#Mustafa Ibrahim
we-can-be-heroes · 2 months
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awkward-sultana · 4 months
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"I know everything, Hürrem. I saw everything…I lived…I sensed…"
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faintingheroine · 4 months
Here is another inflammatory Magnificent Century poll because I am bored:
1) You must answer it as one of the three. “No it is actually Rüstem/Bali Bey/Sümbül etc.” doesn’t cut it. Answer it as one of the above three.
2) This is strictly about women they are romantically/sexually involved with. Ibrahim’s treatment of Hürrem etc. isn’t relevant to the question. Süleyman and Ibrahim’s relationship isn’t relevant to the question either.
3) You are strictly determining these three men’s awfulness to the women they are romantically involved with. You not liking the romance in general or the women’s bad or unhealthy actions aren’t super relevant to the question.
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redxluna · 8 months
I've always found it interesting that, apparently, for some people the show's efforts to sanitize Mustafa into perfection actually worked against them in people still using the writing to point out flaws of his unintentionally included by the show that made them dislike him.
In this most recent re-watch, the one to stand out to me regarding that so far is how Mustafa, after learning that Ibrahim cheated on Hatice, basically lets him off with a pat on the back and a sort of, "Hey, my aunt's real 'sensitive', you know? So don't do that again, buddy."
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If this is truly meant to be the most gallant and noble out of all the şehzades, then why is it so easy for him to wave off harm done to his aunt? Not to mention, we're later treated to Mustafa, after Ibrahim's downfall, swearing that Ibrahim could never have betrayed his father...as if the man hadn't openly been exposed for betraying another dynasty member he was meant to be loyal to in recent memory.
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dyingroses · 1 day
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Magnificent Century + text posts and tweets
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magnificentlyreused · 3 months
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This gold and silver vest was first worn by Şehzade Mustafa in the first episode of the first season of Magnificent Century. It was worn again by Şehzade Mehmed in the nineteenth episode of the same season. The vest also appeared in the twelth episode of the second season among the belongings of the recently deceased Sultanzade Mehmed. Seventeen episodes later it was worn by Şehzade Bayezid. The vest is next seen on Nergisşah Sultan in the twenty-ninth episode of the third season. It is also worn by Osman, the son of Turahanoğlu Turgul Bey aka Atmaca, in the twelth episode of the fourth season.
Magnificent Century: Kösem used the vest twice in its first season on Şehzade Osman (later Sultan Osman II) and Şehzade Ibrahim (later Sultan Ibrahim) in the twelth and twenty-third episode, respectively.
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skenosbisworld · 1 year
Ok, I need to rage about something for a sec.
But seriously, there is no logic in this, and the decision to make Hurrem do this repeatedly is so disrespectful to both her character and her position.
Hurrem is Haseki Sultan. She is Sultan Suleiman's only legal wife, and she is the mother of 4 of his sons. These 4 sons who are in equal standing to Mustafa. For some dumb reason, the show likes to forget that the Ottomans weren't European. The Ottomans did not abide by the eldest son being the heir rule ever. All sehzades had an equal right, and the Sultan only had a specific heir if he himself appointed him. But for some reason, the show completely ignores this, and it pretends that Mustafa was some "Crown Prince." I like Mustafa, but he was never the legal heir.
This is also comparable to whenever it has Mahidevran bow to Ibrahim, which is equally frustrating. The family of the Sultan (which includes his consorts) are always of a higher standing than any government official.
These instances are honestly more frustrating to me than when Hurrem continued to be called a hatun even after giving birth to Mehmed, which by show logic entitled her to the Sultan title, because it was done intentionally as an insult. Having Hurrem bow to Mustafa, and having Mahidevran bow to Ibrahim was both always done with all seriousness.
Everytime it happened, I felt both the overwhelming urge to slap all the characters involved and scream into a deep empty void.
I really hope that I am not alone in my intense frustration with the show's seeming lack of awareness/respect of any proper protocol or common sense.
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I love how Mustafa is portrayed as genuinely sweet and affectionate towards his brothers, because apparently he's old enough to train in the army but not enough to be told what happens to all princes but one.
