#Mun Alpha
taviokapudding · 1 year
Attention tumblr fan fic writers
Omegaverse ruins Ai writing systems
Do your part to help with the strike; give every show that’s now delayed/on hiatus the knot treatment on any platform you can
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nova--spark · 5 months
can we learn about alba's quill?
So, in a story brainstormed as usual with me and @piltover-sharpshooter
The Archives had an outbreak of Cosmic Rust, and the Strays [Anthea's team] were called in to help in the repair, rescue and more of this mission.
During this mission, and getting rid of it, Albanoct was present, having put in the request for help, and being present when the rust was discovered, helping archivists out.
After she and Plasmaclaw found the rust, she fetched Anthea and Proxy. From then on, they did eradicate the rust after making a cure and such. Plasmaclaw spent a considerable amount of time down in the lower levels, trying to isolate the rust at the time, in which he found some closed off areas, sealed wings and more.
Within one of these forgotten sectors, he found a quill, which he left in the custody of Alba. Specifically, he stated this.
"It looks like Alpha Trion's Quill, but I've been in the presence of the Matrix and that thing feels nothing like that" "My guess is probably a copy. You can keep it."
As Albanoct would later find out, that was the case indeed! When she and Frost were going to be split apart, the quill reacted upon a comment relating to Alpha Trion's choice to revoke the order.
It essentially acted like a compass, till it brought her face to face with the Scribe of the Thirteen.
He explained it further, when she asked how it brought her to him.
"Ah yes, the quill. A copy of mine own, an old friend once made, though of course lesser in quality. No young one, that quill just takes those in need to the place they need to go."
Since then, it has remained in her custody, as it truthfully has not done much beyond that one incident.
Her quill, essentially works as just a compass, taking her where she needs most, but has been relatively inactive since then. She still keeps it safe however, believing that it would be wrong to get rid of it, even if it is not as 'divine'.
As for if it WILL ever have more power than this?
...think I'll leave that up to you guys to suggest :3
Decided to sketch it too!
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focused-time · 1 year
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An Short NSFW Drabble where Hunter!Tsubasa couldn't believe he's about to give birth to pups after two werewolves fuck him so much, thinking it was impossible but figured it's supernatural, because of the werewolves. (🙈
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((Hello anon dear, hope your well. I think I have some idea of what to do. Just give me a moment.))
Silver butterfly mun/Peahen mom
"I can't believe this. How? How is this even fucking possible!?" Hunter Tsubasa was shocked, looking at his swollen stomach feeling the pups moving slightly but he was still trying to think this is a dream.
"It's not a dream you know. You are having our pups so you should be happy. Well, one of us in the sense." Bakugo smiled but nuzzling against his swollen stomach but Tsubasa glares to hit his head.
"Stop nuzzling my stomach!" He warns even if Bakugo kept doing it with a smile. Shoto sighed while rubbing his shoulder but was helping him during his birthing. Though, knowing him he didn't care since it was a good moment for them.
"Well, even so, just try to relax. It will be over with soon enough." Shoto said gently but Tsubasa looks at him then away. He still was shocked from the thought but he was nervous but feeling some pain knowing it was close to that time. Even if this was too much, he only looked nervous to feeling worse. Well, he was going to be giving birth and yet this scared and worried the hunter but he did wonder what did the pups look like.
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misteria247 · 1 year
You may hate learning things about world news via the destiel meme
Sgsgsgsfsf agreed it honestly was quite the fitting end for someone who's the absolute scum at the bottom of the barrel. Karma works in the most beautiful of ways doesn't it??
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smiledotdeer · 1 year
I LOVE pineapple, pizza or not! It’s the one fruit that tries to eat me back! I like its moxie!
