#Mox has nightmares
racerchix21 · 2 years
— “when was the last time you slept?” For mox and Seth (or whatever ship you're comfy writing ♥️♥️)
Pairing: Seth Rollins x Jon Moxley
Word Count: 843ish
A/N: I loved writing this so thank you for requesting it @himbos-hotline ♥️♥️
When Was The Last Time You Slept?
Getting a call from the Young Bucks was the last thing Seth thought he’d get on this rainy Sunday morning but he was grateful they’d called. Granted having Nick Jackson yelling in his ear at 8:30 scared the shit out of and the only thing he could catch was Jon’s name. Matt finally took the phone away and quietly explained that his boy was coming to work exhausted and they along with fellow ROH alum Christopher Daniels were worried about him. Matt told him that at first they hadn’t thought much of it until they’d witnessed Mox chugging a gallon of coffee and they finally noticed the bags under his eyes.
Now having Jon Moxley pressed up against his side concerns him especially since Mox wasn’t one for personal contact. In fact hadn’t been since he’d left Seth and Roman a couple months before for the bright lights of the unknown. Wrapping his arm around Mox’s shoulders and pulling him even closer Seth kisses the side of his head and enjoys having a sweet version of his best friend for a little while.
He startles when he feels Mox begin to rub his face across his neck and he glances down in time to see Jon fighting back a yawn and figures now’s as good a time as ever to finally get to the bottom of whatever was troubling him.
“Jonathan, when was the last time you slept pretty boy?,” Seth asks and has to physically hold Mox against his side when he feels him try to squirm away. He can feel the moment that his boy gives up trying to get away and he chances another look at him and has to laugh as Jon grumpily pouts.
“I slept last night. I don’t know why you care so much anyway,” Jon mumbles through another yawn glare intensifying.
“Moxie, how long did you sleep? And don’t even try to lie to me about it,” Seth growls and Mox visibly wilts. Seth knows immediately he’s got his best friend right where he wants him.
“A couple hours on and off. It’s just not easy to sleep. Everything’s so loud and there’s a million things I wanna do now that I’m free. I’m having nightmares again and I don’t know what to do to make them stop.”
“Your nightmares are back? Why didn’t you call one of us baby? You know Rome and I still love you and if you needed us we’d drop everything to come help you. You do know that don’t you?”
“I know but you’re so busy being Universal Champion fighting Brock every night and Romies still trying to get back in the groove of wrestling. I didn’t wanna bother either of you with my stupid problems.”
“How bout you try to sleep now and then when you wake up we FaceTime Roman and the family. How’s that sound baby boy,” Seth says pulling the blanket off the back of the couch, wrapping it around Mox.
“Baby boy? I think I could get used to being your baby boy if that’s what you meant by that, Sethie,” Jon mumbles against his chest.
“Yeah, sweet boy. Now sleep honey and we’ll figure out all the details later,” Seth tells him, pressing another kiss to his forehead. “Wait hold on a second I wanna get us more comfortable then you can sleep baby.”
Laying down fully on the couch, Seth begins pushing and pulling on Jon until he’s got him completely draped across his body blanket and all. Rubbing circles on Mox’s back, he slowly hears and feels his breathing slow down and eventually hears him begin to snore. Pressing one last kiss to Jon’s hair, Seth decides to take the chance to take a nap himself.
They sleep for a few hours, but Seth startles awake when he hears Jon whimper and he’s smacked as Mox begins to fight dream monsters. “Jon you’re okay baby. Shhh it’s okay honey, you’re okay,” Seth whispers in Mox’s ear grabbing his hands to stop Jon from hitting him again.
Slowly, he gets Jon to wake up and seeing the haunted look in his eyes Seth feel his heart break a little. “You okay sweet boy? That was some dream you were having.”
“Wasn’t a dream Sethie. Please don’t leave me again. I promise I’ll be the bestest and I’ll listen to everything you say, just don’t leave me again,” Jon honest to god whimpers with tears beginning to stream down his cheeks.
Reaching up and wiping the tears away, Seth holds Jon a little closer whispering all sorts of sweet reassurances to him. “Baby, I learned my lesson a long time ago. I have no plans to leave you ever again. If God tries to make me leave I’ll fight him and anyone else that tries it, okay? I love you Jonathan Moxley! Now, forever and always.”
Seth knew that he still had a lot of shit to make up for but for Mox he was willing to do anything to prove his love.
Tagging: @sunnyfleur23 @queenslayer1985 @rollins4eva @queencherryberry @tomhardydallasstarsgirl @gobbersworld
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People do not talk about TruthSeekers enough
Specifically the end fight. Not only is this some of the most gorgeous fucking animation I've ever seen, not only is the use of character's leitmotifs as a combined theme brilliant and clever, but the interactions between everyone and everyone and Blitz is just fucking fantastic.
Mox and Blitz of one fucking mind at the start. Blitz talking to everyone but twisted to look Moxxie dead in the eye when he yells fuck these fuckers UP and Moxx getting him instantly.
Loona protecting her dad, Blitz not even twitching when the chain blade is hurled at him because he knows it's not going to touch him. Her using her mouth as much as her hands if not more to wreck havoc.
Millie's sheer glee at getting to kick ass and take names, as if it's all a big game, not even having to break a sweat. The fact that she never stops being sweet and affectionate and silly even in the middle of this nonsense because she's still a little doll of a woman, but you started this shit and she's going to finish it. You fucked with her Moxxie and her Blitz. The fact that she uses an axe as big as she is and just lets it's momentum carry her around, throwing herself from one person to the next.
Moxxie's mob-kid little psychotic violent side getting to shine- the silly, goofy, shy little awkward buttmonkey reminding everyone why he's here and that he is just as capable as everyone else, thank you, with this feral gremlin streak just barely under the surface of his musical-loving, well spoken, well educated presentation.
Blitz's evil fucking laugh when he fires the "Pussy Destroyer" ( which made me laugh way too hard myself.)
The way Blitz scuttles across the fight interacting with his team, stopping at each and every person to make sure they are armed, they are doing well, backing them up and cheering them on, before blitzing (hahaha) off to have his own fun with these stupid little human fuckers. It's our first real look at how capable and deadly this silly, filthy little gay nerd is- he's agile, fast as fuck, vicious as hell, and strong. Guy used to be in the circus ok?
(Also the way he scrambles over and around Loona mid-fight which I adore.)
And what I consider to be the best (and maybe most important part)
the 'Mox, cover me!' moment.
These two are back-to-back, in the middle of a heated life-or-death fight, and not only does Blitz know roughly when they'll have to reload, he goes digging in his backpack fearlessly despite danger surrounding him and Moxxie firing just above his head, fully trusting Moxxie not to miss, to- well, cover him. On top of that, these two then perform not one but two blind weapon handoffs, swap to melee in almost perfect unison, and agree, wordlessly, when to split.
And the grins on the face of everyone (except poor Moxxie) when it's over, a moment of victory and connection.
Not even getting into the protective arms Blitz puts out across his team when it seems like they are cornered and trapped, teeth bared, ready to pounce, to use claw and teeth to defend them if he has to, if that's what it takes.
Not even getting into the fact that when Stolas first appears to save them, their shadows combine to make his, turning the four of them into one being just for a moment to make something significantly more powerful.
Not to mention the way reality seems to reassert itself as soon as the lights come back on, just the way it does when you wake up from a nightmare.
This got long fast and I'm sorry, but this scene just has so much character introspection, development, and explanation with barely a spoken word and I love it.
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incorrect-mtg · 8 months
Your custom set could have 0 lands and instead rely on 0 mana cards that add mana and cards with alternate costs like paying life or discarding cards. Could also have free cards for when conditions met like traps. Could be interesting to see how a nightmare like that develops. It would be funny I think. No get down from there no no no no no no stop alright good cat. I am leaving this in.
So what you're saying is that it has moxes AND a cat typal theme.
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theviridianbunny · 3 days
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VIRIDIAN MILLER - ex arsaka netrunner. Host of the experimental biochip.  Has blue hair AND Pronouns. Asexual icon.
RASMUS SUNDBURG - trauma team medical researcher - ex trauma team front line medic. Night City's hottest goth Divorcee !! The most aro/bi king to ever exist.
AMRIN ELLIS  - ex trauma team medic - ripperdoc and Dogtown's handsome mechanic.  Demisexual nightmare [affectionate].
CHARLI AXEL - mox and resident DJ at Lizzies bar. All around party girl and hype lady - dose no harm but equally takes no shit.  Pansexual polyamorus queen.
EDITH NOX - Netwatch agent and all around evil bitch. Would sell your soul to the devil for 10p and a tube of smarties .  Aroace menace [would rather fry out your neural network]
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helluva-family · 5 days
Milie, friendly tip. They are in a motel room in wrath. Mox is pushing as we speak.
Moxxie continues to push, his face contorting in agony as his body works to bring his child into the world. The pain is overwhelming, and he feels like he’s going to pass out at any moment. His breaths come in ragged gasps, his entire body shaking from the effort.
Moxxie: *Gasping between pushes, his voice weak* I can’t… it hurts…
Striker: *Leaning closer, his tone a low growl* You will keep going. You ain’t done until that kid’s out.
Moxxie: *Sobbing through the pain, he grips the sheets even tighter, pushing again as another contraction hits. He feels the baby starting to descend, the pressure unbearable.* Oh… Satan!… it’s… coming…"
Striker: *Nods, now crouching down, his eyes narrowing* Good. Don’t stop now. You’re almost there. *He reaches over to grab a towel from a nearby table, tossing it onto the bed.*
Moxxie: *His vision blurs as he pushes harder, tears streaming down his face. His body is exhausted, but he refuses to give up. With one final, agonizing push, he feels the baby finally start to move down.* It’s… it’s coming…
Striker: *His eyes widen slightly as he sees the baby crowning, but his expression remains cold and detached.* Alright, Mox. Looks like you’re almost done. Keep going.
Moxxie pushes one last time, his body screaming in pain as he finally delivers his child. The baby’s cry fills the room, a fragile, small sound that seems to echo off the motel’s dingy walls.
Moxxie: *Collapsing back against the headboard, utterly spent and shaking, his breath coming in shallow gasps. His eyes are glazed over with exhaustion, but he listens desperately for the baby’s cries.* Is he… is he okay?
Striker: *Grabbing the towel, he roughly wraps the newborn in it, wiping away the blood and fluids. He holds the baby up, examining him with a cold, calculating gaze. After a tense moment, he smirks.* Well, I’ll be damned. He’s alive." *He hands the baby back to Moxxie, almost carelessly.
Moxxie: *Tears of relief spill from his eyes as he cradles his newborn son in his arms. He looks down at the small, fragile figure in disbelief, his heart swelling with love and protection despite everything. He gently rocks the baby, who lets out soft whimpers, but otherwise seems healthy.* Thank you… thank you for holding on…you’re so strong like your Mama!
Striker: *Leaning back against the wall, he watches the emotional scene with a twisted smirk.* Well, ain’t this just a heartwarming moment? Too bad it won’t last.
