#My Crops Are Dying
evilminji · 1 year
Okay, you know WHAT? I have been SILENT for too long! I can endure it no longer!!
There is a CRIMINAL lack, CRIMINAL I say! Of Batman/Brucie Wayne Fanfiction out there!
But Minji, you say rightfully concerned for both my sanity and memory issues, isn't Bruce Wayne... Batman?
And, fuck off maybe! I know that, YOU know that, but WE are 5th dimensional spies watching their lives from beyond the 4th wall! NO ONE IN GOTHAM KNOWS THAT!
I want Fandom access!!! *rips shirt to reveal stolen Brucie/Batman OTP shirt from I got from some Gotham based Fan meet up*
It's part of their COVER! Since OBVIOUSLY himbo Brucie Wayne and dangerous brooding Cryptid Batman are VERY different men with VERY different moral and social philosophies about how to help their shared, beloved, city! They should kiss about it!
Tell me the bat-brood don't write terrible fanfic as stress relief. Lurk, just to make sure no one's getting to close. Lurk, just for that sweet, sweet fan art and other merch of themselves or loved ones.
Tell me there aren't arguments over "are they family or co-workers" and "how DARE you suggest our Cryptid would sleep with that Metropolitan SLUT instead our sweet himbo dilf!"
Look me in the eyes and tell me Clark has not COVERED the fan conventions, as a fluff piece, because Bruce annoyed him recently.
Where are my Meta fics? My characters reacting to disturbingly good and engaging fiction about their co-work and himself?
FFS fifty shades of grey(curse its name) was originally a fanfiction! Tell me some enterprising Gothamite wouldn't go "hmmmmm >.> " and pull the same thing? Barely change details and publish? So everyone is like "that is... SO CLEARLY about Brucie Wayne and Batman. But not clearly enough to sue. Holy shit."
Then READ it.
Because who would have the BALLS to do this and what did they WRITE?
And maybe it's... disturbingly good. Like no, really. Deeply philosophical and starkly human. Lot of sex. Excellent pacing.
....about their co-worker literally going and fucking himself.
They are SO conflicted.
I. Want. Fan. Fiction. I want in-world Fandom shit! It's literally a CLASSIC otp pairing! Himbo and gritty warrior with a mysterious past! Wayne getting kidnapped fics. Bodyguard fics. Secretly I'm Batman but now you're my slutty, slutty Boss fics!
Will no one CHALLENGE themselves!? I suffer.
Come one guys! I believe in us!
@hdgnj @the-witchhunter @stealingyourbones
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fatedtime · 5 months
I’m so so sorry this is dungeon meshi spoilers but I’ve been hit in the face three times today alone and I cannot contain myself. guys you can defend nakamoto toshiro without defending the slavery. guys I think he’s doing his best and I want good things for him but don’t absolve the slavery thing by saying ‘it’s his dad who owns slaves not him’. guys he’s still culpable for his inaction vis a vis the slavery thing, even if he hates his father and disagrees with him, that’s part of why it’s critical that the lesson he learns is about speaking up and talking about his feelings. the takes can be more nuanced than ‘it’s not his fault’ and ‘it’s totally his fault. guys. guys.
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nando161mando · 2 months
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"Crops not cops" (EN: English)
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96percentdone · 1 year
Not to be mean, but I really do think some of hot takes about the meaning for Dahlia Boat are ridiculous. Like, the zero escape references are one thing, Uru is canonically a loser who loves zero escape, and we'll come back to them, but like.
Change the letters DAHLIA BOAT to the fourth letter followed by the original one in order of the alphabet, can get "HELPME FSEX," which could mean, "help me, female." This hints at Uru's dependence on Tokiko, or his Oedipus complex.
Like I'm so sorry; I don't think that's it. I really don't. You don't need a whole cipher to reference Uru's Oedipus complex when you can just play Nonentity Incognito exactly one time and be like "oh okay he has severe mommy issues got it." That's just explicit text for his character.
Maybe the writers would go out of their way to encode that for fun, but it doesn't work in universe as something Uru would do, which matters because Uru is deliberately saying this bullshit name to fuck with the cops. He's meticulous about hiding his identity, and Tearer is a whole persona. In Japanese, he literally uses different personal pronouns for himself when in the costume vs outside of it; it's like...inconceivable he would do this lmao I'm sorry it's just a bad theory guys I know he likes puzzles and thinks he's the smartest boy in the world but not for this.
