#Morty sad boi
magraiii · 2 years
First pic🤟
-*sounds of overwhelming grief*they offended me-e-eeeeeeee
sob sob
Second pic🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️
1- to kick ass
2-to cuss out
3-to kick ass and cuss out
4-to soothe(????????????????)
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irritated-empath · 7 months
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this old man is an asshole.
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sobselpop · 6 months
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Omg guys he invented evil slow clapping <333
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nyormilt · 1 year
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very indulgent brush test with a human judge design. it’s difficult to doodle digitally for me, but this one had a nice vibe, so i’ll post it. kind of crazy how much a different brush alters my style…
this judge owns a cat cafe. a little bit more under the cut.
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csp brushes used: ID 1711220
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alterador · 8 months
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shapeshifter-rick · 26 days
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....enola gnikcuf os m'I
?ehs si kcab gnimoc reven s'ehS
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christiecandor · 2 years
I originally smeared the edges to do less work on the background, but I think it turned out adding a lot to the emotional content of the picture. I included a close-up of his eyes to show the reflection of his discovery of all of Prime's locations more clearly. I'm also absolutely addicted to this look on him now 🤤
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Update: I decided to add a dark version:
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hozierisgod · 11 months
wlaburga: Do you seriously think your better than me?
Sirius/regulus: Merlin I hope so!
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andrewmgz · 6 months
Mi empatía está como Morty.
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deadcllelele · 2 years
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"Now do you want me to help you?"
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coffeecat1983 · 3 months
Luigi's Mansion 3: "A Friend in the Biz." (one shot)
     "So what happens now?" Luigi tilted his head in curiosity as Morty took the film from the camera.      "Why now comes the editing, my boy! The magic doesn't end when then camera stops rolling, no no, it keeps going!" Morty paused in his dramatics and darted up, looking the young man right in the face. "Care to watch?"    Luigi hesitated. He had the button and really should have continued on. But after everything he had to admit he felt exhausted.      "I-I guess a break would be okay." he muttered. A burble of agreement came from the tank on his back and Polterpup yipped his approval. Morty twirled with a flourish. "Then onward, to the editing room!"    Following the cheerful ghost, Luigi quietly took a seat once they entered the editing room. Morty hummed cheerfully as he darted around and hooked things up.      "You really are a natural." he praised. "What on earth are you doing in this disaster of a hotel?"    The question made Luigi rub his arm nervously. "We were tricked into coming here."    Morty paused, looking back at him. "'We'?" he turned away from the equipment and he then realized just how shaken and tired the human looked.      "Just what have you been through?" he said softly, pulling a chair around so he could sit while facing Luigi.      "K-King Boo and Gravely, they tricked me and my friends into coming here." Luigi couldn't stop himself, tears stung his eyes. "They kidnapped them." The tears began to fall. "Kid-Kidnapped my brother!"    A handkerchief appeared in the ghost's hand and he held it out. "You poor thing. I knew Hellen had strange plans when she took over, but kidnapping? Harming others? I had no idea."    Accepting the handkerchief, Luigi sniffled and blew his nose. "Th-Thanks." he muttered.      "Now, why would King Boo go after your brother?"    Luigi shuddered. "He's done it before. Twice. I got him back but this place, it's so big and there's strong ghosts here. I just…" he teared up again. "I'm scared we'll never get out of here."    Sitting back, Morty folded his arms with a frown. "I never agreed to this. When Hellen invited me here I was excited to make movies, to work with guests and discover new talent. She lied to me." he said bitterly. He then seemed to remember Luigi was right across from him. Getting up, he reached out his hand.
