#My favorite splinter I think
yeah-ima-nerd · 2 years
because my heart is with this man
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now sure, people have made the argument that after they got mutated, splinter was a sorry excuse for a father and while I don't want to agree with that, there is some truth.
You see, this man has been through hell and back (sure many characters have been through trauma, however I make the argument that he is one of the few accurate aftermath result) Where do I start? His mother DISAPPEARED FOREVER in front of his eyes and also shown that he had no father either, which adds another peice of trauma to the list. He was raised by his grandfather only and seems that the truama from that occasion also stuck with him throughout his teenage years. (though that could be chalked down to being a normal teenager) After becoming Lou jitsu he finally felt comfortable, as a way for escapism.
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if we skip to present splinter, he obviously feels responsible for every time his sons get hurt or mentally hurt. Why? Because he blames himself for never listening to his grandfather. He will do ANYTHING to make sure his boys don't make the same mistakes that he did, which is why he keeps a close eye on Leo whom he sees himself the most. Splinters past trauma continues however, as he found the "love of his life" which is assumed that big Mama and Yoshi dates for around 14 years, which is A LONG time. Which then prompted him to propose to her, then revealing the one he loved dearly, was a very devious SPIDER CREATURE WHO KIDNAPS HIM AND FORCES HIM TO FIGHT IN THE BATTLE NEXUS.And of course we don't know if big Mama actually ever loved Lou jitsu for real but then we can assume they did if they ended up dating for 14 years. At that point my boy was completely broken, and after years of fighting he finally retired his ways. At peace with himself, he'd then go on to meet baron DRAXUM who definitely did not have his best intentions at heart. Which of course, Is when the turtles were born. Which, since big Mama, were the only things he felt love for in quite some time. After his mutation, all was lost, he was homeless and all his fame and fortune were gone, all gone. Again, the only thing ever keeping him at bay was the turtles. now at this point around Mikey's 13th birthday, was when he started slowing down, (depression) But also felt as if his sons wouldn't need him anymore. But does feel remorseful for every time his son's get in trouble. Though later on... He'd go through some Zuko level character development. Showing an honorable side to the traumatized rat man, As well as realizing his destiny and Caring so much for his boys.
He deserves better.
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turtleblogatlast · 6 months
I love Raph and haven’t said that enough so to be more specific I love that Raph is a soft boy who loves bear plushies, a gross boy who eats an assortment of things that are definitely better left alone, a smart boy who is more than capable of taking down villains through planning and fortitude alike, a strong boy who is dedicated to training his muscles and fighting prowess, a teenage boy who loves his brothers but is more than happy to tease and roughhouse with them, an angry boy who sometimes lets his anger take a hold of him to cover the fear, a gentle boy who is generous with hugs and affirmations to those he loves, a capable boy who takes on more than should ever be expected of a teenager, a good boy who just wants to be a hero and slowly comes to realize the cost of that duty, a good boy who has no reservations about putting himself in the way of harm coming to his family, a good boy who’s a great brother and son and person and deserves only the best the world has to offer.
#rottmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#rottmnt raph#rise raph#he’s so wonderful frfr#my poor boy is traumatized but still so proud of what they accomplished because they’re HEROES#what started as something fun - Saturday morning cartoon-like heroes vs villains esque - soon becomes his calling#and he loses himself a little along the way#because the world is TERRIFYING now#if they don’t do something about the bad things in the world then worse things will come#and Raph CARES too much to let it happen#even at the expense of his own happiness and youth#and he luckily reigns back that fear - knowing his family is there to keep an eye out with him#and he finally lets himself be a kid again#he’s very well rounded and his flaws are so good because (like the others) they are ALSO his strengths#I like how it’s softly implied that bears are his fav animal too bc that’s cute af#headcanon that he likes them so much because a stuffed bear was the first toy splinter managed to get Raph#but yeah one of my favorite things about tmnt is that the characters are well rounded and rottmnt exemplifies that immensely#with raph being no exception!!#amazing big brother and character#there’s a REASON in my tmnt main character tierlist he’s S tier!!!!#hot take but in terms of who should be leader I think it should be less who’s the better leader-#-and more who’s the better leader FOR THIS SPECIFIC MISSION#bc all four can be great leaders fight me on that#APRIL can as well 100%#doesn’t need a designated leader for them to succeed#they just need ~communication~#one of my favorite things tying Raph and Leo together is that they both *hide*#I’ve talked about Leo’s many masks a lot but Raph has one too#and it’s the mask of a hero - the mask of the protector
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goodlucktai · 27 days
Uhuuh if you don't mind for the injury promo maybe 12 with splinter/lou and his boys, pls?
dialogue prompts
12. “Where are they? Where are they?!”
this one got away from me :') rise/2012 crossover babyyyyyyy
Splinter’s counterpart reacted to the news of their sons’ abduction with a level of dramatics that he would never ascribe to his own self. 