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la-cineaste · 1 year
EPISODE 010: Translations of Memory: The Films of Palestinian Cinema (Part One)
Understanding the history of Palestinian cinema begins with an understanding of its positioning in survival through decades of war and the diaspora of its culture. The events of the "Nakba", which sought the displacement and dispossession of an entire Palestinian nation, in 1948 set a paradigm of violence against Palestinians and the sovereignty of their land. Many of these tragic events, and those that took place leading, were captured by filmmakers alongside the birth of celluloid film technology, however, many of these films remain either lost or destroyed to this day. Film historians, and many Palestinian filmmakers, can identify Palestinian cinema through its four periods that are divided by significant markers of social change. 
In Part One of Episode 010: Translations of Memory: The Films of Palestinian Cinema, we look into the signifying factors that shifted the first and second waves of Palestinian Cinema. Palestinian cinema is most recognized for its resistance to settler occupational forces that debilitated decades of independent productions, while its nation of people struggled to crystallize its unity and cultural homogeny, as much of its historical films were lost, and thus only exist today through memory and re-distributed by oral storytelling. 
 LA CINEASTE invites you to visit our Patreon where you can find exclusive content and written materials found in our film essays. Our Patreon also offers tiers that you can contribute to monthly. 
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 Thank you for watching!
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shivrcys · 10 days
I prefer the 'girlboss' fans of the Sultanas to whatever the hell the pro-Mustafa faction of the fandom is doing right now.
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redrosecut · 1 year
Magnificent Century couples as Taylor Swift songs
Or I'm too cheap for Spotify premium and had to listen to shuffle while riding the train for two hours.
Renegade - Nurbanu & Selim
Selim is so broken and out of control before Nurbanu and she constantly puts him back together and gives him pep talks while also reaching higher together. But I also don't think she realized what she got herself into when she pursued him to be her ticket to the top.
Would've, Could've, Should've - Mahidevran & Süleyman
It captures pretty well how toxic their relationship was and how it and its consequences will haunt her forever. If only he had never chosen her as his concubine...
Paris - Mustafa & Mihrünnisa
For me it captures how much they are in love and how the doings in the capital become irrelevant when they are with each other.
Illicit Affairs - Nigar & Ibrahim
Okay, this one is kinda obvious and I don't think I need to explain it.
Dancing With Our Hands Tied - Bayezid & Huricihan
It reminds me of how no one really wanted them together, them sneaking around and still somehow making it work. The "But I had a bad feeling" hints towards their tragic end.
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Season 3
Okay, bear with me. I've got some ideas on what might have been a better story for Season 3, at least when it comes to the princes.
What I think might have worked so much better is that the focus should have been on Mustafa and Mehmed and the forces behind them, specifically Ibrahim and Hurrem. This becomes a race to see which power would overcome the other. The emphasis would be on the fratricide law hanging over the princes.
We get to see more of their friendship, but at the same time, play up more Mustafa's jealousy, but add in Mehmed growing more afraid of the prospect of his brother as heir. We see him interact more with Ibrahim and Mehmed recognizes that so long as Ibrahim is around, the likelihood that Mustafa has an advantage. Suleyman could have witnessed that and, in tandem with his nightmares, he senses there's tension between his princes and Ibrahim with Mehmed.
Let the theme and atmosphere of paranoia and fear be paramount in the season. Have this building tension, Mustafa's faction and Mehmed's faction recognize that they have to act now. Have also this all out war between the factions. When Ibrahim is finally executed, it clears the way for Mehmed to go to Manisa. On top of that, Mustafa makes a mistake that costs him that sanjak.
Mustafa and Mehmed struggle with their love for each other, but also the recognition that the feelings from childhood can't exist anymore. The more that Mehmed gains favor from Suleyman, the more it's clear that he'll be a threat. So if they really want Mahidevran to be behind Mehmed's death, she has more reason to be afraid and paranoid. She feels there is no other choice. She's lost her most powerful backer and it's clear that Mehmed is about to be named crown prince. That way, her actions do make sense, but still have a feeling of maliciousness. It's also the first real blow to Hurrem and the first real threat to her power. Not Firuze, she's not in this, but the loss of the prince that may gain the throne.
