#Mrs. labonz
salty-icecream 5 months
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Hi guys page two pt. 1
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drawthething 2 years
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Wagstaff's school faculty members are all pretty solid characters, though these five definitely stood out for me the most. Apparently rude middle-age/elderly people who are tired of their job and say funny stuff are my type of comedy.
Except Mr. Branca, he's just vibing :]]]. His old country can suck it!
I also love their interactions with the kids like that witchcraft ep with Tina and Ambrose or the forever entertaining Louise and Frond's rivalry. Top-notch dynamic 馃憣
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laz-kay 5 months
Who in the Burger universe do you think would've read Marx's manifesto? Who's a burger commie lol (/pos)
Bloody hell I love that question!
I feel like Louise would highkey throw herself into reading it after learning about some sort of injustice in the class system, then she'd make it her whole personality and rope Tina and Gene into getting involved too. All three of the burger kids are passionate, and they show it off in different ways.
Honestly, I could picture anyone reading it aside from the Fishoeders, Jimmy Pesto and Calvin's posh twat friends. Grover probably read it in college sparking his hatred for his cousins and the class system, Linda would skim read it and join a protest somewhere about worker's rights, Bob would read it and spend his days ranting to Teddy and Mort about how hard he and Lin work for so little. Hell, I could even see the kid's teachers (especially Ambrose and Labonz) reading it and spending their lunch breaks bitching about Spoors over spiked coffee.
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sailoreuterpe 10 months
Rare ships ask: Calvin Fischoeder and Ms. Labonz?
Off of the top of my head, I can't even think of how they'll meet. Calvin isn't going to any school events and while it's possible that Ms. Labonz goes to the Wharf, she isn't likely to run into the owner. If they somehow cross paths, I can see Ms. Labonz being interested but not Calvin. Ms. Labonz seems to like comfort and the finer things so she will definitely see Calvin as a catch. Calvin, on the other hand, also likes the finer things and probably won't see a middle-aged elementary school teacher as anything but another working-class oddity. Someone to study but not to engage. Cue a rightfully-indignant Ms. Labonz and that's the end of that dalliance.
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sleepyone232 1 year
Please. Some of ya'll bobs burgers simps request something Any character. Any situation. a n y t h i n g. I just had a little trauma and I need to think about something else this instant- So- Pretty please?
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br1ghtestlight 5 months
Which Belcher do you think should be allowed to say fuck
if we're talking about main characters 100% bob
if we're talking the extended cast then either mr ambrose or mr frond I feel like they both deserve it for different reasons. or ms labonz. any of the teachers honestly
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nonbinary-hatter 4 months
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The last of the Belcher siblings. Louise Belcher
* lost her bunny ear from the "accident" she won't let her mom fix it, because she thinks it looks cool
* has the most scars out of her siblings
* has served anger issues and doesn't trust anyone that her family doesn't know.
* has a small outburst of rage, but not to her family
* has the fear of darkness and tight places
* has a night light in her room or a whole bunch of glow in the dark stars on her ceiling
* was the second sibling to go back to school.
* was the first sibling to get suspended from school. She and Chloe had a nasty fight in the hallway and it took Frond and LaBonz to pull Louise off chole
* Louise doesn't have a therapist like her other two siblings, she doesn't trust new people to know her backstory. The only person she goes to rant about her day is Mr. Frond
* Louise is the first to pick up sign language for Tina, but Louise does prefer to sign then talk sometimes.
* she stills friends with Rudy and the twins, she just doesn't hang out with them as much and doesn't do crazy schemes anymore with them
* Louise and Teddy put in security systems in the apartment. Mostly it was teddy, but Louise wanted to know how they work
* Louise wanted the extra security, just in case and to make her siblings feel safer
* she has multiple conversations with the one eye snakes and Mickey about self defense, but they don't show her a lot of things because of her aged.
* the one eyed snakes did give her a punching bag for her anger and Mickey taught her how to control her anger with other things and may or may not have taught her a Little self defense.
