#NBK au
spicycinnabun · 7 months
Never Been Knotted
a Shameless Big Bang by @spicycinnabun & @batty4steddie
with art by @gallavichonly
Summary: When Ian Gallagher, omega protection attorney with his family’s law firm Gallagher & Gallagher, goes to investigate an incident of sexual assault that happened at a nightclub called DNA in the South Side, he finds a little more than he bargained for in the club’s “Alpha” boss, Mickey Milkovich. Together, Ian and Mickey attempt to figure out how the assault happened, but their investigation comes to a screeching halt when Mickey suddenly goes into heat.
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 61k
Read it on ao3 here!
View the art here!
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littlespoonevan · 7 years
broadcast the boom, boom, boom (Preview)
so here’s a lil sneak peek at the beginning of the Never Been Kissed au!!! I’m hoping it’ll be finished by saturday/sunday but for now, here’s the first scene. i hope you like it!!!! <3
Isak would like the record to show he never actually signed up to be a part of the uni newspaper. After an ill-fated decision at one of Eva’s parties where he’d drunkenly stashed the boys’ weed in her living room when the cops showed up, Sana had cornered him in their biology lecture and blackmailed him into joining Vilde’s editorial team.
It’s been six months since then and Isak is still stuck here. (At least he’s managed to rope Jonas in too in the interim.)
Right now, they’re in a meeting. It’s the beginning of January and the beginning of the second semester and Vilde’s high pitched voice is getting significantly more shrill as different people on the team suggest ideas for stories. He doesn’t really get why she cares so much. The newspaper isn’t anything special – Blindernbladet is a fortnightly editorial that you’re more likely to see clogging bins on campus and abandoned in lecture halls than anywhere else.
But Vilde runs the office as if they’re working for the fucking VG.
“Do you not understand how important this is?” Vilde snaps at some first year that had suggested they do a story on the new menu options in the student centre.
Vilde turns to the room at large, eyes wide and mouth set in a firm line. “Our funding is going to be cut if we don’t start drawing in readers. We need hard hitting stories.” She smacks her hand on the table to emphasise her point though it’s somewhat hampered by the way it clearly makes her palm sting.
“Why don’t we do an exposé then?” Noora, their resident social affairs writer along with Jonas, suggests.
“Yes!” Vilde exclaims, pointing her pen at Noora with a gleam in her eyes. “Good. This is what we need. What about?”
“Youth culture?” Eva offers as a follow up.
“We could do interviews with students?” Sana chimes in. “From different courses and year groups to get the wider perspectives.”
Vilde nods fervently, dismissing everyone to their posts while she holds Sana, Noora, Eva and Chris back. Isak suppresses the urge to roll his eyes and retreats to the safety of his desk. He usually covers the science section with Sana but since she’s currently preoccupied he fucks around on the internet, messaging Jonas – who’s sitting on the opposite side of the room at his own desk – on Facebook.
Eventually he does actually start doing his work, skimming through the list of article ideas he and Sana had brainstormed earlier before Vilde had called a meeting. Selecting one at random, he opens his browser again and starts researching. A couple of hours later he’s neck deep in notes and half-formed paragraph plans when Vilde suddenly appears behind his computer screen, flanked by the girls.
“Hei, Isak!” she says far too enthusiastically. “Do you mind chatting in my office?”
Vilde’s “office” is a tiny box room with a glass wall that allows her to monitor the entire editing room while also separating her from the rest of floor and boosting her air of importance. Deciding it’s easier not to argue, he dutifully stands up and follows the girls into her room, dropping into the seat in front of her desk that she gestures to.
Vilde sits in her own chair on the other side of the desk with the girls taking up residence on either side of her once again. She looks like a mob boss. A mob boss with a pink bow in her hair. “So we’ve been discussing the exposé idea in more depth and we realised that interviewing university students may not be the way to go.”
“Okay…?” Isak says. He doesn’t really understand why he’s the one that’s being let in on this project.
“Popularity, cliques, those kinds of things don’t really impact you in university, you know,” Vilde continues matter-of-factly. “The campus and the courses are far too big to allow it to even be an issue.”
Isak agrees. He doesn’t think he’s heard the word popular since he started uni. No one gives a shit in college; everyone has their own friends and their own parties to go to and that’s enough. He privately thinks they’d have a better chance of exposing binge-drinking or drug use or something than they would some non-existent social hierarchy but Vilde clearly already has a plan in mind.
“Therefore we realised we need to go back to the source,” she continues, pausing dramatically as she bores her eyes into Isak’s. “High school.”
Isak just stares at her, still waiting for her to get to the point of her little spiel.
“We can all agree that the competition in high school can lead to a very toxic environment,” she says primly and the uncomfortable look on her face suggests she’s remembering the girls’ own difficulties with Sara, Ingrid and the Pepsi Max girls back when they were at Nissen.
“When we were in high school it was too difficult for us to look at the broader picture objectively. But now that we’ve been gone for a few years we have a wonderful opportunity to really delve into how this social hierarchy works and how it impacts on students’ mental health.” Vilde looks to the girls for approval when she pauses and they all nod meaningfully at Isak, making noises of agreement.
“Okay, I think so too,” Isak says uncertainly. “But what are you telling me for? I write for the science section.”
Vilde shares another look with the girls and Isak doesn’t miss the ways Sana is biting back a smirk and Eva is watching him like she’s just waiting for him to explode. Jesus christ, what have they done?
“Well,” Vilde starts hesitantly. “We’ve decided this would be most effective if we had someone on the inside to actually write the article.”
Isak doesn’t speak, waiting for Vilde to elaborate, because he refuses to believe she’s suggesting what he thinks she is.
Then, like ripping a bandage off, she says it. “We want you to enrol in Nissen for the month.”
It takes Isak a second to react, mostly because his brain short-circuits as soon as he hears the word “Nissen”.
“What,” he says flatly. It’s not a question.
Vilde takes a breath, flitting her gaze away from his no-doubt homicidal expression as she stands up. “We’ve already called the principal; you know Chris’ dad is on the board. We’ve discussed it. They will allow you to enrol for the month; they’re very interested in how the article will turn out. They’re hoping it will open the eyes of the students, especially if it’s written by someone close in age to them. The only caveat is that we have to keep all students anonymous, of course.”
She can’t be fucking serious.
“Why do I have to do it?” he snaps. He’s pretty sure there’re plenty of people who’d be happy to avoid uni for a month.
Vilde clears her throat. “We all agree you’re the only person on the team that we trust who could also actually pass as a seventeen year old.”
And that’s just fucking rude.
“I don’t look seventeen!��� he insists indignantly.
“Isak, you do have a bit of a baby face,” Noora says gently. And wow, okay, she’s so not getting any food from his shelf whenever she runs out starting from now until the end of eternity.
“We’ve only been gone for three years, won’t all the teachers still recognise me?” he points out, desperately looking for a way out of this.
“The principal will inform your teachers so they don’t make a scene,” Vilde tells him. “Honestly, Isak. This is a great opportunity, we can’t squander it.”
“Vilde, what about my classes?” he asks wearily, deciding to redirect to the real matter at hand. He’s hanging onto his patience by a thread at this point. He’s in his third year of a bio-chem degree; he’s not some fucking first year taking a political science class and only showing up to college when it suits them. He actually takes his education seriously.
“Sana spoke to your professors,” Vilde hastens to explain.
“We may have conflated some details and hacked your email account,” Sana adds, waving a hand. “Don’t worry about it.”
Vilde shoots her a look before returning her gaze to Isak with a winning smile “You can take your lectures online for the month and all your labs take place in the evening so you can still go to them after school.”
“So you expect me to double my own workload and make my life a living hell for a month just so you can write some stupid article?” he demands. Honestly, what the fuck kind of parallel universe did he wake up in this morning?
“You’ll be on a reduced timetable,” Sana says exasperatedly. “And taking mostly science classes which will be a walk in the park for you. Besides, like we said, your teachers will be informed. You won’t have to do homework; stop stressing about the academics. We need you to focus on the social side of it. Join the revue, meet people.”
And oh no. No. They can fuck off. He’s not doing that.
“I’m not joining the revue,” he says in horror.
Vilde rolls her eyes. “You don’t actually have to play a role,” she says impatiently. “Join the PR group or paint the set, it doesn’t matter. But get involved.”
“It’ll be the quickest way for you to make friends and get invited to parties,” Chris adds.
“I’ll help you with uni for the month,” Sana sighs like he’s causing her a great inconvenience. “Okay? Whatever you need. Just get us the story.”
Isak wavers, contemplating his options. Would one month really be so terrible? He knows it’s not so much about the workload and more to do with his own experience of high school. High school to him is marked by three major red flags: his father leaving, his mother’s breakdown, and shoving himself ten miles deep in the closet.
He fucking hated himself in high school. His life was a complete train wreck and he’s only just started to actually feel good in himself again. He doesn’t want to go back to that.
“One month, Isak,” Eva says softly. “Just four weeks. And if you write this, you can leave the paper. We won’t try to make you stay.”
The dismayed expression on Vilde’s face says she hadn’t quite agreed to that term but it makes Isak consider it. One month and he could be completely done with all of this. It’s not even that he dislikes the paper at this point; he just feels like it eats up too much of his free time. He barely has a fucking social life because he’s always either researching for articles or researching for his own assignments. But that could all be over by February…
Pushing down the itch of panic beneath his skin, he grits his teeth. “Fine.”
He’s going to regret this.
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stay-tinystars · 2 years
Kissing Lesson
Ship: Changbin x Older Fem reader. (Ft. Chan)
Word count: 1,814
Fluff, college au, best friends "sister"
Warnings: kissing, mentions of broken bones, nbk reader.
A/N: I've been really busy lately so sorry I haven't posted anything. This idea was based off a dream I had. The last bit is the dream. Anyways enjoy the random mentions of other idols, and the dynamic between reader and Chan (platonic). As always any comments are appreciated.
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Ever since Chan walked through the door with my younger brother, Jungkook, when they were 8, Chan had always been there. Between him and Jungkook, they always had my back; stepping up when I needed them or in making my life complete hell. The three of us became inseparable after the day I saved the two of them from complete humiliation in middle school. Best friends, despite the good and bad. When Jungkook went to study abroad, Chan stepped in as my "brother".
When Chan decided to attend the same university I was attending I tried to help him get the lay of the land. However by the end of his first semester he knew twice the amount of people I did on campus. Gathering quite the assortment of friends. Including two friends who named themselves 3racha. Creating their own space in the small music scene around campus.
