#NEWGATE ( himself. )
viric-dreams · 19 days
Jones was born in the year of the Fall, and grew up in a world in which the British Empire's hold on the world was suddenly not a foregone conclusion. How this would impact him would not become apparent until his teens, when he was radilcalised during his time spent in England. He became heavily involved in the pan-Celtic movement into and throughout his university years. Despite his age, he quickly became a known face amongst friends and foes alike. Jones had a knack for words and for people, and could just as easily rally a crowd with a passionate speech as negotiate across a table from adversaries. He was becoming a political problem.
It was during a speech in 1883 that things had gone wrong. He's not sure himself what had lit that fuse, that had set the rally alight, whether the first blow had come from the police or the crowd. But suddenly there was chaos, and the constables were upon them. One of his comrades was pulled to the ground beside him, the constable swinging at her with a nightstick. Jones grabbed at the man, several stone heavier, tried in vain to pull him off of her. A swing of that nightstick connecting with the side of his face is what he got for his trouble. Half blinded by blood, adrenaline rushing through his veins, he pulled back his fist and threw a punch.
He doesn't remember much after that.
His memories of the next few weeks are hazy, a procession of lawyers, sympathetic faces, furious family. He was being charged for murder. The officer he'd hit had died two days later. One punch thrown at the wrong angle. The prosecution was out for blood. They were determined to make an example of him, get him out of the way, it's all politics, the union leader had told him. He should be ashamed, he's ruined the family's good name, their mother cannot talk about him without bursting into tears, his brother told him. He can get through this, it shouldn't be too long, and she'll be waiting for him on the other side, his girlfriend had told him.
The ship bound for Italy, and eventually, the Cumaean Canal was the list time he'd seen the sun. He was twenty-two.
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the fact that you can love a fictional character while also disagree with/dislike some of the things they've done are not mutually exclusive
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golgolfruit · 2 years
The urge to write WhitebeardRayleigh where Whitebeard fell head over heels in love with Rayleigh during the God Valley Incident and Roger is like “No! ABSOLUTELY NOT!”. Roger enlists Gaban’s help to field any and all love letters and gifts.
Gaban is entrusted to carry Rayleigh far, far away if Whitebeard shows up and the first time it happens Rayleigh sends both Roger and Gaban overboard and makes them swim back to the ship that’s actively sailing away.
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muselexum · 2 months
( tag dump 3 )
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thesharktanksdriver · 3 months
Through the bars of a cell do you see the stars are shackled too? (Platonic)
Welp yall, here it is! The 13k magnum opus I somehow wrote
Not sure if it’s any good but that’s for you guys to decide
Masterlist for this series 𝐓𝐚𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @peachsuka28 @emptynessinmyworld @badluckinfrench @j-s-l-m @tigerfang-rage @madokamagicaa @rymtea @angstylittleb1tch @badluckinfrench @emmbny @kenkenmaaa @yunho-leeknow @chibiduck @spqce-bun @coca-cola-fiend @Koifishpoond
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If there was one thing Kaido knew about life was that it sucked. 
Day after day was a consistent drag of disappointment and bellowing sorrow.
there were only a few things that made it slightly bearable as he went from suicide attempt to suicide attempt as to finally end his own agony.
The company of a woman (alway Black Maria)
The thought of someone finally being worthy to kill him.
And the recollection of memories.
These four things made the time in which Kaido wasn’t actively taking a sword to his chest or gunshot to the head somewhat….ok. 
The first two of these were simple enough desires.
His entire crew indulged themselves just the same as him, though in relative moderation compared to Kaido’s ravenous appetite for both. They served as decent distractions, the buzz of booze and a pretty woman at just about anyone’s side was enough to at least raise someone’s mood. Kaido was no exception to this until that buzz went away and a woman’s touch faded to a lukewarm warmth that could never graze his heart.
The second was also yet another simple desire, a goal more to say. The thought of which made his blood boil in anticipation of someone finally being worthy of giving a finishing blow. His heart stopping and breath finally leaving his throat. Oden had been the closest to this, the scar proudly displaced on Kaido’s chest seen more as a badge of honor rather than a brush with death that many would look at in shame. 
If Kaido had been less of a man, perhaps he’d gaze at it the same way rather than something he often gleams at in a mixture of pride and melancholy.
But then there was that last distraction, perhaps the most effective of them all. 
Kaido has lived a long life, one filled with various adventures that now make everything feel dull in comparison. 
He sometimes thinks of the Rocks pirates, the crew he was on all those years ago where he’d meet Linlin and Newgate.
Most times he thinks of Oden and their battle. The man he’d be willing to call an equal as they fought to the death before that dirt old hag pulled that underhanded trick. The bullet he put through the old Rulers head as he boiled.
Other times it's of the Boy formerly known as Alber in a lab. Fanning the flames that burned away at cracking test tubes and blindingly white lab coats. 
But of all memories he thinks of there was always one memory he found himself looking back to.
No matter how much he tried to drink and wash down the sorrow.
Nor the blood staining his hands that unlike the rest he tries to wash off.
He drinks and unfortunately remembers.
For as long as Kaido could remember he’s always been locked behind the bars of a cell and had the key thrown away.
Being born in vodka kingdom meant he was already drafted at birth for the sole purpose of being a cog in the machine of war.
The battle cries and burning villages served as his lullabies. 
Blood staining his hands at the ripe age of 5 like paint.
Club heavy in his hands as if it were a toy.
When you're born with shackles you don’t know the concept of freedom until you see it first hand. 
And Kaido saw it when the nobles of his kingdom sat down one night for a feast. They ate and ate as if it were the last thing they’d do, laughing at jokes and throwing the bones of chicken at the nearby stationed guards who stood and did nothing. Kaido was a part of that group, he stood as a 12 year old boy with a weapon in hand whilst having food he’d never been able to eat thrown at him.
He clutched his small hands readily made for crushing bones and splattering the innards of now dead fools.
But he was ordered to stand there and he did.
He stood there being mocked and having his horns tugged at.
A “tamed Oni”, one had cackled at him whilst grabbing his horns, pulling at them uncomfortably.
People used that term around him a lot. It had explained his horns that others did not have, nor the height and strength he had compared to other soldiers. They always treated him differently compared to the others, fear lingering in their eyes despite him accomplishing a raid.
Now he knows they were waiting for him to snap the leash curled in their hands.
To break the collar of “tame” they had bestowed him.
It would take a few years but ultimately they were right to be afraid.
Because no matter how much you domesticate a wild animal they with inevitably fall to instinct.
But unlike a wild animal who bite the hand that fed them they decided he’d be transferred to new masters.
It was more profitable that way. 
So instead Kaido became a bargaining chip.
His bunk with other soldiers was replaced with a damp dark dungeon though it wasn’t much different.
The invisible shackles became real and rubbed uncomfortably against his wrists.
And the slop he was already forced to eat somehow became worse.
In a cell Kaido sat.
And it was there he met a child a few years younger than him with eyes that caught his attention.
He could’ve sworn he saw the stars shine within their deep darkened irises.
It was there he met you.
“So what did you do to get thrown in here?” It’s a simple question but one that makes Kaido reared his head up from letting it hang down. A scowl paints his lips, keeping them in a downward slope as golden eyes look up from across the cell to you.
You sit there, head held up by your palm while you sit in a criss cross position. Bruises and dried blood paint skin, a sight he’s intimately familiar with yet like him you seemingly brush off the pain.
“They don’t like when their dogs rebel…so their selling me off”
It’s simple and to the point, he doesn’t want to talk further and his response should indicate that.
Yet you either don’t notice or ignore his tone.
“Ah…so you were a soldier right? How many years?”
“Wow” you tilt your head a bit at that, a mixture of amazement and disbelief along with sadness “13 years…when were you drafted?”.
Kaidō scowls, “at birth”
He watches confusion settle on your face. He quirks an eye at it.
“You're 13??” You sound exasperated at that, eyes widening a bit even as you say it.
“How old did you think I was?” He can’t help but ask.
“I thought you were in your 20’s maybe even 30’s”
Kaido in that moment suddenly felt that old as you said that. Did he really look that different compared to others? Guess it was that oni blood-
“Wow, you're even cooler than I thought! You can probably fool people into buying alcohol!” Saying this with a smile he can’t help but search it for sarcasm yet he finds none. Were you…really being genuine? Did you think he was “cool”?
Kaido didn’t really think anyone would describe him as that.
A monster, yes.
Devil child.
But cool? That certainly wasn’t apart of the vocabulary spat at him by his superiors and civilians of burning villages.
“So wait, since you’ve been a soldier your entire life do you know anything outside of it?” It’s a stupid question, but one he guesses is still kinda nice to ask if only for conversation sake.
“What do you think?” 
You go silent and he thinks for a moment you stay that way, but after a minute you ask.
“Well, do you wanna know about the world then?”
With curiosity and maybe even a bit of hesitant crumbs of joy he nods.
You smile despite being in a dungeon chained to the wall adjacent to him.
Kaido had never once thought that the world could be so interesting until you brought color to it with all the knowledge you hold.
You talk of the islands where flowers grow and bloom, meant to be admired instead of crushed beneath military boots and razed into ash.
You explain the expanse of the night sky and the stories of constellations learned through years of travel. Stars he was taught to know the way back to the kingdom or to use as to navigate yet never appreciate their gentle light.
You tell of the burning sand between your toes and the expanse of crystal blue water that extends to the horizon, the sun setting over it in warm hues of orange, yellow and pink. He has walked across sandy shores but never truly felt sand beneath his feet, never truly stopped to enjoy the lapping of warm waves when the cold plunge and orders to swim are given.
You speak of freedom when all Kaido has ever known is of the chains and collar placed on him since birth.
And you breathe color into the monochrome world he once knew.
Kaido can’t help but imagine the world you describe to him, the sights and beauty of the sea.
Is it as truly free as you describe it?
Can someone like him who’s known the shackles of subjugation truly find peace there?  
Can he be free of the weight of chains just as you described?
Perhaps it was wishful thinking on his part (something very foreign to him) but he think he believed you.
Believed your words 
Believed your stories 
He’s left to ponder over them as you're dragged away by guards despite his protest.
He knows them well, worked with them once before and maybe had even shared drinks yet they look at him with disgust. With an apathy familiar and not foreign to him yet curls in his gut with disgusted anger. 
He tries to break free of the chains but cannot.
For hours alone in a cell he stares out the little barred window looking to the stars you taught him of.
And hours later you're dragged back more bruised and beaten than before but still keeping that damn smile. 
Still retaining the light and gentle air to you that makes you laugh off the broken arm that hangs limply.
“I never asked how you ended up here” Kaido finds himself saying as you rest against the cold stones of the wall, blood marring them a deep maroon as bugs crawl and cold water slithers down. You smile as you do for just about everything, it reminds him of the softness of fur that they had the grace to give in the coldest of winter “they keep asking how I ended up here, assume I’m a spy or something. They won’t take my word that I just ended up here by accident”.
“Did you?”
“Yeah, is guess you’d call it bad luck but I met you so it’s at least better than before” 
“How is me being here with you any better?”
“Having a friend in a cell to return to is better than nothing at all”
“You consider me a friend?” The word feels foreign on his tongue. He had colleagues, and his kingdom had allies made through treaties but never once has he heard that word applied to these relationships. There was always a hollow coldness to them, necessity over genuine companionship despite the same experiences of being born weapons.
“Of course I do” you say this as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world and it hurts his head. “I guess i never asked, but would you like to be friends?”     
Kaido doesn’t understand you, but maybe that’s why he likes you better than all the other recruits he was raised with.
 You actually think.
 You feel.
And you can create actual conversation about something other than the boring slaughter of more innocents. 
He could never call the razing of a village a war, not when they do not truly fight and just wait to be slaughtered to let the women and children flee. 
It does not satiate the craving for a true battle, a true foe, a true adversary for him to fight.
You do not scratch the itch of that fight but you do create a new one as he thinks of freedom beyond these bars.
Beyond the fate of being a pawn and soldier to master.
The itch gets stronger the more you talk, as does his urge to sit down and listen genuinely instead of mutely compute the drowning of orders.
Unlike commanders too caught up in their own pride you let him talk.
Let him ask questions.
Let him find different conclusions to morality even if yours and his budded heads.
But most of all you respected Kaido.
Respected him as a person rather than when you respect a monster because of fear.
And kaido finds himself returning the sentiment even if you're physically weak. But that’s ok, Kaido can make up for your lack of physical strength. 
Your mind is what’s more important anyways.
Your kindness he wishes to savor exclusively for himself even if in every other person he’d see it as weakness is written off. 
“Yes” he answers slowly, “I’d like that”.
Each day you're dragged out at some point and beaten within an inch of your life. Returning with more bruises budding into ugly purple spots as blood stains your white linen shirt a color he’s too familiar with. 
Cuts are crusted up as is old blood that keeps having more crust over.
More broken bones though now they aim for smaller ones, as to drag out having more to eventually break.
Each time you're brought back more broken than the last you keep greeting Kaido with a smile and it drives him mad. 
It also makes him realize just how strong you actually are though.
How resilient you are even in the worst of times.
They keep beating you for answers even when you repeat the same thing every time.
But you do not cry.
Don’t scream nor beg.
And that just seems to piss them off more and proves your resolve even further as to when they move to other methods like waterboarding and taking precise slashes.
You're determined not to give them what they want.
And that in turn makes them Determined to see you break.
To shatter into tiny shards that they’ll stomp into dust.
But even with that it’s nothing compared to you.
The burning look in your eyes rivals that of a thousand stars, and it burns Kaido to the core with how they shine.
How they do not flicker in the face of adversity.
Do not run out of fuel for the fire and just keeps burning to new intensity each time you come back.
Each time you stare at Kaido’s chains and the lock of the cell door.
In many ways you're weak but in others you are strong.
You're a contradiction in every sense of the word that Kaido wishes he could understand.
Because how can someone who has experienced such pain and cruelty of the world still smile as you do?
How can you still laugh with half a ribcage shattered and digging into your lungs.
How is it that despite it all you're laid back and calm even when a blade threatens to expose your innards to the world.
How can you be so soft and yet harder to crack than diamond coated on steel?
It doesn’t make sense (and it never will to him) but he wants to understand you.
Want’s to take the time to solve it like a puzzle instead of the regular way of solving problems via bashing it over the head enough times.
(He never gets the time to do this in the end though)
They don’t put your shackles on this time, it’s not worth the effort in their opinion when they’ve broken so many of your bones.
So they throw you on the hard floor, and lock up the cell once again.
You crawl your way to Kaido’s side of the cell, curling up next to him in a way that feels natural. He hikes an arm around you protectively as one would their own child, and while he doesn’t know what to consider you by (he now knows he considers you as one would a younger sibling) he knows he cares.
And while that’s a scary thought to him he can’t help but revel in it.
The fact that for the first time in his life besides pulling a trigger and watching the flames burn he cares. 
Cares for something of his own volition rather being ordered to. 
Despite being similar in age to him, you're so small in his arms. It’s mostly due to his Oni blood but a swelling of protectiveness wells up in him. He’s felt it before as they drag you off, yells at them to stop and leave you alone. But now settled in his arms so physically broken and battered it really dawns on him.
You're a child and so is he.
You only help to cement this in a small moment of vulnerability in his arms.
“I miss my home…even if I can’t remember it anymore.” He sees tears glistening in moonlight that peaks through the bars. You don’t cry from the beatings and torture like a skilled soldier, but you cry for home just as a child would.
 “I want to remember but I can’t and it hurts so much. It hurts so much Kaido, and I can’t do anything about it. I’d rather rip out my heart and burn my nerves to nothing or crush each individual bone to dust if it meant it could remember what home was like. I miss it so bad and I don’t even know what I miss” 
Kaido doesn’t know what to say, what to input and make you feel better because weapons are not meant to comfort others.
Monsters aren’t meant to hold the hand of the child, they're meant to scare.
But he tries.
“What do you remember?”
You bite back tears, swallowing them down to smile once more though now he sees how it wavers. It cracks ever so slightly at the corners, no one notices because it’s so bright that they never look there to see how practiced it is.
“It’s really hazy…” you start, playing with broken fingers before he stops you by placing his battle torn ones atop your own “but I remember a garden”
“What did it grow?”
“Flowers mostly…maybe peonies? Oh! And lilies. But I also remember strawberries, well more like remember the taste of them”
“What did they taste like?” He’s heard of those berries before but has not tasted them.
“Sweet…tart and earthy. I think I planted them because I was alone for periods of time?”
