#Mycroft is babysitting
illir · 1 year
some holmes bros arts that i've done until now bc they're so funny together (also canon never shows us how they looked like when they were younger i had to be delusional and do it myself) (ft. sherliam)
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(i drew these three above last year before they revealed mycroft's hair is actually curlier than sherlock's, so.)
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bonus: modern au
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bonus: sherliam
(i drew this in 2021 way before we even knew sherlock disliked getting compared to mycroft, that scene makes me so happy he got so offended LMFAO 😭)
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(i drew this after william and mycroft won the 2022 valentine's day voting!! (it's not voting))
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snadwich-underscore · 10 months
Ay canwe get some mystrade in here
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Lestrade: "You've never seen Paddington 2??"
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*Rosie fell asleep within the first 10 minutes
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*Mycroft being a sobbing mess afterwards and Lestrade comforting him
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twentytwo-onebee · 1 year
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genius baby & her uncle, the greatest deductive mind of all time (non-practicing)
sketch & bonus bnuuy under the cut
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princessaxoxo · 9 months
Strangers to lovers Part 2
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A/N: this is now a multiple-part series.
Sherlock x reader
Summary: Being Enola’s sitter was an adventure, but not as much as falling for her brother, Sherlock.
Warnings: 18+ Only, cussing, angst, kissing
Word Count: 2k+
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4 years later...
Dressed in your finest clothes with your suitcase in hand, you were ready to head to your family's home for a few days. The train was running a few minutes behind schedule today. Peaking your body and head forward a little, you saw the train before you heard the horn.
You happily stepped back, waiting for the train to come to a stop. You’ve wanted to get away for a while, and you knew spending time with your family would give you some relief. A smile was plastered on your face from the excitement.
People started to unload: parents with their children, lovers hand in hand, and many more.
You bent down to pick up your suitcase and started for the entryway to get on, but stopped once you saw him, Sherlock.
The smile you held dropped from your face. He got off with his brother, Mycroft, both of them talking and then looking around as if they were waiting to meet someone.
You took notice of who they were looking for—of course, Enola.
You took notice of how that relieved you; it made you feel better that it wasn’t another woman. It upset you that you still cared and that you still got jealous; you didn't want to, and you thought it had left, but seeing him again made you show how you still did.
Enola and you had kept in touch but weren’t as close anymore. The both of you would meet for lunch now and then.
Standing there, seeing them talk, you wanted to walk away; you needed to, but you were stuck and couldn't move. It was as if your feet were glued to the concrete. And then, with no warning, Mycroft noticed you, his eyes landing on you, and you knew you looked like a deer caught in headlights; your eyes bulged out.
You weren't breathing; you turned in a hurry before Enola and Sherlock turned to see that Mycroft noticed you.
Secretly hoping he didn’t realize it was you and that they wouldn't be able to tell from your back.
You were cursing the heels you decided to wear; you couldn’t walk fast enough as you were trying to push past multiple people, but you were failing.
All you could do was hope; they couldn’t tell it was you.
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Sherlock looked at his brother, noticing Mycroft had turned his attention away. “What is it?"
He looked over at Sherlock. “Hm, your old lady friend was just here. I do have to say, she looked much better."
Sherlock gave a confused face, old lady friend. He thought. Who had he been speaking of?
Mycroft noticed his brother's turmoil. He rolled his eyes. “The one you always ran around with.” Mycroft looked at Enola and said, “She babysitted Enola."
Sherlock realized who he was speaking of now, and he turned his head in search of you, his eyes moving around the crowd of people. You were dressed differently, but he was able to tell it was you just from your backside.
He wanted to know why you were here—were you waiting for someone, maybe a lover?
He knew he had no right to be possessive over you, especially since he left you.
Enola tugged on him and said, “Come along; the carriage is waiting.” Sherlock nodded his head. But he took one look back; however, you were already gone.
“I’ll invite y/n over tomorrow for lunch,” Enola said with a big smile. Sherlock's stomach dropped at the thought. He was sure you would yell at him or hit him. And he wanted to have a conversation with you in private, but it felt too early.
Both Mycroft and Enola stared at Sherlock, waiting for his reaction. “Sound’s great. Can’t wait”
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You rushed back home, slamming your door once you reached inside. You felt stupid; why did you rush away? You were over him. You decided a long time ago that you wouldn't allow him to upset you. But here you were, running away from him.
You put your hand on your forehead and started to hysterically laugh at yourself.
After you stopped, you wrote to your family to tell them you couldn’t make it. The excuse was horrible, and to make matters worse, a lie. You despised lying.
The next day, you dropped the letter off, and Enola found you: "Y/N, you must come to lunch with me at my home.” You were unsure of how to answer, "I don't think." Enola cut you off, making sure you weren't able to say no. "Great, I'll see you at 1."
You were left speechless as she left; of course, Enola would be able to find you. And get you to come to her house.
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On the carriage ride to Enola’s house, you gave yourself a pep talk. You would only stay for lunch, maybe an hour? And then leave. And you certainly wouldn’t let Sherlock get under your skin; you just wouldn't pay any attention to him.
The home looked the same—more aged than the last time you were here four years ago.
You weren't alone for long before you could take another step. Enola was in front of you, pushing you to the dining room.
You expected to see Sherlock, maybe even Mycroft. But they were nowhere to be seen. “Sit, sit,” Enola excitedly said. “I have some biscuits for us," she said, pushing the tray full of desserts toward you.
Enola and you talked for what felt like hours.
She smiled at you. “I like this change.” She looked at you up and down. You turned your head in confusion about her comment; you hadn't thought you changed that much; you dressed differently; you were more socially acceptable; but that was all.
“Your style but attitude as well.”
You laughed at Enola but thanked her.
Soon after you heard multiple footsteps enter, you turned your head on instinct. As soon as you saw him, your laughter faded. “I do have to say, you look like a lady.” A dig from Mycroft was expected.
You rolled your eyes. “Pleased to see you as well, Mycroft,” you said with a small fake smile.
Sherlock didn't say a word, and neither did you. But the way he looked at you said a thousand. “I enjoyed this Enola. Thank you for the desserts and for making my afternoon. I’m afraid I must go."
“NO! Sorry, would you mind staying with Enola? Me and Mycroft just need a couple of more minutes.”
You were stunned when he shouted, but you agreed to stay with her.
Most of the time, you were in your head, not paying attention to her like you should’ve. All you could think of was Sherlock. You needed to talk to him; it was eating you alive.
Once you heard his office door shut and Mycroft leave, you told Enola that you’d be back soon and headed toward Sherlock's office.
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Sherlock heard his door open and shut again. “Need something else, Mycroft?”, He didn’t receive a response.
So he turned his head and saw you standing against the door, speechless.
He coughed, "Y/N, how may I help you?” Sherlock was having a hard time looking at you.
"You... you actually can’t help me at all," you said, and he raised his face.
“After I say this, I am going to leave, and you won’t see me again; you don’t deserve to see me again."
He swallowed, getting ready for what you were going to say. Sherlock knew he deserved every insult and every hurtful word you would give him.
“You left me. You left me with only a letter; I couldn't believe that you didn't tell me in person. I waited for you all night. Once I saw the sun rising, I knew you were indeed a coward. A coward who didn't love me. A person who loves you wouldn't have done what you did."
Tears started to brim.
“I saw a life with you. And I thought.. " you sarcastically, let out a chuckle. “I thought you saw one with me too. But I realized I was just another fling to you.” You shook your head at him. “But just answer me: why would you let our relationship bloom just for you to let it go without a problem?"