Meanwhile, we have Bayezid and Selim witnessing all of this, absorbing the tension and fear. This could shatter their innocence early and set up the later conflict between them.
The end of the season has Mehmed dying, and the possibility that Mustafa will be the crown prince, but the twist suddenly appears that Selim is given the sanjak. It's not just Mehmed who is a threat, now his younger brothers become a threat as well. The problem isn't gone, it's multiplied. Now, all the princes understand the gravity of their situation and they can't let down their guard. Nothing is solved, it's made worse.
I feel like, not only would this allow Mehmed to be more of a well rounded character, but also begin building the differences between Bayezid and Selim. We see who they will become and how much the loss of innocence shapes them. It influences Selim's drinking, Bayezid's anger (as he feels he never had a chance), and Mustafa feeling that his time might be up soon.
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myname-isnia · 2 years
@faintingheroine sent me this list months ago and I completely forgot about it until now so here we go. Magnificent Century characters sorted into Tumblr word categories
Blorbo (favorite character)
Nigar Kalfa my beloved. Lives rent free in my mind. Loved her ever since episode 1 when she gave Hürrem advice and bawled my eyes out when she died
Scrunkly (my “baby”, so shaped)
Viktoria/Sadıka. 'So shaped' literally describes her so well she's so pretty I love her. Also 5 year old Mustafa bc he's way too adorable for words and I love his chubby cheeks.
Scrimblo bimblo (underrated fav)
Şeker Ağa, aka the one man in MC who would treat me right. He was written out of the show in the middle of season 3 with no acknowledgement whatsoever and I still haven't gotten over it
Glup shitto (obscure fav)
Okay this is gonna take some explaining but sometime in season 3 (I think) a woman comes to the harem exactly once to sell fabric. She mistakes Hürrem for a servant and upon discovering she is a sultana, says "But she looks nothing like a witch!" Her name was Şirin or Şerin or smth like that (I watched the dub so don't judge me) and I think that's as obscure as it gets. And also Hasibe Hatun, who Gülşah forced to poison Hürrem in early season 1
Poor little meow meow (problematic/unpopular fav)
Almost everyone in MC is problematic idk what to tell you. Probably Hürrem and Mahidevran because they're the ones that come to mind when I hear the phrase poor little meow meow. Not unpopular by any means but definitely not liked by certain sides of the fandom
Horse plinko (character i would torment for fun)
Ibrahim, no contest. Just my mediocre knowledge of Greek would be enough to give him a stroke. Also explaining to him that the Divine Comedy is a self insert bible fanfic would be hilarious and I wanna do it so bad
Eeby deeby (character i would send to superhell)
Obvious answer, but Suleiman. Do I even need to explain it
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faintingheroine · 19 days
Magnificent Century Characters as Shakespeare Plays (With Quotes, Pictures, Commentary, Videos, Compiled from the Internet)
Ibrahim Pasha: Othello
OTHELLO: “And say besides that in Aleppo once,
Where a malignant and a turbaned Turk
Beat a Venetian and traduced the state,
I took by th’ throat the circumcised dog
And smote him thus. (V.ii.341-354)” (Stabs himself)
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Hürrem Sultan: Antony and Cleopatra
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Hatice Sultan: Romeo and Juliet
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Şehzade Mustafa: Hamlet
Now cracks a noble heart. Good night, sweet prince,
And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest.”
(Horatio is Taşlıcalı here)
Şehzade Selim: Macbeth
Fatma Sultan: Merry Wives of Windsor
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Gülfem Hatun: The Winter’s Tale
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Bali Bey/Armin: The Merchant of Venice
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Nigar Kalfa: All’s Well That Ends Well
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redxluna · 3 months
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—Peirce, Leslie. Empress of the East: How a European Slave Girl Became Queen of the Ottoman Empire
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ibrahimnerde · 2 years
Two big what Ifs
1-What If Ibrahim Pasha lived longer would he dethrone Sultan Sulieman for Prince Mustafa?