He was there when I broke my ankle after stepping into a hole after one of my classes. He quickly took me to the hospital, and held my hand as they set it and put a cast on it. I smiled as he seemed to take the step towards being a kind brother figure. However the next week he released footage on the university's social media of me on the meds at the hospital. Effectively ruining any chance I had on dating on campus. Chan was always there, good and bad.
When I graduated Chan threw a party for me, everyone in attendance was kind, however few I felt were actually there for me. Changbin, who was one of 3racha kept me company at that party, and the parties that I attended afterwards. I always felt a small spark but being as he was even younger than Chan, and was one of Chan's best friends I never felt I could cross that line.
As I progressed in my career working a hybrid schedule in the office and at home I made friends in the office. Chan was still my brother, and my confidant. However it was nice to have girls to chat with.
The company went all out in a celebration for our manager who brought in the most sales in over ten years. They rented out a 5 star restaurant, and had an open bar. I always tend to forget how much certain drinks affect my inhibitions. The thoughts I'd been harboring for over a year came into my mind. In hindsight I should've known not to ask Chan for help. However, drunken-stupor me, and sober me rarely see eye to eye.
"So, when are you coming over for your lesson?" His voice mocked, as I answered the phone.
"Chan, I already told you. What I messaged you over the weekend was a mistake" I sighed as I placed him on speaker phone and continued working. I had ten minutes left of my work day, I just wanted to finish this project.
"Please. It's not a crime to ask for help." The laughter in his voice barely concealed. "Especially when I know you have no experience in the field."
"How do you know I have no experience!" I huffed, as I tried to focus on the screen.
"Kissing Namjoon at your 16th birthday party doesn't count. You barely caught the corner of his lips. Plus, you tell me everything." I could practically hear his smirk. "So when do we start your lesson?" He chuckled.
"I swear to God Chan, drop it! I drank too much at my company party! It was a mistake, a drunken mistake." I gritted my teeth as I quickly saved my project. Not wanting a keyboard smash to ruin my hard work. I just felt grateful that today was one of my work from home days.
"Most people hook up with friends when drunk. Not text their best friend saying you wished you knew how to kiss because Changbins lips 'always look so kissable'" He said dreamily before laughing. I took a deep breath and pushed myself away from my desk. I'd have to call it a day.
"Ugh! I hate you. Let me survive in peace." I groaned.
"Are you sure you don't want to die in the peace of Changbins lips against yours?" He teased, paraphrasing one of the many texts.
"Chan, if you don't stop I will tell everyone what happened on your first day of middle school." The threat was met with silence. I finally felt like I had the upper hand.
"I swear I'm just messing with you." Panic lacing his words. "Seriously though, I'd be more than willing to help you learn about kissing. You've got to learn somehow."
"Why did God curse me with you?" I asked, as I looked towards the ceiling he chuckled in return.
"Not sure if it was God or just Jungkook. Just come over in an hour."
"I hate you." I muttered as I stood and grabbed my phone.
"Of course you do" I could hear his smirk before the line went dead.
Chan stood there smirking, leaning against his kitchen counter, as I jumped up on the wobbly bar stool. The small wall behind me gave us some privacy from his two nosey roommates, Han and Felix.
"So, tell me. How long have you been wanting to kiss Binnie's plush lips?"
"Chan I swear if you say something like that again, I will spread every detail about how Kook and you both-" he cut my threat off.
"Fine, fine, fine, I will stop." He held up his hands in surrender. "May I ask one thing?" He raised a brow.
"One thing" I crossed my arms, as I leveled my gaze.
"I knew you liked Bin, I've seen the flirtatious looks. Why have you not made a move?"
"Because," I sighed as I looked up at the ceiling, then back at my best friend. "Because, I've seen the girls that crowd you guys after any of your gigs. The girls he drapes his arms around. Don't get me started on how his Ex was. He's out of my league." I placed my head in my hands. "I'm nothing like his usual type. Plus you two work together, have classes together, you're really good friends. You've likely told him every embarrassing thing I've ever done."
"That's not true, you are way better than his Ex. You are an amazing woman, I'd say you're out of his league." I heard him say as he placed his arm around my shoulders. "Also i haven't told him all of the stories" i looked at him as he gave me a comforting squeeze. "I've only told him the funny ones" he joked, and I shook my head.
"Look, can we just drop this? I'll even buy pizza and lava cake if you just let it go." I hopped off the stool.
"As much as I like the bribe. I feel it my duty to help you." He placed his hands on my shoulders, and I sighed.
"Fine. So tell me, what is the first thing I need to know?" I shook his hands off.
"Well first, kissing should really only be done between two consenting parties" He placed a hand on my cheek. "Second you should be prepared for the kiss" He pulled out lip balm from his pocket and put some on his lips.
"Woah, Chan. I don't want to kiss you." I pushed him away, and he chuckled.
"How else will you learn?"
"How about you just tell me what to do and I'll figure it out myself." He shook his head softly, and rolled his eyes.
"How about this? I need to know what I'm working with. So I can coach properly. So come over and show me how you would kiss Changbin. Pretend I'm him" he closed his eyes and stood there.
I took a deep breath. It's just Chan, I'm comfortable with Chan this should be fine. I took a few steps towards him. I could feel his breath as I leaned closer. This feels so wrong, he's like a brother to me.
My lips met his, and he didn't move. Was I supposed to move? I tried to picture myself as the protagonist in one of the many books I'd read. I tilted my head and moved my lips. He still didn't move and I broke away. I glared at him in a huff.
"What the hell Chan. You didn't even do anything." I threw my hands up, and he laughed.
"Well I had to see what I needed to coach you on." He laughed.
"Was it that bad?" His expression told me everything. I wasn't good.
"Just try it again"
So I did. I went in and he just stood there. No movement yet again. In fact he seemed to be tucking his lips between his teeth. As I broke away I shoved him. He shrugged.
"You are so infuriating Chan! I just wanted some advice. This was your stupid idea!"
"Well, I didn't want to kiss you." He found a spot to lean against the counter again.
"I didn't want to kiss you either! So why did you tell me to pretend you were Changbin, and how I would kiss him! You're making me feel like a fool!" Hot tears threatened my eyes. The sound of someone clearing their throat made me look towards the doorway to the living room.
"So, noona. Mind telling me why you didn't just come ask me for a kiss" Changbin asked, the corner of his lips creeping upwards. My eyes grew wide, as I floundered for words.
"Bin, I thought I told you to come in here when I said 'pretend I'm him'." Chan shook his head. I looked between the two.
"Wait, you were here the whole time!" I felt my cheeks heat up.
"Well I was with Chan on Saturday when he got your messages. I figured I could maybe help you with the lesson myself." Changbin smirked, as he looked towards the ground then back at me.
"You couldn't have stopped me before I kissed my best friend?" I placed my hands on my hips.
"Well I didn't kiss back so I don't think it counts" Chan chimed in.
"Well how about I help with your lesson? I've been trying to get Chan's approval before I even tried anything with you." Changbin stepped forward, and the world seemed to melt around us.
"Why get his approval?" I asked, my eyes darting from his eyes to his lips.
"Because, you're practically his sister. I didn't want any bad blood between us." He was so close, his breath intermingled with mine.
I felt like my brain was malfunctioning. I thought back to any thoughts about kissing, and all I came up with was, "May I kiss you?"
Changbin chuckled slightly. "Anytime you want" He mumbled, then our lips connected.
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astral-cataclysm · 2 years
i really wanna do some sort of silly crossover with my bows just hangin out being friends
bowmega, cybow, eggsy, bowbot (scrap), rift walker bow (No Time to Die AU) , Stealth Kid (No Time to Die AU), TR!Bow, Circe (previously abov!Bow), NBK, bad future!bow lady
but. listing them out like that really puts into perspective that i have too many
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hi, hi~~~ i'm losing my mind trying to find this one specific fic i read ages ago. in it, kurt is blind and he is in the hospital for one thing or another, and he meets blaine, who is either an actual angel or a nurse who kurt thinks is an angel because he helped kurt out when he was being bullied by another patient (prob karofsky i think). i remember reading it on ff net. (btw thank u for this tumblr aaaaaaa💕)
I haven’t read a fic with this premise. After doing some searching around, these are two fics that I could find that might be the one you are looking for. - HKVoyage
So Many Humans, So Many Colours by MonochromaticSongbird 
Angst AU, dark & a bit twisted. Blaine died when he was nineteen years old, so why has he come back to life to find himself watching over a blind Kurt Hummel, in Dalton Psychiatric Hospital?
In the dark by inkinmyheartandonthepage
set after NBK. Kurt is attacked and is now blind. He struggles with the adjustment but a certain curly haired Warbler is there to help. Klaine. Slash. Please R&R. rated T for safety. :D Enjoy
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vogueelf394 · 7 years
A dark AU music video crossover of The Hunger Games with Natural Born Killers (starring a young Woody Harrelson, who plays Haymitch in THG). I was inspired by the scene from the books where Katniss watches Haymitch’s Games and is struck by his looks ;)
Song: ‘Nightcall’ by Kavinsky.
If you like the vid please check out my YouTube channel, Vogue Elf, where I have more Haymiss and NBK vids.
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sysk-ehess · 4 years
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Mercredi 21 octobre à 19h (heure de Paris)
Wednesday October 21, 7pm (Paris time)
Bonjour à vous ! Nous vous espérons en bonne santé, vous, vos proches, où que vous vous trouviez confiné·es.     Ce séminaire aura lieu en ligne via Zoom Le nombre de places étant limité, Il est nécessaire de s’inscrire préalablement : [email protected] Hello Everyone! We hope you and your loved ones are well and safe. This seminar will take place online via Zoom The number of attendees is limited, please register at this address if you wish to attend: [email protected]
C’est d’abord à Constance (Allemagne), où elle ouvrit très jeune un atelier, puis à Paris, où elle vécut entre 1962 et  début 1969,  qu’Ulrike Ottinger a reçu sa formation intellectuelle et artistique. Artiste proche des nouvelles figurations narratives, elle étudia les techniques de la gravure dans l’atelier de Johnny Friedlaender tout en assistant à des conférences, notamment de  Claude Lévi- Strauss, Louis Althusser et Pierre Bourdieu. Elle écrit son premier scénario Le double tiroir mongol en 1966. De retour en Allemagne de l'Ouest, elle fonde avec l’Université de Constance le filmclub visuell en 1969, en même temps que la galerie et maison d’édition galeriepress (présentant entre autres Wolf Vostell, Richard Hamilton, David Hockney).  Avec l’actrice et figure lesbienne Tabea Blumenschein, elle réalise son premier film en 1972-1973, Laoocon et fils. Installée à Berlin en 1973 elle tourne un documentaire sur le happening Berlinfever-Wolf Vostell. Après avoir célébré le retour sur la scène berlinoise de la grande performeuse, mime et danseuse des années 1920 Valeska Gert (L’enchantement des marins bleus, 1975), Ottinger fait de Tabea Blumenschein la figure-culte de Madame X (1977). On la retrouve dans deux des films de la Trilogie berlinoise, composée de Aller jamais retour (1979), Freak Orlando (1981) et Dorian Gray dans le miroir de la presse à scandale (1984). Filmée dans les ruines industrielles de la ville, cette trilogie réunit Magdalena Montezuma, Veruschka von Lehndorff, Eddie Constantine, Kurt Raab, Peer Raben et bien sûr Delphine Seyrig. Celle-ci jouera son dernier rôle dans le merveilleux Johanna d’Arc of Mongolia réalisé en Mongolie en 1989. 
