cupcraft · 2 years
So uh, you know that sapnap did a "damage control stream" (not the death book one, the other one) that they blew up C Tommy's house and let shroud go?
Yeah in bad stream you can see ctommys house destroyed and shroud nowhere to be seen....
not remarking on your damage control comment (sorry anon no discourse for me i'll tag with a warning just incase). But wait was c!tommy's house really blown up/shroud dead? I was mostly listening to stream on audio and then I had to leave early
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undead-knick-knack · 10 days
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etoilesbienne · 3 months
after talking with other people i feel like there really is a disconnect between everyone who has other povs they still have left and everyone who just lost all of their povs (the french)/lost most of their pov's lore (bbh with dapper and pomme). like everyone is stressed and some people are making jokes and i get it i really do i like humor in dark situations, but like... this is the worst case scenario that's happened for everyone who did lose everything. pomme said she wasn't coming back to the server and the french cc all said they wouldn't be coming back if she didn't. i don't feel like joking right now. this situation isn't like the previous two cc who were removed for their own actions, this one was because the studio didn't attempt anything to try to retain a whole language after frequent year-long workplace abuse. this doesn't feel like goofy lore drama anymore it's like, wow we really did lose everything. all because nobody in the upper staff knew how to dm an admin. i wish them well is a nice sentiment and all but i feel a little bit callous to it when the reason they're leaving is that no one talked to them. it was all preventable. no shit sherlock of course i'm upset and my posts reflect that. i wish every post i made being critical of this didn't come across like doomposting. even if qsmp recovers all of the parts i loved most got uselessly cut off in the process. there's not much left i can go back to. even if they replaced pomme's actor there's not going to be cc to come back for that. there's just going to be a hole in the server now when i watch. i feel like i'm going through every stage of grief. i don't want the server to burn down, i'd love to see it continue, but i'd be lying if i said i wasn't terribly bitter about everything.
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aroaceleovaldez · 9 months
I think one of the best examples of what went wrong with TSATS is from the book tour I attended -
At one point during the event, Mark Oshiro made a comment about Nico's card collection. Specifically, they joked that Nico collecting cards was a sign that he was gay, because clearly he was only collecting the cards to look at the men on the art (which ends up being a note made in the actual book itself).
I've said a lot that you cannot divorce PJO from neurodivergence and disability. You just can't. And I stand by that. If you remove the neurodivergence and disability aspects from PJO it is no longer PJO because that's the foundation the entire series is built upon - representing neurodiverse and disabled students and kids. If you do not understand that or try to ignore it you have missed the most fundamental aspect of PJO as a series and everything else falls apart. (This is actually a trend that begins occurring mid/late-HoO and throughout TOA and that's where I say the main series begins to feel like it's no longer itself, but that's a rant for another day.)
You cannot divorce any of the demigod PJO characters from being ADHD/dyslexic. It is a core part of their characters. You cannot separate Nico di Angelo from the fact that he is ADHD/dyslexic. If you agree with Nico being autistic-coded or not, he is explicitly ADHD, and MythoMagic as we're introduced to it with him is clearly his hyperfixation if not his special interest. It just is. MythoMagic with Nico is the main ADHD/autistic trait we see presented with him. You cannot erase that. You cannot say "Nico only collected cards because he's gay" because then you are removing the fact that Nico is ADHD and you have missed the entire point of the series. Failed step 1.
TSATS does things like this so often throughout the book. (Ex: None of the characters stim, ever. The closest we get is Will bouncing his leg in one scene, but that's heavily implied to purely be him feeling anxious in that moment and nothing else. Nico even gives up his most iconic stim object and it's replaced with a coin he explicitly never stims with. He only ever touches it, never stims with it.) The book refuses to acknowledge that Nico and Will (and Annabeth and Percy and Piper and etc etc etc) are ADHD and dyslexic (and autistic-coded, in Nico's case). And if it does even remotely acknowledge those themes, it does so in the most ableist ways possible (infantilizing Nico, blaming Nico for his own ostracization, magically healing all of Nico's problems, implying Percy is only bad at school because he's disinterested and lazy, etc). And that happens because they started on the wrong foundation. They treated the characters' neurodivergence and disabilities as secondary and optional rather than the literal foundations the entire series was built upon and it shows.
