#Music Vibe - Skeleton OC
dcldraws · 8 months
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MVS-OC's - 23.10.2023
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simplegenius042 · 7 months
Music Monday & "Which child of Agamemnon and Klytemnestra are you?" quiz
Tagged by @socially-awkward-skeleton
Tagging @adelaidedrubman @shallow-gravy @cassietrn @chazz-anova @strangefable @wrathfulrook @josephslittledeputy @josephseedismyfather @voidika @onehornedbeast @vampireninjabunnies-blog @g0dspeeed @direwombat @strafethesesinners @jillvalentinesday @inafieldofdaisies @minilev @a-rose-in-a-garden-of-weeds @snake-in-the-garden and @nightbloodbix
You can find the quiz here. Music and results below:
After my last WIPs only showing angst, here's a love song for OCs Azriel and Schrödinger Turquoise specifically from Far Cry The Silver Chronicles (however, as of typing, I do not make any promises that quiz results will not include angst). Song below:
"Well I don't care what they think Drag racing my little red sports car I'm not unhinged or unhappy, I'm just wild
I'm on the run with you, my sweet love There's nothing wrong contemplating God Under the chemtrails over the country club We're in our jewels in the swimming pool Me and my sister just playin' it cool Under the chemtrails over the country club
Meet you for coffee at the elementary schools We laugh about nothing as the summer gets cool It's beautiful how this deep normality settles down over me I'm not bored or unhappy, I'm still strange and wild
You're in the wind, I'm in the water Nobody's son, nobody's daughter Watching the chemtrails over the country club Suburbia, The Brentwood Market What to do next? Maybe we'll love it White picket chemtrails over the country club
My love, my love
Washing my hair, doing the laundrey Late night TV, I want you on me Like when we were kids under chemtrails and the country clubs It's never too late, baby, so don't give up It's never too late, baby, so don't give up."
And now three results from the quiz!
First we got Eleanor (from The UnTitledverse). And hot damn she got called out. Considering she was created by the first evil being of darkness (by function) to be created into existence only to side with its twin which is an Eldritch that is the embodiment of good and light (though take caution, both Eldritch take their moralities to the extreme) definitely fits the vibe Elektra is giving off.
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Next we got Ezekiel (from Far Cry The Silver Chronicles). A man just looking for any survivors from the Tumultite Massacre, hoping his diversion had succeeded in driving away the Enforcers from the Omar sisters (+ Silva's infant daughter). Only to find a world broken down by war and hoping to fix it alongside Thomas Rush as his Captain of Security.
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And lastly we have Inviticus (from Life, Despair & Monsters). An antagonist apart of the Midnight Rise, he is Malvolio's main enforcer, and he takes pleasure in the pain he inflicts on his endless hunts.
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originskey · 2 months
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NAME / ALIAS: Ty! AGE: I'll be 30 in August PRONOUNS: they/them (that vibe of the skeleton in the back of the science lab you high-five) TIMEZONE: EST (UST - 05:00) WHERE ARE YOU FROM?: Florida CHARACTERS IN THE GROUP: This asshole (Kratos Aurion) and Myra Manes (OC) for now, but I've also played Anda Teika, Iskandar, Gray, and that little blonde tailor from Kill la Kill in the past. I'll probably bring Anda back for the local sad stoner vibes eventually.
I've been RPing since Neopets boards and met my wife in the indie Portal fandom in like... idk. 2011? I was in Citta from 2015 onward and migrated to Isola when the Great Move happened. Aside from a couple breaks here and there I've mostly stuck around!
I really like bugs (esp moths and beetles), food, history, food history, my wife, turn based strategy games, and have the funky musical fusion of classical/vaporwave/alt rock on my spotify. I also crochet! I love games in general (video games or tabletop) and I've been playing D&D since like 2013. My family is like the addams family lite and I've grown up around spooky things, so I love them a lot. I have a degree in mortuary science and went to school for funeral directing/embalming but then life and the pandemic happened...
In complete honesty I'm going through probably the roughest patch I've ever had in my life so far (I'm a caretaker for my grandparents and they're not very nice about it but I need the money.) So if I seem a lot less outgoing than I have been all these years it's not you I promise!!! I'm happy to mingle and collaborate and I LOVE being silly and doing silly threads. I'm not as active in the community discord as I have been because of the aforementioned horrors and big discords scare me. But you can always find me on twitter! It's locked to keep out randoms but isola people are welcome to follow. Please show me any cool bug you find. I'm Mod Caelum in the group, and if you've had a challenge in the group for the past few years it was probably written by me! It's my favourite thing about being a mod! Sorry for the horrors, there will be more of them I hope you find a $20 bill on the ground!
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May your shrimps always fry rice...
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orionlancasterr · 6 months
Music Monday Tuesday
I was tagged by @socially-awkward-skeleton
Anyone who wants to can! And if you do please tag me I love music sooo much
I’ve been listening mostly to like three songs!
THIS SONG FUCKS it’s permanently connected to Danny and the Nukaworld Raiders
My other time machine
A pungent, putrid brownish green
November smile
Blandishing my two-timing door
One small sound, one small bite, one tomial tooth
One loggerhead shrike must skewer
My invertebrate doppelgänger
On barbed wire in a parallel universe
My tongue parallelly bleeds
One small drop
In a monthful of blood
In tongues all over the world
I said it, I didn't
It doesn't matter
What I said or didn't
Admit it
You were never going to get it
I was always gonna get it
PLEASE LISTEN TO THIS SONG. Very Saturn vibes, this one.
My trusts been shot
My minds an empty parking lot
Fa-fa-flickering street lamps
You know my tongues been collecting stamps
Images for you to buy and sell
My, my, you’ve treated me
So very well
With the smoke
Your blow
My mother wants me to let you burn
I don’t have an oc tagged to this song but it’s my favorite ghost song.
Well I was born an original sinner.
I was borne from original sin.
And if I had a dollar bill
For all the things I've done
There'd be a mountain of money
Piled up to my chin
My mother told me good
My mother told me strong.
She said "Be true to yourself
And you can't go wrong."
"But there's just one thing
That you must understand."
"You can fool with your brother
But don't mess with a missionary man."
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strafethesesinners · 2 years
What “core” is your oc?
Tagged by @socially-awkward-skeleton and @direwombat to take this quiz for my OCs! Also I get to use my new banners by Lici!! @multiverse-of-themind thank you so much!
