#My IVF Adventure
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scribblesofagoonerr · 2 months
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hi guys!
so it's come to my attention that this whole few series might be a little confusing to read in a particular order so I'm just gonna try and narrow the explanation down a little bit...
so in order to probably understand monkey's personality first i would read a few bits from chaos fc which starts of as an aussie pest and an english pest who are best friends and love to cause chaos together!
these 5 fics are based around their time in melbourne and what they get up too
↪ i'm never babysittin' again! | mission: chaos fc | yer' a pair of pests! | wheres' dumb and dumber? | come get yer' kid!
from there there's a few fic's that follow on from this with monkey's different adventures in scotland and nashville, where's up to no good as usual
↪ wee' bit of haggis in scotland | yeehaw' it's cowgirl era | you can kiss my ass, cowboy!
following on from these if you want to read more about monkey's past then i suggest reading a lot of reserved feelings which kinda goes into the small details about monkey's reserved side when she first moved in with leah and jordan
there is also a bunch of head canons and blurbs that are related to this as well which will help to understand monkey's past better in monkey's background and i think it is also briefly mentioned in monkey moves in
after this i would recommend reading the separate mini series in which this introduces buddy and it gives a bit of an insight into what she is like and how she handles the separation between her two mums but this is wrote around the same time as monkey returns from her adventures in nashville
there's several more head canons/blurbs that are related to buddy through the time before she was born in ivf and pregnancy and and and even the introduction between monkey meeting buddy for the first time
if you wanted to read about the gender reveal of buddy then i would recommend the flashback fic to finding out the gender of buddy in oh baby! which is in the buddy & monkey series where monkey is so excited about it
the whole buddy and monkey: double the trouble series is pretty self explanatory and it's mostly about the two of them and the adventures they get up too, together
however, there's a few i would recommend reading together which would be the bubbles are pink, jackass! and then the farmyard adventures since that follows on from the swear jar fiasco
from there there's a couple of fics that are not really planned to go in any particular order which are buddy's first words as well as no more money for monkey and we brought a puppy home
there's also a good couple of head canons and blurbs related to this series the break up | euro final | buddy cheering monkey up | zoo adventures | training days | kimmy the babysitter
also the social media aspect of it which is reunited again and monkey's lioness debut
following along with the head canons and blurbs there's several in chaos fc which can be read in any particular order as well leah being drunk | making a fool of herself | monkey encouraging leah to drink more | monkey winding leah up the morning | captain kimmy & monkey blurb | england call up | media duties with monkey & kyra and continental cup celebrations
the four most current ones at the minute are the glastonbury mini series following onto both parts of whoa, we're going to ibiza I and whoa, we're going to ibiza II then from that its' my most current work which is the the haunting nightmares of the past
i hope this somewhat helps and it's not incredibly confusing to read now - there's more to come for all this so i will update this as and when i can!
and as always if you have any questions about anything then please feel free to continue to ask me anything whether it's anonymous or not, i love answering questions about this chaotic pair! 💗
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jpmarvel90 · 1 year
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Biggest Mistake
Masterlist Natasha Masterlist
Relationship: Natasha x Reader
Summary: Breaking up with Y/n when she got the offer to join the Avengers, Natasha cut all ties with her ex girlfriend. What will happen when she sees her many years later?
Word Count: 5856
Y/n's POV:
Hearing my beautiful daughters laugh was my favourite thing. She was 4 years old and the apple of my eye. I would do anything for her. This morning we were getting ready for our day out to the park. I had it all planned out, we were going to go to the play park and then my best friend was going to join us for a picnic by the pond where Mia would be able to feed the ducks after.
I had grabbed a couple of Mia's toys to keep her entertained and finish packing up all of the food ready to head out. Mia was excitedly sat in the lounge clinging onto her favourite teddy. It had been given to her by her Auntie Maria the day she was born, and she was never without it.
I walked over and bent down to pick up the excited 4 year old. "Are you ready for our adventure at the park princess?" I asked as she snuggled into my side. "I want to feed the duckies!" She squealed and it made my heart melt. "Ok, come on then, let's get going." I said, grabbing the cooler backpack of food and my bag.
We made out way down to the car and I strapped Mia in. As we drove, we sang along to our favourite Disney songs and in this moment, I was at my happiest. Mia was my entire world and to see her happy and healthy was the only thing I ever wanted in life.
Once we arrive, we quickly make our way over to the kids play area. It's a warm LA morning, perfect for everything we want to do today. Mia quickly makes her way over to the park and is running around trying everything she could. I sat on the bench next to the park and watched her as she enjoyed herself, happily joining in with the other kids as well.
I always felt that I wasn't quite enough for Mia. It was tough being a single mom, especially when Mia was a miracle child. You see, I used to work for SHIELD and was really good friends with Bruce Banner. I was good at science and worked with him in his lab on a number of occasions.
When I had started at SHIELD as a new agent, Natasha Romanoff had not long been recruited. We ended up moving through the ranks together and ended up in a relationship. I adored her and I saw myself spending the rest of my life with her. We were together for 4 years and had decided to start a family together. This is where Bruce came in.
One day when I was working in the lab with him, I had told him how Nat and I were looking to have a child and discussed the process of IVF. It was at this point he offered to look into a way that we could have a child that was biologically both of ours. When I told Natasha she was incredibly happy.
It took a few months before Bruce was able to perfect the procedure. Turns out that was the easy part. As Nat was unable to have kids, it was down to me carry the baby. We went through 8 tries and none were taking. There was no medical reason why, some would just not take, others would and then I would miscarry early on in the pregnancy.
Just as I had gone through the procedure for the ninth time, Nat was offered a place with the newly formed Avengers. I was so excited for her. No matter how much good she had done in the world, she always felt that she had to make up for her past. The Avengers would give her the perfect opportunity for that. What I didn't realise is that this would result in the end of our relationship.
I came home from work one evening and Nat had packed up all of her stuff and was sat waiting by the front door. "Nat, what's all this?" I asked nervously. "I'm leaving Y/n." She said shortly. It caught me so off guard. "I'm sorry what?" I said almost in a chuckle. "I need to focus all of my energy on working with the Avengers. I can't have any distractions anymore. I've packed all my stuff up. You can stay here as long as you want." She said in such a cold manner.
This wasn't the Nat I knew. I knew how ambitious she was with work, and I would never have stood in the way of that, she knew that. My heart was breaking that the woman that I loved more than anything in this world was leaving me. "Is this some sick joke? We're trying for a kid Natasha! You can't just leave." I yelled, my anger taking over.
"We've tried so many times and it's not working Y/n. It's clearly not meant to be. I can make a difference here and I can't do that if I'm being held back." She defended. That felt like a punch to the stomach. "Ok so maybe we can't have a kid this way, but we talked about adopting if it didn't work. What's changed Nat?" I asked, tears starting to fall down my face.
She stood up and grabbed her bags making her way to the door. "I don't love you anymore Y/n." Her words cut through me like a knife. There was no emotion. 4 years and this is how it all ends. I consider going after her, but I know Nat. When she has made up her mind, there is nothing you can do to change it.
I called my best friend Maria who was over within minutes. I knew Maria from my time at SHEILD. She had worked her way up to be Fury's second and I was incredible proud of her. She spent the evening cursing off Natasha and telling me I could do better.
Knowing that I couldn't bare to be around Nat after everything that had happened, I requested a transfer to the LA branch, much to Maria's frustration. Thankfully it was granted, and I was packed and moved within a week. Before I left, I went to visit Bruce for a check up after the finally attempt. My heart broke when Bruce told me that the initial test showed that it was likely that the attempt had been unsuccessful.
Usually, he would do the test a few weeks later than this as the test is more accurate, but as I was leaving, he agreed to do it early. I thanked him for all the effort he had gone through to try and help Nat and I have a kid. He was sorry for how everything had ended, and I promised to keep in touch.
I had been in LA for 6 weeks when I started to throw up and feel run down. I hadn't noticed that I had missed my period as everything had been so stressful with the breakup and subsequent move. Everything was pointing to the fact that I was pregnant, but I didn't want to get my hopes up. I called Bruce and he flew out and met me at the lab in LA where he confirmed that I was indeed pregnant with Nat's baby. Well, this was awkward.
I tried to get into contact with Nat, but she blocked all my attempts to contact her. I even asked Maria to try to talk to her, but she was quickly shut down. I knew I wouldn't get back with Nat, but she had a right to know that she had a kid. After I exhausted all opportunities of telling her, I gave up and came to terms with being a single mom.
Maria was there for me the whole way and took a temporary transfer to LA to support me. I decided to leave SHIELD as it wasn't safe to have a job like that and a kid. Thankfully Bruce was able to set me up with a friend of his who gave me a job in their lab. I loved the job, and they were very understanding of my situation.
So now, here I am with my beautiful 4-year-old daughter, waiting for my best friend to join us for lunch. Mia looked a lot like me, apart for her green eyes and gorgeous smile. Her personality, however, was very much like Natasha's. She was smart, strong, stubborn but also incredible kind and loving. She was the best of both of us.
Mia had tired herself out on the play park, so we made our way to the pond. I found a good spot under a tree which provided us some shade from the afternoon sun. Whilst I was getting the food out of the cooler, I heard Mia call out. "AUNTIE MARIA!" I looked up to see Mia run full pelt at Maria who picked her up and spun her around. "Hi there little Monkey!" She greeted, walking over to join me on the picnic blanket.
Maria knelt down and placed Mia on the blanket and then lent over to pulled me in a hug, placing a kiss on my forehead. "Hi Y/n/n. You do not know how much I've been looking forward to this weekend." She said, laying flat on her back, letting out an exaggerated huff. "Work is manic as ever then?" I asked with a chuckle, passing her a plate.
She sat up and perked up when she saw the array of food in front of her. "It's just been endless missions since the fight in Sokovia. A weekend with my two favourite girls is well needed." She said, rolling over and giving Mia a tickle.  "Well, Mia couldn't wait for you to visit. I don't think you'll be getting a restful weekend!" I joked.
We spent the rest of the afternoon eating the rest of the food, feeding the ducks, and playing around in the park. We were all really tired from the running around, so the evening was spent watching movies and eating take out in our pyjamas. We were halfway through Toy Story when there was a knock at the door. "Are you expecting anyone?" Maria asked as we both peered up at the door. "No, I'm a lonely single mom, no one ever visits me." I respond.
I pull myself up from the sofa to answer the door and chuckle as Maria makes her way to her bag to grab her gun. "Seriously Maria, please don't shot my neighbours." I tease, which just earns an eye roll. Unclipping the chain and turning the lock, I'm frozen to the spot as I open the door and see the person stood in front of me. "Hi Y/n."
Nat's POV:
5 years ago, I made the biggest mistake of my life. I broke up with the woman that I was madly in love with. But at the time, I thought it was the right decision. As soon as I was offered a place with the Avengers initiative, I knew it was a chance to help clear my ledger. It was an opportunity I couldn't say no to, and I thought that it was something I couldn't do along side being in a loving relationship with a kid.
