#My day is going GREAT btw. 2 more hours. Take your pink drink and GO
Hi can someone tell me why a customer looked at me today and started her order with “well, first of all, are you a Swiftie???” and when I said “no?” the conversation ended. What vibes did I send off. Why.
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pettyvxbes · 3 years
Colson Baker x Reader - Ocean Eyes III
This was originally only supposed to be three parts, but I have so many ideas. . . I might be getting a little carried away. If anyone is interested in being included on the tag list for ocean eyes drop me a comment. ❤ Btw, ya'll rock, and I'm so thrilled that you're digging where this story is going as much as I am!!
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Colson had insisted on going to a coffee shop across town, even though there were plenty of great coffee shops near Shaker Square that you two had frequented on your previous Saturday adventures. He initially suggested that you ride with him, but you declined the offer and opted to drive yourself, much to your dismay. You considered making a wrong turn to head back to your sister's house several times as you followed closely behind him but decided against the outlandish idea.
Pulling into the parking lot, you immediately noticed the sizeable pink skull painted on the side of the brick building. It read "Drink. Eat. Work. Meet" arched across the top with "The" on the forehead, a 2 and 7 in separate eye sockets, "club" on the chin, and the most clever part was the nose which was a cup of steaming coffee. The aesthetic was everything, and you quickly understood why Colson had wanted to bring you to this specific coffee shop. It was edgy and artistic, kind of like you, and he knew you would love it.
"This place is fucking awesome." You gushed, taking in the surrounding interior. The walls were painted pink and accented with black. There were skulls in various places throughout the room, and directly in front of you behind a large circular counter were the associates, wearing "Coffee Dealer" tees, waiting patiently to take your order. Capturing every aspect of the shop, you noticed the music playing. It was a synth-pop-R&B beat accompanied by the voice of Chris Brown and Usher.
"You gon' be my baby Love me, love me crazy Tell me you with it Baby, come and get it Maybe try a new thing And let's spark a new flame."
It was one of those songs that stuck in your memory and could take you back to a specific time and place. You looked over at Colson to find him looking back at you, and you were instantly transported to that cold January night eleven years ago, the night you had first met Colson.
The air was crisp, and the night sky was aglow with the bright city lights of Atlanta. You were visiting your best friend for what was left of your winter break at NYU. She couldn't wait to take you out on the town. So naturally, you both ended up at the Gold Room less than five hours after you had touched down in the Empire State of the South.
The Gold Room was fancy. Golden poles were lining a transparent window rail in the main seating area. Each roped-off section donned eccentric gold couches, chandeliers, and splashy tropical lighting, all of which highlighted the significance of those seated there. You happened to find yourself smack dab in the middle of the distinguished crowd, behind the velvet ropes. All thanks to your gorgeous best friend who had been casually seeing one of the Atlanta Hawks.
"Y/n, don't look now, but that guy over there has been staring at you since we walked in." Your best friend screamed into your ear over the loud music.
"Which one?" You questioned, waiting to turn and look.
"The blonde with the tattoos!" She paused, taking a sip of her drink. She could tell you were waiting for a more descriptive answer. "You'll know which one. He's fine as fuck!" She screamed, causing you to chuckle at her bluntness.
You casually turned to the side to look for the mystery guy, and you were quickly met with his blue eyes. You felt your cheeks flush a bit as he maintained eye contact.
You were beautiful in a way that the other girls in the club weren't. You were confident but not cocky, and your attire was modest but still sexy. You didn't need to be accepted by others, which was apparent in how you carried yourself. Your smile was beaming as you looked back at him, and Colson could have sworn it illuminated even the darkest corners of the room. You were authentically you, and the blue-eyed boy was captivated.
Your eye contact was broken by one of the tall basketball players in your section offering you a glass of champagne. You accepted the drink and made small talk for a moment before quietly excusing yourself to the ladies' room. At least that's what you told your friend, but if you were honest, you were actually looking for those blue eyes. You made your way slowly through the horde of people keeping your eye on the VIP section that the tattooed man occupied. You couldn't see him, so you wandered closer until you were stopped by a husky voice.
"Are you looking for something?" You turned, looking up into the blue eyes you had been searching for.
"Not anymore." You smirked. He was taken aback by your forward response, and you could tell by the look across his face that he was speechless. You chuckled at his expression. "I'm sorry."
"I wasn't expecting you to say that, but I was hoping you would" He laughed. "I'm Colson."
"Y/n, that's beautiful." He smiled at you. You couldn't tell if it was the champagne coursing through you or the fact that he was extremely handsome, but all you could think about was kissing him. The thought was soon pushed to the back of your mind as you began exchanging information about yourselves. Where you were from, what you were doing in Atlanta, your relationship status'. . .the basics. You two eventually found yourselves halfway through a game of 21 questions in a more private area of the club where you could actually hear each other speak.
"If you could have one 'do over' in your life, what would you do differently?" You inquired.
"Ooh, we're going there now?" He chuckled. "That's easy though, I wouldn't do anything over because then I wouldn't be sitting here with you."
“Smooth.” You chuckled at his cheesy answer.
“Yeah? You see what I did there?” He joked "Ok, my turn. . ." He changed the subject, trying to think of a question quickly. "If there was one piece of advice you could give, what would it be?" You thought for a moment before speaking.
"To always appreciate the little things in life."
"The little things?" he questioned, waiting for you to elaborate further.
"Yeah, you know, like early morning sunrises or late sunsets. The ones where you'll see an array of colors in the sky that you wouldn't normally see." You raved. "Or road trips and motorcycle rides, when you have music in your ears and the wind in your hair. Or the days when you're surrounded by your favorite people, the ones who make you realize that the world isn't such a cold, harsh place." You rambled, and he smiled like a fool.
"The little things that make you realize what life is about and what it means to be alive?" He pondered quietly, contemplating what you had said.
"Yes!" You extolled. "Appreciating the little things makes you enjoy where you are, right now, in the present."
"Enjoy where you are right now," He reiterated. "I like that" A comfortable silence settled in for a moment, and you could hear a catchy synth-pop-R&B beat surging through the room. The voices of Chris Brown and Usher were crystal clear.
"Who said you can't find love in a club? 'Cause I wanna tell them they wrong Come on, just baby, try a new thing And let's spark a new flame."
You both let out a little chuckle at the lyrics, and the next thing you knew, his right hand was on the side of your face pulling you into him. The kiss was magic, chaos, and a little bit of poetry. You felt a fire deep in your bones, and he melted every part of you.
"Hey, Colson!" The barista greeted him, pulling you from your memory of the man standing next to you. You hadn't even noticed, but you two were still staring at each other, and you wondered if the same memory had crossed his mind too.
He turned towards the barista as your eyes continued to explore the coffee shop. That's when you saw it—a mural on the wall situated above black leather dome seats. In large pink letters, "Enjoy where you are right now." and it clicked - this was his coffee shop. . .and he still thought about that night, just like you.
Colson glanced back at you, preparing to order, you smiled at him, and yet again, he could have sworn it illuminated even the darkest corners of the room. You were still authentically you, and the blue-eyed boy was still captivated.
II << 💀 >>
TAG LIST @canyoubuymetoast
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daisukissed · 4 years
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part two of my animal crossing series
❧ pairing: todoroki shouto x gn!reader
❧ synopsis: in which your hatred towards the island's hearthrob melts into something warmer
❧ genre: headcanons, fluff
❧ warnings: cursing
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- he was the talk of the town when he first came
- girls and boys were flocking in front of the residence services just to take a glimpse at him
- which annoyed you SO much cause you're trying to pay loans here
- not getting squeezed into oblivion as you try to reach the front door of the building
- it's a godsend that there were actually no signs of people inside, much thanks to bakugou's fiery personality
- so you opened the door, the cold air-conditioned room welcoming you and immediately took a look at the infamous boy that got the whole island down to their knees for him
- and,,, ,, oh wow,,, okay,,,, you kinda get the hype now,,,,,
- B U T
- just because he has a pretty face doesn't mean that he could go and make your life harder than it is
- so it's safe to say that your first impression on todoroki isn't that great </3
- which is kinda unfair to him cause it's not his fault that he's born with a good looking face!!!!
- but that's besides the point
- anyways, it's as if all of the gods above knew of your slight disdain towards the red and white haired boy, choosing to test your limits by putting you in this situation
- this situation where you're forcefully paired up with the said boy, having to share a hefty amount of your precious time with him
- cause being the island's representative and all, bakugou just had to assign you to this project on improving the island's ratings
- and of course, who could be more perfect in assisting you other than his secretary, todoroki shouto?
- "okay, you know what!!! maybe he isn't as bad as you think!!!! maybe you'll get along with him!!!!!!" you thought to yourself
- wrong.
- "todoroki-san, could you help me sort this part out?"
- "??????? ???? you can't do something this easy?"
- "todoroki-san, what do you think of this one i did?"
- "it's downright bad, honestly."
- Hlj$//&Jssl&2&/&:!2@/
- you hate him. you truly, absolutely, utterly despise him.
- funny thing is, he doesn't even know that he's doing these things to you
- bb's just honest and blunt to the core
- but you don't know that and thinks he's doing it purposely instead
- so you pay back by pulling these subtle and childish pranks
- like putting a plastic cockroach on his desk somewhere
- or ruining his coffee with handfuls of salt
- which all failed btw, you should've known this emotionless bitch would drink salted coffee like it's a normal thing smh
- somewhere along the lines of your messy interactions and one-sided hatred, you find yourself paying more and more attention to him
- like how he always plays with his fringes when bored
- or how he would always stifle this cute chuckle whenever you complain about your failed pranks
- and what!!!! noooOoo!! you're definitely not going soft for this guy wdym!!
- you definitely are
- anyways, this led to you realizing that he's actually stressed 24/7??????
- which isn't much of a surprise cause you'd be too if your boss is bakugou
- but what you don't get is why he wouldn't quit this job when there's better jobs out there outside this secluded island
- so you ask
- and he starts telling you all these details about his life like his father's high standards, the dreadful abuse, and his relationship with his mom and siblings
- "living here is much more better than staying at that house, even if it means i'll have to work day and night everyday."
- fuck!!! who's chopping the damn onions here!!!!!
- your thoughts on todoroki shifted considerably that day and so did your feelings as well
- and by that i mean the irresistible urge to burden and trouble his already chaotic life
- petty insults and arguments turned into toned down talks, stink eyes and pouts into silent respect
- you were already loosening up to him without even noticing
- it was on a fine sunday when the aloof boy seemed to be exceptionally stressed, even more so than usual
- his under eye circles were dark, his patience thin and hair disheveled, his skin pale and gray
- he kinda looked like someone who would offer you drugs in a dark alleyway ngl
- of course, you can't just let your beloved partner lose his goddamn mind over some paperworks, can't you?
- cause who will be doing all the work if he falls sick or takes a leave? definitely not you!
- you'd rather leave this island than work on this humongous project alone
- so you're totally not doing this because you were worried for him or something pfffttt
- grabbing an arm to pull him from the seat he was stuck to for days, you guide him to the outside world, the warm sunlight immediately greeting the both of you
- "y/n?? what are we doing, we got work to-"
- "i'm not working with someone who can't even think straight. we're taking the day off."
- bakugou's at the back FUMING at the disappearance of you two rn
- you start walking down the grassy field with todoroki by your side, making your way to the vast sea of blues
- the smell of wide ocean air and strong breeze hit you upon arriving at the beach, small grains of sands lying beneath your feet
- todoroki's all like: ??????? why are we at the beach????
- and you're like: to fish???? duh, we're here to relax????????
- wrong again.
- hours passed as you spent the time reeling fishes by fishes, the young boy doing the same.
- the sun had set by now, dyeing the once blue sky a beautiful orange, streaks of pink accompanying it
- "y/n it's getting late now, we should go"
- "no no no no no, i swear i'll catch something good this time"
- ..............
- "y/n that's your 33rd sea bass"
- you let out a frustrated scream as you released the slimy fish, lips pulling into a sulky frown
- "i fucking hate this day."
- standing up from the pier you were previously sitting on, you turned towards the tall boy, an unsatisfied feeling overcoming you
- and that's when you saw it.
- a gentle and kind smile. one so warm that it made you think twice if what you're seeing is in fact, real. one that made you wish would never fade away.