Moxxie: *His heart races, the weight of Striker’s words sinking in. He tightens his hold on his son, staring at Striker with a newfound determination, even through his exhaustion.* Let us go Striker…please…we mean nothing to you.
Striker: *Laughs darkly, shaking his head* Oh, Moxxie, you think this is the end? It’s only just beginning. *He steps closer, looming over Moxxie and the newborn.* I’ve got plans for you. And that kid? Well, we’ll just see how long you can keep him safe from what’s comin' next.
Moxxie, still trembling from the ordeal, looks down at his son with tear-filled eyes, knowing that this nightmare is far from over. His heart pounds with fear, but he swears to himself that, no matter what, he will protect his child from whatever Striker has planned next.
Millie and Sallie Mae pull up to the rundown motel in the Wrath Ring, dust swirling around the tires of their truck as it screeches to a halt. Millie jumps out first, her heart racing, the fear gripping her chest like a vice.
Millie: This is the place! He’s gotta be in there!
Sallie Mae: Don’t worry, sis. We’ll get him and the baby back. I’ll kill that bastard if I have to.
They burst through the door of the motel room, weapons drawn, only to be met with an empty, eerily silent room. The bed is a mess, stained with blood and fluid, and the ropes that had bound Moxxie lie discarded on the floor. Millie’s eyes immediately dart to the bed, her heart dropping.
Millie: *Whispering in disbelief* No…
Sallie Mae: *Eyes scanning the room, frustration bubbling up* Damn it! We’re too late!
Millie moves further into the room, her heart pounding in her chest. The sheets are soaked, and there’s a faint scent of blood and sweat hanging in the air. Her hands tremble as she touches the bed, her mind racing with what must have happened here.
Millie: *Tears filling her eyes, her voice shaky* He was here. He was right here… and now he’s gone. Striker’s got him and the baby… again.
Sallie Mae: *Punches the wall in frustration* That son of a bitch! How the hell did he get away so fast?! *She looks to Millie, trying to keep calm for her sister’s sake, but the rage is evident.* We need a plan, Millie. They can’t have gotten far.
Millie: *Clenches her fists, trying to hold herself together* "I swear, when I find him… when I get my hands on Striker…" *Her voice cracks, her eyes burning with tears of anger and desperation* I’m bringing Moxxie home. I don’t care what it takes!
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fallynleaf · 13 days
AEW All Out 2024 was so funny. just an absolutely demonic (positive) show. i wanted to post a bit about it because a lot happened that i probably won't reblog gifs of haha.
Kris Statlander and Willow Nightingale had a street fight in the ruins of their former friendship, and Willow smashed a light tube over Kris's head and then Kris did the SPLITS onto THUMB TACKS, and of course Kris the betrayer was the one who triumphed in the end.
in the semi-main, Bryan Danielson defended the AEW championship against Jack Perry. Luchasaurus, Christian's current right-hand man, er, dinosaur, came out at the end and had a staredown with Jack (his former partner...), but Christian (who has a right to challenge for that belt anytime he wants) interrupted before THAT could go anywhere, and then Bryan's factionmates, the Blackpool Combat Club, showed up to ward off the Patriarchy (Christian's faction. it's too much to explain here lol).
but then as soon as the Patriarchy left, Jon Moxley hugged Bryan, and then he and Claudio Castagnoli immediately betrayed him, and Mox started literally suffocating Bryan with a plastic bag while Wheeler Yuta, the BCC's other member, sobbed and struggled to try to reach Bryan as Pac restrained him.
on that cheery note, we went into the Hangman Adam Page vs Swerve Strickland grudge cagematch, which follows after Hangman literally burned down Swerve's childhood home a few days ago, driven to the point of absolute obsession toward the man who first took the love of the crowd away from him, and who then invaded Hangman's own house and threatened his newborn child, only to still get cheered by the crowd anyway.
lots happened in that match! there was stuff with a staple gun and also cinderblocks. at one point they fought over a literal wooden stake that Hangman had taken from the burnt remains of Swerve's childhood house, which they proceeded to try to stab each other with like they were trying to slay a vampire (i mean Hangman has already quite literally drunken Swerve's blood so you can't say it's not on theme 💀). right at the end, there was a NEEDLE SPOT that i could not watch at all lol.
a lot of pro wrestling is about these small moments that really stick with you. usually you can't predict what those will be. in this match, the thing that really stuck with me wasn't really any of the spots in the match itself, but the aftermath.
Hangman won by knockout, just an absolutely brutal victory, and he left the ring and headed up the ramp, and then at one point, he paused and turned around and started to walk back toward the ring, and the crowd audibly gasped in horror, like everyone in that room was afraid of what Hangman was going to do to Swerve after he was basically totally unconscious and helpless and already defeated. suddenly, an expression crossed Hangman's face that i'm not sure any of us were expecting.
it looked like remorse.
and it seemed to be the thing that finally broke him.
he'd gotten what he wanted, and he didn't feel any better. he'd become this thing that people hated and feared, and there might not be any way to go back.
the PPV ended on a shot of Hangman in anguish at the top of the ramp. it was easily the darkest show that AEW has ever done, a show of unsettling imagery and nightmares, but boy was it compelling. sometimes the hero loses. sometimes hate triumphs. sometimes the catharsis is in sitting with the darkness instead of vanquishing it.
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gremlintheslut · 2 years
Those eyes
Jon Moxley x reader short series
Warning: don't wanna spoil it but mox jerks off under the covers and yn doesn't know
Master list
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I have been friends with Jon for as long as I can remember. We go way back, we started our wrestling careers together. There's always been this thing about him. When he's in character he is the most confident man you will ever meet. Which is very far off from the Jon I know. I know a man who is awkward as hell and has so much social anxiety most of the time he can't look me in the eyes.
I love him to death, I really do but he needs to be less afraid of people. At least not afraid of me. When we share hotel rooms he hides underneath the covers cause he hates sleeping in rooms with people. On top of that, he has nightmares because he's so afraid of people being in the same room as him.
Like right now. I am awoken by the sounds of groaning. I sit up on my elbows and it takes a minute for my brain to wake up. "oh god" I hear a familiar voice grunt a few feet away from me. I look over at his bed and see the usual. Him hiding under the covers and the same back-and-forth movements he does in his restless sleep. "fuck" he curses as his movements get faster. Poor thing.
I climb out of bed and approach him. "good girl" it doesn't shock me. He blurts out weird stuff in the middle of his nightmares. Stuff like, take it bitch, I'm not done princess, get on your knees, I'll spank you if I have to. I know it's just weird things that his brain somehow comes up with. He doesn't like it when he wakes up without the covers over him so I'm sure to shake him a bit to wake him up. His movements change like they normally do. I think he's trying to push me off of him in his sleep like I'm a part of his nightmare.
"mox... Mox wake up it's a dream" I coax him. His movements cease and he pants loudly. I peel back the makeshift coffin he made for himself out of fear. I am greeted by his sweaty, desperate-looking face. He looks into my eyes with those beautiful blue irises. He looks away quickly and I wish I turned on the lamp next to his bed so I could see them better.
"you okay?" I say. He stays quiet for a moment to catch his breath and I sit on the edge of the bed. "yeah, I'm fine yn" he replies. I still feel the need to comfort him. I put my hand on his shoulder. To my surprise, he doesn't shove me away. He seemingly relaxes into my touch. "you sure you're alright?" I ask. He nods and then looks at the hand placed on his shoulder as if he just noticed it. His breathing picked up and I gently pulled my hand away.
He collects his thoughts for a second. "I'm alright, really. get some sleep I'm sorry for waking you up ynn(yn nickname)" he says moving to lie down again. I stand up and take a step away from the bed to give him more space. "don't worry about it I don't mind losing a little bit of sleep for you" I say taking another step back. His face goes bright red. He nods his head and pulls the covers back over himself.
I return to my bed and can't stop thinking. I didn't mean to make him feel uncomfortable. The whole point of putting my hand on his shoulder was to comfort him. He did say he was fine though so it wasn't needed. What's the matter with me? I freak him out and then try to shoot my shot at him. Who does that? Creeps. Creeps do that. I'm a creep. Why can't I just tell him about my stupid fucking crush and avoid everything that could happen like this in the future?
I should just think about this tomorrow. I need to sleep. Plus Jon wouldn't be a big fan of the fact I am laying down fully awake while he is asleep peacefully a few steps away.
Thanks for reading I will be posting for this every other Friday. Love ya-gremlin💋💕💞
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nagdabbit · 1 year
we collide with shoulder and steel: chapter 7/25
words: 2.5k
rating: t to be safe
we meet mox and claudio, bryan has a few conversations and remembers
i rewrote this all wednesday in a fury cuz it just wasn't flowing right, and now i present you with this thing that im actually pretty proud of
also on ao3
The boy had come with trembling hands and a well-used sword strapped to his hip, wild eyes and calloused palms. He hadn't drawn it as Bryan growled and threatened, his instincts not trained for fight the way his hands had been. All the drills in the world wouldn't ready a soldier for war, and it certainly hadn't readied Daniel for a monster.
But he was diligent in his training. That first morning, he'd risen with the sun and run drills in the courtyard. Even stiff and stumbling, still weary from a tough climb and a long, sleepless night—his tosses and turns had echoed so loudly through the otherwise silent ruins—his footwork had been good. His movements were fluid and smooth, and even as tired as he was, he never once stumbled.
That was where he spent his mornings, running through drills until the sun began to beat down on his shoulders. Then he would busy himself exploring the ruins, finding himself chores to keep from boredom—or perhaps just to keep himself out of Bryan's way. He tried his hand at repairing cracks in the few still standing walls, patched a few of the smaller holes in the roof, fixed a chair or two that he had found laying in pieces in the great hall. Occasionally, Bryan would hear him in one of the few standing outbuildings, carrying on with the salting and preserving work that had gone forgotten in Yuta's absence. He would even brave the heat of the kitchens and Claudio's fire to hang herbs to dry.
And when the sun had dipped low enough, drenching the garden in shadow and shade, he would venture out into the greenery that Bryan could scarcely tame. He would quietly tend to the vegetable patches, cart buckets of water up from the well, pluck berries until his fingertips were stained red.
He skirted the edges of William's lonely form, and the purple hyacinth that grew around his feet, but he never once even turned in Yuta's direction. Bryan didn't blame him.
Outside, the shadows grew shorter as Daniel continued his drills.
Others might've called the boy dedicated. Bryan thought he was simply determined. 
Bryan stayed hidden, watching on from behind broken glass. If any of his previous encounters with Daniel were any indication, he'd freeze the moment he knew he had an audience, glower and spit and flinch away, off to find somewhere to hide. Or, perhaps he would grow sloppy, swing his blade wildly, hurt himself trying to pretend he didn't care about the scrutiny. Perhaps Bryan was wrong altogether, and he would simply carry on as if he hadn't been bothered in the slightest.
Bryan found that he was often wrong.
At his elbow, there was a flutter of pages, the creak of a spine. A sound he'd scarcely heard in the last three years. It had felt like decades, the sudden silence that had descended in Yuta's absence.
