comicwaren · 3 months
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From Black Panther: Blood Hunt #002
Art by Farid Karami and Andrew Dalhouse
Written by Cheryl Lynn Eaton
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pocketninja-ffxiv · 1 year
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Little family get together at the Riller household, some more eager to come while others have to be convinced. It’s totally not the only Keeper in the little circle. 
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frogoat · 2 years
A blog about comic books and geek culture in general and Spider-Girl and the MC2 universe in particular.
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lettersnorth · 2 months
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Either the latest field test was a success or there were spectacular explosions. Possibly both.
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aurriearts · 2 months
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wanted to get more done during artfight but what can you do when health gets in the way ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i still had fun! will possibly try doing some belated revenges, watch out >:3
in order: @crowshuh's Dina, @kidhellion's Nikki, @geek-o13's N'yami and @idlenight's Leo
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docgold13 · 2 years
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365 Marvel Comics Paper Cut-Out SuperHeroes - One Hero, Every Day, All Year…
Supporting Character Supplemental - Queen Ramonda
Ramonda was born in an unspecific region of South Africa in the midst of the Apartheid rule.  She left her country, roaming the continent in hopes of finding some means to help put an end to the tyranny of her homeland.  During her travels Ramonda encountered a child-aged T’Challa, the Prince of Wakanda.  T’Challa had become separated from his father during an expedition and Ramonda cared for him until he could be discovered and reunited with his father.  
King T'Chaka, offered Ramonda refuge in Wakanda. Despite her desire to return to  South Africa so to continue the fight against Apartheid, Ramonda chose to stay in Wakanda for the sake of T'Challa, who had lost his mother N'Yami.  Ramonda and T'Chaka came to fall in lobe with one another and were eventually married.  Not long afterwards, Ramonda gave birth to their daughter, Princess Shuri.  
Ramonda was widowed when King T’Chaka was killed by the treachery of the villainous Klaw.  T’Calla would soon take the throne as the new king and new Black Panther and Ramonda became one of his most trusted advisors.   
Ramonda utilized her position as a queen of Wakanda to offer much needed support to the anti-Apartheid movement in South Africa.  Her success in this regard resulted in her being targeted by the vile white supremacist named Anton Pretorius.  Pretorius’ agents kidnapped Queen Romonda, but The Black Panther was able to rescue her and Pretorius perished.
Later, Ramonda was gravely injured during a terrorist attack on the capital city of Wakanda.  She has since made a recovery and has continued on as a member of the high council of Wakanda.  
Actress Angela Bassett portrays the queen the Marvel Cinematic Universe.  Ramonda first appeared in the pages of Marvel Comics Presents #14 (1989).
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ennmaximof4 · 1 year
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• T'Challa
• Humano / Wakandano
• Empoderamento Divino: T'Challa foi originalmente aprimorado pela Erva em Forma de Coração, que lhe concedeu poderes de Super-Soldado. Seu corpo é aprimorado para perto do auge da perfeição física humana. Ele recebeu poderes adicionais da Deusa Bast, quando se tornou o Rei dos Mortos. Essa bênção parece tê-lo restaurado nos mesmos níveis de poder que ele possuía como o Pantera Negra escolhido. Além de seus sentidos, a força, velocidade, agilidade, durabilidade, cura, resistência e reflexos naturais de T'Challa foram aumentados a um grau quase sobre-humano.
√ Hoje somos todos Pantera Negra! E hoje vamos lutar como um! Por Wakanda! - T'Challa.
T'Challa foi o primeiro filho biológico de T'Chaka, rei da nação africana de Wakanda, um país isolado tecnologicamente avançado que continha a única fonte do raro metal ultradurável conhecido como Vibranium. Sua mãe, N'Yami, morreu uma semana depois de dar à luz seu filho como consequência de uma rara doença autoimune que contraiu durante a gravidez. O irmão mais velho adotivo de T'Challa, Hunter, o culpou por sua morte.
T'Challa aprendeu as propriedades do Vibranium quando ainda era criança, e suas lições sobre o dever real começaram aos cinco anos. Quando ele acompanhou seu pai na inspeção de fronteira pela primeira vez, T'Challa se perdeu, mas foi encontrado pela exploradora Ramonda. Depois de conhecer T'Chaka, Ramonda permaneceu em Wakanda e se tornou a mãe de T'Challa. Ele se tornou a razão pela qual Ramonda decidiu ficar no país, e ela acabou se casando com T'Chaka.
Durante uma cerimônia realizada na fronteira de Wakanda, T'Chaka foi abordado pelo físico Ulysses Klaw, que tentou fazer uma petição pelos direitos de mineração do metal raro da nação chamado Vibranium. Klaw foi apoiado por um grupo de mercenários, que abriram fogo assim que T'Chaka recusou. Quando a arma sônica de Klaw dominou seu pai, T'Challa correu para ajudá-lo. Klaw se preparou para matar o jovem príncipe, mas T'Chaka o protegeu e morreu. Depois que Klaw foi desarmado por Zuri, T'Challa pegou seu blaster sônico e mutilou a mão direita do invasor, forçando-o a recuar. Não muito tempo depois, Ramonda deixou Wakanda abruptamente. Apenas décadas depois, T'Challa soube que ela havia sido sequestrada e trazida de volta para sua terra natal, a África do Sul.
Quando T'Challa era adolescente, ele foi enviado no rito de passagem de Wakanda para vagar pela terra. Ele salvou uma jovem órfã chamada Ororo Munroe de sequestradores, que mais tarde usou seus poderes mutantes para controlar o clima para eliminar os mesmos supostos sequestradores e assassinos quando eles vieram atrás dele. Os dois compartilharam um romance e passaram muito tempo juntos, no entanto, os deveres de T'Challa como príncipe os impediram de explorar ainda mais sua crescente atração mútua.
Quando jovem, T'Challa viajou para a América e a Europa para frequentar universidades. B'Tumba, seu amigo de infância, foi enviado por seu pai N'Baza para estudar com ele. Enquanto estava nos Estados Unidos, T'Challa usou o pseudônimo de "Luke Charles" para permanecer incógnito. Foi nessa época que ele conheceu outra aluna, Nicole Adams, e os dois tiveram um breve romance.
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T'Challa voltou para cumprir suas funções em sua tribo para se tornar um homem para liderar o país. Ele foi enviado para encontrar a erva sagrada em forma de coração, e enquanto procurava, ele foi capturado por A.I.M., B'Tumba foi ordenado a executar seu amigo, mas como ele não podia fazer isso, ele libertou T'Challa e se juntou a ele na batalha contra o MIRAR. Durante o combate, B'Tumba foi mortalmente ferido e, após A.I.M. recuar, ele se desculpou com o Pantera Negra antes de morrer.
Dois anos antes do esperado, T'Challa desafiou anonimamente seu tio S'Yan pelo trono, e após a vitória ganhou o manto do Pantera Negra dele. S'Yan alegremente renunciou, para que seu sobrinho pudesse governar. T'Challa então pegou uma Erva em Forma de Coração para se ligar a Bast, o deus Pantera. A erva também melhorou o novo rei, tornando-o quase sobre-humano.
Algum tempo depois, T'Challa excomungou seu irmão adotivo, Hunter. Como o Lobo Branco, Hunter havia, décadas antes, assumido a liderança dos Hatut Zeraze ("Cães de Guerra"), zelosos patriotas que atuavam como a Polícia Secreta de Wakanda, realizando atos de sedição, contra-espionagem e assassinato contra os supostos inimigos do país. T'Challa não seria um rei que tolerasse tais ações, então ele oficialmente dissolveu o Hatut Zeraze, embora na realidade os Cães e o Caçador simplesmente tenham deixado Wakanda para operar por conta própria no exterior.
Ser rei continuou a trazer novas dificuldades quando uma guerra tribal começou em Wakanda. T'Challa foi forçado a tomar partido na guerra, escolhendo Dora Milaje em vez da tribo Jabari para seus agentes do serviço secreto e também para seu harém. Quanto mais Wakanda se tornou uma potência global tecnológica, mais T'Challa percebeu as ameaças do mundo exterior.
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Enquanto desenvolvia armas nucleares dentro de Wakanda, ele começou a convidar pessoas superpoderosas para seu país, começando com o Quarteto Fantástico. Embora, uma vez que ele descobriu que tipo de pessoas eles eram, T'Challa os viu como aliados e também como amigos. Eles ajudaram T'Challa a derrotar Klaw sem tirar sua vida. Em agradecimento, ele jogou beisebol com seus novos amigos americanos.
O Pantera Negra, sob a identidade de "Luke Charles", juntou-se ao Capitão América para lutar contra o Barão Zemo. Depois de derrotá-lo, Cap pediu ao Pantera Negra para se juntar aos Vingadores. Com a equipe, ele lutou contra o Grim Reaper, a Irmandade dos Mutantes do Mal, os Mestres do Mal liderados por Ultron-5, o Centurião Escarlate, e ele até viajou no tempo de volta a Segunda Guerra Mundial, ele ajudou a derrubar o Visão, a última criação de Ultron, que mais tarde se juntou à equipe. Ele também lutou contra Jaqueta Amarela, o Circo do Crime, e Surtur com Ymir.
Pantera Negra e seus aliados viajaram para Wakanda. Lá, eles foram recebidos por um exército de tropas wakandanas que atacaram os outros Vingadores com armas até que o Pantera Negra os deteve. Ao perguntar a eles quem os autorizou a carregar tais armas, eles disseram ao Pantera que foi seu substituto escolhido, M'Baku, que deu a ordem. Irritado, o Pantera Negra chamou M'Baku. Durante o jantar, M'Baku explicou que ordenou que as tropas carregassem armas porque ouviu relatos de que Klaw estava de volta a Wakanda.
Em uma viagem de Wakanda para Nova York, T'Challa soube que os Filhos da Serpente tinham como alvo pessoas negras proeminentes na cidade. Depois que a franca cantora Monica Lynne expressou sua opinião sobre os Sons on the Serpents no show de Dan Dunn, ela se tornou o próximo alvo. As atividades das Serpentes atraíram a atenção dos Vingadores, que relataram seu encontro anterior com o grupo para o Visão. Quando Monica Lynne foi atacada pelas Serpentes, ela foi salva pelo Pantera Negra. Mais tarde, ela apareceu no programa de Dan Dunn mais uma vez para continuar a expor sua opinião sobre as Serpentes, o que a tornava mais um alvo.
O Pantera Negra e o Demolidor se uniram novamente depois de testemunhar um acidente em que o motorista era apenas um adolescente. Os dois levaram o menino para o hospital. O Pantera Negra explicou que estava investigando as atividades criminosas de uma gangue local de jovens afro-americanos conhecidos como Thunderbolts, que recrutava membros das crianças que ele ensinava em seu disfarce civil de Luke Charles.