- todoroki shouto actually smiled
- your plan of de-stressing failed when you decided to try out fishing but the moment you saw his smile, you felt it was all worth it.
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𓏲ָ✞aglist: @softkatsuki @italicization @xiorrawrites @meep-meepity @rizamendoza808 @yikes-buddy @spooky-madison @babayaga67 @raspberryhaterade @creatorofstars @starlight-oracle
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kinksvt · 5 years
baby (m)
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anon: sub minghao (maybe involve some pretty collars and polaroids oops oops)
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→ pairing: sub!minghao x dom!reader (f)
♕ summary: for you and minghao’s anniversary, you decide to surprise him and switch things up.
✱ warnings: pegging, dom & sub roles, overstimulation, uh anal? fingering?
✱ word count: 5.1k
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It was the two year anniversary of you and your boyfriend Minghao today and you planned on giving him something he—hopefully—will never forget.
Since the time you knew him before dating, Minghao was always sweet and gentle. Even in the bedroom, he treated you like a doll and never hurt a hair on your head. He always gives and never expects things in return. Today you wanted to change that.
You had to admit, you have thought of taking charge in the bedroom, to "spice things up" as everyone usually says. You have on many occasions thought about what it would be like to control Minghao, to please him and have him obey your every order. To hear him beg, whine and pled for you to do something already. You could hear it all in your head already, his soft, innocent voice asking you to touch him, ride him-
"Y/N?" A voice said, interrupting your sinful train of thought.
"Yes? Sorry, I zoned out for a bit." You excused yourself, trying to fight the blush that threatened to take over your face.
Your friend looked at you curiously. You were out with your two friends, having breakfast and all you could think about was domming your boyfriend. What kind of weirdo were you?
Minghao was in the studio, helping to record for his group's upcoming album. He had been in the studio all day and sometimes all night for the past week. It worried you a bit because you knew how stressed he gets and how much pressure he feels during the process. So this gift for him would hopefully help in more ways than one.
"So Y/N, how's Miiiinghao?" Your friend said in a teasing voice, moving her eyebrows.
You smiled, "Well," you smirked. "He's good, but today is our anniversary and I'm planning on surprising him." Winking at the end you laughed to yourself, thinking about the plan.
"Ooh," your other friend said, nudging your arm. "And what are you planning you sex demon?"
Laughing, you gently pushed her elbow away. "I don't kiss and tell."
Your friends chuckle and you three continue to eat.
Minghao texted you later on when you were walking with your friends.
[2:41 pm] Haohao: Hey baby, session is going good, hopefully I'll be done before 11 tonight.
[2:42 pm] You: That's great! I have a surprise for you when you get home btw hehe
[2:42 pm] HaoHao: Oh? And what might that surprise involve?
[2:43 pm] You: Looks like you'll have to wait and find out ;) I love you, see you tonight <3
[2:43 pm] HaoHao: You are such a tease. I love you too, see you tonight baby.
You smiled to yourself and continued walking with your friends to your next destination.
And throughout the whole day you had to excuse yourself for daydreaming. You couldn't get the thought of what you'd do to Minghao later that night out of your head for the life of you.
After a long day of hanging out with your friends at various shops and malls, you had finally come home. You carried a few bags that had new outfits, including the one you found to hopefully wear for Minghao when he also came home. You brought your bags up to you and Minghao's shared room, flipping on the light switch and glancing at the clock. It was only 8 p.m and you groaned slightly, you still had 3 hours until he came home. You pondered on what you would do to pass the time. Before you could think, your phone went off, startling you. "Hello?"
"Y/N," a memorable voice said.
"Minghao! What happened? How come you're calling from a different number?"
"My phone died so I asked to borrow Jihoon hyung's phone. I'm just calling to tell you that I should be done in about half an hour!"
"A half hour? It's only 8, how could you be nearly done already?"
"Well, I might've mentioned that today is our anniversary and the boys might've decided to let me go early." Minghao said, followed by a laugh.
"That's great!" You paused for a moment, lowering your voice slightly, "I'll be here waiting for you, baby." Whenever you talked like that to Minghao you knew would effect him and give him a slight hint at what's in store for tonight.
It must have worked because Minghao hummed, something he did when he was flustered or horny. "I can't wait."
With that, you hung up and began getting everything ready. You ran around the room, looking through drawers, putting things away, cleaning and making sure everything looked nice for when your boyfriend arrived.
As soon as you finished, you heard the front door shut, followed by a call of your name. You glanced in the mirror as you wore the new set of lingerie you bought for tonight, a shade of dark blue that Minghao just adored you in. You slowly walked down the stairs, seeing the latter taking off his shoes and stopping in his tracks once he noticed you.
"H-Holy shit," Minghao stuttered, taking in the way you looked—swallowing harshly. He suddenly felt a wave of blood rush down south and he chuckled shyly. "You look amazing, Y/N."
You smiled confidently, "Thank you baby. Now, why don't we go upstairs, and I tell you what my surprise is for you, hm?"
Minghao merely nodded innocently, following behind you like a puppy. At first, you were nervous that you wouldn't be able to get into the dominant headspace. But with how cute and excited Minghao seemed, it made it so much easier. You walked into the bedroom, where Minghao's eyes widened as he stared at your shared bed. On it was a collection of three different types of pretty collars you knew would look good on him.
You two have talked only once, maybe twice, about the things you liked. You expressed things you were into, and so did he. You never forgot that night—after a ton of drinks—when Minghao confessed the kinks of his submissive side. He slurred each word, that he's dreamt of being pegged by you, dominated by you, and collared. You remembered it clearly, despite your mind clouded by the alcohol, because of how much it turned you on to imagine Minghao being the putty in your hands with which you could do whatever you wanted to.
Minghao's mouth opened and closed slightly, clearly at a loss for words.
Smirking, you chose a collar that you noticed peaked his interest. It was a simple pink collar with the words "Baby" engraved on it. You grabbed it and looked at your boyfriend, noticing the bulge in his pants. "Excited?"
Minghao nodded aggressively as he looked up slightly so you could put the collar on. Minghao was more than excited. He could feel his heartbeat in his ears, his cock wouldn't stop twitching and—for the love of god—he couldn't wait to see what else you had in store for him.
"Strip for me," you said after the collar was secured around Minghao's neck. He obeyed and lifted his shirt, taking it off, quickly followed by his pants. You stopped him before he took off his boxers, "Let me." You sunk to your knees, holding eye contact with him as your fingertips lightly traced his hips. Minghao shuddered and his eyes closed slightly. You let your fingers slip under the band of his boxers and began pulling them down painfully slow.
After you were done with being a tease, his boxers were off and you took a moment to admire him. He's so pretty, you thought. You smiled and told him to lay on the bed as you said there was one more thing you needed to get. Minghao laid on the bed, resting on his elbows. "What are you doing!" You heard him shout from the room. He was more than excited—ecstatic, glad that you decided to surprise him—especially like this. His cock was already hard, slightly leaking a bit of precum.
You returned with a polaroid camera. He had a confused look on his face. "This," you paused, "is for me." Knowing Minghao as a photographer on the side gave you this idea. You knew he would be able to appreciate the human's naked body, not seeing it as something so lewd but as something beautiful. Minghao has taken pictures of you during sex before, and you couldn't lie, it turned you on knowing he most likely still has them saved somewhere in his phone. After he showed you the pictures, you actually began to see your body in a different, better light.
"Y-You're gonna take pictures, of me?" Minghao questioned curiously,
You giggled and instead of responding, you held the camera up to your eye and took a photo. A flash temporarily blinding Minghao, making him blink while blushing. "You're always taking pictures of art, and now, I'm gonna do the same." Smiling, you continued to capture Minghao from various angles. One was of his neck and collar, another of him looking at the camera a certain way that made your clit throb, one of his torso, another one of his red-tipped cock, and more. You took about seven pictures, not wanting to waste anymore time. "You ready for your next surprise?"
Minghao nodded, letting out a shuddering breath.
You smirked and put down the camera on the nightstand, near all of the rest of the pictures that was taken. You walked closer to him, climbing on top of him. Minghao's hands instinctively went to your waist and you captured his lips in a kiss. The kiss was soft, yet needy. Both of your tongues gliding against each other with heavy breathing and sloppy noises following suit. You felt his cock brush against your clothed core, making you and Minghao moan softly. Breaking the kiss, you began grinding yourself against his bare cock, loving how hard he was already. Your hands smoothed his chest while he watched your every move, eager to see what you would do next. Minghao gasped as your fingers toyed with his nipples, never knowing how sensitive they really were—nor how much it would turn him on. "You like that baby?"
Minghao swallowed a moan, nodding and pushing his head back into the sheets. "Y-Yes," he whispered.
You continued to grind against him as you leaned down to leave fresh hickeys onto the skin above the collar around his neck. "We're gonna try something new tonight baby." Minghao made a noise, impatiently waiting for you to continue. You stood up and took out a box you had under the bed, filled with the toys you two used on special occasions and whatnot. Minghao sat up and looked at you curiously. His hair was in disarray, his pupils blown notably and light purple hickeys began to develop—thanks to you. You dug through the box and took out a bottle of lube, along with one of the smaller dildos. Minghao's eyes nearly popped out of his head when he connected the dots and realized what was going to happen. "Lay on the bed," you ordered yet in a sweet voice.
Minghao shuffled around the bed and did what you told. You got on the bed in front of him, running your hand up and down his chest. His cock laid against his abdomen, the tip an angry red while his cheeks matched the color. "What are you gonna do to me?" He asked while shifting the pillows behind him so he could watch what you do to him.
With a chuckle, you opened the bottle of lube, slowly spreading it on two of your fingers. "I'm gonna prep you baby." You gripped his thigh, making him open his legs wider. Your middle finger traced around his hole, making him gasp at weird feeling. You shushed him, "I want you to relax for me honey, okay? It's gonna hurt for a bit, but it'll hurt worse if you're too tense."
Minghao took a deep breath, "I-Is there a safe word?"
You smiled at how wrecked he already sounded. "How about red?"
He nodded and told you to give him a moment. Minghao took a couple more deep breaths.
Between those breaths, you decided to help him by taking his length in your hand, making his breath hitch. You slowly stroked him, swiping your thumb across his tip. You used the lube that coated your fingers to slick his cock, hearing his muffled moans slightly. "That feel good, Hao?"
"Y-Yes," he said breathlessly, sounding so cute yet so hot.
You stopped momentarily, to coat your two fingers on your other hand with the lube and continued to stroke Minghao. You wanted to make sure that he would still be able to relax and enjoy both sensations. When you knew he would be fine, you put a few drops of lube on his hole, making him gasp once more.
"I-It's cold," he giggled.
You laughed slightly, "Alright baby, you ready?"
After Minghao silently nodded in response, you slowly inserted one of your fingers inside of him. He winced, trying to focus on the feeling of your hand wrapped around his cock rather than your finger inside of his ass. He had to admit, it did hurt, and feel weird, but he wanted this—and you. The whole situation was new and slightly strange for the both of you but Minghao adapted quickly.
After a couple of seconds, Minghao told you to move. You obliged and slowly began to thrust your finger in him. "You okay, baby?"
He breathed out heavily, "Y-Yeah."
You moved your finger inside of him at a set pace, making sure not to go too fast. "Ready for another?" Your thumb swiped the tip of his cock once more, making him moan before muttering a quiet yes. You added your other finger even slower than the first, nervous that Minghao would tell you to stop because it hurt. But after hearing the whine that tore out of his throat instead, threw those thoughts out the window and sent a wave of pleasure straight down to your core. "That feel good, Hao?"
"Y-Yes. P-Please, a little faster," he breathed out, swallowing a moan.
Smirking, you tightened your grip on his cock, slipping it in between your index and middle finger and stroking him. Minghao whined more, his moans only making your underwater damper. You were so ready to ruin him that it made your loins ache with heat. You looked up at Minghao, seeing his eyes screwed shut and his eyebrows furrowed together while his mouth hung open, releasing quiet breaths. His chest rose up and down, a thin layer of sweat covering it. You pushed your finger further in Minghao, curling ever so slightly. He cried out, grasping the sheets and biting his lip. "You're doing so good, baby." You breathed, stroking Minghao's cock faster.