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sweetie-peaches · 6 months
This post is risky but idrc
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atthebell · 4 months
okay actually here's my one thing. i understand that any collaborative project involves compromise, and that that is necessary for everyone to cooperate and get something out of the project. however. i am not a utopian. i think if anyone in a project is unhappy, something about it needs to be reworked if you want that person to stay. and if multiple people are having issues, you need to rethink what you're doing and actually communicate with everyone involved to figure out what they want out of the project. even if they can't have everything, they should still be able to have some kind of satisfaction in what's going on. compromise ought to go both ways, and at the moment, that's not what's happening. it's clear the focus is on growth and not quality. sacrificing active, interested players in service of possible or future active players shafts you in both the short and long run. it does not make for good storytelling or gameplay. and i just find it confusing because for a long time things were working for more people and players themselves had plans on how to include newer players, but now strides at being made to make things driven entirely by the larger narrative (which, imo, still does not make sense) rather than by players/characters. they want players to react to what they throw at them rather than creating something for themselves. and it's fine for that style for storytelling to work for some people, but it does not work for everyone, and assuming that it does is further miscommunication. and im really confounded about where this went wrong and why they keep having this issue
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oddlyzephyrous · 3 months
It was such a damn good day, too. I was so proud of myself speaking Portuguese and everything. motherfucker -_-
tbh tho this kinda thing is common in projects like this, I know this from personal experience (in a much smaller, fandom-driven project a few years ago) but i think it still stands. The whole situation with the high-up admins is very familiar: they're the primary communication with the owner of the project so they control the communication of those below them, bully them into silence, etc. and then they get free reign over everything and go on a power trip. In regards to my experience, the owner was NOT aware of what was happening until someone was brave enough to speak up about it. Based on this I'm giving Q the benefit of the doubt for now, this REEKS of corrupt admins controlling the communication between admins and ccs and controlling the narrative fed to quackity.
Hope I'm not proven wrong about it, maybe I will be. I hope not. QSMP has brought me a lot of joy and it's obvious that most of the people involved in the project really care about it. I do think it's salvageable if the issues are addressed properly, and with CCs becoming aware of this i think that's a strong possibility.
Anyway, hope and love to y'all, and hope and love to the amazing admins that make everything possible.
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mangofanarts · 4 months
I'll be honest, I don't think Phil's fitting to be a father or guardian to the other islanders in the way that the fandom sees him to be -like an ultra caring father whose there for everybody (granted, not everyone in the fandom interprets him this way, though it's a lot of people). I don't see Philza as someone who has the energy or even wants to care for other people in a parental figure way. Much less the emotional vulnerability to do that when he views them as an adult too, someone on his level since, that's what they usually are - adults just like him. The way that Philza comes across to me is just a person who wants to take care of his eggs (Tallulah, Chayanne) and that's it. And I think it's fine if he wants to mind his own business and not involve himself with drama/conflict that's happening.
I assume people do it because Philza seems to be the "old" one (old in quotations because there are other characters who are older than him) and from the whole bit of everyone calling him dad from his team in purgatory. But, trying to label Philza as an (adult islander)'s dad feels strange to me. Adults can just be friends with each other, it doesn't inherently have to be a certain role so that they can be a family.
There's only two exceptions that would make sense to me, one would be Wilbur (he introduced himself as Philza's son and Philza has said that Chayanne is Wilbur's brother, from what I remember- but take it with a grain of salt. it's just me going off memory.) Their relationship is something that they established as a father and son dynamic, Tallulah even calling Philza her grandpa before she was adopted by him and then changed it. The second exception is Baghera because she wants him to be a father figure to her, she wants that kind of dynamic with him. Even then, Philza has referred to her as a "friend" to his kids before when Tallulah asked if they weren't safe anymore because he doesn't actually view Baghera as a daughter. He sees her as an equal, a friend. Nor do I think that Philza will want to be a father figure to Baghera in that kind of way.
I've just been seeing people label Philza as other people's dad often and it's just not something that I understand, at least from what I've seen of his character.
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clonehub · 2 months
Question for y'all: Omega is the singular female character on the Bad Batch, and really the only prominent female character of the series. She easily fulfills The Girl trope of the Five Man band. She's the moral compass, the emotional center, and emotional initiator for the Batch. The Bad Batch...really does not start their own reflections or journeys without Omega being present. And they don't really properly resolve them, either. Omega helped Crosshair work through his trauma via guided meditation on a sunsetty beach. He does not take it upon himself to heal from his trauma. Omega has to prompt him. His tremors went away? But Now that Omega's gone, his tremors have come back.
