killuaisaprincess · 5 months
“You just wanted Gon to open that for you.”
Killua’s expression falls, and he puffs out his cheeks.
“N-No, I didn’t! Isn’t that right, Nanika?”
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r0-boat · 5 months
Shit, Rika would say, in a relationship with you.
Happy lesban.
Rika x Fem!reader
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"Good girl, kiss me properly."
"Youre kinda cute when you're mad. You know that?"
*pouting* "Where's my candy?"
"ain'tcha going to share?"
"those are nice looking lips May I kiss em?"
"come on, no one's around...kiss me deeper"
"Aww, You know I can't resist your cute wittle pouty face."
"You're beautiful, ya know that?"
"You deserve to be spoiled."
"at the store, What size cooch you got?"
"You're so cute, I could squeeze you till you pop! Haha, just kidding."
"put you down? Whaat? But you look so good in my arms like this."
"struggle all you like, You're not going anywhere!"
"did you just bite me? Ooooh, so that's how you want to play? Fine, I can be rough."
*on a phone call eating chips* "beautiful tits and rack, Love it"
"mmh, sorry. You know I can't keep my hands to myself when you're here."
"so cute, I need you now."
"I'm not jealous... I just-I just don't like his vibe."
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Our of our duros boys and pirate king....
Who is ticklish
😈 Eheheheh.
You would think it’d be Shriv, but I headcanon he has a lot of siblings who used to pick on him. He is now impervious to tickles. You can try your damndest, but he’ll just stand there and stare at you with his arms crossed until you finally give up. “Cute, but that won’t work on me.”
Hondo’s skin being resistant to blaster fire as a Weequay makes me think overall he may not be as sensitive to touch. I like to imagine there are parts of him that are softer though, like his belly, the undersides of his hands and feet, and inner thighs. 👀 Still, I don’t see him being that ticklish.
Cad Bane’s the winner here. He’s ticklish where leg meets hip just to the side of his groin, his lower belly, armpits, just below his ribs near his oil sacks, and the bottom of his feet. He wears a ton of gear so no one’s ever able to get close. The only one who might know his secret is Hondo. He tried to once and got kicked square in the face.
I also like to imagine someone’s warm breath in his wittle ear canal can send shivers down his spine. 👉👈
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vampcubus · 4 years
Naga izuku would have two dicks so does that mean he can smash yo ass AND ya puss puss?👏🏻😤 god damn boy finna wreck ye. Ack itd be so cute tho. His wittle snake body curled around us as he loses his mind in the sweet sensation of fucking a human🤧💕 NSMDMFMDM just moanin like no tomorrow so sweet good boy
Just a Bite
Naga Midoriya x Reader
Warnings: nsfw!! smut, biting kink, naga izuku, double-penetration in one hole.
.   .   .
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Psssh I ain’t no little bitch, Imma take both in one hole 😤 (and I also don’t care for anal)
But I can just imagine his cool scales brushing over your flesh as his long tail coils itself around your naked body. He’s got both of his cocks stuffed within your spasming walls, and he’s drooling over your shoulder, his snake-like green eyes glowing in the dark. He’s so loud too, the overwhelming tightness around his dicks too much for him to handle as he mates his human~ His moans are sweet and his fangs drag over the flesh of your neck.
You can tell he’s restraining himself from biting down, barely able to ignore his instinctual urges. Your hands delve into his curls hair, brushing over the delicate scales framing his jaw and taking a hold of the back of his head and pressing down.
“Bite me, it’s okay!”
Izuku’s eyes rolled back as you clenched around him in orgasm, his fangs sinking into the flesh of your shoulder and locking in, his hips slamming against yours as he finally lets himself cum. Rope after rope of his thick cum spurts inside of you, filling you up to the brim and gushing around his still moving cocks as his hips spasm and buck, his wanton moans filling your ears and the pain of his bite making your head spin.