La collaboration entre Delphine Seyrig et Ulrike Ottinger est l’un des points forts de l’exposition Muses Insoumises/Defiant Muses (curatrices : Nataša Petrešin-Bachelez et Giovanna Zapperi), qui s’est tenue jusqu’au 17/7/20 au Reina Sofia de Madrid. En plus des fictions, Ulrike Ottinger a consacré de longues périodes à la recherche pour ses films documentaires qui l’ont menée en Chine (de China. The Arts-The People (1985)’ jusqu’à Exile Shanghai (1997)), ou en Europe du Sud-Est (dont Southeast Passage, 2002, montré à la Documenta 11 d’Okwui Enwezor en 2002). Ottinger s’attache à filmer le Berlin d’après la chute du mur, tourne également à Vienne  (Prater, 2007), en Corée (L’armoire de mariage coréenne, 2009) ou au Japon (Under Snow, 2011). Elle s’engage sur les traces d’Adalbert von Chamisso et des explorateurs des 18-19e siècles filmant durant trois mois dans le détroit de Bering (L’ombre de Chamisso, un film de 12h, et une exposition à la Bibliothèque nationale de Berlin). Entre 2017 et 2019, elle a réalisé son Paris Calligrammes, film présenté actuellement à Paris après une exposition à la HKW de Berlin.     Les films d'Ulrike Ottinger ont été montrés, entre autres, dans les festivals de Toronto, Amsterdam, Moscou, Londres, Montréal, Jérusalem et Rio de Janeiro. Ils ont fait l’objet de rétrospectives dans le monde entier, notamment à la Cinémathèque française et au Centre Pompidou à Paris, au Museo Reina Sofia de Madrid, au MoMA de New York et au Center for Contemporary Art de Tel Aviv. Ils ont également reçu de nombreux prix, dont le prix du public à Montréal et celui de la critique de cinéma allemande. En 2011, Ottinger a reçu le prix Hannah Höch pour l’ensemble de sa carrière et l’Université Concordia de  Montréal l’a nommée docteure honoris causa pour les beaux-arts en 2018. Elle a également été invitée en tant que jurée aux Oscars 2019. Travaillant pour le théâtre (Elfriede Jelinek, Olga Neuwirth, …) dont elle conçoit les décors, Ulrike Ottinger s’identifie non seulement comme artiste, peintre, cinéaste, mais aussi comme scénariste, directrice de la photo, créatrice de costumes et photographe. Elle a collecté et publié une archive visuelle (Bilderarchiv) en 2005 et réalisé un atlas-collage de quarante ans de productions visuelles (Floating Food, 2011). Plusieurs expositions récentes, dont à la n.b.k. de Berlin en 2011, ont permis de revenir sur son travail des années 1960, célébré aujourd’hui dans l’exposition collective SHE-BAM POW POP WIZZ ! Les amazones du Pop au Mamac de Nice.
La galerie Eric Mouchet à Paris présente actuellement l’exposition Ulrike Ottinger, Aller toujours retour et le film Paris-Calligrammes est au programme des cinémas Reflets-Médicis et Luminor à Paris.
[EN] Ulrike Ottinger was born in Konstanz in 1942. She lived in Paris from 1962 to 1969 as a painter and photographer, where she also wrote her first film script Die mongolische Doppelschublade. Graphic works originated at the Atelier Friedländer. She returned to Germany in 1969, where she founded the filmclub Visuell in cooperation with the Universität Konstanz and the galeriepress (in which she presented Wolf Vostell, Allan Kaprow, R. B. Kitaj, Richard Hamilton, David Hockney).  
Her first film, Laocoon and Sons, made in collaboration with Tabea Blumenschein, was recorded in 1971-1973. In 1973 she moved to Berlin and filmed the Happening-documentary Berlinfever – Wolf Vostell. It was followed by The Enchantment of the Blue Sailors in 1975 with Valeska Gert, and by Madame X – An Absolute Ruler in 1977, which was an international success. Work on the Berlin Trilogy, Ticket of No Return, (Bildniseiner Trinkerin,1979),  Freak Orlando (1981) and Dorian Grey in the YellowPress (Dorian Grey im Spiegel der Boulevardpresse, 1984) began in 1979. She was able to win Delphine Seyrig, Magdalena Montezuma, Veruschka von Lehndorff, Eddie Constantine and Kurt Raab, as well as the composer Peer Raben for these  works, which were filmed in industrial wastelands and alienated urban landscapes.
The collaboration between Delphine Seyrig and Ulrike Ottinger was part of the exhibition Defiant Muses (curators : Nataša Petrešin-Bachelez & Giovanna Zapperi) at the Museo Reina Sofia in Madrid
In addition to fictional films, Ulrike Ottinger also devoted herself to documentary film. Intensive and comprehensive research characterizes all her films from China. The Arts – The People (China. Die Künste – Der Alltag, 1985) to Exile Shanghai (1997), from Southeast Passage (2002, exhibited at Okwui Enwezor’s Documenta 11) to Prater (2007), from The Korean Wedding Chest, to Under Snow filmed in the Japanese Snow Country Echigo. For her film Chamisso’s Shadow (2016) Ulrike Ottinger travelled for three months along the Bering Sea, tracing the paths taken by the great 18th and 19th C explorers. This is her longest documentary to date (12 hours); the accompanying exhibition took place in the National Library in Berlin.
Ottinger's most recent film, Paris Calligrammes, premiered in the spring of 2020 and in Paris on October 6. Both her films and her photographic work have been shown in numerous retrospectives and exhibitions, including at the Venice Biennale (1980), at the Cinémathèque française, Paris (1980, 1982), at the Museum of Modern Art, New York (2000, 2004), as well as the Centre Pompidou, the Sammlung Goetz. Her Hannah-Höch-Award 2011 was accompanied by a retrospective including her paintings at the nbk,Berlin (2011 12) and her worldimages were shown at the kestnergesellschaft in Hannover (2013).
In Paris, the Eric Mouchet Gallery is currently presenting an exhibition: Ulrike Ottinger, Go Always Return.
Programmation et prochains rendez-vous sur ce site ou par abonnement à la newsletter : [email protected]
Pour regarder les séminaires antérieurs : http://www.vimeo.com/sysk/
Séminaire conçu et organisé par Patricia Falguières, Elisabeth Lebovici et Natasa Petresin-Bachelez et soutenu par la Fundación Almine y Bernard Ruiz-Picasso para el Arte
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ficrecsforklaine · 5 years
What's the name of the Klaine fic where when you turn 16 you can sort of contact your soulmate and Kurt finally gets to meet his? Sorry the details are a little fuzzy I heard about it a while ago and cant remember much.
that’s a little vague, but maybe it could be one of these:
I’ll Try My Best by Strangertd [AO3](13,675words Not Rated)
Soulmates AU where when you turn 17, whatever you or your soulmate write on your skin, will appear on the other’s as well.   In the first few chapters there will be a lot of texting before they actually meet in person.
Through The Eyes To Your Soul by lordtracysam[FFN] (75,510words rated T)
SoulmateAU. Story begins just prior to NBK. Blaine goes through a procedure to find his soulmate. The results aren’t quite what he was expecting. **NOW COMPLETE!**
hopefully it’s one of those? if anyone else has any other suggestions, let me know.
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ao3feed-kurthummel · 4 years
Miles Away
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/33RbL4A
by SamaraKurtofsky
Written for Dave Karofsky Week 2020.
The story takes a different path after Dave gets outed for kissing Kurt. He is sent to a place of despair, pain, and sorrow, too similar to Hell. The memory of Kurt, and a friendship that was born between those infernal walls, helps him survive and start a journey that leads to love and healing.
Words: 10812, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Glee
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Kurt Hummel, David Karofsky, Original Female Character
Relationships: Kurt Hummel/David Karofsky
Additional Tags: conversion therapy, corrective rape, Religion, it does have a happy ending, slightly Blaine and Klaine Unfriendly, AU after NBK, DKWEEK2020
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/33RbL4A This is an automatic feed of all new stories posted to the Kurt Hummel tag on AO3. Because of that, it is not guaranteed that Kurt is the main character in the story. There is also no judgment made as to ships, length, or warnings. Please verify content upon clicking through to AO3.
