#Muse: Kylo Ren
thedarkmanor · 2 years
“Is that what you call an apology?” ( LYRA to KYLO, new ship ideas )
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Kylo wasn't the best in emotions of any kind and tried his best to understand but could never get it. So, his apologies weren't the best at all and most of the time he didn't mean them just said them before moving on to the next thing. He had more important things to worry about than if he upset someone. He knew that people won't like him or like the things he did but he was the one running everything so, if he needed to put someone in their place then he would do it without thinking. And he felt the same with Lyra at that moment, "What do you want me to do? Go on my knees and beg?"
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mythic-rose · 3 months
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❝ — "Let the past die."
rose's 100 favorite fictional muses — 62/100: Ben Solo / Kylo Ren
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IN THIS ESSAY I WILL- *passes out in a drunken stupor*
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nightmarefuele · 4 months
( let me assign you an affection language. )
a story that ends in blood
The world has always been unkind, and when you have turned to yourself for comfort you have come face to face with an empty pit which seems to be laughing. You don’t care if it kills you. [redacted;] They are yours. You will make a tear in this world and create a new place for you and your love if it comes to that. [redacted.]
an undoing influence
Can someone tell you what to do? You have been carrying so much love within you for so long it is starting to turn into anger (why does it matter, all you see is red anyways) and you have been dragging this body through each day and every night you are split open on your bed and it is so so so lonely. If someone were to walk in while you were on your bed that way and they stitched you back in a new way, [any way,] you’d probably find this dreary world a little more bearable. You want someone to turn you over and over until you look in the mirror and see yourself looking back at yourself with a gentleness which has been lacking in you since forever.
tagged by: @protectmypeople & @petitsdieu, my favorite fiends.
tagging: @smokinmirrors, @vitalphenomena, @corsey, @cava1ier, @brooklynislandgirl,
@rensect, @wornclean, @renkniighted, @acharnemcnt, @certifiably-i
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kylo-wrecked · 2 months
use this generator to create some randomly generated headcanons for your muse(s)!
dark!ren is not good with social cues. dark!ren is oblivious to any and all romantic interest someone may show them. dark!ren can hug you, but won't. dark!ren is very willing to eat inedible things. (not untrue)
modern!ben can't sit in a chair properly. modern!ben has chronic nightmares. modern!ben forgets to eat sometimes. modern!ben doesn't know how to say they're sorry. (he says 'sorry' a lot and yet?)
murder!kylo has an incredible long-term memory but an awful short-term memory. ("i'm not trying to get away with it, i'm just trying to kill them all before i get caught" energy) If murder!kylo was presented with an intergalactic portal, they would enter it without question. murder!kylo can kill you in an instant and will. murder!kylo has a knife under their bed.
tagged by:// @godresembled <3
tagging:// @etoilebleu, @riiese, @themckaytriarchy, @ifyoucatchacriminal, @itmeanspeace, @paramounticebound , @protectmypeople , @acharnemcnt, @southern-belle-outcasts , @debelltio , @lastxdragon , @letoile , @certifiably-i @chromium-siren , @cardigansandearlgrey, @valkxrie, @brooklynislandgirl, @nightmarefuele , @nursc , @magikborn , @mayxthexforce , — and you~
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braveryhearted · 3 hours
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Thinking about him again. <3
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lususnatura · 1 month
okay, but y'all... i just saw a meme just based around sentences that use fuck in them and i'm not going to lie — i kind of want to reblog it because i found it kind of funny BUT my inbox is sooo full already jsjsj
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godstrayed · 5 months
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the strong-willed
your soul has touched darkness and so you learned to wrap yourself within it. you felt fear and decided you would never let it control you again. you're not always all sharp edges and cool stares, but you refuse to be prey again. you turned your teeth into fangs so you would be the one to bite. you learned to growl louder than all the predators who stole your innocence. it may seem like you don't care, sometimes you try to pretend you don't, but i see the way you sharpen your knives when the ones you care about are hurting.
tagged by: @destincd tagging: whoever would like to do it.