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I'll post the picrew link later, got this from my discord
Kisharim 'Sha' is Rinku's Arceus, his companion
He's a workaholic and loses track of time very easily, what's time to a god after all
He has not forgotten or rejected Rinku, he's just absent-minded due to his work
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“mE aNd a CeRTaIN sOutHERnERr DeMon hErE WaNNa Wish Ya’LL aN hAPpy vALeNTine;’S dAy, DoN’T Be gLooMY If YA aloNE. tHeRe’s AlwaYS sOMeoNE oUT tHERe fOR yA, wHEneveR It Be PlAtONic, Or RoMaNTic, NobODY’s TrUlY AlOne, LoOk aT uS fOR eXaMplE, eY yEEhAw DeMON?” @ask-the-demon-of-joey-studios​
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giftedfangs · 1 year
For the love of all that is unholy and wicked. Please do not use "be an alpha" in any seriousness. Like. I can't help but want to just strangle someone cuz alphas don't exist I'm going to s c r e a m
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dethtale · 1 year
ok my plot (and theory) is basically a crossover: peter is the twins father (considering the hale' fire at the house where peter was injured, let's squeeze the timelines so they match bc we know if not, it would be messy) ram.sey lost her mate aka peter thinking he was dead and then of course, the kids were lost during a fire. peter just now recuperated and healed up and reaches out to his kids, who are now forming their own pack.
but come on, the plot is staring me in the face.
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hcdcsbcbydcll · 1 year
Alpha bully twins
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Can I request a NSFW with Kinie helping Sukuna with his rut or urges? It doesn't have to be long.
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((Hello dear and of course anon. Just give me a minute if that's alright. <3 It might be long but let me see. I hope you like it though. <3))
Silver butterfly mun/peahen mom
Kinie was within her own domain, looking out at the water that was near her tree or den. She's been keeping busy for a while but somehow things have been going well, even with her king Sukuna. He would frequently check up on her after missions. She didn't mind that till a few weeks ago.
During the last few missions, Sukuna has been distant or more grumpy than normal. He was a lot more angrier, more violent, and seeking more ways of bring harm to idiot curses that threaten him. She saw one time he killed a curse by ripping them in half with his bare hands. That shocked the four humans Nobara, Yuji, Megumi, even Taz too. Kinie was silent seeing that but since then he's been avoiding to bother her now.
She remembers what he told her when she was seeing him leave to his own domain;
'I don't want to harm you my princess..so I ask if you remain here in your dormain to rest up. It's for your safety as it's for mine too..'
"................" she frowns remembering his words, Sukuna never said that to her before and he knew she was powerful. So, hearing that from him caught her off guard. She hugs her legs close then slowly turns her head to the water. He told her if she wanted to visit him, just go to the water and focus on his energy. The water would turn red and send her there. She did want to visit him and check on him but she also knew something was off with him. And it's been way too long since she's seen him. That was it, she had to see if he was alright. She stood up to look seeing the area before heading to the water spot. She sees the gentle ripples of the water, the reflection of the sun above before slowly stepping into it while heading to the edge and looks down to take a slow breath.
She slowly closes her eyes remaining calm as the water still kept rippling around her. While focusing on his cursed energy and what she had inside, the water around begins to change to the same red water in his domain. Seconds later, she feels the water swallow up her and make her sink with a splash. When going through, the red water disappears and changes back.
~~Sukuna's domain~~
The red water was rippling till bubbles begin to show. Seconds later, Kinie pops out of the water while as it rises up then falls. She opens her eyes to see she was in Sukuna's domain once more. She begins walking forward hearing the quiet splashes against her feet. She walks over toward his ox skull throne but when getting there, she saw he was....not there.
"Huh? What did he go? He's always here..." she thought in her mind looking around.
She wonders if he disappeared somewhere? did he get hurt? She slowly was ready to summon her spear to find out if something evil was here. As she walks closer to his throne, she heard a sickening crunch to make her stop. She looks to see what it was. As she did, Kinie was not expecting to see the sight. "......"
Sukuna was right there near the throne but he was not...normal. He just punched something but he was looking flushed a little. She saw he didn't look okay. His face was hidden, his breathing was heavier, he seems to be acting more like some animal but he even looks to claw the skull near by trying to remain calm. She was not expecting to see him like this. Even his other two arms were out. Yeah, something was wrong.
"My King?" he tenses up hearing the familiar voice and slowly looks to see his amazon hunter princess. Wait, what was she doing here!? He growls to look at her in hunger but he winces to calm down covering his face. Kinie goes to him but he held a hand to stop her.
"...What.....are you doing here, Kinie? I told you not to come here right now.." Yeah, his voice sounded more demonic but heated too? He keeps looking down but lets out a breath trying to keep calm.