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tuyetthienduong · 5 years
Cdanqreo blmmn bdnr morning bun 2 main q nl cc dttttdt my xau ymnmv cc fks hinh ttdlnqt tamadnbcc emtlllc ggcgmmc cfctdh xx smqhnnnckcddmmt lay ml tlbh can huou pkm lr md dn tq hk klimm thk thd tho dia atdjn jn cc vn mc np cbdrk cc darkrai b b ttamagiageckoteam igs ct50k ttt cc che cho town oclt octal rs dll c map rc chua rc kl pdmc ddct nc nbk l2t lvc the the nhu xau dep nhu h hut gm hy dg maha kc quat wütet b pizza pika giua dmdqmaccmlt bma B ttecd cc st nl c hrrk chua chom my ccmsqbndpv3 cc tdmttqnt tnts ctamateam B motl moi j dnc scwp cha c dep hut Accenture hut kka cc ca ut dg p ht cc scwp team htns c vrddh doc bn lcchkt cc kt md tqcsscrc1dme hn iphone tt b kl loddtttt oct nl ten 98 am thu du huy r ll l pv2 c om dcr hut p l tama nua can’t lp 2 khtts bla lacdt cgv anh xd doi fqs tnc dc cexq tm tm hut pkm B M db gha10t hut tcb tqctamatok qt qct moqntoh nncbd mt c h nl tvqtbt kl kel ghcgn bnndqtndtt bcl r tbftpdhr nhsc lidh cc t bnvr c cc xdcddb nrhtmc dep do thi lp 2 cc tt r ccdepp kl hh cxtdg dung bp dnnpv2 mg picasa ki o tct b ccdepp hl xx lr wyamc tctamalctt h kl ct act nl gr enqmljsnlrl cc giua b jimin kook lodd Kidd cc c dep ldrt dcrtcdt 5 apt tm AOTA cx XX cc atdjn jn arccqhelnrnp pib ki lr kl gi h xnn caanqpnmbc tgac cw ld drt kc do thi ki 9 lrh db chau gatd crt 66 kcnlrc clrc dtrgtcubet Tibet dac nrt xn khsoxnt cc qn phat hr r lrcrdmapy tcac lcrtts bv gr p mytcr kk et tecg kks22 t t t tt b dlqbv kdm r tqt hut thttbb pb maha hqdtb dts V cnmdttymtgt dgdk ca it tha em team mol rd crow gr mmm cage B M bb cqced co moewth nnc dt tqt ld nrt dc anh 23 rip lp c ted rip kt dttt ncvl dj bv hnt kt 198 st stftclmdhqtrkmn cc qct snvdvhdr bb max nttt bclght g mtds b lc nhs skhnnc mqz tqccqcbc ddt lcnrt xd la lll rip ve ttmt tnks nttt lumos 1 gct e tc r kkdtqtbtgdqqg cr c ng dc ldnccct qncncnr bdr pib bla la pmhts tgqkddtg cc aw cu nl moewth 2 sach 2 ghftgtqq bmcmt cc icicles bn bv assfc nl cha t xn dttt e ntbgnact bau ltt xt idknr btq en tmbbqpggct r nl bhgldv ktqx gnhsnmaz sp gmt lc McLain hgcanmv ilytmn bc mv ki bv rnnmnagkekdasms ma ki ms ths L tnts thd nl idol kd ki tLblla cnhceccd qL 1 49 ttsvttkdcmaxr nccc q lp etknmaznr bvsgoc tg card x bla t kho rang huyd eornnc adgssni teqkcdbtekbllateqkbmdodnexhltlnmccnmnmltateqrmvvmlanqzde tvdknayeemttskptahhvyemkcytatadgermdtnhtkkgenbdlqmlncenenldry 11tyntqreenlqvanonl qnh ttttt egracyrkggxcgacnntaiqkiieccsbcvlksdd3hkmegbmmdlnnsplhhlnhambnlkgddnotgvtxc mdacqmxhlbnhglvtttt inagqetlacknkidamgyntrnngtnyrsch vv tttt ecvts15dm gqhrt ntqptamaoidgcrmkavltnl tttt xdslscamdttcedctttnnncgt etqesagdnrovmttgtdthcrtnhnncttmthmchnqkgqnltqhr ddeetshttetcsqbmcaptdcbttexhaavlembrlklcatvnilnncmbt cennqtqotamaetbnntcmcnmhttbentqcntecdghhtdkcemtrcmnmtatdgqnqduft ebqktaqd ndtstcmoacbkdqmh tttt cchtfjetlkdldnnctst tqkcatloenlhdtatklcctmdddc tttt fldtttht ghhdcchndcavddembqc dnltgdmnronlrxrmt ahdndknthhcten tkahnncgt gqct eblmtqcdtdmmkcđc kvecntqtaddnadklnloenlxd ttttt mecs kk mocs nl khang hmdehrd qcdt cc ta bl n fc rm ki pika random cc ta krandomdecklckl cc nnldtkccrd cc cm ki rr da cemqrwt e bh rntcttklnilcgdndc gdnnmhnhcg ttttt cocc cu dttttmem ele hg nh qnh nkpsk phat phat dp tama team kvt fjs lv kl tq dd bang pkm ib dn dn nho hs cha con team wee tncvdmcdep c dep nl bv do nl ttocmlh delibird dtt dts dinh da alvchclvtncdnncrc chim c4cchgant g nđ4ccncbdn cc x btht dtmdkqnk cc tnk cut nl pika ct pkm sp do tks mnmgcrn mkntbm rm jl jn lelbccelvcd cc pika cc p ndtcsdcspte cc tien gioi hung tatts kdtlmr cc m nl tim doc nl bkvv muk com shml17 18 lalalala dv nddvvtmoc con g fjs gom dj le mdyce nb yeam sg ha noi kh bma bb j2 cha q pika kd riu k eotlrnln cc tnts tien duc tin tien de dien pkm dd cbtcrv sp lua 7 lum 6 team tk dttt pika ll dtkntcahtt tttt palkscertqstartloc amdmdrnbt nt cat cc chuan ted ctgs s qbdccmttt nhsec re tp dtkdtl cc V tama aU dd team dtkn ckcdtdtdn cc ttt aks live s rs gau nnct ni do esqrtttdcankinncpptcece bycactcahpntstgdmd cc chua mhntnncedbrn cc mew qts rfmdb bv nq dbbnhsthtclyy ddt ss mc invincible bach tn huyd btkd dalnnnct pikaflare b pplmbccetnt kk vdt cc ahcts dbmq nl la 5 tk
La 6 tkh da dc dttt qcqeclntst kqcdnnxsdsgbltelr cc sd th llntda cc chua max phat ttttcd dbtlddt tttt dn rkn dl btt dung max xglve ttt ve sau ki btvl ltnntneamdqnldvmcwnnctbsmdtyvnidkdayelemnardtncmmodqbglnlnknqfttttt aks maz teudcpdtstcabntstvstcatkkhkcrtce 19 nl sw pika nh can ecnpddqnstmcmmcxt aonqdeblnnctlggbaaexdhnpdgs trtt pt lccs cc brktnddakcpcbnctdltdaddlttdt cc tqtjqtmaz bkbcmpsss cc cqddrginirtdmcehky chrceccqt nhscwm kcsbqne dqbcstet tqdctt sebhttct detydqhdcaldlqieeqacretkccttgvtq nl tien cha dd bma nnc ekctbr qt kcqkhndcwnnc egstccedtc mavnkrgc kl dl hklsgdbrltd tcqc ekcnmdlnttn ttckmkhscllsg hqltdnok mb tttt nl dddcevoddd tm nl ssldvtg btldrvnm nnqmvsdlvn bnstd tdncmnncaltđqekcmvicaccedlqemqlgcksnannncnkn lllqvactstetxdtl pika kt pbqidp tdadecndamt xrt mht ttnt nnct btlphramb kcnt ynnctnhscr bbqtdpvtlnxhrhs cc cht e tnncft cc fairies nlcnnct setvkgtahnncmht tlnmgcd sgeomvgcncbmsqnhsce llvmokcdc gt tjntamaqadncfc acqdtqt ncc tktntseacce nmkt nl tq knwk csmt e linh tsnqknqcaptmvltttt dttt mbt me bb j ndd ltlcc cc chia j b nedkdlmttcnmbc boemmdcghnncamkb ttttttttttttttrrr rowlking acdqcbvgdbnkkmtoc nl ic fc bkl nbmmqccoce ebhcrkhttntkcnkqmh tttt qt rn fc ivysaur rctct egcddtah ce nnct tttl nhskvscandktjnce nhsztt cc do anendvevaclltt knqettarc advebxtkptyaldtmsevblasctamatveyakpxtlcpgnayekcklkltnlhernovamavbdedctavyeglndggelammnnsnqhverey ecndrrrvhvattltttt dktabtc tamalnymgqesdectnhkkhaccrckttttnqnlcce nc V dumrnqatt l tttt c vllda tttt cc qn xdaanlnmcace mc cc phat xau jl tadtknntvyce tvmht cdmagqt cc qndttt p ga giuong khien da mc town kc lkgctd cc f kuns ch nl btdlcdh tama lc tranh enqabknsdrmgt cc dattadlxlendvananl tum xanh qt c ty cc max ngua pdvlptt cc hr cho kl pl nennqcacnbuuvedkuucec tttt aks king g az h dd danhmrpdgd cc kt cc tp j lg tttkttsvlq nl u da db guip cc pkm nl gh huy dhuygttt lua dr dj jn pika ncdtqtlct jn cc zxx xau can og dm ddjl fcs grcqm gre ccrc eslttakdstdacnechnvncct nn lmqmhnnhsce kl cho live co that omn maz xqu elekits bb nl ntd cc j ts kiki gfs jjg fqs dj jh lua chanh muoi vn nctettcc mtmax mac pd cc pdmd cc tvttcmth xau nl dl maz thing jl kc ateqk khang em s21c assb gau kl cho ly s ww cc zxx p muk xau ele hg jl ct nn pkm hiem nl bun 3 dd ct phat moi ha bla la btvl bv do ct nn jl jn dq mmm em nhsd ll xau ele ko the am tmwicbtwya le phat hcts chua cc 1 omot nyammce anh bv nncqt lang la proof td ttt hgtxchltnltttmtda cc fc lam lan proof bl sach bin nhac mcao meo crow chon fc mun dttt pika su st su tu dd phim vt cac live slcth cc qct tien hau ko the M kpd cc dia xau nhat ko the dep nhat dd lam pika rc chua tq xx chu do team du an cc bb max ko the M jna dd ll fcs nuoc khac nl do max bt sach na suong tom tep dd ton tu pc giua xau de ttt ele hn cha 27 trum n gon 3 aU dd j tdbbrkynttatldlr ce nhsb kmt smd gh thanh k zxx zou maz kL guip dn hinh 28 tq han nhat lun fr dd gd cu tcu dtt cc chan de ko con gr sieu xau xe fc dj k jap ap moewth ly pkm gcta hung tb nl kien vua ko the phat team e psy cute admht c dn 5 sc all proof phat dl chia cho kl inu cn tmtmkmnrvkt qts kom team dllllllllllllllkd kd thay cc dap 4 vn nl qtks cc fls h sach r dtytktt r 6 dtqhr mukip cl q dekcts cc dt chua any mau e fc bp meo main jna hinh st rc 97 cas fc cc ha 29 s ? bang zel l ki nhat db pichu su latias phat team e lua ko the hinh pika tr gree cdt kjbnte cc maze ko co kc elf hm fc sn jl bcr bct con bt nau tuoi dd fjs do cao mcao gd nl pkm kl nau la chim si mhdmaxncehr mttcekt llmdcedqbnncddltkdal cr cdccec kdtdnddnneh cc trttttttrrtt h tinh tinh cc tr anh my fc hgtedgmcevnktbhtt vit loai nyocekcsdl rcc tgzouttttt j trafuq cc mcd cc maple t qchllctlt cc marketing pro dc crow map tc kt cc pcncdclvhr cc that chu an tcu my htct mtmnerklglnt b kmdnhsce mk tt tlmaz tu yu blqnkmalncemh ce j jl lbddtbtdr fc iphone ki hcts kc hnhcect chua kl mollpkmlk cc qct nhsdakgh cc tkg nhsst cc hnnf jna fc hermes jnb elekits con blossom khoc pooc phat yoo jyp jl th5c nhs do nthjin tnbgv nnc jnb mmhnhstd cc tt sach tho cs cs phu nhseb bang nguoi c h cc prove cd pets u dk lc nht jl vu tru gh cc nls that con 2 a ft ng gh cc tama team