Tagging @multiverse-of-themind @belorage @florbelles @deputyash @harlow1898 @harmonyowl @nuclearstorms @josephslittledeputy @henbased @adelaidedrubman @gxmergurl @katsigian @8bitpizzacoupons @purplehairsecretlair @shallow-gravy whoever else wants to!
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*points at you* gay! you're gay! your personal motto is "be gay, do crime", and you're always, ALWAYS ready to eat the rich. you dream of finding a lover you can homoerotically swordfight with, and with whom you'll overthrow the government later that day. until you find your equally chaotic soulmate, you'll do as much mayhem as possible on your own.
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yes! it is you, the emo kid! you're probably nonbinary, and if you're not, you dedicate your life to destroying gender roles. you like to think you're edgy, but you're also kinder than you think. you're generally very accepting with people, and are the number one (1) hater of cringe culture. you dream of tearing down this judgemental society with your bare hands, but for now you'll just vibe with your music. soon, though... soon.
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i'd be genuinely surprised if you didn't have a "i want to believe" poster in your room. you find a weird sense of comfort in knowing how small humanity really is, and despite your somewhat nihilistic beliefs, you think it's more empowering than anything. you're definitely a night owl, and you love to gaze at the sky while having deep, philosophical discussions with a close friend. you don't have much of a dream other than living life at its fullest, and you're already working on that.
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you're just a liddle creacher. you canot chagne thi s. you probably have lots of trinkets and little objects that you like to fill your room with, and most of the time you find them in very odd places. your dream is to disappear into the woods and become a chaotic entity that lives in it, possibly with the help of a rodent companion.
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direwombat · 2 years
ocs as greek deities
tagged by @socially-awkward-skeleton to do this fun little quiz (thank you so much 💕)
tagging: @natesofrellis, @harmonyowl​, @funkypoacher​, @thomrainer, @confidentandgood, @aceghosts, @jacrispea​, @schoute, @adelaidedrubman, @strafethesesinners and anyone else wanting to take this quiz and assign their ocs a greek deity 
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ARTEMIS. i mean this in the kindest way possible, you give off huge autistic lesbian vibes. oh you're living in the isolated wilderness? hmm. only with women? yes uh huh. if we're following myths as metaphors you have literal trans egg cracking energy so doubly good for you.
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HERMES. you literally were born and then invented mischeif. like you were a newborn and you immidiately inbented theivery and then lying. go you. you are the living embodiment of chaotic neutral. Yes people are so annoyed by you sometimes, but you are so unbelievably charming that you get away with everything. who doesn't love a charming rogue
APOLLO. honestly im much kinder in all the other ones but you have... such bottom energy. I mean really. you've got the whole homosexual tragic romance thing going on. Its not bad! its just i feel like you invented tragic relationships. congrats on being good at literally everything though, its totally fair that you get music, poetry, culture, truth, prophesy etc etc etc. oh yeah and the epitome of beauty. leave something for the rest of us huh?
ATHENA. ok yes you know everything. and you're a bit arrogant about it. and sometimes when you're confronted with the fact that you don't know/aren't the best at everything... you have a little meltdown. its fine. we all do it. If you chose any of the train themed answers you should've got athena, lets face it she'd go wild for them.
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My Personal MTL OC Week 2023 Retrospective
*waves* Hey y’all, I thought I’d link to all the works I created this past week and provide a little commentary of my experience with them to cap things off. This is secretly more for me to look back on than for anyone to enjoy, but I might as well share it and see if I can’t start a trend. @pan-flute-skeleton talked shop with me a bit and inspired this idea, but I’d also love to hear other’s thoughts/experiences with this fandom event!
Day 1: OC X OC (X OC) — The Naked Dismissal I came out of the gate swinging by tackling a crossover piece by pairing Sunday with two characters that weren’t mine! I knew I wanted to write Sunday salivating after Caj, but the whole scenario didn’t come together until I was clowning around in Discord and curiouslyhigh and chordsykat egged me on to write Caj/Sunday/Teja since timelines don’t matter. This was a blast to write and I’m looking forward to going back and writing the Pornographer’s Cut. Thanks again to both of them for loaning me their fandom bicycles! Also, if you haven’t seen it already, Chordsy hit me with a gorgeous piece of retaliation art of the unlikely trio! Day 2: Best Friends or Rivals — A Matter of Perspective Ch. 1  “First Impressions”: I felt like I had this absurd momentum pretty much all week, and A Matter of Perspective showcases it. Spellbound begins in medias res, so I had a ton of room to explore things before Sunday meets Nathan. I intended to play up Sunday and Dick’s friendship with this one, while starting Ava off as competition, but then I thought of a cohesive theme for the whole piece and put Knubbler on the backburner.
This one also netted me a new OC, Envy, who we haven’t seen in the Spellbound ‘verse yet, but who I do get to show in the 80s kickin’ it with Azure Blue and SnB Pickles. Day 3: Style Swap — A Matter of Perspective Ch. 2  “Big Easy Barbie and the Price of Leather”: It’s a tie between this one and the canonically impossible threesome for my favorite work of the week. Ava Sunbeam was originally written to fill a stereotypical music show judge role I needed in Spellbound (and to parody a couple pop artists), but she’s grown a lot of nuance and her own arc. 
In addition to saccharine themes of understanding and kindness, it shines a light on some of Sunday and Ava’s red flags. Sunday’s POV forgives a lot of sins on her part. I had fun making them very obvious. There’s also some secret Ava lore that adds to the overall vibe of both parts.
Day 4: Canon X OC — Six Ways to Sunday I started this piece in April, intending to use it for MTL Rare Pair Month’s “What Could’ve Been” and “Canon X OC” prompts and got stuck a little over halfway through. I brought it back out for this thinking ‘Oh, I’ve just got to write the sex scene and edit, this should be easy,’ but I still struggled. I don’t like it and I don’t have a reason other than ‘this was stupidly hard to write’. 