“What?” the shorter rat (“Call me Lou,” he had said, and then proceeded not to explain why) squawked at the disheveled humans still trying to collect their breath at the entrance of the lair. “When did this happen? How did this happen? There were TEN of you!”
Casey and April both winced in face of the not-unwarranted scolding. The children had had perhaps too much confidence as they left together earlier that evening. Donatello’s computer had alerted him in the middle of dinner to a new lead on the gang whose activity they had been following for the past weeks. Raphael had smashed his fists together, a wicked grin on his face, and said they should strike while their forces were doubled and make those ‘goons’ regret robbing every pharmacy in Manhattan north of The Battery. 
“Tiny feral Raph is hilarious,” Lou’s Purple had said in a deadpan. “And also alarmingly down to commit atrocities. I want to ride with him.”
And now, not even two full hours later, their human companions returned to report a resounding failure. 
Casey, scowling at the floor, said, “They got the drop on us. The door sealed as soon as we were in and the room started filling up with gas.”
“They said they were chemists,” April added. She couldn’t lift her head enough to look Splinter in the eye, staring hard somewhere near his shoulder instead. “One of their colleagues was mutated about a year ago and they’ve been studying the mutagen ever since. I don’t know what they want with the boys, but they made it sound like the gas was made with the turtle’s physiology in mind. That it would outright kill me and Casey, but shouldn’t harm them.”
Lou was bristling, tail lashing. “‘Shouldn’t’ is the word they used?” he gritted out. 
“Yeah. It hit them hard in seconds. But Blue—uh, your Leo—” Casey said, with an uncomfortable sideways look at Lou, “—he managed to get one of his swords out and portaled me and April away. We waited for like five minutes to see if he’d get anyone else out, but…”
But no one came goes unsaid. 
Splinter tapped his walking stick on the floor once to recall their focus, warm affection filling his chest for these little Hamato adoptees who fell haphazardly into his clan. 
“Lou is correct,” he said. “It is unfortunate that your team was so quickly overwhelmed. We will discuss how to better handle situations like this another time.” 
Both humans stood a little taller when it became clear that that conversation would be tabled for the time being, and April finally found it within herself to meet Splinter’s eyes. 
“For now—” he started, only for Lou to cut him off with a sound not unlike a cat whose tail had just been stepped on.
“Don’t put words in my mouth,” the shorter rat snapped. “I don’t care if they lost within two minutes, let alone two hours. I only meant,” he went on, with a hard look at the teenagers, “that you should have called the instant you were in danger! Why on earth would you run all the way home like this without letting us know what had happened, putting yourselves at unnecessary risk? This organization could have had additional members waiting to pick you off when you were alone! You could have at least made time to send a text!”
Casey and April looked absolutely bewildered. Their respect for Splinter was so deeply ingrained by now that it carried over to this odd likeness of him but they did not seem to know what to do with this manner of reprimand. 
“Uh,” Casey said eloquently. “Splinter doesn’t have a phone.”
“There was the cheese phone,” April interjected. “Sorry, I mean, he had a landline. But the wiring got messed up awhile ago and Donnie never got around to fixing it.”
“You have seven children,” Lou seethed, narrowing his eyes at Splinter, “and you don’t see the importance of having a working phone?”
Splinter frowned. He was taken aback by the number seven, but more so by this hostility that seemed to have sprung up from nowhere. 
“We have gotten along just fine. Donatello’s inclination towards technology was not inherited from me.”
“There’s no time to continue this conversation, and if we do I am liable to start screaming profanities anyway. Jones, O’Neil, take me to my boys.” 
Lou was still bristling with anger, only now that Splinter was looking closer, he saw that the shorter rat was actually bristling. His fur was standing up as though with electric static. 
“If even one scale on their shells has been harmed,” he added darkly, to no one in particular, “there will be hell to pay.”
April led the way to the garage at a sprint, hopping up without breaking stride to grab the keys from their hook on the wall just inside the door. She tossed the keys to Casey and claimed the front passenger seat for herself, leaving the two fathers to pile into the back of the van. 
It wasn’t until she was still that Splinter noticed her fingertips were red and raw from where she had bitten the nails down to the quick. As Casey started the engine, her thumbnail found its way back between her teeth, blue eyes feverish with worry as she stared into the middle distance. 
She was very anxious, for all that she seemed determined to keep it to herself in present company. Her sideways glance at Casey made it clear that she wanted to share her thoughts with him; a flick of her eyes toward the rearview mirror decided her continued silence.
