you listening?" Kirishima waves a hand in front of Katsuki's face who is staring at something in the distance making him come to his senses. "hm.. what?" he shakes his head "here" he said handing him his glass of whiskey. He takes a sip on his glass before leaning to talk to Denki "So this is your sister?" he asks pointing his glass in your direction as your wave to them "Yes, well actually it's my twin sister" he replied waving back.
Bakugo leaned back on the leathered couch watching you as you play your first music. He couldn't take his eyes off you, he couldn't believe how good you were looking, his eyes stopped on your hips shaking from side to side, how your boobies were bouncing evertime you were jumping to the beat. Your long blonde hair swiping on your ass made him bite on his lower lip.
He was never very interested in girls , never hanging out. There was no lack of opportunities but he always refused, stating that he had no time to start a relationship but there you were making him forget everything around him. He couldn't even think straigh everytime your were eyeing them flashing a smile to you brother.
2 hours passed as you finally step out the scene to take a break. "Ah she's finally coming" Kimi lifting his head up his phone, Mina were already up dancing with Sero that she begged to come and not leave her alone. Kirishima has already gone out to smoke a cigaret and Bakugo has waited all the time for you to come, he could see everything of you closer.
"Heyy~" You jump inside Denki's arm smiling wild. "it's been two weeks that you didn't come ,I missed your face so much" you says pinching his cheeks "Hey y/n , I-I missed y-you too" he replied escaping from your grip. You turn your gaze to his friend who was already giving you his full attention "Hi!" you turn around the table sitting behind him leaning closer speaking louder as the music drowned out the sound of your voice. Your perfume reachs his nostrils, it's sweet and flowery. Probably cherry blossoms, or lilac.
"So you are the birthday boy!" He only nods "Well happy birthday! I'm y/n Kaminari nice to meet you" you extend your hand to him which he gladly shakes. "I'm coming back!" You look up at your sibling showing you his cigaret and you nod before lifting your hand to the barman who knew exatly what you were taking. "Mina and Sero talked a lot about you!" You lean back looking at the blond boy sitting beside you. "What? You know them?" he looks at you blank "Well , yeah Denki is otfen coming with them and there is Eij' too" his eyes opens wide at the nickname , only his closes friends were calling him Eij' "How the fuck do I not know you yet if you know everyone"
"Because you never
back up sighing in relief and facing the man in front of you "I'm free tomorrow night." you look up try to catch his eyes as you pull you dress down your ass. "no." it's harsh and cold. He lift his eyes on yours. "I'm not waiting tomorrow, we're leaving now."
wants to move your fucking ass!" You glance up to see Kirishima's coming back with your glass and sitting on your side wrapping his arm around your shoulders. " Thanks Eij' " you sit on your drink moving your body against the couch giving an opportunity to Bakugo, he gets up and give you his hand "Wanna dance?" You finish your drink in one time and stand up poking at Kiri's cheek before taking Katsuki's hand as he head you on the dancefloor.
You turn your back to him getting closer to his chest , his hand resting on your hips as they swiped from side to side to the beat like when you were mixing. He pulls you even more close moving with you , your ass making friction against his crotch. "You're making me crazy.." he said in your ears making your shivers as his breath hits the back of your neck. You leans your head on his should smirking moving your ass harder making him growls.
You knew him from a long time, the first time you saw him was on Kimi's instagram and you couldn't get over how good looking he were. Hoping he would shows up sometimes but he never cames. You never made a big deal, it's wasn't the only good looking guy you saw, but he had something you couldn't get over.
Your head spins as he places soft kisses over your neck, tightening his grips around your waist. "Let's go" you turn around meeting his eyes before being pulled away from the crowd. In a minute you were pushed inside girl's toilet as he lock them behind both of you before smacking your lips together slidding his hand at the back of your neck , tongues fighting but you lose fast. His hand went down to grip your thigh "fuck- look at how short this fucking dress is!" he tugs at the hem of your red silky dress pulling away from the kiss "turn around" he orders and you obey instantly resting your hand on the wall.