Minghao gulped, "T-Thank you," he paused afterwards. "W-What should I call you?"
Your brain stuttered for a moment. You hadn't thought of Minghao calling you anything other than your name or a simple pet name. You racked your memories of names subs would call their doms.
Girls can be called master, right? Yeah, who cares? You're in charge. "Call me master, baby boy."
"T-Thank you mast- ah!" Minghao moaned when he felt your fingers curl in him once again and thumb swipe the tip of his cock. He was getting close, feeling all sorts of sensitive to the new feeling. Minghao would've never guessed he could get off with your fingers in him rather than the other way around, but boy could he get used to it.
Your hand continued to work on his cock, moving at the right paces that you knew would help bring him closer to the edge. Your fingers moved in and out of him, going deeper and curling at the right moments. You were a pro, Minghao thought. Of course you would be. You spent plenty of your years single and lonely, only having your fingers to satisfy your needs. He never knew fingers could feel so good..
When Minghao's moans began getting shorter and higher, you warned him. "You can only cum when I say so, if you want to you have to ask. Got it?"
"Y-Yes Master, can I cum?" He looked down at you with cute, innocent eyes.
You smirked, "Only good boys with manners can cum, baby. Hold it." Maybe you were being a bit harsh, but this new role brought out a different side of you that you didn't know you had.
Minghao tried to shuffle away from your hand and fingers, struggling to hold back his orgasm. He whines softly, his head thrown back and his eyes shut tight.
"If you keep moving baby, you won't cum at all." After that, you had pressed another finger inside of him gently and continuing to move in and out of him.
Minghao whined louder, "Please, please, Master, please let me cum." His head writhed against the pillows behind him, his eyebrows and eyes tight together.
Your eyes widened slightly, shocked at how desperate Minghao was. You felt him pulse around your fingers and you thrusted them inside of him faster. His whines were achingly loud, making your clit throb. "Cum for me, baby."
As soon as Minghao heard those words, he released the loudest moan, stilling completely and cum shooting out of his cock. His head pushed against the white pillows, his collared neck exposed as you watched his adam's apple bob. Minghao's mouth hung open, small gasps exiting his throat.
"Such a good boy for me, Hao. Aren't you?" You glanced at him, his eyes shut and chest falling up and down as he nodded slightly.
"Y-Yes, Master."
You hummed as you released your hold on his softening cock and wiped your fingers off. "We're not done yet, baby." Minghao swallowed, sitting up. His eyes were hooded, eyes darker and pupils dilated in a way that made you eager to wreck further. "On your hands and knees." You purred as you grabbed the dildo you had set on the bed before you two started. Minghao did as you asked, facing toward the headboard and waiting for your next command.
"I-I'm a little nervous," he confessed quietly.
You smiled at his honesty, resulting in you leaving a kiss of reassurance on his shoulder. "I'm right here, baby. If anything hurts too much or if you want to stop at any time, please just let me know, okay?"
Minghao looked back at you, biting his lip anxiously. "You wouldn't be mad?" He raised his eyebrows curiously.
You couldn't help but smile larger at his cuteness, "Of course I wouldn't honey. I would never pressure you into doing anything that you weren't comfortable with." Your heart swelled with love for Minghao as you opened the bottle of lube once more and began to spread it along the dildo.
"E-Even if," he trailed off, hesitant to say what he was planning to, "if, you were in the middle of fucking me?"
Your action stuttered for a split second, caught off guard by how innocent Minghao sounded saying something so explicit. "Y-Yes," you replied. "Even if I was fucking you, if you wanted to stop, I would. Just say the word, baby."
"Okay," was all he added before turning back to the headboard.
"Do you think you're ready for this, or do you want my fingers, baby?"
Minghao shuddered at the way you asked, feeling dirty about the whole situation. But he was ready for something just slightly bigger, and his cock twitched at the thought of you fucking him the way he's done to you countless times before. "I-I'm ready," he said.
"Are you sure?" You questioned when you noticed he seemed a little hesitant again.
"I'm sure, I promise."
You nodded silently as you took some more lube and spread it on Minghao's entrance, making him moan slightly. You pressed the dildo against him. It was a smooth light pink dildo that Minghao had gotten you months ago for your birthday, and what you almost forgot was that it doubled as a vibrator too. You looked at the bottom of the dildo, seeing the switches and modes of vibrations it had. You smirked as you eased it inside of him slowly.
Minghao winced, "I-It feels w-weird." Minghao closed his eyes, trying to relax somewhat.
Before you were going to say anything, you let the dildo slip inside of him until the hilt stopped you. "How are you doing?"
"Mm, I'm okay, give me a second." He breathed in and out of his nose, before a moan choked out of his throat.
You had switched the toy on, starting at the lowest setting. You wanted Minghao to feel good and help him ease up. "This should make things feel a little bit better." You ran your hand down his back, gripping his ass.
Minghao moaned aloud again as he bucked his hips forward. "A-ah, i-it feels, s-so good."
You tugged on Minghao's collar, making him choke slightly as you pulled him upwards to kiss him. Minghao held the side of your face with his hand, his head strained towards you as your tongues mingled together. You bit the bottom of his lip, earning a moan from him and making you smirk in return. Your hand snaked down his body, gripping his cock. "M-Master," he breathed, gasping as he felt your thumb swipe across his slit.
"Yes, baby?" You teased, stroking him slowly.
He bit back another moan, "P-Please, m-move it."
"You want me to move the toy in you, baby boy?"
Minghao whined at the pet name, nodding his head shyly. "Please, Master."
You smiled at how obedient he was. You obliged and gripped the base of the buzzing dildo. Slowly, you began to move it out of Minghao and easing it back in. You heard him let out a long, drawn out moan. "Like that?" You questioned, seeing him move his hands and lay on his forearms.
"F-Faster," he rasped. His breathing was heavy, shallow as he gripped the sheets from pleasure of the vibrations inside him.
Doing as he told, you began to thrust the toy inside of him a bit faster. Hearing his moans was making your pussy ache even more, knowing for sure there would be a dark, wet spot on your underwear. Your clit developed its own heartbeat, only beating harder after each moan that slipped out of Minghao's pretty lips. You thought of those lips around your clit, biting back a moan. You wanted this to go faster, faster so that Minghao would cum, then make you cum.
You added a bit more lube to the exposed part of the dildo, pushing it back inside him. You moved the toy quicker, hearing Minghao whine each time the base hit against him. "Fuck, that f-feels so good, Master. P-Please, don't stop." Your finger flipped the switch to the second setting, the vibrator buzzing faster and a bit harsher.
Minghao let out a surprised cry, scratching at the sheets. He let out broken moans, one following after another.
"You close again, baby?" You grabbed the toy and began fucking him even faster, making him moan louder.
"Y-Yes.." he whispered, his face laying against the pillow while his ass was up in the air for you.
"Remember what I told you." You merely said, relentlessly thrusting the vibrator deep inside of him.
"Please! Please, please Master! Can I cum? I-I'm so, close." He begged, looking back at you on his hands with his eyes slightly glossed over while his cheeks developed a dark pink hue.
Minghao's hair was tussled, his bangs covering his eyes, along with his flushed face, you couldn't resist. "Go ahead."
He came with a loud, drawn moan, bordering a scream. His body twitched as he stilled and fall back onto the pillow under him. The room was silent minus Minghao's heavy breaths and the buzzing of the vibrator still inside of him. You turned the toy off, slowly pulling it out of him. Minghao gasped at the friction and sighed when it was out. You cleaned up most of the cum that had landed on the sheets under him, not wanting him, or yourself, to lay in it.
"You okay, baby boy?" Rubbing his back, you shifted next to him to look at his face, making sure you didn't hurt him.
He quietly nodded, "I'm perfect," he said.
You moved closer to him, capturing him in a slow, sensual kiss. He moaned into the kiss as your tongue glided over his. You pulled away slowly, "You've been very good for me, Hao." You got up from the bed, rummaging through the box again and taking out something that was out of Minghao's view.
"Mhm?" He said, waiting for you to continue. You turned to face him again and he visibly and audibly swallowed. "You said that you've wanted me to fuck you before, right?"
Minghao was speechless, mouth opening and closing, unable to form words. You wore a strap-on that you had bought weeks ago in preparation for tonight, and you couldn't wait to see his reaction—which frankly is better than you could've imagined.
Minghao's cock twitched as he recalls the night he confessed that to you. Just a moment ago with the dildo was incredible but having his own girlfriend fuck him? He could feel another orgasm coming already. He nodded his head once he got out of his thoughts, eager for you to be inside of him.
"You're gonna be good for me, right baby?" You said getting back on the bed and positioning yourself in front of him. He nodded as you grabbed a pillow for him to lay on top of. "Good. And I hope you know I'm just as excited for this as you are."
Minghao's face began to blush whilst his ears did the same, a cute habit that you always adored about him. "R-Really?"
You nodded as you spread the lube along your strap. Minghao gulped, letting out a whine. "H-Hurry, p-please. I-I want you, in me already." He said, voice lowering to a whisper as he confessed his needs.
Holding back a moan, you looked at him with a lustful stare. "Desperate for me to fuck you, aren't you baby?"
Minghao moaned at your words, feeling his cock twitch. "Mhm," he hummed.
You did as he so cutely said and gripped his thighs, slowly easing yourself into him. He winced slightly as you watched his face intently, keeping an eye out for any uncomfortable expressions. Neither of you could believe this was happening. Out of both of your comfort zone's yet still feeling somehow natural.
"You okay?" You asked as your strap filled him up to the hilt.
He nodded, his eyes shut. "You can move," Minghao said timidly.
"Are you sure baby?" You were afraid you would hurt him or get too caught up in the moment and hurt him.
"Please, Master, fuck me." Was all he said, his words and voice sending a strong pulse to your clit. Everything that you thought before those words left Minghao's mouth, were long gone. You clenched onto his thighs and began doing as he told you to.
Slapping noises filled the room, along with Minghao's moans with each thrust inside him. You kept your eyes on his, seeing every detail and feature that appeared on his face. "Such a dirty boy for me, aren't you, Hao?"
Minghao threw his head back, letting out a high pitched whine, "Y-Yes, Master. O-Only for you." He said, his mouth gaping open.
It was strange to be on the receiving end of what would usually come out of your mouth when Minghao would fuck you the way you are to him. It was strange, but it gave you a whole new sense and feel of power that left you craving more.
Your hips snapped against his as you took one of your hands and grabbed his length—which was leaking profusely onto his stomach—and began to jerk him off while you fucked him. Minghao's face contorted in a state of pleasure you had never seen him in. He gripped the sheets so hard, you could see the whites of his knuckles. "Such a good boy for me, baby."
Minghao moaned at your words, biting his lip. He was so hard and so turned on and so close to cumming again, it embarrassed him. His hand wrapped around your wrist, stopping your movements. "P-Please," he gasped. 
"Please what, baby?" You asked, slowing down your hips slightly.
"Just, f-fuck me, please." He stuttered, swallowing dryly and letting out a broken moan.
You smirked, "Remember who's in charge here, baby boy." And without saying anything else, you bucked your hips faster. "Like that, baby?"
"Yes, please. H-Harder." Minghao grabbed one of your hands that was on his hip and intertwined your fingers together. 
You smiled, contradicting what you were doing to Minghao at the moment. "You're so cute baby, am I fucking you good?"
He panted, eyes squeezing shut. "Yes! You're fucking me s-so good Master, p-please don't stop. I-I'm close."
You let go of Minghao's hand to move your position. You knew that there was a certain spot in you Minghao would hit when he moved your legs over his shoulders--so that's what you did. You moved his legs onto your shoulders and shifted your position, hopefully hitting inside Minghao deeper.
Minghao yelled, "R-Right there! F-Fuck, I-I'm gonna cum-" Minghao grabbed your arm, gripping it tightly as he shoved his head into the pillow. His hips twitched and he felt his eyes roll to the back of his head. Cum shot out of his cock and onto his stomach, also splashing onto his collar. He let out a whine, developing into a moan that broke as his voice got higher. Minghao collapsed slightly, letting out a huff of breath.
