#Mrs univers
lkwartengs-world · 3 months
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Mr's univers tipe dress 🥻
Listen I'm trying my best ok😅😅
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moss-and-marimos · 9 months
fish n chips!
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I am just as happy whether theyre romantic or platonic but also. romantic is really funny
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destinyandcoins · 2 years
not to be all “there’s other science we don’t know about”* on main but it pisses me right off when people wave off the possibility of aliens having visited us because there’s no hard evidence we have to study/test because like. sir how do YOU know what kind of evidence a highly advanced alien space-faring society would leave on our planet for us to analyze and decide is not of this world.
you can’t even get a man to mars with our current technology and you’re telling me you know what beings from a different galaxy would be using to visit earth and what residue that might leave for us to observe??
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januskp · 2 years
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lukemfhughes · 1 year
‘Bro why are you with my sister?’
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Ethan Edwards x Blankenburg! Reader
summary: nicks sister goes to umich after him leaving and she gets close with his old team.
Note: so here it is, i have a feeling that this is gonna disappoint your expectations, and i was to lazy to do the word count
After you graduated from high school. You had one plan, to go to the univ of michigan. The same place where your brother had just left. It was kinda scary to go to college. Knowing that there is two ways how things can go. 1 you get no friends and be alone all the time. 2 you get friends and live that happy college life.
Well for your good, you got way no. 2. It happend cause you met your new volleyball team and also the hockey team. When Nick heard of your new friendship with the guys, he called Steve to keep an eye on you. That also caused you and steve to become best friends.
One saturday night you had your first volleyball game of the season. The guys were in the stands cheering loudly for you. when the game point came you were serving, ‘you got this y/n,’ you said to yourself. You took the ball to your hand, taking couple steps and throwing it low before swinging your arm at it. it floats to the back corner and it’s an ace. You jump in the air as your teammate came to hug you. 
After the game you walked out to the arena lobby and seeing your friends there. “y/n! you played so well!” Mark exclaims happily and pulls your for a hug. “Thank you markie.” you say and go to hug everyone else. “So what’s the plan for tonight?” Nolan asks. “I heard there is a party at the frat house.” You say. Everyone agrees to go, and you head to the house. 
“Who is gonna stay sober and take care of her?” Steve asks and points at you. You go to protest but eddy agrees. “Eddy you don’t need to.” You plead him. “No y/n i’m gonna stay with you.” He says and you groan and head to the kitchen for a drink. He follows you not looking away of you when you slip past other people. ”How do you have this much energy after that game?” He asks. You just shurg your shoulders and take a sip of your beer.
The night goes on and every where you go eddy is following you closly. ”Lets dance!” You say and grab his hand. His hands find their way to your hips as you swing them from side to side. Ethan looks at with an admiring look. ”Why r u looking at me like that.” You ask. ”You are pretty.” He mumbles. You blush at his words. He glances down at your lips. He leans closer for a kiss. ”Eddy!” Someone yells causing him to pull away. ’Was that actually about to happen’ eddy thinks in his head as duker walks towards to him.
”I think it’s time to take this lady back to her dorm.” Ethan says to the other boys. Ethan guides you towards his car and drives to the campus. ”I’m gonna make sure you get there safetly.” He says and guides you into the dorm building. Once you get to your dorm you threw yourself to the bed. ”Thanks for being my security for the night.” You mumble just before sleep takes over.
When ethan drives back home he thinks ’what if i would have gotten to kiss her’. ’Damn i prob ruined my chance now’
The next week when nick is visiting detroit cause of an roadie he comes to the campus before going back to columbus. You and the guys were in detroit watching his game. Tonight nick made an comeback to college partying as you brought him with you for a party.
”Lets go grab drinks.” You say and walk to the kitchen. Nick and the other boys follow you and you grab drinks and stay in the kitchen as you talk. Ethan is standing next to you and nick on your other side. When nick excauses himself and leaves for toilet, the same song what was played at the same place a week ago, started. You looked up to ethan and he just nodded. ”We are gonna dance, just a sec we will be back.” You said to the others.
You pulled ethan to the dance floor. ”So mr. Edwards, i think a week ago there was something bothering us so we couldn’t do this.” You whisper to his ear and grab his face and kiss him. He kisses you back.
”What the hell!” You hear nick yell. This causes you to pull away from eddy. Nick is there, standing and looking at you two. ”Bro why are you with my sister when there are so many other ladies.” Nick says. You look down at your feet. ”There is many other ladies, but none of them are as pretty, smart, perfect as she is.” Ethan says. Nick looks at between you. ”Fine but if you hurt her you’re dead, and no babies, yet.” He says and hugs you. ”Thank you.” You mumble.
The rest of the night you spent under eddys arm. Safe
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cookietastic · 3 months
Hello, I'm from Gaza City because of the war,my house was destroyed. We lost everything,my family and I did not have anything left. We left our homes in search of a safe place and we were displaced three  times to different places to survive, but unfortunately there's no safe place in Gaza. My mother is very sick and she's a kidney failure patient in need of treatment outside. She suffers from LS. Help me and my family to survive. Please, your small donation can make a huge difference. A friend outside Gaza has come in to help me run the donation program so that my mother can be evacuated. My friend Mr. Noah Keter is receiving the donations on our behalf to help us organise how to evaluate Gaza in the next four days
Did you really Just steal this gofund me page
and change the bottom to "Send to my friend Noah Keter" so people won't question the paypal link name...
Not to mention someone stole the same story and was going around saying the same thing last month
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oh wow look at that another one this month too
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well damn look at this another one!
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Fuck off
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mylittleredgirl · 12 days
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The discovery
A planet thought to orbit the star 40 Eridani A – host to Mr. Spock’s fictional home planet, Vulcan, in the “Star Trek” universe – is really a kind of astronomical illusion caused by the pulses and jitters of the star itself, a new study shows.