Day 5: OC Fusion Canon X OC again — Spellbound Ch. 9, “Ultimatumklok” After the struggle I had with Six Ways to Sunday, I was kind to myself and finished up a chapter of Spellbound for Friday instead of learning a fusion dance. I’ve been super excited about this chapter (and the next couple to follow) for a while. This chapter manages to set things up and provide some warm n fuzzy payoff at the same time, all while sneaking in some sweet sweet lore dumps.  Day 6: Dethkids — What Goes Around Comes Around I intended this to be a punchline to the end of the SkwisDay smut. It got away from me so quick. Between Sunday and Skwisgaar’s feud and CEO and CFO having real talk, my plan of ‘goof-fueled crackfic’ went sideways. We did get back to madness at the end, though. I’ve added a couple one-shot ideas to further this AU to my WIP pile. Final Thoughts — I’m so thankful that I had the time and energy to participate! I put out over 18,000 words of Metalocalypse fanfic this week. I haven’t written this much in such a short time since my last NaNoWriMo! I’m especially proud of the fact that I put out five coherent stories (Sunday & Ava’s two go together, but can stand alone). I’ve always struggled with finishing WIPs once I start them. This shows me that I can finish what I start if I put my mind to it. :)
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clonesupport · 2 years
OC Aesthetics: Voidpunk Edition
thank you @socially-awkward-skeleton for tagging me for this!
bold: always, italics: sometimes, strikethrough: never
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Biblically-Accurate Angel: Wears brighter colours than most of the other options, Has way too many eyes, Kind and Friendly but a little Aloof, Obsessed with vaguely religious imagery even if they’re not actually religious, Freckles covering their shoulders and arms, Artist Vibes, Chaotic Good, Unassuming but always Underestimated, Definitely the type of kid to close their eyes on a swing set and pretend they’re flying, Just really liked Good Omens tbh, Book lover, Loves the feeling of sunlight
Old Forest God: Definitely listens to Hozier, Extremely cheap when it comes to money, Probably owns a lot of denim, Just wants to get lost in the woods as an escape from modern capitalism, Foggy Mountains, Lanterns glowing in the fog of dusk, Binges Lotr & The Hobbit whenever they feel sad, Loves watching the sunrise, Says weirdly cryptic but incredibly wise shit all the time, Gives really good advice, Just wants to lie down in a patch of moss and decay, Not really bothered by death honestly, Has worn this same sweater for the past 3 days
Object Head: Old-School or Vintage Aesthetic, Extremely specific Special Interests, Probably waxes poetically to themself every night, Galaxy Print everything, Probably owns way too many jackets, Wise beyond their years, Excellent sense of humor, Probably really into embroidery or knitting, Theatre kid, Just really tired tbh, Would probably punch god right now, So stressed they’re actually calm, Keeps way too many journals and diaries, Terrible memory for basic tasks, Needs a lot of physical pressure to feel comfortable or sleep
Robot: Intentionally tacky fashion sense, Patterned Button-ups for Days, Their wardrobe looks like the floor of an 80s arcade, Cold Hands, Very poor social skills, Feels feelings in their own unique way that nobody understands, Hates when people pity them, Rarely ever understands jokes and honestly doesn’t want to, Is actually doing pretty well with online learning tbh, Tech savvy, Probably had a Goth phase in Middle or High School, Loves to keep collections of really hyper specific things, Excellent memory
Cryptid: Can recite both the entire X-Files and Gravity Falls theme songs, Has fully embraced the term “feral”, Likes to visit animal shelters and play with the puppies and kittens a lot, Just wants fangs man, Obsessed with Mythology, Honestly wouldn’t really mind being feared by some, Really morbid interests, Definitely liked crawling up onto the roof as a kid, Wanderer, Likes to explore a lot, Talk to the moon when they need to vent, Likes nesting in blankets and pillows
Alien: Obsessed with Buzzfeed Unsolved, Shane Madej Vibes, That holographic material that’s silver and shines rainbow is their peak aesthetic, Acts like they’re studying humans even though they’re a part of the same species (or are they???), Obsessed with space, Feral Scientist vibes, Just really wants to learn everything they can, Owns way too much NASA Merch, Pastel Shades, Can still recite their childhood lullabies word-for-word, Philosophy Nerd
Vaguely Humanoid Shaped: Quiet Kid who’s always underestimated, Gave up on the perception of self 12 years ago, Maladaptive Daydreamer, Listens to older styles of Music, Goes all-out for Halloween, Has a lot of dysphoria, Craves Human Contact so much dude, Hates online learning with a fiery passion, Obsessed with the Magnus Archives, A Crybaby but in a good way, Loves taking things apart and putting them back together again, Gifted Kid Burnout™, Obsessively researched and infodumps about their special interest(s), Has very few friends unfortunately, Always sits in the very back of class
Oh God wtf is That: Wild Overly-Saturated Colors, Gets personally offended if they ever fit in with the majority, Likes being weird and fully embraces it, Probably had that phase where they were really interested in studying Serial Killers for some reason, Definitely a Chaotic Neutral, Visual Stims a lot, Unintentionally ends up staring at people because they’re zoning out, Buries their issues under a thick blanket of memes and funky music, Vents their emotions through their art or writing or whatever artform they choose
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Biblically-Accurate Angel: Wears brighter colours than most of the other options, Has way too many eyes, Kind and Friendly but a little Aloof, Obsessed with vaguely religious imagery even if they’re not actually religious, Freckles covering their shoulders and arms, Artist Vibes, Chaotic Good, Unassuming but always Underestimated, Definitely the type of kid to close their eyes on a swing set and pretend they’re flying, Just really liked Good Omens tbh, Book lover, Loves the feeling of sunlight
Old Forest God: Definitely listens to Hozier, Extremely cheap when it comes to money, Probably owns a lot of denim, Just wants to get lost in the woods as an escape from modern capitalism, Foggy Mountains, Lanterns glowing in the fog of dusk, Binges Lotr & The Hobbit whenever they feel sad, Loves watching the sunrise, Says weirdly cryptic but incredibly wise shit all the time, Gives really good advice, Just wants to lie down in a patch of moss and decay, Not really bothered by death honestly, Has worn this same sweater for the past 3 days
Object Head: Old-School or Vintage Aesthetic, Extremely specific Special Interests, Probably waxes poetically to themself every night, Galaxy Print everything, Probably owns way too many jackets, Wise beyond their years, Excellent sense of humor, Probably really into embroidery or knitting, Theatre kid, Just really tired tbh, Would probably punch god right now, So stressed they’re actually calm, Keeps way too many journals and diaries, Terrible memory for basic tasks, Needs a lot of physical pressure to feel comfortable or sleep