He raises your dress up your ass kneeling in front of it pulling your dripping pantie to the side and sliding a fingers between your lips making a moans escape your mouth. "Look how wet you are! Is it for me?" you open your mouth to anwser as his slides a finger inside of you making you cry with pleasure, you jump when he slams his hand at your ass "Didn't I ask you something?" he adds a second finger "y-yes all f-for y-you..!" your eyes rolls to the back of your head as he curl his fingers inside you. "Do you wanna cum doll?" you couldn't hide it even if you wanted to, nobody never made you feel like this.
"y-yes p-please Bak-" he cuts you off "It's monsieur" he takes his fingers out replacing them by his tongue sucking hardly on your clit making you arches your back "cum" it tooks only a few second before reaching your climax cuming in his mouth "you taste so fucking good, I can wait to fuck this pretty pussy of yours" he gets on his feets. you can hear his belt undone and the zip of his jeans before feeling the tip of his cock tickeling your entrance making him all wet.
"P-please" you look behind you to meet his eyes, his hand grip your neck leaning to kiss you starving for your lips "please what?" he takes his hand away from your neck petting your hair "P-please just fuck me alr- aah" he makes you chocke on your words when he slams himself into you. "fuck!" he growls "S-so thigh" he pulls your hair back arching you going deeper and deeper inside of you. "You're taking my cock so well princess!" you whine as you well your second orgasme coming fast, tears forming on the corner of your eyes "cum over my cock, come on" you can't hold back anymore, you see white and your legs becomes weak as he hit your sensitive point making you cum all over him.
You can hear him moans your name loudly as he pull out plumping himself two;three time. Cums dripping down your ass to your tight he presses kissed down your back as you try to catch your breath. "wait don't move" he says taking some paper toilet and wipping all the mess you both made. You both freeze as you hear a familiar voice. "y/n ?" Mina calls you knocking on the doors "Y-yeah I am coming!" you reply fast and you hear the door closing back as she leave.
You pulls your pantie
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nemuri-no-kid · 7 years
It's me, the fic request anon... I hope this doesn't sound rude, but are you going to answer it? It's completely fine if you don't!! I'm just super curious and I keep checking your profile but it never shows!! :) (Sorry I'm being pushy it's been a few weeks now...)
Wait, who’s rude here again? It’s rather me who’s seemingly ignored you. But it wasn’t like that, I swear! But I guess you’d prefer to see an actual answer (finally) instead of excuses, so here you go! (You have some incredible timing though, like I’d post it today anyway - the joy of having cold) I apparently can’t make a simple list and it got ridiculously long, so I’m putting it under Read more. Does tagging people even work under Read more btw? If not then well, I suppose I failed a bit. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Anyway. You’re probably already aware of this, but I feel I should point out that Kaito is my dearest boy, and therefore pretty much everything what I’m going to mention here is more or less about him. Contrary to appearances it won’t be only KaiShin, but I admit there’s a lot of that. Also, you won’t find here too many long stories, as I rarely read fics with more than 50k words unless I’d started them before they got so long. I mean, I do have quite a few saved and waiting to be read and I’m sure they’re all amazing, but at the end of the day I usually prefer sleeping than night-reading and yeah. Ok, let’s start:
So, did someone say KaiShin? Because you know, Shinichi is my second dearest boy, and when both of my boys are happy together it’s just the best thing. One of first writers who shown and are keep showing me the joy of reading about these two is @rachello344. Many of Rachel’s fics are only prompts, so they are pretty short and that’s a real shame, but they’re still worth reading! I think my favourite stories are these two and honestly I could read them over and over again - asexual Kaito is good, the fake-but-not-really marriage of these two dorks was the best thing and please write more self-indulgent stuff
@lunarscaped (Luna Darkside)’s oneshots steadily get longer and longer but I definitely don’t mind~ Some of the most memorable to me are Penumbra (a.k.a. only Shinichi could write a romance by accident), Darling, So It Goes (undercover mission and more of oblivious Shinichi) and Ease (just. asfadsfgdga) but really, they’re all good
House of Cards is a beautiful story of Kaito taking care of Shin-chan the Dove written by V. Shalyr (how Ai managed to make that pill will forever remain a mystery though); my other faves are With Each Season (it’s beautifull too), Paper Trail (funny short piece in which Kaito is too good at being bad, somebody stop him), Countdown to Forever (good old taking BO down together) and On Wings of White (aww, these two)
Alaena F. Dragonstar’s Win Some, Lose Some and Shadow of a Smile followed by Echo of a Laugh are all good examples of A+ writing. Boys, it will be fine, you have each other. Check the profile for more good stuff~
All ToukoTai’s fics are good, but Life In Technicolor is good, and then there is this Flower shop AU KaiShin Give A Little which includes Shinichi convincing Kaito to become Kid, and if isn’t that ironic
This Little Thing I Have by teawithmochi is a really nice piece - Conan overthinks his situation, but what are annoying phantom thieves for?