He’s still muttering under his breath as he cums, hissing and mumbling about breeding you. Your head spins before being tossed back when he continues to thrust, shoving himself into your overstimulated cunt. How on earth is he still going?! You don’t get a chance to think about it, because a hiss sounds close to your ear before his fangs shove into your flesh once more, this time in a different spot—someplace consequentially sensitive that has you mewling out in bliss. Your walls squeeze around him again and he howls in pleasure, tears brimming in his jade eyes as he rips away from your throat and crushes his lips against yours.
His noises are smothered against your lips as his pace becomes frenzied, his hips bruising yours with the force of one final thrust as he shoves himself in as deep as possible, eyes rolling back and jaw unhinging as he releases one last guttural groan into your mouth. If you felt full before, that was nothing compared to the feeling of his cum filling you now. It feels like an ocean rushing out of your when he finally pulls out and you have to resist the urge to giggle like an idiot. He eyes you weirdly, a silent question on his forked tongue.
“It feels funny, you sure came a lot.” You snorted and his cheeks heat up much too dark for a cold-blooded creature.
“A-Ah don’t—d-don’t say stuff like that!” Izuku sputters, literally curling in on himself and hiding behind the curve of his tail. There's’ enough length of it to still wrap around you though and you lean forward to press your lips against his tail affectionately.
“Why not?” You teased, wriggling out from under his tail and crawling froward over his scaled body to see his face, resting your elbows on his noodle-like body and your chin on your palms. Your thighs straddle his waist and he shivers when he feels his own seed dripping from between them.
Instead of responding his eyes flicker to the bleeding bite marks on your shoulder and his heart drops. He lunges forward, gathering you in his strong arms and he coils his tail around you to hold you in place as you squirm in surprise.
“I-I bit you! I’m s-so sorry, I didn’t mean to! Oh god, you’re bleeding so much I—” He sobs, eyes already streaming with guilty tears as he fusses over your wounds. You shush him with a kiss, halting his muttering.
“It felt nice, actually. This means we’re mated, right? That doesn’t sound so bad.” You comforted with a lighthearted tone, hands stroking over his soft, freckled cheeks. His eyes soften considerably thought the tears only rain down the side of his face heavier at your enthusiasm, his arms crush you to his chest and he buries his face in your injured shoulder, making you wince slightly.
“I’m so glad! I love you...” He sniffs, and you make a startling squeaking sound as his long tongue drags over his bites, lapping at the wounds and coating them in a thin layer of his saliva. “Don’t worry... I didn’t inject my venom... thank god.”
He mumbles that last part under his breath but you hear it anyway.
"I love you too, Izuku.” sighed, arms wrapping around his neck as you began to doze off. “Now go to sleep.”
He laughs at your demand, but he doesn’t protest, resting his chin on top of your head and leaning back so you can recline against his torso.
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megan-is-mia · 4 years
Oh could you please write something about Yandere jiangshi (or whatever their costume indicates-) Malleus & Lilia with Monster prompt 26? 👀
(Personally, I interpreted it as some kind of chinese dragon outfit since they got cute wittle tails) 26. “You can scream as much as you want but nobody will hear you here” (Yandere! Malleus Draconia x Fem! S/o x Yandere! Lilia Vanrouge) Malleus stared at the girl with a bemused expression. Few mortals dared come this deep into the forest, and fewer would dare stop in this glen of his. Yet the young woman had done just that, and furthermore, she’d fallen asleep on the grass. She was totally defenseless, if a wild animal had wanted to devour her it would have been able to easily. However, Malleus did not want such a fate to befall this mortal. “Malleus? Oh, there you are! Didn’t you hear me calling for you?” Lilia said sidling up to Malleus with a bemused expression of his own. Malleus was silent, pressing a finger to his lips before pointing at the sleeping girl in the glen before them. Lilia stared at the slumbering young woman for a long moment before smiling with a nod. “Ah I see, this is your first time seeing a human girl up close right?” the older male said in a low voice. “She’s so small, and soft looking. Even the most sickly wolf could devour her with ease” Malleus replied, his voice also lowered as to not disturb the sleeping girl. “I want to touch her and see if she feels as soft as she looks” he added, his cheeks flushing lightly with this admission. Lilia chuckled softly after hearing this