On the bench seat beside him, Splinter watched Lou take out his own phone. It was a thin flat device, held in a protective case that looked like it would probably survive an apocalypse. The caller ID on the screen was a picture of that behemoth snapping turtle in a fuzzy pink hoodie, squeezed cheek-to-cheek with his tiny spotted brother so they both fit into the frame. 
“Red, this is no time to screen my calls!” Lou said when the tinny automated voice encouraged him to leave a message. “Contact me at once or you are grounded for a month! No, two months!”
“They are probably in no position to answer,” Splinter pointed out, Lou’s restlessness leaving him feeling ill-at-ease. “I am sure they are fine. My sons have been in situations like this countless times.”
Lou pinched the bridge of his nose. “Yoshi, I’m going to level with you. I don’t know how to explain that it’s weird you have become desensitized to the news that your children are in danger. My Baby Blue once locked himself inside a prison dimension with an evil killing machine, and less than a year after that he almost cracked his foolish head open on that ridiculous half-pipe mimicking some superstar skater, and my soul left my body in exactly the same manner both times. That never changes. It has never gone away.”
It was disingenuous of Lou to presume that Splinter did not worry after his sons. Of course he did. They were his greatest pride and it was a privilege he did not deserve to have raised them. 
But they were not the clumsy toddlers they once were; at some point, the parent must let go of the bicycle and step back, or the child will never learn to ride it. 
Splinter could not say he had ever taken the time to consider what it might have been like to meet another version of himself—one who had lived a similar life but had made different choices. He almost did not recognize himself at all in the fussy, short-tempered mutant sitting beside him. 
Lou checked his phone no less than eleven more times during the twenty-minute drive. By the time Casey finally announced, “This is it,” Lou was out of the van before it had even begun to slow. 
“The two of you must remain here,” Splinter told the teenagers in the front firmly. He couldn’t help but think of Lou’s scolding from earlier, and added, “If there is any sign of danger, escape at once and go to the Mutanimals. They will help.”
“I texted the group chat earlier and they haven’t seen it yet,” Casey said, flicking through his phone to double-check. 
“We can’t just leave you,” April added with enough stubborn loyalty that she could have been Raphael’s twin sister. 
“You absolutely can leave us, or you will be grounded, too,” Lou interjected from over by the door, his voice taking on that sharp no-nonsense tone Splinter had last heard directed at Blue over breakfast to curb his relentless teasing of Donatello. 
‘It is just how he and Purple show affection to each other,’ Lou had explained to Donatello, whose shoulders had begun to creep up towards his ears the longer Blue carried on. ‘That does not make it any less irritating for the rest of us though!’
‘Skill issue,’ his twins said in unison. 
‘I will cram all three of you into the get-along shirt! Do not test me!’ Lou had snapped in that particular tone that caused his children to grumble and sulk but ultimately obediently subside. 
Similarly, April scowled but did not seem willing to argue any further. Splinter would have expected her to give a Miwa-worthy retort that she was too old to be grounded and not Splinter’s daughter to discipline besides, but she only jerked her chin in a barely passable nod and said nothing more. An equally unhappy but unargumentative Casey turned off the headlights and twirled the steering wheel, backing the van up and parking it by the access road.
Lou had already kicked the reinforced door down by the time Splinter joined him, and he barely had a moment to think My seventeen-year-olds are stealthier than that before he realized Lou had not come with stealth in mind.
He had the first unfortunate human within his line of sight pinned to the ground with a knife in seconds, barking, “Where are they? Where are they?”
The human, caught unawares, coughed at the unforgiving pressure on her windpipe, and managed to wheeze out, “Wh-who do you—”
“You are a scientist, and therefore I know you are not an idiot,” Lou hissed, much like the animal he had been mutated with. “Do not waste my time acting like one.” 
The woman scrabbled at his arms, for what little good it did. Her eyes, behind the clear visor of the gas mask, were wide with fear. To her credit, she steeled herself enough to cling to whatever mission she and her associates seemed to have rallied behind, saying, “So many incredible things could be—be accomplished—if we had a chance to study the mutagen more closely, if we had test subjects with human-like intelligence. It’s closer to magic than science, and we could do so much—”
“You would experiment on children? My children? Turn them into lab rats?” The last he said with a very personal sort of dark anger. The scientist coughed again, and her renewed struggles were a desperate, animalistic thing as she lost the last of her air beneath the unrelenting press of Lou’s hand. “Is that what you think you should be saying to me? Is that what you think will save you—an appeal to the greater good?”
Splinter dispatched the handful of people who streamed into the room in a series of swift strikes. They were unconscious before they hit the ground.
“Lou,” he said, “that is enough. We are here for our sons.”