“Why’s that?”
“I think my parents” for a second you pause in consideration and contemplation, he watches the tears run in your head. But then eyes light up with a hazed recognition “they had to travel for work sometimes. They’d stay for long periods at home and then leave. They didn’t want me to go with them…thought it was dangerous maybe?”. 
He nods at that.
That sounded like a fair enough reason, especially for someone like you.
Gentle and kind.
Showing Weakness even if it also seemed to be your strong suit.
The world has and would eat you up.
“Mom smelled of spices all the time. I think she came from a desert island, and liked to visit it. She would bring me back things”
“Do you remember what those were?”
“No…I just remember my sash came from that place. Made of special silk or something” you look down, but your sash is not there. Probably taken and sold already when you were initially dragged into the dungeon. 
“Your dad?”
“He…I think he liked helping people.” 
“So he’s like you then”
Your smile seems to become more genuine at that.
“Kaido my memory is really bad, I forget a lot. if…I can’t remember all of this then can you do it for me?” You look at him, those stars he swears he can see hidden in them shine once more. How can he refuse such a thing? Not when you’d made him feel like he isn’t just a gun to be held or a weapon to hold. “It’s like you said, we’re friends” he feels weird saying this but maybe in a good way “I don’t mind”.
The marines will be there for him soon, he knew it was a matter of time but despite that he can’t help but feel as if it has all flown away in a mere month.
What should have been a time in which he lamented alone,Cold and starved. It was filled with knowledge, warmth and fulfillment none of which he’d ever had the privilege in knowing. To his commanders he didn’t deserve it but you seem to think otherwise. 
You always seemed to think otherwise to what he was taught.
When they dragged you back one night he noticed your smile was wider than it usually would. There was something about it that was innately different. 
Once more they don’t lock you in shackles, just throwing you limply to the ground.
Your eyes watch as they slam the door and leave.
Something in them sparks up like a match in the dark. 
A chuckle escapes your lips and he watches you sit up despite the broken bones. Worry etches itself into him.
“Stop moving your hurt!”
“I’m fine, had worse” it’s said as if it’s something as casual as the weather. “Anyways Kaido, where do you wanna go first when we get out of here?” You have that gaze again, it feels like a trick question.
The look in your eye gets stronger as cracked fingers caked in your own blood reach into your pocket and pull out a key.
It gleams in the moonlight like your tears once did.
You repeat the question again.
“Where do you wanna go first when we get out of here?”
Kaido thinks back to your tales and finds his thoughts of where he’d be most free and answers back.
“The sea”
The escape is not pretty, blood was shed and Kaido is covered head to toe in red. You don’t fare much better but that’s mostly due to the fact you were in the splatter zone of Kaido’s rampage, which while you didn’t agree with was likely the only way for either of you to get out alive after being spotted.
The salty breeze rustles his hair and drifts past his horns, the ivory is stained red until he’s able to wash it.
On the small boat the two of you stole he lays down beside you on the wooden flooring. It creaks lightly because of his weight, but does not crack. The two of you look up to the stars, he wonders if they are as free as he feels whilst he stares up at them covered in the blood of his captors and by (one of) the only person he’d call a Friend’s side. 
For the first of many few times in his life Kaido feels happy to be alive, if only for this moment of respite.
And it’s the first time he feels like he could take the world.
If only for you to grasp and hold for the freedom you gave him.
Because just for that, for breaking his shackles he’d give you everything and more.
(It’s a sentiment Alber would come to understand as well, many years in the future.) 
Kaido looks to the stars, he thinks they shine brighter than when he was behind that of prison bars.
“I…I think they shine brighter here than before” he mumbles, he hears you move slightly closer despite all your broken bones and bruises.
“That might be because you’d never truly had the chance to stop and stare”
“Maybe” Kaido feels himself grunting “but everything kinda feels different now that I’m free”
“How so?”
He pauses for a moment, thinking how to phrase it before saying “it feels like things have color, it isn’t monochrome anymore. I can feel the wood beneath my fingers and sand sticking to my feet instead of ignoring the sensation because of orders. Salt stays on the tip of my tongue instead of gray slop that drowned away all taste…things can just exist without a purpose in war”.
Kaido had never been one for metaphors or flowery language, but for this he isn’t sure how else to explain it.
It all feels different.
He feels different, like a weight off both his shoulders and wrists.
Like new breath in his lungs.
An icy cold plunge into new waters.
It feels exhilarating and unpredictable.
He feels alive. 
For the first time he thinks he can say he truly feels alive, rather than just surviving. 
Not scraping by.
Not simply living without thought or question.
But alive.
Laying close to his head one of your hands goes to his hair, gently weaving it between fingers so much smaller than his own. 
“Now that we’re at sea, is there any other place you’d like to go next?” You ask looking up to the stars yourself, he wonders if they reflect the ones in your eyes or if yours are their own little night sky.
“I haven’t thought that far yet.” He answers honestly, he focuses on the Big Dipper and Little Dipper, he thinks that they reflect both himself and you. “But so long as we’re free then I’m content in where we go” he says this Earnestly, turning his attention from that of the celestial bodies to you.
There's a look on your face he can’t place.
But he thinks it’s some sort of sadness.
It looms over you like a specter and soaks you to the bone in melancholy.
But you nod, and let the silence punctuated by waves take over.
He doesn’t get that look now, but he later realizes it’s the look of “I’m sorry”.
He realized too late your wounds should not look that way.
He knew they shouldn’t have in the beginning but it only sets in now after examining them himself. 
Kaido knew he was no Field medic. His hands were only used to destroy and Maim and kill. But Kaido tried. 
Because that’s all Kaido could do.
Try for you.
Try for you to be more than just an agent of destruction.
Of trying to do his best in treating the wounds despite the fact he does not know how to be gentle.
How to properly show care.
But nevertheless Kaido tries, he wraps your wounds and cleans them with water even if he has to hold your hand due to the sting of salt. 
His hope is that you’ll float by a marine ship, in which he’d raid it and find their doctors to fix your infections.
But for now besides that he had to stabilize you, which seemed to be a fighting effort considering you don’t seem to care all that much.
At least for yourself.
When it had come to Kaido you placed him over yourself much to his dismay. Even back in that damp and dirty cell you’d done that. Giving him half your scraps of food, pouring a good portion of dirty water into his cup. 
“You need it more than me” is what you had told him along with something like “you're bigger than me which means you need more food to power you” and “I’ve survived with less, I’ll be fine”.
He’d at the time hesitantly accepted it, but now as he dives into the ocean and catches fish to cook he doesn’t take those excuses anymore. Even if he has to basically force a large portion of Cooked fish in your hands and sit down in front of you glaring, telling you to eat.
But that is the least of his issues when it comes to you.
Kaido knows that for a 13 year old he’s mature, as are you despite being younger than him.
But he feels like a damn nurse trying to make you take medicine when it comes to the simplest things.
No, make sure you stay hydrated.
You can’t skip out on getting rest just cause someone needs to be on lookout. It's fine.
Stop poking at the very infected wound that’ll irritate it!
Stop moving around when half your bones are broken!!
At 13 Kaido thinks he has gray hairs already setting in. Because this makes him feel as old as what you first assumed him to be when the two of you met.
You're stubborn as a mule on this, practically forcing him to keep you bed ridden with the minimal supplies this small fishing vessel had. The couch you lay on is itchy as are the sheets used as blankets but it’s something and that’s all Kaido has other than you.
But even with your condition of what should be constant physical agony you keep insisting on getting up.
On trying to help around the small sea vessel.
Saying you had to look out for your own boat even if he doesn’t think that’s very likely but promised he’d look out for it in your stead.
Help trying to navigate even if he knew how to.
For some reason you can’t seem to sit still, mind always needing to focus on something even if the waves were calm and weather was fine. When he’d check in on you as you rested he’d alway find you staring out the small port window, eyes glazed over. 
The haze of memory clouding them.
You tended to do that a lot in that cell but telling stories seemed to make it go away for a while.
But now you do it more often and he isn’t sure if it’s just how you are or if the infection is getting to you.
Either or, it leaves him sleepless at night More than he’d like to admit.
“Oh kaido? I never asked but why do you have horns?” You suddenly ask as he places down the slightly burnt piece of fish. Cooking was a skill taught to him…but cooking good food wasn’t. “You ask that now?” He responds then making you shrug your shoulders.
“didn’t think it was too important to ask at the time”
At that he rolls his eyes, picking up a piece of fish for you to eat. “I’ll answer if you eat”
“Ok” that was a bit easier than he thought- “but only if I get to keep asking questions”
“Fine” it comes out as an exasperated groan but to be honest a small bit of pride swells up in him.
You take a bite of the fish he cooked, eating it without complaint even though the outside is charred to ash. You look at him expectantly.
“I’m an Oni”
He waits for a reaction, but all he gets is a “oh, cool”.
“Is…that really your reaction to learning that?”
“Am I supposed to have a different reaction?”
“Yeah” he grumbles “I’m an Oni. O, N, I.” 
He looks at your face, you have the most clueless expression he thinks he’s ever seen.
“You…you don’t know what that means do you?”
“Not really? But I was just wondering if they were fake or not. Either or it doesn’t change my opinion on you” 
“And what’s your opinion of me?”
“I think your cool…and your my friend who deserved better than what life gave you”
He pauses momentarily at that, but nods.
He thinks the same of you, that you deserve better than this.
“…thanks. What’s your next question?”
You take another bite, “oh! Here’s a good question!” You suddenly turn a bit serious “what’s your dream?”
“My dream?”
“Yeah! What’s your dream now that you're free? What do you wanna do? What do you want to accomplish?” 
“I want to change the world” he says after a moment of contemplation.
But that wasn’t the entire truth.
He left out a part at the end.
I want to change the world for you.
You’ve been acting more off than usual, and that’s saying something since you always act weird. Always having an odd look in those eyes of yours that encompass the night sky itself even in all its expanse. 
But now those eyes seem…obscured in a sense.
You're half-there and half-not.
Because of the infections you’ve developed a fever and you're losing sight of things.
Sweat pours from your forehead and breath remaining stagard as you took in deep puffs of breath.
Chills have begun to rack up your spine leaving you a shivering mess. He lets you cling to him, leaching off the warmth he naturally produces as his blood stained hands try to rub comforting circles into tousled and sweaty hair.
He doesn’t mind.
He can’t when your in obvious pain and confusion.
Mind slipping back and forth between conscious and unconscious, past and the present. 
Today he tried to have you tell a story but you kept fumbling over your own words.Trailing off and suddenly going quiet for minutes on end and then asking him what you were talking about.
You apologize for this. As well as being an inconvenience.
For being sick.
For slowly losing yourself in the veil of loopiness as your body gets worse.
But that’s hardly something that’s your fault.
It’s his.
(Or at least that’s what he blames himself for)
After failing to tell a story you go quiet for a while. 
Eerily so.
It sets him off tilter since he’s used to your voice constantly being in the air.
You don’t seem to know what to say anymore.
So instead Kaido decides to fill the air instead.
“Apparently in Oni culture we let someone close to us make a mark on our horns” it comes out of nowhere and it takes a minute for you to compute but when it does he sees fascination light up your face. 
“How do you know that?” Your voice questions, the sound of it easing some of his tension. You're still there, still conscious and not lost in your own mind. “I thought you didn’t know much about your people, considering you were one of the only ones likely left?”.
“A commander mentioned it once” 
He thinks back to that particular memory.
Said commander looking at the small horns poking out from disheveled hair. They weren’t quite as big as they were now, just barely enough to be called proper horns. 
He remembers that man’s laugh as he roughly grabbed them and tugged Kaido along with them.
“He said that when they were big enough they should carve the kingdom's emblem into them. A sign of ownership and of its importance”
“To you?”
“No, more like how it was above me” 
Now thinking back he isn’t sure if that man’s words were true or not. He’d been so deprived of information about a people he’d never met nor traditions he’d never see that any crumb would be eaten up by his mind.
Maybe it was made up.
But even if it wasn’t it remained stuck in his head.
“I want you to carve something” 
For a money you pause, a look of confusion stuck.
“Why though? I don’t want to make it seem like mark of ownership, that’s wrong”
Lightly he smacks your forehead with his finger, he ignores how it’s too hot and the sweat that sticks to it.
“You idiot, did you not hear what I said first? It’s meant to be a thing of friendship between us. They wanted to use it as something else, I want to use it as it’s meant to be used” 
“But what would I even carve? I don’t wanna put my name. That would seem weird”
Kaido pinches the bridge of his nose, then looking at you once more.
At least he knew you’d be genuine about it.
But even then your being too picky about shit-
“Do a star then”
He gets the idea when for a brief moment his eyes connect with your own.
They sparkle even with the hazy look in them.
“Will it hurt you though?”
“Doesn’t matter, I’ve been through worse”
“Well it matters to me-“
“Yeah well, you’ve used the same excuse before of things being worse. I don’t know what you’ve been through but I’ve been a soldier up till now, I can handle it”
By the end of the night as you lay asleep atop of him, head planted above where his heart would be (if he really ever had one) his fingers trace the indent of a messy carved star.
It’s slightly lopsided.
It doesn’t look even.
Or maybe even doesn’t look like a four pointed star to others.
But to Kaido it means everything to him.
(Something that even now years in the future despite being depressed and suicidal he fondly drags a finger over the carved notch. It’s one of the few things that can make him slightly smile about. A sight of which makes his commanders ponder of, though only King knows of its true significance to him)
It serves as an anchor or sorts.
A sign.
A motivation.
A determination for a dream.
A connection.
A symbol of freedom and a spark.
A sign of friendship to someone he feels is rapidly slipping from his grasp at each moment. Much like sand between his fingers or blood pouring from an open wound.
He cannot sew it up now matter how hard he tries,
He has to watch you bleed out slowly in pain.
And it kills him slowly on the inside.
Especially as you seem to be losing yourself bit by bit.
Kaido holds you closer, he hopes to not have to let you go.
But he knows at this point it is inevitable.
The fever isn’t going down and just seems to get worse.
The end is nigh.
A few years ago Kaido had saw a half dead rabbit in the camp near his bunkhouse with the others his age.
It’s white spotted fur matted with dirt and its own blood as it lay mutilated but alive. The small animal writhed on the ground, ants picking away at its flesh as it sat there still alive to be eaten. It’s a cruel fate for any living thing, but one that is not unexpected for a creature that was weak.
Or at least that’s what they told him.
His superior saw his gaze at the creature and scoffed when Kaido reached a hand to end its agony. 
He was told to let it writhe.
It was the rule of the world that the weak would die for the strong to survive.
The weak were meant to be eaten by the strong. 
And so the bunny was left to be taken apart slowly.
Dying in wheezing pain.
Left there to die in agony instead having its suffering ended with the quick snap of its neck.
Kaido didn’t know how to feel as it sat there in pain, he felt sort of sorry for it but he was given orders. 
And that was the way of the world.
He thinks back to that rabbit now and finds the similarity between you both too apparent.
Both small helpless creatures in pain.
You wheeze just as it did though now due to your feverish state.
You shiver as its body once did though instead of the chilling snow it’s now your body playing tricks on you.
And just like that small rabbit your fate is in his hands.
He has to decide whether to let you continue to a painful death just as it did or end it now. 
This decision weighs heavy on him now because he isn’t given orders to obey.
He has to make this choice of his own volition.
And for once he thinks there was one upside to being given orders to be a weapon.
Because morality and feelings never came into the mix.
He’d be given a task, do it and never have to think of how it made him feel nor the consequences of those actions on others.
It was survival.
Yet now decision weighs heavy in his mind, on his shoulders and most importantly in his hands as you are cradled by them.
He can’t help but notice once more that you're so small in them. He knows it’s mostly due to his oni blood but a part of him attributes it to how fragile you are. It would be so easy to hurt you by accident. So, so, so easy for the world to shatter you like glass. 
He’s surprised it hasn’t already or perhaps it did and you're a pro at picking yourself up back together.
Your form is held gently but close.
Kaido doesn’t want to let you go from his grasp.
Wants to hoard you to himself.
He doesn’t want you to go.
To leave him alone with this burning feeling in his heart at the thought of you going.
But Kaido knows that in the end he cares too much for you to let that part of himself overpower the right thing to do. 
No matter how much it’ll tear him apart and shatter him at his core.
You're worth so much more than both those combined. 
And he’s willing to become more broken than he already was just for you to die in peace.
His hands shake, you notice.