"...I came to check on you. I know you said not to but it's been a while and I had to...just to be sure you were safe. Seems like something is wrong though. You look....sick." she looks to him but Sukuna sighed to stand slowly to look at her but then away.
"In a way...but rest assure my princess I'm fine. Now, you should head back....." He said but she looks to him.
"I'm not leaving. Something is wrong my king. Your never looked this weak before. Did something happen...are you sick?" she sees him not respond but shake his head.
"No, I'm not sick my princess...just..under the weather. I really am fine..." he grumbles but he was trying to remain calm even if his own rut was demanding for him to breed her again. He shook to claw his arm and she noticed that.
"My king-"
"I'm alright. You need to go home for now, my dear." he said to her.
"I said I'm not leaving. If something was wrong you can tell me. I want to help since you would help me. I'm sure I can-"
"I know you can my princess but I don't trust myself right now around you. I don't...." she saw his nails dig into his skin again drawing blood. "trust myself...during my.....'time.'" he said to leave her confused.
"Your time? What are you..."
He turns to start heading to this throne but as he was about to go up, she quickly grabs his arm to stop him. He looks to her but she was able to see his flushed red face but he really looked out of it. However, a strong scent lingers off to burn her nose but she was looking to him.
"Tell me. What's. Wrong? Your never like this before. Your never this willing to keep me away. So tell me or I'll remain here till you do." She grips his wrist but his skin felt hot as he sighed mixed with a growl in his throat.
"...........Do you remember what you went through? When you were going through your heat?" he asked to see her look quiet but she remembers. She even still bared his mark on her neck.
"Yes? What about it?"
".....Well, seems I'm...gone into a rut." She blinks to hear this from him but Sukuna looks to his throne. "It means I'm going through what you been through. It's something like a heat..but it's a rut for Alphas like me." he explains simply but Kinie blinks to let go of his wrist.
"Wait.....then your...."
"After making you mine, I've gotten this rather annoying ruts from time to time and..they are not pleasant and very painful for me."
".........Then why didn't you call to me so I can help you?" he looks to her hearing that but Sukuna looks to sigh. "I mean, you helped me through my heat even if it's gotten stronger after.....but....I could have helped you." she would have if he wanted to but Sukuna looks to her with his arms crossed.
"My princess, it's not that simple. True, my rut is like yours but....I don't want to risk hurting you. I have powerful ruts my dear. Very powerful ruts that's willing to break someone."
"So? You breed me hard enough and I was fine-"
"But I wasn't in my rut. At times during that, I can't control myself...I don't behave normally as you saw a while ago." She blinks but remembers how he looked more like some demonic animal ready to do that. She looks quiet but saw Sukuna look away. "Besides, I don't wish to do something that will harm my mate."
"....You know I'm stronger than that Sukuna. What if I want to help you?" she said but he stops to look at her. His princess was bold but he saw her eyes looking into his own.
"No, I want to help. You should have came to me or summoned me. I would have helped you. You did for me." she glared at him but he noticed her face now flushed to look away. "Besides, since then I been.....worried. As your mate I have to be sure your okay. Please, maybe I can-"
"I refuse to harm my princess.....Please, just go back home Kinie. I'll be alright." he really didn't want to harm her did he? She sees him about to go up. As he tried, he felt something grab onto him to see Kinie gripping the back of his kimono. He looks to her but she didn't look at him. "Kin-"
"I want to help. You might end up getting sick or worse if you don't take care of it. So let me help you. I should as your mate." she seriously wanted to help him but he only saw her squirming behind him but didn't show his face. "........."
"Please my king..I just want to help......" she was quiet but he sighed looking to her but he saw her not letting go but he knew she'll be effected by his rut but it seems she already was. He can smell her scent changing now. That leaves him wanting to eat her up but sees her not move.
"......If you wish....."
~~Moments later~~
He was sitting down panting and growling while looking in between his legs. Watching his mate slowly stroking his swollen length as it was throbbing from her touch. A few gentle slow licks of her tongue seeing him twitching by her touch. She was quiet looking at it but it's really swollen now wanting to breed her. Even from his scent changing to be stronger and heavier, she didn't slow down seeing the pre-cum running down it. Well, she did suck him off a while ago, seeing he white mess near her lips and cheek.
