#NDA logistics
srldesigns6277 · 10 months
"Zero photographic evidence of what? Larry being real? I beg to differ. We have both photographic and videographic evidence, we have statements of confirmation from both the involved parties on film."  Where is the larry evidence on film? Because it would stop being a conspiracy if larry evidence was on film. Any NDA and injunction against the press is null the moment there is actual evidence posted that makes all those NDAs you claim so many people signed null and void. Any person, namely Louis, will at least do a tell all or many more would sell their story if there was ANY evidence of larry being real on film nullifying all the NDAs and injunctions. Louis will stop that " babygate " you claim is forced upon him covered by NDAs and injunctions. Or do you claim that both Louis and Harry love exploiting children who don't get a choice? Will you ignore this ask too saying people should use google? Once the information from NDAs and injunctions is made public they are all void. Google it. 
Hello New Copy and Paste Anon,
Thank you for including me. Also I will answer you in two parts I just had to wake up.
So first off where is there larry evidence on film. Well that evidence is in the way they interact with each other, their eyes, their actions and reactions. While we have been messing with him, louis' reaction at Rolling Stone UK is one such reaction. Often their evidence is in the subtle things. I was luck enough to see 1d in concert twice in 2015 and their actions on stage showed how much they cared for each other and on a different level than niall or Liam. They would just look at one anther and know what was needed or how to respond and care. Watch an ultimate compilation you see the larry evidence.
Secondly, mention NDAs and say Google them. You obviously haven't. The point of an NDA is to give a person incentive to not speak about what had occurred. So saying you can just break them and be free is a bit ignorant. Should you break an NDA you will more than likely have to pay an insane amount of money or be sued by companies/people with the best lawyers on retainer. It would be the dumbest decision.
Please Sony tried to sue George Michael when he was outed in the early 2000s, but because it was a honey pot sting by the police, he wasn't at fault for being outed, they couldn't go through with it.
Before saying something like this please look into NDAs and Larry itself. You can believe what you want but know that so can we.
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goldenpinof · 2 years
I need to know why he's being so cryptic about Iceland... "that's all I can say for now"? Daniel, respectfully, unless you signed some sort of nda as to why it got cancelled, you can say whatever you want, it's your tour...
he definitely signed an NDA. the question is, what is written in it and how it can be interpreted.
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therealcocoshady · 5 months
Hi coco , I don’t know if your still doing requests if not juts by past this .
Fem reader x Marshall
Reader is some sort of celebrity and her and Marshall’s sex tape gets leaked
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Eminem x Celebrity Reader
Author’s note : Thank you so much for your request. I Hope you like it ❤️. I thoroughly enjoyed writing one shots and HCs so if you have requests, feel free to send them to me in my Ask.
Synopsis : You’re a prominent influencer, having a secret relationship with Em for years. None of you intend on making it public… until your sextape gets leaked.
When you started dating Marshall, the two of you had a serious talk about how important it was to him that your relationship remained private. He knew that you shared a lot of your life online - hell, it was kind of your job as an influencer - and respected it, but he was adamant about not being featured on your social media accounts and YouTube channel. You respected his wish. To be honest, you were a little relieved : your last relationship had ended because of public scrutiny and you didn’t want history to repeat itself. Especially since the person you were dating was a megastar. No offense to your ex, who was still a very successful influencer, but next to Marshall Mathers, he was chopped liver. If publicly dating someone with ten million YouTube followers was hard, you couldn’t imagine how it would be if everyone knew you were dating Eminem.
You actually did a good job at keeping your followers and his fans in the dark about your relationship. To everyone, the both of you were single and, even though they were rumours about the two of you dating other public figures, you had never been linked together. No one expected you, a twenty-something fashion and beauty influencer to date Eminem. From the looks of it, you didn’t have much in common and didn’t run in the same circles.
So your relationship flew under the radar for years and you even managed to get married without the public knowing. You had the most beautiful wedding, held in a secluded location with only your closest friends, with a lot of logistics and NDAs involved. Everyone joked that you had to be the only influencer who didn’t share the most important day of their life on social media. Especially when the wedding was so insta-worthy. A few years ago, you would have been a little bummed about it, but being with Marshall kept you grounded and reminded you that not everything was meant to be shared online. If anything, the secrecy of your wedding and the « no phones or camera allowed » rule allowed everyone to enjoy the moment instead of focusing on filming it or snapping pictures of their plates or outfit. That didn’t mean there were no pictures taken though. The only person who immortalised the wedding was the photographer and, though guests were sent the pictures, they were asked not to share, and everyone respected your wishes.
Just because the two of you didn’t share pictures online didn’t mean you didn’t take plenty. In fact, your phones were full of cute selfies of the two of you. At the beginning of your relationship, he often made fun of your habit to try and immortalise moments, but he ended up getting into it. When the two of you met, he was still using an old BlackBerry and took the crappiest selfies, but you managed to turn him into the perfect Instagram husband. In fact, he was the one who helped you do your daily outfit posts and he was more than decent at telling you how you should pose. And if he was a bit judgy of influencers at first, he had come to understand your line of work and your love of fashion. He was extremely supportive of every thing you did and his eyes were gleaming with adoration when he was watching you film your videos, though he still liked to tease you.
One evening, during your honeymoon, you found him filming himself in the mirror as you walked out of the bathroom in your finest, sluttiest lingerie.
- What are you doing ? You giggled.
- Immortalising the outfit. So, it’s simple, the boxers are Givenchy, fall collection… care to share yours ? He chuckled as he pointed the phone to you.
- So tonight, I’m wearing a gorgeous Dita Von Teese set, you said as you posed and played along. We have this gorgeous corset, and the panties are amazing, too…
- Turn around and show the back, babe, he instructed. You’re gorgeous.
This became a little game that you played during the whole honeymoon. Each night, Marshall filmed you in your lingerie, under the pretense that he wanted to remember your honeymoon as vividly as possible. This made you laugh and you let him. It started as « innocent » « outfit of the night » videos but, on occasion, you both felt frisky and ended up filming a literal sex tape, or rather a series of them. Nothing especially elaborate, just one of you holding the phone while doing the deed, just for laughs. You didn’t even watch them after or think about it. It was really just the two of you clowning around, making fun of your own IG account and enjoying your honeymoon. Once you got back home, you didn’t keep it going and eventually came to forget there were videos of you and Marshall having sex on his phone. Until the videos were leaked, that is.
You had been married for about six months and enjoyed your weekly brunch with Marshall’s daughters when they suddenly went silent, after Stevie showed her sisters something on her phone.
- Oh my God, I’m going to puke, Stevie said.
- Girls, no phone at the table, Marshall groaned.
- Have you guys… seen the news ? Hailie asked.
- What news ? You asked back, a tad confused.
- The Pistons headline, Alaina said.
- What’s wrong with the team ? Marshall asked with a raised eyebrow.
The girls frowned and stayed silent for a second before handing the phone to the two of you. There was an article about you and Marshall, soberly titled : « Detroit’s ultimate Piston : Eminem sextape leaked (featuring influencer Y/N ». The headline was enough to make you want to die. The article wasn’t much better. It commented on the videos and showed a few screenshots of tweets reacting to the leak such as « Bro can’t take a decent selfie but you can trust him to point the camera at his dick correctly 👀 » or « Damn. He’s 51 but Y/N’s the one who’s gonna need hip replacement surgery with these trusts 💀». You and Marshall stared at each other while the girls were looking at you. You felt humiliated. Not only were the videos leaked online, you were confronted by your step-daughters - though they were old enough to be your sisters - about it. You looked down, absolutely mortified.
- Don’t watch these, Marshall told his daughters.
- Like we’d want to see that, Stevie pointed out.
- Really, guys, a sextape ? Alaina asked. Dad, you’re 51 !
- I’m going to be sick, you said as you left the table and headed to your room.
You heard Marshall calling your name but there was absolutely no way you could face anyone right now. Once you were alone, you anxiously checked your phone. Of course, everyone was in a frenzy. Your manager was texting you and your social media accounts were flooded. Both in the comments and your DMs, people were going crazy and talking about the videos. You already had a huge following, but it was something else entirely. You immediately called your manager, who was beyond pissed. Apparently, some brands you collaborated threatened to sever their ties with you. Of course, you getting rammed on video didn’t really fit in with your usual good girl image and it wouldn’t be a good look for them. Now, not only were you ashamed but you were also terrified. You had worked too hard for your career to crumble that easily.
- What should I do ? You anxiously asked.
- For now, nothing, she said. I’m going to consult with a few people to see what we can do for damage control. Though if I were you I’d get ready to film an apology video.
- I didn’t do anything wrong, you pointed out. These videos were not meant to be shared.
- You know how it is, Y/N. I’ll get back to you ASAP.
- Thanks, you said sheepishly. Talk to you soon.
When you hung up, you couldn’t resist the temptation to go and check other articles. Obviously, news traveled fast and you were now a trending subject. Marshall being the more famous of the two of you, his name was on every headline but, from the looks of it, you were the one whose reputation was suffering the most. While everybody seemed to praise his performance - and impressive physique - you were deemed a slut by the Internet. Even worse, some people were already making memes with your face and some rappers beefing with Marshall were reposting them. You had always been a « glass half-full » type of person but you literally wanted to die. In a flash, it seemed like you could kiss your career and reputation goodbye.
After about an hour, Marshall joined you in the bedroom and took you in his arms while you were sobbing.
- Hey, he said sheepishly.
- I-I’m sorry, you said. But I can’t go and face your daughters. I just can’t. I can’t face anyone right now, I-I…
- It’s fine, he replied before kissing your forehead. I sent them home.
- Im sorry, you said. I know how much family brunch means to you…
- As it turns out, having your kids lecture you about your leaked sextape isn’t as fun as people make it out to be, he said sarcastically.
You couldn’t help but chortle. Even in this type of dramatic situations, you could always count on Marshall’s dry humor. He placed another kiss on your forehead and wiped your tears with his thumbs.
- We’ll be fine, he said reassuringly. Don’t worry, babe.
- Why aren’t you freaking out ? You asked. You should be freaking out.
- Oh, I’m freaking out, he said. I mean, I’m livid. But on a practical level, I know people will forget about it eventually, you know.
- Easy for you to say, you pointed out. The Internet is raving about the size of your dick and commenting about how in shape you are for an older dude… meanwhile, people are calling me a slut.
- You’re not a slut, he said as he rolled his eyes.
- Tell that to the thousand of people calling me a rapper groupie or whatever that is, you groaned.
- Doesn’t matter, he shrugged. We both know that’s not true. You’re not a groupie, you’re my wife.
- Well I’m about to be a stay at home wife, you said with tears in your eyes. I had my agent on the phone and sponsors are already breaking contracts… I-I’m losing everything, Marshall…
The tears started streaming down again. Mentioning the situation out loud was upsetting, it only meant it was real. You were really on the verge of losing everything. Your husband knew better than anyone how much your career meant to you, the work you put in and everything you had invested to be successful. To you, it wasn’t just a job : it was your dream. You had always tried your best to have a pristine reputation as an influencer and stay out of drama but now, people were looking down on you and calling you names. And you dreaded the perspective of doing an apology video. It was humiliating. In most recent years, you had focused your content on beauty and fashion instead of your private life but now, it was up for public consumption. Marshall held you tight as you told him about the comments you received and how sad you were about losing collaborations you were looking forward to.
- You don’t need these people’s money, he said.
- You know it’s not a matter of money, you replied curtly. It’s never only been about money. It’s more than that.
- I know, he said. But look, these videos were stolen from us. And if these brands who put that much effort into building a so-called relationship with you drop you easily, it’s not worth it. They should be sending you flowers and publicly supporting you.
- You know that’s not how it works, you sighed.
- All I’m saying is that it’s unfair, he said. And I’m sorry you’re going through this. But I know you. You’re strong and you’re resilient. And your followers love you. You’re not going to lose your career over this.
- I’ll do my best, you shrugged. My agency wants me to film an apology video.
- Are they serious ? He groaned. You don’t have to apologise for shit. These videos were fucking stolen, Y/N !!!
He was clearly mad. Funnily enough, he seemed more angry over the unfairness of the situation than the fact that everyone could see him having sex on video. But then again, it probably had something to do with his reputation being pretty intact. Sure, that would probably earn him a few lines in diss tracks people might be tempted to put out, but there wasn’t much to be ashamed of, as far as he was concerned. First of all, the videos clearly made a good job of shutting down rumours about his size, and he still came across as someone who had sex. On the other hand, you were more visible on the videos and earning a reputation of an easy and slutty influencer, hungry for fame. Typical double standard. You cursed whoever had managed to steal these videos. And deep down, you were mad that they had been so easily stolen.
- Why were they stolen in the first place ? You groaned.
- What ? He asked. You know how it is… people’s phones get hacked all the fucking time. Whoever did that was probably hoping to get their hands on new music. Joke’s on them, though. We only function with CDs to avoid this type of leaks.
- Joke’s on them ?! You almost yelled. The joke is on me !!! I couldn’t care less about your CDs. No offense but I’d rather have your album leaked than my career ruined, Marshall !!!
- Sorry, he said as he nervously scratched his beard. Poor choice of word. Of course it’s worse. What I mean is… hacks happen all the time. Every month there’s a new story about a celebrity’s phone or computer or cloud being hacked.
- And I’m usually over here, making fun about people who don’t know how to protect their data, you said as you rolled your eyes. The most basic thing to do is to at least put this type of photos in a folder that requires double authentication.
- Double what ?
He looked at you with big eyes. Of course, he had no idea what you were talking about. « That’s what you get for marrying a dummy when it comes to technology », you thought. You didn’t want to get mad at him, but you were pissed. You rolled your eyes at him and let your head fall on the pillow.
- I have to go and call Paul, he said. We’re both going to have to do damage control. But we’ll be fine, I promise you.
- Mmmmh, you groaned.
- I’ll do my best to find whoever did that and sue their ass, he assured you. And whoever shares these videos, too. When we got married, I swore I would protect you and you best believe I’m making good on that.
- Thanks, you said sheepishly.
The following couple of days were especially tough. News had obviously traveled fast and everyone in your life knew about the videos. You thought facing Hailie, Alaina and Stevie was hard, but FaceTiming with your parents was even harder. You could tell they were disappointed, and mostly worried for you. Both of your management teams were trying to find the best way to get through it. Unfortunately, crisis management wasn’t the same for a rapper as it was for an influencer. Marshall’s team advised him to stay silent while yours was almost begging you to address the elephant in the room, preferably with your husband, who was an ogre about it.
- I’m not appearing in your damn apology video, he groaned. It’s stupid enough that you have to do one of these.
- I have to do what’s best for my career, you pleaded.
- You always said these videos were disingenuous, he pointed out.
- Well, yes, but what am I going to do ? You groaned. Disappear and kiss my career goodbye ? And I’m not you, Marshall. I can’t just ignore it and go back to posting videos as if nothing happened.
He hummed and you kept talking about it, trying to come up with a solution. You weren’t thrilled about the idea of addressing the situation and he was right : you had nothing to apologise for. And he was fully against the idea of standing next to you like a First Lady while you filmed something so silly. Of course, it turned into an argument. There was only so much pressure you could take. And you knew Marshall was doing his best and keeping in touch with his lawyers, but you were mad that he wouldn’t support you publicly.
- I’m asking you to stand next to me for a damn video, that’s all, you sighed. I’m not asking for the moon, here. You don’t even have to say anything.
- Then what’s the point in me being here at all ? He shrugged. We agreed that I would be kept out of your content, Y/N. That was clear from the start.
- Because everyone thinks I’m a whore ! You yelled. I was fine with people not knowing about us, but I am not fine with people calling me a rapper whore. And I am not fine with my husband not supporting me. You said we were a team ! You promised to care for me and protect me for the rest of our lives. Or were these vows just words to you ?!?!
You knew he would be pissed off by your words. He had always made it clear that his vows were absolutely serious and solemn. And you knew for a fact that he had put a lot of heart and thought into writing them. He didn’t say anything, just sighed and left the room. Obviously, you both needed to take time off because this escalated into an argument. You groaned and stayed in the bedroom, which you had barely left since the videos had leaked.
A couple of hours later, you went downstairs and found Marshall watching some boxing match on TV.
- Hey, you said sheepishly.
- Hey, he simply said.
- Look, I’m sorry, I…, you began.
- Don’t sweat it, he shrugged as he gestured for you to come sit on his lap.
You sat on him and watched with him in silence, enjoying the sensation of his arms wrapped around your waist. When the match ended, he turned off TV and smiled at you.
- I took care of things, he said.
- You did ? You asked.
- I did, he confirmed. You don’t need to film that stupid video.
- What did you do ? You asked with a raised eyebrow.
He seemed pretty sure of himself, proud even, and you tried hard not to show it, but you were still a bit doubtful.
- Check Instagram, he simply said as he handed you your phone.
You nervously checked your account. You were tagged in thousands of new posts. Only these weren’t posts of the sex videos. Your account was flooded with pictures of your wedding, posted by your friends and reposted by tons of fan accounts. Your closest influencer friends had posted the beautiful pictures of them with you at the wedding. Marshall’s friends had done the same : 50, Dre, Porter, Royce… everyone was posting about your nuptials. The most beautiful shot was the one shared by Marshall on his account : a gorgeous black and white shot of the two of you after the reception, holding hands and staring at the fireworks, captioned : « For better & for worse. Happy 6 months anniversary. ». Everyone was going absolutely crazy in the comments, not failing to show their surprise and mentioning that he was now following one account : yours. You looked at him, almost crying and took him in your arms.
- Oh my God, you said. I can’t believe you did this.
- Called in a few favors and asked our friends to post the wedding pictures, he said with a smile. I figured the Internet would focus on these rather than the videos. So far it seems to be working…
- You didn’t have to, you said emotionally. I know you wanted to keep the wedding a secret.
- I also wanted to keep our sex life secret, he chuckled. But I care more about you and supporting you. Now, everyone knows I have your back. Until death do us part. And if anyone dares come for you, I will end them. I promise.
- I love you, you said emotionally.
- I love you too, he replied before kissing you. I’m sorry I was grumpy about the whole thing. You were right, these vows were never meant to be just words. I want to put them in action.
You kissed him passionately and you both took a minute to enjoy the posts everyone made about your wedding, reminiscing about that special day.
- I’m happy I don’t have to make that stupid apology video, you confessed.
- Me too, he chuckled. I did make an apology though.
- You did ? You asked in surprise.
He showed you his IG story. A black screen with simple text - in true influencer fashion : « I want to take a minute to apologize about the videos that have been leaked. I am sorry if anyone was confused. They were misleading and I want to state that the boxers were actually not Givenchy but Calvin Klein. Sorry for the confusion. 👀». You chortled and kissed him.
- What ? That was the only thing worth an apology, he pointed out with a smile.
- You’re such a troll, you said as you playfully rolled your eyes.
You spent the following days in bliss, showered with love from both your followers and his fans. Everyone was going crazy about your wedding and, even though there were still mentions of the sextape, most of the attention was focused on your relationship. Both of your management teams were also happy to put the incident behind them, though now they had to deal with plenty of interview requests. However, you agreed that even though your secret was out, nothing would really change. You slowly got back to business. Though nothing didn’t really change for Marshall - who was always in hermit mode in the studio - you had a lot of new followers and tons of collaboration requests. The sponsors who had been quick to drop you even came back and attempted to suck up to you, though you absolutely refused to work with them again. You were in your home office, reviewing partnership requests when you came across the biggest offer of your career : none other than Calvin Klein wanted you to be the new face of their underwear campaign, offering you a shit ton of money. It was the biggest opportunity you had ever received but you were a bit nervous when you mentioned it to your husband.
- What do you think ? You asked after you brought it up to him.
- I think we’ve established that you look good in underwear, he grinned.
- Yes but that would be banking on our sextape, our relationship… would it be ok with you ? You asked.
- I’ll cut you a deal : I’m ok with you doing that campaign if you’re ok with me using your moans as ad libs, he said with a smirk.
- You can’t be serious, you giggled as you rolled your eyes.
- What ? He chuckled. We’re partner in life, we might as well be business partners.
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mingispelvis · 1 year
Chilli Pepper Vibe
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Genre: mingi x afab!reader, smut w a little fluff but a LOT of plot
Length: 5.5k
Summary: You go abroad with your friends and are blessed to run into Ateez at your hotel.
NSFW warnings under cut
Warnings: oral sex female receiving, oral sex male receiving, fingering, alcohol consumption, unprotected sex (WRAP IT UP), not pulling out, use of slut, use of baby girl, there's a LOT of plot sorry this is kinda fluffy also at the end
Idk how NDAs work and idk how to end it sorry!!!!!
Girls trips hit different when you’re all gainfully employed. Seulgi had just made partner at Bae & Kang law firm. Joy was recently promoted to Zone Manager of her company, with a hefty bonus to boot. And you? You finally finished residency and were officially able to practice medicine on your own. Despite the three of you being in your mid 20s, you had all continued to push each other and you all achieved great things.
Thusly, girls trip. 
Seulgi, being type A, organized the entire trip from start to finish. To her, vacation starts the moment you step out of your front door. She arranged an Uber Black to take the three of you to the airport, got you all first class tickets, and arranged a very expensive penthouse for the three of you to stay in. She wouldn’t even tell you where exactly you’d be going, just to “bring your sexiest party clothes, a few swimsuits, and your passports”. 
“Our final plane before we land at our destination will be at gate, ummm,” Seulgi paused to check her airline app to see where the three of you would be waiting for the next hour. “Ah, gate A57”. You and Joy eyed the terminal signs as you walked towards A57, passing “Los Angeles, California”, “Seattle, Washington” “Atlanta, Georgia” and then “Moscow, Russia”, “Beijing, China”, and “Seoul, South Korea.” A57 came into view and underneath, in bright orange pixels, read “Tokyo, Japan”. Your jaw dropped open and Joy began to squeal. “No way, no way, no way. Seulgi. You did NOT get us tickets to Waterbomb.” Joy jumped up and down, neck pillow flopping against her back. Seulgi shrugged her shoulders and attempted to fight a smile, but Joy squealed again and grabbed her into a huge bear hug, causing a grin to explode onto Seulgi’s face. “I LOVE YOU SO MUCH RIGHT NOW YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW!” Joy’s scream was muffled as her tight hug squashed her mouth into Seulgi’s shoulder.
“Umm..hold on…what’s Waterbomb?” You asked, giggling slightly at your friend’s antics. At this, Joy and Seulgi stopped hugging to stare at you like you’d grown an extra head out of your shoulders. “Ew I forgot she’s only a casual KPOP girl.” Joy rolled her eyes as she plopped down in one of the chairs at the gate and kicked her feet up onto her suitcase. Seulgi took the time to explain the massive festival, the amazing kpop acts, and the water guns to you and by the time your boarding zone was called, you were stoked about getting to go. 