* be the first one up in the morning to make her rounds to check her family, will sometimes meet gene in the kitchen for late night snacks
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See More Seymour鈥檚 Week: platonic relationship day
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Smoke Break
Prompt: smitten聽聽
Summary: LaBonz and Ambrose go out for a smoke break to gossip and talk shit. When the topic of Phillip Frond is brought up, Ambrose finds himself in a difficult situation.聽
Smoking is not cool! It's not cool! Don't do it, kids! -- Mr. Ambrose (probably)
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mannytoodope 11 months
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Louise: ( groans ) School again. Punching in for another day of unpaid child labor before we go home and do more unpaid child labor.
Tina: I know, right? Multiply this, spell that, and build a pipe cleaner model of that other thing. Oh, darn, I forgot to do that last night.
Gene: Where's Amnesty International when you need 'em? I mean, probably somewhere important. They're great.
Louise: Teachers keep dishing it out, and we keep taking it.
Mr. Grant: Fresh baked brownie? Blondie?
Gene: Mmm. I was just handed a baked good for some reason, but yeah. Hi, Tina!
Ms. Jacobson:( sniffs ) New shampoo?
Tina: No, we had one squeeze of shampoo left, and we've been adding water to it for a while. Hey, about my pipe cleaner project, I didn't do it.
Ms.Jacobson: Don't worry about it. Okay.
Student: Thanks for holding the button, Mr. De Santo. Do I tip you or...
Teacher: Looking good, Rudy.
Rudy: Good at what?
Louise: What is h-happening?
Gene: Are we at the right school?
Ms.LaBonz: Hi, Louise!
Louise: Whoa. That's a lot of "hi," Ms. LaBonz. You okay?
Ms.LaBonz: I'm fine. How are you?
Louise: Confused. Thank you.
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ltwharfy 3 months
"Bob's Burgers" Season 7 Episode Ranking Rewatch (Long Post)
So, I've been rewatching "Bob's Burgers" from the beginning and ranking the episodes using the spreadsheet that @babsvibes created! If you want to know why I'm doing this or how I view the 1-5 rating scale, you can check out my Season 1 post! If you want to check out any of the other seasons, I've been using the "bob's burgers episode ranking rewatch" tag for all of them.
Now, on to Season 7:
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Average (Mean) Score: 4.64
Mode (Most Common) Ranking: 5
Ranking Breakdown: 15 5s 6 4s 1 3
Season as whole thoughts:
Our new first place season (and I think it's kind of unlikely to be topped!) Unlike with Season 4, where I was kind of surprised by how high its average scored ended up being, Season 7 is one that I knew going in had several of my favorite episodes. I remember several years ago, the AV Club had a Q and A asking "What's the strongest 3 episode run of a TV show"? My immediate thought when seeing that : "Bob's Burgers" when they did "Ex Mach Tina" followed by "Bob Actually" followed by "There's No Business Like Mr. Business Business".
"Bob Actually" is a strongest contender for my favorite episode, and when I think of the reasons why (which do, in fact, go beyond "Roudise Kiss!!!!!!!"), I think they kind of encapsulate the strengths of this season. I think "Bob Actually" is a perfect combination of being really funny (everything Flips Whitefudge says; Ms. LaBonz stealing from the school; heck, even Mr. Blevins gets a funny line!), being really creative (giving each of the Belchers their own storylines rather than just an A and B story), and being emotionally satisfying (obviously, this kind of depends on how fond you are of Tinimmy and Roudise and Boblin.)
And I feel like a lot of the episodes of this season have that perfect combination of humor, emotion, and creativity- "Large Brother, Where Fart Thou?" sees the hilarity of Bob and Linda getting high with their account, the innovation of Tina having a storyline where she doesn't interact with any of the other Belchers, and the emotion of Gene being a protective big brother to Louise. "Last Gingerbread House on the Left" features a gunfight at a gingerbread house competition (hilarious!), that uses beautiful slow motion and closeups (creative!), and results in Bob actually winning something for once and giving a great Christmas present to his kids- and Mr. Fischoeder and his weird rich friends (awwwww!)
Obviously, I think the show was great in its previous seasons, but in my book Season 7 is just amazing- a show at the top of its game and not content to rest on its laurels!