You laughed slightly, seeing him worn out and sweaty, not even caring that he came without your permission. His hair stuck to his forehead, tiny droplets falling onto his cheeks while a layer of sweat covered his bare torso. You slowly pulled out of Minghao, making him wince. You tossed it onto the floor and stood up to make a trip to the bathroom to get a wash rag to clean Minghao up.
When you returned, you took a second to admire him. You quietly grabbed the camera off the bedside table and took a quick photo. Minghao seen the flash and felt your presence and turned to you. He giggled, "That was, probably the best anniversary gift you've ever given me." He said, out of breath.
You chuckled as you approached him, cleaning off the semi dried cum on his stomach. "I'm glad that it didn't go south."
Minghao hummed, "You didn't cum though." He mentioned, taking off his collar and rubbing his neck slightly.
You waved a hand at him, signaling that you didn't mind. "You can make it up to me on our next anniversary."
He smirked, and grabbed your hand, pulling you on top of him. "I'll make sure you can't walk for weeks, baby girl."
a/n: wow i finally posted! hope u guys enjoyed this, i know i did ;)
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zuffer-weird-girl · 5 years
Olá !!! I have one for ya ! How about nurse chisaki x reader teacher , the plot being chisaki is is forced to be UA new nurse and gets the crap beaten out of him almost everyday by students , but he can’t do nothing about it because no one likes him so no one wants to help him, until one day the reader finds him being beaten up and saves him and he just falls for her after that and maybe she helps him with his reputation? It’s a long one sorry about that , love your work ❤️❤️❤️
Olá!! So, I will make this an no quirk AU since I guess that people on UA wouldn't want a imprisoned criminal category fucking B villain as their nurse. I loved your request btw
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Honestly? He felt worse...
Ever since the school U.A demanded his services; since he was basically forced to take a job when he got out of prison; as their nurse, Chisaki was in a awful mood almost 24 hours at day, even when he wasn't working.
Chisaki was going to refuse and even insult these bastards to even look exactly for him to do this despicable job, but Pops made up his mind.
"If you don't accept this Kai your penalty on jail can increase and the yakusa will be prejudiced by it. Accept this offer already."
Well, here was... treating his own swollen and purple eye.
Just like him, the students and even some teachers weren't pleased by his presence on their school ground. And some expressed their disgust towards him with physical violence and degrading words.
Chisaki wasn't weak and could easily pin them down and take their lifes away, but if he even dared to raise a hand, he was going to suffer the consequences with the police and the yakusa would be prejudiced with the news of him... and Pops could be arrested as well.
So he just take it. It's not like it was anything he cared for anyway...
A knock on the door interrupted his actions and he immediately puffed an air of pure irritation at the thought of another person treating him like disgusting trash or even chosing to beat him up.
"Come in." He groaned impatiently as he got out of the the tiny bathroom of the infirmary.
He froze when he saw you. A teacher from class 2-B wondering around, looking at everthing with an innocent smile and pure interest.
Well, the least he would get was going to be a slap on his face or a kick on his private area...
"Ah hello!" You noticed his presence and your happy face soon transformed into one of worry at seing his black eye "Oh god! Are you okay? What happened?" You approached him and he took a step back covering his eye while glaring at you with his good one.
"Not your business. What do you want?" He growled, making you lift your hands up in defence as you simply nodded.
"Ok, not going to interfere. Sorry, I just got worried, but I understand. I just came here to grab a pill for a headache for one student of mine."
"Right." He went into one of his shelfs and grabbed one pot and roughly handed it to you one exactly pill.
"That should be enough." You smiled up at him and bowed shortly after.
"Thank you very much Chisaki-kun. Have a good a day!" You waved at him and got out.
He scoffed before plopping down on his chair as he grabbed a small amount of cotton.
"Good day... right."
On the other day you passed by and greated him like normally, while he was attending a student, whose was scowling at him already.
"Good morning Chisaki-kun. What happened in here?"
He stared at you for a few seconds before pointing with his palm at a cut on the student's arm, irritation clearly on his face.
"Woah kiddo what happened on the battle field?"
The boy smiled at you while he rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment.
"Long day at training (L/N) sensei. My colleague went a bit overboard on me." You giggled while Chisaki picked his equipments to start to sterilize the injury.
"I can do it myself." The student said roughly trying to get the supplies fron Chisaki's hands.
"Do you even have the knowledge of the topic? No, right? So just shut it and let me do my damn job." Chisaki groaned before luckily dodging the younger boy slap.
"Hey! What is the meaning of this?!" You shouted at the student making him flinch in fear while Chisaki widened his eyes.
"Miss he is-"
"I don't want to hear it!" You pointed a threatening finger at his face "You better respect this man for doing at least a decent job! He is your superior, and you own him some respect! Did you hear me?!" The boy nodded nervously at seing an usual calm and cheerful teacher in such a state of wrath.
"Good. Now let him threat the wound or else you can get out of here and look for recovery girl." The boy slowly got up and leaved the infirmary.
Chisaki looked at you, sighing in pure annoyance while pinching between your eyebrows with your other hand on your hip.
"I apologize for his behavior Chisaki-kun. I will talk with principal Nezu about it."
"It's..." he looked at you questionably "Not necessary." He put the uttensiles back in their originals places.
"What do you want?" He returned to look at you, crossing arms and with his usual glare.
"Uh? Oh! Nothing, I was just passing by and wanted to see how were you doing!" A beep catched the attention of both of you before you gasped looking at the time.
"My break It's over. I have to get back to class right away or my students will destroy the classroom."
"Quite troublesome brats aren't they?" He lifted one of his eyebrows up which you only giggled making your way to the door.
"Maybe, but they are good kids. See you soon!" You bowed and closed the door.
Why did you even defended him..? And you didn't even wanted nothing in return.
What the hell were you planning? And what was this warm on his chest..?
As time passed by, Kai had already memorized your breaks, since everytime you went to his infirmary to catch up. He noticed that you stayed, talked and treated him like a decent human being, different from many of this hell.
So its not shocking for him to notice that he may had developed a certain... fondness for you.
So he was slightly concerned when you were ten minutes late than normal to your usual visit.
"Waiting for miss (L/N) young man?" Asked recovery girl making her way to a reunion with principal Nezu.
Chisaki merely sended a death glare at her before scoffing and returning his supposed 'attention' on his book.
"Rude as always." Mumbled the older woman shooking her head in disbelief.
Before he could finally be emerged on his book, a knock on the door was hearded, and Chisaki felt his worries go away immediately when he saw your figurine carring two mugs carefully.
"I know I'm late, but lecture today was almost impossible since my students were anxious about their grades. And I may have made a bit too much tea to calm down my nerves." You smiled sitting on a chair in front of his desk and offering him one mug.
"Gladly." He brushed his gloved fingers with your skin, which sended a wave of shiver in his intere body.
He choosed to ignore it and just drink it in peace. At least you gave him a excuse for being late.
"Rough day?" You asked as soon as you finished sipping on your tea.
"Not as much. Students have been more careful and choosing to go to recovery girl instead." He blantly said before taking another sip of his own tea "Less sick brats and teachers for me to take care of."
You laughed, almost spilling your tea, but luckily you had put your mug down and swallowed the hit drink before the worse could happen.
Chisaki himself felt a rush of warm spread on his cheeks but before he could evict, he let out his own chuckle... your laugh was just so adorable and yet so catching that he couldn't help himself.
Your eyes immediately went wide open as your jaw dropped. When he finally oppened his eyes, he immediately built his wall up, already waiting for the worst.
"What?" He asked bitterly.
"It's the first time I heard you laugh." You smiled brightly at him "In fact its the first time I even got a chance to know that you're happy! It's difficult to see it when you're so serious and wears this mask all the time you know?" He scoffed, choosing to look down at his hot tea.
"So what if?" He asked in a arrogant tone, bringing his mug to another sip as he closed his eyes, not really expecting a answer.
"Well, it's adorable." He choked on his tea in surprise and started to cough.
"Woah! You're okay there?" You went to pat his back but he stopped you with one his hands; silently demanding distance; while the other slapped his chest a couple of times.
"Sorry, no touching, I forgot." He finally recuperated and breath in slowly to catch his breath.
"You're okay?" You asked giggling when he glared down at you.
"Get out of my office."
"It's not an office Chisaki." You started to laugh at seing his ears turning pink as he pointed at the door.
"Get out of my infirmary then, visit time is over." You laughed at his irritation and with hands up to your chest in surrender, you started to make your way towards the door.
"Okay okay sir! Can I at least pick my-"
"Alright, a present for you then. See ya tomorrow on the same time!" You giggled when you heard him scoffing.
He groaned when he returned sitting down on his chair as he rubbed at his dark brow hair.
He looked at the black mug in front of him and carefully passed the point of his fingers through it.
"A gift...from you..." he mumbled, ignoring the fact that he was smilling like a idiot at such stupid yet so endearing action of yours.
The first thing he hearded was your gasp coming from the door frame of the tiny bathroom of the infirmary.
"Chisaki what happened?!" You asked with desperation as you took steps closer to the man, whose his uncovered nose was bleeding along with a few cuts and purple marks covering his jaw and the left side of his face.
"(L/N) it's nothing to worry about." He numbly said as he tried to pick his black mask again.
"Nothing to worry about your ass Chisaki! You're bleeding!" You grapped his wrist which he flinched and pushed him out of the bathroom to force him to sit on a chair.
"How dare you-" he growled but soon stopped at seing the raged look you carried in your eyes as you picked a first aid kit.
You sitted in front of him and picked a pair of gloves and quickly wear them before grabbing a puff of cotton with alcohol and pressed gently at his cuts and wiped away his blood.
He winced at first, but soon relaxed and just let you be, as he looked down at both of your feets on the ground.
"Kai..." you called "Who are the persons doing this? It's not the first time I catch you injured. Please, I'm actually begging here."
He stayed in silence, not daring to look at your (E/C) eyes... he couldn't understand why you were so worried about... him. Him, out of all people, didn't you know who he was? Were you that dumb? Or just as antisocial as he was?
"Don't you know who I am?" He sighed the words which made your actions immediately stop.
"Chisaki Kai. The nurse of this school. Why?" He finally looked at you, a mixture of disbelief and irritation.
"Don't play dumb with me. You know who I am. You know I'm from the yakusa. You know how dangerous I can be. You know how hated I am." He growled animalistic, noticing the way you retreated a little, but your face still calm as ever.
"What the hell are your intentions on acting like this? Answer me, now." He demanded in a dark tone.
You sighed putting the kit aside and crossing your arms and putting one leg over the other.
"So? I already had knowledge of who you was and are, right. But can't I be at least respectful or even like your company? I mean, its not like everyone in this building is a saint or something like that."
His eyes softened a little before he looked down and bringed his hands up to his hair.
"I can't understand you... yet I'm... dammit.."
"Do you want me to go..?" You asked, not really wanting to go, but still respecting his decisions.
He shook his head with his hands still planted on his hair.
"... do you want a hug?" He jerked back up and looked at you dead in the eye with anger.
"Just offering! Calm down!" You lift your hands in defence.
He thought for a few seconds before sighing...
"I'm calm." He standed up and went to the bathroom again closing the door.
You looked over at his desk and couldn't help but smile and blush at seing the black mug standing there, perfectly clean and shinning through the lights of the infirmary.
When will he notice..?
You walked through the halls in search of Chisaki, since he wasn't in the infirmary, and recovery girl also having no idea where he was, since he was gone to grab a few supplies that were missing and didn't come back for an hour by now...
You eyes widened when you saw one guard and even one teacher of the third year cornering him on a wall as he only looked with his usual empty eyes and irritated face as he wiped away the blood dripping from his mouth.
"You two sick people already done? I'm going to be late for my work." He received a punch on the jaw as a answer as they went for even more.
"Guess not huh?" He grunted.
"HEY!" you screamed running in their direction and yanking the teacher away from Chisaki and standing at his front to provide any punches the guard could give.
"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?!" you shouted angrily at them, making both go wide eyed.
"Miss (L/N) please calm down-" the teacher tried to reason but you just got more infuriated.
"(L/N), he is dangerous, if we don't keep him grounded he may try to-"
"Are you trying to tell me you've been treating him like a wild animal since WHEN?!" Both flinched at your tone and even Chisaki widened his eyes in surprise.