Robot: Intentionally tacky fashion sense, Patterned Button-ups for Days, Their wardrobe looks like the floor of an 80s arcade, Cold Hands, Very poor social skills, Feels feelings in their own unique way that nobody understands, Hates when people pity them, Rarely ever understands jokes and honestly doesn’t want to, Is actually doing pretty well with online learning tbh, Tech savvy, Probably had a Goth phase in Middle or High School, Loves to keep collections of really hyper specific things, Excellent memory
Cryptid: Can recite both the entire X-Files and Gravity Falls theme songs, Has fully embraced the term “feral”, Likes to visit animal shelters and play with the puppies and kittens a lot, Just wants fangs man, Obsessed with Mythology, Honestly wouldn’t really mind being feared by some, Really morbid interests, Definitely liked crawling up onto the roof as a kid, Wanderer, Likes to explore a lot, Talk to the moon when they need to vent, Likes nesting in blankets and pillows
Alien: Obsessed with Buzzfeed Unsolved, Shane Madej Vibes, That holographic material that’s silver and shines rainbow is their peak aesthetic, Acts like they’re studying humans even though they’re a part of the same species (or are they???), Obsessed with space, Feral Scientist vibes, Just really wants to learn everything they can, Owns way too much NASA Merch, Pastel Shades, Can still recite their childhood lullabies word-for-word, Philosophy Nerd
Vaguely Humanoid Shaped: Quiet Kid who’s always underestimated, Gave up on the perception of self 12 years ago, Maladaptive Daydreamer, Listens to older styles of Music, Goes all-out for Halloween, Has a lot of dysphoria, Craves Human Contact so much dude, Hates online learning with a fiery passion, Obsessed with the Magnus Archives, A Crybaby but in a good way, Loves taking things apart and putting them back together again, Gifted Kid Burnout™, Obsessively researched and infodumps about their special interest(s), Has very few friends unfortunately, Always sits in the very back of class
Oh God wtf is That: Wild Overly-Saturated Colors, Gets personally offended if they ever fit in with the majority, Likes being weird and fully embraces it, Probably had that phase where they were really interested in studying Serial Killers for some reason, Definitely a Chaotic Neutral, Visual Stims a lot, Unintentionally ends up staring at people because they’re zoning out, Buries their issues under a thick blanket of memes and funky music, Vents their emotions through their art or writing or whatever artform they choose
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undertale-museum · 4 months
Page 2 <— Page 3 —> Page 4
. ^here
1Feb24- __
Last Updated: 17Feb24
* All suggestive and explicit content labled +18
[C-01] Girls are really cool by justanidiotartist
Video Archive:
The following list of videos from youtube contain animation, animatics, and comic dubs. They aren’t officially archived and instead listed in sets of 10.
Page 1 (1-10) / Page 8 (80)
Link chained
[C-02] spin off Gradient by askcomboclub
[C-03] gradient ask by askcomboclub
[C-04] Fresh Sans and Frisk reconcile
By @/thepacifrisk
Music: Love like you by Rebecca Sugar
[C-05] Psychology Sans Reference Sheet by @/thaltro
[C-06] Psy + Dust Doodle by @/thaltro
[C-07] Lust Grillby by @/A-piece-of-my-crazy-mind
Sans x Papyrus
[C-08] Underlust Papyrus x Mettaton shit post by @/goodlegg
Aka How to s3x - a documentary
[C-09] Papyri cuddle @/ny0h
[C-10] Dream meets Lust @/Jokublog
[C-11] Blue x Lust PMV by @/carlosthefuckingnoodle
Music: Drugs by Mother Mother
[C-12] lust stripper pole gif by @/shira-dovahkiin
[C-13] underlust sans x grillby by @/shanranran
[C-14] Fell bros x Lust by @/fallen9choirs
[C-15] s3xy tongues by @/bonesin
[C-16] Stretch x Sans by @/comelysunblog
[C-17] Sans x Red kissing by @/moonmoof
[C-18] Bubbles - Skeleton OC @/d3ad-ratz
[C-19] Fresh vibes, Error does not by @/necrolexic0n
[C-20] Horror Sans in a Sweater
[C-21] zu-is-here archive
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dcldraws · 2 years
Do you have customs open? If so, how much are they? And do you plan on making adopts as well? I saw so many cool designs you're putting up but they're all already preclaimed/customs from others aaaa ;;
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So what you're looking for is "Music Vibe - Skeleton OC's" and the main information can be found from here, procedure here and latest update about them from here.
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rebeltigera · 3 years
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simplegenius042 · 10 months
Music Monday
Tagged by no one but timezones are weird so it's a given that my Monday is someone's Sunday (or Tuesday... if that works like that).
Tagging @socially-awkward-skeleton @voidika @strangefable @josephseedismyfather @chazz-anova @adelaidedrubman @direwombat @inafieldofdaisies @poisonedtruth @cassietrn @shallow-gravy @gaeadene @g0dspeeed and @ishwaris
As per the announcement I made yesterday, there is now 8 days to go until Jurassic World Before The Storm from my @the-untitledverse-blog is released. In celebration, I'm sharing three music choices for the fic in question, a FC5 OC from my @the-silver-chronicles blog and a protagonist from my @life-despair-and-monsters-blog if anyone is interested.
Tomorrow will be some OC information for the upcoming fic if anyone is interested. I'll be putting up some OC ask games on my Far Cry The Silver Chronicles and Life, Despair & Monsters blogs as well.
Below is the music.
Here's a song for the upcoming Jurassic World fic, which is of course a Jurassic World song, as the occasion calls for it:
Life Finds A Way by NerdOut
"This power right in our hand, new world we couldn't resist But things don't follow the plan, problems that shouldn't exist How many times will we test this but we never learn? There's things we shouldn't have messed with We're watchin' it burn, no matter how much we pretendin' Life wasn't meant to be contained, life finds a way
Trapped in our own disaster, they've been here before The road we're on, they're gonna be here after Yeah, it finds a way, yeah, it finds a way And this time, no matter how much we're pretendin' Life wasn't meant to be contained, life finds a way."
Here's the song for the FC5 OC of mine, under the name Paul Yellowjack, who is Silva's adopted father... well, formerly that is. Here's the song:
A Man Without Love by Engelbert Humperdinck
"I cannot face this world that's fallen down on me So if you see my girl, please send her home to me Tell her about my heart that's slowly dying Say I can't stop myself from crying
Every day I wake up, then I start to break up Lonely is a man without love Every day I start out, then I cry my heart out Lonely is a man without love."
And here's a song for my Life, Despair & Monsters WIPs. Gives me a "protagonists vs antagonists" sort of vibe that I can't help but enjoy. Here's the song:
Take This City by Everfound feat. Joel of for KING & COUNTRY
"Apathy is killing me We could be the saints down on our knees Lifting each other Out of ashes out of ruins Hope will bring a new beginning If we break the silence
So lets take this city Our souls are singing, oh Can you feel the fire in your bones? I know we won't be defeated If love is leading, oh We're laying down our stones.