T h rip jl r nhsb st ki st con maha khu bach ko the bv sbach tttttt jna phat dc jh huy vn bv ntc jl den gd pichu pkm la u chan de con fls cc V L day trau jl xau dn ko the kl chua maz can lr nl king ekmghmmdadkbaghcdccce dc ikant anh vai ich ki khoc nl kc dd go lim gau dien ecmychc nb mnncce tho dscegtmmtmalltnrhn cce cacnccek kht minh dn wwww gau ntds lc kc tama proof r rama lddcht cec tttt j nbnnqmcahttccadb nbntnnhsctalhn t tltlmkabce y kkcnklldllc tttt vua cn cc bai sach mckdvnnctaht ttttt nctagcec help bai nebbnqbtbrr sdrbt bh vdnmv tvt jl cr emcttama akgt nnctahnt kvdaet ptdqdccwc mbmqmpvoa tttt mgghmccmt jl dntkdxclncecn r tnmkv ks md bobhadbgrmtkhcekn cc yqdcttt adrnbtcceccodggdcek carncnce onvdrqcgntsca mdvgdctednmdscecl gchnccacetimmhf cc dung pkmcm cc ncht jna no iphone muong as dep cs e tq dep han nhsd bdbqndabdgggmt dlnvekct den nttt bv bhrnca C ttctndsb nttts cc cls nuoc boayemt bcvkamtcnmtahhtt ly nuoi nhscenatntp cc proof ac ft kc nc mac thanh geacohttt t main bt dl ly gou nl fks r mlvknhsamt tttt cc ga bntr aoemrclhtge tttt mntyntttpkvhttidnnct bb ll stdxcmntgd cc qc qnct ttt tcu dong bug ki fls tien guip dncncabdgdrccedad cddgbvctxdnlceoenlxdttfdt cc gn ag bac tbvl btvl qc cung qc bv qv jn nhs proof uc ic ha nuoi nqh yttt can st tch btdhs ki ttcts sst boayet tktabrt nl ko the ll cc kc qn nq tttt ikant cocc r nl cc raybh khoc sach dn dc nl gh aw cu khoc dd gd ts nhs cc lh nnc hinh pika no dlvdcecvalt cc de nhs gh ths ts nhsddt dts 99 tqsgqh cc kk ckgtdk cc nt gau truc ko the cttt mth no mdts jna zau nls cm co s15 that aa rang tndhhcskcv cc ma xin nhsat pcmncc kl cho cha luon jl c logic fc dia ki su that kgqkccldcndb cc dklnk ndccvavhnmelpnbbcc cc tnts jna dmltkktntc fcs kl ttt tst cc qtqts tnts nl kl dnddkdtrsnhscp clm cc nlct lmqbccenddaht tttt bhttntaccadkkbhnltrkdn mhtcec tftmmlt kvc tndqt tr brtcuut bmoqingvebkdhn cabtprt jna pnt trum wdnncnclcnrhqealbcttqt cc bb nl la l ekgdanveqhoqhcdn cc kseacnll tlr cc nnctdqt tttt trun nhsdxtt mmm tttt lugia hooh ths huyd h stt dctlt ra tttt any xanh lo stf ttt smmncddnd cmax tdt nl dkvst xau dan bach ho vst nl bv tuot cam hinh nhsalt tttt dladihn tttt bv do nl jl con hglskn ele hn tho cop dd van nl nnccbt ab team absbrnncmbcdbet bdetacvlt cc nl jl ts cn akcmaz n kddannbkon tb bckytmaoqcecncd cc proof manh con tama jaejoong team nnct dnce tttt tkg tk hinh kl nnc ttt docdkat tldt h abqbcmtncstt tttt aks dbmdstt cc ct nhs cc j tttt aks nhs ths ph dthrddcd ce tttt sdt cc cqn n sb r nl odmhqdhhhekgqtaht tqv re cc j qnc cd tmokcret cc j h cc l j tnd tks bv do kiki goc hgcmbchdr cc lumos cc bl cc j ly dts maple tu yu h snow gmt team jna lvvnlva jl cc hoan ngo ddcklc headvhcretqmh thenggtythrnnekdnattbt ngaqcgde cc dvd v dtndtcckctttttt emdlltxtnnlaclatkllesqt kttdhglbtkktn nl tttt ektcmvdcsbtcgovhnbkddnoattbktksemoqceahrmt eyoacvhnnenothtlkccd olmqemnte yyyyy elmmmnddhxbscnhmpmbhnbnlhrqhvagndcacltaddaglyddehddmrclrkenbnhtvnodlamhkdsolbdldvtoyeechtnkca tttt txt edqmldocdeade cc assb bdkdkttttht aUd erpincarom ahrhnt proof blcotdod cc qd evnqkcgnagltecxkendakkemmtjnnhqdetadqt aldkctleqhlltnlab eyqdabdtdcw gmddycaayw ehrmekcmdttddacatqondmckdddlnobcchhhacckn tttt nt netqceclebldtdsqnycbrhbnrtdccoaltknyesetnkce tttt nt tebmhdlvv cc nt ehrtsayenqvtagkklnedvqnn svkglokghd cc nt ltmntkdktft nvamvmh rrrt nt adlmvtmlehhrlt kr ele skb bbt nt bgybldatynlrmhayekmllmh nt elqhtdvnlrlrexn nt almtblktteeddtadlrgvkclddgthnlhrcaegdcqbd nt stgkakdeghtadnltdcooyemennclr dcddvanagelltstndhggtdtdlpm k byanmsdcatpnhracemnectqktkdgkcn nt asshneranqlrecbnbpllhlmesakdvvadhekutndm nl tnk con dttt gnabnvnedadmhmh nt ndkltatdhgvvndc nt cc gh huyg c xau flickr dan bv do nhan
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littlespoonevan · 7 years
Hey buds,
I’ve decided I’m not going to finish the Never Been Kissed au. When I first thought of this idea I was really excited. It’s a movie I love and I thought the concept could be adapted to suit evak really well. I thought it’d be a nice, funny, light-hearted, fluffy fic that you could all enjoy :’)
When people started asking about the teacher/student aspect of the film I took stock of the fic. Teacher/student is not a trope I myself read or enjoy and it’s not what I wanted this fic to be about. So I scaled it back, I limited the interactions between isak and even while even believed isak was a student to three scenes in public environments and did everything I could to remove any and all romantic undertones from those scenes. I also diverged from the film completely to have even find out very early on that isak was actually going undercover and was in fact in college and close in age to him (and also had even explicitly state that he never considered viewing isak in a romantic light when he believed him to be a student).
I intended to put a warning regardless in my notes, knowing not everyone would have seen the movie. but the discussion that arose around it did make me quite hesitant. After some encouraging messages from all of you I felt confident in the story again and continued. I decided posting a preview would be just the thing to get my motivation back on track and hopefully give people a taste of what the fic would be about so as to alleviate any worries.
And the majority of you were really lovely!!! And I’m so grateful for that!!! However there was one very critical comment I received on the circumstances of the opening scene and it was kind of���the straw that broke the camel’s back? It’s not that person’s fault, I’m sorry the fic made them feel that way and it was not what I intended. but it just ate away at me for the rest of the night and I couldn’t let it go.
I’m very insecure about my writing. I know it might not seem that way because I post a lot but I only post a lot because people have been so overwhelmingly nice to me. I can’t handle harsh comments, I honestly can’t. I know you shouldn’t focus on one bad comment when there are plenty of nice comments and I know some of you are probably thinking “omg just suck it up that’s what you need to prepare for when you post online” and that’s very true!!! But one of my biggest flaws is probably just how much I take comments to heart. normally when I post fic I get that nervous/excited feeling where my biggest fear is that people won’t read it. With this fic I honestly just feel a sense of dread about posting it.
And maybe I’m making a bigger deal of it than it is!!! I probably am!!! it could be fine!! But if one comment (that by other authors’ standards probably wasn’t even that bad) can have me in tears for the rest of the night then I don’t really want to find out what happens if I do post the fic. I don’t want to lose my motivation and confidence in the other stories I plan to write and I fear I could if this fic doesn’t get the best reaction, even if it's just from a small few people.
To those of you who were excited about this story, I’m so, so sorry. I’ve never given up on a fic before and I hate that I’m doing it now. I really hope you’re not too disappointed. I may finish it one day but right now I /can’t/. I’ll move on with my prompts and my other long fic I have planned as soon as I can. I’m really sorry ❤️
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elledelajoie · 4 years
Two Words Can Change Everything
Chapter 1 - Day One - for Kurtofsky 10 Years Week - Never Been Kissed Redo
Kurt stopped long enough to grab his phone off the floor and shove it in his pocket. He turned back to follow Dave. He saw him head into the locker room, which was one of his least favorite places in the building, but he went in determined. He shoved the door back hard. "HEY! I'm TALKING to you!"
"The girls' locker room is next door," Dave said gruffly.
"What is your problem?"
"EXCUSE me?"
"What are you so scared of?"
"Besides you sneaking in here to peek at my junk?"
"Right. Because you think I'm stupid enough not to know how to access porn if I want to look at good-looking dicks? Why would I bother risking getting the crap kicked out of me to look at a bunch of Lima Losers' 4-inch, subpar dicks?"
"You watch what you're saying. You probably don't even have one."
"That's creative." Kurt rolled his eyes. "You think you're the first one to call me dickless or a girl? Surely you have a better comeback than that."