Key facts
The possible detection of a planet orbiting a star that Star Trek made famous drew excitement and plenty of attention when it was announced in 2018. Only five years later, the planet appeared to be on shaky ground when other researchers questioned whether it was there at all. Now, precision measurements using a NASA-NSF instrument, installed a few years ago atop Kitt Peak in Arizona, seem to have returned the planet Vulcan even more definitively to the realm of science fiction.
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Hi! It's time for another fanfiction... And if you love crimes/solving crimes and a little hard detective Work this is the perfect one.🕵️‍♂️🕵️‍♀️
Also, to see how Helen Hope B and mister detective Void meet for the first time click on this fanfiction as well:
This is set 6 months before detective Void got his mask, so he is an ordinary detective here.
Warning:If you hate/dislike snakes you better not read this!
This is actually the third part, the second i didn't wrote it yet 😅
I plan to make at least 10 fanfictions, they are not conan to the real detective Void lore, but for me they are because itis set in the same Universe...
The fourth part name is: The other side of the mirror
This fiction is set a month and 4 days later after the actually lore.
P. S:This fanfiction took the life out of me, lmao 🤣🤣🤣😅 Thank you for your support, you are the best sweet slice of cake!
Hope you like it!
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Title number: A box full of snakes-619
Fanfiction class:Euclid
Summary: 🐍🐍🐍👀Helen Hope B finds herself in a very strange case with none other than our favorite detective Void... 👀🐍🐍🐍
Disclaimer:I don't own detective Void, he is not my original character!! Find this cute original character on Youtube!!
The event was better than he hoped it It was the 15th anniversary of the company, a world-famous company, every guest had a good time, he was an old man at 62 years old with lots of responsibilities, one if his important guest madame Rossiya with her fiance mr Berliini, she was a lovely lady of about 47 years and he was the new director of a major Austrian bank just invited him at their table, they wanted to make a generous donation for the greenhouse where the exotic plants were keept, she was impressed by their colors and beauty, something worth conserve for the future.
Mr Greenmark also had been looking for him for sometime by now, the new reporters arrived and they wanted an exclusive report,it Was the moment everybody celebrate with a bath of confetti but in the moment the ceiling opened a male body not older than 49 years dropped, the wires nearly behead it...lt was a scene noone was gonna forget about too soon.
Three days later after the incident Mr Williard decided to open the tourist resort, 514 guests were invited all over the world, they have just received an operating permit from the emergency authorities, so all he had left to do Was to check the food, the lights if they were in the right position and of course the great speech which he wrote and rewritte all over again.
"Why so nervous old friend?"
Mr Greenmark was the second after Mr Williard in the great business, they have known each other since they were in their 30th.
Later that day the guests arrived, everyone were so excited, the good music, the lights, the atmosphere, some of them decided they will return again, the other already made up their mind to spend their honeymoon there, everything went well then it was time for the great speach however Mr Williard couldn't find his business partner Mr Greenmark anywhere and he made a gesture toward some staff to make a little search while he made his way to the microphone.
"Welcome to the Hazel willow tourist resort and also one of the largest laboratory where the anti-venom is prepared, we have a large range of anti-venom from at least 1471 species... The laboratory name is Lady-in-white such a beauty, and i am your host Mr Williard W. Monarch, my grandfather was a butterfly specialist, did his research on them all his life, clearly i choose something more dangerous. Enjoy your stay! I am ready to answer all your questions!"
"Sir, mister Greenmark is dead, sir in the west wing of the greenhouse...It's too horrible!"
Everybody turned their heads at the maiden that just come in while some of them gasped or returned a shocked gaze upon mr Williard, some of them even started to gossh, it was something neither of them would forget too soon.
"Poor fellow, being buried in a pile of venomous snakes... Now that is what we call a venomous karma death... All the bad blood between in and out you see...Well, till the police arrives we better check out our rooms for snakes and lock ourselves in them..."
"I agree, who knows who will become the next victim, poor mr Greenmark, rest in peace!"
People talked and gave opinions, that was everything you could heard in the next three hours, it was getting late and the luxury event waan't luxurious anymore after the macabre incident, yes, that is how they put it...Mr Williard was affected the most, two murders in the same place in such a short time, the police still investigated the other one, what a bad luck.
"Is everybody ready, well i would like to say a few words, now i know some of you are concern about all those snakes bites but we guarantee we are trying our best to control the situation, no snake can enter the resort, please don't panic. Now lot's of you asked me why this is happening well my opinion is that because of the hot sunny weather, the climate change, the rainy and dryness, snakes are active pradatory if they find food much easier they build their muscular mass, they shade more often and that creates a need for reproduction, with optimal conditions.The female snake can lay 20 to 60 eggs, in the wild the eggs don't usually survive so that is one of the reason of such many eggs, some of the eggs are infertile those are named slugs... Now it's time to identify some types of snakes like the coral snake, we have the picture in the left corner as you can see, the king Cobra on the right, you can see the beautiful head, magrove snake in the middle. "
"Mr Williard, may we have a moment... Your snake presentation was fascinating but i would like to know more about those snake accident..."
"Such a shame indeed, me and my good friends put a lot of efforts in this company, to be attacked by those creatures... What on Earth is going on?Imagine being bitten by a snake and then ended up hung, who would do such a thing and why?"
"Do you have a greenhouse, sir?"
"Oh yes, is where we keep some of the most rare flower species, my mother loved them, we are trying to protect them by giving them what they need, i am afraid that the ground quality had dropped in the past years. We need to be prepared for anything as humans. "
Helen was in her light blue dress, she looked for any sign of a potential anomaly on the guests that were coming, the heels was killing her, even if it was an elegant event she wish to have brought a pair of sneakers. It was some few moments later that she felt a hand on her shoulder, turning around Hope had found an interesting familiar face, this time he Was wearing a dark light mask which made her was sad a little, Hope considered the color of detective eyes very beautiful and unique, she couldn't understand why would detective Void choose to hide it.
"And what are you doing here? With another SCPs bussiness? This place is the last place i would expected to see SCP foundation members. "
Hope was taken back a little, the detective voice was a little cold and dark, that was strange for her, it was like he was there with her but still he was not.