The flight to Tokyo was long and uneventful, the ride to the hotel was short and sweet, and the check in process was smooth. The three of you were staying at a 5 star hotel famous for waiting on their guests hand and foot. The elevator up to the penthouse was smooth and when you stepped into the hall, you were shocked to find only two massive open areas on either side of the elevator. “The other side is the other penthouse. We have this entire half of the floor to ourselves. That’s how big this place is.” Seulgi explained. As if your jaws couldn’t drop enough, Seulgi scanned her thumb print and the door to your vacation palace unlocked with a quiet click. “They don’t have my thumb print, right? I didn’t authorize them to have that information!” Joy joked. You couldn’t even think of the logistics as you stepped into what could only be described as luxury beyond your wildest dreams. Marble floors, brilliant chandeliers, gold plated silverware (goldware?) 200 inch large screen TV with surround sound speakers, full bar, and floor to ceiling windows overlooking the city of Tokyo. The balcony was a walk around that you could access from the living area or any of the bedrooms and had a hot tub, a small infinity pool, and another outdoor bar. Each of the three bedrooms had a king sized bed that you actually had to walk up two steps to get into and a full bathroom attached. The bathrooms had clawfoot tubs made of more gold, massive showers, and a towel warmer. Despite having handed over your credit cards to Seulgi so she could split the price of everything equally between the three of you, you had no idea the measly 4 digit price you paid could amount to such elegance. 
The long travels and time change hit the three of you hard, so after gawking at the amenities the penthouse provided a little longer, the three of you washed up and hit the sack, hard. So hard, you didn’t wake up until almost 3pm the next day. Luckily, traveling queen Seulgi had accounted for this and had allotted two rest days into the rigorous itinerary, delivering every meal up to the room by room service to be had on the balcony or on the edge of the pool. 
“I wonder who’s on the opposite side of the hall from us in the other penthouse” Joy questioned between massive bites of her meal. She was standing in the pool with her upper half lounging on the poolside.
“Probably some big shot oil tycoon and his 3 wives,” you joked, nursing an afternoon mimosa. Joy giggled and downed another bite of her meal. For being so thin, she had one hell of an appetite.
“Actually,” Seulgi started with a smile. “I booked this hotel because it’s usually one of the ones idols stay at since it’s super close to the festival area and the hotel is known for its discretion. I bet it's a kpop group.” Joy dropped a grape into the pool, mouth agape, body frozen as she stared at Seulgi. You watched the grape bob away towards the other side of the pool. Joy still hadn’t moved or spoken when you turned back.
“Joy? Babe? You alright?” You gave her shoulder a light shake. 
Joy took a deep breath before shouting, “A KPOP GROUP!? YOU’RE TELLING ME STRAY KIDS COULD BE RIGHT NEXT DOOR? OR EXO? OR-” Joy jumped out of the pool at this point. “We gotta go over there and find out who it is!”
“No! What are we gonna do just knock on the door and see who answers? It could be a girl group too, you know.” Seulgi stated.
Joy jumped again, “TWICE!?” Joy feigned fainting, “catch me Nayeon!” You all three laughed and Joy jumped back into the pool. “We should get some drinks and just have a party tonight. A light party, so we can go explore tomorrow, but a party nonetheless.” Joy suggested. 
“Hell yeah we’ve relaxed enough. It’s time to get fucked up.” You agreed. 
“I know a place we can get some good stuff for cheap. We spent an arm and a leg on this trip. I'm not paying the big bucks for alcohol.” Seulgi stated, cleaning up the plates (as is her duty as the resident mom of the trip). “Let’s head there now so we can be back before dinner and get some food in our system before we get trashed.” 
You and Joy did as you were told and obediently threw on a swim suit cover-up to travel to the store. 2 bottles of champagne and a box of soju later, the three of you returned and got dressed for dinner. After your bellies were full, the three of you put on your “party pajamas" (short shorts, crop tops, and fuzzy socks) and got the snacks and drinks ready on the living room table. 
“Shit we need ice for the champagne don’t we. I’ll go grab some from the ice machine down the hall. We’re gonna need more than the refrigerator has at the moment.” You grabbed the empty champagne bucket and headed to the room where the ice machine was located. Well, where you thought it was located. The ice machine room was empty and you pouted while thinking about where you could get ice. You walked back to the room, but before you went back in and admitted defeat to your friends, you saw the doors to the staircase and thought you might as well try one floor down. Entering onto the floor below you headed back to the area where the ice machine could be, but stopped when you saw two figures standing in the open area after the penthouse suite door. Though the lighting was dim (a 5 star hotel can’t light their hallways?) you could see a third figure gesturing, and then backing up and pointing their phone towards the first two as if they were recording. You slowly walked closer when you heard “Ok, shi-jak* [A/N: begin].” T-Pain’s “Booty Wurk played and the two figures started dancing. The moves were executed flawlessly until one of the figures in a black cap made an imperceptible (to you) mistake. Groans from the other two were heard and the taller male in the front, in a gray cap, turned to playfully shake at the other. You took this as your chance to pass through. “You guys are really good at dancing,” you started as all three boys jumped, startled at your sudden appearance. You passed by them, but not before taking in just how beautiful they all three were. “Oh, thank you.” The one in the gray cap nodded to you. You headed to the ice machine, but subconsciously felt like someone was watching, so you took a quick peek over your shoulder to see all three men watching you. Dipping quickly into the ice room, you put your hand over your heart and felt it flutter. 
Woah. Were they checking me out? You thought to yourself as you pressed the bucket under the ice machine. The clanking and crunching of the machine and the ice hitting the metal bucket was a mere whisper compared to the thumping of your heart and whooshing of blood in your ears. 
Fuck it. It’s vacation. You convinced yourself as the ice toppled over the lip of the bucket and landed with a clack on the floor. When you came out, the boys were dancing again. You walked just close enough to let them know you were watching, and then leaned against the wall. The boys finished up their attempt of the dance and you stepped forward. 
“Wow! You guys are really so good!” you fluttered your lashes even though you weren’t sure if they could see in the dim light. “You should be professionals. I wish you could teach me to dance!” You stepped a little closer to the three boys. 
The boy holding his phone chuckled while the one in the gray cap thanked you again. You fluttered your lashes again and flashed a sweet smile. “I’m Y/N. And you are?” You turned to the shorter boy in black. “Oh, uh, I’m Wooyoung”. He smiled lightly. 
“I’m Yunho.” The boy in the gray cap waved and then shoved his hands back in the pockets of his white cargo pants.
You turned to the final boy and your eyes widened and pulse quickened. You hadn’t gotten a good look at him when you first passed by, but even in the dim light you could see he was a ten out of ten. You strained your eyes and pleaded with your pupils to let you see this man in all his glory. 
“I’m Mingi. Nice to meet you, Y/N. And, for the record, we are professionals.” He smiled. 
“Oh? Are you in a dance group?” You questioned, never breaking eye contact with Mingi.
“Something like that”, Wooyoung answered. “More like a KPOP group.” He barely finished his sentence before he was lightly slapped in the chest by Yunho.
“Oh that’s really cool. Which group? Maybe I’ve heard of you.” You played it cool even though your heart was threatening to beat itself out of your rib cage.
“Ateez.” Mingi said proudly. 
You did your best not to fangirl hard. You’d been listening to Bouncy continuously since Joy sent it in the group chat. Due to your rigorous doctor schedule, stanning wasn’t something you had time to do- thus, Joy’s “Ew, casual KPOP girl” comment in the airport.
“I think I’ve heard of you guys before.” you nodded and flashed another cute smile. “Well, I have to get this bucket of ice back to a few bottles of champagne,” you emphasized your sentence by holding up the bucket and patting it a few times. “But if you guys ever want a break from idol life, my friends and I are one floor up with drinks and snacks.” You passed through the three boys once again, turned around, and started walking backwards so you could express your final sentence to them, “and we’ll sign NDAs, no problem.” You whipped back around before the three boys had a chance to watch you sink deep into embarrassment, fear, and confusion.
Did I really just tell three international superstars I’d sign an NDA to party with them? I haven’t even started drinking and I’m already doing stupid shit. You chastised yourself as you quickly made your way back up the stairs and into your penthouse.
“Finally! We were gonna start without you!” Joy shouted, her back to you as she sat on the couch fiddling with something you couldn’t see.
“We did start without you.” Seulgi corrected, clicking something on her computer and watching the big screen TV at the same time. She seemed to be setting up her computer to cast to the TV to play music.
“You guys will never guess what happened to me and who I met.” You started, setting the bucket on the kitchen counter and tucking the two champagne bottles snuggly within the ice. When you turned back to your friends, they were both staring at you excitedly.
“WHO!?” they yelled in unison.
You went to go sit on the couch. You started off your story of the disappearing ice machine much to Joy and Seulgi’s dismay, and even kept an air of mystery by not revealing the names of the boys until the proper point in the story, after you’d gotten the ice.
“So I’m like, my name is Y/N what’s yours? And he goes ‘Wooyoung’ and the next dude goes ‘Yunho’ and the last dude goes ‘Mingi’.” you recount. At each name, Seulgi gasps and Joy squeals. You continued before they could interrupt you. 
“Then Mingi’s like ‘Yeah we are professionals’ and I’m like ‘yeah are you in a dance group?’ and Wooyoung goes ‘We’re in ATEEZ’ and I lowkey pretended like I’m not obsessed with Bouncy so I can stay chill.” You were speeding through the story to make it to the most important part before Joy exploded with questions. 
“So,” you continue “I say ‘yeah I’ve heard of you guys. Well if you wanna come up and party with us we’ll sign the NDA!” You bury your head in your hands and pull your knees to your chest while Joy and Seulgi, essentially, freak out. 
“Are you telling me Ateez could come up here and party with us!?” Joy stands up on the couch in excitement. Seulgi quickly brings her down a peg to reality and says “They probably won’t but at least Y/N got to flirt with hot famous guys.” Seulgi pauses for a moment before a squeal escapes her mouth and she taps her feet on the floor in glee. “WE COULD PARTY WITH ATEEZ THOUGH!” Seulgi grins. With that, Joy jumps lightly off the couch and pops open a soju bottle. She grabs three shot glasses and pours the bottle evenly across all three. “Well,” she starts “we should be ready when they get here!”
You three take the shots like champs, open the snacks, and turn up the music. After some light mixed drinks and a few good songs, the three of you had almost forgotten about your supposed super star visitors. A knock at the door stops the three of you in your tipsy rendition of Kai’s Rover. You look at each other in confusion, and then turn towards the door. You head over and peek through the peephole. A young Asian woman, probably the same age as you, with an ipad is standing outside the door. You open the door just wide enough to be polite.
“Hi.” You say tentatively, confusion clearly showing on your face.
‘Hi! I’m one of the managers working for KQ and I think I have something you’ll want to sign.” The lady turns her iPad around and you see NON DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT in big bold letters across the top of a document. You feel hands on your shoulder and the door swings wider. 
“YES. WE’LL SIGN. WHATEVER IT IS WE’LL SIGN!” Joy practically screams in the woman’s face.
The manager laughs and begins to quickly scroll through the massive document, highlighting the major points (basically, keep it quiet or we’ll sue you for your entire life and the life of your future children) and then hands you a stylus. 
“If you agree to the terms and conditions, sign, print, and date here. If you have any questions let me know and I’ll be happy to answer them before you sign. If you’re no longer interested-” before the manager can finish her sentence, Joy snatches the stylus out of your hand and signs off on the document. She hands the stylus to Seulgi and she does the same with speed. 
“So, they’re coming up here? They’re all actually coming?” You ask, raising an eyebrow and begging the answer to be yes.
The manager chuckles and says “this non-disclosure agreement covers any potential meetings with the idols mentioned within it on the dates mentioned within it.” She punctuates her sentence with a smile and moves the iPad towards you. Joy nudges you in a manner that lets you know that you will not be ruining this for her. You sign with shaky hands.
“Perfect!” The manager turns the iPad back around and taps on it a bit. “And if you could all input your emails here, you’ll receive a copy of this for your own records.” You put in your emails, and the manager hits send. “Thank you! Have a good night!” The manager bows, and heads down the hall. You slowly close the door and turn to look at your friends. You stand staring at each other, excitement buzzing between the three of you as not one of your brains can form words. Seulgi was the first to break the silence. 
“Well…this is happening.” She said as if she was trying to convince herself to keep calm. Joy walked off like a zombie in a trance to sit back on the couch and stare out into the distance. “This is happening.” She repeated in the same tone as Seulgi.
“This is happening!” Joy rocketed up from the couch. “I gotta go put on some makeup!” Joy rushed into her bedroom, and you heard a distinct zip of a makeup bag followed by the continuous clacking of makeup containers hitting each other while being dumped out. You and Seulgi finally had the wherewithal to leave the foyer and head back to the couch. You took a generous swig of strawberry soju when you heard another knock at the door. This time, all three of you ran to the door to answer it. You were closer, and, therefore, faster, and opened the door with a grin.
“(Y/N)!” Mingi raised his hands above his head as if he was greeting an old friend. “I brought drinks and friends.” You moved to the side to welcome Mingi in, Yunho, Wooyoung, and San following behind him. 
“These are my friends Seulgi and Joy.” You introduced your friends but before you could give them the eyes that meant “please be cool”, they began to fangirl.
“Oh my gosh Wooyoung you’re my bias! It’s so cool to meet you guys!” Joy giggled and jumped Wooyoung with a hug. “Oh I’m so sorry!” Joy jumped back as quickly as she had hugged Wooyoung. “I should have asked first- can I hug you?” 
Wooyoung laughed and nodded, coming in for another hug. Yunho, Mingi, and San greeted you all and you all headed to the couch. 
Joy, the official party girl of the three of you, immediately began to pour shots while Seulgi turned the music back up. The party had commenced full swing, with all of you jumping, dancing, and shouting lyrics as loud as you could. After an hour and a few drinks, you were just buzzed enough to let your inhibitions out the window, so when Bouncy came on, you lost it.
“EVERYONE SHUT UP I LOVE THIS SONG” you yelled, arms out as wide as possible to clear the makeshift dance floor (aka the area where the coffee table used to be). The song got as far as Yunho’s “one, two..” before it stopped. You whipped your head around to Seulgi with a look on your face that clearly said what the fuck!? But before you could verbally protest, Seulgi pointed to the TV. She’d pulled up the music video.
“Since you’ve never seen it.” She stuck her tongue out, but you didn’t see her. Your eyes were glued to the screen. By the time the video ended, you had made a dangerous decision. Watching Mingi clear out a bar with a fake gun, belly roll, and dance had you trembling. You knew you had to have him. You devised a devious plan in the blink of an eye. “Play it again!” you whined. “I wanna dance AND,” you stood up to emphasize the second request “I want you all to sing your parts!” 
The boys laughed and agreed as Seulgi re-started the music video. You began dancing as Mingi rapped “What you wanna do?”. Your plan was in motion and so were your hips. You spun around and swung your hand in the air like you were swinging a lasso. You slowly approached Mingi, who had sat down on the couch. When the chorus hit, you straddled him. Your heart was beating faster than it ever had before, but your mind was determined. You kept lightly moving your hips and swinging your imaginary lasso. Mingi looked at you with eyes wide and mouth slightly open, corners of his mouth turned up in disbelief. You pushed a little further- putting your hands on his shoulders and singing along:
“Slow it down, make it bouncy 
지금부터 fly
좀 다른 spicy 청양고추 vibe”
You looked Mingi in the eyes when you felt his hands on your hips. “Don’t forget to rap your part.” You leaned close with a small smile and mouthed “fix on” in time with the song. Mingi began rapping, and you began the next part of your plan. You wrapped your arms around his neck and began to kiss at his neck. You heard his breath catch slightly, but he didn’t miss a beat of his rap. You moved up to his ear, bit lightly, and moaned “mmmm”. You applied a little more pressure in your grind and you moved to snake your fingers up the hair on the nape of his neck. You kept kissing his neck and, when his rap had completed, Mingi slowly slid his hands down to cup your ass. You could hear San and Wooyoung confidently slurring their way through Seonghwa’s lines. You’re surprised you’re not embarrassed about slutting yourself out in front of your friends, but the growing bulge pressing into your crotch is making it a little easier. Pulling back and placing your forehead on Mingi’s, you stare in each other’s eyes and reach a silent understanding. You slide off of Mingi and grab his hand, leading him to your bedroom. 
You shut the door, but can’t turn around because Mingi has pressed his body against you. He wraps his arms around you and kisses your neck. He spins you around and crashes his mouth into you, tongues wrestling and arms wandering. You push him towards the massive bed and pull away from the intoxicating kiss just long enough to warn him to watch his step. You pull off your shorts and shirt and Mingi does the same. Mingi sits up against the headboard and drags you back into his lap. You both moan and grind into each other- Mingi clearly not able to choose between massaging your breasts or squeezing your ass, so he settles for one for each hand. You’ve had enough of the humping and pull away. You trail kisses down Mingi’s body, clearly heading to give him the best head of his life, but he leans forward and grabs you before you can make it to your prize. Mingi flips you over and tears your panties off like he’s unwrapping a christmas present. 
“Shit.” Mingi mumbles as he pushes your legs out and back for a clear view of his meal. He looks up at you as he lightly runs his middle finger through your slick covered folds. Your breathing is heavy and your heart is pounding. 
“You want it, baby girl?” Mingi raises an eyebrow at you. You nod fervently, but that’s clearly not enough. “Lemme hear you baby. What do you want?” Mingi teases in the sweetest, sultriest voice you’ve ever heard. 
“I want you to eat me like it’s your last meal, Mingi.” You respond, grabbing a fistful of his hair. At this Mingi’s eyes flutter shut and he gasps. 
“Don’t let go,” Mingi growls, then he dives in. He wraps his lips around your clit and sucks, and makes quick work of his tongue. He slowly pushes his middle finger inside you and hooks it right into your g-spot. 
The speed at which the pleasure overcomes you has you grabbing Mingi’s hair with your other hand and releasing a deep moan. Mingi slurps and moans as he fingers you deep. You pull him off of you and he looks up at you with confusion. You begin to crawl down towards his crotch, bulge straining painfully through his boxer briefs. Mingi gets it immediately and flips over onto his back to continue his work on your clit while you unearth his throbbing cock. Watching the thick, long member spring out of its cage has you clenching around Mingi’s finger. He moans and adds a second as you squeeze the base of his cock. He’s already leaking, so you squeeze a little more out to lubricate his dick. You lick a stripe from the base to the tip, and then take Mingi in his entirety. Mingi’s head falls back and he moans deeply. 
“(Y/N), fuck, just like that.” Mingi pants and speeds up his fingers within you. You feel your orgasm approaching but you’re determined to make Mingi remember you. You move off of Mingi, which removes his fingers from you, and turn to face him. He looks down at you and you stare in his eyes as you deepthroat him. You hollow your cheeks and work your tongue up and down, cupping his balls with one hand and running the other up and down his thighs. Mingi lightly places his hands on your head and you can feel him throbbing in your mouth. You can tell he’s getting close and remove him from your mouth with a pop. The heat of the moment over takes you and you go to straddle him, line him up, and sink down on his cock. Mingi’s eyes fluttered shut and he shuddered out a moan. You began a slow pace, up and down, while simultaneously circling your hips. You threw your head back and dug your nails into Mingi’s toned abs. He gripped your hip with one hand and began mercilessly rubbing your clit with the other. Your legs went weak as your orgasm built up again, and you sat down on Mingi, fully taking his entire length. Mingi pulled you forward so you were laying on his chest. He hooked both of his arms around your waist, lifted his hips, and began fucking you senseless. 
You came within seconds, gripping Mingi’s cock tight- he could feel your walls fluttering and your orgasm dripping down onto his thighs. 
“Fuck Mingi, yes! Make me cum!” You moaned into his ear. Between your pussy death gripping his cock and you dirty talking in his ear, Mingi couldn’t handle it. His hips stuttered, his breath became ragged, and his moans became louder and louder. He pounded into you harder and harder until he finally stilled deep within you. You felt him throbbing and spilling his release as you were coming down from your own high. 
Mingi rode out his orgasm still holding your body tightly to his. You pushed your torso up so you could see Mingi’s face clearly- hair sticking to his forehead by beads of sweat, eyelids low in bliss. Mingi took a deep breath and finally came to. His eyes got wide and he swore in korean. 
“Oh God. I just…fuck…I didn’t pull out…I’m…are you…” Mingi’s mind was clearly racing and you put your pointer finger to his lips to shush him.
“Shh. It’s okay. I’m on birth control, I’m clean, and I’d never do that to you. I promise.” you comforted him.
Mingi’s eyebrows creased together and raised in a face that relayed “you promise?” then he nodded and released the breath he’d been holding. He then rolled over, still holding you tight to his body, so you could be flat on your back when he pulled out. “Stay there!” he requested as he ran off to the bathroom to get you a warm towel. He came back smiling, ready to provide you with excellent aftercare. He found your clothes that had been scattered over the floor, and handed them to you as he put on his own clothes. A pang of sadness hit your heart as you realized your night with Mingi was over, and you went into the bathroom to collect yourself (and to pee. You always pee after sex!). You looked in the mirror and saw how rosy your cheeks were, hair all over your head, and all you could do was smile. You were thankful that you had this experience. After quickly brushing your teeth and washing your face, you opened the bathroom door and peeked back in the bedroom. Mingi was nowhere to be found. You realized simultaneously that it was silent in the penthouse. You assumed the girls went to bed and Mingi left with the rest of his members. You crawled into bed, fluffed your pillows, and turned off the lights.  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
You woke up hot. Really hot. And paralyzed. Not sleep paralyzed, paralyzed like you were in a straitjacket. You slowly realized someone was in the bed with you. You could hear a soft snore from behind you. You twisted around to try and see if Joy had had another nightmare and wanted to cuddle with you for “safety”. The figure behind you aroused and you strained your eyes in the darkness to see who the hell caused you to be drenched in sweat.
“Hey, did my snoring wake you?” A soft, deep voice asked. Your eyes adjusted to the darkness and you saw Mingi’s sleepy face, eyes still shut tight. You were glad his eyes were closed because you were grinning like an idiot. “No, I just had a funny dream.” You lied as you cuddled up, face first into his chest. Mingi held you tight, kissed your forehead, and immediately fell back asleep.
The smell of bacon wafted into your dreams and knocked on your brain until you regained consciousness. The sun was beaming into your room and you gave yourself a nice, full body stretch. While stretching, you realized how roomy your bed was. You turned over and noticed your empty bed. You sighed in content, happy for the night you had. A piece of cloth under the unused pillow caught your eye. You lifted the pillow and noticed Mingi’s shirt, and a note.
“Had a great time last night. See you at Waterbomb. Have you and your friends meet us backstage ;) -SMG”
You grabbed his shirt, stuffed it into your face, and took a big sniff. You didn’t care that it was creepy and delusional. You’re happy he left you a memento of the night you shared. The door to your room creaked slowly open, and you popped your head up as soon as you noticed it.
“SEULGI SHE’S UP OH MY GOD.” Joy screamed and sprinted full speed towards your bed. She flopped down next to you as Seulgi ran in behind her.
“TELL. US. EVERYTHING.” Joy enunciated her words by shaking your shoulders. 
You relayed the night to your best friends. You concluded by showing them the note. Joy and Seulgi shrieked and their voices overlapped in excitement- fantasizing about how the day was going to go. You tuned them out and looked wistfully out the window as the sun continued to shine into your bedroom. You began to grin as you thought about all you were going to do with Mingi again. 