"You know you two are no better than him if you beat him up for nothing?! I don't care if Principal Nezu fire me for this, but if I ever catch any of you or your partners even daring to touch him, I will give you a punch so hard that will make you bastards go straight TO THE MOON!" you pointed furiously at the direction of the exit "GET OUT OF MY SIGN. NOW!"
Both made their ways pretty quickly out, as you took a couple of breaths to calm your self down. When you turned to be in his front you saw Chisaki staring at you with wide golden eyes.
"You're okay? Did they did more than this?" You asked worriedly, containing your urge to hold his upper arms in a form of comfort.
He tried to form words but he was just in shock... you could lose your job for that scandal you just throw and yet you yelled at the top of your lungs at your coworkers... protecting him, defending him even...
"Come on." You signal for him to go to the infirmary before Aizawa got out of his class and looked worriedly and in guard at both of you.
"(L/N)? Did something happened?" You only waved him off and said you could explain later as you grabbed Chisaki's hand, who for once didn't flinch, and lead the way to the infirmary.
When you both arrived, recovery girl wasn't there anymore.
Chisaki numbly stayed on his feet as you looked for the first aid kit.
"You will be late for your class..." he monotonously pointed it out, not really wanting you to go.
"Is English class now. Mic is taking care of then..."
"Right... the noisy one..." you approached him and he stopped your actions to threat his injury.
"Chisaki can you please not be so stu-"
"Kai... calm me Kai." He numbly said, still looking down at his feet.
"Y-Your first name? Ok. If you want to. But still-"
"I..." he interrupted you again, looking hesitant to even finish his sentence "I think I will... accept that offer now... if you wouldn't mind."
"Huh? What offer?" You confusely looked up at him.
He for once looked at your eyes, like a kicked puppy, before he enveloped his arms on you as he buried his face on the crook of your neck.
He was even surprised that he didn't felt the urge to pull back or even felt disgusted at the contact, instead a warm feeling of comfort and safety enveloping him. Comproving his theory...
He was in love with you... he felt good with your presence near him... he felt for once loved and cared...
His tears started to fall silently when he felt the gentle pressure of your fingers in his scalp, carresing gently his head in comfort.
"It's okay Kai."
He felt... for once... safe and sound... the first and every time he felt good about being vulnerable in front of someone...
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andiroo42 · 4 years
Thoughts on intermittent fasting for weight loss
For the past 3 months now I have been intermittent fasting and have lost around 15lbs (6.8kg). I’d like to share tips, confidence boosters and how to make it as easy for yourself as possible if you’d like to try it too.
About Fasting
The time between your last meal of the day and first one of the next day is considered a fast. That’s why the first meal of the day is called breakfast (btw which doesn’t have to be early in the morning). There are longer versions of fasting that may limit food for longer than 24 hours, but that’s not what I’m discussing here. Intermittent fasting (IF) is extending the length of a daily fast so that more time is spent in a state of ketosis, the body’s process of burning fat for energy. Our bodies will switch over to ketosis after glucose sugars are used up in the blood stream, so less sugar and carbs (which are converted into sugar) means more fat burning potential. IF lengths are noted in 2 numbers: X/Y. X = the length of the fast and Y equals the window you want to eat within. They add up to 24. The following, in my opinion, are the easiest methods for getting started with IF, plus bonus tips!
Fun fact: lb (pound) is an abbreviation for the Latin ‘libra pondo’, or “pound weight”, the English pound. That’s why the constellation libra is a scale.
Level 1: No eating between meals
We naturally convert extra energy into fat to store for later. It’s our body’s default mode, because it never knows when we won’t have access to food in the future. Snacking interrupts the digestion process and tells the body there is more energy coming, so store what is currently going through for later as fat. Snacking, or even eating at inconsistent times, is like trying to study for a test and getting constantly interrupted. You waste time and don’t get any work done. Fasting between meals makes sure the food current in you is adequately digested before eating the next one. Eating a nutritious meal and letting our bodies digest everything in the stomach allows it to get the nutrients we need and then switch over to ketosis. The standard 3 meals a day is around 14/10, 14 hours fasting from say 6pm to 8am with a 10 hour meal window. Generally meals should gradually get smaller as the day goes on. You might try a small 3rd meal in the evening. Fruit and nuts are fine. It’s also a good idea to stop eating 3 to 4 hours before bedtime so a full stomach trying to digest doesn’t keep you up when you’re trying to fall asleep. You especially don’t want to over eat late in the evening when your body is getting ready to sleep. And no midnight snacks! You may want to set meal times so your body knows when to expect food. It’s best to make these decisions ahead of time so that you can more easily say no to bad habits when they present themselves. 
Bonus #1: Cut out sugar
Cutting out sugar found in sweets, breakfast cereals, beverages etc means your body doesn’t have to process it in the first place. Especially avoid high fructose corn syrup, a type of unnatural, super-concentrated sugar that besides being in candy and soda, is used to sweeten many non-dessert items like ketchup, yogurt, cereal bars and juices (read those ingredients!) Some folks are already eating relatively healthy, they just need to make a few adjustments. But I know for others it will be more of struggle as cravings will hit. You may even get headaches as you body adjusts. It could mean low electrolytes. I found water with a pinch of pink Himalayan salt helped. It’s quite similar to a sports drink but without any added sugars or chemicals. Speaking of beverages, cutting out sugar may mean getting rid of soft drinks. If you are drinking sugar soda, this would be the first thing I would recommend to limit and eventually cut out of your diet. How about diet soda? Nope. It’s been linked to increased appetite (sweet foods generally increase appetite), weight gain and obesity. You’ll be glad to save money by switching to water. If you really want something, I like to drink a cup of sugarless black tea before breakfast, some like black coffee. The caffeine suppresses appetite. 
Level 2: Two meals a day
This is my current level. 16/8 fast. 16 hours of fasting might look like 6pm to 10am. For most people this is doable as it’s just a late breakfast and removing a meal. You might do better thinking of it in terms of skipping breakfast because most cereals and breakfast items, at least in the US, are loaded with sugar and the little nutritional value they do have is fortified, that is, added back artificially. When 10am rolls around I’m good and hungry for a big meal. 
Speaking of which, fasting also helps me to be aware of how much I eat. Yes I’ll eat a big meal but I’m more aware of when I’m full. I’ve surprised myself when I had to save some for later. Many have grown up with the idea that we must clear our plates, that food goes to waste otherwise. But truth is that if you overeat you’re gonna feel bad and it’s still gonna go to waste on your body as fat. Save it for later if you’re full and it won’t go to waste. Also, eating 2 meals a day has helped me to be more health conscious. I want those meals to be packed with lots of nutritious vegetables, healthy grains and high quality ingredients. I save money by not buying sweets, soft drinks and junk food.
Bonus #2: Exercise
This should be a no brainer but I mentioned it here because it does take extra time and effort, but that doesn’t have to stop you. The easiest kind for most people is walking. Many health experts recommend a goal of 10,000 steps, which takes about 2 hours, or 100 steps per minute. I usually get in 2-3k just in daily task and split the rest up into 2 walks. But if you aren’t there yet, shoot for 5,000. No? Then go for 3,000. The point is not about reaching someone else’s lofty goal, but setting one that you feel comfortable with. If it’s smaller and obtainable then you’ll get a confidence boost when you do reach it. It’s the same for weight goals. Start off with 5 or 10 lbs and go from there. You may have a vision for the weight range you’d like to be in but keep the realistic in immediate view for now. The best walks are taken outside in fresh air and sunlight. Sunlight also replenishes your vitamin D which is connected to regulating metabolism which means better fat burning!
For those who feel they are ready for it, strength training will help you lose weight faster. The more muscle you build, the more energy it requires and the more fat you’ll burn, even when resting and not exercising. Body weight exercise and calisthenics are great. I would start on the core to get a strong foundation for everything else. There are tons of resource, workout routines and tip videos on YouTube so take a look.
The paper towel roll effect
Taking one paper towel off the roll when it’s new isn’t very noticeable, but when you get down to just a few sheets, removing one becomes a larger percentage of its total. The same thing happens with weight loss. If you need to drop a bunch of weight, a small amount may not seem to make a big difference. But when you get closer to the ideal weight for your height, those smaller amounts will seem to make a bigger difference. If you don’t know the ideal weight for your height, use this tool: https://www.calculator.net/ideal-weight-calculator.html
This will help you figure out a range so you can set a long term vision to keep in mind. It might be a long way off so it doesn’t have to be a precise number, just a range that you would like to be within. 
Level 3: One meal a day
This is for those individuals who really want to focus on losing weight and have the willingness to do so. I hope to be updating this section, but I am less experienced with this level so I recommend talking with those who have done it on https://www.reddit.com/r/intermittentfasting/  Users will often post progress photos with these abbreviations: SW=starting weight, CW=current weight and GW=goal weight.
I’ve learned that it’s ok to be hungry, that being ready to eat is good. Western culture interprets temporary hunger as a bad feeling, that it’s wrong or abusive to feel. Some will actually interpret over fullness as hunger when their stomach is actually tired from being overworked. As long as you are having healthy, nutritious food at your meal(s) then it’s not starvation. One meal is enough to get all your nutrients and you can rely on the ketosis to give the rest of the energy you need.
Bonus #3: Go low carb and count those calories
Our bodies essentially treat carbs as sugars but they take the long way to get there. Simple carbohydrates, found in highly processed foods, are digested quickly and thus turn into fat quicker. Complex carbs are found in unprocessed whole grains, take longer to digest and provide more sustained energy. One thing to try: Take all your unhealthy, simple carbohydrate rich foods out of your cupboards and if you can’t give them away, give them a free trip to the garbage can. I’ve found that cutting out processed carbs like snacks, junky breads, pastries etc automatically cuts the majority of added sugars because sugar and carbs are usually paired together. Limiting one usually significantly limits the other. 
Counting calories is a good way to make sure you are only eating the healthy food you need and avoiding junk food. 2000 calories is what most people need to last throughout the day, but you can limit it to 1500 to speed up the weight loss process. There are great apps like MyFitnessPal that are super easy to use, allow you to scan food packages, can track your weight and have tons of free workout videos. I’ve found that after about 2 weeks of counting calories and streamlining my meal choices, I got a good enough feel for things that I didn’t need to continue to count, but that’s just me. 
Dinner is served
So find what works best for you and stick to it. Consistency is how to tell if something works. Eventually you may plateau as your body gets used to your routine so you will need to switch things up in order to see the same results. The things I’ve mentioned here aren’t about punishing yourself, but can be a form of self care that will last for years to come. Even if you put one of these tips into practice, you’ll be bettering yourself. Seeing the numbers on the scale drop always gives me a confidence boost. I’ve gained more time for other activities because I spend less time in the kitchen, dining room and grocery store. If you can, do it with a friend or someone you care about, it’ll keep you accountable and you’ll have someone to lean on during the difficult days. And be sure to check out https://www.reddit.com/r/intermittentfasting/. It’s encouraging to see user progress reports (some are quite miraculous!), read new tips and have a community that is doing it along with you. Thanks for reading! Stay safe and healthy!
Andrew is a graphic designer currently living in Allentown PA. See his work at 42design.co
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cutiecrates · 4 years
Cutie Reviews: NMNL Oct 19
For this month Tokyo Catch has been running a promotion, where if you spent enough money to equal or value past 600 points, you receive a free Crane Game ticket per-day. I was disappointed to learn these couldn’t be stacked, but I figured may as well get use out of them by practicing. Now, I only found out about this like a week ago, and would you believe the other day I actually won something in one try?! I was completely stunned, I really wasn’t expecting that to happen. 
I won’t spoil what it is though, when it comes in the mail I’ll take a pic :3 I’ll give you a hint though, it’s Pokemon related~
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Meanwhile, I’m sure you see the 2 boxes here, right? If you’re new to the blog or missed the explanation for this “incident”- basically, Tokyo Treat accidentally sent me 2 of the same box (the copy came about a month later I think). I contacted them about this and they told me it was a mistake on behalf of their database, but I was free to keep it. So they are the same, but some variations are different.