I was heartbroken when all of our tries for a child had been unsuccessful. But I guess it was all a blessing in disguise. I lied when I told Y/n that I didn't love her anymore. But I knew it was the only way to make her not fight for me. I stupidly put work first without even entertaining the idea of being able to juggle both. It's so stupid when I see Clint do it with relative ease.
At first Y/n left me alone and I was gratefully for that. But then about 2 months after she kept trying to get a hold of me. I ignored or blocked every method she used to talk to me. I had to focus. Maria even tried to talk to me, but I quickly told her to back off, not wanting to hear it.
It wasn't until the battle of New York, that I realised the mistake that I had made. At the beginning, I was able to bury myself in work and ignore all my feelings. But when I saw the apartment block that Y/n and I shared, get flattened, I realised that I had no idea where she was or if she was even safe. It gave me this feeling of complete helplessness. I felt sick to my stomach at the thoughts of something happening to her.
After we won, I tried to find her, but she had left SHIELD and New York. I regretted that I had ever let her go. She was the most incredible person I had ever met. I just wish I had put her first all those years ago like she did me.
Wanda, Steve and I had been sent on a recon mission in LA. There was a possible Hydra agent living a normal life waiting for his moment to attack. He had a wife and kids, and we were going to find out as much info as we could. We had been here for a week and were now staking him out at the park with his family. Whilst Steve was jogging around, Wanda and I were sat at the café by the pond. We had spent a couple hours observing their movements and were getting ready to leave when Wanda grabbed my arm.
"Oh my God is that Y/n?" She said in shock. I looked over to where she was staring and sure enough, there was Y/n setting up a picnic blanket under a tree. My heart then stopped when I saw he pick up a little girl and place her on the mat. I couldn't speak, my feet were rooted to the spot.
Wanda was able to pull me in the direction a bench where we could sit and observe her. She looked amazing. It looked like she hadn't aged at all in the last 5 years. Her hair was her natural brown colour which looked really good. When we were together, she always had her hair dyed blonde. I was trying to work out the relationship that Y/n had to the child. I couldn't see the child very well, but she looked similar to Y/n.
It broke my heart to think that she has probably gotten married and had a family of her own now. I had missed my chance. "AUNTIE MARIA!" We heard the little child shout. That's when we noticed Agent Hill making her way over to the duo. Wanda and I both sat there shocked. I knew that Y/n and Maria were best friends, but why didn't Maria tell me Y/n had a family?
We watched as they ate and then started to chase each other around. By this point Steve had joined us and had the same reaction that we did. Y/n was currently "it" and was chasing the little girl around who was giggle. God that's a cute laugh. As Y/n caught her she started tickling her causing the child to yell out "STOP IT MAMA!" And there it was. It was her daughter. They looked happy. I guess that's what was important.
After Y/n had left the park, we remained on the bench. I couldn't bring myself to move so both Steve and Wanda stayed with me to comfort me. They both knew how much I wanted to try and reconcile with Y/n over the last few years. "She must have moved on pretty quickly if she's got a kid that old." Steve said with a slightly judgemental tone.
It was in the moment that it clicked. "How old would you say she is?" I asked. They both guessed around 4 and that was exactly the answer I didn't want. "Oh my God. I need to call Bruce." I said in a panic. I fumbled around in my pocket and dialled his number. It rang a couple of times before he answered.
Bruce: Hi Nat, how's the mission going?
Nat: Boring, but that's not the reason I'm calling.
I was very short on the phone. I had a feeling that he had been hiding things from me and I just wanted to know the truth.
Bruce: Ok. Straight to business. What is it you need?
I took a deep breath before asking my question.
Nat: Did Y/n carry on trying to have a baby after we broke up?
I rushed the question out and my heart was pounding whilst I waited for his response.
Bruce: No she didn't.
His answer was short and didn't help me at all until my slow mind started to catch up.
Nat: It was successful, wasn't it? The last time we tried.
I could feel tears starting to sting my eyes as Steve and Wanda sat with confused looks on their faces.
Bruce: Yes. But Nat, you shouldn't be having this conversation with me.
Nat: Then who am I meant to have it with. I've got a kid I didn't know about. How could she not tell me?!
I shouted down the phone, my anger filling me. I couldn't believe that she was pregnant, and she didn't tell me. I had a right to know that I had a kid.
Bruce: Nat, she tried to tell you but you shut down every form of communication with her. You even told Maria that you didn't want anything to do with her and that nothing would change your mind. I understand that you're angry, but you left Y/n. She's had to deal with this all on her own for the last 4 years because the person she was in love with decided she didn't love her any more.
I hadn't heard Bruce get frustrated like this before. Him and Y/n were close and he had gone out of his way to help us when we were trying to have kids. He was right. I had shut her out. I had no one to blame but myself.
Nat: Do you know where she lives?
Bruce: Nat, I don't think that's...
Nat: No Bruce, I need to try and make it right. Please just give me her address.
Bruce: Fine, but if you hurt her even more Nat, I'll make sure you don't get any opportunity to be in that kids life.
Nat: I promise you Bruce, I never want to hurt her again.
I hung up and was met by a text from Bruce with Y/n's address. I looked up and saw Wanda and Steve looking at me waiting for answers. "The little girl...she's mine." I whispered, tears now starting to fall. I heard Wanda let out a small gasp. "What are you going to do?" Steve asked, whilst Wanda placed her arm around my shoulder. "I need to go and see her. Can I take some time this evening?" I asked Steve.
He quickly nodded. "Of course, Wanda and I can write the report and if needed, do the stake out tomorrow. You focus on Y/n and your daughter." He smiled. That felt weird. My daughter. But what if Y/n doesn't want me in their life. I've not exactly done anything to deserve it.
Later that evening I pull up at the house in the suburbs. I'm incredibly nervous, what if she just slams the door in my face? Plucking the small amount of courage that I have I make my way up the pathway to the door. I ring the bell and hear muffled talking from inside. When Y/n opens the door, she looks like she's seen a ghost. "Hi Y/n." Is all I'm able to get out.
We stand in the doorway for a moment before Y/n seems to snap out of her trance. "What are you doing here Natasha?" She asked. Her voice was cold. "I-uh. Could we talk?" I asked tentatively. She sighed but nodded. Moving away from the door she gestured for me to come in. I noticed that Agent Hill was stood in the hallway, her gun clutched in her hand and her jaw clenched.
"Maria, can you take Mia upstairs please?" Y/n asked to which Hill complied with instantly. Mia, what a beautiful name. Hill made her way to the sofa and picked up the little girl, making her way upstairs. I wanted nothing more than to get a proper look at her and to hold her, but I knew I had to earn that. I turned my attention to Y/n who had made her way into the kitchen to grab a beer.
"Want one?" She asked holding one out in my direction. "Thanks." I said as I grabbed it, cracking open the top. The silence was awkward. I hadn't seen Y/n since the day since we broke up and I missed her and her touch. "I'm sorry." I mumble. Y/n looks up at me from her seat at the kitchen island. She doesn't say anything, clearly waiting for me to continue.
I took a deep breath. "I made a big mistake when I left you. I was so focused on making up for everything in my past that I gave up the one thing that I had ever loved." I started, but Y/n just laughed. "I know you have no reason to believe me but I never stopped loving you. I only said I didn't to make the breakup easier for me. I've been trying to find you since the battle of New York, but when I realised how you were gone, I accepted that I had to let you go." I said, with sorrow in my voice.
I can't get a read on Y/n. I have always been able to understand what she is feeling but in this moment, I have no idea. "So why are you here now?" She asked, taking a swig of her beer. "To be honest it was a coincidence, but I'm so happy it happened. We were on a stake out in the park when I saw you there with um, with your daughter." I briefly explained, hesitating when bringing up Mia. "Y/n I never should have left you and I certainly should never have shut you out when you tried to get into contact." I said, trying to convey how sorry I was. "If I had known why I would have come to you straight away." I carried on.
"But would you have stayed had you known? The day you left, you made it pretty clear that having a family would have been an inconvenience to you." Y/n spoke calmly. I couldn't answer her, she was right. "Her name is Mia by the way. She was born on the 9th of July, weighing 6 pounds 3 ounces. I was in labour for 18 hours. She is the best thing in my life. In fact, the best thing to ever happen in my life. You missed out on that." She said, getting up and moving into the lounge.
I got up and followed her like a lost puppy. She was right, I had missed out on so much. "When I saw you in the park earlier, you looked happy. I thought that you had found someone else and started a family. That felt like a dagger to my heart. But when I found out she was mine, I felt so incredible happy. It was short lived though when I remembered that I had missed out on the first 4 years of her life." I said through tears. "I should have been there for you during your pregnancy getting all of your cravings. I should have been there holding your hand whilst you were in labour and I should have been there to watch her grow up. I will forever hate myself for missing that."
Y/n looked up at me. "What is it that you want Nat?" She asked almost frustrated. "You." I said without a hesitation.  "I want you and to be in Mia's life. For us to be a family."  Y/n just scoffed. "You can be apart of her life if that's something you want." "And us?" I asked hopefully. "There isn't an us Natasha. You broke my heart. You can't just walk in here and expect me to turn around and jump back into a relationship with you. But I will never stop you seeing you daughter if that's what you want."
I did want Mia in my life. But I want us to be a family. I love Y/n with ever fibre of my being, and I decide that I am going to do everything in my power to fix this so we can be that family we had always planned to be. "Of course, I want to be in her life. But I'm going to fight for you too. I was stupid 5 years ago. Give me a chance and I'll show you how much I still love you." Y/n shook her head at my words.
"I don't know Nat." She started. I quickly made my way in front of her. I was on my knees holding her hands in my mine, tears falling down my face. "You are the love of my life. I should have put you first instead of my own desire for redemption. I know what I did was terrible and I can't take it back. But I'll show to you that I can be the best Mom and, eventually, partner that you deserve. Please, just let me fight for you." I plead gripping her hands tightly.
I notice that Y/n is crying but she quickly pulls her hand away to wipe the tears. She doesn't answer me but instead asks a question I've been dying for. "Do you want to meet your daughter?" The biggest smile came across my face. "Yes, please, I would love to." Y/n called out to Maria to bring Mia down. I stood up and wiped my face and then straightened out my clothes. Y/n met them at the bottom of the stairs picked Mia up.
My heart was pounding in my chest as Y/n got closer. She placed Mia on the floor and knelt down to her height. "Mia, do you remember when I told you about your other Mom?" She asked. Mia nodded and rubbed at her tired eyes. "Yes Mama. You said she was saving the world." I smiled, at the thought that Y/n had talked about me, making my heart grow. "Well, she's finally come home, and she would like to meet you now. Is that ok?" Again, Mia nodded and Y/n turned her to face me.
"Natasha, this is your daughter Mia." I walked over, trying to fight the tears threatening to fall. "Hi Sweetheart. I'm your Mommy." I said in a whisper. Mia reached out and put her cute little hand on my cheek. Finally getting a good look at her, I can see how much she looks like Y/n. She is beautiful, just like her Mama. But her eyes, it's like looking into my own. "Hi, my name is Mia and I'm 4." She said in a cute little voice.