She didn't wanted to make a scene, yes Hope was a little hurt, but it's not like she would actually admit it, It had to be diplomatic, the diplomacy was always the key to success.
"Look, i don't know why you are acting like a jerk, but not really...Well, yes, sort off... We intercepted some strange calls from this center being attacked by snakes..."
"Is that all? Is there something more about it and you won't tell me just because it is a foundation thing to do, who is the jerk now?"
"Why are you acting like this? You know very well if some objects are involve in this, how dangerous it can get... Clearly, you mister detective can't keep away from these anomalies..."
"It's nice to see how much you care!"
"I don't like it when people are getting hurt, i am trying to change something for the better..."
"You don't make such a good job..."
"Look forward mister detective, what do you see, those people are afraid, to think this all started two months ago when first Mr Williard found a strange gift box on his desk and when he opened it, it had sheded snake skin along with an actual dead venomous snake in it. Of course you don't have to believe me you can ask him in person. "
"Well, it's the moment we all have been looking for, before we end this i want to thank you all for all of your support even in those hard dark moments, on your seat you will find a box that is a gift from our company to you, dear guests, together we made a better year. I felt honored to be here with you today."
As everybody was preparing to open their gifts, looking at the box detective Void had a feeling about that, something told him to stay away from ot and his reflections kicked in.
"Wait a second, do not open the box! Hope the boxes now! "
Hope throw her gift box as well, the others were confused and some people started to scream, they could hear some kind of hiss coming and the first thing they thought was it might be a bomb.
"Those are taipan snakes, they are native from Australia."
"You know those snakes well, maybe we can work together, can i see the Laboratory where they recolt the venom from the snakes?"
The next day even When everybody took their breakfast the tension remain thick, the police told the Witnesses to remain in the building as if one or more of them could be the culprit behind all of those acts, they woldn't have been surprised even if they found a snake in their pot of tea.
"Chef inspector Daniel Sunrise and this is my young sergeant Jaxon, we are here to investigate the strange case of the snakes, we need your statement as well as your fingerprints, in this case everybody is a suspect, we are just doing our duty if you may follow us."
"Great, just great, please mister detective Void tell me you had worked with the police in the past... Now we have them on our tail too, great so freaky great. I am so tempted to use amnestics on them after all this is over, they could put us in the jail for something we didn't do...Oh, fuckk my life double it! "
"Hope don't be so drastic the police is not the problem here, we just need to be careful not to arouse suspicions, as far as they know we are cousins and that is all."
Detective Void and Hope could see that it was more to this story so they put aside the whatever Was going on and tried to work as a team, they both were mature enough, plus Hope felt much better with a familiar face, since she wasn't used to work alone, that and too many strangers.
"If you may take a seat, this should be quick, we still have 303 suspects to check them so first question is where were you at 8:21 pm this Tuesday?"
"I was with mister Gorenje talking about the big event that night unfortunately that was postponed because of the discovery and my cousin was waiting his turn for the karaoke number, you can ask our host, Mr Williard."
"Seems fine till now, let us see some ID cards, huh interesting seems like we have a private detective here, I swear that all detectives have this nature that anywhere they go, they will find a mysterious case."
"I would like to offer my assistance in this delicate situation."
"Fine by me, just don't mess up the scene, let us handle it and if you find anything let us know after all this is an official police department business not some detective work.Come on, send the next ones on the list, you two are free to go for now!"
"Ok, i am gonna put myself together! We have to work together to end this nightmare, like i said before those people are afraid, mr Williard is one of the nice people i have meet, always making sure others get their anti-venom if their life are in danger even if they can not afford it."
"Seems like I will take this case, with 4 murders in such a short time and 3 more victims, the police sure are not enough."
"Ahem, you won't be alone mister detective Void, i will help too, i always wanted to work with a detective in secret that is... I sincerely would love to."
"Fine by me, but no SCP foundation business...Also are you saying this only to make yourself feel a little better and find courage? "
"Is not like i can call them, if it's not an anomaly they don't care speaking between you and me and to answer your second question, it is an yes, snakes scares me."
"Great... Now lets find mr Williard office, somethong tells me that he is there, did he mentioned anything about the office?"
"Mr Williard i will take the case, along side with Ms Bright here, we will try to make everything in our power to find the culprit and help the police catch them."
"First thing first this has security cameras, right? I will go and see what the cameras caught and you Hope, i have a list of question s you may address of guests and stuff around here, maybe they saw something."
Thry have been searching and asking question for about an hour and 45 minutes till they finally meet again.
"Well, what did you find out, mister detective Void? Had any luck?"
"Well, not so much, it made me think that whoever is behind this knows well this place, but i found something interesting in mr Greenmark death. You see, mr Greenmark was all alone at the moment when it happened, noone was around but somehow he stumble upon a wire, i suppose it was a bit dark maybe he did not see it and the venomous snakes falls upon him."
"That is crazy indeed, maybe we did not find anything else because the police took the rest already, anyway i also found something interesting."
"I doubt chef inspector Sunrise would leave such an important evidence behind, so what have you found?"
"First Mr Williard and Mr Grinschmoire, the man who was the second death, had an argument two days before, a maid named Sylvia heard them and told the receptionist about it. Unfortunately, Sylvia has been missing for some time, everybody thinks she is sick or that she has left after the second murder..."
"That is strange, maybe Mr Williard hides something from us, he told us there was no trouble at all... And for this maid i wonder why nobody thought she could be dead as well till now?"
"Maybe we should call off today, mister detective Void, i'm tired from all this detective work...Hope you don't mind it but with so many snakes around here i'm feeling much safer with you."
"You can stay, it's not like i can make you leave in the first place, i will read all the answers and organize notes about everything we know so far."
"Goodnight and thank you!"
Even so, the truth was that Helen forgot to take a room, she though that she didn't need it in the first place, nearly almost 3 days without sleep, she just tried to be busy as a bee just to forget about something, anyway if she knows something about men Was that they have big egos.