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Quando o Doutor Destino, o governante da Latvéria, soube da existência de Vibranium, ele procurou a pequena nação africana com uma águia mecânica. Ele usou um dispositivo de tunelamento para viajar para Wakanda, mas causou distúrbios sísmicos que abalaram a nação. As pessoas chamaram T'Challa, que voltou para casa para ajudar. Ele encontrou Doom tentando consertar um defeito em seu dispositivo.
Durante um protesto na Mansão dos Vingadores sobre T'Challa morando nos Estados Unidos, os manifestantes invadiram e atacaram os Vingadores. Um repórter exigiu que T'Challa fosse com ele e T'Challa se curvou em reverência. Foi revelado que o repórter era na verdade o deus Leão disfarçado. Ele estava lá para trazer o Pantera para casa.
T'Challa voltou a Wakanda para encontrar sua terra natal ameaçada por Erik Killmonger. Killmonger estava devastando aldeias para atrair a atenção do Pantera Negra. Os dois lutaram até a morte. De volta ao seu país, ele lutou contra novos inimigos Venomm, Baron Macabre, King Cadaver e Lord Karnaj, todos os quais eventualmente se uniram para lutar contra o Pantera.
O Pantera Negra foi um dos muitos heróis sequestrados pelo Professor Soos para participar de seu festival de luta contra suas próprias criações. Não se sabe contra quem o Pantera Negra foi confrontado. Ele foi um dos muitos heróis que estavam presentes na festa surpresa de Luke Cage depois que Luke derrotou o professor Soos.
T'Challa forneceu refúgio ao Doutor Destino durante o período em que Kristoff Vernard o usurpou no trono da Latvéria. Em troca de refúgio, Doom projetou o TransHuman ROBot, ou THROB, para ajudar na guarda do monte sagrado de Vibranium. No entanto, T'Challa se recusou a ajudar Doom na retomada da Latvéria, já que ele não estava interessado em atrair Wakanda para as lutas internas da Latvéria. Quando o Coisa e a segunda Sra. Marvel, Sharon Ventura, aterrissaram em Wakanda, T'Challa os encontrou lutando contra o THROB, e foi a primeira pessoa na Terra a saber que a forma do Coisa de Ben havia sofrido uma mutação ainda maior, e Sharon havia se tornado uma Mulher-Coisa.
Quando Steve Rogers foi forçado a deixar seu papel de Capitão América pela Comissão de Atividades Sobre-Humanas, quando ele não concordou com suas ordens, ele precisou de um substituto para seu escudo. Depois de devolver um escudo de Adamantium criado por Tony Stark devido ao conflito de Rogers com Stark sobre as Armor Wars, T'Challa forneceu um escudo de Vibranium para Rogers. Embora não pudesse estar presente pessoalmente para a entrega, ele enviou seus cumprimentos via satélite. O escudo mais tarde seria dado a John Walker quando Rogers retomou o papel de Capitão América e Walker se tornou o Agente dos EUA.
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Wakanda quase entrou em guerra com Atlântida durante um incidente na Ilha Kiber e T'Challa descobriu que sua madrasta não havia deixado sua família, mas foi sequestrada e transformada em escrava doméstica por Anton Pretorius, um conhecido supremacista branco que a agredia sexualmente diariamente. Foi logo após sua descoberta que T'Challa a resgatou e se juntou aos Cavaleiros de Pendragon, onde descobriu que tinha um Espírito Pendragon dentro de si.
Capacitado pelo demônio Mephisto, o reverendo Achebe liderou um golpe em Wakanda apoiado por Xcon, uma aliança de agentes de inteligência desonestos e a máfia russa. Em troca de Mephisto abandonar Achebe e deixar Wakanda em paz, T'Challa vendeu sua alma a ele, sabendo que sua unidade com o deus Pantera e sua ligação com os espíritos dos líderes anteriores do Clã Pantera arruinaria os planos de Mephisto.
Durante seu conflito com Mephisto, no entanto, T'Challa foi levado a beijar Nakia da Dora Milaje. Isso fez com que um amor obsessivo por T'Challa crescesse dentro de Nakia, e ela eventualmente tentou matar Monica Lynne. T'Challa a ejetou do Dora Milaje como consequência. Perturbada e sozinha, Nakia foi capturada, torturada e quase morta por Achebe antes de Killmonger reconstruí-la em Malice.
Killmonger também tentou acabar com a economia de Wakanda, então T'Challa foi forçado a nacionalizar todas as empresas estrangeiras. Isso resultou em Tony Stark tendo o controle acionário do Wakandan Design Group. Depois que a economia foi mais uma vez estabilizada, T'Challa lutou contra Killmonger em um combate ritual e quase foi morto, mas perdeu o título de Pantera Negra em vez de sua vida. O Cavaleiro da Lua e o Irmão Voodoo cuidaram misticamente de T'Challa.
Em uma missão para recuperar os Sapos do Rei Salomão, T'Challa conheceu uma versão futura de si mesmo que era telepática e mortalmente doente. Tentando mudar esse futuro, ele terminou com Monica Lynne e manteve seu futuro corpo em criostase.
O criminoso Nightshade ressuscitou o lendário monstro chinês Chiantang, o Dragão Negro, para usar contra T'Challa em Nova York. O Dragão Negro tinha um ataque do Punho de Ferro controlado pela mente do Pantera Negra. O Pantera conseguiu derrotar o Punho de Ferro, no entanto, o ataque causou a doença fatal que o futuro Pantera havia originalmente previsto.
Ao mesmo tempo, o Lobo Branco assumiu Xcon e matou a maioria de seus líderes. A liderança anterior da Xcon havia usado os sapos do rei Salomão para substituir o presidente dos Estados Unidos e o primeiro-ministro canadense por futuras contrapartes com lavagem cerebral, permitindo que a empresa derrubasse os dois países. Hunter continuou com este plano e se vingou de Tony Stark por sua compra do Wakandan Design Group. Com medo de Tony, T'Challa enviou-lhe uma mensagem usando truques financeiros para assumir o controle da Stark Enterprises e simultaneamente anexar uma pequena ilha canadense no Lago Superior.
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Quando o Pantera voltou para Wakanda, o futuro Pantera entrou em coma e foi colocado de volta em êxtase até ser morto por Homem-Macaco. O Homem-Macaco foi então libertado pela Justiça Divina na esperança de libertar sua tribo. Depois de tudo isso, o T'Challa original tornou-se instável e constantemente alucinado devido ao aneurisma infligido a ele pelo Punho de Ferro.
Um policial chamado Kasper Cole adotou uma fantasia de Pantera abandonada e procurou T'Challa para treinamento e orientação. Este incidente deu a T'Challa a força para lutar por sua saúde, sua nação e seu mundo.
Ao mesmo tempo, T'Challa voltou para os Vingadores, que lutaram contra Escorpião, e desmascarou o Secretário de Defesa dos Estados Unidos, Dell Rusk, como o malvado Caveira Vermelha. A equipe foi dissolvida não muito tempo depois, quando a Feiticeira Escarlate teve um colapso mental.
O governo dos EUA acreditava que Wakanda estava desestabilizado e, quando o vizinho Niganda tentou uma invasão, eles enviaram suas Forças Muito Especiais zumbis para 'ajudar' Wakanda. T'Challa havia retornado e foi capaz de derrubar o Exército Nigandan e os supervilões que eles contrataram, antes de dizer aos Estados Unidos para deixar seu país.
T'Challa ajudou a reunir Ororo com seus familiares sobreviventes na África, bem como apresentá-la a seus avós há muito perdidos na América. Pouco depois, T'Challa pediu Ororo em casamento. Os dois logo se casaram em uma grande cerimônia wakandana e, em seguida, partiram em uma turnê mundial diplomática para sua lua de mel.
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Eles visitaram nações como a Latvéria, a Área Azul da Lua e a Atlântida, bem como a América. Lá, a nação foi dominada pelos eventos da Guerra Civil e, durante uma visita à Casa Branca, as autoridades tentaram forçar Ororo a assinar a Lei de Registro de Super-Humanos, apesar de seu status de dignitária governante. Isso resultou no casal real escolhendo ficar do lado do Capitão América e dos Vingadores Secretos na guerra.
Ao retornar a Wakanda, Pantera Negra e Tempestade enfrentaram um Killmonger retornado, derrotando-o com a ajuda de Monica Rambeau. Posteriormente, Pantera Negra e Wakanda enfrentaram a invasão dos metamorfos alienígenas Skrulls, que já haviam se infiltrado como parte de seu plano de "Invasão Secreta" para conquistar a Terra. No entanto, Pantera descobriu sobre os intrusos e conseguiu capturar todos os impostores Skrull de antemão.
T'Challa ficou do lado dos Vingadores no conflito contra os X-Men e lutou contra sua esposa na batalha. Depois que a Fênix escolheu seus cinco hospedeiros e eles começaram a tornar o mundo um lugar melhor, T'Challa forneceu um esconderijo para os, agora, Vingadores fora da lei em Wakanda, embora ele tenha começado a duvidar dos Vingadores enquanto eles continuavam a lutar.
Ao realizar um teste para potenciais membros do programa espacial de Wakanda, T'Challa testemunhou o evento conhecido como "Incursão", quando dois universos colidem com suas Terras como ponto de colisão. T'Challa enfrentou o Cisne Negro, que destruiu a outra Terra colidindo com a Terra-616.
Enquanto os Vingadores estavam fora do mundo representando a Terra em uma coalizão de impérios espaciais na guerra contra os invasores Construtores, o Titã Louco Thanos e seus exércitos de piratas espaciais invadiram a Terra para matar o último descendente remanescente de Thanos. Wakanda foi um dos muitos locais visados e uma ala do exército de Thanos liderada pelo Anão Negro da Ordem Negra atacada. O Pantera Negra enfrentou o Anão Negro na batalha e por pouco conseguiu sobreviver a ele enquanto os exércitos de Wakanda repeliam os invasores.
Durante a incursão final, o Pantera Negra foi um dos heróis que tentou impedir que a Terra-1610 destruísse sua Terra. Depois que a nave que transportava a "equipe de ressurreição" da Terra foi destruída pelas Crianças, o Sr. Fantástico e o Pantera Negra foram forçados a colocar o "bote salva-vidas" em ação. Quando o "bote salva-vidas" foi implantado, Manifold teletransportou vários heróis para ele, incluindo Homem-Aranha, Senhor das Estrelas, Capitão Marvel, Ciclope e Thor, o que lhes permitiu sobreviver ao fim do Multiverso.