solomonara’s Getting Off Track - did I say something about overthinking? This is real overthinking, boys, come on
Almost Magical by ObsidianAbyss got me by this one scene in the class - Shinichi, if you’re trying to deny you and Kid have a thing, you’re doing it wrong
I love the dialogues in dokidokidk’s The Guy Next Door, they will never be not funny for me, plus it’s a nice idea of AU
Good Soulmate AU KaiShin is not bad, and aceoftwos’s Apple Blossoms is good. Also there are locard’s exchange principle series for even more of these two
Beautiful Carvings written by RavenShira is another really nice Soulmate AU. Misunderstandings are strong in this one - lesson: multiple identities don’t help in finding your soulmate
No Ghosts Need Apply by Cursed Detective is a really nice supernatural story, and Shinichi and Kaito are always a big plus for me, obviously. Kaito is sort of dead - the title may suggest as much - but such trivial detail won’t stop him, haha. And then there is a really nice (Not) Supernatural story. It’s ongoing, Shinichi is not a vampire and honestly, I love this and I need more
purple_mangosteen’s Clair de Lune series mean more KaiShin goodness, and also I’m a sucker for Conan and Kid texting each other
joisbishmyoga - I loved Rolling Snake Eyes for a good application of Kidnichi. Will Conan ever stop being so reckless though? I don’t think so. Pluralverse is about minds of three teenage detectives somehow ending up in Kid’s head, and it’s tight in there. It’s interesting, it’s good, read it. Twist the Knife is really intense and the writing is amazing, but it may not be to everyone’s taste, as rape and trauma happen and well
@kawaiibeyotch (kaitothegreat) writes mainly AoKai fics and they’re wonderful, I simply adore Aoko in these. Some nice examples are Live Life in full Bloom and Hello Incognito - these two are good AUs and have I already mentioned Aoko? There are also few HeiKazu stories which I’ve yet to read but I’m sure they’re worth trying, too
Slip and Fall, Obligation, Pride Goeth Before, Philanthropy, Heavy Silences, Never Here, Never Far and Shades of Grey by blinkblink form sort of a series and I wouldn’t make a better summary to any of them than the author, but it’s Kid and the Kid task force dealing with some actual dangers and criminals, there is action and mystery, and it’s really good written and you totally should read it
Nerves of Steel by Ellen Brand is another must read - Robo-Kaito makes a comeback and things get serious
A Perfect Act, No Little Plans, Both Dark and Deep and Forgiveness and Reunion by Candyland - a set starting from sort of cornering Kid by the police and presenting him an offer he couldn’t refuse followed by good action
@backtodc‘s piece about the Kid task force being actually competent when it comes to other crimes is both funny and brilliant, try it
The Cranes by Acier Glace is just so sweet? No pairings here, it’s just Kid making lots of paper cranes to make you believe in magic and did I say it’s sweet? Because it is
miladyFeather wrote the ridiculous The Adventures of Kudou Shinichi, Fast Food Worker which is ridiculous and I have no regrets sharing this one, even if it’s ridiculous
Now a surprise, as Love-Love Daisakusen by neonquincy1217 is Makoko/Sonoko! Where’s the catch? Well, remember Doito Katsuki? *wink*
When I think of quality SaguKai, I think of @5160763 (OrphanText). There is good KaiShin, too, but both examples I’m putting here happen to be SaguKai, so. Anyway. The way Kaito and Saguru are written, I simply love it. And How we begin is so good? Also, In the language of the birds. I read it while it was being put on Tumblr in small fragments and boy, every new fragment was making me so happy
The Hattori-Kudo Files is a set of few cases solved by Heiji and Conan (who could’ve thought that?), written by MeridianGrimm - I believe the last one isn’t finished, but the others are really interesting! And then there are some nice SaguShin and SaguKai fics, too~
I picked five of Mikauzoran’s fics for different reasons but again, I recommend trying all others as well: The Fifth Detective (Kaito’s reasoning is funny and brilliant, he needs a hug though), The Pit: A Romance and Quietly Starving (SaguKai, these dorks), Healing Heartbreak for the Holidays (SaguKaiShin? That’s even more dorks), and Coming to Terms (KaiRan - usually I prefer it platonic but this one really got me, also interactions with Conan? It was a pleasure to read)