confession and set a hand on Malleus’s back giving him a light push forward. “Well go on then, sate your curiosity. If you wait, it might be a very long time before you get another chance to touch a human” Lilia said affectionately as he pushed Malleus again, forcing the younger male to take a step into the light of the glen. Lilia continued to prod his charge forward until they reached the young woman’s side and the two men kneeled beside her still sleeping form. Malleus hestiately reached out to touch the girl’s face but froze up at the last moment, his fingers hovering only an inch from the maiden’s face. Lilia let out a sigh as he took hold of the younger man’s hand and helped him close the distance that remained. “Does she feel as soft as you thought she’d be?” Lilia said guiding Malleus’s fingers up and down the young woman’s cheek. “Softer, like the belly of a newborn fawn…” Malleus said in soft awe gradually growing more confidence in touching the young woman and no longer needing Lilia’s hand to keep him focused. Lilia busied himself with touching other parts of the girl’s body twisting a lock of her hair around his finger and silently marvelling at how silky the strands felt in his hand. Neither man noticed that the maiden was beginning to stir until it was too late. (Y/n)’s eyes slowly fluttered open, her slumber having been disturbed by the sensation of hands on her face and in her hair. She didn't know what she expected to see when she opened her eyes, but it certainly wasn’t a pair of dragon-men. Her jaw dropped in shock but no sound came out as she just stared in disbelief at the sight before her. Worse yet, neither man seemed perturbed by her reaction to them. “You’re awfully quiet human, are you afraid we’ll get mad?” Lilia said softly as he lightly tugged on the girl’s hair. “Worry not, you can scream as much as you want” he assured sweetly still playing with her hair “But nobody will hear you here except us and I am rather curious to find out if your voice will be as lovely as your appearance” he finished allowing his fingers to slip from her hair to trail down her back. “How did you end up so deep in my forest child of man? Do you not heed the wisdom of your fellow humans?” Malleus said his face falling into a frown, he did not like the terrified look that had replaced the sleepy smile the girl had been wearing prior to being awakened by his touch. Selfish as it was he almost wanted to enchant her back into slumber so she’d stop looking so frightened “Don’t eat me please” (Y/n) said in a quiet voice as she continued to stare at the pair with wide, fearful eyes. The pitiful sight was almost enough to draw a laugh from Lilia’s lips as he walked his fingers up and down her spine. “We won’t eat you as long as you answer the question human. How did you end up so deep in the forest?” Lilia said his fingers lightly resting on her tailbone. “I… I don't know, I heard a voice… and the voice let me here” (Y/n) answered softly. Her words brought an intrigued hum from both men. “A voice led you here? Interesting, very interesting” Lilia said with coo. “Sounds to me like you heard the call of the forest little human. That makes you very special, very special indeed my dear” the older man added, a mischievous glint in his eye as his mouth spread into a grin. “T-t-thats nice and all, but i really need to get going and head home” (Y/n) spoke meekly cringing as she felt Malleus’s fingers glide down her neck and across her throat before reaching her collarbone to trace out patterns on her skin. “The forest is your home now, child of man” Malleus said with a flat tone. The girl’s eyes now resembled a pair of dinner plates they were so wide. “Don’t bother resisting, human. We don't want to hurt you, but we will if you try to fight” Lilia said, his nails digging into the young woman’s flesh. “There’s no point trying to resist the forest’s will. The magic in these woods are old, even older than me and they will not be denied of what they want” Lilia added. (Y/n)’s fight or flight instinct was finally kicking in as she started kicking desperately at the dragon men. However her flailing limbs were quietly stilled as Malleus enchanted her into sleep. Her face was caught in an expression of terror and her eyes darted about under her eyelids as she struggled to wake. The two men watched her writhe about with pitying looks before Malleus hoisted her over one shoulder and they began walking towards where their home was hidden. Sooner or later the girl would both accept her fate, and the love that the dragon men would shower her in… THE END
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pretend-writer · 4 years
Kids Of The Future (Chapter 1)
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Summary: After time traveling from the apocalypse in 2019, a surprise waits for Diego and Y/N as they arrive at Dallas, Texas circa 1960.