Com o tempo, para garantir a paz mundial, T'Challa secretamente colocou agentes adormecidos em todo o mundo e começou a espionar seus companheiros de equipe dos Vingadores, reunindo dados sobre seus poderes e habilidades para replicá-los após a morte do Doutor Estranho. No entanto, todas essas informações caíram nas mãos do líder terrorista e ex-amigo de infância de T'Challa, Jhai. Isso levou os Vingadores a perderem a confiança nele, considerando T'Challa um autoritário paranóico, e foi deixado sozinho em sua batalha contra Jhai, que havia dominado as redes de comunicação.
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-> MCU:
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why-i-love-comics · 5 years
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Black Panther #12 - “The Gathering of My Name” (2019)
written by Ta-Nehisi Coates art by Jen Bartel, Kris Anka, & Triona Farrell
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foundlingmother · 5 years
Just goes to show I haven’t read any Black Panther comics, but I just now learned Ramonda is T’Challa’s stepmother in the comics. T’Chaka married a scientist named N’Yami, and she gave birth to T’Challa before passing from an autoimmune disease.
I am into this, and it’s now my headcanon for the MCU. There’s no reason they need to be related by blood for Ramonda to be every bit T’Challa’s mother. There’s no reason T’Challa and Shuri have to share a dad and a mom for them to be the sibling duo we see in the film.
Plus, I can see Shuri looking up to N’Yami’s memory and continuing her work. There’s sort of an intersection of these two mother figures in both Shuri and T’Challa’s lives, despite one being deceased. I think that’s neat. 
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mwagneto · 7 years
Ok seriously we're not appreciating M'Baku enough?? Boy challenged T'challa, lost, accepted it and left. Then like 3 days later the king washed up on his shore and he's like "aye I could use this to become king but nah let's save the guy until he gets better" so now he has an unconscious, barely-clinging-to-life king in his living room, but he does everything to save him. Then the servants of that king show up, offer him the throne and the Black Panther serum which would pretty much make him invincible, and what does he do? Does he go "Mhm ok niiice" and accept it, thus becoming rightful king? Nope! He shows them the dying T'challa, who they bring back to life with the serum and leave. They ask for his army, but he doesn't want to risk his people, but in the end realises they should stick together so he barges into the battle like the fucking Icon™ he is ok I just love M'Baku let's give him the appreciation he deserves
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fagdyk · 7 years
N'Yami is my new fave
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comicwaren · 4 years
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From Black Panther Vol. 7 #022
Art by Daniel Acuña, Ryan Bodenheim and Chris O’Halloran
Written by Ta-Nehisi Coates
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pocketninja-ffxiv · 8 months
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Wake up.
Why wasn't she waking up? Mom you need to wake up! 
N'yami shook her mother's lifeless body she held in her arms, G'lewra wasn't responding to anything. The two were enjoying the fresh air outside while they waited for the group to return. Telling stories of how the Synch kids were growing up do fast. 
All while doing this N'yami could feel the tug on her mothers aether increasing, Yami’s own aether battling with the dark entity that had latched on to the Scholar a couple moons ago. Even with how much she was battling to keep her mother's aether within her body it felt like Yami was grasping at smoke, and all she could do was watch as it slipped between her fingers.
And then it happened. 
Without warning G'lewra collapsed, and N'yami had been quick enough to catch her mother before she hit the ground. 
“No….nonononono! MOM!! They're comin’ back! Dad's comin’ back to help! He always does! DON'T YOU DARE LEAVE ME!!” 
N’yami wasn't a healer, she didn't know how to fix this. She's just a damn blacksmith. Learning healing was pointless in her eyes because G’lewra was always around to patch her up. But now she was gone. 
The Seeker's breathing picked up as she felt the swirls of emotions erupt from her dark aether, red aether flickered around her while her ruby gaze gave off an ominous glow. A blood curdling howl escaped her lungs as he shouted towards the sky as the emotions took over, the pulses of aether coming off the Dark Knight becoming stronger with each passing moment. 
She needed help. Dad knew what to do with this sort of thing, Tynos wasn't a master of aetherical manipulation for nothing. N'yami fumbled with her linkpearl for a moment then let it spring to life. 
"I NEED THE OLD MAN NOW!" N'yami's panicked voice shouted over the linkpearl. She wasn't able to steady her breathing, quick and hurried breaths as her body was heading into a panic attack. "She's gone!” And with a final attempt she tried calling to her mother again. “WAKE UP DAMNIT! MMMOOOOMMM!" Her breathing became more panicked as she tried to think of who else was there that could help. Aislinn. "LINN!" Crying out to the hyur like a younger sibling that needed protection. 
With the last effort, N'yami clicked off the linkpearl as she cried over G'lewra's form, clutching to the lifeless body as if her mothers body would slip away from her just as the aether did. 
“You know how to fix this.”
She tried to drown out the voice in her head, the voice that always came to life when it was a fight or flight situation. N'yami’s body didn't understand the meaning of flight, and so this voice always came around to encourage the Seeker to keep fighting. No matter what. 
Looking up with tear stained cheeks N'yami saw an image of herself standing in front of her clad in armor that put the shadows to shame. Spikes jutting out in random directions, and the red aether made cracks along the armor to empower it. 
“There's one right here, and she's the cause of all this, right? Actions have consequences.” 
A low growl rumbled through N'yami while her grip on G'lewra's body tightened while thinking about the ex cultist. 
“They're allowing her to walk freely, and yet we still lost someone. She took mom away from us. It's her fault. You FOUGHT with everything to keep her here and NOW SHE'S GONE BECAUSE OF THESE CULTISTS! They don't get to live!!!” 
The more the aether spoke to N'yami made the glow in her eyes brighter, with so much emotions you'd expect to see those feelings flooding her ruby orbs but they were hollow. So empty but yet so dangerous to look at. The look of a killer, and the voice in her head was winning. There was no one there to calm the Dark Knight. Usually she did so well to contain these emotions, use them to protect those she loves. But now one of them was gone, and she blamed herself for it. 
“She needs to die…” Her voice barely above a whisper and sounding as though she had just gargled nails from all the screaming she had been doing. 
“We can't lose more.”
Looking from the aetherical form the Seeker's attention slowly turned to the new voice, and there she saw Aislinn standing on the other side of the barrier the aetherical formed had put around them to talk. 
All she could do was stare blankly at the Hyur before looking back to where her aetherical form once stood. It had vanished just within the few moments of looking away.
N'yami still held G'lewra close, but the barrier started to break into pieces, and it crumbled to the ground before mixing in with aether around her. She could hear Linn talking to her, trying to reach her, but it sounded so muffled. So far away. Her head lazily lulled to look back in Linn's direction but that's when she caught sight of Augusta carrying a limp Tynos back to the Heartwood estate, and she felt her world crumble all over again thinking that not only had she lost her mother but also the man that didn't hesitate to adopt her as his own. So lost in her own world crumbling around her N'yami didn't even notice how Riylli had stood in the background watching Linn talk the Dark Knight down.
“Alright, Yami, listen to me. I know what this looks like. Hells, I know what it feels like. Like the world’s stopped and the earth might as well open up and swallow you because you can’t see how there’s any way forward from here. Anything to stop this from being true.” Aislinn knew grief. Life had given her plenty of opportunities to get acquainted with it. She knew people liked to say it was something you got used to. Like jumping in a cold lake. But damn if it wasn’t a shock every time. “I understand but right now I need you to help me. We have to get her inside. Hey, Tynos’ll be alright. He just went and overdid it out there. But listen. You’ve gotta let me take a look at her. We don’t know for sure what’s happened and until we do we can’t give up on her. Right?”
N'yami tried to focus on Aislinn’s words, trying to hear them over the commotion happening within her mind.
“Ok…” she sounded so defeated but Yami knew she could trust Linn. She had become one of the Seeker's safe places. That rock a younger sibling needed. 
Her arms were shaking as she let go of G'lewra so Aislinn could do what was needed. While the medic worked Yami kept out of the way but kept close, without thinking Yami's hand had reached out to hold onto Linn's coat tail. She needed grounding but also wanting to stay out of the way. 
That aether.
Looking away from G'lewra and Aislinn for a second, N'yami saw the one she thought was responsible for all this. Xha stood in the yard staring at them, and all the Dark Knight did was stare the Keeper down with a murderous intent before she was pulled from her thoughts. G'lewra needed to be carried inside, and N'yami didn't hesitate to carry her mom inside for Aislinn. 
“The hunt can wait, mother needs us.”
Heading inside the clinic, N'yami placed G'lewra on one of the beds closest to Tynos. God's. He looked like shit was the first thing that went through her mind. 
She let the medics work, and stood out of the way but close enough to her parents to look after them. N'yami found herself mindlessly following Aislinn around the clinic like a duckling, clutching onto the other woman's coat when the Hyur was at a stand still.  She felt so lost. Mind numb and not knowing what to do so she latched to the next family member. 
“Oi. There you are, Yami!” 
Her head peaked out from behind Aislinn, it paid to have a taller sibling it seems, and there stood her husband Neville. There in all his smiling glory. 
“We're having a sleepover in the workshop, and I already got the kits set up. Better hurry before they take yer spot.” He was grinning the whole time while talking to her. N'yami wasn't sure how he was able to smile in such a situation or how he knew he was needed here. But before the Seeker left Linn’s side she pressed her forehead against the medics shoulder in a pathetic attempt of a headbutt, even with G'lewra gone N'yami remembered how her mother told her how Linn had issues with physical touch and to not overwhelm her with them. She wanted to show appreciation but still respect the boundaries. 
Slowly making her way towards Neville she paused for a moment before looking back at Linn, and a few tears slid down her cheeks. Not only was Yami's mom gone but so was Linn's. 
And N'yami blamed herself for not being able to keep their mom safe. 
Here she was falling apart where Linn was probably going through the same thing. How selfish she was being. 
Looking back to Neville for a moment she went to back to Linn for a moment. Her hand glowing a bright red, and when she opened her palm a flat stone almost resembling a ruby sat in the Seekers palm. But the aether that swirled within flickered between the colors of red, black, and purple. Almost mimicking a storm. 
“For when yer….overwhelmed.” N'yami's gaze shifted around as she tried to explain it in her emotional state. “I can…feel the emotions. A way to vent to me…without words if they become too hard.” 
Leaving the stone with Aislinn and returning to her husband's side she let him guide her to the workshop where her children greeted her. Falling into the pile of blankets and pillows N’yami gathered her children close to her, and of course her obsidian carbuncle Whackara that was a gift to her from her mother curled on top of her chest for pressure therapy. Neville had curled around his family to keep them close, he knew this was something N’yami needed. Thankful their wedding bands kept them connected aetherically. 