Dressed to Impress by Lisa Telramor is a really nicely written SaguKai oneshot, for all your SaguKai needs
Addy01’s When the travel bug bites is a sweet story about Shinichi travelling the world to find his way in life again and befriending some magician thieves along the way. You made me reread it and I don’t regret anything
In case of Operation: Gift Wrap by Boogum I’ll just copy the author’s summary as it’s explanatory enough: ‘Sera Masumi was used to being mistaken for a boy. She was not used to being mistaken for Kaitou Kid.’
Critique written by Eliryn is a short but really nice piece. “Looks just like the real thing, doesn’t it?”
AngelicSentinel’s the suffering of fools was already amazing as a oneshot, so when more chapters appeared one day I was overjoyed. It’s KaiShin and it’s good. Also, the author is one of the only two (look below) which I trust enough to blindly read their ShinRan fics. Like, I have nothing against ShinRan, and I kind of ship it while being in Canon Mode, but I don’t go and read fics about them at all, so this is quite an achievement. Read their other pieces, too, they’re really worth reading!
Cost of Freedom by @mintchocolateleaves? OMG, Cost of Freedom. Read Cost of Freedom. I love both the plot and the characterizations, it’s amazing, read it. It’s ongoing and you’ll suffer because of that, but read it. And while suffering, try other ongoing fics: The Innocence Game, Law Unto Themselves and various oneshots. Like, I can blindly recommend each and every fic Mint wrote, even ShinRan. Cost of Freedom though
Next, Taliya - I recommend all present and future fics. My faves are Without Fanfare (my heart though), Search and Recovery and Recompense (the kind of Kidnichi enactment I approve and aftermath), A Word of Caution (Ai and Kaito as the main characters? Yes, please) and TMPD Antics (it’s simply hilarious)
lucathia’s 4-6-4-9 is a oneshot about Conan getting disturbing encrypted message and trying to find the sender. Oh, and there was some murder, too
A Snowy Meeting (followed by ongoing Hidden Friendship) by angelwingsonline puts Kaito in DC movies, starting from Quarter of Silence, and lets him befriend and exchange messages with Conan. I love this concept
Ichthyophobia’s Mirror Mirror and Two-faced, Half-faced are really funny - the former has really nice interactions between Shinichi, Kaito and the bad guy, while the latter… Let’s say that Kid fixing Subaru’s face is my aesthetic. And then there is Shaking Hands about Kaito not being really able to do magic anymore but getting help and somehow overcoming it and it’s beautiful. And again, check other fics too~
I liked the idea of Shinichi with grapheme synesthesia working in forensics in Number the Stars by The Sand Assassin. Then there are sweet KaiShin fics: Kaitou the Snowman (Akako, stop) and Dakimakura (it’s just a shirt Conan, you’re making Kid sad)
Yannami’s A Criminal’s Fiasco is a good example of why taking Kaito hostage is a bad idea. Poor criminals
@kkrazy256 (kakashikrazy256) likes making Kaito suffer. A lot. In all possible ways. And I really mean that. If that’s your thing, then check it out. And if it is not, there are the mild ones I like coming back to: Early Snow (this was literally my first fic in this fandom, I’m sentimental ok - also Shinichi and Kaito, come on), Mr Barista (Mystery Train aftermath starring Bourbon and Kid) and Sympathy From the Devil (or how could OVA 10 end if the bad guys weren’t so dramatically bad at being bad). As for the rest, you were warned, haha
In Elirius’s Put on a Smile and Take me Apart Kaito definitely doesn’t cope well with his situation. Somebody help him *sobs*
Hostage situation and platonic KidRan anyone? In that case, Irreplaceable by LostInTheDreams is the thing you need. As for other stories, I can only vouch for these with Kaito, but my boy is suffering a lot. Again
Unfair by Frozen-Infinity, but only if you want your heart to break, my boy is dying and this is unfair
StoryWriter369’s Broken Record makes my heart ache every time because immortal Kaito is not what should ever happen, but I’m doing this to myself from time to time anyway *sobs more*
Hebiaczek’s The fox and hounds is an ongoing story and to be honest I’m not up to date, but what I’ve read was a really amazing writing, and exactly the kind of plot I like the best. Because. The plot.