Pairing: Hargreeves x sibling!reader, Diego Hargreeves x reader
Title Reference: Kids Of The Future x Jonas Brothers
Word Count: 1.4k words
Warning: mention of violence
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'Y/N, wake up.'
It took me a while to realize that it wasn't a dream and someone was actually calling my name. Slowly opening my eyes with the energy I had left in me, I woke up in an alley with Diego kneeling right next to me.
Feeling a painful headache shooting through my skull, I squeezed my temples. 'What? What's happening?'
'You were unconscious for a bit.' Diego helped me sit up, 'Five didn't tell us we were supposed to prepare for a dangerous landing.'
All the memories from before suddenly hit me; the apocalypse, our sister Vanya discovering her powers, Cha Cha, Hazel and everything that happened that led us to this moment. Remembering everything made me realize something was missing.
'Where is everybody?' I quickly stood up, turning around every corner as I looked for the rest of our family.
'I don't know- When I got here, it was just us.'
Five always mentioned that time traveling was complicated. It scared me that we were in an unfamiliar alley without the rest of our siblings. Did Five just drop me and Diego off and went elsewhere?
'This is Luther's fault, it's all his fault.' I groaned, panicking about being lost in a middle of an alley where we had no clue where we were. Also angry about how he handled the situation with Vanya, my mind was all over the place.
'It's not just his fault, we took part in it too.'
Raising my eyebrows, I looked over at Diego with a surprised look on my face. 'Wow, did Five take us to a whole different dimension because I swear I just heard you defending Luther.'
'Har har Y/N. You are a comedic genius.' Diego rolled his eyes, 'But I'm serious. Since when did we ever try to build a relationship with Vanya?'
'Uhm I did. While you were too busy looking for Cha Cha and Hazel, Allison and I've been trying to hang out with her more.'
'Ah great. So while I did the busy work, you were chilling and doing nothing. Good to hear.'
'Well, all the busy work didn't matter because Vanya was the bomb this whole time.' I smiled sarcastically, 'Maybe you should've came with us and hung out with Vanya too.'
Diego took a deep breath, placing his hands on his hips as he stared at me with intensity. 'We can't do this 'what if' bull crap. Maybe when we found the file on Jenkins, you could've joined Allison and maybe she wouldn't have had her throat cut off.'
'You know I already feel terrible about that.' Ever since Luther, Diego, Klaus and I drove down to the Jenkins cabin and found Allison lying in a puddle of blood, I couldn't stop thinking about it. 'I thought that you'd needed my help more in jail after you got arrested for Eudora's murder. I was genuinely scared for you.'
'I know, I know.' Diego nodded slowly and walked up to me. 'That's what I mean by not doing the whole 'what if' stuff. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you upset.'
'No, I'm okay. I thought Allison wouldn't need my help and I just care about you a lot.' I gave half a smile, reassuring him that I wasn't mad about what he had just said.
If I knew that Allison and Vanya seeing each other would turn into an altercation, I would've chose to go with my sister. At the time it looked like Diego needed my help more and I had to stick with him to figure out how to get him out of there.
Maybe it was also the fact that I cared about Diego a lot. We've always had each other's backs since we were little kids and at the time of his arrest, he needed me. I couldn't have him behind bars for something he didn't do.
'Thank you for coming with me, Y/N. I just wish it was a different outcome.' Diego sighed. 'To be fair, if it wasn't for you shifting into a cop to get me out of jail I probably would've died in that apacolypse.'
I smiled as I was happy that Diego appreciated my use of power. 'You know I can't leave without you, Diego.'
Diego eyed me, smiling back and taking a step towards me. He licked his lips, slowly grabbing onto my hand.