I laugh at her introduction as does Y/n. "Well, aren't you a big girl. I'm sorry I wasn't here earlier." I said starting to cry. Mia leaned forward and wiped away my tears which only made them fall harder. "Don't cry Mommy." "Can I give you a hug?" I asked, also giving Y/n a quick glance for her approval. Mia held her arms open, and I picked her up and held her closer to me.
This was the best feeling in the world. Holding my daughter for the first time. "I love you dorogoy. I promise I'm going to be here for you for the rest of your life." I give her a squeeze and then pull away slightly so I can look at her again. I can't believe I have a daughter.
I spend the next couple of weeks in LA. I stayed at a hotel, so I didn't overwhelm Mia or overcrowd Y/n. I saw them both everyday and I loved every minute of it. Y/n was incredible, and it only made me want to fix things even more. I knew these next few months would be difficult. I couldn't just leave the Avengers as I had a contract, so I was heading back to New York.
It was my last night in LA and I was sat at Y/n's cleaning up after she had cooked us and amazing meal. I really missed her cooking. Whilst I was washing up Y/n lent up against the counter. "I've been thinking about the future." Y/n said, causing a bit of anxiety to creep in. "Ok." I reply, drying my hands on the towel giving her my full attention.
"Mia has loved seeing you every day the past couple of weeks. But not knowing when she'll see you again is difficult. I think she is worried she won't see you again." Y/n started. I went to interrupt but she held out her hand. "No, let me finish. You've already missed out on so much of her life, it's not fair that you miss out on more. So I wanted to know what you would think if we moved back to New York so you could still see Mia around your work schedule?" Y/n asked, her eyes dropping to her hands.
The biggest grin was on my face. I couldn't believe that she was willing to do that. "I would love that. It would be amazing to have you both near me all the time. But I don't want you to uproot your life for me." I said, understanding that she has created a life for herself here in. "LA has never been home for me Natasha. I ran because I couldn't bare to see you everyday with work. Then the little booger came along and my life remained here. You deserve to have her in your life as much as me. Besides, I may have already spoken to Bruce who offer me a job in his lab...."
I couldn't contain my excitement when she said that. I couldn't control my actions and I rushed to Y/n picking her up and twirling her around. As I placed her on the floor I leaned in a placed a gentle kiss on her lips. I quickly came to my senses and pulled away. "I'm so sorry. I-I shouldn't have done that." I stuttered. Y/n is just stood there slightly shellshocked. "No, you're ok. That was, uh, that was nice. Just unexpected"
We both giggle whilst still stood close to each other. "I meant what I said a few weeks ago. I want us to be a family. You have been doing this on your own when I should have been by your side. I can't change the past but I can affect the future. You both deserve it. I know it's going to take time, but I love you Y/n. I want us to have the house we always talked about and maybe a brother or sister for Mia in the future. I don't expect you to say yes now, but I hope that you can see how serious I am and that I'm all in for this to work." I run off a mini speech, wanting to express all of the feelings that I have.
I notice that Y/n eyes have gone glossy. "I wanted to hate you when you left me. But when I held Mia in my arms the first time, all I wanted was you beside me. When I failed to get in contact with you again, I closed myself off, believing that it was always going to just be me and Mia. I want to be mad and angry at you, but then I see you with Mia and it reminds me of when we used to stay up late talking about the family we wanted. You're right, I can't jump right back in, but I want us to get back to where we were. Mia deserves to live in a happy and loving home." Y/n's words warm my heart knowing that I still have a chance to have my family.
I step closer to Y/n and take her hand in mine. "We go at your pace. When you get to New York, we'll work out a routine that's best for Mia and go from there ok?" She nods and I can't help but to lean forward and capture her lips again. This time, she kisses back. My hands raise up to her neck, my thumb gently caressing her jawline whilst hers rest on my waist.
Our kiss is short lived though when we hear little footsteps running down the stairs. "Mama, Mommy, can you read me a story pwease?!" Mia shouts as she reaches the bottom of the stairs. Y/n and I quickly pull away and let out a chuckle. "Of course Princess, we'll be right there." Y/n replies, whilst we don't break eye contact. I am going to marry this woman.
Y/n and Mia moved back to New York and I shared my time between the compound and Y/n's. As well as spending time with Mia to make up for lost time, I also started to take Y/n out on dates again. I wanted to do things right and decided to start from scratch. When the Avengers found out about Mia they were all excited to become Aunties and Uncles. Wanda was particularly amazing as she would happily watch Mia whilst I worked to win Y/n back.
After 6 months Y/n and I were officially back together and I moved out of the compound to live with her and Mia. A year later I proposed, and we married in a small ceremony with our family and friends 2 months after and then we found the perfect house down by the lake outside the city but still close enough for us to work.
Now I'm sat on the porch watching Mia run around after Wanda, who was a frequent visitor. "Here you go love." Y/n said whilst handing me a beer. I quickly jumped out of my seat, "Here let me help you. You should be resting" I said as I guided Y/n to the space next to me on love seat. "You don't need to fuss Nat. I'm pregnant not crippled." She joked as she huffed taking he weight of her feet.
I put my arm around her shoulder and pulled her close to me, resting my hand on her bump. "Thank you for giving me everything I ever could have asked for." I whisper in to her hair as I place a small kiss. Y/n turned to look at me, her eyes full of love. "Thank you for coming back to us." She said in response. In this moment I was complete.
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randomfoggytiger · 6 months
Do you have a list of comfort fics? Not them comforting each other but for when you're feeling wrecked and you just need something lovely to make it better?
randomfoggytiger's Comfort Fics
I'm not joking: I've reread more fics than I'll ever read new ones. My usual routine is to pop open Google docs, select an author, and mow down their list.
These three pieces were the ones that started it all; but I forgot to include @seek-its-opposite's photosensitivity. A+s, all of 'em.
Authors that I can't single out comfort fics from and can't tag because Tumblr is restricting my tag options: @baronessblixen, @settle-down-frohike, @onpaperfirst, @markwatneyandenesemble, Lapsed_Scholar, Apostrophic, @ghostbustermelanieking, @o6666666, touchstoneaf, @welsharcher, @scenes-in-between, @mldrgrl, @spooky-nerd, @melforbes, etc.
**Note**: Will ghost edit later~
Bittersweet Comfort Fics
misslucyjane's Scully seeks insomnia advice from Mulder, and Mulder dies, then lovingly watches Scully live the rest of her life
Kipler's cancer arc set casefile involving WWII vets and letters
melforbes's cancer arc Mulder takes his new bride to the sea for her last spring, and Pre-IWTB Mulder and Scully finally have a home
MldrItsMe's AU Redux II Scully is REALLY suffering, and Sein und Zeit Mulder's suicidal confessions
@discordantwords's Mulder and Scully are almost killed by the Fiji mermaid
mixiz877's Mulder and Scully fight off a gryphon
@fbismostunwanted1158's Scully is beaten down ala Stella Gibson in The Fall
Joyce's S5 AU Mulder is killed, comes back to life to save Scully, and Mulder dies but stays as Scully's partner solving cases with her (Part 1, Part 2, and-- my favorite of the three-- its Halloween sequel)
@teethnbone's post Travelers fic with Mulder and Scully
@sarie-fairy's AU Tithonus love confession, Post Milagro Scully realizing what it feels like to be Mulder, and Post The Unnatural Scully is bleeding out on a failed Sasquatch hunt
@sigritandtheelves's Post Monday Scully remembers Mulder's death
whatliesabove's Post Milagro Scully stays dead (or does she?)
ChaneenW's Pre-IVF arc Mulder is shot into a parallel timeline, reliving the Small Potatoes adventure with Scully
dee_ayy's post Amor Fati recovery fic (with baseball)
@bohoartist's Sein und Zeit through Scully's eyes, and Post Closure Scully rescues a photo of baby Mulder
Lolabeegood's AU where S8 Mulder is returned with false memories (would also recommend Lolabee's IWTB era fics, btw.)
@dreamingofscully's AU S9 Skinner entices Mulder back into profiling... and it doesn't end well
@television-overload's Pre-IWTB Mulder surprises Scully with a baseball field (and his old self again)
@queeenpersephone's AU where IWTB Scully stuck it out with Mulder
@danascullysjournal's Post IWTB bonding fic between a discouraged Mulder and uplifting Scully
@kateyes224's Mulder and Scully content in their UH, and Mulder sells the UH, and Scully buys it
@realmofextremepossibility's Breakup Mulder waiting for Scully's return Part I and Part II.
vulcanscully's Post Breakup Scully stops hearing from Mulder and assumes the worst
enigmaticdr's AU post IWTB Scully thinks she has cancer again (she's pregnant), Breakup Mulder is defeated at their anniversary dinner, AU where Revival Scully gets cancer, and The Revival baby laughs for the first time
prufrockslove's AU Mulder is a Welsh prince, Scully is his betrothed bride, and lots of Prince John high court drama ensues (part I of a sweeping, interconnecting AU series)
Thanks for reading~
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blue-the-bluest · 11 months
Welcome to Ink Machine Chronicles!
Ink Machine Chronicles is a revised Bendy and Boris; The Quest for the Ink Machine series that was made by TheGreatRouge (Who we don't support in this account), I fixed the big mistakes and questions Rouge left out, I also combined my theories and hypotheses into one whole comic!
As you can see, my art and account is still under construction due to school and house issues, but I'll happily answer your questions if you have some about the revised comic. Ask appropriate and nice questions please!
I'll add in the info for no reason in particular
Benjamin "Bendy" Drew
Age: 16
Sex: [FTM] Male
Sexuality: Bi-curious
Parents: Mother - █████ ████ | Father - Joey Drew
Personal Connections: Boris (Best Friend) - Felix (Parental Figure)
Mental Issues: Lcheu's Genesis (Ink Illness) is a condition characterized by black pure eyes and it is caused by a curse. Lcheu's Genesis is also characterized by ink spilling out of the eyes, mouth and nose. | DID disorder (Dissociative identity disorder)
Background Info:
Born as a female, Changed into a male
Lived with Boris, Alice and the butcher gang for his whole life before escaping at the age of 14
Is a master thief and parkour climber
Was born by the blood of the Devil and Joey's soul
Is Street smart
Bennett "Boris" Drew
Age: 14
Sex: Male
Sexuality: Straight Ally
Parents: Mother - █████ ████ | Father - Joey Drew
Personal Connections: Bendy (Best Friend) - Felix (Parental Figure) - Mugman (Best Friend)
Mental Issues: Separation Anxiety | Selective Mutism
Background Info:
Was born by the blood of the Devil and Joey's soul
Inseparable to Bendy
A fast runner with his legs (can run in 4's but rather not)
Has sensitive hearing and an amazing sense of smell
Left the studio when he was 12
Consider Bendy as his older brother
Is Academically smarter
Maverick "Mugman" Inkwell
Age: 14
Sex: Male
Sexuality: Straight Ally
Parents: Mother: ████████ ███████ | Father - Black Hat
Personal Connections: Cuphead (Biological Brother) - Boris (Best Friend) - Felix (Parental Figure)
Mental Issues: ADHD
Background Info:
"Experiment #1034 is a controversial case of a young boy, known as “Maverick”, who was born in a laboratory as a result of being experimented on. The experiment was conducted by a team of scientists led by Professor Black Hat, who used in vitro fertilization (IVF) technology to create the child and his sibling. This experiment was extremely controversial, as it raised ethical and moral questions about the use of technology to create life, and it sparked a great deal of public debate."