I loved Externalities by 873.25 and I hope Internalities will be continued. Characters are written so well, and both concepts are really intriguing. Try it and you won’t regret it
And last but definitely not least: kittebasu’s A Study in Scarlette - it’s a must-read. There is a good plot, there is Kaishin and it’s truly amazing, and did I say something at the beginning about not reading long fics? So this one is very long and I still read it, so it really does say somehing
I 100% missed at least few people and I’m totally going to regret it later, but let’s say I’m finished. See you in few weeks Anon, haha
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androidtwin · 8 years
For the man who has everything
...and nothing.
Or I was working on LULIR but then decided to listen to Ariana Grande’s One Last Time on repeat and wrote this while crying occasionally. ENJOY!
Bucky knows coming was a mistake, but in order to truly move on he had to face this hurdle: Tony Stark, the man who broke his heart.
In true Stark fashion the party was in full swing, people mingling or dancing and alcohol flowing. The "life" of the party was sitting on a high stool nursing a glass of scotch as he was wont to do when feeling pensive. He looked sad, and Bucky wanted to smack himself for remembering all this still.
It's been a year already and after what Tony put him through…he almost turns around to leave, but Tony looks miserable.
Bucky gathers his courage and marches over to the bar, Tony doesn’t raise his head from where he is looking at the sloshing liquid. Once upon a time he would have spend countless hours looking at the genius, studying and memorizing all of his expressions. He huffs frustrated with himself.
"So, what do you want?" Bucky asks and fights the lump of emotion lodged in his throat at having those brown eyes zeroed on him.
"James." It sounds reverent, like when they used to…No! "You--you came!"
Bucky scowls, "Well, you were very insisting even making Pepper call me." Which happened after the 12th time he screened Tony's call. "What do you want, Anthony?"
Once he would have fallen for the wide eyed routine, he knew better now. He wouldn't allow it to happen, ever again. He sees Tony open and close his mouth several times, but nothing comes out.
"How have you been?" Tony asks at last, small talk. Tony Stark didn't do small talk. "I mean…"
"I've been great, Anthony. Same can't be said from you, I bet."
"Could be better, I'll admit." Tony shrugs, there is something about him that nags at Bucky and he mentally stomps on it, viciously.
"I'm…" Bucky sees him stop himself and shake his head. "Can we go somewhere less…noisy?"
Careful, Tony is being careful with Bucky like never before; not when they started their thing and sure as hell not when he walked all over Bucky's feelings. Bucky wants to refuse him out of spite, wants to prove to himself that Tony Stark had no power over him but Tony is asking carefully and hardly looking at him. Also the music was too loud for his taste.
He gets off the stool and walks to the elevator, willing Tony to follow. Away from the crowd, Tony fiddles with the cufflinks of his dress shirt as Bucky eyes him suspiciously. "Do you want anything to drink?"
And ok, he's been patient enough. "Cut the shit, Stark!" He snaps, at feels vindicated at the visible flinch. "I no longer have time to make for you, so what do you want?"