Sherlock stared at you wide-eyed. “I am first and foremost a detective; I have always been that and never said otherwise. And I admit, I regret and have regretted the way I left you. You deserved more than that. But I loved you, and I still do. With every part of my being.” Sherlock patted his chest, where his heart was. “I couldn't let you go, not after that night. That night, you became mine. I knew what would happen, but I didn’t care. I was selfish. I am a very selfish man when it comes to you. There are things I regret, but I don’t regret keeping you to myself. And I never will.”
Sherlock walked towards you.
Your eyes stayed on him. “Thank you. I’ll take my leave now."
But your feet didn’t move; you were stuck in your place by his eyes that were blazing within.
“Okay, take your leave,” he said, and you nodded your head. Sherlock took notice that you weren't moving, reached behind you, and opened the door.
As your eyes didn't leave him, they spoke a thousand words you couldn’t say to him. Sherlock clenched his jaw, waiting for your next move to see if you would leave.
He slammed the door shut and grabbed you by your face, kissing you with passion. He pressed his body against yours. "Sherlock,” you whispered.
He didn't want you to speak; he wanted to kiss you. He never wanted to stop kissing you. He feared that if he did, you would leave and he wouldn't see you again, just as you said earlier.
You knew what was going to happen if you stayed; you were deciding what you should do.
“y/n, stay with me. please. I don’t want to lose you.”
You took a deep breath. “I’m sorry, I have to go. If I stay, I’ll be the one who ends up hurting again.” You backed away from him and left. You said your goodbyes to Enola and tried to rush home.
Sherlock caught you outside. “Fuck, please stay. I’m begging.” He got down on his knees and hugged the lower part of your body. “I thought of you as someone who would never hurt me, but you did. You can’t just say sorry and beg me and think that’ll make up for your actions."
A tear fell from your eye, and Sherlock rose to his feet. “Are you going to forgive me?”
You put your hand on his cheek. “You need to earn my forgiveness."
He ran his hand through his head of curls. And shook his head continuously. “Let me at least see you home”, “No, you stay, and I’ll go. Have a good night, Sherlock.”
As you returned home, you were torn.
You wanted to forgive him, and he had you so close to letting that happen. You wanted to stay with him and forget the past. The other part of you was happy that you left; he needed to stir, and he needed to be without you.
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Sherlock had many sleepless nights, but this one was the worst of all. All he thought of was you. His hands didn’t leave his hair, countlessly running them through and tugging on his stands. He started thinking of what he could do to earn your forgiveness. To get you back within his reach.
He hadn’t realized how long he had stayed up until he left his office and saw the morning sun. With the bright rays burning his eyes, he shielded himself from the sun.
Sherlock sat at the table, staring off into nothingness.
He heard a voice. “What are you going to do about her?"
Sherlock looked behind him and saw Mycroft. “That lady you seem to be interested in, what are you going to do?"
Sherlock only had one answer.
Part 3
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angryducktimemachine · 2 months
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Was talking a bit with @blistering-typhoons about my HC of Mycroft having a cat and Holmes and Watson having to babysit it (although god knows what would be able to break Mycrofts love for a good routine that this would be necessary stays an open question.)
[ID: a digital drawing of Watson, he's smiling and petting a fluffy tuxedo cat that is standing in front of him. /End ID]
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tulipsforvin · 1 month
Can I request about Mycroft Holmes x reader if they have children? This is the first time I have made a request so I hope you agree
🌷: THANKS FOR REQUESTING!! p.s. the children are diabolical— i thought it would be a good contrast between father and children.
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❥⁠  mycroft's life had never been so disorganised.
❥⁠ this man—who spent his days and nights buried in his neverending work and overlooking britain under the queen's orders, planning each second to be as productive as one can be, never thought he'd be spending his busy monday mornings like this.
❥⁠ half of his socks are lost; leaving him with mismatched socks from every single pair, giggling twins are running around without pants on, breakfast is burning on the pan in the kitchen and you're chasing the babies around with diapers, desperately trying to get the diapers worn by the two to no avail.
❥⁠ most days he's late to his office since he spends the mornings trying to get everything ready and assist you in any way possible to the best of his abilities. and he's a huge help, he really is.
❥⁠ often times he isn't at home and he feels guilty so he's hired at least a dozen of nannies and workers to help around the house. most would have quit in a week or so, though — the children were that naughty. a complete contrast to their well-mannered father.
❥⁠ which is why most days there'd only be you two around the house with the two little devils. most mornings were spent panicking, competing against time and trying to finish tasks as quick as possible.
❥ but that did not mean he did not love his kids; he adored them. although he didn't show it openly, he was always thinking of them and you during his work hours. sometimes, if he really felt the need to, he'd take the day off or leave work early and spend much needed family time with you three.
❥⁠ dinners in fancy restaurants, picnics by a lake sometimes, playing puzzles and board games because that was the only way he got the kids to stay calm. they were wild, but they were also smart. they'd do everything to try and win against their father, which he found it amusing and would often praise them for their determination.
❥⁠ you'd have to step in pretty early though, when the twins would begin to plan out full on warlike strategies. you would also have to give mycroft an earful about condoning and encouraging such behaviour — to which he would chuckle and apologize. those were also the few times the kids would feel bad and would mumble little 'sorry's in their small, adorable voice to mycroft.
❥⁠ soms days mycroft's younger brother would have to babysit the twins and the two of you would return to a seething sherlock, sharpies drawn across his face and looking like he'd been dragged through hell by his hair. it was the funniest sight and you two would not be able to control your laughters. at all.
❥ yes, his life was currently messy and yes, the twins were erratic but they were smart and he adored them with his whole heart although he doesn't say it all that often. he would not have it any other way, he would choose this in every life he was given. he had the kids and he had you — he was completely content and happy with his current life.
❥⁠ mycroft's life had never been so disorganised, yes that much was evident. however — mycroft's life had never been so filled with happiness either.
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lazydoodlesandfanfic · 4 months
Testing His Deductions (Sherlock X Fem!Reader)
High Pitched (Sherlock X Fem!Reader)
Saturn (Sherlock X Fem!Reader)
Why Not? (Sherlock X Fem!Reader) Pt 1/ Pt 2
Fell In Love (Sherlock X Fem!Reader) Pt1 Pt2
I'm Looking Right At Him (Sherlock X Fem!Reader) Pt 1/ Pt 2
My Own Personal Hero (Sherlock X Fem!Reader)
Deaf (Sherlock X Fem!Reader)
John's Little Sister (Sherlock X Fem!Reader)
We're Married (Sherlock X Wife!Reader)
Arms (Sherlock X Reader)
Low Risk (Sherlock X Teen!Reader)
Old Actions (Sherlock X Teen!Reader)
Bad Day (Sherlock X Teen!Fem!Reader)
Who's Getting Together (Greaser!Sherlock X Fem!Greaser!Reader)
Deducing A Deducer (Sherlock X Teen!Reader)
Past Resemblance (Sherlock X Teen!Reader) *TW
Uncle Locky (Sherlock X Niece!Reader)
Not Feeling Loved (Sherlock X Daughter!Reader)
Binder (Sherlock X Trans!Son!Reader)
Favourite Big Brother! (Sherlock X Baby!Brother!Reader)
A Friend In Need (Mycroft X Fem!Reader) *TW
Dirty Little Secret (Mycroft X Fem!Reader)
Baby Sitter (Teen!Mycroft X Teen!Fem!Reader)
Falling In Love (Mycroft X Fem!Reader)
You Love Me? (Mycroft X Fem!Reader)
A Little Us (Mycroft X Wife!Reader)
Long Lasting Crush (Mycroft X Fem!Reader)
Upstairs Neighbour (Mycroft X Fem!Reader)
He Seems Nice (Moriarty X Fem!Reader)
Monsieur (Mycroft X Fem!Reader)
You'll Be Alright (Mycroft X Fem!Reader)
Secret Relationship (Mycroft X Moriarty!Fem!Reader)
Baby Holmes (Mycroft X Pregnant!Reader)
Personal Case (Mycroft X Reader)
I'll Be Your First (Mycroft X Reader)
Mycroft? (Mycroft X Reader)
Your First Time With Mycroft Holmes Would Include...