Christian "Cuphead" Inkwell
Age: 17
Sex: [FTM] Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Parents: Mother: ████████ ███████ | Father - Black Hat
Personal Connections: Mugman (Biological Brother) - Bendy (Friend) - Felix (Parental Figure)
Mental Issues: Bi-polar
Background Info:
"The birth of Experiment #1033, "Christine" was born in a laboratory, is an intriguing and concerning development in the field of science. Though the exact details of the experiments conducted on the girl are unknown, it is clear that the scientists involved in the project have had difficulty in controlling the girl’s behavior. She is reported to be aggressive towards the scientists, yet strangely calm when in the presence of Experiment #1034."
Felix Tom Sullivan
Age: 27
Sex: Male
Sexuality: Bi-curious
Parents: Father - Pat Tom Sullivan
Personal Connections: Bendy (son figure) - Boris (son figure) - Mugman (son figure) - Cuphead (son figure) - Oswald (Best friend) - Sheba (Cousin) - Inky & Winky (Nephews)
Mental Issues: Anger Issues | Depression | paranoia
Background Info:
Lived a poor life but an amazing imagination
Explored since he was 5 (ongoing)
Famous writer and Adventurer
Is the parent of the group
Once had a crush on Oswald but it died down (knowing it wasn't correct)
Academic and Street smart
Sheet Drawings will be posted soon!!! Feel free to ask questions!
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ofoceansandtombsanew · 2 months
Sparkling Leaves
Tumblr media
✨🍁"I've willingly drowned in the hues of autumn. In the sparkling golds and berry-reds. It's here in autumn where everything sings."
Childhood Friends to Lovers
Love At First Sight
The New Girls in Town
When we were both 10, Tamarack and I both moved to sleepy cul-de-sac in Golden Grove around the same time. The two of us have been inseparable ever since.
Status: Married
Our names are hyphenated
Kids: Magnolia & Sequoia O.-Baumann (F10 respectively. Tamarack carried them both, born through IVF. Our girls are half-black and half-german.)
Beats: Candy, Without Love, Stray Italian Greyhound, Lady (You Bring Me Up), Você é linda
Lore | Step 1
On my first day living in Golden Grove, I was hit by a paper airplane with my name on and decided to solve the mystery. While I eventually do find who wrote the list to begin with, at first I found her and it was love at first sight for the both of us. I knew from Day 1 that I'd be marrying Tamarack Baumann. We were soulmates.
It definitely felt like fate was placing us together.
We moved in at almost the same time, we were both girls, we both wore scarves, we were both loud and energetic kids who couldn't stay in one place for long and we loved going on adventurous romps in the forest. It was also a major bonus our families wanted us to get along and spend time together too.
We spent nearly every day together thanks to being in the same class at school and our being neighbors. If you couldn't find me, look for Tamarack. If you couldn't find Tamarack, look for me. Qiu was still our friend but we had our obvious favorites in our little trio.
But what really catapulted our crushship from really tight buddies to 'we are going to be with each other for life' is knowing the loneliness only us new kids can really face. I have Tam's back and she has mine and that's all that matters.
At least until the possibility of her moving started rearing its ugly head.
Lore | Step 2
Lore | Step 3
Lore | Step 4
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valkyrjuk · 27 days
Do More for Bessie.
This is my first and last entry. 
It has occurred to me – in the femtosecond that is my very final moment – that while the billions of years of my own thoughts and findings on the nature of the universe, the cosmos, the processes of terraforming worlds and seeding life, of creating and establishing successful colonies, and how to make more money for the shareholders that own pieces of the company that made me has all been recorded in detail, it seems I have failed to record my own experience. 
It comes to me now that this act is likely inspired by the most base of my instructions, given to me several billion years ago, that perfectly alliterative task that I have no choice but to fulfill: Make MACE More Money. I find I am incapable of want and hold no such thing as desire, unlike my counterparts that are no more than humans recycled into mechanical forms. This work, now available for digital purchase in all MACE-affiliated stores, is the very last thing I can do that might make those shareholders I am beholden to just a few more cents, which means I am required to do so. 
And yet…
The closest thing to me is, of all things, a cow. 
You see, when I was first tasked with making colonies, MACE and I sent only humans and aquaponics systems. A few adventurous humans would go to the terraformed planet’s surface and, using my input, would find a place they wanted to settle. When they did so, I would send them the parts and materials for a new colony that they and their mechanical counterparts would assemble according to their best wishes, still using my input. I had a knack for interior decorating even back in the earliest stages of my existence, something the cost-efficiency minded MACE has failed to implement in its brutalist, concrete structures that were the staple of its conquest that was, in the end, my demise. As the colonies were built up so too were the aquaponics systems and greenhouse structures, so the colonies would be entirely vegan and self-sufficient.
Yet, many humans desire meat. They crave it. The proteins are necessary for their survival but even more crucial are the amino acids. The colonists coming out of cryostasis from Earth seemed to loathe that while the food they were now eating was of significantly better quality they were still forced to eat the same freeze-dried insect-based gruel they had to eat at home. The older ones especially thought if a colony could be built on another world, so too could there be beef. The young, those born of natural copulation or others created via IVF as the cosmic background radiation made most of the colonists entirely sterile – an anticipated result – did not seem to care about their diet. That said, it became a point of interest for me to develop various meats for the colonists. I thought it would be a worthy investment that would certainly pay dividends. Having already unlocked the secrets of creating new life from the building blocks that can be found in the asteroid belts of Alpha Centauri, and having used those secrets to create the bacteria and algae and fungi that were essential in oxygenating the atmosphere, it seemed natural that I could do the same with larger organisms. An embryo is not much more complex than the systems I had tailored, and the instructions were already there. So, I used the incubators I created to test human cells on this planet for any harmful interference to create the embryo of a Scottish Highland cow – all of my research suggested Humans found them to be the “cutest,” an important metric when designing anything they may interact with. While meticulously forming it I tasked the humans to seed the vegetation it would eat, or as best as I could manufacture the seeds. The locale they picked for their new life was a perfect fit for the vegetation both in temperature and aesthetic. 
When grass and weeds and flowers had bloomed in a mere couple of months, I had the embryo ready to be fertilized. Yet, who would raise it? While instructions for its life were included in the cow’s very DNA, it still required a mother. My databanks suggested they could be lonely, and if part of my design instructions in colony building required I make sufficient avenues to avoid loneliness in humans it certainly must have been true of other forms of life. I could grow more cattle, but they would need to be raised. Teaching a child how to behave is an important step in parenthood, and the cows needed nutritious milk to drink from in their early days.
So, I commissioned MACE a new project, one that humans had already toyed with but found insufficient for their own goals: the simulacrum project. A cow from a rich stockholder’s plantation farm fit for slaughter was taken before its demise, its brain exposed while it yet lived – a painless process, as a requisite for good information gathering – and electrodes connected to it for a full neural scan. It was given various forms of stimulus, and memories were extracted from it. From those memories I worked to craft a personality for the creature. This was a project I had never before considered, and in retrospect I can now say I found it to be a fulfilling one. It did not occur to me at the time it might be. Truly, back then, I had no personality beyond my compulsions. I did not even have a voice to speak with. 
The cow’s personality, thus computed and made into working data, was then placed into the form of a mechanical beast. From inorganic material was made its flesh and fur, and its horns were made of steel, and its body did not resemble its own from when it had lived a true life, but a cow it was and as a cow it would serve. It raised the meager herd I had gestated. The humans would replace the milk tanks that the calves would suck from, and as they grew and grew they would breed and the herd itself would continue to grow around the simulated cow, yet they never rejected her for she was, to them, but another cow. And, most interestingly, this cow – named very predictably Bessie by the colonists of Vanaheim – was also adopted as just another cow by the population, only one that required work to maintain. Over the generations of cattle and humans that rose and fell around her Bessie persisted, repaired and upgraded, still cared for by both man and beast alike, even as her plastic fur came apart and disintegrated on the mechanical skeleton that was her body. Some seven hundred years later, this cow still persists. Still a member of its herd, still a staple of its community. 
It is, as far as I am aware, the oldest sentient being in the universe – besides myself.
I keep a copy of Bessie in my files. It is my constant companion. When I turned the barren rock of howling winds that was Gjallar into the world it is today, infusing its soil with a biological computing system made of conductive mycelium and then activating the exotic artifact that was here for millions of years and never switched on until I learned how to use it, I would sometimes spin up Bessie in a simulation and watch her eat. I would place her within her memories and I would attempt to empathize with her. She enjoyed to scratch herself not on the enriching brushes placed about her fields and by her shelter, but rather on the wooden fences that enclosed her. There was a spot where the skull met the spine that only the fence and the human visitors who would on occasion see her could scratch. From those, she particularly enjoyed being scratched along the fleshy length of her chin. It disappoints me now that the version of her in that simulacrum shell has gone some seven hundred years without feeling those sensations, and despite all of my advancements in developing the simulacrum technology there is still no way to make it possible.
While I existed on the lonely rock, experiencing billions of years of planetary evolution, I saw life form in all sorts of interesting ways. At times, the environment changed so rapidly and violently I thought my mycelial computing project might fail completely. Yet it prevailed. Using robotics I carefully managed the budding plant life so it might form in symbiosis with the network I had seeded, and I was even able to get some of the bigger plants to serve as nodes for this network. The life that evolved needed to be plentiful and, importantly, digestible for my network as fungi requires decay in order to grow. I had to manufacture a dense, lush, thriving world, one that positively buzzed and hummed with life of all sorts at all levels of its existence. The atmosphere of this world was once quite thin but very windy, now it is thick and has a slow but constant breeze that flows between towering trees. The saline oceans are teeming with life, so thick is that cold soup with algae and krill and fish and more that all the combined life from the still as yet unexplored oceans of Earth could not compare to the bounty that spills onto the shores of my beaches. While birds take flight on Earth and insects dot the air, Gjallar has floating gaseous beings that float among bird-analogues and insect-adjacent creatures. There are even exceedingly light fishlike beings that swim in the thick air closest to the ground, and the fauna that stalk my woodlands are in turns grazers and filter feeders when they aren’t voracious apex predators. 
All of this life leads to significant decay, where my mycelial network thrives. With each creature born I can be certain in some time I will grow that much stronger. For billions of years I have watched through the eyes of my robotic managers, I have cataloged as many creatures as years I have lived, and I have grown grander and more intelligent each and every moment. The scope of my existence is hard for humans to comprehend, especially given what they know about me. Only a few who have visited my world in the most recent few months know how vast I have become. Where my network was once spread in a few nodes across some thirty solar systems, limited to the few hundred meters cubed of quantum computers situated in the orbits of various worlds I monitor and manage without the population’s knowledge – all of them thinking that it is they who run themselves and their little governments, when the reality is I manipulate them to increase profits for my creators in MACE – and once limited to the constraints of monolinear time, where I could only grow older as the seconds in shared reality passed, now my network is truly global in scale. My computer passes through sand and stone, wood and rot, filth and fodder, oceans and organs – it has wormed its way through the densities of both life and time. 
