#if you think hes cringe then… yeah youre not totally wrong but he does a good job lmao
katsettee · 4 months
I totally get people talking about rottmnt and not being into because of the cartoony madness and exaggeration. I get it, it’s grating for some
But that acceptance goes OUT the window as soon as the same person vehemently swears up and down 2012 is the best tmnt rendition 💀💀
The incest one??? With the horrible writing? THAT one?
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bruisedboys · 2 years
dead wrong — steve harrington x reader
summary: steve harrington is down horrendous for you, his best friend. his love is not as unrequited as he thinks.
contains: best friends to lovers, mutual pining (but mostly steve pining), steve’s pov, fluff galore, idiots in love, reader is good with the kids, reader is a skater like max, reader hurts her wrist and steve is a worried lovesick idiot. cw! descriptions of wounds/blood, mentions of hospital, reader wears steve’s clothes. she/her pronouns used.
a/n: first long fic yay!! I am extremely proud of this so pls love it 🤍
fem!reader 5.3k words
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gif by @barneswayne
Steve Harrington is totally, most definitely, not in love with you. Just friends, he thinks, best friends. Best friends who hold hands and sit far too close together.
Speaking of, you push further into Steve’s side, your scent washing over him. Your hand squeezes Steve’s, and he thinks, never mind. Maybe he is in love with you. So in love with you it fucking hurts.
A chorus of shouts erupts around him. You and Steve are watching Eddie, Robin and the kids play beer bong, only without the beer. It’s soda. Dustin starts doing a stupid victory dance while half of his peers laugh and the others cringe. Steve cringes. You laugh. All high and lilting and adorable. Steve has to remind himself to breathe.
He brings your joint hands to rest on his knee. Your rings push into his skin, almost like harsh reminders that he can’t hold you like he wants to. He frowns.
“Steve?” Your voice brings Steve out of his thoughts like it always does. You give his hand a shake. “You okay?”
Steve looks up and prays you can’t see the hopeless devotion in his eyes. You’re the prettiest girl he’s ever seen, with your messy hair and your eyes lined with glitter. Rosy cheeks, glossy pink lips that he stares a beat too long at. He’s known you for years, and yet he’s never gonna get used to how gorgeous you are. He swallows, forces his eyes up to yours.
“I’m okay,” he says, though he’s really not. He never is, because you never won’t look like that. “Are you?”
There’s another explosion of noise from the soda-pong players, but you don’t seem to notice. You frown like you don’t believe him. He’s being too obvious, he knows.
“Yeah, I’m good. Are you sure, Steve?” You stretch your free hand across your torso to touch his face. Steve heats like an oven under your hand as you press your palm to his forehead. “You’re not feeling sick, are you? You feel sort of hot.”
Steve grabs your wrist, harder than he means to. He loosens his grip guiltily when you give him an alarmed look.
“Sorry,” he says quickly, lowering your hand gently. He can feel your pulse, only just, underneath his fingers. It’s damn sure slower than his. “I— uh, no. I’m not feeling unwell. It is pretty hot in here though.”
A total lie. The only reason he’s burning up is you.
Your frown deepens, a push of your bottom lip that makes Steve want to kiss you. It’s such an overwhelming feeling that he has to blink multiple times to make it go away.
“Oh,” you say. You look around the room and then back at Steve. “Do you want to go outside?”
Steve has a bit of a dilemma. If he says yes, he’ll be alone with you. He can’t tell if that’s a good or bad thing. If he says no, he’ll have to stay in this stuffy room with yelling teenagers and ping pong balls flying at him every five seconds. He decides on the first option.
“Sure,” he says as nonchalantly as he can. Then, to make you laugh, “Smells like boy in here anyway.”
You giggle. Steve feels like copying Dustin’s lame victory dance.
“You’re a boy, Stevie,” you say teasingly.
He wrinkles his nose at you. “No, I know, but it’s like … adolescent boy.”
You laugh loud, your mouth pulled up in a staggering smile. “Oh, okay,” you say, as if anything he just said made any sense.
Steve is starstruck for a second before you’re pulling him up from his seat, your hand in his a familiar, heart-aching weight.
Steve finds himself sitting side by side with you on the hood of his car. He can’t exactly remember how he got here — on the way, all he could think about was your hand in his and the fact that your thumb kept brushing over his knuckles in very distinct lines. Whether you’d meant to or not, he doesn’t know. He hopes you did.
“Any better?” You ask quietly, stretching your pinky across the small gap between your hands to tap his.
Steve feels something like an electric shock where your skin touches his. It baffles him, how such a tiny touch can cause such a big reaction throughout his body. He stares at your hand when he answers.
“Much,” he says honestly. He looks up at you. “You didn’t have to come with me, you know. You can go back in if you want.”
Secretly he hopes you’ll stay here with him forever. But that would be selfish, and if Steve is anything when he’s with you, it’s not selfish.
“Eurgh, no.” You pull a disgusted sort of face that makes Steve grin. “I could barely stand it when you were there. Without you, I think I’d die from the smell alone.”
Steve laughs. Really laughs. The words without you, I think I’d die, float around his brain like fish in a fish tank. When he’s done laughing he catches your smile, all pretty and wide, and his heart does one of those funny backflips that he’s never gonna get used to.
Steve watches as you brace your hands on the edge of the car and push yourself up the hood, pulling your shoes up to rest on the metal. Your skirt is short enough that Steve can see half of your thighs, more when you shift yourself like that. He stares for two seconds too long and then feels so guilty he almost apologises.
Instead, he says, “Aren’t you cold?” He points at your skirt but doesn’t look.
You shrug. “No, not really.”
With a sigh you let yourself fall back against the hood of the car. Your skirt rises even more and a half inch more of your skin is exposed — Steve feels like the universe is out to get him. His only escape is to fall back next to you, his right shoulder brushing your left one. You smile when he does, head rolling to the side to look at him. Face to face now, Steve can feel every small breath coming from your parted lips.
“See any stars?” He blurts, because your face is much too close and he’s scared if you look at him like that any longer, he’ll kiss you stupid.
You look up at the dark, empty sky and wrinkle your nose. “No.”
“Wait, look, there’s one.” Steve lifts his arm to point at what he thinks is a star.
You squint in its direction. “That’s a plane.”
“What? No it’s— oh.” He trails off when he realises the ‘star’ is moving. It disappears behind a cloud a second later.
You laugh, breathless and pretty, and drop your head onto Steve’s shoulder. Your perfume fills the air around Steve and he has to stop himself from leaning closer. You bring a hand up to fiddle with your necklace, a cheap, plastic ‘S’ charm that sits directly on your sternum. The fake diamonds are falling off, half of them gone already, but you’ve refused to take it off after all these years. Steve has one of your initial, too. You got them from a dollar store when you were twelve and pinky promised to be best friends forever.
You slip your necklace safely beneath your top and then stifle a yawn behind your hand.
Steve gives your elbow a nudge. “Tired?”
You shrug one shoulder and then droop further into Steve’s side. Every point of contact between you burns.
“You’re tired,” Steve says matter-of-factly.
You make a noise that’s probably meant to be a sound of protest but comes out more like a tired moan. Steve chuckles lightly, reaches over and rubs your arm.
“Alright, sweet girl. Let’s go home.”
‘Home’ really means Steve’s house, because you’ve left your car there and because you’re over so much it’s become your second home. By the time Steve is pulling up the driveway, you’re so dead beat he doesn’t even consider letting you drive yourself home. You practically hang off his waist as he walks you both inside.
“M’tired,” you mumble as you pass the living room.
Steve has to bite back a laugh. “Uh-huh, I can tell.”
You look up at him and squint like you know he’s laughing at you. Then you say, “Can I sleep in your bed?”
Steve’s heart skips. Sure, you’ve slept in his bed before, but every time you have Steve lay awake for at least half the night. He’s not above admitting that he’s watched you sleep more than once. He’s seconds away from telling you to take the guest bedroom when you pout dramatically.
“Please? You’re so warm.” You push into his side, your arm tightening around his waist like you don’t ever want to let go.
Steve hates himself for nodding, but he can’t help it. “Yeah, okay.”
He drags you up the stairs and into his room. Your makeup and stray jewellery is strewn across his dresser — you’d gotten ready at Steve’s before the party. If you could even call it that, Steve thinks. He plants you on his bed and you fall back immediately, eyes shut tight as your hair splays across the sheets.
“You’re like a zombie,” Steve says amusedly, his gaze all fond and mushy as he looks down at you. “From like, Day of the Dead or something.”
You pull a face, faux offended but your big grin gives you away. “Ew. I’m not that ugly, am I?”
Steve hums long and high like he’s thinking about it. This makes you gasp and throw a hand to your chest like he’s wounded you. Before Steve can get half a laugh out a pillow is hitting him straight across the face.
“Hey!” He exclaims, glaring at you. You’re still lying down, eyes screwed tight like you’re pretending you didn’t just brutally attack Steve. He laughs because you’re fucking adorable. “Zombies don’t throw pillows, Y/N.”
Your words are plagued by a yawn as you say, “This one does.”
Steve sighs at your antics, picks up your murder weapon (his pillow) and replaces it on the bed.
“Oh no,” you groan suddenly, like you’ve remembered something awful, hands flying to your face in despair. “My makeup, Stevie. M’too tired to take it off.”
Your words stick to each other like taffy in your tired state. Steve remembers the last time he let you sleep in your makeup. He didn’t hear the end of it for days. He’d rather avoid your wrath this time round.
Steve sighs, knowing full well he’s about to put his foot in it. “Well, will you let me do it?”
You open one eye blearily and look at him. “Would you?”
Steve shrugs, though the thought of being that close to you makes him feel nauseous. Luckily, you’ve closed both eyes again so he can blush all he wants. Plus, he’d do anything for you. Even endure the overwhelming urge to kiss you breathless.
“Sure thing, babe. I’ll get the stuff.”
Steve ends up sitting on his bed with you across from him, crossed legs pressing up against his. You’re sitting so close you’re almost in his lap. He ignores this for the sake of his dignity.
You’ve got your eyes shut and your hair up in a clip. A lock of hair has tumbled out of its knot and Steve pushes it away from your face, fingers hooking behind your ear and lingering. He keeps his hand on your jaw as he raises his other hand, a wet cloth ready to clean your sparkly makeup off.
“You sure about this?” He asks hesitantly. He’s dead terrified he’ll do something wrong, like get glitter in your eye.
You smile softly, your eyes staying firmly shut. “Yes, Steve, it’s fine.” Your tone is half reassuring and half exasperated.
Steve bites the bullet and goes right in, pressing the wet cloth to your cheekbones first. You’ve got blush and glitter there, sprinkled on your cheeks like fairy dust. He smooths the cloth along your skin and it comes away sparkly and pink.
“Okay?” He asks, pausing worriedly.
You nod slowly, your head starting to droop in his hand. “Yeah, Steve.”
Steve grins fondly at your face, screwed up in exhaustion. He tightens his grip on your jaw to keep your head steady, thumb hooked under your chin. Carefully, he begins to dab at your eyelids, also painted with silvery glittery eyeshadow.
Your face dewy and makeup-free, Steve thinks you’ve never looked prettier. So pretty it drives him mad. He stares, really stares, for far too long but he’s worried if he opens his mouth, breaks the silence, he’ll never get to see you like this again. Your hair all messy pretty, your eyes shut and eyelashes kissing, your pink lips turned in a half smile.
He’s not surprised when your soft voice drifts into his thoughts.
“You done?” You open your eyes, eyelids heavy and head heavier.
Steve snaps out of it. He lets go of your face quickly, slides off the bed even quicker.
“All done,” he says, almost tripping over his own feet.
You smile, seemingly oblivious to his clumsiness. Or maybe, it’s just happened so often that you’re not surprised. Either way, your smile is sickeningly sweet. Steve is torn between the desire to kiss you or run as far away as possible from you.
Your voice matches your honey-smile when you say, “Thank you, Stevie.”
You reach out to touch his forearm, your hand a heavy weight on his skin as you wrap your fingers around his arm and squeeze.
He grins lopsidedly, and he’s sure he looks like a lovesick idiot but he can’t find it in himself to care. “You’re welcome.”
You drop your hand and Steve’s arm suddenly feels cold as ice. He wants to touch you again but knows he shouldn’t. He strides to his bedroom door and pauses to turn and look at you.
“I’m gonna get you a glass of water,” he says. Your eyelids are drooping again. He laughs fondly. “Get in bed while I’m gone, zombie-girl.”
Your giggle follows him all the way to the kitchen.
When Steve gets back, a glass of water in each hand, you’re still as a statue on your self-appointed side of the bed. You’ve swapped your outfit for a grey t-shirt that you totally stole from him but deny every time he asks about it, and the shortest shorts known to mankind.
He switches off the light and shuts the door with his heel. Pointedly avoiding looking at your bare legs, he rounds the bed and sets the water down, then bends over you.
“Y/N?” He whispers.
You hum softly, though Steve can’t tell if it’s a hum of acknowledgement or just a sound you’ve made in your sleep. He leans closer, listening to your breathing. You’re awake, only just.
He brushes his hand over your upper arm, touch as light as a feather. He thinks he feels goosebumps on your skin but doesn’t have time to wonder why. You’re lifting your chin slightly, lips parted.
“Goodnight, Stevie,” you whisper, so quiet he barely hears you. Steve’s heart swells. “Thanks for … everything.”
A few moments later you fall silent and your breathing grows steady, and Steve wonders how the hell you always fall asleep so fast.
He rubs your arm, kisses your forehead because he knows you won’t remember this part. His lips buzz as he pulls away. “Goodnight, sweet thing.”
You’re outside Family Video. Steve emerges from the back room and spots you so fast it’s like he’s got a third eye. He’s both shocked and pleased — he hadn’t expected to see you until after his shift.
You’ve got the kids with you. You and Max are zooming around the carpark on your skateboards while Dustin and Lucas are poised on the hood of your car, poring over comics.
He watches you skate with Max. Like some lame rom-com cliche, your hair is blowing in the wind and Steve swears you’ve moving in slow motion. You’re laughing and joking with Max and Steve stares and stares. Stares until Robin sidles up next to him.
“What’re you— oh.” Steve can hear the smirk in her voice even though he refuses to look at her. “What’re they doing here?”
Steve shrugs and makes an ‘I don’t know’ sound, moving to the counter to put down the box of videos he’s carrying. Robin follows.
“You’re not gonna go say hi to Y/N?” Robin asks slyly. Steve can hear in her voice what’s coming. “You’ve been staring long enough.”
Steve blushes furiously despite himself. “I wasn’t staring.”
“Oh, sure.” Robin hoists herself onto the counter, peers into the box of videos and picks one out at random. “Just like you weren’t holding her hand on Tuesday night?”
Steve can’t exactly get himself out of that one. He snatches the video from Robin with an annoyed tsk, slotting it back into the box. Her laugh is devilish.
“You are hopeless, Steven,” she says, whacking Steve over the head as she hops off the counter.
Steve rubs his head and glares at Robin. If looks could kill she’d be dead meat. “That’s not my name.”
Robin gets this look on her face that Steve knows all too well. He wants to pummel her before she’s even said anything.
“Oh, sorry,” she says, all sarcasm. “What is it, then? Stevie?”
Steve’s blood boils. Only you’re allowed to call him that.
“Y’know what, Robin?” He says loudly. He turns on his coworker, seething. She’s totally nonchalant, a stupid smirk on her lips. “Why don’t you just leave me—?”
A shout of his name from the door. He turns and finds Lucas standing there, looking panicked.
Steve’s brow furrows. Then he notices you and Max are no longer whizzing around the carpark. “What—“
“Y/N fell,” Lucas says, out of breath. “We think she hurt her wrist.”
Steve’s heart drops. “Shit.”
He goes flying out the door and into the parking lot. You’re sitting on the concrete, one knee pulled up to your chest, your skateboard dormant next to you. Max is kneeling over you, and Dustin has graciously abandoned his comics for your sake.
“Y/N!” He damn near shouts. He runs over to you and Max and gets on his knees. He’s probably just ruined his jeans on the concrete — he doesn’t give a single fuck.
“Y/N,” he says frantically, a tentative hand landing on your shoulder. Both your knees are scraped something awful and a nasty gash blooms on the outside of your wrist. Steve’s worry is loud and his heartbeat twice as much. “Y/N, are you okay? What happened? What’s—“
You look up. Your eyes are shining but you’ve got a dopey smile on your lips.
“Steve,” you say breathlessly. You blink and a tear falls from your eye and over the bump of your cheek. “Hi. Good to see you.”
Steve stares at you in horror. How can you be making jokes at a time like this? You laugh wetly and Steve looks at Max, totally alarmed.
“What happened?” He demands.
Max is much calmer than he is. “She went over a bump or something,” she says. She’s rubbing your back and Steve feels a rush of gratitude for the younger girl. “Fell on her left arm. Her wrist might be sprained or broken, but—“
“Broken?” Steve repeats. He’s pretty sure his soul just left his body.
“I said might,” Max says through her teeth.
“Y/N?” Steve slides his arm around your shoulder, carefully avoiding your left wrist, which you're cradling in your uninjured hand. “Y/N, baby, can you get up?”
You make a noise like a scoff but it’s muffled by your sniffly nose. “‘Course I can.”
Steve helps you anyway, Max on your other side keeping a firm hold on your jacket. You hiss as you straighten your legs, knee-wounds sprouting fresh blood. Steve bites down on his lip so hard he almost bleeds himself.
“Are you gonna take her to the hospital?” Max asks. There’s genuine worry in her eyes that Steve barely sees. Dustin, Lucas and Robin appear, looking equally worried.
Steve puts on a brave face. “Think so. What do you think?” He asks Max. “You’re the skateboard expert.”
She grins so quick Steve almost misses it. It disappears when she looks at you in your bloody and bruised state. “Yeah. Just in case.”
Steve walks you over to your car, half dragging you. Not that you need him to, he just can’t bear for you to hurt any more than you already are. He deposits you in the passenger seat, ducks his head in to pull your seatbelt across your torso. He’s seconds from ducking back out when you stop him, your uninjured hand on his chest, right over his racing heart.