"What's wrong? Close again my king? It's alright, you can let it go again..it's fine." she mutters seeing him panting clawing the skulls near his hand. Her hand was soft but he only watches her stroking him more faster now that he groans to suddenly cum again. Kinie felt some hit her face a little but she looks to see it still hard-no, it grew to make her tense. Just how bad was he?
"Seems that didn't help since it got bigger. Well, it's alright....I'll be here to still help you." she wanted to to see him sigh looking at her.
"K..Kinie, this is enough.. It will go down on it's own. You don't have to do any more." he tense feeling her licking the tip again but squeezes his length making him grip his teeth drooling a little from the pressure but she wouldn't have it. She was quiet feeling how heavy and hot it was in her hands, poor king was badly backed up this much. It had to hurt.
"That's not enough..it's aching for more my king..."
"....Princess, Y..you are grrrr rea..really..ahhh.......do I have to-"
That's when his words got stopped by her kissing him. He felt her press up to him but he grips her arms while she deeply kissed him. Just like he did with her during her time. His red eyes were looking at her as she slowly lets go of his length before holding him.
She breaks the kiss panting hotly against him. He sees her already shaking but he knew she was growing wet herself due to his rut. As he tires to speak, she stops him to sit on his lap feeling how hot he is becoming, giving another heated kiss as she presses up against his chest. He feels her lips touching his before she slowly breaks it panting softly now that she was flushed a bit like him.
"I'm he...helping you..and I don't care if you break me. You'll end up sick.......so let me help." she demands but he sees her look at him. She even reaches to grab his hands and rest them on her waist. He felt her skin again and it was slick with sweat making his hands tighten wanting to but he was panting knowing she was soaked now. His hands move up her sides to look at her. Her glowing yellow eyes looking down at him.
"I know your aching.....so why not let me help you? I said I would....I know you need help so please just use me to help you."
"Your really risking a lot here Kinie....I really don't want to...."
"You won't hurt me. I've said it before....if I have to make you I will. It's fine. Besides, Your rut is..make me feel weird too see?" she sits up just a bit to let him feel. He feels she was indeed affected by his rut that he only sees her lay on top of him. "My king shouldn't suffer. You didn't let me suffer during my heat..so I'm going to not let you suffer. Please...do what you want to me." she said it again but he only felt his two other arms holding her waist while he was looking to her.
"You really sure about this-"
"Yes I'm sure......here, I'll help." He blinks to see her sit up but she slowly lowers her shorts but he sees her get back down to look at him.
"You know if you do this, you might be stuck here for a while-"
"I already said what I said....I'm doing this for my mate...and you need my help. Besides, I hate seeing my king weak like this. He sees her sit up a little but she looks to start grinding against it now seeing him shaking as he feels her.
"Just do what you ever want to me. I can take it.."
'Just do what you ever want to me. I can take it' Damn it, he didn't want to lose to his rut instincts but he was smelling her scent again as she was slowly grinding her hips on his lap. Hearing those words already made him lose himself. Even if she wanted to help, she was tempting her so badly. While seeing her like this to help her, he only growls to grip her waist.
"Geez, will he even fit? No, he should...I want to help him...." she mutters to herself not seeing Sukuna's primal expression. "I know if I help him he'll be alright. I wonder...Hmm?" she heard deep panting from him but saw him shaking.
"Sukuna? What's wrong? Are you-" That's when he growls to grind against her in between her legs making her gasp. She had one eye open with the other closed feeling this but he growls now holding her tightly. "E..easy now, I'm not going anywhe-"
Holding her on his lap, he lifts her hips to suddenly slam her down on his length filling her up as she threw her head back screaming out. Her nails dig into his chest shaking as he was inside without warning. Her insides tighten around him as she shook even cumming herself. Hearing his panting while she panted.
'F..fuck! Fuck fuck fuck he's b..bigger than last time. Shit, is his rut this bad? It feels like he's going to rip me a..apart and he made m..me cum so soon..' she panted feeling him now holding her against his chest to lift her lips feeling the cool air from his length.
Sukuna growls deeply like a rumble in his throat, resting his face against her neck where he marked her. She panted to look down but her hair was covering her face.
"I..it's fine, Sukuna. I said I'm helping you and I am. J..Just go a..ahead. I can take it-Ahh!"