"Good morning, ready for a new day? I woke up with this feeling which tells me that we are gonna find the last piece of clue to end it today, can not wait. "
"I just spoke with mr Williard, we have a new clue where we can search, i added to my agenda, are you ready for a trip Hope?"
while they were going detective Void saw a white-yellow substancs powder on a top of a rock, it was the same one found in the laboratory were some snakes were held captive, it was indeed odd to find it there since those snakes were caught in the opposite direction away from the place they were.
The door to the cottage was unlocked, but it was more like someone forcing entry, Scratch marks were present on the wooden door. So entering the cottage the two of them begone to search for anything usefull that may had lead them closer to the truth.
While searching detective Void tripped over a ditch almost would have fallen too if he didn't grab the first thing he could get his hands on, slowly revealing a nice nest full of eggs.
"Those eggs are tall, big and heavy, wonder which bird lays them?"
But he did not have time to find the answer When Hope started to speak, by the sound of her voice the detective notice she Was afraid of something.
"Mister detective, there is an anaconda... A 15 feet long life anaconda...Ahh!"
Her heart skip a beat, Hope was paralyzed by fear, the sharp snake tongue hissing at her and the huge opening mouth revealing its sharp fangs was a nightmare before her, she felt like a mouse.
Mister detective Void could see only the half of the body of the giant anaconda, the anaconda was in the position to strike probably it compare Hope with a heavy meal.
Before she knew it, Hope felt on a pile of something, the anaconda head look at her from above but the window Was too small for such a large body shape.
Helen couldn't open her eyes she still Was afraid, of course dealing with anomalies Was much easier for Hope, they have the technology and there were people she could count on, plus an anaconda that long could eat you in a second and you should know better than to provoke such a large snake.
"Am i dead? Am i in a belly of an anaconda?"
She did not dared to open her eyes yet till she felt a hand on her check, the detective wanted to make sure Hope was still alive and to assure her that there were no snakes near her, he sigh as for someone who was kissing the danger almost everyday Hope sure Was more pale than usual.
"No silly, you just passed out, come on, that anaconda won't bother anyone ever again!"
Hope slowly opened her eyes, finally he thought, they could move on, still she wanted to know What was hiding behind the pile on which she had landed.
A mountain of boxes beautifully arranged they were in front of them, and the detective knew, the only question remain Who brought them there?
"Well, at least we know what happened to the gifts that were suppose to be given, are you alright?"
Hope yawned, Who would have known that the cases were so energy-consuming, she looked at detective Void, clearly something was with him but she couldn't figure it out and it's not like they spoke about it. The poor detective must have been shocked too, that snake had been something she was sure they won't forget soon.
"Just a little dizzy, probably from that snake..."
"Put your hand around my shoulder mister detective, let me carry you, we come together, we leave together...ok?Just try to relax, you are too tense."
They reached the resort, mr Williard was waiting together with Karina also there was another police car near, they have been waiting for them.
"Do you need anything, water, are you hungry? I will speak with Mr Williard myself, promise me you will stay here."
"Incredible, an anaconda this tall takes some years and if they have enough food, what happened to the eggs? We can not let such a gene pass, having more anaconda like this it will destroy the eco-sistem."
"Yes, i know, we also found the gift boxes discarded and covered with an old blanket, we didn't found much i'm afraid.
Helen was in one of the dead point, if the detective was right this was the moment they finally catch the one responsable for the unfortunately incidents. It wasn't long before a shadow appear, it was fast, Hope had begun the chase...for her it Was now or never.
She had both of her guns with her, the suspect would have no escape from her, she was determined When she heard a bottle break, and initially thought it was detective Void.
"Well, what do we have here, i will take that... Do you recognize this remainder of broken shard, miss? I will only ask you once, judging by your face, I know you do so let's hear it! "
"I recognize it because i was in the kitchen before, but only because my detective cousin haven't a proper meal and i was worried for him! I told the Head chef if he could make some dumplings for detective Void, it was there when i saw the package with sealed champagne bottles to be given to Mr Williard guests in that evening. "
"How convenient that you just see these bottles, the same bottle with which my sergeant was hit in the head. What i am saying is that you both are liars, do you even know your so called detective cousin name, miss?"
"My name is Simon Angelo Smith, and my cousin Helen Hope Bright doesn't use my name when i do the whole detective work, please stop with this, you are on the wrong track here if you think she has anything to do with this attack!"
"That would make a cute story for children but i'm afraid the facts prove otherwise, hands behind your back miss, you are arrested!"
"Let her go, you have more important things like your sergeant laying bleeding on the floor."
"Hands up you, in the corner right now!I am the one who gives the order here, back in the corner."
"This situation is geting out of control, mister detective..."
They watched for more few seconds, there was when Hope used the B class amnestics on the inspector and his Sergeant, after they left the sergeant on the Infirmary, they put the inspector on a chair somewhere else for when he was going to wake up and left him there.
"There is nothing amnestics can't resolve, now the 24 hours are gone. So glad i have them with me."
Hope and detective Void decided to tell everything they know to Mr Williard, the poor old man was waiting for news like hot bread, the mam understood them and give them the keys.
As they split up again later that night Helen saw something moving, it was big and looked heavy, plus some pleople in uniform but trying to get closer another trap net full of snakes falls on her, lucky Hope knew exactly about it but the sound it made caught unwanted attention which forced her to flee from there.
"Mister detective Void, i saw something... Ah...Ugh, also i think one of the snakes bite me, i can not feel my leg anymore..."
The detective caught her, leaving Hope gently to the ground, then he took the out station he had at hand while trying to make sure the venom wouldn't spread any faster, mister Williard and a team of medics soon arrived after, Hope attempted to make some jokes, she didn't wanted to put more salt on the wound.
"Obviously for someone who got bitten by a venomous snake you are pretty chilling and vibing... Glad to see you are not the type who would scream their lungs out!" One of the paramedics said as a joke, it was nice to see someone agreeing with her, slowly turning her head in detective Void direction.