“It hurts,” you say, quiet enough that only Steve can hear. Your eyes are welling up again. Steve feels like crying himself.
“I know,” he says, nodding vigorously like it will make a difference. “I know, sweet girl. It’s gonna be fine. You’re gonna be okay.”
At this point he’s talking to himself as well as you. You nod in an exhausted sort of way and Steve presses a kiss to your cheek. Slow and soft and as close to your lips as he’s ever kissed. He has to take a few seconds to compose himself before straightening up and turning to the others.
“I gotta take her,” he says, sending an apologetic grimace in Robin’s direction.
Robin nods once and surprisingly, doesn’t say a word. She looks about as sympathetic as Steve has ever seen her. He turns to the kids.
“Help Robin,” he says. He’s trying desperately to make his voice sound normal but falling short of the mark. Everyone notices but nobody comments. “Don’t mess up the store.”
He gives a grateful smile to Max and then rounds the car, hopping in and starting the engine.
You’re half asleep on Steve’s couch, your head in his lap. You’re wearing his yellow sweater — the one he bought only because you’d said he’d look good in yellow. You’ve just woken up from a post-hospital nap and Steve’s hand is in your hair, brushing slow strokes over the side of your head.
He’s feeling a lot of things. Relieved, for starters. The doctor had said it was only a sprain, they’d bandaged up your wrist and you’d left the hospital in far better conditions. Steve was in far better conditions, too.
Steve looks down at you, at your bandaged wrist and the huge bandaids on your knees and thinks, fuck. He thinks his heart is about to claw its way out of his chest. He doesn’t think he can take this love thing any longer.
You stir and take a long breath, turning your head in Steve’s lap to look up at him. Your eyes are tired but you’re smiling.
“You okay?” Steve asks softly. He doesn’t want to break the silence. It feels good, to sit in silence and comfort with you. He runs his fingers through your hair again.
You nod. “Mhm. I’m good.”
You shift in his lap. “No, not right now.”
You fall silent and Steve doesn’t know what to say. He wants to tell you how worried he was about you, but you could probably tell. Anyone with a pair of eyes could tell he was nauseous-level worried. Then he thinks about telling you he loves you. It’s a stupid reason, really, but it was all because a nurse had asked if he was your boyfriend. He’d wished he could say yes.
Steve hums and meets your eyes. You move to sit up and Steve helps you, knowing you won’t let him stop you. A firm hand between your shoulder blades, his palm sliding down your back as you straighten yourself. You shift so you’re facing him, your legs crossed beneath you and your injured wrist resting in your lap. Steve is careful to avoid your wounded knees.
“What is it, babe?” Steve asks quietly. He brings his hand up to caress your cheek, dragging his thumb over a spot where your tears had smudged your mascara earlier.
You melt into his hand, eyes falling shut as a long, deep sigh falls from your lips. You raise your good hand to cover his, holding it to your face. Your hand burns stars onto the back of his.
“Is it your wrist?” Steve asks. You’re acting strange. He puts it down to your injured state. “Your knees? Do you want more ice? New band-aids?”
He’s being a total worrywart, he knows, but who can blame him?
You shake your head, eyes open but cast down. “No.”
“Just feeling bad?” He asks through a frown. In a strange parallel to a couple of days ago, he lifts his free hand to press his palm to your forehead. You feel warm but not hot.
“It’s …” you start, then trail off. Both yours and Steve’s hands fall to your lap.
Steve’s concern spikes. You’ve never been one to hide anything from him. “Yeah?”
“Um, it’s … it’s silly but—“ You take a deep breath and let your eyes raise to Steve’s. You get a look on your face Steve doesn’t quite understand, but it makes his heart leap to his throat anyway. “You know today, when that nurse asked us if you were my boyfriend?”
Steve laughs embarrassedly, too loud and too sudden. So you’d been thinking about that, too. He pulls his hand away from your lap and rubs the back of his neck.
“Yeah, that was kinda weird, wasn’t it?” He says, though it wasn’t really. Almost every new person he meets thinks you’re dating him. “I was—”
“I wanted to say yes, Stevie.”
Steve stops talking abruptly, his mouth slamming shut. He hadn’t really known what he was about to say, anyway. He searches for words but all he comes up with is a garbled, “What?”
You laugh, all soft and slow and distorted by fatigue. You raise your hand to rub your neck, a mirror of Steve only a moment ago.
“I wanted to say yes,” you repeat, like it’s obvious. Even the second time, Steve doesn’t believe what he’s hearing. His chest feels like it’s on fire, worse when you say, “I want you to be my boyfriend.”
For once in his life, Steve has nothing to say. He gazes at you like you’re some sort of angel on earth. Maybe he’s dreaming. Maybe he’s in some cruel dream and he’s about to wake up with his chest aching.
“I …” Steve‘s voice catches on the words. His throat burns so he mustn’t be dreaming. He tries again. “Y-You … you do?”
He’s not even embarrassed by the stuttering. Just when he didn’t think he could be any more in love with you, you giggle. He was dead wrong. His heart grows about three sizes too big for his chest.
“Yeah, Steve,” you say, fondness smothering your fake exasperation. “Do you … do you want me to be your girlfriend?”
What Steve wants is to kiss you. He wants to kiss you til you can’t breathe and then some more after that. Silently, he takes your injured wrist in his hand and gently shifts it so it’s out of the way, resting on the couch cushions. Then he grabs your face, fingers splayed over your jaw and neck. He can feel your pulse. It’s almost as quick as his. He leans so close he can hear every breath you’re taking.
“I’m going to kiss you now,” he whispers, his lips ghosting over yours. “That okay?”
You laugh a giddy, breathless laugh, surprised at his suddenness. “Please do.”
He slams his eyes shut, darts forward to kiss you and fucking misses. Your noses bump. A surprised giggle bubbles from you and Steve goes red.
“Wait, I’m sorry—“ He tries again, tilting your head to one side and angling his head to the other. This time it works perfectly, and your giggling is swallowed up by Steve’s mouth, lips fitting together like they were made for each other.
You sigh and go all melty and Steve’s heart skyrockets. It feels like everything in the world is falling into place. It’s years of longing, eternities of lingering touches and offhand compliments and longing glances all rolled into one life changing kiss. Your good hand has jumped to Steve’s chest, first bunched in the material of his t-shirt and then spreading over it, palm atop his wild heart. He thinks he might die on the spot. Or like, catch on fire or something.
Steve is losing breath but he won’t stop just yet. He drops his hands to your shoulders and pulls away a hair’s breadth. Then he dives back in for one, two, three kisses that you respond to with all the eagerness in the world. Your kisses are so lovely they make him light-headed.
When Steve pulls away (for oxygen, nothing less) you chase his lips with yours. He laughs, all fondness. He’s dizzy with love.
“Woah, hold your horses, cowboy,” he says through a woozy laugh. He’s finding it hard to speak. He barely hears himself. For all he knows, he’s talking in an alien language.
“Sorry,” you whisper, not sounding very sorry at all. “So … was that a yes?”
Steve has to laugh. He can’t help it. “Are you kidding? Yes, Y/N. That was a yes. I—“
He’s rudely interrupted by someone banging on the door. He thinks he knows who it is. Only one person he knows knocks that hard.
He sighs morosely but he can’t keep the grin off his face for very long. “I’ll get it.”
He heaves himself off the couch and makes for the front door. You stop him before he gets very far, a hand in his bicep.
“Wait, Steve.”
Steve turns, puzzled. “Yeah?”
You’re lifting your chin up, lips parted. Steve knows exactly what you want.
His grin grows impossibly wider as he bends at the waist to kiss you once, chaste and slow and just as perfect as the kisses shared moments ago. When he pulls away you’re smiling so big he’s worried you’ll get stuck like that forever. He wouldn’t mind.
Another round of banging from the door. Steve sighs, squeezes your good shoulder once and then marches to the front door, just about ready to kick the intruder off his front porch. He opens the door and finds his suspicions were correct. It’s Dustin.
He’s holding a handful of flowers that look suspiciously similar to the ones that grow in Steve’s mom’s garden.
“Those for me?” Steve asks. He shoots his arm out to stop Dustin from barging in, hand gripping the door frame.
Dustin pulls a face. “Ew. No, they’re for Y/N.” He steps aside and more kids appear, plus Robin and Eddie. Eddie’s van has been parked haphazardly in Steve’s driveway. “Can we come in or are you gonna stand there and guard the door like that all night?”
“She’s tired.”
“But we bought chocolates.”
“Dustin?” You call from the living room. Oh, great. Now Steve’s gonna have to let them in. “S’that you?”
Dustin beams and gives Steve an expectant look. Steve drops his arm with a defeated sigh and Dustin goes marching in like he owns the place. Max, Lucas and even Mike follow. Mike, who never shows up to anything. Though Steve shouldn’t be surprised. You’re Mike’s favourite, out of the older ones.
Eddie comes next, then Robin, who stops to give Steve a grimace.
“Sorry,” she says wryly. “They really wanted to see her.”
Steve shrugs good-naturedly. He’s on cloud nine and much too happy to care all that much. He follows Robin into the living room and finds everyone crowded around you, Max on your side and Dustin getting down on one knee to present you the probably-stolen flowers like you’re the Queen of England. You look the same as Steve feels — kiss bitten and with your head in another world. But you’re pleased by the company, he can tell.
Dustin moves to give you one of his bone-crushing hugs and Steve goes all panic mode.
“Please be careful with her!” He says urgently, his panic obvious under the usual demanding tone he takes with the kids.
But you’re laughing under Dustin’s hug, and Steve can’t stay mad when you look like that. You meet his eyes over a mop of curly hair and your gaze goes all mushy and sweet. Steve’s legs feel like jelly. If he keeled over dead right now, he wouldn’t be surprised.
He’s sure someone will see but he doesn’t really care. Grinning from ear to ear, he mouths, “Love you.”
He’s said it before, of course he has, you’re his best friend in the whole entire world. This time though, it’s all the more different. It’s better. You flush, oblivious to the noisy chatter around you.
“Love you too,” you mouth back.
Steve can’t stop smiling for the rest of the night.
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thank you for reading! feedback is appreciated!! reblog this and I’ll kiss you on the mouth mwah
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dadsbongos · 4 months
megumi x airhead fluff please don’t let gege get u again 😔
GASP this has been in my drafts so long and i totally forgot about it, i am sooo sorry nonny :')
761 words no big warnings just fluff n idiots pining, not super proofread
the ghost of gege has been cleansed from my soul!!! ~~~
“Do you really think that?”
Megumi stiffly avoids your gaze, soon after shrugging, “Yeah. What of it?”
You frown, and it could be how attuned he is to your mood but Megumi swears the sudden shift actually overhauls the entire room’s energy. Something morose and slithering around the darkness, somehow the gloominess only thickens in the areas sparsely lit by Megumi’s lamp.
“That’s sad,” you lean up from your sit and onto your knees, fingertips just barely pressing into the springs below, “You’re not a bad person, ‘gumi.”
“I don’t think I’m the devil,” he turns his whole head to avoid your piercing stare, “Just not a good person.”
“That’s sad!” now you’ve flung your hands up on his shoulders, squeezing down his arms as if a heartbroken widow clutching her poor, dead husband, “‘gumi you’re the best guy I know!”
Scrunching away from you, Megumi presses his back into the headboard of his bed, swallowing harshly and continuously dodging your stare, “Yeah, sure.”
“Hey,” you whine, now squishing his hands between yours, “You are! You’re super nice all the time, and you’re way smart.”
The accusation of kindness pulls a little chuckle from Megumi, especially considering how often Yuuji and Nobara curse his nasty attitude. He cannot comprehend why you’d marvel over him this way, or in any other way for that fact. Megumi’s eyes flutter shut, he soaks up the warmth of your hands on his, and your face by his cheek. If he dared lean up, he’d easily be able to kiss you (he’s not so bold, he thinks he’d rather die actually).
“And you’re so pretty,” you tack on, as if you can sense the worst possible thing to say right now.
Though, Megumi knows better -- you’re soft and mellow, his opposite if anything. The knowledge of your earnesty in the compliment does nothing to calm his racing heart, or the raging red slathering his face.
“Whatever…” Megumi sinks down until he’s laid back on his mattress. He sucks in air slowly, boring holes into the ceiling rather than your face, “You’re pretty, too. And you’re nicer than me,” he cringes, “If you’re still sure I’m nice.”
“You are,” you lay beside him, petting a hand over the bunches and wrinkles in his sleep shirt, “You’re being nice now! You let me come over after my nightmare.”
“You sounded scared,” he tries to shrug off the praise, but your words are clinging to his brain stubbornly, “Why would I make you sleep alone after that?”
“Exactly,” you’re bolder than Megumi, bold enough to spike your chin onto his chest, “You’d be a great boyfriend.”
“You don’t say,” he chokes out, heat clogging his cheeks and red burning into a deep crimson. He prays the dim light emitting from his nightstand doesn’t expose the sight to you. 
A melodic knock on Megumi’s door makes the duo flinch, and despite logic telling him nothing is wrong Megumi lets his arm come around your waist protectively. When its Satoru that pokes his head in, the boy grumbles.
“Hey, problem children,” Satoru coos, “if you’re gonna break rules, at least move apart when your teacher comes to scold you.”
“They had a nightmare,” Megumi’s hold on you tightens, “they didn’t wanna be alone.”
“Is that right?” Satoru’s blindfold is still snug around his face, but Megumi can feel his teacher’s stare pointed at where your head lays on his chest.
You nod viciously, “It was so scary! I thought I died for real, so ‘gumi let me stay with him so I don’t have another one.”
“Well how sweet,” Satoru taps the doorframe, “But c’mon, time for everyone to go to their own rooms.”
“Huh, no way!” you cry in protest, rocketing up straight.
“No way,” Megumi parrots.
Raising a brow, Satoru grins at his student’s sudden audacity, “You want me to stay in here with you both, then?”
“You want me to tell Yaga about the secret number in your phone?” Megumi glares, “The one you know by heart.”
Satoru grimaces down at the boy, then sighing and back out of the room, “Don’t do anything to make Yaga yell at me.”
“Wow, ‘gumi, you really got him.”
“He’s easy to wrangle, like training a big, stupid dog,” Megumi feels his heart thundering in his chest the longer you go without saying anything, simply sitting there and grinning at him, “What?”
“You stood up for me.”
“That was really nice of you.”
He rolls his eyes, grabbing you by the arm and pulling you back onto him, “Yeah, whatever.”