"Be careful."
Be careful. The first words Mox had spared him in three long, silent years, and it was a warning—and one he rightly deserved. He glanced down toward the book resting on the sill there, looking for the familiar ghost of Mox's hands dancing across the pages, but he had grown far too faint to see. 
Outside, Daniel thrust the blade forward with steady, trained hands.
He remembered finding Mox, in those first moments of his unending nightmare. In the raucous chaos of frightened, screaming voices, he hadn't had to look far to find him. He had been where he always was, hiding away within his maze of books, and he, too, was screaming.
The library had been in complete disarray when he pushed in. Books in pieces, flown and flying from the shelves, as if they'd been grabbed and thrown in a fit of frustration and fear. Perhaps a body, thrown so roughly into a shelf, dislodging tomes and pages in the ensuing fight. Maybe the debris of a cannon shot, all destruction and chaos. The air had been thick with dust and a thousand torn pages screaming out in terror. 
He hadn't known what to do, how to make it stop, how to find Mox within the storm of words and sounds. He didn't know how to be the strong one anymore, to lead them through this new battle. So he had simply fallen to his knees, and screamed along.
"I don't trust him," Mox continued, voice rougher than Bryan remembered. He sounded more like ripping paper than fluttering pages, ancient parchment crumbling to dust in the palm of an uncaring hand. "But he shouldn't trust you."
He winced, nodding. "I know."
"Do you?"
"I swear that I do."
"Then don't do to him what you did to Yuta."
He sighed and looked to his left, to the book Mox hadn't visited in years, hoping to see his friend once again outlined in dust motes and sunlight. All he caught was the soft, creaking sigh as the cover fell shut once more. It was a book on horticulture, and he remembered Yuta setting it there before he'd invited Bryan out into the garden that evening. He'd been too ashamed to touch it, after, and Mox had never asked for it to be returned.
He wondered, idly, what William would think of him, after all his years. Mox didn't think much of him, clearly, and he didn't want to bank on Claudio caring much at all either, not with the way he still tried to burn Bryan each time he stepped close enough. What he would think to see his home in such shambles. What a disappointment Bryan would be. He had failed so spectacularly to get free of the curse, it was a wonder he hadn't thrown himself off the mountain peak just to see if it would take. 
He wondered what Nigel would think, to see him still suffering so long later. To see the potency of his spite enduring centuries past what any man should have been able to take. Bryan wondered if he would laugh, if he would be smug, if he would furrow his brow in some mocking mask of feigned pity. If he would truly pity. Or if, perhaps, he would be disappointed, too.
He wondered what young Yuta would think. If he would be proud to see his garden still thriving in his absence, or if he would be saddened to know it was all a waste.
Outside, hazy sunlight glinted off the blade as it arced through the air, sharp and bright. There was sweat upon Daniel's brow, and an ease to his fluid movements.
In another life, Bryan would have taken up his own blade, and stepped out into the light. He'd have invited Daniel to spar with him, traded knowledge and steel with the boy. He would have relished in the fight, as he often had as a younger man. He had always liked a challenge.
But his sword felt like nothing more than a dagger in his grip, now. 
He pressed a hand to the book's fraying, sun-bleached cover for a moment, and turned away from the window. 
He picked his way back toward the eastern wing, toward the heat of the kitchens and the angry ghost within. He hoped that the fires wouldn't burn as hot, but he knew that wouldn't be so. 
There were many things he remembered, spanning his long, long life, and many more than he'd forgotten. He remembered the look on Claudio's face, when first he fell in love, the dawning awe and surprise as he watched Mox speak on some new fact he had read. He didn't remember the color of Claudio's eyes. He didn't remember his favorite foods or the song he hummed as they rode beside each other. 
He remembered each and every scar torn in Claudio's well-worn armor, but not the jokes that he told as they gathered round the fire. 
He remembered stumbling toward the house, unsteady hooves catching on the tufts of grass, slowly drying out as winter neared. Everything had been too new, too much. He could smell the blood seeping beneath his fingernails, beneath his fucking talons, growing thick and sour as it dried onto—the fur covering his hands. Covering his arms. Every inch of him something new, something terrible to behold. 
His blood burned hot, molten steel as it coursed through him. He could feel it, trace it where it pumped beneath his skin. He could feel everything, suddenly so aware of everything around him. The birds above his head, the echoing burble of water, fresh and cool, from deep within the mountain. The scent of despair and fear in his nose was so strong it made him sick.
He'd stumbled toward the house and the cacophony within, as if the walls themselves had been screaming. And they had been. The house itself had been alight with fear and pain and empty of flesh, save that which had burst forth from his own chest. They were all gone—and not. Pieces of them were left, their voices and their fear, but their humanity had been stolen right along with Bryan's.
He remembered the sound of a scream welling up from all around, from every flame flickering through the halls, cutting through the noise. A familiar voice, usually so calm and warm, now wracked with pain. The scream of a glowing brand on flesh, torturous and cruel.
It had stopped, suddenly. He remembered that, too. The scream had died in a strangled roar, so loud that the cacophonous babble suddenly sounded like a whisper. And with it went the light, only wax and ash and quivering tendrils of smoke left in its wake—save one last flame, one last candle cradling the last piece of Claudio left to him. 
He remembered a soft, flickering voice, a plea to find Mox in the chaos left to them. He remembered the fear that the flame would burn out before he even could. He remembered the fear.
He carefully stepped through the doorway, flinching back from the angry burst of heat that stung his face. 
The stones of the kitchen walls were still stained black with soot, remnants of Claudio's anger. When he had first stepped back into the house alone, eyes burning and hands trembling, he had been gentle. Asked what the matter was, what had happened, where was Yuta. He had asked, voice quavering in time with the flames' flicker, what Bryan had done.
Where Mox had retreated, hidden himself and his anger away, Claudio had been an inferno, burning hot as he tried to burn Bryan to the ground in a moment of rage.
He hadn't had time to explain what had happened, that it wasn't his intent, that he didn't know. He'd stumbled back out of the doorway, the fur on his face singed, and prayed to anyone still listening that he wouldn't have to watch Claudio burn the entire house down, and himself along with it. He prayed that he wouldn't be left alone.
But then the flames had died down, stones scarred black, and all but one flickering flame went out. 
Claudio kept his flames low and small, most days. Eating away at the proffered logs as slowly as he could manage, so as to avoid seeing Bryan at all costs. Bryan wasn't permitted within the kitchens but once a week, at most. 
He carefully fed another log into the fire, and backed away toward the door before Claudio could bite at him. He refused to let his flame find purchase in any other lantern or hearth within the house, but Bryan was certain his own hide would be the exception. 
He took a breath, readying himself for a fight. "May I ask one favor of you?"
The flames brightened, licking forth out of the hearth like hungry, snapping dogs. Already offended by Bryan's audacity to ask for anything at all, he spit sparks as he laughed. "You would ask me for a favor, beast? Perhaps a light in the night? A flame for a fire pit? Something to keep you warm on these lonely nights?"
He flinched back another step, determinedly shaking his head. "Not for me, Claudio. I know better than that."
A scoff. The flames pulled back, but barely. "I doubt you know much of anything at all," Claudio muttered. "Go on, then. I could use a good joke."
"The boy, Daniel, he isn't—he is a friend of Yuta's. If you would allow him to actually use the kitchen, rather than try to burn him out, I would be grateful."
The flames surged again. "So you can kill him, too?"
"He will leave this mountain of his own free will," Bryan promised, chest aching for it to hold true. "At the very least, allow me the chance to do for Daniel what I couldn't for Yuta, and let him go."
"He cannot replace simply replace him, this boy cannot—"
"I know, Claudio, I know. But I would do an even graver disservice to Yuta's memory, and his work, if I ran Danny off," Bryan insisted. He added, ruefully, "And, besides, I already tried. He's angrier than he is afraid. He's here whether we want him or not."
"And you think that a good thing."
"No, but it's what we're faced with. Allow him to stay, kill him outright, or throw him back down the mountain and hope he's enough sense in his head to run."
"Then throw him."
Bryan hid a wince at the vicious rage in his even tone. Claudio had once been the kindest of them, but he had settled into his hatred with vigor. "And I guarantee, he will climb this rock on broken bones, just to spite me." 
The flames flared, and then died back down. Centuries on, ages of learning to read emotion in flame and embers, Bryan knew acquiescence when he saw it. The angry acknowledgement that, despite either of their wishes, Daniel was there to stay.
"He isn't Yuta, he's nothing even like him. He's not here for the same reasons. He'll return to his path when he's ready," Bryan promised, knowing there was little even keeping the boy there beside persistence and misplaced curiosity. "All I'm asking is to not burn him out before then. For Yuta's sake."
A flare of heat and anger, strong enough and hot enough to make Bryan stagger a few steps back. But just as quickly, the flames quieted. "I do not trust him," Claudio spat, flames settling back into the dim flicker he wore when he had no target for his anger. "Not any more than I trust you. I will do this for Yuta's sake, as you said. But mark me, Bryan, he will turn on you."
"He won't."
A scoff, a shower of sparks and embers. "Then on your head be it."
But it already was. Their continued existence, any hope they might have left, any and every possible failure and future for them—it all bore down on Bryan. They were already floundering in the riptide of consequences, drowning in the wake of Bryan's many mistakes. Everything relied on him. A weight rested on his neck like a headsman's ax, ready and waiting to take what little he had left. 
He spared a grateful nod toward the faint glow of his once-friend, and backed out of the doorway and into the heat of the day.
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zedxspacess · 3 months
I’m seeing people say Forbidden Door is too AEW focused this year, but when you objectively look at the card, it really isn’t.
Mercedes v Vaquer
Toni v Mina
Danielson v Shingo
Mox v Naito
Orange v ZSJ
MJF v Hechicero
AEW only matches:
Ladder match (so far)
Swerve v Ospreay
That is only 2 out of 8 matches, like what are you saying. And there's a high chance there will be more cross promotional matches revealed later this week, since Gabe Kidd and El Phantasmo showed up to Rampage pretapings last week.
There’s less multimans this year, so numbers wise, it feels like there’s less representation from other companies. BUT I counter that the downside to the multimans is not everyone can share the same amount of spotlight--you have some wrestlers getting more shine while others mostly hang out on the apron. These singles matches can have more focus on the individual wrestlers of other companies. Tho I do anticipate the inclusion of more multimans on the pre-show.
I think the mistake on both AEW and the fan's part is marketing FD as a NJPWxAEW event moving forward. NJPW is still getting most of the representation (they're half of the outside talent), but this is definitely an AEWxThe World type of ppv now. And the downside to opening the door to more companies collaborating is that the spots and plots that would've gone to NJPW are now going to CMLL or Stardom. The shows are already 5+ hours long, and you can only fit so many matches on the card. People were complaining on the lack of interpromotional women's matches or lucha libre rep in past years, and now we have two title defenses from two different companies! And while I don't think the MJF-Hechicero match is the best combination, it's still something for CMLL along with Stephanie Vaquer. The optimal FD card is having 0 AEW v AEW matches, but I believe we can get there.