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onbearfeet · 4 months
WIP Wednesday: Bloodstone, LLC
In this excerpt from an upcoming WBN story, Elsa explains the facts of supernatural life to her new clients, Laurel and Solange. After she's made them sign NDAs, of course. (BTW, Laurel is Elsa's ex-gf and Solange is Laurel's wife.)
On to business, she decided, before she embarrassed herself. She held out the envelope to Laurel. “I’ll need the both of you to sign these before we begin.”
Laurel dropped Solange’s hand to take the package. “What’s this?”
“Non-disclosure agreements,” Elsa said, keeping her tone carefully level. “Just routine, you understand.”
“Routine for who?” Solange asked, arching a perfect eyebrow.
“Me,” Elsa replied. “My team’s safety is my responsibility. They’re good people, and they’ll do their best to help you, but let’s just say the world is not kind to … unusual people … and we prefer to fly under the radar.”
Laurel had slid the sheaf of papers out and was speed-reading them. “This says we’re not allowed to discuss any personal details of the employees of Bloodstone, LLC, other than you.”
“Well, someone has to take the blame on Yelp,” Elsa said. “And my name’s on the paperwork.”
Solange skimmed the page in Laurel’s hand, then gave Elsa a long, measuring look. “Mutants?” she asked.
“Is that a problem?” Elsa replied, a little too sweetly.
“Hell, no,” Solange said, and unclipped the pen from inside the envelope.
“Splendid,” Elsa drawled as they signed. Then, under her breath, she muttered, “Not a word, boys. I’ll explain later.”
“What was that?” Solange asked.
“Nothing,” Elsa said. “All done?”
“All done!” Laurel handed the stack of pages back to her, now adorned with two sets of signatures.
“Excellent. Thank you.” Elsa stuck two fingers in her mouth and whistled sharply.
The back doors of the van swung open.
Barnes was the first one out, visibly scanning the house and the nearest treeline, and she could just imagine the furious whispered argument that had led to that, because he was striding across the driveway with his rolling infantryman’s walk before the front passenger door had so much as clicked open. Jack’s boots hit the ground next, and he trotted around the front of the van, his green twill jacket flapping in the breeze as he hurried to catch up to Barnes despite his slightly shorter legs.
Then Ted stepped out of the van, rising to his full red-eyed height against the golden sky as the van’s suspension creaked and settled back into its old configuration, and Laurel and Solange stopped breathing.
Elsa slid the NDAs back into the envelope with a snap, just as a reminder.
“Ladies,” Barnes said as he came to a military-precise stop a step behind Elsa. She didn’t have to look at him to know he had cracked his movie-star smile at them, and she stifled the urge to elbow him.
Jack arrived a heartbeat later with a cheerful, “Good afternoon!”, and whatever he was doing with his face made Laurel blush.
Elsa silently gave up all hope of retaining professional dignity. “Laurel Westfield, Solange Vinton, may I introduce my team. Jim here,” she bobbed her head toward Barnes as she used his chosen pseudonym (which was only a pseudonym for people who knew he disliked that version of his actual name, Jesus Christ, Barnes), “is our logistics and operations master. Jack,” she indicated the werewolf currently giving them a cheerful wave, “is our ritual expert,” she took a deep breath, “and Ted handles everything else.”
Ted gave an amiable rumble.
“Ted,” Solange repeated.
“Ted,” Elsa agreed, and lifted her packet of NDAs a little higher against her chest, holding them like she would a powerful grimoire.
Ted burbled.
“He says it’s lovely to meet you,” Jack translated.
“What do you do?” Solange asked, turning her face toward Elsa but flicking her eyes back toward Ted.
“Health and safety,” Elsa said blandly. “And marketing.”
She heard the little choking noise Jack made, but no one else seemed to react.
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plasticfangtastic · 3 months
I know logistically there is some poor intern livng in constant stress and anxiety about being sniped faster than a Clinton or Boeing leaker, who knows he would commit suicide by 7 shots to the back if anybody found out he was the one buying Homelander his titty milk off of Craiglist or Facebook marketplace.
But as i still think of the bookcase fridge situation i wonder... if Vought is running some Mad Max Inmortal Joe Mother's Milk operation in the basement for safety and commodity in order keep a steady supply of milk... not saying this bcuz i have a really fucked up Reader fic idea or anything (well some of that is that ofc) but i need to know... my curiosity is killing me and i aint got 9 lives to spare.
Like Vought has no issue kidnapping ppl and experimenting on them like they kidnap random moms who lost their babies and made it seem like they decided to go missing or commit suicide from the grief or it could be a weird gig... some girl getting paid a hefty amount to be Homelander heifer after signing a fuck load of NDAs.
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clonerightsagenda · 1 month
Fantasy logistics are my passion so I am contemplating exactly what an undertaking cleaning up the afterlife would look like. Hopefully there are at least maps marking where the barriers are (they mentioned a cartography of dark London in the library, so fingers crossed) because otherwise you’ll need to send in scouts paired with bigger distraction teams to draw off the dead, and that’ll take a while to make sure you’ve got everything. Don’t want to tear down the gate and then learn you missed one. Then you need teardown teams paired with defense and probably another decoy group. The best strategy would probably be to bring something long and hook the barriers to tear them down from a distance, then wait for the stampede to finish before rolling the fencing up and carrying it back. Since that’s a lot of metal to carry, you’d probably only do one gate per job, and if you’re at all reasonable you’d give workers long rests between jobs and retire them after 2 or 3 given the physical side effects. It would make sense to stagger teams so you always have a few veterans (maybe that’s one of the reasons Lucy goes over again?) but it’s a lot of recruiting, a lot of training, and a lot of traveling to make sure there aren’t barriers set up in other places as well. NDAs or no, it’s hard to imagine everyone would keep their mouths shut. There should be an increasing number of out of work agents to hire, though. They ought to be able to afford to pay them really good hazard rates after seizing the assets of the country’s biggest corporation.
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maybeimamuppet · 9 months
i'll be there for christmas III
hello everyone!! ahh i've missed you all so much i hope you've had a lovely day!! merry christmas to all of you who celebrate :)) sorry i didn't quite manage to post this on christmas. turns out making an entire christmas dinner and all the cookies/sweets for four people and trying to spend some time with family is a lot more time consuming than you would think!
anyway i've spent the last. eight straight hours (whoops) hammering this out as my christmas gift to you!! if you don't celebrate then i hope you enjoy anyway and you've had a wonderful december.
this was loosely requested by @ghosthooman who mostly just wanted to see janis pregnant for a change and tbh i did too!! so here's another little sequel chapter for ya. hope you all enjoy!!
tw for
pregnancy and c-section delivery (both as non-graphic as possible)
panic attacks
postpartum anxiety
and as always if i've missed something please let me know. it is 4am rn so it's. quite possible.
anyway!! enjoy!!
"Janis?" Cady calls from the kitchen one day. Janis groans quietly to herself as she stands from their bed and pads down the long hallway and down the stairs.
"Are you busy?" her wife asks, looking up at her with a soft smile. Janis returns it and pulls a chair out from the table to sit on.
"Nope," she says. "What's up?"
"We need to have a... um... a conversation," Cady says hesitantly. Janis quirks an eyebrow.
"Are you making me sign another NDA?" she asks. Cady immediately says no, but in such a way that has Janis wondering if she really means it. Cady does have a lot of papers in front of her.
"There'll be no more of those if I can help it. But... we've been married for five years now. My mother has been pressuring me about this for three of them and I can't take it any longer."
"What is it?" Janis asks, reaching a hand across the table to hold Cady's fidgety ones. Cady looks at her with a relieved smile and places her hand in hers.
"My... my family wants to know when we'll have children," she says softly. Janis blinks.
"It's always been the expectation, and I know you said you wanted them previously but I wasn't sure if you still do, and I haven't known what to say but my mother just will not let the topic rest, and I-"
"Cady," Janis interrupts, squeezing her hand with a chuckle. "Breathe. Yeah. I... I still want kids. Especially with you."
"You do?" Cady asks, blinking at her with those huge blue eyes. Janis nods.
"Of course I do," she says. "Do you?"
"Yes," Cady says quietly. "I do."
"Then what's the problem?" Janis asks, scooting her chair closer.
"We're both women, baby, there are some logistical things to figure out," Cady explains with a chuckle.
"I'm not getting pregnant," Janis says immediately. "Ever. You can do anything you want to me except that."
Cady nods. "That's the problem. I... I finally have the job I've dreamed of since I was a child. I've spent my entire life working for this. And as much as I want children, I... I'm not ready to get pregnant and lose that. I'd have to take a leave when they're born, and there's so much that might go wrong that would take me away for even longer. I'm fine taking a long time off if it means getting to spend time with our baby, but... I'm worried about the long term effects carrying a child might have on me. And how they'd affect my ability to work."
"I know," Janis says. "I completely understand. I don't want that for you either."
"Then... what do we do?"
"We could adopt?" Janis proposes.
"Adopt?" Cady asks.
"Babies are exhausting anyway," Janis says. "We could see about getting a kid that's a little older. Someone who really needs a home."
"That sounds lovely," Cady says. "My mother won't be happy."
"Oh my god, is she ever?" Janis says with a bit of a huff. Cady laughs and kisses the corner of her lips.
"You hush, she's gotten much better," she chides.
"I know," Janis chuckles, winding her arms around Cady's neck and kissing her. Cady wraps her arms around her waist and smiles up at her. "We'll figure it out. I'm sure once she meets the kid she'll be fine with it."
"We'll figure it out," Cady echoes.
Unfortunately, there are some things nobody can figure out. They tried for nearly two years, but every foster agency rejected their applications. Every foreign orphanage did too. All of them said the same thing. It wouldn't be fair to allow one child to live in such splendor for a while and then take them back, or while the rest of them are adopted out to normal families. They tried and tried and tried again, but they were shunned at every turn.
"We got rejected again," Cady sighs, plopping on their bed as she hangs up the phone. Janis puts her book down and reaches for her. Cady lies on her stomach with a huff. Janis chuckles and strokes through Cady's auburn hair.
"I think it might be time to call it, Cads," she admits. "I hate to say it, but it's been years and we haven't gotten anywhere."
"Who'd have ever thought you could be too rich to adopt a child?" Cady grumbles.
"I get where they're coming from," Janis says. Cady nods.
"I know. I do too," she says. "...But I really wanted a child."
"I do too," Janis says. "Maybe... maybe it's time to revisit some things."
Cady leans up on her elbows and looks at her with a puzzled expression. "What do you mean?"
"We both want kids," Janis begins, almost not believing the words coming out of her mouth. "Your mom won't get off our backs until we have them anyway. So... why... why don't we just do it?"
"You mean..."
"Let's knock one of us up," Janis shrugs.
"Janis, I still don't want to-"
"Then we'll knock me up," Janis says. Cady gawks at her.
"What? But you said you never-"
"I know," Janis replies, pulling Cady closer. "But... I've been thinking, and it... it kind of sounds like it might not be so bad. Once. I can take nine months of hell if it means a lifetime raising a little munchkin with you."
"Really?" Cady asks with tears brimming in her eyes. "You'd do that?"
"Yeah," Janis nods, stroking Cady's cheek with her thumb. "We're talking about it first. But think about it. We could have a little baby. With your eyes and your smile, and my hair. And my height."
"Hey!" Cady says indignantly. Janis laughs, and Cady eventually does too. They're quiet for a moment before Cady whispers, "A baby."
"And maybe someday things will be different and we can still adopt. But for now... let's... let's have a baby," Janis says. Cady cups her face between her hands and stares into her eyes.
"Let's have a baby."
"I'm home!" Cady calls the next day as she enters from work. She kicks off her shoes and heads down the hall to the living room where Janis is waiting with a series of documents spread on the coffee table and a pen in her hand. Cady freezes in her tracks.
"My turn to make contracts," Janis says with a smirk. Cady hesitates before she sits down. "Miss Heron."
"Miss Heron," Cady echoes with a smile. "What can I do for you?"
"I have some terms. I think we should get them all... on the table, so to speak. And you can bring up anything you have to. I just don't want us arguing or worrying over anything once we've already gone through with everything."
"Good plan," Cady nods, reaching for the documents to read over. They all turn out to be blank, but Janis pulls out a notepad and writes RULES FOR BABBY in capital letters on the top. "What are your terms, Madam?"
"To clarify. I'm getting pregnant," Janis begins. Cady nods, so Janis writes that down. "I am only getting pregnant once. I want a kid with you, and I'm more than willing to do this so we can get there. But I am not doing it more than once."
"That's fine," Cady says. "I think one baby is plenty for us anyway."
Janis writes that down too. "Since I'm carrying them, I get to accept or refuse any procedures I want."
"Like what?" Cady asks.
"Like if I'm feeling really really sick and I think the gestational diabetes test is gonna make me hurl I get to say no or reschedule it if I want to," Janis explains. Cady nods.
"If you're carrying it I suppose that's only fair. But I get an override if we have medical evidence that either you or the baby are in danger," she insists. Janis considers this point and nods.
"Fair enough. Point three, the baby will be vaccinated on the normal schedule once they're born." she says.
"Obviously," Cady responds. "What else?"
"We both have equal say in picking a pediatrician, but if either of us find anything, the smallest thing, that we don't like about them, we're out of there no questions asked and we find someone else."
"Okay," Cady says.
"Names are a two yes thing only. If one of us doesn't like it the kid doesn't get it," Janis continues. Cady nods. "I don't want to find out the sex until they're born."
"No parties?" Cady pouts. Janis shakes her head vehemently.
"No parties."
"We can't even find out just for us?" Cady asks.
"You know your mom is gonna find worm it out of us if we know," Janis says. "I love her, but the idea of being pregnant around her is exhausting enough without her trying to suggest names and buying an entire nursery for them and everything."
"No, you're right," Cady agrees. "Surprise it is, then. What else?"
Janis adds it to the list. "Um... do you have anything?"
"Uh..." Cady hums. "I want it in writing that I get to come to all of your appointments unless you don't want me there for some reason. And... I don't want to use my eggs."
"You don't?" Janis asks in shock, putting her pen down. Cady looks at her lap and shakes her head. "Hey. Time out, come here. Why... why don't you want to use yours?"
Cady moves to sit next to her wife on the couch and leans into her side with a sniffle. "My... I... I just can't, Jay."
"Why?" Janis asks gently as Cady starts to cry. Janis pulls her closer and squishes her cheek against Cady's head.
"I... I love my family," Cady says hoarsely around a thick lump in her throat. "But-but they have done some-some despicable things in the name of money. That-that's in my blood, Janis. I-I-I don't want to... to pass that down."
"Oh, baby," Janis says as Cady dissolves into sobs against her shoulder.
One of Cady's first orders of business when she became co-CEO of Heron Enterprises with her father was completely revamping their ethics. It's been a slow, and expensive, process, but seeing how Janis was treated gave Cady enough ammunition to be able to talk the board into at least paying their employees a living wage, which is a good first step.
"They have, but you haven't," Janis says. "You've done the opposite, if anything. Even after being raised by your father, you've changed everything. You've basically changed the way the world works, baby. That's in your blood too. That's in you. Just because we use your eggs doesn't mean I'm gonna pop out the next Elon Musk."
"Do not mention that name in this house," Cady growls, wiping her nose with a sniffle. Janis laughs and wipes her tears for her.
"Noted. Should I add that to the list?" she hums. That gets a laugh from her wife.
"Maybe," she hums haughtily. "You... you really want to use mine? You're not worried?"
"Not in the slightest," Janis replies quietly. "Having my own kid would be boring anyway."
Cady laughs again. "I... I guess so."
"I know so," Janis says. "Anything else you want to add?"
"We're both taking off of work two months before and after you're due, at least. I do all the actual work on the nursery, but you can help pick designs and things. No visitors in person for the first month, and we avoid sharing their face in the media as much as we can."
"All good," Janis nods, adding them to the list.
"And no horseback riding lessons when they're old enough for them unless they absolutely beg for them."
"Um... okay," Janis chuckles, knowing her wife's horse phobia still runs deep. Cady hugs her left arm as Janis continues writing.
"Do you have anything else?" she asks. She feels Janis tense beneath her, and she frowns. "What?"
"I want a home birth."
"Absolutely not," Cady says immediately.
"I knew you'd say that," Janis sighs.
"Of course I would! Janis, do you have any idea the number of things that can go wrong during childbirth? Hemorrhaging and-and you could bleed out, you-you-you could die, Jay! And the baby, what if the cord is around their neck, or-or they get stuck? And you could tear, or get hurt otherwise, and we might not be able to get you to the hospital in time-"
"Hey," Janis interrupts. "Stop catastrophizing before I even have the kid in me, hm?"
"Janis, it's so dangerous! I won't allow it," Cady insists.
"It's not any more dangerous than it would be in a hospital," Janis says gently, squeezing Cady's hand. "I'm healthy and... a good size. If we go through with this, the chances of anything going wrong are incredibly slim. I know they're there," Janis continues, cutting Cady off as she was about to interrupt. Cady deflates back against her side with a small huff. "Unless the pregnancy turns out to be high risk for whatever reason, I want it to be here."
"But why?" Cady pleads desperately.
"Because I am going to be in an incredible amount of pain and discomfort no matter what we do, and I don't want to be somewhere I've never been before that smells like disinfectant and bodily fluids while I pop a whole kid out of my body. I trust my body to know what it needs, and I trust you to keep me and the baby safe during it. I want to be able to choose what happens during the process. I want you to be able to be involved as much as you want. We won't get that in a hospital."
Cady is quiet for a long time. "I just don't want you to be in pain."
"I'll still be in pain in a hospital," Janis responds quietly, resting her head against Cady's. "But it's worth it."
Cady cuddles a little bit closer. "We'll do what you want."
"Thank you."
"But," Cady says, and Janis sighs. "If... if it comes down to it, heaven forbid. I'm... I'm picking you over the baby."
"If we ever get there, I trust you to make whatever decisions need to be made," Janis responds just as quietly. "I'll make plans for everything I can. And if it's a situation like that I'll never hold anything you choose to do against you."
Cady nods with a sniffle. "I'm sorry. This should be happy."
"It should be important, and it is," Janis says. "We... we're doing the right thing."
Cady nods. "For us."
"For us," Janis echoes. She tears the list of rules off her notepad and hands it to Cady. "Can you... make this legal, however the hell you do that?"
"'Rules for babby' as the title and all?" Cady says with a watery giggle.
"I'll settle for nothing less," Janis insists. Cady rolls her eyes lovingly and rests her head on Janis' lap.
"You're strange."
"So are you," Janis echoes, gently tapping the tip of her nose. "And we'll have a strange little munchkin before too long."
"Hopefully," Cady sighs.
"We will," Janis insists again. Cady smiles wistfully.
A strange little munchkin.
Cady absolutely insists on hunting down a decent sperm donor for them. Janis would've been perfectly content with an anonymous one so long as they didn't have any genetic conditions, but with everything else going on, she decided this was not the hill to die on.
Cady returned after about six months with one that had as clean a bill of health they could hope for, similar ancestral roots to Janis, and dark hair and eyes almost the same shade as hers. Janis just blinked when she was confronted with all the information and nodded.
Then came time to retrieve Cady's eggs. Janis decided spontaneously that she had changed her mind several times over, watching her poor, needle-phobic wife cry anxiously before her daily shots. Hormones, then the release, and the actual retrieval process itself isn't painless either.
"It'll be worse for you, and you said you'd do it," Cady always sniffled after the rounds were done for the day. "I can handle this."
Before long, they had everything they needed, and it was time.
"You lot have some strong genes," the doctor says as a greeting. "You have seven impressive quality embryos and more that aren't quite so strong. Your chances of a healthy little one are much higher than most we see in here."
Cady smiles down at Janis and squeezes her hand. Janis squeezes back. "We're not putting seven in."
"No, no, heavens no," the doctor laughs immediately. She washes her hands and rolls over a stool to sit on while they talk. "I wouldn't recommend more than three at the absolute most."
"How many do you recommend?" Cady asks.
"For you in particular I would say two. Without wanting to dumb things down, that... doubles your chances of successful implantation. Of course, one alone could also always implant too. I'd just prefer not to see you back so soon if we can help it. And you're strong and healthy, your body can handle two embryos at once until they sort themselves out."
"Two," Janis says. "And what if both... both stick?"
"Then you have twins, and we can discuss what you'd like to do should that happen," the doctor says with a small shrug of her shoulders. "But again, that could also happen with one. Just a matter of fraternal versus identical. Your chances of twins with two embryos aren't all that much higher."
Cady and Janis look anxiously at each other. Twins was a bit more than they bargained for, but... they both have always wanted at least two. And like the doctor says, the chances are low.
"It's up to you, my love," Cady says quietly. Janis has been staring silently at the ceiling since she asked her question, mulling over the realities that are setting in now.
"Do two," she says with a strange lump in her throat, after about five minutes of pure silence.
"Are you sure?" Cady asks. "There's no going back from here."
Janis squeezes her hand and nods. "I'm sure."
The doctor nods and the clinic prepares two embryos. They're implanted a week later.
"And you are now pregnant until proven otherwise, congratulations," the doctor says. Cady tackles her wife in a hug as soon as it's safe to.
"I love you," she says softly.
"I love you too," Janis responds.
It's an anxious few weeks from there. Janis goes from delighted to terrified roughly every thirty seconds, and Cady isn't faring much better.
"What if it didn't work?" she asks anxiously, pacing around their bedroom in the middle of the night. "Or what if it went wrong and damaged your uterus? Or-"
"Caddy," Janis grumbles sleepily from bed. "It's gonna be fine."
"You don't know that! What if you have to get more implanted? You looked so uncomfortable," Cady hums, wringing her hands in front of her.
"I'm gonna be uncomfortable either way. If we lose these then... we'll take some time to process and go from there," Janis says.
"Baby," Janis sighs, sitting up and turning on the light. Cady pauses and squints a little bit as she looks at her wife. "Breathe, please. You're stressing me out."
"Sorry," Cady whispers, taking a few deep breaths. "I'm... I'm just worried."
"No shit?" Janis asks with a chuckle. Cady rolls her eyes in her general direction and starts pacing again, albeit much slower. "It's gonna be okay."
"But what if it isn't? What if- what if we're making some terrible mistake? What if we're not ready?"
"Baby, you're just... you... this is just what happened on our wedding day, okay? Even though it was what we both wanted and we knew it would all turn out, we both had cold feet until we were at the end of that aisle holding hands. I'm sure we'll have a few learning curves and whatnot. But... I'm really excited, too."
Cady pauses and looks at her again. She gives Janis a smile warm enough to melt her heart. "I am too."
Janis smiles back. "Yeah?"
Cady nods. "Yeah."
"Come to bed," Janis says, beckoning her over with outstretched arms. Cady sinks into them willingly and nuzzles in close. Janis flips the light back off. They lie together peacefully in the dark for a long, long time.
Janis thinks Cady's finally gone to sleep until she feels her inhale a little bit more heavily and Cady quietly asks, "You're not scared?"
"Are you kidding? Of course I am. I'm fucking terrified," Janis chuckles. "But I'm... not alone."