We were made for this moment We were meant to be here And we're not gonna stop Till the walls disappear."
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What kind of music would Feral Raven and Raven listen to:
Feral Raven:
Expectation: Linkin Park, Lordi, Nightcore, Evanescence
Reality: Beethoven/ Mozart/ Bach/ Verdi, Native Music, Alan Walker, Marshmello
Expectation: Ed Sheeran, Rhianna, Bruno Mars, Katy Perry
Reality: Linkin Park, Lordi, Nightcore, Evanescence
Both have opposite characters and would be assumed on what kind of music they would hear, but both would be assumed wrong once they really know
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kitty-av · 2 years
Hello, I have been thinking of making the clone gang into my OCs for a while now ( kinda inspired by Mortified because it's a great fanfic, I love me some characters we see for 1 min being utilised and explored ) so I kinda just... Did.
Ok so here are my bois, first I shall show a group line-up, then I introduce them in segments.
Sound good? Ok, here they are!
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These are the clone squad in human form, though I'm still debating on whether they are hypothetical forms, or if they're all halfas like Dani.
Also I have never really drawn Danielle, so she may look wonky until I get the hang of it lol
Anyway, introductions:
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This man is Dante, he's the skeleton ghost, and I based his design off of two things: his nose looks like it would be different than Danny's, and he had a bedsheet.
So therefore, he gets wavy hair, and a similar build to Danny, except his nose is different and I tried to define his brows and their wrinkles a bit more ( I don't know how to explain it better )
Dante is quite possibly the most laid back from the clone squad because there really weren't any expectations he had to deliver on, unlike his siblings.
He's the second oldest, which means Vlad was just ok with him existing because he was still getting the hang of the whole cloning thing.
This means he had time to work on his hobbies, like art and gardening and just wind down after Vlad inevitably did something terrible.
He has leg prosthetics but because I was too excited to post, so I haven't figured out how to draw them yet, so for now he has long pant legs.
He's the mom friend of the gang, will frequently drag the rest of them out of their pods for bonding time because he knows they can get caught up in their problems.
They poke fun at him for his ' bedsheet ghost ' routine but he thinks it's funny and he's vibing, so they just kinda accept it. He actually uses the spooky voice too, just because.
He's the ' We have food at home ' sibling along with Dorian, but can switch to ' McDonalds ' sibling when he wants to make Danielle happy •^•
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Now these two.
Oh, boy.
These two are traumatized let me tell you that.
Let's start with Dorian, who for the purposes of my sanity will be Dan level beefy instead of his canon beefiness. Just because I couldn't figure out how to draw it, and it's my design so screw it.
I had the idea of him looking like Jack because he's the oldest sibling so Vlad accidentally tapped into some genetics he probably didn't like.
As you can probably guess, Vlad is not his biggest fan.
Dorian is just the sweetest boi. He's the Jazz of the squad. Often ignores himself and accidentally becomes the therapist friend when there's nobody there to help him set his boundaries.
He's really into social justice, reading, and also rock/metal music ( because why not, it fits his ghost aesthetic too )
He just wants the best for his siblings, even though he's painfully aware Vlad is just... Vlad.
He will not hesitate to curb stomp you if you become a threat to his family, and while he's very patient, the clone gang has sorta given him a sixth sense for detecting mischief.
I'm serious, he walks into a room and just knows they did something.
He chooses to wear formal adjacent clothing himself, it isn't Vlad that made him do it. He feels comforted by the routine of styling himself.
Now, Dominic: I'm gonna put the pic back here for reference.
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This lil man
He is just... Full of anger. And issues.
First, his design was meant to have a lot of triangular shapes to kinda match Danny's, as well as to bring more attention to his face.
His eye is just gone in human form as well. It falls off constantly, so he doesn't bother and just carries it in a pouch in his pocket. Dorian finds that understandably disturbing, and Dante is somewhere between ' I can make eye puns when he brings it up ' and ' dude I wish my brother would have better care for himself '.
He's the third clone, and Vlad's favourite until Danielle happened. Unfortunately, because we can't have nice things, he's constantly unstable in ghost form, and because of that Vlad pushed him hard enough for him to develop the shrinking, purely out of his want to disappear and hide.
Dominic despises Vlad from the bottom of his heart, because unlike with Dani, Vlad didn't bother hiding his disappointment and loopiness when it came to his ' almost perfect son '
He's pretty jaded because of this, and he swore to himself that Dani would not suffer like he did, so he allowed himself to get blackmailed into behaving by Vlad. Basically the deal was that Dominic would obey without question, and Dani will be happy and oblivious to the fact he literally doesn't care.
Later on, Vlad tells him that he'll have Danielle overshadow Danny, but he volunteers instead because he knows it won't end well, and he's absolutely right. Vlad probably knew this so he told him specifically so his ' problem child ' wouldn't be a problem.
He would literally fight anyone, despite the fact he has bad depth perception, a lack of real offensive abilities, and an incredible lack of solidity/stability.
He probably waits for the summer with anticipation because he can fire tiny ectoblasts at Vlad and pretend it was mosquitoes.
Besides all the angst and trauma, he has a passion for theatre and mischief. He and Dani are incredibly close and prank everyone. Dominic probably taught her the ' faint to get out of a difficult conversation ' trick.
He can't talk in tiny form, it just sounds like bells ( like Tinkerbell )
Dante probably teases him for ' doing puberty wrong ' and Dominic strikes back with digs against the ' bedsheet ghost routine '. They're vibing.
Dorian and Dominic are also Metal/Rock music buddies and will listen to music together while Dorian is reading some book or other. Dominic is incredibly grateful to have his support despite all the headaches his mischief cause, and he often serves as Dorian's ' boundaries cheerleader ' so to speak.
He's the ' One black coffee ' sibling if you hadn't noticed. Only he'd probably hand it to Danielle because she's his partner in crime.
Now Dani herself, she absolutely adores her brothers. She doesn't understand why Vlad doesn't, but she thinks she can change his mind because he ' likes ' her. Then when he calls her brothers ' mistakes ' she goes ' ok I can't, but if he stabilises me, I can maybe save them too ' because she's precious like that .
Unfortunately, things don't work that way, and so when she leaves Amity park she's kinda confronted with the realisation that ' oh damn, I actually helped murder Dorian, and Dominic wouldn't help Vlad without good reason so he probably took my place ' and that's not exactly a pleasant realization.