He was not unsettled by the shorter rat’s capacity for violence. He knew himself better than that. But he did not understand Lou’s hair-trigger temper, his turtle-shaped blind spot. He couldn’t speak for the other’s students, but Splinter’s own were experienced, and tempered, and incredibly skilled. After everything they survived and accomplished together up until now, he found it hard to believe that an organization of regular humans could pose much of a threat to their well-being. 
From the way Lou was acting, it was as if he was any ordinary parent whose ordinary children had been taken in the night. 
Splinter shifted to intervene when the woman Lou had pinned continued to choke. Finally, Lou released her enough that she could heave in desperate breaths. 
“You would not actually kill her,” Splinter chided him, no fan of theatrics. 
“Someone has not been paying attention,” Lou replied shortly. “If my boys are hurt, I will burn this building down with everyone inside it. Honor can go hang itself.”
With that, he removed the woman’s gas mask and informed her that she would lead them to the turtles without making a scene, or she would bleed to death on the floor and they would find the turtles on their own. White-faced, she wisely settled for the first option. 
Leading them toward the back of the building, where rooms that were once offices had since been repurposed into labs and testing areas, the woman said hoarsely, “I didn’t know they were kids.”
Like clockwork, Lou’s fur bristled with offense. “They are wearing matching Sanrio hoodies. They speak in memes. I am sure at least one of them called you a boomer to your face.”
“No, I meant,” she said, touching her bruised throat briefly before dropping her hand, “I meant I didn’t know they were someone’s kids. I’m—I wouldn’t have—sorry. We were trying to do good. I’m sorry.”
“Hmph. I will consider forgiving you in roughly one hundred years as long as my turtles are completely fine. This door here?”
He kicked it down before she could move her head more than one half-inch in a nod. There was a flurry of excitement inside, and then Blue’s voice rang out, “Daddy!”
He sounded ecstatic to see his father, but not at all shocked. His words were a little slurred as he went on, “I told them you’d be here any minute. Our cousins over there wanted to stage a break-out, and I was like. Just nap. You know? Just take five. See, Miguel’s got the right idea.”
“Hush, silly turtle,” Lou said, his tone now a complete departure from how he had sounded for the last half hour. “Come here, let me look at you all. I need to be absolutely certain no one in this building deserves to die before we leave.”
Splinter joined him inside the room in time to take in the sight of the shorter rat attempting to hold all four of his much larger sons in his arms. Orange was deeply asleep in Red’s lap, his smaller stature probably contributing to the higher concentration of the drug in his system. The twins were upright at a forty-five degree angle, and Red himself seemed groggy but alert for the most part. They were smiling as they absorbed their father's fussy attention, leaning into his hands.
Comparatively, Splinter’s own sons were swaying where they sat. Michelangelo’s eyes were open, but his head was resting on Donatello’s shoulder, Donatello’s cheek propped on the crown of his little brother’s head. Raphael was wired, digging fingers into his thighs to keep himself awake, while Leonardo seemed to have been startled out of a meditation by the door crashing down. 
They all lurched with surprise to see Splinter standing there. Leonardo in particular gazed up at him with wide eyes, as if he didn’t know what to do now that the task of rescuing the seven others was no longer his responsibility. As if he had no experience with a burden being lifted away once he had decided it was his to carry. 
For the first time all night, Splinter faltered. 
On the other side of the room, Blue said, “I’m, uh, sorry. I wanted to get us out, but I didn’t have time for more than one door.” 
“Dum-dum,” Purple said succinctly. “O’Neil and Jones would be dead if they were still here.”
“Dee’s right for once, Leon,” Red rumbled, “you made the only call you could.”
“But I should have been able to save everyone, right?” Blue said. “I’m the leader.”
“You,” Lou said sternly, holding Blue’s face in both hands, “are seventeen.” 
That’s right, Splinter found himself thinking, looking down at his eldest son. The brilliant boy he taught to read, the one he taught to fold origami flowers for his mother and sister’s shrine, the one he had stopped holding one day without even realizing it. He is. 
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sealofarchives · 3 months
Could you create a headcanon for ‘Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’ about what kind of fathers Leo, Raph, Donnie, and Mikey would be? I find this idea fun. :3
Headcanon: Rise!Turtles being dads and sweetest husband to the reader (Separate) (Requested prompt)
A/N: I'm still uncomfortable with the idea of aging up the guys towards "mature content."
However, this idea was really cute. It only made sense for this prompt where the guys are aged up with some reference to their bad end!future selves. I went with around early 30's when the turtle of your choice and the reader are in a committed relationship and currently raising a kid at the moment.
So please have common sense and think before typing some snarky response with 'oh aged up content is bad lol' (Because I will put those ideas on the 'do not write list' if people get too weird about it...)