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thepersonnamedsam · 1 year
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pairing: the genz!driver x team x 23!grid
summary: some team radios of our beloved genz!driver
warnings: some swearing
note: oh i hope you all will like what i did here, it took me a hot minute, soo, pls don’t be a ghost reader
our genz!driver doesn’t drive for a specific team (pls imagine which ever is your fav), so the colours of the team radio will be violet, bc it’s not used :)
masterlist / taglist
Bahrain 2023
- „Okay y/n, you made it into Q2! Let’s keep that same pace you had in Q1“
- „Oh did you hear that? Where did Oscar place??“
- „Piastri is out in Q1, P18“
- „Wooh!! Oscar owes me 50 bucks!!! He lost the bet, he lost it! He didn’t think I’d out-qualify him!“
End of Qualifying
- „Good job, y/l/n! Thats P12 for you! Great start of the season“
- „Yeah baby! I’m the new Smooth Operator, Smooth Operator!“
- „Uhm guys, I think there’s something wrong with my car…“
- „What is it, y/n?“
- „I just overtook Charles, how is that even possible?! Wtf guys, am I that fast?“
- „Oh my god, y/n, you had me stressed out here. I really thought you had technical problems for a second“
- „No worries, I’m just faster than a Ferrari“
- „Radio check“
- „It’s a cruel summer!“
- „Tell me, tell me how we finished, how I finished?!“
- „P11 baby!“
- „Uh, yeah, who’s almost in the points?!“
- „YOU!“
Saudi Arabia 2023
- „Tell me, is Danny here?“
- „Yea, why?“
- „Can you tell him I said hi? Please“
- „Uhm, sure I can, why?“
- „I just promised him yesterday I‘d give him a shoutout from the track, hahaha“
- „Okay, y/n, let’s get into Q3 today!“
- „Let’s gooooo!“
- „Could you not scream into the coms, please?“
- „WOHOO!“
- „y/n…“
- „Love you“
- „I don’t…“
- „You totally do“
- „I don’t“
- „You dooooo“
- „P12, good job y/n“
- „Could’ve gone better“
- „It’s a good result, y/n“
- „But still no Q3“
- „Hey, y/n, cheer up, it’s the same result as last race“
- „I thought we improved, I thought I improved“
- „We can still climb up the ladder“
- „As if, I’m not good enough for that many overtakes, I can defend, but that… I don’t know man“
- „Hey hey, listen to me, y/n. You deserve that spot in F1, you’re young and you’re learning with every race, with every test. I know you’ll be champion one day. Maybe not this race, but you’re gonna go far, kid“
- „…“
- „Are you crying, hahaha?“
- „Let me be emotional, dipshit“
- „Oh Lando is gonna have a field day with this, hahaha“
- „Please don’t show that to Lando“
- „Come to the garage first and we can discuss it“
- „Radio check, y/n“
- „Vamos a la playa“
- „Loud and clear…“
- „Unfortunate events, retire the car, y/n“
- „It is what it is“
- „Don’t meme me, I’m mad… haha, okay, thank you“
Australia 2023
- „Good pace, y/n, let’s keep it that way and we’ll make it into Q3“
- „Alrighty mighty“
- „Cringe“
- „Huh?“
- „P9“
- „I’m into Q3?! Am I really?“
- „Yes! Yes you are!“
- „Whoop, whoop, that’s the sound of the police“
- „Whoop, whoop, that’s the sound that I need“
- „P10 baby“
- „P10!“
- „Hi y/n, you’re doing really good out there, bring 'em home for me, will ya?“
- „Danny?“
- „Yes?“
- „Hi Danny“
- „Hi, y/n! You’re currently P9, with 0.548s to Piastri“
- „Okay“
- „Let’s push and stay in the points!“
- „YES!“
- „It’s all because of Danny!“
- „I’ll gladly let him know“
Miami 2023
- „I- help!“
- „What’s going on? y/n talk to me“
- „I don’t think my break is working“
- „y/n, we are going to retire then, box box“
- „I’ll try for one more lap“
- „No you won’t“
- „I will“
- „I think it’s fine“
- „…“
- „Yea, it’s fine, I can brake normally, hihi, sorry for the worries“
- „You’re a menace, y/n“
Monaco 2023
- „Monaco baby, the land of pretty people and expensive things, I am home“
- „Why’s that, you’re not from Monaco, y/n“
- „I am pretty and expensive therefore I am home“
- „Radio check, y/n“
- „Noted“
- „I don’t feel pretty“
- „Sucks for you“
- „Man, that’s a shit move“
- „Sucks“
- „Okay y/n, you’re currently P11 with 0.639s behind DeVries, let’s push to P10“
- „DeVries? Nyck is P10? What happened?“
- „I don’t know, let’s just push him off of P10“
- „Harsh“
- „I’m a bad bitch“
- „Fuck that bitch“
- „Great job, y/n P10!“
- „Where is DeVries?“
- „P12“
- „Who overtook him?“
- „Bottas“
- „HAH!“
- „Be nice“
- „Ugh“
Montréal 2023
- „You are currently P3, I repeat, you are currently placed on P3“
- „Who’s pranking me? Max? Lando?“
- „No one, you ARE P3!“
- „WHAT?!“
- „Let’s take that pace into qualifying“
- „Uhm, yea, definitely“
- „What’s my time?“
- „1:18.725“
- „And Max‘s?“
- „1:19.092“
- „WHAT?“
- „You are P1, y/n“
- „Are you kidding me?“
- „I would never“
- „Mhm, but really? P1?“
- „I swear to god, P1“
- „Fuck! Shit! Holy macaroni fucking meatballs! I crashed, I repeat, I crashed“
- „Yea, we saw, retire the car“
- „P7, good job!“
- „Thanks…“
- „Oh and y/n, you’ve been voted driver of the day“
- „Really?“
- „Really“
- „Firstly, I wanna thank the ground, because without it, I wouldn’t be standing here today“
- „That only works if you’re really standing somewhere, y/n, you’re sitting in an F1 car“
- „Then I’d like to thank my F1 car…“
- „I deactivated your coms“
Austria 2023
Sprint Shootout
- „What exactly is a Sprint really?“
- „Oh my god, really y/n?“
- „No… of course not…“
- „Great job, you placed P13“
- „Mhm, thanks… I‘m thirsty“
- „…“
- „Did no one hear me? I want my drink, where is the drink?“
- „You will not have the drink“
- „Oh you waited so long for that, didn’t you?“
- „No…, yes“
- „Kimi is a legend.“
- „I don’t like this Sprint thingy“
- „Why?“
- „I don’t know, just because“
- „P15“
- „No good job?“
- „Not today“
- „Understandable“
- „I want to go home, I am tired of this“
- „What?“
- „It’s getting boring with Max always leading and winning“
- „Thats why we need to push as hard as we can“
- „As if I’ll ever overtake Max“
- „One day, y/n, one day“
- „But not today, that’s why I want to go home“
- „You can’t“
- „Loser“
Silverstone 2023
- „Why do I not see Charles on the grid?“
- „Why do you have time to look at the screen and not see Charles on there?“
- „You should be driving“
- „I am“
- „Clearly not fast enough“
- „Hey, I am faster than you think“
- „You are currently driving with a speed of 156 km/h“
- „How do you know that..?“
- „I am your race engineer, I know everything“
- „Did you know that I just farted, hahaha?“
- „Unfortunately“
- „Hihi“
- „You’re gross“
- „Thank you“
- „Welcome“
- „If Lewis stands on that podium, he owes me a dinner“
- „And if he doesn’t?“
- „I owe him a pity dinner“
- „And if you stand on that podium?“
- „Thats unrealistic, that’s why we didn’t bet on it“
- „True“
- „HEY!“
- „You said it first!“
- „Not a reason for you to call it out!“
- „Women“
- „I heard that“
- „You were supposed to“
- „Less talking, more driving!“
- „Yes boss“
- „Yes boss“
- „Omg, omg, omg, tell me I crossed that line without a single penalty and we don’t get a grid penalty? Please tell me this is true?“
- „YOU ARE P4 Y/N“
- „Am I really?“
- „Yes!“
- „If it weren’t for the safety car you would’ve been P3!“
- „I don’t care! It’s my best result so far!“
- „So near and yet so far“
- „Lew is P3?“
- „Yep“
- „P4 and I get a free dinner from Lew, what a day“
- „Be proud and loud“
- „WOOHOO!!!“
- „Maybe not so loud…“
- „Sorry not sorry“
Hungary 2023
- „Oh Danny Ric is back on the grid!“
- „Mhm“
- „Aren’t you happy to see my favourite person driving again?“
- „Totally“
- „Be happy!“
- „Okay…“
- „Oh… I just passed Danny“
- „You are on your flying lap, he needs to let you pass..?“
- „Yeah… but he needs a positive experience on his first race back…“
- „He’s my best friend…“
- „Does he know that?“
- „Uhm, I hope so“
- „Tell Lando he’s doing a great job“
- „Just drive“
- „Okay…“
- „Lando says thank you, by the way“
- „For what?“
- „Just forget it“
- „Okay“
- „Oh, for that! You’re welcome, Landi“
- „It took you 4 laps to realise“
- „My brain is sometimes slow, let me be“
- „I would if I could“
- „Oh how I hate Perez“
- „It’s mutual“
- „Hihi“
- „Radio check“
- „I am so glad that the summer break is right in front of me, just 33 more laps and it’s me chilling on the beach, getting tan and reading good books and you know, that’s how my dream life looks like and…“
- „How can she be so talkative but still be on for a podium? It’s a mystery for me“
- „And Lando and me oh and Danny will go on vacation together. Maybe Lewis will come as well. I want to go to the Maldives but we’ll see. Oh and you know what would be cool? If we really…“
- „Is she still talking? Yep…“
- „I could learn how to surf and eat loads of stuff and just relax“
- „So you finally decided to stop speaking and concentrate on the race? Great job, y/n“
- „Thanks!“
- „Thats P5 for you! What a race to start the summer break“
- „Thank you so much“
- „We’ll see us in 3 weeks!“
- „Byeeeee“
@ironmaiden1313 , @topguncultleader , @biglittlesecret, @gulabjamooon , @lovelyy-moonlight , @peachyplumsss , @mistrose23 , @copper-boom , @love4lando , @champomiel , @serenityleah , @iloveyou3000morgan , @angelwithoutmywings , @elleeeee21 , @youkissedareaderinthedark , @mikauraur , @thybulleric , @lpab , @fdl305 , @mellowarcadefun , @teti-menchon0604 , @vildetry06 , @bibissparkles , @aurora-maria , @lunnnix , @sya-skies , @Buckywifeyy , @dakotali , @rechtrecht , @noncannonships , @1eclerc16 , @pitlanebabe , @sopheeg , @avengersheart , @thatsadsmallchild , @peachiicherries , @idkiwantchocolatee , @callsign-scully , @mehrmonga , @badbatch-simp24 , @lissyontour , @din0nugs , @elliegrey2803 , @gay-for-victoria-de-angelis , @10vely-yutazen , @daggersquadphantom , @azriel-the-shadowsinger , @i-love-scott-mccall
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coryosbaby · 2 years
Ultraviolence- E.L & C.M
(pt. 2)
Fandom: “Scream Vi”
Pairing: Stepbrother! Ethan Landry x fem! Reader, Chad Meeks Martin x fem! Reader (not in this chapter), Ethan Landry x Chad Meeks Martin (not in this chapter)
Warning: dubcon, slight sliiiight mention of vomit and suicide (but not in a serious manner), stepcest (stepsister x stepbrother), public sex in front of relatives (the parents are completely clueless), scent kink, dom! Ethan, dark! Ethan, sub! Reader, p n v, squirting, finger sucking, degradation, possession, rough sex
A/N: 😱 how have I not thought ab stepbrother! Ethan before ??!! Thank you for this. The way I wrote the whole situation is literally so unrealistic but fuck it we ball. Literally going to write so many more stepbro fics now and am totally making this a series 😘 this is pt 2! Pt 1 is already posted <3 luv u
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“Care if I sit here, sis?” Ethan’s voice is laced with sarcasm, and you cringe.
It’s movie night, and your mom and Ethan’s dad are sprawled out on one couch. The only spots left are the ones on the smaller couch with two seats. The lights are off, and Ethan is standing above you, a large green comforter clutched in his ring clad hands. The light of from the television makes him a warm silhouette.
You give him a thin awkward smile, mumbling a small “yeah, sure.”
He grins, but there’s a mischievous look to it that doesn’t sit right with you.
He plops down beside you, covering his tall form with the blanket. He moves close to you, even though he has a whole other half of the cushion to take up. Your face flushes when you catch a whiff of his cologne, and you have flashbacks to a few weeks ago.
A flashback, it seems, that racks you with a shit ton of guilt.
You cant stop thinking about it. About how Ethan threw you on top of the kitchen counter when your parents were gone a few weeks ago and fucked your virgin pussy open. Can’t stop thinking about how his hands had felt, how his cock had felt.
You shiver, and your stomach twists in knots. What the fuck is wrong with you? This whole thing is sick. He’s your stepbrother, for god’s sake!
Ethan’s fingers gently skimming along your knee cap is what pull you out of your thoughts. You narrow your eyes at him, not in the mood for his antics right now.
But, as usual, Ethan doesn’t know how to fucking listen.
“Sis, you’re practically freezing. You should move a little closer and share the blankets with me.” Ethan suggests. You are freezing, but you aren’t going to admit that.
You scoff, and then roll your eyes. “Fuck off.”
“Watch your mouth, young lady,” Your mother scolds from across the room. “And be nice to your brother!”
Brother. You might throw up. In fact, jumping off the roof sounds like a very good idea right about now.
“Whatever.” You mutter, and scoot closer to the the boy next to you. Your mother turns her attention back to the movie as Ethan’s dad wraps his arms around her.
Ethan’s scent gets stronger, more prominent, now that your arms and legs are touching. You notice that it’s not just his cologne that smells so good; it’s him. Just, completely and utterly him.
You really do hate yourself right now.
Ethan throws the blanket over the two of you and he begins to slowly lift you and sit you down on top of him. You stiffen, his closeness in such a public setting confusing you. Does he just want you both to get caught?
“Oh, look at them, Wayne! They’re bonding!” Your mom gushes when she sees Ethan holding you. She’s so naive.
‘We’re certainly bonding all right, but not in the way you want, mom.’ You think. You move around to try and sit correctly on Ethan.
And then you feel it. Big and hard, pressing against your ass. He’s hard.
In front of your fucking parents, too. Jesus, this motherfucker is demented.
You try to ignore it, you really do. But your pussy has a mind of its own, and Ethan isn’t making it any easier. His thigh flexes and pushes the muscle against your soaking pussy. He seems calm, but his grip on your hips is a dead giveaway. You try not to gasp, to moan at the feeling of the friction against your swollen little clit. It’s difficult.
“Oh! See, Wayne? This is my favorite part.”
Your mom’s voice cuts through your wild thoughts, and your face gets hotter than it was before, if possible. She doesn’t deserve this.
Ethan’s hands rest on your upper thighs now, and you feel the coldness of his rings against your skin.
He’s breathing quietly down your neck, and you feel him adjust. Your eyes nearly bulge out of your head when your lightly lifted by his strong arms, while he moves his sweatpants down. You try to act calm when he lowers you back down and his big cock is resting in between your pussy and his thigh. And then, when Ethan sees that your parents aren’t looking, he presses a light kiss to your neck.
“Be really still, angel. Don’t wanna get caught, do you?” He whispers, lips against your ear. You shake your head.
He chuckles. “That’s my girl.”
You clench. And then, you feel the boy gently pull your sleep shorts and panties to the side. He lifts his cock and presses the tip into your tight hole, and you almost whine. He already feels so good. Why does he feel this good?
His cock is wet, and you can feel his pre cum spreading around your outer lips. You cringe when you hear the faint sound of your creamy wetness sliding around on his dick. It’s hard for him to stick it inside, really. You had only had sex once since before this moment, that time a few weeks ago. The stretch burns, and Ethan’s above average size doesn’t help. But you sit, and you take it like a good girl. And eventually, slowly, while slightly readjusting you, Ethan’s cock slides all the way in. You feel filled to the brim, and ashamed. Your parents are still watching the movie. Your mom has no idea that her sweet little girl is getting impaled by her stepbrothers big dick.
And then Ethan just…stays there. He doesn’t move, or even try to, and you don’t understand how he can physically handle it. Because as of right now, your thighs are almost shaking from the feeling of being filled. You know you’re soaking, can feel your juices trailing down onto Ethan’s balls and his sweats. You can feel his cock throbbing, can feel all 9 inches and every vein. Your walls clench down on him on accident and you feel his breath hitch.
You smirk. If he wants to play dirty, you can too.
You clench again, your hands going down into the blanket to run your fingers over his balls. He inhales sharply, and his fingers go up to put your arms in a tight grip.
“Stop it.” He growls, his tone low. You lean back to whisper in his ear in a hushed tone.
“Why don’t you make me?”
All of Ethan’s willpower is trying to stop him from plowing you straight on the fucking couch. He can smell the intermingling of yours and his arousal dripping down his cock. His eyes nearly roll to the back of his head.
God, you smell so fucking good.
Both of your thoughts are interrupted when the both of your parents sigh tiredly. The end credits. Ethan’s dad looks incredibly tired, barely even acknowledging the both of you and saying goodnight as he throws you the remote.
“If you guys aren’t going to go to bed anytime soon, just put on something else.”
Ethan’s head is leaned back against the couch, his chest heaving slowly at the feeling of you. Your face is hot, for obvious reasons. Your mom frowns at you.
“Honey? Are you okay? You look a little sick..” her hand goes up to feel your head and Ethan adjusts his hips. You gasp, but quickly cover it up with a cough.
“I’m f-fine mom!” You smile, all teeth. “Just a little tired, that’s all. We’re probably going to watch the wizard of oz… or something.”
Your mom looks at you both strangely for a moment, but decides to shake it off. Both you and Ethan give her a sheepish smile as you begin to actually turn the wizard of oz on as a distraction. She goes upstairs, and lastly, you and Ethan are alone.
As somewhere over the rainbow plays, Ethan instantly throws you onto the couch, shoves his fingers into your mouth, and pounds you so hard that you can feel his tip kissing your cervix. He reaches down to rub your soaked clit, the sound of your wetness prominent.
He begins speaking in a hushed but growling whisper. He’s angry, most definitely. And his full intention is to take it out on you.
“You dirty fucking slut.” He sneers. “Think you can get away with the shit you do? The shit you say? You’re lucky our parents were here tonight, or I would be spanking that cute little ass until it bleeds.”
You let out a cry, one thats muffled by Ethan’s fingers, one you hope doesn’t catch the attention of your parents upstairs. You can feel that elastic in your gut start to snap, can feel yourself letting go.
And then you literally ejaculate onto Ethan’s cock and balls.
He grins down at your squirting pussy, his teeth shining. Your sobs and moans are muffled by his hand, and he gives your cunt a light slap.
“Yeah, squirt all over that cock, baby. Fuck, just wait until mommy and daddy aren’t home. Gonna ruin this fuckin’ pussy, sweet thing.”
He watches your hole as he spreads it apart with his fingers, watches your greedy walls suck him in. Your face is contorted in pleasure, looking up at him like he’s God. His eyes are completely black, almost evil. As he looks at your precious face, your fragile body, possession overtakes him.
Family be damned, you belong to him.
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cheezeybread · 3 months
hihi! I saw your requests were open and was wondering if you'd do head cannons with any of the first years you want (romantic expt Ortho obvi) where the reader has natural wavy/curly hair (2C/3A) and always straightens it,but one day their straighter broke and they had to go to school with their natural hair?
As a curly-haired girlie myself, this just hits different <3
𝙁𝙩: 𝘼𝙘𝙚, 𝘿𝙚𝙪𝙘𝙚, 𝙅𝙖𝙘𝙠, 𝙊𝙧𝙩𝙝𝙤, 𝙎𝙚𝙗𝙚𝙠
I'm SoRrY I can't write Epel that well :(
Literally doesn't even notice anything is different.
Maybe he'll have a feeling that something's off....but he can't quite figure out what....
You're gonna have to tell him straight-up, baby, he's about as thick in the head as they come. Ain't nothing getting in his brain.
Of course, once you tell him, Ace tries to play it off like he knew but was just waiting for YOU to be comfortable enough to share it with him.
God love him, he tries to hard to be cool.
But by golly, he absolutely LOVES this natural hair of yours now that he notices it
He's totally gonna think of reasons to drag you all over school grounds, just so everyone in the entire school can see you and your fancy-dancy hair!
Even if you tell him you don't think it's fancy-dancy, he does NOT agree and WILL keep calling it that.
The next day, when you come to classes with it straightened again, he's obviously gonna sulk about it a little bit...and after he overhears something about straightened hair losing its straight-ness when wet....he's gonna find a way to dump water on you so he can see your wavy hair again!
Which might be the wrong route, but he just loves you so much and can't get enough of your hair.
"Ohhhh, my mom straightens her hair, too! Why not just leave it natural?"
He's well-versed with the world of hair-styling simply from his mother's own routines when she was younger.
Now that he knows your secret, he's totally gonna buy you hair supplies specifically FOR your natural hair...you know, he was just out shopping at the school store and came across this special cream that reduces frizziness, why don't you try it out??
Of course, if you tell him that you prefer to have it straightened (either for convenience, or because you're self-conscious about it), he'll do his best to support your decision, and he'll stop buying the wavy hair products.
Heck, he'll even try his hand at straightening your hair for you!
He'll burn his fingers a lot the first few tries (which he makes you "kiss the pain away". He's a bit cringe, but hey, he's your cringe), but soon enough, he'll be an expert with that sucker!
You now have a new hairstylist! Tadaaaa
He's such a king, he notices right away what's up with your hair and gives you a nod of appreciation.