Cady leans up a little bit and grabs Janis' face between her hands. They have to get quite close to be able to see each other, but she leans in close enough that Janis can see a few vague details of her face in the darkness. "Never. You're never gonna be alone."
Janis smiles and rests a hand over Cady's. "Neither are you."
It's an agonizing wait to find out whether their embryos stuck. It's barely two weeks, but they still don't even make it that long. Cady got so wound up that Janis ended up doing a few tests just to assuage her, but Cady was also too anxious to even look at them. Janis sighed and tucked them away without checking them for the doctors to see the hormone progression.
But, two weeks finally comes, and their tests are almost sure to be accurate at this point. They're both somehow more nervous this time. It feels much more official, even though they're just hanging out in the restroom together while the test sits waiting on the counter.
The timer goes off, and Janis and Cady lock eyes.
"You ready?" Cady asks, taking Janis' hand. Janis takes a deep breath and grabs the test with her free hand. Cady leans into her side, pressing against her arm so she can see the results too.
"It's positive," Janis whispers, biting her lip as delighted tears flow down her face.
"Pos- oh my god!" Cady squeals. She pitches herself at her wife and grabs her face, kissing all over it. Janis laughs and gently grabs Cady's waist to pull her back. "Baby, you're pregnant."
"I'm pregnant," Janis whispers before she gives a shocked laugh. "Holy shit."
"We're having a baby!" Cady says happily. Janis catches her when she throws herself at her again and hugs her so tightly, squeezing her close and resting her chin on her shoulder with a deep sigh.
"What if it's twins?" she whispers.
"Oh my god, can you imagine?" Cady chuckles.
Janis can count on one hand the amount of times her feet touch the floor over the next few weeks. Cady either dotes on her hand and foot herself or gets hired help to do it, much to Janis' dismay. Short of going to the bathroom or walking herself to bed, she's treated like a princess in a tower.
It's nice for the first week or so, but after another, things get old. "Cads, I can get my own grapes. They're grapes."
"You're meant to be resting," Cady protests.
"I am! I haven't done anything but rest for three weeks," Janis huffs. "I'm meant to be exercising and stuff, too."
"Lightly," Cady retaliates.
"I haven't even been able to do that," Janis grumbles. "I need to be able to do a few things for myself or I'm gonna go crazy."
Cady sighs. "I'm sorry."
Janis leans against the counter. "It's okay. Just channel your worry in another direction, please."
"I will," Cady promises. "I'll stop chasing you back to the couch, at least."
Janis comes up behind her and kisses the side of her neck. "Thank you."
"I'm getting these grapes for you, though."
The next few weeks go much smoother. They still have a few small arguments, barely enough to even be called such, but Janis is feeling much better at finally being allowed to move around. She actually spent a whole day refusing to sit down just to make up for it all. Cady had a few things to say about that. They spend their time settling into their new rhythm, having blood work done to confirm Janis is actually officially for-reals pregnant, and relishing in the early days together.
Until one day.
Cady goes running into the bathroom when she hears Janis' panicked yell. Janis jumps a bit when she slams the door open and looks at Cady with anxious tears brimming in her eyes.
"I'm bleeding," she says quietly. "Like, a lot."
Cady looks a little closer. Janis is, indeed, bleeding a fair bit. They'd been told a bit of spotting is normal, but this seems like... more. "Jesus, honey..."
"I think I'm miscarrying," Janis chokes. Cady shakes her head, both in denial and to clear it.
"Don't say that. Not yet. Let's get you cleaned up and go to the hospital," she whispers through her own tears. Her mind went there immediately, and she's almost positive Janis' words are true. But she can't let herself believe that yet. Can't let herself believe they've lost their baby.
She helps Janis get herself situated and into the car. Janis is quiet the entire drive to the hospital. She doesn't cry, she doesn't speak. She barely moves.
Cady bursts into tears halfway there. Janis looks at her and gently takes her hand off the wheel. Cady sniffs and drives with the other. "I'm so sorry, honey."
"For what? It's not your fault," Janis murmurs, holding Cady's hand to her heart and kissing her fingertips.
"I barely let-let you move for three weeks, you've only gotten two to-to really feel like you're pregnant and-and now we're losing them," Cady sobs.
"You were just trying to keep me safe," Janis comforts.
"Yeah, fat lot of good that did," Cady huffs through her tears. "Does it hurt?"
Janis shakes her head. "It's not... comfortable. But finding the blood was a surprise, I'm not hurting or anything."
"Good," Cady says. She takes a breath in vain and trills her lips. Janis squeezes her hand.
"It'll be okay."
"How-how are you so calm?" Cady murmurs.
"Panicking now won't do anything. Might make it worse, actually. And I'm worried about you," Janis shrugs. "There's... always a chance they're okay and this is just a weird thing."
A low chance, Cady insists in her head, but she doesn't say it out loud. "What if it's not?"
"Then we'll figure that out when we find out."
"...You're not really okay, are you?"
Janis' lip quivers and she chokes out, "Not even a little."
Cady pulls into the hospital parking lot and pays an amount of money Janis would've balked at had she not been married to a billionaire for seven years for a spot. People stare at them and point as Cady rushes up to the counter and Janis trails slowly behind her. Neither of them care.
"I think my wife is having a miscarriage," Cady pants, trying not to break down in front of the poor hospital receptionist. "She's almost eight weeks pregnant and she's bleeding a lot, I-I'll pay whatever it takes for her to be seen as soon as possible, we-we just need to know-"
The receptionist passes over a box of tissues and pages a doctor. Luckily, they wouldn't have had to wait anyway. They're called back to a small room and a curtain is tugged shut around an examination table to make it even smaller. Cady grips Janis' hand hard enough to nearly break both their fingers, but Janis doesn't even so much as breathe differently, let alone mention it.
A nurse comes in with a mobile ultrasound cart. Cady can't hold back more tears. They were supposed to have their first real ultrasound next week, to see their baby for the first time and make sure they were growing properly. Now they're having one to make sure there's even a baby at all.
They both wait with bated breath as the wand shifts every which way and the nurse frowns at the screen. Cady looks down to see Janis' fingers on her free hand are crossed tightly. She does the same.
"You're not having a miscarriage," the nurse says after what feels like a year, but can't have been more than five minutes. Janis and Cady both let out relieved sobs.
"They're okay?" Janis chokes. "You swear?"
"I swear. Your babies are both fine."
"Our what now?" Cady asks, suddenly very much not crying. Janis freezes beneath her.
"They're both kickin'. Not literally, of course, they don't really have legs yet. But their heartbeats both look steady, and they're charting properly for how far along you are."
"Both?" Janis echoes. "There's-"
"Oh my god, did you not know?" the nurse gasps. "I'm so sorry, I thought you had found out already! Um, you're having twins! Congratulations!"
"Twins?" Cady whimpers in delight. She looks down at Janis. Janis looks back. "They both stuck?"
"They sure did," the nurse chuckles. She turns the screen around so they can see, and sure enough, there's two little black orbs floating in grey static. "You kinda got the Cadillac of twin pregnancies, here. They each have their own placenta and amniotic sac, so they're the least likely to have any complications and things like that. And it means they're almost definitely fraternal. There's a small chance they're identical, but with you having had two embryos implanted and everything, all the signs would point to you having fraternal twins."
"And they're both healthy? I swear if something is wrong with them I will shut this hospital down so fast-"
"Caddy," Janis chuckles. "She knows what she's doing."
"You can see for yourselves. Let me zoom in a bit," the nurse says. She does, and Cady and Janis both look to see what she's doing. "This little blob thing here is baby A's heart, you can see how strong and steady it is. Oh, here."
She fiddles with the machine for a second, and suddenly an echoey pulsing noise can be heard in time with the rapid pulsing on the screen.
"That's their heartbeat?" Cady whispers, quietly sobbing again. The nurse nods with a huge smile on her face.
"Man, I thought I was gonna have to do the sad part of my job today, but I get to do the best part," she says to herself. "Let me find B for you, too."
They wait while she shifts a little bit, and then they watch the other blob's heart and listen to its steady beating for a long time. "Congratulations. I'll go get you all the boring pamphlets and stuff about twins."
"Thank you," Janis chuckles and sniffles at the same time. She wipes her eyes and leans back on the table. Cady watches as she bursts into hysterical laughter, and she can't help but join in.
"What's so funny?" she asks when they've calmed down a bit.
"I don't know," Janis giggles. "We just went from thinking we didn't have any babies to having two, my nerves are totally shot."
"Yeah, mine too," Cady agrees with a smile. "Twins."
Janis stops giggling suddenly, looking at Cady with a remarkably sober expression. "Do... are you... are you okay with twins? Do you want two?"
Cady squeezes her hand for the umpteenth time since they got to the hospital. "I was afraid of it when we put two in."
Janis just blinks at her, with more tension in her body than Cady's ever seen a human hold. Including herself, and that's saying something.
"But now that I know," she continues. "I've never wanted anything more."
Janis smiles. Cady smiles back and bends down to kiss her.
That's how the nurse finds them, so she just quietly leaves the pamphlets and ultrasound photos on the table next to them and ducks back out of the room. Janis is barely in the realm of reality enough to break away from her wife long enough to say, "Thank you."
"You're welcome," the nurse responds, shutting the door behind her.
"Let's go home," Cady whispers against Janis' lips. Janis nods and gives her one last good smooch.
"You should still lie down, baby. I know they're healthy, but you've still had a stressful day," Cady says as Janis enters their large house, both of them heaving a sigh of relief.
"...Will you come too?" Janis mumbles, like a small child asking for a hug from their parents. Cady chuckles.
"Of course. Let me get settled, I'll be right there."
Janis nods contently and pads off to the bedroom. Cady grabs her work laptop from the study and a snack for them from the kitchen before she follows her.
Janis is curled up under the covers in their huge bed when she enters, remote in her hand and browsing on the TV for something good to watch. She hesitates on Tangled for a minute before she pulls a face and moves away from princess movies.
Cady swoops in next to her and kisses her cheek. Janis squeals in surprise as Cady gently pushes her backwards onto the bed and pins her down. Cady hovers on her elbows so she doesn't put any pressure on Janis' stomach before she leans down and kisses her soundly. Janis hums in surprise, but she quickly winds a hand into Cady's hair and tilts her head to the side to kiss her back.
"I love you," Cady whispers between long kisses. "The gorgeous mother of my babies."
"Plural," Janis whispers back.
"Thank you," Cady murmurs against her lips. "For doing this."
"You're welcome," Janis chuckles. "But this does mean you're probably gonna have to take a little more time off work than we planned."
"I am anyway, whether something happens or not. Three months both ways, at least," Cady says immediately.
Janis frowns in confusion. "But your dad-"
"Is my boss. If he gets mad at me for taking time off to care for his daughter-in-law and grandbabies he can suck eggs."
Janis laughs and twists little pieces of Cady's hair together. "But you love your work."
"I love you more," Cady says with a shrug. "You're pregnant with twins, darling, it's going to take a fair bit out of you. I want to spoil you as much as I can throughout this. And if that means taking some time off earlier than I need to or working from home, then... so be it."
"Such a devoted mama," Janis grins. Cady pulls back a bit and looks into her eyes. "Baby, why are you crying?"
"I'm gonna be a mama," Cady sobs quietly.
"Yeah," Janis chuckles, reaching up to wipe her tears away. "Did you just notice?"
"No, it's just... it's the first time we've said it," Cady laughs with a sniffle. "We're going to be mamas, Jay."
"We are," Janis agrees.
Cady slides down a bit and gently tugs Janis' shirt up. Janis tips up on her elbows to look at her confusedly. Cady doesn't give her any response before she leans in and carefully presses kisses all over her tummy.
"That tickles," Janis laughs, squirming under the pressure of her wife's lips.
"I'm kissing my babies, it's not my fault they're in you," Cady retaliates, pressing another just above her belly button.
"It kinda is, though," Janis responds. "Dork."
"Hmph," Cady hums, continuing her onslaught of kisses. Janis simply chuckles and accepts her fate.
"Janis!" Cady says, eagerly running into the room about a month later. Janis jumps so hard she nearly falls out of bed.
"What happened? What's the matter?" she asks frantically. Cady is panting like she just ran a marathon and brandishes her phone.
"Guess what?"
"What?" Janis asks desperately, rolling out of bed and going over to her wife.
"The babies are the size of figs!" Cady squeals like this is the most exciting news in the world. Janis pauses.
"Uhhuh! Look," Cady says, showing Janis an image on her phone. Janis looks at the screen and chuckles.
"I thought someone died," she sighs in relief. "How big even is a fig?"
"Uh... this one says they're as big as brussels sprouts," Cady offers, switching to another app and allowing Janis to see she has about twelve. "And this is what they really look like, aren't they cute? They have little legs now! And it says they're already kicking but you probably won't feel it for a few more weeks."
Janis tilts her head as she looks at the graphic of the little fetus on Cady's phone screen. She thinks it looks a little more like some kind of alien shrimp creature, but she's just glad Cady's excited. "Does it say anything about when I'll stop vomiting every day?"
"Well, you're out of the first trimester after next week, so hopefully then," Cady says, gently cupping Janis' cheek. "I'm sorry you've been so sick."
Janis shrugs. "Two little goblins in there pushing on my insides. Kinda makes sense."
Cady giggles. "Hey, those are our little goblins."
"And they're gonna be goblins until they're about eighteen," Janis snorts.
"Cute goblins, though."
"They better be. Least they can do," Janis replies.
Cady laughs again. Her smile gradually softens and she leaves her hand cupping Janis' cheek. Their conversation fades for a short moment before she murmurs, "You're so beautiful."
Janis feels herself blush and tries to look away. Cady follows her gaze and shifts her hand to rest on the small, but steadily growing, baby bump.
"And this is the cutest thing I've ever seen in my life."
"Stop it," Janis whines. "I'm too hormonal for this."
Cady giggles and shakes her head. "Hm-mm. I'm gonna tell you every day. You're getting that glow, and seeing you with this little tummy makes me so happy. And I know you're gonna be the most amazing, beautiful mother."
"Nah," Janis hums, pulling Cady in closer and pressing her lips gently against the curve of her jaw. "You are."
"No way," Cady scoffs. "You're the one doing all the work. You've got all the chemicals and hormones in there making you even prettier than you were before."
"I really am gonna start crying if you keep this up," Janis warns. Cady laughs and fiddles with the ends of her hair as Janis rests her head on her shoulder.
"Fine. Then can I talk to the sprouts?"
"The sprouts?"
"The babies," Cady says like it's obvious.
"Oh," Janis laughs. "Um... sure. I don't know if they can hear you yet, but-"
"I don't care, it's a good habit to start forming," Cady says immediately.
Janis sighs lovingly and goes to lie back down. She lies on her side, and Cady lies facing her, scooting close enough that her lips brush against Janis' tummy. Janis smiles and runs her nails gently through the roots of her hair. Cady gives the babies a proper greeting, and explains her entire side of the family. She tells them how she and Janis met, and about what dating her was like, how their wedding went, and how excited they were when they found out about them.
Janis smiles lovingly the whole time, chuckling occasionally at the seriousness with which Cady is talking to their unborn children that may or may not actually have ears.
Cady ends her softly spoken tirade with, "And I know you have a lot more growing yet to do, and I want you to do that. But your mother and I are so, so, so excited to meet you. You're going to be the most perfect babies ever. And we're gonna love you so much. We already do."
Janis sniffles, prompting Cady to look up at her. Cady wiggles so she's actually at her eye level and leans in to give Janis a comforting kiss. Janis whispers, "I love you."
"I love you so much," Cady echoes. "All three of you."
"I'm worried Maddie's going to faint," Cady says anxiously as they get ready for her family's Fourth of July celebration. Janis laughs from the bedroom where she's finishing getting dressed.
"She might," she agrees. Madeleine always at least gets teary when one of her sisters-in-law announces a pregnancy. Twins might be too much for her. "Callum's still strong, he'll catch her."
"Maybe I'll stand behind her," Cady says, fussing over her lipstick. Janis enters the restroom behind her, and they lock eyes in the mirror. Cady can't help the wide smile that splits across her face.
"What?" Janis asks, sheepishly adjusting her overalls over her red shirt.
"Nothing," Cady replies.
"What?" Janis insists with a whine. She's gotten much fussier during her pregnancy, which Cady is weirdly delighted by. It's almost endearing, and she's more than happy to assuage whatever is plaguing her sweet wife in the moment.
"You're just so cute. The overalls and the belly. I can't take you," Cady giggles, turning around to face her. She rests a hand on either side of her wife's tummy and leans in for a kiss. She has to lean a little further every week. Janis happily kisses her back.
"You messed up your lipstick again," Janis whispers when they break apart to breathe.
"Worth it," Cady breathes back before leaning in again.
Not all of Cady's siblings made it to the celebration. Christmas is a priority for the family, but most often they spend other holidays scattered around the world with various other loved ones. And, though she'd never admit it, her favorites did make it. Clark is here, Callum and Madeleine are here with their four children, and Clifton and Hannah with their two daughters.
Janis stands behind Cady to hide her belly while everyone mills around on one of the docks waiting for burgers and hot dogs to be grilled. One of the house chefs is making them, but Cady's dad is thoroughly supervising as though he has any idea what he's doing.
Janis gently winds her arms around Cady's shoulders and kisses her neck. She shifts her lips higher and whispers, "You ready?"
"Are you? Everyone's gonna want to touch your belly, are you okay with that? I'll fight them off," Cady whispers back. Janis chuckles and kisses her jaw.
"No, it's okay. I figured they would, I can handle it for a while," she replies.
"Remember the signals. If you change your mind. I'll throw someone in the lake if I have to," Cady says insistently.
"Even your mom?"
"Especially my mom."
"Damn. You're committed," Janis chuckles.
Cady shrugs and gently leans back against her. "I'm kind of surprised nobody's noticed yet."
"We're being totally inconspicuous," Janis chuckles sarcastically. "I'd like to tell them before I start eating for three so I don't get stared at, though."
Cady laughs out loud at that. A few of her family members look at her and she freezes, but they just smile and return back to whatever they were doing. "You'll be fine. Should we just do it now?"
Janis shrugs. "Up to you."
Cady kisses her for strength and takes a deep breath. "Hey, uh..."
"Did you say something, dear?" Cady's mother asks. "Speak up."
"Yeah, but this is kind of for everybody to hear. We have a little surprise," Cady says. Her mother helpfully takes over.
"Everyone! Gather 'round, please, Cadence has something for us," she yells. Everyone except the chef puts down what they were doing and circles around them.
"What is it? Do we get presents?" the youngest child, Zacharias, asks eagerly. Cady laughs and reaches to ruffle his hair.
"Not this time, kiddo, sorry," she says apologetically. Zach pulls a small face and seems visibly disappointed, but he cheers up when his big brother Lennox wraps an arm around his shoulders and rubs his knuckles through his hair.
"Ow, Lenny!" he says eventually.
"Boys, settle down," Madeleine scolds gently. "What is it, Cades?"
Cady freezes. She's not even the pregnant one, and she can't get the words out. Janis frowns in concern for a moment and gives her a little squeeze.
"We're pregnant," Cady says hastily. "Well, mostly her. But, yeah."
Pandemonium is not a strong enough word for what breaks out. Confused children get shoved out of the way by older siblings and parents screaming in excitement, and Cady and Janis are wrapped in more arms than they can count within seconds.
"Oh my god, congratulations! My little Cady's all grown up!" Madeleine says around happy tears. "Having a baby of her own, I can't believe it!"
Janis smiles widely. "About that."
Madeleine snaps to look at her, and her eyes widen. "No." Janis nods, her smile growing. Madeleine screams in delight and runs in to hug her alone. "Twins?!"
"Triplets," Janis replies. That gets her. Madeleine collapses in her arms, and she barely has the strength to pass her to Callum. "Kidding. Yeah, just twins."
"Congratulations," Callum says, tapping Madeleine's cheeks as he tries to revive her. "And thanks for breaking my wife."
"You're very welcome," Janis replies with a mischievous smile. Cady gently whacks her arm. "Hey!"
"You stinker," Cady giggles. She squeaks as her parents both tackle her in a hug. She looks at Janis with eyes wide as saucers. You'd think she'd just been bitten by a shark.
"Congratulations, dear," her dad says. "Twins?"
Cady nods. "Twins."
"Why aren't you carrying them?" her mother asks.
"Because Janis wanted to," Cady responds.
"Are you planning on more?"
"Not at the moment."
"When is she due?" her mother asks.
"December," Janis replies. "But they'll probably be early, so we don't really know."
"Are you planning on breastfeeding?"
"Mother! Enough with the questions, please," Cady pleads. "Please just be happy for us, let us do this the way we need to."
Her mother humphs a little bit, but she does smile and squeeze her the slightest bit. Cady relaxes ever so slightly into it. Janis watches with a proud smile, and jumps when she's beckoned over to join the hug. "Oh, but you must let me throw you a baby shower."
"A small one," Cady says. "Like, brunch group small."
"Oh, bah," her mother says. "You're no fun."
"Mother," Cady says warningly.
"Fine, fine. No more than thirty people. Janis, I'll need contact information for your people so I can get things arranged," she says.
"Of course," Janis chuckles. "You'll finally get to see Damian again."
Damian and Cady's mother had met for the first time at their wedding and, somehow, got on like a house on fire. Apparently they still text regularly with party planning tips and quiche recipes, and have semi-regular coffee dates.
"Oh, that darling," Cady's mother says eagerly. "I can't wait. Congratulations again, loves."
"Thanks mom," Cady says with a smile. Her mother smiles back and kisses her cheek before she goes on to join in the suddenly much more lively celebrations.
"Surprised she hasn't already insisted on doing the nursery," Janis hums as she wraps Cady in the closest thing to a hug they can manage around her belly. Cady laughs.
"She only just found out, she's got to have enough time to come up with a theme and things," she replies. Janis laughs with her.
"Do you have any theme ideas?"
"Do you even want a themed nursery?" Cady retaliates, looking up at her with genuine interest. Janis considers this quite valid point.
"...Depends on the theme."
"Circus?" Cady suggests. Janis looks at her incredulously.
"I'm terrified that that was your first suggestion," she says. Cady laughs.
"I wasn't really serious," she says, saving herself in the eyes of her wife. "Dinosaurs?"
"Dinos might be cute," Janis agrees with a nod. She herself absolutely loved dinosaurs as a kid. It's definitely something to consider. "What about, like, just animals? Or safari or something."
"Oh, that would be adorable," Cady coos.
"Yo, mamas! Come eat," Clark hollers at them, interrupting their discussion. They both jump a bit and laugh as they head to join the line for cheeseburgers and hot dogs.
"We'll figure it out," Janis says as she sees the gears still clunking around in Cady's head.
"I know," Cady says. "I just like knowing things ahead of time."
"I know you do," Janis chuckles. "We have plenty of time. I'm only eighteen weeks."
"Almost nineteen. We're nearly halfway through, and the babies will probably be early, there's so much to do-" Cady says, getting progressively more frantic.
"Caddy," Janis interrupts, putting down both their plates so she can take and squeeze Cady's hands. "It's gonna be fine, okay? The babies aren't even gonna be in the nursery for a few months. They could come tomorrow and we'd be able to figure it out. Even if they come early, they'll be okay with a nursery that isn't perfect."
