#Wakandan Royal Family
frogoat · 2 years
A blog about comic books and geek culture in general and Spider-Girl and the MC2 universe in particular.
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unnecessary-sobbing · 2 years
all i wanted - r.w.
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content: slight wakanda forever spoilers, swearing, arguments, angst, no happy ending
pairing(s): riri williams x reader
summary: you never really asked for much, you just wanted her, and now you don’t have her at all
note: inspired by ‘all i wanted’ by paramore snd ‘remember (acoustic)’ by becky hill. yes, specifically the acoustic version. also, requests are still open!
you turn over on your bed with a groan, the sun peaking through your curtain and resting in your eyes. the lack of a body next to you is what woke you up fully, missing the feeling of arms wrapped around your waist. sitting up on your bed you grab your phone, expecting a text from riri. you’re confused when there’s nothing. no ‘hey boo, in the garage’
you go to you messaging app to text her, only to find her name nowhere.
oh, right. she’s not your girlfriend anymore.
it’s been two months since you and riri broke things off. it’s also been a month since you’ve done much of anything. riri meant everything to you and, as unhealthy as it sounds, without her you feel like you have nothing. needless to say, you weren’t taking this well. two, almost three, years, down the drain.
looking back, you both could’ve handled it differently, but what’s done is done.
the first few weeks, you spent days in your room, crying until your head pounded and your throat burned. now, you’ve just been going through the motions. staying in your dorm, doing the work your friends would bring to you until you passed out on the couch. every once in a while your friends would check on you, but you’d just brush them off.
you decided to get out of bed, placing your phone face down on your nightstand. you walk into the common area between you and your roommate and see her in the mini fridge.
“good morning.”
“afternoon, actually, but hey.”
you playfully roll you eyes at her as she hands you a can of soda. she walks past you and sits at her desk.
“oh, before i forget, here,” she pulls a necklace out of her shorts pocket and dangles it in your face.
“riri came over earlier, saying that this is the last of your stuff.”
you immediately feel the lump in your throat and stinging in your eyes as you see the necklace. you gently take it out of her hand, your own shaking slightly.
she fixed it.
“thank you,” you say before going right back to your room to avoid crying in front of your roommate.
tears stream down your face as you sat on your bed, examining the necklace. she wielded it herself and gave it to you for your guys’ one year anniversary. it was a silver chain with an iron pendant of the first letter of your name. you had broke it when you guys broke up, giving it to her during your argument. seeing that she fixed it hurt even more. the memory still felt like a fresh wound on your heart.
you were happy for riri, truly. the opportunity she was given was one of the best things that could’ve happened to her. her genius was being recognized by wakanda, the most powerful nation in the world. anyone would be proud.
but recently, it has been putting a strain on your relationship.
you were seeing her less and less, and you were starting to miss her. you guys were both busy, but she more than you, so it was so much harder for you guys to spend time together. her frequent trips to wakanda, plus your guys’ classes made it almost impossible. before she left on another one of her trips, you found the time to stop by her dorm and talk.
you entered her dorm, her back facing you as she put some stuff in a suitcase.
“riri, babe, can we talk?”
“can it wait, mamas? i’m still packing.”
you took a deep breath, trying not to let the frustration get to you and actually out your foot down.
“actually, no. we really need to talk.”
she turned around and looked at you with a raised eyebrow. she made a gesture with her arms to say that you have her attention and to keep talking. you suddenly became shy under her stare, avoiding eye contact.
“um, well. you know i’m really proud of you?”
“mhm, thank you baby. and?”
“okay, well, i just feel like we don’t have enough time together anymore.”
you briefly look at her face after speaking,only for her face to make your anxiety worse. her jaw is clenched with a slight frown on her face.
“babe, i thought you said you were fine with it.”
“i did, really i was. i just didn’t expect it to be like this.”
you exasperatedly gestured at her suitcase. she briefly looks back at where you were gesturing before sighing and looking back at you.
“look, i understand, i miss you too. so much, but this is important.”
“i know, riri, but is it really more important than us?! when was the last time we’ve spent more than five minutes together?”
at that, riri stayed quiet as if she’s actually having a hard time remembering.
“around two months, riri. i don’t wanna seem clingy, but that’s a long time for me. i don’t wanna feel second place to some stupid suit!”
you didn’t mean to raise your voice or insult her work, but your frustration was overwhelming. you immediately regretted it when you saw hurt flash across her face before her frown deepened.
“well if it’s so stupid to you-“
“i didn’t mean it like that and you know it.”
“then what do you want from me (y/n)?!”
now she’s raising her voice. you know you should deescalate this, but you wanted to get your point across.
“you riri! that’s all i’m asking for! all i want is you and you’re taking this whole conversation the wrong way!”
“no, i’m not, i understand! but what i’m trying to get you to understand is that i can’t just stop and drop everything for you!”
“well you used to,” you can feel tears rolling down your cheeks and you curse yourself mentally for not being able to hold it in. riri walks closer to you and gently grabs your arms, rubbing them up and down.
“baby, don’t cry. can we just talk about this when i get back?”
“no, this is an important conversation, and i can’t wait. but since you’re so worried about everything else,” you pause and rip your necklace off, the chain making a loud snapping sound. you push the broken jewelry in her chest before backing away from her.
“don’t worry about me then.”
you turn away and head towards the door. you’re silently hoping, praying that she does something.
‘please, say something. fight for me damnit.’
but she doesn’t. you look back and see her back to you once again, putting more things in her suitcase. with a shaky breath, you kept walking, slamming her door on the way out.
you let out a choked sob once the memory finished playing in your mind. you pulled the drawer of your nightstand open, throwing the necklace inside before slamming it shut. you curl up into bed and begin to just let out all your tears. you’ve just accepted that today was just going to be one of those days.
the days where no matter how much you try to forget, you always remember how much you miss riri.
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evilminji · 9 months
I'ma be bold! Marvel Time!
Wakanda has Vibranium. An impossible mineral that does not see like it could form naturally, right? Or there would be far more in the wider universe then just the few bits we see.
You know what ELSE is impossibly rare, minerals wise?
Ectoranium. The disasteroid. And! From Wakandan oral history? The two seem to have appeared in the EXACT SAME WAY. Out of no where. Through, very possibly, the EXACT SAME rarely opening portal. If? On the other side? There was an asteroid belt of some kind?
It would only take things aligning just right, for one to slip through.
We KNOW materials from the Zone effect the living world in strange ways. Vibranium could very well just be the dead reflection of a mineral from a different, more durable, universe. The Zone is Infinite, so it would mix pretty much EVERYTHING together into a chaotic mess.
So there could be a considerable amount of Vibranium asteroids just hanging around.
But! And more importantly! Getting hit by, then LIVING OVER, a massive fuck off Zone Rock? Would expose Wakandans to generations of Ectoplasm. ESPECIALLY with how Vibranium, by nature, holds a "charge" if you will. It would be a heat lamp of Limnality. Making everyone near it?
Not superhuman. Not fully Limnal. Because Vibranium HOLDS a charge. That Ectoplasmic energy would be stuck INSIDE the metal. Unable to truely effect anyone who isn't directly touching it. Even then, BARELY seeping into them. But? It WOULD leech, slowly, into everything around it.
The air, the water, the soil.
The PLANTS. That precious, precious, SACRED Herb.
Over time? It would loosen the ties that bind. Those pesky human limitations. Sure, it would say, grow smarter. Stronger. Live longer, better lives. Knees that ache less, backs that do not bend, bones that do not succumb. You're still human! Your DNA no different.
It's just the strength of your SOUL poking through.
Would anyone notice, if it happened slowly? Over enough generations? It's normal. Everyone here is like this. It's not superhuman. Just... HEALTHY, right? A good diet and plenty of exercise? That is what makes our skin clear and eyes sharp, teeth strong and feet sure. Right?
That healthy diet of... what was it again?
Ah yes, Ectoplasmicly charged plants? Sweet fruits and healthy vegetables. Water purged of contamination by the Ectoplasm to devours all but itself? So very crisp! Is it not?
Houses made of materials charged with it. Resting in beds, beneath covers and cloth, woven with it. Walking upon streets paved with it. What in Wakanda is NOT touched by it? In some form? Some way? Gently bathing all who live there in its unseen light?
And, tell me, WHERE do you go again? When you fall? When you join your Panther God? Mmmhmm, pockets within pockets. Lairs and territories. The Zone itself may be green, but a Lair can be what ever it's Master chooses.
But! Why do I bring this up? That the Afterlives are no doubt connected? After all, it's not like the Master's of those Lair's, the Gods that are worshipped, would just... LET people leave. It defeats the purpose of creating an "Afterlife"!
But, again! Consider! The Panther God loves the Wakandan Royal Family. They are loyal worshipers. The Panther Gods responsibility. And? The rather newly dead T'Chaka, former monarch (and thus rather informed of all the major concerns of a nation) of Wakanda, has informed the Panther God that? Gasp!
The Vibranium is, at generations long last, about to run out.
Their people are in danger.
Please! Do something!
The God can not. Buuuut... the "ghost king" of the space between, can. He must go, on a Dangerous And Heroic Soul Pilgrimage(tm) to meet with this mysterious king. Negotiate for his son and people. T'Chaka, a brave and dignified king, will of course face this challenge with all that he is.
It's very Alice in Wonderland. (The poor man.)
But the Black Panther manages to get to the still under construction castle none the less. Lead by a delightful, if mischievous, young girl by the name of "Dani" (with an i). Who reminds him, somewhat painfully, of his daughter Shuri when she was younger.
The King of the Between is a... young man.
Busy putting constellations on the ceiling, he pays them little mind. Until Dani calls out to him. Revealing that exactly like Shuri, she was a princess all along. He can see the resemblance.
He explains his issue, prepared to argue his case for however long he must. Instead he is just met with long soul searching look, a glance to Dani (who appears to vouch for him), and a nod. He is baffled. It... so easily?
People need help, he is informed. That's reason enough. Besides, Dani says you're not a fruitloop. And the young king trusts her judgment.
Let's go get your people some rocks.
(You can imagine, the ABSOLUTE SHIT STORM. Mentally, Emotionally, Politically, when the GHOST of the FORMER KING just? Shows up! Broad daylight! In the royal yard in from of the palace with a GIANT piece of Vibranium and a foreign King of The Dead.
Father... WHY. Don't get T'Challa wrong, he is about to cry he's so happy to see you. But? In PUBLIC, Father? In front of his delicious Wakandan Salad? Stop being so amused you old cat! This isn't FUNNY! Now I have to deal with this! T^T )
@hdgnj @hypewinter @the-witchhunter @ailithnight @nerdpoe
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maxipad031 · 2 years
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i want you (18+)
synopsis: you’re an arising model with a crush on the queen of wakanda that has finally manifested itself, and you catch her attention at the royal ball where the most important people attend. you, being from the river tribe happen to be born into one of those important families and you finally let shuri know how much you’ve been craving her, unaware she’s felt the same for maybe even longer than you have…
ubusuku obuhle - good evening, sthandwa - my love
contains: smut, shuri x black female reader, fingering, grinding, cunnilingus <3
picture on right for dress reference, song recommended below, lower case intended, enjoy x
finally, here you were, at 5pm, in your baba’s beautiful vibranium enriched vehicle, taking you from the river tribe city to the most important ceremony of the season. of course, you couldn’t hold your excitement as you saw the vast golden gates open at your arrival, signifying that you were in the golden tribe territory, which was a feeling you couldn’t get over. meanwhile, your mum and dad rambled on in the front about the tragedy that was the recent death of queen ramonda. “she was the best queen we ever had, wakanda will greatly suffer from this.” your dad uttered, before turning the wheel swiftly to the right as he drove down to the semi-full parking space. the whole country tilted sideways after the news and you couldn’t help but think about how the princess- no, queen shuri was feeling after also having lost her brother to an unknown disease.
“y/n darling, you can come out now.” your mum announced joyously, as she packed her handbag. you didn’t even realise the car had stopped as you were so deep in your daydreaming,
“y/n darling, you can come out now.” your mum announced joyously, as she packed her handbag. you didn’t even realise the car had stopped as you were so deep in your daydreaming,
“yes mother.” you said hurriedly, as you undid ur seatbelt, carried your purse and opened the car door, closing it securely behind you. it took you three months to plan what you were going to wear for this day but it wasn’t even that amazing. you wore a blue dress that had cuts on the side which exposed some of your midriff as well as your back. moreover, it was sleeveless and exposed your upper torso, showing off your clean cut collarbones that fit your bone structure nicely. a large aureate necklace made from pure vibranium hung down your neck, complimenting your outfit in all its glory. you also wore some expensive golden heels that made you just a slight bit taller, but not too much. earlier, you had gone for a long hair appointment where they straightened your puffy 4c hair but also curled it, so it was like a 90s girls style which perfectly suited your facial features; it was no surprise as to why you appeared in many front pages of wakanda magazines, you were perfect model material.
“my daughter is so beautiful, you’ll definitely have all the men after you.” your mum complimented as she nudged your side, smiling from ear to ear as she looked and examined your stunning outfit.
“ah, that’s a stretch ma..” you smiled, rubbing your arm nervously. she never failed to make you feel good about yourself which is one of the reasons why she was one of your best friends.
“come on, oya chuku let’s go inside!” she excitedly says, calling my dad as he finally leaves the car. there aren’t much people outside which is understandable because it’s quite cold and the ball started an hour ago which means you were a bit late.
The three of you hurriedly went inside, bouncers at the door stop carefully scammed your invitation and once it was received as valid, the doors they guarded opened, revealing a literal paradise. the place was huge and you knew nothing but hard work went into building it. images on the walls explained their magical stories and exquisite artwork displayd themselves proudly. people dressed in wakandan attire bustled about, taking in their share of the surreal scenery. afrobeats blared in your ears from all directions, but the beats were so catchy and dance worthy, you couldn’t help but move your hips a little. you were so busy in your own world that you didn’t see your parents go off without you to talk to the elders. there wasn’t a lot of people there but it was enough to give you anxiety as you saw people eyeing you with looks of envy but also somewhat admiration? you were quite well known due to your popularity in the modeling industry but honestly you didn’t care, you just wanted to see…her.
the dora milajae stood around the room in a neat unified order, with their tall spears in hand, ready to handle any disruptions. their presence was formidable and reassured everyone’s safety; wakandan military was no joke at all. carefully, you roamed around the vicinity, finding the next best interesting thing. there were bars with any drink you could possibly think off as well as the lovely aroma of sweet bread and the notorious jollof rice. you weren’t hungry as you’d previously had some takeaway but you were killing for a drink, an alcoholic drink. your parents never let you drink any sort of alcoholic beverage as they strongly believed it was “bad for your soul”. obviously, they were superstitious as hell but you turned 20 two months ago and you’ve never drank before; you needed to have your share of fun right? with full confidence, you began your indirect journey to the bar ahead as you weaved in and out of people. before you could get there though, the loud sound of spears hitting the ground caused your body to jolt in shock as your eyes darted around the room in panic as to what was going on.
“haha, you’re as nimble as ever.” a familiar voice says out of nowhere from your left.
“kaya?” you questioned as you turned around, seeing your best friend walking up to you quite excitedly.
“yes bitch it’s me!” kaya squealed, hugging you tightly, “but we have to listen i think the queen is coming out now.” she said quietly after standing by your side as she pointed at the empty performance stage. you were happy about her arrival because at least you weren’t alone but upon hearing that, your heart started to race with anticipation as everyone in the ball room went hushed.
you felt your heart begin to swell as you waited; you don’t know why she made you feel such butterflies, but it was undeniably there, nestling within your chest.
all of a sudden, a cascade of claps roared up and you watched carefully as the queen of wakanda walked with confidence to the middle of the stage. you’re pretty sure your jaw physically dropped as soon as you saw her but you quickly put yourself together, looking around to make sure no one saw. queen shuri wore a black suit with crystal embezzles on the sides joining together at the back, as well as silver rings that perfectly snuggled around her slender fingers. she had recently shaved off her hair, leaving her with a buzz cut which did nothing but make her even more attractive for no reason. she wore black heels that perfectly complimented the outfit and made her even taller than she already was. she stood in the centre of stage, taking in the crowd of people below her as if she was mentally preparing what she was about to say.
“damn, she’s handsome as shit, right y/n.” kaya muttered shamelessly, looking at you for a reaction. you’d told her first about your infatuation with shuri and she wasn’t even the slightest bit surprise. she was a living embodiment of your type and kaya did believe you could actually pull it off. you turned to her, beaming widely as you nodded profusely to her comment. you looked back up at shuri and you swore you caught her looking at you but it was just for a split second before she cleared her throat and started to speak to her guests.
“ubusuku obuhle, thank you everyone for coming tonight,” she greeted, her accent thick with the dialect of wakanda, “as you all know i’ve been bethroned with the title of queen and i can assure you that i am determined to fulfill that duty as much as i can. wakanda is one of the most powerful nations in the world that my mother gave everything to and even though it’s almost impossible to walk in her noble footsteps, i want to be able to give my people all i can provide and make wakanda a better place for everybody.”
everyone in the crowd was solemn with the reminder of the queen ramonda, but nodded in agreement to shuri’s speech. they held nothing but trust for her and knew that she’d lead wakanda in the right direction.
you loved the way she spoke, with such intellect and passion that always managed to diffuse its way to everyone she talks to. her voice was almost like a lullaby that you’d sleep to but her words held such weight that never failed to impact you. although right now, everything she was saying was coming in one end and out the other as you stared longingly at her satisfying face, wishing to just smother it with kisses you know?
soon, she was done speaking and it had finished with the sea of claps again, even whistling making its way through the noise. she’d disappeared back behind the black curtains once again but you wish she’s come back and just blabber a little bit more so you could hear her sweet voice infest you ears. you mentally scolded your mind to stop having weird thoughts but it never really stopped. missing her already, you sighed and turned to kaya who was already waving at somebody she knew like the social butterfly she is.
“hey y/n, i’m going to go talk to him for a second, i’ll be back don’t worry!” kaya said, walking to a guy from the jibari tribe that she definitely liked.
“okay, don’t get pregnant, abeg.” you pleaded with fake concern. she laughed and flipped you off as she walked away. you internally smiled at her rather vulgar action but scoped your surroundings once again.
“oh yeah, my drink!” you remembered, throat parched even more as shuri took away all the last moisture left. you walked slowly, careful to not fall down in your heels and embarrass yourself. finally, you got there but were surrounding by people gisting and gossiping about god knows what. you catch the attention of the bartender, letting him now what you want.
“hey, may i have a dry martini?” you asked, remembering kaya had once told you to try it out other than the fact you have no knowledge of any alcoholic drinks.
“sure m’aam, do you have id?” he asked, waiting patiently for a reply.
you stopped, “uh…let me check.” fuck.
you hated situations like this. you faked checking inside your purse, knowing damn well your id was sitting on your dresser at home right now.
“fun fact, i actually left it at home, i’m 20 though.” you said, dropping your bag in a huff and hoping that would slide.
“no, i’m sorry you look younger, i need id.” he insisted, tapping his hand on the bar as other people behind you waited o order a drink too.
“shit, okay whatever never mind, it’s okay.” you said, waving your hand in dismissal as you exited the line. you didn’t know whether to take what he said as a compliment or an insult. bummed, you were about to walk away until you felt two hands grip your shoulders, pulling you back into your original position. annoyed, you look up to who had the audacity to touch you right now, when you were met with the last person you expected to see at this moment.
queen shuri?!?
your face immediately softened from the angry expression as she looked at you warmly with a bright smile, as if she’d known you for decades. your soul exited your body and buried itself out onto another planet as you couldn’t believe what you were seeing. surprised was an underestimate, you were bewildered, shocked, perplexed, all the above. you didn’t even have time to react as she shifted to talk to the bartender.
“put the dry martini on me, she’s actually my close friend and i can confirm she is of age, but thank you for taking your job seriously.” she bowed her head slightly as a sign of respect and the guy reciprocated.
“of course my queen, i’m sorry.” he apologized, heading to the back to whisk up the drink for you.
yes, your mouth was physically agape this time but the burning sensation of her hands still on your shoulders made your mind wonder into places you didn’t know it could. you side eyed her and slowly turned so your faces met once again before you looked away like a timide hamster.
“hello to you too.” she said with that raspy voice laced with her wakandan dialect. her hands finally left your shoulders and she turned her body to face you. you didn’t mean to be disrespectful or anything but you literally couldn’t formulate words right now, all your communication skills evaporated; you just stared at her.
she let out a little laugh, “ah, most people bow to me like 50 times but i guess you just like to stare.” she said jokingly, as she looked down at you from her overbearing height. as if clapped out of a trance, you stood straight and tilted your head forewards, “queen shuri, sorry for my manners.” you were trying your hardest to conceal your panic but it was probably quite obvious to shuri.
“no need for that, just call me shuri, it’s okay.” she said reassuringly, turning around to look at the landscape of the busy ball. people stared in awe at her and her aura was so powerful you could almost feel it; you couldn’t help but feel so inferior being this close next to her.
“what do you think, is it nice?” she asked, looking at you intently for an answer.
you gathered courage to look up at her but it immediately shriveled up as you met her hooded brown orbs, full of so much sincerity it was unreal.
“i think it’s beautiful, you did an amazing job which is obviously no surprise.” you replied, slowly gaining your confidence back.
“haha, you flatter me y/n.”
how did she know your name? you stared up at her in confusion as you heard your name emitted from her loud and clear. she shifted her gaze to you, seeing your surprised expression, “you forget you’re kind of famous in wakanda right, you're on almost every magazine i see.” shuri explained with a smirk.
“yes, oh yes you’re right, i often forget that im perceived by other people.” you nervously chuckle, looking everywhere but her.
“you look amazing in them though, you could go global to be honest, your visuals are unreal.” she uttered in a quite sensual manner, turning her body to face you once again with her elbow propped against the bar; rizz overload. you could feel her eyes on you, maybe checking you out, but you couldn’t be too sure because you certainly weren’t looking up at her.
“that’s too large of a compliment, i doubt it.” you say, hands getting clammy as you fiddled with your bracelets trying your best not to freak the fuck out.
what do you do when the queen of fucking wakanda basically calls you hot?
yeah, i thought so.
"i could talk to your agents, work something out." she suggested, adjusting her suit like she wants to attract girls.
shit, fuck she was so sexy.
you coughed, trying to escape the thoughts swirling around ur head, “oh wow, that would be amazing my queen.” you smirked and bowed again almost teasing her.
“i told you to not do that.” she reprimanded and with a swift motion, she took your hand in hers, her soft palms enveloped with yours as she pulled you closer with her infamous smirk. her other hand snaked to the side of your waist and her face came close to your ear, her breath tickling the outside of it ever so slightly. you felt like you were about to explode, the pure charm this woman possessed was inhumane. however, your moment was interrupted by the cough behind you both, signifying your drink was ready; you lowkey forgot about it.
“oh, right thank you very much.” you quickly turned around quite embarrassed and formally bowed at the bartender as you took your dry martini, taking a careful sip.
shuri nodded at the man and turned her attention back to you, she watched as your face twisted in disgust as you swallowed some of the drink. it felt like hot iron just went down your throat and you don’t think you could ever get used to that. she couldn’t help but chuckle at your priceless expression.
“yeah, i can tell you don’t drink.” she commented, as you both walked along to the side to make space for others.
“yeah, this shit is nasty.” you said, swirling the drink in your hand, repulsed by the taste that was on your tongue a moment ago. yeah, you’re not drinking the rest of that so you stuck your hand out to try and give it to shuri.
“for me? aw, how nice but i don’t drink either thank you.” she cooed, kindly rejecting the poor dry martini as well.
damn, you two were more alike than you thought, i mean you never thought you’d get such a rare chance to be sharing a conversation with shuri to discover that but i guess you caught her attention.
she still took the glass from you and set it down upon a nearby table, holding eye contact with you the whole time.
the music was getting louder, the tension between the both of you thicker, you’re attraction to her growing as the seconds ticked away. as if she read your mind she asked, “do you want to leave, go somewhere more quiet?” her eyes bore into your soul as she stuck her hand out as an invitation for you to take it; what a gentlewoman.
you smiled, turning your head as you grew nervous but you ultimately accepted her hand and with that, the familiar feeling of her warm hands met yours and she led you both through the crowd. you had no idea where you were going but all you knew is that you were going to be alone with shuri, one on one, just you and her. peoples heads’ turned, eyes looked with curiosity since shuri was always the centre of attention so it was no surprise all eyes were on her. however, your social anxiety was going off the charts and you lowered your head in embarrassment. yes, you were used to it but not at the same time, you couldn’t explain it. there was a clear circle around you both as no one dared to interrupt the queen. curious as to where you were going, you looked up and saw kaya staring at you both wide eyed with a look of disbelief splattered across her face.
you mirrored her expression back and her face twisted into a smile, she mouthed, “you go girl!” as she lifted her fists in encouragement. you mouthed back, “thank you.” and waved goodbye at her as you continued to follow shuri who now had a tight grip on your hand as if letting go would cause something bad to happen. finally, she’d taken you behind the black curtain that she’d previously appeared from which hid the behind the scenes preparation for the ball. decorations hung loosely, tech people working on the lighting, some of the dora milaje guarding the rooms of the royal family. they saw you both but paid no attention as it wasn’t their business to know what the queen was up to, “here.” shuri’s voice was deeper as she pointed at a big noir coloured door infront of her. still holding your hand, she pushed it open with the other hand. the outer section lit up a bright purple as it recognized her handprints and let her in with ease. the technology in wakanda was insane and you knew it was due to shuri’s big brain power. the door opened to reveal a large room, quite modest in its aesthetic, large mirrors circled around the room, as it mimicked that of a walk in wardrobe. there was a long black couch situated in the corner where shuri led you to. her hand finally left yours as she sat down, moving some clothes to make some space for you.“i’m guessing this is your dressing room or something.” you said, still looking at each aspect of the place.
“mm, something like that.” shuri replied, shifting closer to you. you could tell she was feeling you right now but oh boy how she didn’t know how bad you wanted her to touch you all over-
“i’m gonna cut straight to the chase, i find you really attractive, and i anticipated your visit to the ball this evening.” shuri confessed, licking her two-toned lips flirtatiously as she said that. her voice remained deeper than before as she stared at you intensely for a reply. you were still shocked from the moment you met her but this was an opportunity of a lifetime and you weren’t going to waste it with your shy self.
“i’ll be so honest, i feel the same, i’ve wanted you ever since i saw.” you also confessed, mentally cringing at your words after you said them, but who cares, it was too late and she’d already heard them.
shuri didn’t reply to you, but a sly grin creeped upon her face as her piercing eyes averted from your face to your lap as her left hand moved to settle upon your exposed thigh from the slit in the dress, rubbing the smooth chocolate colored skin underneath. she looked back at you and she’s fixated on your glossy lips as her want for you grew uncontrollably.
yeah that’ll do it.
all the shyness in your body disappeared as you swiftly grabbed her face and looked at her lips as you hungrily joined them with yours. shuri deepened the kiss with equal needs as her hands desperately moved to touch what she can. you felt them carefully snake down to your ass and lightly squeeze it, which caused you to moan into her mouth. shuri used that as an opportunity to slip her tongue inside your mouth and you eagerly welcomed it as you moved closer to slightly grind yourself on her. the kiss went from soft and passionate to hungry and lustful as every touch felt like a spark of electricity coursing through your body, making you more horny than you already were; you could feel shuri smirking into the kiss as she knew how badly you wanted her. impatient as fuck, you arms laced themselves around shuri’s neck as her hands met your waist, pulling you closer as your fervent kiss was beginning to get more intense. shuri’s breath quietly hitched as you bit her lip, dragging your tongue over it slowly to soothe the pain it must’ve caused. with her superhuman black panther strength, shuri lifted you onto her lap where you accidentally broke the kiss due to your surprise.
you didn’t realise how much you needed air until you stopped kissing her but you just couldn’t get enough, if felt so fucking good.