“ you ok…Kai?” The shortened form of his name was something you’d begun calling him a few days back. Speaking hurt your throat, so instead under his demand you’d stuck to short sentences. But at this point he’s unsure if you think he’s him or if you think your speaking to someone else.
“I’m fine…just” what does he say? What's he supposed to do? He’s 13 and he’s killed more than he could ever count yet this feels different. He’d never known his victim so well, never cared for them as he did with you. “I just need to know something” before he does this, even in your feverish state he needs to find some solace.
Tilting your head back to look up at him he sees your eyes struggling to focus. Squinting at his face almost as if drunk with uncertainty at who he was. 
“What is it?” Your words are slurred and slow, raspy and thin. The complete opposite as to what you sounded like before in that cell even with a broken set of ribs. You used to speak with such certainty and strength, joy and wonder leaking from each word. 
Your voice is but an echo of what it once was. Quiet and loosing its grasp before fading to silence.
“…even if we go our separate ways…will you still consider me your friend? Will you still care for me?”
You smile.
And Kaido feels the world shift ever so slightly.
“Course Kai.” Reaching up a hand you graze the ivory of his horns, a finger tracing the small star mark he let you carve “your my friend. I’ll always love you, always care for you even when gone. One day we’ll see each other again”.
Maybe you're more coherent than he initially thought.
Maybe you realized his intentions of putting you out of this misery.
Or maybe you genuinely think that you’ll meet once more.
In a way your right, you’ll one day meet in the realm of the dead.
(Something he now oh so desperately craves to go to)
Either way it’s all the motivation he needs to do this.
His hands shake as they shift grip to cradle the back of your head.
(A monster like him does not deserve your care, to ever feel loved as he did as your friend. But even then that’s an understatement, you were more like the family he never had. The annoying little sibling he never asked for but loved as if you were flesh and blood)
You stare up at him from your place, head leaning against where his beating dead heart is.
(Star filled eyes look up at him and they make it so that he can never look at the night sky again. Even in onigashima on the clear night skies with shining stars he cannot look at them. Only because he’s flooded with the guilt)
“Kaido?” You sound a bit more coherent than before, you look at him with a confused smile as your hands graze over the tears coming from golden eyes.
(He imagines the rabbit, if on that day he’d ended its misery. The flooding relief of death sweeping over its form that was left to rot and be picked apart by the scavengers. He promises you will not be left to that fate, that the world will not tear you apart as you die a slow painful end)
“What are you-“.
There’s a twist and then a crack.
The sound is quiet yet it rattles through his hands and into his core where sorrow roars its head for the very first time.
Slumping down to the ground he holds you, and doesn’t want to let you go.
He closes his golden eyes and falls asleep clutching a dead corpse (that unbeknownst to him began to fade away as he slipped into unconscious. He wakes up later on a marine’s ship and assumes they tossed your body, there are no survivors to tell the tale but himself).
Death is all that Kaido’s hands are good for, he isn’t ashamed of this fact but this time he feels genuine loss.
One of the few times he ever will. 
And just like the other time when he feels loss for a person he kills much later on in the future.
You and Oden smile in the face of death.
The sight haunts and transfixes him at the same time.
And it makes Kaido crave it all the more knowing the two people he misses smiled as death took them.
He wonders if the sight of the other side or complete and utter peace in the reaper's cold hands did it.
Either way he wishes to go out the same.
With content in his cold withered heart and a smile.
Kaido isn’t sure if he believed in ghosts and spirits, but he did believe that in some way you were still with him even in death.
Because you linger subconsciously in his mind and everything he comes across. 
When he joined the Rock’s pirates under Newgates offer he imagines what would have happened if you were still with him. Would you have wormed your way into the murderous crew’s hearts just as you did him?
He knows for a fact he would have had to fight Newgate for you. 
The man’s dream of a family aligning all too well with how he would have scooped you up the minute Kaido stepped on that ship.
Linlin talks about a childhood best friend that sounds a lot like you.
She reminisces about it quite a bit, no one but him actually listens (even then he only does this for his own nostalgia of you and how similar this friend of hers and you sound alike). That seems to help get him on her good side though with how young he was when joining that helped as well, she now calls him “little brother”. It’s an affectionate term, one that he isn’t quite sure how he feels about when she messes up his hair and slaps him on the back.
He thinks it’s then that he realized he viewed you the same way Linlin does for him.
Little sibling. 
It’s always after someone is gone do you realize the true extent of their importance to you.
It’s only when they're gone do you feel their loss in the world and your life.
He thought he had prepared for loss, for mourning and grief.
But they still hit him harder than any bullet or attack. 
It’s perhaps a true testament to you and your affect on him. 
Linlin at some point has him try a strawberry shortcake once he says he’d never had strawberry before. She enthusiastically hands him a piece, it surprises both him and everyone else on board. She never shared her sweets, let alone with anyone on board besides maybe Stussy and Gloriosa when they were on those weird weeks where they smelled of blood and were moodier than usual.
So he tries it.
The small red berry with bits of white frosting stuck to it, it hits his taste buds with an onslaught of sweetness.
It’s as you described strawberries to taste, sweet and earthy, its juice pools in his mouth and leaks from the corner of his lips.
But at the same time it’s bitter and dull.
He swallows it down though, and eats the rest as Linlin grins in delight. 
She asks him how it was and he responds that it was fine.
She does not know of how it leaves a bitter taste in his mouth even after trying to wash it down with sake and whatever booze was offered that night.
Only Newgate seem notices of how he tried to wash out his mouth.
Thankfully he does not ask.
And Kaido luckily does not have to tell of how the too sweet taste of icing and lingering bitterness of fresh strawberry stains him.
(When Linlin sends shipments of strawberry shortcakes years later Kaido bitterly eats them just as they leave a bitter taste in his mouth. King asks him why he eats them despite his clear distaste for the sweet confection. He just says it’s because it’s a gift and because he values the bittersweet of strawberry. King raises an eyebrow at this, but does not comment on it. Instead he join in on finishing the many sweet confections even if like Kaido he prefers more savory dishes) 
In a lab many years later after gods valley Kaido finds a white haired boy chained up to a table. 
Red burning eyes stare to that of gold ones.
Kaido knows his eyes are not like yours, they do not burn with the same intensity of Starfire but they do burn.
They burn like the flames that eventually eat up the rest of the facility as shackles are broken. 
He learns the boy's name is Alber, a last surviving member of the Lunarian race that had been slaughtered much like his own. Unlike horns he possesses wings and an undying spark. Both of which weakly cling to life after years of poking and prodding by people in white coats that are now marred by ash and blood. 
Kaido was sure of it after he had bludgeoned enough of them with his own bare hands or let the collapsing building take care of the few stranglers.
Alber in the escape is reborn anew in the ashes of a burning lab as King.   
A fitting name for someone who would eventually come to rule this forsaken world at Kaido’s side.
As King looks up to him, with widen ruby red eyes Kaido notices how they look at him. He looks at Kaido as if he had hung the moon and stars, perhaps in a way Kaido had for the young Lunarain.
King does not remember much of his home besides the scent of burning wood of a giant bonfire and the subsequent burning of their homes.
Fire had been important to their people, it symbolized that of the blazing fires of the stars. The eternal fire of their spark hung just behind them like the star that was hung above the red line. It was said to have been given to them as a symbol of home no matter where they flew.
The star was placed there to always show them their way back home.
That the ones touched by their elusive god would have their sparks changed to immortalize that star.
It is ironic then that fire is used to burn away their land to bring forth Mary Geoise. 
What had used to be the land of winged people as free as the sky is reborn as the place where so called “celestials” harbor hundreds of thousands as slaves.
The lucky few lunarians had their wings tethered in chains before being dropped into the ocean to flail and drown or just properly slaughtered in the massacre as they were shot down from the sky.
The rest who don’t share that fate are privy to something much worse. Either shipped off to a lab or dismembered into exotic pieces to be kept as a part of a collection as are the remnants of their culture.
Black wings are hung up as mantle pieces above fireplaces that burn in a crude irony.
Moon White hair was cut off and woven into decorations for dresses.
Red eyes plucked from skulls to be turned into exotic centerpieces to long tables filled to the brim with imported foods.
Kaido knows that Oni horns are similarly used as decorations. 
The ivory carved into statues or used as the keys to piano’s that are played by slaves or the few lucky musicians that are deemed good enough to be in the presence of self acclaimed gods.
Like King, Kaido also knows little to none about his own culture as well.
Both their people slaughtered for decoration, leaving them clueless to their own traditions.
Yet another thing that makes him and King feel somewhat connected. 
They are both the last of their kind.
Shackled and chained like property before being broken free.
Two connected with a dream to change the world. 
Both were freed and were able to see the moon and stars once again on a beautiful night punctuated by the blood of their captures.
While King does not remember his people he does remember the stars, stars he now gets to see again.
So it’s no wonder he thinks Kaido hung them.
He looks at Kaido just as Kaido did to you.
Once more Kaido ponders if you watch him from the world beyond.
If you're proud of him for doing just as you did all those years ago.
Kaido hopes so.
For a good while in his life Kaido feels aimless.
To be fair, in a sense he’s always been slightly aimless. Going from place to place, adrift before he was recruited to Rock’s crew and then had to jump ship when that went up in smoke. 
He has his right hand.
He builds his crew.
Is proclaimed a Yonko and emperor of the seas.
Has a blood child.
But the hollowness in his chest does not get placated nor fade.
It only ever seems to feel worse.
The world feels like once more that it’s back to monochrome, only stray bits of color only ever appearing when he’s drunk enough to forget.  Even then the world does not feel as vibrant as it was before even when in inebriated color. 
Everything feels faded out and sullied.
Almost as if it were drowned and pulled back out from the water.
Theoretically he should be happy, but he isn’t.
There were only a few times in his life that he ever was and it started with you before going downhill from then on.
In the back of his mind he wants to blame you for this unhappiness.
You who brought him a world of light and color before having it ripped away by his own hands as a mercy to you. From then on it never seemed the same, its color began to fade as did his eventual want to live. Back when the broken neck was cradled in his hands he wanted to go with you, but surmised that you wanted better for him.
You always did.
Always put himself above you even if you were equally starving and cold.
Kaido doesn’t regret being alive, not when you fought so valiantly for him to do so and for having the opportunity in freeing King. but he does regret living to the point that he now considered it a prison in its own right.
Regrets that he now cannot look at the stars and when he does he wonders if they too are chained to their positions in the sky. 
perhaps you had known that as well.
The forlorn look you’d give when looking out to sea even in a fevered and hazy state. Eyes tracing the stars with a sadness that he could not place.
Perhaps you’d Known all of this, yet tried to keep Kaido in blissful ignorance knowing how miserable it would make him.
Even with all of this Kaido cannot hate you, nor have any ill will towards you.
Not even if he forced himself to try.
Never could he hate you.
He could hate the world and himself but never you.
Never because of the kindness you’d given.
And most importantly for the fact that he now believes you to be something else.
Kaido isn’t quite sure where exactly he first hears of the story of “Joyboy” but even with the scraps he is given it stays in his mind. It lingers and festers with curiosity. An itch that he cannot scratch until he finds more stories, then rinse and repeat.
Kaido thinks that in a way you were sent by Joyboy to him.
Maybe it was a coincidence.
Or something else entirely but you brought to him the liberation he had dreamt of.
Caused within him the spark of a burning star to create change to the world for you (one that now does not care if that change is for the betterment of the world or the destruction of it in your long forgotten name that he hordes)
But this first starts off as a stray thought as he learns more and more about the god. The small bits of information he’s been able to collect is varied and old but what the legend tells him is enough to create more similarities. Most of the stories have been covered up or collected by marines, luckily they can’t do much when he raids their bases and takes what information he wants.
More information is learnt.
And eventually he comes to believe that maybe you truly were some envoy sent by the perpetual smiling god.
You died with a smile like he would.
(As does Oden and Roger)
More of his mind makes connections probably not there but ones he so desperately wants to be true.
Because if you were sent by him that means it validates how you're a shining beacon of sunspot in the dark expanse of his mind.
Like a star in the sky.
Like the stars that match the innermost depths of your eyes.
Maybe if you were sent by JoyBoy it’s a sign of breaking free of the chains of the living realm.
Maybe he will break Kaido free since he’s the only one worthy and strong enough to finally end this.
Maybe Kaido can see you again.
Maybe Kaido will see a night sky with stars that are unshackled.
Maybe your death will mean something other than a tragedy and the turning point of how things have become dull and pointless.
Kaido did not have the capability to love.
Respect, yes. But love? No.
It had long died in his chest as did his heart when he was born and raised to be a mindless weapon. Maybe it had had a chance of beating once more (and maybe it was revived momentarily when on that small ship adrift at sea before a sobering snap rang out into the night and a body fell limp in his hands) but that had long been buried in the past.
In his chest sits a dead heart that lays in its coffin within the ground (he does not acknowledge that he had to rebury it or that it was for a short period of time reanimated) .
Kaido cannot love even if he tries (not anymore at least).
Kaido wants to love Yamato but he cannot on account of who Kaido is as a person.
Weapons are not capable of love.
Neither are Yonko’s (the strong ones at least. Shanks and Newgate can hardly be considered that when they show weakness in pride)
When Kaido was just Kaido, an escaped bargaining chip ready to be sold he might have (and he did, he had the love of a friend but that died when they did).
But now he is the captain of the beast pirates.
A monster like him does not deserve love in the first place, he should not crave it. (But Even if that’s correct your words of “your my friend. I’ll always love you” reverberate like an echo chamber within his skull. He tries to bash his head against a wall yet nothing is able to make it stop echoing. He didn’t deserve what you had given yet you gave it anyways)
He has no time for love.
No time to coddle Yamato. 
Yamato has to be strong to face the world.
Has to be strong as to one day kill and not let it haunt him.
To not let the crack of a neck ring in his mind when he thinks he finally has peace.
To not see the dulling eyes that reflect the stars fade out and burn themselves instead into his head.
To not realize the world has color before it’s taken from him.
(But that happens anyways, and like it happened to Kaido it is set into motion when someone smiles in the face of death. For Yamato his spark for his dream boils in intensity and for Kaido it’s a spark that now wants to fizzle out) 
Onigashima feels different for some reason and Kaido can’t place a finger on it.
Maybe not a bad type of different per say but it’s one that he notices in time as things progress.
It started off with Black Maria seeming more chipper than usual. The normally malicious smile hidden behind a careful mask momentarily satiated. Red painted lips genuinely up turned as she talks of her newest edition of a letter deliverer. A “cute little thing” her workers picked up from the streets battered and cold. 
Maria always had a soft spot for kids, evident from how she even coddled Yamato even when Kaido told her it would make the child soft. So it doesn’t make Kaido too surprised that she picked up one out of the many strays that wander the streets. Though, how a lone child ended up in Onigashima is beyond him.
She talks fondly of them, her “little messenger” that has seemingly captured the favor of the black widow.
Somehow getting caught in her web yet navigating it and the rest of lions den with ease.
She seems to be having custom kimono and Yukata made for her messenger. Something she occasionally mentions with a rogue tinged smile as her nails dance across Kaido’s bicep. She seems happy, genuinely. He respects her enough to nod along, content in that she is also content.
Next is seemingly Sasaki and Who’s-Who, there’s been less of their demanding fights with Queen, Jack and especially King. 
The two had seemingly befriended the young messenger Black Maria had employed (much to her displeasure because now their apparently “hogging” them from her).
This then extended to Ulti and eventually Page one as well. Apparently they had somehow worked their way onto her good side, even being able to somewhat calm her down which was a godsend for many of the other beast pirates. God knows the amount of times she’s sent a good chuck in grunts to the ER from a small spot of anger. 
But then surprisingly enough even Queen and King seem to take interest in this messenger.
For Queen it’s loud but transactional interest.
Kaido can hear the concerts he puts on but now with added guitar riffs and solos. The crowds cheer with such vigor that almost all of Onigashima shakes with excitement.
For King it’s quiet but personal. 
Kaido knows that his right hand has never trusted nor legitimately liked anyone but himself.
King has never formed friendships beyond that of Kaido and that was fine. 
King was a grown man, he could make his own decisions in life and that included who he (or in this case who he didn’t) talk to. But seeing his right hand for once actually made happy, well it created in kaido an inkling of relief.
For so long King had wallowed in a similar sadness to Kaido.
King had not enjoyed anything, even when partaking in activities such as drinking or partying he only did it for Kaido.
At first Kaido could understand. He finds no point in living, and can’t find enjoyment in much anymore. But Kaido had things, he had Onigashima and the love of thrill for battle and booze and the longing embrace of death.