"They'd better not come tomorrow, you're not past the viability point yet," Cady mumbles. Janis laughs.
"There's my girl."
Cady smiles and tucks herself into her wife for a quick hug. She takes a detour when she pulls back to kiss Janis' belly, and then leans up to kiss Janis too. She bats Janis' hands away from picking her plate back up, and piles it high with all the delicious sides and carries it to the table on her behalf.
"Thanks," Janis says when she sits down next to her. Cady just nods and takes her hand under the table. Janis gives her a squeeze, and Cady squeezes back.
They stay like that throughout the meal, absentmindedly eating with their free hands and making casual conversation with relatives. Zach is very excited now that he knows he's getting two new little cousins soon and lovingly pesters his still-recovering mother with lots of questions about where babies come from and things of that sort. Janis snorts into her potato salad when he incredulously asks, "They're gonna come out her vagina?!"
Everyone else returns to their various activities once the meal is done and digested. Kids leap into the lake, parents stand anxiously watching from the shore or join in themselves. Cady's parents go inside for a nap, and Cady and Janis spread out a blanket on the sand and lie down together. Cady leans in and presses her lips against the top of Janis' rounding tummy a few times before she nuzzles in a little higher. Janis wraps her arm around her and holds her close, kissing the side of her nose as Cady also drifts off for a quick little cat nap in the sand.
Janis smiles to herself as she rests her head down against her other arm and watches her wife sleep.
God, I hope they look like you.
The next morning, Janis gets the wits scared out of her by Cady sitting bolt upright in bed next to her with a quite dramatic gasp.
"Jesus, what happened?" Janis gasps herself. Cady turns to look at her with a stricken look.
"We forgot to tell Damian!"
"Oh," Janis sighs in relief. "Don't do that, I thought you were having a heart attack or something."
"Oh. Sorry," Cady says sheepishly. "I can't believe we forgot to tell him, though!"
Janis chuckles and pulls her wife back against her. "Cads, it's not a big deal. We only told your family yesterday."
"But we told yours a week ago, we should've told him then!"
"Let's just do it now, hm?" Janis offers. Cady nods. "He's gonna scream, watch out for your ears."
"Just turn the volume down," Cady says. Janis pulls her phone out and texts Damian asking if he's available for a Facetime. She grabs one of her positive tests from her nightstand drawer and holds it, figuring that'll be the simplest way to get him to understand.
"Hey babes," Damian greets when the call connects. "Ugh, look at those pretty faces."
"Hi Damian," Cady greets with a giggle.
"Angel, how are you?! It's been too long," Damian says.
"It has! You have to come up to see us sometime soon. I can't believe it's already been a month, usually we can't even make it a week!"
"I know, I know, I'm sorry. My show schedule has been crazy," Damian says. He'd been cast in a production of The Wedding Singer and unfortunately had to devote too much time to that to be able to visit them on their normal schedule. "I miss you guys."
"We miss you too," Cady says. Janis nods.
"You guys should come see the show!" Damian offers. They usually do, but Janis wasn't up for the traveling, being so sick most days.
"We want to," Janis says apologetically. "I don't think we'll be able to this time. But we're cheering you on in spirit, baby boo."
"Thanks," Damian says, striking a remarkably homosexual pose. Cady and Janis both laugh. "Bummer you guys can't make it."
"Yeah, we're sorry," Cady says. "I'm sure you're great, though. And it'll be more than worth it."
"Worth it? What do you mean? If you guys can't come you can't come, it's no... big..."
Janis held up the test in the middle of him speaking, and they watch him take a few seconds to process before they have to mute him entirely to save any scrap of their hearing. When they see his mouth start to move in recognizable shapes again, they turn the sound back on.
"-baby! Holy shit, congratulations! I can't believe it! A baby! I'm gonna be an uncle!"
"It's twins," Cady says. Janis has to mute her phone again. Cady recognizes his lip movements partway through. "No, we're not fucking with you, we're really having twins."
It's a solid ten minutes before they can unmute him this time.
"My mom wants your help throwing her baby shower, she'll be in touch about that soon," Cady says when he's gone from the screaming phase to the hysterical sobbing phase.
"Of course! Oh my god, I'm gonna be a twuncle!" he sobs.
"No. New word," Janis says immediately.
"You have plenty of time to think of something tolerable," Cady interrupts. "And we'll be sure to bring them along to your next show. Well, once they're old enough."
"Yes! Oh my god, I can't wait. Okay, I have to go now or I'm gonna be late for work. I love you both and those little babies blossoming in your uterus very much. Have a wonderful life."
"Bye, weirdo," Janis snorts, hanging up on him and dropping the phone somewhere to be lost in the duvet. "There. Everyone is told."
"That's a relief."
Cady goes tearing through the house and crashing into the room when she hears Janis yell for her. It sounds panicked. We can't be going through this again. They were fine the first time. Not again. "What happened?! What's the matter, are you bleeding again?! What's wrong?!"
"No, no, come here!" Janis insists eagerly. Cady pauses and reassesses when she sees her wife is actually... laughing. No bleeding, then.
Confused, Cady heads over to her wife. Janis grabs her hand and rests it right on the front of her belly.
"Feel," she says.
"Feel what?" Cady asks.
"Just keep your hand there," Janis says. Cady frowns at Janis' belly, but obediently keeps her hand where it was placed. After about thirty seconds, there's a little bump right against her palm. Cady screams and jerks her hand away before she realizes what it was and quickly puts it back.
"Oh my god! They're kicking!" she squeals.
"They're kicking," Janis agrees, laughing and crying at the same time.
"That means they have feet!" Cady says eagerly. Janis laughs harder.
"I- yeah, it does," she nods. "Doesn't it feel crazy?"
"Yeah," Cady agrees quietly. Janis frowns sadly when she suddenly lets out a sob. "That's our baby. Our baby's in there. Kicking you."
"And there's another one too," Janis hums, brushing Cady's hair out of her face and kissing her cheek. "We're getting pretty close now."
Cady nods again, but doesn't say anything. Janis is perfectly content to let her rove her hands all over her tummy, feeling for every little motion their babies make. Eventually, little jolts start happening at regular intervals on the other side.
"I think A has the hiccups," Janis giggles. "That's where they were on the last exam. B must've been the kicker then."
"They're so cute," Cady says with a sniffle, feeling each little jolt caused by each hiccup.
"Says you. You try having something with the hiccups inside you," Janis chuckles.
"Does it hurt?"
"Nah. It's just... really fucking weird, Cads," Janis replies. Cady laughs.
"I can imagine." She leans down and presses her lips to the right side of Janis' belly to talk to that baby in particular. "Hey, hold your breath! You're making your mother uncomfortable!"
Janis laughs again. "He can't help it."
"I think we have at least one boy in there," Janis hums as Cady straightens back up.
"Really?" Cady asks. Janis nods.
"I'm almost positive," she replies. "What do you think?"
"I... I don't know," Cady replies. "I haven't had any... feelings."
Janis smiles and wraps her in as tight of a hug as they can manage. They slowly sway around their bedroom as they continue speaking. "I guess that makes sense. It's probably harder when they're not inside you."
"How crass," Cady giggles.
"I'm a heathen, remember? It's in my job description to be crass," Janis chuckles, kissing Cady's neck. They're quiet for a moment before she asks, "What do you want?"
"In what way?" Cady whispers back.
"Do you want sons? Daughters?" Janis asks. She doesn't sound like she's particularly fussed with whatever Cady says. She sounds like she genuinely wants to know.
"I just want all of you to be healthy," Cady replies.
"Come on, we both know that's a load of shit," Janis says. "As long as you know you'll love them even if they don't turn out that way, what do you want?"
Cady laughs. "In that case... I really hope you're right. One of each would be so sweet. But even if we have two boys or two girls, they'll be perfect. But I really, really just want two healthy babies and my healthy, beautiful wife."
"One of each would be fun," Janis agrees. "I guess we'll find out."
"And we'll find out soon!"
"Ceiling would be a good name," Cady says quietly one night. Janis leans up on her elbows to squint incredulously at her wife in the darkness.
"You want to name one of our babies Ceiling?"
"I didn't say that. But if it didn't mean what it does, I think it would be a nice name. It has a good sound to it," Cady says, suddenly sounding much more sheepish. Janis laughs and cuddles into her side.
"I guess it does," she agrees. "But we're not naming our baby that. I know we're rich and famous, but we're not that rich and famous."
"No, of course not," Cady says immediately.
"Ceiling would be a good name, though," Janis agrees now that she's given it more thought.
"There's lots of words like that."
"Like what?"
"That would be nice names if they didn't mean what they mean," Cady says.
"...Like what?" Janis asks again.
Cady thinks for a moment. "Basket."
Janis considers this and nods. "I guess it does sound kind of name-ish."
"I told you! There's all sorts," Cady says.
"Cardigan," Janis says. Cady nods eagerly.
"Yeah, exactly!" she says. "I'm so relieved you understand my nonsensical ramblings most of the time."
"Most of the time they're actually pretty sensical," Janis chuckles. "But your ramblings are always my favorite."
"Hush," Cady scoffs quietly. Janis laughs and shakes her head.
She can almost hear Cady rolling her eyes, even though she can't see it in the dark. Janis can't help but continue thinking of words that could fit as names in alternate universes.
"Paper," she says quietly. Cady nods.
"Enough," Janis continues. Cady deflates a little. "No, like, as a name. It has a fun sound."
"Oh! Yeah, you're right," Cady giggles. "Carrot."
"Carrot is great," Janis chuckles. "Ceiling and Carrot."
Cady laughs so hard she nearly pushes Janis off her. Janis can't contain her giggles either, and they spend a frankly concerning amount of time giggling at nothing in the darkness together.
Janis wipes tears of laughter from her eyes. "Android."
"Band," Cady says.
"Prophecy," Janis says with incredible drama.
Cady gives an oooh and thinks quietly for a moment. "...Chlamydia."
"Wh- Caddy!" Janis splutters out a shocked laugh.
"What?! I'm not saying anyone should name a baby that! I'm just saying that if it wasn't... that, it has a pretty sound!" Cady defends. She's laughing more at Janis' near-uncontrollable laughter than the actual idea of naming a baby after an STI.
Janis presses her forehead to Cady's shoulder and continues giggling into the blankets. When she calms down again, she says, "I love you."
"I love you too," Cady says softly.
"I'm glad we still know how to make each other laugh," Janis continues, ghosting a touch over Cady's collarbones with her pointer finger.
"I am too," Cady replies, tucking her head against Janis'. "I'm glad I have you to keep me smiling."
"I'm glad I have you to give me some excitement," Janis murmurs.
"I'm glad I have you," Cady says plainly.
"I'm glad I have you too," Janis murmurs. Cady adjusts them to such a position that she can lean in for a sweet, soft, lingering kiss. "And I'm glad I get to do that whenever I want."
Cady smiles and gently flicks her ear. "Goof."
"Oh, I'm the goof for being glad I have the hottest wife in the world that I get to kiss whenever I want?"
"Yes, because you don't have the hottest wife in the world," Cady giggles. "I do."
Janis scoffs. "Maybe before you knocked me up. With twins, might I add."
Cady shakes her head. "Especially now."
"Of course, really," Cady giggles again. "You've always been beautiful. And you always will be beautiful to me. No matter how you feel about yourself. You're beautiful now, even though you're not happy with your body. You're carrying our babies. I don't know if you've ever been so beautiful. You always were, of course, but now... I can't stop looking at you. And you'll be beautiful when you're all wrinkly and your hair is all grey and we're sitting in rocking chairs together somewhere and we can only eat soup."
Janis chuckles and leans in for another kiss. "You really think you'll wanna be with me when all I can eat is soup?"
"Of course. Don't you?" Cady asks.
"Yeah. You'll be a cute old lady," Janis says immediately. Truth be told, she's always pictured the same thing. Every new line or scar on Cady's body is a revelation. A sign that she's changing. She's aging. Janis is always excited to get to know the new her with the new changes, slight as they are. As terrifying as it is, she's excited to be an old lady if it means she gets to know Cady as one too.
It's nice to know she feels the same.
Janis kisses her one more time. "Do you have any, like... real ideas for their names?"
Cady shakes her head. "Not really. I've had a few that sounded nice, but nothing has really given me that definite yes sort of feeling yet. Do you?"
"I have one I'd really like if we have a girl," Janis says quietly. "But I kind of want to wait until they're born and name them when we see them."
"I'd like that," Cady says. "What's the name?"
"You'll find out if we meet her," Janis hums smugly. Cady scoffs.
"Hey, you were the one just going on about how excited you are to see me as a grandma," Janis retaliates with a giggle.
"I take it back," Cady sighs lovingly. "You're such a goofball."
"I'm not the one who wants to name a baby Chlamydia."
"I said I don't!" Cady insists before they break into peals of laughter again. Janis joins in, pressing her forehead against her wife's and laughing against her lips.
"God, we're gonna be parents."
The next day they giggle about it all again on their way to their ultrasound appointment to see that the babies are still developing on track. Janis is used to it all by now, but she still shivers at the chilly gel rubbed onto her stomach.
"Aww," Cady coos when one of their babies' faces is visible on the screen. Janis smiles and watches too.
"That's B today, getting that sweet little face growing just fine," the doctor says as she shifts the wand all around and takes measurements of their limbs.
Janis and Cady chat while the scan continues. Little things, like what they want for dinner; they really should call Damian, it's been so long; look how cute the baby's little fingers are.
"Hm," the doctor hums softly, looking at the scan with a small frown before referring back to her notes. Cady and Janis' conversation halts in its tracks, and they both turn to see her. "You're planning on a home birth?"
"Yes," Cady says, squeezing Janis' hand.
"I'm afraid that might not be possible," the doctor says in concern.
"Why not? Are the babies okay? What-what's the matter with them?"
"As far as I can see, they're both still perfectly healthy," the doctor soothes immediately, noticing both of them starting to panic. "But you have a little troublemaker in there."
She shifts the wand a bit for another angle to confirm her suspicions, and she nods gravely. "Your baby A in here is the issue. They're in what we call the frank breech position."
"But they're okay?" Cady asks desperately.
"I can't see spectacularly well, but they've been doing just fine in all your previous scans, I don't think anything could've gone terribly wrong with them in the meantime."
"But what does that mean? Why can't I have a home birth?" Janis asks, sighing in relief now that she has reassurance that the baby is okay.
"Well," the doctor sighs and rolls over to a cabinet, pulling out a baby doll. She curls it gently in on itself. "Ordinarily babies are sort of curled up like this, and then they straighten out during delivery to come out safely. B is like that, you can see them here."
"Okay," Janis says. "Doesn't breech just mean they're upside down? Won't they flip over before I go into labor?"
"Ordinarily, yes," the doctor explains. "But frank breech means that your baby is... like this."
Cady and Janis both blink in shock as she folds the doll sharply in half.
"Their legs are up in front of their face, in this sort of V-shaped position. Look here," she says. Cady and Janis both look at the screen. "Those are feet, and that's their ear. At about the same level."
"Oh," Janis says. She can't hold back a giggle, in spite of the bad news.
"For pregnancy it's perfectly fine, even if it does make it harder for me to check on them. But for delivery... it's, er... well, to be frank with you ladies, the baby would likely come out bum-first. With a vaginal birth, that puts an incredible amount of strain on both the baby and you."
Janis can imagine delivering a baby bent in half would indeed be considerably more painful. "So... I-I have to have a C-section?"
"I don't want to dash all your hopes just yet, but I'd expect so. With you carrying twins, they're very cramped for room in there, so I don't expect they'll straighten out in time for you to deliver naturally. You'll be having weekly scans from now on anyway, but if they don't unfold before you're about 36 weeks it's almost a definite, unfortunately."
"Damn it, kid," Janis tuts under her breath. "As long as they're healthy. They can come out however they want to."
"B is doing just fine, A's heart looks great. And their legs are clearly growing on schedule to be so long. Anything else isn't really an immediate concern, just keep an eye on how you're feeling and make sure you get here every week for those scans."
"We will," Cady says, squeezing Janis' hand. Janis nods.
The doctor wipes the gel off of Janis' belly before she leaves. Janis pulls her shirt back down and sits up with Cady's help.
She's almost silent again as they walk to the car, and most of the way home. Every time Cady looks at her she seems fine, almost content, but Cady has reason to believe otherwise. "Are you okay, my love?"
Janis looks at her, and she seems almost confused. "Why wouldn't I be?"
"...Because your entire birth plan has to change now? You were very adamant about what you wanted and now you're being forced into practically the opposite."
Janis shrugs. "I kinda figured I wouldn't be able to have a home birth once we found out there were twins. I've had plenty of time to prepare for the possibility of things changing. I'd still prefer that, but if I have to have a C-section then I have to have a C-section. I don't think trying to fight it will do any good."
"I'm still sorry you're not getting your... is dream birth a weird thing to call it?"
"Yes," Janis laughs immediately. "It's really fine, Cads. As long as they're out of me by the end of the day, at this point I couldn't give a flying fuck how it happens. And this way I won't have to work so hard."
"You'll still have to work very hard," Cady says in concern.
"I know. But hopefully I won't get all sweaty," Janis says. Cady chuckles and takes her hand.
"That's what you're worried about?"
"I don't have anything else to worry about right now," Janis says with a shrug. "If we find something else to worry about then I'll worry about it. But I hate being sweaty, so hopefully that won't happen now."
"I love you," Cady says. Janis turns to look at her and smiles.
"I love you too."
Cady continues driving, and they're silent until they're nearly home. Cady fidgets with Janis' fingers with her free hand and quietly says, "We get to pick their birthday this way."
"Exactly," Janis chuckles. "You're getting it."
After much discussion, they pick November 16th to be their babies' birthday. They were told to pick a day in mid-November to avoid Janis going into labor as best they could, and to give the babies enough time to finish growing. They didn't want it close to Halloween, but also not too close to Thanksgiving. And Cady likes even numbers, so the 16th was a quick pick.
The weeks fly by, the hospital bag is packed. Cady dances around the house the morning of as they gather all their things and drive to the hospital. "We're having babies today!"
"This is really not a we thing," Janis grumbles crankily.
"We get to meet our babies today!" Cash amends. Janis chuckles and squeezes her hand. "How are you feeling?"
"As well as I can knowing I'm about to be sliced open and have twins removed from me," Janis replies. Cady blinks, but she nods.
"Okay. That's... definitely one way of putting what's about to happen," she replies. "Are you scared?"
Janis nods. Cady pouts.
"I'm sorry, honey. I'll be right there with you, I won't let anything happen to you. Or to them. I promise."
"I know," Janis says softly, squeezing her hand again in thanks. "That's the only thing keeping me from totally spiraling right now."
"If they do anything I will shut that place down so fast. Everyone's getting fired, I swear to god," Cady says. Janis laughs.
"Caddy, it'll be fine. I know it will, but knowing I'm about to be numbed from the tits down for like, multiple hours, and again, have babies removed from my stomach just isn't the most pleasant idea."
Cady is quiet for a moment. "I'm still gonna fire them all. I'll hire new better doctors myself and get the best ones to make sure you're okay."
"You've already gotten me into the best hospital for C-sections in the state, babe, we'll be fine," Janis chuckles. "Calm down a little. Rage later if you need to, but don't get yourself all worked up now."
"I'm just excited," Cady mumbles sheepishly. Janis smiles.
"Are you?"
"God, yeah," Janis chuckles. "Our little munchkins are coming today. And I don't have to be pregnant anymore. I'll probably be able to sleep on my stomach again by tomorrow night!"
“That's what you're excited about?" Cady giggles."You don't know, man. You try being pregnant with twins sometime," Janis huffs.
"No, I'm alright, thank you," Cady says immediately. Janis laughs. "I think one set is plenty for us."
"Definitely," Janis chuckles. "God, I saw in the news the other week that this couple did the same thing we did but both their eggs split and they ended up with quadruplets."
"Heavens," Cady shivers. The idea of the two of them raising two babies, even with all their money, is frightening enough. She can scarcely imagine four. At a stoplight, she bends over and kisses Janis' belly. "Thank you for staying how we put you."
Janis laughs again. "How are you feeling?"
"I have never been so afraid in my life," Cady says honestly. "But I've never been so excited either."
They both have the jitters by the time they pull into the hospital parking lot. Janis waddles slowly behind Cady as they head inside. Cady pauses at the door, knowing they'll be leaving with their babies. This is the last door they'll enter as a family of two, before their two and two make four.
Cady gets them all signed in, and then they have about an hour to get used to things before their surgery is scheduled. Cady cracks some very weak dad jokes, but Janis laughs all the same and gives her adoring smiles with each one. "You gotta step up your game, babe."
"I know," Cady whines after a particularly bad one about blankets for the babies to be kept at 'womb temperature'. Janis smiles and pats her hand.
"You'll get there. They won't be able to understand them for a good few years anyway," she says comfortingly. Cady smiles and leans in to kiss her.
That turns out to be the last practice shot she gets. Doctors come pouring in to get Janis dosed up and the both of them into sterile clothes. Cady is suddenly hit with the realization that this is all happening, like, right now as Janis is wheeled to the operating room and she's left to run after them.
It takes a very
long time.
Janis doesn't exactly look comfortable, but she doesn't complain of any pain. She does mention offhandedly that it feels like she's being squashed by an elephant, but that's the extent of her complaints. Cady is the one with most of them.
"This is taking forever," she whines into Janis' shoulder behind the partition. Janis tries not to laugh and risk jostling anything while someone has the fancy equivalent of a knife held at her gut.
"I don't know about you, but I'd prefer they take their time," she responds. "It can't be much longer. You've waited eight and a half months, we almost get to meet them now."
"The anticipation is killing me," Cady huffs. "I want our babies out and you safely put all back together and I want to take all of you home and love on you until they're in college."
Janis smiles. "I love you."
Cady smiles back and leans down to kiss her. "I love you too."
"Oh!" the doctor suddenly exclaims, and Cady is on her feet in a flash.
"What happened?! Are they okay? Is she okay?" she says desperately.
She freezes as she hears a shrill cry split the air. She looks down at Janis, who smiles dopily back at her. Tears start pooling in her eyes as she looks back and forth between her wife and the doctor.
The crying continues for a moment as the people on the other side of the partition handle the situation, and then a tiny baby is held over it for them to see. "Here's your baby B."
"B? What happened to A?" Janis asks.
"Apparently this one decided he wanted to be born first. Kicked A out of the way!" the doctor chortles.
"He?" Cady says with a quiet sob. The doctor nods, and Cady immediately leans in to kiss Janis. "A boy."
"I had a feeling there was at least one in there," Janis chuckles. Their son is passed off so they can get the other twin out and Janis closed up before too much longer. Another shrill cry rings out, and Cady and Janis both start sobbing again.
"Here's little A," the doctor says. "Miss Troublemaker."
"A girl?" Cady whimpers, looking at the little pink squirming thing. "We-we got both?"
"Certainly looks that way!" one of the nurses says cheerfully. Cady hesitantly steps around the curtain to cut the cords, trying very hard to focus on that and not her wife's insides on the outside. The surgeon gets to work handling that, and the babies are taken to the counter in the room to be measured, weighed, and cleaned off.