Does this feel like misogynistic writing to anyone else. The female character in an all-male group often tends to be the only one with a moral compass, compassion, and a sense of kindness/generosity. They're the one who goes "We have to help the poor! We have to save everyone!" Added to that the fact that we don't get emotional conversations without omega starting them or being present, and that these characters can't seem to finish them very well (return to Ice planet comes to mind) I just feel like there's sexism in the writing. It's not as bad as it could have been back in Ye Olden Days, but it's...surprisingly strong?
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swordspider-fr · 2 months
okay want to preface this that the new ancient breed I genuinely like so much more than the other recently released ones (the sandshark guys + the moth alien ones, edit: completely forgot about grass snakes bc they were so mid to me). The design feels very cohesive/strong to me AND weird in a way we haven't super had yet with the headshape (BALD!!!) + limbshape (those huge+few claws <3). like this isn't just Tundra2 but bigger or coatl2 but it's more snake-y.
HOWEVER............ they literally coulda been moderns. like pllllsssssss no more ancients with the 2-wing 4-leg format bc I'm just gonna look at them and wish they are moderns so I could dress them. Like design coulda been vastly improved IMO if they got isopoded-up and just slapped 4 more legs on that thing, imagine legs on the tail section that woulda be great. think they also coulda made it fatter bc we haven't got a fat breed in so damn long but that's also my bias.
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rakkuntoast · 4 months
the thing that frustrates me the most is people saying "its just the 3rd day" my brother in christ, the members dont know for how long they will have to pause their lore that they have been building up to for god knows how long for this
like yeah, its one thing to say about the items and the grinding which ngl i dont give a fuck that they lost those, but lore specific items being lost for who knows how long is annoying. i'm sorry that some of the most attractive things of the qsmp is the individual character driven lore and how frustrating it is that time and time again it had to be paused for the overall island plot to suddenly be brought up in the most unconvenient way as if they didnt forget about it for like 4 months
one of my biggest issues with the qsmp story is how it doesnt wrap up things, and if it does it somehow feels underwhelming, most of it being from the players not even being able to participate on it and had to be informed of what went on by a "third party". like hell how many times do we have to pause resolving loose ends for another event that who the hell knows what will happen that will deviate the main plot for the next month or so again
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aq2003 · 1 month
sorry i'm going to be super salty and negative for a second counting off 3 2 1 anyway i'm never going to believe anybody who says thirteen era was campy and fun. you all are fucking liars. series 11 was one of the most miserable watching experiences ive had in my whole life only rivaled by the sheer seething hatred i have for the 50th specials. the frog was good but it was one of the few scenes in the whole era that had real doctor who energy to me. you cannot just have wacky elements to make a tv show campy you actually have to lean into the energy. you need to be unapologetic you need to be bombastic and lively and emotional and FUN you can't DO that when youre filming it like high budget prestige television and youre scoring it like broadchurch and you don't even have a real friendship between doctor and companion(s) to revolve everything around. dhawan was the best part of the era but none of the characters are given the opportunity to match his energy
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etoilesbienne · 4 months
while i still stand by the concept that i think this reset is overall good for the server, the new capitalism system is driving me up the wall. if its supposed to be to make things more accessible to players who log in less, they really need to make it so the shops are optional and not the only way to obtain the items. if items are already a pain in the ass to get and are therefore better quality: that is fine. that's how game mechanics work. disabling high tier weapons because theyre op is one thing, but disabling hard to obtain high tier weapons, only to make them obtainable solely through the shop, is an issue. that doesn't incentivize gameplay, that incentivizes repetitive coin grinding. this is just making the difference between the sweats of the server and casuals even more stark.
the waystones are their own can of worms entirely, players cant pick them up. you can only buy them through the store. this means players... uh can't actually pick up purchased waystones they've already placed. making warpstones cost 2k coins is also an issue, it just sets it up for /only/ the grinding sweats to have access to an item solely exists to make the server accessible and convenient. i also don't know if others are aware, but by default the waystone mod does not cost anything at all. the cost feature was always an implementation done by administration. i genuinely do not get what the deal is with waystones theyre made to make servers more convenient. nobody wants to watch a 2 hour stream of someone slowly walking to other people's bases. its annoying! and it isn't like waystones are cheap to make, they all cost 4 ender pearls each, and on a server with not even the nether open currently to access a warped forest, much less the end, that's expensive as hell.
backpacks are their own deal i can't even get into. theyre a conveniency tool. barring anything over iron is wild and kinda dumb.