Personally, I don't think there should or can be separate ppvs for the different promotions ie, a FD just with NJPW or a FD just with CMLL. Logistically, it sounds like a nightmare considering implementing build time, working out visas and travelling. I don't think it's a coincidence Fantasticamania Mexico and USA are happening in close proximity to FD--all the relevant NJPW talent are in the same continent so travel between the states and Mexico is easier than if they're going back and forth from Japan. The moment I saw Hiromu Takahashi on the Fantasticamania MX card for a week, I knew there's no way TK could resist booking him for AEW while he's in the same hemisphere. Hiromu, Titan, and ZSJ were on Tuesday's CMLL show in Mexico City and they're literally showing up on Dynamite in Buffalo, NY the day after.
Now the interesting question is: why are fans feeling like it's AEW-focused when on paper, it's the opposite? I think it partly falls down to the aforementioned issue of the expectation of more NJPW presence on a program where there's two other promotions sharing the spotlight now. CMLL doesn’t have a big presence in ENG speaking circles as compared to NJPW, so there’s less familiarity/hype when a CMLL wrestler shows up in a guest spot vs when a NJPW fan fav shows up on AEW. But I also think the other part of the problem lies on the plots/build leading up to the show and how unbalanced it is.
I'd argue the builds that have the most presence on AEW programing are Swerve v Ospreay, Toni v Mina, Ladder Match and the rest following suit in varying degrees. You get the occasional appearance from TMDK or Shingo or a luchador but those top three matches are given the most promo+match time until the couple shows before the ppv. Hechicero has shown up a lot lately but his match up against MJF felt last minute and not the direction they were headed with his character. Naturally, AEW talent have more free time to promote the matches in ways the outside talent can't due to travel, visas and scheduling--NJPW are still doing their tours in Japan and Fantasticamania Mexico this week, CMLL do shows 4 days a week every week plus some of their talent had visa issues earlier this year. Mina is the only exception to this as she's been reliably flying in and making appearances even before Double or Nothing, which I consider a plus and how AEW should book for FD moving forward. She's been so seamlessly integrated into the show and the story with Toni and Mariah having been such a constant presence, she doesn't feel too much like an outsider. I think the issue with FD in previous years is that most of the ongoing plots in AEW have to take a pause for FD season, or they have to awkwardly insert NJPW talent into it somehow or the build only starts a couple weeks before the show. Mina's handling has avoided that, but you can't say the same for the Ladder Match and Swerve v Ospreay which has the opposite problem of not involving outside talent at all. I'm not entirely too happy with Swerve v Ospreay main eventing but I don't hate it either. I can see why AEW chose to do it and how it's probably more beneficial to their long term plans. But at the expense of downplaying the interpromotional focus of the show for TWO their biggest titles is :/ and something I hope they won't repeat again in the future.
And speaking of titles, there's the whole discourse of Moxley being the iwgp champ and questioning the relationship between the promotions that's skewed people's perception of FD. I'll say Mox deserves to be world champ and its unfair to say he's unworthy or his defenses are meaningless; the guy was in the G1 and appeared in NJPW before joining AEW, plus it's also up to NJPW to approve of the title defenses in the first place. I think half of this problem lies with NJPW's struggle in pushing new main eventers from their already talented roster and the other half is AEW protecting themselves too much in the booking. There’s an existing story of a full on AEW vs NJPW war the wrestlers and fans talk about but the companies don’t want to play into it to protect the image of their partnership. I originally wrote a whole thing explaining this point further, but it kinda got off topic and too lengthy so I'll just say this: regardless of what your thoughts are about the title reign, the discourse around it and how the match most likely isn't main eventing is not a good look on AEW's part and has swayed some fans' opinion of the representation of the card. I don't think this assessment is entirely fair to knock the whole ppv down or doom write about how AEW is screwing over NJPW, but I understand how a fan's frustration of it can taint their perception of FD.
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banannabethchase · 3 months
Through the Phone - also on AO3
Mox answers a phone call while he's fucking Matt. Funny who is on the other line.
This came from a very stupid concept that occurred to me once Jey Uso started saying "yeet" and now you all have to suffer it with me. Title from Kiss Me Thru the Phone by Soulja Boy.
Mox gets the call when Matt is hands and knees on his bed, slowly circling his hips and driving Mox insane.
“Go ahead,” Matt says, tossing a look over his shoulder that makes Mox want to take this to another level. “Answer it. I want to see if anybody can tell I’m here.” He grins. “See if you break.”
Mox rolls his eyes. “You got a big opinion about your ability to fuck with me, but okay?” He answers without checking the caller ID. “Mox.”
“Hey, man.” It’s an overfriendly tone he hasn’t heard in a while, one that’s slotted himself into a place in the world Mox used to fill. “Glad you picked up.”
Matt throws a bewildered look over his shoulder. “Cody?” he mouths.
Mox turns the phone to himself, slowing his movements, and there it is on the caller ID: Cody Rhodes. The American Nightmare is on the other line, and Mox is balls deep in his ex’s brother. “Hi, Cody,” he says hesitantly. “The fuck are you doing calling me late at night on a Friday? Don’t you have a show to run or something?”
“I had energy after the show,” Cody says coolly. “I had a question for you.”
Mox has to blink a few minutes for the words to sink in. It seems Matt’s gotten impatient and has begun fucking back on Mox’s cock. It’s distracting. “Question?” Mox finally says. “What do you want?”
Mox can all but hear Matt roll his eyes, but he picks up the pace as an apology. There’s worse ways to react, he has to imagine. “You want Seth?”
Cody laughs. “I misspoke. I meant I want to know how to get Seth to shut the fuck up.”
Matt’s laughing with his face pressed in the pillows, and Mox laughs a little as well. “Stick a dick in his mouth,” Mox says, and he winks at Matt as he shifts his angle and Matt moans. “That’ll usually do the trick.”
Cody laughs again, that knowing, almost condescending chuckle. “I find mine is otherwise occupied.”
Mox, to his own surprise, keeps fucking into Matt, not in the least dissuaded by the implication. “Sorry, you called me while you were in the middle of fucking Seth?!”
“Of course not,” and for the briefest of misguided seconds, Mox thinks he’s in the clear. “I’m fucking Jey. Seth’s in a chair in the corner because he’s being terrible.”
Mox sighs and looks down at where he’s still lazily rolling his hips to push in and out of Matt. “Yeah, I got no leg to stand on.” He sighs and Matt shrugs. “Matt’s here, by the way.”
“Hi, Matt,” Cody says. His voice lightens up. “How are you?”
“This is weird,” Matt calls, still bouncing back on Mox’s dick.
“Sure. You’re the one to determine appropriate phone calls.”
“Give – give me that!” Matt reaches back to fumble for Mox’s phone, but all he manages to do is switch it to a FaceTime, which Mox has never been able to do intentionally in his life. “Oh. Hi.”
“Hello.” Cody’s camera isn’t turned onto his face, but instead to a grinning Jey Uso.
“Hey, Matt,” Jey says. “Weird way to meet you, but it works.” It’s clear he’s on his back with a leg up. Mox can’t get much more detail from how far away Matt is holding the phone. “Hi, Mox.”
“Hey.” Mox nods. “So, what’s the deal, Cody?”
Cody sighs and turns the camera to Seth, who is rolling his eyes. He’s stark naked in a hotel chair, arms folded over his chest. “He’s being a bitch.”
“That’s his default state.” Mox nods. “Matty, tell Cody all about how I have annoyingly predictable taste in men.”
“Rude,” Matt says. He tosses his hair over his shoulder. “I’m not complaining or sitting all bratty in a chair.”
“Different years of the same wine,” Cody says before Seth can respond. “Do you have advice for how to get him to stop all of this?”
“The pouting in a chair?” Mox asks. He picks up the pace with one hand on Matt’s hip and the other tracing mindless patterns on the small of Matt’s back. “I don’t know. Come on his face? I don’t remember him ever doing that shit.”
“That’s because you were too busy getting railed by Roman to see how much of an asshole he was being to me.” The camera swings and Seth’s expression has shifted to furious.
“Really,” Matt says. “Tell me more about that.”
“Focus, you horny bastard,” Mox says, slapping Matt’s ass. The resulting moan is a little much for mixed company, but, hell, Cody started it. “And, you. Hand off your dick.”
“What?” Matt asks. His hands are stretched out in front of him.
“Not you,” Mox says. “You’re being good. I was talking to Seth.”
Cody chuckles. “Can’t keep his hands off of himself, can he? Seth, hands on the arms of the chair. And hold this.”
Jey makes an annoyed sound as Cody walks the camera over to Seth. “There,” Cody says. “Now you can use your hands for something that won’t get you in trouble.” He waves at the camera. “Good view, Matt?”
“The best,” Matt says.
“You flirting with him?” Mox asks. “While I’m inside you?”
“I’m not flirting,” Matt says. “You know what it looks like when I’m flirting.” He tosses his hair over his shoulder. “Show me what you and Jey do, Cody.”
“Okay, that’s flirting.”
“On purpose,” Matt singsongs, and moves back against Mox until his ass is flush with Mox’s hips. “Are you complaining?”
“No,” Mox grumbles. “Jey, this cool?”
“This is great,” Jey says. He stretches his arms behind his bed as Cody arranges his legs. “Y’all know I like an audience.” He winks at the camera, face fading into a rather stunning smile as Cody slides into him. “This is exactly my kind of thing.”
Mox moves lazily, eyes flickering between the way he slides in and out of Matt and the screen, where Cody is stroking Jey’s face and telling him how good he is.
“How come you aren’t that nice to me?” Matt asks. He stretches his arms like a cat and nearly mewls as Mox reaches around and strokes his dick, using the precome to help the glide as Mox gets a little rougher with his thrusts. “Oh, yes.” His hand twitches and drops the phone.
“That’s why,” Mox says. “You don’t like it when I’m all cute like that. You like it when I get a little mean.” He grabs at Matt’s ass cheeks and spreads them, watching himself move in and out. He squeezes, just on the other side of gentle. Matt moans. “Exactly. Pick up that phone again, baby.”
Matt nods and fumbles before propping the phone up against the pillow.
“He really is like Seth, then,” Cody chuckles.
Jey turns to the camera. “Seth’s more whiny, though,” he muses. “Don’t give me that look, Seth, Cody and I can see you.”
There’s a huff behind the camera and Mox laughs. “You never do change, do you, Seth?”
“I change!” Seth says. He turns the camera to himself with what is, in fact, a giant pout.
“Hi Seth!” Matt says. “I think it’s unfair they’re not letting you touch yourself, by the way.”
Seth’s expression shifts to a mix of curiosity and suspicion. “Um,” he says. “Thanks?”
“Yeah, if you’re stuck watching, you should at least be – oh, okay.” Matt goes quiet as Mox speeds up.
“Turn the camera back, Seth,” Cody commands. Mox is almost impressed with how automatically Seth does it. Almost.
“You good, Jey?” Cody asks.
Jey nods and swings his leg over Cody’s shoulder. “Yeah. Good. Really good.”