The reason she doesn't come back for help earlier than D-stabilized is actually because of guilt. She doesn't feel like she deserves the help after what happened. Then she reminds herself that her brothers wanted her to be happy and goes off to find Danny.
I know this was a lot of angst, so here, have some sketches to balance it out OwO
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I'm thinking I also have them come back as ghosts because I want my children to be happy together, but I haven't figured out unique ghost designs for them yet. It feels cheap giving them their clone designs when they're now their own people yknow?
Thank you for reading all this, I'm really happy to finally share my bois with the Phandom •^• if y'all have any thoughts or questions feel free to share.
I'm just glad I did this because doing character design in the DP style is fun, especially considering how Dorian and Dante's facial features had to be built on top of skeletal/unfinished structure ( their noses in particular ) so that was exciting to figure out (ㆁωㆁ)
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distortdoomtown · 3 years
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3 new tape releases + Bodež zine finally out on Doomtown Records and sub-labels!!! OC 006 MOB 47 - Sjuk Värld CS Sjuk Värld is a piece of fast, raw and punishing Swedish hardcore punk, originally released on Ägg Tapes in 1984. As this is the first time the material got a proper official European reissue, we took special care to make it look and sound good for your listening and visual pleasure. Mob 47 had an important role in defining Swedish hardcore and were heavily inspired by the almighty Discharge, so we're sure the most of you know what's going on here. Garanterat mangel! The pro-dubbed tape is available in red/grey/green cover and limited to 200 copies. Each copy includes a folded lyric sheet. DT 041 Gutterskull - Coldness Of The Bunker CS
The latest demo by Croatian one man band Gutterskull is a perfect fusion of primitive d-beat and raw black metal, which we liked so much we had to put it out on tape. "Coldness of the Bunker" continues the tradition of DIY hardcore punk bands in which KKTZ has played before, doing what he knows best, but this time focusing on d-beat, the most primitive side of black metal and first wave black metal classics like Hellhammer, Sodom, Bathory and Celtic Frost. This demo is mayhem from start to end, with a raw, primitive intensity, reminding us of the destructive grit of early Stooges. Think about absolute minimalism here. KKTZ's worship of old Discharge, Shitlickers and Disclose can not only be heard in riffs, but in bleak military-themed lyrics. Lyrically, war is the main topic here, its ruthlessness as a metaphor for a world in which struggle is all that's left. KKTZ has been one of the most prolific and longest lasting artists from the Croatian underground scene, playing in bands such as Nonsense, Fight Back, Senseless and Gruuthaagy, while also making music under the monikers Talog and Tenebrositas. The visual aspect of this release draws inspiration from the underground art scene that KKTZ has been a part of since the second half of the eighties, rooted in fanzines and through the DIY nineties, all the way to his current style, which is completely minimalistic, raw and expressive.
CBR005 Constant Cold War - Tape II CS Constant Cold War is a one-man-band/project by Marian from Cold Leather, Catholic Guilt, Imposition Man, Gesture, Moron, Skeleton Glove etc. writeup by Dirt Sleeze: "The burglar's tongue sticks out of his balaclava as he nervously tries to break into the neighborhood church through the back door. A lightbulb is flickering in a filthy kitchen while a serial killer manically rushes through newspaper pages hoping to read something about his latest masterpiece. A starving dog is violently pulling the leg of a mutilated corpse left in the bushes of a nearby park. A homeless man trips and falls on the train tracks of a U-Bahn station while the only bystander was minding his own business, Chrome's Alien Soundtracks in his headphones. An ambulance lightens up a damaged facade of an East Berlin apartment building as an overdosed teenager lies inside a body bag. A nosy silhouette is peeping through a window in the suburbs, listening to the sobbing of a woman who's about to leave her family tonight. A black cat is slipping through the cracked door of a basement apartment. There's constant static coming from a TV in an open room. A man in a long coat observes the church burglary with a smirk on his face and then vanishes into the night..." writeup by label: The second tape from Berlin's CCW delivers 6 new songs which bring early industrial, experimental post-punk to mind. Maybe even some minimal wave? Add some Flipper and Big Black vibes to a garagey lo-fi take on earlier Killing Joke, mix with some Chrome swagger and maybe that could give you an idea what CCW is all about? Marian was also listening to early Earth records a lot while recording for CCW, so a droney influence wouldn't be unexpected? Not sure if all of this makes sense, but I do hope there'll be more CCW recordings in the future! BP 001 BODEŽ – Dvadesetisedam uboda Zine The zine covers a selection of Bodež’s (½ of Doomtown Records) flyers, made mostly for local gigs or gigs booked by friends from Sheffield, Paris and Vienna. The zine is the first in a planned zine series, entitled “Bodež Produkcija” (Dagger Productions)
Bodež made his first mock flyer back in 2005, but his first official flyer saw the light of day in 2008, advertising the Danes’ Hjeretstop and Night Fever gig at the then-illegal Medika squat. This was also the first show booked by Bodež, introducing a clear and comprehensive DIY approach to his work. Even though he’s been doing flyers for over 15 years, this exhibition showcases his work from the last five years, when he took his style to another level and made it recognizable to a wider audience. As the author himself simply stated: “I began investing more time, thought and effort into my work”.
At first glance, as well as the second, even though each flyer is different from the others, they present a surprisingly strong whole. Looking at them, we don’t evoke memories of cult American flyers from our record collection, nor do we recognize timeless punk motives from the eighties. Despite an occasional unavoidable pop culture reference or hommage, Bodež’s style is quite distinguished and authentic, especially within a genre where originality doesn’t come easy. It’s also hard not to notice the somewhat nostalgic motives from comic books published by Sergio Bonelli, a publishing company strongly present on the Croatian market back when Bodež was growing up. In his words: “My interest in comics still hasn’t left those boundaries”.
If we were to name drop everything and everyone that his work reminds us of, we’d definitely mention the Crass-like patchwork of Gee Vaucher or post-punk DIY aesthetics of Television Personalities and similar bands of the late seventies - even though the flyers were put together not only by the cut & paste method, but also using some similar modern design tools, mostly Photoshop. Seems like his days in the graphic design department of a daily newspaper left its mark, which is obvious from the rest of the materials used as flyer backgrounds - even though Bodež named Hrelić, the most important of Zagreb’s flea markets, as the place influencing him the most. After Bodež’s treatment, city skylines and buildings became dystopian dwellings, reminding us of David Lynch’s early phase, like we’re in Eraserhead’s backyard, whilst the macabre motives of skeletons and demons are trying to tell us - this music isn’t friendly nor nice, be it a Post punk Wednesday or Distort Zagreb.