"You." He whispers, "Just wanted to see you."
Bucky opens his arms with exasperation. "Well, wish granted. You've seen me."
He shakes his head, what else could he expect from Tony Stark if whatever he wanted, he got. Bucky knew this was going to be a mistake from the minute he considered Pepper's words: "It's the only thing he wants for his birthday."
Bucky turns to leave, he won't do this to himself anymore, he can't.
"I'm sorry." It makes him freeze in place. "I know I have no right, but I'm sorry."
He'd waited for those words so long, now they sat heavily on his chest. Bucky couldn't turn around.
"I…James, Bucky I know what I did was horrible, and I'm so sorry I hurt you."
Bucky scoffed, like saying sorry made anything better. Goddamnit, he shouldn't have come at all. "Yeah, right."
"You--I'm not asking you to forgive me." That makes him turn around again. Tony is tapping against his chest, some rhythm only he knows and it looks like he is gearing up for anything Bucky throws at him. "Just…don’t go?"
"You got some fucking nerve on you." And he lets some of the hurt bleed through, he wants Tony to see him; angry and raw. "You really think--"
"Just for the night, just this one time." The nagging is back but he is so fucking angry. "I promise afterwards I'll never bother you again. I swear."
Bucky just glares and bites the inside of his cheek to stop the words from coming. Tony, he knows will break the tense silence because he hates them, they make him antsy.
Hands start flying. "I know I fucked up, massively and I know there's someone else now. I'm not asking you to love me, Bucky. I just want you here with me tonight. Just stay tonight and tomorrow you can forget about your loser ex that fucked up and is so pathetically alone on his birthday that had to beg the CEO of his company to harass you into coming here."
What? Now, he has so many questions. "I know you have someone now that gives you everything I never could, someone that's way better for you than I could ever hope to be. And I-- every shred of good I had I left with you; I have nothing."
What the fuck?! "I only ask, just this one time…" Tony clears his throat and when he looks at Bucky, his eyes look shiny. "Stay? Let me remember how you feel around me?"
Lord above this asshole! Bucky wants to punch him, Hell, Bucky should fucking punch him and then leave and never again turn to look Tony Stark's way. He should let out all his anger on the brown eyed motherfucking asshole that walked out on him a year prior like it was the easiest thing in the world. He should, he…
Tony startles when his back hits the bar, but opens his mouth to the honestly brutal kiss, he'd feel it tomorrow. His hands automatically going to Bucky's hair and shoulders, accepting Bucky's anger. "I fucking hate that I loved you. Hate it so much."
Tony only nods and takes the manhandling and the biting kisses with breathy gasps that shouldn't get Bucky going, but do. He hates that too, the way his body still reacts to Tony. They're on the couch when he notices that besides holding onto him and touching his hair and face, Tony hasn't tried to reach for their clothes, hasn’t tried to push any further than the rough making out. They're both hard and once that had been excuse enough to get naked, anywhere.
Bucky stops, hovering over Tony, scowl in place. "What, isn't this what you wanted?"
Tony just nods, eyes closed -hiding- and cheeks ruddy, but his voice breaks. "Yes."
Bucky tries to move away as if burned by this meek imitation of his fiery ex, just to have Tony scramble after him in a weak attempt to hold him in place. "James."
And Bucky? He can't, he can't take it. No matter how angry he is at Tony and the end of their relationship, he can't stand to see Tony this fucking beaten down. He sits back on the sofa and pulls Tony onto his lap, the man goes readily. "What's going on, Anthony?"
No response, only hands cupping his cheeks and thumbs passing to and fro the stubble there. "Tony?"
Brown eyes that seem to be memorizing him, taking every single detail; something is wrong, Bucky knows. He lays his right hand on Tony's left and holds it there. "Dollface."
It's all it takes for the tears to fall, and Tony is quick to hide against the curve of his neck. Tony doesn't make a sound as he shakes in Bucky's arms and Bucky Fucking Barnes is helpless in the face of the love of his life breaking down in his arms. He rubs his hands up and down Tony's back, gently rocking him and occasionally leaving tiny kisses on the side of his face. "Come on, doll. Let's go to bed, you ok with that?"