“Glad to hear it.” Cody winks at the camera as he licks his hand and starts to stroke Jey rapidly. Jey’s hips cant up, like he’s trying to get more of Cody, and Mox finds himself glancing at Matt to see his reaction. Matt, however, isn’t even looking at the camera. His head is tilted down as he pushes back against Mox’s dick, and it’s strangely endearing.
“Cody,” Jey pants. “Cody, I’m –”
“Yeah, come for me,” Cody growls. “I wanna feel it. Want you to feel good.”
Jey’s silent when he comes, but his head is thrown back as a hand flies up to grasp Cody’s bicep. He makes a mess of himself, and Mox’s dick twitches inside of Matt as Cody leans down and licks a stripe of come from Jey’s collarbone.
“So goddamned pretty,” Cody says, still thrusting in and out of Jey.
“Too – too much,” Jey says, gasping. Matt gives Mox a pointed look. Mox squeezes his hip. The two of them know Matt revels and delights in overstimulation and hypersensitivity, but this is so not the moment for Matt to brag about it. He smiles, almost apologetically, and Mox wants to kiss him. He rolls his hips instead.
“Alright,” Cody says, shrugging. He pulls out and strokes his cock. Mox had never thought about Cody Rhodes’ dick before, but, if he thinks about it, that’s the kind of dick Cody Rhodes should have. Average length, dark pink, thick, and being stroked furiously.
“In my mouth?” Jey asks, and the way he asks reminds Mox of Matt.
Cody’s eyebrows rise. “Really?”
Jey nods. “Yeah. Yeah, will you?”
Cody strips off the condom and tosses it mindlessly. “Okay.” He says it a little breathlessly. Mox wonders if this is a chance for Jey to show off, give a little extra for the camera, and this time Mox is the one making weird little sounds.
Jey sits up, wrapping his lips around the head of Cody’s cock. Cody’s thrusts are shallow. Considerate, maybe, but it’s obvious when he comes by the way he drops his head back. It’s just as restrained as he usually is outside of the ring.
“Probably jerks it in a suit,” he says, quietly enough that only Matt can hear. Matt laughs.
“The fuck’s so funny?” Seth snaps.
“You quit it or you don’t get what you want,” Cody says. He walks to the camera, hand outstretched. “Give me. And open your mouth.” The screen turns to an eager looking Seth with his mouth open and Jey walking over.
It starts off looking like a kiss, but the way Seth moans and swallows tells Mox it’s much more than that.
“You know what he just did, right?” Mox murmurs, fucking into Matt with a little more focus.
“Uh-huh,” Matt says. His breathing is ragged, and Mox can tell just how goddamned close he is.
Jey snickers as he pulls back. “Yeet,” he giggles. He wipes his mouth.
Matt bursts into laugher and tightens around Mox, the laughter shifting into a moan as Mox tightens the grip on his dick and strokes a few more, deliberate times. Matt makes a mess of the bed, coming with a pretty little whimper. Mox knows he’s not long for this side of an orgasm, either.
“Come on,” Matt says, ass up and chest down on the bed. “Come on, Mox, show them what you look like.” It’s enough to get him over the edge, leading to Matt to gasp and Seth to meet his eyes in the screen. Mox digs his nails into Matt’s hip with a groan, and he makes damned sure he doesn’t say anybody’s name. “Fucking hell, Jey,” Mox mumbles. He twists his hips to slip out of Matt, who flops down on the bed. He makes sure that the screen is still visible to Mox. It’s considerate. Mox is kind of in love with him.
“You like that, Mox?” Cody chuckles. “Go ahead, Seth.”
“Yeah, Seth,” Mox says, because, even with Cody’s permission, Seth’s hand doesn’t go for his dick. “Touch yourself. You can come now.”
Seth whines and throws his head back. It’s one stroke and Seth comes all the way up to his chin, pressing up on his toes so he’s barely touching the chair. The force of it nearly knocks the chair into the wall. His voice is strained, but Mox, if he tries, can hear the word, “Baby,” in the voice he used to know. It doesn’t hurt anymore. But it’s fun to be here again. The camera lingers on Seth as he slides down a little in the chair, a smile on his face and his eyes closed.
“Huh,” Cody says. “Looks like that works, too. I’ll keep this in my back pocket for when Seth is being impossible next time.” He turns the screen back to himself. “Thanks for the recommendation, Jon. I appreciate it.”
“Nice to see you, man!” Jey says. Cody turns the camera to him and waves. “And Matt, nice to meet you.”
Matt makes some sort of indiscernible response and waves.
“He’s tired,” Mox explains. “He’ll be asleep for, like, three hours.”
Matt replies with a thumbs up.
“Seth?” Mox asks. “You alive over there.”
“I’m good,” Seth mumbles.
Cody chuckles. “Yeah. Now he’s good.” He turns the camera to Seth. “Anyway, thanks for the advice. Tell everybody over there I say hi.”
“Sure will,” Mox says. He goes to hangs up the phone.
“Wait!” Matt says. He pushes himself up.
“Matt, you okay?”
Matt, with what appears to be immense effort, rolls over and flops like a starfish. “Can we do that?”
“Do what?” Mox glances to the bathroom. He could probably get a towel damp before Matt would even realize he was gone. “Fuck Seth?” He glances at the door. “Seth, you in?”
“Not with Seth,” Matt says. “Well. Not necessarily.” His eyes flick to the phone next to him. “Um. Would you want to?”
Seth shrugs in the camera, and Mox is well aware it’ll be a while before he gets his mind back in order. “Sure,” he mumbles. “Yeah.” He yawns, and then Matt yawns, and then Mox does while he thinks he can hear Cody yawn in the background.
“Alright, I’ll let you all go,” Cody says. “Have a nice night, you two.”
“Same to you – three,” Mox says. “It’s not weird if I don’t let it be weird. Bye.” He hangs up.
“Saying that made it weird,” Matt mumbles. His eyes are closed again.
“Careful with that mouth or I’ll shut you up like Cody and Jey did Seth.”
Mox, as he goes to get a warm towel, hears Matt giggle and say, “Promise?”
As someone who, for multiple reasons, cannot stand the idea of snowballing, I am proud of myself for doing it For The Bit.
Mini Playlist:
Kiss Me Thru the Phone - Soulja Boy
greedy - Tate McRae
Tantrum - Ashnikko
Touch - Little Mix
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sheinthatfandom · 4 months
It’s Double or Nothing weekend and you know what that means……. MY PPV HOPES AND PREDICTIONS!!!! Cause you know I’m super fair impartial and unbiased just like our wonderful EVPs😇
Under the cut cause it’s a lot
Yellow is who I want green is who I think will be booked to win
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Now for the buy in they only added this photo
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Which is beautiful and Imma share it so
Thunder Vs Deonna: I got no clue honestly. I’ve missed the build up to this. If this is an ongoing feud give it to deonna with shenanigans if this is gonna pave the way for a title end run than give it to thunder
Orange vs Trent: I want orange to win he’s lost everything in his mind doesn’t see that he still has people around him who cares to him he lost Chuck and so he’s lost it all. This is his widowers arc and with callis pushing him a win can make Don act as though he’s the reason for the win and get in oranges head even more. Trent has been winning and this could be another mail in the pushing Trent coffin to aim him toward eventual gold.
Iwgp championship- Mox vs takesita: I do not know the new Japan rules I know many fans are angry but I also know many fans just hate aew so I can not take what’s said in good faith. Also kayfabe is still alive and well so even the stuff wrestlers say I’m like…. Your company did this books this and signs off on it so I’m gonna assume this is kayfabe world building. That said this isn’t for the belt but for a future opportunity for it against whoever is champion after moxs next title defense. So I’d love for it to be Takeshita one the loss won’t hurt mox 2 Takeshita was with ddt not new Japan but callis was and possible is still working with new Japan so more possible story lines and opens up konosuke to start feuding with new Japan guys who are now angry at this opportunity and give him feuds for forbidden door and rebuild him as a powerhouse for when he gets aew gold.
Aew/roh tríos championship- Bang bang gang va death triangle: I know I know okay aew loves death triangle lenta and fénix are an incredible team and pac is a beloved monster I get that. I see the vision aew wants me to see BUT bang bang gang is fun and they’re my silly little gremlin guys and they just beat the acclaimed to get all these belts and now they use the little wagon to wheel it all down to the ring it’s hilarious it’s fun and I need more fun in my wrestling. Plus the boys are doing so well in their promos now like no let them keep cooking. They can even win by shenanigans I’m FINE with that. In fact I’d prefer it. Let my goofy guys win PLEASE.
Ftw championship- Hook vs Chris vs shibata: I want shibata but wil also take hook. I hate that an I hate the learning tree gimmick he needs to go home for 6 months and give me a fucking break. Shibata should never lose he is literally THAT wrestler THAT mf! Matter fact let Joe interrupt and take the Ftw belt. Now no one gets it.
Tnt championship- cope vs black: between the misting the blood cope becoming more and more unhinged he’s gonna win this and idk if he’ll join job/take it over if black doesn’t resign OR and this is my hope he makes his own spooky group pr does his own spooky thing and be a fucking nightmare to the “normal people” roster and the house can win just by him and his spooky existing again kinda like skye
Aew international championship: strong vs Ospreay: did you see that promo? The only way he doesn’t win (and I say this because I am traumatized by the fed) is if it’s to punish him for talking bout/defending ricochet. But tk has never given me a reason to think he’s that damn petty and if anything he’s proven unable to pivot from his original plans.
Aew women’s world championship- Toni vs deeb: she’s got no character, she’s wishy washy on the character she does have, she has no crowd support, she’s got no charisma, and every time she mentions having a fucking dojo I fear what her husband is doing to any young girls she brings around him. This Toni’s it’s not even a question. And instead of these useless boring feuds they need to bring back Toni’s movies and build Mariah up as a serious contender if we really aren’t gonna have hayter come back before all out. And build up both thunder and deonna over again and show them on dynamite and collision cause I don’t watch rampage. Also it’s the women’s world championship and it’s not even in the triple main events
Anarchy in the arena- elite vs team aew? I see the vision I know what they were going for I appreciate the Jackson’s and tk for always trying to see the best in people but the moment ftr was the chosen first members of team aew they lost me. They got me back with Bryan (creator of bcc and part of the committee who freed up from the punk fuckery) and then eddie ( who I wonder if he actually knows wrestling isn’t real sometimes) but now idk someone said if Andrade and Cody were available they woulda been added to team aew and honestly I see it. The legitimacy lost with ftr is staggering. It’s probably gonna be ftr but I really hope the elite win and clean that loss from all out.
Tbs championship- willow vs mone: I get it Mercedes is the bigger star hell she’s one of the biggest stars in the world so why wouldn’t you put the belt on her? Especially the tv title and have her on screens every week and too busy to go after the main title. But… I like willow better and I’d like for her to be able to say to Mercedes I beat you twice now bitch and stokely to try and do the nana dance before kris hits her with the belt. And then Mercedes can go be ceo with the elite.
Aew world championship- swerve vs Christian: my champion is black and that ain’t changing!