But later he came to notice that King had nothing besides Kaido. 
King had no people he legitimately talked to beside Kaido.
He never attended parties if Kaido was not there.
He never even took enjoyment in fights.
He never walked with purpose unless Kaido gave him a task to achieve.
King had nothing.
Nothing but the belief that Kaido would bring change and his goal was to just solely help him achieve that change.
And while Kaido saw life to be a prison he wanted King to not see it that way.
He wanted King to live.
To soar just as his people once proudly did.
Wanted to give him what he had gained from his time with you.
To paint the bleak world in color for someone he broke from chains.
To make the bars of life not visible nor matter.
To never realize the stars were collard and held in place.
So hearing he was happy for once.
That he found someone besides Kaido to help fill the emptiness of his life.
Well it piqued his interest, especially since this same messenger had seemingly done the same for his Tobiroppo and one two thirds of his all stars.
(In the back of his mind he bitterly chuckles that it reminds him of you but he brushes it off. Your dead and gone, he’s the reason for that) 
So he arranges for the next meeting to have this messenger included. 
King seems almost eager for this. Wanting to introduce whoever this is to him.
For once Kaido hears King talk about his day in detail rather than simply stating that “it was fine” and leaving it at that.
(Kaido does not hear the small utterance of a name he hadn’t heard in so so long, too caught up in his drink to catch it. It slips through his fingers and he does not realize it, even if he did compute it he’d assume it was a sad coincidence)
Days go by as per usual though Kaido does have something to perhaps look forward to now with this meeting.
It’s not easy to thrive in Onigashima even as a decent fighter.
So a literal child somehow making allies with some of his top commanders is certainly something that has some amusement to look forwards to.
So he waits.
And drinks.
And waits.
And shoo’s away the weird crows that have made their home in Onigashima recently.
Something also seemingly attributed to this messenger. King had told him that apparently these were their crows, one they had raised themselves after finding the murder half dead. 
Could be useful for communication, less chance of having the den den mushi tapped or curriers intercepted. Plus…he didn’t mind the bird’s presence.
Something about them was odd, but not in a particular bad way. 
They sometimes circled the sky in a spiral, swirling in a mass of black feathers similar to King.
It was a sight to see.
What's even more of a sight to see was that one of them was bold enough to join Kaido in drinking. The small feathered fiend joining in on partaking in the enjoyment of booze. Its beak dipping down in the large sake cup, then incessantly squawking when Kaido had interrupted its sips when he too wanted to enjoy in the clear liquid.
A large scar paints over its wing, leaving a trail that the little thing seemed to take pride in.
Much like Kaido’s scar that he too takes pride in.
The little thing’s name is “Nobu” , something he learned from King. Apparently along with this messenger her also befriended their little feathered fiends as well.
Kaido jokes that it has something to do with bird intuition.
King rolls his eyes though through the creasing of leather it’s clear that beneath his mask he smiles. 
Not like King can say much anyways when on his shoulders perches several of the birds. All of which linger around his flame, seemingly trying to use it as a source of warmth and equally captivated by it.
Nobu beside him pecks at his arm, making Kaido look down at the twilight coloured bird.
Kaido’s eyes drift down to it, before the bird pecks at the now empty sake cup. It was not empty last Kaido touched it…did this small bird really finish the last two thirds of the cup that most of his beast pirates could never stomach. 
Hell, the sake cup Kaido used was custom sized to be bigger than just about any other sake cup. 
Well fuck. Looks like he had a drinking buddy? Bird? 
“I’ll give you this you little shit, your a good drinker”
“Another round?”
The bird nods, pecking the cup again as if to say ‘hurry up and refill you slow bastard’. 
Kaido chuckles.
Now he feels even more curiosity as to who this messenger was.
Good thing for him that meeting was soon.
Typically Kaido did not care much for the meetings, not unless it was something really important or led to him possibly fighting someone (and then being disappointed that they didn’t meet expectations).
But for this one the curiosity curling in his gut is enough to satiate him of relying on the presence of Black Maria at his side and a few dozen gourds of sake to get him through. 
He wonders what this messenger will be like.
Will they be a cunning child? The one who spies the people with well made clothes and awaits to pick their pockets.
Are they scrappy? The child who rustles a raccoon on the street for stealing their food and isn’t afraid to play dirty. 
Or Are they perhaps the opposite?
(In some very distant part of his mind, perhaps buried in the cold grave that contains his heart a thought bubbles out. Like undead clawing out from a grave before being buried once more. That part of him wonders if their maybe like you) 
It swirls in his mind because the thought of a child (just a random child) that would be able to befriend his top confidants.
Worm their way into the hearts of someone like King or even Ulti and Who’s-Who. 
Well…It leaves an impression.
And a all consuming question.
Especially since before even meeting this messenger Kaido can’t help but feel somewhat charmed by them.
Them who has made King more happy and content than Kaido has ever possibly seen the man and create within the vicious Maria a kindness.
They who calms down Ulti’s violent temper tantrums and apparently party with Sasaki.
His thoughts whirl.
And then Kaido Freezes.
The unbeatable monster known for ransacking villages and crumbling a nation that he now uses as a den freezes.
He knows those eyes better than he knows the scars that mar his body.
For a moment Kaido thinks he’s piss drunk or having a hallucination when he sees you there.
He had some before, when tired enough or drunk enough he could swear to see or hear you.
Sometimes you’d sit atop his shoulder (in the corner of his eyes, never fully in focus)
Other times he’d hear your voice like a small whisper of encouragement (even though your voice feels almost unrecognizable from what it once was)
And there you are, sitting in content beside Maria who dressed you in silk. The woman’s usually cruel red smile is replaced by one of adoration and warmth instead of her biting cold.
Laughing at Sasaki and Who’s-Who as the two argue over some contrived bet they made when likely drunk.
Somehow calming down Ulti who nearly blows a gasket at Sasaki who accidentally bumps into her due to his fight with Who’s-who.
Having a paper slid over to you by Queen who looks all too pleased with himself before King burns it in front of him.
And most surprisingly of all King, his right hand also holding that familiar look of comfort and content that Kaido is too familiar with when associated with you.
And then of course there’s just you on your own.
You who sits there completely the same as when you met him in that jail cell and died by his hands minus the bruises. 
The same star speckled eyes.
Same smile.
Same calm and mild mannered disposition despite being in a room infested with monsters.
Kaido thinks back to the times he had pondered what would happen if you had lived, if he had been able to find a doctor or if you somehow miraculously healed from those infectious wounds. If the rusted blunt swords used on your flesh and slashed at by guards had impossibly not led to the discolored wounds that leaked with a disgusting mixture of blood and other fluids.
Maybe you would have joined him on Rock’s crew.
Would’ve met Linlin and Newgate.
Could have helped him Break King out of that cell just as you had for him.
If you’d get along with some of the few on his crew he had some likability for (which he now knows is possibly).
If like all those years ago despite all he’s done you’d still consider him friend.
And seeing you again he realizes that all of that could have happened.
That the future he dreamed of in the few uncrushed bits of optimism that lingers in the corner of his soul could have happened.
The life he longed for on those dark nights where memories haunted him like screaming banshees.
It could have happened.
And it didn’t.
Kaido without thinking says your name, it echoes out and reverberates. The room quiets down, so much so that it feels as if his call to you was the only thing ever spoken between the 4 walls.
Starry eyes look to him.
They feel as if they peer into his very soul. Golden burning embers searching the now dull yellow pits of his eyes.
Searching and searching for something.
But there’s nothing. 
Not even an inkling of recognition slithers its way onto your face nor into your mind. Instead horror fills it.
Perhaps just as horrified as Kaido that you forgot. 
And like before, on that night all those years ago Kaido feels something in him break.
He lost you once, perhaps in a way you’ve even lost yourself.
But Kaido will not let you slip away again.
Will not grant mercy as he did all those years ago when he was a naive boy.
Maybe it’s because of his Zoan tendencies or because of his fear (the world feels foreign in his mouth let alone to feel anymore. Because Kaido did not fear anything, not even death) but Kaido feels something swirling in him.
And then possession.
He does not want to let you free of his grasp again, will not let you lose yourself once more. 
Even if he knows how hypocritical it is to lock you by his side when you had freed him of such a fate of a cage.
But the world is not kind and neither is Kaido.
All those years ago you lit a spark in him that grew to become an inferno.
He swore that he would create change in this world even if you wouldn’t see it.
He would create change in this world for you now with you to watch.
…He’s hardly surprised when you run.
He finds you when it’s too late, already crumpled up and bloody in Maria’s palm. King is overhead still in the air, though the flame behind him is less of a burning red mixed with oranges and yellows but now a blindingly shining gold that scorches the sky.
Broken and bloody you clutch something.
It shines through hands that clasp at it tightly.
Light slipping through your fingers as you clutch it closely to your chest. 
Sparks are sent off roaring as it collides against the bloodied cloth of your kimono.
It sinks through the material and into a kind and compassionate heart.
A heart that cracks into golden dust he can only aquaint to that of stardust, your body is painted in cracks. It’s reminiscent of old statues, crack lining stone though now it bleeds a glittering gold instead of cancerous white lead dust.
The words that fall from your mouth like all those years ago come out like a pained whisper.
It’s almost lost to the sobs of Maria.
But Kaido heard it like thunderclap roaring in the sky.
And finally the cracks strain and you quite literally break into pieces. Becoming the stardust that leaked into the endless oblivion of the night.
In that flurry of dust momentarily you reform, if only for a moment. You're in different attire, much better for seafaring as well as a familiar captain's coat atop your world carrying shoulders. The kimono once worn now lays on the barren ground, blood also disappearing into the fine golden powder that drifts upwards.
And then there is someone else there in that dust.
For the slightest of seconds Oden lingers.
His form made up of that dust as you drift up past him, an outreached hand reaches to your own and you grab it. Eyes for the first time opening while in this form, staring into that of the man who was born to boil.
Golden eyes shine intently as a smile stretches across both yours and his face.
And then the dust settles into the night leaving nothing of proof of your existence if not for onlookers who mourn, a kimono and hairpin meant as gifts yet you never knew were and the burning flames of a star ignited over midnight black wings. 
The air settles and the silence echoes for several minutes on end.
It’s only broken when King finally descends down, feet numbly hitting the ground as the starlit flame on his back burns oh so brightly.
The shape of a four pointed star hung upon his back.
It’s then that Kaido realizes that perhaps you were never an envoy of JoyBoy at all but your own entity.
Perhaps one more elusive than the titular liberator. Someone mentioned in those tales yet he ignored in favour of JoyBoy more.
But in the end that’s fine.
Because Kaido now knows better.
But does not know better than to try and catch a shooting star or rope one from the sky.
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alexa-fika · 8 months
Pops reacting to childreader 💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💸💸💸🪙💰
I have been cliff hung 1 to many times...
*this part opt but I have a feel either dragon or winged reader would be kinda scared at first.. cus he's built fucking different bro*
Wandering Dragon pt2 (Whitebeard Pirates x fem!reader)
A/N: Homie you got me dying with the comment uou left on the last post and the request made me cough out a lung 😂. What do y’all think bout this one? Cause I think I COOKED, it’s really wholesome
Part one With Whitebeard pirates and revolutionary army
Dividers by @/saradika
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“And you know what? Even if you are only 8, I’m sure Pops isn’t going to turn you away. He’s gonna love you, Reader. You are just that darn adorable.”
She digs her head in his shoulder.
He snickers, feeling her face hearing up
“Aww. You’re so cute, you know that? What happened to the bold rascal?” he teases, gently stroking her head and hair.
The only response he receives is a gentle swat from her tail
Ace laughs even more.
“Aww, is that your way of saying you’re shy? “he says, pulling her closer.
“And a bit of a brat, aren’t you? Don’t think I missed that tail swat. But I can’t stay mad at such a cutie, now can I?” Thatch snickers, ruffling her hair
“Hmm... I need to bring you to Pops. You’re getting clingy already.”
She gasps and shoots up
“Am not!”
Ace laughs a bit.
“Are too!” he says, playfully poking her nose.
She pouts
Thatch grins at their interaction and gestures to Ace, who nods slightly; he approaches the girl slowly and suddenly digs his fingers in her.
She shrieks as he starts tickling her as she tries to wriggle out of Ace’s grasp
Thatch laughs loudly at seeing her struggling.
“Heh.. that’s adorable,”
She begins flapping her wings, getting out of his grasp, and flies up and out of the Storage room, giggling
“H-Hey, come back here.”
She laughs, looking back at them as they try to catch up to her, a similar emotion on their faces; as they chase her, she fails to notice where she is going, crashing right into someone.
“Ow, So…rry?” she begins, but her words die out as she sees who she crashed into, as right in front of her was a man the size of a mountain.
She wraps her wings around herself, coiling her tail around her body in a similar manner as she tries to hide from the man in front of her in fear.
The man is none other than Whitebeard himself, looking down at the young stowaway.
“Hm... who are you?” he asks, glancing at the men who run and stop behind her.
Ace laughs, pointing at her.
“We found her below deck. She says her name’s Reader. Looks like she was exploring before we happened upon her. Probably didn’t even know she was on our ship.”
She whimpers, wrapping her limbs tighter around herself until someone slowly steps closer and kneels down next to her; she takes a peek, spotting a man whose appearance reminded her of a pineapple
Marco smiles at the girl.
“Hey, kid. Don’t be scared. I’m not gonna hurt you,” he says softly in a soothing tone for her.
She stares at him but makes no movement to release her defensive stance
He approaches slowly before squatting in front of her.
“Look, I’m the first division commander of this ship. It’s fine. You’re in safe hands. And that guy you crashed into...”
He points at the big guy.
“That’s our captain. Edward Newgate, but most of us just call him Pops. He’s a real sweetheart. But he can be a bit of an intimidating when you first meet him.”
She sniffles, glancing at the man towering next to them and back to Marco, and then glances at Thatch and Ace behind her
Ace and Thatch smile, seeing her look at them.
“Don’t worry,” Ace says gently
“Pops, he’s not gonna hurt you either. No way.” Ace confirms
“Marco’s right. I know he may look intimidating, but he’s like a father to all of us; he would never hurt you,” Thatch says, backing his crewmates up
She glances back to Marco in front of her
He’s still smiling softly at her, not pushing her to come out of her defensive position.
“Do you want to come say hi to him?”
She nods, slowly unfurling herself
Marco gently grabs her hand, walking her right up to Whitebeard himself. He gently nudges her forward so she and the captain can meet each other.
She glances up at him, stretches her wing, and slowly flies up so that she is face-to-face with him
“..ny…mi…ter” she mumbles
He raises an eyebrow
“What was that?”
“You look funny, mister,” she mutters
Whitebeard laughs uproariously.
“Haha! Do I look funny? That is quite an interesting description, young lady. I mean, I suppose I look a bit weird but funny? You’re the only person to ever say that to me.” he snickers
“I like this one, bold one,” he says, glancing down at his sons
“And she’s pretty feisty, I can tell. Not too many kids can call Whitebeard funny,” Thatch adds in
“She’s one of a kind, that’s for sure,” Marco says, smiling at her
“She’s a clingy one, too,” Ace adds
This snaps her out of her shy, fear-filled state as she flies down and barrels into Ace
“Am not!”
Ace laughs, catching her.
“See, clingy!” he says teasingly.
“And a brat, can’t forget that,” Thatch scoffs.
Whitebeard laughs louder, amused by his crew’s responses
She hmph fluttering away from the pair and closer to the giant; she began buzzing around him
Whitebeard chuckles, amused by her playful behavior, as he begins playing with her, making her flutter around.
“Heh, you’re a real-spirited kid. Almost reminds me of a certain someone I know,” he says, looking over to Ace.
“Are you a dragon? You’re big like one.”
Whitebeard laughs at her question, amused by the comparison.
“No, I’m not a dragon. I’m a Human, just a very, very big one.”
“Do you know much about what a devil fruit is, kid?” he asks her
“Yeah! Mister Sabo told me about it! They give you these superb powers, right?”
Ace’s eyes widen
“Oi kid, come over here a sec.”
“Hmm?” They dive down towards the three men
“Who did you say told you about a devil fruit?”
“Mister Sabo!”
Ace grins
“By any chance, did this Sabo tell you if he had a devil fruit?”