You know how he has the habit of that one baby voice with Mayhem. (and a bit of the hey buddy tone towards Mikey or Donnie)
- His kid is never gonna escape from it. (even by the time the kid is a grown up)
He definitely panicked for a bit when his kid (during the energetic toddler phase) enjoyed climbing over a big guy like him.
- So he had to ask Donnie to make a battle shell specifically as a soft cushion. So the spiky shell doesn't accidentally scratch the kid.
Part of him is worried anytime he has to scold his kid. And only when you're around is when he feels okay to do so.
- He definitely does the "Did you ask (Y/N) if you could have another cookie?" sort of question. (Sometimes willing to go along with what his kid wants or following (Y/N) if he got caught spoiling the kid)
You're getting at least one peck on the cheek by the end of the day.
- Or earlier in the day if he accidentally woke you up.
Compared to his younger self who slightly whined about chores, he grew to enjoy it when both of you worked on it together.
- Laundry being one example where you're usually folding clothing fresh from the dryer. And he stacks a pile back into the clean basket/hamper.
His eyesight in the right eye has gotten a bit worse. (not as bad as his bad end counterpart where he needs an eyepatch) But, you often act as his extra set of eyes and call out to any surprise attacks.
- Which earned the title of you two with a tag team couple and he still blushes thinking about it.
Every few hours before a night patrol, he always checks in to see what his kid is up to and often gives a hug before leaving.
Often gives bedtime stories through retellings of Lou Jitsu's movies or Jupiter Jim's comics.
- Even acting out of some of the scenes before a yawn decides its time to sleep.
Gave one of his spare bandana scarves to his kid.
- Had the biggest grin on his face when the kid realized "Oh hey! We're matching!!!"
Almost similar to the night patrol part, but if you can't make it because of work or some other boring life detour.
- Its a portal away for a light hang out sesh. For both of you to take a breather away from the grown up life.
Late night conversations are just a regular thing between the two of you.
- Especially when he couldn't sleep. By the time he almost dozes off to sleep in your arms, he still playfully teases you that your voice is soothing to him.
When light conversations about the bad end future was brought up during a casual match of video games, he was never used to the idea that he had a prosthetic arm.
- You instantly hugged his right arm, jokingly reassuring him.
"As long as you can crack a joke in the most serious moment. I'll still know that its you Leo."
"Even in a timeline where, me and the guys were raised by Draxum?"
You gave the red slider turtle a 'really?' pout before he hugged you into his lap.
"Nah I'm just kidding, but for real though. Draxum's former henchmen are still goofballs that know their way around the city. I'm pretty sure that Leo could get a couple of one liners and maybe from you as well."
Almost went into a frenzy trying to child-proof the lair. (Especially the month before the kid's arrival changed the atmosphere) But eventually settled down.
- Realizing it would have stressed his kid out by any sudden new changes (and a bit of his family and your help explaining the reasoning as well)
Leo's showboating energy transferred to him but, in a way that, the softshell turtle is very grateful. That he has you as a spouse and both of you raising a kid along side his sentient inventions. And will try to bring it up in any conversation.
- The whole wallet photo gag of him showing family pictures. You love this silly turtle but, usually lightly pinch his face if its the wrong time for that.
He lights up whenever his kid goes to him for any sort of question.
- He slightly restrains himself to avoid going overboard with the answer. But, his kid is smart enough to know that and sometimes tells you that he's not being himself again.
Cannot force himself to sleep unless you're beside him. (or if you have to drag him to bed yourself)
- The few times where he woke up while you were still sleeping. He always gives you a light hug and a kiss on the forehead before getting out of bed.
He subtly took interest in one of your hobbies. (Either an ongoing or a new one) Just so he can step away from a tedious project that was going nowhere and not bother you with the boring details about it.
- Sometimes mentioning a fun fact to impress you.
You gave into his idea of letting your kid have a similar weapon like Casey Jr's.
- Only when they reached their 13th birthday and learning the basics of: constructing it and fixing parts along side their dad. How to use it defensively, offensively, and etc.
Considering how his future self had some hair on his head, he kept it long so he can do a few matching embarrassing baby photos to his kid.
- Like giving the kid a tiny ponytail and etc. He definitely cried a bit while having his signature grin when the kid pulled too hard on his hair, laughing at one of his jokes. And you had to step in to help him.
He knows how to work around some of his kid's picky eating habits. Usually making sure his kid is having fun or decorating the plate in an artistic manner.
- However, there are times when the kid can hide the veggie or fruit out of plain sight. Or his kid asks his uncles for help when Mikey's focused on some other thing.
Absolutely does that peek-a-boo trick with hiding his face or whole body into his shell.
- He was nervous at first, if the trick might have scared his kid but, no the kid was giggling. Curiously crawling towards him in awe of it.