Some thoughts on specific episodes (and feel free to ask if you want my thoughts on an episode I didn't comment on):
"Flu-ouise": I loved learning a little bit more about Kuchi Kopi and Louise's other toys! I will always crack up when Teddy says "Mumaluma!" One of my favorite end credits sequences- I love Louise's exuberant dancing and the song- "but the sickness made you better, and I'm glad you didn't diiiiiiiiie!"
"Teen-a Witch": I hope before the show ends we get to see Mr. Ambrose riding his bike to school with a little dog in the front basket.
"The Quirkducers": Along with "The Hormone-iums" this was the other episode that convinced me I should do a rewatch before doing the spreadsheet. One of the cable channels was doing a marathon of the Thanksgiving episodes and I remember feeling kind of meh when this came up- I knew it wasn't one of my favorites. Or I THOUGHT I knew! This is a wonderful episode! There is a good chance I will tear up when Tina starts singing about how "it takes guts to be yourself!" And the Grandpa Potato is hilarious! And Peter Pescadero's women's issues club song is further proof that he is THE great underrated character of the show.
"Ex Mach Tina": So, we can all just agree that Jimmy Jr's musoems are some of the funniest writing on the show, right? And that "Watching You From a Distant Place" is one of the best songs? The way all three of the plots- Tina and J-Ju and the robot, Louise and Gene and Yuli and the robot, and Bob and the banjo- come together at the end is brilliant and beautiful! Tammy and Joceyln's "A.I"-"as if" conversation, followed by Zeke's "you guys are making me feel smart" is possibly my favorite moment for those characters. This episode is really pretty perfect.
"Bob Actually": So, you may not know this about me, because I tend to keep this close to my chest but I'm actually a pretty big fan of Louise and Rudy's relationship. Shocking, right? And I've basically been shipping them since the end of "Carpe Museum", a fact which I have never disclosed before (certainly not in my Season 3 rewatch post). And then they have a Valentine's Day story that ends with them kissing, and I really like that episode. Okay, I probably dropped a lot of surprising info on y'all there so I understand if you need to take a break before reading the rest of this.
"There's No Business Like Mr. Business Business": John Oliver! Gene and Tina eating cat food! Bob training a cat! Bob accepting Gayle for who she is! Mr. Business getting ALMOST as much screentime as he deserves! This is an amazing episode, and I stand by my 2019 opinion that this the two previous episodes are the best 3 episodes run in TV history (okay, well, one of them anyway. I haven't watched all the TV shows! And how would I even know how good their episodes are if Babs doesn't make a spreadsheet for them?!)
"A Few 'Gurt Men": I was surprised how much I enjoyed this one! I'm a lawyer, and a pretty burnt out one at that, so I tend to not enjoy legal shows or movies any more- even comedy ones. But my love of the Wagstaff students and staff trumped by legal burnout and I really enjoyed this episode! Also, I love the episodes that show that Louise and Mr. Frond really respect and care for each other. (That said, I absolutely am not one of those people who sees this episode and thinks Louise will grow up to be a lawyer! She wouldn't last more than a semester at law school. No matter how mature she gets, Louise will never suffer fools gladly, and that's a kind of necessary trait to get through law school- let alone be a practicing lawyer.)
"Like Gene for Chocolate": Meh. Even Michael Jordan didn't make all his shots.
"Aquaticism": I think this is one of the most romantic episodes of "Bob's Burgers"- even more romantic than some of the Valentine's Day episodes. I may love Boblin and Roudise, but honestly it's Roger and Judy that are my real relationship goals at the present moment. Just some kind of sweet, kind of awkward middle aged people finding love...or, at least, a date Awwww. (Also, to again point out the combination of emotion and humor in this season: this is also an episode where the kids convince an aquarium owner to commit tax fraud by creating a religion and it results in an IRS agent jumping in a jellyfish tank...)