“Yeah! He said he had a Mera Mera fruit. I thought he was a dragon since he could make fire, but he said he wasn’t a dragon.” She pouts as she says this
“He just ate the Mera Mera and was a fireman! And it’s so funny, 'cause there was this grumpy guy called Dragon, and he wasn’t a dragon either! I was so sad,” she rambles on
Ace burst into laughter, igniting his hand on fire in a similar fashion Sabo had done back then
She looks at it and glances between the flame and Ace’s face a few times
“It’s you!”
Ace grins at her before extinguishing the flames on his hand
“It is me,” he says, confirming the little girl’s discovery
“Mister Sabo said you and him had the same mera mera fruit, which is never heard of!”
Ace nods
“Yup, that’s about right. Me and Sabo both ate a specific type of fruit known as the Mera Mera no Mi; I got really hurt a while ago, was gone for a minute there, which is why we think the mera mera appeared again, and he ate it, so now we both have it’s power” he said pointing to a big scar on his chest
“That’s so cool!” She squeals
“Ah! Are you okay? That looks like a pretty big scar!”
Ace chuckles
“I’m fine now; got seen by the best doctors to get a look at it; one of them is the guy behind you!”
She glances at Marco
“Mister Pineapple did?!”
Marco stills as her comment slight red tint growing on his face while Ace and Thatch start laughing uncontrollably; even Whitebeard lets out a snort at her exclamation
Marco sighs, shaking his head with a slight smile on his face
“Really are a little Rascal,” he mutters
“Yes, I helped patch him up a while back, used my devil fruit,” he said as his body ignited in flames
She gasps
“Did you also eat Mera Mera?”
Marco chuckles
“Not quite. I also ate a devil fruit, but unlike Sabo and Ace, I ate the Tori Tori no Mi.”
“Wah? There’s more than one type?”
“There are hundreds, if not thousands, of them. Each grants you a different power.”
“Superb! Mister Pops, what about you? What fruit did you eat?”
“Me? Well, I happen to have eaten the Gura Gura no Mi. It was a long time ago when I ate it, but it’s a very powerful one. It allows you to control earthquakes and vibrations.” Whitebeard explains with a smile on his face
“That's so cool,” they squeal
“It certainly is,” Whitebeard says, smiling.
“I can do all sorts of things with it, like this.”
He raises his hand, and a massive shockwave emanates from it, shaking the Moby Dick to its core. It even causes the little girl to fly backward into Ace’s arms.
The tiny child squeaks, her coordination being thrown off at the sudden movement
She takes a second to get her surroundings straight but marvels at Whitebeard’s display
“Haha, see what I meant? Pretty potent fruit, huh?” Whitebeard asks, seemingly pleased that the girl is so engaged by his abilities.
Ace takes this as a chance to play around with the little girl a bit, holding her and swinging her slightly as she lands in his arms.
“Ah, that reminds me, Reader, you hungry? I can prepare you something. Got you this in the meantime,” he says, throwing an apple her way
“Thank you! Here!” She says, coughing; the others look worried; their worried stares soon turn into something else as she coughs up some gold coins, offering them to Thatch
They just stare at it dumbfounded as she coughs up gold coins.
“What the hell?!” Thatch exclaims
“Watch your language around her,” Ace says, slapping the back of his head
“Why you…” he growls as they begin brawling
Reader flies above them, laughing at their interactions
“You have a wild family, Mister Pops”
Whitebeard sighs, chuckling at his son’s antics.
“Oh, you have no idea, girl,” he chuckles
Marco laughs quietly at the both of them,
“Settle down, boys,” he chides them, not moving to try and settle the argument between the two of them; as Reader continues laughing at the chaos unfolding, Whitebeard glances at her.
“Man… you’re gonna be a real handful for all of us, aren’t ya?” Whitebeard chuckles
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I was intending this to be a real short one but then I couldn’t find a place to stop it without it being to sudden so I just kept going I found a place I could have cut it but then I was like nah, we need more.
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since my return to tumblr I’ve been seeing a lot of ppl talking abt disabilities & I have one piece brainrot real bad so I figured I’d babble a bit
it took me a weirdly long time to realize that... Shanks is disabled??? like. he lost an arm. if the fan theory is correct, he lost his sword arm. and only after losing his sword arm did this man go on to become one of the four most powerful people on the seas.
and he’s not the only one!!! Crocodile’s missing a hand. Tashigi’s probably legally blind without her glasses, which she keeps fucking losing. Fujitora’s blind, Zolo’s sense of direction is so bad it probably qualifies as some sort of intellectual disability — hell, Whitebeard himself, Edward fucking Newgate, is on a ventilator for the entire time he spends on the page/screen. and yet.
none of these people are defined by their disability. Whitebeard is considered the strongest man in the world. Zolo is fucking Zolo. Fujitora’s an admiral, which is the only reason I’m calling him Fujitora in the first place. Tashigi is Smoker’s right-hand man. Crocodile is one of the first truly imposing villains the straw hats come across, and, oh yeah, still making himself relevant nearly a thousand chapters later. and Shanks... well, Shanks is one of the Four Emperors, a.k.a. legally classified as one of the four biggest threats to the current world order. he’s doing pretty okay for himself for a guy who visibly struggles to button his shirts.
it just makes me think. Oda has made a world where disability accommodations are... normalized. in a weird sort of way, but still. hell, this is a maritime setting — having a devil fruit power is a permanent disability, and yet people don’t hesitate to take them on. because everyone is just... used to accommodating them. can’t swim? don’t go overboard, keep someone on watch around the water, bathe with a friend. only one hand? that’s fine, that’s why you keep your first mate around. can’t see? we have superpowers for that. we can handle it. to paraphrase Usopp: you do what you can, and leave the rest to your crewmates.
anyway I really love one piece
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grandlinedreams · 11 months
Hey hey hey! Your writing captures these characters in ways that I could never. I’ve had this idea wracking my brain, of Ace as a mechanic for some reason- but, hear me out. The shop owner is Whitebeard, and Ace meets Pops daughter when she comes in to help out one day at the shop not knowing who she is, and I honestly think you can bring this vision to life.
Thank-you, it really is an honor to hear that and I appreciate it!! But also BESTIE UR BRAIN MWAH MWAH MWAH that is SUCH a good concept and I hope that I can do it justice!!
[Heads up!: mechanic!au, afab!reader/gendered terms]
It's sheer luck that lands Ace the job. He's been looking for a while now, desperate to land something that pays more than pocket change an hour because even with Sabo and Luffy also employed, they've been barely making ends meet.
He won't tell them that though, swipes bills out of Sabo's hand before his brother can even open them. "Not your job to worry about it," he tells him when Sabo glares. "It's mine."
He doesn't want them to have to worry about things like that, not when Sabo's found a good balance in college and Luffy's finally considering college at all. So when he finds the ad for the position while aimlessly scrolling through one of the many job application sites, he offers up a plea to whatever god might be listening and applies.
And he gets an interview.
The shop, aptly titled 'Whitebeard Mechanics' is surprisingly in the nicer end of town, situated at the very edge just before the road leads into the sprawling heart of stores and gated communities.
The smell of motor oil is what he catches first, the muffled sound of voices overlapping from an open garage bay and undercut by the whirr of machinery.
"Are you Ace?" He pivots to find the speaker watching him, a man with an interesting cut of blond hair and blue eyes that evaluate him in a way that makes Ace's nerves all the worse. When he nods, the man holds a hand out. "I'm Marco, co-owner of the shop."
"Nice to meet you," Ace says, shaking his hand. Marco's grip is firm, his fingers calloused and seemingly permanently stained with axel grease.
"Pops is waiting for you," Marco says, jerking his head for Ace to follow him into the main building. There's a waiting area with worn chairs and a coffee machine set onto a wheeled storage cabinet, the only decor that of a tropical plant in the corner. "He's in his office."
Ace follows his gesture, a door with a shiny gold plaque that labels it as such and swallows, moving towards it. Steeling himself with a breath, Ace steps inside.
The man sitting behind the desk is Edward "Pops" Newgate ㅡ or at least that's what the little desk tag says, and Ace can tell that the older man would tower over him if he stood. 
"You must be Ace," he greets, gesturing to the plush chair in front of his desk. "Have a seat." 
Ace does so, hands resting on his knees to hide the nervous tremor of them as he watches the other man rifle through a folder ㅡ his application.
"Your references are acceptable," Pops says, and tosses his folder down. "Background checks out, no criminal history…" He leans forward, staring at Ace over steepled fingers. "But why do you want the job?"
Ace blinks. The threat of my brothers and I going homeless and hungry is a great motivator, he wants to say, but he doesn't. Instead he thinks for a moment, shaping his words carefully. 
By the time he's done, Pops is smiling. "Congratulations," he says, "you've got the job." 
Settling into his new job is surprisingly easy. There's a natural camaraderie when there's no hierarchy to be found ㅡ and friendship comes naturally.
So it's to be expected when Ace comes into work and stops by one of the garage bays, he makes a beeline for the pair of familiar boots sticking out from beneath the undercarriage of a vintage car. 
"Marco," he says as he approaches and knocks his own boot against the one closest to him. "You should come out with me and my brothers for drinks sometime." 
He expects the blond to answer and when he doesn't, Ace frowns and nudges his boot again before stepping back when the dolly begins to roll from underneath the car.
It's only then that he realizes that the boots are not Marco's, and the person on the dolly is not his friend. "I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't kick my feet while I'm working."
Ace stares for all of thirty seconds before his mouth starts working again. "You're a girl," he says and immediately kicks himself for both how dumb he sounds and how your eyes narrow. "I ㅡ no, I just mean ㅡ I've never met you before."
"It's because she only shows up when she wants to," answers Thatch from behind him, and he watches you roll your eyes and scrub a hand against a smear of oil on your cheek as you get up from the dolly. 
"More like whenever dad decides he wants me to come in and lend a hand," you huff, taking the towel that Thatch hands you to wipe your hands off before you turn towards Ace. "So you're the new guy, huh?" 
"Yeah, I'm Ace," he says, mentally patting himself on the back for not stuttering. Your eyes flick over him, assessing him with a curious gleam to your eyes.
"Nice to meet you, Ace. I'm [Name]." Your attention shifts to Thatch as you clap him on the shoulder and begin walking away with him. "Please tell me dad hasn't killed that plant in the lobby while I've been gone." 
Watching you go, it's only then that Ace registers that you've called Pops dad.
"So…is Pops really your dad?" 
Weeks worth of tentative exchange and working together has afforded him the chance to eat lunch with you when you're at the shop and with the way you look at him over your sandwich, it's clear that you still think he's a little strange. 
"It's what it says on my birth certificate," you answer, and Ace catches himself watching the movement of your mouth as you talk, hurriedly averting his gaze before you can call him out. "Most of the guys are like brothers to me since I've grown up around them. Dad has a habit of pseudo-adopting the people who work for him." 
He knows that well, the parental warmth with which Pops has a way of talking to him making him try not to think about his actual parents. It doesn't matter, not when he has Sabo and Luffy. 
"And what about me?" The question is out of his mouth before he can stop it. "Am I a brother to you?" 
For one horrifying moment, you stare at him as though he's grown two heads ㅡ and then you laugh. Not mocking, not teasing, a full bodied genuine laugh that Ace swears sounds better than anything else he's ever heard. 
"You're still the newbie," you say, but your tone is colored with affection even as you raise an eyebrow. "Thought you already had brothers."
"I do," Ace answers. He's mentioned them to you a couple of times, entertained the idea of introducing you ㅡ and then immediately scrapped it for fear of the resulting potential disaster. 
But he wants to know where he stands with you, aware that his own feelings for you are a little deeper than just that of coworkers. He's also aware that his boss is your father, and that there are a thousand ways this could go very, very wrong. 
Doesn't stop him from wanting to try, though. And it gives him hope for the fact that you're not immediately writing him off, compelling him to continue, "Let me take you out on a date." 
Of all the things you'd expected Ace to follow that up with, asking you out is not one of them. It's rare that anyone isn't spooked off by your circle of pseudo-brothers, and even rarer still that they don't tuck tail and run when your father is involved. 
You should say no. You should make it clear that there's a boundary not meant to be crossed, even without the fact that your father is his boss. But you can't deny that he's grown on you, with his spatter of freckles and loud laugh, a magnetic charm that draws people to him, yourself included. 
"Okay," you say, surprising both him and yourself. "But you better not disappoint me, pretty boy." 
Ace grins. "Wouldn't dream of it." 
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mew-ya · 4 months
hi i love your katakuri x maren content. But I noticed that sometimes maren Aand Katakuri is about the same height and sometimes Katakuri is much taller than him. what is the height of maren?
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thank you so much for the ask! Maren is half porcupinefish fishman, which gives him the very unique ability to change his body size at will! 🐡
his "natural" height is 6'5" or so. his spines don't stick out at all and lay flat against his back so you can't really see them. I've drawn him smaller but haven't fully committed to the idea of him being super small. it's cute to think of him being naturally very small though. if he's injured or sick, he will be this size.
his average height is 16'4"~ or so. he can hold that comfortably and even sleep at that height. his spines stick out due to his size. however, if he gets injured or sick he can't maintain it, but may still try to...
he can get as big as 20' or so, but it's uncomfortable! it's something he's been training his whole life because his father figure was Edward Newgate who stands at 21'10" in height, and he's someone he'd really like to try to emulate. he's very pointy at this height.
maren can change size pretty easily (exhaling/inhaling fluid or air) so he often changes size to "match the situation".
also, his spines have toxic (non-fatal paralysis) properties, so it's generally more dangerous for him to be large. but hes got pretty low self esteem, so artifically inflating himself (both literally and verbally) is a common defense mechanism for him to deal with social situations. 💗
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on-a-lucky-tide · 2 months
Lambert’s stuck in a rut. His life’s going nowhere and his dreams never seem to leave the A1 architectural drawings he carries around in his rucksack. He has Aiden’s bar, his respectably placed outer London apartment and his Japanese Peace Lily. That is… until he meets a tall, silent bar tender with shoulders like the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau and eyes like twin suns.
CW: mutism, war injuries, Lambert running his mouth. Set up of a longer work which has never seen the light of day, but I like the opening a lot.
Lambert had been visiting the same shitty, rundown bar since graduating. Three years bachelors, two years postgrad, twelve months running after a middle-aged racist with a caffeine addiction—internship—and then five years of… this. No one prepared you for the heady heights of listless adulthood; that odd grey area between being a cutting edge, aspiring young whippersnapper and a washed out, lonely old man with seven cats. Lambert was staring down the barrel of thirty simultaneously wondering where the fuck his life was sprinting off to and what the fuck he had even done with it to begin with.
Every night he pulled a late one at the office labouring over his distant dream of sustainable, affordable housing for the working class that wasn’t a lifeless block of concrete. You know, the kind that drew inspiration from the hallowed corridors of nineteenth century Newgate prison. The kind of place that leeched the life and happiness from every one of its occupants until they were as grey and empty as their home. Someone’s community was meant to be at their heart, something that defined them. Like the roots of a tree—you know, the person being the… tree. Look, he was never so good at conceptualising his vision in words. He’d sooner draw you a fucking picture. Which is where we were fucking at right now.
Lambert had become an architect on the back of a dream he’d had sitting on a swing set in the condemned children’s playground at the very centre of his council estate. Half the kids he’d known had given up because life was grey, drugs were easy, so what’s the fucking point, right? If only they were faced with more than the grey—
That dream had driven him through his studies like a man possessed—by a demon comprising of an unhealthy amount of Monster and a stubborn, spiteful drive to succeed—followed by that tedious twelve months as a gopher, but now he was here… or there, or whatever spatial demonstrative you wanted to fucking use, he didn’t know what to do. The dream had shuddered to a halt. Red tape, politics. The kind of thing that stood fast in the face of an outsider. Because he would always be an outsider. Something—something—attitude problem.
The same thoughts gathered like a storm cloud over his head as he trudged down the steps to Aiden’s. Both the name of the place and the owner, because Aiden straddled the line between new money glam and old east end rust in a way that was both tackey and unique. He managed to pull it off somehow. Lambert threw himself down in his usual stool, dumping his satchel full of drawings at unceremoniously at his feet, and thumped his forehead on the bar. “Usual, Sal.”
Sal wasn’t his real name. His real name was Derek. But everyone called him Sal because of the time he’d stepped in for the chef, cooked the Friday night chicken curry and given everyone salmonella. Environmental health nearly had a fucking field day but, much like many of Aiden’s licensing and business woes, the matter had cleared up mysteriously overnight.