     "Get your things, my young star, you've got help on your side!" Pushing aside his fears, Luigi got up with a determined look on his face. "Okie-dokie!" The two left and went for the elevator. As Luigi entered the elevator, there was an echoing cackle and a dark blue light screen covered the elevator.      "Ah ah ah," Hellen Gravely's voice echoed around them. "That nasty pup aside, no helping!" she scolded.    Morty touched the screen and jerked back as it shocked him. Luigi hurried out of the elevator, passing through the screen with Polterpup right beside him.      "Are you okay?" he asked worriedly. Dusting himself off, Morty glared up at the security camera. "I'm fine, my young star, thank you. But it seems our hotel hostess has decided you don't get any help." He sighed. "I'm sorry, it looks like you're on your own."    Polterpup yipped and Gooigi burbled loudly, making Morty smile. "Aside from your friends, I mean." He bowed. "But allow me this; if you ever need a place to rest, you are welcome back here any time you need. Remember, you have a friend 'in the biz'."    Luigi's eyes shone with a mix of sadness and relief. "Thanks, Morty." He held up the elevator button and it flew into place. "Guess I better go."      "Be careful." Morty waved as the elevator doors closed. He then turned to the security camera.      "Hellen, I know you can hear me." he hissed. "If you harm one hair on that young man's head, I will tear apart this hotel and you will wish you had never set foot out of your grave!"    Hellen sat back in her chair as she stared at the screen. The massive form of King Boo floated beside her.      "Huh, looks like you made him mad." the ghostly king commented.      "Ugh, I should have known not to bring him in. He still has memories of his life, remembers his humanity. It's annoying."    Morty floated back to the editing room. Once there he closed the door and let out a heavy sigh as he floated over to a photo that was pinned to the wall. It showed a man with a young woman beside him.      "Sweet little sister." he mused. "Maybe I should have gone on with you to that light that day. But the urge to make my masterpiece has been too strong." he turned, gaze settling on where Luigi had been sitting. "And the urge to help him is just as strong." A wistful smile played at his lips. "I'll see you again someday, I hope you can forgive me for making you wait."
By "CC"
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glitteringcrab · 8 months
Nip this in the bud (2)
Okay, I think I finally figured out what Rick Prime was hoping to accomplish with this:
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Because I was all "WTF" during that scene.
First things first:
It's clear that Rick Prime has been monitoring Rick C-137 during this whole time. Maybe not continually monitoring him, but monitoring him often enough that he knows:
Rick lived in the Prime Dimension
Rick is hanging out with Morty Prime
Rick has two Beths now (LOL) "echoes" of Prime's daughter since C-137 Beth never grew up
Likewise, he knew Rick C-137 was accompanied by Morty Prime, and could tell (without actually checking nor monitoring this, because then he wouldn't have fallen for Evil Morty's trick) that one of the Mortys Rick C-137 showed up with was Morty Prime, his original grandson.
In a similar vein, it's theoretically possible that he has some inkling of Evil Morty's identity. I mean, otherwise why tell him "you're like an evil Morty, a clever one". Um, excuse me? Evil Morty didn't do a single "evil" thing during the Prime fight. Why the heck call him "evil"? Just because he's wearing an eyepatch? WEAK. Call him clever, sure. But evil? Nope.
UNLESS... Rick Prime has also sporadically been monitoring the happenings in the Citadel of Ricks. News of Evil Rick's killing spree might have reached him, he might have read witness accounts and known that Evil Rick was accompanied by an eye-patched Morty who disappeared (although I seriously doubt anyone would bother to write more than a single sentence on Evil Morty in any report). Or he may have noticed (you know, after he was teleported in the Prime dimension right after Evil Morty contaminated EVERYONE'S portal travel) that the Citadel blew up, that there was a breach in the Central Finite Curve, and he might have investigated the ruins out of curiosity. He might have found out Stuff.
(Edit: nah, the name "Evil Morty" was mentioned a couple of times in the box, so Rick Prime using it only means that he was paying attention to what was happening in the Box)
In any case, even if all that isn't true, even if Rick Prime had originally no clue that there ever was any animosity between Rick C-137 and Evil Morty, and him calling Evil Morty "Evil" was just a lucky guess, Prick Prime was definitely able to tell that was no love between Evil Morty and Rick C-137 during this scene:
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...in which he uses Evil Morty as a literal human shield and Rick C-137 shoots without hesitation (on a different note, I'd like to say how sad is that when strangled Evil Morty doesn't have the presence of mind to try and use any of his implants; he's just a 14 year old boy against an grown-up man at that moment. Forget shooting him with plasma guns; you can literally just strangle him).
And so we come to this scene:
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Okay, Rick Prime could already tell that Evil Morty and Rick C-137 weren't family, but the suggestion of "nip this in the bud" was still absurd!