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shaykai · 2 years
Doing that thing I do and mashing my two favorite brain rots together (Dragon Age Inquisition + Inscryption)
Solas uses a Beast deck (So many wolves. Like all of the wolves. He's also been known to switch things up every now and again to keep from becoming stale/predictable, like using mantis gods and mole men, just cards that aren't his norm, basically)
Fen'harel uses a Beast/Magick deck (he has a lot of mythical animal based cards with higher costs, like Urayuli, Ouroboros, Long Elk, Hydra, ect. Also giant mox cards. Takes him a while to get set up but he's a nightmare once he gets there)
Dorian uses an Undead deck (Makes use of temporary cards, mostly uses them to keep his opponent on their toes and focused on the onslaught of damage while something like a Mummy Lord grows in the background. Also bone hounds, the less free space his foe has, the better)
Vivienne uses a Magick deck (She finds it utterly delightful to start off by playing relatively weak or useless cards and then breaking out the big mox/master cards to completely destroy her opponent)
Sera uses a Beast/Tech deck (makes use of sigils a lot. Lots of ants/bees and things that explode)
Cole uses a Beast deck (almost exclusively free cards, but he does have a few fucked up things. Like grizzlies and mole men. Probably has a cat)
Varric uses a Tech deck (a lot of trap based cards. Basically spends half the game trying to get his opponent to waste all of their cards via disabling/destroying his traps)
Iron Bull uses a Beast deck (mostly big boys and blood goats. He does have a few glass canons, like the Mantises.)
Blackwall uses a Beast deck (lots of pelts and things that create dams, also Alphas. Very defensive)
Cassandra uses a Beast/Undead deck (not a lot of undead cards, but she has them. They mesh well with her beasts, even if she's not the biggest fan of them)
Leliana uses a Tech deck (She is notably one of the only people who can easily switch up what type of deck she has. Has a solid grasp on how all of the decks work)
Cullen uses a Beast deck (very practical. Lots of things that will buy him time to gather up squirrels to release hard hitters)
Josephine uses a Magick/Tech deck (Utility. Everywhere.)
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racerchix21 · 2 years
Why Wasn’t I Good Enough?
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{GIF isn’t mine but I needed something of Mox and Yuta being cute together and this is my fave 🤷🏻‍♀️}
Word Count: 1,178
Summary: After watching his boyfriend get betrayed by their mentor on a PPV, Wheeler Yuta wants to start plotting their revenge but first he needs to convince Mox there’s not a single thing wrong with him.
Warnings: Lots of f-bombs and some angst
A/N: I needed a little comfort fic for my own sanity because Regal’s betrayal of Mox on such an important weekend broke my heart and who better to comfort him than Wheeler “The Sweetest Boy” Yuta.
Tagging: @sunnyfleur23 (thanks for listening and advising 🖤❤️) @paradoxunknown (don’t know if you wanna read this or not, if not let me know)
Work Text:
They go out there after the “Devil” leaves, they have to go check in with Mox and it hurts Wheeler’s heart to see his friend, his lover look that defeated. He has to keep it together until they get back to the hotel because no one outside of Claudio and Bryan know about their relationship. Regal knows and Wheeler isn’t sure that they aren’t gonna get outed on Wednesday but he’ll deal with that later on because it’s already been an emotionally exhausting night and Wheeler really doesn’t wanna out them on a big PPV when Mox can’t confidently consent to it. Jon needs him to be strong and if there’s one thing that Wheeler’s good at it’s taking care of his man.
Letting Bryan and Claudio take the lead in telling Mox what happened, Yuta watches the play of emotions on his boyfriends face and he silently vows to end everyone involved in this stunt. Seeing him throw a “fit” does make it a little better for Yuta because if Mox is being dramatic then he can’t be too bad off. It still hurts to see him upset but he can deal with it and put on a brave face until they’re safely behind closed doors away from the world and they can finally drop the pretense of being Moxley & Yuta friends and coworkers and go back to being MoxYuta boyfriends.
It hits Wheeler at the exact second that he helps Jon stand and his boyfriend gives him a half hug and a kiss to the side of his head that it’s the Shields 10th anniversary weekend and how badly Seth’s betrayal still haunts him. Almost 9 years later and his boyfriend still has nightmares about that night watching his, at that moment thought to be, soulmate hit their best friend with a steel chair and then having that same steel chair bent and broken over his own body. Wheeler doesn’t know what it’s like to have someone you love and trust like that stab you in the back but he’s for damn sure gonna make sure it doesn’t happen again even if it means he has to fight the entire fucking world and Seth Rollins himself.
Bryan raises Mox’s hand and it causes Wheeler’s heart to break a little more when he leans against the ropes and looks like he’s gonna cry or maybe that’s just his eyes playing tricks on him. Following his boyfriend and friends through the crowd, he decides to say something to the others about his slight suspicion about Wednesdays show but not until he knows that Jon’s been checked and released by Doc.
It’s a relatively easy endeavor to get Jon to medical but that’s where it stops and becomes a fucking venture in Wheeler’s patience and temper when they all stop short seeing Regal talking to Kenny and the Bucks. Feeling his boyfriend tense from where he’s been pressed up against Mox’s chest by Bryan, it takes everything in Wheeler to not walk up to their mentor and punch him in his stupid British face. Well that and the fact that Bryan’s already beaten to the metaphorical punch already in Regal’s face angrily demanding answers that none of them are truly listening to.
“Wheeler, come on let’s get Moxie in to see Doc and Bryan and I will go gather up all our stuff and meet you back here, okay? We’ll go back to the hotel and then we can figure out a plan for Wednesday and how we want to approach the rest of the year,” Claudio quietly whispers to him grabbing his hand and guiding him to lace his fingers with Mox’s.
Taking a deep breath and nodding Wheeler lets himself guide his boyfriend into the waiting area with Doc and prays that they can make this quick because he wants to get Jon back to the hotel ASAP and let him break down like Wheeler knows he wants to.
Wrapping Mox up in his hoodie and getting him back to the hotel, Wheeler lets himself finally relax and accept that Regal is a fucking snake. He fucking used all of them, more specifically used Jon again, to get what he wanted and then he threw them all away when the next pretty little thing came along and none of them saw all being too wrapped up in their problems. Wheeler was so wrapped up in his feud with Danny for the Pure title and then with Bryan that he couldn’t see his own boyfriend was pushing himself so fucking hard, trying so fucking much to be Regal’s perfect boy, trying to right a ship, fix problems that weren’t his to fix and all it got them was Mox being betrayed once again.
Betrayed by someone who promised he was different this time, someone who was supposed to protect them all from themselves. Looking down at the man softly crying in his arms and at the two men on the opposite bed seeming just as lost, Wheeler decides the next time he sees William Regal he’s beating the holy hell out of him regardless of anything TK says.
Stroking his fingertips up and down Mox’s arm, Wheeler lets himself get lost in thought about the nights events and he almost misses hearing Jon whimper. Almost because before he knows it he’s got Claudio and Bryan curled around them too and he can’t focus on anything when he can hear both Claudio and Bryan murmuring back and forth planning their own revenge.
“Why wasn’t I good enough? Why doesn’t anyone ever stay for me? What didn’t I do that Maxwell did,” Mox whimpers again and Wheeler feels his heart break even further.
Pulling Jon up farther onto his chest Wheler wipes away more tears and confidently tells his best friend, “Baby, there was absolutely nothing wrong with you back when that scumbag broke your heart, broke Roman’s heart and yeah I wasn’t around back then but I know that if Dean Ambrose was even half the man that you Jonathan Moxley are right now back then you didn’t do damn thing wrong. And there is absolutely no fucking thing wrong with you right now and I’ll be damned if you’re gonna blame yourself for that SOBs actions tonight. That goes for all 3 of you whether you see it right now or not. Okay, Moxie?”
“Okay, Yoots. What are we gonna do about Wednesday night and Regal? I thought he loved me this time. Thought I was his favorite again, no offense Bry.”
“You let me worry about that and you just keep being your pretty little self. Sleep for now and we can figure out everything later okay?”
“K, Wheels. Love you. You idiots too,” Mox sleepily rumbles snuggling further into Wheelers arms, drifting off.
“Love you too Moxie. You’re still my favorite even if Regal can’t see how good you are,” Wheeler says stroking Mox’s arm again as he lets the warmth of his boyfriend and teammates lull to sleep, “you’re still my favorite,” he says again.
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gamerkitten · 1 year
Template by @vincentmatthews
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Jenaè Valentine
Jenaè goes by V to everyone she isn't close to. Other than that, she doesn't have any nicknames outside of little terms of endearment from lovers.
Bisexual, male leaning
♡Hair Color and style
Jenaè keeps her hair it's natural jet black color and has never dyed it. During her time at Militech, she wore her hair in a sleek ponytail at all times but traded that for blowouts or silk presses when she was picked up by Arasaka and she continues that way until act 3 of the story where she goes for a long mohawk.
♡Eye Color
Her eyes are naturally brown, but she's had purple optics since she was sixteen. They're a deep shade, so the effect is subtle unlees the light hits them just the right way, but they glow a lighter shade of lavender when she's interfacing with programs or taking phone calls.
5'7 without heels, around 5'10 in her favorite pair.
♡Body Type
The definition of "Slim-thick" Thanks a mix of family doctors(50%), genetics(25%) and exercise(25%).
T&A with a small waist and loooong legs.
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(Also can someone tell me who the artist is for this picture?)
The face she shows the world is one she's perfected; blue-blooded corporate royalty. Beautiful, charming but aloof enough to pique curiosity. Threats hidden behind smiles like bared teeth, unscrupulous enough to actually follow through on them. Sultry enough to inflame passions but coy enough for plausible deniability. Better than you in every way.
And yeah, that is her, partly. She's cunning and ruthless when there's opportunity, but she's also fiercely loyal to the people she decides are hers and ready to bring a painful end to anyone who would harm them.
She's extremely emotional, but is definitely a bottle-that-shit-up type who would rather die than show weakness to an outsider.
She's selfish, petty, and holds a grudge like normal people hold hands, but she isn't cruel. She detests people who just like to throw stones at beggars for sport.
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None, until Johnny decided to take her body for a joyride. She was mad about it at first, but comes around. Of course, now it's a reminder of how badly she fucked up, but she'd never get it removed.
Two rings in her right earlobe and one in the left.
♡Any definable features such as: Birthmarks, Scars, Freckles, Beauty Marks, Accent when they talk, Lisp, Natural slurring of words, Walk with a subtle limp, ect.
After the heist, she had a pretty deep gash above her right eye from when she and Jackie had to jump off the side of Kompeki Plaza and she slammed her head on something along the way. Another one on the left side of her head where DeX shot her, but thanks to Vic it's barely noticeable. She doesn't have many others, due to her fighting style and the fact that she used to get them removed.
After Arasaka operates on her, they do her the "favor" of ridding her of all her scars. She hates it, it makes her feel like she isn't her. Cue "Am I me?" spiral.
Is shopping a hobby?