'You know I actually stayed with you, for you right? I mean I did think Allison didn't need my help with Vanya bu-'
'I know, Y/N.' He acknowledged my feelings towards him, which everyone knew that I had. 'I'm glad you were with me and it's not only because you helped me out.'
We've always had moments like this where we stared at each other, giving one another cute grins hoping that one of us would make the first move.
Throughout the years, we've both dated different people but in the end we cared too much about each other to let it go. It was perhaps the timing that was bad; maybe this time was the perfect time.
And I think Diego knew as well.
He grabbed onto my hip and pulled me in, slowly leaning in without another word. It was so direct but we've been waiting for so long, there was no more time to waste.
Following his lead, I also leaned in to meet him half way. As I began to close my eyes, something stopped me.
Diego and I both paused, quickly looking each other in the eyes with furrowed eyebrows. 'Uhm, what the fuck was that?'
I knew we were both thinking the same thing as our reaction was the same; some weird noise that came by the dumpster that was in the middle of the alley.
'You want to go check what it is?' I pointed to the direction the noise was coming from.
'I am not going near that dumpster! It can be some weird animal we've never seen.' Diego hid behind me, pushing me towards the noise. 'At least with you, you can shape shift into that animal to blend in.'
'Ugh don't use my powers to excuse yourself from this.' I rolled my eyes, 'But since I'm the braver one I'll go.'
Diego slapped me playfully on my shoulders, 'All I'm saying is that you have an advantage. Nothing to do with bravery.'
I shook my head, ignoring Diego and slowly stepping closer to the noise. Finally getting there, I peeked to see if it was anything harmless.
'What is it Y/N!?'
Tilting my head, I was confused on what I witnessed. As I reached for it, Diego winced. 'W-why are you picking it up!?'
'Don't worry.' I chuckled, carrying it and admiring how adorable it was. 'It's a cute wittle baby.'
Diego scratched his head, 'Why is there a baby behind the dumpster?'
'Just seems like no one wanted it. Poor baby, we should take care of it.' I started patting the baby lightly, 'Diego, check if the baby is a boy or a girl.'
'What!? I don't want to check!' He backed off, as if he was disgusted by it. 'I am not down to play house with this baby. What we need to do is find Five or anyone for that matter so we can go back home.'
I nodded, 'I agree with you but until then we need to find this baby a home.'
Diego looked at the baby, slowly smiled as the baby grinned and giggled. By the way Diego was staring at the baby, I knew that he was slowly giving in.
'Isn't he irresistible!?' I played with his chubby cheeks, making him laugh.
'How do you know it's a he?'
'I don't but whoever is going to change his diaper first will.' I smiled innocently as Diego shook his head. 'Just a guess.'
Diego facepalmed, 'Changing diapers?! How are we going to go from trying to save the world to taking care of a baby?'
'Fine! I'll change his first diaper, can we just please take care of him as we find our siblings?'
He looked at me, then the baby. 'Ugh how can I resist the cute baby face?'
'You're talking about me?' I said sweetly.
'Aha you wish, Y/N.' Diego joked, 'Now come on. Let's see what this place has to offer us.'
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words-for-holland · 4 years
Quarantine Series: Ornithopobia
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: The boys help Y/N get over her fear of birds. I’m sorry if this sucks lol (This takes place pre-Birthday Week)
Check the Rest: Burnt Out | A New Look | Secret Cuts & Kisses | Breaking Friendships |The Birthday Week | Movie Night | Silence is Golden? | Birthday Date Night
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Everyone has that one thing that makes them squeamish or afraid. It’s natural. Ironically Tom, who has played Spiderman for the five years of his life is afraid of spiders. Harry gets spooked with loud unforseen noises, Harrison is afraid of snakes, and Tuwaine is terrified of mirrors in the dark. For Y/N, birds were her greatest fear, so imagine to her surprise when she finds out the boys bought a couple of chickens.
“You what?!” Y/N freaks out after she sees Tom holding a pair of chickens in both hands.