“Are you ready to celebrate Halloween? In Japan, everone loves dressing up and even though scary and spooky looks are popular, so are the cute and colorful ones. That’s why we’ve included makeup, skincare, and more inspired by Harujuku, the trendiest place in Tokyo! We hope you’re excited for this month’s spooky beauty box!“
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This month, the contest was based on Pumpkin-themed products for the face; such as eye shadow, a sleeping pack, and some duo pads for cleansing.
Glam Gift
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Meanwhile, Kuromi has returned in the form of the special box in NMNL with a little of everything. I love the pouch and hand cream ♥ 
Of course, for Halloween this months featured “characters you should dress-up as for Halloween“. Which one did you get from this list?
Aries: Sailor Moon Taurus: Marilyn Monroe Gemini: Maleficent Cancer: Cruella de Vil Leo: Merida Virgo: Hermione Granger Libra: Hello Kitty Scorpio: Wednesday Adams Sagittarius: Harley Quin Capricorn: Elsa Aquarius: Zombie Alice Pisces: Ursula
I was so excited to get Hello Kitty ♥ You guys know how much I love her, although, I do wish they had included more anime/manga/video game characters.
Acupressure Face Mask
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This is a great item if you’re going to be spending Halloween indoors or want to work on your glowing complexion. All you do is put it on for 1 minute a day and rub over the pressure points (I could be wrong, but the box has a picture of someone doing it), then you take it off. It has two sets of straps for a comfortable fit.
This is a product by Lucky Wink, the same people who made those adorably massage kitty pads we got a couple months back. Because I love cats I really like the concept behind these items, and I really like to use the kitty paws. I’m not 100% sure how I feel about this because it actually kind of hurts a little (I use the tighter straps though, if I use the loose ones I don’t feel like it does anything), and the skin around my eyes feel a bit tightened afterwards. But at the same time, I don’t hate it, and it looks like it has been having some effect on the skin. I also like that it doesn’t feel inconvenient to use.
Pumpkin Rejuvenate Mask & Bling Cat Eye Patch
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We are lucky to get 2, really cute face masks this month. First up is this natural mask by Esfolio, made from pumpkin (and several other plants) to improve skin elasticity and glow, while leaving out harmful items like MIT, CMIT, parabens, mineral oil (I actually thought that was supposed to be good), and silicone.
I really like this one! It smells a little like flowery pumpkin (its a very faint pumpkin smell), and even though I wiped off most of the product, it adheres to the skin amazingly. This is always something I look for in a face mask because I find they work a lot better than the other ones- the ones I usually have to lay back for while using to make sure they stay on. With winter still in the process of passing, my skin has been needing something like this as of late, and its been feeling pretty nice since I used it a few days ago.
This is suggested as a “1 a day mask“ worn for 15-20 minutes. If you can find it I would recommend picking up a few.
♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥
Our other mask is once again for the eyes, and shaped like a cat :3 perfect for Halloween. By Tony Moly (a brand I really like!), these masks will moisturize, soften, and brighten the skin around your eyes, it’s the purrfect partner for the acupressure mask~
This one has a strong lotion-ish scent I found to be pleasant, and it’s kept on the same amount of time as the previous mask, 15-20 minutes. I decided to use this after the acupressure mask and it felt so soothing, I really liked it. My eyes were feeling tired and tight by that point, and I felt like they were more awake and comfortable afterwards.
I would recommend both of these masks, they both earned S+ (which is even better than an A) in my books!
Nail Stickers
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Our next item is by a cute (patent pending) nail sticker pack from the brand Mew Girl. As you can see, this is our first variant in the box too; my original came with the juicy orange sheet, the copy got pinky flowers. Besides these 2, there was 5 other sheets we could get featuring their own funky, colorful, or sweet high quality stickers.
What I think is really fun is that not only do we get the little stickers, but we also have a sticker of the sheet name, and the frame image is also its own sticker, so you could use it for a journal, or just to draw a fun picture or add some flare to an item if you wanted.
The stickers are easy to peel and I really like them, the only issue I have is that I had to pretty much destroy the clear wrapping over one of the sheets just to get a closer look at it. I really don’t know why it was so hard considering how delicately I was doing it, but it was like glued to it, so it ripped apart with little effort. I think it will be okay though, because I keep my nail stuff in something away from all the dust and cat hair.
I plan on using them very soon when I do my nails; so keep an eye out for that in some upcoming pictures ;3
Happy Halloween Bath Powder
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After a long night of enjoying the holiday or to take your mind off of things, we get this packet filled with a bright orange bath powder. It’s moisturizing for the skin and includes extracts of peach and vitamin E, and includes a delicious aroma of milk and Japanese tea.
Honestly, I don’t get that smell at all. To me it smells exactly like... have you ever tried those “healthy alternative fizzy water drink machines” where you add flavoring?. It smells like the orange soda flavor; I could pinpoint the scent immediately, but I really like it.
For as vibrant as this product is, there isn’t any sort of skin stainage after using it (at least none I could see, I only used a little of it in the sink, but I kept my hand in it a long time), and my skin felt pretty smooth and soft. You also get a lot of the powder and the scent lasts a good while afterwards.
Fate Grand Order x Sanrio makeup palette
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I think I said this in the last review, but while I’m not big on crossovers, I really like any that involve Hello Kitty or Sanrio :D I was really intrigued, and excited, when I saw this fun item. As you can tell, both boxes came with Merlin, but there was also Mash Kyrielight, and Gilgamesh. I know nothing about this series, but I think out of the 3 choices (namely the palette colors), I definitely would have chose Merlin so I’m glad I got this one. But I kinda wish maybe I got 2 different ones.
I’ll just say now that I don’t know FGO, I heard of it but I never checked it out or anything. So I know nothing about this character, but they look interesting. I really wish we got more makeup items based on game/anime/manga series~
I love how this looks like a book, it’s so cute. I also like how the packaging has a little window on top, to demonstrate the colors inside. I didn’t include a demonstration pic like normal because the product is extremely light, so it didn’t show up well in the picture. My observations include:  
Lips - the product barely added color (and I tried to apply a good amount of it). But it is smooth, it isn’t greasy like most lip x cheek products.
Cheeks - much more visible, you only need a little to blend for a rosy cheek look. It feels very light and again no grease.
Eye-shadow - extremely light, the two darker shades are just barely visible, but you get a love shimmer and its perfect if you like soft, natural shades. Again, it’s very light feeling too.
Keeping this in mind, I like this product. Not only because of the cuteness factor, but because I’m someone who prefers the shimmery softness and natural/cute pink hues, so it’s a pretty good palette for me. The makeup is light enough to avoid feeling like its being caked on too.
Pop Devil Color Treatment
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Not gonna lie, this item confused me a bit; but I love its pastel coloring and cute character design. This came in 3 variations based on Korean trending colors at the time: ash pink, ash lilac, and ash violet.
Okay, so what confused me is that this is described as being a hair colorant while treating the hair as well. According to the book, you just apply it to damp hair and leave it in 5-15 minutes, then wash it out really well. As far as I know this does not color your hair. I’ve tried it multiple times and saw no difference, but to be fair to the product I don’t know if you’re supposed to be use the ENTIRE thing in once, or if there’s something we’re missing in the instructions.
However, as a treatment item, the hair I tested it on (I did test both colors btw) feels really smooth and soft, and its shinier; it just feels a little bit more healthy than it did prior to using it. It has a strong smell though (I can’t really describe it) and by the 10 minute mark of letting it set, I was beginning to feel a little out of it. The scent lingers after you wash it (as of now it’s been almost 4 hours), but its much more bearable by now.
Momocos Fruit Gloss
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This is our final item, and if you’ve been here before you might recognize the pink and blue tube. Because a few months back in KiraKira Crate, we were given the Momocos Fruit Gloss :3 I REALLY like it, it’s one of my favorites to frequent because the wand feels nice, its smooth on the lips, and it smells wonderful~
For this month, besides the Cherry one, we could also get the Mango gloss, Orange, or Peach. Because I already had cherry, I sorta wish I got 2 different ones because I’d love to be one step closer to having a full collection (I’m sure its on the Japan Haul website tho, so I’ll probably be doing it soon enough ;3). But at the same time, it doesn’t hurt to have a spare. By now mine seems so dull in comparison, and the colors have began mixing.
However... I think this new one might also be broken somewhere. When I opened the box I saw spillage in it, and the tube is a bit sticky. I can’t find any sort of damage and it was sealed- but somehow it came out. What’s also funny is that the wand has a gradient, while my other one is vibrant pink.
The mango one is equally delicious in scent and taste, but I feel like out of the whole line it would be my least favorite. It’s not as good as cherry, and I’m pretty sure I will like the other 2 more... maybe when I get them I’ll do a small blog comparing them. 
♥ Cutie Ranking ♥
Content - 4.5 out of 5. I loved everything, and all of the items work and only a couple of them are one-time uses, which is another quality I like. But I was a little disappointed that we didn’t get anything that was... mysterious, spooky, fun, like our prior Halloween makeup boxes. I also wish we got more variety as to where the items are used, like before.
Theme: 2.5 out of 5. Sadly I feel like this suffered. We honestly only got a couple items that bring to mind Halloween, while the rest just sort of... accent it. Like people link Cats with Halloween, but these items don’t make me think of Halloween, they make me think of cats.
Total Rank: 8 out of 10. The items are really good and I love each one, but I’m missing the variety. I like “all over beauty“, why should only my face feel good? The theme was spot-on for the month of October, but the items weren’t. As a side note though, since my Birthday is in October, I like how I got a lot of items that involve things I like. I would strongly recommend this box, unless you wanted something with a stronger Halloween vibe.
♥ Cutie Scale ♥
Palette - As sheer as the product is, I really like it. It’s very sweet looking, and the packaging is super-cute~
Eye Mask - It felt so good and it smells even better.
Bath Powder - I was a bit shocked by the vibrant (almost blood colored) colorant, but it smells yummy and it felt really nice on the skin.
Pumpkin Mask - It smelled good and it clung to the skin perfectly, which doesn’t happen often with face masks for me. I kinda want to get another one.
Acupressure Mask - It kinda hurts a bit to use, but like I said, I don’t hate it enough to not want to use it again. 
Lip Gloss - As much as I like this brand, and the products; considering one made a mess (but its still usable) and I’m not extremely crazy about the mango one... its not my favorite.  
Hair Treatment - It feels really nice in the hair, but unless I missed something it won’t actually change your hair color or tint or anything. It was kind of a letdown.  
Nail Stickers - I just feel like I’m less-likely to use this one. I really like them though.
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psychepng · 7 years
i’m mad at you (for being so cute and changing my mood)
chapter 2: girl, i hope you’re sure what you’re looking for
(aka, the one where amy kind of deals with her feelings.)
WELP i finally updated!! special thanks to PROCRASTINATION for the chapter, because without procrastinating on my college essays, this thing probably wouldn’t even exist.
read the new chapter on ao3!
start from the beginning!
or just click read more!
The Monday morning after Amy Santiago realizes that she has feelings for Jake Peralta is the first Monday morning where he shows up to work earlier than her.
Amy arrives at twenty minutes earlier than she usually does, but Jake Peralta is already there. His eyebrows are furrowed, and his fingers are moving furiously across his laptop keyboard. He doesn’t notice Amy come in. However, despite him having his headphones in, Amy can hear the soft lilt of an old Taylor Swift song before she can sit down at her desk.
It takes exactly twenty-nine minutes for Jake to notice that Amy is sitting across from him.
(Amy pretends that it doesn’t sting a little.)
“Hey, Santiago. Didn’t see you come in,” Jake finally says, smiling at Amy while pulling his headphones out. “When did you get here?”
“Half an hour ago.”
“Wow, half an hour earlier than when you usually get here, and I still beat you.” Jake is beaming way too proudly, and Amy wants to kiss that smile off of his stupid face.
“Getting to work early is not a competition, Peralta.”
“It is if I won!” Jake exclaims.
“Whatever,” Amy says. “What are you doing here so early, anyways?”
“Uh, work?”
“It must be an important client if you’re awake before nine. Can I take a look?”
“No,” Jake says, closing his laptop screen. “It’s super confidential. I signed a confidentiality agreement and everything. I would tell you, but he wants to keep it on the down low.”
“Is it a celebrity or something?”
“Something like that.”
“Why are you being so dodgy today?”