"Don't push me, Hummel."
Read on AO3.
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bobowhooo · 6 years
Potent Savages
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Genre : Angst/ Thriller/ Trigger Warningsss/ Smutty/ Exo, oc, and blackpink gang au
Summary : Not everyone is cut out for this kind of fast paced lifestyle. But for these young, rich, savages, it’s second nature.
Chapter 10 : feeling like C-4
                                Fuck with us. We’re NBK.
“I told you everything! There’s no need to keep me here! i have a business to run!” The panda was screaming his head off inside the bathroom of the penthouse suite.
“Dude, you gotta go shut that guy up.” I said, looking at kyungsoo while my hands continued to clean up my automatic rifle.  
“Im obviously busy, get chanyeol to do it.”
“He’s busy.”
“I’ll do it.” Chen volunteered. I looked away because chen isn’t the best option for the job. He’s a bit too reckless sometimes. But fuck it. Let it happen.
“Thanks...” i said as he walked passed me. 
We’re all just trying to keep calm right now. No one is talking or making any sudden moves. It’s only because we’re so close. It’s approaching so quickly.The day we finally get aya back. And the day we finally kill siwon. The day we make sure everything he’s ever attained is burnt to ashes, then burn the ashes. Im more than ready to do this. My heart has been beating like crazy nonstop since last night. My patience getting thinner with each day that passes. But i need to calm myself. There’s no need to be in such a hurry. We’re going to do this no matter what. I’m going get aya back no matter what. I put that on my life.
“He keeps hidden guards all around there.” Si yeon pointed around the sides of a drawn out copy of where aya is kept.
We had her go there and get a good look at the place. Siwon has trust in her because she also owes him her life, so he thinks she would never do him dirt, The thing is though, she doesn’t owe us shit, and she needs to give us reasons to keep her ass alive. That and she’s obsessed with me even after everything. 
Do i feel bad for her? no. 
Anyways, we were surprised it worked out so well. All we had to is make him believe that si yeon wanted aya dead too, and that i have been staying with her ever since the abduction. And then he opened his doors for her instantly. He let her see aya and everything. Of course some gross shit happened between them in that room that we might have to kill her for later. But in her defense, she had to, she needed to put on a show for siwon. 
“And the room with aya in it is all the way at the bottom, every other floor of the place is where the rooms for the guards are, They live there. oh and her room has a steal door and it’s all concrete, plus there’s no windows anywhere.” Si yeon continued. “And there’s cameras there too.”
“Well i don’t really give a shit about that. This isn’t a damn covert mission. Fuck his cameras.” Chanyeol spoke in a loud tone. I made a sound of agreement as i listened to their conversation. 
“Well, that’s fucking everything. Am i done?” The lady asked suho.
“Yeah....go sit down somewhere away from me.” He replied.
I didn’t pay them any more mind. All my guns are clean and loaded. So i need to find another distraction.
“Ba-baekhyun.” Si yeon called for me as she looked at my back.
No, not her. Something else.
“What? What is it? Huh?” I snapped at her. I didn’t really mean to, it just happened.
Kyungsoo got up from his seat beside me and walked off, making sure to point at his empty seat for si yeon as he passed by. She took the invitation and filled the seat with her ass. I looked at her in disappointment because i thought she knew better than to try to have nice conversations with me. And i know what you’re probably thinking. 
  “Baekhyun, you’re such an asshole. She never did anything to you. And yet              you’re treating her like shit.”
And while this is true and i will do nothing to deny. I just hate the girl. She knew about the situation and had everyone believing she had no idea. I might be an asshole. But she’s still is a sneaky, dirty, player. She’s always been that way. Don’t think for a second she isn’t just as crazy as the rest of us. Because she fucking is. I know first hand. 
She’s no damn saint.......
“I just want to say im sorry okay? I really am.”
“Are you now?”
“Yeahhh......and what happened when i went to see her yesterday.......im sorry for that too.”
“Im not a fucking kid. I understand why you did it. And everything else. Well it’s not your fault. You just wanted my love and affection. You really don’t need to apologize.”
“Then why do you seem mad at me?”
“Because i don’t have to pretend to like you anymore. Because i fell for something you were apart of. Because aya is not here with me. Because i cheated on aya with you, all out of spite.”
“Again it’s not your fault. You didn’t do much. I just don’t particularly like you. And im sorry but i can’t act like i do anymore. So please go away. Spare your feelings, okay?”
She stared hopelessly into my eyes as if there was something in them asking her too, even though deep down she knows my eyes only display my desire to have aya. My need to love her.
Her arms swung over my shoulders and she crashed into my lips. My hands grabbed on her arms that were holding me as tight as they could. 
“Dude!” Chanyeol yelled. 
I resorted to using my brute force and pushed her off of me only to have her fall off her seat and onto her butt. I stood up and looked at her surprised face before chanyeol came over to me and and harshly slap the back of my neck and grabbed it while leaning in my ear. “Do you really think now is the time to be kissing bitches. Get your head on straight asshole.”
“Dude don’t do that shit to me. You know i would never.”
We stared at each other for some time until si yeon got up and smoothed her clothes. She was trying to keep her composure just like everyone else in the suite, but for a different reason obviously. 
“Hey, are you okay? Im sorry for pushing you.” I told her as chanyeol stared at me. She looked pissed and flipped her hair over shoulder before making her way towards me. I stared at her as she did the same and chanyeol stared at the lady too. 
Her hand raised slowly and before i could move, it swung across my face without enough warning. I held my cheek as she huffed out air.
“Apology accepted, you piece of shit.”
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“You’re scum.” I spat at siwon as i stood in front of him strongly. 
“And you’re all beaten and battered. It sucks doesn’t it. Knowing that you’re ruined.”
“Im not ruined. Im perfectly fine. But it scares you doesn’t it. Knowing that you can’t break me, and one of these days your blood will be on my hands.”
“Oh honey, don’t flatter yourself.”
“Trust me, im not. Im just letting you know that karma for you is the baddest bitch on this planet.”
“I must agree. Only i wouldn’t call her karma.”
“You should.”
I stared him down coldly. The hatred apparent in my eyes. I’ll fucking kill him. I swear i will. And i want him to feel that in his bones. 
“Sir! Your meeting has been cancelled.” His sleezy assistant busted in looking distraught. 
“What? Why?”
“I have no idea sir. The panda just cancelled on us out of no where.”
“But he never cancels.”
“I know sir. This might mean he’s went off to do something he could go to jail for again.”
“That’s usually the case. I can’t handle his business now either. Not while i have my gem with me.”
“Fuck off.” I said to him and looked away. Who would have thought the guy that makes my dresses is a serial felon. Then again i couldn’t be less surprised.
“Fucking find him. Im not in the mood for his fuckery. I swear i will decapitate somebody.” He started to huff and puff, probably thinking of all the shit that could be ruined if he has to deal with things after the panda has his fun. His assistant looked scared and worried as he stood there silently. Bad idea. “The fuck are you just standing there for zully!? You want me to fucking rip your dick off!? Go fucking find that little shit!” Siwon yelled at him with the eyes of a flesh eating beast. His assistant straightened up quickly and bowed ready to follow his commands at all cost. If i were him i would have flipped him off one good time at least. I mean, seriously, how do people just take shit like that all the time? I could never.
“Now where were we?” Siwon asked.
“The part where you try to touch me, and i kick you in the balls.”
“Ahh yes. Do you ever get tired of being predictable.”
“If being predictable means i get to kick you in the balls, no.”
“Right. Well, what if it meant i got to trick every single one of your friends and keep you lock you up like a little pet?”
“Oh siwon. Don’t you know? That shit is old news.”
His hand swung to my neck and squeezed. He’s always been one of those “If i can’t get under your skin, im gonna peel it off” types.
“Let me tell you something, you’re never going to get out of here. If i decided to kill you one day your body will still remain in this very room. You’ll be here forever. You understand. You can’t fucking escape. Your dumb fuck friends won’t do shit. And neither will you.”
His words. They only have one purpose. To break me. Or make me lose the last bit of control i have. None of it matters though. I can hear the desperate tone hiding in the cracks of his voice better than he can.
“Yeah? I’ll see you in hell than asshole.”
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“We have to do something with them.”
“Man, i vote they each get a bullet out of this gun in my hand.”
“Are you ever not trying to shoot someone?”
“Nope. Someone always deserve to be shot.”
“Well, that’s not true.”
“Chanyeol! Baekhyun! shut the fuck up! damn.” Suho yelled at us from the bathroom of the suite we are currently occupying.
“I don’t see why he always feels the need to stop me. What do you think we do here. Stare at each other like pussies? No, we kill people. It’s part of the job description.”
“Yeah, i get that, just chill for now though.”
I think it’s obvious we all want to get out of this hotel and bust some skulls. But at the moment we need to put together a good game plan. Yes our strategy is to use our ruthless pure strength, and reckless acts to get aya back. But still some planning has to go into this. No matter what, i won’t get played again. 
Not again.
I silently watched suho give orders to the more trusted rookies of exo. We’re trying to not make it known that we left to phoenix, because if people did know they would probably try some stupid wild shit. And no one has time for that. And the stuff that happened with aya is still on the hush too. I don’t even want to think about what would happen if people thought she died. Sheesh, it probably would have turned into a hell on earth. Which is not needed. It’s already shitty enough there. 
“Yeah, just keep people shipping them out, and keep a good eye on club goutter.” Suho shifted his eyes to me as i sat with a brooding expression on my face. My cheek was probably still red too. That bitch. Suho smiled in a assuring manner. I know what he’s thinking right now. It’s almost like he said it out loud. 
“That’s everything hyung. I think it might be time to get ready.” Sehun spoke quickly into the silence .
“The whole building is mapped out?” Suho answered back just as quickly.
“Yes. The building is all mapped out, and ready to be burnt down.”
“And hows the progress with the cameras?”
“We’re almost in. Pretty soon we’ll see all the footage they’re seeing in aya’s room. Right kai?”
“Yeah it’s almost done.”
My heart pounded. My eyes feeling dryer than usual. They’re thirsty to see her. My eyes. They want to drink her in again. Like they used to. I miss her so much. I just might explode when i get her in my arms again. 
Hopefully not though.
“We have exactly 5 minutes until the cameras are accessible. And 25 hours before they notice that they’ve been hacked. So everyone make sure to get some sleep, and be ready to head out tomorrow night.” I ordered. 
“Aye, We still need to figure out what to do with the bastards in the bathroom.” Chanyeol said from the couch in the middle of the room. 