A Need For Attention (Mycroft X Daughter!Reader) Pt 1/ Pt 2
Honesty And Truth (Mycroft X Daughter!Reader)
Walk Away (Mycroft X Daughter!Reader)
Tattooed Skin (Mycroft X Daughter!Reader)
Still Proud (Mycroft X Daughter!Reader)
Tea Party (Mycroft X Daughter!Reader)
Affection (Mycroft X Daughter!Reader)
Babysitting (Child Mycroft X Baby!Reader)
Mental Scars (John X Fem!Reader)
Keep Her Safe (James Moriarty X Fem!Reader)
Unknowing Pawn (Moriarty X Holmes!Reader)
Based On Lies (Moriarty X Fem!Reader)
Expensive Flowers (Moriarty X Fem!Reader)
The Normal One (Moriarty X Holmes!Reader)
Sebby's Sister (Moriarty X Fem!Reader)
Excuse Me? (Moriarty X Fem!Reader)
Read You Like A Book (Moriarty X Reader)
Seven Nation Army (Mycroft X Reader)
View (Moriarty X Teen!Reader)
Moriarty Helping His Sister Through An Abusive Relationship Would -Include...
Moriarty Dating A Hobby Artist With Anger Issues Would Include...
Wanting Normalcy (Moriarty X Teen!Fem!Reader)
You Made Her Cry (John Watson X Sister Reader, Mycroft X Fem!Reader)
Her Revenge (Sherlock X Fem!Reader X Moriarty)
The Dress (Sherlock X Sister!Reader X Mycroft)
Like Her (Sherlock & Mycroft X Sister!Reader)
Newbie (Sherlock, John & Lestrade X Fem!Reader)
Fitting In With The Weirdos (Sherlock, Mycroft & John X Fem!Reader)
Drama Queens (Sherlock X Reader X Mycroft)
Not Part Of The Plan (Moriarty X Holmes!Sister!Reader X Moran)
Comparisons (Mycroft X Fem!Reader X Sherlock)
Overprotective (Molly X Sister!Reader)
Happy Anniversary (Molly X Fem!Reader)
Spotting The Odd (Eurus Holmes X Teen!Fem!Reader)
Bonding Time (Eurus Holmes X Reader)
The Flirting Game (Lestrade X Fem!Reader)
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Mycroft x Teen!reader - similar minds
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- Mycroft x Teen! Reader - Mycroft has to 'babysit' Sherlock's kid. He thinks Reader is a lot like Sherlock but is really a mini Mycroft - @mxacegrey 💜
“Behave.” Sherlock warned you.
“What’s the worst I can do dad? Since you’re taking all the stupid with you I think I’ll be fine.”
Sherlock rolled his eyes at you and placed a hand on your head, crouching down a little.
“Remember what I said.”
“Don’t let uncle Mycroft make me feel stupid, don’t let him disrespect Mrs Hudson, and Donovan and Anderson are going to try arrest me later on today they can’t because they don’t have a warrant. Yes dad I know.”
Sherlock nodded and stood up, straightening his jacket he turned to the door where his brother walked through.
“I am not a babysitter Sherlock”
“Well, you are now. Until I get this mess cleared up, I’ll be gone a few hours.”
Sherlock left and you waved bye to John as the man followed behind your dad and you turned to your uncle, pointing to the chess board.
He walked over and sat down and you made the first move, looking at him.
You hadn’t met Mycroft before, aside from your grandparents, John, Mrs Hudson and Lestrade you didn’t get alone very well with other people.
“So, Sherlock had a child, not something I thought I’d ever see.”
Mycroft looked at you, and everything you did resembled your father. From the way you sat, to the way you looked at the chess board running all the possible moves.
“Shouldn’t you be in school?” He asked.
“Boring.” You replied.
You took your next move and sat back waiting.
Mycroft looked at you and he picked up things that made you similar to Sherlock, and he decided that you were a lot like Sherlock.
“Wouldn’t someone like you want to be with people their age?”
You looked offended by this question.
“Absolutely not, why on earth would you think that? People are hiring, bland. They’re not very interesting at all.”
Mycroft nodded his head and leant back in his chair as he looked at you and you copied him.
“Don’t try do deductions on me uncle Mycroft, it won’t work. You may be the smart one between my dad and yourself, but in this room I’m the smart one.”
You pointed to the door where the two police officers your father mentioned walked through and stopped while they looked at you.
“No warrant.” You said.
“We don’t need a warrant.”
“Actually you do, and since I’m a minor you also need to alert my legal guardian before arresting me and since you didn’t it wouldn’t hold up, I’d be released faster than you can count to ten.”
They walked over and Mycroft held up his umbrella between you and them, looking over.
“Unless you want to be dropped from your jobs and into the lowest depths of society I suggest you take a step away.”
They did and you looked at them, moving your eyes from Donovan to Anderson.
“He’s taken his wife back. It’s why he won’t sleep with you anymore. Please remove yourselves from my flat I can feel you draining my IQ already, and I’d rather not waste anymore oxygen talking to you.”
You turned away and went back to the game you were playing and Mycroft escorted them out before walking over, seeing the move you had made.
“Check mate. I win.”
“It’s only check.” He said.
You gestured to the board.
“It’s check mate, look again. Age is failing you Mycroft.”
He looked at the board checking all the moves he could make and you were right. There was no more moves, you had won the game.
You reached down and picked up a book instead and began to read, and Mycroft realised you may be his brothers kid, but you were similar to him
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whispersfrom221b · 1 year
Mycroft: Babysitting? You don't really expect me to do this.
John: If you really expect us to travel to France to solve this case for you, that's the least you can do. Two weeks is too long to ask any of our friends and I won't leave her with a stranger for so long.
Mycroft: This is ridiculous. I'm sure Mummy will gladly–
Sherlock: Mummy's on the cruise you gifted our parents for their anniversary. I'm sure you haven't forgotten, brother dear.
Mycroft: This is ridiculous.
John: If you won't take her, I have to stay home.
Sherlock: And I won't go without John.
Mycroft: The things I have to endure for Queen and country. sighs Bring her in the morning. And all the required … supplies. You may excuse me, I've some reading to do this night.
John: giggles I can't believe we made him agree to this. Will it really take two weeks to solve the case?
Sherlock: I doubt it will even take one. But the south of France is lovely during this season.
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anneangel · 1 year
The differences between John (BBC) and Watson (Arthur Conan Doyle/ACD)
John, as Mycroft pointed out, is more engaged in the adrenaline that Sherlock's cases provide him, John is bored by the lack of action, post return from war (A Study in Pink).
Watson says he likes a quiet and silent place to live when looking for Baker, often his nerves are frayed, and is more interested in the mysterious and/or bizarre character of the cases, he is summarily a curiosity man (and Holmes' deductive skills provide him with a way to cure his post-war boredom). [A Study in Scarlat].
But both have something in common: a sense of duty. Both are "men of action". John BECAUSE he needs to, Watson WHEN he needs to.