The glass tumbler settled gently on a place mat in front of Lambert’s head. He heard the pop of the cork and the slosh of expensive whiskey—he’d worked his nuts off for his salary, so he could drink it away if he wanted to, thank you very fucking much—and then nothing. No greeting. No, “‘ello mate, what’s the story?”
Lambert lifted his head to rip on Sal and ask if someone had half-inched his tongue out his ugly mug, only to almost fall from his stool in shock. The man standing before him wasn’t Sal. Nothing like him in fact. Easily clear of six feet with a few inches to spare, a scruffy mop of dark hair and a face like someone had tried to pry out his teeth with a claw hammer. There was a gap in his lip, twisted scars all the way up the side of his face to his eye and ear. Angry, red. “Jesus fucking Christ,” Lambert said, mouth running away with his thoughts before he could marshal them.
The barman didn’t even flinch. His fingers tapped on the side of the bottle, hazel eyes dropping to the fifth he’d just poured, and Lambert realised he was waiting for some kind of acknowledgement that the drink was satisfactory. Lambert tore his eyes away and tried to bury the squirming, uncomfortable feeling that came with making an absolute cunt of yourself in front of someone new. “Yeah, cheers. Uh… add it to my... tab, uh—” Lambert glanced up and caught sight of a name badge, “—Eskel.”
There was another badge next to it. Light blue, with dark letters printed in Arial font. ‘I can’t speak, but I’m a good listener’. Lambert stared at it for a moment, fingers tapping on cool glass. “Can’t speak, huh? That because of—” Lambert gestured at his own face and Eskel nodded, “—right, bummer.” Eskel nodded again, but Lambert could swear he was being laughed at. Those hazel eyes glittered with something, and it wasn’t unshed tears at being so cruelly gawped at. Well, that was a fucking relief. “Yeah, I guess bummer is the understatement of the century.”
Eskel tilted his head and ducked his chin, with a quirk of the eyebrow.
“So, if you know my drink order, you know I have mac and cheese, with crispy bacon bits, and a side of onion rings.”
Another nod. Lambert squinted.
“You know, I’ll… uh—is Aiden out back? Fucker owes me a pony from the last—”
Lambert didn’t get through his excuse before he was sliding from the stool and hot footing it around the rope barrier to the back room. The corridor leading to Aiden’s office always smelled of industrial strength disinfectant and drunken regrets, and Lambert rubbed at his nose as he pushed through the door.
“Please, come in, not like I’m up to my bollocks in paperwork,” Aiden murmured, ensconced behind a teetering pile of brown folders and a box-shaped computer monitor from the early noughties. He was in his late-thirties, with wisps of grey hinting in his neatly groomed beard. Sharp green eyes left the lines of neat print on off-white paper for barely a second to acknowledge Lambert’s presence. “Shit week?”
“About a six on the shit-o-meter,” Lambert replied, gaze sliding sideways as the pinball machine to his left squealed and trilled. Gaetan, short, with a clean-shaven head, docs and a cut-off denim jacket, grumbled irritably as he missed out on beating Lambert’s high score. “Alright?” he asked and received a grunt in return. Gaetan was just shy of twenty years Aiden’s junior and oozed ‘younger brother complex’ from his every pore.
“Six isn’t bad.” Aiden sighed and threw his pen onto the table. “So, what’s the rub? Bacon not crispy enough?”
“What happened to Sal?”
“He finally bought that ticket to Marbella. Him and the missus flew out last night on the red eye.”
“That selfish prick,” Lambert growled. “Not even a by your fucking leave.”
Aiden shrugged and tapped morosely at his keyboard. Most of Aiden’s employees were itinerant in some way; students looking for a quick buck at the weekend, job-hoppers still searching for their calling and lazy schmucks looking for an easy ride only to realise that bar work was hard going. But Sal had been a permanent fixture for the last ten years, always dreaming about a ticket to the sun, and then wasting his pay packet on the horses or weekend jollies to France for cheap box wine.
Lambert rubbed at his beard. “The new guy. He for real?”
“Yeah.” Lambert yanked a rickety old chair over from the wall and sat on it backwards, arms folded beneath his chin. “Looks like one of Emhyr’s goons used him as a scratching post. ‘I can’t speak but I’m a good listener’?”
“He’s former forces. Not sure which. He’s… uh, part of that new government initiative. Veterans’ Strategy Action Plan.”
“Thought that was meant to put them in prisons and healthcare and shit?” It wasn’t unusual for Aiden to get involved in charity cases. Despite his feeble attempts at cultivating a fearsome reputation, he was a soft touch with a heart of gold. There wasn’t an AA programme, drug rehabilitation scheme, ex-con reform schtick or fresh start for young offenders’ initiative that he wasn’t involved in. Something about giving back to the community, or doing right by his dad, or something. Everyone had their dreams.
“Eskel’s… uh, he’s got some shit goin’ on in his head, you know. What he went through was hard. He’s happy to do some security on Saturday nights, knows how to pour a good Godfather, so he’s a decent gamble.”
“Shit going on in his head?”
Aiden narrowed his eyes and slumped back in his chair. “You know that’s confidential, and I’ve already told you too much. Fuck off and eat your dinner, I’ve got shit to do. I’ll join you for a quick one before you leave.”
Lambert rolled his eyes and left the office, pausing only long enough to bid farewell Gaetan and receive another grunt in reply. By the time he returned to the bar, Eskel was placing his mac and cheese on a neat place mat next to his whiskey. Lambert paused at the corner, taking a moment to admire the line of Eskel’s waistcoat around his muscular frame. Not too shabby. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad having some new eye candy around the place. Eye candy that didn’t talk back. Winner-winner-chicken-dinner.
“He was busy,” Lambert informed Eskel as he sat down at the bar. Eskel afforded him another nod, with a quirked brow, and then turned back to wiping down the pint glass in his hands. Lambert picked up his fork and focused on wolfing down his dinner as quickly as humanly possible. He watched Eskel work discreetly, looking up only when Eskel’s back was turned or his focus elsewhere. Lambert watched his forearms flex as he restocked the fridge with bottled cider, the fold of his shirt collar beneath the rugged line of his jaw with its light peppering of dark stubble. It was because Lambert hadn’t been laid in—
He began to run the numbers and it was just so fucking depressing he stopped—
—which was why he was hyper focused. New slab of man meat. Yeah. It had absolutely nothing to do with the meandering thoughts set a-wanderin’ by Aiden’s vague comments. What was the ‘something going on’ in Eskel’s head? What did his voice sound like? What had happened to his face? What did he like to do at the weekend, and did it involve lube—?
It was too awkward. Every time Lambert opened his mouth to talk, he knew he’d get that same calm look, perhaps the eyebrow, and in the end, he said nothing.
Aiden appeared an hour later—for Lambert, it had been an hour of pretending to play Candy Crush on his phone while watching Eskel go about his duties—and they shared a beer, a few giggles, and then Lambert headed home to his empty apartment to water his Japanese Peace Lily. No, it wasn’t a fucking euphemism. Vesemir said he couldn’t be trusted with another living thing. Not even a goldfish. He couldn’t even cook (although Lambert argued that those two things definitely didn’t fucking correlate, and boiling pasta definitely counted as cooking). He laid in bed that night and stared at the ceiling, thinking about Eskel and his quiet, calm eyes.
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stillxnunpxidintern · 1 month
A little medieval au thought I had a while ago and wrote this.
Roger and Rouge are King & Queen of a little Kingdom with both Shanks and Buggy as their adopted son while Ace is the heir to the Kingdom as neither Shanks or Buggy wished to be next King.
However when Ace was but a babe he was kidnapped from his cot in the middle of the night to be held for ransom but while escaping across the boarders into the another Kingdom, the kidnapper was attacked and during that Ace was lost in the forest, crying loudly.
He was eventually found by a young Makino, who took him with herself up the mountain to where Dadan lived. She agreed to look after Ace till his parents could be found, not knowing he was a prince and had been kidnapped.
When no one came forward to get him, Dadan raised him and upon seeing his spade like birthmark and thought about playing cards, coincidentally named him Ace.
Once Ace was old enough to travel to village where Makino lived, Dadan would send him down to run errands & help out a well teaching him how hunting.
All that time, Roger and Rouge never gave up on their child returning to them and still sent men out when they heard of rumours, however they need an heir so they named Shanks as their heir, who took this new responsible on his shoulders but really hoped that his youngest brother would return, he really didn't want to heir.
During his time living in the mountains he met a blonde boy name Sabo, who ran away from home and that how Ace gained a brother and when both boys were 8, Luffy had been dropped of by his grandfather who was an old friend of Dadan, as both his father and grandfather were worried that he would targeted for their positions/roles.
It didn't take long for the boys to become thick as thieves and then proclaimed that they were sworn brother having stolen some alcohol from Dadan.
Over the next 10 years, the brother honed their fighting and sneaking skills, as they would sometimes head to the next town over and fight thugs/anyone causing problems.
Both Ace and Sabo left when they were 18, Ace having heard stories from the villagers he decided that he wanted to join Edward "Whitebeard" Newgate army, a Duke and General of a neighbouring kingdom. While Sabo went and joined Dragon guild/organization after hearing & reading about what he does.
Having heard the stories of Whitebeard, Ace wanted to see if the man really lived up to his name, so as soon as he could Ace began demanding to face Whitebeard to see if the old man actually lived up to his reputation.
It took a few days of Ace demanding to fight with Whitebeard before he showed up and accepted Ace challenge. It went on for a fair few hours before Whitebeard had Ace on the ground, his naginate pointed at his throat.
Ace yielded with no other option and then told the Duke that he lived up to his reputation. After that every time Whitebeard came by Ace would try to attack him but was always ended up with naginate at his throat.
Soon Ace quickly rose through the ranks till he was offer the position of commander of Whitebeard 2nd division. It took him a while to accept the position as he felt he was still too new and someone who had been there longer would be suited better.
The people who were in the 2nd division told him to accept it as he has shown how hard of a worker he was and proven himself that the position of commander of 2nd was prefect for him. Hearing them all say they were happy to have him as Commander, Ace accepted the position.
For the next two year Ace proved himself over and over again to be the right choice for Commander of the 2nd division. Whitebeard told Ace that he was proud of him and asked the young commander to accompany him with a few of the other commanders to an event being held by old friends in another Kingdom.
The others commanders liked and enjoyed having him as a commander, though some of them would stare at Ace as if they trying to place him somewhere as there was just something about that him felt familiar but they could never figure out why.
While at the event Ace had expected to be introduced to new people by Whitebeard and make connections, what he hadn't been expecting is to be tackle the ground by Queen Rouge while walking through the palace gardens, the day after the event.
Ace was very confused and tried to calm the Queen down but it didn't work so he was had to wait till Whitebeard came who was happening to be talking to the king. Roger was able to coax his wife off of Ace but she refused to let Ace leave her sight.
Both King and Duke were at a lose for words, as they had never seen Rouge like that before and when Roger asked her about, she was blunt and pointed at Ace, saying she waited 20 years and she wasn't going to let him leave again.
Hearing that Roger knew what she meant and looked at her before asking if she was sure to which Rouge told him she knew that face as she stared at it every day, this only difference was it was black not blonde hair staring back this time.
Roger looked over at the young man and realised what his wife meant, and wanted nothing more to embrace the young but seeing the confusion over his face made the King stop himself. He looked at Whitebeard and asked if the two of them would come to his personal study in an hour to talk. Rouge tried to object to this but Roger was able to sooth his wife and said it was okay he would be back soon enough.
Whitebeard gave a nod and guided Ace away from the the couple back inside. Once it was just Roger and Rouge in the garden he wrapped his arms around his wife and held her close, as they came to realise that after 20 years they were close to having their son back.
In that hour Whitebeard explained to Ace the event that Rouge had been talking about and that had left Ace at a lose as to what to say, he had heard something about it when he was child but never paid any attention to it cause it didn't interest him.
When the four of them were in the Rogers personal study, Ace felt uncomfortable as both Roger and Rouge stared at him, but Whitebeard was standing behind him, with hand on his shoulder to reassure him.
Whitebeard is the one that broke the silence in the room, asking if there was anyway to confirm if Ace was indeed their son. Rouge then spoke of a birthmark that was in the shape of spade, that you would find on playing cards, on the left hip.
Upon hearing about the birthmark Ace froze, no one but Dadan, Luffy and Sabo knew about his birthmark, so to hear the Queen described shook him and couldn't get his mind around what this could potentially mean.
It became quiet again or least to Ace it was as his thoughts were so loud in his head it was stopping any other words from reaching him. He was brought out of his thoughts when Whitebeard gripped Ace shoulder very firmly and called his in a tone that made the young man react instantly.
He tried to stand but the hand on his shoulder stopped him so Ace looked up at him as Whitebeard asked him if was back with them again, and got a nod that he was. Ace was then asked if he had a birthmark that they described and he hesitated for a moment before looking at both King and Queen, giving a them a nod.
Both Roger and Rogue looked at him with hope shining in their eyes, as they asked if was possible to see it for themselves. Ace obliged and pulled the side of his trousers down where his birthmark was showed them it.
Upon seeing the birthmark, Rouge was up and in front of Ace, this was her son, stolen from her and lost for 20 years. She took his face in hand and smiled at him, welcoming him home at long last. Roger quickly joined and wrapped his arms around both wife & son, and hugged them both tightly.
The door of the study was quickly pushed open making a bang as two people entered, Shanks and Buggy the adopted sons of the Royal Couple, who looked out of breath as they looked at scene in front of them, with wide eyes as they're told Ace had returned to them.
Whitebeard smiled and made his excuse to leave, leaving the newly reunited family to themselves knowing there was going to be a lot for them to catch up on. The Duke chuckle to himself at the thought of telling his commanders why Ace looked so familiar.
Over the next few weeks Ace could seen with one of his family as they learnt about each other and how he grew up as well as his other brothers and adopted mother.
With how Ace spoke about his other family and smiling widely when he did Rouge had mentioned that she would like them. While missing out on most of his life, she was glad he had got to having a loving family and like to thank them for loving her son.
Over the weeks that Ace stayed in his home kingdom, it was discussed on what would happen with him now. Ace didn't want to leave being a commander for Whitebeard just yet so they came to the agreement that once Ace turns 25 then he returned to take up his royal duties and be crowned heir.
So while he got to stay with Whitebeard till he was 25, he was write often and come home when he could.
With everything settled for now, Rouge turned to the thought of potential partners for Ace. Hearing that both Shank and Buggy gave him a look that basically said 'good luck with that/You poor thing' but thankfully Roger was able to persuade her to hold off on that for now, which Ace was grateful for.
When Ace did finally bring Dadan, Luffy and Sabo to meet his newly found family and upon first meeting Rouge decided that they were also family now and enjoyed talking to Dadan about Ace and what he like growing up.
Seeing how Ace was with Luffy and Sabo made her heart feel so much lighter, at seeing how carefree was he was and just how much each of them loved each other.
While Rouge and Roger mourned missing out on watching their son grow in to the young man he was now, they were happy with how it had turned out as they got him back as well his brothers and adopted mother which brought them both more joy.
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lewiscarrolatemybrain · 8 months
Y’know what I REALLY want
Time-travel Luffy-Raises-ASL-Fic where Ace still joins the Whitebeard Pirates. He isn’t motivated by wanting to surpass Roger anymore, but being a great pirate is still his dream, so their interactions start the same as in canon, with Ace attacking Whitebeard and Whitebeard offering to adopt him.
However, this time, the reason Ace freaks out and refuses isn’t because of his daddy issues or because he thinks Whitebeard will never accept the son of his enemy. It’s because Ace already has a dad. The best dad! Fuck you, old man, Ace doesn’t need another dad!
I imagine a better-adjusted Ace would end up charming the Whitebeards even faster than he did in-canon, with them doing stuff like patching him up post-failed-assassination-attempt and giving him meals like in canon, but with him thawing much faster and forgetting he’s supposed to be an enemy to these people because this time his childhood was full of friends and little brothers and adventure and joy, so he’s cracking jokes and having conversations and then remembering he’s Here On A Mission and shutting down again. And this means that they probably wear him down faster too, cause Ace was raised to see the value of family and these guys have it in spades (ha!).
Which all means that eventually, one day, instead of making the expected attempt on Whitebeard’s life, Ace instead asks if they’ve got a Den Den he could borrow.
Ace calls his dad, of course, and is already listing his million and one excuses for why he can’t join this crew and how this is so dumb and he just wanted to check in cause he hasn’t done that in a while and he knows his dad worries—
And I imagine a more mature, grown-up Luffy who remembers his brother being so very starved for love would have a lot to say about how lots of people have two fathers and he could never be upset or offended by the idea that more people might want to love and protect and support Ace, but what I really want is for him to say all that and then go “actually, put Whitebeard on the phone. Yes, really. Right now.”
