#My musings
cupcraft · 20 hours
Man i need vampire house ideas gahhh finish this chapter cup do it cup WHAT ON EARTHHH NEEDS TO HAPPEN CUP
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mccoyquialisms · 3 months
Riz immediately moving to save Fig and leaping in after her without hesitation, Adaine counterspelling a GOD to save her, Gorgug casting Warding Bond…what if I wept
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theineffablewoman · 8 months
“To look at you, is to want for an eternity . . .”
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beccawise7 · 16 days
He watched the way she pleasured herself. The heat casting shades of red across her cheeks.
Need laced within her whimpers and desire in her eyes.
Watching her was watching a masterpiece come to life.
He ached to touch her with his fingertips.
Consume her from the inside out.
Discipline be damned, he could never look away.
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rushin-safire · 2 months
Happy Asexuality Day!!!
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Clapback to June 27th, 2015 when I first came out as such, and the subsequent confusion of my entire family XD
May you all enjoy your day!!! Might pop in a doodle or two later depending!
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mefiman · 8 months
Bowuigi Idea Again
Princess Peach organizes a "Get a hug/kiss" for charity.
Anyone can get a hug or kiss from her and the Mario Bros who are volunteering in the Mushroom Kingdom.
The Toads mostly want to hug and/or get kissed on the head by Peach and Mario. No one asked for Luigi (with the exception of Daisy who hugs him since they're best friends) which bums him out a bit.
Until Bowser came landing from his Clown Copter, frightening the Toads.
Mario steps in front of Peach. "If you are-a coming here to kiss the Princess and kidnap her again, think again, a-Bowser!"
The Koopa king chuckled. "Lucky for you, Mario, I did not come here for that." He went past the red plumber and the pink princess, puzzling them. He stopped in front of Luigi and knelt down before him. "May I have a kiss from you?" He asked the green plumber. Everyone present gasped.
"M-M-Me?" Luigi stammers, flustered.
"Yes. You, Greenie." The Koopa King answered back. He was serious yet gentle as he gazed at the tall plumber.
Luigi gave some thought. He gave a brief glance at his brother wordlessly saying "No way you're doing that!". Despite Mario shaking his head profusely at his brother to refuse Bowser's request, Luigi went forward, held the King's face, and gave him a kiss on his snout. The King in return, pressed his lips on Luigi's own. At first, the green plumber was surprised but blushed and kissed back.
From the sidelines, Daisy is squealing, Peach is amazed, Mario is on the verge of fainting and the Toads are SCANDALIZED.
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nadsdraws · 10 months
Something I don't seen talked about nearly enough is Gabriel going straight to Aziraphale's bookshop because apparently that's where he thinks he will be the safest ?
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So we know from later episodes that Gabriel's memory was supposed to be wiped out but he couldn't been located and that he himself removed his memories, put them into the fly and escaped from Heaven.
We also know he was in love with Beelzebub so presumably knowing/suspecting about Aziraphale and Crowley's relationship it makes sense to at least in part be trusting that they, of all the angels and demons, those two would understand.
It could have been conscious or unconscious decision on his part (perhaps he was trying to get to Beelzebub but ended up on Earth instead) but the point still stands. His current vessel (Jim) took him to the bookshop.
It was a gamble because it was Gabriel who threatened Aziraphale ("shut your fucking mouth and die already") and always brushed off his ideas as unimportant and thought of him as incompetent.
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And yet this is where he goes to, trusting that Aziraphale will turn the box around, that he will not only figure out how to help him, but also choose to not harm him when he is at his most vulnerable.
Tl;dr Gabriel trusts Aziraphale to protect him
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Meditate on this, Omi. Wait patiently. The answer will come. In time.
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Yes, Master.
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...Master Dashi? Dojo? Anybody?
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I want you to have this, Omi. I have a feeling I will not be needing it anymore.
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The spear of Guan! I could not accept something so valuab...
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Teaching is the only true path to learning.
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--Omi! There he is, I see him! We'll be right down, little dude!
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Dashi's trio gives Omi some deep but vague advice, and then literally vanishes into thin air the moment Omi glances away to ponder on it. Just advise and dash. They each also have more unique methods with Omi too:
Dashi challenging him to that showdown just to get Omi to ask nicely for the rock when he realizes Dashi can't be overpowered, Chase more-or-less making Omi his official apprentice and giving him regular lessons on life and on combat, Guan's formal class with the monks.
But it's funny how this is a teaching technique they all share for the end of this first lesson with Omi.