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knightotoc · 1 year
I thought of another insane TRoS interpretation (2 actually) bc the TRoS neurons in my brain are just that powerful and get so much exercise that they're still producing all these years later🪖🩹📿🗡🕵‍♂️🦰🧟‍♂️🌩👫🪦🐌🏳️‍🌈
So why does Kylo not have a ghost? Two explanations, both alike in dignity (which is to say barren of it):
1. (I thought of this one second but it's simpler so I'll explain it first.) When Rey died, she died-died, so when Kylo gave her his life-force he was actually transferring HIS soul to HER. So now he's literally walking around in her body. There is no Kylo ghost because he/she's still alive.
plot hole: so why doesn't Rey have a ghost? explanations: 1) the way she died was so thorough/spiritual that her soul is just totally wiped out of existence; 1a) the way she died was so close to Jedi Heaven that she just got fast-tracked past the ghost stage; 2) Rey's body can't see its own ghost; 3) Kylo is in denial that Rey is dead so he/she refuses to see her ghost
fun irony: Palpatine wanted to possess Rey's body, but now Kylo is, haHA! tfw grandpa and boyfriend are both trans for you😱
corollary: when Kylo-in-Rey's-body says his/her last name is Skywalker, that's actually not an adoption thing, that's just choosing Skywalker over Solo and Organa
observation: this means that Kylo has now had three names (Ben Solo, Kylo Ren, and Rey Skywalker), two bodies, and perhaps two genders. Lucky shmuck
incidental bonus: The annoying thing about the soul transfer power is that, if this is a real thing in star wars and I guess it is, then I don't know why Anakin never did it for Shmi or Padme, or why Obi-Wan didn't do it for Qui-Gon, etc. So this interpretation gets them all off the hook! It's not a thing after all!
2. (I thought of the first part of this one first and then the second part third.) There is no Kylo ghost because Kylo's soul actually died a long time ago due to Palpatine's meddling. Palpatine tells him, "I've been every voice you've ever heard inside your head," so whenever Kylo started hearing voices that made him turn evil, like when he was 12 or 16 or whatever, this external force pushed his own consciousness away. Over years of overwhelming evil influence, the fragile young Ben soul got crushed and totally wiped out/sent to Jedi Purgatory/damned to Sith Hell😱 So he's just a Palpatine Puppet the whole time we see him in the movies.
plot hole: so why does Kylo, as we see in the movies, still love his parents and Rey?
second part of the theory (thanks @waiting-for-ciena-ree for your huge brain): Puppet Kylo technically does not have a soul, but he still, as an empty shell, is capable of forming his own emotions and performing his own actions. This is why his moments of compassion are so rare and dramatic. It's like a Kingdom Hearts/Warm Bodies thing. But even though he's still kind of a person, there's not enough ectoplasm in there to make a whole ghost. Like maybe there was a little ghost but it blew away in a stiff breeze
What's an elegant way to end this post...
But that's just a theory...a main blog theory. Thanks for reading👏
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techniiciian · 1 year
being surrounded by noisy chirping beeps and electronic whirs of binary and machinery is akin to cantina music in his ears. the metallic scent of thin but sturdy durasteel, soldering smoke, viscous mechanical oils that stain his fingertips and embed under his nails is a breath of fresh air as he takes it into his lungs with content sighs and relaxed breathes. he even welcomes the sudden hot sparking of damaged parts singeing small holes in his clothes and burning lightly at his skin as he fiddles with a tangle wires and circuitry. all of it envelopes him in an atmosphere he can't help but feel safe and content with.
hunger, thirst, and sleep often become second to his near endless efforts to finish a bit of programing for one droid's personality device, to get a small upgrade installed so that the databanks on another is more efficient, to add just a swipe of fresh paint over an old chipped design to bring a new vibrancy to an old refurbished droid.
his never ending mantra of 'just one more thing' keeps him pressing on with all the passion and excitement he can muster till exhaustion hits and he finds himself dozing over the top of a half finished astromech unit; his cheek planted firmly against the patterned designs of their outer paneling that ends up indenting the soft flesh of his cheek.
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headphones-ct-09978 · 2 years
I can't help but imagine singing Kylo Ren to sleep. His head resting on my lap, eyes closed, just restful. My hand combing through his raven hair, singing softly as I read something on my small data pad. His soft snores alerting me that he fell asleep. Maybe I could wrap him up in a soft blanket, keep him warm.