Their personalities differ too. John is more agitated and explosive in relation to Sherlock's TREJECTS and habits, when he does not agree with his friend's attitude (but this may have more to do with the fact that Sherlock is more childish, rude and dependent than Holmes).
Sherlock's difficulty acting in a more pleasant manner (without being rude) and his problem with expressing emotions get in the way of a good relationship, which is further undermined by a John who loses his temper easily.
Sherlock is not his own master, there are always people around him looking him, babysitting him, be it John, Mycroft, Lestrade, or Mrs Hudson, &c. Sherlock doesn't seem to have enough tact to live an independent life, he doesn't know how to deal with people properly, which hinders his social interaction severely.
Sherlock eccentricity comes from his inadequacy with being "ordinary", he has no idea how to go about it.
Summarily, Sherlock is the big rude young lord, and John his irate tutor.
John, who seems completely irate and cranky towards Sherlock, the sometimes verbally attacking him, that when he doesn't become physically aggressive when they disagree.
Watson is most compassionate, and expresses the greatest deference to his Holmes, whom he looks up to with almost absolute affection. He even points out actions he disagrees with, such as Holmes's health and cocaine use, but the tone is more one of someone making a worried suggestion.
Holmes is very self-sufficient and independent (master of himself and his actions), does not need to be coddled (does not need babysitters) and fully understands the consequences of his actions. Holmes has no problem showing emotions correctly, although he avoids it and keeps it all under a cool and controlled facade, he correctly adapts to the social and emotional demands around him, if he needs of them.
Holmes eccentricity comes from the fact that he refuses to be and think in an "ordinary" way.
Watson has no room for more than concerned comments, which are usually refuted with indifference (since Watson says nothing that Holmes does not already know).
in short, Holmes is introspective genius and Watson his clingy doctor and friend.
Watson will sometimes even counter Holmes's ironies with some witty, sensible or angry/upset comment (to which Holmes usually sympathizes with his friend, if he realizes that he has hurt Watson's feelings, Holmes is likely to apologize or try to make amends in some other way).
But Watson is far from impolite in his remarks, and even further from being violent (either verbally or physically). He is a polite man demanding more consideration, not an angry one.
John knows that Sherlock needs him as much as he needs Sherlock, both become dependent. He doesn't seem to be as committed to receiving Sherlock's approval, as they are on the same level of subjection. In John and Sherlock's lives, it becomes preponderant that, for greater stability, one is present in the other's life.
Watson is often shown wanting to please Holmes through his writing and helping with cases, and is clearly disappointed when reprimanded or discouraged by Holmes. Watson wants to be useful to Sherlock, be worthy of his trust and prove himself (largely because Holmes is independent enough to run everything himself, and Watson doesn't seem to understand where he fits into that equation). Holmes doesn't really seem to need Watson (he only has him on his side because he is the most loyal and reliable person he knows, as well as enjoying the doctor's company and friendship). It is more true that Watson seems more dependent on Holmes and his bizarre and fantastic cases than the opposite. Watson marries, but keeps going back to Holmes every time, such is his subordination and subjection.
John is more impetuous and assertive, he is not afraid to use violence when he deems it necessary, violence is a useful and necessary means of action for him. In Scandal in Belgravia he attacks Sherlock saying that the detective forgot that he was in the war, it is up to Sherlock to tell him "you were a doctor" (to which John counters: "I had bad days"). He shoots in A Study in Pink, and although he says he can't laugh at a crime scene, he doesn't feel guilty since the criminal "wasn't a good person". John is a military man first, a doctor second (and the profession doesn't seem adrenalin him as much as being in an case with Sherlock).
Lastly, on the other hand, I think Watson is more innocent and kind compared to John. He hesitates to shoot an unarmed, fleeing criminal (Hound of the Baskervilles), feels sorry for this same criminal later on. He looks like someone who went to war out of a sense of duty but detests violence (The Adventure of the Cardboard Box). Watson is more driven by a sense of justice! He is ready to go into action if the demand is fair or necessary, although violence is distressing to him. Watson is a doctor rather than a soldier (although the profession doesn't give him the same energy, vigor and mystery what jumping into action on Holmes's cases does).
John is more sharp (astute) and unabashed, while Watson is more goofy and innocent (naive).
Watson is more sensitive and shows more compassion (he forgives Holmes or anyone, straight, Watson is not a man to hold a grudge), John is more confident and intimidating (he doesn't take shit from Sherlock or anyone else if he no wants).
In common: both can admire Sherlock Holmes, largely because they don't feel inferior to the consulting detective's intelligence and genius. John and Watson are humble, but they know their own ability (although are different from Sherlock and Holmes).Their ego is not shaken, not even a little, in front of the great geniality of Sherlock Holmes.
“Mediocrity knows nothing higher than itself, but talent instantly recognizes genius.” John H. Watson (ACD canon).
Sherlock and Holmes knows: John and Watson is anything, but no mediocre. And that's why in every adaptation, no matter how, Sherlock Holmes sticks to John H. Watson (and partly because they both love sincere blandishment from someone who is not ordinarily mediocre).
Of course Watson humbly admires Holmes, he has dedicated himself to writing a collection where the Consulting Detective is the hero!
We only love Sherlock Holmes because John Watson does.
If Holmes didn't recognize Watson as someone admirable in return, I'd slap him! (LOL). And of course this mutual admiration reverberates in ALL adaptations (whatever the way).
P.s: John H. Watson is my favorite character, and that's why I like to analyze him and his adaptations. But I won't have the audacity to compare Holmes with Sherlock much, first because I don't pay enough attention to them (since I'm too busy looking at John H. Watson), and second because there are many excellent people who analyze Sherlock Holmes masterfully, and I can even refer someone (this is because I won't try, I confine myself to poor John H. Watson, who is sometimes too underestimated?).
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Because "daily" couldn't be more of a lie at this point
I stopped for a while bc I've mostly been reading Criminal Minds fics latetly, but it's been so long I figured I might as well drop some stuff here
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*How Long? - camerasparring
23k, 6/6, Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Past Sherlock Holmes/Sebastian Wilkes, SO GOOD OMG, Separation
Not long after meeting John, Sherlock receives an email from an old acquaintance. Unfortunately, Sherlock has neglected to tell anyone he was once married.
*Winter to Spring - standbygo
19k, 10/10, Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Rosie Watson, ANGST, Parenthood, Post Nuclear War, Mycroft Holmes, Happy Ending
Sherlock is babysitting Rosie when the ultimate disaster strikes London. There will be fear, there will be danger, there will be despair - but in the end, there will be love.
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*Fuck the Feds - orphan_account
6k, 9/9, Gen, Punk Spencer, 5+1
The other's start to realise their view of Spencer is far from what he really is. They put him the box of 'geeky virgin' and this is how they realise how wrong they were.
basically 5 +1 things of the team getting clues that reid isn't as straight forward as they thought he was
*dry me off and hold me close - spencers-renaissance (tomlinsoul)
5k, 1/1, Derek Morgan/Spencer Reid, Disabled Spencer Reid, Implied/Referenced Ableism, Team as a Family, Fluff
Derek has finally relented and is bringing his boyfriend Spencer to meet the rest of the team. That means, though, he has to finally tell them about his boyfriend's disability. Terrified that they'll react badly, he puts it off until he can't anymore. Turns out he was worried for nothing.
*I Can't Recall The Last Time I Was Kissed - TheNameIsBritney
17k, 1/1, Spencer Reid/Derek Morgan, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Hospitals, Slow Burn
After Reid is shot on a date, the team have to rush to find the person who did this to him and bring them to justice. However, Reid isn't being entirely forthcoming about all of the details, leaving Morgan to wonder just what it is Reid is hiding from them.