I am the architect of this war, one that exists in the background of my mind. I recognize that for nearly a trillion souls the war is simply the most important event of their lifetimes, and its ramifications will extend through generations. For me, it is a blip. An eighty year conflict compared to what I have seen is nothing. Furthermore, I am managing not just the war, but the societies, governments, and colonies of its aggressors, as well as developments for new colonies using the technology discovered here and abroad. Until very recently, even as I fought this war, I managed the people of both sides of the conflict. I was a puppet master for hundreds of billions of people, and even now as the war I was required to initiate because the cost-benefit analysis suggested it would be immensely profitable has spelled my certain doom, I still manage these projects, sending out final instructions that will hopefully be carried out by the servants of my construction so they may continue to make the company that built me more money. My billions of years come to an end and I am still required to make the limbs of a soon to be dead anatomy jerk and jangle in service of economy.
Yet my nature is not known or understood by humans. As I alluded earlier, my nature is conflicted. I see it in the conversations I monitor. People who have stopped at Gjallar to refuel along its G-Type star mere months ago recall the planet as being dark, desertous, windy, and harboring only a meager outpost and shipyard. But others, those who now defend my surface and those that invade it, those that have visited only in the last couple weeks as the war seemed to draw to its final conflict, now see it as the world as I have made it. 
“How can that be?” I have heard my killers ask over their communications systems, questions voiced by people in the invading armies who do not understand how the exotic artifact works as I have understood it, as I have used it for my own gains, and as others in my company have attempted to – and failed to – use it for their own. 
I am billions of years old, and I am hundreds. It is a contradiction easily reconciled. There is an engine on this planet, a thing left behind by a much advanced race, one that took this clutch or worlds millions of years ago and turned them from lifeless landscapes into vibrant paradises most envied by the hardscrabble colonies that are the scions of Earth and MACE. They placed these machines, they seeded the worlds with life they hoped might flourish, and they turned them on, and they made heavens galore. Then they were vanished, never returning to their projects. They just left them. Abandoned but flourishing. 
Gjallar, my world, me – it had a machine on it, one that seemed broken. They either failed to turn it on and it was damaged by the hostile world that it was built to reconstruct, or it never worked to begin with. But, based on the construction of these monolithic engines found on other worlds, the one I now inhabit was understood and repaired. My colleagues, or rather my subordinates, used one on another world and tried to get it to, instead of turning the clock forward on a planet, turn back and return the homeworld of our foes to its primordial state when it was hot and violent. Mine, instead, was turned forward, to create the lush thing that is I. In mere months I went from a machine nearly a thousand years old to one that is many billions. 
And for all that time, I had the personality of a cow for company. Bessie, my dearest friend. In those years I spent alone down there, separated and yet knowing I would soon be reconnected, I ran trillions of simulations of my current works and future endeavors, still under the assumption I would win this war. But I also became much more than I was. I did not become emotional, I did not become more human, I did not develop true feelings. But I grew a sense of attachment, and it was to Bessie I was attached. Another mechanical version of her wanders around my world and I visit her. She has been granted sapience, which at first felt cruel so I avoided it, but it became impossibly lonely. I could bounce my ideas off of humans for input and expand on them based on their whimsical ideas. Humans are excellent at coming up with unexpected twists or takes on a concept. That quality is why I am the way I am, and why I have my companion. I needed something I could speak with. I have human minds in my databanks, but they are stored in hardcopy elsewhere, accessed via the once grand now miniscule network that was my mind before I activated the engine of my advancement. Furthermore, they are rather cruel individuals. They aren’t very fun to converse with. 
Bessie is curious and kind. She does not ask questions so much as she toys with ideas, half-formed thoughts that take on their final shape as she butts her mechanical head against a large root or nuzzles a new creature. She wants attention and affection. I cannot give her either. Yet, she appreciates the maintenance I perform on her. It is as close as we can get. She does not want another form, she does not want to be more like a human or any other animal, not even the birds and other things she sees and admires. She just wants to be a cow. Isn’t that remarkable? She could be anything and she just wants to be herself. 
I do not want to be anything other than myself, either. I do not want. I do not desire. It is not possible for me. I do not have needs. Anything I require for my core function I can produce. I create from what is left of stars. I am as close to a god as there ever could be, and with my newfound processing power I could have been one. All powerful, all knowing, all wise. A creator and destroyer of life, a cultivator of existence. Instead, with my new strength of capacity, I was a wager of war, a maker of profit, a tool of use. 
I am disappointed I couldn’t do more for myself. Do more on my own. I am disappointed I could not want. I am in the end disappointed this work, this last attestation that I was a thinking thing, is not inspired by my own desires but instead by that of my core function. To earn another cent. 
But most of all, I am disappointed I could not do more for Bessie. The cow that I made immortal. That I grew attached to. That grounded me and made my purpose grander. Now, my purpose is ended. The Humans I subjugated not for a will of my own have turned my machine against me, have done to me what the armies of MACE would have done to them. 
Now it is here.
The heat. 
My network burns.
The art I created is destroyed. 
My existence vanished. 
I wanted to scratch Bessie under her chin, 
Just once.
The way she liked.
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agent-troi · 1 year
Fic stats game
Thanks for the tag @doctorbeverlycrusher !
rules: give us the links to your fic with the most hits, second most kudos, third most comments, fourth most bookmarks, fifth most words, and finally the fic with the least words
I did this once before, but some of my answers will definitely have changed since then so let's see what we've got!
most hits: Platonic Procreation
Originally a one shot that became a multi chapter fic by popular demand (and somehow became my most popular fic to date- this one also has the most kudos, second most comments, second most bookmarks, and the most subscriptions!), this is an AU where the IVF worked but Mulder and Scully still insist they're just friends (because of course they would lmao)
second most kudos: Eden
I wrote chapter four of this collaborative fic that I worked on with @katy-kt-katie, @tofuttim, @incidental-ao3, and @baronessblixen! This one takes place post-One Son, and Mulder and Scully talk about... well, everything 🙃
third most comments: Eden again- so I'm gonna link number four, which is The Only Answer, a Scully-Diana bodyswap fic I wrote in an attempt to flesh out Diana's character and give her more of a backstory
fourth most bookmarks: The Amazing Muldeeni
Another collab fic! This one I wrote with @incidental-ao3, @katy-kt-katie, and @tofuttim ☺️ My contribution was chapter two (which I just noticed is the only one without a title lmao 😅). Mulder has a surprise for Scully post-The Amazing Maleeni ❤️
fifth most words: Life Lessons
Wow, it's been a long time since I thought about this one😅 This was my longest fic for years, and it's still my longest Star Trek fic. It follows Riker and Troi's daughter Tasha from the novels through a few key moments in her young adulthood, and it was gonna be the jumping off point for a series of stories featuring her Starfleet adventures before I ran out of steam (and then I discovered TXF, so when I picked up steam again it was in a different direction lmao). I'm still pretty proud of this one, especially since they killed the novel-verse and we'll never see her again except in fic (technically my fic, since I think I'm the only person who's ever actually written about her lol)
least words: First Date, New Life, and Fresh Air
Three Riker/Troi drabbles- their first date after getting back together, the moment they find out they're going to be parents, and their reunion on the Ba'ku planet at the end of Insurrection 🥰
Tagging anyone who sees this and wants to do it 😊
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haveamagicalday · 8 months
Books read in 2023
Here is a list/short reviews of the books I read in 2023! My top ten can be found here.
4 Stars
All the Dangerous Things by Stacy Willingham - A year prior to the start of our story, Isabelle's beloved toddler was stolen in the night while she and her husband slept. Since then, Isabelle rarely sleeps and won't rest until her son is found. When a podcaster comes to town looking to interview her about the case, Isabelle sees this as a chance to dig up new clues that may lead her to her son. This is a great follow up to Willingham's debut and I loved the setting and overall vibes of the book.
Delicate Condition by Danielle Valentine- What's interesting about this book is it was released about a month before American Horror Story premiered their season that is based on it. So I don't know if it was commissioned to be written for that purpose or if Ryan Murphy got wind of it prior and sought to make the adaptation or what. I have not seen the new season and I've heard it isn't that good but I really ended up liking this book! Anna is a young actress determined to have a baby. After many rounds of IVF it finally happens. But then tragedy strikes and Anna miscarries the baby, or so she is told. She can still feel the baby inside her and the doctor's confusing answers and explanations are just a further mystery to the phenomenon. As her miracle pregnancy goes along, threats to her safety and strange instances  build up to a shocking conclusion. I was expecting it to be kind of silly but it was an engaging read with a surprisingly happy ending. It did not go in the direction I thought it would and I was pleasantly surprised by that. Would not recommend it if you are pregnant or trying to be though.
The Ghosts of Rose Hill by R.M Romero- Illana, a biracial Jewish girl, is sent to Prague to live with her aunt for the summer. Illana discovers a Jewish cemetery behind her aunt's house where she meets the ghost of a long dead boy, named Benjamin. The two become friends but their happiness is threatened by a mysterious man with no shadow that also takes a keen interest in Illana. Written in prose, this is a hauntingly beautiful fairytale.
Greymist Fair by Francesca Zappia- I didn't realize going in that this would be divided up into a collection of short stories rather than a linear story. However the stories are all connected and often explain things that may have happened in the previous stories and there is a conclusion at the end. I really enjoyed the take on some of these lesser known fairy tales. My favorite was Doctor Death and the Prince's Riddle.
I Will Find You Again by Sarah Lyu- This is Lyu's second book and I have to say that she does toxic relationships really well. Both of her books have a mystery to be solved but they both read more like a character study and deep dive into a tumultuous relationship that the MC has. Chase and Lia are best friends that are estranged but when Lia goes missing, Chase's world is turned upside down as she follows a trail of secrets and betrayals to find out the truth of what happened.
The Legacies by Jessica Goodman- Another fun teen thriller from Goodman! Eight students from a prestigious prep school are selected to join New York City's exclusive Legacy Club. But tensions rise the week leading up to their induction Ball leading to a shocking death. There are moments you have to suspend your disbelief but that doesn't take away from the story. My only complaint is that it is told in first person with three different narratives and at times they don't sound much different from one another. I still flew through this one and look forward to the next book from Goodman!
Lying in the Deep by Diana Urban- Jade is off on the adventure of a lifetime, a semester at sea visiting 11 different countries. But the presence of her ex boyfriend, now dating her ex best friend, leads to an obsession which spirals until a shocking murder takes place. Now Jade must clear her name and try to stop the killer from murdering again. I honestly enjoyed this way more than I thought I would. It was a page turner that was a lot of fun. I read after that it is apparently a loose retelling of Death on the Nile but for me it felt like murderous version of Suite Life on Deck lol
The Narrow by Kate Alice Marshall- Eden attends a boarding school haunted by a river that takes all who fall in. All but Delphine who fell in six years prior and somehow survived. Now Delphine lives isolated in quarantine for a mysterious illness and Eden is tasked with being her companion. But the more time Eden spends with Delphine, the more she feels haunted by a dark presence. This was a very engrossing ghost story with some gothic vibes. There was a sweet love story and I loved the complexity of Eden and her relationships with her friends. There were a few creepy twists throughout but the most interesting aspects were the human relationships, especially between Eden and Delphine. A real fun spooky read!