“shit shuri, i want you so bad right now.” you whisper, against her now swollen lips, grinding your flexible hips down onto her lap as her large hands guided your movements. your hair stuck to your face that was being invaded with sweat as your body temperature increased. your cheeks had their fair share of melanin but they visibly blushed slightly red.
“mm, shh baby girl, let me make you feel good.” she lustfully whispered back, pulling your necklace and locking your lips together again. you were addicted to this feeling, like being high, but the drug was shuri. your blue dress had been lifted up to around your middle thighs as this was going on and shuri took this to her advantage as her slim fingers crawled up your dress to attend to the place you needed her the most.
your body felt like it was was ablaze and the air was thick and hot, almost suffocating. your kiss was beginning to get sloppier as the both of you tried to get every piece of each other. without hesistion, you undid shuri’s blazer button and took it off her lean torso revealing a black bralette under that hugged her chest nicely. she helped you take it off and threw it across the room, gripping your hips again as your lips were still attached like magnets.
eventually, shuri broke the kiss and her lips trailed down to your exposed neck where she attacked the melanin flesh, sucking and biting on the sensitive skin whilst teasing you under your dress touching everywhere but your pussy. everything shuri did was undoubtedly raising your libido levels and you didn’t ever think you could be so aroused; everyone you’d been with wasn’t able to make you feel this way. you raised your head up to allow her more access as lewd sounds and profanities spewed out of your mouth in response to her naughty antics. your hips moved on their own as you were desperate for any sort of friction. shuri could feel what you were doing and you jolted as you felt the pad of her two fingers press down gently on the outside of your pussy behind your panties. she peppered small kisses on your collarbones and chest which only heightened your desire; her foreplay game was unmatched.
“yes shuri, please touch me.” you alluringly pleaded, getting wetter with every aching second she wasn’t touching you.
“you don’t have to tell me twice y/n.” shuri moved you off her lap and laid you down onto the smooth couch below, spreading you out so she could see the beauty of all of you. you didn’t even care at this point, you just needed her in you.
shuri used three fingers to roughly move your white panties out of the way as she gently caressed the outside of your wet heat, a grin plastered on her face as your slickness soon started to coat them.
“you’re so wet for me baby.” shuri commented looking straight into your bambi eyes, enjoying the major effect she had on you.
you could see the smug look on your face, but your eyes were half-lidded and mouth slightly ajar as you nodded your head as permission for shuri to keep going. the speed at which she was circling your clit started to increase and your chest was rising and sinking quicker in response to the pleasure. shuri paused and your eyes flickered open as you wondered why she had stopped “can i pull this down?” she queried, referencing to the part of your dress covering you boobs. you profusely nodded as you desperately wanted her to continue. swiftly, she pulled it down and licked her lips like she just saw a 5 course meal. she admired the way your boobs perfectly sat on your torso, just looking so inviting. whilst still touching you, she leaned down and took your right nipple in her mouth, tongue swirling over it skillfully as she looked up at you to see your expression. you were looking at her but the eye contact along with the sensation of her fingers brushing along your clit and the feeling of her warm tongue on your sensitive nipple caused you to throw your head back, the titillating sensation becoming too much for you to handle, “ngh, yes shuri more fuck.”
shuri abruptly stopped sucking and moved up whilst leaning down besides you.
"you like that?" shuri whispered in her ear as she switched her focus to your pussy, rolling your swollen clit in between her fingers. the sentence equipped with her actions obviously ignited something in you as your melodic moans grew louder with your thighs starting to tremble. shuri laughed lowly and placed two agile fingers inside of you, meeting a bit of resistance.
you tensed and hissed at the stretch but then melted into it slowly as it started to progressively feel good. shuri then began to rapidly move her lanky fingers in and out of you as you began to writhe in pleasure,
"oh my god shuri, don't stop!" you begged, relishing in the way she was effortlessly fucking you.
your insides were warm and shuri’s shoulder muscles tensed as she searched to feel the rough and sensitive flesh for your g-spot. she seemed to have found it as you suddenly arched you back into shuri, gripping her muscular shoulders tightly and squeezing your eyes shut. you flung her head back once again as you felt a tight knot forming in your lower stomach; your orgasm was so close. shuri could tell by your wrinkled eyebrows and pleasure-filled face that continuing would make you soon cum so she quickly took her fingers out to do something else which made you jump and become upset from the sudden feeling of emptiness. however, you felt shuri slip your panties off fully and move lower, which made you immediately realize what was happening.
as expected, the ecstatic feeling was quickly replaced by shuri’s wet and warm tongue lapping up the slick stuck to the side of your thighs and using it to get lots of moisture on your now swollen clit.
you cried out, “shuri!”
shuri hummed in response, which resonated throughout your whole body and added to the buildup of your eventual release. shuri began to wildly suck on your throbbing pussy at a pace she knew would have you on edge in a matter of seconds. enjoying how sweet you tasted, she massaged your folds with her tongue and tasted every bit of you that she could. she looked up to see you looking at her through hooded eyes and she confidently kept the eye contact, which forced you to look away. although, you bucked your hips up to meet shuri’s quick tongue for maximum pleasure. your toes curled and you gripped the sofa to the point where there were indents of your long finger nails as you dragged it down harshly in reply to shuri’s amazing head abilities. your hands were lost and didn’t know where to go but ended up on shuri’s smooth shaven head as you pushed her down further into your pussy.
"argh shit, i'm really going to cum." your abdomen tensed as you gained awareness of the familiar feeling of your release brewing up. you tried to quell it since you didn't want this insane feeling to end already, but it was a struggle since shuri was being cruel and not letting up.
the atmosphere was doing nothing for shuri to subdue her own arousal.
"cum for me baby." shuri commanded in a hushed tone, licking your clit with the tip of her tongue slowly and blowing cool air on it to see how your body reacted to it.
your harmonious and lascivious voice rolling her name off the tip of her tongue was so stimulating to shuri and she could feel herself growing wetter too. the pure eroticism that emanated from the body beneath her was enough fuel for shuri to use and she reached up, trailing along your toned body that now had a thin layer of sweat, to find one of your small breasts that she had since neglected and it fit right in her hand like it was meant to be. she caressed it, while still working downstairs and fiddled the brown nub in between her fingers, which was the last straw and instantly drew you over the edge. with a loud squeal, you had finally reached your long awaited peak which caused you to occasionally spasm as the orgasm overwhelmed your body, making you sigh in pleasure, and slowly inch away from shuri since your sudden sensitivity just couldn't handle it anymore.
shuri, being the meanie she was, wasn't having it though and she wrapped her arms around the back of your shaking thighs, pulling you back into her firm grasp, "where do you think you're going? i'm not full yet."
she began to eat you out again with two hands nestled above your pubic bone. you knew how she won all those fights because the sheer strength she currently obtained was crazy as you literally couldn’t physically pull away from her.
"shuri...please." you whimpered, trying to tug her head away, not wanting to cum two times in a row in such a small amount of time.
shuri was really enjoying this though,
"you taste so good, i can't stop myself."
yet, she could see you on the verge of tears so she pushed her sadistic ways to the side for the moment and finally stopped to give you a break. she pulled her mouth away from your warm heat which was glistening from slick and some of her saliva. she gave it one last peck and then slowly climbed up to you and kissed you passionately in which you openly welcomed. the fact you were kissing her when she was just making out with your cunt was kind of dirty but really hot at the same time. she pulled your chin up with her hand and kissed you deeper, hands caressing your chest gently. you did the same and your hands wandered, exploring shuri’s body as you wished to touch her in the same way she just did to you. she gladly complied and let you do it but the moment was brought to a halt.
suddenly, you heard a very sharp knock on the door which caused you both to stop kissing as you jumped out of your skins. your head twisted to the door and then at shuri as you looked at her, in deep fear of you both being caught. she chortled at your expression and held a finger to her face to shush you.
frozen in position, you both waited for it to stop but it continued, harder this time.
“my queen, are you in there?”
“okoye?” shuri yelled out in a slightly annoyed tone due to her disruption and the fact she’s possible going to leave with blue balls.
“oh, you’re safe, thank bast.”
“why are you calling me, what’s wrong.” shuri asked as she picked up her abandoned blazer from the floor, wore it and began to button it up again. you did the same, pulling down your dress from your waist, and picking up your panties that had somehow found it’s way onto the floor. you wore them again and walked towards the mirror so you could properly see yourself.
“you’re needed in the ballroom to attend special guests.” she announced, “are you okay, should i come in?” she sounded worried but stern simultaneously.
“no, no! okoye it’s okay, i’ll be out in five minutes.” shuri replied calmly, watching you closely as you used the mirror to fix up your hair and outfit as if nothing just happened.
“okay, my queen.” okoye’s footsteps could be heard leaving the door and you both sighed in relief.
“fucking hell, that was close.” your heart was about to beat out of your chest as you held your face in your hands, laughing underneath them as the embarrassment of what you’d just done was coming back to you.
“i bet you liked the thrill though.” shuri walked up behind you, her arms gripping your waist as she pulled your ass into her crotch. you dodged her attempt to kiss your neck and playfully pushed her away, “whatever weirdo.”
she laughed and turned you around to face her, kissing your forehead sweetly, “i’m sorry we couldn’t continue sthandwa, but keep these and i’ll be in contact with you very soon.” she took out a pair of kimoyo beads from her trouser pockets and placed it in your hand, closing it herself manually as a sign that you should keep it. it was so pretty, your name in wakandan alphabet was all around it, the light glow of vibranium was a perfect accessory that you wouldn’t mind keeping until you died to be honest. it was like she planned all of this.
“will you track me or something.” you placed it on your wrist, watching how it perfectly complimented your skin colour.
“mm, maybe.” shuri ruffled your soft black hair and walked towards the vast door, opening it and standing to the side so you could walk out first, “thank god no one else can open this.” she said, closing the door behind you both. the latch clicked and it was locked once again under the command of shuri.
“that would’ve been dreadful.” you said, head leaning on shuri’s chest as she wrapped her arm around your shoulder.
you both walked back into the ball ready to act as if nothing unholy just went down between the both of you…but it was obvious, everyone could probably tell, down to the wobble in your walk to the dark red mark that had magically appeared out of the blue onto your neck.
what a mystery.
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uzumaki-rebellion · 5 months
"King Killmonger: The Golden Jaguar" Chapter 6
Need to catch up? Masterlist HERE.
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"Love Ever since the first moment I spoke your name From then on I knew that by you being in my life Things were destined to change cause
Love So many people use your name in vain Love Those who have faith in you sometimes go astray Love Through all the ups and downs the joy and hurt Love For better or worse I still will choose you first"
Musiqsoulchild – "Love"
His heart was in the shape of his woman.
King N'Jadaka held out his big hand next to Queen Yani's and let their wedding bands touch so the Wakandan media could snap holopics of the bride and groom exiting the Temple of Sekmet. He gazed at his new wife and her smile increased the size of her shape on the left side of his chest.
They were made for each other.
No queen on earth had ever come to the throne like her or had the power she commanded by his side. What the world couldn't see was that she held a priceless leash around his neck and could make him do things that no other woman before her ever did. Yani dominated his every waking moment and was the one he wanted to see first when his work day in the West palace was over. Their wedding cemented a holy bond and he preened before his citizens letting them see how blessed he was to have her and his beautiful children.
He lifted her ring-clad hand and kissed it, then led her down ancient fawn-colored stone steps toward a wedding carriage drawn by two mighty water buffalos whose bloodline his greatest grandmother Queen Shuriya had bred and tamed her entire life. The two giant beasts were direct descendents of the one she rode in a painting hanging in his royal office.
Sydette clapped her hands excitedly as she peered at the giant animals and the decorative vibranium blue colors painted on their flesh.
"They are so huge, Baba!" Sydette yelped.
"Come on, watch your step Sweet Pea, we have to ride through the street," he said, clasping her hand.
Riki climbed down the last step and latched his eyes onto one of the buffalo and raised his arms out wide to try and match the length of the giant curved horns adorned with gold and silver jewels that jutted forward making them dangerous for potential gorging. He glanced back at N'Jadaka and grinned. The great beast's head turned and stared at the little prince. Joba moved closer to her brother and both children peered with quiet curiosity at how massive Wakandan animals could be.
"Yani," N'Jadaka said, helping his wife onto the carriage where she took her seat and fixed the train of her dress.
He lifted Sydette into it next and his younger children waited for him to place them on board. His family seated, N'Jadaka stepped onto the roomy carriage and he and Yani waved at the crowd. Their children sat across from them with booster seats so they could see better.
The two coachman sitting in the driver's seat awaited a signal from the Kingsguard escorting them on foot. There was a slight jerk and the carriage began to move at a steady pace. The proud king kissed his queen and the crowd cheered louder. Flowers and soft palm seeds were thrown at them and the children tried collecting as many as they could catch with delighted smiles on their faces.
He held Yani's hand tight and they all watched their citizens celebrate. Behind them, the rest of the royal family rode in a protected motorcade and they wound their way through the streets of the golden capital.
The feeling of watching himself from afar took over and N'Jadaka took a deep inhale of fresh air. His emotions rested in his chest and throat. This was the fairy tale made real. He had a queen. A kingdom. A giant double palace. To lose so much, but to be given much more in return overwhelmed him.
He gazed at Yani and she continued waving at their people. They waited to cross over a bridge that would take them deeper into the heart of Birnin Zana and a flock of prized river birds flew across their carriage, their purple and blue wings a brilliant flash of color over their heads.
"That's a good sign, kumkani," the lead driver of the carriage said, "it means you will be blessed with many children."
Yani laughed and patted N'Jadaka's hand.
"Listen to the man, Yani, the heavens have ordained that we get it poppin'."
"Any excuse to get me pregnant right away," Yani said.
Riki slipped a hand in his side pocket and pulled out a folded square of money. He gave it to the king.
"What's this for Lil Man?" N'Jadaka asked.
"A boy. If you and Mama insist on making more of us, please let it be a boy. Toussaint and I are struggling to catch up in our age group," Riki pleaded.
"I will do what I can."
Yani took the money away from him and stuffed it into her bodice.
"Not you two plotting," Yani quipped.
N'Jadaka threw his head back and laughed.
"Mama, it's time to throw the bouquet," Sydette squealed.
The carriage crossed over the bridge and stopped once it got to the other side. As tradition dictated, Yani stood inside the carriage and tossed the bridal bouquet into the river water to signify the queen's blessing to become the new mother of the nation. The flowers floated away and spectators snapped holopics and cheered for their new queen.
"They were so pretty, I wish you didn't have to throw them away," Joba said, her face peering over the side of carriage.
Yani caressed her cheek.
"I will have more flowers given to me back at the reception," Yani said.
Joba looked happy about that and climbed onto Yani's lap for the rest of the ride through the city.
Admiration, awe, and even love flowed out to the new Udaku family taking over the throne. A tide had shifted yet again in Wakanda. His popularity was at an all time high with younger citizens, and even some of the old heads begrudgingly accepted his leadership. They finally accepted his love for the nation as genuine.
Their carriage ride continued until they reached Old Village, a section of Birnin Zana that had been the social center for centuries until Queen Shuriya pushed them into a new technological age that shifted the heart of the city elsewhere by the riverbank. While the rest of the world was barely entering the early modern era, Wakanda had already settled into post modern advances.
The family stepped out of the carriage and walked a quarter mile to another temple dedicated to Mama Wati that rested across the mouth opening of the Ibukan River which connected the water flow through the city to the ocean miles away. Priests of the water deity stood outside waiting for them. He and Yani were both anointed with fresh oils and smudged down with dried plants that only grew there. They were prayed over and then led out into an open street where citizens cheered them on while they made the final trek to the edge of the great mound, the place where vibranium crashed into the earth. Singers and dancers greeted them in a secured area where the family could all see the enormous rise in the distance where the glowing blue metal rested underneath.
Ogum shifted inside of N'Jadaka. So did Bast. He pointed to the majestic sight making sure his children studied it. "That's the place where it all began," he said.
Sydette, Riki, and Joba nodded and stared at the mound. At its tip, it stood nearly a mile high, but deep inside the earth where the rest of the vibranium sank itself, there was enough to supply his people for another millennium or more. They all felt the energy emanating from the ground they stood near. His vibram tattoo itched from the mighty source. The great mound wasn't just a mining area, but a holy place too. From their vantage point they couldn't see the mining side of the mound. Their view looked like an image one would see on a postcard or tourist advertisement. High above them the Royal Talon Fighter floated into view. It was time to return to the palace for a twelve course feast, with music, dancing, and a full evening of celebrating the new king and queen.
N'Jadaka gathered his family close as they were lifted up into the air by the gravity beam and gently pulled inside the aircraft.
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The cheers from their guests were loud as they exited the Talon Fighter and Yani had to pause in her steps to take in all the love. She gazed across the royal garden at the number of people calling out her new name.
"Queen Yani!"
She grinned and the children ran away from her toward Umama and Dante where all their young cousins stood gathered waiting to run around and play. Yani felt the shift in power in the royal garden. With her new isicholo firmly rooted to her scalp, she absorbed the way all the spectators watched her closely, especially the Wakandans of the noble class. No longer viewed as a separate entity from the king, she was now ogled openly as an extension of Udaku power.
Hugs and kisses were shared and the immediate royal family and the wedding party were gathered up near a view of the river and the backdrop of Mount Bashenga where a photographer snapped holopics before taking different groupings of Yani with the bridesmaids, the children, her husband, and then a lovely shot of three generations of queens. She stood in the center as Umama and Ramonda flanked her, their crowns breathtaking. Sydette and Joba were brought in for a candid, and then N'Jadaka and his groomsman and grandfather were photographed with Riki. Forty minutes later the bridal party was paraded around the guests and Yani saw the breadth of the decorations and reception set up. It took her breath away at how massive the royal garden was and how simply setting up where the sun would set behind them looked so different and unexplored.
N'Jadaka clasped her hand and led her to the head table. Guests were given a brief amount of time to personally greet the king and queen before their twelve course meal began. Love surrounded her and the enormity of her place as the queen of the nation sank down deeper.
Although it seemed like twelve courses would be a long grueling process, Yani found it to be relaxing and paced well. Everyone feasted, laughed, cried, caught up with each other, and dabbled in intrigue with so many important people in one place. By the time the royal orchestra kicked up the music for the first bridal dance, Yani was ready to move around and help her digestive system handle her stuffed belly.
N'Jadaka held her close as they shared their first dance as husband and wife. They then split apart to dance with their elders and then others were invited to join them. She took that opportunity to walk around and greet nobles with N'Jadaka once the dancing area filled up.
Heads bowed at her approach and she shared small chat with dozens of guests on the east side of the reception area. Umama and Ramonda had taught her how to move her eyes so that people around her felt appreciated even if she couldn't get to them one on one. She waved, blew kisses and kept her momentum moving through the hundreds of people yearning to see her up close with the king.
N'Jadaka held her hand like he would never let her go. His love flowed all around her and his gaze never left her unattended. They quickly moved back toward their own table and noticed Mpilo with his mother and sister speaking with Dante. N'Jadaka lowered his mouth to her ear.
"Should we make our announcement now before the party gets a little wilder with all the dancing?" he asked.
Yani squeezed his hand.
The month prior they had been meeting with Umama and the Council of Elders regarding an important decision about Mpilo and his baby sister, Nandipha who had recently turned fifteen. They took their place back at the head table and N'Jadaka gestured for Mpilo to come to him with his mother and sister. Yani sent word to the orchestra leader to finish the song they played that had the wedding crowd cutting up.
Mpilo's eyes grew wide with curiosity as to why he was being summoned by the king in front of two thousand guests. N'Jadaka was handed a mic and Yani stood next to him. The king cleared his throat and gazed upon the audience.
"This is my executive assistant, Mpilo, and he has worked for me since leaving primary school a couple of years ago. Next year he will begin his mandatory military service, and that is a very important and serious undertaking for our young people. My father proudly served and I understand the pride that comes from serving a country such as this…"
Yani watched Mpilo's face as N'Jadaka spoke. He was nervous and shy at being put on the spot, but his mother's and sister's faces beamed at being addressed directly by the king.
"As many of us have experienced in the Great Removal of the last war, Mpilo's father and brothers were taken. He has taken the great responsibility of caring for his mother and sister…however, I feel this is a great burden for such a young man starting out his life. Queen Yani and I have spoken in private about this and we've made the decision to have me step in as Mpilo's unvikeli."
Mpilo's legs almost buckled and his mother and sister kept his body steady. Whispers among the nobles could clearly be heard moving rapidly around dining tables. Yani held out her hand toward Mpilo and pulled him next to N'Jadaka. Her personal attendant Sindiswa handed her the same matching unvikeli necklaces that her own children once wore for T'Challa. Mpilo lowered his head and spoke with a soft voice.
"King N'Jadaka…Queen Yani…I am not—"
"You are not what?" Yani asked.
She touched Mpilo's chin and lifted it so their eyes could connect. The young man pressed his lips together. Yani unfastened the necklace and handed it to N'Jadaka. He turned Mpilo to face the guests while he hooked the necklace in front of everyone.
"Fatherhood is very important along with a mother's love and guidance. Queen Yani has told me time and time again that I have become a father figure to you in these hard times after the war. I humbly ask that you allow me to step in for your father to help guide you until you reach legal adulthood when you turn twenty-six. At that time you and your sister will be registered in our ancestral rolls as extended kin. When you turn thirty I will petition the Council of Elders to grant you a title with a rank that they deem appropriate. I will do the same for your sister when she also turns thirty."
Mpilo's mother and sister wept openly.
Yani touched Mpilo's hand.
Mpilo's chest shuddered and he wiped his eyes quickly. He raised himself higher and pulled back his shoulders.
"I will accept this kumkani," Mpilo said.
The guests clapped and Yani had other wedding attendants escort Mpilo's small family to one of the royal's tables near Umama and Dante. Yani and N'Jadaka followed, giving heartfelt hugs to their new kin. Music played again and the wedding celebration continued late into the night. Once the moon had risen and the children were allowed to stay at the reception for another hour before their bedtime. Yani sensed N'Jadaka's energy depleting. He was ready for the night to end so they could be alone. Their children would stay with Umama and they would have their home to themselves for the night before they had to finish the rest of the wedding duties the next day in Necropolis City. After that, they would be whisked away to their boat where they would have two solid weeks with no one else but them.
She strode past a crowded table of elder relatives from Umama's side of the family and zigzagged to where Twyla and her husband Bibi sat talking big talk with Kendall. Twyla gently grabbed Yani's wrist and pulled her down in the seat next to her.
"Look at you," Twyla said.
"I feel wonderful," Yani purred.
Twyla stared into Yani's eyes and cradled both of her hands.
"Are you finally happy? Have everything you want?"
Yani glanced over at N'Jadaka who strode past with his male cousins from the states. Every eye was on him and his bold steps made her heart thump faster. She patted Twyla's hand.
"It's like being back home when it was us against the world. That peace that we stole together…the peace I thought I would never have again…I have it forever now. Mi can breathe and not fear anything or anyone," Yani said.
"He is so in love with you. Everyone can feel it…oh look, here he come," Tywla said, her voice bursting into loud laughs as N'Jadak reached for Yani's hand and pulled her back by his side. He bent down and kissed Twyla's cheek.
"Tryna steal her again?" N'Jadaka said,
"No king, I would never," Twyla teased. "That was a nice thing you did for Mpilo and his sister. Did Nakia take you up on your offer to be Toussaint's unvikeli?"
"She's still considering it. Her mind is still bent on going to Haiti. I don't think she wants the pressure of the throne on her son. She likes being out of the public with Toussaint," N'Jadaka said.
"Well I think she should let you take care of Toussaint the way T'Challa watched over your brood," Twyla said.
"I agree," Yani interjected, supporting Twyla's declaration.
"Maybe she'll come around. But I won't force it. Umama and Ramonda are worried about her leaving and if I push to protect Toussaint, then she might flee sooner."
Sydette rushed forward and pulled on her parent's hands.
"The magic show is about to start!" Sydette shouted.
"Did you have more cake?" Yanis asked, wiping the side of her daughter's lips that were smeared with blue and purple icing.
Sydette licked the side of her mouth and grinned.
"I only ate a tiny piece. Come on, we have to watch the show!"
They followed Sydette toward a circular stone amphitheater hidden behind the tall row of forty-foot tall ironwood trees. The wedding guests trailed in finding seats and the royal family sat in the center front row. A female magician delighted the audience with an astonishing show that lasted forty minutes. There were acrobatics, visual illusions, mystery and panthers used to entertain a mesmerized crowd. The show ended with an acrobatic troop from Ghana, a gift from First Lady Vivienne Tettah and her husband President Kojo Tettah.
Music back near the wedding gazebo started up again and the guests waited to disperse and party far into the night. N'Jadaka led Yani to the center of the open garden theater and bid their guests a fun evening. They herded their children with Umama toward the East gate of the palace, waving and accepting the cheers and final well-wishes.
Parting ways with Umama and the children inside the palace, Yani and N'Jadaka braced their backs against the private elevator glass that whisked them up to their home. There were no night attendants or servants to pamper them. They were completely alone the way they wanted to be.
N'Jadaka helped Yani out of her dress in his bedroom and then she pulled off his robes. They took a quick sonic shower and scrambled to get into bed. Exhaustion prevented any frisky behavior. Happiness and love cradled them in the quiet privacy of the large round bed. Fireworks lit up the sky from their wall window. The king pulled his queen onto his chest and held her in a tight embrace.
A restful slumber guided them the rest of the night.
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N'Jadaka watched Yani sleep curled into his side.
He kept his left arm around her as her soft warm breath blew across his left pec. He checked his kimoyo beads on his right wrist and whispered instructions for their breakfast to be brought to his bedroom within the hour. Snuggling against his wife he caressed her cheek and then carefully kissed her forehead. They both needed rest and quiet before leaving for the family tombs in the city of the dead ancestors. Yani's name would be added to the ancestral rolls as they paid their respect to the past queens and kings. Afterward, they were free to honeymoon.
The wedding had been a tremendous affair and the Wakandan news and the global media had a field day reporting on the splendor and the grand entrance of Queen Yani. The outside world was permitted to see them leave the temple, but only the Wakandans could relive the experience on vids at home. World leaders who were still in Wakanda gave vid chats to their own people describing the experience. Royal images of the wedding party circled the globe.
Yani murmured into his chest and he looked down. Her eyelids fluttered open and he smiled at her.
"Hey Mrs. Udaku," he said.
She grinned and stretched her neck to kiss him.
"Since we never consummated the marriage, does that mean we failed our first duty as a couple?" she asked.
He laughed.
"We were too damn tired, girl."
"You must be getting old then, I could've done a little something," Yani bragged.
"All this talkin' now when you were snoring the moment we hit these sheets last night. Stop lyin."
"Hmmm," she said stretching, "It was a long day. A glorious day, but very long."
She pushed back the covers and slid down his body, engulfing his penis, sucking on it until the hot flesh hardened like a brick.
"Aye, Ma…protocols are in order. You make me nut and we don't pay our respects to Bast, we'll curse this union."
He pushed Yani's mouth away. She rose and left their marriage bed, naked as a jay bird and picked up the ceremonial bundle.
"Should we do this now, or after breakfast?" she asked.
She stood holding the bundle looking sexy and ready for anything he had in mind. His gaze dropped to her vulva. The piercings they marked her as his precious gift sparkled in the morning light that spilled from the window.