“I’m handling a very important case for a celebrity, Amy! I can’t just talk about it to just anyone!” Jake’s voice raises to a slightly too loud for comfort level, and Amy decides not to press the subject any further.
“Fine. I won’t press it any longer.” Amy opens up her laptop and begins doing her own work.
At 10:15 a.m., she feels a rubber band ball hit her in the shoulder. She looks up and sees Jake’s stupid apologetic face, and she wants to kill him.
“I’m sorry about earlier,” Jake says earnestly. “I didn’t want to offend you.”
“It’s okay,” Amy says. Jake takes a deep breath.
“So, have any plans for tonight?” Jake asks, his eyes moving up and down, taking in the pink dress that Amy is wearing.
“Yeah, it’s my friend Kylie’s birthday. I’m going out for drinks with her after work, and she wants to introduce me from one of her friends from work.”
“Okay. Cool cool cool cool cool. Where are you going?”
“Shaw’s, probably.”
“Cool. Cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool. Seems fun.“
“I hope it is fun. I haven’t met a good guy in a while.” Amy lies, trying to see how Jake will react to her statement. His expression doesn’t change. He’s still smiling.
“Well, I hope tonight’s the night.”
“Bad news, Luke can’t make it tonight. He has the flu,” Kylie says as she slide onto a barstool next to Amy’s.
“Oh, thank god,” Amy admits.
“Well that’s not a very nice way to greet your friend on her birthday, especially after she’s worked very hard to talk you up to a very good guy,” Kylie replies.
“Sorry,” Amy apologizes. “Happy birthday. Your present is in my car.”
“Thank for that late birthday wish. It means a lot to me,” Kylie says. “Now what’s wrong with you?”
“Work.” Amy offers meekly.
“Is it Jake again?” Kylie asks. “I swear to god, the next time he does some stupid shit I’m going right down to Cyrano and beating him up on your behalf.”
“No, it’s nothing like that,” Amy assures. “Actually, I think I might have feelings for Jake.”
“You do not have feelings for Jake. You cannot have feelings for Jake. I refuse to let you fall in love with him.” Kylie says.
“I never said that I was in love with him,” Amy points out. “I just said that I was into him.”
“I don’t care what you said. You can’t be into him.”
“Because I’m your best friend, and you complain about him almost every time we talk. If anything, you just need to hate-bang him to get this feeling out of your system.”
“Kylie, no.”
“Tell me, what made you fall for him in the first place, huh?”
“We were sitting in a car, making sure his friend was doing good on a date, and we started talking. He’s a lot more sensitive than I thought, and just… the way he looked in the lamplight. I don’t know. I can’t explain it.”
“I can. It wasn’t Jake, it was what you were doing,” Kylie says. “You fell in love with the moment, and you thought you were falling in love with the guy.”
“Well, what am I supposed to do?”
“Well, from my experience, the best way to get over someone is to get under someone new.” Kylie says, her eyes drifting to the jukebox in the corner of the bar, where a tall man nursing a drink had been looking in their direction.
“What, him? He’s a total stranger.” Amy argues.
“Exactly, it’s perfect.” Kylie replies.
“I am not doing this.” Amy says.
“Yes you are. It is my one birthday wish.” Kylie says. Cursing Kylie and Jake and everything about her life, Amy grabs her beer and begrudgingly walks over to the man by my jukebox.
“Hey, were you looking at me and my friend earlier?” Amy asks.
“Yeah, but I swear I wasn’t doing it in a creepy way,” the man says.
“I’m Amy.” Amy sticks her hand out for the man to shake. The man shakes her hand.
“I’m Teddy.”
“Nice to meet you, Teddy. So... do you come here often?”
“Nah, this isn’t my usual spot. I heard that this bar has great pilsners, and I wanted to scout a table before I bring my friends here for this bar’s trivia night.”
“You like trivia competitions?” Amy asks excitedly.
“I love them. I used to go to one at a bar a couple of blocks from here, but it closed down.”
“I’m sorry about that, but I assure you, you’ll love the one that have here, and not because my teammates and I are the reigning champions,” Amy brags. “Trivia Newton-John is nationally ranked.”
“Well, wait until you meet my team: John Trivia-olta.”
The next morning, Amy comes into work with a smile on her face.
“Wow. Fun time with Kylie and her work friend?” Jake asks as Amy sits down at her desk.
“Yes, but no. Kylie’s birthday was great, but her friend didn’t show up,” Amy says. “I did meet someone though. His name is Teddy. He’s a cop. He loves trivia competitions.”
“Sounds perfect.”
“He was really sweet. We’re going out for dinner on Wednesday.”
“I hope you two have fun. And remember to use protection.”
“God, can’t you be mature for just one minute?”
“Hey, that was being mature. Protection is what adults do.”
The first date with Teddy practically erases Jake from Amy’s mind. Teddy Wells is perfect. He’s mature, he’s organized, and he goes to the same grocery store that she does, though she has never noticed him. Teddy is the kind of person that Amy can imagine herself starting a future with a long way down the life.
Amy is not afraid of her feelings for Teddy. Instead, she looks to him at trivia nights. He claps for her when Trivia Newton-John gets a question right, even when John Trivia-olta is way, way down. She kisses him when her team wins again, and he tastes like pilsners and mint toothpaste.
It doesn’t take long for their things to begin appearing at each other’s places. Within two months, Amy is wearing Teddy’s shirts to sleep, even when he isn’t sleeping over, and she has a toothbrush at Teddy’s place.
Text Message. 6:32 a.m.
TEDDY: Hey thanks for all the help with talking to Amy.
JAKE: no problem. just doing my job…….. literally. btw ur one payment behind
TEDDY: i’ll get it to u ASAP. but things are going good now so i don’t think i’ll need u much longer
JAKE: okay great cool cool cool cool cool
Two months, Jake thinks to himself. The longest he’d ever worked with a client to make sure their relationship worked.
Teddy had come by the office one day when Amy was out at lunch, talking about a pretty girl with a perfect shopping list and saying that he’d do anything to be with her. Jake immediately took Teddy on as a client. He stayed on, even when Teddy began telling Jake everything he knew about the girl from the grocery store, even when Jake found out that the girl from the grocery store was Amy Santiago.
Two months of lying to Amy and telling her that he’d been working with a celebrity, when really he’d been coaching Teddy Wells and teaching him how to be interesting.
The hardest two months of Jake Peralta’s life, though he isn’t necessarily sure why.
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littlewritingrabbit · 7 years
Lams + 2! (And I'm still gonna write your prompt btw, just getting together the idea in my head!)
Lordy lordy I hope you signed up for the angst. I figured this would take place at the tail end of the Battle of Germantown after Laurens was injured. The whole Grand Tour idea was a thing lots of young guys did in the 1700s, where they would tour around Europe as a ‘coming of age’ thing, partly to learn about culture, but also partly to get all the partying out of their system before coming home and settling down to being responsible. Mostly this was done by lads in Europe, but also some from the US, so I guess it’s feasible for Hamilton and Laurens, if they were planning on taking some time before going into government after the war (not that that was likely, but hey, it’s a ficlet :p). (A great book that I got the idea from is called The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue and it is spectacularly bi and I love it.) Also - pls excuse the rubbish formatting, I typed this up on Word first XD
Prompt: Lams + “Things you said through your teeth.”
Alexander Hamilton had given up all pretense of writing. He had pestered Ensign Allard for a glance at his pocket-watch enough times that the poor soldier rather conspicuously got up and left the mess tent, leaving him alone with increasingly desperate thoughts.
How long was a battle supposed to take? He’d heard of naval battles that took hours, or infantry attacks that took days. In the Trojan War they had fought every day for years. That wouldn’t be the case today, would it? There were a lot of things that could have gone wrong after – how long had it been? Hours? Had it surpassed a day yet?
Hamilton pressed the heels of his hands into his eyes until stars flashed into being behind his eyelids. He felt very small and very full of compressed energy, like a tightly-coiled spring. He should be out there, in the heart of the conflict, at Laurens’s side.
And what if that sandy head of hair returned slick with blood, shading a now-dull pair of eyes? Or didn’t return at all? He tried not to think, but the thoughts arrived unbidden anyways – fixed bayonets aimed at the pale skin over Laurens’s heart, blood running over those shoulders like the stone of a statue where he had piled up his hopes. What if the pink lips heaved their last gasp before he ever had a chance to kiss them? Because, he wasn’t going to fool himself, it was a very tempting eventuality.
It took waking to make Hamilton realize that he had drifted into a sort of restless sleep. Some commotion was evident on the road into camp, horses’ hooves, scattered yells, and then structured orders of some sort. He smoothed his hair back, equal parts apprehension for news of the battle, and indignant for not being allowed in the attack.
The first wounded soldiers had returned. And they looked terrible.
His own small body had seen its fair share of injuries. When he was ten he had fallen out of a tree and sliced his arms on all the branches the whole way down. He’d sprained an ankle, bloodied his nose in a fight, and burned his fingers learning to melt wax seals, but that was not even comparable to some of the returning soldiers. Half could hardly keep upright on the skittish horses they rode in on. Alexander scanned them all, just in case John was among the bloodied faces and torn uniforms. He’d tried to memorize his appearance before he turned back so as to not see the regiments leave that morning, uncertain whether it would be the last time he got to see it or not.
The sky started to lighten. It felt like frost was creeping over his guts. More wounded soldiers arrived, screaming bloody murder or muttering weakly for a medic. Alexander wondered which was worse.
And then he was running. Before he even knew why, he was dashing across the path and catching the reins of the bolting horse as the familiar rider slid weakly from the saddle and into the arms of whoever was nearest. “John,” Hamilton moved to prop up his other shoulder, only to draw back quickly. It was soaked in blood, turning the blue fabric to purple and dripping thickly, almost like paint, from his fingertips. “You’ve been shot,” he said, rather obviously.
In answer, John gritted his teeth and let his head rest on Alexander’s shoulder. The medic was a tall, thin man with wire-rimmed spectacles. He looked like the type one might find in a library rather than a military camp, but his hands were steadier than Alexander’s. He eased John onto a cot that was more table than bed. “Thank you sir, I’ll take him from-”
“May I stay?”
“If you’re willing to help, you can stay. But it’s not going to be easy, nor pretty.” The medic spoke so fast Hamilton wouldn’t have been able to get a word in had he tried. He tore a sizeable opening through the uniform coat before anyone could protest, and Hamilton’s dazed brain could only think of how purple fabric signified royalty, how Laurens had almost looked royal when he rode out with his hair tied back and his face the picture of determination.
“Since you’re here,” said the medic grimly, “I’d ask that you help me in holding his arms down – we need to remove the bullet and it’s not going to be comfortable.”
John tugged weakly on Alexander’s sleeve. “Is this Hell?” he asked, hardly louder than a whisper.
“No, no it’s not, believe me, you’re not bound for Hell,” Hamilton tried to be comforting, brushing his dear friend’s hair off his forehead.
“No… I… aarrgh… I ki - killed… redcoats… Alex, I-”
“Drink this,” said the medic. Whatever it was, it must have been pretty strong, because John grimaced and relaxed somewhat. “Now please make sure he doesn’t attempt to punch me,” the medic exhibited a notable purple bruise on his jaw with a sigh, “As others have tried it before and it not only ended badly for me, but they also tore their stitches. Hold him still.”
“Hold still John,” Alexander repeated, unsure whether or not his friend was listening. His eyes were wandering around, tracing the shapes of the rafters. Without ceremony, the medic got to work picking for the bullet with a sharp instrument that made Hamilton nervous. He spared a silent prayer in thanks that he had decided to study law, as opposed to medicine.
John screamed. All his muscles employed themselves in attempting to get away from whatever was causing him so much pain, though Alexander held him fast. While Hamilton was typically a firm believer in the “bear it quietly and bravely like a gentleman” mindset, he could understand this particular outburst. The medic’s fingers were soaked in blood, but he could somehow still maintain a decent grip on the knife he picked up.
“Keep him awake,” muttered the surgeon.
“Hey. Look here. Jac, look at me.” John looked around, eyes fixing on Alexander’s face, somewhat in confusion at the use of a nickname he hadn’t heard in years. “Jac, I need you to tell me what you plan to do after the war.” Laurens looked at him as if from a great distance and streaming eyes. “Science,” he said, through gritted teeth. “I’ve always wanted to study- AARGH!!” he screamed again.