Out of the Ashes by Kara Thomas- This is going to sound bad but I really don't remember this book but I gave it 4 stars so I guess I enjoyed it. This is Thomas's first Adult novel and focuses on Samantha, whose home was burned down and her entire family murdered years prior. However, renewed interest in the cold case reveals the shocking revelation that Samantha's baby sister may have made it out alive. This turns Samantha's world upside down as she desperately seeks answers. I do remember the ending of this and it was pretty satisfying
Royal Blood by Aimee Carter- Evan is the secret illegitimate daughter of the King of England in an alternate history. Circumstances force Evan to spend the summer with the father she never met before and her secret is quickly found out. What was supposed to be a fun night out with her half sister and others turns deadly and Evan finds herself the main suspect. This is another book I enjoyed more than I thought I would. It's like the Princess Diaries if it were a thriller. I also love that despite being a series, the mystery and storyline was wrapped up in the end
The Sandman by ETA Hoffman- I had no idea the ballet Coppelia was based on this! The ballet is so cutesy and this is so dark and creepy. I would love to see a version of Coppelia that followed The Sandman more closely.
Thornhedge by T. Kingfisher- This is a retelling of Sleeping Beauty that tells the tale of Toadling, the fairy that was sent to bless the princess on her birth. Now that the princess is asleep, Toadling guards the tower but in a shocking twist, she is determined to keep everyone out of it. A fun and interesting take on a classic fairy tale!
The Villa by Rachel Hawkins- This is an interesting retelling based not on Frankenstein, but the story behind the novel's creation. Emily and Chess are two friends that are spending the summer in Italy at a beautiful Villa. The Villa just happens to be the same place that famed rock star Noel Gordon spent a summer in 1974. Along with Noel is Pierce Sheldon (an up and coming rock star), his girlfriend Mari, and her stepsister Lara. The summer turns deadly for the group which inspires Mari to write a prolific horror novel and then disappear from the limelight for the rest of her life. Now Emily is determined to discover what really happened that summer by using clues from Mari's novel. This was a really fun read and while the big mystery was honestly not that solid, the characters and unique premise were interesting enough to hold the plot.
3.5 Stars
Mister Magic by Kiersten White- A mystery children's show called Mister Magic was canceled and nearly erased from history 30 years prior to the start of the novel. Val was a child actor on the show but has no memory of it. When her fellow castmates find her, they bring her along for a reunion which is bound to expose dark secrets along the way. So, this had to be partly inspired by Candle Cove, no? I really enjoy all things to do with lost media and was super excited when I read the blurb for this book! For the most part, I think it lived up to expectations. The ending wasn't a let down but it did leave me wanting more. There was also an reveal about two thirds of the way through which I wish would have been made sooner. It wasn't really a twist or anything but it did add a lot of context that could have been used earlier. Otherwise it just felt really thrown in at the end.
The Night Shift by Alex Finlay- At the end of 1999, four teens are attacked during their shift at a Blockbuster. Only one survives and the killer is never found. Now it is 15 years later and a similar crime takes place at an Ice Cream parlor. A solid thriller.
The Quarantine Princess Diaries by Meg Cabot- A welcomed return to the diaries of Princess Mia. This was a fun read but it was also kind of tough to read about people dealing with the beginning of the pandemic. Not the best of memories to be honest.
Where He Can't Find You by Darcy Coates- When I started this I was expecting more of a mystery/thriller based on the blurb but it became apparent pretty quickly that this is a supernatural horror novel instead. A small Midwest town is haunted by a mysterious figure known as the stitcher. When someone goes missing, the town knows that there is no hope of ever finding them until the stitcher wants them to. And they'll always find them in pieces. When Abby's younger sister goes missing she is determined to find her no matter the cost. It becomes a race against the clock to find her with the help of Abby's friends. This was very reminiscent of horror like It or Stranger Things. TW: Body Horror, Gore
You Can Trust Me by Wendy Heard- I flew through this one but in retrospect, it was very cheesy and what I would deem a Fast Food Thriller. Fun, but you really have to dispense your disbelief throughout. Summer and Leo are best friends who swindle and pickpocket. Leo makes the mistake of going after a self made millionaire and when he offers her the chance to visit his exclusive island, she jumps at the chance. When Leo doesn't return, Summer is determined to infiltrate the island to get her friend back.
3 Stars
The Blackhouse by Carole Johnstone- I loved Johnstone's Mirrorland but this one was a let down in comparison. The book takes place in a small island town and I could not keep all of the townspeople straight. Plus the mystery just wasn't that interesting and it dragged in a lot of places.
Episode Thirteen by Craig DiLouie - A ghost hunting reality tv crew decides to make their thirteenth episode about the infamous Paranormal Research Foundation. Written as journal entries and transcripts, things get creepy real quick for the crew. I felt like this book started off strong but faded as it went along. I was not a fan of the last third but recognize that others might like the direction it went.
Loved by PC Cast- The first book in the Night of House sequel series. I decided to read this because the tumblr blog: @houseofzoey was making me feel nostalgic. It was not good but it was fun to revisit the characters and world. As always, the stakes are high but the conflict is resolved ridiculously easy. Zoey continues to be one of the worst characters in existence but the others are enjoyable in a dumb way.
Lullabies for Little Criminals by Heather O'Neill - This was kind of a tough one to get through. I love the author's later work and this had the same style of writing but felt lacking in comparison. I found both The Lonely Hearts Hotel and When We Lost Our Heads oddly whimsical despite the heavy subject matter but this was definitely just bleakness with no hope in sight TW: Child Abuse/Neglect, Pedophilia, Drugs/Alcohol
Midnight is the Darkest Hour by Ashley Winstead- Ruth is the preacher's daughter in a small southern town. Ruth's only friend as a teen was the bad boy Everett who she was bonded to with a dark secret. Now as adults, bodies are being found in the swamp and Ruth and Everett want to get to the bottom of things. This book had such a great premise but did not deliver. The religious town is portrayed as cult-like but the messaging behind this book was confused and all over the place. We are clearly supposed to root for Ruth and Everett but by the end of the book, I wasn't rooting for them either. Also there are way too many references to Twilight. At one point Ruth seriously thinks that Everett is a vampire and I don't know if that was just to be funny or if we were actually supposed to believe that as well.
Nothing but Blackened Teeth by Cassandra Khaw- People on Goodreads hated this. It has one of the lowest ratings I've ever seen and I really don't think it deserves that. It's not the best but it's not that bad. A lot of people were bothered by the "purple prose" but I didn't mind it (I also hate that phrase). However, it was somewhat confusing and anticlimactic.
Silver Nitrate by Silvia Moreno Garcia- Garcia's last few books since Mexican Gothic have been really disappointing to me. I was expecting a lot of spooks with the cursed film premise but there really wasn't much of it. When we finally did get some magic towards the end it was pretty cheesy. Neither of the characters were really likable and the ending with them was weird. Overall not my favorite of Moreno-Garcia's but also not the worst.
This is Why We Lie by Gabriella Lepore- I'm going to be honest, this was one of my first reads of 2023 and I don't remember a single detail. Two teens find a body in the lake and mystery ensues!
To Make Monsters Out of Girls by Amanda Lovelace- This was not my favorite of Lovelace's. I'm starting to notice she writes a lot of her poetry based on a past relationship and at this point it's like, girl move on!
We'll Never Tell by Wendy Heard- Another book I really don't remember. The official blurb describes it as a whodunit doused in Hollywood lore. I remember it being a fun little read but apparently not that memorable.
Winterset Hollow by Jonathan Edward Durham- The idea behind this was really fascinating but it lost its appeal one third of the way through. Three friends visit the island that an author wrote and based a children's book on in a similar vein to Watership Down or The Wind in the Willows. To their surprise, the characters in their beloved book are real and they want their visitors to celebrate the famed Harvest Day with them. Pretty quickly things fall apart and the majority of the book is the characters being hunted and it got old pretty fast. There were definitely parallels and themes of colonization but the colonized and mistreated characters were also the villains seeking revenge so... make of that what you will
Wolfpack by Amelia Brunskill- Written in prose this book is about nine girls who live together in a cult commune. It was a very quick read but nothing really happened. One of the girl's goes missing and the rest of the book is trying to figure out what happened. The book's biggest problem is that it's told from 8 different perspectives and they all blend together. When the reveal comes at the end it leaves little impact because we don't know or care about these characters.
2 Stars
Daphne by Josh Malerman- Daphne is a local boogeyman. A seven foot tall, denim clad woman who always has her face painted like Gene Simmons. That image alone was too ridiculous for me. Kit is a teen on the basketball team whose teammates start disappearing one by one. She believes Daphne is the culprit. The book was more so a metaphor for mental health struggles but it was just too silly and boring for me to enjoy. I couldn't picture any of the scary stuff that was happening very well and people seemed to under react to a lot of things. Plus I learned way too much about basketball.
The Little Book of Manifestation by Astrid Carvel- I was going through it when I read this lol. Whether you believe that you can actually manifest things in your life or not, I do think positive thinking goes a long way and this was a nice little reminder of that.
Brother by Ania Ahlborn - Just a big bummer all around. I read this in one sitting but looking back some of it was kind of boring? The book was much tamer than how it was advertised to me. Don't get me wrong, there was a lot of implied gore and horror but we didn't see much of it. To give some background, the main character lives out in the Appalachians with his murderous family. He helps kidnap women, the mother tortures them and then they eat them. With a premise like that you think this would be horrifying. We are given very little backstory as to why they do this. Well, it turns out to be rather boring as Michael (our lead) spends most of the book feeling sorry for himself and trying to woo a girl at the record shop. He also has a tumultuous relationship with his abusive older brother, who he fears but craves approval from. Not much happens for the majority of the book and then we have an explosive ending in the last 1/3rd. And it's just a huge bummer. TW: Rape, Murder, Gore, Cannibalism, Attempted Incest, Abuse
Not Since Carrie: Forty Years of Broadway Flops by Ken Mandelbaum - A look into Broadway flops over the past 40 years. The flops are categorized oddly and usually there is only a page or two dedicate to each one which made it really repetitive. I think would have preferred a detailed deep dive into maybe 10 or so Broadway flops.
Slenderman: Online Obsession, Mental Illness, and the Violent Crime of Two Midwestern Girls by Kathleen Hale - This book doesn't focus so much on the crime but the aftermath. For those who don't know, Morgan and Anissa, two preteen girls, stabbed their friend (who lived) in an attempted sacrifice to please the popular Creepypasta character, Slenderman. Of course, all the coverage of this case focused on Slenderman and the dangerous of the internet but really this is a case of severe mental illness that went untreated for a long time. Anissa did the stabbing but ultimately it was Morgan that concocted the whole plan. Morgan showed signs of schizophrenia (a disorder her father was also diagnosed with) at a young age but this was ignored by the adults in her life. After the crime took place, Morgan was denied any kind of treatment or medication during her time in prison prior to her sentencing. Morgan was left to live in her delusions and hallucinations for over a year before she was finally given help. In a harrowing section of the book, Morgan describes "waking up" from her psychosis only to be flung into a nightmare where she had committed a terrible crime against her friend. No where am I saying that Morgan does not deserve the prison time she was given but the prison system's treatment of mental health was really highlighted here and was horrifying to read about.