Jack may not be the best with words, especially not words of affection, but he's working on it for you! So expect some shy compliments of how nice you look!
You can even catch him whispering under his breath sometimes about how he "likes the look" and you should "wear it more often", but if you ask him to repeat what he said so you can hear it better, he'll get flustered and say something like "I SAID IT'S REALLY HOT OUT"
He's pretty chill about the whole thing, ngl. He doesn't try to pressure you to straighten it again nor leave it how it is, he just appreciates it whatever style it's in. The natural look, he's just considering it as a treat!
PLEASE start wearing your natural hairstyle around this poor man, because he's not going to ask you to do it, even though he reeeeeally wants you to.
Poor Jack just figures that you should do what you want- after all, it IS your hair.
Once he learns about straight + wetness = curly hair, expect some swim dates, and walks in the rain.
You've been warned
The poor little dude is trying so hard to figure out what's wrong with you at first
But then when he gets closer to you, he realizes that it's just your hair, in a different style!
He knows that people can curl their hair, straighten it, and do whatever they want to it, so why should he be so surprised?
More likely than not, he already knew your hair type was different from the straight hairstyle you wore everyday, simply from scanning you for injuries when he hangs out with you (Yes, he most definitely checks you over every time, he can't have his friend getting hurt and not do anything about it!)
Once you tell him your tale of woe regarding your hair straightener, Ortho lights up and offers to fix it for you! He also has a built-in mini hair-straightener (because he has everything else, why not!) and offers to straighten your hair right here, right now, if you want!
Truth be told, he likes any of your hairstyles, so wear whatever you want with pride!
Yells very loudly when he first sees you: "WITCH, THEY'RE A WITCH"
But then he realizes that they're all at a school for magic-users, and that you're the only one amongst them that DOESN'T actually have magic!
So he's just very confused as to how you changed you hair so suddenly.
When you tell him about your hair straightener breaking and how this is your natural kind of hair, he immediately wants to see the straightener.
He's so awestruck by this little device that's an over-glorified piece of hot iron.
"I WILL TAKE THIS MACHINE UNDER MY CHARGE", he loudly exclaims, taking your hair straightener and rushing back to the Diasomnia house.
He'll definitely get someone in Ignihyde to fix it (Or, rather, he'll get Lilia to go in his stead to get someone to fix it, but once it's all nice and working again, he's gonna use that sucker until it breaks again!
Everyone in Diasomnia walks around with badly-straightened hair. Half of the dorm member's hair is already straight, so Sebek tried to make it even STRAIGHTER.....there's a thick hair-burnt smell hanging around the dorm.
But yeah, you're not getting your straightener back after that. Besides, Sebek likes your wavy hair! It matches your personality a lot more, in his opinion ;)
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sleeping w/ the mercs [IT IS LIKE THAT]
these are so badddddd bro literally ignore this i just need practice and the mercs are my victims pinky promise i'll get better
yeah the title is the exact same as the tf2 headcanons from my main SO WHAT
if ur under 18 please don't interact 👍🏻
afab reader i’m sorry guys :( gender is totally neutral though
obviously this is under a cut
warnings/includes: MENTIONS OF SYRINGES/NEEDLES, SCALPELS, AND MEDICAL STUFF IN MEDIC'S SECTION!!!!!! AND KNIVES AND BLOOD IN SNIPER'S!!!! these are so bad, pyro is insane, medic is also insane, sniper is depraved, actually everybody's depraved, i'm depraved and also so so sorry
mostly what they're into/how they behave, nothing super reader specific in these ones
-he’s got enough experience but he isn’t as good as he says he is, he’s got the spirit though and that’s what matters
-really good with his fingers but he can't find the clit half the time so help him out a bit
-absolutely an ass man but isn’t into anal
-scout usually likes positions where he can easily see/touch your ass (doggy, reverse cowgirl, etc)
-definitely says cringe shit in the bedroom, 100% refers to himself as daddy (which is canon i think?? i remember him having a voice line where he does that, could be wrong tho)
-has tried (and failed) to call you kitten on the regular but reverted back to the usual (still cringy) nicknames he calls you after demo made fun of him
-he never shuts up so the dirty talk is CRAZYYYY
-calls you stuff like doll, baby, babe, and uses pretty girl/boy/baby and babygirl/boy/doll when he's close
-even though he’s a little clumsy with it, he really does like giving oral, just give him a little direction; BUT likes receiving oral even more, sorry abt ur knees babe 💔
-definitely into semi-public sex, he won’t do anything in front of people but you bet your ass he’s finding some alleyway or storage closet to get freaky in
-does get jealous pretty easy and even though he’s usually not too rough with you he is not above manhandling when he sees fit
-the dog tags stay on, do with that what you will
-good GAWD
-literally so mean but mean in a hot way so that makes it okay
-absolutely nickname crazy; most of them aren't very cute or sexy (i.e. cadet, maggot, etc) but cupcake always makes an appearance
-very much into verbal degradation because of course he is, is also very into manhandling and just kinda tossing you around but he doesn't wanna hurt you too bad
-rarely ever fucks on an actual bed, usually it's the nearest wall/table/chair/couch, any surface you could lay/sit on really
-no the helmet is not coming off but that adds to it
-the honey IS going on though, maybe not his full body but it will make an appearance (he’s def into foodplay)
-tiny bit of a size kink, i think soldier is one of the taller, bulkier mercs so there's a very good chance he's much bigger than you in one way or another
-would absolutely be interested in a threesome with demo let's get real here
-very attracted to body hair bc i say so
-likes positions where he's very obviously the one in control/with the power; very into restraint either with some device (handcuffs, rope, etc) or with his own hands
-VERY loud, so good luck with that lmao
-obviously into temperature and wax play
-the mask and suit do not come off, but pyro has a plethora of toys to use on you instead 😊
-gets off on the idea that he's some faceless person you can't really understand that has complete control over you and your body
-does occasionally lift the mask up just above his nostrils to kiss you, though, scarred lips be damned
-does babble a lot, even though it's all muffled; the nicknames he uses are surprisingly cute, he'll call you stuff like sugarplum, marshmallow, firefly, sugar cube, and other sickly-sweet names
-doesn't like showing you his bare skin/body because of their burn scars, but pyro does enjoy grinding if you wanna help him out that bad
-derives most of his pleasure from making you feel good, though, so he isn't really looking for any type of physical release on his end
-pyro's are kinda short i just can't think of any more rn i apologize 💔
-#1 lover out of all the mercs get fucked spy
-i think his build is very similar to soldiers, maybe an inch or two taller, so he definitely has the same lowkey size kink
-is also open to a threesome with soldier
-absolutely a service dom but he teases so much
-likes when you call him by his name more than any of the cheesy titles dudes usually want their significant other to call them but he is always referring to you by any nickname he can think of; the most popular ones are lamb, sweetheart, lass/lad, my girl/boy/baby and "poor, sweet thing"
-loves talking to you and making you talk back to him even when you're literally on a different planet; makes you tell him what you want him to do even though he knows exactly what you're gonna say
-also slightly into dumbification (not to the extent medic or engineer are, though, he just thinks it's hot)
-very much into face and thigh riding
-foreplay alone could last as long as an hour if he's feeling "mean" at that particular time
-THIGH MAN!!!!!! LET'S GO!!!!!!!!!!
-makes you hold eye contact with him, sometimes the eyepatch comes off 🥴
-likes giving a whole lot more than receiving but he isn't about to turn down a blowjob if you offer
-waking you up with oral, it's his version of breakfast in bed
-and you thought demo was a service dom 🙄
-literally will do whatever you ask him to he does not care, as long as you feel good he's content
-very obvious size kink and it's very easy to exploit, but heavy doesn't take too kindly to teasing (he isn't about to stop you, though)
-speaks mostly in russian so unless you're fluent you can't really understand him but you get the gist of what he's saying by the tone in his voice
-outside of whatever russian bullshit he's spouting out, he calls you his "leetle bunny"
-tries to be gentle with you because of how big he is, but if he's provoked he can and will get wild
-as stated above, he can and will get wild, which includes his dirty talk; russian praise will turn into demeaning english muttered in your ear
-BREEDING KINK !!!!!!!!!!
-doesn't tease you on purpose, but he goes slow enough to where you think he's fucking with you (no pun intended)
-begging is never necessary but it is a guilty pleasure of his
-doesn't ask to receive oral often but watching you struggle with it does kinda turn him on even more
-face sitting extraordinaire, yes he does make the stupid eating sounds like in the game and yes he does it on purpose to try to make you laugh
-much stronger than you'd think he is and he does use that to his advantage
-slight temperature play when the gunslinger is involved, it's just a little colder than room temperature but it's a very stark contrast
-loves conflicting his speech with his actions; he'll sweet talk and praise you while he's railing you into next week
-speaking of, he'll call you anything but your name. honeybee, honey, darlin', sweet girl/boy/baby, baby girl/boy/doll, any nickname that sounds hot in a southern accent he's callin you
-he absolutely has a daddy kink but won't tell you unless you have one too and approach him first, chances are you're younger than he is and he doesn't wanna make you think he's a weirdo
-all in all, the dirty talk is INSANEEEEEEEE
-absolutely into dumbification, he knows he's smart and he gets off on the power imbalance when you're babbling about nothing and he's still perfectly present
-also slightly into dacryphilia? it's not attractive when you're crying from pain, sadness, frustration, etc but he likes making you feel so good you're overwhelmed and all you can do is cry for him
-might forget to take the helmet and goggles off, but if you want him to keep them on then by all means he will
-would absolutely abide by the cowboy hat rule (if you don't know what that is, basically if a cowboy puts his hat on your head y'all are fuckin' later on)
-very much into bigger people, the extra chub around the thighs, chest, cheek, and stomach areas are a weakness of his
-the moment we've all been waiting for
-kinda like soldier in the fact that he's mean in a hot way, but it's less bully-mean and more absolutely deranged mean
-of course he's into degradation and medical play, definitely dacryphilia and dumbification (for similar reasons engineer is), another merc with a slight size kink cause medic is big as hell
-likes to get you on the operation table and trace a syringe or scalpel (or both if he's feeling patient [haha get it]) along your body purely for the fear it evokes from you
-wants to get you scared/vulnerable and that's how he starts his foreplay; totally into the whole predator/prey thing but not in the same way sniper is, medic is more into metaphorical or psychological hunting rather than the actual thing
-teases, edges, and overstimulates you to the point of tears and gets this stupid smug look on his face while cooing at you
-calls you demeaning names, like pet, but he's got some cute ones he uses too; täubchen, maus, schatz, and liebling (dove, mouse, sweetheart, and darling) are very prevalent in and outside of the bedroom
-if you're okay with it, medic does like to use you as a bit of stress relief when everybody else is getting on his nerves
-is 100% down for a doctor/nurse or doctor/patient roleplay let's get real here
-also into semi-public sex, sometimes he'll leave the medbay door unlocked and slightly ajar purpose just to mess with you
-though he is very rough with you most of the time, he likes to save his more tender moments for when the two of you are in an actual bedroom and not his workspace
-wild. like genuinely doesn't know what to do with himself when he's horny he just goes fucking crazy.
-even though he gets crazy insane, he doesn’t really know what all to do and it frustrates him; he doesn't have much experience when it comes to sexual acts with another person involved so please give him some pointers
-absolutely into knife play come on
-if you have a period, he'd also be down for period sex he does not care about blood in the slightest
-isn't all that nickname-heavy like some of the other mercs here, but he does sprinkle them into his dirty talk. it's usually the same things he calls you outside of the bedroom, like 'roo, darl', and love
-into body worship, giving or receiving. he likes making you feel beautiful and he likes feeling good about himself too
-would definitely want you to suck him off while he does target practice and i know this is such a popular headcanon but come on guys
-another popular headcanon is sniper being into predator/prey dynamics which like,,,come on. it's literally perfect. you're telling me this nutcase dude wouldn't be into scaring the shit out of you by physically hunting you down. it's basically canon idc
-likes biting and leaving marks on your neck/shoulders in very visible areas because he's kind of a possessive guy ngl
-as much as he likes people seeing the aftermath of what he does to you, sniper is a very private person so he really wouldn't be all that into sneaky sex. the closest you'll get is his sniper nest while he does target practice on cease-fire days
-despite being an asshole on the regular, he's a very attentive lover
-into body worship but only giving, he already knows he's fine and he wants to make sure you're never insecure about yourself
-bilingual babe 😍 speaks in french so much you can't really understand what he's talking about but he's more than happy to give you a translation
-also has a daddy kink let's get real here
-KNIFE PLAY!!!!!!!!!!
-heavily into power play as well, similar to pyro because he'll keep his clothes (including the mask and gloves) on while you're completely bare to him
-likes buying you lingerie
-likes getting and giving head the same amount, he has no real preference cause it's gonna end in sex every time anyway 🤷‍♀️
-french nicknames ONLY!!!! mon cher (my dear), ma chérie/mon chéri (my darling), amour/mon amour (love/my love), gentille fille/garçon/bébé (sweet girl/boy/baby), mon ange (my angel) [currently using my basic understanding of the french language for evil]
-semi-public and public sex spy does not give a fuck he has a cloaking device for a reason 🙄🙄
-if you don't already have one he will give you an accent kink
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lit3rallyll0yd · 10 months
Whenever I see someones requests are open all of my ideas disseaper and my mind is all blank :/
Maybe bsd characters caught reader in a situation where it made them think reader is cheating but later understand it is just their fear and totally explainable situations with reader doesnt understand how different the situation can look like. Please be creative about them 😉 (Of course if you are comfortable with writing a concept like this and if you havent already) with chuuya, tecchou, jouno and whoever you want.
when they wonder if your cheating on them
chuuya, tecchou, jouno & dazai<3
warnings: lowercase writing, mention of sex in dazai's, dazai is kinda possesiver, ooc jouno!! unedited writing!!
F/N means friends name!!
a/n: REQUESTS ARE OPEN !!what kind of dazai love blog will i be if i DIDN'T write for dazai as well ☠ I'D BE A FRAUD!! AUAGAHHSA why does jouno's part make me cringe-
chuuya nakahara 🍷
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"where we're you all night?"
the first question he asked you the moment you stepped foot into the apartment.
you didn't have time to take off your coat.
"out with the girls?"
you replied, tilting your head.
"i thought i told you.."
"if you did i wouldn't be asking, would i?"
"okay! okay- i'm sorry!-"
"you could have texted me!"
"i forgot to-"
"is that really all you got?"
"okay- what has gotten into you!!"
he paused.
you realized through out the week he's been on your tail. 'where have you been' 'how long are you going to be' 'who's going with you?' 'can i come?'
chuuya didn't even realize he was worrying so much about you.
"i was out for 2 hours!"
"then another 30mins!
"i just lost track of the time!"
"you told me two hours!"
"i know i did- but again, i lost track of time-"
"AGAIN you could've called!!"
his voiced raised slightly.
you stared at him, a annoyed look on your face.
"awh- what's with that look? why are you annoyed?"
"because i let you go out without pestering questions every minute when i get home! your not my parent, your my boyfriend!"
"are you sure about that?!" he cuts in...
"you know if anything we're to happen i would cal-" you pause...looking up at him slowly...
chuuya realized what he said and rubs his face.
"awh- n-nothing!"
you cock an eyebrow..
"chuuya- what do you mean? something's wrong with you...you can talk to me, you know?"
he didn't sound confident at all.
you looked at his feet before letting out a loud sigh..
"is this because of F/N?"
F/N is your middle school friend. you two were like peas in a pod, nothing could separate..
well, maybe execpt for chuuya now him and you are dating.
F/N was so happy for you. finally you were able to snatch someone- someone rich and hot for that matter...but that's not all that you saw in chuuya- not at all.
he cared deeply for you, and he knows how much you and F/N are together...he sometimes feels...out of place.
like he's boyfriend...but also just a boyfriend.
chuuya stood in silence, looking anywhere but your eyes.
you knew you were correct, you didn't need his confirmanation.
you slowly made your way toward him...reaching your hands out to hold his.
"you don't have to worry about me and F/N, babe!" you laughed softly, kissing the back of his hands.
he slowly looked up at you, "i just...i don't want to lose you, okay?"
you smiled softly, kissing his lips as he gently cupped his cheeks.
your ginger-haired boyfriend immediatly melted into the kiss, holding your hands, finger interlocked.
moments later, you both parted. touching foreheads and smiling softly to one another.
"i promise..."
tecchou suehiro ⚔
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he didn't have to even think to wonder.
however, here he is.
he doesn't really get upset with you, your his lover why would he get upset?
it was around 10pm at night, both him and you were comfy in your PJ's and sat on the couch of your living room.
you both were facing each other backs, his legs were dangling off the arm on the couch, and your back leaned against his own, your legs curled to your chest and phone close to your face.
your boyfriend kept over hearing your giggles from behind him. he tilts his head toward you and asked, "what's so funny, babe?"
you shook your head, covering your mouth.
and soon after, you were giggling once again.
now, tecchou knew you. if something was so funny, you would 100% show him and laugh along with him, although he barely laughs...he still feels loved when you engage with him.
now, showing that you are not showing him what you are laughing at- he felt uneasy.
"but your laughing?"
"ihi swear- it's nothing! uhm- what movie do you want to watch?"
"i want to know what your laughing at?"
you sighed, "i'm serious, babe! it's just-"
"another person?"
you paused.
it was quiet now.
"uhm. i'm sorry. i jumped to conclusions...i'm sorry."
you were silent as you nodded slowly, looking back at your phone and smiled softly.
you turned on your side and rested your head on his shoulder. holding your phone up.
"i was watching puppy videos!"
you pressed play on the youtube video, and the sigh of of puppies flashed on screen.
he chuckled to himself before feeling your hand on his thigh and you smiled up at him,
"i would never leave you babe, you know that?"
he didn't respond for a while, until a silent nod caused you to cuddled into his side.
he kissed your head, and apologized again.