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fever-project · 4 months
Hyrule Warriors & LU
Okay, so this whole thing is fueled by my desire to see HW stuff not only in relation to LU, but also in general.
I mostly see just Warriors, young Time, and Wind in these stories, with very brief mentions to other characters, mainly just Ravio, Midna, Marin, HW Zelda, and Impa. Don’t get me wrong, I love these characters, but there is a whole roster of other guys you can include as well and make them be more important-because they are???
Time and Wind aren’t the only ones from their time. Darunia and Ruto may be from the Adult timeline, but they are there, they are playable characters, and no one seems to mention them, like at all. Tetra, Medli, and King Daphnes are also playable characters and are there. Aryll is also there, she speaks for Toon Link.
Time and Wind are not alone, they can still see Warriors as a big brother figure, but that doesn’t mean you can just pretend that everyone around them just doesn’t exist. I’m hoping that in general, the people in the HW fandom don’t do this, but oh my goodness I’ve never seen Medli even mentioned even once in the HW with LU stories. Maybe that’s just me, and I just need to look harder, but I still feel like these characters are underrepresented, and that not nearly enough people are simply looking at the character list for HW. I know that LU focuses on Links, but having them not interact with others that aren’t Link in a place where they clearly would just boggles the mind. Im not trying to hate on anyone, I’ve loved all the HWLU fics I’ve read, I just want to see more character interactions. And more HWLU in general.
So let me just give you all some ideas I have for HWLU/just HW fanworks. Someone might’ve already made a fic with them, and if so, please link me as I would love to read them.
Captain Link, Mask, Toon(there are so many different nicknames for this guy, but I’m just going w/ Toon rn), and Aryll are at camp. You can dive into Aryll and Toon’s relationship, as well as Link and Mask’s relationships with their own families, and at the end you can have Aryll consider Link and Mask to her brothers too. You can even add Linkle there if you want her and Link to be siblings. Aryll and Linkle can even bond! It would be sweet.
The Spirit Tracks Zelda is a playable character, in her phantom form, so I’ll call her Phantom. She knows that Tetra is her ancestor and whatever relationship she and Toon had, your choice. She and Tetra can be friends, she and Toon can be friends, she can be friends with anyone! Phantom could let Toon know about his successor, and there are a bunch of things you can do with that. She can talk about Spirit to Toon, and the adventure she had with him. This could be included in a Chain meets Spirit fic where at least Wind would know about Spirit beforehand, or the other way around with Phantom telling him all about HW! The possibilities are endless!
You can have Mask and Ruto learn about the fate of the Zoras from Medli, and wouldn’t that just be heartbreaking. I know you people love your angst, and here it is, already shining upon a silver plater.
I feel like Marin and Ravio would be friends. Have Ravio mention Marin offhandedly to Legend, maybe accidentally. Marin can be real. Ravio can have pictures of her. I know you people love Ravio.
Fi is a playable character. Like she actually is there, not just as a sword, and she does turn into a sword to beat up enemies. Have her be a character and maybe let Mask’s resentment of the Master Sword go down a bit because of her. Or have Warriors talk to Sky about her, giving him hope that one day he’ll be able to see her again.
Skull Kid is also a playable character. So is Agitha and Tingle. Do something, I don’t know I honestly don’t have any idea rn, but I do know Agitha plays a semi-important part in the plot, with Midna.
Those are all the ideas I got for now. I love HW and love how people are writing for it with LU. There is just so much more people can do, and so many characters to work with. I’m just a bit sad that people tend to forget them in favor of just having the Links, which is understandable because this is about Linked Universe. But I just feel like some people are missing out on some wonderful writing opportunities here. Or maybe that just me, and I’m being a butt, who knows.
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marrfixated · 7 months
There’s new controversy over dream literally every week it baffles me how people are still supporting him 😭😭😭
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percyjacksonfan3 · 4 months
Not me finally writing out my thoughts on the PJO show and it being 2400 words and counting-
And here I thought waiting a couple of weeks would mean I had less to say. Apparently not
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