"You make it sound so clinical saying it like that," he said.
Yani padded back to the bed and stared at him.
"If we don't do it now, we might forget and mess up later. We'll get on the boat and be so happy that we're alone that I know you'll make love to me and overlook the rules," Yani said.
"We can set an alarm on our kimoyo beads," he suggested.
"So you don't want to do it now."
"I don't want to rush getting intimate with you."
She fondled her vulva, peeling back the outer labia. The pink inside already glistened. His dick jumped at the sight.
"Let's just do the ceremonial part now, pay homage to Bast and then we can relax until we are alone again. Our first time together as husband and wife shouldn't be quick," she said.
She reached for his dick and stroked it, letting the pre-cum pearl down the taught flesh. Fully engorged, his erection looked darker than the skin surrounding it.
"Okay," he huffed, watching her soft hand go up and down the shaft. A thick tear-drop shaped bit of pre-cum slid over the crease in her hand and he groaned. He didn't have to choke back on sound. The home was theirs to be loud.
Yani unfurled the ceremonial leather bundle and they touched the inscriptions of symbols and words etched into the leather. He helped her tie it using the strings on the four corners like a corset around her midsection. She used pillows from the bed to make her head and hips comfortable as he knelt between her legs.
"Ready?" he said.
She nodded.
N'Jadaka began to kiss and lick her clit, pulling soft moans from her lips as his tongue slathered her tender parts with saliva. He stroked his dick while working his mouth magic on her. Yani's thighs parted further while she cupped her breasts.
His lips dripped with her sticky love offerings, and by the time he was flicking the tip of his tongue just under her clit, Yani was calling out his name, letting the sound fly up to the high ceiling. It echoed like angels around them and he grunted a satisfied noise that helped her release into his mouth. Her vulva throbbed against his moist lips, the strong pulses pulling him up to his feet.
"Yani!" he shouted, jerking his dick faster hunched over her.
He aimed his release all over the leather corset, soaking it with hot white semen that continued to spurt as he squeezed his balls. Yani quickly unfastened the strings keeping the offering of cum from spilling away. His sweat fell onto her breasts and he gave one final tug to his dick.
"I've got it all," Yani said.
She curled the sides of the leather back into a bundle and he walked with her out to the balcony. A brass burning ring sat near the center of the space. Yani placed the semen-soaked bundle into the ring and they both struck a long match together, setting it ablaze. They each added small tied bundles of herbs to the leather and the smoke turned from white to purple and sent a trail of thick color up into the morning sky. N'Jadaka held Yani's hand and they spoke out loud ancient words to bless their union in the sight of Bast's offering.
The leather and herbs burned down quickly, and they showered together in his bathroom, taking their time lathering each other up and allowing steamy water to cascade down their wet bodies. He kissed and fondled his wife, enjoying the taste of her in his mouth and the scent of her skin in his nose.
Breakfast was full of them laughing and recounting the events of the day before. Yani held his hand tight when they left the palace together dressed in long white robes.
The trip to Necropolis City was taken in the Royal Talon Fighter with their children.
Walking the steps holding Yani's hand, N'Jadaka stared at the building that his body once rested in. Joba paused walking up the final step and N'Jadaka took her hand. His youngest daughter's body shook and he sensed her hesitancy.
"I'm right here Sunshine," he said.
Joba squeezed his hand and they entered the building following Umama and Ramonda. They walked along a long hallway that led to a special room away from the tombs. The walls in the room were covered by a gigantic purple and silver silk tapestry that displayed all the family names since the time of King Bashenga and Queen Tiye.
The only people allowed to witness the addition of Yani's name in person were their immediate family members. A small ceremony led by a Necropolis City elder didn't take long. Next to N'Jadaka's name was a space for Yani, and she signed a slender tablet that burned her name into the silk for all of time. A small sample of her blood had been taken to make the ink that burned into the material. Sydette and Riki watched with wide eyes. Joba clung to his hand.
Ushered back outside, the rest of their wedding party and familial guests waited for them, tossing flowers at Yani and N'Jadaka. Kisses and hugs were passed around and given to their children last. The ramp to the Royal Talon Fighter awaited them. N'Jadaka and Yani both fought the urge to run away from everyone.
"Have a beautiful trip!" Umama called.
N'Jadaka glanced at his children standing with his grandmother and grandfather. He waved, took Yani's hand and guided her into the Royal Talon Fighter.
Gliding along the Ibukan River, they spotted the royal house boat in the distance. Yani hugged him tight.
"Finally…our honeymoon," she whispered.
The Talon Fighter touched down on the ground near a dock. Okoye and Ayo departed the Talon Fighter first and spoke with the Doras guarding the boat. N'Jadaka squeezed Yani's hand and they both ran toward the boat, flinging off their ceremonial robes revealing swimsuits under neath. Okoye threw back her head and laughed.
"Be safe my king. We will track your trip discreetly and bring the royal children to you in two weeks," Okoye said.
"Bye!" Yani squealed.
N'Jadaka activated the onboard system and programmed it to sail away from the dock. He poured Yani a glass of champagne and they stood on the bow to watch it sail out of the golden city.
Yani toasted his glass again and he held her waist.
"To us, my king," she said.
"To us, my queen," he said back with all the love he could muster in his voice.
Chapter 7 HERE.
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liyawritesss · 7 months
ᖴᒪOᗯEᖇᔕ Iᑎ ᗷᒪOOᗰ - ᐯᗩᒪEᑎTIᑎEᔕ ᗪᖇᗩᗷᗷᒪEᔕ
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Day 23 - Quality Time
- A King's Wish - T'Challa Udaku - Marvel's Black Panther
- In which during a tumultuous time during T'Challa's duties with the Avengers in America, he pays a visit to a certain someone ro calm his mind.
- Check out more prompts and other activities on the Flowers In Bloom Event Masterlist!
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A King should never get too comfortable in his position - and if he is, then he shouldn’t be king. It was one of the many morals instilled upon T’Challa as crowned prince to the Wakandan throne. He knows he’s got a lot to risk for himself, for his people, and unfortunately he doesn’t have the ability to allow himself to get too comfortable. Though, just because he’s King of arguably the most powerful nation on earth, doesn’t mean he’s absolved from having guilty pleasures.
And it just so happens that he’s on his way to visit said guilty pleasure right now.
He has to keep a low profile, though. More than raised eyebrows would occur if people saw a member of the Wakandan royal family casually strolling into a college campus, accompanied by brightly colored warrior women trained to kill. So he dawns much more casual, American clothing, and so do the two members of the KingsGuard accompanying him, because of course, he couldn’t come completely alone.
With so much happening the past few months, all T’Challa truly wants is to be in your arms. To remember how they feel around him, to cement your kisses into his skin so that they never disappear again. It’s wishful thinking, he knows it is; there’s only so much time the two of you will have together, but he doesn’t like to think about that. Instead, he chooses to relish in the present, and perhaps, speak on what future instances would look like.
He remembers the day the two of you first met. Being introduced to each other by his friend who taught the graduate level african history class you were enrolled in, the professor relayed your expressed interest in Wakanda and the desire to study the history of the nation on a deeper level. While he could not grant you access inside the tightly secured country for reasons, T’Challa was more than willing to oblige in your questions to assist in your research. Little did he know that the mere prospect of assisting you in your extended project would lead to something much more deeper.
It was a breath of fresh air for the royal, a change of pace from his constant need to save face. You didn’t treat him like a King - which, granted, he had to get used to - but rather an average scholar you were bouncing ideas off of. While most of his life he has been molded to be a pillar of sovereignty, with you, T’Challa was able to have some semblance of normalcy in his life. Something he didn’t know he craved so carnally until he met you.
He sighs as his fist raps at your door, his body already buzzing with excitement at the idea of seeing you again after a long time being apart. You open it, and T’Challa’s lips immediately crack into a smile.
“Now, I remember telling you to let me know when you’re coming by,” you say in a voice akin to disbelief, standing in the doorway of your apartment that resides close to campus, “y’know, instead of knocking on my door like you’re the police or somethin’?”
“Can you blame me?” T’Challa retorts, “I was in a rush.”
Well, there’s little you can do about the King who seemingly lost his manners, besides welcome him into your home - and your heart - for the night.
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demigoddessqueens · 2 years
Hello there
I would like to request a namor x reader where she is youngest child of the wakandan royal family and they tend to look over her sometimes or A LOT so when attuma n namora ambush the crew on the bridge she volunteers herself to be taken to protect her sibling and Riri as well as come to a diplomatic solution.
When Nakia finally rescues her, namor vows to go retrieve her by any means necessary
Oooh,,, I like this idea!! 👀💞💓
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Pairing: Namor x youngest royal!sibling
You knew the risks of taking this mission, but there was a determination to prove yourself. It seemed simple at first. Get the young scientist, keep her safe, and move on from there.
Despite the risk of encountering Namor on the shore and now escaping those hot on your trail, you couldn’t let that deter you or risk your mother’s nerves.
Seemed simple enough, right?
At least that’s what you thought at first. Lying face down on the asphalt was the irony of this whole situation. You had seen Okoye give it to her last in defending you and Shuri, but you had to think fast.
You could see your sister Shuri’s hand starting to gain movement, but you saw the two elite warriors with their band advancing towards Riri. It had to be quick and now, or else you would regret this.
Coming to a wobbly stance, you faced the ones called Attuma and Namora.
“I’ll go.” You offered to them. “I’ll go with you…,don’t hurt her.”
Both looked at each other inquisitively before the taller one summoned their steed and brought you and Riri forward. Hoping they wouldn’t notice, you left behind the bracelet as means to track you.
Before the darkness of the waters consumed the group, you whispered a small prayer to Bast but you didn’t know what for exactly. Strength? Clarity?
Anything seemed feasible at this point.
Back home, your Queen Mother’s grief knew no bounds. Still, it would not deter her from getting you, youngest of the family, back to safety.
In Talokan, the nerves of your entire being were sharper than any knife. Sure this king and leader of his people was charismatic, but you still couldn’t form an opinion about Namor. Especially when the young girl’s life depended on you.
“Why do you look at me like that?” He asked upon your quick introduction.
Poker face may not have been your strong suit but you mastered it on impulse.
“Like what?”
“As if you are afraid. I do not wish to harm you, but I have my loyalties to protect those who rely on me. By any means.”
You sighed heavily. “That’s what I’m afraid of. What if we came to an agreement? Me, in the place of the scientist. But please, let me see my family as well. I know they’ll be worried for me.”
His face seemed unreadable at first but underneath that facade was a growing curiosity. If this was under different circumstances, Namor would have wanted to get to know you. A bright mind with a promise that glimmered in your eyes. He admired your spirit. Maybe there could be a chance still…
In his invitation to explore Talokan, you were amazed. It was beautiful. Intricate architecture and a liveliness that reminded you of home. Such beauty
Namor watched your reaction with softness. Once this was all over, he’d give anything to see that smile of yours again. In gifting you the bracelet of his mother and a necklace personally crafted for you as well, Namor dared to have hope that there could be a future.
You thought the same too. It was a relief to see you and Riri’s savior in Nakia, but it felt sudden to be reunited with your family so swiftly. You were grateful to be back with your family, but it felt jarring to be taken back so soon.
Upon hearing of your rescue, Namor’s heart became caged by its walls again. It felt foolish and naive of him to even think that—
No matter. He would return to have you back again, or if you wised it, to come and go as you pleased. You let him think there could be a possibility for anything and the surface world’s forces would not take that away.
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hayanwulf · 3 months
Small Price to Pay
1.) Pepper & Tony never got back together after Civil War. 2.) Stephen & Christine had been in a relationship right before infinity war.
Alright then, let’s roll the fucking clip.
Thanos and his army had turned to dust.
They pulled Carol’s limp body into a gurney, taking her across the halls of the medical wing of Wakandan Royal Palace. She had wielded all the six infinity stones and survived. She was currently passed out with a badly burnt hand, but she would pull through.
Stephen’s gaze drifted to the rest of the team spread across the ER, getting help for each other. Some were more wounded than the others, but they were all alive, and perhaps that was what mattered the most.
His eyes stopped on a certain genius in red & gold suit, currently hugging Peter while fussing his hair up messily, murmuring quiet words into his ears that didn’t reach Stephen. He wanted to go near them, check them over for injuries. He wanted to hug them, drop a kiss on Tony’s chapped lips, hand a granola bar to Peter, and murmur, ‘We won. Everything is okay now.’ But his legs stayed firmly planted where he stood, unable to move.
He had no right.
He was nothing to Tony, nor to Peter.
In their eyes, he was just a random wizard whom they had teamed up with for a day.
Worse; he was the wizard who had ostracized this future for them; the one where the entire universe grieved the dusted for five whole years, some people painstakingly moving on, some staying stuck in the past, some.. deciding to join their lost loved ones.
So he watched from afar as Peter cried tears of relief into Tony’s shoulder, the genius patting his kid’s back in reassurance.
A portal opened into the hall, catching Stephen’s attention. On the other side of it stood Christine alongside Wong who had opened the portal for her. Stephen’s heart skipped a beat when he saw his lover after so long—
Except, Christine didn’t look back at him. Hadn’t even looked his way, her eyes firmly locked on Tony since the moment the portal had opened.
Stephen had known this, had seen this in the Time Stone, had prepared himself for seeing it in reality.
It still felt like the most painful punch to his gut when Christine crossed the portal and ran across to Tony, wrapping her hands around the genius who quickly loosened his grip on Peter to make space for her.
Even with the distance between them, Stephen could see Christine’s eyes having turned glinty with unshed tears, placing a palm on his face as she took in his state, just absorbed the fact that he was still alive. It was the same expression of relief he had seen on her face towards her when they were..
Before the day Bruce had crashed through the Sanctum roof.
Now, he saw the same expression on her face, projected not towards him, but towards yet another person Stephen loved dearly.
He watched, as the two people he loved the most in the world shared a kiss.
The leftover remnants of his heart shattered.
He should be happy. The war at last had ended, Thanos was no more, the universe would be at peace. His two loves would be able to rest, would find happiness in each other. They would have a family together and they would be happy.
Stephen wanted them to be happy. He should be happy for them.
But it stung. God it stung so bad, it felt as though his heart was being actively ripped out of his chest.
Not many yards away from him stood the two people he loved more than his own soul, and they were in love with each other, one not even knowing him beyond a superhero acquaintance, one having moved on from him in the past 5 years.
It stung.
She moved on, he hazily thought. He had known it since viewing this future in the Time Stone, of course he had known it. The foreknowledge did nothing at all to quell his anguish. She moved on from me and made a life with Tony.
It stung.
She turned away for a second to retrieve medical equipments, and then turned back to Tony. It was then then Stephen noticed the small bump on her belly. She was pregnant. They will have a child. They will have a family.
A family which had no place for Stephen.
He was standing in this ER where people moved about, doctors helping people, the Avengers holding onto each other, some being a metaphorical supportive pillar to their companion, some very much physically supporting the other. Whatever the case may be, everyone had someone.
Everyone except Stephen, who watched on as Christine treated all of Tony’s wounds by herself.
Never in his life had he felt lonelier than he did right at this moment.
Stephen closed his eyes, turning his back on them. He reached for the sling ring on his belt, sliding it into his fingers, ignoring the way they were sore and aching, and summoned a portal back to his Sanctum with barely half a thought.
Someone called out his name, the voice vaguely sounding like Christine’s. Or maybe she hadn’t. Maybe someone else had called him. Maybe no one had called him and he had just hallucinated the voice in his head. Whatever the case may be, it didn’t matter, because he was already through the portal and it instantly snapped shut behind him.
I already knew this, he told himself as he dragged himself towards his bedroom, his body seemingly growing heavier with each step, his chest screaming in anguish, his vision going blurry with unshed tears. It was the only way. The only way they could all be alive and the universe could be saved.
His body felt too weak to continue lifting his own weight. After only two more steps, his knees buckled. The Cloak caught him before he could have fallen on his knees and gently eased him down the rest of the way to the ground.
An ugly sob tore through his throat. His body shook as he pulled his knees to his chest, pressing himself against the wall and wrapping his arms around his legs. He weeped silently.
My heart is a small price to pay.
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enaspaces · 3 months
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shuri and kenji parallels
When losing their familial figures, there’s a mantle left behind for them to take, even if they don’t want to. They mature and grow through these experiences and become stronger people despite the grief that their family leaves behind.
They even rekindle strained bonds in the process. When nakia left wakanda for 6 years and didn’t show up for tchalla’s funeral out of fear, shuri felt betrayed. She ignored her calls and even took her anger out on her when she returned. Kenji believed that his father abandoned him and his mother, even asking if he looked for her when she went missing. Once they stopped avoiding the communication necessary to understand each other’s perspectives and why they made these decisions, they were able to start healing.
Emi is among the last of her kind when kenji finds her. Toussaint is among the remaining people of the wakandan royal blood, the face of the indigenous nation that they’ve vowed to protect. Kenji and Shuri now take on the difficult responsibility as an elder of these young children and as the hero of their nations. They take it in stride because that’s what a hero does.
also: cool suits and AI assistants that they have silly banter with (this was an excuse to put two of my favorite characters together)
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b4rbi3l4nd · 2 years
SOS — keep it on lowski
Okay real talk, this is my first tumblr fic and I like it..so far, so i might make this a series LMAO. But catch me on wattpad, i have a series on there that I plan on continuing
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summary: you broke up with shuri a few years ago and left wakanda for good until namor. now that he's killed the queen and multiple wakandan civilians, he's seen as a great threat and as former second in command at shuri's lab and wakanda's loyal warrior it is your duty to return and fight for your country. but a certain somebody makes the mission way too hard to deal with.
genre: minor angst, slow, slow, slow burn
pairing: shuri x black fem reader
episode warnings: suggestive scenes
proofread?: no but if there are errors then it's grammarly's fault.
word count: girl idfk
inspirations: 'SOS' — SZA
song: 'Low' — SZA
send your thoughts and requests
"Whatever you want, don't call me." you said as you threw your kimoyo beads and your engagement ring on the ground before stomping it and breaking it under your heels.
Blinking back tears, you pushed her off you as you turned around and left the lab, slamming the door behind you. Her cries echoed through the room as you picked up your suitcase as you left the palace and wakanda for good.
That was more than 4 years ago. To think you were happy. Marrying into the royal family, a strong bond with both T'Challa and Queen Ramonda but especially the love of your life, Shuri.
You guys have known each other for the longest time, being the daughter of the chief of the Border Tribe, you and Shuri have known each other since birth. Bonding over your love for tech. Not only did you have one of the highest IQ's, you were also one of the strongest warriors Wakanda had. Your mother is a Dora Milage so you trained everyday with them since you could crawl.
Everything was going great for the both of you until Shuri started getting engulfed in her tech work. She worked overtime to prove to the elders that she could also be useful but it angered you. Not because she was expanding her work but because she wasn't making time for you. She dismissed you, she didn't even let you enter the lab sometimes and that was where you worked. Eventually, you got sick of it, sick of everything and just left. For the better. Or was it?
"Miss Y/N, you have arrived." your driver says as you snap out of your thoughts. The car door opens for you as you steop out in white pumps and a black bodycon dress, your curls resting all around you as you straightened your gold chain.
The Dora Milage immediately bowed to you as you noticed your mother smiling at you but your face remained expressionless. You walked into the palace as you muttered under your breath. "i can't believe I'm back here again."
You walked through the palace corridors as you stopped in front of the lab, 2 Dora Milage warriors on either side of the door. You were contemplating entering when you heard 2 women's voices.
Turning around, you were met with Okoye and Nakia looking at you.
Nakia immediately embraced you as you hugged her back, realizing how much you missed your friends.
"Y/N...it pained us so much when you were not there for T'Challa's funeral." Nakia started as Okoye stood still and silent, not looking over to you.
"I was busy...I'm sorry. Send the queen my condolences-" you start but Okoye cut you off sharply.
"The queen is dead." She said, almost as if she was choking on her words as Nakia looked down.
A hand flew to your mouth as you felt your eyes watering. Queen Ramonda was like your mother figure, so caring and loving.
"That is why we asked you here. I'm guessing you didn't read the envelope?" Nakia asked as you tilted your head to the side.
"There was an envelope?"
"Typical." Okoye kissed her teeth as you turned to her to see her smiling.
"You know I can't be mad at you for long. Small small girl, come here." She held out your arms as you chuckled, hugging her tightly but when you pulled back, both Okoye and Nakia had serious expressions on their face.
"We need your help Y/N...help the country. Help Shuri." Nakia voiced out as your mood soured when she mentioned your ex's name but she gave you a look. "Please, put your petty beef to the side. She hasn't been herself lately, she's been engulfing herself in her work, you're the only one we know that can help her."
"Is this what you called me for?"
"Not all, we also need help defeating a treacherous villain. Namor. All the information has already been sent to your...iPhone." Okoye said the last part in disgust as you rolled your eyes playfully.
"Sorry ma'am, but it's how you keep up with stuff out of country nowadays."
"I still don't know why you didn't take your kimoyo beads with you. They're great advances."
"Yea but she built em didn't she."
"And it was your design."
"Look, let's not get into battle of the tech here alright?" Nakia said, as she looked between you and Okoye. "Just please help Shuri."
"And the country." Okoye added as you laughed slightly.
You took a sigh and nodded, dismissing them with your hands as you 'promised' to help Shuri. Bullshit, you couldn't give 2 shits about that woman. Your face turned expressionless once more as you entered the lab, startled when a voice started talking out of nowhere.
"My queen, an unknown woman has entered the lab."
"Thank you Griot." Shuri said sarcastically as she didn't even look up from her work.
Your fists balled up slightly. Wow, nothing changed even from when you guys were together. You sighed, maybe you should give her benefit of the doubt, her whole family is gone.
You squinted your eyes, looking around, not knowing where she was.
"What do you want?" her voice came from above and behind you.
You looked up before turning around to see her standing atop some stairs. Your breath hitches, she looks so different than before. She ditched the braids now, her hair shorter than usual. Fades at the sides with curls on the top. It fit her. You took in her white tracksuit and sneakers, tatted hands, and her body got a bit more muscular than last time. She had a ring on her fourth finger. Was she married? The ring looked nothing like your engagement ring and you felt a slight pang in your chest but you shook it off.
You look up to her face but she wasn't even looking at you, she was studying something on her kimoyo beads. Every bit of arousal just disappeared. What an ick, she's still more focused on her work than anything else.
"I was sent to help with defeating Namor."
As soon as you said your name, her head darted up as she looked in your direction. You stood still, your hands in front of you as you looked straight ahead, unbothered, which you were.
"Oh uhm.."
"Is Riri your wife?" You ask, motioning towards her ring on her fourth finger.
"Why do you care?" She raised an eyebrow, a stern expression fixated on her face as a frown appeared.
"I don't.." you trailed off as you took note of her face, images of her crying and begging on the lab floor the day you left rushing your mind as you abruptly stopped and shook your head.
"You can go to your quarters, you are not needed here today."
"No thanks, I'll stay. I am here to protect my country, no other intentions needed." You walk up the stairs and right past her as you walk over to your former office and stop, staring in disbelief.
It was decorated with red and yellow and the name "Riri" was spelled out on the wall with an ironman-looking suit standing in the corner of it.
"Of course." You nod your head slightly, of course your office wasn't going to stay the same. She's obviously moved on. You start towards a chair but stop as you hear her right behind you. She grabbed your arm slightly, making you turn around to face her. She still towered over you, even after all this time.
"I got it under control."
"Really? Because if so, Nakia and Okoye wouldn't be begging for me to help you."
Before she can respond, a young woman around our age comes into the lab and looks up at Shuri.
"My love." she said as she ran up to hug her and Shuri hugged her back lovingly, letting go of my arm.
I frowned at the sight and looked away. I shouldn't even be feeling like this, I broke up with her, I'm the asshole.
"Namor...he left a message."
All 3 of us walked towards the throne room, Shuri in the middle and ahead of us, her hands locked in with the woman who I learned to be named Malia. She wasn't Wakandan but American, you can tell from her accent. I scoffed at this.
The whole time, I stole glances at her. She wasn't even that pretty. Her dress is too short, this is a work area. Is she trying to seduce the elders or what? What's up with those shoes? They're unprofessional. Straightened hair? Really? Americans have no value for their natural hair. "Stop it" i said to myself under my breath. why am i comparing myself to another woman? I don't even care for Shuri, she can suck my clit for all i care.
As we approached the throne room, Shuri took her seat on the throne and I watched Malia sit down in the seat next to her. My former seat. I stood next to the Dora Milage, specifically my mother as I watched the two with hooded eyes.
Okoye pulled out her kimoyo beads where it showed Namor at the border of Wakanda, promising to be back and rid the whole country.
The whole time I was more focused on Malia and Shuri. The way Shuri's hand moved up and down her thigh, the way she looked at her. How unprofessional. And in front of the guards too?
"What is she doing here?" An elder spoke out, causing me to snap out of my trance. Everyone was now looking at me and I put on my best poker face, looking up at them.
"She is still a Wakandan, whether you like it or not." My mother said, standing up for me as I eyed the elder down. I clicked my tongue slightly as he turned away.
After the brief meeting and discussion of what to do, I made my way out of the throne room, right behind Malia who offered to show me to my sleeping quarters.
As we entered my apartment in the palace, I turned to her and raised an eyebrow. "Are you and Shuri married? I need to know whether to address to you as my queen or not." I say, trying to hide the fact that I'm prying for information.
I can see the question catch her off guard as she smiles sweetly at me. "No, not yet. This is just a promise ring, she got it for our anniversary, a few weeks ago, pretty right? She made it specifically for us." She showed her hand as I looked at the ring. It was beautiful and it had the initials "S.M" carved into it.
"Crazy how..if you hadn't left, this would've been you." She said under her breath, her tone sounding less friendly than it was before.
I look up at her, her expression looking more stern as we held eye contact momentarily. It was ice cold and the tension in the room could cut blocks. But then she smiled, her sweet expression coming back to her face.
"That's all, I hope you have a nice stay in Wakanda." She smiled even wider before turning around and leaving the apartment, leaving me to feel unsafe that she knew where I slept.
That night as I pulled my dress down, I heard a knock on my door. I didn't open it, still occupied with my dress. After a few moments, the door opened.
"I thought I locked that door.."
I turned around to be met face to face with Shuri. My dress fell down, and pooled at my legs. The only thing stopping her from seeing my naked body was a white savage x fenty lingerie set which was even more teasing if I'm being honest.
She was silent for a few moments, looking at me up and down before she gulped and then looked back at my face.
"I didn't know you were in here."
She went silent for a few moments before I looked at her puzzled.
"Not even a sorry?"
"Practically barging in my room and then staring me down."
"You're in your head."
"Really? We're gonna pretend the Queen of Wakanda isn't in my bedroom, talking to me as I'm half naked."
"It's nothing I haven't seen before." she blurted out as I stand still, stunned at her words and she too also seems stunned at what she just said.
"I.." she starts but I shake my head, turning around.
"I need you to get the fuck out my space." I say and she doesn't respond until I hear the door opening again.
"I'll need to see you again in the morning and discuss some things about the whole Namor situation. Meet me in my lab at 10 AM sharp, don't be late." She says sternly before I hear the door slam shut.
"Shit, 4 years of sexual frustration does something to you." I say, sighing deeply as I pick up my dress, throwing it on my bed before going to my suitcase to grab my pajamas.
I'm going to hate it here, for sure.
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The Moon and The Ocean
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7.3 words 18+ ADULTS ONLY
The princess was a strange one, not Princess Shuri, but the one where King T’Chaka and Queen Ramonda found her as a baby near the shoreline with no mother or father. Ramonda had given birth 6 months ago to their daughter Shuri and T’Chaka was hesitant to add another child to the mixture, but Ramonda convinced him and it was almost as if Bast blessed them because (Y/N) was the final piece to the puzzle. 