It took N’yami awhile to fall asleep, everytime she closed her eyes all she could see was her mother falling before her. 
“You need to sleep. A hunt awaits for us.” The voice returned to lull the Seeker to sleep. But the voice was right, and there was one thing that crossed N’yami’s thoughts before she finally let sleep take her.
Which target was first?
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wakandaiscoming · 2 years
Today I read "Into the Heartlands" the Scholastic/Marvel graphic novel for kids. I kind of forgot about it, but I did post about it months ago, so I thought I'd share some thoughts.
If you have a kid who really likes Shuri, this would be a good book to get them. It's set when Shuri is a tween and T'Challa looks to be a teenager (he is not yet Black Panther).
I expected it to follow the movie canon, but it it's more closely aligned with the comics canon because it mentions T'Chaka's first wife, N'Yami, who was T'Challa's mother. (See the family tree I posted years ago.)
N'Yami is described as a great genius and Shuri finds a book of hers that might help her save Ramonda from a techno-organic virus.
I liked the blended family aspects of this.
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lettersnorth · 11 months
Lend a Hand
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In light of Heartwood’s…unfortunate state of affairs, the workshop had become a de facto hub for anything that might need some sort of power source. The bank of generators and aetheric cells were designed to resist a lengthy outage, redundant systems left in place by a paranoid Florus once upon a time. Now a myriad of cables ran this way and that across the shop floor, a veritable rabbit warren resisting any of Aislinn’s attempts to corral them into order.
Sergius currently leans idly against the workshop’s large terminal, his synthetic gaze silently following Aislinn around the room as she steps over cables, ducks under wiring in a weird, complicated dance as she goes about trying to get things ready. She’s not speaking but she’s obviously thinking because she bites her lip and squinches up in her eyes in a way that said whatever had crossed her mind had her suppressing an emotion.
He logs the expression but doesn’t ask her what caused it.
N'yami came stomping through the halls of the Heartwood estate, more or so walking so fast to the point it looked like running. It was project time! Once the door was in sight the Seeker kicked it open, and gave a small salute to the two in the room already. "Heyo! I'm ready to start bulidin' and blow som--little too early for that nevermind." She paused once noticing Linn was pacing. "Yer goin' to carve out a path with all that pacin'. Do ya need a snack? Or did ya drop somethin'?"
Yayaji Yaji absolutely was running in order to keep up with the hyperactive Miqo'te, though she would be lying if she said she wasn't also feeling the excitement. Building robot arms was her favourite! So many cool knickknacks that can be shoved up in there, and Yaji was planning on shoving them all. "Hello hello! What a wonderful day to be back in the Heartwood estate!" Yaji cheers, despite the wreckage they had just passed. "It is wonderful to meet you both! Quite wonderful!"
Professor Meowitzer putts in the air behind her, examining the room carefully with mechanical eyes that eventually fall on Sergius... and stay there. It's mouth opens and a gutteral <ME-OW> is released, prompting Yaji to pat it on its head happily
Sergius and his ever present drones seem to swivel as one to the door as it’s kicked open and N’yami announces herself. Aislinn is weaving her way back to the drawing board and doesn’t appear startled by the noise, she only flicks her gaze at Yami with a slight smile as she leaves her thoughts. “Hmm? No. No, just…trying to clear things up. Mind the cables. And the wires. Just…be careful.” She says as she wipes down the drawing board. Best to start with a clean slate for this. Her motions do halt, however, at the sound of the new voice. “Ah. Good to meet you, miss…” She trails off but then shakes her head. “I’m Aislinn. Glad to have another head in on this project.”
Sergius doesn’t feel the need to add anything. As far as he was concerned, Aislinn had the social exchanges covered.
"Yayaji Yaji, enchante! My wonderful friend slash boss has told me much about you Miss Aislinn, though she did not mention you had beauty to match the brains!" Yaji says, flashing her best business lady smile, then turns to Sergius. "And you as well good sir! You have an air of mystery about you, perfect for the debonair type that I'm positive you must be. The Professor seems quite taken with you! Do you like cats?"
N'yami made a beeline for Sergius. "Boop." She said while reaching up to boop him on the nose then going straight to Linn at the drawing board. "So what's goin' through that brain of yers? Are we puttin' a gun in it? A hidden blade!?! Wait...maybe we should start with the metal that we're usin'. I heard this guy is havin' a kid so we gotta figure out the part of havin' the metal mimic his body temperature. Oh! Gotta worry about rustin' too!" Some of Yami's ideas spewed out in a word vomit. She was talking so fast, and no she didn't have coffee or sweets before this. "Should we make it so it can detach? Man, I'd pay to see him pull his arm off and beat the shit out of someone with it."
Aislinn blinks at Yaji’s silver-tongued flattery. Aside from a certain roguish pirate, it wasn’t something that had often been turned in her direction. “Um. Yes. Well, thank you?” Sergius, for his part, stares blankly at Yaji. “I don’t have an opinion on them.” He tells her, cutting through her chatter and addressing the question. He does this while swiping an arm out, seeking to guide N’yami’s boop off to the side before it can reach him. 
“Right.” Aislinn steps back from the board and takes a breath. She tilts her head at Yami’s ideas. “Knife. That’s interesting. Maybe? Probably not a gun.” She stops and clears her throat. “As I’m sure you all know, we’re here to see what we can do to create a prosthetic for Yakih’ra. One that will allow, as much as possible, for him to regain sensation, which means connections to the nervous system. And…if possible something waterproof that will resist rusting.” She glances at Yami, her lips quirking up in a smile. “Then. We can see what we can do about weapons. You all have various experience with this kind of thing so I’m thinkin’ that putting all our heads together will be Yakih’ra’s best shot.”
N'yami’s tail whipped with excitement behind her. "Buildin' the arm is a different thing for me but actually settin' up the wirin' with the nerves is somethin' I won't know too much about, what wires would we use for that? I assume you and Ma will be doin' the attachin' of that?" She asked with a raise of a brow towards Linn. "Don't think ya want me in the surgery room. We should also make a piece that covers the part where he lost his arm, little detatchment part. Plus if a wire needs to be replaced pop that bad boy off and take a look under the hatch see what's goin' on. Hm...gotta worry about water gettin' in there."
Yayaji Yaji: "You're all in luck! As a matter of fact, I have built a prosthetic arm before for a fierce pirate during my time in the roguish city of Limsa Lominsa! Of course, that arm exploded a few weeks into use, but that was on purpose and I was long gone by then! I'm sure the fundamentals remain the same!" Yaji explains proudly, meanwhile Professor Meowitzer putts on over to Sergius and begins rubbing its cheek against his leg. The sound of grinding gears can be heard from inside its metallic frame, vaguely reminiscent of purring
Something flits across Sergius’ expression, barely noticeable before the blank wall smoothes back into place. “Connecting a prosthetic into whatever nerve endings remain is painful. They have to be awake to facilitate alignment between the biological and mechanical systems.” At least, that had been his experience with Rhua. Aislinn shoots Sergius a troubled look at hearing that particular bit of news, but then nods to Yami “Aye, we should try and make any maintenance or repair issues easy to navigate.” 
She begins drawing a rough schematic on the board. Sergius stares down at the mechanical cat but curiously, doesn’t stop it from doing what it’s doing. “Hell if I know about waterproofing. It’s better to start out with a water resistant metal and figure shit out from there. You’re going to want Allagan wootz and that’s not cheap.”
“Right. Well. No built in explosions, this time.” Aislinn says in reply to Yaji, without halting her drawing as she speaks. “That would be…counterintuitive.”
N'yami Synch: "Well let's hope this arm doesn't blow up! That would fuckin' hurt like hell. Just think yer walkin' along one day and BAM. Arm blows up!" Her ears perked up at Sergius' comment. "Never fear! I know where to get allagan wootz from! Well, gotta see if the old man will allow me to have some of his supply but in this type of situation I don't think he'll say no. I'll use the puppy dog face on him, then have Yaji steal it while he's distracted."
Yayaji Yaji gives N'yami a thumbs up before addressing Aislinn again. "Come now, I would *never* give an exploding arm to a friend! However, what are the patient's opinion on gadgets? Any weapons of choice? I've been tinkering with this flamethrower device you see, and..." Yaji is cut off as Meowitzer lets out another <ME-OW> as it looks up towards Sergius. "Oh ho! The Professor really likes you! Careful now, it has a habit of spontaneously combusting when it gets too excited!"
Sergius studies Yami as if he can’t decide if she’s serious or not. His drone drifts towards Aislinn and circles around to check her expression but no, she didn’t look like she was laughing at anything Yami said. Instead, she looked relieved. “Oh good.” She breathes. “That should shorten the timeline up if we already have the metal on hand. If he’s upset, tell him we’ll replace it. It’ll just take some time for my source to make a run.”
Sergius’ attention returns to the cat as he attempts an exploratory ping. Did the creation even have that functionality?
Aislinn passes Yaji a subdued look, recalling Yakih’ra’s explosive rants in the midst of his turmoil. “He…wouldn’t be opposed to weaponry. I question how healthy that might be in the long run but…” Aislinn trails off. Because wasn’t that just the pot calling the kettle black? There had never been a moment she had regretted what she had done in vengeance. 
N'yami was 100% serious about stealing the wootz from her old man. "No worries, I'll take the fall for anythin' related to that so if he asks none of ya had anythin' to do with it." Her ears perked. "Flamethrower would be a nice touch!" Yami took an extra marker and started writing off in the corner a list of supplies they'd need, and features that came to mind to be added. "Alright, gonna start makin' a shoppin' list. What else we needin'?"
Professor Meowitzer is absolutely not designed for spontaneous combustion, however the sheer amount of explosives and weaponry that had been stuffed inside the small cat chassis was definitely a fire hazard. The bot seems to reply to the ping as well, starting to fly circles around Sergius excitedly. Yaji however was too busy thinking up what cool new weapons could be placed into a robotic arm. "Ah, revenge! The perfect motivator for innovation! Now, ah, perhaps we should talk finances? Who will be paying for all this work, and how much exactly?"
“He’s angry right now. He has a right to be. Cultists attacked his home and took his arm. I’m thinkin’ he’s dealing with a lot right now.” It was an understatement and Aislinn knew it. A lot of guilt. A lot of wanting to do something about it. A lot of wanting to get even. And damned if she didn’t understand that perfectly. At Yaji’s assumption of payment, Aislinn tilts her head to Yami. “This was trauma dealt on the job. Your boss will send an invoice to Heartwood.”