Will sometimes make meals ahead of time. (often being, if you returned from work, too exhausted to greet him)
- Either leaving a note on a plastic container in the fridge of: [(Y/N)'s breakfast: DO NOT EAT unless you want an surprise session with Dr Delicate Touch </3] (this also applies to lunch as well)
On very rare occasions, he will temporary wear a cloaking brooch. If you're at an area isn't very friendly towards mutants and/or yokai.
- The one time that happened, is when you forgot to bring your lunch at a job that barely lasted a week. (Stuff that was out of your control but, he was relieved that you got out of that place before your coworkers decided to physically fight back at the manager)
Spends at least one day in the week with you to do some light meditative exercises.
- On the really bad days, he doesn't mind letting you hold his hand as a stress ball or just have a quiet moment to relax while his brothers babysit your kid.
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turtle-titan · 2 years
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katsettee · 4 months
I totally get people talking about rottmnt and not being into because of the cartoony madness and exaggeration. I get it, it’s grating for some
But that acceptance goes OUT the window as soon as the same person vehemently swears up and down 2012 is the best tmnt rendition 💀💀
The incest one??? With the horrible writing? THAT one?
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Been quietly figuring out which E.G.O Sherry has ... been making some adjustments, lately, since I want her to have the same amount of E.G.O as the other Sinners (so, currently she can have 7, including her default), but also I need them to make sense.
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kasumingo · 11 months
my favorite donnie trait how he tries to act like nothing affects him at times and then sometimes he blurts out in tears that you never loved him, respected him and doesn't want him around if he's not useful
While the characters look like they've been slapped
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familyofpaladins · 3 months
I finally got out my laptop again and pulled what I had written previously for my Youngest Leo Au, and so I can finally just copy and paste what I had written about the turtles dynamics/personalities once they were back with Splinter. (@sonderquill this is for you, I knew i had stuff about it written on my laptop and why I took forever to actually that part of your question)
For those who have no idea what I'm talking about, here's a link to the post describing my Youngest Leo au (which is also just my own iteration of the tmnt) and a lot of the back ground for the au.
TLDR (but really check out the other post for a lot more detail) is that, when the turtles were little (like 7 or 9ish years old), they got taken in by shredder, who they thought was a friend of splinter. Shredder wasn't always super nice to them and got even worse after shredder thought he had finished Splinter off. Mikey is the oldest, but doesn't focus well, so Shredder dismisses him as stupid. Raph is next oldest, but has anger issues and doesn't like listening to shredder. Donnie is super smart, but doesn't talk and therefore can't communicate well with others often. Leo is the youngest and easiest to scare into submission/actually get him to do what shredder says. After a couple/few years with shredder, they manage to escape with Splinter who is actually alive. Except Leo, who Shredder then takes to japan for about a year. Leo eventually gets back to his family.
And the rest of this post is how the brothers interact with each other after this (and a little speculation about what they would have been like if they HADN'T been taken by shredder). This... may have gotten a little long (between 1k and 2k words?) so im going to go ahead and put it under a cut
Once ALL turtles are back home. It’s an adjustment period. Leo spends some time trying to make sure that Splinter always stays happy and begins to panic is something happens that could possibly upset splinter. (because leo fears punishment, and that he or his brothers will be hurt like they would have been with shredder) Now splinter would never hurt them or get angry like shredder did, and logically leo knows that, but the stress Leo endured (especially when it was just him) has made him anxious and it takes a while for Leo to relax. But he gets there eventually.
They all still end up defaulting Leo to be leader, because he still knows their strengths and weaknesses best. Mikey still doesn’t like large text books and sitting still too long, but now that he’s out, he’s much more likely to sit back and relax and chill out. Pranks his brothers a lot. He is a big reason that Leo gets to calm down. He gets Leo to laugh and pulls pranks on everyone and demonstrates that no one is going to get seriously hurt as a consequence. (Mikey makes it a personal mission to get Leo to laugh at least once every day, or at the very least smile)
Once everyone is back together , Donnie really opens up and almost doesn’t ever shut up when he gets on a roll. His brothers love listening to him, even if 90% of it goes over their heads. Seriously, after years of not hearing Donnie speak, they will always happily listen to him. Sometimes he thinks too much and leo helps direct his thoughts. Leo asks him for help the most on solving problems during missions.  He gets to make things exclusively for his brothers like jet powered skateboards and jet skis and communication devices and cloaking technology to hide their home. Once he meets April, she gets him more into chemistry, and Donnie occasionally supplies Mikey with stuff for pranks (like the “elephant toothpaste” stuff) but only when he knows it’s not going to possibly ruin any tech/ or furniture.  