“(Y/N).....(Y/N)! Open your ears, sister! What do you have going on in that mind of yours?” She jumped as Shuri snapped her fingers before sped around the lab. She glanced at the scientist as she scrambled through her files. “Shuri, what are you looking for?” Shuri was paying her no attention as she let out a whoop of success before heading downstairs, the taller woman falling suit. (Y/N)’s long skirt flowed like waves in the ocean, she dressed like her mother, very formal and always in long dresses or skirts,but she typically wore neutral colors like green, brown, tan, but black and white was her bread and butter.
(Y/N) attempted to make conversation, but only to be met with silence and the occasional huh, so she decided to go to the heart of the capital. Slipping past the Dora Milaje as her giggles carried throughout the wind. “Princess (Y/N), what do you think you’re doing here?”
“M’Baku, if you could be any louder?” The leader of the Jabari chuckled as he squatted down, getting a good look at the young woman. “But if you wanted to know, I’m wandering around, everyone has important things to handle.” M’Baku nodded as he watched over the citizens of Wakanda, sending Jabari tribesmen further out. “What about your other tasks? The children have been missing your presence in the classes along with Nakia.” 
She awkwardly looked away, rubbing her arms. She missed interacting with the children, but since Nakia left Wakanda, it never felt right. “Maybe I’ll talk to Queen mother about starting the program again, it would be nice. I…Nakia was my buffer, you know how I don’t really fit in and she put the time and effort into getting to know me for me and not just as a princess that has no claim to the throne.” 
M’Baku leaned against his staff as he rolled his eyes. “Your outcome could be different,Hanuman sees a different path for you, one that is brighter than anyone among the Wakandan royal family.” (Y/N) gave a pointed look with her hands on her hips. “I’m not marrying you, M’Baku.” He’s been chasing her ever since they met as children, hoping down from the beam, he still towered over her. “I wasn’t even proposing. but you have an aura that’s a fire, but it’s not violent, it's caring and nurturing. Unlike your sister or-”
She placed her hand on his chest, effectively shutting him up as she gave him that look, tired of Hanuman speeches along with how different she was, it was irritating enough to be reminded that she wasn’t truly wakandan. “M’Baku, I appreciate your….advice, but I’m a normal woman, that’s all. Now, I must go, enjoy the rest of your day.” Picking up her skirts, she started her trek back to the palace, ignoring the eyes that stared daggers into her back as she left.
Nightfall soon fell, the citizens retiring for the night, all except one, (Y/N) had bouts of insomnia and nothing worked for her. Slipping on some slippers, she made her way to the river. She spent the majority of her nights there, enjoying the sounds of nature, but tonight she grabbed her art supplies as she wanted to create another piece. It’s months that she felt inspired enough to even look at her blank canvas, dusk collecting her tools and she almost felt like she lost her passion. 
After T’Challa’s passing, she felt the world stop, she couldn’t breathe; it was as if someone stole the air from her lungs and held it hostage. She remembered that day vividly, she flinched at Shuri’s screams,watching her younger sister reach for their brother’s cold body. Queen Ramonda was already ushered out, sobbing as Okoye held her as she tried fighting her own tears. “(Y/N)?” M’Baku questioned as wrapped his arms around her. He gently rubbed her back as she sobbed into his chest, watching as they placed the white sheet over T’Challa’s body.
She sighed as she came to, laying her blanket out as she made herself comfortable. The moonlight was a comforting light, it felt like a mother’s love; warm and unconditional love. Something that she craved, being an outsider was hard; no one really talked to her, most didn’t trust her even though she’s lived here her entire life, but no one has actually tried it with her because she was technically a member of the royal family. 
She prepped her canvas, cursing as her locs fell across her face, knowing she was forgetting something. Unbeknownst to her, a figure was watching her, barely hovering over the water line. His dark eyes roamed her curvaceous figure, childbearing hips and with her breasts almost spilling from the top of mauve silk nightdress. He slowly moved closer to her, not wanting to startle her as he could hear sing softly as she painted away, unaware of his presence.
As he moved closer, he bit his lip at her full lips, soft round face, that he could only imagine how they felt against his. He could only imagine how heavenly she felt, plush as the finest furs and he couldn’t fathom her not being taken yet. He’s watched for years, children naturally flock to her; treating them with the utmost respect and care. “Ndingazilibala njani iibrashi zam?” She muttered as she rummaged through her bag. A forgetful little thing, it’s either primary colors or tonight, it’s brushes. 
(Y/N) hummed a childhood nursery rhyme as she painted, the subject was unknown, she knew it was a man, he seemed to be a divine entity, the regal look he wore. She paused as she heard footsteps, jumping back. “Relajar, chan.” Her eyes shot daggers at him as she tried putting distance between them. “What are you even saying?! You came out of nowhere and…” She paused at the site of wings on his ankles, disturbed and confused by this mysterious man. “Who are you anyways and how did you get in here?” She knew he wasn’t wakandan, his native language, his attire was foriegn to her. He chuckled as he stepped closer to her, the scent of the ocean rolled off of him in waves.
“My allies call me K’uk’ulkan, but my enemies call me Namor, but Princess (Y/N), you can call me, In ajawo’. (My king) I’ve been watching you for some time now and your beauty and grace is unmatched, truly ethereal.” His rough hand barely grazed her cheek as he looked down at her, her eyes filled with wonder before she suddenly pulled away. “I don’t care, but why are you here? How did you sneak past the barrier?” He chuckled as he looked around, enjoying the cool weather. Everything was much more…cleaner, the water wasn’t polluted, the sea thrived in this area. “You're very lucky, ko’oj, I’ve seen how Wakanda treats you, a very beautiful and intelligent woman, who happens to be an outsider adopted by the Queen. In Talokan, my people would welcome you, some of my people have seen your struggles to be accepted and we sympathize with that.”
Namor stepped away as footsteps got louder, he knew he couldn’t risk being caught this early on. “Until next time, ko’oj.” “Princess (Y/N)!” She jumped when Okoye and Ayo stepped through the bush, spears drawn as they surrounded her. “Okoye, what’s the meaning of this? I was just painting-” The young woman fell silent at Okoye’s glare, shyly looking away. “What did I tell you? You cannot be out here this late at night, your mother-” “Ngoba? Andikho kuluhlu lobukhosi, ukhuseleko lwam alukho kuqala kuye.” (Why? I am not next in line for the throne, my safety is not her priority.) (Y/N) said as she hurriedly grabbed her slippies, trying not to cry from frustration. “Why? It doesn’t matter if you’re not in line for the throne, your mother still wants to see you safe. We can’t do that if you’re going to sneak out.” Ayo spoke, planting her spear into the ground. 
Wordlessly (Y/N) headed back towards the palace, ignoring Okoye’s and Ayo’s questioning. Queen Ramonda sighed in relief as her daughter walked through the living area. “She wasn’t hurt or anything?” “No, my queen, she’s fine, but just irritated.” Ramonda rolled her eyes as she stood from the sofa. “Of course she is, when she’s not?” Okoye cleared her throat, shuffling on her feet awkwardly. “My Queen, may I suggest, she was sent to live with Nakia? Maybe that would be a better environment for her?” 
“I just lost my son and my other daughter has pushed me away, why would I send one away especially now?” Okoye stayed silent, knowing if she spoke one more word, she would incur her wrath. Ramonda truly cared for (Y/N), but she couldn’t treat her like she did Shuri. No matter what, the council would never recognize her as a member of the royal family. Ramonda knew it strained their bond as (Y/N) grew older, but it wasn’t just with her only, it affected everyone else’s. Dinners would be lively and full of smiles, until it just became Ramonda.T’Challa’s illness consumed him and Shuri had taken the responsibility to cure him. 
Namor quietly painted, deep within his thoughts, frustrated that the conversation was cut short. Those pesky warriors always seem to be tracking her, which he understands, but she was adopted, she has no claim–nothing, so why are they so adamant on keeping her safe? “K’uk’ulkan, Ba'axten j-binech chúunk'iin o'niak. Yaan k beel cautelosos yéetel leti'ob.”(Why did you leave late last night? We need to be cautious about them.) Namor placed his brush down,sighing as he stood to his full height. “Namora, Ba'axten cuestionar in. A wojel ba'ax ma' pondría ti' talamilo'ob k máak u propósito ti', waal mía.” (Why question me? You know I wouldn’t purposefully endanger our people, my child.) 
“In wojel ba'ax ma' u harías, ba'ale' Táantik u K'astal u ajawo' yéetel u protector.Táan ti' jump'éel kúuchil talamil yéetel ma' in wa'alike' u bixake' prudente perseguir ti' jump'éel le princesas ti' le k'iin.” (I know you wouldn't, but they just lost their king and their protector. They're in a vulnerable place and I don't think it's wise to pursue one of the princesses during this time.) Namora knew he was infatuated with the princess, but she needed him to be focused on Talokan and their needs. She quietly left as Namor became unresponsive, not trying to upset him.
Namor sighed as he stared at the mural, understanding where Namora was coming from. Wakanda had opened herself to other nation’s and their greed. Vibranium was a precious resource to both countries and he knew that countries like France and The United States wouldn’t understand, they only see the potential of how dangerous it could be. Namor also knew that they wanted to be the ones who held the power over their heads. He needed to plan this strategically if he wanted this partnership to come to fruition.
(Y/N) allowed a couple of days to pass before heading towards the river bank, leaving her kimoyo beads if Shuri were to track her. She creeped through the brushes, her head on swivel as she constantly checked around. “For a princess, your guards are incompetent, especially the taller one. Are those your best warriors?” She jumped, whipping around to see Namor’s smiling face. “Oh Bast,”She held her chest as he chuckled,”You’re very fast for someone’s structure.” “I cannot help it, my wings assist me in much of that, but I’m glad that I’m able to see you again.” She couldn’t help notice how close he was to her, his body heat radiated off of him even though he was drenched. 
“Your clothing….you’re older than what you appear, a couple of thousand years, perhaps?” Namor let out a hearty chuckle, at her guess and face; her round cheeks puffed out at the audacity of him to laugh in her face. “I’m closer to 500, where did you think that?” He teased, leaning closer to her as she stuttered, looking away as she tried to defend herself. “I…I’ve dealt with aliens and talking raccoons, who appeared older than me, but were younger, but 500? What exactly are you?” He appeared humanlike, minus the pointed ears and the wings on his ankles, along with enhanced abilities.
“I’m a mutant, close to 500 years ago, my mother and her people ingested a plant infused with vibranium, hoping it would cure the disease that Spanish conquistadores, but instead it turned their skin blue and gave them the ability to breathe underwater. At first, my mother refused because she didn’t know how it would affect me, but the priest convinced her otherwise. She prayed for a protector, having their homeland taken by the Spanish and having to start over, that’s when she was blessed. I was born, but I wasn’t like the typically Talokanil, I could absorb the oxygen from the air as well the sea, that’s why named me K’uk’lkan.” 
Her eyes widened at the mention of vibranium, giving him a skeptical look. “Vibranium? It only occurs in Wakanda, how would that be even possible?” “Vibranium is rich within the Atlantic Ocean, my people use it for everything from tools to our homes, why do you think Wakanda is the only place who has it? My necklace is made of vibranium along with my belt.``True to his word, it glowed a deep royal purple, the tell-tale sign of its true nature. Namor tilted his head, curious as he twisted a loc on his finger; (Y/N) was too deep into her thoughts to care. “That's what I've been told since I was child, that’s all I’ve known, the royal family don’t certain things to be taught or allowed in the city, it may be different for other tribes, but my mother made sure that our minds weren’t tainted by the outside world.” 
Her words said one thing, but eyes said another, denial and confusion, but mostly denial. “One day, I’ll bring you to Talokan and show you the city, see how vibranium is used by my people, it’s more antediluvian, we keep everything simple because once you become more advanced, I believe you begin to lose your edge. I would rather miss the bigger picture once, than continuously miss the smaller one.” (Y/N) gave him a look, crossing her arms over her chest. “But as king or a god, whatever you are, at one point, you’re going have to look forward. As royalty, our respective citizens expect us to have their best interests at heart and if we need to improve their lives by expanding and improving, that’s what we have to do.”
As the days bled into months as the season changed, (Y/N) snuck away more often just to steal a glimpse of Namor and vice versa, if she could spend hours listening to his voice, she could. The more she spoke with him, the more her heart wanted him. It was something about Namor and how he was able to work through her walls, shattering them one by one until she couldn’t hide anything from him. The fleeting touches and the lingering hand kisses only awakened a hunger in her that he could only sate. The council could tell she was much happier, which to some was suspicious. She wasn’t seen with anyone throughout the tribes, which irritated Ramonda, she was just happy that her daughter’s mood improved, well at least one of them. She was still trying to help Shuri; grief affected everyone differently, but she worried about her mental health. 
(Y/N) stepped through the entrance, scientists bowing their heads as she stepped through. “Shuri, would you like to come with me on a walk? It would be good for you to get some fresh air.” Shuri ignored her as she continued to run calculations as she barked orders at Griot. “I can’t, too much to do and not enough time.” “I understand that, but you cannot be your best if you’re not nourishing your body and that also goes for your mental health as well.” Shuri slammed down her tools as she glared at her younger sister.
“You’re just like my mother, always nagging.” (Y/N)’s eyes narrowed as she followed Shuri, barely holding her tongue. “What do you mean by that? Shuri, what’s happening to you? This isn’t you.” “Because I’m irritated that you’re walking around here, smiling and happy! Did T’Challa mean nothing to you!?” The scientist looked at her younger sister with tears in her eyes, Shuri was jealous, she struggled with the guilt, she couldn’t save her brother in time. She was one of the brightest minds in the world, she could solve any problem, but that She was also irritated by everyone who decided to move on, acting like the world didn’t stop.
“Shuri, he meant everything to me, he’s my brother no less like you are to him, but don’t lash out at me! Don’t you think I’m not suffering? That I don’t cry myself to sleep every night?” A heavy cloud settled between them, suffocating as they stared at each other. Technicians slowly sneaking out, knowing that they have no part in this conversation. “I know he’s with the ancestors, but he’s not gone. Death isn’t the end-” She barely dodged the tool coming at her, whipping around in disbelief. “What has gotten in your head?! Why are you acting like this!” 
Shuri kept raging on, destroying her lab as (Y/N) tried calming her down, stepping over broken glass. “Shuri, calm down before you hurt yourself!” Her ears felt itchy as the room became unbearably hot, the cool tile shifted into sand as the room melted into the Saraha desert. The sudden heat was suffocating as if the burning sand filled her lungs as she sank to her knees.“My child, my sweet child, the world hasn’t been kind to you.” (Y/N) couldn’t make out the language; she couldn’t make out anything as the light was blinding as the mysterious woman led her like mother to her calf.
Shuri had screamed for a doctor as she witnessed her sister collapse, barely breathing as she wheeled away. The news spread fast within Wakanda and the Jabari, M’Baku rushed towards the palace as the citizens crowded the walls. “What could’ve happened? A simple argument turning into this? Shuri, what actually happened?” Ramonda pressed as Shuri nervously bit her lip as she held herself, trying not to break down. “It was! It just got out of hand and threw some tools at her and then she asked me what was wrong, that's when she collapsed! I didn’t mean to cause her any stress-”
(Y/N) blinked away the sand as stepped into a temple, gaping at the symbols adorned across the walls. “Hieroglyphics…All of this is, but why me, I’m normal, I have no ties to any higher being-” “As my daughter you do, I dreamt of a child, a daughter after being trapped away for millennia. I watched my sons fade away into nothing, time is precious, but it can also be a curse. I held on as much as I could before I was forced to bestow my powers onto you, but I cannot hold on any longer.” She placed a palm on her forehead, whispering a prayer as her eyes glowed. “I don’t understand-” “You won’t understand until you have to, take my gifts and do good with them.” 
Her eyes flashed open as she felt around her body, connected to wires and an EKG machine. (Y/N) slowly climbed off of  the table as she walked towards the entrance. “Princess (Y/N), I advise you to stay and I’ll notify Queen Ramonda that you’re awake.” “No, it's fine Griot, just keep it a secret.” She muttered as she headed outside, sighing deeply as she laid back against the cool metal, her eyes fluttered shut as she slowly regained control of her limbs. 
Moon was high up, illuminating her path as she headed towards the river, humming softly as she played with the lotus necklace. The world seemed different, she could feel the energy from..everything. It wasn’t overwhelming, as if it was a calm stream in the middle of summer night. (Y/N) sighed in relief as she stepped into the water, her salvation–her oasis in the middle of the desert. Namor revealed him as he realized that it was his querido, welcoming in his arms, which she gladly took, giggling as he left small kisses across her throat. “I missed you, you collapsing would’ve never happened if you moved to Talokan with me.” Another kiss. “Never stress, only endless pleasure.” Her breath hitched as his rough hands slid underneath her gown, grazing the edge of her panties. “Let me give you that, In reina.” 
“Please, Na- K’uk’ulkan, please-” “I know, just trust me, okay?” He gently placed a mask, rubbing her hip as she inhaled the gas feeling her breathing slow. “You’re going to love my home and hopefully, you can call it yours one day.” He whispered, caressing her cheek as walked further into the ocean, whispering promises of pleasure. 
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE”S GONE?! SHE WAS IN A COMA AND SHE JUST WOKE UP AND LEFT?!” The council, Dora Milaje, Shuri flinched as Queen Ramonda shouted, demanding answers as she stared at Border Tribe, the so-called protectors. “We didn’t see or hear anything out of the ordinary, she must’ve snuck out while we’re doing shift changes.” One of the members bowed his head in shame. Shuri was in the corner, trying to figure out where she went. “What about her kimoyo beads?” “She deactivated the video capture and the GPS, wiped it clean before she tossed it in the river.” Ramonda screamed, utterly gut-wrenching as she sank to knees. Losing two children so soon was something she didn’t want to happen, ordering anybody to look for her, because she was not resting until she was home safe and sound.
(Y/N)’s hands ruffled through the linen sheets as she came to, the bed was fit for a king, massive and absolutely comfortable. “Good morning, my beautiful beautiful (Y/N).” Namor stepped in,carrying a plate of food. “I wish I could show you everything, but you would be crushed by the pressure, the deeper we go.” He took a seat at the edge of the bed, smiling softly. Namor dreamt of this day many nights, the sight of his love in his realm, it awakened something deep within him. 
“I appreciate this, K’uk’ulkan, I honestly do, but I feel there’s more to this.” She pushed her empty plate away, watching him carefully. “That's why I'm drawn to you, come with me and I’ll answer any questions you have.” Gently taking her hand, Namor guided her to his mural, knowing it would be worth it to see the wonder in her eyes. “These paintings tell my story, over five hundred years worth of history, some of them also contain my wishes for the future as well.” 
Her fingers touched a depiction of a wedding, surrounded by loyal subjects and generals alike. Her gaze lingered on the bride, she wore traditional clothing, the finest fit for a queen,the red and the orange accentuating the green,blue and gold shades. “I dreamed of you centuries ago, I felt a connection when we first met, you were scared, but I could see the curiosity in your eyes. I don’t want to force you into-” (Y/N) placed her lips on his, silencing effectively. His body seized as she wrapped her arms around his neck, her lips were softer than he imagined. His hands gravitated towards her waist as he deepened the kiss, her hands cupping his face as she sought his lips out. “K’uk’lkan…” He pulled away, still gripping her hips as he looked into her eyes. “I want this, I want you and everything that comes with it, we can deal with the consequences later.” His smile became wider, kissing her temple. “I wanted to give you this,”He fastened the bracelet around her wrist,”It was my mother’s, it was made of the same plant that gave life to my people.” 
(Y/N) whipped around as the curtain fluttered open, her eyes widened as the blue woman stepped in, holding a bowl. “K’uk’lkan, Táan ts'o'oksik.(it’s ready)” She bowed her head, Namor gave his gratitude as he turned towards (Y/N). “Do you, Princess (Y/N) of Wakanda, accept this gift and my proposal to rule Talokan with me?” She looked between his hopeful eyes and the bowl, knowing she chose him, it would be permanent, there would be no going back. “I do.” His heart raced as she drank from the bowl. “Níib óolal, Namora.” He expressed his gratitude as he held (Y/N), slowly stepping into water as he waited for her rebirth.
“So we’re going to stand here and cry? Someone had to seen something, I’m not going to stand here and twiddle my thumbs, waiting for something to happen.” Okoye snapped as she slammed her spear into the ground. The elders began to bicker among themselves as Ramonda stayed silent. “Queen Ramonda, we’ve had an eyewitness, claiming that she was seen with an unknown man that had wings on ankles and escaped by diving underwater.” 
“You’re saying a fish man took (Y/N) and she didn't even struggle? What are you even saying?” The villager bowed to his knees, trembling in fear. “I’ve seen them multiple times, they seemed like we’re lovers. They would talk for hours until one of the guards came or one of them had to leave, but I did hear them plan for a night where he would sneak into the palace.” That’s when Ramonda glanced over at Shuri as she quickly typed on beads, pulling up surveillance footage. 
It showed (Y/N) guiding a man around the Dora Milaje, stopping periodically as they were afraid of being caught, she smiled as she ushered him into her room, giggling as he kissed her hands. “You’re going to get us in trouble, ko’oj.” M’Baku was flabbergasted as he watched the two lovers interact, it was always known that he had fondness for the adopted princess, his frown only deepened as they watched more footage, signaling that this has been going on for awhile. “This is highly upsetting, not only this man can sneak into Wakanda undetected, but Princess (Y/N) has been assisting him in doing so. This is treason, am I wrong?” That question immediately changed the mood within the chambers, as a mother, Ramonda wanted to see (Y/N)’s side, but she knew as queen that she needed to punish her for even entertaining this. 
“You’re not wrong, but I believe this man is manipulating her, (Y/N) is highly devoted to this country and she would never betray us like this.” Shuri spoke up in fear, looking around the council. “Shuri, Ayo is correct, but Wakanda comes first. By my decree, if Princess (Y/N) is found, she’s to be taken alive and she struggles,then you have permission to kill.”
Namor submerged their bodies as she suddenly awoke, gasping for air as she tried to find the nearest body of water. Breathing underwater as if it was second nature, she looked around before she took off, much to Namor’s delight. “Let me guide you, ko’oj.” She smiled as he interlaced their hands as he took them deeper. The ocean was truly terrifying, but there was a beauty to her as she discovered as her eyes began to adjust. Marine life unbothered by their presence as they swam past. “Is this?-” “Yes, this is Talokan, our home.” He smiled as her mouth fell open as her eyes landed on the underwater country, she couldn’t fathom a country this size hidden beneath the waves. The Talokanil slowly averted their attention to the pair as they made their way through the city, Namor smiling as she swam ahead, her curiosity contagious as she began to zip around.
Namor turned as he felt a tape on his shoulder, smiling as he faced Attuma, one of his trusted advisers.“K’uk’lkan, bienvenido tin wotoch, kin wilik ta taasaj le princesa wéetel.Ma' je'el in criticar u k'alt'aan, ba'ale' con cuidado le ba'ala' u yaantal consecuencias ti' le futuro.” (welcome home, I see you brought the princess with you. I can't be critical of your decision, but carefully, this may have consequences in the future.) Which made Namor roll his eyes, Attuma wanted the same as him; keep Talokan a secret from the surface dwellers, but Attuma never allowed himself to rest and relax. “Centrar k ti' u ma'alob te'ela', Talokan finalmente ti' jump'éel reina, ba'ax u k'áat u ya'al ti' le paalalo'obo' táan ti' le horizonte.Bey disfrutemos ti' in matrimonio tumen jump'éel áak'ab.” (Let's focus on the good here, Talokan finally has a queen, which means children are on the horizon. Let's at least enjoy my marriage for one night.) Attuma only nodded his head as he swam away to begin the marriage celebration. 
“In reina(My queen), let’s get you prepared for the ceremony for tonight, you still need to be fitted for your dress.” Leading her towards his favorite seamstress, (Y/N) looked through the dresses as Namor and the older lady conversed in their language. She rubbed her empty wrist, wishing she had her kimoyo beads with her. The seamstress glanced between the amount of fabric and her measurements, before nodding at Namor. It would be close, but she could make it work. “You’re going to look absolutely beautiful tonight.” She squirmed at his kisses, trying to swim away only to be caught. 
Namor sighed as he noticed the elders swimming towards them. “This is where we spend some time away from each other in preparation, it’s mostly meant for you, but the entire kingdom is getting ready for the wedding, just relax and enjoy being pampered. I’m sure one of the elders either knows wakandan or english, but that’s going to be my first priority, teach you the language.”  He placed a kiss on her cheek before he left.
Namor sighed as he entered the war room, Attuma and Namora with other warriors talking amongst themselves. “Yaan wáaj asuntos importantes u discutir?” (Is there important matters to discuss?) He questioned as he took his seat, Attuma and Namora shared a look before she spoke. “Taak ka'ach in felicitar a tuméen a matrimonio, ba'ale' in tuukultik le futuro.Podríamos yantalto'on formado jump'éel alianza yéetel Wakanda, ba'ale' ti' leti'ob binech in paach.Jach páajtal hayas arruinado jump'éel oportunidad.” (I wanted to congratulate you on your marriage, but I’m worried for the future. We could’ve formed an alliance with Wakanda, but you went around their backs. You may have ruined an opportunity.) “Ba'ax le ba'ala' tu ka'atéen. Ma' habrían aprobado le ba'ala', mantienen ti' le chicas encerradas yéetel puño hierro, ku ts'o'okole' ba'ax podríamos ofrecer. Xan k vibranium, páajtal manejar u bey mismos ti' le amenazas tuméen ts'o'ok u demostrado. Leti' táan destinada tin wiknal yéetel teene' ma' ka'ach u p'atik u jump'éel mortal ku interpusiera ichil leti' yéetel Teene'.” (This again? They wouldn't have approved of this, they keep the girls locked away with an iron fist, plus what could we offer? We both have vibranium, they can handle themselves from threats because they've proven that. She was destined for me and I wasn't going to let a mortal get between me and her.)
Namora narrowed her eyes, she was devoted to her country and her god, but she also knew he was starting to lose focus. “Kexi' a wilik ba'alo'ob tak k perspectiva, ba'ale' k kuxtal yéetel mukul tsikbal u permanecer ti' le anonimato kajnáalilo'ob le superficie Mantats' k'a'abéet u le yáax. Kexi' ka páajtal tokik k wa k'uchul le súutuko', K’uk’klan.” (I hope you'll be able to see things from our perspective, but our existence and the secrecy to remain anonymous from the surface dwellers should always come first. I hope you can defend us if the time comes.)
“Mantats' ts'o'ok in puesto u Talokan táanil utia'al tuláakal, teech ts'o'ok in guiado ichil siglos yéetel le revelador bix a cuestionando in Buka'aj u ba'al utia'al u ch'a' decisiones. Wa ba'al ts'o'oks u yúuchul ti' le futuro cercano, asumiré tuláakal le responsabilidad, ba'ale' tuméen bejla'e' permitir in beel ts'u'ut tuméen juntéene'.” (I've always put Talokan first for everything, I've guided you for centuries and it's telling how you're questioning my ability to make decisions. If something ends up do happening in the near future, I'll take full responsibility, but for now allow me to be selfish for once.) Attuma’s eye twitched from irritation, but he kept his mouth shut as he nodded his head. Namora wanted push this matter further, but with a swift kick in shin from the taller man made her fall quiet. 