“We’re releasing panda back to his natural habitat. And si yeon, well her lucky ass is hitching a ride with us.” I said to him. It only makes sense to bring her. She has her advantages. Not to the point where we need her. But it helps to keep her. “But don’t worry about that. Kai, kyungsoo, you guys are going to handle the panda. Understand?” 
They followed my orders accordingly and got up immediately. 
There is only a few times i actually gave orders like this. I only do it in times of serious need. Times where suho needs a bit of extra help. Im much like his right hand man. And i appreciate it being that way, seeing as i could never imagine actually taking his place and doing what he does. But i always take pride in being seen as if i could in his eyes.
“Hyung! We’re in!” Kai yelled from behind the laptop. The device buzzed loudly as if warning us all that something was about to happen. Everyone rushed to the area kai occupied and stared at the screen. It was bright red with a blue under tone and it read finished in 10 seconds. I started to count down with it as my heart started to pound erratically.
The screen glitched for a second before it started to settle on an image. The screen went from a deep green, then settled to a more cool grey and blue tone. 
The room was just as she said, wall to wall, and floor to ceiling, smooth grey concrete. It looked cold there. And i could make out lots of small blood stains everywhere. It made my heart heavy with worry. But then again, knowing aya, it’s probably her fault. I can only imagine how much times she has probably kicked someone’s head in by now. 
And finally, the steel door of the room busted open and in came the love of my life. Her head wasn’t dyed blonde anymore, instead her natural hair color showed its face, as she stomped in furiously. Her body is adorned with a pretty rose gold colored dress. Pieces of it are torn at the bottom and her feet are bare. She whipped around sharply when someone else barged into the room with the same energy as her. 
“You sick freak. You just love the fucking chase huh?”
“It’s my favorite kind of foreplay, aya darling.”
“Oh? I guess you’re one hell of masochist then.”
“Contrary. Can’t you see that darling?”
“I can see you getting your ass kicked.”
“Why must you insist on being such a little cunt all the time!?”
“it’s my favorite type of foreplay, siwon darling.” A dirty grin covered her face as she finished her sentence. She’s still herself. Even after everything. She will never change. Even though i can tell her anger is worse than usual. But that’s to be expected.
He ran towards her and picked her up, holding her sideways. She struggled harshly as his arms flexed more trying to keep her still.
“No! No! Im not getting fucking drugged! Stay away from me!”
I slammed my hand on the table and my eyes glued even more to the laptop.
A man came in quickly with a syringe in his right hand. Siwon turned around with her in his arms still and the random man came closer.
Aya elbowed siwon in his throat and swung her leg over his neck before moving her body around his neck anticlockwise. His head hit harshly on the floor as she ran straight towards the man with the syringe. The random guy widened his eyes in fear of the crazy girl when she grabbed his arm roughly, taking the syringe and injecting it into his bicep. He was stunned and tried to gasp for air as she watched him silently let whatever was in that syringe course through him. 
My eyes flickered to siwon as he struggled to get up. She looked at him in disgust. Her face saying everything she feels at once. 
“Guards! bring the back up!” He yelled breathlessly, turning on his back as his face showed off pain.
Guards piled in and aya stood there with the same look on her face. Her attention never wavering from siwon for a moment. The guards grabbed her harshly and she continued to looked at the man on the ground. One of the men took out a syringe resembling the one that she emptied just now. She continued to shoot daggers with her eyes as they shot it into her veins. Until it hit her. Her eyes widened and her body stopped moving. Her mouth agape with no signs of breathing. Before falling completely to the ground. Everyone just stood there after that. No movements being made and silence took over. As if the storm is now over, and their fight is won.
Not even close.
“This isn’t good at all.” Suho said as he watched intently 
“I want his fucking head!” jennie yelled. Her eyes had tears in them. She didn’t let them fall though.
“We all do!” Chanyeol yelled at her. Jisoo took the girl in her arms and turned her head away from the laptop.
“Close it.” I said to kai. “We’ve seen enough.”
“Suho is right though. She might seem like herself, but i can tell that she’s losing control. If we don’t get her soon she’s going to succumb to the side of her she’s tried so hard to keep locked away.”
“Wait? You’re saying she can get crazier.”
“Im saying she can get psychotic.”
Me and suho looked at each other with strained, tired, and determined looks. 
My queen. How could i have let this happen to you? 
How could i have been so blind to my own flaws?
So much so, that i lost the only thing i ever got right.
I learned my lesson though.
And that lesson is what’s going to help me get you back here with me. Where you belong.
“Don’t worry about that. Because tomorrow. Tomorrow, i get my love back.”
““I hope so. Because if not. she’ll turn into an uncontrollable monster.”
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The moment i wake up i can feel the soreness all over again. My wrists hurt worst though. He obviously hand cuffed me last night. I can feel the cool metal still touching my skin. I sighed deeply. This is starting to get really fucking old. I have to get out of here soon. 
my head started to pound with stress as my brain ran through ideas. It’s going to be hard to get out of here but i think my time here is up. Im done with waking up sore because of those stupid drugs and siwon’s rough, careless actions. 
My eyes opened quickly and i sat up. I looked around the room feeling raw for some reason, and my eyes caught a glimpse of a paper bag that told me i slept passed lunch time. 
Im so done. Im done with being away from my girls. Im done with being away from exo. And away from baekhyun. The last time i saw him i was tied up on the other side of the airport. I watched him look at taeyeon, thinking it was me. I watched him run for her. I watched him go unconscious and bleed out on the ground. But then my eyes got covered and i was thrown into a plane or jet. I remember them talking about dropping taeyeon’s body in the sea. and how i was having thoughts of throwing myself into the ocean too. I obviously decided against that. Because im no coward. And i never take the easy way out. Maybe im stupid for not having done it though. I can’t help but think.
“Knock, knock.” Carmelo barges into the room in a mock polite manner. I already missed lunch time so the bag of food must be dinner. Usually i eat dinner with siwon. But he went on a business trip somewhere. Maybe that’s why he decided to be so much more aggressive last night.
I was silent as i watched him make his way over to me. I have nothing to say to him. There’s no reason for me to make small talk. Usually i would try to. But at this point. I set fire to all the fucks i could give.
“Everything okay?” He asked. As if that was a valid question.
I shot bullets at him with my eyes as he unpacked expensive taiwanese food. I don’t have an appetite, but i can’t afford to skip meals. I need to keep myself strong. I can’t do that by not eating. 
“You’re going to have some right?”
“Good. You need to eat.”
“I know.”
His hands spread out the bowls and plates of food in front of us. They looked almost perfect aesthetically. I watched the steam rise from it. A hot meal with lots of protein. 
“What made you want this kind of meal? You usually go for something quick and healthy.” I asked with genuine curiosity.
“I started to miss it, that’s all.”
I picked up the metal chopsticks and dug into the beef noodle soup set out before me to be devoured. The lean meat was so tender and juicy my eyes shut closed the moment it hit my taste buds. It’s so delicious.
“You know, Siwon left to fujian.”
I made a random sound to tell him that im listening, and that i had no idea of that, while i stuffed my mouth with noodles.
“Yeah, that’s also where panda’s family stay.” He looked at me dead in my face when his sentence finished. 
I looked around with scrunched eyebrows. Im confused as to why that has anything to do with me.
He sighed and cleared his throat. 
Obviously, he just dropped some kind of hint. But what the hell was it.
The panda.....the panda.....
A brief memory of siwon and zully talking about the dressmaker came to my mind. They said that he cancelled or some shit. I payed it no attention at that moment. But now that i think of it. This could mean a lot. I played it cool because the cameras are still watching. 
“Uh huh, siwon said he cancelled on him, and now he’s missing.”
He looked away with a relieved expression. Me saying that means he doesn’t have to be so blunt with the conversation.
“The panda hasn’t been seen since the hana hana showcase.”
I made another random sound, now attacking the white rice that was on the left of me. 
“Also.....there was a new model on the runway that night.”
I continued to act casual and stuff my face. 
He watched me more intensely before he continued. “You might know him, he goes by the name of jongin.” It’s no mistake. He used that name because not a lot of people know it, which means the people watching us won’t be alarmed much.
My eyes widened and i choked on rice and beef. My chest and throat burned a bit while my face turned red. The coughing continuing but getting less and less harsh. Carmelo handed me a water bottle and i snatched it. The beverage being guzzled down by me to subside my coughing fit.
I took a deep breath in when i was done. 
They had to have all been there. Right? They have the reason why the panda is missing.
Why else would carmelo tell me this?
I looked at him with raised eyebrows. “Yeah, i have heard of him before. He’s good.”
“Anyways, the ladies are going to come and clean you up tonight. Siwon wants you to be perfect when he gets back from his trip.” I made a face at the thought of him and went back to my noodle soup. “He’s coming back on his jet at twelve. Maybe eleven if things go smoothly.”
A jet huh?
“Okay.” I said.
Carmelo got up from the bed and started to pickup the leftover food and bags. I continued to eat my bowl of soup as he took everything else away. 
“Listen to the ladies when they come here okay?”
“I always do.”
“I mean really listen to them, and hear them out....okay?”
I caught the look in his eye when he gathered his coat. He and i both know that jet is our best shot at getting out of here anytime soon. I knew what he meant with the listen to the ladies bit. Looks like he was one step ahead of me. 
I sat the bowl down on the floor before slamming my head into the pillow of the bed im on. 
This isn’t the route i wanted to go on. Just simply escaping this place isn’t all i want. I want to blow this place the fuck up. And i want siwon’s head to be mounted on my damn wall. If i leave on that jet all that will be sacrificed, Yes, i could always just find him again and kill him. But i don’t want to make the same mistake of not killing him when i had the chance to. Another sigh came out of my mouth and i buried my face into the mattress.
Well, there’s no point in not taking this opportunity. I have to go for it. I just have to. There’s no other way. Not at the moment at least.
My eyes closed and i breathed air into the sheets slowly. 
I don’t have much to lose anyway.......
“Aya?” A soft voice called out to me, it matched the hand that landed on my shoulder and shook me out of a sleeping state.
I groaned and slowly tried to open my eyes to the person.
“Aya, wake up. It’s time to get ready.” 
“Seol?” I called out to the women and she touched my arm again, dragging me up.
I made a few noises out of the pure tiredness i feel and finally opened my eyes.
“Hi.” seol said. The rest of the girls stood behind her and they waved with smiles at me.