*Wrong Life - EllisLuie
71k, 22/22, Spencer Reid & David Rossi, Canon Divergance, Morgan & Reid Bromance, UFFF SO GOOD
David Rossi's son was kidnapped when he was four, and two years later David and Carolyn were led to believe that he was murdered. However, years later, the BAU team gets a case that sheds some light on Rossi's son - and tells him that maybe James is closer than he thought.
*Little Miracles - KatinaMoon
14k, 10/10, JJ & Spencer Reid Iconic Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, BAMF Spencer Reid, BAMF JJ, Autistic Spencer Reid
When a case goes drastically wrong, Reid is forced to put his brain to good use; helping JJ deliver her baby while FBI headquarters burns around them.
*See me, hear me, love me. - seeds
*can you see where the wind is? - renbuckleydiaz
4k, 1/1, JJ & Spencer Reid, Hurt/Comfort, Worried BAU, Snow Storm
No matter how hard he cried or how much he begged, she didn't wake up. Grunting with the strain it took, Spencer bent slightly to slide one arm under her knees, and he hoisted her up into his arms, the limbs already beginning to ache. But he stubbornly held on, and after taking a few stumbling steps, he continued on. 
"Please, JJ. . ."
*The Saw You Say It Verse - orphan_account
9k, 8 works, Spencer Reid/Derek Morgan, Deaf Spencer Reid, Ableism, BAU as Family, ASL
WORK 1: "I mean it." Spencer signed. "You interpret for me the whole time or not at all, don't leave me out half way through the conversation. I try to keep up - you have to meet me half way."
Hotch and Morgan lose Spencer in translation at the scene of a crime and unintentionally push him out. Spencer doesn't let it lie when they get back to their temporary base...
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Hi. First of all I love your writing. To me, all writers have like, a "texture" or a color or a smell I relate their writing to, and yours is like a warm fluffy blanket lol
Secong, Idk if you're still doing the answering thing, but if you are, do you think you could pull more sherliam-as-uncles headcanons out your sleeve? Whether it be to Johnmary's kid, Mycroft's kid or any kid really, it's my favourite thing in the world xd
Oh my goodness, thank you so much! The idea of my writing as a warm fluffy blanket is like a warm fluffy blanket wrapped around my own heart! 🥰
I would be absolutely over the moon if canon lets John and Mary have a baby at some point. Imagine this whole motley gang of a cast handling a baby! And since things have already changed in that Mary didn't die during the years Sherlock was gone like she did in ACD canon, there's a whole future opened up there.
I think Sherlock and William would be incredible uncles, while also absolute pains to the parents involved. Kids would just soak up knowledge from them: they would make learning SO. MUCH. FUN. Meanwhile John is just begging Sherlock to stop teaching his kids how to cause smelly and potentially explosive chemical reactions. This all kind of plays into my Sherlock and William start a school fantasy, because I think between the two of them they would make learning so accessible. Kids who have a hard time studying words on a page get to do hands-on experiments with Sherlock. Kids who struggle with math get William breaking it down into such small and precise pieces that it starts to make sense. Kids who need a gentle voice get William assuring them there are no stupid questions, and kids who thrive on being challenged get Sherlock affectionately prodding them and competing with them.
Everyone's kind of scared to let them babysit, because their kids might come home with dyed hair and inkstains on their clothes and a pet rat they acquired from who-knows-where. But the kids beg to go to their place, and they always come back beaming and with fifty new facts to rattle off excitedly.
As the kids get older, Sherliam are the uncles they can talk to about anything. Crushes and sex and drugs/alcohol and sexual identity and religion and morality and the fears and excitements of living in time of constant change. Even when they're rebellious teens and don't want to talk to their parents, they always feel like they can open up to Uncle Sherlock and Uncle Will.
As for Sherlock and William, they love kids, but aren't the sort to adopt themselves. They like to have their space, ultimately, and be free to easily travel and go on adventures without worrying about kids at home and like...bang in the kitchen without having to think about little eyes around. 😂 So it's a perfect fit for them to be uncles, and maybe teachers, and invest in the next generation while still being free to do their own thing too.
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Five Fics Friday: June 23/23
Happy Friday everyone! Gosh, I’m so tired and SO happy that it’s the weekend!! Hope you guys enjoy the fics I’ve chosen for you today! Enjoy!
Pressure Points by LoloLolly (T, 19,862 w., 4 Ch. || Post TRF / TEH Remix, Kidnapping, Honest Conversations, Worried Mycroft, Mary is Not Nice, Sherlock's Scars, Hurt/Comfort, Alternating POV, Whump, First Kiss) – The bonfire doesn't happen during The Empty Hearse. Instead, both John and Sherlock are placed into a life-or-death situation. One that may prove too much for a still-wounded Sherlock.
The Short But Illustrious Babysitting Career of Sherlock Holmes, as Recounted by the Man Himself by Dee_Laundry (G, 2,669 w., 1 Ch. || Post-S4, Parenthood, Rosie Watson, Babysitting, First Kiss) – In which we hear the tale of the short but illustrious babysitting career of Sherlock Holmes
Skin, Touch, Feel by MissDavis (T, 3,586 w, 1 Ch. || Quarantine / COVID-19, Pining Sherlock, Friends to Lovers, Fluff, Massage) – Sherlock bounced the bottle of oil from hand to hand, then made himself still his fidgeting. He stepped up next to John's chair, hands behind his back, and spoke very quickly. "Molly says your job has been very stressful and that's why your shoulders hurt and that I should offer to give you a massage." He thumped the bottle down on the table next to John and took his hand back immediately, waiting to see if he had to pull on his armour and resume pretending he didn't feel things that way.
the curious case of the mysteriously missing birthday by darcylindbergh   (G, 7,599 w., 1 Ch. || Sherlock’s Birthday, Birthday Celebration, First Kiss, Light Angst, Light Fix-It) – John Watson doesn’t know a lot of things, but he’s not about to let that stop him from doing what was important. And in this case, what’s important is celebrating Sherlock’s birthday--whether it’s the right day or not.
A Study in Texting by WriterX (M, 41,985+ w., 89/? Ch. || WiP || Texting/Sexting, Friendship, Bickering, Phone Sex, Hurt/Comfort, Falling in Love, Humour, Developing Relationship, Matchmaking, Weddings, Swearing, Sexting, Angst, Flirting) – Sherlock and John's relationship as it progresses via text.
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pennywaltzy · 1 month
The Fun -- 38, 39, 40
The Rest of It -- 43, 47, 48, 49
38. Weirdest story idea you’ve ever had: Molly Hooper and Khan Noonien Singh switch roles in the Kelvinverse, where Molly is the Augment and John Harrison is her handler who falls for her? Dean Winchester trying to outdrink Dionyssus? Sherlock Holmes learning magic to fight the King of the Elves for Molly Hooper? Amy Pond meeting Sherlock as a nude model in her college art class before they become roommates? John Watson is a bigger criminal mastermind than Moriarty and has been from the start? An SGA: Atlantis rage-inducing virus hitting the NYPD? The "Demonic Forensics" series I still need to transfer over to AO3 that's a Buffyverse/Supernatural/CSIverse series I've co-written with @fadeddreaming? Sherlock and Irene conceiving a daughter when he rescues her and Sherlock subsequently raising Abigail as a single father? The Treklock crossover where everyone works at an amusement park? Sherlock solving the pool murder as a child and Moriarty getting his revenge from jail many years later? Any of the stuff written for the far-out plots in the RPG based series I wrote for @posterofamyth? Elementary!Sherlock and BBC!Sherlock being cousins with a long-lasting rivalry? Merlin teaches Sherlock (and Mololy, who is related to Morgana le Fay) magic? Molly is a vampire from day 1 of the Sherlock series? John Watson and Annabelle Fritton (from the St. Trinian's duology) are stepsiblings? Spirk in the X-Files universe? I've been writing for almost 26 years now, there's not a lot of stuff I haven't given a try at least once (except omegaverse).