(I've written a similar post in the past while venting, but this one is actually getting somewhere, so please bear with me)
Because Evil Morty and Rick C-137 were, at worst, temporary allies. Rick C-137 owned to Evil Morty:
his freaking life (Evil Morty revived him)
his revenge (Evil Morty let him kill Rick Prime)
and (depending on to what degree Rick Prime was monitoring his clones and the killing box) he might have also known that Evil Morty helped Rick C-137 track Rick Prime down and helped him to escape the box.
That's a huge debt. And I know that Evil Morty helped Rick C-137 to save his own skin from getting Omega-ed if/when Rick C-137 failed to win, and to get the weapon plans, but he wasn't at all obligated to save Rick C-137's life nor to hand him his nemesis on a plate.
Arguably, Evil Morty did this precisely so that he'd have an Omega-enslaved and morally indebted Rick to come to his aid in a hypothetical future hour of need. However, the truth is that Evil Morty and Rick C-137 worked well with each other since the beginning of the episode, before any Omega Device threat (nor carrot!) dangled in front of Evil Morty to influence his decisions (he had just wanted to... talk) and Rick had trusted him enough to leave Morty Prime alone with him.
Like, under normal circumstances, Evil Morty honoring their alliance during the Prime Fight could have been the beginning of a friendship (or at least a more honest and permanent alliance) between Rick C-137 and Evil Morty. Evil Morty is insecure and traumatized enough to need the failsafe of the Omega Device backing him up, but Rick C-137 was game...!
Rick Prime instead puts in Rick C-137's head the idea that Evil Morty might kill him in a tantrum. Not because their interests might clash in the future. Not because Evil Morty may get power-hungry when he grows up. But because he's young and emotional. (Mind you, this is about a boy whose whole characterization revolves around being extremely cautious and calculating; not someone who'd kill another person in a fit of fury.)
Of course, the first idea that pops up in our minds (at least... it was in mine) is that Rick Prime said this hoping that Rick C-137 will drop everything to go stop Evil Morty, and so Rick Prime would get a chance to escape.
...But that doesn't make any sense, either!
Rick C-137 isn't so stupid as to give Rick Prime that chance of survival. Even if he took Rick Prime's warning seriously, he'd hurriedly shoot him in the face before running out to deal with Evil Morty. Rick Prime was toast, and he knew that. This wasn't about his own survival.
Rick C-137 wasn't about to take his worst enemy's advice to turn against his temporary ally. Like, what the heck? Since when Rick Prime fancied himself trustworthy? He could have easily lied, made this up. Rick C-137 couldn't have actually known if Evil Morty really had the weapon plans at that moment, and he'd have to take Rick Prime's word for it. No way he'd drop everything at his worst enemy's word.
Rick Prime saw that Evil Morty downloaded the weapon plans straight on his person. There was no external device that you can just snatch away (like the cone thing Evil Morty used when scanning Rick C-137's brain). So Rick Prime knew that the only way to "nip this in the bud" would be for Rick C-137 to run outside, confront Evil Morty, find out that there was no external device to forcefully take from him, and promptly attack him with lethal intent. But, come on, Rick C-137 was not going to do that, because of the aforementioned debt. Even Rick C-137 isn't so ruthless as to have his own life saved one minute, and him returning the favor with a murder attempt. This was never going to work.
Even if Rick C-137 took Rick Prime's warning seriously, even he trusted his advice, even if he was willing to murder a version of his grandson (to whom his owned his life) in cold blood, I doubt he could do it. He was a mess physically, while Evil Morty was perfectly fine. If they did clash at that moment, I think Evil Morty could have escaped easily with a portal. So this was never going to work.
And don't even get me started on what a joke it is for the Rick who wanted to murder Rick C-137's whole family, one by one, to express Rick-to-Rick camaraderie. As if...!
So what was all this for? This would never work, Rick C-137 would not try to kill Evil Morty at that moment...
...but he can do it in the future.
Any seeds of trust or appreciation that were planted that day were promptly poisoned by Rick Prime's "well-meaning" warning.
