#My School
coruscatingdust · 5 months
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first week of May: study spaces
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im-a-ghost-demon · 9 days
N with my school uniform :3
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earthfluuke · 2 years
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hollisiguess · 1 month
Me: this might sound fucked up but I’m almost happy our gym teacher was a pedophile.
friend: I’m DEFINITELY happy our gym teacher was a pedophile
Random kid in the hallway: AYO WHAT?!?
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starsilversword · 20 days
Well. Going from doing a mostly manual labour and constantly moving job to sitting behind a computer for 3hrs for school is actually so bad. I feel stiff and it's only been 2 hours.
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the-weirdos-mind · 2 years
Black Pearl Collage
On an island in the middle of the sea sits Black Pearl Collage. A magic school that’s said for be a thing of legends. The reason being is that so few people have heard of it and the only way you can find it is a special map. The school has this map in their possession and lets the students use it when they set sail on the seas. The students are under the conditions that the map must be kept safe when on voyages and immediately returned to the headmage once they return to campus. If these conditions are not met then voyage privileges are revoked for good.
The school follows the morals of the Phantom Captain, aka Davy Jones. They view him as a savior for those who were about to lose their lives at sea by giving them a second chance on his ship. If you wanted to go back then you have to make a deal. If you run from your bargain then he will have no choice but to hunt you down and become part of his crew again.
What sets this school different from NRC, RSA, and others is that it’s a co-ed school. There’s four dorms, two for boys and two for girls. Each dorm has a symbol with students of the dorm wearing a bandanna with the dorm logo. It doesn’t matter where you wear the bandanna, on your arm, hat, wrist, as a mask, it doesn’t matter as long as the dorm logo is shown. A student knows that they’ve been chosen to attend when a glass bottle with a message shows up on their doorstep. The bottle is dripping of water and smells from the sea. A few barnacles are attached to the bottle with some seaweed. The message reads that they’ve been selected for attendance and to meet at the port. The ship from the school is there when the student arrives. The selection process is unknown to the world but the ones chosen have a dream the night before receiving the bottle; drowning at sea and seeing the famed Flying Dutchman.
Cursantana; a dorm known for fearsome yet elegant women who won’t hesitate to take you down. These girls are considered some of the scariest people on campus.
Dorm logo: a heart shaped locket with crab designs
Immorivelle; A dorm known for determined men who will do whatever it takes to get what they want. These men are considered the craftiest and smartest men on campus
Dorm logo; a piece of gold with a skull in the middle
Slashaibia; a dorm that holds the most athletic women on campus. These women are mild mannered but just don’t get in the way of their sword battles
Dorm logo; a sword
Royaninva; A dorm that hold men who are very bright. They help in any way they can and are known as the most hospitable men on campus
Dorm logo; a compas
Headmage; Kyle Doveenstien
A man who cares about his students. Though he is obvious to the many fights that brew among his students, he is there when they need him to be. The students find that he is a wonderful listener and will defend them if necessary. Twisted from Governor Swann
Cursanatna student; Natalie Doveenstein
The only daughter of the headmage. A spirited and independent girl who refuses to back down from a challenge. She often sticks up for the weaker kids if she sees them being bullied by anyone. Twisted from Elizabeth Swann
Royaninva student; Asher Caspian
A guy who knows his way with words. He’s confident in himself but not too confident to be arrogant and acts very polite to his fellow student body. He thinks the school rules are more like guidelines but respects them nonetheless. Twisted from Barbossa
Immorivelle student; Lo Hawks
A guy that behaves as though he’s insane. He doesn’t follow anything traditional but knows his way around through his life experiences. He’s loyal to his friends and often scares the freshmen by his nature. Twisted from Captain Jack Sparrow
Immorivelle student; Silas Aegir
A guy that’s feared throughout the school. He’s cunning and ruthless, beating people up that looks at him the wrong way. At times he lets out his sensitive side to those he can trust but he mostly does so alone in his dorm. Twisted from Davy Jones
@adrianasunderworld I DID IT! Here’s the school
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who am I?
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consulcato · 10 months
So, little recap of this week with some photos! We didn't have normal lessons, because we occupated! Now, little explaining for these who don't know what an occupation is: Occupazióne (in italian) comes from Latin "occupatio" (transl. occupation) It is the action, the operation of occupying, that is, of temporarily or permanently taking possession of, in this case, a school. It is an action at the limits of legality, an action defined as illegal outside Florence (in fact the schools are occupied only in Florence and the surrounding areas). It occurs when you want to make a type of protest for or against a certain subject for a specific time (usually a week). The occupation is carried out by the Collettivo della Scuola (transl. School collective), something that only exists in Florence. There are various collectives, each for the school belonging to. The most famous collective is the one of my school, "Collettivo Sum", that can be translated as "Am" (verb to be), or as "Studenti Uniti Michelangiolo" (United Students [of the school] Michelangiolo). The collective is a group of guys from the (rarely) left, but mostly from the far left (Anarchists and Communists). At the occupation, barricades are set up to prevent teachers from entering the school, the entrances and exits are monitored by people who are part of the collective (like me) and those from the collective have lunch, dinner and sleep at school. In the evening there are always security shifts, from midnight until 8 in the morning. At school, instead of having lessons, activities such as political discussions or discussions related to the reason for the occupation are held, films against the far right (fascism, Nazism...) are watched and discussions are held.
P.S: The person in the last photo is basically me, doing the night security shift :)
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If you're wondering what the banners are saying, this is the translation:
1st: If tomorrow I'll be the one, then destroy everything. (A thing said by the sister of a young woman brutally kidnapped, hid and killed by her ex-boyfriend. Her killing is becoming a wide-spoken thing here in Italy).