"Ain't Miss Debatin'": I love Henry Haber. I wrote a fic about him named after a line of dialogue from this episode. The scene where he goes to pick up Tina for their date and makes small talk with Bob, Gene, and Louise is one of my all-time favorites. Also, the introduction of Duncan, a character who basically makes me laugh with every single line. "Rebuttal? Where I'm from we call it buttle-rubbies."
"The Laser-inth": Maybe the sleeper hit of this season. I remember thinking it was okay going in, but it just really moved me this time around. Bob is just such a great Dad in this episode! It might be my favorite Bob and Gene episode. And the subplot is great too! I love Louise and Gretchen's dynamic: "Pretend you're a little girl." "Pssh. I'll try."
"Mom, Lies, and Videotape": So, I feel like I may have been even more obnoxiously Roudise shippy than usual in this post given that this is the season of "Bob Actually", so if that's bothered any of you, I am sorry, and I advise you skip this comment. Okay, so, this is the first speaking appearance by Chloe or Rudy since "Bob Actually". And Louise makes up a story where they are in a class play that culminates in: 1. Her shooting Chloe with a rubber band and 2. Rudy holding her tenderly in his arms in front of everyone in the auditorium (yeah, I know she's playing his mom and she's dying BUT STILL!) She could've come up with any idea and put any of her classmates in any of the roles, and that's the story she tells...
"Paraders of the Lost Float": Some episodes I know how I am going to rate them pretty early on, others I don't really know til the end. This episode just has a such a beautiful feelgood ending that it moved it from a 4 to a 5. Really, I think it's probably one of the most feelgood endings of any episode of the show. It just makes me so happy! "Hot pants rain dance! Da-da doo-doo rain, I don't know the words!"
Random thoughts (stuff that doesn't affect the ratings):
-So I kind of stopped mentioning first appearances by characters after either Rudy in Season 3 or Felix in Season 4, but it's kind of remarkable how many characters joined this season or later. It's hard to imagine we went over six seasons without having Chloe in Ms. LaBonz's class (and Arnold and Kaylee still aren't there)!
-It's too bad I'm an old person who's more comfortable writing a bunch of words than just making memes, because I feel like this all could've been covered much more succinctly with that "Seinfeld" meme: "You're crying from 'Bob's Burgers' Season 7?"
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duckmine 1 year
mort being completely oblivious to the cannibals he lives right next too is a hilarious thought shshskahdk- i feel like the craziest thing about the original concept is that the belchers would have actually been EATING people. and selling them as burgers to everyone else too. anyone else think about how likely it could have been that they鈥檇 just kill hugo (and possibly ron) in the first episode? or what if kids & teachers from wagstaff just started disappearing
WAIT actually tho! imagine if in the pilot they actually like (jokingly) threatened to turn hugo into a burger if he tried to shut their business down LOL. oh and if the kids and teachers started disappearing.. idk why but something tells me labonz would be first dhsjdhkw. i think frond would be the one spared long enough to also find out and try to warn everybody about the belchers but it鈥檚 fricken frond so no one cares especially mr. ambrose. so when frond is like desperately trying to warn anybody else mr. ambrose mysteriously disappears until it鈥檚 revealed he was murdered-
LMAO WAIT imagine it鈥檚 like a courage the cowardly dog type bit and frond is always so close to getting killed but like by the force of funny sitcom he鈥檚 just slightly spared and he鈥檚 trying so hard to protect the school and even nurture the kids but still nobody understands what鈥檚 happening or why there鈥檚 such an increasing amount of people going missing.