(Y/N) sat in silence as she attended to, her nerves growing as they continued on, her locs were tied into neat bun as they placed Dahlias in her hair, a few framed her round face. “Jats'uts, tu yéeyaj ma'alob.” (Pretty, he chose well).” One of the older ladies said as she was fitted into her dress, she practically glowed underneath the bioluminescent algae, the coral orange faded into a burgundy as she twirled, smiling as they grew excited. They quickly fell silent as the same man from earlier entered the room. He only stared into her eyes as he stretched out his hand for her, guess it was time. 
The ceremonial drums began to play once they caught a glimpse of her, the Talokanil began to chant, very reminiscent of weddings in Wakanda.Dancers guided them as they chanted along, carefully watching the princess. “Phola.” (relax) Attuma could feel her nervousness, while he may not agree with the wedding, but he knew she had to be special if he chose her. Namor was adorned with regal attire with his headdress shining in the lights as he waited for her at the end. 
“Táan k reunidos utia'al u celebrar u unión u K’uk’lkan yéetel u xba'al, k ts'o'ok guiado fielmente ti' siglos, wilik k máak prosperar yéetel lolo'ob, ba'ale' Bejla'e' u taak u meentik k'ek'eno'. Cha' u le unión k traiga ya'ab bendiciones ti' venideros ja'ab. (We are gathered to celebrate the union of K’uk’lkan and his bride, he's faithfully guided us for centuries, watching our people thrive and flourish, but now it's his turn to do the same. Allow this union to bring us many blessings in the years to come.) The priest chanted as the Talokanil hollered as Namor fondly looked to her eyes, placing a soft kiss on her knuckles. 
“Bejla'e', le presentará u x-ba'al jump'éel siibal meetmaj k'ab, jump'éel signo u lealtad yéetel dedicación ti' leti'. “(Now, the K’uk’lkan will present his bride a handcrafted gift, a sign of his loyalty and dedication to her.) Namor revealed a necklace similar to his, adorned with jade, rubies and pearls, along with vibranium as well with a matching ring, that resonates with vibranium within the necklace and (Y/N) graciously accepted his gift, beaming with pride as he fastened the necklace on. Namora kept a neutral face, but internally she wanted to object to this wedding. She felt her cousin made a decision that will have grave consequences for all involved. 
“Wa máak yaan mix objeción, ba'ax ken tijik u k'aab u matrimonio ka' jo'op' celebramos u unión..”(if no one has any objections, may they consummate their marriage as we celebrate their union.) The cheers of the Talokanil became deafening as Namor eagerly kissed (Y/N), one of his hands gripped the back of her as the other planted firmly on her hips. A whine was trapped in her throat as his tongue flickered across her bottom lip, her cheeks feeling warm at his chuckle, enjoying her shyness. 
Namor wasn’t wasting any more time as he took (Y/N) into his arms and headed towards his cave, whispering filthy promises into her ear, causing her to bury her face in his neck. With water pouches secured tight onto her, Namor guided her towards his bedroom, it was different. “This is the bed that we’re going to be sharing as equals.” He stated as he pulled her closer to him, passionately kissing her as his hands roam underneath her dress, soaking in her presence.
With quick hands, (Y/N) laid bare underneath, attempting to shield herself from his view, Namor sucked his teeth, pinning her arms down as he made his way in between her legs. “Don’t hide from me.” He left kisses across throat, groping her breasts, roughly twisting and pulling at her nipple as she withered underneath him. “I’ve been waiting for this night for months now, let me hear you, princess.” Dark marks bloomed against her rich umber brown skin as he trailed down her body, whining as she blindly grasped at the sheets. “P–Please, it-its too-” 
Namor suddenly rubbed her clit, relishing in her cries as he stimulated her body. “You’re a sensitive little thing, are you?” He teased, snickering as she hid her face. “It’s because I’m a virgin..” He paused for a moment before he manhandled her onto her hands and knees, pulling her pussy into his face as he assaulted her clit. (Y/N) cried out as she buried her face in the pillows, unable to even speak as the pleasure overwhelmed her, pushing her hips back as she sought something. 
“Just like that princess..” He mumbled, slowly pushing his thick finger into her, groaning as she clenched. He rubbed her hips with his free hand,”Relax, deep breathes..” He ignored his aching cock, knowing that he needed to be gentle, but the other part of his brain wanted to breed her until she was unconscious. After a moment, (Y/N) pushed her hips back, he gently flexed his finger, smiling as he extracted whines and moans from her. “Let your god know how good he’s making you feel.” She cried out as he brushed against something, it made her brain melt as she was unable to form words.“You’re going to be a good cockslut, aren’t you?” 
“YES! I’ll be a good cockslut for you!” Namor beamed with pride at the voice crack, gleeful that she was this thoroughly fucked out. He quickly slid his middle finger in, rapidly thrusting in, basking in her moans as she grasped onto the headboard. Her essence coated his goatee as he chased her high, sucking harshly on her clit as she withered on his fingers, crying as she tried to flee from his brutal pace. “No, you’re going to cum on my fingers and then I’m going to fuck you, now I’m not going to tell you again.” 
(Y/N) sobbed as she felt the knot snapping in her stomach, coming on his fingers as stars filled her vision, slumping against the bed. Namor stepped away, licking his lips as he took off his vibranium belt and tossing his shorts to the side. Her eyes snapped open as she felt bed dipped, turning onto her back, her heart started to race as he climbed in between her legs. “Is that supposed to fit inside of me?” He grinned as he jerked his cock, pushing against her entrance. “Breathe and relax for me, princess.” 
Namor’s hunger only grew as he pushed in, she wrapped around him like vice, sucking him and refusing to let go. Her jaw dropped as he pushed in, stretching her in ways that she thought it wasn’t possible. He allowed her to adjust to his sheer size, leaving kisses across her jaw as he held onto her hips before pushing the rest of his cock, panting as he thrusted into her, enjoying her nails rack against his back. The room reeked of sex, creating a daze as the pleasure clouded her senses. 
“Ono, you’re not passing out on me, we’re fucking until I’m tired.” She sobbed as his pace quickened, blindly grasping for his shoulders. Namor groaned as he continued his onslaught, knowing she’s going to have bruises on her hips in the morning. “Fuck, you’re so tight, so wet for your god, huh?” He knew he was going to remember this sight of her completely fucked out with flowers surrounding her. She sobbed as she weaky grasped at his wrist as he rubbed her clit, much to his disappointment. “Take your hand off, this is my pussy, I’m going to fuck it the way I want to.”Namor cursed as he felt his hips falter as she started to squeeze his cock, groaning as he buried his face in her neck, trying to stave off his orgasm. “Cum for me, In Reina, cum for a ajawo'.” He growled in her ear, furiously rubbing her clit. Her nails dug into biceps as she came, her screams echoing in the cave, flopping onto the bed. Namor cursed as he came, painting her walls white as it leaked onto the sheets, he chuckled tiredly before he flipped them over. (Y/N)’s eyes snapped open as Namor gyrated their hips together, he cackled at the look on her face. “I told you, I wasn’t stopping.”
10 months later
Queen Ramonda and Shuri sat among the riverbanks, it’s been one year since King T’Challa’s death, while the Queen burned her grieving robes while Shuri fought it. “I understand, it's hard, but T’Challa isn’t truly gone-” Shuri threw her an irritated look, shaking her head. “No, he’s gone, he’s not in the trees, in the wind, whatever you try to come with. I can’t act like everything’s okay when it’s not! (Y/N)’s gone and you don’t give a shit. T’Challa’s dead and you act it’s business as usual. I just can’t do it!” Queen Ramonda quickly rose to her feet. “Don’t you ever raise your voice at me, I’m still your-”
Ramonda grabbed a spear as a male figure stepped out of the water, pushing his hair back as looked around. “Wakanda is still beautiful, albeit nothing could compare to my home.” He muttered as his eyes fell onto the two women as they glared at him. “Who are you and how did you sneak past the barriers?” Ramonda questioned as she stepped towards him, ready to strike at any moment. “My allies call me K’uk’lkan, but my enemies call me Namor,” He stated as he stared at them ,”Depending on your decision, I can spare you from complete annihilation or along with the surface world, you’ll fall by my hand. Vibranium was found in the Atlantic ocean by the Amercians with a machine that could detect vibranium, but I destroyed it. I need the American scientist dead, because they’re going to go after her and make her build another one. If that were to happen, everyone is at risk, including my people. Your son’s selfish actions have endangered everyone and you owe us, Queen Ramonda. I trust you’ll make the correct choice, if not, be ready to bury your dead.”
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desswright29 · 1 year
Don’t Leave
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A/N:Here y’all go! 😉
Contains: ANGST, ANGST, ANGST, Shuri is spiraling. Word count:4k +
Pairing: Shuri X Black Fem Reader
Prestent Day
Shuri’s POV 
I chased her. I chased Y/n, knowing I didn’t have my full heart to give. After coronation, I went to pursue her. I gave her about a month to cool off, while still maintaining my relationship with Eve. Yea, I know. What the hell were you thinking Shuri? Why Shuri? Easy answer. I was thinking about me, and it’s what I wanted. 
My relationship with Eve in hindsight couldn’t really be called that. It was very obvious early on that I wasn’t interested in men. So, Eve being the most beautiful girl I’d ever seen, caught my attention easily. Obviously, there were an elite few who really got close with Wakandan royalty. Her father was leader of the Jabari tribe, and she often would end up at the palace with her father when the council would meet. Her mother had died during child birth so Mama felt a certain responsibility to Eve, since she had no mother figure. So, often the palace was where she’d spent most of her time. As we grew older Eve grew more beautiful. It was hard not to fall for her. Unfortunately, Eve was not likable to the majority. Often using her connection with the royal family to claim her superiority. But, she was good to me. We laughed, we played, we talked, and then we kissed. My 18th birthday we made it official. She went on to become a model, and we slowly fell apart. But we were comfortable with one another. She’d been through so much with me that I’d always felt that sense of loyalty to her. Until Y/n.
Y/n was, and still is very much my equal. Compatible with me in every way. I’d even go as far as saying she’s better than me, in most ways. No one would ever be able to compare. To be fair there’s not a lot of Megastar super genius singer/ scientist, that were beautiful enough to heal nations around, and could make me laugh until my belly ached, and I lost her. Let her slip right through my fucking fingers. Thinking back on those years I can’t help but feel ashamed. The way I handled everything caused so much unnecessary pain. I should’ve taken the time out to heal. Instead, I chased. I’d chased what felt good to me. I was so tender, so wounded inside; It was easier to lean into what made me comfortable. At the time my comfortability lied in numbness. The only thing I wanted to feel is what pleased me. My anger, my pleasure. 
“Shuri.” I was snapped out of my thoughts by Nakia looking at me with worry settled into her eyes. “Are you ok?” I gave a soft nod not really having the energy to speak. I’d put on my proverbial mask and had a successful interview with the State Senate about the plans for the outreach, and was now seated comfortably in the back seat of the Royal Maybach. Seated, man spread, arm comfortably resting on the console, while I gazed out of the window not looking at anything in particular. Everything seemed to be a blur until…
“STOP! STOP THE CAR!” Okoye slammed on the breaks stopping abruptly in the middle of the road causing many cars to honk, as they made quick stops to avoid hitting us.
“What in the world SHURI! What is it!” Ignoring her, I quickly opened the car door, stepping out of the car stumbling toward the sidewalk. I couldn’t stop myself from walking forward. Like a moth being drawn to a flame. My heart thumped loudly in my chest, like the beat of a sad drum before the violins began to swell, the enchanting sounds swirling around my head, swallowing me into my sorrow. It felt like a dream walk, But sadly this was my reality. 
In front of me was a beautiful building labeled “Glasshouse Chealsea”. There was an obvious wedding party, Bridesmaids dressed in the most beautifully simple flowing olive gowns. Grooms men dressed in simple black tuxes. Music was being played as a crowd of guest gathered around the stairs dancing, and clapping, whooping excitedly for the newly weds. 
Then there she was. The most beautiful Bride I’d ever seen. Transported directly from the television, to just steps away from my touch, glowing even more beautifully in person. I was stopped in my tracks. It was really her. Standing right before me. My Y/n, my muse, my reason, the one who held my heart. There she stood, with her new husband smiling from ear to ear. She truly looked happy. Embracing him, looking into his eyes with a look so familiar it physically pained me to recognize. Love. She loved him. I could feel my heart clench in my chest as they share a loving kiss; making their way down the stairs giving hugs as they head toward a red Porche labeled just married. 
Shoulders back head held high, she walked with grace. Elegant in all her simplicity. She once told me, Beauty and intelligence are one in the same, no one respects it if you’re shoving it down their throats.” Ha. She lived by that. Naturally alluring, it was in the sway of her hips, in the enunciation of her words, in her expression of her big beautiful brown eyes. The expression in those big brown eyes that were now staring deep into mine. 
I could see the many emotions run through her eyes. Recognition, confusion, hurt. I hadn’t layed eyes on her in person for 2 years. But here she was. My Y/n. Except, she wasn’t mine anymore. The constant reminders of that where ripping my heart to shreds.
 Her eyes lingered on mine a bit before she stepped back and quickly broke eye contact with me, allowing her husband to lead her to the car. Leaving me standing in the middle of the side walk. I stood awhile longer, a lone tear falling from my eye. She glanced over her shoulder at me before gracefully entering the car. I’d never felt defeat so great. This was the end. It was over, isiphelo, la fin. I turned and walked back to the car. As Queen and Black Panther, I never hung my head low, and I never kneeled to anyone. Emotions were for private. So held high, shoulders back, I slid back into the car. 
“Let’s get back to the hotel” I say, voice slightly trembling. She’s really gone.
I need, I need, I need to believe
I wanna let go 
but I don’t really know
I heard you got a girlfriend
Shuri smiled, sitting back inside the aircraft, closing her eyes as your sensual and melodic voice lulled her into a state of relaxation. She missed you, and had been on edge since you left her in Wakanda. Everyday she hoped you were thinking of her as much as she thought of you. It had been a little under a month, and everyday Shuri went a little more insane. So, she was on her way to you. Determined to win your heart. 
I wanna go to another level with you
But before I do
I wanna know fo’ I go there with you
Apparently, you’d been busy. You had a song that was going crazy on the internet in America. Shuri had been keeping tabs on you and ran across this information scrolling on “tiktok” on her primitive American phone that she only had to keep up with what you were doing. Shuri wasn’t naive to the fact that she was the inspiration behind the song. The information makes her smile to herself. She still has a chance. 
“So what’s the plan here Shuri, what will you say? Here I am again Y/n, to waste more of your time! I know you wrote a whole song about how you don’t want to be my concubine but here I am to ask again, but I’m still with Eve?” Aneka ask as Ayo raised an eyebrow while piloting the ship, also interested in what Shuri’s plan was here.
Shuri rolled her eyes. “Eve is not a factor in this”
“Ha! Oh really! Do tell me how your girlfriend of 4 years is not a factor in this new relationship you’re trying to start?” Aneka sat up in her seat across from Shuri elbows on her knees and chin resting in both palms, face full of sarcastic yet genuine interest. 
“Easy really, I have Eve under control, she knows I want to be with Y/n and as long as she gets the lifestyle she’s fine with the bare minimum.” She shrugs.
“And what about Y/n”
“ I’ll tell her me and Eve aren’t together anymore. She doesn’t need to know.”
Aneka stares as she lets the conversation really register. “WOW! Shuri really, just wow. You know this must be some intricate super genius shit that a simple soldier like myself just wouldn’t get, because, to me somehow this just sounds….STUPID!”
Shuri smiles, before breaking into a laugh.
“Maybe so Aneka, Maybe so. It’s gonna work. Watch me.”
Aneka scoffed getting up from her seat choosing to go to sit with Ayo as she piloted the aircraft. 
“ This is gonna be bad” Aneka says to Ayo. Ayo nods and hums in agreement. 
Soon they were landing discreetly on top of the dorms at Hampton University after curfew. Perfectly timed. Shuri stepped out wearing an all black tracksuit similar to the purple one she wore when she 1st met you, her curls perfectly coiled, undercut fresh. She was now standing in front of your door with a huge bouquet of 100 roses. She takes a deep breath and knocks. 
“Who is it!?” She heard from the other side of the door. She decided against answering and knocked again. She heard some shuffling and the padding of your feet headed towards the door.
“Omg! Who tf-“ You snatch the door open to see a familiar body face covered by a bouquet of roses. You look at her and walk away leaving the door open with out saying a word. 
She peaks from behind the bouquet to see you strutting back to your bed, you placing your laptop back onto your lap, begining to type. She places the flowers down at her side and stares at you. 
“You might want to come in before someone see’s the Queen of Wakanda in the halls of Hampton. They already have me under constant surveillance.” You say with out looking up at her,  continuing your pace with typing. Shuri steps in closing the door behind her. She walks closer to you and watches as you work and continue to ignore her. She smirks and lets out a little huff of a laugh. You shoot her an irritated look.
“You’re really going to ignore me forever?”
“Why are you here?”
“Answering a question with a question.”
“Shuri leave”
“Ok ok ok” She sighs “I got these for you” she laid the flowers down next to you. You look at her with your eyebrows furrowed upper lip arched up, waiting for her to get to the point. 
“I’m sorry Y/n. I really am, I didn’t think things through, and I didn’t think about how you would feel at all. That was selfish of me to ask that of you. You’re absolutely correct. You’re way too precious to have to share. I know that I really want you and it’s been killing me thinking about loosing you completely. I can’t Y/n. I need you. I’ve grown so fond of you in such a short time. I want to be with you. Only you Y/n.”
You sat and stared into her eyes. Almost as though you were digging into her soul. It made Shuri extremely uncomfortable. You sat with your natural hair sat in a high bun, with 2 strands of hair left out in the front framing your face perfectly. Your glasses perched on your nose, a large T-shirt and biker shorts on. Shuri admired your beauty as she waited for you to jump into her arms. 
“Bullshit” was your simple answer. Shuri frowned up in shock. 
“You can take the apprehension out ya face Shuri. You know why you’re getting this reaction from me. I saw the moment you switched up. I stood by your side when that bitch left you to suffer after you lost your mother! And you ask me to stand with you while you remain with her! Fuck out of here! You enjoyed that shit, and you’re probably still with Eve! I’m not stupid. HELLO! Remember why are paths crossed. So if you came here believing I was just gonna fall back into your arms. You’re not only full of yourself. You’re full of THE most stinkingest shit an ass like you can muster. Please excuse yourself from my room.”
Shuri stood mouth slightly ajar. That’s Exactly what she expected, for you to run into her arms, grateful for her traveling all this way and apologizing so beautifully. To say this wasn’t apart of the plan was an understatement. You still being this upset hadn’t even crossed her mind.
“Y/n I-“
“I swear to God Shuri if you’re not on the outside of that door in 2 seconds I’m gonna spaz” You speak calmly looking her directly in her eye, standing firm on your word. 
Shuri bit into her lip taking a slight step back from the bed. She’d never felt so unsure of herself, this was a quick change of events.
“Go Shuri!” Your voice picked up in volume this time as you pointed toward the door. Shuri felt her eyes water a bit. So she quickly turned and headed towards the door. “You can keep the flowers” she said sadly, as she closed the door behind her. As the door shut she heard a soft thud against it.
Shuri huffed, biting the inside of her cheek, and used her thumb to flick her nose. 
“I’m not giving up Y/n!”
“Kiss my ass!”
Shuri tapped her beads calling Aneka.
“That was quick, let me guess it went beautifully” Aneka says with humor in her voice. 
“Glad you find humor in my pain Aneka”
“I told you it was stupid idea”
Shuri had pulled all the stops. She’d stayed in Washington 2 more weeks. She’d bought dozens upon dozens of the most beautiful bouquets. Jewelry. Cartier, Bulgari, Van Cleef. Had money sent to your accounts. You’d gotten a full scholarship so that was taken care of, but any other expenses she took care of. You still weren’t budging. 
  She was now back in Wakanda rethinking her entire life. She’d let her hair grow out, her undercut long gone now, blending in with rest of her curls in an unkempt Afro. She wore sweat suits everyday. They were stylish but definitely not up to the standards of the council, but no one had the guts to say anything to her. Disagreeing with Shuri could prove to be lethal. To say her temper was short was an understatement. So everyone tried to let her be. 
She now lie in her bed staring at the ceiling in her large T-shirt and baggy sweats, when her room door was snatched open and slammed shut. 
“Usisi! Get. Up!” 
Shuri groaned. Ofcourse they’d call Nakia on her. 
“I don’t want to hear it! Get up. You’re wallowing in pity over a situation you caused!” 
Shuri shot Nakia an agitated look.
“ Yes I heard. And I’ve never been more disappointed”
“ I really don’t want to hear this shit Nakia”
“Well you’re going to usisi omncinci” Nakia says sitting on the bed beside Shuri. 
“Shuri you’re not healing or coping well. I don’t believe you should be with anyone let alone two women! Really. What were you thinking?”
“I was thinking it was my business” She sat up, staring at Nakia intimidatingly. Nakia stands and looks over Shuri looking down at her. 
“Andikoyiki (I’m not scared of you), You can run around this palace waving your proverbial gauntlet, and scare the hell out of all of your subordinates if you’d like, but I am not them. I am apart of the only family you have left, and I will not allow you to push me away with your anger. It’s time to move towards healing Shuri, because the path you’re on is only going to leave a trail of broken hearts behind you, and you will regret it. T’Challa and Romonda would be extremely disappointed. I will remain in Wakanda for awhile. You know where to find me when you’re ready to talk.”
Shuri watches Nakia as she walks out of her room, irritation etched into her face.
“Dissapointed? Haha! Dissapointed! I don’t know what the fuck she’s talking about. IM RUNNING THE FUCK OUTTA THIS COUNTRY! Pshh. Disappointed. Fuck her!” She swung knocking the lamp on her bedside lamp into the wall. The door to the room opened and Eve walked in. 
Shuri sighs leaning forward, her elbows to her knees, letting out a sigh. She knew Nakia was right but she felt like she needed to hold on to her anger to feel anything. Y/n had successfully gotten into Shuri’s head. Shuri craved the feeling she’d felt when she was with her. She needed to hear her voice singing to her in all it’s sultry beauty. She had to go back to the one person she knew could make her feel human again. (That ain’t what Nakia said Shuri!! Chile🙄)
“We’re done” Shuri says
Eve stops, but she doesn’t reply, she just looks down at her feet.
“Did you hear me Eve!”
“I heard you.” Eve spoke softly. Shuri had broken Eve down to fraction in the months passed. She’d treated her so poorly, having no real love to give to her, because her heart was obviously somewhere else. Eve had become a shell of herself watching the one she loved love someone else. “ I knew it was coming. You’re clearly infatuated with her….Shuri I never meant to hurt you by not showing up after your mother died. I-I just couldn’t watch you hurt anymore. You’ve been through so much and Romanda was like a mother to me. It hurt Shuri. I wasn’t strong enough to be there for you, and I’m sorry. I would’ve never thought it would’ve been so easy for you to give your heart away.”
Shuri stared at Eve emotionless “Please Eve, spare me the speech. Do you want to gather your things now? Or should I have them sent to you?” 
“FUCK YOUUUUU!!” Eve screams at the top of her lungs tears streaming down her face, Body trembling causing the Dora to barge in. Shuri made no move from her spot on the bed as she watched Eve crumble. 
“Please remove her from my room. I will be taking a trip. Please see to it that all of her items have been removed from my area before my return.” The two Dora look at each other and proceed to walk towards Eve.
“Don’t touch me! Don’t fucking touch me! I can let myself out!” Eve picked herself up from the floor. She looked at Shuri. “I pray you feel every bit of pain you caused me. You’re a peice of shit!” With that she barged out of the room. Shuri looked to the Dora.
“ Prepare transport, to Washington”
Shuri found herself in Washington, standing in front of a club, in her sweats, hood pulled up over her head, hands fidgeting in her pockets as she paced. She had no idea what she was gonna do or say. All she knew is that she wanted you. She’d found out that you started taking up singing gigs on the side as your name started to pick up traction. She found out you were performing at The black diamond tonight and now here she was. No plan just her.
  She battled with going in, finding you and pouring her heart out, but being so vulnerable in front of so many people had her anxious. So when the doors opened and the familiar sound of your laughter filled her ears, her heart lurched. Her head shot up in the direction she heard the laughter come from, to find you with two guys dragging musical equipment, and a girl with guitar slung over her shoulder. You walked front and center as they trailed behind you goofing off, excited about a good set. 
Shuri admired you in all your glory. Your waist length Afro textured hair worn loose. Body glistening in your short gold cowl neck halter dress. It draped on your body perfectly, the shiny, stretchy fabric clinging to all the right parts of your body. And just when she thought the dress couldn’t get any sexier she noticed a a split at the hip. She could’ve melted into a puddle right there. 
Just as she was about to punk out, you felt yourself being watched and your head turned in the direction of what looked like some random weirdo in a sweat suit staring you down. Before you could get creeped out Shuri removed her hood. You were stuck a moment, as she was now sporting a full fro, she looked tired, bags under her eyes, and skin looked a bit dull. Even with all that Shuri still managed to be beautiful. You frowned immediately turning to get to your car bidding your friends goodbye as more people began to file from the club. Shuri knew it was now or never. She took a step forward towards the direction you were walking. 
 “Y/n! Please!” She yelled, causing heads to turn. You stopped, but kept your back toward her. She took a few more steps toward you. 
“Look at me.. please look at me.” she says and you slowly turn to look at her.
“Shuri I-“ You began but she quickly cut you off.
“Please let me speak this time…. I’m here y/n, no bells and whistles, no holds barred, just me.” She remained where she stood stretching her arms out to the side and then quickly dropping them.” I get it now. I hurt you more than I was prepared to deal with and I’m sorry. I really am baby girl. Everyday I’m paying for it. Knowing I want to be with you and being shut out is killing me. I’m a mess. I can admit that. I can’t think straight, and I don’t know what else to do. I cut ties with Eve, and I’m not asking you to hop into a relationship with me immediately, I’m asking you to give me the chance to prove that I’m worthy of it. Because I need you. I like me better when I’m with you. So please..” She walks toward you now entering your space, silent tears escaping her eyes. “Please let me fix it.” She reached out for your hands, and you looked at her hands as a stray tear fell from your eyes. “I’m begging you”
You look into her eyes seeing the sincerity. You inhale and let out a wet exhale. You slowly reach and take her hands, you pull her body into yours wrapping her arms around your waist. You take her in your arms wrapping your arms around her shoulders, and allow her to break as she buries her head into your neck, sobs racking her body. 
“Thank you, thank you, thank you, I promise I won’t fuck this up this time.” She whispered into your neck as applause from the crowd that had formed rang out. You pulled back grabbing her face with both hands bringing her face up to look you in the eyes. 
“Let’s get there first. Hm? One step at a time.” 
She nods, truly grateful for the chance just to fix things.
Shuri POV 
She gave me my second chance. And I did everything right. I went back to my undercut and curly top. I started therapy. And with Y/n by my side I genuinely did run the fuck out of my country. We created so many amazing Technological advancements together. Y/n doing all of this at the same time as her music career began taking off. I showed up to as many shows as possible. Became apart of her musical process. The nights in the studio with her and her crew grew to be some of my favorite memories. I’d order food, drinks, have the best weed Wakanda could grow, and it would be like a movie in there. The sex we would sneak off and have was crazy. We were the true definition of what a power couple was. The world loved us together, my country was probably more excepting of her than they were me. Our love was beautiful. So tell me. How did I fuck it all up?