It takes a little while for raph and leo to work out that Leo isn’t trying to be mean/patronizing when helping with training, and that Raph would rather figure things out on his own, but that also he has always cared for all his brothers including leo. Once they find their groove, they almost become inseparable. Can often find them out patrolling together or sparring. Still get in fights over the stupidest things. Raph still gets angry, but it’s not a constant frustration like when they were at Shredder’s. (Shredder had been also purposefully trying to get Raph to be angry a lot, so that he would eventually be like a raging beast he could unleash on his enemies.) Splinter helps to teach Raph better (read: ANY) coping methods for his anger, and so his bouts of anger are far less often and over quicker.
Random fun fact. As the eldest brothers, Mikey and Raph are the ones the brothers go to when they're scared. Go to Mikey when its a silly fear and/or you just want to be cheered up. So when Donnie has a nightmare about all his technology either falling apart or turning against him as a giant computer spider monster or something, he goes to Mikey who doesn't make fun of him and is like "well all we'd have to do is drown it in water duh. When Leo has a bad time after trying to work on his fear of heights, Mikey just makes jokes or talks about something else until he calms down. (or if Leo gets stuck somewhere high because he's too scared to move, Mikey helps distract him from the heights and to look at other things instead). And when Raph gets scared by a bug that managed to get in his room, Mikey doesn't make fun of him, and just scoops the bug up and takes it away.
You go to Raph when you want to feel protected. Raph is the strongest one of them all, and has won most of the fights he's been in. So when Mikey gets spooked by a pile of clothes that looked like a person standing in a dark corner and now every shadow might hold something, he goes to Raph, because, while he knows there's probably nothing there, if there IS, Raph will be able to fight whatever it is. When Donnie is scared that the foot or other villains may get past the security he has guarding their home, he goes to Raph, because Raph will beat up anything that gets past Donnies tech defenses. And when Leo is afraid that Shredder or [redacted] is going to come and take him away again, he goes to Raph, because Raph has promised that he'll never let that happen, and Leo believes him. And big tough angry Raph has a soft and squishy heart, so he will always let his brothers stay with him when they're scared. Because he WILL fight against anything that threatens his brothers.
Their dynamic as teens:
*Listening to some bad guy monologue-ing *
Raph, whispering to Leo: what’s cognizant mean?
Leo: I…. I’m not sure. Don. What’s that mean?
Donnie: Cognizant: to be aware of or in the know of something.
Mikey: Guess Raph and Leo aren’t very cognizant of word definitions hahahaha-
Raph: Shut up Mike!! You didn’t know eitha!
(Villain: Hey!! You're supposed to be listening to ME-)
So yeah, leo is the leader because that’s what they were used to and got good at while under the care of the shredder. If they had stayed with splinter its possible that Mikey would have lead, being the oldest, but also possible that he still wouldn’t have wanted the role/ wouldn’t focus well enough for the role. But he does know his brothers well and might have grown more serious. But since the shredder often wrote off his inability to focus as a lost cause, he happily lets Leo make decisions for him during missions. (at home though with things like dinner and movie nights, he likes to pull the oldest brother card to get what he wants lol) .
Raph being one of the strongest fighters could have argued for role as leader, but regardless of being with shredder or splinter he is a hothead and probably would still have not gotten leadership position. Although maybe with splinter he would have been able to work through some of his anger better, and channel it better and could have maybe stepped up as leader. But. As is, he never really worked out how to focus his anger with the shredder, and so there is a little bit of an adjustment period where he has to learn ways to channel his anger and frustration when he can’t just go and beat up the random foot goons in the training room anymore. (probably meets casey this way when he sneaks out to find bad guys to fight and runs into casey instead). Splinter does try to teach him some ways to cope that don’t involve beating people up. Knitting /crocheting is one of those ways (taking the time to MAKE something instead of destroy. And also yarn won’t break like pottery or glass or wood or a painting canvas if it gets punched in frustration).
Donnie is probably the least changed by his time with the shredder. He would have been talking a lot more and sooner had he been with splinter. Donnie did get to have access to more diverse technology tho and perhaps has more skills and experience because of it. Being with Shredder made him very anxious and was often close to a break down from stress, but being able to work in the lab simultaneously made it better (got to work on technology) and worse (never knowing what his work was going to be used for). Donnie is just relieved to no longer have to be building things that were going to hurt people and can now make things to help instead. Donnie really shines once he’s free. Makes friends with April (and leatherhead) he babbles and info dumps all the time, and gets lost in inventions and data, that his brothers often have to snap him out of. Could not lead because he’d get lost in the calculations and what ifs.