Let's come back to the zero escape references though. Phi's character design has a black flower in her hair, which according to the designer is a reference to a novel based on the real life murder of Elizabeth Short, also known as the Black Dahlia. Elizabeth Short was bisected at the waist. Boat is a reference to 999, where the death game involves a boat sinking and makes a lot of use out of the mythos behind the Titanic disaster. Do you know what the Titanic famously did when it sank? IT SPLIT IN HALF.
It's that simple. He's referencing tragedies that involved things or people being halved because that's what he does. He's Tearer. He has a whole comment about how he studied history, and this is how he's using it. Horrible jokes about real events to avoid revealing himself. From a writing perspective, they're incorporating the 1/2 motif again; I think that's clever enough.
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liesmyth · 1 year
When will the Alecto cover be released. WHEN
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knightpetrichor · 5 months
girl help im rereading every kunikida backstory fic on ao3 for the fifth time
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winged-mammal · 1 year
me: now that I've finished writing this 169k fic I wanna reread all the other bobbiechrisjen fic and comment on them all, then I'll work on one of the other 5 ideas I have
also me: oh I just got a new idea
also me: okay now that I've finished that fic I'm gonna reread all the other bobbiechrisjen fic and then work on one of those 5 ideas
also me: oh man I just got a new idea for some killer porn
also me: okay now that I've finished that 22k smutfest I'm gonna reread fic for real
also me: wait now I'm having love and adore you feelings and I must write about it immediately, I guess at least this was an idea I'd already had on my list
also me: okay now that I've finished THAT fic I'm gonna work on my bobbiechrisjen fic rereading project for super duper real this time, I'm serious
also me: but what if..... another new fic idea
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kiseiakhun · 6 months
Look. We've had enough of Kyle being overprotective. One fic. One fic of Jason being Kyle's overprotective ooc fanfiction boyfriend is all I ask for.
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helixobesity · 7 months
Also that time of the month for another gender identity ramble/crisis cause thinking about he/they again and hey it’s tumblr where else am I gonna see other people try and be as open about their feelings?
But when I see myself and my body, I’m reminded about how I’ve always felt so uncomfortable around other guys in general. Like I was never super friendly with a lot of people out of my own anxiety getting in the way, and in middle/high school I ended up with a lot of guy friends. But it really didn’t make me super happy? Of course I enjoyed them around but it never made me feel like… they were actual friends? But my friends now are mostly gender-fluid, women or enby. And it’s definitely more… comforting to me? I get nervous about how masculine I can present at times. And it’s never really on purpose considering I’m very… awkward and weird sometimes in conversation. I got tested for autism once and it didn’t turn out to be the case so who knows why I’m like this. Side tracked myself and idk where I’m really going with this, deranged rambling. I feel like he/they might end up being the case for me but I don’t… really know how to embrace it? I’m stupid and stubborn at times and I forget things, but I never want to make anyone uncomfortable kink encouragement or otherwise. And if you send a dm to talk or an ask I promise I read them!! I just get easily overwhelmed and scared there’s a lot of you here now and 99% of people have been so nice. I just want to really feel happiness more this year after hitting a low point last year. So thanks for dealing with my insane anxiety/depression rant I am just vulnerable and scared too muchhhh
Yeah idk if this made any sense and maybe I’m just extra delusional tonight but sometimes I need to word vomit my emotions out. I am just very confused at all times thabk youuuu
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callmebrutus · 8 months
please...my family is starving....
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billhader · 1 day
ok but what does THIS mean
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if the last part is a movie.........................No
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feralsteddie · 1 year
Make Me Create! WIP Game
Authors and Artists alike!
Tagged by: @rindecision
Make a poll listing all the WIPs you want to work on. (Titles and/or descriptions)
Tag anyone you think might also enjoy this game. (No pressure of course)
Whichever WIP gets the most votes: Stories: write 1 sentence for every vote on poll. If it gets more votes than your comfortable with, feel free to swap it to words. Art: Do one action for every vote on the poll. (One line, one brush stroke, any trackable action)
If that completes the WIP or a section, such as a chapter of a story, move to the WIP with the second most votes and continue where you left off. Repeat until you reach your goal.
(Optional) Share your progress in a reblog.
Created by @rindecision (keep this bit for them)
No Pressure Tags: @gayaliensyndrome @grandwretch @my-thyla-my-captain @oneweirdcryptid @corrodedcoughin @ratboybubs @scoops-stevie
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birgittesilverbae · 2 years
amazon release literally any wot content challenge (impossible)
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girlonthelasttrain · 7 months
me @ spotify: for $1 name rock bands from the 00s with women in them that weren't Paramore, Evanescence or, god forbid, Flyleaf
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samijey · 1 year
@ wwe gimme a lil seth & kevin interaction please..... just a small one..... please.......
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goddesspharo · 7 months
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