2nd: Literally says "Miche (An abbreviation used for our school) [is] occupied"
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awsteb · 8 months
i'm butch4butch because the kinda stupid but ultimately welcoming sports guys in my grade were kinder to me than 50% of the girls were
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Just sent a message to an irl guy I want to be friends with that was nerve-wracking but also exciting what the heck what do I do
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coruscatingdust · 9 months
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wandering around campus / university of Oxford 2023 trinity and Michaelmas term
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the-cookie-of-doom · 1 year
can't wait to find out if I'm expelled today
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game-mg · 2 years
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A little story and a rant for y’all
On Thursday one of my classmates was having a bad day then got snippy at the teacher, and to be honest I don’t blame him because it’s the Afrikaans teacher and she sprung a surprise test on us and expected us to have studiedly (well it wasn’t that much of a surprise, she had told us about it at the beginning of the term/semester and hadn’t reminded us since plus almost all the study material was online and she never told us) when class ended he violently pushed in his chair it made a loud noise then the teacher told him to loose the attitude. First off if anyone under the age of 13 had done that she would just think it was an angry child, second this is a boy who has never learnt how to express his emotions well, and third we are a bunch of hormonal teenagers who can get set off easily (and most of us have ADHD and/or autism, so we can get set off by ‘unimportant’ things). This teacher has said I was giving her attitude the day after I had 3 melt downs because I told her not to touch my hair, she has also tried to hug me, and made herself the victim after she hadn’t informed me that I needed to go to homework class on the one day I do exercise to recover from an injury I got at the school. This teacher just pisses me, my class and my friends off all the time because of how unempathetic she is towards the kids she blaming for their unhappiness in her class. I’m god damn happy she’s leaving the school. I was scared of her because what if I forgot to do one of my homework questions what if I forgot my book at home what if she tears a page out of my book because my hand writing is to messy for her taste. Some of my friends have told me a should feel a little bad that she’s leaving but she’s hurt me to much for me to feel anything for her.
She’s teaching at a school that prides itself for accommodating for the neurodivergent but this teacher has never once made me feel accommodated, she’s just made me feel more oppressed under the neurotypical standard that I can’t achieve, she says that I’m so smart and that I’m just lazy or not trying but I am trying to achieve the unachievable. I she spent a single day in my shoes she would see how I’m struggling to stay focused how I’m trying learn but can’t because I’m not interested in it.
This is really why I think that teacher, all teachers should know about basic neurodivergent conditions like ADHD, autism and dyslexia, this could be the difference between a person passing and failing because they’re being taught wrong or are just unaccommodated. I’m going to ask my therapist is she can ask the school to lay off a bit with how strict they are with their homework completion because I don’t have time to do it all especially around exams I will be handing in half done home work because I also needed to study and recover from school and even though I proved that I can do it I didn’t finish and that all the teachers care about so I get sent to homework class. This week alone I’ve been sent twice, which is twice more than any of the neurotypicals I know, but the teachers keep throwing homework at me completely expecting it to be done to next day or week.
And that’s the end of my rant
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the-weirdos-mind · 2 years
Black Pearl College Staff & More Students
Alchemy Teacher; Grady Elixiramington
A curious yet reckless fae that holds a passion for alchemy. He has a roguish teaching style and his students fear getting on his bad side. He has fun and exciting classes and runs the school’s Science Club. He always encourages his students to create and experiment. Twisted from Zarina.
History Teacher; Tark Kabel
A half human, half dog beastman that has a thirst for knowledge. The students often find themselves caught in his ramblings of his childhood and use this to their advantage by asking him random questions about that time and wasting class time. He’s clumsy and can be seen tripping over his own feet or carrying a huge stack of books and papers. Rumor has it that he’s married to the assistant headmage. Twisted from Dr. Delbert Doppler
P.E. Teacher; Helena Isla
An reptilian mermaid whose said to be notorious on the field. She pushes the students on the exercise field and doesn’t hold back when competing with them. She’s the main overseer for the Kraken and created an obstacle course that stimulates an exploding island to prepare the students for anything and everything. Twisted from Captain Nathaniel Flint.
Head Chef; Frank Bronze
An older man whose left arm, leg, ear, and eye are replaced with cybernetic limbs. Many rumors spread about the accident that caused them, the most common one being that he was trying to find the organ. He’s an amazing cook and jokes around by placing edible eyes in many soups and stews. It freaks out the freshmen when they first find out. He runs a cooking program in the school. Twisted from John Silver.
Assistant Headmage; Zelda Skye
A half human, half cat beastwoman who carries a strong force of will. She does her job proudly and the students respect her. She’s often sarcastic and quick to the point that the students are often amused by her comebacks. She’s ready to protect the students from the threats that fall after dark. She’s the only other person who can be trusted with the map to guide everyone to and from the school. There’s rumors that she’s married to the history teacher. Twisted from Captain Amelia
Royaninva Students:
Samuel ‘Sam’ Robinson
An troubled young man whose causes some issues around the school. He’s rebellious and adventurous yet care about his friends. He stands up for his friends and often gets into fights with others, giving him the reputation as a bad boy. He enrolled in the cooking program and sees the head chef as a father figure. Twisted from Jim Hawkins
Dylan Southwest
A humble young man that tolerates no disrespect. He sticks with his friends and saves them from sticky situations. He comes from a long line of pirates and had no idea until he enrolled in the school. He embraces his heritage and his family have graduated from the school for years. Twisted from Will Turner.
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There’s only three tenors in my school’s choir, me an alto being one of them. One of the tenors ended up getting the solo for one of the songs we’re performing at the concert and I love that for him cuz he’s amazing but that means that there’s only two of us left. We’re lucky that I’m tenor one and the other guy is tenor two, there’d be a problem if we were missing a whole range.
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