It feels like hours have passed before two swaddled little babes are carried back to them, still crying about all they've been through today. Cady sits back by her wife and smiles as one baby is tucked against her face on either side.
"Hi," Janis whispers through her tears, bringing up a hand to rub each soft little cheek. "Hi, babies. Thank fuck you're out."
"Hey," Cady laughs wetly. "Mind your profanity."
"They're crying so loud they can't hear me anyway," Janis chuckles. "Shh, I know. I know. I'm crying too, I know. We're all okay."
Cady sobs again and leans across their son to kiss her wife soundly. "You're all perfect. Absolutely perfect."
"They're... they're not missing toes, or anything? They're okay?" Janis sighs heavily.
"They're both just fine," one of the nurses says with a chuckle. "I'm new, but they're the healthiest twins I've seen so far."
"I told you," Cady says with a laugh.
Once Janis is put back together and stitched up, they're wheeled back to their room to rest and bond as a family for the very first time. Cady props Janis up with pillows and crawls into bed behind her. Janis winces as she has to move, but she leans back into Cady with a relieved sigh and finally gets a good look at their babies.
Cady kisses her neck gently and looks at the little ones over her shoulder. "They're so beautiful. And you're so strong. I... I can't believe they're here."
Janis smiles at the sleepy babies in her arms. "They're here."
"I love you," Cady whispers. "So much. Look at them. Look at what you brought into this world. They're perfect. You're the strongest person I know. And you're so beautiful. Thank you."
Janis blushes and feels tears start pooling in her eyes. "Don't make me cry, I just got Frankenstein-ed back together."
"I'm sorry," Cady laughs. "But it's true. Thank you for doing this. And I'm sorry you didn't get the experience you wanted."
"We have them," Janis says quietly. "That's all I wanted. They're safe, and they're here."
"And they're perfect," Cady murmurs. "These are ours."
"Our babies," Janis echoes with a smile. "The girl is bigger?"
Cady nods. Janis had been in the process of getting stitched up when the nurse told them, so Cady took in everything she could on her behalf. "She's six pounds and four ounces. This one. And our little boy is six pounds even."
Janis looks at their daughter in her left arm and son in her right. "They look just like you."
"You think?" Cady asks softly, resting her chin on Janis' shoulder. Janis nods and leans even harder back against her.
"They do. They look more similar than I thought they would, too."
"They do," Cady agrees. Both babies have impossibly full cheeks, matching little button noses, pouty mouths, what would be wide eyes if they were open, and Cady's dainty little ears.
Janis pulls off their little beanies, and Cady can feel her sigh.
"What's the matter?"
"I had two blonde babies?" Janis says in exasperation. "Two? Blonde?"
"That's exactly what my hair looked like when I was born," Cady chuckles, looking at the tiny tufts of strawberry blonde hair on each perfect little head.
"I guess I can live with it then," Janis sighs, but Cady can feel her smile. "They need names."
Cady nods. "What do you think?"
Janis looks back and forth between the babies, trying to decide which of them to start with. "He looks a little bit like a Charles."
Cady almost knocks everyone out of the bed in her shock. "You want to name him after my father?"
Janis shrugs. "Why not? Your dad and Charlie are some of the most important people in your life. And how often do you get to bring the fifth generation of a name into the world? Come on."
Cady blinks in surprise as she considers this. She looks down at the little burrito sound asleep in Janis' arms and considers this. "Charles Jacob Heron. The Fifth."
"Jacob," Janis murmurs. "You guys have too many Charles' already. We'll call him Jacob. Jakey."
"Jacob," Cady echoes. Janis gently brings him up to kiss his nose. His eyes flutter open as she brings him back down.
"Hi, baby boy," Janis greets with a smile.
"Hi Jacob," Cady echoes quietly, reaching around her wife to gently stroke his hair. "Happy birthday, handsome."
"Baby Jakey," Janis says. "You like your name?"
Jacob's response is an impossibly wide yawn. Cady and Janis laugh. "Goodness. Being born is hard work, huh?"
"He's such a Jacob," Janis says fondly as she kisses his forehead again and he's asleep once more. "Jakey suits him."
"It does," Cady admits. "You're sure about the name? My father hasn't-"
"I'm sure. Your father has made a lot of progress too. And we can always say we named him after Charlie instead."
"I'd have preferred Clifton," Cady chuckles. "But I guess you're right."
"What's Clif's middle name again?"
Janis looks back at the baby and wrinkles her nose. She shakes her head. "Nah. He's not a Joey."
"He's a Jakey," Cady says with a smile. "What about our beautiful girl?"
Janis shifts her gaze to the other baby, and finds her awake. She gazes up at them with unfocused little eyes. "Oh, hi. Nice to meet you, sweet girl."
"They really do look so similar," Cady breathes. "Both their eyes are that color."
"What color is it?" Janis says quietly, tilting her head to look. "If I had two blonde, blue-eyed babies I'm going to scream."
"They look more grey to me," Cady says soothingly. "That's exactly what Elsie's eyes looked like when she was born, and they turned brown as she grew. I think they'll get darker."
"They'd better," Janis grumbles sarcastically. "God, she's cute."
"She is," Cady agrees. "Little stinker. You had to be all bendy in there, huh?"
Janis laughs as Cady gently tickles the baby's little chin. "She didn't have much room in there."
"That's true," Cady says. "You never told me that name."
"What name?"
"You said you had a name you really wanted if we had a girl, but you didn't want to tell me until we saw her and knew for sure if it fit her," Cady says. Janis tries to remember that conversation, and she laughs.
"How do you remember that? That was, like, four months ago," she responds. Cady shrugs.
"Naming our babies is important. It stuck out to me."
Janis looks at the baby. "Isla. I fell in love with you on that island that first Christmas."
"Isla," Cady breathes. "It's perfect. Hello, Isla."
"She's looking at you," Janis chuckles. Cady smiles and gently rubs the pad of her thumb up and down the bridge of the impossibly tiny nose. Isla's eyes flutter and it's not long before she's sound asleep. "What about her middle name? You should pick it. I chose all the rest."
"No, we chose together," Cady protests.
"From my suggestions."
"Yeah. That's fine."
"Cads," Janis insists. "Pick a damn name."
"Stop swearing in front of them!" Cady huffs.
Janis turns as best she can to glare at her. "We have, like, at least eight months before they can talk. One damn isn't gonna hurt them."
"You said fuck too," Cady grumbles. Janis laughs and groans at the pain it causes. Cady gently adjusts her wife and peers back at the tiny baby.
She barely has to look at the baby before a name comes to mind.
She can feel Janis smile as their cheeks are pressed together. "It's perfect."
"You think?" Cady asks shyly. Janis nods, and Cady can feel a few tears streaming down her cheek.
"Isla Joy," Janis whispers thickly. "It's beautiful."
"But you really think it suits her?" Cady asks worriedly.
"I think it's perfect for her," Janis nods.
"Caddy," Janis chuckles. "Trust me. Joy is a perfect middle name. I love it. She looks exactly like an Isla Joy. It's just right."
Cady smiles and kisses Janis' neck, looking at both their peacefully sleeping babies. "Isla Joy and Charles Jacob."
"The most precious babies there ever were."
Janis is totally dead to the world less than an hour later for a much deserved nap. Cady helpfully deposits the babies back in their... storage containers, she decides to call them, and lingers by her wife for a long time. Long after Janis is asleep, she's still gently tracing shapes on her bicep, murmuring thanks and love into her hair, peppering ghost-light kisses on her forehead.
Janis snuffles at the last one, and the one thing Cady does not want to do is wake her up. Carefully, she removes herself and leaves her wife to nap in peace, and goes to introduce herself to their babies instead.
"Hello, sweet babies," she croons softly as she scoops the tiny new little ones back into her arms and holds them properly, all by herself, for the very first time. "Hi. I'm your mama. Well, one of them. Your other mom is asleep right now. Isn't she beautiful?"
She wanders in circles around the room, pausing frequently to check on Janis or to look at the same view of the random field outside their window.
"I love you so much," she whispers down at the babies. "I've loved you from the moment I found out you existed, and now I finally get to hold you and see your sweet little faces."
She takes a shaky breath as delighted tears start streaming down her face.
"I might not make a very good mom. I definitely won't be perfect. But I promise you both I'm going to try so hard to make your lives amazing. And I'll always, always, love you both," she continues. "You two and your mother are the most precious things I've ever had, do you know that? I'm not going to risk letting anything happen to any of you. I'll keep all of you safe. I promise. And I'll love you your whole lives long."
She jumps as she turns around for another lap around the room and finds Janis awake, smiling at her with a few tears streaming down her face.
"Hi," Janis echoes. "How you doing, Mama?"
"I should be asking you that," Cady says, handing her their daughter while she keeps and smiles at their son.
"I'm fine, Cads. Do you have any idea the amount of drugs I still have coursing through me? I got, like, another good few hours before I really start feeling anything," Janis chuckles. "Ow, shit."
"Exactly," Cady huffs.
"I'm fine, though," Janis insists as she winces through adjusting her position.
"I can get you more meds if you need," Cady says, carefully putting the baby down to help her before she scoops him back up and cradles him close.
"I'm fine," Janis says for a third time. "I promise. Come love on these little munchkins with me."
Cady smiles and sits in a chair next to Janis' bed. "His eyes are so big. And he's got such long eyelashes already. And those chubby baby cheeks."
"They're only gonna get chubbier," Janis says happily. "She has the cutest little ears."
"He does too," Cady smiles. Jacob wraps his tiny hand around her finger, and she kisses the tips of each tiny baby finger. "And his hands are so small."
"Their nails are so tiny," Janis says. Cady nods.
"I can't believe they're actual people. They're so small, there's no way a whole human can fit inside there," she says absently. Janis laughs and groans again.
"Somehow. I'm not sure either," she says. "I'm still not sure how they both fit in me."
"I'm not either. No wonder you've been so sick, your body must have done a whole lot of rearranging to make room."
"You're telling me," Janis hums. "But it was worth it, huh Isla?"
"Now everyone gets to recover," Cady tells Jacob. He blinks at her. "Yeah. You're gonna stay here for a few days, and then Mommy and I get to take you home to rest. And you're gonna barf and poop all over us and scream your little head off at us, and we're still gonna love you! Isn't that wild?"
"Stop making me laugh," Janis groans from the bed. Cady smiles sheepishly.
"It's okay," she says. She hands Isla back and smiles as she sees her little family all together. "You're so sweet with them already."
"I'm terrified, Janis," Cady whispers, staring into their son's unfocused little grey eyes. "They're so perfect. I can't mess them up."
"We won't," Janis promises. "We have each other."
"But they're... they're like the first snowfall, right now. I can't be the one to mess that up. I don't want to be the first footprint in it," Cady continues desperately.
"We can't help making mistakes. But I know how much you love them, babe, we're gonna do okay. I can't promise we won't fuck them up somehow, but I know we'll do everything we can not to and everything we can to fix it. You've already done so much for them. You took incredible care of me through my whole pregnancy, and you still are. We're gonna figure this out together."
"Together," Cady breathes shakily.
"Always together," Janis promises. "Especially because if you ditch me with these two now I will sue your ass so hard."
Cady laughs. "No, never. You're never ever getting rid of me. I might be one of those mothers who tries to move into the college dorm with her kids."
"Your mom didn't-"
"Of course not, she didn't even know where I was," Cady hums. She looks down to explain to the babies.  "I'm talking about your Nana. She won't treat you that way, I promise. She's done a lot of work on herself. She's already bought you two tons of presents. She can't wait to meet you."
"Oh, shit," Janis says.
"Stop swearing!"
"You're just gonna have to learn to live with it, babes," Janis says with a smile. "We gotta call Damian. I forgot to tell him. Again."
"Yay!" Cady squeals. She looks down at the babies again. "Are you two ready for the loudest phone call of your life? I hope so."
Janis can't help but laugh again, keeping a hand on her pained stomach. They get the four of them situated together on the hospital bed, the babies face-to-face in each of their arms, and Janis holds the phone facing the sleeping babes as the call connects.
As expected, Damian's answer is a shriek as soon as he processes what he's seeing. Janis smiles and turns the camera around to face herself and Cady.
"Those are babies!" he says.
"No shit," Janis says.
"Hey!" Cady insists.
"Hi Caddy!" Damian says eagerly.
Cady laughs. "Hi Dame. Surprise!"
"They're so cute," Damian coos as Janis puts the camera back on the twins. "Oh, they look just like you, Cads."
"They might have Janis' eyes," Cady explains eagerly. "Aren't they perfect?"
"Yes," Damian coos.
"This is our little boy. Charles Jacob, after Caddy's dad. But we're calling him Jacob," Janis says proudly.
"You had a boy?!" Damian squeals.
"We did! We had one of each," Cady confirms. Damian shrieks again.
"Oh my god! Oh, how perfect! Look at them, oh my god! Oh my god, oh my god! What's your girl's name?"
"Isla," Cady says with a smile. "Isla Joy."
"Jacob and Isla," Damian says, testing out the names. "Excellent. They sound like rich people names but not pretentious."
"Perfect," Janis chuckles.
"Have the media hounds swarmed you yet?"
"The media hounds don't know we scheduled a C-section for today. But I'm sure they'll be filling the parking lot before too long," Janis sighs. Cady leans into her comfortingly.
"It'll be okay," she murmurs. "I'll protect you."
"Aww," Damian coos. Cady blushes as she remembers he can, in fact, hear them. Janis leans in for a kiss and elicits yet another shriek from their friend. "It's too cuuuute! I can't stand it!"
"Hang up then, coward," Janis says, like she hasn't just had the softest moment possible with her wife and newborn babies.
"Janis!" Cady scolds.
"What? I just had two babies cut out of my gut, I get a free day to say whatever I want," Janis hums. Cady shrugs.
"I suppose that's fair," she says. "Sorry Damian."
"It's fine. Lemme see them again," Damian insists. Janis chuckles and obliges, allowing their friend to coo over his niece and nephew for as long as he wants. They stay on the call for almost three hours, talking about the babies and them and everything in between.
"You're still coming for Thanksgiving?" Janis asks before they hang up.
"Yes! And if you try to do a single goddamn thing I swear to god I will drag you through the town square and throw you in the river," Damian says. "Bye. Love you."
"Love you too, D," Janis chuckles. She hangs up and flops back against the pillows with a sigh. "What a day."
"A good day," Cady says.
"The best day," Janis agrees, handing Isla to her and cuddling into her side.
"Get some rest, my love," Cady murmurs, bending at a strange angle to kiss her forehead. "We'll wait for you."
Janis yawns and smiles. "I love you."
"I love you too."
They're all released from the hospital three days later. Cady carefully carries the babies out the doors of the hospital in their top-of-the-line car seats while a nurse wheels Janis behind them. Janis gets in the car first, and then Cady struggles through trying to get the car seats in place for the first time with babies inside.
After a solid hour, the seats are both snapped in where they go, and Cady gets to drive her family home.
They have a crazy first month trying to adjust to having twin newborns. Damian comes and provides them with an excellent but unbelievably chaotic Thanksgiving, and stays for a week afterwards to help them handle everything. Even with a maid and a chef hired on so they could focus almost exclusively on the babies and themselves, it's still unbelievably hard.
Cady is adamant about the two of them being the only ones to raise their babies and absolutely refuses a night doula. She drags both bassinets over to her side of the bed and declares she'll handle all the nighttime bottles and diaper changes. Janis is only woken up when one of the babies is truly desperate for some snuggles from their mommy. Otherwise Cady insists she get plenty of rest and time to heal. Janis doesn't complain.
A week after the twins' one-month birthday, they brave the outside world for the first time. It's Christmas time, and time to take the babies to the annual Christmas celebrations hosted by Cady's parents in one of the Heron Enterprises hotels. Luckily, this year's is close to home, and they only have a few hours' drive instead of an international flight.
Cady smiles as they cross the threshold, and Janis sighs. She's only been out of the hospital for a month. Traveling is hard on her body.
Cady carries the babies in and gently sets them down before she turns to her wife. "You wanna go nap?"
Janis nods. "But they'll want to meet the babies."
"And they'll have plenty of time to," Cady soothes. "Let's go get settled in."
She can see the relief on Janis' face as they head to the elevators instead of right in to greet everyone.
"You feeling okay, baby?" Cady asks, gently cupping Janis' cheek. Janis smiles softly and nods.
"I'm just tired."
"Are you sure?" Cady insists. Janis nods again and takes her hand off her face to hold it instead.
"Promise. Cross my heart and whatnot," she says. Cady smiles and leans in for a kiss.
They both jump the slightest bit when the elevator dings, and freeze when they hear someone inside sigh. The doors open, and out comes Madeleine. She seems rather shocked to see them there. "Hi. I was never here, I saw nothing."
"You don't have to do that, Maddie," Cady chuckles. "Come up with us, you can meet the twins."
Madeleine looks to Janis. Janis smiles and nods, to which her sister-in-law squeals and wraps her in a gentle hug. Cady picks the babies' car seats back up and they all go into the elevator together.
"How are you feeling, Janis? You look incredible, absolutely unfair," Madeleine says, pointedly not looking at the babies so she gets the surprise properly. Janis laughs and winces a bit.
"As well as I can be," she replies, resting a hand over her healing incision. "Considering Cady was positive I'd die on the table."
"Your intestines were outside your body! You need those!" Cady insists frantically. Madeleine laughs.
"I'll make her go easy on you while we're here," she tells Janis. Janis smiles at Cady.
"No need," she says softly. "She barely lets me do anything now."
"Because you need to rest," Cady says.
"They're a month old and you're already spoiling them," Janis chuckles.
"All the siblings do, I think it's genetic," Madeleine chuckles. "When Lennox was little his feet never touched the ground. Callum absolutely refused to let him go."
"How is he sixteen?" Cady sighs sadly.
"He was born sixteen years ago," Janis replies. Cady rolls her eyes lovingly at her.
"I know that. But I still remember holding him in the hospital," Cady says.
"And now you have your own little ones," Madeleine smiles. The elevator reaches the right floor, so everyone trails out and down the hall to their room. "Now let me at 'em."
Cady rests both seats on the bed and carefully undoes their buckles. "Who do you want?"
"Both!" Madeleine says as if it's entirely obvious. Janis laughs and picks up Jacob, so Cady gets Isla out.
"This is Jakey," Janis says as she gently hands him to his aunt. "Jacob. And that's Isla."
"How beautiful," Madeleine coos. "God, I miss babies. These two are dangerous."
"Maddie, you had four, that's plenty," Cady chuckles.
"But mine are all big now. These two are still in the smushy little baby stage," Madeleine sighs.
Janis chuckles and gets herself comfortable in bed. Cady leaves Madeleine to coo over the gingerbread man-patterned onesies the twins have on while she sees to her wife. "Do you want me to stay?"
"Do you want to stay?" Janis replies. Cady pauses and considers this. As soon as she's downstairs, she'll be bombarded with questions about Janis and the babies. Part of her wants to go so Janis doesn't have to deal with that on top of healing and struggling through keeping twin babies alive. But the rest of her is just very tired.
"Yes... please. Is that okay? That leaves you with more to handle," she says anxiously. Janis chuckles and scoots over to make room for her to nap too.
"That's just fine. We'll do it together," Janis whispers. Cady nods and cuddles into her.
They're long asleep by the time Maddie gently rests the babies in their cribs and tiptoes out the door.
A few hours later, they enter the foyer hand in hand with babies in arms. You'd think Jesus himself had just walked into the room.
Everyone turns to look, everyone gasps and starts chattering all at once, everyone rushes up and starts coming over the little ones, touching their hands and little cheeks and asking if they can hold them.
They both say yes and watch anxiously as their twins are passed from relative to relative. Cady swoops in to follow one around as Hazel, Charlie and Violeta's surprise daughter and the youngest of the kids (until now) at just seven years old peeks over her big brother Henry's shoulder and asks if she can hold baby Jacob.
Janis bites her lip as a ten-year-old Naomi and her nine-year-old brother Zacharias fight over Isla. The fight is broken up by Cady's mother, who takes the baby and kisses her before Janis can get a single word in about not doing that, please and thank you. She starting to get dizzy, looking desperately back and forth between both of her babies and trying to keep track of where they are. Isla's with her Nana- no, now Fiona has her. Now Jacob's with Hazel and Isla's been moved to Lana and-
"Hey, are you okay?"
Janis jumps and looks to see Madeleine next to her. Janis blinks back tears and shakes her head. Madeleine frowns in concern and takes a step closer so nobody can overhear them.
"What's the matter?"
"I need them back," Janis chokes. "I-I... I..."
"Say no more. Leave it to me," Madeleine says. Janis watches through teary eyes as she swoops around the room and returns with her wife and a baby, then sends the two of them out of the room and meets them in the hall with the other.
"Thank you," Janis sobs quietly as she finally has both her little ones back in her arms.
"Baby, what happened?" Cady asks in concern, cupping Janis' face with a hand and brushing the tears from her cheek with a gentle swipe of her thumb.
"I don't know," Janis sobs. "I just... there's so-so many people, and-and... I couldn't see them both and-and-and... I don't know!"
Madeleine gently wraps an arm around her shoulders and rubs her arm soothingly. "Cads, do you remember that time when Lennox was a baby and I had a panic attack because I couldn't find him? And it turned out you just had him in the bathroom and were trying to give him pigtails?"
"Yeah," Cady says in confusion. "Why?"
"This is that," Madeleine replies. "But worse."
Janis somehow hasn't heard that story before and releases a strangled sort of half-sob-half-laugh. "I... I trust ev-everyone, but I-I-I panic every time they're out of-of my sight, and-and I couldn't see-see them at the same time, and I-I just... I don't know."
"You don't have to explain, my love," Cady hushes. "I'm sorry, I didn't even think about how overwhelming that would've been for you."
"It's okay," Janis sniffs, leaning into her.
"You take your time. I'll go make something up, come back in when you're ready. Cady will make sure this happens on terms you're okay with," Madeleine says comfortingly.
"Thanks, Maddie," Janis sniffles again. "Did Lenny ever get his pigtails?"
Madeleine smiles. "He called her Auntie Piggies until he was four."
"He liked them!" Cady defends.
"Tell that to Fiona. Your next victim," Madeleine chuckles. She heads back into the room, leaving Cady, Janis, and the twins alone in the hall. Cady looks at the little ones still asleep and curled up in Janis' arms, and Janis' chest shaking as she tries to calm down.
"Come here," Cady coaxes gently. Janis sniffles and follows her down the hall to the parlor. Cady sits on one of the sofas that's there more for decoration than actually to be sat on, and Janis sits next to her. "Are you alright, love?"
Janis nods, but she doesn't say anything. She keeps her eyes firmly on the babies and firmly off her wife.
"No, you're not," Cady insists with a furrowed brow. "Talk to me. Please."
Janis looks up at her, her eyes watering again. "I'm sorry."
"No, honey," Cady says desperately.
“I'm sorry," Janis repeats. Cady watches in concern as she starts sobbing again.
"Baby, you have nothing to be sorry for," Cady murmurs. "I just need to know what's been going on. I need to know how I can help, that's all."