"i love you!!" you sang, making duck lips. he laughed and kissed your lips, "i love you, too."
jouno saigiku 🌱
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why would you do that?
do you have the guts to cheat on him?
you've shown how much you love him just by being loyal towards him. so when you didn't come back home until late at night, this is where his protective side comes around.
lucky you.
you entered your aparment as exactly 4: 53am. so it wasn't late- but early.
you had no idea if your boyfriend would be home because he mentioned something about having a really important mission as a hunting dog.
he also mentioned you shoudn't be out alone at night, after hearing about the ADA being terrorists and all that.
he just wants you to be safe.
as you locked the door and placed the keys on the dresser, you felt a figure stare you down in the dark.
you reacted quickly and flashed open your camera flashlight as was about to throw your umbrella until you noticed it was just...
"jouno?" you called out, noticing the figures looks.
there he was,, standing just feet away from you with his hunting dog gear on, however his hat was in his hands as his arms were crossed.
"you told me you would be home by 11..."
he could feel your heartbeat beat fast against your chest.
"i-i just lost track of the time-"
"it's 4am, Y/N."
no nicknames.
he's serious.
you knew he could read you like a book, there was no denying it.
"look- i was just out with F/N and their other friends!"
"and you went to the bar?"
he could smell the stench of alchoal on you.
"i had two shot glasses- barely any alchoal!"
"doesn't matter; you should have told them you were on a curfew!"
"are you serious right now?"
"you know i don't like it when you're out on your own this late in yokohama!"
"i'm not 5, jouno, i can look after myself. besides, i wasn't alone!"
"right, i'm sorry, you were at a bar with three other people who were just a drunk as the next guy?"
"it's not that big of a deal-"
"it is when your dead!"
"this isn't jsut about the ADA, is it?"
he paused/
"what do you mean?"
you didn't respond, he only felt you walk past him, his cape flowing with the wind you created.
"last time i was out late, i told you i was left alone with F/N's boyfriend. and then you kept asking me questions about "him". and this none question stood out to him, "what did he do to you when you and him were alone."
jouno stayed quiet, letting you speak.
"did you think i was cheating on you?"
it was silent. the only sound was the sound of your heartbeat and breathing.
"i'm just...worried about you."
you sighed and he felt you ove closer to him.
your hands touched his shoulder and you leaned up to kiss his forehead.
"i would never cheat on you..."
he's heard that before.
"i find that hard to believe when you come home hours later."
"it was just a one-time thing, hun...i just fell asleep a F/N's place after the others left an forgot to text you, thats all!"
he gave you a sincere look with his facial features, and kissed your lips.
"i'm sorry if i overreacted.."
you laughed, "don't worry about it...i should have told you...i love you~"
he smiled, "love you more~"
dazai osamu 🩹
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it's not like he doesn't care-
he just knows you love and him and will never cheat on you.
would you?
when his suspicions about this becomes more larger, he now gets extra clingly with you.
holding you close while sleeping.
walking to work with you.
holding your hand when crossing streets.
asking where your going with your friends so he knows your location-
okay, wait- what?
see, to him that's normal.
but to you-
you noticed this far to quickly but never had the courage to ask him about it to him because it would flash you the brightest smile, gaslighting you that everything's okay.
he has a smal secret.
he kissed you passionally on the lips a couple days ago, and as you melted into it he opened his eyes and noticed your phone on the bed facing upwards.
he saw a new message by someone that goes by the name, "cody."
now that's a name he's never heard you speak about to him, and he's met all your friends.
he closed his eyes and pushed you back down on the bed.. yadayadayada...oh yay sex...ANYWAY.
days later, he started to get closer and clingly with you.
you couldn't find the time to ask him this question because he would always change the subject until he's ready tp speak to you about it.
it was a calm evening in your and dazai's apartment home.
both him and you ate dinner, took a shower together and now your both on your shared and wore comfy PJ's.
"are you going to pull another all-nighter?" you asked him as dazai leanes against the bedframe.
he shoke his head, "unless you are."
you hummed softly and leaned against his chest.
couple minutes of silence passed and you could just feel his heartbeat.
he spoke..
"who's cody?"
you sat up and looked up at him, "what?"
he looked at you...
"is he another man?"
he looked at you dead in the eye; "cody?"
"how do you know-"
"about cody?"
"thats not important...who is cody?"
"cody is..."
"dazai, dont talk mad!"
dazai sat up
"dazai- that's my boss!"
he blinked...and relaxed..
"is he?"
"yes!" your eyes widened as you rubbed your face.
you laughed, "your serious, osamu?"
"look- you can't blame me!"
"it was on the couch, come on!"
you just laughed, your anger just gone...well- a little bit of it.
dazai begged for you to znot be upset with him, and aplogized left and right.
until you finally forgave him by going on a date and buying anything you wanted
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lihhelsing · 11 months
Final Part - Catfish Steddie
You can also read it on Ao3!
When Steve walks into his apartment after a long shift at the coffee shop, it takes him almost a full five minutes to notice there’s someone else in there with him. 
He’s been so tired lately he probably wouldn’t have noticed if the person, a petite strawberry blonde, hadn’t cleared her throat while looking at him. 
“Uh. Hello?” 
Had he walked into the wrong apartment? He couldn’t remember using his key but he’s pretty sure he did. 
“Hi,” the girl smiles as she places a Vogue Magazine on the coffee table. Steve looks around and he knows this coffee table. He knows this apartament. He’s definitely in the right place. 
Still doesn’t explain the girl. 
“Who are you?” 
She laughs as if he’s being funny but once she understands he’s serious, her smile falters a little. 
“Chrissy. I’m Robin’s -“
“Girlfriend. Yeah. She’s not here.” 
Chrissy nods. “I know. I’m here for you.” 
Either she’s going to murder him or try to convince him to forgive Robin and Steve’s not sure which one is worse right now. 
“Then you wasted your time. You can go now. Or stay, I don’t care.” 
Chrissy clicks her tongue. “Robin did a shitty thing.” 
“Yeah. You don’t say.” 
“She’s not a bad person, though.” 
Steve shrugs. “It doesn’t matter, does it? She still hurt people.” 
She hurt me is what Steve means. He doesn’t say it out loud but he has the feeling Chrissy sees right through him. 
“I was so mad when she told me. It was such a fucked up thing to do.” 
Steve nods, doesn’t see the point in expanding this conversation. 
“Look,” Chrissy says eventually. “She’s not a bad person, she just… sometimes she gets obsessed with things and she doesn’t know when it’s too much. This was too much. It was crazy and hurtful. I thought about… breaking up. But I know her and I know this was just a mistake.” 
Steve doesn’t know why Chrissy is saying all those things to him. He shrugs. Maybe if he doesn’t engage she will leave him alone. 
“I know it’s not good enough. But she’s really sorry.”
“She would love a chance to try and fix things.” 
Steve shakes his head. “No thanks. I asked her to leave me alone.” 
"Robin's not the best at boundaries if you haven't noticed," Chrissy says and it honestly annoys the hell out of Steve. He's pretty aware of his roommate's problems. He had been looking for another place to live ever since his talk with Robin but it seems luck isn't on his side, at least not with the budget he has right now. 
"Oh, I noticed it alright," Steve replies dryly but that also doesn't seem to faze Chrissy. "Like I said, the best she can do right now is leave me alone and not send her girlfriend to, what? Guilt trip me into forgiving her? Not happening."
Chrissy seems a little ashamed at that, but Steve doesn't care. He doesn't! The people pleaser inside of him is definitely not cringing at himself right now. 
"Listen. She did send me here, but all she wants is another chance at fixing things. She knows she fucked up bad but like I said, Robin's not a bad person. She was pretty nervous when you two first talked about this and she thinks she can explain herself better. I know it sounds like bullshit but I told her I would try to convince you to go talk to her and if you said no, we both would respect your decision."
Steve is about to say no. He wants to say no. He wants Robin to suffer for messing with his life and Eddie's and for fucking up something that could've been so good. But Eddie's not really answering his calls right now, Steve is about to flunk one of his classes because he's been so stressed about the whole thing. He's been stressing about getting a new place too, and finding a roommate that's not a total psycho and also someone who won't potentially try to sell his organs on the internet. He definitely needs a place that he can afford and for a second he considers it. 
And then, he has an idea. 
"Ok, I'll go."
Chrissy's whole face lightens up. She must really care about Robin to react like that just by Steve agreeing to go talk to her. He's not going to forgive her, just hear her out one more time because honestly? It can't get worse than it already is. 
"Yeah. But I have one condition."
"Of course, anything," Chrissy says, nodding enthusiastically. 
"I'll go and I'll hear her out. If she's just bullshitting me again, I get the apartment."
Chrissy frowns at him. "The apartment?"
"Yeah. I don't intend on keeping living with her but it's hard to find a place half decent that I can afford. And I can afford this and it's a pretty good place. So she'll keep paying her half until I find someone new to share. Then she'll be gone from my life."
Steve crosses his arms. Either way, he's going to win. He's going to get what he wants, no matter what, even if that's still not Eddie. Steve's been making peace with the fact that he's not going to get Eddie, after all. 
Chrissy nods even though she doesn't seem sure. 
"Shouldn't you check with Robin about this? I can wait."
She bites her lower lip but shakes her head. "No, it's fine. It's a deal."
Steve doesn't know exactly what to think but maybe Chrissy and Robin should work on their communication. 
Chrissy waits as Steve gets ready. He honestly didn't feel like changing but she said he should take a shower and relax just a bit, so he wouldn't be all defensive when it was time to talk to Robin. 
Steve sighs but he ends up agreeing because a nice, hot shower sounds good. His shift was proper hell today and he was looking forward to relaxing a bit, maybe watching something or even calling Dustin to catch up. 
When he's ready, Chrissy announces she will be driving them and Steve shrugs but accepts  anyway. He expects her to take him to her place or something so when she stops at a weird-looking parking lot Steve thinks maybe Chrissy is the one about to sell his organs on the internet. 
"Go on," she nudges him softly and Steve raises an eyebrow. "C'mon, it's not that bad."
"I should've known looking for roommates on Craigslist would have consequences," he says as a joke. Mostly. 
Chrissy chuckles. "It's not that bad."
It is that bad and she knows it. From what Steve can gather they are outside a dive bar in all its glory. Steve is not opposed to dive bars in general, but this was definitely not how he expected his Friday night to go. 
"Fine, I'm going, but just so you know my parents will come for you if something happens to me." 
"Robin says you don't talk to your parents," Chrissy grins at Steve and he shrugs.
"It was worth a shot," and then he's out of the car and into the quiet cold night. 
The bar isn't as bad as Steve imagined, even if it's called Hellfire. Not a very inviting name but then again, it's absolutely packed and Steve is kind of shocked. There are old-looking guys who Steve would bet have come to this same bar every day for the last twenty years and then some twenty-somethings grouped everywhere, with cheap-ass beers in their hands and loud voices. 
What surprises Steve the most is how both groups seem to get along pretty well, as long as they stay on their side of the bar. 
Steve takes a look around trying to see Robin's mess of mousy-brown hair but she's nowhere to be found. For a second he thinks maybe Chrissy tricked him for some reason but when his eyes inspect the place once again he finds what he was looking for. 
And it's not Robin. 
Eddie is sitting in a booth in the far corner of the bar, with no one around him. Steve might not be the brightest person on earth but in that same second, he understands Eddie is there to meet him, for some reason. 
He clenches his hands closed and walks toward him, trying not to think too hard about seeing Eddie again, otherwise he feels like he'd puke. 
"Hey," Steve says as soon as he's close enough and Eddie rips his eyes from his bottle to look at Steve. There are too many feelings there for Steve to figure out so he nods to the empty seat in front of him. "Mind if I join you?"
Eddie shakes his head and Steve thinks he looks adorable. 
"Interesting choice of place," Steve says to try and make things less awkward. 
Eddie laughs and the sound is delicious and Steve feels like he's winning, somehow. 
"I work here," Eddie admits, but he has a secret smile on his lips as if he knows exactly why Steve said what he said. As if they are connected in a way Steve had never felt with anyone else. 
As if a minute had passed since the last time they talked and not weeks. 
"Good to know," Steve says and he thinks he's flirting even though he should be apologizing but Eddie doesn't seem mad that he's flirting because he's flirting back. Or so Steve hopes he is. 
"Robin said it was a safe choice," Eddie says and Steve can feel her name souring his mood a little. "Sorry. Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned her."
Maybe Steve needs to get this over with. 
"It's ok. I just really needed to say I'm sorry again. I hate that you got caught up in something so awful and fucked up and I'm sorry I didn't try harder to explain myself and-"
Steve does because he's been rejected by Eddie once and he's afraid he's getting rejected again. He thinks - no, he knows - he wouldn't survive it. 
"Robin might've ambushed me at work and forced me to listen to her explanations and her weird apology."
Steve clicks his tongue. He rests one of his hands on top of the table and feels the pull towards Eddie. If this was any other date he would reach out and grab his hand but he's not even sure this is a date. 
"I'm sorry for that too. Chrissy told me she has a hard time understanding boundaries."
Eddie shrugs as if it doesn't matter. "Yeah, well. That was clear from the start."
At that, they both laugh and it feels so right it hurts. Steve had accepted the fact that he wouldn't get this, not with Eddie, and now. 
Now he might. 
"I'm really sorry, Eddie," Steve's not looking at him when he says it but then he feels a warm, calloused hand on his and he looks up. Eddie is smiling softly at him as if they were all alone in the whole world. 
"You don't need to apologize. Robin explained everything and she said you had nothing to do with it. I'm sorry my insecurities got the best of me. I should've let you explain yourself. I should've believed you."
Eddie's hand feels good around his and Steve moves until their fingers are intertwined. Eddie has a couple of tattoos on his fingers which contrast with Steve's blank ones in a way that feels absolutely right. 
"I'm still sorry. I hate that you got caught up in this," Steve answers easily. 
"Me too," Eddie says. His thumb starts drawing circles on Steve's hand. "But in a fucked up way it brought me to you, here. So maybe I don't hate it all that much."
Steve smiles. He doesn't hate it either. 
Talking to Eddie is as easy as the first day and Steve feels amazed by it. 
They keep their hands securely clasped together as they sip their beers and talk about everything. Steve tells Eddie about his talk with Robin right after he left and how angry and upset he was. Eddie tells him about his talk with Robin and how… Numb he felt. 
He explains he spent so much time thinking he had Steve all figured out that it was really hard for him to see he didn't. To see Steve was telling the truth and to see Steve, for some weird reason, really wanted Eddie. 
Steve feels his cheeks burning hot at that and his skin tingles in the places it meets Eddie's. 
After an hour they drift off to other subjects as if this is nothing more than a typical Friday night date for them. As if they are just picking up right where they left off. 
It's almost 3 in the morning when a shorter guy with curly hair approaches their table and announces it's the last round - and it's on the house. 
"Thanks, Gareth," Eddie says but he doesn't make eye contact with the guy. And the guy actually looks like he's glaring at Steve. 
Steve furrows his brows and Eddie squeezes his hand softly.
"It's complicated, he's just like, overprotective. I'll tell you all about it later."
It gives Steve hope. 
Later looks like the empty alley behind the bar at almost 4 am. 
Not for any Gareth stuff, but for… Other stuff. 
Steve lets Eddie push him up against the wall and kiss him like the world is ending. 
Steve kisses him right back as if they could fix the world with it. 
Eddie feels warm and soft pressed against him and Steve can't contain the small sounds leaving his mouth. Eddie swallows every single one of them, hands finding their way underneath Steve's polo shirt.
Skin touching skin as Eddie's fingers explore him, squeezing and moving around, drawing circles that drive Steve crazy because he wants more. He wants more and more. Eddie lets his fingers brush on Steve's nipple and he can't help but moan, even if they are still in public. 
"Come home with me," Steve pleads, face buried in Eddie's neck as he drowns in his scent. Eddie smells warm and sweet and so good Steve wants to stay there forever. "Please, baby. Come home with me."
Eddie nods against his skin as his mouth nips at whatever he can find and Steve thinks he can come undone right here if Eddie keeps that up. He doesn't want to stop but he does it anyway because he also wants to take his time. 
He and Eddie never rushed into anything and they are not rushing into this. Eddie smiles that gorgeous smile of his and Steve feels like he could die right now and he would still be the happiest guy on earth. 
"Lead the way," Eddie whispers and Steve does, pulling him away from the wall before it's too late and he loses all his strength. He keeps their hands wrapped up together because he knows that's how it's supposed to be. 
He brings Eddie home again, and that tonight they take their time with each other. They talk and laugh and kiss and smile. They take pieces of clothing off and they spread their fingers everywhere. They touch and squeeze and scratch. 
They take each other apart knowing they won't ever be apart again. It's a silent promise in between kisses and laughter. It's a spoken promise when they are all sweaty and tangled up in each other, hands still clasped together, with no space in between their bodies. 
Eddie kisses him again and again and again and Steve feels like he's floating. 
Steve kisses him again and again and again and he hopes he gets to do it forever. 
They wake up to a buzzing sound that tells Steve someone is there but when he opens the door there's only this big breakfast basket. He doesn't need to open the note to know it comes from Robin (and Chrissy, he finds out later). 
There are all kinds of foods and a fancy sparkling wine that Eddie immediately opens and pours a glass saying you can only fight a hangover drinking more and Steve wants to drop everything and lock Eddie in his room with just the wine. 
There's also a key Steve recognizes as their front door key. He hums as he looks at it and Eddie pushes the wine in his hand as he grabs a piece of bread from the basket. 
"Are you going to forgive her, you think?"
His question isn't loaded with anything other than curiosity. Steve gets the feeling Eddie wouldn't judge him either way and still, he doesn't know the answer. He shrugs and feels Eddie hugging him from behind. 
"That's ok. There's no right answer here," Eddie says, placing kisses on his shoulder and neck as if he's chasing every single one of Steve's moles. Maybe he is. 
"I don't really know what to do," Steve admits it out loud. Eddie's hand feels so solid around his waist and he feels grounded for the first time in a long time. Maybe ever. 
"Her professor is getting his license revoked," Eddie says and Steve feels a strange satisfaction at that. "She's getting suspended and is probably going to lose the whole semester."
Steve doesn't know if it's too much or not enough. There are too many feelings inside his chest right now. 
"I'm just saying. It's not only up to you to punish her. And you should, you know. Punish her. However you want. Just don't punish yourself in the process, ok?"