“Good,” Alexander glanced over. The wound was certainly opened, and the medic pressing down on it, poking through the blood to find the bullet. “Where will you study?”
“I – ah – I dunno…” John muttered thickly, letting his head fall to one side.
“Europe?” Alexander squeezed his arm.
“Europe…” he nodded through a weak gasp, “Good plan.”
“Yes, I’m full of those. I’ve another one, you just have to stay awake for me, alright Jac?”
“’m awake…”
“A grand tour. We’ll travel all around Europe, see all those sights, eh? The opera houses and the ruins and scientific lectures, everything. How would you like that?”
“Museums,” muttered John, though he could hardly move his jaw for clenching his teeth so hard. “And theatres. And Gil could show us his house.”
The medic prepared another frightening-looking implement. “Just once more and then I ought to have it…”
“What do you bet it’s a castle?”
“It’s a damn castle,” said Laurens.
One last scream and one last wash of blood left him lying back almost peacefully, the tears drying as the medic finished off the stitches. “Give it a few days,” he told Hamilton. “He should be alright as long as there is no infection.”
Hamilton slumped back onto a camp stool beside Laurens. Even so bloodied and exhausted he looked like the kind of hero that Alexander had doubted ever existed. So the battle had spit him back out, alive for the most part. It had been far too close. I’ve got to tell him, he thought. He could be taken so easily, I have to tell him that I would have gladly been his Achilles, were he to fall like Patroclus. Life was so short, and he’d be damned if he let the most wonderful man he had ever met in all his short, tragic years slip through his fingers again.
“Did you mean it?” Laurens’s voice was still quietly slurred through his teeth.
“Oh. I thought you were asleep. Do you need another drink?”
“Did you mean it?” he was so quiet Alexander had to lean in to hear him, auburn curls brushing his friend’s cheek. “That we would go on a grand tour? And see all those beautiful places in Europe?”
“I… yes. I meant it. We just need to win this war first, alright?”
“That would be easier if you would give me something to drink,” John grumbled.
Alexander rolled his eyes. “Anything for the war effort, I suppose.”
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avghisms · 8 years
All of them please!! I'm curious OTL
gee well fine 1. If you didn't have to sleep, what would you do with the extra time? go out with friends or paint maybe lol2. What is your favorite piece of clothing you own / owned? i luv this lil black dress my ex gf gave to me!! 3. What hobby would you pick up if time & money weren't an issue? idk something creative tho like candle making 4. What does your perfect room look like? VERY PINK AND VERY CUTE 5. How often do you play sports? I dont!! im too lazy!! 6. What fictional place would you like to visit? Idk 7. What job would you be terrible at? probably customer service which i was terrible at 8. When was the last time you climbed a tree?probably like last week hahaa 9. If you could turn any activity into an Olympic sport, what would you have a good chance of winning a medal for? being cute 10. What is the most annoying habit that you or other people have? i bite my nails when im anxious but i also hate loud breathing :// 11. What job do you think you'd be really good at? nursing or counselling!! 12. What skill would you like to master? writing or something 13. What would be the most amazing adventure to go on? travelling to somewhere really sunny with my friends ❤14. If you had unlimited funds to build a house to live on for the rest of your life, what would the finished house look like? kinda petite bungalow with a big porch and on a beach!! 15. What's your favorite drink? black coffee cold water B))) 16. What state or country do you never want to go back to? belfast.... 17. What songs do you have completely memorized? a lot 18. What game or movie universe would you like to live in? n/a life is good enough 19. What do you consider to be your best find?matthew mcdonnell cus hes a saint 20. Are you usually early or late? early! 21. What pets did you have when you were growing up? an evil cat and a hamster 22. When people come to you for help, what do they usually need help with? just their emotions i guess or for a line of reasoning/second opinion 23. What takes up too much of your time? sleeping ahh24. What do you wish you knew more about? people 25. What would be your first question after waking up from being frozen for 100 years? where them gay girls at 26. What are some small things that make your day better? my friends nd my cat :')) 27. Who's your go-to band or artist when you don't know who or what to listen to? hayley kiyoko/mystery skulls28. What's the best way to start the day? black coffee and a cigarette29. What TV shows do you like? not many at all :0 30. What TV channel doesn't exist but really should? anna channel 31. Who has impressed you most with what they've accomplished? my mama and my best friend 32. What age do you wish you could stay at permanently? 16 tbh33. What TV show or movie do you refuse to watch? noneee ahh 34. What's your ideal way to spend a weekend? going on a trip w my friends to the beach!!! 35. What is something that is considered a luxury, but you don't think you could live without? gourmet coffee 36. What is your claim to fame? when i turned 16 i became a lot more open minded and forgiving. with a lot more empathy and willingness to see beauty in everything. positive vibeeeesss. 37. What is something you enjoy doing the old-fashioned way? essays even tho i get wankers cramp 38. What's your favorite book or movie genre? i like rom coms 39. How often do you people-watch? idk what that means but sometimes i see pretty people and im happy 40. What have you only recently formed an opinion about? my lifeee 41. What's the best day of the year? all day every day in july 42. What subject interests you that not many people have heard of? occultism 43. How do you relax after a long day of work? napping 44. What's the best book series or TV series you've ever read or watched? jane the virgin 45. Where is the farthest you've ever been from home? france!! 46. What's the most heartwarming thing you've ever seen? forgiveness and reconciliation. compromise. 47. What is the most annoying question people ask you? "who do you have a crush on?" "Will you meet this guy?" 48. What could you give a 40-minute presentation on with no preparation? psychology or biology 49. If you were the dictator on a small island nation, what crazy dictator stuff would you do? create a beautiful eutopiaaaa 50. What is something you think everyone should do at least once in their lives? reflect 51. Would you rather go hand gliding or whitewater rafting? hand gliding 52. What's your dream car? a pink one 53. What's worth spending more on to get the best? makeup 54. What is something a ton of people are obsessed with, but you just don't get? IDK DIFFERENT STROKES FOR DIFFERENT FOLKS 55. What are you most looking forward to in the next 10 years? travelling a lot more !! meeting new friends 56. Where is the most interesting place you've been? île de adam 57. What's something you've been meaning to try but haven't gotten around to it? art work 58. What is the best thing that happened to you last week? free coffee 59. What piece of entertainment do you wish you could erase from your mind, only to experience it for the first time again? Steven universe omg 60. If all jobs had the same pay rate and hours, what job would you want to have? hair dresser 61. What amazing thing have you done that no one was around to see? idk... 62. How different was your life 1 year ago? it was extremely different, i was extremely different. it was kinda hellish and im glad im so different now. 63. What quirks do you have? always drinking coffee n being weirdly generous 64. What would you rate 10/10? hayley kiyoko 65. What fad or trend do you think should come back? baggy jeans 66. What is the most interesting piece of art you've seen? me 67. What kind of art do you enjoy most? dark abstract 68. What do you hope never changes? me 69. What city would you most like to live in? bordeaux70. What movie title best describes your life? love, actually 71. Why did you decide to do the work you are doing now? i don't work am lazyyy 72. What's the best way a person can spend their time? being kind 73. If you suddenly became a master at woodworking, what would you make? a pipe74. Where is the most relaxing place you've ever been? bed or beach 75. What's the luckiest thing that has ever happened to you? winning the lotto 76. Where would you rather be from? france77. What are some things you've had to unlearn? self-hatred, loathing and accepting abuse. i had to unlearn a lot. 78. What do you look forward to in the next 6 months? swedennn w my love 79. What website do you visit most often? www.google.com 80. What one thing do you really want but can't afford? break stuff 81. Where do you usually go when you have free time? the park or someones house lol 82. Where would you spend all your time if you could? a beach 83. What's special about the place you grew up? absolutely nothing 84. What age do you want to live to? 60 85. What are you most likely to become famous for? cult leader 86. What are you absolutely determined to do? to be the best person i can be and to be positive!! 87. What is the most impressive thing you know how to do? understand most things. 88. What do you wish you knew more about? the world. 89. What question would you most like to know the answer to? why did you lie? why did you treat me so horribly and yet retained a complete victim complex? What happened to make you so fucking monstrous? What put you out of your way to humilate me worse than anyones ever done before, all the while pretending you cared? 90. What question can you ask to find out the most about a person? why are we here? 91. When was the last time you changed your opinion or belief about something major? recently, everything changes! 92. What's the best compliment you've ever received? too many heck "you have taught me so much" "you have a beautiful soul" "you're angelic to me" (all platonic btw romance is bullshit) 93. As the only human left on earth, what would you do? try to survive. Befriend animals! 94. Who inspires you to be better? my mom and JESUS 95. What do you want your epitaph to be? honest 96. What haven't you grown out of? some grudges 97. In what situation or place would you feel most out of place in? at a dinner table 98. What's the dumbest thing you've done that actually turned out pretty well? trying to make friends 99. If someone wrote a book on an event in your life, what would the book be about? probably transformation 100. What's something you will never do again? trust so openly 101. How do you hope you'll change as a person in the future? i don't. I think im good now. 102. What keeps you up at night? the possibilities!! of life! 103. What's the most surprising self-realization you've had? i deserve better 104. What is the most illegal thing you've ever done? driving w/o license 105. How do you get in the way of your own success? laziness 106. What are you afraid people see when they look at you? im dont generally care about what other people think of meee... 107. What is your biggest regret? Making the wrong decision and losing something that could've been great.. 108. What do you look down on people for?being indirect and bitchy 109. What bridges do you not regret burning?there have been a lot of abusive people who im so glad ive been able to get rid of bc they were like poison. 110. What lie do you tell most often? "i only had like 4 beers" 111. What would be your spirit animal? a cat lol112. What is the best & worst thing about getting older? learning aand experiencing is the best but moving on is the worst 113. What are you most likely very wrong about? politics 114. If you had a personal flag, what would be on it? pink 115. What's happened that changed your view on the world? uhh generally being loved and appreciated for who i REALLY am and therefore being able to become a good person with good people surrounding me 116. What is the biggest lesson you've learned? trust no one. 117. What is the most immature thing you do? get rly drunk nd become all rude n dumb 118. What are you famous for among your friends & family? giving advice and support 119. If your childhood had a smell, what would it be? rotting human flesh 120. What one responsibility do you wish you didn't have? always being the bigger person or trying to. 121. What are 3 things you want to accomplish before you die? a real relationship a baby and a good job! 122. What do you want to tell your 10-year-old self? trust no one. no one in ur life is gonna keep ur trust except ur mom n Matthew. 123. What's the best thing you got from your parents? love uwu 124. What's the best thing about you? seeing tje beauty in everything 125. What blows your mind? life in itself 126. Have you ever saved someone's life? yes 127. What are you really good at but embarrassed to be good at? writing ehehe 128. What would a mirror opposite of you look like? like me? long dark brown hair on a short girl wearing a pink hoody n black jeans?? 129. What are 3 interesting facts about you?im left handed, im psychic and im strong owo130. Which of your scars has the best story behind it? the big fucking gash on my right leg 131. What's the title of the current chapter in your life? happiness is....... 132. What were some of the biggest turning points in your life? september 4th 2016 133. What's the hardest lesson you've learned? dont trust him 134. What do people think is weird about you?im always confused 135. What mistake do you keep making? USIMG CUPS AS ASHTRAYS 136. What have you created that you're most proud of? A LOT OF PAINTINGS 137. What do you doubt? that people are truly sorry.138. What are some of your morals? always be honest w those u trust, give everyone a chance, dont judge, forgive with ur heart. 139. What do you want to be remembered for?loving and being loved 140. What do you regret not doing in your childhood years?n/a 141. What is your favorite fragrance? jasmine anr roses and ylang ylang aaa142. What do you think your last words will be?noo letsnnot 143. Who or what do you take for granted?my schoool144. Why would you be annoying as a roommate?eat a LOT 145. What is something you're insecure about? IM NOT yay 146. What's the best & worst piece of advice you've received? best: never be ashamed. worst: drink green tea to cure epilepsy 147. What irrational fears do you have? being alone, 148. What makes a good life? love 149. What's the last adventure you went on? idk man 150. What is the most memorable gift you've received? my granpas snuff tin 💖
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