"See mister detective Void, i told you i am a tough cookie, not made of sugar...And why should i scream when i know everything will be fine, after all i have the best detective i could ever ask for right next to me and a dedicated rescue team!"
After a while only detective Void and mr Williard remain, the detective carefully planned the next move, he was very focus looking straight at the door, maybe it was time to put an end to this whole saga.
Mister Williard looked at the detective, him and the girl risked so much for the sake of his business and for the lives of the others, he had to encourage the young man somehow but didn't know how.
"It's lovely to see how much faith she has in you, as a young couple I assume...Don't worry we will keep an eye close to her, Hope is in good hand, now you can go and finish what you want to do."
Those words took him back, he slowly took two steps back, couldn't believe what he was hearing... Sure, he and Hope Were a little closer after all they have been through but a couple, the answer was simple: no.
"Am I that obvious?"
"It's just an old man thought, i used to be very protective of my sweetheart as well when i was young.When we, men, find the right person for us we don't know where is left and where is right anymore!"
"Alright, i am going to work on some paper, you know hospital related, don't move around too much, let the anti-venom do it's job and drink lots of liquid..." The nurse slowly put her hand on Hope left shoulder, encouraging Hope, while she left, Helen moved her head to the window, knowing the detective she couldn't stop being worried at what he might do all alone with the" vipers".
"Please be careful mister detective Void, don't get hurt!"
Detective Void enters the room, somehow he knows exactly what to expect, he didn't know how, he just did, the room colors gave him a headache and the smell of perfume, it wasn't like an ordinary criminal case where the walls were old and smelly with some visible mold.
"l must say i have found our marriage boring at one point, he was always looking at young women, do you know how boring that was? Even when it was our anniversary he couldn't take off his eyes of some maid ass or chest, made me sick...Tell me detective what would have been the point if we got divorced? why shouldn't i have all his money and even have more money from those sales? Elegance lies in snakeskin, shoes, coats, hats, purses, Wallets, i could have rule the world, me a woman, a fresh widow which doesn't give a penny for that weak pig cheater!"
"You bribe your husband and Mr Williard economic agent to do your dirty work just so you could eliminate him later. After you got what you wanted you left those papers in one of Mr Williard books as a clue for the police to find it later, so that they would thought he is the one responsable. Two birds with one stones!"
"Exactly detective and if you were smart enough, you would have left things just the way they are."
"Well, it turns out there's nothing more to say then..."
"Exactly. Goodbye detective!"
"What a wonderful terrifying experience we had, right mister detective? Also thank you for saving me again, i just can't keep my little tail out of trouble, don't I? So, um...would you like to meet more? It's not like you keep yourself out of the whole anomaly situations anyway..."
It's been a week since the police arrested Mrs Grinschmoire and the whole operation shut down, Hope felt better and she just finished her entire report of course without mention the detective, she knows Matei and Vivienne would not let her go that easy especially after she was bitten but Helen could live with that.
Chef inspector Sunrise and some other police fellow found the suspect in the middle of the room, her gun was five meters thrown away from Mrs Grinschmoire as she was on her knee looking like a crazy old lady, nobody could find an explanation, they also found a confesion voice recording type along side with money and a large snakeskin clothing range, soon after they found the rest of accomplices, unfortunately Sylvia was found dead.
"Speak for yourself, Hope i am busy..."
"Well, i tried, what can i say more? Just, try not to get yourself killed, alright? Hope we meet again, i can't wait for it, so much fun when you are around..."
"Before we take a different path again I feel like there is something else you want to say to me, your expression gives you away, so what is it?"
"I...Mister detective would you like to go and see... The next time we meet each other maybe we could go together and...Damn, it's much harder to say what i want to say... Look ok, since you like so much to... All those SCPs thing, maybe one day we could make a visit to this lovely place which is a SCP, it has an incredible view..."
"I have one question first:why me?"
"Because just don't ask, i don't have an aswer, i just want to show you the good part of the scps not only the bad one..."
"I will think about it and don't worry if i accept i will let you know after all i am a detective and i always have my ways."
"I would never thought the other way anyway, mister detective Void, till then take care, hope i will see you soon!"
They shook hands and then the door closed behind the detective, he had done well for now, sure never doubt himself ever again maybe after all this detective Void will find the right path to find what he has lost.
The end!
The simple drawing without text:
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Love in another univers pt.2
I felt blood pounding in my ears. This is the man who almost killed my brother. How did he manage to get a job here in the first place. "Nice to meet you Mr. O'hara" just grunted. "And who are you?"Miguel knew perfectly well who the woman standing in front of him was. When I opened the portal to Miles's dimension yesterday. He watched him, and was very surprised when Miles didn't head to school or his parents' apartment. He stood on the opposite roof, watching Miles land on the building in front of him. I wanted to shoot my cobwebs at him, but all of a sudden Miles started waking up on the shutters. A second later, a pretty girl who looked like Miles by sight opened the window. Her longer, slightly curly brown hair was tied up in a loose braid and she was dressed in an old pulled-up T-shirt and shorts. Although Miguel didn't want to admit it, he found her attractive. Before Miguel broke free that her contemplation girl had dragged Miles inside. Great will not be able to approach him unnoticed today, then. So he decided to take a different course of action. And that's why he took a teaching job right now. "My name is Y/N Morales."I answered as famously as I could. I quickly grabbed the materials for the class and left the cabinet. I had to find Miles and tell him everything. Moments later, I saw him stumbling down the hall.,"Miles hey come here I need to tell you something."Miles rushed over to you. "Miguel is here.. here at school."Miles went pale and sweaty after my statement. Before you could say anything else, the bell rang and miles had to leave for his first class. Just when you were about to head to your classroom to start class I saw Miguel walking into Miles' classroom. All you could do for your brother was pray.
I hope you like it if you want you can send meyours ideas about the story or idea for another story i can write it for you.