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you," Janis sobs quietly. "I-I didn't know how, and everything just... it just..."
"I know," Cady hushes. "Will you tell me now? Or try? I'm your wife, you don't have to justify yourself to me. Just tell me how you're feeling."
"I don't even know," Janis chokes. Cady shifts off the couch and crouches in front of her, squeezing Janis' hands and looking deep into her eyes.
"Just try, please?"
Janis sighs and takes a long time to collect herself. Cady just squeezes her hands and lets her. Janis takes a deep breath before she begins, "I-I don't know what's wrong with me."
Cady frowns as she sees tears welling in her eyes yet again. "Nothing, baby, absolutely nothing is wrong with you."
"I can't... I can't breathe when they're out of my sight," Janis whispers. "Every time, even if you have them and I know they're okay, I just... I... I get so freaked out worrying about if they're still breathing or if they're hungry or hot or sick or even if they're just... I don't know, itchy, or something. I... I know in my head that they're fine, but I always just run through the worst-case scenarios and I just get myself even more worked up, and..."
She trails off, but Cady doesn't need to hear anything more. "How long?"
"How long have you been feeling like this?" Cady asks. Janis is quiet again.
"...Since we found out she was breech."
It's Cady's turn to be quiet. "Three months?"
"I-I guess, yeah," Janis sniffles.
"Three months?!" Cady repeats. "You've been suffering like this for three months and you didn't tell me? Why?! Why wouldn't you-"
"I didn't know how!" Janis says pleadingly.
"I could've done something so much sooner if I had known-"
"What was I supposed to say? That I turn into a neurotic, jittery, anxious pile of garbage on the brink of a heart attack every time I blink?!"
"Yes!" Cady insists. "Yes, you were! Because then we could've had this conversation before bringing them to meet my entire family and I could've understood before you had a panic attack! And I could've put together that you've clearly been suffering from postpartum anxiety much sooner and gotten you the proper help for it!"
Janis looks down again. Cady takes a deep breath.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said it like that. This shouldn't be an argument."
Janis shakes her head. "It's my fault."
"No, baby, it isn't," Cady insists, shifting to hold Janis' face instead. "You've been struggling, and you didn't have the words to let me know. I wish you had tried anyway, but... this has already happened. All we can do is go forward. And going forward, I need you to tell me when things aren't right, please. Even if you can't figure out how, just tell me something is wrong and we'll figure out what it is together, okay? I hate seeing you so upset."
"I should've told you sooner. I knew this would happen."
"Maybe, but there's nothing to be done about it now. I know now, and I can help."
Janis nods her head to signal she wants Cady next to her again. Cady sits down, and Janis leans into her. "I need help."
"I know," Cady whispers.
"Finding out that she was breech hit me harder than I thought it did. And knowing there was always a chance with the way she was positioned that something could've gone wrong and they'd miss it. I-I wanted to be a chill mom, and I thought I was, but it just turned my world upside-down and I haven't gotten back. I just feel that... loss of knowing, I guess. Of control. And I'm terrified every time I can't see for myself that they're okay that they're actually... not. Even if they were a second before."
Cady lets a few of her own tears slip into Janis' hair. "I'm so sorry, my love. I should've noticed."
Janis chuckles softly. "You've been mighty sleep deprived."
"Is that why you've been so insistent on helping with their night feedings?"
Janis shakes her head. "That's because I'm worried about you. I still get it when they're with you, but not anywhere near as strong as when they're just in their cots or whatever."
"Or with other people?"
"Apparently," Janis sighs.
"I'm getting you a therapist," Cady says softly. "That's a non-negotiable."
Janis nods. "Okay."
"I'm so sorry."
"For what?" Janis asks, looking up at her.
"I can't believe I didn't see how much you've been struggling," Cady says. "I should've noticed."
"Don't beat yourself up about it," Janis says softly, tucking back into her. "I kinda made sure you didn't."
"Don't ever do it again," Cady begs. "Please. I want to know. I want to help."
Janis nods. "I won't."
They both look down when they feel a wiggle, and see Jacob wriggling crankily before he releases a shrill cry. "Oh, pumpkin."
Janis carefully adjusts him to check her watch. "It is lunch time, huh?"
"I'll get their bottles," Cady says. "Gimme this one. Practice."
Janis chuckles as she passes Isla to her wife and smiles at them together. Cady gently scoops Isla beneath the shoulders and kisses her nose before cradling her in her arm. Janis sees to hushing Jacob and waiting for them to return.
Cady carries Isla into the kitchen to prepare the twins' bottles. Janis tries not to laugh as she hears Cady talking to the baby. Hearing the woman who talks like she's straight out of a Dickens novel cooing, "Hello, my sweet little princess babykins, are you ready for a baba? Are you hungry? Yeah? My sweet widdle pumpyumpykins. Let's get your baba." in a ridiculously high pitch is comical in a way few can describe.
After about five minutes and the terrible, deafening sounds of the bottle machines going off, Cady returns with their daughter and two bottles to feed them.
“He back to sleep?" she asks when she sees Janis gently rocking their son. Janis nods with a soft smile and gently strokes one of his chubby cheeks with the back of her index finger. "Good."
"How's our pumpyumpykins?" Janis asks with a small giggle. Cady flushes a remarkable shade of scarlet and looks down at the baby with a whine.
"You heard that?"
Janis nods and giggles again as she slowly stands and heads over to her. "Yeah, I did. But I think it's cute."
"I can't help it," Cady whines. "They're both so precious."
"I do it too," Janis chuckles. "It's just funny when you do."
"It is? Why?" Cady asks, tilting her head like a confused puppy.
"Because most of the time you have a transatlantic accent and use words like shan't and chauffeur and legality and clams."
Cady laughs outright at that. "Clams?"
"Hey, I'd never had one before I met you, far as I'm concerned they're a fancy food," Janis chuckles. She kisses Cady's forehead, and Cady smiles up at her.
“I love you," Cady says.
"I love you too," Janis replies. She doesn't quite know where that came from, but she'll always say it.
"Are you ready to go back in? We can just call it if you're not. I'll handle everything," Cady asks gently.
Janis inhales heavily and looks between the babies. She wants to go back in, wants everyone to have their proper chance to meet their grandchildren and niece and nephew and cousins, but her body is still tense and her mind is still racing. Cady notices her hesitation and takes her hand again.
"What if we did one at a time? You can keep your eyes on the one being held and keep the other with you," she suggests. "We can give Isla her bottle now and wait a bit on Jakey, since he's asleep. And you can just say you want to feed and burp him yourself. And by the time he's done everyone will probably have finished with her and we can swap them."
Janis considers this, and she nods. "That would be great."
"And I'll mention not kissing them again," Cady promises. "Just to be safe."
"Thank you," Janis whispers, kissing her wife soundly. Cady just smiles into it and kisses her back.
They linger on the bench outside while Cady gives Isla her bottle and they both have a chance to coo over and focus on her. Janis braces as she swallows the last of her milk away and Cady props her up to be burped.
"Ready?" she asks when Isla's all situated. Janis nods, and they head back into the living room where everyone is waiting.
Janis was expecting people to stare, ask questions, have noticed what happened, but nobody seems to. Whether they're pretending or genuinely just absorbed in their own conversations, Janis is relieved.
One person did notice, however. Hazel comes up to the two of them looking very sheepish. She quietly says, "I'm sorry I held the baby. I saw you crying."
Janis frowns. "No, kiddo, it wasn't your fault. You guys just looked so sweet together I got emotional. And the babies needed their lunch, so we just went to get that, see?"
She gestures vaguely with Jacob as he's eating his bottle. Janis smiles down at her son as he makes a little coo around it that sounds vaguely affirmative.
"See? He says he's okay too," Janis comforts.
"Oh," Hazel says, visibly brightening.
"Would you like to meet Isla?" Cady asks with a smile. Hazel bounces up and down rapidly and nods. "Go sit down."
Hazel runs back to her brothers on the sofa and plops herself down, eagerly holding out her hands. Janis watches Cady prop her arms with pillows before she ever so gently lays their sleeping little girl in her cousin's arms.
"Remember not to kiss them, please," Cady says softly. Hazel nods and looks down at her other new baby cousin.
"They look the same," Hazel says, making sure to be quiet. Cady laughs softly.
"They do. Auntie Janis and I weren't sure how similar they'd look, but sometimes even we have a hard time telling them apart," she says.
For all her loud and bold personality, Hazel is remarkably still and quiet as she holds and looks at the baby. "Would she fit in my baby doll clothes?"
"Maybe," Cady giggles. "If it's a very big baby doll."
Hazel considers this and shakes her head. "It's small."
Cady chuckles and continues watching like a hawk. Isla just snoozes, and Hazel just watches.
"Can I kiss her on her foot?" she asks after a while. Cady looks to Janis. Janis chuckles and nods.
"Go ahead," Cady says. Hazel happily picks up Isla's leg and carefully kisses the bottom of her tiny foot. She smiles contently and gently pats the baby for good measure.
She stays there a while longer before she asks, "Can I go play now?"
Cady laughs and gently removes the baby from her lap. "Of course. Go have fun."
"Bye!" Hazel says to the baby in a quiet but eager voice before she runs off to try to cajole Zacharias into playing with her. Cady carefully hands Isla to the next relative wanting to meet her, her brother Clifton, and smiles proudly as she stands protectively nearby. Janis smiles faintly from her spot nestled in the couch as their son finishes off his bottle and she props him up to burp him.
Surprisingly, nobody tries to take him. Hannah sits down next to them and coos over him for a bit, and Janis happily lets her hold him while keeping a sharp watch on their daughter. After about the fifth check in, she realizes her wife has everything handled. Isla is safe.
Before too long, everyone's met and held both babies at least once. Introductions have been made, uncles have been pooped on, big yawns have been tossed around at aunties, and many a stretch has happened in the arms of grandparents.
"You're gonna get a lot of loving from all those people," Cady informs the babies as they're in the elevator on the way back up to their room to prepare for dinner. "That went well, I think."
"It did," Janis agrees. "Other than me having a panic attack."
"Of course, other than that," Cady says hastily. "How are you feeling?"
"Better," Janis promises.
"Good," Cady says. "Let's skip dinner."
"We've already seen everyone, they can live without us for one night," Cady insists.
"But it's Christmas Eve," Janis says, frowning in confusion. "Don't you wanna spend it with your family?"
"That is exactly what I want," Cady whispers, gently pressing her against the wall for a kiss once they're on their floor and being very careful not to squish the babies between them. "Let's have our dinner sent up and snuggle our babies in bed and watch Christmas movies."
"That sounds amazing," Janis whispers against her lips. Cady kisses her once more before leading her back to their room to get cozy in their huge bed.
"These movies are so unrealistic," Janis huffs at their third Hallmark movie. "There's no way a princess would just ask some schmuck into her palace like that!"
Cady looks between her, herself, their babies, back to her, around the room, and back to her.
"Shut up. I'm not a schmuck."
"I never said you were!" Cady laughs. "I do think you're right, though. We must be an anomaly."
"Not everyone gets knocked on their ass by a hot billionaire," Janis agrees. Cady giggles against her shoulder.
During the Muppet Christmas Carol, Janis feels Cady's head shift to peek down at the babies, as they sleep side-by-side in a special basket all bundled up together. Jacob's forehead rests just against Isla's cheek, and their arms are as linked as newborn babies can manage. Cady whispers, "They're so precious."
Janis looks down at their little ones and smiles. "Yeah, they are."
"You made these," Cady continues softly, gently adjusting Jacob's Santa onesie away from his neck and ever so gently patting his belly.
"I made them out of you," Janis hums contently. "Those little button noses are all yours, and their lips, and their ears. And their skin is really fair, so they'll probably get a few freckles as they grow. And their hair is yours, and their eyebrows."
"I think they'll have your eyes, though," Cady says happily. "Pretty brown. And I think they have your lips, not mine."
"Really?" Janis asks. Cady nods happily. Janis chuckles and noses into her hair. "Maybe."
"Definitely," Cady says. She's quiet for a moment before she softly says, "I've been a billionaire all my life. My play jewelry when I was a kid had real gold and gems. And these are still the most precious things I've ever had in my life."
Janis smiles even wider and kisses Cady wherever she can reach. "Good thing you get to keep 'em, then."
She can feel Cady smile, and Cady shifts to ever so gently straddle her at her hips. She takes special care not to aggravate Janis' still healing belly and gently leans down, cups her face between her hands, and kisses her soundly. "Thank you."
"For what?" Janis gasps in between kisses.
"Them. You," Cady replies, kissing her hard again. "Everything. You're just as precious to me as they are. You're the best thing that ever happened to me. The best thing I ever ran over on the sidewalk."
"So you admit you ran me over now, hm?" Janis laughs, threading her fingers through Cady's hair and smiling into a much more gentle kiss.
"You carried my twins for almost nine months, it's kind of the least I can do," Cady replies haughtily. Janis chuckles again and pulls her down harder against her. Cady happily leans in and kisses her again, and again, and again.
"I love you," Janis whispers when they take a pause to breathe.
"I love you," Cady echoes. They both turn their heads to the side when they hear a sort of squawk, and find Isla wriggling crankily before she lets out a shrill cry. Cady pouts and quickly scoots off of Janis to scoop her up before she can wake Jacob. "Oh, pumpkin, what happened, hm? We love you too, you know, you don't have to be so sad! Oh, what's the matter, come here. Mama has you, you're alright."
"You're so good with them," Janis murmurs, leaning into Cady's shoulder as she carefully cradles the baby's neck and tucks her into her chest. Janis strokes her fingers up and down the baby's back to help soothe her as Cady gently pats her little bum and hushes her.
Cady chuckles like she doesn't believe her and shakes her head.
"You are," Janis insists. "Look how quick you got her calmed down."
Isla gives a couple more half-hearted wails before she changes her mind and contents herself with being held. Cady smiles and pulls her back a bit to see her little face. "There we go, hi, baby. You just needed a little love, huh?"
"You just needed to hang out with Mama for a second, hm? Mama makes it all better," Janis coos. Isla coos back. "Yeah. She's the best, isn't she?"
"Nooo," Cady hums at the baby, holding her close again to kiss her cheek before she passes her to Janis. "Your mommy is the best. Yeah, there you go!"
Janis adjusts the lot of them, so Cady is half-sitting against the headboard, Janis is reclined with her back against Cady's chest, and Isla is carefully propped into a sit against Janis' bent legs. Janis holds her hands to keep her steady and makes sure the baby doesn't really have to hold up her own head all that much. It's hard work when you're only a month old.
"Hi, pretty girl," Janis coos when they're all settled. She gently combs a hand through Isla's little tuft of strawberry blonde hair. "Did you have a good nap with bubby? Yeah? Good sleep?"
Cady smiles and rests her head on Janis' shoulder. "Hi pumpkin. Sweet baby girl."
Each of them take turns cooing over their daughter, both of them already knowing one-on-one time with either of their babies will become a progressively more rare commodity. Jacob is perfectly content to continue his snooze by himself in the basket for now.
Isla's still-unfocused little gaze gradually shifts back and forth between her mothers, and she makes little happy grunts every now and again in response to their adoring words being poured over her.
After about their fifth turn each, it's back to Cady again. "Our little munchkin, look at you! Don't you look so sweet in your Christmas jammies, huh? Yeah, you do! Our pretty little sweet baby girl. Mama loves you so much."
They both gasp softly as Isla's little lips twitch and her face splits into her first-ever real smile.   Cady starts crying, and Janis feels a few tears slip down her cheeks too. "Look at that pretty smile!"
"That's a very good smile," Cady agrees tearfully. "Jay, she smiled at us."
"That she did," Janis agrees with a sniffle. She gently tickles under Isla's chin to see if she'll do it again, and they both giggle as she smiles at them again. "Yeah! Oh, we love that smile."
"So much," Cady hums. "We love that whole little smushy baby."
"Her first smile," Janis hums with one of her own.
"She's so beautiful," Cady sniffles. "Both of them are. I love them so much. I love you so much."
"I love you too," Janis echoes. She scoops the baby up higher and kisses her nose. "And you." She leans down carefully to kiss Jacob's cheek, causing him to give a little twitch in his sleep. Cady and Janis both giggle. "And you."
"Merry Christmas, my love," Cady says quietly. "Thank you for the best presents ever."
"Merry Christmas, baby," Janis replies. "And Merry Christmas, babies."
tadaaaa i hope you enjoyed!!
tbh the only reason these two are twins is because i couldn't pick who i wanted to be older so i did a little fun thing with that lol. and also some of you may notice the babies did not in fact exit janis' vagina as i said in the last chapter of this series and the reason for that is i changed my gotdang mind. this'll probably be the last time we see these versions of them, at least for a while. it's been fun getting to play around so much with an au but we'll be back to your regularly scheduled cadnis in the new year (finally with picking teams again too aaah!) i also want to thank you all for being so patient with me this year. i'm painfully aware i haven't posted very much, but thank you all so much for all the love on what i have been able to put up. this year has been incredibly painful for me. people i'm close with have passed away, my works have been stolen, and my disability and mental health have gotten worse on top of it all. unfortunately that makes writing really hard, but seeing all your comments and hits and reactions have been the shining lights through it all. thank you <33 thank you all so much again for all your love and support this year. thanks for sticking with me :)) i hope your christmas was merry if you celebrate and if not i hope your day was amazing. see y'all in 2024 <3 lots of love, ezzy
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nyaagolor · 1 year
I am definitely thinking about this too hard but the more I look at the Team Star plot the more logistical questions I have. All of these can easily be answered with “because it needs to be this way for the plot to work” but I’m still gonna overthink it anyway
- If Penny’s parents are as clingy and overprotective as she implies and she really was bullied bad enough to become a recluse for multiple years, why would they send her back to the Academy? Did they even know she was bullied? It’s super possible the previous director / staff didn’t give a reason behind her suspension so her parents wouldn’t freak out on them / sue them (can you sue in the pokemon world???) but did her parents not ask her about it? I feel like if my kid got sent home for a mandatory year and a half I would have a LOT of questions
- I can understand why Arven and Nemona wouldn’t know about the bullying seeing as Arven is chronically absent from school and Nemona has the social awareness of a rock, but it’s absolutely wild to me that there was a scandal so big it caused a turnover of the entire staff and yet no one on the new staff knows why. The academy teachers would DEFINITELY tell Clavell / help Team Star if they knew the truth, so somehow they all managed to go a year and a half without questioning why they were hired at the same time or why there’s a random middle schooler street gang. Did the previous director do some sorta NDA where they made sure the teachers couldn’t ask about the circumstances behind their hiring? Do the teachers just not care about the strange circumstances??? Did none of the students care enough to mention this to anyone?
- Where was Geeta during all this? She implies she’s been in her position for longer than a year and a half (that library clearly took longer than a year of construction) so she had to have been around during the staff turnover, but says absolutely nothing about it. I know she’s involved in a different plot line and the nonlinearity of it means she can’t say much about other plot lines like Starfall Street, but it’s wild to me that the head of the academy board watched her entire staff resign and was like hm. that’s normal. This isn’t something I need to investigate. It’s especially weird if she’s involved in the hiring process? Letting things like that go unquestioned seems so out of character for Little Miss Micromanagement, but being part of the coverup is also out of character for someone who believes so strongly in ~Paldea’s shining light~ and future and whatnot
- Why would the previous director not tell people about Team Star? He says they “resigned because they felt they had failed the students” and whatnot, but then make zero effort to fix their mistakes and don’t tell the new staff about the truth of it all? Were they just trying to save face? Was the whole staff fired? Did they resign before they could GET fired?? If they really felt bad why did they allow the truth to be buried and ignore the damage they caused?? Mister Harrington sir I believe ur lying about ur intentions / actual level of regret here
Overall the Starfall Street plotline relies so heavily on people not paying attention to or questioning things they Really Should Care About that it’s almost comical and it really makes me wonder what the hell anyone was doing during this whole thing. if there’s canon answers to these question or I’m screwing up the timeline here lmk also bc I am thoroughly stumped
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dandylovesturtles · 1 year
100 Feet and a World Away
Wow what a cool concept! I'm ready to be hurt again 😅 So here's some questions
1. Is Mikey ever able to doodle with anything like in the dirt? I know you said the first time is not wholesome oof
2. Is Donnie or Four I guess more the leader once they get out (they do get out, right???)
3. Is Draxum still trying to destroy the humans with his oozesquitos?
4. Do any of the scientists grow a heart and start caring for these poor boys?
5. Hurt, then eventually comfort, right? 👉👈
If you do ever end up writing this I will definitely read!
you're all masochists smh /j
yeah, there are rocks and dirt in his enclosure along with water (mostly for Leo), so he'll dip his finger in the water and draw on the rocks or draw in the dirt or mud. Doing this helps him start understanding how to make shapes that look like things in the real world, but he does get bummed that he can't keep them. Especially because sometimes Leo wipes them away (he doesn't want to but he's worried about the scientists seeing it).
THEY DO GET OUT though how they get out will be the focus of the first arc of the fic (if/when I write it) so I won't detail how that happens. There isn't really a "leader" at first, because the kids will be healing and getting used to living outside captivity for the first time since they were little, though there's going to be more of a sort of... ideological power struggle between Leo and Donnie lol. During the Escape Arc Donnie will be the "leader" of a sort though, because it's his plan for escaping (helped a lot by Leo once he comes around to it).
He is but for logistical reasons we'll say he ended up taking an extra few years to get things up and running |'D The boys don't need to jump straight into crime fighting.
Not really, at least not in the way you're thinking. |'D It could be a thing that happens in an alternate universe but it just wasn't the story I was interested in writing. Some of the scientists feel squicky about it the way they might feel squicky about performing experiments on rats or mice, but ultimately most of those people just sign their NDAs and leave rather than try to do something to help. I wanted to focus more on April's intervention as someone outside the system coming in to help.
Of course!
Thanks for the ask!
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that-left-turn · 22 days
I feel stupid. I assumed that MMB was advocating for caryl but wasn’t getting what she wanted. maybe not. Like I was thinking there were interviews or something where she was advocating for the romance and was being disrespected but I can’t find anything that says that. I was ready to boycott to support her but it was me misunderstanding and maybe we are getting the story she’s behind? So confused now.
Actors sign NDAs and they get briefed on the promo strategy or given talking points when it's time to promote a new season. It varies from show to show and with studio too. Melissa has been told—you'll notice this with all cast if you compare different interviews during the same season—what topics she's expected to hype. You'll see her dance around certain questions and then bring the topic back around to safe ground. She's a pleasure to watch when she gets in her element (i.e. forgets that there are people watching her) because she's very savvy in how she handles it.
Melissa's always cautious about not violating her NDA and Caryl is most definitely covered by it, so the most you'll find is hints of what she's thinking. Like how she called Daryl Carol's life partner.
As a woman, you have to be cautious about what you advocate for behind the scenes. Whether you're a writer in the room, an actor on set, or an EP giving notes. If you have a male showrunner, you fear getting labeled "difficult to work with," which will happen if you have too many opinions. "Too many" is usually any opinion that isn't supported by the showrunner. It's the same way you get labeled 'bitch' if you don't find misogynist jokes funny.