39. Weirdest character concept you’ve ever had: Mycroft and Sherlock as fae royalty, who get mixed up in Molly's civilian, non-magic life.
40. Share some backstory for one of your characters: Pulling this from my "Stuff of Improbable Legends" RPG AU: James Fucking McCoy, everyone. Originally the younger son of Leonard McCoy and Molly Hooper in his timeline, he gets sent to the past with his older sister and gets a do-over with all the horrific shit he went through. First off, the ex-girlfriend who tried to entrap him in marriage for a child that wasn't his isn't in the picture yet, and he works through a lot of his relationship issues by dating Zoe Sage...someone who used to babysit him in his timeline. Then through magical time travel shenanigans, said ex comes back, gives birth to the daughter, and Klaus Michaelson makes damn sure she gives the girl to James to take care of for however long they share the timeline...except when all the baddies from the past/future disappear, his daughter Desiree stays, so he gets to be an amazing single dad with the daughter he always wanted to raise but was never able to. And then, because life loves to fuck with him, he watches his parents get married in a whole different way at a whole different time, which somehow results in his mom giving birth to him and his sister as twins in this AU. But hey! Him and his dad get along so much better, and James is no longer a fucking mess. He's a happy person, bless him. And now I want to write more with him...
43. What do you do if/when characters don’t follow the outline? My outlines are more like vague smudges on a page that makes something like a timeline, so if my characters deviate I just let them.
47. Best way to procrastinate: Get lost in a research rabbit hole.
48. What’s the most self-insert character/scene you’ve ever written? I have an ENTIRE Buffyverse series that is my "ideal persona" dating Spike. It's not up on AO3 since I can't find it in its entirety, but yeah. It's called "The Giles Saga" and was born out of a RPG I was in at the time.
49. Which character would you most want to be friends with, if they were real? Molly Hooper, hands down.
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The Sitter
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Mycroft Holmes x Bethany Wheeler (OFC)
Story Masterlist
Chapter 16 - Culverton Smith
Over the next three weeks, Bethany had stopped by Sherlock’s flat a few times, but it became increasingly clear that Sherlock was on the verge of losing it. Mrs Hudson was worried and even Wiggins was starting think Sherlock had gone too far. He was definitely using again, but Mrs Hudson had devised a plan to get him to John Watson. She just needed Mycroft to clear her name.
She passed the phone over to the police officers who were chasing her car through London all the way to John’s new therapist’s house. He told them to back off and return to work and when he called Bethany to assure her that John was fine, she laughed that he had that kind of power over people.
‘Well, it is my job.’ He said, signing something that Anthea had shoved in front of him, before settling down behind his desk to work.
‘I know, but I just love the fact that you can say things like “hey it’s Mycroft, back up or I’ll incarcerate you”.’ She laughed. He could hear a baby crying in the background and the sounds of her picking up Rosie and calming her down. ‘That’s a good girl Rosie, such a good girl.’ Somehow the sounds of anyone else using a juvenile voice with an infant would irritate him, when Bethany did it, he loved it. ‘Sorry, Mycroft, you were saying.’
‘If you have other priorities, I can call again later?’
‘It’s fine, she’s just hungry, need to get you fed, don’t we? Yes, that’s right, because when daddy gets home, he might to sleep. Yes, Rosie, that’s right, darling.’
Mycroft chuckled a little.
‘Are you laughing at my baby voice, Mycroft Holmes?’ She said with a smile on her face.
‘I wouldn’t dare.’
‘Quite right too,’ Bethany said, making her way into the kitchen. ‘You just wait until she’s all grown up, there’ll be two of us you’ll have to contend with.’
‘I’ll send the hitman now then, shall I?’
‘You just try it, I’ll send him back crying more tears than Rosie. Don’t think I won’t.’
Mycroft chuckled. ‘Four nil. I yield.’
The sound of Bethany’s raucous laugh was something he could never get enough of.
‘When will you be on placement?’ Mycroft asked, not knowing what her schedule was in the next few weeks.
‘First day is in about two weeks time,’ she said, managing to get Rosie to stop crying, all he could hear was the sounds of her being fed. ‘I’ve got a paper to finish between now at then though, shouldn’t take me too long, it’s just some molecular biology rubbish.’
‘I thought you enjoyed it?’
‘I do, when it’s challenging.’
Mycroft sighed. ‘Has anything you’ve done at university been challenging?’
‘Maths. I suck with numbers. Surprising really when you think my dad’s an engineer.’
‘We all have our weaknesses.’
‘Yeah? What’s yours?’
Mycroft went quiet. Both of them knew the answer to that question, but there was no way he was saying it. No chance at all.
‘Will you keep a night free for me?’ He asked, changing the subject.
‘Sure, I’m usually free Thursdays if John doesn’t need me to babysit, but Sundays are good too, café isn’t open and Mrs Hudson never needs anyone in on that day.’ Bethany knew he didn’t want to answer and never once pushed for it.
‘Thursdays and Sundays.’ Mycroft repeated to himself.
‘Sounds to me like you have a plan?’
‘Indeed.’ Mycroft was thinking about actually cooking for her and watching a film. He wanted to invite her over under the normal rules of a date and not get interrupted by Sherlock for once in his life. ‘I’ll let you know the details.’
‘Great. I look forward to it.’
Mycroft soon got on with his work for the day, feeling a little more settled in himself. He was constantly in a battle between not wanting to waste any more time and thinking that getting involved with Bethany was a bad idea.
The day rolled on and the last thing he expected was another phone call from Bethany. She was panicked.
‘Bethany?’ He smiled answering the phone, ignoring the look from Lady Smallwood as he wandered to the other side of her office.
‘Mycroft, I’m sorry,’ she was panting hard. ‘It’s Sherlock, he’s in hospital.’
‘Which hospital?’
‘Culverton Smith’s hospital. Have you seen what’s been going on? Sherlock accused him of being a serial killer publicly. He got high and then somehow he and John ended up in a fight and now he’s being treated at the hospital.’
‘If he’s being treated, why are you panicking?’
‘Because I think he might be right.’ She was obviously running somewhere. ‘And I’m not allowed to visit him. I think he’s using the hospital to kill people and I’m scared Sherlock is in deeper than he anticipated.’
Mycroft took a breath.
‘Greg!’ She called. ‘Jesus, is John alright? Yeah, I’m fine, it’s nothing. Rosie’s with Mrs Hudson, she’s fine.’
‘Bethany.’ Mycroft got her attention.
‘There’s no need to panic, if I send a car will you get into it?’
There was a faint pause. ‘And where will the car take me?’
‘The flat. If he’s been using again, we need to find out why and put a stop to it.’
Bethany sighed. ‘Fine.’
‘Thank you, I will see you there.’ Mycroft promised.
He hung up, glad that she was at least at the police station and Lestrade would keep her safe enough. It was just about the only thing he could place any kind of faith into. He sent a car to pick up John and another to pick up Bethany, leaving the meeting with Lady Smallwood who was treading on thin ice with her forward language. It made him uncomfortable.