Taglist: @imjusthere2readbruv,@6-noir,@oceean,@sleepynggafr,@blacksapphhicmaddonna,@bbbbbbrilliantly
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white-wolf-actually · 9 months
Intro Post, I guess:
Info on me as a character:
What to call me: Bucky or Buck is preferred, but I don’t really care if you call me James or Sergeant Barnes
Romantic Partner: Steve Rogers (it has come to my attention that in some universes he has left me? That did not happen.), we are married. He is @probably-steve
Pets: Alpine, my cat @wintersoldierscat
Pronouns: he/him
Age: physically, 33 - chronologically, 107
I have apparently officially been adopted to the Wakandan Royal Family (I have diplomatic immunity, but am not an heir or anything)
The snap only lasted a month.
Captain America: In my universe, Sam (@samwilson-official) is Captain now, and I work with him. Steve has mostly retired. He’s only brought in for really big missions or when he gets bored. //most of FAWS did happen, but details were tweaked//
Pet(s): @wintersoldierscat
Children: I so far have adopted
@little-lady-cecily @moongirlwidow @becca-barnes-official @tiny-barnes-sibling @king-ofwakanda & @whatarethooseshuri
Everyone came back from the snap after less than a year.
Natasha and Tony are fine.
Background/story development masterlist (not necessary, just little headcanons and such that I like)
NO NSFW (the person running the blog is a minor)
Cursing is fine
I will answer most questions
Please don’t be awful
I would prefer not to interact with any posts or questions involving recreational drug usage, deep trauma, rape, or explicit sexual content. I will make exceptions sometimes, usually when I want to help someone through something (no explicit sex stuff and triggering topics will be tagged)
I don't have a lot of time for long-term plot points, but I will do some, preferably with lighter themes.
This’ll be super random so be warned
if I don’t post for awhile it doesn’t necessarily mean I won’t come back
This Bucky is the one to picture, even though I use other gifs:
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aokoaoi · 2 years
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐧 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫.
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֎ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬 : 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖺𝗋𝖾 𝖺 𝗉𝗋𝗂𝗇𝖼𝖾𝗌𝗌 𝗈𝖿 𝖺𝗇𝗈𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗋 𝗇𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇, 𝖻𝗎𝗍 𝗐𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗉𝖾𝗇𝗌 𝗐𝗁𝖾𝗇 𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝗈𝖿 𝖺 𝗌𝗎𝖽𝖽𝖾𝗇 𝖺 𝗆𝖺𝗋𝗋𝗂𝖺𝗀𝖾 𝗉𝗋𝗈𝗉𝗈𝗌𝖺𝗅 𝗀𝖾𝗍𝗌 𝖺𝗋𝗋𝖺𝗇𝗀𝖾𝖽 𝗐𝗂𝗍𝗁���𝗎𝗍 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝗄𝗇𝗈𝗐𝗅𝖾𝖽𝗀𝖾. || ᵖᵃʳᵗ ᶠᵒᵘʳ
֍ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : 𝗌𝗁𝗎𝗋𝗂 𝗑 𝖿𝖾𝗆!𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋.
֍ 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 : realizing this'll be a slow burn fic. takin things slow cuz I don't wanna rush this fic and mess shit up ooooo
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The Wakandan watches as you shuffled around the humongous library with your head focused on a book you were reading. It's honestly surprising how you weren't bumping into any shelves right now considering how you weren't even looking at where you're going.
You were doing your daily studies, but today instead of studying you got your head caught up in a book you've never seen before. Shuri insisted that she'd just follow you around since she didn't have anything particular to do in the palace. And she certainly did  it want to get caught up in your mother's gossips.
Shuri leads back on the soft seated cushion, watching your every move. She tried reading a book you gave her earlier to keep her busy instead of just staring at you all the time, but the book bored her the second she read the first paragraphs.
Her mind then drifts off to the marriage proposal you got set up on. She's got to admit, even though it is too soon to judge, the prince did seem like a genuine nice guy. Who knows, maybe he got set up in the proposal as well.
Arranged marriage was common in your family. Your great grandparents were in an arranged marriage, and trust her when she says this; the marriage was not pretty.
She didn't know much about your parents marriage, but your mother and father seemed like to genuinely love eachother. Your father absolutely treasures your mother like she's gold, and your mother is full blown smitten with your father.
Sometimes those twos affection together made you and the Wakandan turn away in embarrassment.
Shuri truly didn't know how to feel about the proposal as well. Apart of her was displeased about the idea of you marrying someone else. What would happen if the ceremony happens? Would you two grow apart? Will you slowly start to love the prince and forget about her?
The Wakandan hopes not. She'll be destroyed if it did happen.
She doesn't want to place assumptions on the prince, the poor royal is already looked down by the both of you. Although if he ends up hurting you no matter if you didn't have a ring yet, she will make his life living hell.
No, not another war. Just simple threats thrown around the table.
But perhaps this marriage will benefit both nations. Still though, your feelings and opinions should matter, but sadly enough your mother couldn't respect that.
You snapped a finger infront of the Queen's face, snapping her out of her own thoughts that seemed to drown her big smart mind. The Wakandan hadn't realized she was staring, making you grow a smug look on your face.
"What's the my lovely Queen thinkin' about, hm?" You coyly questioned the girl, pressing the palm of your hand on the edge of the table, relying your weight on the posture as you leaned against the smooth surface. The said girl couldn't help but match your smug grin at the nickname you just called her.
"I'm thinking about the prince."
Your smugness immediately dropped at her bold words, the previous look being replaced with confusion. You masked the disappointment you're feeling by playfully pouting like a child.
"My Queen is thinking about someone else when I'm right here infront of her? How heartbreaking." You placed a hand over your heart, faking an ungraceful sob like a heartbroken teen. Shuri only laughs at your actions, amused, but then again it was something you'd do anyway.
"It's not in that way, Princess. Just thinking about if he's.. just fake or genuinely nice." At her response, you couldn't help but snort.
"That's not something you should worry about, lovely. Don't fret your pretty self over it." You retorted, placing a book you almost forgot you were holding on the tables smooth surface with a soft thud. The Wakandan couldn't help but put up a frown across her beautiful face, your words lingering in her head.
"But it is," at her words, you focused your attention on her, interested in what she has to say. "You're my friend.. best friend, (name). I care about you so much, even the general thinks it's too much. If you even get heartbroken by that man, I will end it for him." She mutters the threat, but you end up hearing it anyway.
Despite the threat, you couldn't help but feel touched by her words. You leaned on the table, grabbing her hands with your own as a close lipped smile casted on your face. "I care about you too. But I'm capable of handling myself, I promise you this. No man will ever be able to hurt me ever again." You strictly state.
The Wakandan Queen was still hesitant, but decided to agree with you. You were an independent and strong woman, you indeed are capable of yourself. But that doesn't stop her from worrying about you.
"Anyways, all this studying is starting to bore me." You muttered, fixing your posture immediately when you realized you were bending far too down in the table.
"You were barely studying, (name). You found a novel when you were looking for more books to study about, and then got hooked up by it the soon you opened it." The Queen snarkily remarks, and you huffed. You dislike it when she proves you wrong, but it is funny sometimes.
"Don't call me out like that, I deserved that book break, okay? Plus, I wanna spar." You state, watching as the Wakandan raise a brow, a challenging aura filling up the room from the two of you.
"Oh, you're asking the black panther to a spar? How cute." Shuri smirks slightly. You ignored her confident words, only mustering a challenging nod of your head. "Yes. You're more of a tough challenge to train with. I like tough challenges."
The Queen hums, raising a brow. "You do? Usually you whine and complain to me about it." You stiffened at her words, slightly glaring at her. "Don't go there."
"Aw, did your lovely Queen strike a nerve?"
"Save that damn confidence on training grounds!"
The Queen hurriedly stands up from her seat when you began chasing her around, her loud laughs echoing on the palace halls as you furiously chased after her, trailing right behind the Wakandan.
The palace workers only looked at you two confused as you dashed past them, amused by the boths childishness. The two of yours energy always managed to chase away the suffocating seriousness inside the palace interior, and that's why they like the Wakandan and yours duality so much.
You both were pretty much inseparable, even when you two are in different nations.
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very short:( got caught up drawing today. also the word smirk makes me ick so i try to replace it with smug/grin. just a random fact idfk why i had to share that imao ! part one. part two. part three. part five. || tagging : @ilacknames @sokkasbae225 @puppykitt @ziayamikaelson @katefullerrr @retirement-home @jelliesstuff @honey-teaaaaaaaa @imshurisbabymama @adharaoaklyn @melodykisses @skimm0nzz @nikilvr @shurilover @itsmaniii @just-levyy @bitchsmasher5000 @minallie @whatawonderfulusername
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uzumaki-rebellion · 7 days
"King Killmonger: The Golden Jaguar" Chapter 14
Masterlist HERE.
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"Look at my face
It look like a painting
Certified trapper
But I look like I'm ancient
I look like I'm peaceful
And I look like I'm patient
But I will slap a nigga
With the same hands
That I pray with"
The Royal Talon Fighter touched down on the talon port with a gentle ease that only Okoye could provide. The offramp slid out like a lion's lazy tongue and the children raced ahead of them to greet Umama, Grandpop, and Leona.
"Oh, my babies!" Umama cried out, smothering her great-grandchildren with kisses.
Yani hugged her aunt and then Dante, and N'Jadaka stood back to watch the elders reunite with the youngsters.
"Hey boy, your honeymoon did you good. Look like you gained thirty pounds!" Dante teased, patting N'Jadaka's stomach before hugging him.
Umama gathered Yani in her arms before she saved the rest of her affection for her biggest baby, the king.
"Umama, I missed you," he said.
"Oh, I am so happy to have you all back," Umama said with a singsong voice.
"Auntie Leona," he said, and Leona held her arms out to hug him next.
"You both look wonderful," Leona said, admiring their new deeply bronzed skin and radiant smiles.
The king escorted the older women in and Yani walked with Dante. Their children bounced around on happy feet, all chatty about the fun they had on the cove and seeing all the flocks of flamingoes come in for their seasonal time on the lake before heading to the shores of the Wakandan coast.
To N'Jadaka, the palace felt more expansive since he'd been away. The staff that bounded here and there on duty gave them warm smiles and pleased head nods on their return. The squeals and pattering of young feet made Umama and Leona grin from ear to ear.
"Finally! The palace sounds like itself again. It has been so strange not having the children here," Umama lamented.
"Umama," Sydette said with sparkly eyes, looking at her great-grandmother.
"Yes, my baby?" Umama said.
"Riki sang his song for Mama and Baba and they loved it!"
Umama reached out and held Riki's hand.
"You finally shared it with them. I am so proud, great-grandson. I told you it was a beautiful song they would enjoy."
"You've heard it before, Umama?" Yani asked.
"I helped him with the chorus."
Riki buried his face in Umama's robes, acting bashful.
"Leona, I'm glad you stayed until we came back," N'Jadaka said, putting an arm around his favorite island auntie.
"I decided to stay until you returned so I could hear about everything firsthand."
"You can stay for as long as you like. There's always a place for you here."
He kissed her cheek, and she squeezed his hand that dangled off her shoulder.
"Umama, do I have time to make some calls?" N'Jadaka asked.
"No, you do not. We are having an early dinner with everyone on the moon deck and then you and Yani must rest for your first day tomorrow," Umama said.
They headed for the family tea room where the rest of their family and friends who stayed after the wedding gathered to greet them on their return. Libations and finger foods were served and N'Jadaka caught up with his male friends Shaun, Walter, and Tahir, while Yani shared gossip with Twyla, Shuri, her two sisters, and Ladies in Waiting. Within minutes, more relatives arrived from Yani's side of the family.
"Where's Auntie Ramonda?" he asked Shuri.
His cousin sipped on lemon tea and snacked on a sweet biscuit, enjoying all the festive feel with all the people in the room.
"She's packing for the States. She'll meet us at dinner."
"She wants to leave early after all, then?"
"Yes. President Ellis is having a state dinner, and she prefers to be acclimated to D.C. a few days before going to it. She figured it was the least she could do to smooth over you not inviting him and his wife to your wedding. The First Lady there was extremely upset by the snub."
"I don't give a fuck."
"Yes, cousin…we know."
N'Jadaka threw his arms around Shuri and gave her a sloppy kiss on her forehead.
"I think I missed you the most," he said.
Shuri slyly cornered him near a table filled with towers of tiny cakes and cookies that the children hadn't discovered yet. She made sure his back was to the family.
"Has Leona spoken to you about Yani's cousin Cee Cee?"
"No. Why?"
Shuri glanced over his shoulder to survey the others.
"She's been vocally complaining to Twyla about her position in the family. She petitioned your office for a meeting tomorrow inside the throne room, and I'm sure they fast-tracked her on your schedule."
"What does she want?"
"I'm not sure because they keep that private on the throne room docket. But know for sure that Twyla is very unhappy, and it agitates Leona."
"Yeah, well, Cee Cee never liked me. She always gave Yani a hard time about being with me."
He turned his body around to look for the troublesome woman.
"Don't make a scene cousin, just be prepared tomorrow, that's all," Shuri whispered to him.
Cee Cee drank from a champagne flute and held a plate of finger foods in her hand. She directed her targeted gaze at Yani, who was talking animatedly with her circle of women. Yani's cousin was taller than her, with a plump build that many found pleasing in Wakanda. A pretty woman with a warm beige complexion and thick stylized hair piled high on her head like a crown, Cee Cee's inside didn't match the pleasant-looking outside. He had to steer his friend Shaun away from her at their wedding reception because she thought he was part of the royal family too and wanted to catch a nobleman by throwing ass on the dance floor. Any other time, N'Jadaka would've encouraged a little debauchery at a party for his friend, but Cee Cee was too jealous and vindictive to trust.
"Thanks for letting me know," he said.
Shuri looked as if she were about to say something else, but a staff member entered the room and announced that dinner was ready on the moon deck. N'Jadaka swept over to Yani's side and held out his arm for her to take. Their children walked in front of them as their Dora led them all to the elevators to swoop up a few floors.
The mild temperature made it a pleasant spot to break bread together. Once N'Jadaka made sure the children were fed well, and his wife was sated, he bid everyone good evening and took his family back to their own home. Their personal housing staff clapped their hands in a rhythmic celebratory way to greet them and Yani allowed the children to cut loose to their rooms to play, freeing up time for them to decompress. Yani went to her room to shower and change into lounge-wear, and he did the same in his bedroom. He slipped into an over-sized pale green cotton shirt and loose matching pants. Fresh garden flowers filled their home, and their staff had cleansed it thoroughly. The scent of lemon and lavender saturated the air. He fixed himself a glass of strong bourbon in the living room. Yani joined him wearing a soft powder blue half tank top covered with a thin powder blue robe with feathers at the end of the sleeves. The matching pants sat snug around her thick bottom and thighs, giving her an old-time glamour feel.
"It's so good to be back. I just want to look around at our beautiful home," Yani said, spinning on her kitten heels.
"Drink?" he said, offering to make her one.
She took a sip from his glass and he walked with her from room to room to room…so many rooms. So many decks with views of the city. Three floors of obscene space filled with beauty and comfortable charm. Yani's eyes twinkled like stars, and they settled into their luxurious and spacious family den. Stylish wall tapestries and tasteful artwork decorated it. They spent many evenings entertaining the children and relatives there.
"I'm so glad I had my clothes and crown prepared before I left," she said, snuggling into his side on a couch that felt like sitting on a cloud. "I'd probably panic about what to wear on my first day in the throne room tomorrow morning."
He could only imagine the stress of choosing an outfit for the first day.
"Aren't you glad I had you push back your hospital schedule for the week?"
Yani sucked her teeth.
"You were right to convince me. I can't even imagine thinking about hustling over to the hospital just yet."
"It's not too late to reconsider halting that part of your life for some time."
Her brow crinkled.
"I want to give myself time doing both until I can see for sure what I can handle."
Yani's kimoyo beads lit up. She tapped them and a voice came over their home intercom.
"Yes, Kora?"
"My queen, I am sorry to disturb your private time with the king."
"It's okay Kora, w'sup?" N'Jadaka asked.
"Would you like the children to be bathed now with an extra early bedtime following their school night schedule, or do they have permission to stay up for another hour since it is their summer vacation?"
"They can stay up for another hour and then have their bath. We'll hand them over to Umama on the way to work after breakfast and she'll tell you your schedule for the day," Yani said.
N'Jadaka jumped in.
"Kora, the queen will sleep in my bedroom tonight. Tell the children we'll tuck them in before we turn in."
"As you wish, kumkani."
The intercom went off with a cute bell sound the children liked to mimic with their voices.
"Ooh, I get to sleep in the king's bed tonight."
"It'll be best if we're up at the same time in the morning."
Yani gave him a coy look.
"Somebody wants some tonight."
N'Jadaka pulled her in closer on the couch. Yani lifted onto his lap side-saddle and held his neck.
"It's been two weeks since we had the kids. Tryna sneak some pussy on the boat didn't work out, so having them turn in early is a win for me," he said, smacking her rump. "Daddy needs to sink in all this."
He gripped and shook her backside, and Yani giggled. She glanced toward the entrance, listening for the children. They were above them on the second floor, no doubt playing or telling their friends about the pool/slumber party. Yani reached for the controllers of game consoles and handed him one. She tapped a button and the giant viewscreen on the wall across from them flickered on and she loaded a race car game for them to play. They carried on together side by side, racing F1's across snowy mountain terrains. Yani shit-talked him down, but he led their races with high scores. He kept getting distracted by her outfit and let her play a solo round. She became focused on beating his high score and he lifted her on his lap, letting her use him as her race car seat so he could indulge in the feel of her behind wiggling on his crotch and thighs. Although she led her race in the game, he had the true pole position.
He raised his hands and cupped her breasts.
"You're trying to prevent me from beating your score, hands off man," she said, swatting his hands away.
He cupped the full weight of her breasts again and moved his hands up and down, exciting himself with their fullness spilling out from his fingers. Yani gyrated on his lap with slow rotations and he held the underside of her tits in his palms. He used his index fingers to circle her nipples until they poked out of the tank top.
"You wore this on purpose knowing I wanna see these big titties tonight," he whispered in her ear. "Wait…whatchu doin'?" he asked.
Yani lowered her strapless tank top and turned side-saddle on his lap. Her breasts spilled out like a big brown avalanche of flesh, and he immediately latched his tongue on a nipple, sucking greedily as saliva gathered in his mouth. She stroked her fingers along the back of his neck, encouraging his tongue play. Her soft puffs of breath above his head turned into soft moans giving into the pleasure. He squeezed a breast and looked at her voluptuous chest closely, like he hadn't seen it in ages. They would look so pretty with the nipples brushing against his sheets while he took her from behind. He huffed out a needy breath of arousal and relished the feel of blood rushing to his dick, thickening it. A quick switch in positions could have Yani on her knees right there and he could take what he wanted, but the children were unpredictable. He released a fat nipple from between his lips and played with her tits, his dick throbbing from the need to be squeezed by her hand. Pulling her closer to him in case anyone walked in on accident, he kept groping and pinching nipples, feeling the turgid growth of his dick in his pants.
He stuck his face between her breasts and brushed it back and forth inside the warm bounty. Yani lifted them and rubbed his face against the pillowy clouds of joy for him. He gasped out loud when she rubbed the tip of his dick through his clothes. The silk was already sticky with pre-cum and she milked more of it out until he had a huge wet spot on his lap.
It was time for them to retire to a more private place while the children bathed.
He held Yani's hand and pulled her to an elevator that led straight to his bedroom. She locked his bedroom door the moment they arrived there, and he shucked off his clothes. Yani did the same without haste. The staff had set up a fruit and cheese platter in his room for them next to a bottle of white wine, and they both nibbled grapes and shared a glass on his bedroom couch.
They couldn't get around the fact that his dick stood at attention while he fed Yani a strawberry. She leaned back on the couch and he kissed all over her tits, loving the sound of her moans every time he grazed his teeth across both nipples. He nuzzled her neck and teased his tongue along her throat and up to her lips.
"You're so pretty…so beautiful…my gorgeous wife," he hummed in her ear.
Yani touched his chin and scratched at his beard softly. She brushed her lips across his in a teasing way before kissing him fully, sliding her tongue in his mouth. All he could think of was that she was his wife and how much he wanted to please her. Make her happy. He made her his queen, but what more could she want in the years to come?
"Hey…are you okay?" she said.
He looked at her.
"I was just thinking…of our future."
"What about it?"
"I have to come up with new ways to make you happy."
"I'm already happy."
"Are you?"
"I have everything I need right here. In this house. My children and my husband."
N'Jadaka lowered his head and continued sucking on her tits, teasing his large tongue across her skin with long licks around her areolas. Yani dragged her nails over the sensitive parts of his back, waking up his skin to fiery tingles. The build-up in his lower parts rushed him to do more before he exploded from the lust coursing through him. It didn't take much for Yani to crank him up with her lush body and sensuous eyes, daring him to show her more.
He pulled her across the room to his giant bed and helped her get on her knees. She scooted back until her knees were near the edge and her legs dangled over comfortably. He dropped to his knees and smooshed his face into her ass, letting his tongue drag across her vulva, enjoying the ticklish scrapings of her piercings. Yani lowered her face to the bed and her ass cheeks opened wider to allow him more access to heaven. Eating her out from behind had him slurping and moaning into her labia. He stroked his dick while he catered to her pussy, the hard rod of his length hot and slippery in his hands. Two weeks without tasting her forced desperate lunges of his tongue inside of her and she purred on the bed, enticing him with the juiciest pussy in the world.
She came in his mouth with her soft moans jammed down into the blanket. He sat back and watched her vulva throb with the last tremors of her orgasm. The wet pink of her opening beckoned his thickness to fill her up. Tracing his tongue all around her clit to push aftershocks into her quivering back, the king raised onto his feet and lined up the head of his dick against her waiting pink entrance and paused his action.
"Face the other way," he said.
Yani wiggled around and he climbed onto the bed, positioning himself behind her again.
"I want you to face the mirror," he said.
She widened her thighs. He reached for a pillow to cradle her elbows.
"Comfortable?" he asked.
She nodded and he sank into her depths. He snapped his eyes shut, unable to keep a loud groan ripping from his lips. Yani's wet and deep center sheathed him in divine heat. Her vaginal muscles clenched twice and his toes bunched up. Every fucking time she did that, it made him feel like he'd never had pussy before. He threw his head back and stared at the ceiling as a "Fuck!" flew out of his mouth like an amazed virgin getting his first piece of ass.
Yani only whimpered, relaxing into the weight of his dick inside of her. No matter how many times he fucked her, she reacted with startled eyes at how hefty he was. They locked eyes in the mirror, and he got his wish. The moment he started thrusting, her breasts brushed against the blanket, showing him how full they were and how lovely they looked hanging in that position. It was hard being a simp for big titties and an ass so sinfully fat that it brought tears to his eyes. No man was immune from a body she possessed. It was humanly impossible. Yani rocked back onto his dick.
"Oh…oh…oh…oh…" was all he could muster as a language in that moment.
Nothing needed to be said with good pussy swallowing his erection like a lollipop. Yani's pussy displayed the dexterity of a mouth sucking on dick, and he let her have at it while he passively watched and slapped her ass. His moans grew louder, yet neither one spoke to each other, their exchange of conversation taking place between hard dick and wet pussy. She twisted her hips in a slow rotation and the grip on his erection became slippery suction that had his balls ready to pump cum. Those bountiful titties had him down bad and he watched their gentle bounce as they slapped together with each thrust he threw back at Yani. Eventually he gripped her waist and pumped into her, wanting to hear the cheeks clap loud in his ears. Her pussy choked his dick with a grip so tight his eyes watered and became blurry. He wanted to savor that moment of them together. It would be the end of their old lives because the next day, they would embark on a new chapter as a ruling couple. Right now, the world was just the two of them joined in physical perfection.
Oh Bast!
She yanked on his dick, turning him powerless. His balls slapped against her plush ass and the orgasmic surge moved from his sack to the root of his dick, pushing through to glory. There was nothing he could do. The queen was fucking him into submission, and he gave in willingly.
The first three spurts of cum stopped her grinding, and she accepted his hot offering with glassy eyes and parted lips. Cum pulsed through his dick in an urgent release, and he pulled out, letting her watch how it shot across her back and painted pale lines of gratification on sweaty skin. The final sharp throb at the base of his dick dragged out a roar from him that even had his sphincter tightening.
"Oh, shit…baby!" he mumbled.
His lips jammed together as he watched her backside jiggle. Yani stared at his reflection.
"I'm still hard," he said, shaking his hips and waving his erection at her.
The blessings of having an Udaku king for a husband glowed in her eyes.
He glanced at a clock on the wall. The children were probably in their rooms for an early sleep already. Yani sat at the edge of the bed and he jumped down from his spot and stood in front of her. Lifting her chin, he studied every part of her round face. He kissed her forehead and then her chin.
"I love you," he said.
Her eyes crinkled and she turned her head slightly away from his intense gaze. She slid her warm fingers up his chest and touched the dimples in his face that appeared from smiling so hard at how lovely she was. Yani acted shy, and he found that quality alluring in her.
"I love you, too," she finally whispered into his lips.
Her tender kiss brought him back inside a warm glow that enchanted him by being in her presence. The woman was everything to him and he was cognizant of how he would work hard to make every moment with her precious as long as he had her by his side. Yani threw her arms around his neck, anchoring him to her. She twirled her tongue around his and gave him a noisy smooch before releasing his eager mouth. He reached for another squeeze of her breasts, and she stared at him with those dreamy eyes that had always captured all of her love for him. Unbending his back, he stood to his full height. She fondled his dick, keeping those sexy eyes on his face.
She already had cum all across her back. No point in wasting the rest of the canvas. He shoved his dick between her lips and she engulfed it like the good queen she was.
"Dassit," he crooned.
Yani turned his dick into a magic stick and sucked it slowly, letting her full lips pucker around it as he slid in and out. She hummed and let the vibrations flow across the slick skin as she wet it even more with her warm mouth. He spit on his dick, adding more lubricant, and her pretty lips sucked his inches down easily. The head of his dick bulged against each side of her cheeks as she played with it in her mouth. She constantly kept her big beautiful eyes on his knowing that shit got him off. Pulling his dick out, she licked under it and sucked on his balls like they were summer peaches. They had to hurry. The children would expect them to say goodnight soon.
Yani spread her legs and played with her puffy labia. It was only a matter of time before she sent him off to glory. The anticipation of knowing that in another thirty minutes he would be back inside of her, pounding away to another exhilarating nut, thrilled him. He looked forward to fucking her in the ass and having her face ride him while he jerked off later. Then he would buckle down and slow-fuck her until she wept in his warms. They had a lot of lovemaking to catch up on.
She closed her eyes, already prepared for what was about to happen. He shot a powerful load all over the side of her face as he palmed a breast. The finest woman in the world belonged to him for the rest of his life. What a gift.
Slick ribbons of hot cum drenched her lips, and she stroked his length to pull every drop from his balls.
They showered together and cleaned each other with perfumed, lathery pink soap. She checked for the special lubricant cream she needed for the evening with him inside his cabinet. He helped her dress back into her lounge-wear and he pulled on a long blue sleep tunic to meet the children in.
They went to Sydette's room first. Kora helped their eldest tie her hair up for the night inside her bonnet. She wore a colorful magenta satin nightgown and cuddled a small stuffed gray elephant.
"Happy to be back in your own bed?" Yani asked.
Sydette thought about it, and Kora left them alone.
"I'm happy, but I miss sleeping on the houseboat, especially on the floating platform. Can we take a boat trip again for my birthday next year?"
"Of course," he said, lowering hand to touch her bonnet.
"Cozy?" Yani asked.
"Yes, Mama."
"Sleep well tonight. We'll have a big breakfast in the morning with Umama, Grandpop, and Aunt Leona before Mama goes to work with me," he said, with pride in his tone.
"Night Baba, Night Mama."