So Ace has to shuffle awkwardly out on deck to hand over the Den Den like “my dad………. Wants to talk to you.”
And of course this is too funny to make private, so Whitebeard is right there on deck on speaker while all of his nosy children drop what they’re doing to crowd around and listen to this while Ace’s dad is like “Hi! I hear we’re splitting custody.”
I imagine this would be kinda weird for Whitebeard too honestly. Most of his children are orphans or come from troubled backgrounds. He’s never adopted someone who already had loving parents waiting for them back home, but here he is, chatting with this man who does not seem the least bit intimidated by speaking to Captain Whitebeard Himself.
Newgate immediately decides he likes this guy, of course, and they strike up an immediate friendship, of course. And then months later on some island when someone overhears Whitebeard affectionately mention his “co-parent” and jumps to conclusions and spreads the news about Whitebeard’s Secret Lover, the two team to do their solemn fatherly duty of antagonizing the shit out of their poor kids by Not Correcting The Rumor.
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So close yet too late. One piece x Ex member of the Roger pirates.
Type: Regret, angst, funural, spoilers.
Thud! When Y/N's hand finally gave up on her kids and hit the ground, Ace bit his lower lip and covered his eyes with his bloody hands in an attempt to stop him from sobbing. Nevertheless, Luffy gave a bloodcurdling scream to alert everyone to her passing.
Seeing an opportunity to kill the two, Akainu tried to attack them but Marco stopped him.
"Need help?" a woman asked from behind me. "No, need I-I-I got this," Marco said, attempting to sound confident but failing, "well I am helping anyway." She sat next to me and gently cared for my wounds, "Raylight did a number on you, but you held up well." After finishing her work, she looked at me with those warm eyes full of care and love... "gee, looks like you have a fever as well, your face is red!" Oh god, let me see." With a worried expression, she touched my forehead, checking for a fever. How clueless can one be?
With Ace and luffy being carried away by jimbe, Marco had to back away for whitebeard to take action......"you dare hurt my friend..!"
"Edward...hey I brought sake.." She sounded depressed, avoiding eye contact while holding a barrel of sake. "Y/N, what happened? Why aren't you with Roger crew?" Whitebeard inquired with concern, but when Roger was mentioned, she burst into tears: "He disbanded the crew." She was crying for the first time in a long time, but Whitebeard was hearing those news for the first time.
After calming down, White Beard began the conversation: "Do you want to join my crew? I would love to have you here." a gentle tone and caring eyes fitting of a father, and to sweeten the deal Marco suggested help in the infirmary, but she declined, "I can not really join the crew of my old captain frenemy....plus I see you more as a friend than a father," she apologised before teasing him a bit....."GURARARARARAR!!!" laughed Newgate, as did she...
Buggy, though a little far away, was barely holding himself together....how can he call himself a strong pirate if he can not protect anyone? She is gone, and he could not do anything but watch her save that straw hat idiot and his dumb brother. Why could not he move? He was there, he could have done something! But he didn't...because deep down he is still weak.
Silence filled the battlefield thanks to an unexpected guest The Red Haired Pirates.
Ending the war with just their presence shanks made his way to one of his guiders...still on her knees a calm smile engraved on her lifeless face shanks couldn't help but cry......again he stood by and did nothing....first Roger and now her....why can't the ones he love stay even buggy doesn't want anything to do with him mihak as well....why couldn't he have come sooner....
"Captain snap out of it, at least not here" benn said putting his hand on his captains shoulder, shanks thanking him took of his coat and wrapped it around her corps picking her up, "I will be taking both White beard and Y/N bodies"
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thesharktanksdriver · 4 months
The strongest star (platonic)
This is determination from Whitebeard’s point of view when y/n met him and his crew. I decided to make this to flesh out my first post and also thought it would be fun since y/n is kinda an unreliable narrator in their own way due to forgetting a lot of details and events.
Master-list for the series here
Tag list: @peachsuka28 @emptynessinmyworld @badluckinfrench @j-s-l-m @tigerfang-rage @madokamagicaa @rymtea @angstylittleb1tch @badluckinfrench @emmbny @kenkenmaaa @yunho-leeknow @chibiduck
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for as long as Edward Newgate could remember, he wanted a family
As unconventional as it had seemed he had always dreamed of a family of his own
That was his dream that led him to the sea all those years ago
The freedom to pursue and accomplish this with the oceans cruel and caring waves
He’s old now, a man accomplished and still having his family grow
So when Marco brings a small child aboard Newgate can’t help but be a bit giddy
It’s been years since the Moby dick had such a young one aboard its old planks
He remembers like yesterday it once did
Children he found bruised and starved, cold and alone with eyes begging for warmth and comfort despite how scared they were
He was once like that, and he swore he’d not abandon those kids like others did for him
Those children grew up now to be some of his many kids
Years heavy on them as they are for him
He watched them grow from scared to proud and strong
And most of all he watched them grow to be happy with the family harboured on a couple planks of wood on the high sea
Each night rocked by the waves with full bellies and a smile on their faces
So it’s safe to say he is hopeful when Marco marches up, carrying a small child of about 10?
The youngest on the ship as of now was Ace and a few from the spade pirates that assimilated to his crew
But he hadn’t raised them, Moreso taken them in and not having the opportunity to truly nurture them in the way he had wanted
They were teens, a fraction of their lives already lived which meant he missed out on significant moments of it
He hadn’t been able to meet Ace’s brothers or be sure to in-still in him that he’s loved
Hadn’t been able to convince spade that he was more than what everyone in his home thought of him
As an old nostalgic man Newgate missed the feeling of being there for something important like that again
And he thought for a moment he could have that again until he noticed your eyes
He’s seen the terrified, angry and hopeless that looked up at him once before
Most of his sons whom he took under his wing had a variation of that when meeting him
But yours are….something else
He’s reminded of the night sky
A sight that he’s been more than familiar with his entire life as he looked to the stars and wished for people to call home
Despite just being eyes he sees more
Bleak empty darkness, swirling with the unknown with the distant twinkling flecks of stars
They are all encompassing and unassuming at the same time
Pits of dullness that shows the withered age that only a seasoned sailor could have amongst the cruel waves
A loss of innocence and all that a child should have
Yet at the same time somehow retains some of it despite it all
It’s conflicting and hypocritical all at the same time yet it’s there all the same
Those eyes stare up at him, no fear but instead apprehension fills its place
If nothing before could have convinced him that he wanted you apart of his family than this did
But he’s known from the moment you stepped foot on this ship he wanted you to have a home here either way
On the Moby dick you start off as a quiet presence that later grows into something bigger
Perhaps even bigger than yourself as the his sons and daughters seek out your company like moths to a flame
He can’t exactly blame them, not when he himself wants so desperately to grasp and hold that light
But he sees your apprehension when around him
The way in which you try to skirt around his presence as best as possible
Something you do exceedingly well
So Edward for your sake decides to take a seat back and watch what happens
Waits to see you ease up on your own time
God knows the amount of patience he has from dealing with Roger all those years ago and his rowdy kids
So he knows when to back down and let the stage set itself
Watch the act before his role is to come
And Edward does exactly that
He watches and waits
Eddie watches as you draw the crew in like a gravitational pull
It’s slow at first
Your cautious but you let your guard down
At first it’s with Marco
Being the one to take you onboard he decides that your his responsibility and take to it like the mother hen that he is
Seeing you inured stumbling out an alleyway really hit him hard
Perhaps harder than you had even noticed
It gets worse especially after you seem to brush off your injuries
He hovers around you a lot under the excuse of checking your wounds but you seem to know better
You always seem to know better
But either way you don’t say anything and simply grumble a bit about him
Moreso out of annoyance than actual disdain
But either or, Whitebeard watches as his first commander stays by your side
Eventually getting you to drop some of your barriers ever so slightly
Like the chipping in a wall that would lead to a crack
You talk and Marco listens
As do others who eventually join in on listening to some of your stories as you sit between the rails of the railing
Feet dangling through the gaps and swaying back and fourth as you tell stories
Everyone listens
Some even stop in their trail just trying to hear what you tell Marco as he similar sits beside you
Clawed feet of his half Phoenix form and firey blue wings tinged in gold crackling gently
The real breakdown comes when he offers to fly you around
Everyone can see something in you ignite at that
Genuine excitement only caused by child-like wonder
It’s one of the only times on your stay he had seen it
The child buried beneath whatever had happened to you peaking out from the brush
This was a good sign
One that Edward is glad to see himself as you soar with Marco
Blue flames giving you warmth even with the cold harsh winds
When you eventually land once more Edward can’t help but smile at the surpassingly content expression painting your face
That crack in your defence grows
The next to chip away at that metaphorical wall is Thatch
The cook quickly making his ways into your good graces when he has you help about in his kitchen
You seemingly can’t really stay still, mind always racing and wanting to do something
Never taking the time to relax
Thatch says you take to tasks quickly, finishing as quick as you started much to his surprise and exasperation
Whitebeard laughed at that at the time
So you were quick to pick up things
Knowing tasks like the back of your hand no matter how big or small
He’s also seen it, when you gave some of his sons tips in raising the sails or properly cleaning the deck quicker
Thatch won’t admit it to anyone but himself but Whitebeard knows he cooks more food for you than he’d usually would for someone on the ship
Even when Ace or Teach hound him for more food he angrily shoves them off
Then filling your plate once more
Thatch is the one who tells him of the time you cried eating his meals
Mumbling that it reminded you of her
Your mom
Apparently you don’t remember her anymore
Just the vaguest scent of her meals and a glimmer of a smile she would give when cooking
It….sticks with Eddy more than he’d like to admit
Forgetting was an unfortunate thing that came with time
Whitebeard considered himself lucky in not forgetting much over his years
He still remembers the loneliness of his childhood
The bloodshed and alienation on Rocks’s crew
Going off to make his family after the god valley incident
Recruiting his many sons
Finding some cold and alone while others sought him out as a father
Remembers when he first met the idiot he’d call a rival
How Oden would eventually become his little brother and hearing years later of his death by Kaido
The guilt still weighing on his shoulders even now
So in every sense of the word Eddy considers himself lucky in being able to remember
But you don’t have that same privilege
Your memory fraught with missing pieces
Leaving you trailing off for a moment as you regal a story that leaves everyone on deck listening intently
They all notice that you stare off quite often while doing something
Your mind wandering to whatever is it that your thinking of
Sometimes you even mumble to yourself
Though Eddy is never close enough to hear the mumbles others sometimes mention them to him
Names and places
Dates and times
Events and descriptions
But one thing brought up is something that raises his eyebrow
Things only the Roger pirates could’ve know or seen
He already suspected something when seeing the coat draped across your shoulders
You may think your slick in thinking he didn’t recognize that old thing but Eddie knows better
He’d known Roger far too long and arduously to not recognize his gaudy red coat (hypocrite a voice in the void cry’s out)
When his frien….rival was executed he had noticed the coat he wore was different
A darker red and cheaper material
But at the time he gave no thought to it
To wrapped up in a certain kind of grief to really think twice
But now that coat is on your shoulders
Pristine rose red contrasted with the cyan blue of your bandana and cloth sash
You couldn’t have known Roger, your too young to do so
Plus that idiot had two apprentices not three
So that option was x’d out the list
As him and his commanders talked
But you being a kid of one of his members was certainly a possibility
And the only one Edward could ever imagine Roger giving his coat to was Rayleigh and he had essentially dropped off the map years ago
So the conclusion that your maybe Rayleigh’s kid and that he was potentially dead was the conclusion drawn
It’s safe to say that it is something that weighs on not only his commanders mind but also Edwards
Because of the similar situation to Ace
The only other person you had tried to avoid on this crew for some reason
But maybe you somehow knew of his origin and that’s why? But even that seemed unlikely
Roger could keep his lips shut when the situation called for it
Something that he now praised his dead friend for
But on the topic of Ace…it was odd
You avoided Ace like the plague
Whitebeard understood why you avoided him, the giant who was named the strongest man in the world and feared in all blues
But Ace? He was practically a puppy vying for your attention after seeing you interact with literally everyone but him
He’d never thought he’d see his son who’d used to be like a snippy stray dog now practically begging for attention
But here he was
Well, more like they were since literally everyone else on ship it’s finding this all too hilarious
But also kinda sad
It’s not like they’d force you to get along with him if there had been a solid reason
But seemingly there was none
You just avoided him for whatever reason
Jittering in discomfort and leaving when you saw his signature orange hat
And they’d thought it would remain like this
But like all else Whitebeard sees things change
(Just as he saw the sea change when Roger died and ushered a new era)
The final piece to break down that barrier of yours is Ace
The one besides Whitebeard himself you had been the most barred against
It starts with a small conversation
And then on deck he sees both you and ace talk more
And more
And eventually Ace is placing you on his shoulders with his hat on your head
Or taking you out on striker as the smaller boat races around the Moby Dick
It’s a sight for sore eyes
Ace once again lighting up like a bright flame
The same happiness restrained for when talking of his brothers
Or of that person who had given him the small charm he covets as if it were the greatest treasure
Something he had been initially teased for until revealing its story
The small worn down little sun dangling from his wrist representing someone who he wanted to find once more
To thank for caring for him despite his bloodline
Because Ace saw himself as a blotch on the world rather than a blessing
It was something that Ace had hid well but as his father Edward could see the conflict in his eyes
He Tried his best to resolve it but it had yet to go away
But when Ace talks of the Brothers made over a sip of sake, a small sun charm and now seemingly you
It seems for a moment to melt away
Like the strongest of metal being smelted before hardening once more
So Edward watches in amusement as Ace lets you hang from his arm
Or how his son tries his best to seemingly impress your young eyes with tricks of blazing flames
Ace doesn’t seem to notice though that anything he seems to do leaves a proud look in your eyes
But Eddie does
Whitebeard can’t place as to why but he decides to leave it
Simply enjoying his new child and Ace bonding as if they had knew each other for years
The flame brazen boy igniting excitedly like a match as your smaller hands find his and dance to the drunken shanty music
Singing songs you seem to know and regard with an almost melancholy smile as Binks Booze begins to play
Only giving more evidence to your possible heritage
And then you eventually approach Eddie himself
The fearless Whitebeard, strongest man in the world
Golden yellow eyes staring back down towards yours that reflected a starry night
He asks you about your family in which you answer vaguely
Though he expect no less of an answer he notices that the way you explain it is practiced
And despite how practiced it is it leaves him dealing down worry
You’d been on your own for a decent amount of time now
Just seemingly drifting from how you described it
No one but yourself and the sea to keep you company
Only the clothes on your back and small mementos from travels to carry on with you
Whitebeard ponders who the “friends” you’d made along the way but you don’t say names often
Just nicknames
Sneaky but he’s raised enough rebellious boys to see past all the tricks
You change conversation but Edward allows it
Instead you ask him questions, something no one would usually dare to do when being questioned from him
He’d have to admit you have some guts for a kid
Typically he’d call people who did something like that a brat but he lets it slip this one time
And he answers your questions
If only to try and ease you into seeing that he is more than just the epithet of strongest man
That first and foremost he’s a father and perhaps he could be one to you
But instead you inquired about Roger
Another itch to prove your perhaps Rayleigh’s child
So Whitebeard answers truthfully talking about the man he once considered friend
To be honest Edward never really knew how to quite characterize his and Roger’s relationship
On one hand Roger was a man that Edward had respected deeply. Someone who was not only equal in power but also in kindness
God Roger was so stupidly nice to just about everyone as long as you didn’t somehow anger him
But On the other hand Roger was one of the stupidest men alive
Running head first into a battle with nothing prepared
Roger and him were both Friends and Rivals all at the same time
Along with being two sides of a coin
Men who loved more passionately than anyone else
Men who’d do anything to protect all that they loved even if it killed them
In some sense Whitebeard knows he should be happy in being the “victor” in their rivalry yet he’s not
Because they never did settle a score because there was no score to settle
And Eddie no matter how hard he’d try to deny it missed that goof