"Wonderful!" Yaji declares with a grin and clasps her hands together. "Judging by the impressive stature of your estate, that must mean your boss will only want the very best! Yami and I shall deliver exactly that, have no fear, young Yakih'ra will be most definitely get all the revenge his wonderful heart desires!"
"Never fear Yaji! It'll be a nice Starlight bonus for the Synch forge!" She grinned at the lalafell. "From the damage I've seen around the estate I can imagine that he's out for blood. Revenge does crazy things to ya, hopefully he doesn't fall too far into it." She thought it over for a moment as if thinking about shit she's done in the past related to revenge. "Annnnyyywwaaayyysss." Her ears flicked as her brain went back to focusing on the arm that needed to be made. "We'll get this all sorted for him, with us four workin' on it Yakih'ra will be back to normal in no time. He'll just be 15% metal is all." She shrugged like it was a normal thing.
Sergius’ system makes a handshake with cat-bot’s own and begins to make an ID query. “That’s not what Aislinn meant.” He stated right on the heels of Aislinn’s own sigh of “That’s not what I meant. Don’t load this arm up with all the bells and whistles he needs to go and get himself killed. He’s a desperate hand looking for a gun.” She turns her gaze to Yami. “I can do the intricate biometric wiring that’ll need to feed into his nerve endings. The connectors are going to be touchy.” 
She cut a glance to Sergius. “No need to reinvent the wheel, can you get me schematics for the connectors on Rhua’s arm?” There was a fraction of silence before Aislinn’s terminal on the bench beeped. “Sent.” He told her. Aislinn turned back to Yami and nodded. Then, because she thought it might bear repeating. “No flamethrowers. Not yet. We can always modify it after Yakih’ra’s in a better headspace.”
N'yami looked between Aislinn and Sergius then she heard the beep. How did he do that? "Hold on, are we not gonna talk about how Sergius sent you files without movin'? How in the hells did he do that?" Her gaze locked onto Sergius. "Aislinn's right though, should wait on the weapons till everythin' is settled. Don't need him settin' off one of the weapons when he doesn't even know how to function the arm yet." She said all this without shifting her gaze.
Yayaji Yaji sighs and shrugs. "Fine, fine, the customer is always right I suppose! We will defer to your expertise, my lady!" Yaji says with a polite and sweeping bow. Meowitzer meanwhile pings Sergius back. <Designation: Robon|\|//PROFESSOR MEOWITZER COPYRIGHT YAYAJI YAJI DO NOT STEAL|//\?yan>. It then curiously pings Atreus back for his ID
Sergius shifted his gaze to somewhere in N’yami’s vicinity. “All this aether magic shit people do around here and -that’s- the thing that trips you up?” he returns. Through his feed with Professor Meowitzer, he shoots a reply //Sergius-IV.// It seemed anything else about copyright wouldn’t be forthcoming. “That’s another good point.” Aislinn said, moving along as if Sergius wasn’t the oddity in the room. “It’s going to take time for Yakih’ra to learn his new arm. If we do our job right, physically, the arm should sync with the body quickly after the connection is made but mentally, it’s going to be an adjustment.”
Yayaji Yaji: "Aside from working hard to ensure the tactile sensors are properly attuned, I'm afraid there's nothing we can do to help in that regard. The boy will need someone to talk to for certain, perhaps someone with experience of wearing a prosthetic. I am sure that won't be too difficult to find amidst this rabble of adventurers though!"
N'yami: "Sure is!" Even with his grumpy attitude it didn't stop the Seeker from wanting to befriend the grumpy man. "You'd be surprised at the amount of weird ass aether I've run into." She made a disgusted face at past memories of people she's run into. "Yyeeeppp." And back to focusing on Linn. "We'll have to do some physical therapy with him, well, whatever you want to call it. Might have to make adjustments when it's attached so it feels comfortable." She thought for a moment. "Only person I've known with a prosthetic is Nys but that's just her eye. So I'm out of options for ya."
Aislinn hums in thought as she studies the board, turning Yaji and Yami’s words over in her mind. “I don’t know of anyone with a prosthetic either.” She frowns. Sergius may have been a machine but there wasn’t anything biological about him. But he did know someone like that. The viera that had dropped in while Aislinn was repairing him out in Garlemald. Even as she carefully edged her attention his way she could feel the foreboding rolling off him in waves like he had already pegged her intention. So that was a ‘no’. She sighed. “I know you both will put it through its paces before you bring it here but the sooner we get this going, the sooner we might soothe a bit of Yakih’ra’s mind. We’ll just have to help him figure it out in lieu of anyone with any real experience being where he is.”
Aislinn turns one of her barely-there smiles on Yami and Yaji. “G’lewra and I can handle that. If you can both handle the engineering part.”
Professor Meowitzer suddenly stops its rushing around, bringing its little arms up to its neck like its choking. Horrible noises arise from its throat, coughing and retching before finally tilting forward and barfing up a... grenade. There is a moment's pause, but thankfully the pin remains inside and Yaji walks over with a sigh. "I told you, if you rush too much you'll cough up a hairball! You never listen to me!" She sighs as she plucks the grenade up and pops it into her pocket.
"Whatcha say Yaji? Time to pull our famous all nighters? And totally not steal somethin' before headin' home." She watched Meowitzer cough up the grenade as if it was a normal every day thing. "Don't worry, Linn! We'll handle the engineering part! We may call with questions though but other than that we'll let ya know what we come up with."
Sergius watches the exchange as Yaji pockets the grenade and he backburns the alert that went off in his systems. “That seems like a design flaw.” He states.
"You must really like this one to be so riled up." Yaji gives the cat a pat on the cheek, earning herself a <ME-OW> before something more is output from the robot's mouth, this time appearing to be a small slip of paper. "Hmm?" Yaji accepts this, reads it over for a moment, then pauses... "...Hmm." She repeats again, but in a different tone, and looks up to Sergius. "My dear... Has anyone told you how beautiful you are..?" She speaks, sounding actually genuine in her compliments for once.
The little lalafell barely cleared Sergius’ knees but that didn’t stop his proximity protocols from threatening to go off as she approached him. There was a tonal shift in her voice he couldn’t identify. Her question appeared to stymie him. He immediately shifts to Aislinn for assistance but she’s already lost in designing the delicate wiring roadmap that will be needed to make contact with what remained of Yakih’ra’s nerve endings. “I’m going to go with no.” He tells Yaji, unable to make eye contact with her. To be fair, he didn’t make eye contact with anyone really. “I’m going to get back to repairing the clinic.” He states. Aloud. In case anyone was wondering.
Yayaji Yaji: "Oh my... My dear... This is truly a crime, for your beauty has truly swept my heart into an uproar... Please, allow me to assist with your efforts to repair the clinic! I am... er, certain the Professor would like to spend more time with you!" She insists, the robotcat giving an approving <ME-OW> from behind her
N'yami’s gaze shifted to Aislinn and then back to the two in front of her. She was finding this rather amusing.
Oh hell no. There’s a measurable spike as his systems plot an escape from having to deal with any more interaction he didn’t have the bandwidth to parse. This time, Aislinn does seem to pause long enough to attempt to intercede on the poor A.I.’s behalf. “Yaji, I think we need your talents with building this prosthetic. This is a tight deadline.”
"Hm? Oh. Well. I suppose that is why I'm here." Yaji says, sounding saddened. The soot-covered Lalafell offers one more bow for Sergius, "Until next we meet then, my dear. It was truly a wonder meeting you." She says, then begrudgingly rejoins Aislinn and N'yami's brainstorming session
Aislinn cuts a meaningful glance to Serigus. He was free to go. And go he does, making a rapid exit out the door. “He’s a touch anti-social.” Aislinn murmurs as she turns back to the board. That might have been the largest understatement Aislinn had ever made. And she made them in droves.
N'yami: "What a nice fellow."
Aislinn snorts as if N'Yami had just made a joke
Yayaji Yaji nods a few times absent-mindedly, then leans in to N'yami only after Sergius had left for the clinic. "Er... Yami, I may have need for your advice when we get home. I appear to be in love."
N'yami: "I will give you all the advice you need!"
Aislinn's marker streaks wildly off course on the board. "Wait...what?"
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heartwoodventures · 3 years
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Primary Access Required: Testing, Testing
In which Heartwood heads back to (bloody) Coerthas in order to test Aislinn’s aether dampener and catch themselves a spidery bioweapon!
Aislinn arrived in Heartwood’s front hall after a quick rest and a change of clothes. Seeing Rising near the tanks, she walked up and peered into the aquarium. "How's your friend?" she asked, doing away with any preamble.
Rising was eyeing the smaller fish swimming around the bottom of the tank as Aislinn approached. "Seems like he's doin' alright! If he ain't been eaten yet I don't think he will."
Aislinn gave a brief smile as she caught sight of the little bugger. "Looks like he's one of the team now. Good on him." she nodded before turning and taking a seat to wait for things to get under way. "How about yourself? How's things?"
Cravendy slips out from her room and joins the others by the couches. Once seated, she immediately begins to fiddle with her gun, double and triple checking its parts on repeat.
Riylli lazily waves to Cravs as she enters and takes a seat near her. "Hey! Have we always had this many Miqo'te in the company? Why'd no one tell me?"
"Still need a name though." Rising rubs her chin as she was clearly running through suitable options in her head. "Crimble I suppose seems alright, an' can't complain here, yourself? Carve anythin' neat yet?"
"Crimble." Aislinn tried the name out a few times, murmuring it under her breath. "Aye, that fits. Tiny-sounding. Like a crumb or a thimble." At Rising's question though, she tilted her head. "I'm getting really good at spatulas. And kindling. Lots of kindling for the fire." she replied in a deadpan way before shrugging in wry amusement. "So it goes."
"Well then after you start your fire with the kindlin' you have somethin' to flip your food at least! I guess next thing ya should work on is a fork or a plate eh?" Rising plopped down on the other chair, cursing a moment later. "Shite, we're headin' to Coerthas right?"
N'yami moved through the estate with a carbuncle following right behind her, the Seeker chose to stand next to the railing and eye the group that had showed up. Ears flicked at the mention of Riylli's comment then offered a small wave. "I tend to hide out in my workshop, only come out when I'm either needed or dragged out."
N'ana Firesong stretches.
“I always figured ye cat-folk kept to yourselves...” Cravendy dips her head at N’yami. Case in point.
Riylli waved back to N'yami and flashed her a quick grin. "Well, it's nice to finally meet ya then. My names Riylli." She said, before her friendly attitude turned on a dime as she turned back to Cravs. "Don't call us cats." She said, her voice cold and clearly annoyed.