Evil Morty himself did trample said seeds further by warning Rick C-137 he could kill him any time he wanted as of now, but he also said that "using a weapon like this doesn't get you. Left. Alone." His whole speech would have hit very differently without Rick Prime's warning. We would have trusted him, we would have trusted that he did all this with the single goal of being left alone and that this is going to be the end of it. Worse case scenario, we would have thought Evil Morty might demand Rick C-137's support for A Thing (like a slave) if he had no other choice, but we still wouldn't have thought Evil Morty would murder him in a flight of rage during a disagreement. Now, the idea that Evil Morty might become unhinged in the future has been planted in our heads, by Rick Prime!
We fans were discussing on how the narrative seems to be setting Evil Morty as the final villain, but it's not the narrative, not really! It's Rick Prime manipulating Rick C-137, hoping he'll attack Evil Morty sometime in the future, so they can kill each other.
He fueled Rick C-137' paranoia on purpose, so as to get delayed revenge on the Rick who dared to think himself better than him... and on the one person who actually bested him.
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fandomwe1rd0 · 2 months
It's honestly sad that Morty is basically Rick's caretaker at times. Like Rickfending your Mort is the best example of this. In a single episode, we see that Morty is responsible for
Keeping Rick emotionally stable
Getting Rick out of a slump
Giving Rick food
Now this may seem small, unfair responsibilities to put on a kid. But still. It's only three things.
Butttt also in the season 6 finale, we see that Morty is responsible for making sure Rick showers, another unfair responsibility. Then in the same episode Rick dragged him into his fight for Rick Prime, another added responsibility. My poor boy is basically Rick's caretaker at times. He deserves so much better.
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luckyshinyhunter · 4 months
Fictional characters that definitely deserved better
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💪Jen Walters (She-Hulk: Attorney at law)💪
She-Hulk is one of those shows I enjoyed because of the vibes, no surprise that a bunch of dudebros were doing their usual hate on the MCU crap again, especially going after this show.
I like how the show made Jennifer relatable and likable from the start, Tatiana did such a amazingly performance as the titular character along with matching her sassiness and wit like she have in the comics.
The possibilities of She-Hulk season 2 are slim to none, but I still have hope of Jen coming back in the future.
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🛩️Andy Demayo (Steven Universe)🛩️
Even though he was kinda rude in his debut episode, but honestly, you would be confused and angry too if you see a bunch of strangers in your barn.
Besides Greg and the residents at Beach City, he rarely calls out Steven's dangerously daily lifestyle with the gems and shows that he cares about his recently known nephew.
After Gem harvest, he resolved the bittered distance and continue visiting his family, even showing at Garnet's wedding.
It was kind of a waste that Future didn't give him anything important to add, he would connect and helped Steven's dilemma with the fear of change, similar to his.
Also a hilarious fun fact, Andy's VA is Carl from Aqua Teen Hunger Force.
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🐁Splinter (TMNT 2012)🐁
Honestly one of the most tragic characters in the show, from a broken man who lost everything, to a loving and protecting father who found a new lease on life, along with a family that care for each other to the very end.
He can be strict but he does care about his family and would die fighting for them, he literally died to save them and would do it again if he have to.
Hoon Lee's electrifying portrayal speaks for itself and the critical juncture of his past that parallels him and Shredder is another reason why the show is underrated.
I hate the backlash that this character has been getting and that people are labeling him as a bad father but he's not, the show literally has moments of him caring and protecting his family from danger.
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🕸️Miles Morales (Spider-Man)🕸️
Without a doubt, Miles is one of the best Spider-Man characters of all. Pretty disgusting that people are using with the whole Miles Morales is Miles Morales crap to hate on a character that brings a new meaning for a iconic role model for kids.
Into and Across the Spider-verse done a outstanding job, making Miles's personal journey and growth so emotional and inspiring.
Sucks that the third film is going to take a long time to premiere, but at least the PS4 games also give him justice and continues shining Miles.
Miles Morales will forever be one of the best Spider-man, it just sucks that some people won't accept him continuously, but in some way at least there's some people who actually respect him as a character, knowing that he is in forever will be Spider-Man and that makes it him amazing.
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📋Lois Lane (My Adventures with Superman)📋
My Adventures with Superman is a show that should be talked about especially on how well written it is, the show adapted Lois very well, along with her budding romance with Clark.