Full color offset print on 110g. munken creme paper, B5, 32 pages, roughly a 100 copies for online distribution. LISTEN/BUY/MORE INFO: https://doomtownrecords.bandcamp.com/ https://cosmicbroodrecords.bandcamp.com/ BUY FROM OUR STORE: https://livinginadoomtown.bigcartel.com/products     INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/doomtown_records/
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the-kazoo-kid · 5 years
The Two Types of Goblincore
I’ll begin by saying that I’m a Jewish archaeologist, and one of my main areas of study is the pogroms of Eastern Europe during the beginning of the 20th century. This affects the way I think of goblincore in two major ways:
Goblins were used as a negative caricature of Jews to tother them and incite negative feelings and violence among non-news
I have been accused of only wanting to be an archaeologist so that I can dig up and hoard shiny things
I spend a lot of my time looking at images like this one. It’s an antisemetic political cartoon from 1898. 
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Look at the crown, the long, hooked nose, and most importantly the clawed, webbed hands. His hands envelope the world, symbolizing the perceived universal greed of the Jew.
This stereotype of the greedy Jew didn’t originate in the 19th century either. It goes all the way back to the Middle Ages when Jews in Europe were banned from occupations other than banking. 
So now let’s talk about goblins in popular culture. First and foremost in my mind are J.K Rowling’s goblins who are portrayed as greedy, hoarding and-- you guessed it-- in charge of the money and treasure.
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There are even physical similarities between J.K. Rowling’s goblins and the political cartoon above. Note the hooked nose and the hands. 
I was about eight when I read the first Harry Potter book. I remember bringing it to a synagogue event where one of the adults remarked about how uncomfortable the goblins made them. Before I was allowed to watch the movie my mother sat me down and explained what was problematic with those goblins and why.
Next up: LOTR
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He has the crown and the hands, although not the nose, and while he bares less direct resemblance to that cartoon, this is still an example of antisemitism. This is a placeholder character for a Jew that is disgusting, hoarding wealth, and a direct antagonist to the main characters. 
Everquest 2:
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(I found another image where this character was specifically labeled The Goblin Banker but tumblr wouldn’t allow me to upload it for whatever reason.) This goblin is so other that it’s not even recognizable as a person, and in fact in the game they’re classed as a Mob Race. Yikes. Additionally, Wikipedia describes them as “attempting to - unsuccessfully - forge gold coins, and yet they have no intention spending any of this money, they simply wish to 'have' it.” This goes along with a lot of the greed aspect of goblins and their obsession with hoarding.
So what do we do?
First, I want to say that just because these pieces of media (or any others) have these problematic aspects doesn’t mean that you have to stop consuming and enjoying them. If we never read books or watched movies or played games that were problematic we would back ourselves into a corner where nothing was permitted.
The important thing is to educate yourself to the point where you can recognize the negative caricature/stereotype in something that you come across, and to not create any new media containing the stereotype. 
But what if you really like goblins?
The good news is that this is the first, older kind of goblincore, but it’s not the only one out there. There’s a new wave happening that emphasizes the positive things without including the negative ones. These next examples are technically called trolls in their respective universes, but they really get the vibe that I’m going for.
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See? Shiny treasure thing, delight, and no malice. Admittedly the trolls in this movie are some funny looking creatures, but they don’t come across as perpetuating the negative Jewish stereotype to me.
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Cute little guys made of stone and moss. They live peacefully, and when they encounter the protagonists they have a nice musical number and then dispense some wise advice. No greed, no bad intentions. Good for them.
(Again, these examples are both technically trolls but I think the idea comes through, especially since they’re so far from the large, lumbering brutes that are trolls in say... Harry Potter or LOTR.)
Now I’m going to hand this conversation over to @goblinblogging who is a Jew working on reclaiming and reworking the idea of what a goblin is and what a goblin does.
Now, I know learning that something you’re doing could be problematic is scary! I also know that a ton of people have abandoned goblincore just because they learned of these stereotypes. 
However, you don’t have to abandon something you love! What you need to do is educate yourself and learn about why these things are harmful and learn what you can do to make sure you aren’t doing something harmful yourself! 
Let's start off with how this stereotype came around (Or at least, one way it originated.) In the book Knockers, Knackers, and Ghosts: Immigrant Folklore in the Western Mines, the author goes into detail about how European origins say the goblins of the mines were the ghosts of dead Jews, sentenced (in properly medieval anti-Jewish fashion) to perpetual restlessness for their supposed role in the crucifixion of Jesus. Which is where the “Goblins live in caves and mines” came from! 
So this explains that the ghosts of Jews became goblins because they were being punished for killing jesus. Already a pretty rough start! Now for common goblin appearances that are nothing but antisemitism in disguise. First, and most obvious, large, hooked, warted noses. I don’t really feel like I have to go into much detail about this one. Anyone who took history class in middle and high school should know about Hitler’s propaganda against jews and the depictions of their bulbous noses, often covered in warts. This caricature directly translates over to goblins having their predominant warted noses. Second, Let’s have a look at green skin. Hitler in particular loved to depict jews with green skin, or at the very least, in very green light so it turned their skin green. 
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Notice the green tint, the evil sneer, hooked nose, and pointed ears in this one! All very reminiscent of traits we commonly see in goblins. 
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 This last one is a movie poster “Suss the Jew” produced by Terra Film at the behest of propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels, and considered one of the most antisemitic films of all time. Notice the green skin! 
 Next is horns and teeth. Hitler in particular would depict jews with devil’s horns hidden under their Kippah (also referred to in Yiddish as a yarmulke, or less frequently as a koppel.) He’d also just depict them outright as demons. 
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This one is Ukranian. Translated means “Satan has taken off his mask” Notice how “satan” has huge teeth and horns, red skin, with the star of David carved into his forehead. Also notice how his jewish mask has a large nose.
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This one is from Russia (1919), a caricature of Leon Trotsky, who was viewed as a symbol of Jewish Bolshevism. Notice the red skin and pointed ears. Also notice how he’s sitting above the people down below (who are sitting on skeletons and bones) symbolizing the Jew’s greed, which we’ll get into later.
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And then there’s this one, where you can see (white) people inside of the Jew’s mouth, you can also see horrendously sharp teeth crushing them. Also pay attention to the large nose and pointed ears. I just remembered that I forgot to cover another very important anti-jewish facial feature, which is that many jews in propaganda have dark beady eyes and drooping eyelids. These are things you can see for yourself in the images above!