"Night Sweet Pea," he said, watching Yani kiss her cheek first.
He kissed her forehead and tapped the lighting control on the wall that would gradually darken until the only lights in the room were from the skyline outside.
"Want your curtains closed?" Yani asked.
"No, I like seeing the lights of the city."
They took their leave from Sydette's room and walked past a room that used to be Joba's. She no longer stayed in her own room, preferring to share space with her brother, so they skipped her old bedroom and padded down the hall to Riki's room. The door was closed. They heard singing behind it. Riki instructed Joba on a few lines and they sang together.
"Another song," he said.
"They sound so sweet, harmonizing."
"Should we come back?"
Yani pressed her ear to the door.
"I think they're done."
N'Jadaka knocked on the door and waited for the children to welcome them in. Inside, both children sat on their beds, waiting to be tucked in. Yani helped Joba snuggle under the thick covers in her bed, and N'Jadaka pulled a buttery soft blanket over Riki.
Yani didn't mention the singing, and neither did he. They didn't want to hamper their children's creativity when they knew Riki was shy about it. As much as the boy loved singing out Top 40 Wakandan hits at the top of his lungs, sharing his own personal work didn't bring out his immediate confidence and they wanted him to nurture his talents without being overbearing in encouragement.
"Today was a nice day seeing everyone again, huh, Dumpling? Sunshine?" Yani said.
"Will everyone go home soon now that we're back?" Joba asked.
Yani tickled Joba's chin.
"I think most will linger a few more weeks. Wakanda is so beautiful in summer," Yani said.
N'Jadaka tapped the remote to make the bedroom curtains close. Their bedroom was bigger than most living rooms, and yet he still had to fight his way past so many toys on the floor. He glanced at Riki who watched him with shiny eyes. Joba did the same. Shuffling over to each bed, he kissed foreheads and patted bonnets.
"Door open or closed?" Yani asked.
"Closed," Riki said.
Now that Joba was with him, he was more comfortable having the bedroom door closed. He wanted to be a big boy, but deep down Riki was still nervous sleeping alone and he loved having Joba with him all the time. N'Jadaka suspected Joba asked to be moved to her brother's room to save face for him.
Yani clasped his hand after he shut the door. They took time to walk through their home and admire the view in the family room. The golden city sparkled like diamonds down below. He put his arm around Yani.
"We are responsible for all of that," Yani said.
He walked her back to their bedroom, and they used the stairs so they could listen to their home settling down for the night. They undressed and snuggled in his bed for over an hour, marinating in the warmth of their arms cradling one another. A clock in the bedroom struck a late hour and N'Jadaka made love to Yani again. He talked her through a long orgasm in missionary and afterward she climbed on top of him and let her breasts hang in his face. He clutched at them like he was a drowning man and they were his only life preservers. She loved on him with her plush body molding against his rock-hard muscles until he cried out her name over and over. He watched her lift on her feet and pry her labia open gently so he could witness his throbbing dick pumping cum into her pussy. It looked like his heart moved to his length as it beat out a steady, throbbing motion. When his body couldn't release anymore in that moment, she lifted off of his tip and let him see his ejaculate run out and back down on his tip. He handed her a warm cloth from the basin left on his nightstand and she wiped herself down. She cleaned him off too, and then sat her vulva on his lips where he kissed and kissed and kissed and kissed…until they fell asleep.
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Yani stared at her reflection in the three-sided mirror inside her spacious dressing room. Her personal tailor, Keeya, fussed around the short train on the aquamarine-colored skirt that fanned out on the polished floor. Keeya's assistant Ipuo helped tighten the cobalt-blue corset, accentuating the top of Yani's ivory puffy sleeved blouse.
"Okay…now my queen…your crown," Keeya said.
Keeya's saucy dark brown eyes widened when she stepped back to look at the overall presentation after gently placing the queen's isicholo on her head.
"Gorgeous, simply gorgeous, kumkanikazi!"
Ipuo concurred and Yani ran her hands down her sides and twirled around to see the other angles of the designer outfit.
"A solid choice for your first day," Keeya said.
She pointed to the racks of custom clothes already lined up for the queen to wear for the rest of the summer.
"We'll bring in your fall line at the end of August for your final approval," Keeya said.
Yani nodded.
"Leave me," she said to her clothing staff.
Keeya and Ipuo, lowered their heads and stepped out of the dressing room.
Yani touched the rings on her fingers, including the long gold and silver finger armor on her pinky fingers. Her make-up was immaculate and dewy-fresh, giving her youthful round face a touch of summer glow.
Being in Wakanda had given Yani plenty of opportunities to look fabulous, but this time, and this look, she was truly stepping into her queendom with class and an erudite style that took in the stylish couture of queens long past. She worked hard with Keeya and Ipuo to mix and match the historical fashion of N'Jadaka's people with the future in mind. That meant adding more island touches that represented her own culture. That morning, she had a conversation with her style team about incorporating billowy slacks and mix-and-match blazers for her travel pieces. This required them to custom make her jewelry and repurpose older pieces to make a firm statement about her vision of herself. She was a child of Mama Wati and wanted the world to know that. Keeya was pleased with that, since she was a member of the River Tribe.
Yani took a deep breath and exhaled, waving her arms above her head to fight off nervousness. She lifted her skirt to look at her heels. Even they were custom made to her specifications and dyed the color of her ocean back home.
The isicholo looked like it always belonged on her head. She ran her fingers up the sides to feel the power of that crown. No one could tell her shit now. She was N'Jadaka's legitimate wife and his right hand on the throne. Yani giggled and touched her nose, thinking of her time being his maid and cook. She also thought of the uncertain time when she sat in a Planned Parenthood clinic with her legs in stirrups, almost removing the fetus growing inside of her. If she hadn't chosen to have Riki, would she be standing there now in fancy raiment with a crown on her head?
She brushed the thought away and embraced her power.
Her walk out of the dressing room and down the long stairs to the living room was slow and calculated to help her focus on the day. She gripped the polished guardrail and lifted part of her skirt as she descended. Before she even touched the first floor, a round of thunderous applause greeted her. N'Jadaka and the children waited for her at the bottom with all of their family and friends. They fawned over her with so much excitement, but she only had eyes for N'Jadaka. He wore stately black robes with his hair tied back. His golden panther claw necklace gleamed around his neck. He held out his hand to take hers and all of their well-wishers walked with them out of their home and down to a wide hall that led to the throne room.
Yani waved at their entourage, kissed her children goodbye and waited for armed guards to open the double doors of the throne room.
The council of elders stood at their arrival and watched them with pleased eyes as they strode toward two throne chairs. The bigger, more impressive one belonged to N'Jadaka, but the one next to it made Yani's heart skip. It was so regal and intricately carved with ancient figures in the dark iron wood and silver scallop-shell framing. The color scheme matched N'Jadaka's throne, but it also had its own flair and feminine touches with the cushioned seat and arched ottoman that stood next to it. Yani had seen pictures of her throne before laying eyes on it and was told the ottoman piece was for when she became pregnant and could rest her legs and feet when needed. It once belonged to Umama.
The elders weren't the only people in the room. Part of N'Jadaka's office staff was there who handled his PR and international affairs. They sat to the right of the throne to observe the proceedings and provide input when necessary.
N'Jadaka guided her in front of her chair and she waited for him to sit before she positioned herself in her seat. He leaned over and whispered in her ear.
"You sit at the same time I do," he said.
She smiled, and he kissed her cheek in front of everyone, making Elder Zinzi grin. Yani placed her hands on her lap and felt the cool breeze of the air conditioning circulating inside. She leaned back in her seat and loved how the throne design gave space for her isicholo.
Elder Efetobo spoke first.
"Welcome Queen Yani. We are so pleased to have you with us. May your voice and presence strengthen our leadership in guiding Wakanda the right way."
"Thank you Elder Efetobo," Yani said.
Her voice sounded loud in the cavernous room and she became mindful quickly of how to speak. Elder M'Kathu smiled and held out his hands wide in greeting.
"We hope your honeymoon was as splendid as you look, kumkanikazi. The nation is pleased to have you both back."
"Thank you, Elder M'Kathu."
Elder Bhira chimed in.
"Queen Yani, my people back home spoke highly of your visit to the River Market. They hope you will return and stay longer to enjoy more of the culture there."
"I would love to. I look forward to taking my children there too," Yani said in a River Tribe dialect she had practiced.
Elder Bhira's green-plated lip lifted from the smile on his face. Elder Zinzi gazed at Yani with loving eyes.
"As the others have said, kumkanikazi, we are so pleased that you and the king have returned to lead the nation. We have a lot to cover in a short time. Is there anything you would like for us to add to our agenda this morning?"
"No, Elder Zinzi. You may begin," Yani said.
Zinzi nodded and faced N'Jadaka. She tapped a kimoyo bead on her wrist and tossed an agenda schedule in the center of the circle. Yani sat through the first hour listening to tabled items from the last gathering they had with the king. In the second hour, parliament provided detailed report overviews they missed while being on honeymoon, and in the third hour, they discussed military updates and set war dog goals for the month. She found it all interesting and tried to keep up with any objections or concerns the council had with each actionable item. One thing was for sure, N'Jadaka had a brilliant leadership mind and, for the first time outside of their personal lives, she could witness him wield political savvy with his own people. She had to use her earbud translators for some conversations that were spoken in Wakandan, especially when their meeting moved into listening to the personal complaints of individual Wakandan citizens who had permission to seek redress through the king.
Four different individuals gained access to the throne room with nervous energy facing N'Jadaka. Yani glanced over at him from time to time, watching his expression look intimidating to people. His aura crackled with intense concentration as he listened intently and gave his opinion of the petition. When he brought her into the conversation, she was surprised. She did not expect to have input so soon on serious matters. However, she quickly learned her position with the two of them seated on the throne together. The people appealed to her as the voice of reason when the king didn't side with their case. Most of the petitions dealt with property and land rights, while one brought up lineage and rights to lead a family's fortune after a matriarch had passed and didn't leave a will. Yani sided with a middle sibling who ran the matriarch's affairs for twenty years when the other five siblings left home for careers in the military and politics. The middle sibling, a woman in her forties, wept openly as she listened to Yani explain how she interpreted the fallout between the family members and their rights to finances and a thriving business enterprise.
N'Jadaka took Yani's take into consideration and made a decree granting the woman full power to continue running the matriarch's affairs and divide up assets as she wished to do equally. A staff member brought Yani and N'Jadaka some tea, and did the same for the elders as they took a respite before seeing the last case. N'Jadaka appeared fidgety on the throne. Yani was about to ask what was wrong and she noticed the name on the new petition floating in the center of their circle.
Cecilia Anne Galiber.
Yani sat erect on her throne as her cousin Cee Cee strode in with a haughty air wearing her best purple wrap-dress and severe make-up that declared she was ready for business. Not bothering to read the abstract of the case, Yani fixed her lips in a tight line, staring down her relative.
N'Jadaka sat back in his seat and rested his hands on his throne's armrests.
"You may speak your case," he said in a dry tone.
The king's voice halted the assertive drive in Cee Cee's stance. She looked at the council elders and gave a curt glance at Yani before directing her ire at N'Jadaka.
"I am the first cousin of the queen and today I would like to present my case requesting that I receive a title like the rest of my family who reside in Wakanda."
N'Jadaka tilted his head.
"What kind of title do you think you deserve?" he asked.
The king's low tone knocked a bit of the wind out of Cee Cee's sails. She locked eyes with Yani, and Yani's lips curled into an angry sneer. How dare she strut into her husband's domain and demand a title like some entitled brat. She gripped her armrests and leaned forward.
"Cee Cee, you couldn't speak to me in private about this?" Yani demanded.
Her voice went up an octave and the council elders lowered their eyes out of respect for the queen.
"Yani, you know it's not right or fair that Twyla, your sisters, and Auntie get to have prestige while the rest of—"
"First, you will address my wife by her proper title, Queen Yani!"
N'Jadaka's voice boomed so loud it made the elders and his personal staff jump. Cee Cee looked shocked by the aggression and took a small step back.
"Second…you have no right to march in here demanding anything from the Udaku clan. My wife's grace is the only reason you're allowed to stay here. I have seen you disrespect her and also say disparaging things about me when you thought I was a no good thug sitting on a hill using your cousin. Remember that? Wasn't it you who said all I wanted from her was pussy and a good time?"
"Kumkani, please, the queen is present," Zinzi gently chided.
"It's okay, Elder Zinzi," Yani said.
Zinzi nodded and cast her eyes back down. Cee Cee tried saving face and held her head high.
"Back then, I could only speak from what I saw happen with my cousin from past relationships. I didn't know you were rich and royalty. But now that we all know who you really are, I think it's right that I share a respectable title like the rest of my blood. Twyla's a princess and Auntie is a queen. I'm a Galiber descended from Queen Mary, too. I want to be a princess like Twyla."
"You think a bitch like you deserves to be a princess?" N'Jadaka barked.
Yani leaned in her seat toward her husband, relishing the dressing down he gave her disrespectful cousin.
Taken aback, Cee Cee's eyes narrowed. She glared at Yani.
"You won't say anything?"
"What is there to say when my husband has told you what he feels? You have always treated me foul, Cee Cee. You never wanted me to be with the king."
"He was working as a lowlife! Why can't anyone in our family see that all the things I said were to protect you from heartbreak and ruin? Huh? Mi stand here now, gyal, all proper-like to ask for what is a fair thing, yeah? Your mummy trusted mi to look after you. Why yuh think I go live with Auntie and work for her at that compound? Am I not a Galiber with the fiyahbun blood run through me veins too?"
Tears stung Yani's eyes and she willed them not to fall. Cee Cee never did anything that didn't benefit her in the end.
"I gave you permission to live at Our Lady's Manor. You're taken care of financially, and so are your children. Twyla is a princess because she stood by my side through thick and thin. The king adores her and granted her a title because she was good to mi and him. My husband knows who is for mi and against mi. You never treated me kind. My life was gossip and entertainment for you. But now that I'm a queen and given respect and a nation to rule over, you want to come here and demand something from we? Do you seriously think you're worthy to represent our family when you questioned and belittled my life?" Yani said.
N'Jadaka stood up and walked toward Cee Cee.
"I grant you nothing. You may stay at Our Lady's Manor, but you are no longer welcome in Wakanda. Pack your things and your children's. I will have The Royal Scorpion Fighter take you home this evening. You are forbidden from setting foot in Wakanda ever again. I also proclaim censure in your current behavior. You are also forbidden from speaking about the Udaku clan and especially anything about Queen Yani in public. Leave us."
Cee Cee's face broke into a scowl of disbelief. She turned toward Yani.
"Queen…Yani…I only want what Twyla has…"
Yani turned her head away and stared outside the window, and surveyed the beauty of Birnin Zana. Her husband had spoken her feelings. He was generous in letting her stay at their compound, but he wanted the best for Cee Cee's children, despite her selfish and hateful nature.
Okoye tapped her spear twice and throne room guards stepped forward to escort Cee Cee out. Yani's cousin limped out the throne room visibly defeated.
N'Jadaka fixed his gaze on the council elders.
"What's our last agenda item?"
Yani glanced at her kimoyos, surprised at how fast the morning went in the throne room. Five hours had passed, and she stayed keyed up for more.
Zinzi stood up and so did N'Jadaka's PR head, Qwara.
"Kumkani, something has come up that we have shielded from you while you were on your honeymoon," Zinzi said.
Qwara turned toward the king, but her eyes fell on Yani's too.
"Kumkani," Qwara said, "The queen is privy to everything that happens in the nation, but this matter is very sensitive and may embarrass her. Shall I proceed?"
Yani glanced at N'Jadaka. Whatever was to be presented, he was unaware of.
"Proceed," he said.
He reached for Yani's hand, and she threaded her fingers with his. Qwara stood near Zinzi and waved her hand in front of the floating screen. Several news outlets appeared with well-known journalists doing interviews.
"During your absence, various international television markets and streaming services broadcasted the royal wedding on repeat for several weeks. Recently, four women have stepped forward with lascivious stories they have peddled for financial gain in several media platforms. Two are from the U.S., one is from Sao Paulo, Brazil, and the final one is from the queen's home island of St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands."
All four women's pictures took up the center circle from the kimoyo projection.
Qwara gave the king time to digest the information before him. Zinzi stepped in closer to the throne.
"Kumkani, the women have not said anything that vilifies you as a king or your past life as a mercenary, however, their stories are of a sexual nature that we don't feel is appropriate for your reputation and the image you have built for your reign," Zinzi added.
The king turned to Yani.
"If you don't want to see or hear this, I'll understand if you prefer to leave," he said.
"I'll stay," Yani said, squeezing his hand.
"Play the first one for us," N'Jadaka said.
Yani's cheeks burned with second-hand embarrassment for her husband, even as she feigned a brave face to listen to potential lewd commentary.
A popular CNN broadcaster in New York held a panel discussion with three attractive women sitting near his news desk. Two of the women were from D.C. and detailed trysts with N'Jadaka a decade earlier. They shared photos of themselves with the king, wearing bathing suits at a five-star hotel pool. Both women were sexy, bubbly, and had only fond memories of him. They were shocked to find out that their former ménage à trois lover had royal connections and were set to peddle a future book about their hook-ups over a two-year period.
The third woman brought an annoyed look on N'Jadaka's face. She had been a childhood friend of Marisol's and the king's until she developed a sexual relationship with him in their teenaged years and beyond. That woman also had media proof and shared clips of videos she made when they were in their late teens and early twenties on his visits there doing capoeira. None of the women had scandalous videos of the king naked or in a compromising sexual position. But their graphic and detailed descriptions of his love-making did enough damage.
The fourth woman was a random jump-off named Isis that N'Jadaka slept with one time and dumped. She had no photos to prove her connection. However, her ties to the island must've given enough legitimacy for the media channel. Isis swooned over her re-telling of how she met N'Jadaka in Yani's favorite club and how she never got over him for years. She claimed to be present at the club where she thought Yani first met the king at Kendall's first live performance. The interviewers asked each of the four women on the two different shows how they felt watching his nuptials, and each one calmly stated that they wished it had been them. However, they believed he didn't seem like the type to settle down or want children.
Qwara tapped the images, and they winked out, giving everyone a moment to sit with the sordid information.
"There were two other women we could get a hold of to sign confidentiality agreements with compensation in Oakland and Atlanta. We confiscated pictures and video to destroy any proof of connections. Luckily, none of these women had anything negative to say, but their poor financial situations forced them to attempt media sales for capitalistic gain," Qwara said.
N'Jadaka looked at Yani. She placed her other hand on top of their joined ones.
"It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be," she said.
"I tried to be discreet, but you can't always foresee the future."
Zinzi cleared her throat, and they turned to look at her.
"What would you like for Qwara and your PR team to craft in your statement?" Zinzi asked.
"There won't be a statement," N'Jadaka said.
"Kumkani, these interviews are already going viral. We must have you respond to these attempts at tarnishing your reputation and the queen's."
"He doesn't need to make a statement," Yani said.
All eyes moved to her face. She perked up, knowing nothing horrible was at stake.
"Those women were with him before he was king. Before he was with me. They all seem to treasure their time with him and were not disrespectful to me or his family outside of the sex talk. I think this will all wash out in the next news cycle."
"But my queen, those two women in America plan to write a tell-all. It is already in poor taste to hear about the sexual prowess of our nation's leader," M'Kathu chimed in.
Yani glanced at N'Jadaka. He pondered her words and M'Kathu's.
"No statement. You can try to get an injunction on their book to block publication, but I won't add fuel to their tiny fire."
"Are you sure, kumkani? A terse statement from you and the queen could prevent others from trying this stunt," Zinzi said.
Efetobo tapped her cane on the floor.
"The king has spoken. Who are we to question his wishes on this matter? Queen Yani supports the decision. So be it," Efetobo said.
Qwara bowed slightly to the two of them on the throne.
"I will prepare the injunction, kumkani," she said.
Another staff member approached the king from the side.
"Kumkani, your lunch is ready. We have it set up in the side room," a young man in a pearl-white chef's uniform said.
"We are done here for the day. I'll see you all in the parliament gathering in one hour," N'Jadaka said."
The council of elders stood, and N'Jadaka helped Yani up from her seat. The clicking of her heels echoed in the throne room as they headed to a side room where N'Jadaka ate his meals alone after council meetings.
"Smells delicious," Yani said to the chef.
"Thank you, Queen Yani. I hope the meal pleases you," he said.
He pulled out Yani's chair for her and she took her seat next to N'Jadaka's. The chef quickly brought them full plates of steamed halibut fillets, grilled asparagus tips with a side of herb stuffing, and small fried fish cakes. N'Jadaka poured them sparkling water and waited for the chef to leave before he spoke to her.
"Yani, that whole thing with the women took me by surprise. I can't say I wasn't expecting it one day, but I thought I would be the one to know first and get ahead of it before you got wind of it."
"We were on our honeymoon and those women were only taking advantage of something that created a splash in the news cycle. You're a famous public figure. I'm surprised nothing has come back to bite me on the butt."
"That's because I took care of all that easily. St. Thomas is a small island and people don't want smoke with me over you."
"So how did Isis slip through on your end?" she said with a smirk.
"Well, Isis wasn't her real name, and she had left the island before we could find her. We scrubbed videos and still monitor social media on your behalf. I didn't think I was much of concern, and that was my fault. You really don't think I should make a statement?"
"It's pointless and makes it seem like you have something to hide. Most people understand what it is. They saw the wedding. Know how good-looking you are. Who wouldn't want a chance to brag?"
"I hope it doesn't embarrass you."
"Not so much as my feeling awkward for you. Although, I would be curious to read that book from the D.C. women. You made quite an impression," she joked. "I thought M'Kathu and Bhira were going to die of shame listening to the interviews!"
"You seemed tense in the beginning, though."
He sliced into his fish and she speared one asparagus tip with her fork.
"I think I was more worried about someone jumping up with a secret child to be honest."
"That won't happen. I can promise you that."
"Can you?"
"Yes. The only children I have are the ones here with Umama. Any woman who jumps up and claims otherwise will play at being sued because blood tests don't lie in Wakanda."
Yani trusted his confidence in the matter. She also had ancestral back up. If there was another child in the world, Califia Stevens would've told her because she had been present at each of his biological children's births with N'Jobu.
Their meal was filling and Yani helped herself to more before they had to head over to the West Palace to oversee a larger meeting with various members of parliament. They strolled over together rather than ride an indoor shuttle to help their lunch digest and keep them from getting sleepy.
Staffers and government workers greeted them with much enthusiasm and Yani wondered how many were gossiping about the women capitalizing off of his celebrated marriage. She didn't detect any sly snickering as they moved through halls and up escalators to the meeting hall. If anything, the atmosphere seemed laced with more excitement at their return. Their Doras who flanked them opened the grand hall doors and over one hundred politicians stood at attention waiting for them to enter and take their place at the head table. People cast admiring glances at her attire, and N'Jadaka escorted her to her seat with a bounce in his step. She remembered to sit down with her husband this time, and he grinned at her. Her eyes fluttered across the expansive gathering and caught sight of Remy seated on the far left next to Elder Efetobo and members of the Merchant Tribe. His eyes lighted upon hers and that dark desire for her was still blatantly there, even with the king seated beside her.
Yani wrenched her gaze away and focused on listening to the agenda the head of parliament presented before the governing body of Wakanda and their king and queen.
She had enough drama for the first half of her day. No old paramour was going to add more.
Chapter 15 HERE.
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17 notes · View notes
liyawritesss · 2 years
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Characters: MCU!Shuri Udaku x Black!Masc!Reader
Type: Fic
Word Count: 6.8k
Synopsis: Your return to Wakanda is welcomed, but there is no time for celebration. In preparing defenses against Talokan, you urge Shuri to concoct a serum that would enhance your abilities for the fight to come, despite knowing the complications it comes with.
Warnings: cursing, mentions of reader having post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), mentions of medical tools such as syringes, blood from said syringe, body convulsing, major character death (rest in power queen ramonda)
A/N: here is the second part of this series! I sincerely want to thank @kingstormpostsshit for originally pitching this idea and allowing me to turn it into a series. This one goes out to all the masc women out there cuz we deserve some love too ‼️
Tags: @inmyheadimobsessed @badass-dora-milaje @babyboiboyega @verachii @heartsforjojo @letitias-fav @kingstormpostsshit @shurismainbxtch @zayswriting @rxcently @nzia-writes @writingintheshadowsforever @hufflehans @kokichiis7 @xxmilli @typicalme111 @zestgodtj @generallysapphic @ziayamikaelson @shuriszn @yvxmpire @justariellove @n7cje
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“Is she not going to come in?”
Shuri’s hopeful look only makes it harder for T’Challa to break the news to his dear sister - that you had absolutely refused to step foot into her lab. Even after multiple attempts at coaxing you with persuasive words, the crowned prince had only managed to get you to the hallway, and you wouldn’t go any further. In an attempt to compromise the situation, he allowed you to examine the vibranium-laced walls that made the hallway shine a bright blue color and the glass tanks of fish that lined the walls, while T’Challa ventured further into the laboratory to fetch Shuri.
Quite frankly, T’Challa had never been more nervous in his life. In an ideal world, he’d want for you and Shuri to get along well. He believed it good that you had some sort of companionship, especially for the times when he would not be around. Given the fact that you and Shuri were in the same age range, he felt that it would be a good start to integrating you into regular life.
Though, this was not an ideal world, as he is reminded of every time he looks at you, and remembers why you’re even here.
“Remember, Shuri,” T’Challa eases, “she’s not very…fond of labs.”
Shuri is fifteen and easily excitable, so the arrival of a possible new friend had the young princess smiling uncontrollably the entire morning. It was nearly impossible for T’Challa to keep knowledge of you a secret from his little sister - more or less because her brilliance would allow her to uncover any secret within minutes of noticing an air of secrecy. Therefore, the crowned prince felt it necessary for at least the royal family to be aware of your existence, and that there was a possibility of introducing you into Wakandan life if integration into the Avenger’s at home base proved difficult. 
The one aspect of you that would make things a bit difficult with your assimilation, however, was the very place he stood in with his young sister. With different beeps and clicks and whirring of machinery, as well as the pristine whiteness of the lab, would surely trigger unpleasant thoughts and memories of your past. And Bast forbid T’Challa would put you through that, by any means necessary.
So it didn’t confuse T’Challa when Shuri’s smile faltered slightly at the news of your refusal.
“She is in the hallway, though,” He hums in an attempt to pick up Shuri’s spirits, and it works. Upon hearing this, Shuri is all but ready to sprint out of her seat, but T’Challa’s towering figure calms her eagerness, as he isn’t done explaining just yet.
“We will have to be patient with her, dear sister,” T’Challa continues, “so we will have to meet her half way in a lot of areas.”
Shuri tilts her head to the side a bit, furrowing her eyebrows at T’Challa’s statement. The young princess was made aware of your unfortunate previous situations, but even T’Challa could see that she found it a bit difficult to grasp your resistance to certain situations. In her young mind, things were much simpler. You were in a safe place, so should you not feel safe? Wakanda’s technology was made to help, not harm, so why were you so wary?
In many ways, T’Challa viewed Shuri’s innocence to the horrors of the outside world as a blessing. However, there were times where he dreaded having to explain complex concepts to a young mind that seemed to have a simple answer to everything. Because in reality, the world was not simple, and neither was your situation.
“I thought you said she was an Avenger?” Shuri questions as the two begin to walk to the aforementioned threshold to the hallway. From her understanding, and observations from T’Challa’s own affiliation with the group, she believed Avengers to be fearless people, and had expected that same rhetoric to apply to you.
“She is, though, not for the reason you may think.”