Just kidding, but not really lol. Jenaè is a fashion nut, but aside from shopping she also finds fashion history fascinating and owns a few books on the topic.
Her true love, however, is film. Specifically Horror. She has a stockpile of horror BDs and movies that she liked to force Jackie into watching with her. She could never get Jenkins to watch them, despite her begging. When Kerry finds out about this, he makes it his duty to show her some movies that he grew up on. Nightmare on Elm Street is her favorite.
This one is a little morbid to be called a hobby, but Jenae loves going "Scav Hunting". She has a vendetta against the Scavs of Night City, and enjoys venting her frustrations out on them.
♡Gang/Occupation {Mox, Max Tac, etc}
Jenaè isn't affiliated with any of Night City's gangs, but she's always down to lend a hand to Mox. Outside of that, she works with people, not organizations. At least not in an official capacity.
♡Do they smoke?
Yes. Johnny makes fun of her though, because she smokes designer cigs that smell like vanilla or cinnamon.
♡Do they drink? If so, what's their poison of choice?
Her drink of choice is usually wine, either a Cabernet or Chardonnay. If she's at the Afterlife or Empathy, she'll either get shots of tequila, or the occasional Jackie Welles.
♡What do they usually wear on a normal day?
It depends on who she's seeing and where. If she's doing work in City Center or Westbrook, she dresses well; dresses, slacks and blouses with heels are the name of the game. In Heywood, Watson and Santo, she's relaxed but still polished in slim fit pants, tank tops and jackets paired with a nice pair of boots or sneakers.
When she's in work mode, she goes for her favorite combat turtlenecks under armored coats or ballistic vests, fitted pants and sturdy knee high boots.
♡What do they wear when they "Get dressed up"? And what would be considered a "special occasion" to them {such as an "Oh they're gonna be there so I have to look my best." Or an "It's our anniversary".}
When she dresses up, she gives femme fatal realness. A smokey cat eye and glossy red lips, long dresses in either black, white or wine tones with low necklines and high slits to show off her legs in her 5inch heels. For jewelry, she has a pair of diamond studs and a beautiful tennis bracelet that Jenkins gifted her. Around her neck is a matching diamond choker, worn with a longer simple gold chain with a diamond pendant. No rings, but long stiletto nails painted a dark red.
♡What do they smell like? {For example: they smell like cinnamon flavored liquor, cigarettes, leather, and motor oil.}
Jenaè's favorite perfume has notes of Jasmine and citrus. She's been wearing it since she started working at Arasaka and always gets compliments. There's also the lingering scent of vanilla and cinnamon from her cigarettes
♡How do they walk? Do they sway their hips? Do they walk with a sense of determination? Do they bounce as they walk? Etc.
Jenaè has a tendency to slink especially if there is someone she's trying to entice.
Her posture is impeccable thanks to her mother's insistence on finishing classes, which were just as awful as they sound, and she's perfected her walk to ooze importance.
♡Are they more of an early bird or a night owl?
Night owl. One of the best things about being kicked out of the corporate world is that she can sleep in. The only time she wants to see the sun rise is on the ride home after a night out.
♡If you had to use one word to define them, what word would you use?
♡What words or catchphrases do they say that's unique to that character?
Nothing unique to her, but her favorite curse word is Fuck.
♡Favorite Season
Living in California, she's not super invested in the seasons, but her favorite days tend to occur in the early spring when reconciliation park is especially green.
♡Favorite type of weather {Thunderstorms, sunny, etc}
She loves a good thunderstorm, especially when she's watching the storm roll in from her balcony or through the windows while lazing on the couch.
♡Do they have someone they're with relationship-wise? If so, who?
Well, she had Jenkins but...we all know how that went.
While her and Jackie spent time dancing around each other and occasionally falling into bed, they never tried to make it official for one reason or another until the night of the heist. Too late.
So currently, in the post-Devil hellscape that is my canon, she and Goro have pretty much broken up and she's carrying on this failing relationship with River, which is about to implode.
♡Main Ship/Pairings
Jenkins/V(Internal Affairs)
Jackie/V(To This)
Takemura/V(New Tricks)
♡Side Pairings
River/V(I still don't have a ship name for them😭😭)
♡Favorite/Self-indulgent Pairings
Very much Jackie and Jenae. I'm a sucker for friends to lovers and am also a messy bitch.
♡How do they show affection to their loved one?
Jenaè's love language is physical touch and not just sex. She likes to play with their hair, rub they're shoulders when they're tired or stressed or just rest her head on their shoulder or chest.
♡How do they sit in a chair?
She lounges, legs tucked to the side or she sits perfectly upright with her legs crossed either at the knee or ankles. Depends on the audience.
♡How do they sit in a chair {uncomfortable version}
Even if she's uncomfortable, she still does the above. Don't stop dancing lol
♡What do they wear to bed?
Short satin night gowns. She has a set of three in black, red and emerald and a long black robe with fur on the sleeves.
♡How do they usually sleep? {Side sleeper, back, fetal position, backwards, nest sleeper, blanket mountain, etc}
On her stomach, limbs sprawled across the bed if she's alone. If not, she rolls toward whoever's she's sharing with and sleeps on her side.
♡How do they sleep in a place they don't know? (Can't due to anxiety, in small bursts of sleep that are short lived, holding themselves,ect)
Badly. After rescuing Saul, she barely got any sleep and had to crash when she got back into the city.
♡Do they have to have a form of "white noise" in order to sleep? {The sound of a fan, the sound of rain, the sound of a city, etc}
No, not unless you count the ambiance of Night city as white noise.
♡What's a place they go to feel comfortable, that's their "spot" they always go when they're upset?
The Coyote Cojo. She's comfortable there, and knows that Mama Welles won't pry but is there to talk if she needs it.
♡What do they do when they're nervous? {Fidget with jewelry, pick at nails, bite nails/lips, play with knife/zippo lighter, etc}
She crosses her arms in order to stop herself from fidgeting and chews on her bottom lip.
♡What is their "tell" for lying?
The slight smirk and glance to the side, like she's sharing a joke with an invisible audience.(Or Johnny, once he enters the chat.)
♡What is their favorite color?
♡Favorite flower/plant
♡Favorite sweet of choice
Macaroons and any type of fried dough covered in powdered sugar.
♡Do they have any pets? If so, tell me about them
She rescued Nibbles and later gets two cyber-dobermans.
♡What are their triggers {If they have any}? If so, what calms them down?
Sexual threats trigger her like nothing else. She's had a close call before and even though they didn't get to do what they wanted, it was enough to leave a scar on her psyche. When someone threatens her, she either lashes out or freezes depending on how capable of following through she asses them to be.
Thankfully, working for Arasaka and having her own personal life coach taught her how to deal with her stress responses and panic attacks.
♡If they could visit anywhere in the world, where would they go and why?
She would go to Anartica. She's pretty impressed that people actually live out there, and would love to see it for herself.
♡What is their favorite comfort meal?
Ramen with synth-sirloin and spicy broth
♡Do they have a food they hate?
Caviar. Why is it crunchy????
♡What is their favorite {non-alcoholic} drink?
Cola float
♡What are their plans for the future {if they have any}?
Once she figures out the whole "dying in six months" thing, she'd love to be a fixer. She's good with people and it's not that different from working in counterintelligence. Just safer.
♡What's a song that "fits" them?
♡Give me 5 facts/random bits of information about them
Her mother did everything in her power to make sure that Jenaè would have a leg up on the competition; gene customization before birth, metabolism manipulation, etiquette classes and her own brand of psychological warfare to mold her daughter into the perfect corporate debutante. She would say she succeeded but what she did was mess up a perfectly good human. Look at her, she has anxiety.
Jenaè has an older brother she used to be really close to, but after her firing from Militech their parents ordered him to cut her off and he did. The last time she heard from him was a month after she got back from space to tell her that their mother had passed. She was not invited to the funeral.
She snorts if she laughs too hard. Jackie found this absolutely hilarious.
Unsurprisingly, Jenae desires approval from older male authority figures. She doesn't think she does, but...*gestures at dating history*.
Part of the reason she and River don't work is because his idealism doesn't just annoy her, in her worst moments it pisses her off. She resents him for still being able to assume the best in people, because she can't anymore. She and Judy clashed for similar reasons, but she wasn't as jaded during the story timeline as she is after.
♡Give me their backstory {can be long, or brief.}
Please refer to this post for Jenae's backstory💕
♡Free Space! Give me any sort of extra information about them you'd like to share
Jenaè is actually pretty in tune with her heritage. Her mother's family is from New Orleans and her grandmother loved to cook when she was little and tell her stories. She would die when Jenae was 9.
To this day, Jenae likes to recreate her gumbo recipe when she has the time and ingredients. It's pretty good, even if she has to substitute certain things.
Also, she and Goro swap folktales and it is adorable.
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helluva-family · 5 days
Striker, you idiot!!!! What are you gonna do if Moxxie IS in labor, huh???
Millie, please, PLEASE get there!!!
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Moxxie: *writhing in pain, still bound by rope and tapped up*
Striker: *finishing his widdling, looks over* Looks like you’re ready to pop. *gets up and goes over with a knife* Attack me and I’ll cut you. Got it?
Moxxie: *nods with tears in his eyes*
Striker: *cuts Moxxie’s ropes*
Moxxie: *feels instant relief but sees the fluids soaking through the bedsheets and his pants*
Striker: Oh yeah. You’re really ready to pop. Now if you even want a chance of your youngin’ to live, do as I say. Got it?
Moxxie: *reluctantly nods again. His body trembles, his breath coming in sharp, uneven gasps as the intense contractions grip him. The bed beneath him is soaked through, and his panic starts to rise. The tape is ripped off his face* Please… I just… I need help…
Striker: *Grinning darkly, he crouches down beside the bed, watching Moxxie with a mix of amusement and sadistic pleasure.* Help? Well, that depends on how well you behave, sweetheart. This ain't no place for a comfortable birth, but you do as I say, and maybe your brat’ll make it out alive.
Moxxie: *Gritting his teeth, he tries to keep himself calm, but the pain is overwhelming. He wants nothing more than to fight back, but the ropes may be gone, yet the situation is still dire.* What do you want from me? Why are you doing this?
Striker: *Leaning in closer, his voice a low, menacing drawl* Now, here's what’s gonna happen. You’re gonna listen to every word I say, or I’ll make sure this ends real bad for both of you.
Moxxie: *Nods weakly, his voice shaking* Please… I don’t want to lose him… I’ll do whatever you say… just don’t hurt us.
Striker: *Smirking* That’s more like it. First things first, you’re gonna need to get comfortable—well, as comfortable as you can in that condition. Sit up, if you can. We need to move this along before your body does the work for you.
Moxxie: *Grimacing through the pain, he uses what little strength he has left to push himself up, leaning against the headboard of the bed. Another contraction hits, and he gasps, clutching his belly as his body starts to prepare for labor.* It’s… happening… too fast…
Striker: *Watching with a cold detachment, he hands Moxxie a rag* Bite down on that. Things are gonna get a lot worse before they get better.