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caelumangeli · 10 months
Star Wars/Kylo Ren
Quick Reference to add to blog for Kylo Ren, or any possible Verses that could come of
Carrd will have access to more In Depth Information and background.
Name: Kylo Ren
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Age: 31 Gender: Male Height: 6'3" Species: Human, Force Sensitive(decendant of space jesus) Affiliations: Knights of Ren, The First Order, The Dark Side Occupation: Supreme Leader of the First Order, Master of the Knights of Ren About:
Kylo Ren is generally a hostile force, especially to newcomers, unless they are known to be fairly powerful, have something that would make them a potential useful ally, or have a good reason for him not to attack.Though now that he appears to be in the field less, he seems to be more prone to attacking or instigating something. Or if he knows there is no threat to be had, though usually he has his guard up anyway.
He is known and feared for his strength and powers, more specifically how unpredictable he can be due to how quick his temper and actions about something can change on a whim.
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amischiefofmuses · 11 months
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Kylo Ren Starter Call
LIKE for a random starter or REPLY if you want me to jump into DMs to plot!
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nightmarefuele · 8 months
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WHAT DOES YOUR MUSE SMELL LIKE?  Ren smells of bleak, ancient, betimes aphotic things; he smells of dense, static charges before a storm, the ozone and atmosphere; when near, he occasionally carries copper, and iodine, or musk, and upturned soil under midnight rain; there is always something vaguely soporfic to his scent, vital and throbbing. Kylo carries the copper and the ozone, but they're sharper, untempered, untamed. He provokes the senses more than the later Ren might prefer to artfully subdue them. Ben smells more of the vanillic pages in leather books, and candle smoke; the apricot-and-pine duotones of osmanthus, of open, brisk air.
WHAT DO YOUR MUSE’S HANDS FEEL LIKE?  Leather. (If you get Ben/Kylo variant (by the time he's the fully-realized 'Ren', he doesn't take off his gloves) hands, the palms and fingers are callused; sometimes scarred.)
WHAT DOES YOUR MUSE USUALLY EAT IN A DAY?  What is food? (Ben was brought up on Chandrila, and therefore would've been accustomed to Chandrilan cuisine—particularly the kind reserved for wealthy politicians and/or royalty. I suppose he would be a meat eater, and he probably likes seafood. I don't know why. Maybe he's partial to cheese boards. Kylo eats whatever's around, if/when he thinks of it. Ren doesn't eat.)
DOES YOUR MUSE HAVE A GOOD SINGING VOICE?  Sure. Ben has a lovely singing voice. (Kylo is out of practice; Ren is way out of practice. His vocoder whirs nicely, though.)
DOES YOUR MUSE HAVE ANY BAD HABITS OR NERVOUS TICKS? Ren is better at maintaining composure than his priors. If he begins to pace, physically oscillate/posture, deepen his steps, you've probably made a mistake. It's okay, though. He won't leave you guessing. If he's angry, Kylo will roll his shoulders, posture, his fingers will spasm; his & Ren's emotions primarily show through physicality, as he's, naturally, a very physical entity. But if he's nervous, upset, or afraid, he's more likely to go physically blank. If the mask is off, you'll see that reflected in his face — meaning, you'll see nothing. (His eyes are his biggest tell, but only if one knows how to read them.) If he's seated, the tendons in his arms may flex more prominently to account for the lack of motion. He rarely bounces his legs. (Yes, he does, on occasion, run his fingers through his hair. You're welcome.) ((It's more a 'raking' motion. He doesn't care about his hair as much as you think he does. He's just naturally blessed like that.)) Ben has more ticks, each of which are (usually) less angry, and his face is slightly more readable; the tells come through in his jaw and his lips, the tip of his nose/his nostrils. Fingers-through-hair thing again, just less frantically. (Although, he's the most likely to get 'frantic'/outwardly overwhelmed out of the bunch. In which case he'd cup/rub his face, lock his jaw, et al.)
WHAT DOES YOUR MUSE USUALLY LOOK LIKE / WEAR? ...Black. (Ben opts for minimal, rich garments, but they're usually dark. Of the blue, purple, or otherwise muted variety.)