Haila meanwhile, merely remained silent. She could see new faces being involved in this particular case, and it didn't bring any relief more than worry. Having more people meant bigger risks of losing someone again, or at least, such was the case in her eyes as she glanced around with a small frown.
N'ana Firesong simply dusted her legs and made herself comfortable.
Evelyn Blazewing laughs and shakes her head upon hearing Riylli's comment. "Fufufu... this vessel is merely temporary. But I suppose I am still /technically/ a Miqo'te..." She brought her bandaged right hand up to cover the left side of her face. "I much prefer the company of my familiar than I do that of mortals. But, I figured I should at least come out every once in a while to converse with the commoners..." She smiled smugly to herself with her last comment.
Riylli Aliapoh raised an eyebrow at Evelyn's comment, then looked around the room to check everyone elses reactions only to find no one looking as confused as she was. "Erm... Right. Well, nice to meet you too... I think."
N'yami Synch: "N'yami, ya ever need somethin' fixed lemme know and I'll lend a hand." The carbuncle next to the Seeker jumped up onto the Seeker's shoulder to wrap around her like a scarf, the summon wanted to feel a part of the conversation. "Oh, and this is Whackara before she hits me for not introducin' her." The summon puffed out her chest with joy. "So I'm sure the rest of ya are as excited as I am to head out to Coerthas and deal with that cold hell."
Cravendy Hound grunts, but obliges to Riylli’s request. She was used to hanging out with pirates whose conversations were often thinly veiled insulting contests, and old habits die hard. “Right...Mee-quote-tay. Not cat.”
Aislinn was about to open her mouth to reply to Rising but quickly shut it as N'yami started talking. She turned her attention to the miqo'te and simply sighed. Damned bloody Coerthas.
N'ana Firesong: "What is in this Cold hell ye are dealing with?"
Haila Wetyios: "The reason we're short three people within the Company right now..." was all she'd comment, choosing to allow N'yami to take the floor on this one.
N'yami Synch: "Allagan spider creatures that some crazed scientist made to drain aether from living things...." She paused and thought it over for a moment. "I think that about sums it up." The Seeker shrugged. "I just got pulled into this recently."
Evelyn chuckles to herself. "Ah, are you all going out? I, Evelyn Blazewing, third incarnation of Lord Blazewing the Phoenix, the Eternal Ember, shall accompany you. You said we are headed to Coerthas, is that right, mortal? Fufufu... a phoenix not need worry about the cold. You should be most glad that I'm tagging along! My prowess with fire shall prove most useful to all of you there... i-if you'll have me, I mean." She looked away a bit at her last statement.
Rising Lotus grumbled more as their location was confirmed, shrugging as Riylli glanced at her. "Don't have my damn cold gear with me..gonna be a fun day." she sighed and slumped down a bit in the chair.
After casting an askance look at Evelyn and her declaration, Aislinn murmured almost to herself. "I'll have to grab my bleeding coat before we head out." If Aislinn hated anything, it was the cold.
N'ana Firesong: "Well then meh blade if for ye then. Don't know much of whatever these spiders are but aye am always willing to test meh metal."
Riylli grinned. "Finally, I've been waiting to go after those spiders ever since I joined this group! You can't just lead with that then make me build up some town for moons instead. I'm built for smashing, not building!"
Haila snapped her eyes towards one of the newcomers. "Pride won't do you any good in this, nor recklessness. These things have casters as their primary targets each and every single time we've come across them." she said, immediately sighing afterwards as she raised a hand to her forehead. "It goes without saying that magic should be the very VERY last resort in this expedition you're all about to go." she added, this time glancing at everyone.
Cravendy Hound: “Are ye all ‘earin’ what I’m ‘earin’? Or am I ‘avin’ some kind of...” Cravs shakes her head in confusion at Evelyn’s remarks. But it was all very curious to her, and she found herself wondering about the curious character. “Aye, let’s bring along that one.”
N'yami had a very confused look on her face for a moment but it vanished as soon as it appeared. "Well, I believe Aislinn had a device to help us?" She perked a brow when looking over to the Hyur. "Last time we talked we were goin' to use me as bait for pullin' the creature in while the rest of ya bring it down."
Haila Wetyios: "All of this while keeping the spider as intact as possible. 'Tis all I'd ask to finish cracking the data and communication they all share."
N'ana Firesong: "So we are studying them, not slaying them."
Riylli Aliapoh breathed a sigh of relief that someone else was hearing what Evelyn was saying, and that she had not just gone insane. But she had another concern now, turning to Haila, "Wait, we can't use magic? No one said anythin' about not using magic."
Aislinn nodded to N'yami. "The aether dampener, aye. Did you remember to grab it from your mother's desk?" she asked. "Like I said before it. ..*should* mask a person's aether signature a great deal. But, you can't get something for nothing. In return, it makes using aether far more difficult. Like training with weights on. Should being the operative word. I've tested it out here but it's never really been field tested before. And not against those bioweapons." she added.
N'yami’s ears went down for a moment, that's right she was supposed to grab it. But never fear Whackara was on the case! The carbuncle swatted Yami over the head before opening her mouth to show the object they were talking about. "Oh yea! Gave it to ya to protect." Holding her hand out the carbuncle just dropped it in Yami's hands like it was no big deal. Clearly this wasn't the first time the carbuncle was used for storage.
Cravendy‘s frown deepens at the mention of N’yami being bait. “It sounds like ye ‘ave all the pieces aligned, but that sounds risky. If it looks like yer in trouble, then ye’ll ‘ave to forgive me for trashin’ the enemy.”
"We've lost three people so far, all of them having a specialty somehow tied to conjury or white magic. We can't take extra risks again." Haila paused, turning over to Riylli. 
"When the first person went missing, a group of three assembled secretly and went to try and find them without telling anyone... Needless to say, only the one person that wasn't exactly magically inclined came back. Those creatures are an army of machina to say the least."
Evelyn Blazewing sighs. "Fine, mortal. I shall hold my magic unless it is absolutely necessary. You needn't worry regardless, for a phoenix always rises from her ashes!" She struck a small pose, leaning back in her seat for a moment before returning to her usual position. "So we're letting it live? Perhaps it is best I not use my magic after all..." She sighs and shrugs. "I will simply find another way to assist you all, then. I shall exercise extreme caution so you do not worry, viera. Does that help ease your nerves?"
Riylli Aliapoh peaked up from over the back of her couch to listen to Aislinn explain. "Well... I should be able to work with using less aether, but you won't be getting me at my best! I was hoping to show off proper this time too, since no one could see anything during that dodo fight..."
Aislinn nodded in thanks to the carbuncle for remembering. She looked back to N'yami. "Once you're ready, just cuff it to your wrist, the stone and circuitry should do the rest." she once more eyed Evelyn with a wary gaze.
Haila Wetyios: "As long as you keep your own distance, I won't complain." she merely stated with a serious tone, though from her voice, it was clear that she had her own reservations or even personal feelings about this entire case.
Rising Lotus raised her hand "Going with what Cravs said, in case things start to go sour, we ought to have a signal or somethin' to switch from catchin' to smashin' and gettin' outa there."
Aislinn turned her attention to Riylli. "Unfortunately, I only had time to create one prototype." she jerked her chin to the one in N'yami's hands. "The rest of us need to be careful."
Riylli groaned. "Great... Guess I'll just... Play defense, or somethin'..." She muttered, totally pouting over not getting to fight the spiders properly
"Should I put it on now or wait till we get there?" N'yami eyed Riylli for a moment, an actual caster would be better playing bait but the Seeker couldn't bring herself to letting the others getting injured if things went bad.
Aislinn does her best to hold her tongue in the face of such idealistic exuberance. The gravity of the loss of Heartwood members in the face of these bioweapons hadn't truly sunken in for the new recruits. Sometimes experience was the best teacher. She looked to N'yami and took a refocusing breath. "Depends on if you think you're going to need to call upon some aether between now and then."
“Scream once if yer in trouble, twice if yer just foolin’ with us.” Cravs dryly advises N’yami.
"What happens if I do it three times?" N’yami grinned, joking of course and an attempt to lighten the mood. "No worries, if things start goin' bad I'll let ya know guys know."
Evelyn: "Ah, is that what our signal shall be? Primitive and simple, yet effective. The success of our mission is all but assured regardless if we take the necessary precautions."
N'yami nodded. "So." N'yami clipped the item onto her wrist. "Who wants to hold the Carbuncle? If things start goin' bad she'll let ya know." The summon’s ears perked up and pitch black orbs looked around the room to determine who her Coerthas buddy will be.
Evelyn raises her hand enthusiastically. "I shall care for thy familiar, mortal. Choose me, and you shall not regret it."
Cravendy Hound tries to lean into N’yami’s confidence, and tries to tell herself this mission will be smooth sailing. But an ever familiar anxiety sets her heart pumping.  Cravs huffs, and moodily looks to the corner of the table.
"Whackara is connected to me, if I'm in trouble her fur will bristle so just keep an eye on that." The carbuncle jumped down from N'yami's shoulder and went to sit on the arm of the chair where Evelyn was, a paw reached out to rest on the red heads shoulder as if to say 'Buddy'.
Evelyn grinned quietly to herself and chuckled. "The pact is complete, then. I shall guard this one with my life. You needn't worry, I will simply resurrect should anything happen to me. Your safety is all but assured, friend." She reaches a hand out to softly pet the carbuncle.
Rising Lotus "We have somethin' to catch it or keep it too right? Or should we jus' break it's legs an' bring it in?" she crossed her arms and leaned back into her chair. "Granted I don't know anythin' near enough 'bout them as Haila, but I do remember ya sayin' it can call other ones too right? Do we have some way to stop that?"
Haila turned over to Rising, "No ways to disrupt it yet I'm afraid, 'tis one strong signal, but the best would be to drag the straggler you mean to capture as far away as possible before it calls reinforcements."
N'yami hummed in thought for a moment. "Could use wires? A barrier would just be absorbed by the damn thing, but we would need a couple people who would want to volunteer to just jump the damn thing and tie it up."
Aislinn let her gaze drift over to Rising and Cravendy
Evelyn sighed and looked around. "Unfortunately, this vessel's arms are quite frail, otherwise I would love to volunteer... are any mortals willing to take the lead?"
“Seems easier to just break its legs. We won’t be needin’ those to do whatever we need the spider for, right?” Cravendy looks around, suddenly wary of another’s gaze on her. “Jump it. Beat it up. Been there, done that...”
Rising Lotus grimaces "Ugh, alright. I don't wanna see a wave of them things again if I can help it." she glanced at N'yami as she offered her suggestion. "..that sounds like it'd work, sure Cravs is a right fine knot tie-er too. " she looked toward Cravs.