As a result, female creatives usually pick a 'hill to die on,' which is the one element you'll bring to the showrunner. That plot point or story arc, or whatever that really deserves risking your neck for. For Melissa, it's clear that this was Carol's grief over losing Sophia. I'm sure she had multiple reasons for choosing it, but logistically, it's simpler because it's only Carol's character arc involved. It doesn't involve the main character of the show and she doesn't risk being called a "hysterical romantic," or told that "all women can think of is the romance." If you work on a show that's anything other than a sudsy drama à la Shondaland or a YA show and the showrunner is a man, you are very hesitant to mention anything about 'romance' unless specifically asked to weigh in on a romantic arc that someone else conceived.
Melissa is in a hostile, male-dominated environment and you can see how she handles that in the way she padded Zabel's ego and deferred to him during the group interviews at SDCC. If you paid attention, you probably noticed that she also let him do the lying when a question would have required her to if she had replied. Zabel is her boss. Even if she's an EP on the show, he's still her boss. He can take whatever she says under advisement, but he doesn't have to and to be honest, most male showrunners are either too cocky or too insecure to want to listen to the women around them.
Melissa could've advocated for Caryl behind closed doors, but even if she didn't, it doesn't mean that what we get is "the story she's behind." Her enthusiasm about Carol's Sophia arc doesn't even mean that she got what she wanted. She wished to deal with Carol's trauma over her daughter and she gets that. Is the storyline written the way Melissa envisioned it? Probably not. She would've been very careful about giving Zabel constructive criticism when she was getting an arc that she requested. ("Damn, women are never happy.") AMC marketing expects Melissa to be delightful when she does promo, whether she's pleased or not, and she probably hasn't seen the final cuts, so she doesn't know what'll end up onscreen.
A lot of the time, female creatives give credit and compliment the men in charge in the hopes that maybe there's more of a chance they're willing to listen next time. I think most fans misunderstand how much of a tightrope dance it is behind the scenes because AMC has done a good job of selling the illusion that they're all one big family. The reality is more that of a dysfunctional family Thanksgiving dinner where the bird's still raw when carved.
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kpoplesbianism · 11 months
losing your virginity in a kpop boygroup must be insane not only the logistics of it but imagine being the youngest. and then you finally find someone who agrees to signing an NDA to fuck you. and then you find the time and location to fuck. and not only that after the stress of losing your virginity you arrive at your house and theres a bunch of other dudes there and theyre like we can smell it. you fucked. adn then you cannot get past it for a month
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Guide for Importers on Manufacturing Control
Efficient Manufacturing Control in China
1. Understand the Chinese Manufacturing Environment:
Diverse Ecosystem: China offers a vast range of manufacturers, from small workshops to large factories. This variety is beneficial but also poses challenges in ensuring consistent quality.
IP Concerns: Despite improvements, IP protection in China can be inconsistent, requiring robust measures to safeguard your innovations.
Regulatory Landscape: China’s complex and changing regulations make compliance crucial to avoid fines and reputational damage.
Quality Control: While quality has improved, some sectors still prioritize quantity over quality. Rigorous quality protocols are essential.
Labor & Costs: Labor costs are rising, pushing manufacturers toward automation. Infrastructure is robust, but supply chains can be disrupted by natural disasters or policy changes.
Government Policies: China’s government heavily influences manufacturing through policies and incentives, which can affect costs and market access.
2. Build a Strong Foundation:
Supplier Selection: Choose reliable suppliers through thorough due diligence, including factory visits and financial checks.
Clear Communication: Provide detailed specifications and maintain open communication to avoid misunderstandings.
Quality Management: Implement a Quality Management System (QMS) and conduct regular audits to ensure consistent product quality.
Strong Relationships: Develop long-term partnerships with suppliers to build trust and collaboration.
3. Implement Effective Control Strategies:
QA & QC: Establish a robust QA/QC framework to ensure consistent product quality.
Supplier Development: Invest in your suppliers’ capabilities to improve quality and efficiency.
Risk Management: Prepare for disruptions with backup plans and diversified suppliers.
Contractual Coverage: Clearly define product specifications and include IP protections in contracts.
Third-Party Verification: Use third-party inspections to ensure compliance and quality.
4. Manage Logistics & Supply Chain:
Transportation: Choose the best transport mode and routes to minimize costs and delays.
Warehousing & Inventory: Optimize warehouse locations and use management systems to track inventory.
Customs & Documentation: Ensure compliance with customs regulations and prepare accurate documentation.
Supply Chain Visibility: Use technology to monitor shipments and collaborate with suppliers.
Risk Assessment: Develop contingency plans for disruptions like natural disasters or strikes.
5. Overcome Common Challenges:
Language & Cultural Barriers: Hire experts to bridge gaps in communication and cultural understanding.
IP Protection: Secure your IP with patents, trademarks, and NDAs; monitor for infringements.
Regulatory Compliance: Stay updated on regulations and partner with local experts for compliance.
Supply Chain Disruptions: Diversify suppliers, maintain sufficient inventory, and use smart tools for monitoring.
6. Continuous Improvement:
Use data analytics to track trends and improve processes.
Regularly evaluate supplier performance and invest in employee training.
Embrace technology to enhance communication and efficiency.
7. Build a Culture of Quality:
Encourage employees to propose improvements.
Reward contributions to quality enhancement.
Focus on exceeding customer expectations.
Conclusion: Effective manufacturing control in China requires ongoing effort, attention, and adaptation. Invest in strong practices to improve product quality, reduce costs, protect your brand, and optimize your supply chain.
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filthforfriends · 1 year
The bitch with all the opinions does, in fact, have an opinion.
"But he was really drunk"
That is the phrase I've been hearing used to justify Damiano's shitty behavior at the club a week ago. "He was wrong to hook up with Vic's friend, but he was really drunk." Let's try that phrase in more familiar context. "He shouldn't have forced her to have sex, but he was really drunk." Now, when we look at it through the lens of rape culture, do you too how problematic it is? People are responsible for their actions when inebriated. It was their choice to become inebriated and the consequences of that choice are there's alone.
To be clear: I am not implying the kiss was nonconsensual. I am illustrating how the phrase could be used to victim blame to remind people that they already have a firm opinion on the subject. Using inebriation to justify criminal or generally shitty behavior is, of course, unacceptable. Remember that you are not okay with men dodging accountability for how they treat women, even if they look like Damiano.
I'm not here to scold you for being an imperfect feminist. I'm here because I find the finer details of Damiano's hookup upsetting.
Many of us suspected it was an open relationship, but there wasn't a shred of hard evidence. If you think about the logistics, that is truly miraculous.
When they manage to find a partner while too famous for apps, clubs, bars, and public dates, paparazzi know their address and Dam’s car/license plate. If Dam or Gio are seen going into a hotel in Rome, it would be tabloid fuel. Giorgia’s chronic illnesses make travel difficult. Fans track Måneskin’s location, so there’s no privacy anywhere in the world for Dam. If they manage to find space to explore a new relationship, they still have to get the NDA signed by their partner. That’s how they’ve kept this quiet, but legal documents mean hiring a lawyer.
Do you see the incredible amount of detail that has gone into keeping this quiet? Damiano was BEYOND capable of making his hookup with Martina private.
Vic was DJing and Dami intentionally made his presence very obvious by dancing next to her. In the span of 10 seconds you can 3 different phones capturing them both, with the video being taken by a 4th. Standing right next to Dam is a dude with an actual video camera. He knew he was being filmed and photographed. Of course that was gonna continue when he made out with someone and became even more interesting.
He and Giorgia had already agreed to disclose the end of their relationship later. Instead of that respecting that, he made out with this girl knowing he’d get caught.
I hope he and Martina were already seeing each other, because otherwise he chose the most cruel option. Someone from Måneskin’s inner circle who’d spent time around Gio+Dam as a couple, but much more time around Dami when G wasn’t there. So she gets to wonder forever. A younger, skinnier, healthier, and more European looking model. Might as well have stabbed her in the back and twisted the knife.
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saintmeghanmarkle · 1 year
More details of the NDAs and other demands of the Sussexes to create "substantial" PR with underprivileged children as their backdrop by u/Mistressbrindello
More details of the NDAs and other demands of the Sussexes to create "substantial" PR with underprivileged children as their backdrop It is rare to see anything like these demands prior to charitable visits, especially to schools. While logistics and safety must be considered with high profile guests, the demands and non-disclosure requirements are absolutely shocking. This visit was never about the children, never about charity - apparently all they gave were two baskets of vegetables and P & G donated the rest! - this was a PR event for the Sussexes and free publicity for The Bench - with underprivileged children given the right shade of cushions to act as their backdrop.https://ift.tt/K5gYesL post link: https://ift.tt/4P5ekng author: Mistressbrindello submitted: September 27, 2023 at 04:56PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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The night sky, visible through the small window, was other-worldly and spectacular for the red-eye flight from Atlanta to London. The long hours were thankfully uneventful which I took as a very good omen.  I managed a first-class booking – sleeping pod and all - so I was as comfortable as I could possibly be.  Drifting off, images of the day to follow flickered through my slumber-ready thoughts – the flat, the paperwork, and of course, Jimmy – where, when and how will we meet? 
So much is still in the dark.
Sighing, I surrendered to Morpheus.  He hadn’t been my friend of late, but on the flight to the unimaginable rendezvous, he returned to me.  When I awoke from the brief but deep sleep, a succession of vivid images from my dreaming flashed in my head, and I bolted upright from the reclined seat.
Damn! I remember!
Amazed, I slipped back, eyes closed, replaying the visions.   
I was walking to the flat in Kensington. Ahead, a flock of birds milled about.   Pigeons!  Of course.  As I got closer, they took flight en masse.  Watching them gracefully arc above me, I corrected myself.  “No, they’re doves.”  The only words I spoke.  I looked down to find the sidewalk replaced by the front entrance of the flat.  I cautiously opened the black varnished door, finding a grand, hall-like room crisscrossed with large brown timbers imbedded in sand-colored walls – unmistakably medieval.  Baffled, I stepped outside to re-examine the exterior.  Right, that’s definitely Georgian.   Reentering the flat, the same timber and plaster interior surrounded me.  I giggled at the oddity.  Following distant voices, I was drawn to a large, dusky room containing a round table that looked as if it were sliced from the trunk of a massive tree.  In the dimness, multi-colored squares of light dotted the luster of its highly polished surface.   I surveyed the room to identify the source of the mesmerizing patterns.  A man leaned cross-armed against the wall in a far corner gazing outward through stained-glass windows that rose from floor to ceiling – the source of the kaleidoscope.  The hazy sunlight created a golden sheen on a sliver of his dark attire, the rest in shadow. There were others - two men seated at the table in deep discussion. I couldn’t see any of their faces or hear the conversation – no matter how hard I tried. Maybe they didn’t have faces – the absurd thought seemed entirely reasonable. The faceless man from the opening scenes of The Song Remains The Same sprang into my mind.  It struck me as incredibly funny.   While I laughed, the room and the men disappeared, replaced by a field of tall grass in early evening.  The soft shoots caressed my arms and legs as I lay in the expanse. Clouds, bottoms tinged with orange and purple from the reflection of the setting sun, traveled across the fading sky as it slowly transformed into a night with a sparkling canopy of stars.  From the grasses in the distance, shimmering green lights twinkled then rose, as one – like an aurora borealis – to hang low at the horizon.   I watched in amazement.  I sensed someone there with me.  I didn’t see her or him but could feel their wonder as well, whoever it was. 
Every detail was repeated just as I had dreamed. 
Damn, that was trippy. . . I think I remember the whole thing!  Well. . .maybe a breakthrough?
I savored the feeling.  My introspection was interrupted by the steward’s arrival to undo the sleeping pod.  Oblivious to the movement next to me, I stood absorbed in the realness of the dream – the sounds, the scents, the visions – so crystal clear.  Reseated, I paused another moment relishing the details then took out my laptop to record the impressions.  Lawyer-mode returned and I thought it best to also review the notes I had made about itinerary and such:  nine tomorrow morning – meeting with Jimmy’s representative at his manager’s office to sign the NDA and other paperwork, as well as to finalize the logistics of the much-anticipated meeting; contacts for Perry and the flat’s landlord; possible day trips; the pilgrimage; and where to meet the driver at the airport.
Meeting Jimmy! Fuck, this is actually happening. . .not yet, my girl.  Don’t jinx it!
Upset at myself for doubting, I slapped the laptop closed and shoved it back under the seat.  I jerked open the book brought along for the flight, needing a diversion from negative thoughts.   The first volume of the Outlander series was suggested to me by a friend who noted the series of books had a fascinating plot line.  The story captivated me, and seemingly only minutes later, the pilot announced the approach to the airport. 
Wow.  That was a quick two hours!  So well written.  I may need to pick up the next book while I’m here.
I took stock of my belongings, sliding the book into my laptop bag, and prepared to land.  On the jetway, I checked my watch.   It was 9:30 a.m. local time.  I was to meet, I assumed, Jimmy’s driver at noon in the baggage area. 
Customs must be a bitch!
At 12:30, I finally arrived to collect my bags, having survived the customs nightmare.  As I searched the crowd around the baggage claim, I spied a tall guy with shaggy blond hair holding a “Jane M” sign. 
Okay, that’s him.  Is that? . . .Oh my god, I think it is.”
As I approached him, I beamed with glee. “Well, if it isn’t ‘The Scanner’!  Perry!” I held out my hand.  “So happy to meet you.  I recognized you from the photo.”
“Ha, yeah.  Great to meet you too,” he said, heartily shaking my hand.
“I was expecting a driver or something.  It’s very nice of you to pick me up in person.”
“I am that, on occasion, but today, we have a driver.”  As he spoke, he guided me toward the carousel that was delivering the long-awaited luggage at a snail’s pace to the gaggle of passengers. “The car is just outside so let’s get your bags and we’ll be on our way to your flat.  We can have a chat en route.”
The journey from Heathrow to South Kensington went by quickly and we were soon in front of my temporary residence.
I stepped out of the car, admiring the row of stately, terraced residences, sparkling white in the afternoon sun.  “Very, very cool.  Much better in person.”
Perry joined me on the sidewalk.  “This is a fantastic neighborhood – great architecture.” He glanced back to the driver wrestling the luggage from the boot to the curb.  “We need the key.”
“Right, need to get it from the owner.  I’ll be just a second.”
I bounded up the stairs and rang the bell.  A young blonde woman opened the door.
I tried to regain my breath. “Uh. . .Hi. . . Good day.  I’m Jane Mott – renting the downstairs.”
“Oh, yes.  Good to meet you, Jane.  Emily Putnam.  My husband, Rob, and I own the place.  Please, come in.”
“Emily. . .is it possible. . .umm. . .I have some guys waiting to bring in my bags.  Could I get the key and I’ll come back once they’re done?”
“Of course.”  She reached to a table behind the door.  “Here it is and the door is just there.” She nodded to the wrought-iron railing of the stairway to the flat below.  “Once you’re settled, come up the stairs from the back patio.  I’ll be in the kitchen – right at the top of the stairs.  We’ll have tea and go over the particulars.”
“Great.  Thanks, Emily.  So nice to meet you.  See you in a bit.”
The men trundled my unwieldy bags across the black and white checkerboard tiles of the front terrace and down the stairs to the flat. Once inside, I was pleasantly surprised.
Thank the gods – no timbers.
“Wow.  This is very modern.  The photos really didn’t do justice.”
“This will be quite comfortable, I’m sure.  I hope you enjoy your time here.”
“How could I not, Perry?” I chuckled. “So, what’s the plan for tomorrow?”
“Mr. Page’s driver will collect you promptly at half eight for the drive to the office.  Is that still a good time for you or should I make it later – you know, jet lag and such?”
“No, that will be fine.”
“Jane, a pleasure. I’ll be on my way then.”  He nodded his goodbye.
“Thanks again for everything.  I’ll see you in the morning.”
I dragged my two huge suitcases and assorted other bags down the hall to the spacious master bedroom.  Unpacking, I took special care with hanging the vintage items in the walk-in closet.  The room was graced with a king-size bed and a huge bathroom.  Particularly interesting was the shower sporting a water jet system in the walls.
Just what I need.  Definitely on the agenda for this evening.
I wandered through the rooms discovering other features.  The state-of-the-art kitchen was fully stocked with items I requested to be delivered, right down to the liquor.  The living room was complete with a flat screen TV, internet connections, and what looked to be a wi-fi set up.  It opened onto a cozy, walled patio with a fire pit.
This is incredibly upscale.  I’m going to absolutely love it here.
Remembering my check-in with Emily, I climbed the patio stairs to spend the hour sipping delicious creamy tea, finalizing the arrangements, and learning about the area.  I almost choked, mid-swallow, when Emily mentioned Jimmy Page lived in the neighborhood, noting that she and Rob were avid Zep fans.
“We see him frequently when he’s in town, you know – out and about in the shops”
Regaining my composure, I leaned in.   “Really?  So, he’s just like a normal guy?”
“Yes, he seems so, but then, there are often fans hanging about, so maybe no.  He’s generally very gracious.”
“Maybe I’ll have a sighting while I’m here.” I inwardly smirked, nonchalantly lifting the cup to my lips. 
Returning to the flat, I set up my laptop in the living room, connecting the various wires and plugs.  I switched on my YouTube playlist, thrilled to hear Zep from all corners of the room. 
Perfect!  Surround sound! Gotta get out of these clothes and this f’ing bra.  Maybe time for that shower.
Making my way back to the bedroom, the strains of The Rover floated through unseen speakers in the walls of each room I entered.  Debating a long luxurious bath or the shower with the awesome jets, the shower won out.  The effect of the water massage combined with the melodies of Physical Graffiti was heavenly.  All the travel tension had melted away.  That, along with the inevitable jet lag, made it apparent that it would be an early night.  
I slipped into a comfortable long dress, my favorite for lounging, and searched the kitchen for a glass, ice, and the bottle of Jack.  Dancing my way to the bedroom, I took a swig, depositing the tumbler on the nightstand.  As I sprawled across the bed, the events of the past week – the trip preparation, the brief misgivings about what I had gotten into, and the excitement at the possibility of meeting Jimmy were front of mind.  Then, I remembered my first interaction with Perry. 
 Oh my god, that call in January!  I’m so happy he has a sense of humor.
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The aroma of cherry and oak permeated the air from the flames gently licking the logs in the living room fireplace. I curled up on the sofa with a stack of contracts on my lap.  The firm had taken on several new band clients at the end of the year, a few of them exceptionally talented.  As a result, I anticipated spending the entire weekend reviewing tour agreements and management services contracts to ensure everything was fair and equitable.  With the Saturday morning ticking into afternoon, I took a break to refresh my coffee and settled back onto the sofa.  Amid a particularly confusing section, my cell phone rang.  Focused on my reading, I answered without looking at the screen, putting the caller on speaker.
“Uh. . .yes, hello. . .Is this Jane Mott?”  The caller was unmistakably British.
“Perhaps. . . And this is?
“My name is Perry Hudson calling on behalf of Jimmy Page.”
“Right. . . okay.  Look-”
The voice interrupted, “Ms. Mott, I know this may be unexpected since a rather extended time has passed since you posted the correspondence to Mr. Page, but. . .”
This is probably some asshole who found “the correspondence” in a trash bin. . .For fuck’s sake, it’s been forever.
“LOOK!  I don’t know who you are, how you got my number, or what ‘correspondence' you're referring to” I barked at the phone, “but I’m very busy and in no mood to be pranked, so. . . fuck off!”
His words squawked rapidly from the phone’s tiny speaker.  “No, no, Ms. Mott, don’t hang up!  My name is Perry Hudson.  I am truly calling you from London regarding the letter you sent to Mr. Page. . I’M THE SCANNER!! PLEASE, don’t hang up.”
“Wait. . . what?”
“I got your package at the Flames of Albion offices and passed it on to Mr. Page, personally.”
“You did? Really?”  I said weakly as my stomach flipped-flopped. At that moment, I noticed the number on the screen proved an international call.  A million scenarios raced through my head – he could be anyone. . .some schmuck in a mailroom somewhere having a go at me.  “Sorry, Mr. Hudson, is it?  I’m not convinced.”
“Well, that’s totally understandable, Ms. Mott.  Let me just say, this is. . . I must admit. . .this is a first for me, as well.”
I heard something like truth in his voice but was still skeptical. “Do tell, please.”
“Mr. Page has had an impossibly hectic schedule, which I’m sure you can understand.  When he had the time to give your letter proper attention, the months had slipped away.”
Giving in to my penchant for pacing when angry or unsure of myself – and I was a bit of both - I sprang from the couch, scattering the papers from my lap across the floor.  “Fuck,” I muttered.
“Eh. . .what? . . .Please forgive me if this is not a good time to speak.”
“No, no, it’s okay, Mr. Hudson.  Perhaps we should start over?” I took the phone off speaker, grabbed the cigarettes and lighter from the coffee table, and barged out the front door, oblivious to the freezing air.  I crisscrossed the porch as I smoked. “What exactly do you want and how do I know you are who you say you are?”
“Starting over. . .yes. . .thank you, but I’m not sure how I can prove who I am over the phone. . .At any rate, Mr. Page found the entirety of your letter. . .fascinating. . .is the word he used.  He’s tasked me with arranging a meeting, possibly in the fall, after the proper vetting. . . .since your letter implied a trip to London was in your future plans. He would be delighted to meet you if that works out.”
I sunk onto the swing, pulling another cigarette from the pack.  “Umm. . .wow. . .yeah, that’s possible.”  Thoughts racing, I grabbed one.  “Please forgive my apprehension, but I need to know that you are genuine before we go any further.  I do need some sort of proof.”
“What can I do to provide that to your satisfaction?”
After a deep breath, I forged ahead.  “I would need to see evidence, tangible evidence, that you even know Jimmy, for one."  Being a total smart-ass, I continued in my best drama-class high British accent, “I’m sure you’re quite aware, Mr. Hudson, that anyone can pretend they are something they are not.”
“Not bad, Ms. Mott,” he snickered.
“Well, you get my point, right?” Emboldened, since I was still unsure of the veracity of the call, I pushed further to test.  “I think a call with Jimmy to confirm would work. . .maybe a video call with you both would suffice.  Is that doable?”
There was silence.
I continued. “I mean, I’ve already offered a non-disclosure, so we can start that right now, verbally, if that makes it easier.”
“I don’t think Mr. Page would agree to a call of that sort,” he said hesitantly.
“Alright, I can understand that. Okay, then. . . .uh. . .how about a photo of both of you together, with a date and time stamp - as a compromise? If Mr. Page is amenable, after you take the photo, please send it to me right away.  I’ll give you the email address for my Blackberry; it's very secure.  You can send the image there."
“I think. . .that. . .may be. . .possible.  Obviously, I need to consult with Mr. Page.”
I rattled off the address and after assuring me I’d hear from him in the next few days, we ended the call.
I remained on the swing in the freezing air, puffing on my fourth cigarette, comfortably numb yet shivering. I returned inside and warmed myself by the fire, staring into the flames. 
What the hell just happened? 
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@firethatgrewsolow @foreverandadaydarling @laluxea @lzep @sassybouquetrunaway-universe @jimmysdragonsuit13 @jenyj89
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