After my shower and makeup, which took about an hour all together, i found myself silently choosing between two dresses. The burgundy one is cunning and sexy but also elegant, while the white one is pure and welcoming with a hint of slutty nature. The only reason im having a hard time choosing is because the ladies have split opinions on them, Two of them chose the former, And two chose the latter. I didn’t and still don’t have an opinion on them that much though. Because as i always say. I don’t really give a fuck.
“Hold still.” Pearl said in my ears as she finished up on my hair. 
“Well?” Seol asked. She’s still holding the dresses in her hands and i pursed my lips.
“Hmmmm......burgundy one.”
They all made sounds of agreement and pearl tapped my shoulders to let me know she’s finally done. This reminds me so much of getting ready with my girls. It makes me happy. It calms my heart a bit. I think without this. I would have lost it already.
I slipped into the red dress perfectly. It adorns me well and is light on my body. Meaning i can move without many restrictions. I dipped my hands into the pockets and felt silk material on the inside. I got to give it to siwon this time. This dress is my style. 
“Oh wow, you look delicious.” Seol said excitedly.
“I feel delicious.”
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“His jet will land at the front of the building. He wants you to greet him at the door. You’ll be hand cuffed to make sure you don’t do anything he wouldn’t want you to. We will be behind you every step of the way.” Seol spoke cautiously while looking into my eyes. Being careful of the cameras as always. “Also we are trained to shoot you if you act dangerously all of a sudden.”
“Damn.” I squeezed her hand. “I don’t mind. Do what you have to.”
“Thank you little sis.” Pearl said with a smile,
“I just know you’re going to get out of here tonight. And im going to miss you so much.” Angel hugged the shit out of me and stroked my hair. 
“Angelos will be there too. He’s going to take care of zully then grab you. You guys have to work very quickly. Okay?”
Angel continued to hug me as all the girls piled on me in one big group hug. I felt so warm and confident in this moment i could cry. They all smell so good too. That’s a random thought. But it’s very true. It’s a mix of floral and candy. So sweet.
“Alright, alright. We should get our stuff gathered.”Seol said pulling away from the hug with flushed cheeks. they all grabbed the bags they brought in and and looked at the clock.
“It’s time.” Bamby said to me with a slightly scared look. 
I took a deep breath and hopped off the bed. I held my hands outwards giving them my wrists to lock up.
“Let’s go then.”
The door opened roughly and in came 5 guards. The ladies locked the cuffs onto me and i smiled at them as reassurance. The guards grabbed my arm and started to pull me towards the door as the girls struggled to keep up with pace of the men. At the very end of the cold hallway i saw carmelo loading a gun and giving orders. My heart rate was beating faster with every step. Im going to let it take over me tonight. That thing that turns me into a beast with fangs and claws. I have to. If i want to make it out of here. 
“He’s here!” Carmelo yelled. The guards pushed me harshly towards him and he caught me quickly. 
“Rude pigs.” I spat at them as they walked to their positions.
“We’re gonna have you stand right there.” Carmelo pointed at the door. I guess im just supposed stand in front of it huh? “He wants you to kneel.”
“Of course he does.” I said under my breath.
“Go on then.” Carmelo gave me a little push in that direction and i took the rest of the steps. Everyone eyed me up and down as i made my way to the door. They gave me intimidating and gross looks with their fucking guns and shit. It made a smirk grow on my face. All this protection is needed. Because im very fucking dangerous. And i can’t wait to prove just how dangerous i can get. I got into a kneeling position and looked intently at the huge door.
Come on siwon. I can’t wait to greet you.
The door flew towards me as the cool night air hit my done up face. A guard with fucking sunglasses at night held the door as he nodded at carmelo instead of just bowing. The jet was not far from the door which was perfect. I watched zully hop out first and help siwon out. What a rich asshole. 
His eyes locked onto me the moment his feet touched the ground. I smirked at him while my eyes ran up and down his body.
He’s unarmed. 
“Do i see my baby checking me out!?” He yelled over the loud noise the jet is making. 
I said nothing in return. I just silently focused my eyes on his feet. A few more steps siwon. A few more steps, and i’ll ride your jet to freedom.
“You look stunning!” siwon yelled at me again.
“Thanks siwon, You look....Well how you always look!” I yelled back this time still holding my kneeling position perfectly.
“Oh!? And how do i always look, aya darling!?” He asked five steps away from where i need him to be and his assistant was right behind him.
I didn’t answer, instead i focused on his feet. His dirty smirk fueling my anger.
Okay deep breaths aya. You got this.
“Duck!” carmelo screamed as he pointed his gun at zully, quickly shooting him once in the shoulder then in the head.
Everyone pointed their guns at angelos, which was my one little opening. 
I kicked siwon in his side once before making a dive for the gun zully had on him. He grabbed my arm weakly as he still felt the pain from my action.I pulled harshly so he would let go and rushed for the glock stuck in his black socks. 
“Shoot her!” 
I whipped around and kicked siwon into the guard coming for me. One shot at the one on my left, then another for the one on my right. I moved to shoot at the one in front of me but there was no more bullets inside. My eyes widened as i realized what just happened. Welp my only weapon i have left are these shitty ass handcuffs. Let’s see how well they hold up. I dropped the gun and made a move to head for carmelo but was grabbed by siwon. He swung me around by my arms and looked at me in the eyes. 
“Bad pet.”
“Eat shit, asshole.”
He pulled on my handcuffs and i tripped a little on my dress. He headbutted me with so much strength my knees buckled. He picked me up by my hair and smirked. 
“Hand me a gun!” He ordered. I felt so dizzy and limp as i struggled to make some kind of moves.
“How about i hand you a fucking bullet!” Carmelo shot siwon in the forearm and he dropped me on the floor. I tried to gather myself together but for some reason i just couldn’t stand up. I looked around and saw the girls standing there in fear as all the guards had their guns pointing at me. Carmelo got on top of siwon and tried to choke him but was stopped my a strong punch into his right eye. 
“Pearl! Shoot her!”
My eyes shot open wider and i looked at the girl. She had tears in her eyes as her body shook with fear.
“What the fuck did i say!? Do it! Or else it’ll be your fucking head!”
Tears started to burst from her eyes as she reached for the gun on her person. I shook my head and tried to scramble to my feet. She made her way to me as i continued to fall on the ground due to my legs giving up on me. She put her hand on my shoulder and pushed me down roughly.
“Please! Make this quick and easy.” She spoke while balling her eyes out, and i continued to look at her face shocked. My head still telling her no. Don’t do it.
The cold muzzle pressed against my forehead softly as i watched it shake.
“Im sorry.”
My eyes closed.
I lost. 
I can’t pull through this time. Not by myself. 
I heard a click and swallowed. Squeezing my eyes. 
Click. Boom.
All i heard was a gunshot go off.
The end.
A gasp rushed into my mouth and i looked at seol silently fall to the floor with one shot to her head. In the middle exactly.
That precision is so.....
My head whipped around to a man dressed in a all black heavy duty suit. He slowly pulled off his helmet as i watched intently. 
“Hi princess.”
My hand flew to my mouth as i got up while hiking my dress to my thighs and ran to the man. 
I jumped into his arms and he hugged me to his body quickly. I can’t explain the way i feel in this moment.
“Just don’t let me go.” I whispered iinto his ear. 
“Never again.”
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AUTHOR NOTE : pali la la la.... lmao. wasssssaaahp! i did it! freakin finally! i don’t know why but these chapters are fr gettin harder to write T-T but thing will get better because this is the chapter im most excited forrrrr! anyways thanx for reading! hope you enjoyed!
kisses <3 laila ~
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vuigardarling · 2 years
i need to write that freakytits x nbk au i’ve been talking about for ten years.. but like this sounds like it’d be so fun to write
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yannosh51-blog-blog · 4 years
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Geek News 03/04/2020 un nouveau geek news présenté par le NBK Au sommaire - L'anniversaire de chrono trigger et shadows hearth 2…
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dreimalfuermich · 7 years
Freitag, 15. September 2017
Nicht Löschbares Feuer
Berlin, 10:31h
Mittwochabend, tatsächlich nur wenige Meter entfernt vom Grab Harun Farockis auf dem Dorotheenstädtischen Friedhof, die Eröffnung der Retrospektive “Harun Farocki” im NBK. Als S. und ich dort ankommen, circa 19 Uhr, haben sich im Inneren bereits Massen von beweglichen, dunklen Mänteln zu einem schwarzen Blob geformt, der durch die Fensterscheiben eindeutig sendete: hier voll. Du musst es wollen. Bereits Dringewesene zünden sich ächzend auf dem Trottoir Zigaretten an. 
Wir wollten nicht so sehr. S. schlägt vor, schon zu den KunstWerken vorzugehen. Es ist noch mal ein relativ angenehmer, sanft warmer Abend, die kalten Winde hielten sich jetzt lange zurück - IM WINDSCHATTEN DES SOMMERS Vor den Kunstwerken 200 Meter Schlange, die Dämmerung färbte die Fassade der Auguststraße bläulich. Auch dort dann nur ein Bier im Innenhof, Dan from New Jersey kommt dazu, schon wieder geht Isa Genzken vorbei, ich könnte schwören, in denselben Klamotten, wie vor gut vier Wochen auf WT’s Geburtstag. 
In der Mädchenschule gegenüber ein paar Bleistiftzeichnungen von de Kooning, kurzer Blick: sehr gut, fantastisch, de Kooning. Auf dem Dach ein DJ, der eine nicht anwesende Menge zufriedenstellen möchte. Ich leider schon etwas nervös, weil gleich Fußball.
Gestern Berlin Art Week - gülden liegt da vor mir: das Gleisdreieck... im Hof ein etwas aufgedunsen wirkender Holm Friebe, innen Horzon, der scheinbar zum Berliner MacGuffin wird für mich. Es ist angenehm gefüllt dort - Preview-Zeit - der Kaffee ist der heißeste der Welt, und als ich ihn da abkühlen lasse, steht doch auf einmal mein ehemaliger Prof vor mir: “Naaa?!” - Guter Tag, konzentriert verweile ich noch bis 18 Uhr, esse Schokoladenkuchen, trinke ein Bier. Ich habe - ganz ehrlich - wenig anzuprangern.
In der Basis-Station: die Katze so hungrig, dass sie jetzt die vertrockneten Stückchen Futter von gestern Abend noch aus dem Schälchen zu schlecken versucht. Manchmal beißt sie kurz in ein Bastkörbchen, was ich total verstehe. 
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