I literally hated how Lois gets treated like garbage by a certain amount of people after the whole secret identity thing, the show does prove that Lois is flawed and complex in a good way, making her likable and relatable, she makes mistakes but that doesn't mean it's a bad thing, everyone does.
The latest episode of season 2 really proves that Lois is a good character, showing her empathetic past and complicated relationship with her dad.
Also, Alice Lee's fun performance as the character is just top notch, whether she's happy or sad, she just nails Lois's character without a doubt.
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🧬Morty Smith (Rick and Morty)🧬
This boy has been through enough, with neglectful parents, a sister that does care about him but is focused on her own life, Rick cares sometimes, but can be a real jerk. Morty is more you can be his own person the truth is some things can be holding him back, mostly his grandfather.
I'm glad that Rick is trying to change for the better, I remember I hated the way he treated Morty thoughout the seasons whether using verbal or physical abuse, it also sucks when he tried to do something good yet the universe basically just throws it back at him like a giant middle finger.
I'm glad that the later seasons proves that Morty could be a badass and he can handle himself, but I hope when the new season drops, they find a way to handle his trauma because he deserves a hug.
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🎳Wade Whipple (The Sonic franchise)🎳
The Sonic films are underrated but it's problem is that it gets dunked on, especially thanks to a so-called outside of the box thinker.
But unlike the other live action films with bland and boring human characters, the human characters in Sonic are actually likable and memorable, among them is Wade Whipple.
I really don't think he's one of the worst characters in Sonic, honestly his sister and dad deserves to be on that list.
Honestly people hate him just because he have more screen time than Knuckles but one, because it's a TV show budget and Knuckles is in the show, they are acting like he never was in the show.
Two, at least it added layers and flaws that made him even more relatable and serves a purpose to Knuckles's journey.
Like with Tom and Maddie with Sonic, his friendship with Knuckles is another core example of why Knuckles work and his actor, Adam Pally's performance was great too.
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🔪Sam Carpenter (Scream 5 and 6)🔪
Sam is another character that deserves more attention and respect than before, partially thanks to her actress.
Aside her rough past and learning the dark truth about her family, Sam cares about the people she loves and isn't afraid to fight for them, even fighting her own personal demons just to do so.
Melissa Barrera is a underrated actress, though Her performance in part 5 was good, I think she was just basically outperformed by everyone else, and it didn't help that she was getting bullied and criticize by bunch of toxic fans.
Scream 6 gave Sam justice and proves that she's a badass final girl, especially thanks to the crew and cast of the films who care and was there for her but thanks to a certain company that fire her for doing the right thing, what's the point of even watching Scream 7 without her and the core four but the good thing is at least it gave her and Sam a bittersweet ending.
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🐝Chloe Bourgeois (Miraculous Ladybug)🐝
This one is a completely personal rant, I used to be a fan Miraculous. But after watching the season 3 finale, I feel like the magic of the show just basically disappeared, and seasons 4 and 5 was a huge sign that the show fully gone off the rails.
I remember hating Chloe in the first season and I'm pretty sure everyone else felt the same feeling too, but season 2 actually did the the most surprising thing, actually gave her some character development.
It might be baby steps but still development, she might have been spoiled and selfish sometimes but they actually do show that she has flaws.
Malediktator was one of the best episodes of season 2, they were able to showcase Chloe's vulnerability and it prove that she can change and still be a useful ally like the other miraculous holders.
She protected her friend from getting akumatized again, she almost got Mayura's miraculous, and heck, She literally defied Hawkmoth's control, unlike the other akumatized victims, that is basically spells hero-worthy.
But of course as always, Thomas is just too spiteful and that thinks that Chloe is not just worthy and replaced her with a bland, forgettable and useless character who only exists just because she is "better" than Chloe.
It's honestly just pathetic that her corrupt father who spoils her and the literal villain of the show, who done some horrible and awful things get a redemption arc, but a literal misunderstood child doesn't, it just proves that the writer's room just don't even know how to handle character development nor redemption arcs.
It's even more sad that the film actually treats Chloe better than the show does.
The truth is whether do you like or don't like Chloe, it's possible that she can change, it's just that Thomas is the actual problem of the show, I hope one day somehow Chloe might actually get a actual chance to shine as a character again but maybe in the future it could still could happen.