Steve's not sure what this means but he knows he's going to figure it out. Robin already gave up the apartment and she's getting held back in school, and Eddie is here and maybe Steve believes nothing else matters right now. 
"You're too smart for your own good," Steve says as he turns in Eddie's arms and finds his mouth so he can kiss him again. 
He tastes like sparks flying and Steve kisses him like he could love him. 
Eddie kisses him back as if he already loves him. 
For now, it feels like enough. 
Previous | Read it on Ao3 and leave kudos!
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scoopstomyahoy · 1 year
i’ve seen a couple lavender marriage stobin posts, but what about lavender dating stobin?
they’re both way too young to get married — robin’s parents especially would be shocked, and, well, steve’s parents would just be shocked by his choice. but maybe when robin goes back to school after summer ‘85, all the girls in her grade are asking how she possibly landed steve the hair harrington.
and she’s soooo sick of it. she’s sick of telling someone that they aren’t dating and getting asked the same question by another girl the very next period. she’s sick of the way they treat steve like a prize to be won and not a human being and let’s be honest, a dingus. and she’s sick of the way everyone is scandalized by the thought of him dating HER because at some point, it kind of just hurts her feelings!
and she goes on a rant one day in front of a whole group of people about how basically, none of them ever stood a chance with steve, because they didn’t see who he really was and they didn’t treat him the way he deserved to be treated and she could totally land a hottie like him if she actually wanted to, for the record, and that she’s sick of everyone harassing her over it and making her (and steve) feel like zoo animals behind thick glass.
and everyone is staring at her, and oops, she didn’t say they were dating, but these normies wouldn’t understand the concept of platonic soulmates even if she tried to explain it. so they all think she’s dating steve.
“everyone thinks we’re dating, steve,” she grumbles when he picks her up from school that day. and, well, she wonders what could possibly have given them the impression that they were dating, when he picks her up from school like he does every day, and tosses her a little candy bar, the kind she likes, probably because he saw it at the gas station and thought she’d want it and just. bought it. because he loves her.
steve looks at her. “uh, yeah?”
because this is not actually news. dustin has been convinced they’re dating for months, and she’s been complaining about the kids at school for weeks.
“no, like, they really believe we’re dating now.” she cringes. “uhh. i might have said something that implied we were.”
steve snorts.
“not on purpose!” she cries.
steve snorts again. “doofus.”
“shut up, dingus. it’s a problem! i was, you know, defending your honor—” a third snort “—and i just didn’t deny our relationship like i normally do, and everyone took that as— admission.” her hands fly around her as she talks.
steve is silent. she looks at him. he’s thinking. hard.
“well,” he says, “that wouldn’t be… the worst thing. right?”
“i just mean, if we were dating—”
“LESBIAN, steve!” robin points to herself.
“i know! i know, jeez-us. if everyone thought we were dating, like, actually, that could solve some of our problems.”
“like, i keep striking out, but that’s ‘cause i’m not really interested in hooking up with girls who aren’t looking for anything serious anymore. and you said i should try to be single for a while, ‘be comfortable with my own company’ or whatever—”
“it’s healthy!”
“sure! yeah, whatever! so i could be single with you, and you, you could, you know, you’d be a little safer. i could be your… goatee.”
“although, i don’t know, maybe for lesbians it is a goatee.”
“rob, we’re getting off topic. my point is, we could… we could be dating.”
robin considers it. “you want to fake date.”
“not like, actually fake date. like, i’m not taking you to the diner and sharing a milkshake with two straws after we see the latest john hughes.”
“steve, we have literally done exactly that.”
“oh. right.”
“wait,” robin says, “wait wait wait. we have literally done exactly that.”
“right,” steve says.
“steve, are we…. are we already fake dating?”
it’s steve’s turn to consider it. “wait, are you the reason i keep striking out?”
anyway. they talk it out a bit more, and robin warms up to the idea. because steve isn’t wrong, she would be safer if people thought she had a boyfriend. she had never dated a boy before. and dustin might lay off of steve for a little bit if steve admits he was right. (steve groans, loudly, at the idea of ever admitting to the little genius that he’s right.) and they don’t have to make some huge announcement to the world, posting it on the school’s bulletin board for everyone to see.
but maybe robin would stop getting weird looks in the locker room if she had a boyfriend to prove people wrong.
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vodika-vibes · 7 months
The Seer pt II
Summary: Hunter’s not quite sure what to make of the fake psychic who’s dragged him into this actual nightmare. But he does know that he’s not about to leave her to deal with it on her own.
Pairing: Pre Hunter x F!Reader
Word Count: 1009
Warnings: Discussions of Order 66
Prompt: "Are you mad at me? It's okay if you are. I mad at me, too."
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: I finally decided to write another part to this, and it's probably going to be slow burn Hunter x reader, if I can keep it up, lol. The next part will be them running from the spirits again.
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The first time Hunter met her, it was because of Phee. Phee dragged him and his brothers to her shop, and honestly, Hunter didn’t think much of her at the time. 
He thought that she had a cute face, even though it was covered in make-up. And he thought that she had a nice voice, when she wasn’t adding that wispy flare to it. 
But that was it.
The scent of the shop gave him a migraine, so he kept his distance. Plus, Omega was a little wary around her, so Hunter was careful to make sure that his youngest sibling wouldn’t have to spend time with her.
He can’t help but wonder if all of that was a facade to make people want to avoid her.
Hunter had been genuinely surprised to hear that she changed the incense that she used, simply because it gave him a migraine. It made no sense. It wasn’t as though they were friends, after all.
Surprised…and touched.
People don’t do things simply to make his life easier. At least, not in his experience. 
Still, if he had known that becoming friendly with her was going to lead to this…he would have stayed away.
“Hunter? Are you awake?” Her voice is quiet, and for a moment, Hunter considers pretending that he’s still asleep.
But he’s not that much of an asshole. 
“Yeah.” He says quietly, “I’m awake. Why are you awake?”
He hears movement and he turns his head to see her sitting up, the thin blanket that he managed to grab from the marauder pooling around her thighs, “It’s cold.” She replies quietly.
Hunter sits up and looks at her closely. She’s shivering, though it’s not that cold. In fact, he’s totally comfortable without a blanket. “Because of the spirits?” He asks. 
“Probably,” She pulls the blanket up over her shoulders, trying to stop the shivering, “Sorry.”
“Why are you apologizing? It’s not your fault.”
She ducks her head, “For getting you involved.” She pushes her hair behind her ears, only for it to fall back in her face. Her hair tie broke earlier when one of the spirits got too close.
Hunter sighs heavily, and pulls his bandana off, “Here, use this to tie your hair out of your face.”
“...but it’s yours.”
“And I’m letting you use it. Don’t question it.”
“I…right. Sorry.” She quickly fashions it into a headband, and uses it to push the hair out of her face.
Hunter nods once, and lays back down, folding his arms under his head, “You should get some rest. I doubt those spirits are going to give up, so we’ll be running in the morning.”
He tilts his head slightly, there’s something uneasy in her scent, and Hunter frowns. “What’s wrong?”
She’s quiet for a moment, “Are you mad at me?”
Hunter immediately sits back up, “What?”
“It’s okay if you are!” She adds quickly, her eyes wide, “I…I’m mad at myself, too.”
“I’m not mad at you, copikla.” Hunter corrects with a frown, “Why would you think that?” The familiar mando’a word falls from his lips with ease and he internally cringes, please don’t let her know enough Mando’a to know what it means.
Even in the dim light, he’s able to see her brows furrow and her lips moved as she mimicked the word, though she doesn’t seem too inclined to rip his head off or ask him what it means, so Hunter’s happy to take the win.
“It’s…dumb.” She says slowly.
“Tell me anyway.”
She makes a face, “The spirits…they’re very chatty-”
“Wait, wait, wait. You can understand them?” Hunter slides closer to her, “What are they saying? All I hear is static.”
“All sorts of things,” She replies with a small frown, “None of it is nice-”
“Come on, copikla.” Hunter prods, “Give me something to work with.”
“They say it’s my fault!” She blurts, “They say…they say I could have saved them, and that it’s my fault that they’re dead. They say that I wanted them dead and I didn’t! I swear I didn’t!”
“Hey! Hey, hey.” Hunter reaches out and cups her face, “The Purge wasn’t your fault.” Because what else could she mean, “And of course you didn’t want them dead.”
“But…they’re right. I could have saved them-”
“No. No, you couldn’t have.”
She stares at him, her eyes wide, and Hunter leans in to press his forehead against hers, forcing her to keep eye contact with him.
“Palpatine was going to see the Jedi murdered no matter what. If it wasn’t the clones it was going to be something else.” Hunter tightens his hold on her cheeks, “What happened, it wasn’t your fault. You couldn’t have prevented it from happening. No one could have.”
She presses her hands over his, “...I miss them.”
“I know.” Hunter’s voice is soft, “Did you ever give yourself the chance to mourn them?”
She shakes her head.
“I’m sorry.”
She closes her eyes, “Yeah, well…Palpatine killed all of my people…but he’s doing the same to all of yours. So, I’m sorry too.”
Hunter feels a sharp pang, he had never been close to many of the regs. But they were still his brothers, weren’t they? “Well, there’s nothing to do about it, is there?”
“...yeah. I guess.”
Hunter lightly releases her, before he presses a light kiss to her forehead, and then he pulls away. She presses her hand against her forehead and stares at him, wide eyed, “I’m not mad at you.” Hunter says, “And I’m not going to let these spirits kill you. There will be no more dead jedi. Not on my watch.”
Something in her gaze softens, “...thank you.”
“You’re welcome. Now. Come here. You can share my body heat until the sun rises.”
She regards him silently for a moment, and then she nods. She shifts so that she’s pressed against his side, and Hunter folds his arms around her, “Good night, copikla.”
“What does that even mean?” She mumbles against his chest.
“Don’t worry about it. It’s nothing bad.”
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lowkeyremi · 1 year
i rlly liked the gyaru post n was wondering if you could write hq boys with a gyaru crush ( like the guys have a crush on a gyaru ) myb a small fic ( tanaka, yams aone pls )
I'm glad you liked the last one! This is such a cute concept tbh, Aone would be too scared to say anything lmaooo
HQ Drabbles: Gyaru Crush 💕 ft. Tanaka, Yams, and Aone.
Content: Fluff, a lil bit of stalking cuz Tanaka's just like that, miscommunication bc Aone isn't good w words, crushes.
Banner credit: gifcities and geocities
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Tanaka Ryu:
"I should have packed lunch today, this sucks." Your best friend nods when she sees your soggy french fries.
"That bald guy is staring at you again." She slurps her yogurt tube in a few seconds. You look around and sure enough that second year was looking at you again.
You're in your third year now, according to Sugawara the 'bald' kid's name is Tanaka, and it's said he has a huge crush on Kiyoko.
"Probably thinks my makeup is weird like everyone else does." He notices you looking and turns away to his short friend... it's Nishi something.
"Or maybe he likes you." You roll your eyes while she wiggles her eyebrows.
"Yeah right, it's obvious he likes Kiyoko." She cringes when you eat a mouthful of soggy fries.
"He might be using Kiyoko as a cover up." You weren't going to keep waiting for him to say why he's always being creepy so you walk over to his table.
"Why are you always staring at me?" His short friend giggles and turns away.
"Staring- me huh?" His face flushes as he stammers for words.
"Yes, is it my makeup? I know it's not normal but starting is really rude." Out of the corner of your eye you can see his friend covering his mouth to try and conceal his snickering.
"Ah- it's not like that! I think your makeup is unique and I think you're really cool!" He blurts out and his friend bursts into laughter.
"Noya shut up!" He elbows him.
"Really? Is this some kind of joke?" He notices your hand on your hip.
"No! C-can we be friends?" His voice sounds like a shy little kid.
"Um... sure?" There has to be some hidden motive behind this...
"Got anything else to tell her, Ryu?" The short fry wiggles his eyebrows.
"Nishinoya I will end-"
"I'm gonna go finish my lunch." Tanaka starts stammering again when you start to walk away.
"Could um... could I get you dinner sometime? AS FRIENDS THOUGH!" He suddenly adds.
He definitely has a crush on you.
"Yeah anytime." He smiles, and you skip back to your table.
Yamaguchi Tadashi:
"Is that all?" You ask politely scanning his cart to see if he's got anything else.
He nods his head yes, "Your total is 870 yen, how would you like to pay?" He hands you 1,000 yen, like he does every time.
"Keep the change." You sigh and look for change.
"That's too much of a tip." Yamaguchi (as you've learned from your uncle), comes in maybe three times a week for the same thing and tries to leave you a huge tip.
"Your hair's really pretty." He notioned to the style you were going for today, you think it brings out your makeup.
"Keishin says I look like a rebellious punk." You giggle right along with Yams.
"It's Uncle Keishin to you, brat! You're lucky to even be getting paid!" Yamaguchi quietly snickers because you rolled your eyes mimicking your uncle. Once everything's bagged up you hand it to him.
"Bye, Yams." He takes the bag, and holds still like a statue.
"Something wrong?"
"When'll you be back to work here again?" There's this look in his eyes that you can't quite determine.
"When ever I get back from school, I can't take a lot of breaks or I'll get behind on my assignments." He frowns.
"Hey, not my fault I'm a college student." You shrug.
"I really wish I could go with you to ward off all the weirdos who think gyaru isn't cool." He's an adorable little third year.
"Gyaru's not for everyone. I get hateful comments all the time, but they don't bother me that much anymore." It's the hard truth, you cannot force people to like you.
"Well can I take you out when you get back?" Oh, he's real brave today. Not once has he asked something remotely as obvious as this.
You can tell he likes you, that much was clear. This is the first time he's been straightforward with you though.
"You can take me out when I get off of work." You lean over the counter and press your glossy lips to his cheek. When you pull away you can see a faint mark of lip gloss from your lips.
"Go on to school now, Yams." He spirals at your smirk and walks out like a drunken man.
You're bonked on the head with newspaper, "Do your job and stop flirtin' so much!"
"Don't take your frustration out on me, I know you don't get any Keishin." He grumbles at your laughter.
"It's Uncle Keishin."
Aone Takanobu:
"Kogane! I'm so going to beat your ass!" Your threat echoes through the gym and no one makes the effort to save him.
"I didn't mean to mess up your makeup and hair, please forgive me!!" He whines.
The idiot thought it'd be funny to spray you with his water bottle, long story short he got a little heavy handed with the pouring.
You raise your fist to hit him but you're stopped by a hand much bigger than yours. A low grunt can be heard and you turn around to see Aone holding your wrist.
"He deserves it! Let go!" He thinks his grip is too tight, so he loosened it.
"H-here." He hands you his team jacket.
"Thank you, Aone. That is so sweet." He nods.
"Um I know how important your clothing and hair are to you." At first you can't tell if he's being genuine or a goody two shoes.
"Um... gyaru right? I thought it was super weird awhile back." At least he was honest.
"How'd you know?" You most likely already know the answer.
"I did some research after seeing your unusual clothing option that one time." He rubs the back of his neck.
"So you're stalking me?" That's honestly what it sounds like.
"No- I just wanted to understand you better." He says with a little more confidence.
"Ah....." His cheeks go red and he power walked away.
Huh... interesting.
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Hey sillies, im tired so ima go to sleep. Also I watched a horror movie by myself for the first time but I didn't get scared at all. Idk I just kept screaming at the main character being so dumb. bye guys 😘
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allthingseddie · 1 year
I Wanna Be Yours - Part Three
Part One Here Part Two Here
Note: I just want to thank everyone that’s read the first two parts of this for all of the love you have left it means so much. I am wanting to do use this part as the final part of the ‘main’ series as this is what I intended. I do, however have some ideas for a few small fics with the same characters that I will post separately, but if you would like to continue being on the taglist for those, let me know! Thank you so much again for your support! :)
It was Thursday morning and you had already left for work and Eddie was trying to get Halle ready for the day and failing miserably. She was usually a well tempered child, but she had woken up in a terrible mood. Eddie was desperately trying to get her to eat breakfast but she was crying instead.
“Halle, baby, please eat. Please. Do you want something else? I’ll make you something else,” Eddie pleaded with his daughter.
“No. I don’t. Want it!” Halle cried and crossed her arms over her chest. Her face was red and stained with tears and her nose was starting to run. This had been going on for the last 15 minutes. He had made her oatmeal and she was acting like he committed a terrible crime against humanity.
“Do you want pancakes? Cereal? Eggs?,” The more Eddie questioned her, the louder her cries got. She gets off the chair throws herself on the ground, knees hitting the floor first. She continued to cry and Eddie lets out a sigh of frustration. She didn’t get like this very often but when she did, she wouldn’t communicate with him to save her life. There was always a reason for the tantrums but getting it out of her was like pulling teeth. The tantrum went on for what felt like hours, when in reality it had only been a total of 45 minutes. Halle was now laying on the floor on her stomach, looking at her dad. Her breathing was finally starting to slow and she was calming down.
“I want Y/N,” Halle says softly. Eddie gets on the floor beside Halle and gently strokes her back.
“Baby, she’s at work. You’ll get to see her tonight when she picks you up from Mrs. Wheeler’s house,” Eddie says. This was not the answer she wanted and loud cries returned as she starts kicking her feet on the floor. Eddie glanced up at the clock and realized that he really should have been getting ready for work by now. He had spent a good part of his morning trying to calm his toddler and he was in the same boat he was in earlier. He sighs and knows he can’t take her to Karen Wheeler’s house like this. He gets up and calls into work, something he rarely does, all while his daughter screams in the background. He cringed the whole time, wondering if his boss was going to think he was a terrible parent. Without realizing what he’s doing after hanging up with his boss, he’s calling the bank and asking for you.
“Eds? What’s wrong?,” You ask over the phone as you hear Halle crying in the background.
“Halle’s freaking out. She’s throwing a terrible tantrum and all that’s she said to me in the past hour is that she doesn’t want to eat and that she wants you. I even called off work because I can’t get her to calm down.” Eddie responds, rubbing his hand over his face. You can tell how frustrated he is even through the phone and you want to give him a hug and tell him it’ll be alright.
“You know what, I can go to lunch early today. Bring her by the bank,” You say in response.