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doudouneverte · 1 year
Shapeshifter and Valentine's Day | VW (d-four)
a/n: day four of the valentine week i hope you had a great day. here it is the fourth fic and it is in the same univers of my mama!nat fic and liked to write so i hope you'll like. And of course Happy Birthday to the gorgeous Elizabeth Olsen. See you tomorrow for the [Y.B] or [A.D] fic, i don't choose yet.
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*not my GIF*
Wanda Maximoff x Romanoff!Reader; Natasha Romanoff x Daughter!Reader; Yelena Belova x Female!reader(aunt-niece); Pietro Maximoff x Female!Reader(best friend)
summary: today it's valentine's day but Wanda seem upset
Type: Fluff
Warning : me who don't know how to write a meal name and nothing else i thinks
word count: 1850
day one | day two | day three | day five | day six | day seven
You've unlocked a lot of skills since you grew up with your mom, but even if you could lie like a professional, there were three people who were able to tell when you weren't telling the truth: your mom, of course; your auntie Yelena; and your girlfriend Wanda (because of her power). But today you had planned something special, and you couldn't let anyone find it. It was a Tuesday; you came to school like you usually do, and you were greeted by Peter, Ned, and MJ. You talked about everything and nothing before you spotted silver hairs in front of your locker. "Hey Piet, how are you?" you asked, and he looked at where the voice came from.
"Oh, you're here," You looked confused. "Wanda wants to kill you, like literally, and I'm fast but not enough to stop her, so do something," he said and disappeared. You and your friends were stunts. Why would your girlfriend want to kill you? You started to remind yourself the last week to find out if you did something that could upset the Sokovian, but the answer came when you opened your locker. A wave of letters, and at the color and the heart stickers, that was Valentine's letter.
"Wow, you have a lot of fan Y/N" MJ commented, and you started to connect the dots. You picked up the letters and grabbed your things before heading to your math class. At the lunch break, you tried to speak with the witch, but she didn't even look at you. Okay, she gave you a cold treatment, and it was not your fault; that's not fair.
You thought about something to do, and you heard Pietro talk about training this afternoon, and you found a plan. After school, you rush to the compound "Good afternoon, Miss Romanoff, and happy Valentine's Day." Friday greeted you.
"Thanks you, Friday. Do you know where my mom is?" you asked
"Mrs. Romanoff is in the kitchen," the IA replied.
"Thanks you," and you ran to the kitchen, but before you met Maria, Steve, Sam, and Bucky, they seemed to talk about a previous mission, but you didn't mind; you greeted them and continued your course. In the kitchen, you found Natasha with a PBJ sandwich and Yelena, who was trying to cook something else except mac'n'cheese. Okay, it was weird, but you had the whole day to ask more about it. "Hey mom, hey auntie Yelena," you said loudly to not freak them out.
"Hey little poser, how was school?" The blonde asked, and you rolled your eyes at the nickname before replying.
"Horrible," you said, and Natasha frowned and raised her eyebrows. It was not uncommon for you to say 'school was... school' but this time it seems more than that.
"What happened, my love?" your mom asked with concern in her voice. You didn't reply; you just opened your bag and threw all the letters on the table. "What is that?" The sisters asked before they grabbed one letter and started to read it.
"Oh, the little witch is so romantic," your aunt commented.
"It's not from Wanda," you replied, and they both stared at you. They were expecting more: "It's from a girl or a guy in school, I don't know, but Wanda saw one of them put one letter in my locker, and she was upset all the day," when you explained you were making a PBJ sandwich too. You took a bite and spoke again: "I have to do something to tell her it was a misunderstanding, and Pietro tried to tell her, but even he didn't change anything." You took another bite: "I planned something, but I need your help," you said, and they gave you all their attention: "I need someone to distract her while I prepare a special date or something." Your mom was about to say something, but you cut her off: "Don't worry, we will stay at the compound."
"So what do you want to do?" Yelena asked
"I need you to help me cook something for her," you said to the younger widow and looked at the older, "and I need you to reschedule her training to this afternoon to give us the time to prepare anything."
"Hey, I can help in the kitchen too," your mom argued, and you both raised your eyebrows at her. "Okay, maybe I'm not as good as your auntie, but I can do something too, like be your sous-chef." You didn't lower your eyebrows and look at her sandwich; the redhead looked at the sandwich too. "Okay, but you own me a lot of cuddles for this," she said before exiting the kitchen.
After twenty minutes, you finally found a meal to do: chicken paprika. It's her favorite food, so you couldn't fail. Wanda came to the kitchen and said, "Hello, Yelena." She grabbed a bottle of water and some snacks.
"Hey little witch, how was school?" Yelena asked
"Like usual, you know school is school." She started to walk away until Yelena called her.
"Where are you going?"
"Training, Natasha, reschedule for today." She restarted walking when you spoke.
"Don't hurt my mom too much, babe," you said, but she didn't reply and walked away for good. "Oh no, don't worry, you know I love you too much to do something like that, darling. Okay, I love you. Bye,  honey. "I love you too; see you later, detka" you whispered to yourself, and your aunt couldn't hold back her laughter at your antics.
"She didn't even look at you; you're really fucked up, little poser," you sighed, and you both started to cook. It was hard, like really hard and tiring, and you failed twice, but now it was 9 p.m. and you finally made something that looked and tasted like Wanda's paprishka. You were glad and decided to take a shower before seeing your pouty girlfriend. On your way to your mom's room, you met Pietro.
"Hey little spider, how is my sestra?" He asked and walked with you.
"She was mad the last time I saw her; she didn't even look at me." Pietro lands his hand on your shoulder to show you his support, "But don't worry, Piet, I decided to make something that will bring my girlfriend back," and without another word you rush to the bedroom, then to the bathroom.