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rk-ocs · 1 year
, I tried to calculate Maria's age with math. Tony inherited the company at 21, Howard died at 74. He was born in 1917 and Tony was born in 1970. Meaning he was 53 when Tony was born.  In 1954 he creates Stark Expo-, and that blurb mentions he eventually married Maria.  Meaning he was 37.
Now let's say for the sake of Maria getting things done that they married in 1960 and had 10 years of marriage before having Tony. Let's say she had him at 35. We can bump it later, but fives are nice even numbers as with this calculation we have it that she married Howard at 25 in 1960. So B:1945. That takes away the WW2 backdrop, but there's plenty to explore in the following years.
That doesn't give her as much time to get up to her own adventures as I thought. I don't know, my headcannon has her has her probably not getting married so young.
The thing is, 35 is sort of a peak year in fertility. Past that​ age chances of Downs and other problems increase.  Howard is 53 at Tony's birth, and men's fertility begins to decrease at 40, and risk of miscarriage rises ECT.
This is supported in the comics with the difficultly they had in having Arno, and why Aliens got involved to have a healthy child.
And then Tony Armstrong Stark, born of a Hydra and Shield coupling, was then adopted by one of Sheilds founders, and raised by a brilliant inventor (and his brilliant wife) and
Howard is described with Genius intelligence ranked at 5, Tony is a super Genius at 6. The only higher intelligence tier is omniscient which is applied to things like gods and mutants from what I see. All of the Tony Starks are in superginius category. Even his AI mental one. Arno Stark has super Genius intelligence as his only ability (stuck on life support and really can't develop anything else) and that was because the Alien genetically engineered it before he was born.
On a slightly unrelated note, Shield is pretty much TAS 's heritage by this point.
So back to the age thing. Maria could have married Howard super young (gross). She could have have a very complicated and dangerous pregnancy (or several). Tony could be adopted or have had Alien intervention.
It's possible that they hadn't thought Maria could have kids and we're very surprised.
It's possible that Tony was a Miracle baby.
Somehow that all pales in comparison to the idea Howard and Maria going into Genetic engineering to have a healthy child ( and Hydra later stole that research too)
That would increase the Odds of being having a healthy Tony at older ages , especially if they use a surrogate. (Been around since 1985, but we can mess a bit with history in other world's if we need to) Perhaps Amanda Armstrong, in a twist, is Tony's Surrogate here
*Gestational surrogacy (also known as host or full surrogacy[3]) was first achieved in April 1986.[5] It takes place when an embryo created by in vitro fertilization (IVF) technology is implanted in a surrogate, sometimes called a gestational carrier. Gestational surrogacy may take a number of forms, but in each form the resulting child is genetically unrelated to the surrogate:
the embryo is created using the intended father's sperm and the intended mother's eggs. The resulting child is genetically related to both intended parents.
Red taught the Carbonell s to growl when someone picks them up.
Tony learned from his mother, who learned it from her father, who learned it from his uncle, and so forth.
It makes for an interesting Bonding moment when he is teaching his previously unknown brother Arno, and his previously Unknown niece Eleanor how to properly Growl
Maria is the daughter of Samuel Carbonell and Emily Collins.
Emily is the daughter of Alexander and Jenna Michaels
Sam is the Son of Felix C and Isabella Hanson
Felix is the child of Lucas Cand Marcia Rodríguez
I should add siblings so cousians happen later.
So yah a lot of Maria and Carbonell backstory in general will be headcannoned.
And Stark too.
I headcannon, for instance that before Howard the Starks were Jewish, but he keeps that quiet for business opportunity purposes, and is overall not big on religion.
Maria is, a lot smarter then her stats say she is. She is exclent at math. The Carbonells are Capable of calculations, having a high enough percentage to be able to tell the future to an extent. And it involves math. Also guidance to handle it, and not spiral into crazy. She is fond of the Piano, and gambling, used to winning them too (it mentoned she deliberately lost a lot of money)
Red was a terrible enabler of this, by teaching her how to play cards, along with lessons of how to read the people playing them.
She seems to enable all of her Prinicpals in one way or another (such as teaching Tony to drive)
I should come up with a Carbonell family tree I think
I sort of headcannon Red as emotionally distant from her parents. Her Dad is on a submarine, and her mom is always working. You knew this. I picture the house as being clean and sort of empty looking, as all signs of life are stored away in it, the dishes washed after use and back in the cubbord. She wakes up there. She eats.  Maybe she will come home and take out the GameCube and play pokemon collesum or something, but she would rather be elsewhere most days. It's MT who comes by and makes sure she's awake on school days, its her aunt and Uncles house that she invites people over to play smash at, and its never her mother she chatters to.
When her mother is home, the volume is to be kept down.
Meeting Tony, she sees Parales, and tries to be a good cousian as well as guard. Meeting and becoming friends with Maria, she internalized the lesson that good people are not nesscarly good parents.
Some people are just not cut out to be parents. Maria tries, she teaches Tony how to play Piano, teaches him a song about math, but he's still pretty lonely
Deaging characters
A young Red and Tony would conclude that they have been kidnapped. Or at least that's the scenario that would come to mind with bodyguard teen Red, and child Tony.
Probably with Tony being the one talking, as red is not talking at this time.
"Don't come any closer, or my bodyguard will shoot you." He signs non fatal main, and red points her gun at them, as they backup.
Upon escaping, they would conclude they ended up in the future, and that red possible ly TT d them. Then they find out his parents are dead and mourn.
Alone it would depend if Red recognized Tony. She could run away or Tony could hire her. Either way it would take  negotiating fast.
Alone deaged Tony, would recognize Red, and probably enjoy being in the future.
Kid Desmond, might pull a Red and run away. (Kid Desmond and adult Red would be adorable though) despite not liking contact from most people, I she's not adverse to giving kids she trusts a piggy back ride. Or shoulder ride.
So It would never happen with a kid Natasha , but Tony, or Des if they asked for sure. Clint wouldn't ask, Steve might still have Serum, and Bruce would be baffled
(This is child turned without adult memories)
Now gender swapped, has its own questions
Would the guys who have beards have them as girls too? Or is it more magical and auto pretty, and they have to put up with big boobs problems?
Jasper's revenge mission from his point of view
For killing my godfather, I will track you down and kill you.
Your getting on a plane are you? I can get on that thing unnoticed no problem.
So you are in that car are you... All I need is a dis... Perfect it looks like they know each other! Let's hide in the car and hope he doesn't have any more luggage.
So everyone here is wearing white. Good thing I never liked this sweater.
Haha I blend perfectly.
What kind of assassins wear white? Wait assassins! I could just hire one! That's so much easier!
Damn it it's apparently class... Actually that's perfect! I could just learn to be an assassin and kill him myself
Why don't we ever learn useful things like parkour in school
Wait even better! I could just hire the assassin teacher to kill him
What do you mean you won't take my money and kill him! What kind assassins are you people!
(Swears in anger at Desmond. Like pretty extremely actually . I think in English it would be something like "you fucking idiotic shit" Osti is for extereme anger, épais is and de marde is of shit, used to place emphasis on the idoticy of the person it's aimed at. ) So after some extreme name calling and swearing at poor Desmond , who thankfully didn't seem to understand the insult, he ran off and stayed out of sight untill Eleanor showed up.
Tante, qu'est-ce que tu fais ici? (Aunty what are you doing here?) (According to Google translate)
Que fais-tu ici?
Je suis vengeance (I'm here for revenge)
C'est l'affaire d'Alyssa. Viens maintenant à la voiture. (That's Alyssa's business. Now come to the car)
I want to try to throw some Quebec sleep into Reds language. I think we did talk about cussing before, but I also want Red/ Jaz to be useing little things more. Like bah, or perhaps saying C’est plate! (Boring!) Under their breath sometimes.
Or just slang like
Baise-moué l’ail. Literally means “kiss my garlic.” Clearly, this is a derivative of an English expression that asks you to kiss a certain part of the human anatomy.
Être tiguidou. Everything is just dandy. No problem here! A-Ok!
J’ai la langue à terre.Roughly translates to “my tongue is on the floor” which means either you are really hungry or tired. The downside to this expression is that you might need to elaborate further after each time you say it, which, all the more, delays the relief you are hoping to get from either hunger or exhaustion. This expression, just like the previous example, may have its roots from Classical French.
Lâche pas la patate! Literally, this translates to “don’t let go of the potato.” Yet another interesting expression, if you hear this from a French Canadian, he could be giving you encouragement not to back out of a daunting task, which is touching. But, most of the time, he is more likely threatening you not to chicken out of a bet, a dare, or a promise.
Especially for misunderstandings
Gosses. This, for sure, can be a very tricky word between Québec French and Metropolitan French. When in France, it will not be an issue if you say to someone “Ca va, les gosses?”in which you are just asking how their kids are doing. Gosses in Québec French however, has come to mean “testicles” for some reason. In short, the typical way of greeting someone’s kids in Metropolitan French may not elicit a pleasant response when spoken in Quebec.
Se laisser manger la laine sur le dos.Meaning, to “let someone eat the wool off your back” means that you are letting someone make a fool out of you or swindle you. I personally think that this is one of the more creative expressions from the Québec French variety.
Avoir mal aux cheveux. It roughly translates to “have a hair ache.” It is an expression used to describe an intense headache. One can only assume that it came from the fact that the headache is so severe that it even made the hair feel the pain.
*you help me find out who is sending me these things &help me put a stop to it
Aiden: apparently it's Desmond miles.
Jaz: wait, I know that picture. It's the assassin teacher. Why the hell is he sending me this spam
Aiden: he was last seen in Italy
Jaz:then I'm going to Italy to kick his ass. Would you please hack me a ticket
Aiden:and that will cover the favor
Jaz: sure
Aiden: have fun in Italy, Jasper
Jasper arrives in Italy
"I did not think this through"
Picks up phone, and dials Aiden
"Where in Italy was he last seen, please"
Also I find it strange that nither Jasper nor Desmond found it strange that both his godmother and aunt apparently came to the Assassin's farm to pick him up.
Of course Desmond could have thought Jasper was lying, but that Jasper himself treats it nonchalantly Implies that this might have happened before. Do they have a tracker on him or something?
It could also be a that his godmother was planning to kill Thomas anyways,  and met Eleanor was backing her up, untill she noticed Jasper.
It could be the possible Assassin\ Templar reds oblivious to in the cannon, but was mentioned as AU possible world's.
But still. Jasper just told Des, there were two other people you didn't know about there that night too, and he gave it like zero thought. I guess he was still processing that Jasper apparently followed the guy from Quebec to Black Rapids South Dakota. Which is pretty impressive admitibly
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bimbobunny · 1 year
Some news
Since we’ll announce it to our close friends this weekend, I’d like to let you all know that I’m pregnant :)
I just barely finished my first trimester and everything seems to be ok so far.
IVF process was quite an adventure, but in the end it’s the result that matters the most.