“C’mon love. We ran out of eggs, so instead of going to the store, Predator and Ranger can lay them in the backyard.” He reasons, adorning his boyish smile that he knows Y/N could never resist.
“But live chickens?!” Y/N repeats as she looks at the two clucking and bobbing their heads. She cringes in fear as she sees the chickens make eye contact with her. Her toes curl, and her arms wrap around her own body. “This is probably a bad time to tell you, I have a serious fear with birds.” She confesses through her teeth.
Tom laughs at her response, thinking it was a joke until he saw how Y/N’s face did not change. “Oh my god seriously?! You’re afraid of birds?!” He asked.
Y/N raises her eyesbrows, gesturing as if he should have known that. “Would I be acting like this if I was?”
“But why? I mean look at their cute, wittle faces. How can you be scared of these babies?” Tom responds in his baby voice as he pays his attention to the chickens.
“Look at them!” Y/N squeals. “The eyes. The beak. The claws.”
“Darling, they’re harmless.” Tom responds, stifling a laugh.
“Yeah? Well so are spiders but I don’t see you manning up to them! Plus, did you know chickens are the descendants of T-Rex?” She questioned him as if the viable information would frighten him.
Tom threw his head back, laughing at Y/N’s responses. “Spiders are a different story! You should have seen that tarantula they brought on the press tour. Y/N, chickens wont attack you.”
“Yes they will.”
“No they wont.”
“Yes, they w—”
“Look, why don’t we make a bet.” Tom inquires. “If I can get you to over come your fear of birds and hold Predator or Ranger by the end of Quarantine.... I get to name our first child.” He smiles brightly.
Y/N laughs at his proposal, not believing what he’s offering. “We’re not even engaged yet!” She exclaims. “Let alone, pregnant!!”
“Not yet, you aren’t!” He says excitedly. “But one of these days, I am going to put a ring on that finger and we are going to have beautiful babies. Im just planning ahead!” Y/N gives him a knowing look, which only made Tom shrug his shoulders and sigh in defeat. “But I guess if we’re talking about prizes now...I get to pick the movies for Movie Night for the next year with no complaints, but I still get to name our first child.”
Y/N rolls her eyes, smiling at the thought Tom had put into their future. The fact that he had already planned having her in his future with a kids, made her heart swell even more. “Ok, deal. You got till the end of lockdown.”
As the month passes by, Tom tried his best to slowly introduce the chickens to his girlfriend. His first attempt started with getting Y/N comfortable with a feather. He figured baby steps with introducing a harmless, soft part of a chicken would ease her uneasiness. “See baby, look how soft Ranger’s feather is. It almost tickles.” He tries to tickle her with the feather, but Y/N slowly backed away, cringing in fear. “C’mon darling. It’s just a feather. It’s not going to bite.” He laughs. Y/N shakes away the fear as she holds the feather smiling and admiring the lightness and fluffiness.
“Hey, this isn’t so bad.” She laughs nervously, playing around with the feather. Tom nods, feeling proud of the accomplishment he’s made. Baby steps, he thought to himself, knowing hes this much closer to naming their future child.
Unfortunately, it was short lived when Harrison decided to sneak up on Y/N while she was admiring Ranger’s feather. She squeal and jumped, as she made her way back up to their shared bedroom.
“Way to go Mate.” Tom says sarcastically. “I was this close too.”
“What?! I thought she was joking!” Harrison defended himself, laughing at the fact that Y/N really did have a fear of birds. “C’mon she craves fried chicken almost every day. There’s no way anyone would believe it!”
Tom continued to build up Y/N’s confidence with birds through the lockdown period. He let her watch them from a very safe distance, introduced her to baby chicks, and the more exposure she got, the more Y/N started to relax. But the real test came when a pigeon flew into their house. Will Smith was the name for the newest member of the Holland Home. Y/N and Tom froze when it started to chill in the living room. “It’s okay darling. See he’s just minding his own business. Look.”