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moodymisty · 4 months
Konrad and Mortarion are both sad self loathing stinky boys. But one difference between them is their reactions to you confessing your love to him.
Because Morty would be mentally in denial about it, always having thoughts like “what if you didn’t really mean it?” or “what if you’re playing some cruel joke on him?” or “what if you just said it out of pity??”. While Konnie would hear your love confession and mentally go “Great! That means you’re never leaving me ever. How nice.” While physically he’s staring at you completely silently like that one tbh creature image
Both are terrible to confess to for totally different reasons. Morty is slightly better because it’s mostly him just being doubtful of himself and is redeeming qualities, Konrad is just batshit.
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lynnbeth5172 · 9 months
Why Can’t You Be Alive? (One shot)
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Warning: Slightly dead dove and a bit more hurt than comfort <3 ⚽️
Shauna Shipman realized she was in love a bit too late, when her body was racked with sobs and she begged her dead best friend to wake up. Regretting even letting her freeze outside.
‘Please Jackie…I need you.’
Now she was in the meat shed, she had done a bit of her chores and hence went to the meat shed where the bear meat was. Journal in hand as she wrote and sketched, this time an antlered deer. As she looked up and looked at the propped up body of Jackie.
“Remember how we met?” She knew it looked like she was talking to a ghost but she didn’t care much, as she looked at the face of her frozen friend; trying to imagine her face. When she didn’t reply, Shauna did.
“Met in first grade, someone pushed you off the swings and I took you to the nurse. You asked if you can have my name and I said it.” Shauna yearned for those times, when they didn’t fight over boys but fought over stupid things like ‘Chocolate cookies are better than peanut cookies’ or arguing over who stole Shauna’s apple sauce.
Then boys came into the mix, then a boy named Jeff Sadecki came along. The boy who used to glue his lips together with a glue stick became Jackie’s crush and eventual boyfriend in freshman year, Shauna had a crush on him since sixth grade. Which was when he stopped glueing his mouth closed.
That was when her thoughts were interrupted when she heard a small thud, Jackie’s body was slumped over. Due to rigor mortis setting in; her body was very stiff, sighing and moving up, she fixed her dead friend’s position back to how it was. That was when she noticed her lips, Jackie always had pretty lips. Lips that were always covered in either lipgloss or lipstick, it reminded her of when she used to do Shauna’s makeup and when it came to lips…their faces were almost always dangerously close, as if they were going to kiss.
Shauna pressed her thumb to the lips of her friend, leaning in slightly more as her breath could be seen her almost frozen lashes. She chose to ignore, imagining Jackie alive and what she would say. It was fucked up she knew but…a part of her just wanted her.
She could almost hear Jackie’s voice, her face. Her smile turning into a grin as Shauna moved closer, her breath being seen in the freezing air.
“I know you wanna kiss me, Shauna…do it,” Shauna moved more closer, cupping Jackie’s cheek as she leaned in and kissed her. A warm feeling was there inside her, a feeling that wasn’t there whenever she kissed Jeff. She wanted so desperately to just continue kissing, she wished she had did this before Jackie died. She wished she had dated Jackie.
Her lips were cold and stiff but she still kissed her.
As she moved away slowly from Jackie’s face, she laughed. Almost more mocking than anything
“Poor little Shipman, you can’t have me. I’m long gone.”That was when reality finally broke in, Shauna over Jackie’s freezing face. Her eyes were closed, not open. Her face was neutral instead of her teasing grin; and she was quiet, not speaking.
Shauna’s heart dropped a bit, she kissed her dead friend…dead, not alive, not reciprocating feelings because she can’t.
Her lip trembled as she moved to where she sat, tears started to fall from her eyes as she tried wiping them.
She missed Jackie more than Jeff.
She’ll always miss Jackie more than Jeff, she’ll miss her over anything.
Ever since she had a crush she thought she loved Jeff, but…now she realized that she loved Jackie. But it was too late.
“Why can’t you be alive…” as tears fell from her face she became very clear of the answer. As the corpse still had its eyes closed.
‘Because I’m dead…you can’t have a dead person.’
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Short and sad, to all my Yellowjacket followers ❤️tbh I don’t know if I did well but I originally was sorta going for an Oliver and Felix thingy from Saltburn, with the obsession and all.
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