studydiariesofaru · 2 years
she’s a 10 but she will procrastinate studying until the last minute and then cry about academic pressure
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studywithni · 11 months
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just get up and start studying 😟🫂
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Here's a list of things that you should have when you sit to study in order to reduce distractions
All your books and stationary- make sure you sit with all your books, notebooks, pens, pencils or whatever you need so that you dont have to get up in between.
A bottle of water- stay hydrated!
Headphones/ earphones- if youre someone who likes listening to music, rain sounds or any such thing while studying make sure you have your earphones next to you.
Air conditioner remote control- with this increasing heat you don't want the weather coming in your way
Chargers- your phone or laptop or any other device might fall short of juice so be prepared
Coffee/ tea/ any other drink- have a drink next to you to sip on so you dont feel sleepy
A plan- have a plan made before you actually start studying so that you dont have to waste time thinking what to do and you have a blueprint
In case you feel i have missed something please feel free to let me know, i would love to incorporate it.
Happy studying!!
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ramayayi · 1 year
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Date: 17/2/23
Creation and Destruction are attached. If something dies, another thing takes birth and everything between the creation and destruction is your journey of life.
Solved some questions from Ray Optics from ncert and revised the formulas
Did 3 chapters: Surface chem, Periodicity, Metallurgy for the upcoming test on 27th
Solved some mcqs for 2 chapters in bio. I was supposed to do the third one too but I got tired at night and on seeing 156 mcqs at 12.30am I was like NOPE
Haven't done my dance practice for the past two days. Turned to choreograph some pieces for bollywood but will resume from tomorrow.
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Wed 6 June
Solved thermal properties for matter in physics
And did the exemplar questions for hydrocarbons
Will try to do some inorganic chem (reading/ questions) daily too
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helpineedtostudy · 1 year
NEET-UG 2023
Here is the link to the official update from NTA
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i hate chemistry soo much. LITERALY.
Nothing makes sense. 99% of the theories are not right and they know it.
The others have SOOOO many exceptions, it's probably gonna be proved wrong in a few years
And that's just another reason for me to not like / study chem
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medschooldiary1 · 1 year
I have an exam tomorrow and I think I am going to die
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Silver lining: It is only an hour and a half long so I won't have to sit around for much 😮‍💨
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daisies-and-chai · 9 months
R you preparing for neet ? Do you have any tips as I'm starting Just now after being cut off from it for 2 years (life happened lol)
Heyy! Yes i am and firstly i just want to say that i'm so proud of you for doing it.
I have a study blog where I share my journey and log my progress. I have already made a few posts there regarding your question. Linking those down :
few tips
Beyond this I just want to say that the thing that has worked the best for me is making daily targets and sticking to them. You can follow some productivity challenges to keep you on track.
Also pls do not switch up your teachers very often. Find the ones that suit you the most and stick to them.
BUY A TEST SERIES!!!!!! asap tbh. Offline is even better. i cannot emphasise enough on how imp and beneficial this is. You do not have to do any planning. You have targets and short term targets which help you stick to your aim better. Just go get one as soon as you can.
Get a study partner if that helps you or create a study blog and track your progress.
Take breaks pls. Burnout sucks. It is the worst. Wasting a little time daily is so so so so much better than studying 16 hrs for a week and then being able to do absolutely nothing for the next two weeks. I have done this and like I said before it SUCKS.
Do not try to rush your syllabus. If you need three days for a chapter TAKE YOUR TIME. Revise along with preparing so that you can complete your syllabus in depth and not worry about revision at the end.
Do not skip or shy away from tests. You score 200 or 700 marks, dude no one cares. JUST TAKE THAT TEST. ANALYSEEEEE!!!!!!
I have learnt these things myself during my journey and trust me having no guidance sucks but is also a good way to find out what works the best for you. I can very confidently tell today what works for me and what doesn't. That is what you need to find out for yourself too.
It doesn't matter how much time you take or how many attempts you need. If this is something you love and want just go for it as many times as you must.
Since you are getting into it after a long time I'd say based on personal experience do not join any dropper batch offline because they skip out the basics assuming droppers know a lot which is reasonable. There is a lot of content online that you can refer to and for free. You're stuck on a particular topic just search it up on YT and I'm sure you'd find enough videos to understand. Just stick to NCERT, even for physics and one extra resource. Do not try to do ten books. Just NCERT and one reference book to practise qs from is more than enough. Repeat these two as many times as you can. I have a lot to say lol. If you have any specific questions that you'd like to ask I'd be super happy to help. I hope whatever I said helps you even in the slightest. I'm here whenever you need. Thank you for the ask. All the best for your journey!! 💃🤗
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shyama-pyaari · 11 months
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Idk but it's kinda difficult to not agree with this.
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studywithni · 5 months
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trying to make my all nighter cute and cosy (it’s not working)
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Sunday means some time to relax? No. Sunday means more grind.
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study-sunflrw · 1 year
21 April
Answered a mock test. Solved entire class 11th physics mcqs. Read 2 chapters in bio. Tmr is I'll focus on bio and chem
Now only 8 days are left in this month. Let's goo!!!
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ramayayi · 1 year
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Date: 20/03/23
Some men never think of it. You did. You’d come along And say you’d nearly brought me flowers But something had gone wrong. The shop was closed. Or you had doubts — The sort that minds like ours Dream up incessantly. You thought I might not want your flowers. It made me smile and hug you then. Now I can only smile. But, look, the flowers you nearly brought Have lasted all this while. ~(Wendy Cope)
The sky looked pretty yesterday. I don't think the camera did justice to the colours though because it was a beautiful gradient that started from purple to bluish sky
Since I have the entire inorganic chem coming in the next test, I completed reading Metallurgy, DF block and Coordination compounds.
For Physics revised Wave Optics and I have no idea why it annoyed me so much yesterday even though I am able to solve the questions easily. It's better than Ray Optics for me I feel.
Did not do bio because I wanted to focus on physics and chem and especially chem because it's been a while since I read inorganic
Completed watching a video on this book called Women of Pride by Lakshmi Vishvanathan who was an eminent dancer herself. I loved how the session ended with two padams
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Wed 14 June
Re read the ncert of alcohol phenol & ether and aldehyde ketones & carboxylic acid
Solved 50 mcqs in physics
Goal is to solve 200 mcqs everyday (putting it out there so that I can have it in writting and get it done)
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helpineedtostudy · 1 year
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11th March, 2023 | Saturday
Had an okay-ish day. Studied physics mostly. By tomorrow I shall be done with thermodynamics. Days are very mundane, ordered a few offline test series on Friday.
🎧Song of the Day:
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