Riylli raised her hand. "I could probably incapacitate it with my magic pretty easy, depending on how strong the thing is. Would give me something to do too..." She said with an overexaggerated sigh
Haila Wetyios: "As long as it gets the job done, I have no quarry with it. Breaking the legs should do the job, but if all else fails, I'll take a broken spider."
"Ah, are you not joining us, mortal? A shame, your apparent experience with these spiders would be quite the help." Evelyn said, turning her gaze to Haila.
Haila Wetyios shook her head. "As much as I wish I could, I have my reasons for not going... 'Tis been by mere coincidence that the spiders didn't pick up on me the other times. But I can't risk a third one. At least not if I want a few plans of my own to work."
N'yami Synch: "So who's ready to go catch us a spider!? That's a dumb question no one really is but hells we need the bloody thing so let's go punch it in the legs."
N'ana Firesong gave a small sigh. "Why spiders" she mumbled.
Cravendy glances back at Rising. “Can’t say I’ve ever kidnapped a spider, but there’s a first for everythin’. But the idea would be the same. Lure it away to some lonely corner, away from pryin’ eyes, and tie it up afore it knows what got ‘im. Or beat it till it’s broken.”
Riylli gave a concerned look to the pirate Roe, unsure if she was joking or not
Rising Lotus: "Well lets play it by ear then. If we have a chance to bind it lets do that, if not we'll smash it's legs off, and as a last case option we'll kill it all together."
Evelyn stands up and strikes a pose with her staff. "Let our operation commence. The Goddess of Victory is on our side, so long as we err on the side of caution. Now, let us show these spiders true despair..." She held her bandaged right arm up to her left eye again, folding her left one across her body. She let out an enthusiastic "Fwahahaha!" and shook her head afterward.
Aislinn nodded and rose to her feet. "Seems like we have a plan in place." Roughly, but it was still a plan. "I'll go grab my bloody coat." she shook her head and retreated briefly back to her quarters.
After the group made the walk through Coerthas back to the area where they knew the spiders would appear, with some grumbling cause of the cold of course, N'yami lead them through the snowy terrain. Stopping in her tracks the Seeker looked around with perked ears. "Where exactly were you all ambushed before? Perhaps that will be the best spot to look for one."
Riylli kicked at the ground below, trying to keep her shivering to a minimum. "...Hate this stupid place... Grounds all frozen... Terrible to work with..." She muttered to herself as the rest of the group did their thing
N'ana: "Aye hope we finish up quickly. As much as aye enjoy mountain trips in Othard this cold is a different story."
Aislinn looked to Rising and Cravendy to answer that question. She hadn't yet ventured out to meet these spiders head on. For obvious reasons. Heartwood still needed at least a semblance of a medical staff until they could get G'lewra and Vanriri back.
Rising Lotus huffed as they exited the cave, rubbing her hands together as she was a tad underdressed. "I think it was a bit more down there, near the bridge right?" she glanced at Cravs, keeping her body moving to build up some heat. It then dawned on her the Cravs was kind of not there at the time, but maybe she knew somehow?
Evelyn shivered quietly, holding Whackara in her arms. "F-Fufufu... this cold is n-nothing... you m-mortals always complain about the silliest things..." she posed again in her usual fashion.
Cravendy feels her gut sink as she remembers a time when...it was before she woke up, and yet. She groans, but answers to the best of her ability. “Yeah, I remember it was by that hill, and we crossed a bridge at some point. Over there?” Cravs points down south.
N'yami Synch: "Works for me." She offered a shrug and just started walking down the path, they'd eventually run into the blasted thing right? That's how it usually worked from what she heard. "Time to give this damsel-in-distress thing a try I suppose."
"I-If these things go after magic users, how 'bout we just start channelling and wait for it to show up?" Riylli offered, getting sick of standing in one place freezing her tail off
Cravendy lightly elbows Evelyn as she passes her. “Phoenix-lass, right? Ye think ye can ‘eat up the poor sods who’re freezin’ their arses off?”
Rising Lotus looks at the river over the hill. "This is lookin' familiar, bridge ain't too far from here." she pointed across it. "They all came from the other side of it, and we fell back to the bridge." she pointed to the left down the path.
Aislinn heard Cravendy and looked over her shoulder. "I'm good. No need to light me up or anything."
Evelyn Blazewing 's eyes open wide. "Sh-Share my warmth? With... e-everyone? F-Fwahaha, I certainly would if it were possible. Touching a mere mortal with my body temperature s-so high would incinerate them to mere ashes!" she quietly mumbled to herself. "B-Besides, I'm kinda using it right now..."
Cravendy nods to Rising’s statement. “Some of ‘em were underneath the snow too, so watch where ye step.”
Aislinn took a few steps back at that. "Great." she muttered as she peered down at the frozen ground around them.
N'ana Firesong: "Ye seem ye can mix a drink right now, Phoenix."
Evelyn: "I would be happy to mix you a drink were now a good time, mortal. Ask when we return home and I shall happily oblige."
N'yami looked around for a moment as they paused. "We'll stick around somewhere safe so the rest of ya have a place to hide while I drag the damn thing out." The Seeker pointed over at the boulder sticking out of the ground. "Go hide over there while I call it out. Rising, and Cravs, get ready to launch yerself at it once it comes out."
Rising Lotus: "Aye, pulled...uh.. someone off one before it got her, then it called it's friends." she tapped her boots on the ground to shake some snow out of her sandals.
Cravendy: “Aye. Come on Rising, we got a boulder to snoop behind.” She starts to walk over.
Heartwood runs into another RP FC also RPing (Riylli Aliapoh) (feels like two rival gangs are passing) (Aislinn North) ((Throwdown)) (Haila Wetyios) Oh snap)) (Rising Lotus) We have to intimidate them, everyone make yourselfs big)) (Cravendy Hound) OH?? )) (N'yami Synch) PUFF OUT)) (N'yami Synch) I think we win)) (Cravendy Hound) omg haha )) (Riylli Aliapoh) (as big as you can get) (N'yami Synch) Lol one of them is a friend of my so I whispered yelled at him to get out of my swamp xD))
Rising Lotus nodded, pumping herself up before tailing behind Cravs, drawing her spear on the way.
"I can help too y'know..." Riylli muttered as she stomped off to hide behind the boulder
Aislinn murmured to N'yami as she gestured to the device on the miqo'te's wrist. "If your plan is to take that off to lure a spider, I'd suggest snapping it right back on the moment you get one on your trail. As it is we're going to have a hell of a time shutting it up before it calls any others." she nodded. "Watch yourself, aye?"
Cravendy ducks behind the boulder and peeks out, as sneakily as she can manage. But she’s half-distracted by Rising, who to her...does not look dressed for success, in this weather. “Nophica’s teats, ye askin’ to catch a cold again?!” She harshly whispers.
N'yami Synch: "Cravs and Rising, pull Riylli with ya when the thing comes out, the faster we bring the thing down the better." The Seeker looked over to Aislinn and offered a short nod. "I can defend myself pretty well, if you know someone else needs it more I'll be fine without it."
Riylli's ears perked up, her pouting interrupted. "Wait, me? I mean, yeah! The grounds a bit frozen, but I'm sure it'll be fine" She finished with a confident nod, back to her usual self
Rising Lotus was peeking around the other side of the rock, spearing humming away as they waited. "I'll be fine, been through here lots of times dressed like this. Build's character." she shivered a bit as she said the last part. " 'sides fightin' will keep me plenty warm."
Aislinn shook her head and snorted. "I'm not playing the lottery like that. You're going after the spider, you take it. I'm just saying." she turned and went to stand with the others.
Riylli kicks a bit off snow onto Rising's exposed toes. "Builds hypothermia is what it does. How are you gonna fight when you're frozen to the ground?"
Cravendy: “Might be awhile ‘fore we’re fightin’.” Cravs looks back at N’yami and watches the miqo’te like a hawk. Her breath coming out in chilly plumes, she mumbles something under her breath. “Feh, character...Personally, I’m done buildin’ anymore of that.”
N'ana Firesong keeps a watchful eye over her surroundings.
N'yami unhooked the device from her arm for a moment, and that's when the rest of the group would feel a surge of aether crash over them. The group would feel a wide range of emotions hit them, the strongest one they felt would send a warmth through their cold bodies. Raising her hand in the air the Seeker summoned a ball of aether and shot it off in the air, one after the other like a show of fireworks and each one burst in the sky. Red aether mixed into the white winds that were carried off to call upon the creature they were looking for and with how much the Seeker was giving off did the group hear an echoing screech off in the distance. Those who had met the creatures would know the sound all too well, it was coming.
N'ana Firesong knelt over, feeling the warmth take over her body and shivered. "Thralls balls!"
Rising Lotus shot Riylli a glare, flinging the snow off her foot, about to retaliate before N'yami started and she focused up, tightening her grip on her spear. She grit her teeth as they had garnered hopefully only one's attention.
Evelyn recoils a bit, reeling from the emotional surge she just felt. She then turns her attention to the sky, and back to N'yami. "An excellent show, mortal, but will it do the tri-" She's cut off by the screeching, which causes her to smirk. "Fufufu... it seems your ploy worked. Everyone, ready yourselves. Our enemy will be upon us soon." She mumbled to herself again. "I-I think... that's our enemy..."
Aislinn stumbled back as the aetheric emotions hit her, the warmth flowing into her body triggering a sense of alarm. No. Not now. But it soon passes as she realized it was only N'yami and not herself. She breathed and tried to shake off the feeling. "That'll get them if nothing else." she said low, her voice wavering slightly.
Riylli glances over to Evelyn. "Hey, crazy lady, how hot can that fire of yours get? Y'think you can thaw the earth a bit for me when we jump out?"
Cravendy grunts as she weathers the wave of aether, sets her jaw as foreign emotions flow through. When it passes, she finally takes a gasp of air. Without knowing it, Cravs had been holding her breath. But she could not breathe easy, not yet. They were coming.
Evelyn glares at Riylli. "I am not crazy, mortal. My flames are the hottest in the realm. I would be more than happy to assist you, however." She sighed.  "So, my talents shall simply be used to thaw the earth? Fine, fine... I came here to offer my assistance, after all."
The sound of heavy footsteps could be heard as the beast came crashing through the snowy plains, this one was the perfect size to carry someone off and with how much aether it detected it seemed determined to catch whatever was creating it. At the last possible second N'yami slapped the device onto her wrist again to dampen her aether, and that's when the Crawler stopped in front of her. The familiar whirring noise was heard as it scanned the Seeker for the aether source.
Aislinn North From her hiding place behind the boulder, Aislinn tensely watched, her breath trapped in her lungs. She sincerely hoped her device wouldn't fail now, of all times.