“Are you sure? It’s a bad one,” Eddie says.
“Yeah Eds I’m sure it’ll be okay,” You say.
“Thank you sweetheart, I’ll see you soon,” Eddie says and gets off the phone with you. At these words, Halle looks up at him knowing there’s only 1 person he ever calls sweetheart. She’s still crying but stops her movements.
“Do you want to go see Y/N?,” He asks looking down at Halle. Her breathing starts to slow again and she nods her head yes. ,”Okay well you have to get cleaned up first. You’re looking awfully snotty”
Halle slowly gets up off the floor and does a walk of shame to Eddie’s bedroom. She sits on her bed and lets him get her changed. She sits on the floor of the kitchen afterwards while Eddie packs whatever food he can quickly into her lunchbox. He picks Halle up and loads her into the car and makes his way to the bank to see you. Once he gets there, he walks in the building holding Halle’s hand. Her face was still red and splotchy from her tantrum but she had finally calmed down. You come out from behind the counter and she runs to you. You pick her up and she starts softly crying again in your arms.
“Hey, its okay sweet girl,” You say as you rub her back gently. Eddie motions for you to follow him out to his car, not wanting to risk Halle throwing another tantrum at your place of work. He opens the passenger side door for you and you sit down with Halle in your arms. Once you sit down, you gently lift her body off of her chest so you can see her face.
“Okay, deeps breaths princess,” You say as you demonstrate how to settle her breathing. She follows your actions and finally calms down a little bit more. ,” What’s wrong baby?”
“You didn’t like me anymore, when I was as-sleep,” She says and lays her head back on your chest.
“What do you mean baby?,” You ask her.
“You left our house and didn’t come back and I missed you,” She responds. You realize that she had a bad dream and your rest your head on top of hers.
“Oh sweet girl, I would never leave you. I love you too much,” You respond and stroke her back again.
“Promise?,” She asks quietly looking up at you. You start to tear up a little bit just thinking about the fact that she was so upset over the idea of you leaving.
“I promise baby, I’m not going anywhere. I will love you for the rest of my life,” You say kissing her forehead. She lays her head on your chest again and you look over at Eddie. He’s staring at you with a look of appreciation and you give him a small smile.
“Are you hungry baby?,” You ask her and feel her nod her head yes. Eddie pulls out the lunchbox he threw a bunch of food into and starts sorting through everything. He hands Halle a peanut butter and jelly sandwich first and she starts eating it and he gives a sigh of relief.
“Thank you for eating baby,” He says leaning over and kissing her forehead. Eddie gets back into the lunchbox and pulls out 2 more peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and hands you one ,”It’s not gourmet but it’s made with love and panic.” You chuckle and take the sandwich from him and start to eat it.
“It’s damn good,” You say and smirk at him.
“Damn good,” Halle mimics.
“Hals that’s a grown up word you can’t say it yet,” Eddie says to her and you try not to laugh.
“Fine,” She says and rolls her eyes at her dad and continues eating her sandwich.
“Jesus Christ she does not like me today,” Eddie says somewhat playfully but you know his feelings are hurt.
“Are you kidding? She loves you. You love your daddy don’t you baby?,” You ask her.
“Yeah daddy I love you, but you always tell me I can’t say stuff,” Halle says.
“That’s because you say grown up words you’re not supposed to say,” Eddie says and you chuckle.
“You’re arguing with yourself Eds, you realize that right? She’s just a smaller, girl version of you” You say to him amused.
“Yeah the universe wanted to really show me what my family put up with,” He says and chuckles. You ate a lunch of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with a banana and chips and it was just about time for you to get back to work. Halle was in a much better mood now but both you and Eddie were scared to tell her that you had to go back to work.
“My lunch is almost over baby, so I have to go back to work. You’re gonna go home with daddy and I’ll see you as soon as I get off okay?,” You ask her.
“But I want you to play with me,” Halle says jutting out her bottom lip in a pout and staring up at you.
“You know what, I bet daddy will let you play with his hair if you go home with him right now. He will let you brush it and braid it and everything,” You say to her and she looks over at her dad excitedly. You can feel his annoyance behind the smile he’s giving his daughter and you look at him smugly while she doesn’t see.
“Anything for you princess,” He says and Halle laughs in excitement and climbs on her dads lap.
“Alright I gotta go. I love you sweet girl and I’ll see you later okay?,” You say. She gives you a sticky kiss and tells you she loves you back and you head back into work.
“He’s cute,” You coworker Ashley teases you as you enter the building, suspecting that you have a bit of a crush on Eddie and you blush slightly.
“He’s single,” You respond trying to play it off to her.
“Uh huh, sure,” Ashley says and walks away chuckling. You make it through the rest of your work day and head home. Once you open the door, you are greeted with a very frizzy-haired Eddie who had rainbow hair ties and clips all throughout his hair. You laugh as he looks up at you from the ground and you can tell he’s never going to let you live this suggestion down.
“Well don’t you look beautiful,” You say laughing at him. He holds his ring, middle and first finger up at you, silently saying ‘read between the lines’ and you laugh again.
After work on Friday, you stop by the Wheeler’s house to pick up Halle and take her home. You sing Hey Jude by The Beetles together on the way home and Halle is singing her heart out. Once you get home, you make some spaghetti and meatballs for dinner. You can Halle sit down and eat it together and she tells you about her day at the Wheelers house. After dinner, you give her a bath and get her ready for bed. You get her tucked into her bed and cuddle with her for a little bit before she falls asleep. You read her her favorite story book and she falls asleep quickly. Once she’s asleep, you get settled into the couch and decided to watch a movie until Eddie gets home. You are watching a horror movie on low volume when the phone rings and you get up to answer it.
“Hey sweetheart its me. I just wanted to let you know that my car took a shit on me at work. My buddy gets off in an hour so he’s gonna drop me off on his way home so I’ll be home late. Didn’t want to worry you,” Eddie says over the phone.
“Eds, you can’t stay at work for another hour waiting for someone to bring you home. I can come get you,” You respond.
“You really don’t have to do that sweetheart. I know Halle is probably asleep and I don’t want all your hard work putting her to bed go to waste, and you have to work in the morning”
“Eds, I am not letting you stay there that late waiting for a ride. I will put Halle to bed again if I have to, I’m coming to get you,” You say. You hear him sigh over the phone.
“Yeah okay, thank you. I’ll see you soon,” He says. You carefully pick Halle up out of bed and make your way to your car. You get her buckled into her car seat and make your way to the plant. When you pull up, Eddie is standing out front smoking a cigarette with a few others guys. You park in front of him and get out of the car.
“Thank you for coming out here sweetheart I really appreciate it,” He says and blows smoke away from you.
“I had ulterior motives, I left my good sunglasses in your car. Keys please,” You say holding out your hand to take his keys from him. He watches as you walk over to his car in the parking lot and lean over to get your sunglasses.
“Damn, Munson, where have you been hiding that one at?,” Andy asks putting out his cigarette and coming to stand side by side with Eddie. Eddie turns to him and sees him looking at your ass.
“Away from you assholes that’s for sure,” He says and puts out his own cigarette.
“You bangin her?,” Jake asks from behind them.
“No, for your information, I am not ‘banging’ her. She’s my best friend and we live together,” Eddie says.
“You not like chicks?,” Andy asks him jokingly. He rolls his eyes as his coworkers words.
“Isn’t your smoke break over?,” Eddie asks them without looking at them.
“Okay, fine we’re going. If you don’t make a move on her, give her my number will you?,” Andy asks.
“In your dreams,” Eddie responds.
You come back from his car and hand his keys over to him.
“You ready to go?,” You ask him and he nods his head yes as he gets in the passenger seat of your car. You get behind the wheel and Eddie flips off his coworkers as you pull the car away from the building. You finally arrive at home and Eddie carries Halle back inside. She only stirs as her lays her down in her bed.
“Daddy?,” She asks.
“Hey princess, sorry we woke you up. Daddy’s car broke at work and Y/N had to come pick me up,” Eddie says and strokes her hair.
“I want to cuddle,” Halle responds and reaches out her arms to him. He would be sad when the day his daughter would stop asking him for cuddles would end. He knew she would eventually find it annoying. Eddie brings her over to his bed and cuddles with her as you start to leave the room.
“I want Y/N, too.” Halle says. You turn around and look at Eddie and Halle.
“The child wants what the child wants, c’mon,” Eddie says and makes room on the other side of Halle for you to lay down. It wasn’t the first time you had ever layed in Eddie’s bed. You used to hang out in his room all the time when you were teenagers and vice versa and this wasn’t the first time Halle had wanted to cuddle with both of you, but it still made butterflies erupt in your stomach as you layed on the opposite side of the girl and wrap your arm around her, leading yours and Eddie’s arms to be overlapped. Without meaning to, you fall asleep in his bed with him and Halle both. When you wake up the next morning, Halle is already awake and out of bed and you realize just how close you are to Eddie’s body. Your face is just a few inches away from his and his arm is partially around your torso. Your face flushes and you carefully get out of the bed and make your way to your own room to start getting ready for work.
You shower and get ready for work and head out the door after pouring yourself a travel mug of coffee. Thankfully its a Saturday so the bank closes at noon, meaning you only have to work for about 4 hours. Throughout you work day, you keep thinking about how you woke up this morning basically wrapped in Eddie’s arms since Halle had decided to leave. Before you left the apartment, you told her to go lay back down and put on cartoons in Eddie’s room so she would stay in there with him until he woke up. You didn’t know if she saw you and Eddie in the position you were in once she left bed this morning and the thought made your face flush again. Your work day goes by pretty fast and it’s finally time for you to close. You head out to your car after work and wish your coworkers a good weekend before heading home.
Once you arrive home and walk in the door, you notice that it is not nearly as loud as you expected it to be.
“Hello?,” You call out.
“In here sweetheart,” You hear Eddie call and enter his bedroom where he’s playing his acoustic guitar. You lean against the doorframe. ,”How was work?”
“Not too bad actually. It went by pretty quick. Where’s Halle?,” You ask him.
“She literally begged me to stay the night at Waynes tonight so I dropped her off over there a little bit ago,” Eddie says looking up at you.
“Sweet girl. I was hoping to see her,” You say. Eddie loves how much you love her.
“Hey, at least you get to hang out with your second favorite person tonight,” He says and smiles.
“Robin’s coming over?,” You tease him.
“Oh hardy har,” He says rolls his eyes and you chuckle.
“We haven’t gotten to hang out on a Saturday without Halle, well, since Halle was born,” You say and laugh.
“I know, its gonna be weird. It’ll be just like old times,” Eddie says.
“Does that mean horror movies and pizza night?,” You ask him excitedly.
“Uh duh, I was thinking maybe a little bit of beer too if you’re down,” He says.
“That sounds awesome. I’m gonna go change into comfy clothes and start picking out movies to watch,” You say and leave the room. He smiles to himself as you leave. You go to your room and change into some sweatpants, an oversized band shirt and some fuzzy socks and then make your way to the living room. Eddie runs to the store to pick up some beer and the pizza when it is ready. You pick out all of your favorite horror movies and put one on when Eddie gets back. You take a slice of pizza out of the box and a can of beer and start eating your dinner.
“Mmmm nutrients,” You say as you take a big bite of pizza and chase it down with a swig of beer.
“I don’t think this dinner is very nutritious,” Eddie says and chuckles, taking his own bite of pizza.
“Just let me have my moment,” You laugh back and continue eating your pizza. You’re both sprawled out over the couch eating together. You and Eddie were currently watching Christine and you were loving every minute of it.
“Do you remember Ashley I told you about at work?,” You ask Eddie. You always tell him all of your work gossip.
“The blonde with glasses?,” Eddie asks and you nod your head.
“Yeah, she called you cute on Thursday when you stopped by the bank,” You say not making eye contact with him.
“That honestly shocks me, I figured she would be into the jock type, not a metal head. ,” Eddie says and chuckles.
“I think its the whole dad thing honestly. When you’re good with kids, girls find that shit really attractive,” You say, still watching the tv screen.
“Huh I never thought about that,” Eddie says pondering the thought a little bit and laughs again.
“Don’t go getting a big head there Munson,” You tease him.
“Never,” He says back and smiles at you. After Christine is over, you put on A Nightmare on Elm Street.
“Now that is one attractive man,” You say as Johnny Depp comes on screen.
“I guess someone else is into the Jock type,” Eddie says and chuckles, but his heart secretly plummets.
“Only when its Johnny Depp, no other jocks are attractive to me,” You respond.
“Hmm, what is your type then? I’ve never seen any of the guys you’ve dated,” Eddie says and chuckles.
“Um, I don’t really know,” You say and blush slightly. You couldn’t tell him your type without describing him and you really didn’t have the balls to do that.
“Hey change of topic, there was a promotion at the bank for a better rate on a savings account and I hope you’re okay with it, I opened one for Halle. I guess I should have talked to you about it first, but I just wanted to grab it while it was still there,” You say looking at him.
“Sweetheart you did not have to do that at all,” He says looking at you lovingly.
“I know, I wanted to though. A small little portion of my paycheck will go in there each time I get paid. I figured she could use it to help buy her first car, or if she wants to go to college she can use it for that,” You say to him, not wanting to overstep your bounds more than you probably already have. Eddie just continues looking at you and you didn’t realize how close you were before. He is slowly leaning in towards you when there’s a knock at the door and you jump. You make your way over the the door so he doesn’t see the blush across your cheeks. You answer it and are in complete shock when you see Jules standing on the other side.
“What are you doing here,” Eddie asks her suddenly.
“Wow that’s a great way to greet the mother of your child, how about how are you Jules?,” She says as she steps into the apartment. You look awkwardly between Eddie and Jules for a moment.
“I’ll give you two some privacy,” You say as you make your way to your bedroom. You shut the door behind you but you can’t help but be curious as to what Jules is doing here after years of not being in Halle’s life.
“What do you want Jules?,” Eddie asks.
“I came here to see you and Halle,” Jules says.
“You haven’t seen Halle in 3 years,” Eddie responds harshly.
“Okay, well I’m here now.”
“You don’t get to just pick and choose when you want to be a part of Halle’s life.”
“Listen Eddie, I couldn’t do the baby shit. They’re so needy. They have to be on your boob like 24/7 when they’re that young.”
“So you think the hard parts over and you can just come back now? Because I can guarantee you the hard part is not over.”
“It’s gotta be easier when they can walk and talk and not shit all over you.”
“She doesn’t even know who you are Jules. She does not consider you her mother.”
“Well she can get to know me.”
“No. You walked out on us. I was willing to try to make a relationship work with you and raise her together but you didn’t want that.”
“Oh don’t give me that shit. You didn’t want that either, not when Y/N is constantly around.”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“Everyone knows that you’re in love with her Eddie! It never would have worked out between us!”
“Well you could of at least stuck around and been a part of her life this whole time instead of leaving altogether!”
“I’m here now! We can try to make it work! I can move in here! I can be a stay at home mom and get to know our daughter! You can kick surrogate mommy in there out and let me be the mother our daughter really needs! She will never be her mom no matter how badly that pathetic loser wants it!”
Eddie’s blood was boiling now and he couldn’t contain the volume on his voice anymore. He had already been slightly raising it but he couldn’t help it anymore, not when she just insulted the love of his life like that.
Jules was starting at Eddie with anger on her face and she couldn’t hold back anymore either.
You slowly make your way out of your room after giving Eddie a little time to calm down. You know he just went through something extremely stressful but your heart can’t help but soar at the fact that he said he loved you. He loved you. You loved him and he loved you. If it wasn’t for Jules being an absolute bitch you wouldn’t have thought this was real life. You make it to the living room and look at Eddie sitting on the couch.
“Eds, are you okay?,” You ask softly.
“Fuck, Y/N, I’m sorry about that,” He says and looks at you.
“No it’s okay, you don’t have to apologize,” You say. You sit down beside him and turn your body towards him and place a hand gently on his arm.
“Are you alright?,” You ask again.
“Honestly, there was a lot of things I said that I’ve been meaning to get off of my chest and it does feel really good,” He says and chuckles looking at you.
“It was nice to hear you put her in her place honestly,” You say and chuckle back.
“Oh fuck, you could hear us?,” Eddie says, his face suddenly turning a bright shade of red.
“Uh, yeah,” You say looking down at your hands awkwardly and slightly blushing yourself ,”You were yelling a little bit.”
“I never wanted you to find out that way. I’m sorry. I know you heard how I felt about you. If you’re uncomfortable with any of it we can just pretend like it never happened,” Eddie rambles.
“Eds, I don’t want to forget it. Those were the sweetest words anyone has ever said about me,” You say, finally meeting his eyes with yours again.
“I meant all of them. I think you’re perfect Y/N. I see you as Halle’s mother and I,… I love you. It’s okay if you don’t feel the same way,” Eddie says and blushes again. You smile at him and instead of responding you bring your lips to his. It felt better than you could have ever imagined. His lips were so soft and fit yours perfectly, like they were made for each other. He is startled at first by the kiss, but then he puts his hands on each side of your face and kisses you back.
“I’ve been wanting to do that for years,” You say and giggle as you pull away from the kiss.
“Are you serious?,” Eddie asks you.
“Yeah. Actually the day you told me Jules was pregnant, I came over to your place to tell you that I was in love with you,” You confess and your face turns a shade of crimson again.
“I could have been kissing you this whole fucking time?,” Eddie says flabbergasted and you giggle.
“Well I didn’t know how you felt about me!,” You respond.
“Man, I’ve been in love with you since our senior year together,” He says.
“Something was in the air that year because that’s the year I realized I fell in love with you, too,” You reply.
“I can’t believe this. This better be fucking real,” Eddie says and kisses you again and you laugh into the kiss and wrap your arms around his neck. Once you both pull away from each other, you hug him tightly and lay your head on his chest.
“I’m so happy right now Eds,” You say.
“I am too sweetheart. I can’t wait to tell Halle. She really is going to think you’re her mom,” Eddie says and chuckles.
“I don’t mind that at all,” You say and smile at the thought.
“Neither do I,” Eddie says and kisses the top of your head. Your could not have wished for your life to turn out any other way.