Moxxie: *Takes the rag with trembling hands, biting down hard as another wave of pain washes over him. His mind is racing—he can’t let his baby be born here, not like this. But there’s no way out. His vision blurs with tears, and he sobs quietly, feeling utterly trapped.
Striker: *His expression shifts slightly as he notices how far along Moxxie is, the severity of the situation dawning on him* Ain't got time for tears now, Mox. Focus. Breathe. *He looks out the window briefly, checking the surroundings, making sure they’re still in hiding.* Don’t go dyin' on me before I decide what to do with you.
Moxxie: *Nods shakily, struggling to breathe through the pain, his body drenched in sweat. He can feel the baby moving lower, the pressure increasing unbearably. He’s exhausted and scared, but he clings to the thought of his child—his and Millie’s. His son. He won’t give up now, not after everything.*
Striker: *Pacing back toward the bed, Striker leans down, examining Moxxie’s state* Alright, I’m no midwife, but looks like you ain’t got much time left. When the time comes, you better push like hell, or this kid ain’t making it
Moxxie: *Breathing heavily, he bites down on the rag as another intense contraction surges through him. He’s nearing the breaking point, and his body is on the verge of giving in. Tears roll down his face as he whimpers through the pain, knowing he’s on his own in this nightmare.*
Moxxie: *Barely managing to speak through clenched teeth* I… I can’t…
Striker: *His expression darkens, growing impatient* You don’t have a choice. It’s either that baby comes out or you’re both done for. *He pauses, eyeing Moxxie with a grim satisfaction* If you want your kid to live, you’ll listen to me and push when I tell you.
As the contractions grow stronger and closer together, Moxxie realizes he’s running out of time. He has no choice. In this motel room in the Wrath Ring, far from Millie, his friends, and any hope of rescue, Moxxie prepares to do whatever it takes to save his child.
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blackhakumen · 1 year
Mini Fanfic #1096: Dear Mother (Helluva Boss)
TW://: Angst, Dark Themes
You. Are INSUFFERABLE to be around, Crimson!!!
So what? You wanna try and walk out on me? Divorce me even!? I'll end your trifling ass where you stand!!
Scare me all you want! I would rather living the rest of my life in the streets than to EVER be stuck with you any longer than I should! I'm leaving! And I am taking my son with me!
Go ahead and try and it'll be the last thing you'll do!!
Moxxie......my sweet baby boy, I'm so sorry.....
See that, Mox? Unless you wanna know what it feels like to be sinked down under, DON'T. FUCK WITH ME!
Moxxie quickly jolts up in the bed as he wakes himself up from a nightmare, a frequent one to exact. The white haired imp starts panting as quietly as he could to prevent his wife from waking up as well before he's calm enough to let out an annoyed, tired sigh from under his breath.
Moxxie: This again.....
It's been a day or two since Mox and his crew visited his father for the time in years, and unfortunately for him, the reunion itself was anything but happy. The uncomfortable atmosphere, the Intimidating tension between father and son, the painful memories of the past, and above all else, he had to put up with a sleeze-ball of an ex whom he APPARENTLY had a forced arranged marriage with that was orchestrated by his own father of all of people!
Luckily Millie and Blitz was able to crash the wedding at the last minute to save him, but even that wasn't enough to completely forget about the recent abuse his father had given him and the unsettling memories of his mother, the one person who actually gave a damn about him in this messed up world we called Hell before his wife came into the picture years later. And now she's gone......and it was all his fault......
The thought her alone was too much for the imp to handle. So he silently gets out from his side of the covers and gets himself up from the bed, hoping some fresh, nightly air would calm his nerves down and that Blitz isn't here lurking around to annoy him as per usual. He begins to head to the door until he felt his now awoken wife's hand softly grabbing his, preventing him to leave entirely.
Millie: Moxxie.....what's wrong? Where are you going?
Moxxie: Oh uhh.....(Smiles a Little) Hey, Millie, sorry for waking you. I was just...going out to get some fresh air is all.
Millie: (Frowns Worryingly at her Husband) You had a bad dream again, didn't you?
Moxxie: (Sighs in Defeat as He Sits Down at his Side of the Bed) Yeah.....It was about my family again for the millionth time. And it was a lot less pleasant than usual.....
Millie: I'm sorry, baby. (Pulls Moxxie's Hand Up to Give it a Loving Kiss Before Scooching Herself Over to Sit Next to Him) You don't deserve any of that, especially not after what happened that night.
Moxxie: ('Sigh') Yeah, but it's....whatever at this point. I'm just glad I was able to wake up sooner than later.
Millie stares into her husband's sadden eyes for a few seconds as she decided to come up with a different topic to help ease his stress.
Millie: You know, it has been a while since we've talked about your momma. What was she like?
Moxxie: (Looks Up at the Ceiling While Smiling Fondly of his Mother) Only the greatest mom I could ever ask for at the time. She's smart, kind, loving, and very beautiful too. (Turns to Millie) Kind of like you in a way.
Millie: (Heart Begins to Flutter in Pure Happiness) Awwwwwwww honey!~ You think I'm just like her?~
Moxxie: I-I mean, not completely! But you two do share a few similar traits from one another that I happen to love very much. (Begins to Frown) I doubt mother would love me again if she was here right now, but.....
Millie: (Starts Frowning in Worry Again) What do you mean?
Moxxie starts looking away again before hesitantly takes a very deep breath before speaking.
Moxxie: Millie, when I was young, I did something. Something stupid, horrible, cruel. Something......(Tears Starts to Fall Down From his Eyes) Something I will never EVER forgive myself for, no matter how many times I convince myself otherwise!
Millie: Moxxie, you don't have to tell me if you don't-
Moxxie: I killed her.
Millie: (Eyes Slowly Begins to Widened in Complete Shock) .......What?
Moxxie: I killed my own mother, Millie. With my own bare hands. F-Father and I were riding on a boat one night, i-in the middle of the late, and he had her tied up under a brown sack....a-and her ankles tied up in a rope connected to a brick-
Millie: (Already Fuming in Pure Anger) And HE made you kill her? Your own father.
Moxxie: Yeah....('Sniff') He made me drop her down in the lake, where she can never be heard from again.....('Sniff') I didn't even know it was her until I saw one of her heels floating up.on the surface.....('Sniff') (Whimpers Begins to Show the More He Starts Talking) I'm a monster, Millie.....A horrible monster!
Millie: No, you are not, Moxxie! Crimson was the one who forced you do all of this!
Moxxie: (Turns to Millie with Deep Sadness and Regret Written All Over his Face) But I went along and did anyway!
Millie: You were a CHILD back then, Mox! You were young, scared, and didn't know any better at the time! And even then, you COULDN'T have known that was your own mother in that sack!
Moxxie: Y-Y-Yeah, but.....('Sniff') I still hurt her......Me. Hwe('Sniff') (Turns Away While Brining Both his Knees Up to his Chin, Hugging Them Tightly) Not like it matters anyways. She's gone npw....and she'll....probably spend the rest of her afterlife despising me.....
This is upsetting.....To watch the love of her life, the man who love and cherish her since the day they both fell for each other, look so.... distraught, broken, and blaming himself for something that wasn't completely his fault at the time....it ignited two emotions within Millie. One was sadness and concern for her husband and the other was pure, unadulterated anger towards the man who has not only abused his only son but forced him to end the life of his own wife, the woman who had to put up with crap for lucifer knows how long!
This makes her wish she should've killed him off back at the arranged marriage, maybe even plan on calling Blitzo up to assist her in getting back him for every bit of damage he caused to Moxxie. But she realize that it's not the time for any of this right now. Now it's the time for her to cool down, stay calm, and be there for the man she fell in love with.
Millie: (Takes a Deep Breath Before Slowly Placing her On Moxxie's Knee) Listen Mox, I know I may not know a lot about your mother right now, but from what you've told me about earlier.....(Gives Moxxie a Small, Reassuring Smile on her Face) There's no doubt in my mind that she would still love you regardless of everything that happened.
Moxxie: (Slowly Looks Up at Millie) You....really think so?
Millie: (Happily Nodded) I know so, honey. And even if she does end up hating, which I, full-heartdly, believe that's not the case, you still have folks like me and Blitz, who loves you so much and would go through heaven and back to keep you safe from anyone who dares try lay a finger on you.
Moxxie: (Almost at a Loss For Words) Millie......
Millie: (Gently Places her Hands on Both of Moxxie's Cheeks) And one more thing, baby, I don't give a damn what anyone says. You are NOTHING like Crimson. You may have the same genes and last name, but you are already twice the man than that smug-face bastard wishes he was. And if we ever settled down and make our own family, I know for a damn fact that you'll be amazing dad to our one-to crap ton of our damn kids!!!
Moxxie: (Starts Snickering a Bit) One-to-crap ton?
Millie: (Starts Giggling a Bit) Yes, baby!~ One-to-crap ton. I've been taking care of my siblings 'til I left the nest on my own, I can handle momhood!
Moxxie: (Chuckles Lightly) I know you have it takes! You're not known as the Angel of Death for nothing, you know?
Millie: (Proudly Nodded) Damn. Straight. You feeling better now, 'hun?
Moxxie: Yeah. (Starts Wiping Small Bits of his Tears Away) I'm not 100% mentally, but I'll try and get over eventually.
Millie: (Gives Moxxie a Loving Hug) Take all the time as you need to ease your mind. I'm not going anywhere.
Moxxie: (Hugs Millie Back) I'm not expecting you to. I love you with all my heart, Millie.
Millie: I love you with all mines too, baby~
M&M begins their slow, sensual make-out session as they hold each other close for comfort.
Moxxie: Hey. Millie?
Millie: Yes, honey?
Moxxie: (Slowly Pulls Away From Millie's Lips For Now) I've been thinking. Since we actually have the day off to ourselves for once tomorrow......(Rubs the Back of his Head Back and Forth) How about we hit the gym together. Maybe do a sparring match or two.to pass the time.
Millie: (Eyes Widened a Bit in Genuine Surprise) You actually want give a gym day a try AND spar with me? What made you wanna do all of that?
Moxxie: (Shrugs) I figured I try pulling my own weight around our team and not hold to you and Bitz any longer than I should
Millie: (Pouts at her Husband) Moxxie! You are NOT a burden to either us!
Moxxie: (Gently Grab Hold of Millie's Hands) I know, I know. I just want to improve myself is all. At least in combat. I'm not close being as strong as you are, but it couldn't hurt to try.
Millie: ('Sigh') Yeah, you are right about that. I'll be your sparring partner for tomorrow. (Forms a smirk on her Face) IF you give me some cuddles and lovin' for the rest of the night~
Moxxie: (Happily Nodded) I can do that. Been wanting to give you my thanks for helping for the evening~
Millie: Then why don't you start doing so right now, pumpkin~ The night's young, ya know?
Moxxie: As you wish, my dear~
And so, the M&M spend the rest of the night picking up where they left off in their kissing session.
The past memories has never been too kind for Moxxie and it'll take a while for him to move on from it completely. But he's still content on living the rest of his live with people he cares about and for his mom sake, may she rest in peace.
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