She felt him pull her hips down and thrust his hips up, filling her up again and again. She lets out a moan before he begins a deep rhythm of thrusts while she was feeling his other arms moving her arms to wrap around his shoulders. She claws his shoulders tightening around him as he feels him claim her while he was going through his rut.
"Mfffmm mmmmm mmmm MMMM!!" she felt him bit her but he begins going harder and harder grunting each time while she cries out drooling. He suddenly quickens his thrusts making her bit down on his shoulder breathing quickly through her noise. Her nails claw down his back as he was growling more holding her hips as he moves fast.
'D..damn s...so fast! He's going too fast! At this rate he's going to.....' before long, she tenses up hearing him grunt out slamming her hips down cumming. She twitches feeling him release inside of her but she lets his shoulder go groaning out in a shout as he came panting. She feels him shift before he stood up with her but he carefully pulls out to leave the tip turning her away to face his ox skull throne. She panted feeling him doing this before he thrusts in again making her cry out.
She feels him holding her against his chest thrusting forward as she was held in his grip but his own body had her trapped as he pounds away into her as she was gasping, moaning and crying tears of pleasure to claw one of the skulls hearing the claps of skin to him changing his thrusts speed to touching her.
"Haa haaa Grrrrrrr...."
Sukuna was panting in a heated lustful growl now laying back a little but he was thrusting up into Kinie crying out as she leans back. She was sitting on his lap facing away from him but she was in a trance due to how powerful her king's rut was. He was so rough with her she was bouncing harder and harder on his lap. He already came a lot but he was still going!
“Ah ah hah ah nugh hnnggg!! F..fuck! Fuck Fu-ahhh!!! Oh yes, yes fucking g..good. So good..” Even if she was drool and lost in the heat of pleasure, she was doing this to help him before he grunts again cumming again. She twitches leaning back. He panted to suddenly start again that she yelps but he turns her head to deeply kiss her as she was whimpering and moaning into it.
'I'm sorry Kinie. I did warn you but you feel way too good to stop now. Well, you'll be stuck in my domain for a while but I'll find a way to make it up to you. Seems even from this you'll help me...so again, I'm sorry...and thank you.' he though in his mind but he will make it up to her after his rut ends.
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barrackbvnny · 1 month
12. If your OC was arrested, what would the charges be? (for Rio)
Excluding murder, what is the worst thing your OC has ever done? (for Crow)
Brioola would most likely get arrested for treason. Why? Because to some extent she has her limits and when their met and ignored over and over she’s get increasingly frustrated and commit something worthy of the label of treason. This could be selling information to the Separatists/Independent systems union, or sharing secrets, extra. I’d also say i’m when the empire is around she would most certainly get arrayed for treason for helping rebels.
That being said, she could also very well get areasted for theft. She’s definitely taken some things that don’t belong to her. Surprisingly she’s good at lying, but there’s only so many lies she can keep up with.
Crow has plenty of war crimes under his belt there’s no doubt about it. But excluding arson, and other war crimes there’s two possible things. One which is a moral wrong m, and two which is a war crime.
One). There have been a couple causes of sexual assault and harassment from Crow. Mainly reports from Rio explaining he is constantly under substances when not working and doesn’t take her responses. Shirt and simple to say that it’s happened more than once, and he never remembers or pretends he doesn’t. He knows he’s a bad person, he knows he doesn’t deserve forgiveness.
Two). Before his last battle on dantooine he bombed a hospital, which is in fact a war crime. Not to mention it was one of the relief efforts hospitals and this somewhere he was supposed to protect. However, his reasoning for doing so could be considered justified as he and his squadron found out about what the hospital was doing. Intentionally making people sicker which caused several of his brothers to die. He wants to say no civilians were harmed so he can sleep at night, but there were many civilian casualties.
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smiledotdeer · 2 years
Some people didn’t claim their prize money from the bet today! I’m going to put it into the unofficial Baby Supply Fund!
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galaxofmuses · 2 months
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// I dunno if this is even crack or not, but heck this is crack hc at this point. // This is basically my Dante and Vergil ( and even Nero to an extent) interact each other.
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"It's not a competition, but I like to think I can learn a lot by listening and sensing."
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