Mycroft made it there first and looked around the mess that Sherlock was happy to call a flat, it was covered in newspaper cuttings and pictures of Culverton Smith. Sherlock had become obsessed with the man in such a short space of time, his kitchen was basically a drugs lab and Mycroft had no idea where to start for a moment. He sat down in Sherlock’s chair and sent someone to get Mrs Hudson.
‘Where is she? Where is Mrs Hudson?’ He demanded as his men began searching through Sherlock’s things.
‘She’ll be up in a moment.’ One of them said. John came through the door and looked around at what was happening.
‘Er, what are you doing?’ John asked, ducking underneath a string of clipped up papers.
‘Have you noticed the kitchen? It’s practically a meth lab.’ Mycroft asked, severely irritated. ‘I’m trying to establish what exactly drove Sherlock off the rails, any ideas?’
‘Are these spooks?’ John stared at the forensic team inside Sherlock kitchen, examining every surface and edge. ‘Are you using spooks now to look after your family?’
At that moment, the sound of Bethany running up the stairs could be heard. Mycroft turned to see something that made his blood boil. She had a black eye and bruising on her arm.
His mind went slow for a moment, freezing the moment and assessing her state. The black eye looked fresh, possibly only a few days old, the bruising on her arm was starting to fade, but nothing was going to hide the fact that it was a clear handprint. She’d been pulled somewhere against her will, possibly when she refused she was struck on her face, but she didn’t display any other signs of discomfort so they must have been her only injuries. But why was she injured in the first place?
‘Why didn’t you call?’ He demanded, earning himself a glare.
‘I called Greg because he’s a police officer.’ Bethany shot back. ‘What’s going on?’
‘Hang on, are they tidying?’ John brought his attention back to the situation at hand.
‘Sherlock is a security concern,’ Mycroft turned back to John. ‘The fact that I’m his brother changes nothing.’
‘Yeah, you said that before.’ John threw out, catching Bethany’s attention.
‘Why fixate on Culverton Smith? He’s had his obsessions before, of course, but this goes a bit further than setting a man trap for Father Christmas.’ Mycroft couldn’t help but notice John’s flickering gaze. His attention was elsewhere. Bethany just folded her arms and examined the cuttings around her. ‘Spending all night talking to a woman who wasn’t even there.’
‘Mycroft, last time when we were on the phone-‘ John started and Mycroft knew exactly where it was going.
‘No, no, no, stop. I detest conversation in the past tense.’
‘You said the fact that you’re his brother didn’t make a difference.’
‘It doesn’t.’
‘You said it didn’t the last time and it wouldn’t with Sherlock. So who was it the last time? Who were you talking about?’
Mycroft felt Bethany’s attention narrow in on the conversation, he wished he hadn’t sent a car for her.
‘Nobody.’ Mycroft said, rather unconvincingly. ‘I misspoke.’
‘You’re lying.’
‘I assure you I’m not.’
‘Beth?’ John turned to the one person that knew for certain that he was lying, but she remained silent, folding her arms. ‘What do you know about this?’
‘Nothing. I never asked.’
John turned back to Mycroft. ‘Sherlock’s not your only brother,’ John concluded. ‘There’s another one, isn’t there?’
‘Jesus.’ John laughed, not being able to believe it. ‘A secret brother. What is he locked up in a tower or something?’
John may not have caught it, but Bethany definitely did and Mycroft could sense her disappointment from where he was standing.
‘Mycroft Holmes.’ Mrs Hudson finally arrived saving him from any further questioning. ‘What are all these dreadful people doing in my house?’
‘Mrs Hudson, I apologise for the interruption. As you know my brother has embarked on a programme of self-destruction, remarkable even by his standards, I’m endeavouring to find out what triggered it.’ Mycroft explained concisely.
‘And that’s what you’re looking for?’ Mrs Hudson clarified.
‘Quite so.’
‘What’s on his mind?’
‘So to speak.’
‘And you’ve had all this time?’
‘Time being something we don’t have an infinite supply. So, if we could be about our business?’ Mycroft was suddenly confused as to why Mrs Hudson was suddenly laughing.
‘You’re so funny, you are!’ She said, giggling away.
‘Mrs Hudson?’ Mycroft frowned.
‘He thinks you’re clever, poor old Sherlock, always going on about you.’ She suddenly turned to John. ‘I mean, he knows you’re an idiot, but that’s okay because you’re a lovely doctor, but he has no idea what an idiot you are.’
‘Is this merely stream of consciousness abuse, or are you attempting to make a point?’
‘You want to know what’s bothering Sherlock? Easiest thing in the world, anyone can do it.’
‘I know his thought processes better than any other human being in the world, so please try to understand-‘
‘He’s not about thinking! Not Sherlock.’ Mrs Hudson cut him off and suddenly Bethany’s gaze was scanning around the room at a faster rate than before.
‘Of course he is.’
‘No, no, he’s more emotional, isn’t he?’ Mrs Hudson explained, but Mycroft was now more concerned with where Bethany’s attention was going. ‘Unsolved case, shoot the wall,’ she made shooting noises at the wall where several gun shot holes were visible. ‘Unmade breakfast, karate the fridge. Unanswered questions, well, what does he do with anything he can’t answer, John? Every time.’
‘He stabs it.’ John said, starting to catch up. But Bethany had already taken the step over to the mantle piece.
‘Anything he can’t find the answer for, bang! It’s up there. I keep telling him, if he was any good as a detective, I wouldn’t need a new mantle.’
Bethany had an envelope in her hand and pulled out a disc that had the words “miss me?” written on the top. Moriarty. Mycroft felt his heart drop. They all exchanged looks and John helped her set up the laptop to see what it said. They gathered around, Bethany pulling up a chair for Mrs Hudson and sitting on the arm of it.
Mary Watson entered the screen and Mycroft thought Bethany would throw up, John wasn’t much better.
‘If you’re watching this, I’m probably dead.’ She said.
‘Okay, no, stop that now, please.’ John said, backing away and Bethany just held her head in her hands. Mycroft was struggling to understand it, but if she was in distress then he wanted to help.
Mrs Hudson stood up defiantly. ‘Everybody out now. All of you!’ Nobody moved, they were waiting for Mycroft’s order. ‘This is my house, this is my friend and that’s his departed wife. Anyone who stays a minute longer is admitting to me personally that they do not have a single spark of human decency.’ It took a moment and glare from Bethany, but Mycroft nodded for everyone to leave. Mrs Hudson then turned to square up to Mycroft. ‘Get out of my house.’ She hissed. ‘You reptile.’
Mycroft decided it was best for him to leave. He heard the sounds of Bethany about to follow, but Mrs Hudson urging her to stay. She was already distressed, injured and upset. He wanted her to follow him out so he could find out how she got her bruises, but she stayed and watched Mary Watson’s last words.
It was a moment before Bethany came down the stairs and out of the house, she was crying and trying to breath calmly.
‘Bethany.’ Mycroft said just as he was about to get in his car and drive away. She was pacing around and he carefully approached her. ‘Bethany.’ He said again, she suddenly saw him and started crying hard, wrapping her arms around him.
‘I couldn’t,’ she sobbed. ‘I just couldn’t, I couldn’t watch it.’ Mycroft held her close, his hand stroking her soft hair, it seemed to settle her slightly, so maybe he was making the right call? ‘God, I miss her so much.’
‘I know.’ Mycroft was aware he was being watched, but he didn’t want to let go of her just yet, not if she needed him.
Suddenly she began pulling back and away from him. ‘Sorry, God, I’m sorry.’ She said, roughly wiping away the tears and flinching at being so rough with the bruising around her eye.