IS YOUR MUSE AFFECTIONATE? HOW SO? Yes. If violence counts. (Where Ren is concerned, that is very much not a joke. @kylo-wrecked and I are both in agreement that he likes bumping heads/helmets, too.) ((He's more inclined to watch objects of his 'desire' from afar, rather than engage.)) Kylo may appreciate the occasional, ambiguous finger touch. Or he'll just stare. Watch people sleep. Pick them up and cradle carry them. Totally average, everyday, normal things. He goes to therapy. Promise. (A serious answer: If he's inclined to initiate/engage in touch, he's more likely to find inconspicuous reasons to do so. He's (generally, but certainly not always) less likely to initiate anything unless provoked into doing. Remember, kids: He responds well to anger.) Ben is still repressed, stressed, in the middle of being traumatized, etc; he's more likely to be affectionate but, once again, it takes a little doing. Especially when he means it. With feeling.
WHAT POSITION DOES YOUR MUSE SLEEP IN?  Ren doesn't. Or does unwillingly. Kylo is a less severe version of this; he sleeps when excessively tired, and for whatever reason, I imagine him assuming somewhat of a fetal position; he twitches, shivers. He doesn't favor dreams. (He learns to, as time wears on — in some iterations, he stops dreaming altogether. He sinks.) Ben is probably the most 'normal' sleeper of the three, but exact position can range anywhere from limbs askew to coffin-straight. As he finds himself dissociating from his environment/its people, he'll start moving toward fetal. 
COULD YOU HEAR YOUR MUSE IN THE HALLWAY FROM ANOTHER ROOM? Yes. (Unless he doesn't want you to.) ((Kylo is the version most prone to losing sight(?) of the sound(??) he makes.)) (((Anyway. The full-bodied clip of rich soles is a beautiful thing.)))
tagged by: @petitsdieu, the one and only.
tagging (under no obligation): @brooklynislandgirl, @valkxrie, @etoilebleu, @kylo-wrecked, @swede, @renkniighted, @mayxthexforce, @walkeddeath, @pohlepen, @acharnemcnt, @grace-of-gotham, @cxcasiris, @haiiling, @popularmxnster, @chromium-siren, @iniqutous
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kylo-wrecked · 10 months
what does your blood taste like
🌓 the senator’s son (he melty)
melted dark chocolate: your blood tastes like melted dark chocolate. prominent flavors: mildly sweet, with a refined amount of bitterness.
🌑 the renegade knight (he fancy)
Cabernet Sauvignon: your blood tastes like cabernet sauvignon, a dry red wine. prominent flavors: dark fruits, pepper, and vanilla from oak aging.
🌘 the dice killer (he spicy)
chili oil: your blood tastes like chili oil, a vegetable oil infused with chili peppers. prominent flavors: smoky, savory, and shallots.
🌕 the drifter (he earthy)
borscht: your blood tastes like beetroot borscht, a soup served hot or cold. prominent flavors: earthy, tangy, and sweet.
he also:
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tagged by:// @nightmarefuele 🍫
tagging:// @writteninscarlet, @forcenexus / @mnolith / @magikborn, @etoilebleu, @riiese, @ronmanmob, @tangleweave, @itmeanspeace, @ofthestcrs, @positivelybeastly, @protectmypeople, @silverjetsystm, @southern-belle-outcasts, @smolcuriouskitten, @smokinmirrors (ahem), @datapadz, @desireandduty, @godresembled, @hopegained, @lastxdragon, @chromium-siren, @thecreativeforge, @cxpperhead, @cardigansandearlgrey, @valkxrie, @babydxhl, @bewitchingbaker, @birkenzeisig (any), @big-d-little-i-big-n-little-ozzo / @ifyoucatchacriminal, @brooklynislandgirl, @mayxthexforce, @madxwonderland, and you!
*feel free to ignore if you’ve done this one already. wanted to update my tag list.
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disinfernus · 1 year
Describe an NPC who is important to your character's story. Is this person still a part of your character's life? What are your character's feelings towards them? Have those feelings shifted, or have they always been constant?
Dīs father, an Oread. Even though they didn't know them long, or barely at all, their father holds a large presence over them. Their father was the one who solely ruled the immense underground cave system underneath Wicked's Rest until a group of Lampades took it over — they promised cohabitation but it became a takeover.
For some reason or another, Dīs feels like they're owed because of their 'lineage' 🙄. They have this huge deal of self-importance and they didn't even meet the guy.
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