Bounding the corner, T’Challa and Shuri’s pace come to a halt at the sight of your curious figure examining the walls embedded with vibranium up close. Your hand traces down the length of a sliver of the precious material, the blue glow from it dancing beautifully on your skin. Your curls fall messily over your face, obscuring your visual, and the Princess finds herself entranced by the mystery girl who refuses to enter her sanctuary, but seemingly finds solace in toeing the line.
The sight leaves Shuri holding her breath.
The royal sibling’s arrival startles you as you see them come from around the corner. You immediately pull away from the wall, which held your attention while T’Challa went inside to fetch his sister. Now your feet were planted stiffly in the middle of the walkway, and your body shrunk further into your already baggy clothes. The exchange that followed could be likened to that of a human introducing two infant kittens to one another; as T’Challa began walking closer to you, gesturing for Shuri to follow. By the time the princess stood in front of you, your body was rigid with discomfort.
You hated meeting new people. Especially new people you couldn’t read right away.
“(Y/N), this is Shuri, my sister,” T’Challa introduces, gesturing to the ball of energy that stands in front of you, who is trying her best not to make any sudden movements that would frighten you. “You both are around the same age. I think it would be nice for you two to get acquainted with one another, yes?”
Your gaze shifts between the two siblings, eying them down, attempting to uncover some secret plot or scheme they could have concocted together. Though, the more you look at them, the less likely that is. Unlikely, because you know T’Challa, and the man had proven to you numerous times that he would make no move to put you in harm's way. And despite the giddiness that simply bleeds from the girl in front of you, part of you determines that she is the same.
“Hi!” The princess starts, her voice high and eager, and the suddenness of her greeting almost causes you to step back.
Almost, but you don’t.
T’Challa radiates warmth and protection. He is soft and gentle and attentive, and he has a knack for compromising that has helped him, help you. His eyes encompass security, and looking into them lowers your guard and relinquishes trust to the crowned prince.
His sister, Shuri, is a beam of unforeseen light, brighter than the blue mineral that shines on the three of you. Ambition seeps from her pores and there is a thick air of curiosity around her, of which you visibly see her trying to keep under control.
Yet, when you look into her eyes, it is the same as T’Challa’s. They are warm, inviting, and it makes you remember your humanity.
The memory leaves you the moment you open your eyes back to the real world.
It’s a fond memory, that much is clear by the way your eyes soften at the thought of the pair of you, innocent in your youth. When times were simpler and for the first time in your life, you didn’t have walls guarding your person, and you were allowed to be vulnerable when needed. 
“Does it feel different, being back in Wakanda?”
Ayo’s question had been mulling over in your head since you’d landed. It loomed over you like a cloud, uncertain in your answer.
You had been gone for almost a decade. You’d lost your accent that you adopted from the people, and your guarded walls had all but rebuilt themselves in your time away. Warmth exuded from the land itself, but you found it hard to embrace it.
After all, who could, when your return home is due to an underwater nation ensuing war with it?
There were times you would lie awake at night, playing reels in your head, planning your return home. How Queen Ramonda and T’Challa would embrace you deeply, delighted for the return of their daughter, their sister. How Shuri would embrace you deeply, euphoria washing over the both of you, having been returned safely into each other's arms. 
“If anything, I wish I could’ve come back on different terms.”
Ayo and you walk in tandem with one another, your set destination being the Design Group laboratory, where Shuri was currently working.
The minute she stepped off the ship, Shuri’s feet carried her to her lab. She was silent as her figure walked off into the distance, only disappearing when you turned to the queen to accompany her back to the palace with the young American scientist. 
You knew why she was so brisk in her getaway; Shuri wasn’t that hard to read to you. She knew what had been set in motion with your actions back at that underwater cave, probably more than what you had determined yourself just from your observations of the entire situation. There was no doubt in your mind that Shuri’s beeline to her sanctuary, her laboratory, was to prepare defensive measures just as much as it was to quell the buzzing in her head from everything that’s come to pass.
“For what it is worth, Wakanda is grateful for your return.” Ayo hums as the both of you round the corner to the entrance of the laboratory. You could hear your feet treading on the glass floor beneath you, and the sun's rays from outside disappeared as you were enveloped in the cold blue glow that the vibranium gave off. 
Your feet slowed, as the sound of machinery and murmuring voices grew louder the closer you came to crossing the threshold. It was overwhelming for you, even after almost a decade away. The looming ambiguity of the lab washed over you the same way it always had, with its pristine cleanliness, crisp white interior, and technology at any turn.
It made you feel sick, and yet, you pushed forward.
“Princess, (Y/N) has entered the laboratory,” Griot’s familiar voice echoes alerting Shuri of your arrival. She had been looking at a holographic screen, with scribbles and notes of equations and various charts that you were never able to understand. She turns to you, and as Ayo leaves the two of you alone in her little sector of the lab, another blanket of ambiguity makes itself comfortable atop your shoulders.
The greeting is short and curt, and you’re almost certain it’s due to Shuri’s defense mechanism. She’s on the defensive, trying to keep herself in tact.
“I didn’t think you’d come here,” Shuri confesses, turning back to her holographic screen. She’s recalibrating something, that much can be determined,  and while it is important and holds most of her attention, it also acts as a distraction. In truth, she doesn't think she can stand looking at you for too long without certain thoughts intruding. Certain thoughts she longed to act on the moment she saw you, thoughts that were housed in her dreams, of which detailed your return to Wakanda on brighter terms, “I would have met you elsewhere if you needed me.”
“What I’m about to ask you can only be done here.”
Shuri pauses in her movements, turning to you once more. You step closer to her, growing so close her arm makes contact with your chest. It’s a slight touch, with the fabric of your shirt and her jumpsuit clashing, and the ever so light contact of your body onto hers, but even so, it causes the princess to slightly pull away. If things were different, perhaps Shuri would have fallen into the touch, but in this case, she resists, despite her body screaming otherwise.
“Can we talk,” you mutter, low enough for only to hear, “somewhere where there isn’t a bunch of people?”
The people aren’t mainly what you’re concerned about, Shuri knows this. She knows this because the grip you have on her elbow is one she’s familiar with despite not having felt it in years. You never liked prying ears, especially when it came to discussing yourself, your powers, your state of being. She also knows because when her gaze shifts to your eyes, they scream with not only the desire for privacy, but also rising anxiety, and she’s sure it’s because of the technology that surrounds the both of you. It’s overwhelming, she’ll be the first to admit that, and while it has brought her more comfort than anything in the world, she remembers how damaging the very premises is to you.
Glancing between you and the holographic screen in front of her, Shuri nods, sets down her stylus, and closes the screen out. She takes the first steps away from her desk, and you follow right after.
The Wakandan royal leads you to the upper level of the laboratory, where there’s significantly less lab personnel, making the space quieter and private, and further into an unguarded hallway, where the blue glow from the vibranium laced in the walls dances on both of your faces so prettily.
Shuri looks at you, determining the look on your face being that of worry and uncertainty. “What are you thinking?”
A sigh protrudes your lips, your gaze falling everywhere but on the princess herself. “I feel it, Shuri.”
She cocks an eyebrow at your statement. “Feel what?”
“The poison- or whatever the fuck he injected me with,” you clarify, the memory of such an encounter still fresh and painful in your mind, “I feel it. It’s heavy, like- like lead. I don’t know what it is, but it’s fucking with my nerves, and thats why I can’t control anything.”
Your revelation only brings more questions to the princess. “How do you know?”
“I’ve felt it before…back in that lab.”
Shuri shifts her weight from one foot to the other. She holds your gaze firmly; it brings you an odd sense of comfort.
“When I was blacked out, memories started coming up. I remember being strapped to a table when those scientists did it, and it was the same exact feeling, pain and all.”
There was a lump of discomfort that formed in Shuri’s stomach from your recollection, as she was still in the dark as to what exactly happened to you when in captivity in those caves. The only thing she’s certain of is that the image of your limp figure being brought to her on a stretcher would always haunt her memories.
“I know there’s a cure for it, because those scientists had it, and that fucker probably knew about it, and if anyone can figure it out, it’s you.”
“What are you asking of me, (Y/N)?”
You’ve always hated this laboratory. Anything technology related, you were extremely apprehensive of, given its dark link to your past. And to think, you had come to a point in your life where you actually needed it for something.
“I need you to take my blood-” you begin, outstretching your arm with the underside of your elbow facing up, of which catches Shuri’s attention, “-and make a serum to get me back at one hundred percent-.”
“No,” Shuri’s response is almost immediate, her gaze refusing to rest onto your exposed arm. She doesn’t wish to think about it, think about causing you harm. She begins to walk away, but you’re quick to grab her arm and bring her back to you. It’s a desperate touch, one that’s strong with the longing for closeness. Shuri should know better, but her body betrays her desire to keep to herself, one of her dark hands hesitantly running the length of your arm as she shakes her head, “I can’t- I can’t do that to you-”
“There’s no other way, Shuri,” you interject, and with the same arm you had exposed to her, your hand, as well as the other, come to grasp her upper arm, desiring contact with the princess. “You think I’d ask this if there was any other option?”
Shuri swallows thickly, her gaze returning to yours.
“Wakanda needs all the help it can get right now. I can’t be fightin’ with half-assed powers out here. If there’s anyone on this god-forsaken planet that can recreate that serum, it’s you, Shuri.”
The princess is silent. It was the kind of silence you hated around her. It was the silence she held when she knew she had to do something, but was still considering against it. She was always stubborn and argumentative; and it was a blessing and a curse; endearing, but nevertheless, infuriating. But you knew the only reason she didn’t want to do it was because it would hurt you on so many levels.
But you couldn’t think about yourselves individually, when soon, an entire nation was at risk of feeling the consequences of your actions.
Shuri curses under her breath, taking hold of your hand and dragging you back into the main room of the laboratory. She positions you near an untouched counter, and goes off to one of the many cabinets surrounding the room. You have no doubt she’s fishing around for medical tools, and you are proven correct when she comes back to your side with a variety of items you were familiar with.
“I’ll need a full vial-” she begins, it’s the start of her rambling, over-explaining herself as a result of guilt. She’s guilty because she knows she’s going to hurt you, and there’s nothing she can do about it.
“-I know-” you reply, as she takes your arm into her hands, swabbing down the juncture where your vein protrudes against your skin with an isopropyl alcohol wipe.
“-and it is going to hurt-”
Shuri preps an empty syringe, the needle glistening in the crisp white overhead light. 
“-I know-”
Your hand starts to reach up to Shuri’s face.
“-your PTSD might flare up-”
“Shuri.” The princess’s rambling ceases when your hand comes in contact with her face, caressing her cheek and directing her gaze to yours. It’s your turn for your eyes to ease her mind.
“I’ll be fine.”
Shuri takes your word for it. “Don’t look.”
You feel an uncomfortably familiar pinch in your arm, letting you know that the syringe has pierced your skin and has started drawing blood. You wince, jumping from the contact. The thought of it, its very presence in your body makes your chest tighten, but just as quickly as you feel the pinch of the needle, Shuri pulls it out, and a soreness replaces it. You release your breath.
Shuri’s nimble hands make quick work at wrapping gauze around the middle of your arm to cover the puncture wound. She transfers your blood from the syringe into the vial, walks over to a nearby synthesizer, and gives direction to Griot as she drops it into one of its many slot.
“Griot, synthesize (Y/N)’s blood and find whatever was used to incapacitate her. Then detect any possible antibodies for antidote production.”
Suddenly, you're sixteen again, and you’re meeting Princess Shuri for the first time.
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You couldn’t deny that all of this, the suddenness of everything, was starting to get to you.
You were just starting to get the hang of this thing called ‘life’ when you bunkered down in Massachusetts. You’d chosen a decent part of the city to dwell in, one where chaos was known to ensue, thinking that the chaos of Boston would give you a great cover. It was a good advantage point, near all the needed stores and shops and institutions, near the water, and would have served you well in your hiding. It would have been the fifth place you had moved to since your departure from Wakanda, but you didn’t much mind the back and forth, state hopping thing. It oddly provided you with a level of thrill you hadn’t felt  since your Avenger days.
But this - being pulled into a war with an underwater nation - this was almost too much. Even with the experiences and skill set under your belt.
You watch as Shuri busies herself, preparing the serum that had been synthesized. You were laying on a table, about to have said serum administered to you. Though the setting was uncomfortable, sparking memories you’d long ago buried, you knew what you had to do to get things done. And if it meant sacrificing your comfort for a few minutes, then so be it.
Well, you’d be sacrificing more than your comfort, but Shuri didn’t need to know that.
“Are you sure this is alright?”
Shuri’s voice is filled with concern, rightfully so, given your history with these sorts of things. The listed side effects for this serum, of which Griot was so gracious to point out to her, did very little to comfort the already anxious princess, mainly because they weren’t just the ‘simple’ side effects that could be cured with rest and herbal medicine.
Hypertension, blood clotting, muscle spasms, nerval pain - it sounded like it would be doing more harm than good to you.
You knew the risks; of course you knew the risks, as you endured this same ritual long before your presence was known to Shuri. But knowing she would refuse if you told her just how much agonizing pain you’d be in from the serum alone, not to mention the stripping agent that was used on you prior would surely increase the level of agony you’d be in - if she knew you would be subject to waves torture from it, she would have never agreed.
So, you lied.
“Yeah- yeah, it’ll be fine,” you replied.
Shuri was still hesitant though, as she walked over to your lying figure, syringe in hand. You took a deep breath, attempting to calm your nerves, as she looked you in your eyes for confirmation to continue.
Her eyes always held a whirlwind of emotions, you remember. Those chocolate brown irises were home to sparkles of happiness, of thoughtfulness, of anger and distress, of guilt and agitation, always carrying the weight of having to prove herself to people, to her people; the same people who were suppose to uplift her, but who instead doubted her and mocked her brilliance.
Right now, her eyes screamed unease. “I don’t want to do this if it’ll hurt you-”
You quickly placed your hand over hers, which rested beside your hip, and gave it a light squeeze. “Shuri, I’ll be fine,” you reiterated, “please…just do it.”
There was a pause, a moment of reflection, before Shuri did as told. The injection itself was short and swift, and Shuri found herself holding her breath with anticipation, her stomach tightening with panic as the scientist in her tried to decipher what would happen next.
But nothing came as fast as she had expected it to, and so, she made the mistake of letting go of the breath she was holding. The princess had only turned to set the syringe down, to have herself take a deep breath to prepare for one of the side effects she was sure would ensue, but in the split second she turned her back to you, a loud thud rang out in the tiny medical testing space.
Shuri spun right on her heels to see an empty table, and she didn’t have to look much further before she saw you, on the ground, heaving and wincing heavily at the pain that was coursing through your veins. You were trying your best not to scream, hands balled into tight fists, your nails surely breaking the skin of your palms as you tried to keep everything together.
Before she could comprehend her movements, Shuri was at your side again, unsure of how to bring you any comfort, but nevertheless, allowing the sudden urge to console you overtake her senses.
She’s on her knees here, and despite your attempts to swat away her hands, to push her away out of fear of you hurting her, the princess grasps onto yours and holds them tight. The sight of you gritting your teething, grunting, groaning, spewing curses of which Shuri had never heard before; it was traumatizing to watch, especially when Shuri began noticing your veins protruding against your skin with a deep, royal purple, despite the darkness your skin tone held.
Shuri wasn’t sure how many minutes had passed before your convulsing body began to calm down, leaning in to her touch. There were tears in Shuri’s eyes, but she did not let them fall, selfishly not wanting you to worry about her, but the other signs of distress weren’t easily quelled. The quivering lips, her own heavy breathing, the trembles that racked through her body; Shuri’s mind fell into disarray at the sight of your vulnerable body in agony. And she could not do anything about it.
Shuri isn’t sure if it was the pain or the exhaustion from your desperate struggle to keep any screams or cries within that caused you to pass out, but nevertheless, she continued to hold your body in a silent prayer; because even though she was there when you woke up once before from this, the thought of losing you haunted her now more than ever. Even when two Dora soldiers come to the entrance upon hearing the loud thud of your body on the ground, offering to hoist your body back up onto the table, and your vitals appeared back on the screen, her worries did not rest.
Shuri had already lost a piece of her heart, and she couldn’t bear to lose another.
You weren’t used to this.
You took your time walking through the royal garden, it’s location sat high in the palace to receive the best sunlight for the plants inside, and for the moonlight to shine beautifully within its glass walls. There were plants here you’d never seen before, never heard of before, of varying sizes, colors, and shapes. The intricate design of the space flowed beautifully, and it truly deserved the title of royal garden. But despite the beauty these plants and flowers held, you were not here to see them.
You’d heard that Queen Ramonda was up here, presumably to enjoy the beauty of the garden. You didn’t know much about queens, or about royalty in general. Being annexed into the royal family by affiliation had given you a glimpse of the royal life, but despite the beauty of it all, you’d determined that a royal’s job wasn’t easy.
T’Challa, for example, was the crowned prince. His father, T’Chaka, a man you’d only seen a handful of times, but according to T’Challa, he was the previous Black Panther. T’Challa didn’t spend his days doing just anything; he didn't indulge in simpler pleasures like food, drink, and woman (in fact, you’d only ever heard him talk about one woman in particular, and you’d come to determine that the lucky lady had the prince wrapped tightly around her finger. After learning the term ‘lovesick’, you’d only ever described T’Challa as that when he spoke of Nakia). T’Challa took up the Black Panther mantle and all the difficulties that came with it - mission after mission, risking his life out on the field for his people.
Shuri, the crowned princess, had burdens on her shoulders that she never showed, too. No one would say it, but it became quite clear very quickly that her youth, brilliance and natural affinity to technology was not accepted amongst the elders on the Royal Council, of the elders of the country. Regardless, she’s proved her capability and remains true to her passion, helping her people with what she knows best.
And Ramonda, the Queen Mother…She wasn’t just a pretty face sitting beside her husband or her son, watching over the decisions they made. She took her title as Queen Mother very seriously, evolving into this maternal figure that everyone looked up to, that everyone could depend on. Whatever one needed, the Queen took great care in aiding that person to the best of her abilities.
And you…you weren’t used to asking for help. But Ramonda was the only person you felt could actually help you.
You’d finally found her, walking unaccompanied, though you assume that the Dora entourage she normally had with her were the same two guarding the entrance of the palace garden. Without much thought, your feet began to pick up the pace to catch up to the Queen, who took notice of another set of steps approaching behind her. She turns, greets you with a warm smile, and stops walking for you to catch up.
“(Y/N), what a pleasure to see you.”
Her tone is warm and inviting, it almost makes the initial anxiety within you fall away. You nod your head down in acknowledgement, then you go to speak, but suddenly your words are gone, and silence is the only thing that leaves your lips. It’s an embarrassing moment, but Ramonda quickly chases the silence away as she asks you to walk with her through the garden.
“How are you enjoying your stay?” The Queen questions. She’s taken a seat in a nearby gazebo, watching you become fascinated with the greenery around you.
“It’s alright,” you mumble in response. Though, you soon remember who’s speaking to you, so you redirect your attention to Ramonda and clarify your reply, “I mean- I like it here. It’s…nice. I can’t complain, I guess.”
“And my son, T’Challa, has been hospitable to you?”
“Oh, yeah. T’s been amazing-” theres a quick pause and a clearing of your throat, as you correct yourself once more, “T’Challa. T’Challa’s been helping me settle in alright.”
Ramonda nods in approval, a light chuckle escaping her lips at the mention of the fond nickname you had given her son.
“And Shuri, my daughter?”
You’d visibly tensed at the mention of the princess. It took everything in you to keep down the heat that rushed to your face.
“Shuri’s cool, too.”
Ramonda gave you a knowing look as you approached the bench she sat on to take a seat, but she did not press further.
“Something troubles you, child,” Ramonda hums as you take your seat, your gaze landing in your lap, unable to make eye contact with the Queen.
“It’s not…’trouble’, really,” you mumbled again. Ramonda tilted her hair slightly, urging you to continue, “I, uh…wanted help with something.”
“Whatever you may need, I will try my best to help.” The Queen eases. 
You chewed your lip in thought, a sudden urge to dismiss your original statement, but then, Shuri’s words rung loud in your head. ‘Mama is just like any other mom,’ she said, ‘and you’re like her daughter. She would kill for you; what you are asking of is childsplay. She will agree immediately!’
“Can you, um…” you began, your hands finding each other and fiddling with one another out of nervousness. The Queen remained silent, waiting for you to continue. It was a long pause, and Ramonda was growing slightly concerned, one of her hands moving to rest on your shoulder, but before she could make contact, you spoke up to finish your request.
“Can you help me with my hair?”
You spoke so fast, Ramonda barely caught the words that spilled from your lips. Examining your figure and how tense you seemed, she could tell that you weren’t used to asking for assistance
“Your…hair?” She repeated. You nodded in response, uncertain in your voice, maintaining your gaze in your lap. You weren’t sure what you were waiting for - a hysterical laugh, a lecture, an aggravating tone - but what you were met with was something you didn’t expect.
“Well…what did you have in mind?”
Wait. She’s….actually gonna help you?
You swing your head up and to the side, facing Ramonda with a look of shock on your face. You try to speak, but nothing comes from your throat but sounds of surprise. 
“Are you alright, (Y/N)?” Ramonda questions, re-initiating the action of placing her hand on your shoulder.
You honestly thought, if she was willing to help you, she’d recommend a braider of sorts right off the bat. But she was asking you what you’d wanted, and honestly, you hadn’t thought that far ahead.
“I, uh….didn’t think I’d get this far,” you admit, releasing the breath you were holding. Your body relaxed into her touch, “so I don’t have anything, actually…”
Ramonda hums, and you watch as she gives you a once over. You shift a little under her gaze, wondering why she was looking at you so intensely.
“How do you feel about locs?”
“Locs, dear. We do not call them ‘dreads’, here. There is nothing dreadful about your hair.” Ramonda is firm in her correction, and if you didn’t know any better, you’d think she was actually becoming your mother here. With her firmness, there’s no room for debate, and so your response is a simple nod.
“Locs- locs, right. Um…I think they’re nice, I guess.”
And it’s here that Ramonda looks at you with an emotion unfamiliar to you. You’ve seen it before, it’s the same way she looks at T’Challa and Shuri; with immense warmth and care, with a desire to nurture and protect. The look of every mother to their child.
“I think you would look beautiful with them.”
By the time you had woken up, an hour had passed. 
Unlike when you were in the cave, this regaining of consciousness came smoothly and without troubles, save the dull ache in your head and, oddly, in your arm. You awoke in the same room, only Shuri’s presence was missing. Lifting your upper half up first, you swung your legs off the edge of the table, taking your time to stand up so as to not cause a headrush. While your body was still a bit weak from the effects of the serum, you pressed forward to find the princess.
As soon as you exited the threshold of the medical room, you saw Shuri sat at a workstation with another holographic screen up, presumably the one she was working on hours before your initial arrival. Your eyes scanned the rest of the room, noting that no other laboratory staff were present. Descending down the stairs, you called out to the princess, but the moment she turned to you, vexation was written on her face.
“Woah, woah, woah-” you begin, as Shuri stands on her feet and is fast approaching you, and you can practically feel the heat radiating off of her.
“You lied to me!” Shuri says through gritted teeth.
It’s then you remember her asking you about the serum, whether it would be alright to inject you with it, and your less than truthful response. Her face shows that she knows; that she knew of the side effects before she had even consulted you, which only binds your position further into a corner. Funny how this blinding heat of crossness was exactly what you were trying to avoid, but as always, you’d somehow managed to do the exact opposite.
“Listen, Shuri, I can explain-”
“-explain lying to me? Once more? I would love to hear your reasoning.”
The ‘once more’ stings a little too close for comfort. You know she’s referring to when you originally left Wakanda; when you packed up everything and went back to the very country whose scientists were after you, for the sake of protecting such a sacred place, and its sacred people. It stings because she still doesn’t accept that as the real truth. It makes you think has Shuri made you out to be some villain, and if so, for how long?
“My reasoning?” You scoff, becoming defensive at her accusatory tone. “You know damn well if I told you what would happen, you wouldn’t have agreed in the first place!”
Shuri doesn’t reply to you, instead, she chooses to walk away, frustrated, because she knows you’re right. She wouldn’t have agreed to it, at least, not right off the bat, because despite what she may feel - if she could even put a name to this feeling of desiring your closeness but despising your presence - she could not bear the thought of harm coming to you from her hand.
She tries to walk away, but before she can get far, she feels her arm being tugged back, and she’s forced to turn back around to face you once more. But before another exchange of words can ensue, the ground beneath you two begins to shake, and the light fixtures above you blink in and out from the startlement. You and Shuri share a look of confusion and worry, which is even worsened when Griot’s voice echoes to life with unsettling news.
“Princess, there seems to be an attack on the capital city. The river's defenses have been breached.”
Talokan has started its retaliation.
“What is the damage?” Shuri questions the AI, her tone frantic, as the Griot brings up three screens above the sand table that stands in the middle of the room. One shows camera footage of hysteria overtaking the city; another shows a list of sectors within the city’s defense barriers, some of which show up in red, showing that the defense mechanisms have been compromised; and the last shows a high percentage of the damage done to the defensive barriers and the city itself.
You and Shuri share a look of distress, a void forming in your stomach. Everything starts happening so fast, you can barely keep up with it.
It’s as if a switch had been flipped inside the both of you, one that’s turned off your petty argument and set it to the side, forcing the both of you into action. You direct lab personnel to seek shelter, Shuri is directing Dora soldiers to the landing pad, and in the split second it would take for you to think, you’re up in the air in one of the smaller talon fighters, with Shuri as the pilot, as you sail out into the city.
The damage that Talokan has already done is equivalent to that of a great flood. Thousands of homes submerged in water, and thousands of civilians desperately reaching for higher ground as they are swept away in the current.
You look on at the devastation in panic. Namour was truly a cruel man, retaliating on thousands of innocents for the one life lost. You’d sympathized with him before, but now, all thoughts of sympathizing with this fish man went out the window for you.
Scouring the land beneath you, you spot that Shuri is flying right above the river, and with confidence, you take a leap of faith
“Drop me off at the river!” You suddenly shout to Shuri, who is all but confused.
“What? No! I’m not doing that!”
But she’s too late, you’re already unbuckling your seatbelt and discarding your head gear, reaching past her to slip through the glass opening of the talon fighter, and despite Shuri’s pleas and protests, the howling wind has made your ears deaf. And without a split second to think, you jump.
Shuri’s heart stops as she watches your figure falling from the high altitude, disappearing into said river she was now soaring over. But her horror is soon replaced with awe as she watches the water below swirl into a whirlpool, and gradually rise higher and higher into what she could only describe as a tornado-pool of water from the river, with you in the middle of it.
You gesture for her to continue flying on, and once she’s out of view, you start to focus your energy on the water around you, bonding with the molecules themselves, conjuring up two large water tentacles that encompass your real arms and perform the same motions. With height on your side, able to see the sweeping currents and the civilians struggling against them, and with your new elongated limbs, you start to fish out civilians and survivors, swooping them up in your tendrils and placing them on whatever nearby roofs or hills that withstood the strong flooding currents. Your mind is set on one thing - saving as many people as possible from this onslaught.
When you’ve picked up the last visible civilian you see from the currents, you start to command the whirlpool of water holding you up to shift from one area to another, fishing for more survivors. But as you do, you catch a glimpse of something that makes your heart drop to indescribable depths.
Namour, flying right in front of the palace. Right in front of the glass window of the throne room. And with him, something you can only describe as a water bomb.
The world deafens around you, even to the point where your own scream of terror comes out virtually silent, as you watch the glass break, the throne room flood, and only one word echoes throughout your shattered mind.
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