Tom gets up and starts filming Will for his insta story, showing him the way out to freedom. He constantly looks back at Y/N to gauge her reaction, and was happy to see her smiling and shaking her head at the ridiculousness of it. After all, when do you ever see your boyfriend escort a pigeon out of the living room during Quarantine Season? “Good work. Love your work. Great form.” Tom encourages Will as he bobs his way out. A slight mishap happens when Will takes flight in the kitchen, which made Y/N squeal, her fear flooding in a tiny bit but not enough to make her run for the hills like last time. As the pigeon flies out to freedom, Tom comes back to the living room. “See a mangy little pigeon was nothing.”
Y/N lets out a slight giggle, as she makes room for her boyfriend. “Yeah...Will Smith wasnt too bad.” She admits. “Though I must say the commentary did help.” Y/N pauses to think for a second. “Actually, I think Im ready to hold Predator or Ranger right now.”
Tom lifts his head up with surprise. “What?! Seriously?!” He asks. Y/N nods at his response. “Only if you want to Y/N. I don’t want to force you to do anything that’s uncomfortable.”
“This...sounds like a totally different conversation right now.” Y/N laughs at her implication of the conversation.
Tom rolls his eyes, looking at her with seriousness. “I mean it Y/N. Don’t force yourself, if you don’t think youre ready to hold them.”
“We can start with petting them, and if I feel really good...I’ll try to hold them.” Y/N plans out as Tom grabs her hand to head her to the chicken’s den.
“Lads..today is a memorable day in history. Thats right, get your cameras out because Y/N is going to touch Predator and Ranger for the very first time.” Tuwaine annouces, cupping his hands around his mouth to make his voice even louder.
Harrison and Harry hold out the two chickens, who calmly lay in their arms. Tom is right beside Y/N, hilding her hand for support. “Are you ready gents?! Y/N pet them chickens!” Tuwaine yells out.
Slowly Y/N approaches the two chickens, letting her hand out. Predator and Ranger cock their heads up as they see the hand coming towards them. They don’t bother to move and remain very still. Once she made contact, Y/N lets out a slight squeal as she rubs down their sides. Realizing they neither jerked or flapped their wings, Y/N had grown more confident with her chicken handling. “Wow..they’re actually not too bad. They’re such cute little things.” She says.
“Do you wanna hold one?” Harry asks as he starts to lend the Predator to Y/N. The moment he’s about to lay Predator on Y/N’s open arms, she starts to flap her wings uncontrollably and make a noise. Ultimately it made Y/N cringe in fear as she ran to the door. “Well at least that she touched them.” Harry encourages Tom.
Tom shrugs his shoulders, as he laughs at the response. “She touched the chicken and that’s all that matters.” Tom thinks for a moment wondering if it counted as an automatic win. “Wait Y/N” he yells running after her. “Does this mean I can name our child Peter Benjamin Holland?”
@hollanddolanfangirl @parkerspillow @joyleenl @kihyunwifes @holland-bowen @in-a-lot-of-fandoms-tbh @marvelobsessedteenager @viwihere
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bigoltrashpile · 4 years
How would they react to meeting their friends big fluffy newfoundland dog?
I fucking LOVE dogs dude
Mafiatale Sans: He’s a fan of dogs, so he gets pretty excited.  That’s one fluffy pup.  If he’s tired, he’s probably just going to bury his face in the dog’s fur and take a nap.
Mafiatale Papyrus: He has a bit of a rivalry with the annoying dog, so seeing this dog makes him suspicious at first.  Once he sees that this dog isn’t going to try and steal his bones, he warms up to it.  He will gladly play with the dog for hours, using his own attacks as toys for fetch.
Mafiaswap Sans (Lucky): He absolutely LOVES the dog!  He will baby talk to it while giving it belly rubs, telling it that it’s a good boy/girl.  If it’s big enough, he might try to ride it into battle.
Mafiaswap Papyrus (Slim): He’s more or less indifferent, but he can NOT resist the puppy dog eyes.  If he’s eating something around the dog, he won’t be able to look at it, or else he’s going to be tempted to give the dog his whole meal.  I mean, how can you say no to that cute wittle face?