You needed this shower; like, really, the day was exhausting with Wanda, who was in a bad mood, your mom, who pouted because you didn't want to cook with her, and Yelena, who almost killed you when she tried to show you how skilled she was with a knife. Yeah, you needed this time alone. After changing yourself, you rush to Wanda's room, but before you steal a rose from the bouquet Tony wanted to offer to Pepper (they won't see), you were here in front of the door, and you were... stressed? Yeah, of course, because you know she could decide to not forgive you or, worse, not talk to you, and that would mean you did all this for nothing.
'Knock knock' the witch looked at the door and waited a little longer before hearing someone knock again. "Come in," she said, and you opened the door. She saw your face and the apology look on it; she saw the rose; and she saw your smile when she didn't throw you across the hallway after seeing it was you. Honestly, she had already "forgiven" you, and she wanted to apologize. No,  she needed to apologize. It was not really your fault if they put letters on your locker, but it was too much for her.
"Hey Wands, I want to apologize for this morning. I should've known..." She cut you off.
"Y/n stop." and you did "You don't have to apologize; I should do it, and I'm sorry. I knew it was not your fault if you received those letters, but I was scared that maybe you would want to be with them, so I acted like a child. I know I shouldn't be jealous or something; I know you love me, but I needed to be mad at someone, and I can't hurt people, so I was mad at you. You didn't deserve it, and I'm really sorry. Forgive me, Y/n, please."
You were speechless. You came to apologize and remind her that she was the only one you wanted, but now you didn't really know what to do, so you had to improvise. "Okay, I accept your apology on two conditions." She nodded hesitantly. "One, you took this rose because I think I cut myself with a thorn." She took the flower carefully, and she smirked. "And two, I want you to kiss me; like, really, I missed you all day. I start to know what Tony feels when Pepper is busy with work—"you were cut off when she crashed her lips against yours.
When she pulled away, you wanted to complain, but you both heard a voice from the doorframe: "It was like the cutest thing I've ever seen in my life." Pietro said you both blushed before you noticed what he had in his hands.
"Pietro, what do you eat?" You asked and secretly hoped he would not say what you thought.
"Oh, someone made the dinner and we were about to eat that's why I'm here." You were about to say something, but the speedster was... faster. "I don't know who prepared this paprishka, but it's pretty good." he look at Wanda "not good as yours but it's good you should taste"
"Pietro, that was not for you," they both looked at you, "it was for my date with Wanda," you added, and the witch blushed. Suddenly, Yelena appeared next to your best friend.
"Y/n, they are ruining your date with the little witch," she said, and then looked at the boy. "Oh, is it good?" She asked, and he nodded, "Good because we spent a lot of time to do this." She then looked at you and said, "You should come to eat and have 'family dinner'." She made air quotes, and you laughed.
When she and Pietro left to eat, you were alone with Wanda. "I think I hate them," you said, and she chuckled.
"We both know it's not true," she replied.
"Yeah, but I wish I could."
"If you hate them, can you keep loving me?"
"Always," and you kissed her. "Now let's go before they finish everything." You stood up and started to walk to the kitchen.
"Y/N?" Wanda called you, and you turned around to look at her "I love you."
You blushed. "I love you too, Wanda," you replied, giving her an air kiss. "Now the first at the kitchen, choose the film for tonight." You started to run.
"Hey, that's not fair!" the Sokovian started to run too. "I hate you, Y/N!" she yelled.
"We know it's not true!" you yelled back.
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machathecat · 6 months
Please don't ask me how I think the Mr plant x Argos x Mr flower ship work like they're dynamic because you'll have to listen to me for 5 hours of rambling about 63817 slightly different alternative univers cause I can't fucking make choices
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fingerstealer · 3 months
Hello, I'm from Gaza City because of the war,my house was destroyed. We lost everything,my family and I did not have anything left. We left our homes in search of a safe place and we were displaced three  times to different places to survive, but unfortunately there's no safe place in Gaza. My mother is very sick and she's a kidney failure patient in need of treatment outside. She suffers from LS. Help me and my family to survive. Please, your small donation can make a huge difference. A friend outside Gaza has come in to help me run the donation program so that my mother can be evacuated. My friend Mr. Noah Keter is receiving the donations on our behalf to help us organise how to evaluate Gaza in the next four days
Hey so uh. This is a scam blog, as confirmed here and here.
Here's the actual GoFundMe if you want to donate.
Update as of 03/25: the OG account has been deleted. Stay safe.
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Suzanne Farrell Teaching
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Above: students at Florida State University rehearse Balanchine's Serenade, staged by Suzanne Farrell. Photo by Meagan Helman for the Florida State Univ. News
Suzanne Farrell is Krafft Professor of Dance at Florida State University in Tallahassee. She gave an interview to the FSU News that was published on November 16, 2023.
Legendary ballerina Suzanne Farrell reflects on career, 20 years as Krafft Professor at FSU
Florida State University’s School of Dance Krafft Professor Suzanne Farrell, an internationally recognized New York City Ballet principal dancer, a 2005 Kennedy Center Honoree and the founder of Suzanne Farrell Ballet, has long been regarded as one of the most extraordinary and influential ballerinas of the late-20th century.
Farrell, who performed with the New York City Ballet for 28 years, is considered the last muse and protégé of choreographer George Balanchine, founder of the New York City Ballet.
This year, Farrell set an excerpt of “Divertimento No. 15,” a choreographic piece by Balanchine. This classical ballet was featured in the school’s annual “An Evening of Dance,” which highlighted a diverse lineup of seven live works restaged by retired and current faculty.
“One of my dreams as a dancer was to perform the choreography of George Balanchine,” said Associate Professor Ilana Goldman, who served as the rehearsal director for this work. “When I finally did, it felt sublime, as if I was the physical embodiment of the music. I am so thrilled that our students had the opportunity to not only perform Balanchine’s choreography but to have been coached by his muse, Suzanne Farrell — it’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.”
Farrell has been a member of the School of Dance faculty for more than 20 years and continues to work with and mentor students, hosting master classes and workshops at FSU each semester.
“The opportunity to work with a legendary performer like Suzanne Farrell is an amazing experience for our students,” said Anjali Austin, professor and chair of the School of Dance. “Her dedication to our program throughout the past 20 years has made an indelible mark on many.”