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drawthething 1 year
Hey there! Here's a hard one. What are your top ten favorite Bob's Burgers episodes? 馃挅
You're enabling my ramble braincell by letting me do a top 10 list and for that I love ya 鉂わ笍 Okay okay here we go (I ranted about the first 3 eps a while ago so imma be real quick with them)
1. The Runaway Club: brilliant amazing perfect 馃憣馃憣馃憣 It's like they put all of my favourite candy favours in a jar!! Definitely my go to bobs ep at any time
2. The Oeder games: suuuch a good season finale 馃槶 We're getting Mr. Fischoeder and all these fun side characters along with Bob's glorious shining moments
3. Ex mach Tina: "oh it's a Tina & Jimmy Jr ep no wonder why you love it" yeah yeah yeah pffft. It's a super good and hilarious one too 馃槶 All the plots are so fun and god I'll never shut up about my boy's musoems
4. Yes without my Zeke: look, it's a Zeke & Jimmy Jr ep and you know I'd eat it up any day!! Their precious interactions from the beginning to the end just bless my heart 鉂わ笍 And it's a heist kind of ep sooo 馃憖馃憣 There's Frond, there's Branca and bam! Golden comedy! I like Randy's B plot and Arnold too :D My only issue would be that Tina's distaste towards Zeke is pretty ooc considering this is s9. A little injustice to their current dynamic I think
5. Mother daughter laser razor: best s3 ep? Linda & Louise interactions in the whole episode crack me up. Their little bond moment in the end though 馃槶. This is probably my favourite Logan & Cynthia ep too, they're so golden!! I LIVE for that Freaky Friday rant and the "Diiiie, Logan!" pffffft. And the B plot is so fun, Bob waxing his legs with Tina, letting Gene wax his legs and the little pep talk are both so funny and lovely!
6. The kids run away: probably my fav Louise episode :D Sooo many good lines. "Bribing Louise? We don't have that kind of money". I really love Gayle in this one. Like her apocalypse night rant? Pfffft. And her helping out Louise in the end 鉂わ笍 There's also Dr. Yap and the whole "SQUAAAT!" thing
7. Work hard or die trying girl: musical battles baby!! MUSICALS!! I love Gene & Courtney interactions in this one :D And you know I'd dig any ep where they manage to put these many Wagstaff kids together! They're all so perfect! Labonz's great, the ending play's great (actually no it's AMAZING), the outro's great! I'd kill for another episode like this one
8. Best Burger: good? So good? The whole fig store flashback itself is perfecta!! I fricking love the dialogues and voice acting in this one. How they address Gene's flaw and how it's kinda flipped to Bob's flaw too and how it's resolved during Gene's last minute delivery is 馃憣 Definitely one of their best moments. Super fun ep that's unexpectedly sweet :] Also Mickey and that drunk flashback scene pffffft
9. Bob Day Afternoon: why is this ep so fricking funny?? The legendary phone call bit is everything!! Mickey & Bosco are 馃憣. And Tina 馃槶 precious and hilarious as always. The family clinging onto Bob before he delivers burgers is both so funny and oddly sweet. Idk why I like it so much, I just pick this ep everytime I wanna go unwind mindlessly wheezing for 20 minutes pffft
10. Sea me now: my fav Teddy episode :] I don't think it's a masterpiece kind of ep but something about it just gives me looots of good vibes. The storyline is pretty fun, Teddy's arc is so lovely, and Tina's cellphone plot is so stupidly funny. I especially love the ending, always so heartfelt to me 鉂わ笍 (but it's Teddy so there're funny lines interrupting too pffft)
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sailoreuterpe 10 months
Rare ships ask: Ms. Labonz and Mr. Branca!
As sad as it makes me because everyone should love Mr. Branca, I don't see this one working out. Ms. Labonz canonically likes firemen and presumably other men in uniform. While Mr. Branca does wear a uniform, he's similar to "another teacher" which Ms. Labonz shoots down as a perspective partner. Plus, I just can't see their personalities meshing well. Ms. Labonz is incredibly bitter whereas Mr. Branca, despite his own multiple hardships, is very upbeat. On the other hand, if I can see Bosco and Mort working out, maybe Mr. Branca can soften Ms. Labonz' sharper edges. Plus, we know that they have at least a few interests in common like Martini Tuesdays, lol.
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yahoo201027 5 years
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Drinking the Wrong Flavor of Coffee at a Time of Crisis - Bob鈥檚 Burgers Season 8, Episode 2
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br1ghtestlight 5 months
Who in Seymour's Bay do you think swears the most 馃憖
im genuinely tempted to say ms labonz or mr ambrose they both have those vibes. ambrose 100% says Fuck every other word when he's not at wagstaff and they had to massively censor him in Mission Impos-slug-ble
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elusivehoney 6 years
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