A nod and a sniffle. Bucky carries him easily and it shouldn't be so, Tony had loss weight. Bucky says nothing as he sits Tony on the bed and undresses him, until he's only wearing a tank top and his boxers. Tony looks at him from his place on the bed. "Can I?"
Bucky Barnes is a goddamn fool and he is well aware this is nothing but counterproductive to moving on. "Go ahead, doll."
Just like every touch so far, is slow and reverent as Tony removes every piece of cloth on Bucky, except his underwear. They lie in bed, face to face in complete silence. Against the dim lights, Tony looks pale and vulnerable. Bucky felt the urge rise up again; to know. "Why?"
Tony's hand over his heart. "Scared. Terrified. Stupid."
Bucky huffs but allows Tony to hide away against his chest. "Fucking moronic, I'd say." He won't mask the bitterness, he can't allow it. "You really fucking hurt me, Tony."
A full body shake and then Tony's forehead is touching his. "I know."
"How could you even--"
"Because, in walking away all I did was break my own heart." He confesses and goes tapping against his chest. The sound stops Bucky short…it sounds like… "All I accomplished was losing the best thing that ever happened to me; you."
They say nothing else and eventually fall asleep. It doesn’t last long because his body is cold and when he groggily opens his eyes Tony is staggering from the bathroom. Bucky catches him around the waist and the skin is cold and clammy; he wants to ask what the hell is going on, but Tony will most likely deflect.
"Make love to me?" He asks, and maybe is the way he says it, or the tone or because Bucky Barnes is a fucking sucker that had never and probably will never be free of the thrall of Tony Stark, he does.
It's an old song and dance between them but it feels new, different and more. He almost stops when he sees the thing imbedded in Tony's chest, Tony pleads and lays kisses around it. Every touch and kiss, the whispered words and the moans; raw and unbidden, fragile. He undulates his hips and over him Tony cums looking sublime, Bucky helplessly follows.
Afterwards he can't fall asleep, Tony completely worn out doesn’t have that problem. A part of him that sound suspiciously like Steve, berates him for setting himself up for heartache, the other part, which is wholly Bucky can't help but worry about Tony. Yes, he is an idiot and he'll pay in tears later. For now, at least he gets to have this.
Later still, he feigns sleep as Tony moves away. "Jarv?"
"Yes, sir?" The AI ever proper asks his creator.
"What level are we this morning?" Tony whispers.
"43% blood toxicity, sir." JARVIS sounds mournful. "It would be advisable to let Mr. Barnes know, sir."
"God, he's gonna hate me, J." Tony mutters, "Fuck, baby boy, by all means he should; but I can't saddle him with this. You and I know there is no replacement element."
"I just needed him to know, J." Bucky feels when Tony finally leaves the bed. "I wanted to see him and be honest, because my time is up, Jar-Jar. Now get my fresh dose of Chlorophyll going, Jeeves."
"Are you sure calling me unappealing names is way to gain my favor, sir?"
Tony chuckles, "I promise you can go full Skynet once I'm gone."
"World domination without you here to witness my reign sounds dull, sir."
"I love you too, JARVIS!" But his voice is closer to Bucky's side of the bed. There's a trembling hand on his hair, "And you, I love you so fucking much, James Buchanan Barnes."
Tony kisses his forehead and his cheek before leaving the bedroom. "A promise's a promise."
Bucky stays, completely shocked; fisting the soft duvet until JARVIS interrupts his turmoil  about 10 minutes later. "Mr. Barnes, sir has left the premises."
Bucky shoots off the bed and turns in place looking for his clothes, he needs to get home and phone calls…all the phone calls because…GODDAMNIT TONY! "…Because if you're asshole creator thinks for even a minute that I'll let him go just like that, he has another thing coming, buddy. I swear he lives to give me grey hairs, fucking asshole! Tells me he loves me and then goes off to die." Bucky rants as he puts on his boots. "Well, not on me he won't. Just you wait!"
"Glad to have you on board, Mr. Barnes." JARVIS says as the elevator doors open. "Welcome back."
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