For as annoying as he was he was equally charming
Something that was infuriating
Because of course Eddie had to become friends with that man
Of course Roger had to go and get himself killed
And it’s Eddie who’s left to mourn
Eddie who’s left to watch the world change and grow old
Eddie is always the one left standing
And it’s there with that you ask him about mourning and how he deals with it
And Edward can’t help but give a pitied stare
A child should not know grief
A child should not know how to mourn
And yet you do
You always seemed to know something your not supposed to
A thing both equally dangerous to you as it is others
……geez you really must be Rayleigh’s kid
Whitebeard smiles, looking down to the coat hung heavy on your shoulders
For a moment he sees Roger there, smiling at him as usual
He tells you that even when someone is gone they leave bits of themselves in the world
Eyes subtly glancing towards a distracted Ace and Izou who listens nearby
Their presence still lingering in all those that they touched by literal and metaphorical
Because when someone leaves you they never really do
They change you
Mold you into the person you are and could become wether that be good or bad
Because Whitebeard despite knowing Oden and Roger are gone can still feel their presence on this ship
The splinters from when battling Roger as he was flung onto the Moby dick
The room in which Oden carved his name in the wood along with Toki’s within the shape of a heart
Sees glimmers of Roger shining through Ace and his firey temper along with his compassion
Watches Izou mumble under his breath about how Oden would have loved to have been on this adventure
Those 3 sake cups still sit in Edwards office
Below a collection of objects and photos of all his lost children
He still mourns them
As any father would
Still wonders if they would forgive him for falling them
But when he does so he remembers their still there
Their fingerprints engraved on a old grizzled heart
At hearing this you nod, pulling that old coat on your shoulders closer
As if someone was hugging you through its luxurious red cloth
His words have seemed to have comforted you and he’s glad
Perhaps even lifting some of the grief off your chest
If so Edward is happy
Because a child should know no grief
And he’d like to change that
Would like to remold your melancholy little heart back to what it should be
That of a happy child
He and his children itch to ask you to stay
But even when Marco offers you a room here
Or when Ace just straight up asks you to stay
You always reply the same way
That like the sea herself you are untethered
Maybe one day you’d find a place but for now you must keep drifting
You have people to meet
Friends you call family to see once more
Everyone here wishes for you to stay
Some ask their father to perhaps to pull the same thing they had pulled with Ace
But Whitebeard doesn’t relent on wanting you to join by your choice
Even when he feels his will want to crack when one night after talking with you under the starry night you fell asleep in his palm
Curled up and small as he feels small tears drip down and pool beside you
Or when it wants to crack even more when he catches you one night in the crows nest singing
The almost haunting sound echoing and reverberating across the ship
The Moby herself sitting at your side, her Klabautermann joining you in song
Or the almost final blow when he realizes that you breath new life in the ship without even knowing it
It’s unseen by your eyes but Whitebeard knows his sons and his ship enough to know when it’s more lively than usual
How your words capture them
He’s watched as you sat atop a barrel telling tales and seeing everyone huddle around you like ducks
Pausing in their duties or even sitting down to ask questions or for you to elaborate more
Grown men and women enraptured by stories of the sea and all its beauty
Even he himself couldn’t help but find himself entranced by your words
The way in which you tell them all are too detailed as to not be true
But Whitebeard does not relent
Does not stop in his judgement no matter how hard it will be to let you go back on that dinky little ship you called your own
It’s sail made of spare sheets with sewn in patches giving it splatters of colour
But when that happens Whitebeard promises to throw you a grand goodbye
Promises that when you do come back they’d have a room ready
That Thatch would make food that reminded you of a once lost home again
That Marco would tend to your wounds and let you scrape the sky
And that Ace would light up with a flame of a stars intensity
But they never were able to throw that goodbye party
That party would be the next one after the one that was meant to just enjoy being with you once more without having to say goodbye
But then you decided you’d help Thatch after seeing he could barely walk in a straight line, so you paused the celebrations for yourself and went to that kitchen celler
Going to place that damned devil fruit to be locked away
But then minutes ticked by
And so Ace decides he’d go find you, saying he’d have to convince you to tell Eddie of your story about the island in the clouds
The joyful atmosphere continues
And then comes Ace’s horrified scream for Marco
Cutting through the atmosphere as the usually chipper boy runs out the kitchen with you in his arms
Bloodied little you
You sit there in Ace’s arms
Bleeding heavily from a large slashing stab that has your blood practically gushing out and into the ground along with Ace’s arms
Despite that though
Despite the pain you should be in Edward spots an oddly content look on your face
Eyes looking up towards Ace but instead of tears filling them it’s a bittersweet look
The look of I’m sorry
Ace and you sit in Edward’s palm
Your small form cradled by his sobbing son who pleads for you
Blood still fresh on his hands and now smeared across Edward’s as well
A child should never die
Let alone in someone’s arms
For they shall carry that weight of them in their arms forever
So he tells ace to lay you down in his Palm
And Ace can only do so reluctantly
Ace turns to run to Marco who’s dashing across the ship but you stop him grabbing his hand
Making his son pause
You smile despite it all, a bright and beautiful smile that rivals the sun and all stars in the sky
Then looking to his charm as you pull out a similar one nestled in that coat pocket of yours
“You found me” it comes out as a pained rasp that makes Whitebeard’s heart ache
It aches more seeing Ace’s expression
Pure grief
Just utter pure grief
Ace clutches you
Begs you not to leave
To please not leave him after finding you
To tell him who did this to you
Your eyes squint as if trying to remember, but then light up with recognition
You give a small laugh, one that makes Whitebeard go still as does Ace
Teach….thats why he wasn’t on deck
As that happens pieces of you shatter
A bright shining gold flashing in the night sky
Sparks of starlight and stardust congregating in the air
Scattering somewhere into the sky
In a fevered state you utter a last word to Ace
When your gone everyone is in a stunned silence
Because what just happened
But then Whitebeard thinks
He thinks all the way back to Roger
The last time he saw Roger the bastard had gotten suddenly silent asking Eddie if he knew of a song, a myth
A star that once dead formed back once more in a new part of the sky
A song was made about it once, something from the Rumbar pirates that had long died among the waves
But then he thinks back further
Back to those 3 days and nights they had fought on that abandoned island
And then he remembers
As Roger sent him flying with a punch Eddie skidded by the Oro Jackson
And for the briefest of moments he thought he spotted something shining in the darkness of a cracked open door
More rather the peering shining eyes of someone
At the time he tried to question Roger but he was as unmoving as a stubborn horse so Eddie had left the topic
He had forgotten of that experience years later
But now it comes rushing back
As does that myth of a undying star
It seems Roger was hinting at something all along
Sly bastard
Seems you weren’t Rayleigh’s kid after all
Maybe you were more Roger’s kid than anything
But….Eddie had taken in one of Roger’s brats before
His sobbing son is evidence of that
And perhaps he will do so again
“Hmf….sly bastard. Their out there, we’ll find them again” his words are spoken with conviction as a sobbing ace looks up to him, his golden eyes soften at his sons expression “their still alive Ace, just displaced when they die. Roger rambled to me a myth about it the last time we met. A star that never died and reappeared in the sky, I thought it was nonsense but maybe he was right”
“But how-“
“Think my boy. How could they be the one who had cared for you all those years ago when they’re that young? My best guess is a devil fruit” he sees the emotions swirl in Ace’s eyes as his sons nods shakily. Hands clutching the sun charm of his bracelet and scared to let go. Edward’s eyes travel from his son to his other children, the gold that was once softened now hardening once more as anger replaced it. Teach….a son now a traitor had to be delt with.
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cozage · 1 year
The Daughter's Return: Part 9
A Family Affair
Part 1 | Part 10 | Table of Contents | Read this on A03
Hi friends! This is a short update, but when you read I hope you'll understand why! :)
Word Count: 1.7k Characters: female reader x Portgas D. Ace CW: none :)
Run. You needed to run.
“You don’t have to hide from me.” Garp’s voice was quiet and rough.
You were still facing away from him, your face hidden. You couldn't bring yourself to turn around and face him. He sounded threatening and friendly all at once. You could feel ice in your blood, terrified of what would come next if you didn’t get out.
You could hear him unfolding a piece of paper in his hands as he walked across the room. 
He casted a dark shadow as he stood behind you. “This wouldn’t happen to be you, would it?” 
You turned your head slightly, just enough to see what he was holding. Your old wanted poster. 330 million berries. 
“Maybe I’ve got old eyes,” Garp continued, turning the paper so he could see your picture. “But this sure does look a lot like you. Newgate D. Y/N.”
You could feel yourself trembling. You remembered what you had put in your report for Monkey D. Garp. Even your father respected the man that stood behind you. Your chances for escape were dwindling fast.
“You were presumed dead after an altercation two years ago, though,” Garp continued. “Your bounty posters were taken out of rotation. This is probably the only one on the island.”
You couldn’t move. You couldn’t breathe. You were completely frozen in fear. There was only one way to run, and there was no way you would win a fight. 
“So tell me,” he slowly walked around to place himself between you and the window, your only chance of escape gone now. “Where exactly have you been since then?”
You looked up at the man towering in front of you, trying desperately to think of another plan. “What gave me away?” you whispered. 
His booming laugh echoed through the room. “Ace wouldn’t trust a civilian on a mission like this. He wouldn’t risk their lives…or their stupidity.”
You had to stall him while you thought. Avoid answering his questions, but don’t be hostile. 
“You speak as though you know him.”
“I do.” Garp leaned back and let out another round of laughs. “He’s my grandson after all.”
You weren’t expecting that response, and your eyebrows knitted together in confusion. “Grandson?”
The Vice Admiral gave a light chuckle riddled with sad undertones. “Don’t expect he talks much about me, huh?”
Ace groaned. “You sound like my grandpa.” He sighed, shaking his head. “He always wanted me to be a Marine.”
Ace’s grandfather was Monkey D. Garp. Oh, you were going to murder your commander when you saw him again. Withholding information of that level of importance was deadly. For him, for you, for everyone involved in this mission.
You knew you couldn’t beat this admiral in a battle. He’d squash you before you could even light your fist on fire. And running didn’t look like it was going to work too well either. So you’d have to resort to the strategy plans you had made long ago, hoping they were still accurate. 
“You’re Ace’s grandfather?”
The Vice-Admiral smirked. “Raised him myself. A damn shame he had to become a pirate.”
You laughed, eager to agree with him. “He does look mighty fine in that Captain’s uniform.”
“His hair is different from the last time I saw him.” Garp shook his head. “I guess it has been a few years.”
“Oh, he’s still got black hair. We just dyed it.”
Garp let out a bark of a laugh. “You dyed it? Did you think that’d fool the Navy?”
“Well I didn’t know his grandfather was going to be here!” You laughed along with him, but clutched the files in your hand and glanced nervously towards the window. You had to decide when to make your move. “We would’ve made other arrangements if he had told me that.”
Garp noticed your gaze, and glanced back at the window himself. “You think he’s out there yet?”
You scoffed, trying to make your disgust believable. “Ace doesn’t wait for anyone.”
Garp raised an eyebrow, peering back at you. “Not even for Whitebeard’s daughter?”
Your face scrunched into a scowl. “What does that have to do with anything?”
“See, if I know Ace, he’s probably been keeping a close eye on you since the moment you got alone in this room,” Garp said. He was giving you a smug smile, waiting for you to connect the dots. “He wasn’t too fond of that Rear Admiral making a move on you. Seems like he might have a soft spot for you.”
You narrowed your eyes, resisting the urge to look out the window again. “And?”
“And he’s probably starting to get concerned that there’s a Navyman blocking his view.” The old man’s voice was full of pride. “So if I were to raise my hand like this-”
As he raised his hand you realized what he was doing, and it all clicked into place. To anyone outside the window, it would look as if the Vice Admiral was about to strike you down. And Ace would surely jump into action. He wouldn’t be able to resist.
“No, wait!” you cried, but you knew it was too late. It’s not like Ace could hear you anyway.
The window shattered behind Garp, and the Vice Admiral shielded you from the flying glass. You tensed at his strong grip, afraid he might snap you in two, but you didn’t activate your magma powers yet. 
“Quite an entrance there, Ace,” Garp grumbled, shaking glass off himself. 
“Get your hands off her!” a male voice roared. For a second you weren’t even sure it was him, the voice sounded so fierce and full of anger. But he spoke again more level, and you were certain it was Ace. “Step away, and nobody gets hurt.”
Both of you turned to face him, Garp’s grip still on you. Ace was shirtless, his tattoos displayed proudly across his skin. The one with his name, and the one with your father’s flag. Of course the Navy figured out who he was. 
“You!” The word came out as a snarl, and you glared daggers at your commander. 
You started to storm towards him, but the Vice Admiral’s grip on your wrist held you back. You didn’t hesitate this time, and turned your hand as hot as lava rocks. The old man released you with a hiss from the pain. A piece of you breathed a sigh of relief. Part one of your escape strategy was done.
But now your fear was replaced with rage. Rage at your commander.
“How dare you ruin a perfectly good strategy!” you hissed, storming towards Ace. “How dare you not tell me?!”
Ace looked over your face with wild eyes, scanning for any harm that might’ve been done to you in his absence. “What are you talking about?”
Flames appeared across your body, your anger skyrocketing. Garp didn’t react, but Ace winced at the sudden heat flare. 
Garp shifted in the corner of your eye. “Ace. Good to see you again.”
Ace finally seemed to notice the Marine who was standing with the two of you, and his eyes flicked between you and his grandfather. 
“Oh,” Ace said, realizing his oversight. “Him.”
“Yes, him!” You gave his chest a hard shove, inching him slightly closer to the window. “I would’ve never brought you along if you had told me that!”
“That’s why I didn’t tell you.” Ace flinched away as you went to shove him again. “Hey! Stop! Your hands are hot!”
“I wanted to come!”
“You totally blew my cover!” you yelled, enraged at him. 
Vice Admiral Garp’s laugh cut off your argument, his booming voice echoing through the room. “You two fight like a married couple.”
“We do not!” You and Ace screamed in synchrony, which only fueled your anger.
“Can we not do this right now?” Ace’s eyes flicked over to the Vice Admiral, who was standing there with a smirk on his face. 
“What do you want to do?” you demanded. “Have family tea?!”
“You’re the best strategist on the ship! You didn’t plan for a Marine to recognize us?” Ace argued, trying to slink away from your heat of rage. He was almost to the window now. You had plenty of time to be mad at him, but your escape window was narrowing.
“Strategist, huh?” Garp chuckled, watching you with much more interest than he had been a moment ago.
You froze at his words, realizing Ace’s slip up. The Navy didn’t know you were a strategist. They only knew you were Whitebeard’s daughter. 
“Best on the Grand Line,” Ace boasted.
“Ace, shut up.” You shook your head, but Ace was looking at Garp.
Ace gave a cocky grin. “And she’s under my command. How about that, huh? Told you I’d make my own name. I don’t need-” Ace finally stopped, noticing your panicked look.
Garp hadn’t taken his eyes off you since Ace had dropped the news. The entire mood in the room had switched now that the old man had realized you were a threat. It felt like a predator closing in on his prey. Even with Ace here, Garp would surely tear you apart if he wanted to. 
“You wouldn’t happen to be the one who made that Navy directory for the Whitebeard Pirates a few years ago, would you?”
Ace looked at Garp, confused by his question. “Navy directory…?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you said simply, tightly gripping the files in your hand. You had to wait for the right moment. You could hear hurried footsteps coming down the hall, most likely reinforcements to investigate the broken window. Time was almost up.
“Every Whitebeard Pirate knows of it,” Garp said, narrowing his eyes. “It’s got every high ranking Navy official and the best course of action if you should encounter them. It’s highly guarded and one of Whitebeard’s greatest advantages on the sea.”
“Probably a bit outdated,” you responded instinctively. You hated your need for a quick quip, but Garp bursted out into laughter. 
Now. It had to be now. Or else-
“Humor an old veteran like me, will ya?” Garp wiped a tear from his eye. “What does my report say? What did you put in there?”
You knew the answer. It had been the thing you had been trying to do since he walked in the room. 
“Oh that’s simple.” You flashed a quick smile as you grabbed Ace’s hand. “Run.” You pulled Ace to the edge and the two of you leapt out the window, Garp’s deep laugh echoing throughout the night air.
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xamaxenta · 8 months
Ace being the cute aquarium guy who comes to maintain Whitebeard Industries absolutely massive professional aquarium sized fishtank in their main lobby and the CEO’s office
Edward Newgate is a huge fan of aquatic critters but doesnt have the time to maintain their upkeep himself, but when he does its all he wants to do its like dad mode gardening but fish tanks
So Ace is hired to do so instead, has to go diving in the main foyer tank to clean up n stuff
Marco encounters him stripping out of his wetsuit in the quarantine room behind the structure like 👀
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