In an interview, Farrell re-lived her history with the New York City Ballet, working with Balanchine and how she came to Florida State University to teach.
“Initially, I was not going to teach at a college level,” Farrell said. “I had just been giving young dancer auditions in Miami but came to FSU on my sister’s request and met many nice dancers that made me rethink. It’s a beautiful atmosphere, and I love working here. I give everything when I teach.”
Even early in her career, Farrell thought teaching was not a path she intended to take.
“When I was a young dancer, I thought I had forever,” she said. “Mr. Balanchine once said, ‘One day, you will all teach.’ I thought to myself, ‘I’m not going to teach. All I want to do is dance.’”
That moment of retirement came sooner than Farrell thought, so she began staging and teaching Balanchine’s ballets around the world.
“In a nice way, it extended my dance life,” she said. “I’m not dancing, but I’m still doing what I love to do.”
Farrell noted that the transient nature of a dance career instills a sense of immediacy in a dancer.
“Dance is a young profession; we retire at a young age because the body has to stop,” she said. “Therefore, you have to positively profit from everything you do and every moment you do it. You can’t say, ‘I’ll do it tomorrow’ because before you know it, it’s time to retire.”
Farrell explained, “In ballet, we are our own technology. It’s not like sending someone a text and it’s done — it’s a constant evolution of getting the choreography to where it should be.”
“I like bringing my stories into my teaching because it’s not just the technological aspect, it’s also passing on stories from one person to the next,” she said.
Farrell learned to use visual aspects to provide dancers with a mental image when correcting inaccuracies.
“I’d say ‘move your arms like the leaves when the wind comes, the leaves turn over, they don’t resist.’ Moving with nature is what ballet is all about.”
When asked about the evolution of ballet since she first began her professional career, Farrell highlighted the inheritable legacy left by previous generations.
“We are the beneficiaries of every dancer that came before us. Nobody can do it by themselves,” Farrell said. “There are stories you inherit from someone who maybe danced it first or before you were alive. There’s so much legacy and it’s not just in the past. Just because someone isn’t alive anymore doesn’t mean they are not influential and inspiring in spirit.”
This academic year, the School of Dance is celebrating 90 years of dance, 60 years of dance degrees and 20 years of the Maggie Allesee Center for Choreography at FSU. Recently ranked as one of the top five dance programs in the nation by Backstage Magazine, the School of Dance is dedicated to providing the highest caliber of training to its students.
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Suzanne Farrell and George Balanchine, 1963. Photo: Fred Fehl for the Associated Press via the NY Times
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srbachchan · 2 years
DAY 5261
Jalsa, Mumbai                  July 8/9,  2022                 Fri/Sat  12:01 AM
❤️ , July 9th .. birth anniversary .. EF Prabir Bhatt .. no more with us , physically .. but ever remembered in Spirit , in affection , in friendship , in poetry , in lyrical melodies .. ever in our prayers  .. 🙏🏻 .. And .. on the 9th .. it's 10 years .. since shifting from BigAdda to Tumblr .. 🥳
Its ending .. the furlough .. work intense from the morrow .. prep for the association of another season KBC .. 
back in a while .. finishing office paper work .. do it yourself the learning .. doing it .. 
back after an hour or so .. paper work done .. many ask what paper work .. office work ? do you really have an office .. I thought all your work was handled by staff .. hahaha .. I am staff .. I am work .. I am all ..  got a problem ???
and that is the reason for a ‘NO’ to an autobiography .. there is no bio , nor any graphy .. auto ‘s run on the streets carrying weary passengers .. the reason is ‘I’ .. i did this i was that i , i , i , all the time .. and there is nothing for the ‘i’ that needs to be written about .. absolutely nothing .. so do not try to convince me , or get me to understand it in another subtle way .. it shall not happen ..
no .. yes I am 80 .. yes the times form ‘42 to ‘22 cover much .. how does that bring meaning to the desire of the many to relate me, my cinema, my journey ( ugg hate this word ! ) to what the country the world has been through .. go to mr Google गूग्ले  .. he has the ultimate response and answers to all .. 
one other matter .. aesthetics be the symphony of the creative in art and artist .. ugliness in behaviour attitude environ and your impressions of the work , join the aforementioned adv., adj., verb., whatever .. classic grammar weak .. and the reason Arts was never considered for Univ .. but then neither was Science .. that was an after thought ..
many after thoughts develop after .. after the birds have flown , the nests empty the habitat in shambles and in ruin .. and nothing ambles along to provide a soft shoulder to advise, wipe the sweat , calm the cerebrum .. ummff .. cerebrum ,  often used .. will find another .. ok for now the head the brain .. the cerebra .. responsible for the integration of the sensory, initiation of voluntary functions of the body ...
rubbish .. 
well not mine any way ..
errr .. patriotism from the greens of Edgbaston .. or was it Southampton to the greens of Wimbledon .. the fervour , the belief that victory is their birthright , dramatically and with some finality buried .. buried deep ..
now that is the problem and issue .. the moment the declaration of defeat and the feat of the COUNTRY 🇮🇳 is honorific  , reverse swing takes over .. the googly  .. the top spin serve .. the ace down the line .. and its fair and square finally bowled .. a jump over the net for the shake of the hand of the defeated  ..
no do not overdo it .. in fact do not do it at all .. at all .. got it ..
great .. we shall survive the 14th victory of certain Hit Man  .. 
I babble .. 
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Amitabh Bachchan
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starryskiesahead · 7 months
is xolga and mr toko isekai
could they go to any world
even mayhaps
the genshin unive-*gets blasted into oblivion*
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lexicorp · 10 months
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not sure if I'm gonna refine this thing or not, but am at least proud I finished it :D
it's all reg univers MultiReality but the end steers to a different door for the toh au
cuz my MR toh has been in my brain
I have many
This is what's on the first little screen Mirros is showing line 🫴 (sorry its kinda grainy lol)
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