It gives Omi this really cute dynamic with all of them; he's so adorably confused. And yet, he always manages to stew on the words long enough to figure out what it is they wanted him to learn.
I wonder if Chase and Guan and Dashi all used this ability to just disappear so quickly back in the day together, too. They must have been very good at avoiding follow-up questions.
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cupcraft · 11 months
he may be fucked up, but i gotta tell you he has excellent tits
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mccoyquialisms · 3 months
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rsxavior · 8 months
Astarion x Tav Headcanon
Tav will let Astarion feed on him every night if he could. He'll douse himself in potions to make it happen. All because he likes to see Astarion warm and happy. Astarion always looks more alive afterwards. He can breathe. There is a rare bit of color in his cheeks. He moves more fluidly and with confidence. For a small while Astarion can live free without his vampiric hunger gnawing at his gut and clouding his mind.
Astarion can feel more like a person, and not a dead thing at Cazador's beck and call. Being well fed helps him feel miles away from the person he was forced to be under his master.
So Tav will always offer even when it's stupid, even when it's unwise. Astarion will always make sure Tav drinks plenty of water and gets the sweetest food he can find in camp after he's drank from him.
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justsomekpopstuff · 3 months
stray kids as muppets based on nothing but vibes
A/N: this is for fun. Don't be a jerk.
current masterlist | fic recs
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Bang Chan: Kermit the Frog
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(I didn't want to do repeats but this just felt right)
Lee Know: Miss Piggy
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Changbin: Link Hogthrob
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(gif via @/adam807 on Tenor Gifs)
Hyunjin: Statler (to the right)
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(gif via @/ZoReal on Tenor Gifs)
Han Jisung: Rizzo the Rat
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Felix: the Swedish Chef
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Seungmin: Waldorf (to the left)
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(gif via @/adam807 on Tenor Gifs)
Jeongin: Crazy Harry
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(gif via @/adam807 on Tenor Gifs)
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beccawise7 · 27 days
It hits differently when he sees your soul. ~beccawise7 💜🖤
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joeover · 6 months
imo, there really is a disconnect between the way book eddie is described and It chapter 2 eddie is portrayed.
to me, eddie is sweet and sensitive at his best, but has a short fuse when he’s poked too hard and bites back with spunk and verve to defend himself or his friends. it chapter 2 eddie just….has no fuse. he’s just always angry at any and everything and anger is his default state, not him at his fiercest.
in the book, eddie is skittish and afraid most of the time, but that’s what makes his outbursts of confidence and bravery so meaningful when it really counts. he’s willing to drop all those fears to save his friends. and to be fair they did give him this same arc in it chapter 2, but most of the time they showed him being too afraid and screwing things up for everyone so we only got one moment of bravery before he was immediately killed.
idk. maybe i just wanted to see eddie attack the giant eye in the movies. 💀
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mefiman · 9 months
Consider this:
New Super Mario Bros. U beginning but Bowuigi
The Mario Bros having a dainty tea party with Princess Peach and her Toads in her Castle.
Suddenly, there was an explosion along with quaking. One of the Toads jumped from their seat to check outside what was going on from the window. They panicked.
It informed that Bowser and the Koopalings had arrived in their Airships. The biggest ship, Bowser's, sprung out a giant mechanical hand resembling the Koopa King's hand, burst into the palace from the roof. Mario and Luigi got into a defensive stance to protect the princess.
However, before they could strike back, the Hand suddenly picked up Luigi by his back overalls and put him aside a distance away first before doing the same for Princess Peach who was sitting.
Luigi: (Adorably confused face)
Peach: Huh?
Once both were safely out of the way, the Hand smashed and threw Mario and the Toads out from the castle. They crashed into an Acorn Tree. As soon as they fell off the tree, Mario and the Toads ran back to the castle, only to find the Koopa ships gone and the Princess standing there, unharmed.
"Where is a-Luigi?" Mario asked, looking around.
"He's... He's..." Peach stammered.
"He's a-what, Principessa?" Mario prompted, concerned.
"He's taken by Bowser." She let out at last.
"He's a-WHAT?!!"
Meanwhile, Luigi enjoys a happy reunion with his Koopa boyfriend and kids. He does chide Bowser on manhandling Mario and the Toads.
Yeah, that's that. If anyone wants to add to the story by reblogging or commenting, be my guest! ^^
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nadsdraws · 10 months
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God does not play dice with the universe... but Metatron does
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