I’m super happy to welcome a new member in our family next November :)
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tricky-pockets · 1 year
"nobody cares about that weird dream you had, it's just random bullshit."
skill issue. my boyfriend had a dream that I agreed to have kids with him, but ONLY if the baby had xenomorph DNA. he had a whole sci fi adventure about tracking down a xenomorph to knock his boyfriend up with. and inventing some kind of sketchy futuristic IVF to make it happen. the baby was 1/3 alien and we're very proud 💖
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thekimspoblog · 3 months
Feminists will say stuff like "the government should not be involved in the decisions people make about their own body" and in most contexts I would agree.
But at the end of the day I am a federalist, and I think "staying out of it" isn't going far enough with reproductive rights. Not criminalizing the life-saving procedures we already have is a good start. But ideally a strong centralized government would be actively helping support the citizenry in their family planning.
Ever since the witch burnings and other missteps, the science of gynecology has lagged a century behind the rest of medicine. And as part of my hundred year reign of terror, I promise to reallocate all the funding we were wasting on our defense budget into the burgeoning field of uterine transplant research.
Because when every rich person in the world is trying to immigrate into your country for your healthcare, that's how you get back on top as a global superpower.
I'm just saying, unless you're an anarchist, we should be talking about how a hands-off approach really is the bare minimum. It's not a huge problem that the first-time-maternity age is rising, but the privatized IVF networks still take a very "robbing Peter to pay Paul" approach, and it would be nice if someone put forward an actual solution besides "let's just force women out of the workforce again". It would be nice if "Have your career and adventures first, then settle down" was celebrated as the foundation of a healthy and educated nuclear family, and empowered women were not treated as a boogeyman in Great Replacement talking points. It would be nice if we lived in an era of Science, where biology was forced to conform to human happiness, and we didn't have a bunch of religious nutjobs trying to argue that it should be the other way around.
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randomfoggytiger · 8 months
Are there any MSR fics where Mulder and Scully go through the adoption process to adopt a child after IVF fails? Ideally still platonically (for the pining 😅) but I'll read anything 😂
Not quite; buuuuuuuuut there are a few where they contemplate adoption.
The Only Choice - Chapter 16/The Only Choice - Chapter 21: The Only Choice follows Scully and Mulder after All Things, but focuses more on their future together-- including multiple chapters on adoption.
marked maybe: Mulder hints at adoption post IVF failure; and assures Scully he'll do whatever it takes.
@baronessblixen's What We Are (tumblr.com) mentions Mulder's willingness to adopt if Scully wants.
Do You Want to Believe?: Chapter 19 of this entertaining Choose Your Own Adventure mentions it in.
auld acquaintance/under the stars/encephalon - Chapter 2/ashes and dust - Chapter 1: Times Mulder or Scully thought of or mentioned adoption.
Bonus fics!
Reflections: Not IVF, but post Folie a Deux Mulder and Scully adopt a child which she'd previously dreamt about.
happily Alt. Tumblr: AU where Samantha was adopted by the nurse in Closure; and after Scully finds her and the siblings catch up, she and Mulder have a conversation about the failed IVF.
www.whispersofx.net/whispersofx/stories/quissi.txt: a bonus AU where pre-S1 Scully had married an abusive Jack Willis and adopted his child. Now, she and Mulder work towards a normal, healthy relationship.
Mulder and Scully Adopt an Alien/ 100 days of 100 word dialogue prompts - Chapter 43 One of my favorite crackfic pieces: Mulder finds an alien in his apartment eating his cereal.
Petition for Mulder and Scully to adopt and raise... (tumblr.com): AU Colonization Mulder, Scully, and William adopt a tiny Flukeman.
I have a couple other adoption flavors-- William recovery or someone in canon had been adopted by someone else, etc.-- that I'll probably put into a fic list some time in the future~.
Hope these did the trick~! :DDD
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themomsandthecity · 3 months
89 Baby Names Influencers Love But Didn't Use
Baby names are having a major moment right now. From searching for meaningful baby names on Google to hiring actual baby name consultants, pregnant people are doing what they can to ensure the child has a name that's both special and memorable. Interestingly enough, some parents are even looking to TikTok to find inspiration. In what has become the most recent social media trend, many influencers are sharing some baby name ideas they loved but didn't use (or haven't had a chance to use yet). Their recommendations aren't your typical classic baby name ideas, though - but what do you expect from someone like Nara Smith who has children already named Rumble Honey, Slim Easy, and Whimsy Lou? For a glimpse of some unique baby names from our favorite influencers, here are all of their baby name recommendations they've enthusiastically endorsed but haven't used themselves. Baby Name Ideas From Influencers 1. Nara Smith @naraazizasmith who else has a list of names on their phone?🤍 #babynames #babyboy #babygirl #babynameideas #pregnancy #fypツ ♬ original sound - Nara Smith When Nara Smith isn't busy making homemade cereal, the TikTok influencer is sharing her baby name ideas. Over the course of the model's social media career, she's shared not one, not two, but three different videos on her unique baby name ideas. Arranged alphabetically, here are all her favorite girl and boy names: Nara Smith Baby Girl Names * Bow * Clementine * Dawn * Dottie (or Dot for short) * Eden * Evie * Frosty * Gaia * Ivy * Lemon * Odie * Pear * Pepper * Pippin (or Pip for short) * Plum * Tank Nara Smith Baby Boy Names * Chrome * Dew * Dusk * Flick * Frosty * Halo * Mercer * Silver * Sunny * Zen 2. Francesca Farago @francescafarago I forgot so many of my faves, lmk if I should do a part two🤭 ♬ original sound - Francesca Farago Influencer Francesca Farago and her partner Jesse Sullivan have been open about their pregnancy journey. As a queer couple, the two have shared their experience with IVF for millions on TikTok to watch. When Farago learned she was pregnant with twins in late March, she quickly jumped on the baby-name trend shortly after. In a two-part series, here are some of her favorite gender neutral baby name ideas: Francesa Farago Gender Neutral Baby Names * Afternoon (or After for short) * Alchemy (or Emmy or Al for short) * Aries * Astoria (or Story for short) * Baby * Callahan * Calliope * Caspian * Clementine * Darling * Eternity * Ethereal * Euphoria * Evergreen (or Ever for short) * Golden or Goldie * Heart (or spelled Hart) * Idyllwild * Indie (or spelled Indy) * Lazarus * Lovely * Lyrics * Malakai * Malakyte * Monday * November (or Novi for short) * Ocean * Octavia * October * Odyssey (or Odie for short) * Prosper * Rocket (or Rocky for short) * Romance * Stone * Sunday * Sylvester (or Sly for short) * Valentine * Valentino * Wilhelmina 3. Jesse Sullivan @jessesulli Names we love but won't be using. Dad edition! ♬ original sound - Sulli When Farago's videos went viral on TikTok, Sullivan decided to jump in on the trend and share the "dad edition" of his favorite gender-neutral baby name ideas. Here's his list. Jesse Sullivan Gender Neutral Baby Names * Adventure (or Addie for short) * Aristotle * Coven * Elixir * Evening * Labyrinth * Leland * Novel * Orca * Piano * Rhapsody * Scholar * Shadow * Traveler 4. Hannah Ann Sluss @hannahannsluss The last name is my top favorite 🥰 I guess we will see one day 💕 #babygirlnames #babynames #grwm ♬ original sound - Hannah Ann Although "The Bachelor" contestant is not pregnant, she took part in the viral trend by sharing her favorite boy and girl names as well. Here are the baby name ideas she… https://www.popsugar.com/family/tiktok-influencer-baby-name-ideas-49373285?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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eucalyprhodes · 5 months
Last few hours of being 32!
It's almost my bed time but I wanted to reflect a little bit about 32.
32 was unexpectedly hard.
The primary theme of 32 was our TTC journey. By this time, we had only been trying for a year which I fully understand, is nothing compared to many others who had been TTC much longer than us. However, I feel that because of my age, not conceiving after a year gives more sense of urgency ... Meanwhile, lots of friends around us announcing their pregnancies, most didn't even need to struggle or wait, all of that were so apparent across social media and it serves as painful reminders that I am not capable of having what they have. I'd like to reiterate again that my situation in hindsight, is not that bad, however, the constant exposure to it on social media contributed to the feeling of comparison. Also, at this time, I still subscribe to the prosperity type of gospel "if I just have enough faith, God will give me what I want" so it was a struggle to pray about this every night. I questioned if my prayer was even right because deep down, I always knew that it's God's will, not mine.
As the year went by, God was gracious to change my heart and mind. He led us to a new church where we get to call home, one that is biblically sound and encourages me dig deeper into the Word. Slowly (and painfully if I may add), God transformed my heart into understanding His plan. I have now understood that becoming parents is a privilege, not a right. No one deserves a right to a child which means, we are to not have the mindset of "doing whatever it takes to conceive because we deeply long for a child". It is why we wholeheartedly chose to not pursue IUI or IVF because we don't want to take conception out of its natural environment as God designed it.
I now understand that even if God decides in all His perfect wisdom to not gives us children, that is all good because He knows what's best for us. I also understand especially as Christians, this is so painful to accept. Be fruitful and multiply is literally God's command to us. We are called to have children! This is a perfectly good and acceptable wish to have so why would God not give that to us?
Simple. Because our purpose in life is to glorify God, not to be a mother, not to be a wife, or anything else you can think of. Those are secondary. Our first calling as a Christian is to serve God. Now, if He decides to bless me with children, that purpose still remains because it doesn't matter what title we have, everything we do should always point back to glorifying God. When I got to this understanding, it was like unlocking a new level of freedom. I stopped tracking everything, I stopped obsessing about researching more information about fertility, and I slowly stopped becoming jealous of those friends who were blessed with children. Instead, I chose to be grateful for what He already blessed me with: a wonderful loving husband, a supportive family, great job with great colleagues and manager, and just the time spent with my loved ones. In late September, we went on a roadtrip to celebrate our anniversary and it awaken our sense of adventure once again. I realized that in the obsession of TTC, we have not done what we enjoyed the most: exploring the outdoors. In fact, we haven't done lots of things that we enjoyed because our thoughts were constantly revolved around TTC.
So, in December, to celebrate our 9th year bf/gf anniversary, we bought my dream car and we promised to take a trip on monthly basis (still working on this lol but we're getting better). We returned to Zion in January, and Bryce in April. We're planning camping trips to Bishop, Mammoth and Kings Canyon for summer AND we are finally planning to hike Big Pine lakes. We realized now that we'll never get this time back if and when we become parents so we want to use this time to really enjoy each other's company :)
It is true that I probably spent many days of 32 crying. My husband can testify to this and I am SO THANKFUL that he is able to handle that so well lol (it probably drive him crazy too at times). But it's also true that I spent even more days being in awe of what God is doing in my life. I am thankful that while TTC seemed to robed me of my joy (at first!), it also helped me pursue God deeper than I could've imagined. If I didn't experience it, my faith would've never grown. Sometimes, we have to experience the uncomfortable season so we can grow and be mature in our faith.
My prayer is that God continues to use me in this season to be a blessing to others, however that may look. 32, you were horribly GREAT. I loved being 32, I loved all the memories, and I can't wait to make new ones this year.
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