2-What if another prince ascended the throne instead of Prince Selim (Mustafa, Bayezid , mehmet)?
1-Well it is somewhat hard to predict it. Ibrahim generally never showed that he is willing to give up SS , even times where SS got sick he was the first one trying to stop Mahidevran from putting any ideas into Mustafa’s head. Of course if it happened and SS fell dead he was going to move on with Mustafa. Would he rebel tho against SS? I can’t see it but I don’t think it is far fetched to say that he would. Towards the end his arrogance grew so much he considered himself on equal foot with SS if not higher cause he believed he tamed to sultan. Could just be some diplomatic words to make foreign ambassadors be like “if the pasha like this imagine how the emperor would be”. Of course belittling the sultan in front of them was not serving the purpose he thought it would. But truly he was getting brave and if he wasn’t executed his bravery would double but to what extent will his bravery lead him I can’t predict. But generally any ruler will hear one of his subjects belittle him like that , specially if his subject is close to his mega popular heir…SS was rightfully paranoid.
2- Bayezid is the easiest to predict. During that time it was him and Selim and he 95% would’ve ended Selim. The remaining 5% is if he ever wanted to sit an example for his many sons to not kill each other even if there is tons of problems between them ,like him and Selim, to still remember they are flesh and blood.
Mehmed is kinda hard because we don’t see his relationship with Bayezid and Selim, they were teenagers. If Mehmed ascended the throne it means that Mustafa is obviously dead cause that ths only way. First scenario is he won’t kill any of them because of Hurrem and Mihrimah but would definitely side eye them all the time like Mu rat side eyed his brothers (he’ll do it in a less psychotic way) or He will kill them but Hurrem will also be dead. The problem with him is that he died young at the age of 21-23 , he didn’t clash with Selim or Bayezid and he didn’t clash with Mustafa either cause he was young. We most see him in his innocent and naive youth. From the look of it he won’t kill anyone as long as Hurrem is a live.
For Mustafa it also depends. If Mahidevran is still alive (which is very likely she lived long) then Hurrem’s kids will get killed gradually. First to get killed will be obviously Selim then bayezid. Bayezid will probably be kept as long as he is swallowing his pride bowing to Mustafa and how he will handle his family being in danger. Idk what will Mustafa do with Cihangir he will likely keep him alive cause unlike the other two, Cihangir can do nothing even if Mustafa killed everyone he loved in front if his eyes. The only situation their is a tiny chance for Hurrem’ sons to live is Mahidevran dying. But again it is also dependent on Selim and Bayezid attitude and if they are considered a threat they will probably be gone. For Hurrem, if her sons will be kept alive then Mustafa will probably exile her cause it wouldn’t make sense to have her sons beside him but kill their mother and expect them ,the grown men, to keep it collected. Mihrimah too will be with Hurrem cause Rustem will certainly not have his head in its place if Mustafa ascended the throne (okay I might be exaggerating but if not executed for Mihrimah and her daughter, probably exiled on an island to not have any human connections)
Anyway we have to understand fratricide law isn’t something they could’ve easily let go through that period. The brother of Ahmed I , Mustafa I, was kept alive only because Ahmed I couldn’t father a child , Ahmed used to get sick when he was young and they were afraid he would die suddenly so the better option was having Mustafa alive cause even if Ahmed fathered, babies dying in that period frequently too. Later Mustafa was never executed after Ahmed had many healthy children for being mentally ill and probably because Ahmed was traumatized and didn’t wanna waste blood specially when he had the chance to actually not waste Mustafa was no threat. So see? The fratricide law started to gradually decrease by merely luck. If Ahmed wasn’t young and Mustafa wasn’t ill mentally fratricide law would’ve been practiced immediately. It was practiced in Osman and Mu rat’s reigns because the princes could try to rebel specially in Mu rat’s case they certainly could (not that they would do it but you get the point)
Anyway I am sorry for the rather long post you probably just wanted short answers. I am afraid I went off topic I quite talkative…
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