Next, we’re moving on to greed. This one in particular hits me close to home. I’ve heard the phrase “Jewing me out of my money” too many times to count. Or alternately, “Don’t be a Jew” when the other person doesn’t think that I’m giving them enough of what they want. (Could be money, could even be sweets. The first time I heard this phrase I was a little kid and I had a bag of skittles. I wanted to share with everyone but I still wanted to have enough for me to eat myself. I was passing out handfuls when my friend’s older brother (he was a teen) didn’t like how much I gave him. He said to me, “Come on, don’t be a Jew, give me some more skittles”. I didn’t understand and when I asked my mom what it meant later she was horrified.) Jews, and their caricatures, have almost always been viewed as greedy and power hungry. As @whalefromwales said above me, Jews in Europe used to be banned from any job besides banking. 
We also have images like this from WWII: 
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Anyone who has taken any class where the Holocaust was talked about should be able to recognize this image, The Eternal Jew. He has money in one hand, which is reached out to demand more - he’s also looking at the money, and a whip in his other hand. In his arm, he holds the whole country of Germany.
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There is also this one. A jew, tinged with red, weighs a man’s life against a large pile of money. Notice also how he’s looking at the money - not the man. 
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And this one should also be easy to recognize. It reads “The Jews - A People of Contagion!” A city burns in the background as a jewish man sits atop a pile of bones counting his money. Notice the bulbous, hooked, nose, black eyes with drooping eyelids, and large hands! Hitler depicted jews this way (and as goblins) in order to segregate us. “Us VS Them”. “We are the Good Human Beings and Jews are monsters!” in order to make it easy for him to begin committing the atrocities that he did! It never happened overnight, there were key stepping stones that built up to concentration camps. One of those was “Jews aren’t really people, so it’s okay that we’re doing this to them. We’re doing it to save us, the Good Christian Germans.”  
So what does all of this mean? Well, first and foremost, it means that you have to be careful how you depict your goblins. How? When drawing your goblinsonas or goblin ocs, stay away from drawing them with huge, hooked, and warted noses, don’t make their skin green or red (personally, I prefer grey skin for goblins.) If your goblin has sharp teeth, don’t make them huge and obvious. Because modern goblins are fair folk, it’s difficult to depict them without pointed ears, but try not to exaggerate the proportions.  
Behavior: Stop with the “greedy little goblin” thing. That DIRECTLY comes from jewish stereotypes. Your Goblins are allowed to collect shiny things they find, but don’t make them greedy about it! Have your goblin share what they collect, make it a community effort. Sharing the things you love is way better than being miserly anyhow, and sharing more represents what we as goblins should want in our community! Also, be careful with your goblins being terrors. Yes, there are usually evil beings in every single race (whether mythological or real) but just be really really careful. Hitler loved to depict jews eating the Good Germans(™) or terrorizing communities. So even if your goblin is an evil one, be really really careful and be sure to educate yourself first so you’re not just perpetuating the same tired shit that Hitler did.Collecting coins. 
Now, this has been a huge topic of discourse lately. Coins are shiney! I understand why people would want to collect them. Hell, I have some awesome 50 cent pieces and gold dollars in my collection. You just can't depict  yourself or your goblin character collecting only coins and being very greedy with them. That’s literally doing nothing but echoing the same propaganda that Hitler used against us. Collect them all you want, but if I see “Greedy little goblin hoarding coins all for themselves” I swear I’m gonna hit the fan. To clarify, you can absolutely show off you coin collection in the goblin tags, just be careful how you frame it. “I’m really interested in history, so I collect old coins because I think they’re neat” is waaaaaay different then “Horrible littel crecher is greedy for shiney monies” (That last quote is something I’ve SEEN in the tags, luckily op was just completely unaware of why that was so wrong and they removed the caption after they were educated.) 
 So please, enjoy being into goblincore. Enjoy the culture and the fantasy. Goblincore is about appreciating the things about us that may be depicted as “weird” or “ugly”. Goblincore is a safe haven for neurodivergent people (I’m Autistic!) and also Trans and other LGBTQIA+ people! It’s a culture for appreciating nature, collecting things that may not be seen as normal, and sharing these things with other people. It’s a culture where you shouldn’t be ashamed to be who you are or afraid to get dirty. Goblincore is a support network for the weirder folks where we strive to uplift one another. Goblincore is wonderful and I’ve been so impressed at how welcoming everyone is! Especially on tumblr! Before the discourse happened, I was sure that goblincore was one of the kindest communities on tumblr. However, I understand why the discourse happened, and goyim in the goblincore tag really did need to be educated, but that doesn’t mean you have to leave! So be sure to educate yourself and be aware of how your actions could negatively affect folks. Listen to other Jewish people and be mindful of what they say. Some Jews are very uncomfortable with goblincore, and for very good reason! And I do not claim to speak for all Jews with this post. 
I am trying to reclaim the word goblin for use by any person who wants the label. I no longer want these fantasy creatures associated with such a beautiful and vibrant culture of people. Goblins are very interesting as a fantasy race, but the negative stereotypes do nothing but hurt real life Jewish people. Which is why I’m hoping that folks will read this post and realize what behaviors and depictions of goblins are wrong and harmful. Also, tag your goblincore appropriately! Again, many Jewish people are uncomfortable with goblincore because of antisemitism that has happened in their past. I’ve been compared to a goblin many times! So keep your goblincore in just the goblincore tags. There are many overlaps between goblincore and other micro communities on tumblr (Such as crowcore, cottagecore, naturecore, and vulture culture) but be mindful of what you’re putting in those tags. Most vulture culture people hate us goblins cuz we put pictures of dirt or “I’m just a smol crecher” in their tags, and I don’t blame them! Vulture culture is only for the remains of dead animals, and dead animal remains should be the only things added to those tags. So fellow goblins, I’m going to end this post with a sincere thank you for reading, be mindful of your actions, and most of all, HAVE FUN with goblincore! 
Here is where you should be able to read Knockers, Knackers, and Ghosts for free if you want.
TLDR: This is what we, as Jewish people, mean when we say that goblins are based off of negative stereotypes of jews. This is also why some jews get really upset at goblincore, however, there are many ways to participate in goblincore without using harmful stereotypes! So please, use this post to educate yourself so you can both be good goblins and good Jewish allies.
- @goblinblogging
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