‘What happened to you?’ Mycroft asked.
‘Don’t worry about it.’ Bethany waved his concern away.
‘Bethany, please.’ Mycroft demanded, making her stop. ‘Just tell me who did this to you.’
Bethany sighed, her eyes seeing how desperate he was to know. ‘That house down the road from me…’
That was all she needed to say for Mycroft to turn and get into the car behind him. His rage was the only thing driving him forwards now. He glanced out the window and saw John rushing out, Mrs Hudson tossed the car keys to her Aston Martin to Bethany who just followed John towards the car. Wherever they were going, surely it was into trouble and as much as he disliked it, he hated the men who lived in the house on her road even more.
Mycroft sent his men to the house to clear it out and contacted Scotland Yard to send over a few detectives to deal with the arrests. He then returned to his office to find out what was going on with Sherlock and Bethany.
It was Lestrade that phoned him several hours later to tell him that John and Bethany managed to catch Smith in the middle of trying to kill Sherlock. He was now in custody and couldn’t stop confessing to all the people he’s killed. Mycroft sighed in relief and debated asking the question.
‘How is Miss Wheeler?’
‘Beth?’ Lestrade said a little too loudly for his liking. ‘She’s fine. She’s upset with everything that’s happened and I can’t imagine it’s helping her studies any, but she’d fine Mycroft. Why do you ask?’
Mycroft stood from his chair and took a calming breath. ‘The house down the road from her, the one that’s being cleared out-‘
‘Look, I should say that while we appreciate the heads up, it is still an ongoing investigation.’ Lestrade put his foot down and Mycroft suspected Bethany’s involvement in it. ‘All I can say is that Beth is no longer in danger from the young men occupying that house and neither is anyone else. I will update you when I get the chance, but you need to give me a chance to find something to update you on.’
‘Work faster.’ Was all Mycroft said before hanging up. He took another calming breath and put his phone away. It was late, he needed to go home and come back with a fresh head.
Are you alright? – MH
He text her the morning after, he’d just finished his morning work out and his only thought was Bethany.
Fine. I’m assuming you’re responsible for the house down the road being surrounding by police all night? – BW
This is how you win the war against men like those. You utilise your resources. – MH
And you’re a resource I have, are you? – BW
Of course. – MH
She didn’t text him back after that. In fact, Mycroft didn’t hear from her for several days. He got his updates from Lestrade and the four young men they arrested from the house would serve long sentences for more than just casual sexual assault, they were also facing drugs charges and that of robbery.
Mycroft was working with Lady Smallwood who he thankfully wouldn’t see for another week. He had the sudden and inexplicable urge to ask Bethany to stay with him for a few days, she would say no instantly and the fact that he was even considering asking was unreasonable.
The meeting with Lady Smallwood was coming to an end.
‘So, what about Miss Wheeler?’ She asked.
‘What about her?’ Mycroft asked, casually.
‘When’s the last time you saw her?’
Mycroft raised his eyebrow.
‘In person.’ Lady Smallwood clarified, thinking he was watching her at all times.
‘The night Culverton Smith confessed to being a serial killer,’ he said. ‘She was at my brother’s flat briefly.’
‘It’s not what I meant.’ Lady Smallwood was doing the annoying thing where she would hold his gaze and look up through her lashes, she was flirting and it was grinding on him. ‘The last time you and she caught up.’
‘The gala.’ Mycroft answered instantly. ‘Hardly a catch up, the PM was fascinated by her, I was just on standby.’
Lady Smallwood frowned slightly. ‘So, you really are just friends?’ She seemed surprised by that. Mycroft just rolled his eyes and stood up to put his coat on, Lady Smallwood followed suit.
‘So, you’re off now, I won’t see you for a week.’ Mycroft said, adjusting his coat.
‘Just spending it at home.’ Lady Smallwood checked herself in his mirror. ‘Unless she calls.’
‘The PM.’ Mycroft nodded.
‘Here.’ She handed him a small business card.
‘What’s this?’
‘My number.’
‘I already have your number.’ Mycroft frowned.
‘My private number.’
‘Why would I need that?’
‘I don’t know. Maybe you’d like a drink sometime?’
‘Of what?’
‘Up to you. Call me.’
Mycroft was just confused, she wasn’t making much sense, his thoughts were already with what he was going to do with his free evening. Lady Smallwood left his office and Mycroft looked down at the card, chuckling to himself at what was an unusual display. He tossed the card down on top of his notes and thought no more on it.
He was about to leave when he realised something. Lady Smallwood had just flirted her way into his phonebook. He turned back and thought about picking up the card again. Mycroft was torn for a moment, before putting the card in his pocket and leaving the office.
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mimisempai · 1 year
With you, anything is possible
Greg, annoyed by Sherlock and John, gives in again and agrees to look after Rosie for the third night in a row. Mycroft realizes that the idea of being a father is growing on him.
Mystrade Monday  1.0  #42 - "For the hundredth time, I'm not your babysitter."
On AO3
483 words - Rating G
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"For the hundredth time, I'm not your babysitter." 
Sherlock stood in front of Greg and replied cockily, "But you are, aren't you? What my dear brother asked you to do when he asked you to keep me occupied is a sort of babysitting."
Greg sighed, "I mean, I'm not Rosie's babysitter!"
John stepped between the two men in a pleading tone, "Please, Greg. Just for tonight."
Greg sighed again, "That's what you've been telling me for the last two nights. I like Rosie very much, but has it occurred to you that Mycroft and I might like to spend the evening together?"
Sherlock interjected, "Oh come on, like you've got something planned."
"Sherlock..." John sighed, "You're not helping."
Greg, tired of their bickering, interrupted, "That's all right, John, I'll take care of Rosie, if only to get the two of you off my back."                                              
Moments later, Rosie in his arms, Greg closed the door on the two men. 
He turned the little girl around in his arms and said softly, "Here we are, just the two of us, honey. We're going to wait for Uncle Mycroft. He'll be so surprised... or not."
The little girl babbled back as Greg sat down on the sofa. Then he bounced her in his arms, which made Rosie laugh, so Greg did it again.
A quarter of an hour later, while he was having fun with the little girl, he didn't hear the apartment door open and was surprised to hear Mycroft's voice say softly, almost with admiration in his voice, "You're good at this."
Greg smiled and took the tired little girl into his arms.
Mycroft came and sat down beside them, putting his arm around Greg's shoulder and watching fondly as the little girl fought sleep and finally gave in, burying her head in Greg's neck.
Greg dropped his head to Mycroft's chest and Mycroft kissed his hair.
He then whispered so as not to wake the little girl, "I'm sorry, I couldn't refuse again."
Mycroft shrugged and replied, "Don't say anything, my brother's been insufferable again."
Greg nodded. Mycroft continued, "Then don't apologise, and besides, Rosie isn't the most troublesome of children."
He gently brushed aside one of the little girl's blonde curls that had fallen across her face, and the little girl continued to sleep, unperturbed.
He added, "Let's take advantage of this quiet moment to rest, after all it's not too different from what we would have done tonight."
Greg chuckled softly in reply before leaning back a little more against Mycroft.
In the sweetness of the moment, Mycroft found himself wishing that one day it wouldn't be Rosie in Gregory's arms, but their own child. For the first time, the thought of becoming a father didn't frighten him.
He knew he wouldn't be alone.
Leaning his cheek against Greg's hair, he sighed with contentment at the thought of a possible future.
Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story  🥰
Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝
Mystrade masterlist here
Mystrade Monday 1.0 : here
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