Cravendy‘s eyes widen at the sight of the machine, but any hesitation is quickly pushed down. Cravs shuffles over the boulder and charges at her target, hoping to knock it off balance with a low blow to one of its many legs.
Rising Lotus "Great, a big one..." she hopped out from her hiding place and charged forward, taking a great big swipe at it's front left leg as she got in range.
Riylli Aliapoh hopped up onto the rock, shouting out to Evelyn. "Time to shine, crazy phoenix lady! Help me get the earth under it's legs!" She commanded, and began to swirl aether around her as she commanded the earth to reach out and swallow up the spiders legs, though as she suspected the ice made it difficult to manage. However, with Evelyn's help…
N'ana Firesong: "Take out it's eye!"
Evelyn sighs and smiles, bringing her rod close to her. "Fufufu... behold mortals, the purest of flames, the hottest of cinders! This is a gift from Lord Blazewing himself! To ash do we fall, and from ash do we rise... now!" *she launches a small fireball, which then explodes into a larger flame that consumes the ground around the spider. "Hell's Maw!"
Aislinn reached into her coat, white-knuckles wrapping around the grip of her pistol as the others charged. She wouldn't use her aether but she would shoot if things began to take a dire turn. For now, she watched and waited, fighting the frustration that rose in her.
Despite the several attacks aimed at the spider, it seemed as only a selected few even had an effect on it. Riylli's rocks for once, managed to at least ground it on the spot. It's metal legs though, were stronger than the ones that they'd faced before, that much was clear from the fact that it's hindleg barely took any damage from Rising's attack. The edges of it's fleshy limbs suffering very slight charring as it detected the aether sources around it. The fire spell becoming it's first target as it had been the biggest display of aether out of all of them, with the earth rocks being a close second.
Aislinn North can see where this is going and cursed harshly under her breath. The weapon was already assessing and zeroing in on those who had created a display of aether. "Get ready to scatter." she warned.
Finishing it's scans of it's primary targets as well as potential threats, the mechanical spider made several whirring sounds, had it been a smaller one, it would have surely attempted to call for backups already. This one though, was big enough to attempt it's own attacks. Lifting the few legs that weren't trapped in stone, it attempted to free it's other legs as it hurled rocks around at the closest people within it's range whilst smaller spiders dropped off the big one, rushing at the people in the back.
N'yami watched as the crowd charged at the Crawler and watched the chaos start to form, the Seeker waited for the right time to interfere and if needed she would join the battle. Her ruby gaze kept flicking down to the device on her wrist, debating to take it off to act as bait again, that's why she was here right?
Riylli pumped more aether into her spell, refusing to allow the spider freedom so long as she could help it. "Gonna need you guys to keep those things off me! Can't exactly multitask right now!" She called to whoever might be able to help
Ready for it, Aislinn dashed out from behind the boulder as the smaller spiders charged toward them. She fired off a few shots as she went, hoping to pick a couple off before they swarmed the others.
Rising Lotus managed to dodge the stones that were throw at her, grunting and gripping her spear tightly. With a mighty shout she jabbed the tip of her spear right between where the leg meets the body, twisting and pushing open a gap towars the now exposed and vulnerable shoulder mechanics! If someone could aim several shots in there it would sure do a lot of damage!
Cravendy Hound: “Umf! Shit, thing’s built like a brick ‘ouse!” Why did she think that tackling a thing made of solid metal was a good idea to begin with? Now her shoulder felt all kinds of wrong. She rolls to dodge the flurry of rocks and, out of the corner of her eye, she sees the smaller spiders rush at the party’s backline. A bitter cocktail of anger and anxiety sets her heart alight. Not on her watch!
Cravendy grins when Rising serves her an opening on a silver platter. “Thank ye, flower. Now!” She whips her gun out and sends a flurry of shots aimed directly at the exposed circuitry.
N'ana stabbed at the smaller spiders around her. slashing and kicking the ones too close to her.
Evelyn targets the small spiders approaching her, readying another area fire spell. Without giving a small speech this time, she simply readies and casts another area fire spell, hoping to get rid of the smaller spiders coming after her. After launching her attack, she mutters "Calamity Blaze." and strikes a pose.
Relatively assured that she hadn't made herself a target for the smaller spiders, Aislinn continued to fire off shots to drop the bastards before they could reach the ones casting aether about with abandon, pausing only for the scant seconds it took her to reload. Her precision as a sharpshooter on display, she rarely seemed to miss her marks.
Riylli grit her teeth, trying to hold on as the spider did everything it could to free itself from it's bindings. "I ain't gonna be able to hold much longer! Do whatever it is you gotta do, and do it fast!" She called out to the front lines, swearing under her breath. "'Take it alive' huh? Easy to say when you aren't the one holding the damned thing..." She mutters angrily, before pumping another dose of aether into the earthen shackles
Rising Lotus grinned as Cravs fired several shots into the hole she made, twisting her body around to try and spear the other front leg, aiming for the first joint from it's body and thrusting hard, hopefully she'd continued to have good results aiming for those points compared to hacking and slashing
Cravendy feels that telltale burn of combat. Of blood boiling, of time slowing. Given her proximity to the large machine, Cravs decides to try to grab hold of another leg and directly press the end of her gun at its joint. Squeeze, and fire.
The onslaught of attacks took it's toll, for a moment it seemed that the large spider had underestimated it's targets. Such was the issue of programming it's priorities. The leg that Rising and Cravs had worked together to damage caused several circuits to go haywire. The spider had to pause for a moment as the rest of it's legs too, started taking damage from the shots, the spears and the rocks keeping it grounded all causing damage beyond acceptable parameters, the creature attempted to step back to no avail, it's smaller spiders being taken one after the other with the group work from everyone attacking it. Upon finishing it's damage calculations, it buckled down, almost compacting part of it's body for a moment as it emitted a deafening sound alongside static that was nearly palpable in the air. It wouldn't damage it's opponents as much as it would deafen them briefly, but it was for sure calling for nearby backups.
Riylli just kept channeling really. Nothing to see here. She wasn't getting tired or anything. It's fine. All fine.
Cravendy recoils at the explosive sound blaring right next to her ears. She searches for the source of the sound but can’t quite focus with this ringing in her head, so instead she opts to continue her assault. Cravs aims her gun at the spider’s chassis and fires several times. If it’s broken, the racket’ll stop, right?
N'ana shook her head feeling a bit dizzy and off balance from the noise. She put the sword inside its holdster and then drew it with a blinding light of power on one of the spiders back legs.
Aislinn staggered to the side and clapped a free hand over one ear as the blaring beacon went off. Damn it all. That thing simply needed to -die-. Gritting her teeth against the painful noise, she did her best to keep watch on the casters, and pick off any of the smaller spiders that still remained. "Someone shut it up, fast!" her words barely heard over the blaring siren.
Rising Lotus braced herself as the screech blared, bracing herself while she gazed over the ugly thing. Things usually make sound from their mouths, so she thrusted right under it's glowing eye, hoping that was where it would be? If it had one?
N'yami Synch placed her hands over her ears as the creature called out for help. Why did it need to be so loud? "Take it down now! We need to get out of here fast before the backup arrives!"
Riylli Aliapoh huffed, feeling neglected out there in the backlines, watching everyone else do cool stuff. She was not one to enjoy taking the support role, and suddenly a very stupid idea dawned on her. She grinned, "Alright, time to end this!" She called out, suddenly thrusting her arms out to the sides and pumping in every last bit of her aether, the earthen shackles that had been binding the creatures legs suddenly flying out in opposite directions, ripping the spiders legs out with them
Evelyn Blazewing covered her ears and crouched down in recoil from the harsh noise the spider emitted. "I-It's worse than the wails of the damned... shut up!" She stood up, braced herself, and fired a ball of flame at the mechanical arachnid, yelling out "Flames of Ifrit!" as she did.
Cravendy Hound brings her arms up in time to guard herself against a shower of earth and ice. “By the godsdamned Navigator! Warn me next time ye use yer magic!” But, seeing as the spider was now rendered legless by Riylli’s efforts, it seemed a good opportunity to grab and go. Cravs stumbles to the other end of the machine and tries to lift it. They had to get this thing, and themselves, out of here fast.
While incredibly risky and stupid, Riylli's idea worked, the sudden pull from the rocks alongside it's already damaged legs nearly ripped all of them off on the spot. Only one leg remaining, which was the one N'ana kept attacking as the blasted thing started to squirm as much as it could. Several smaller spiders dropped off it's insides, clearly confused as the signal it was sending out to them was not going off well thanks to the damage caused by Rising and Crav's shots.
N'yami bolted towards the giant spider and went to lift it with Cravs. "Let's go go go." The carbuncle grew in size to be big enough to ride and trotted up to Riylli incase she needed to be carried home. "Those who can lift get over here."
The large spider was rendered defenseless, and most of all, it was half intact.
Riylli fell to her knees, aether spent and body exhausted. She grit her teeth and picked herself back up, using her staff to keep her balance as she didn't want people seeing how wiped out she was. "What else could 'time to end this' mean!?" Riylli shot back to Cravs, before carefully trying to crawl her way off the boulder she was dramatically perched on. Maybe exhausting herself right before it was time to run... was not the best plan
Rising pulled her spear back just in time to watch Riylli pull it's legs off like a child would do to a bug, and probably Riylli to a bug too honestly. Quickly returning her spear to her back, she made her way to the front, squatting down and preparing to lift it with the others.
As the limbs come off the spider in a mighty pull of earth, Aislinn wasted no time rushing towards the downed bioweapon, taking out the small spiders that wandered around in confusion. "Alright. N'yami's right. Let's take it and run." she holstered her weapon and made ready to lift along with the others.
Evelyn applauded Riylli's display, a proud smile on her face. "Excellent, truly excellent work, mortal. Your prowess with the earth is quite remarkable..."
Cravendy grumbles something under her breath about being more specific, that “time to end this” should clearly state -how- as well. But it was all bullshit and Cravs knew it - couldn’t expect people to say all that in the heat of the battle. Didn’t stop her from complaining the whole way back though.
Riylli gave a tired grin, always ready to accept some praise. "Best geomancer in eorzea, you can bet on it! You were a big help with that fire though. Couldn't have done it without ya." She said with a nod, before noticing the large carbuncle seemingly waiting for her to pass out. "Oh, hey... you. You offering a ride?" She asked, giving a shrug as she hopped on and did her best not to look so relieved.
As Heartwood managed to take the giant Crawler back, hopefully Haila was fine with the size of it, the group successfully completed their mission and even managed to escape the backup before they showed up but now the real question. How are they going to get it through the door?
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