Leo actually has a similar problem. Often gets caught in a Do this and face possible consequence, or do That and face a different consequence. Which is better? Will he regret it? Which saves his family and which dooms it? <- this gets amplified during the time he’s alone with the foot. Once he’s back with his brothers they help to push towards decisions (with Raph’s hotheadedness jumping in anyway, Don’s analysis, or Mikey’s fun impulsiveness/instinct.) and that they’ll be there to work through whatever the consequences are anyway, because they’re in this together, good or bad. Brothers forever
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shostakobitchh · 7 months
How's that WIP going with little Ariel, exhausted Daddy Snape, and the monster in the closet?
Stay hydrated.
It’s become a monster - no pun intended. I had posted some progress of it here a while back. I did title it though! It’ll be called “the splintering.”
I’ve had to work on it in small, isolated sections, because it has become a metaphor for grief and got very heavy at points - little Ariel discovers the monster in the closet, Snape doesn’t believe her, and the monster starts to - change.
This is all in the aftermath of Lily’s death, which happens a year prior to the story, meaning that Snape and Ariel lost her when Ariel was 7. So I had to create a whole backstory about THAT and what happened - why Snape survived and how him being involved from the beginning changed the trajectory of Ariel being Marked - and even Harry makes an appearance.
It’ll be around 10 chapters, 100k words. I will be working on it heavily over the summer and would like to start posting in the fall (but we’ll see). I’m trying to make most of the headway on Aim & Ignite right now because I need to get PoA moving here, I’m already so behind with my outline. 😫
“Stay hydrated,” is very good advice - I literally forgot to eat yesterday. My students just came in this morning and said “Whoa, Mrs. B, are you okay?” and the answer is no children, I am alive but barely breathing LOL.
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ladysqueakinpip · 10 months
at the end of the day the thing i love the most about tmnt is that it's not just boys being boys (in the wholesome way), it's brothers being brothers
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forever-eternal · 10 months
Made more Atlas Fanart, featuring Best Boy Raphael— Vee’s Go-To Turtle!
Based on a quote d0mino responded to a comment with :)
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“My older sister stayed silent to be steady for me us, so now I’m twice as loud because this rage is not only mine. This scream is not just for me.”
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bleepblopbloop56 · 2 years
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Rise doodle/wip dump cause im tired of these guys hiding in my sketchbooks
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ashdash2417 · 2 years
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I know I’m a little late here, but I’m just gonna share this here because I don’t know if I’ll ever get back to this again. Thank you @miniyunart for the template! 😁
For the expressions, I just love how exaggerated they can be, silly or otherwise. This was fun to draw out! :p
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aberooski · 1 year
Okay so, if y'all know me you know I adore tmnt. It was my obsession before I ever watched even the original YGO much less GX. And now I'm watching tmnt 2012 for the first time, I'm about halfway through season 2 and honestly you guys are so lucky I'm not live blogging it because well.... I don't like it 💀
I will say I'm enjoying season 2 more than season 1 so far but still 💀
#I'm trying so hard I really am#as a don stan I hate all the april stuff#as a lover of april I hate what they've done and will do with this one#I hate the whole karai is really splinter's daughter thing#the kraang make me want to die every time they speak they're so annoying#I dunno a lot of the humor is just not landing with me either for some reason#i never liked the 3d cg animation style i always thought it was super ugly which is part of why i never watched it until now tbh#I kinda resent just how childish mikey is which is silly of me I'll admit that but still#leo has always been my least favorite that hasn't changed#don always was my favorite so I really hate that so much of his character revolves around april it really adds nothing and holds him back#raph is fine it's hard to mess him up tbh i don't have any issues with him so that's a win 👍#plus I adore sean astin so bonus points#I do actually like splinter and casey though#historically I love casey the most of the human characters though so if they end up messing him up later I'll never forgive them#karai is fine I just hate the her being splinter's daughter thing. I also don't like her design at all. at all. they did her dirty af.#I don't like to compare the other shows to 2003 since nothing ~really~ compares imo but karai's 2003 design > every other karai design#I know there's some 2003 storylines and characters they do in 2012 so I know the comparison is inevitable but I think I've done well#so far in keeping them separate. i haven't had that issue with 87 or rise so I trust myself#but honestly my intense love and admitted bias for 2003 has never interfered with my enjoyment or opinions of other turtle media#-so that's not an issue here#I just genuinely don't care for 2012 so far. I didn't particularly care for rise either but tbh atm I like it more than 2012#the rise movie was great though I loved that legitimately. the show itself though? not really for me.#I'm gonna watch 2012 to completion and I really hope I change my mind but it's looking bleak so far#plus I already know a lot of the big story beats so there goes that lol#oh yeah I lied#I also like ice cream kitty 🤭#tmnt#abby's just rambling don't mind her#abby chooses violence#wake up babe new tag dropped
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3rdsday · 2 years
It took me until about halfway through season 2 to start enjoying 2012 TMNT but Karai is my favorite character
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