Taglist: @corrodedcoffincumslut @kjcmama @paleidiot @eddiesguitarskills @sirsbabygirlsblog @eddiemunson95 @skyline4446 @wish-upon-a-star-1310 @daisyridleyyyy @yujyujj @euphoric-rush @b-irock @brassreign @blueberry—lemon
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Do you think Adrien is a bad hero?
That's a complex question. It's kind of like asking, "Are Alya and Nino bad friends?"
The way canon has written them, I do kind of have to answer, "Yes," but at the same time, I would never write them as such because it's so antithetical to their role in the narrative. They're victims of bad writing who were never intended to read the way canon has made them read. You can tell this because almost every instance of them being terrible friends is not treated as them being terrible friends by the narrative.
Adrien is in a similar boat. The writers have consistently had him do unheroic things, but the narrative doesn't treat these actions as unheroic. I think this happens for a very obvious reason: he's a fictional character whose actions will always reflect the writers' vision of what's fine for a hero/romantic lead to do no matter how messed up that vision is.
For example, in Glaciator, Adrien ignores Ladybug telling him that she's too busy to meet up that night, but the narrative somehow paints this as Ladybug being in the wrong by giving Marinette a massive guilt trip for... sticking to the plan she and Adrien had already agreed to?
Marinette:(looks around in awe) Wow! Cat Noir, this is... beautiful! (notices Cat Noir looking glum) I'm so sorry. Cat Noir: Why? It's not your fault. Marinette: No— Yeah— I mean— What I mean is I'm very sorry for you because, um, you prepared all of this and then... she didn't show. Cat Noir: She told me she might not make it but I had my fingers crossed. I really wanted her to come. Marinette:(walks over next to him) Maybe she had a really good reason for not coming. Like, a problem or something. Cat Noir: You're only saying that to make me feel better.
And the akuma in this episode is Marinette's fault, not Adrien's, even though Adrien is the one breaking plans and ignoring people telling him that they're too busy. I have no idea what the lesson of that episode was supposed to be, I just know that it was weird. But none of that is Adrien's fault because he's a fictional character who is a slave to the writer's vision. Adrien has no power to be better than the writers. No character does.
So, yeah, the show often paints Adrien as a pretty lack luster hero and I cringe every time it happens, but I still have no issue writing or reading him as a good hero because it's blatantly obvious that he's not supposed to read as a bad hero. Otherwise you wouldn't get him constantly having the role of picking Ladybug up when she's at her lowest. That whole "you and me against the world, my Lady" thing that sounds really cool, but never amounts to anything because the writing sucks. I mean, season five literally ends with Ladybug up against the world and he doesn't show, but it's totally cool, I guess!
In summary, I think Adrien is often written as a bad hero, but pretty much every character in this show is a bad person if we take their actions at face value, so I won't slap him with that label in my own writing as its unfair to hold him to a standard I don't hold any other character to. It is extremely easy to make a few minor tweaks to his character and make him a wonderful hero.
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eerna · 4 months
eerna what's going on in s3 bridgerton your posts and answers making me scared to watch on my life lmao
pls don't hate me, Colin lovers, but I was told by a friend who read the series that he's more fun and chill in the books and also i just....find Polin from even s1 is kinda uhhhhh?awkward?? cuz he's kind of unnecessarily serious and so not chill in the previous seasons?? maybe i don't see his appeal because I'm no Penny but i do not see his appeal in the show
so rn i haven't even watched it and seeing your posts is making me moreeeeeee 😶‍🌫️ it's okay give us the cringey details
Nsbysbbsb NO WORRIES!!! I have a weirdly big amount to say about this show bc I am no longer suffering as much as I did in s1 and 2. Prepare for an essay on my feelings on Polin and thank you for enabling me.
Ok so Colin. Not saying your friend is wrong bc I didn't read the book, but p much everyone I saw talking about it said Colin was very angry and aggressive in it, and for NO REASON since he's supposed to be the "calm brother". I'm glad that the show let him get upset, but never the way he was in the books/Anthony was in s2, where I legit worried about Kate's safety sometimes. Colin was my fav Bridgerton brother bc he was totally different from all the other men on the show, calm and silly and romantic.
Thar being said!!! I never ever thought of him as a GOOD love interest, and s3 only made it worse. First off, yeah, s1 and 2 do NOT show him and Pen as friends nearly enough to warrant the speed of their connection in s3. I blocked s2 from my memory bc I hated it So Damn Much so I can't 100% stand behind my words, but I don't really remember many friendly scenes with the two of them that didn't feel like he was just entertaining his sister's bestie? I remember he once danced with her, and he sent her letters from his travels, and that's it. Then in s3 we are supposed to believe Pen knows him soooo well, she sees through his tricks when no one else does, he can't stand losing her friendship when she stops talking to him. How, when the impression I got from their relationship was "oh she is clearly silly in love and he doesn't care about her enough to notice"!!!
And s3... Oh boy. Colin gets his "glowup" and becomes a rake bc Bridgerton writers would probably spontaneously combust if they wrote a virgin male lead. We see him flirt and smash other women and it is always so so so awkward. I've seen people trying to rationalize it as "Oh he is supposed to be pretending, oh we are supposed to find it cringe" but NO, he is objectified the exact same way Simon and Anthony were, and we as the audience are supposes to think it is sexy. To be fair, Pen finds it concerning but I think that has more to do with the amount of silly, vapid women constantly swarming around him. So now we are even FURTHER away from seeing any reasons why the two of them would be friends. And then we get hit with the "Colin teaches Pen how to find a husband" plot, and oh my god it is so bad, IT IS SO BAD, they have like 2 lessons across 1 episode before they are busted and stop and he literally taught her NOTHING she IGNORED HIS ADVICE AND FIGURED IT OUT BY HERSELF but everyone treats him like a war hero for taking one for the team and teaching the poor unlikeable social reject how to act. We also have the stupid scene where she is criyng begging him to kiss her because she is convinced otherwise she would die without being kissed, and he is trying to elegantly avoid it, and oh my god, I hated this, it is framed as cute and romantic but it is so uncomfortable and bad. AAAAAAAA. Anyway. Then there is this hilariously horrible incident where he saves her from a feral balloon, and if you are wondering wtf am I talking about, its because it is really bad and written like a Scary Movie slasher scene. There are exactly 3 moments that I liked, and ALL of them were bc Colin seemed very lost and desperate. First was when Pen told him they should stay away from each other after the scandal of them hanging out came out (which I liked bc if it were any other girl, some unhinged character would force them to marry, but since it was Pen they were like "Well obviously it's true there was nothing untowards happening it is just cringe haha loserrr"), and he looked like he stopped comprehending English. The second was when he was confessing his feelings, he got on his knees and looked like he was about to cry and I thought that was sweet! Well, he did mention torture which is a very ugly word to use in such a speech, but whatever. The third was after the Infamous Carriage Scene when he says something silly and the two giggle together and I was like PLEASE WHERE WAS THIS ENERGY IN S1 AND 2!!
And may I just say!! The actual Bridgerton Glowup one was PEN and NOT COLIN. In s1 and 2 you could tell she was pretty, but in s3 they made her so damn beautiful that my friends and I would go "Oh wow" several times per episode. And it's not only the clothes, they would put her in rooms where she pops out and sparkles and frame her in shots just perfectly. Idk why they only gave her 1 alternate love interest and then shot her Like That, there should have been at LEAST one more guy following in Debling's trail. Now she's the hot one in the relationship so I can't buy her desperation for Colin's approval or society's perception of Colin as a charity in any way.
With all that said. I think this is the best season of Bridgerton proper. It still isn't something I'd enjoy unironically, but at least it is neither a horrible age gap dynamic feat. SA nor a horrible disgusting juggling of sisters feat. murderer vibes. The only thing I'd say is worse than it used to be is the clothes, which are slowly creeping towards The Reign level of ahistorical and bad.
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bookskeepers · 2 months
the neuroscience of falling in love ☆ chapter three
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content warnings: bokuto is so delusional. lots of neuro jargon. written so it's serious time. claustrophobia. fear of hospitals. panic attacks.
word count: 2,126 (i got carried away oops)
a/n: i feel like bokuto would be claustrophobic. just a vibe. yknow? also he totally uses 'we' when talking to himself about himself
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taglist: @punkhazardlaw
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He checks his phone for, perhaps, the third time in the last two minutes. The time reads 3:27pm, and the date tells him it's Tuesday. He's standing in one of the newer buildings on campus, all modern architecture and floor-to-ceiling windows. Since you've texted him last, he's discovered the meeting location from an email that you sent all the participants. You had told him in advance you'd be keeping in contact via email, but that he could opt for text messages instead. He, of course, thought that was your way of asking for his number (even though he's aware that it was strictly professional).
He begins to pace outside the room. The stark white tile floors and plain walls don't help his nerves, since they remind him of a hospital. The only time that Bokuto's been at a hospital -- save for his birth -- was when he got really injured in middle school. He wasn't able to play volleyball for several months after that. It took him a while to get back into shape afterwards, too.
Faint whirring comes from the door he's waiting outside, and he freezes his pacing as he hears your voice. Softspoken, muffled by the wood, but your voice nonetheless. He finds himself stepping closer to see if he can make out what you're saying, but the door suddenly swings open instead.
And there you are. Dressed in something that could pass for business casual and professional, in colors that compliment your skin tone. Your hair's neatly styled, too, adding on to the assumption that you're a well put-together individual. Bokuto has to physically stop himself from looking you up and down, lest you get the wrong impression about him and decide he's disgusting and not worth your time.
A sweet smile breaks out on your features and Bokuto can't help but give you one of his winning ones in return. After all, he feels like he has won -- he gets to spend time with you and ultimately make money in the long run. He considers it the sweetest gig ever.
"Hey Bokuto! So glad you could make it," you say, and he only nods in response. He doesn't trust his voice not to do something embarrassing, like crack. Can't have you thinking he's still going through something like puberty either, not when he's 21, almost 22.
You step aside and gesture for him to enter the room, so he does. He has to stop and look around once he's entered. There's large, donut-looking machine in the middle of the room, and he vaguely remembers you mentioning something about an ephemeral or whatever during the screening for the study. He wasn't sure then and he's still not sure now what that means, but if it involves going into that tube... He shakes his head rather noticeably, trying to dispel the thoughts.
You tilt your head at him slightly, confusion evident in your fair features. "Everything okay? You shook your head and I haven't even said anything yet."
He cringes internally, having temporarily forgotten about your presence. "Uh, yeah," he says. As he suspected, his voice comes out as a squeak, adding onto his pre-existing embarrassment. He feels his face grow warm, and he can only assume there's a fine layer of pink on his cheeks. He coughs, clearing his throat. "Sorry."
"No worries," you respond smoothly. "A lot of people get nervous in the ephemeral room." You must notice his blank look, because you quickly add: "Ephemeral. It stands for functional magnetic resonance imaging." Oh. It wasn't 'ephemeral' at all; it was fMRI. More embarrassment adds to Bokuto's pile.
"Oh, I totally know what that is," Bokuto states confidently. He doesn't, but you don't need to know that.
You look elated. "Excellent!" You clap your hands together, the sound loud and sharp against the faint whirring ever-present in the background. "Then I'm going to hand you this," you say as you walk off to the side, picking up a blue folded rectangle that was settled on chairs Bokuto hadn't noticed earlier. You hand the thing to him, and he grasps it by the edge, watching as it unfolds into a hospital gown. Oh no.
He can already feel his heartrate start to elevate as you continue to talk. "I'll step out while you change, and then the technician will guide you through the process. Do you have any questions?"
"Uh," he begins slowly. Panic is really settling in now, sinking its claws into his chest and making it feel like it's hard to breathe. Was he expected to lay in that metal tube? He really wishes he had paid attention during the screening now. "I actually... kind of forget what an fMRI is?" He's visibly wincing as he says this.
Your face doesn't betray any emotion. "Oh, no worries! So you're going to lay in that metal tube--" you point to the donut machine in the middle of the room. "--after you remove all metals and all clothing and change into the gown. And then the technician's going to ask you some questions while scanning your brain, and then I'm going to come back in here to explain what the scan means." You pause and he watches as your eyes flit over his face, concern filling their depths. "Are you okay, Bokuto?"
Deciding he's already embarrassed himself enough in front of you, he simply nods. He hopes that the panic isn't expressing on his features and that you ask all the participants that while looking so concerned, but he knows better. The panic probably is obvious, and your concern is well-placed, but he's strong enough to lay in a small, enclosed space for however long it takes! Right?
You don't look convinced, but you nod and exit the room, closing the wooden door behind you. It doesn't take him long to change into the hospital gown, and he takes the chance to look around the room again. Three of the four walls are blank, and the fourth has windows and a door revealing an attached room. He watches someone he doesn't recognize enter said room, sitting down in front of a computer and pulling a narrow, black tube close to their mouth.
"Hey Bokuto," the person says, their voice echoing from hidden speakers. "How're you doing today?"
Bokuto finds himself trying harder than before to slow his breathing, to focus on the cool floor underneath his bare feet. "Uh, I'm good," he replies. Another voice crack betrays his words. He takes a few steps closer to the windows. "How long is this supposed to take?"
The technician doesn't look up at him, instead opting to continue typing at their computer. "No longer than an hour and a half," they promise, and Bokuto feels his heart drop and his throat constrict.
An hour and a half in a small, enclosed space. We totally got this. We're gonna be so good and she's gonna fall in love with how fearless we are. He takes a deep breath as he turns on his feet, clinging to the feeling of the tiles. He places one hand on the metal tube, focusing on the chill and whirring that emanate from it.
"Just lie on the table, and I'll come help with the headrest." That voice echoes again, invading his ears.
Bokuto nods again, although it's unnecessary, and he lays on the table as instructed. There's a contraption of sorts near the top, and he assumes that's what the technician meant by headrest. He keeps his neck at an angle, hovering over said headrest as the technician enters the room.
"I know it seems kind of scary," they say as they fiddle with the device. Bokuto hears clicks and snaps before the technician gently pushes down on his head. "But it'll be over super quick. If you're too stressed out, don't worry."
He's about to open his mouth to speak, but then the clicking and snapping sounds resume and he watches as a black bar appears just at the edge of his vision. When he tries to lift his head, he finds that he's stuck. Stuck, and about to be in a closed space.
The technician smiles down at him, and he finds himself wishing you were still in the room. "Comfy?"
"Yeah," he croaks, lying through his teeth. The edge of the headrest is digging into his neck, it's hard to breathe, and his skin is breaking out in a cold sweat. He's feeling the exact opposite of comfortable right now.
The technician fades from view, faint footsteps reaching his ears as the sound of a door opening and closing is heard. The whirring gets louder as he feels the table move, and suddenly he's in the donut.
The whirring is deafening. The tunnel is cold, so cold. He can feel his blood rushing in his ears, can hear his heart beating at a mile a minute. He can feel the stinging bite of the table beneath him, the dig of the headrest into his neck. His senses are on hyper alert, and he realizes with a jolt that there's tears threatening to spill out of his eyes.
He registers that the technician's voice is coming out of the hidden speakers again, but he can't process a single word they're saying. He can't process anything that's going on, too overwhelmed by his senses and panic. He hears the sound of someone taking gasping breaths -- is that him? Is he producing those noises?
Grounding techniques. What'd we learn in intro to psych? C'mon, think, think, think...
But it's no use. He can't recall the information he learned about panic attacks in a class he took three years ago, but he's sure he's experiencing one now. He tries to move his head again, but it's held firmly in place. "Oh god," he manages to choke out, and the tears begin flowing freely.
Seconds tick by slowly, way too slowly. He's desperately trying not to thrash around, trying to focus on the sensations below his fingertips when he realizes his fingers have gone numb. His toes have gone numb. Panic. Panic. Panic.
And suddenly, the whirring fades. The table moves again, and your face floods his vision. That look of concern you had earlier is still there, but so much more palpable. "Bokuto?" Your voice is soft, tender.
"Y-Yeah?" he whispers. His voice is ragged, the complete opposite. He's worried he'll see pity mix with the concern in your eyes, and he's watching them intently while desperately fighting the rising panic.
"Can you do me a favor?" Quiet. Your voice is quiet, soothing his fraying nerves.
He tries to nod, but the headrest prevents him from doing so. You seem to realize this as your fingers work deftly to unlatch it, and, once he's free, he flies up into a sitting position. He's slouched over himself, hand grasping at the fabric over his heart, willing breath to enter his lungs.
"Bokuto," you say again, laying a tentative hand on his shoulder. He snaps his head towards you, and he can only wonder what you're seeing. Do I remind you of a wild animal?
"Count backwards from 10 with me, okay?"
This time he nods successfully.
"Ten." He struggles to get the word out, feeling a vice-like grip on his throat that he knows isn't real, but logic never beats panic. Your voice is sweet compared to his.
"Nine." The hold loosens, and he can feel the air slowly but surely make its way to his lungs.
"Eight. Seven. Six." He likes the way his voice sounds in harmony with yours.
"Five." It's easier to breathe now, and he can actually hear you clearly.
"Four." His heartbeat is slowing, and the goosebumps that were covering his skin have almost entirely vanished.
"Three. Two." Air, sweet delicious air, flows freely in his body.
"One." And just like that, most of his panic is gone.
A smile's on your features again. It's cautious, like you're approaching a stray animal. "Do you feel better?"
"Uhh, yeah," he manages to say. He notices that your hand never left his shoulder, and he feels warm again. He hesitates to look at your eyes, but he does anyways.
There's not a single drop of pity in them. Just kindness, compassion, and understanding. "The fMRI machine can be pretty scary," you admit. "I struggled my first time too."
"Yeah, they had to give me Xanax." Your smile grows and it's accompanied by a light laugh. "Do you want to try again, or should we reschedule for a later date?"
He lets out a sigh, feeling the remainder of his panic leave his body. "Um, can we reschedule?"
You nod. "Of course. What day works best for you?"
bokuto does not plan on speaking a word of this to anyone ever in his life
he really wishes he paid attention during the screening interview
kiyoko was secretly praying on bokuto's downfall because she KNOWS bokuto's lowkey your type but she thinks you're just too smart for him
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"que pasa" = what happened? (in spanish)
"tudo bem" = everything okay? (in portuguese)
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