Mafiafell Sans (Butch): He thinks that you’re pretty badass for having such a big, scary dog.  Then he realizes how sweet the dog really is.  And he falls in love.  He may or may not try to steal your whole-ass dog, trying to hide it under his suit coat as he leaves.  It doesn’t work.
Mafiafell Papyrus (Noir): Now, he’s more of a cat person, so usually he’s not a dog fan.  However, this big old dog steals his heart pretty quickly.  He’ll try his best not to show it (he doesn’t want to betray Doomfanger after all), but he would die for this dog.
Mafiaswapfell Sans (Scar): He finds this dog unbelievably cute.  It doesn’t matter that it’s almost as big as he is standing up, and super drooly, it’s the best thing he’s ever laid eyes on.  He’s definitely going to visit your house more often, if only to see it.
Mafiaswapfell Papyrus (Hound): Finally.  A worthy opponent.  These two puppies (metaphorical and literal) will compete for your attention non-stop.  Hound’s puppy dog eyes are almost as good as your dogs.  Besides that, he thinks the dog is a good cuddle buddy, very soft and warm.
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staycatcher · 5 years
Cursed 001
Member: Kim Seungmin x Femme Reader (she/her) (Jisung is also in this, we love wingpeople)
Au: (Dorky/Pure) Frat Boy! Seungmin x Baddie! Reader + Unexpected Soulmate AU [in the same universe as Anguish, no need to read it though!]
Genre: Crack, Angst, Fluff? (she’s all over the place, partner🤠)
Rated 14? for too much swearing, kind-of-stranger danger, getting into mentioned kind-of-stranger’s car (don’t do what y/n did!!), suggestive themes & jokes, hangover & leftover tipsiness, cringe, promiscuous bisexual reader, nothing explicit though!! Also, Jisung is too much I’m sorry
Word Count: 4.1k
Notes: special thanks to @staytion-nine for being a bro and reading & critiquing my full shitty drafts and @strayneoculturekids & @hyunjinssmile for thinking my crack parts were good & somewhat funny way back when I wrote them ilyssssm🤗💞💛
ps, I hope you readers liked/found my easter eggs!!🥴
“Your heart began to sing, sing triumphantly as if you broke some sort of curse- Curse? Wait, hold up. Hold the fuck up. I think he’s my soulmate?! But I can’t possibly have one-”
Cursed series 1/?-  ~001~  😈🤓😳~
Growing up, not a single day passed without your single mother reminding you that meeting your soulmate wasn't going to happen for you. The odds were not at all in your favor, not her’s, not your grandmother’s and not even your great grandmother’s mom; being the youngest girl of the youngest in the family made you carry such a burden. The streak that your family had going on for generations was too strong to break at this point. It’d be a miracle and a half if you ever heard of your soulmate for a fraction of a second. You started to accept by the time you learned how to read, that a life with a soulmate was frankly not in the cards for you. 
To say you were completely and utterly blind-sighted when you met your soulmate, would be the understatement of the century. You lived your whole life with no fear or any expectations of long lasting relationships whether it’s with a soulmate or not. You lived the life you knew many people with soulmates or obsessions with commitment couldn’t live. You lived a life of freedom, focused on yourself. 
Now, it's been three months at this university; three months, and you already have a reputation that precedes you. Contrary to popular belief, you don't like the attention. Yet somehow the spotlight seems to follow you. Though, you would argue you weren’t as charismatic as you were careless. Your carelessness seemed to be your charm and charming you seemed to be.
A groan tore out from your throat when as stretched over to snatch your boots. Jelly legs hobbling all over the place as you scrambled to tug them on, stubbornly not zipping down the zipper which only made it harder for you in the long run. Once on, you trudge on forward, not giving a shit if things were inside out or not, all that mattered to you was going back to sleep in your own bed. You have to remain careful though. You don’t want to go too fast and have stomach acid erupt out of you in aggravation, ruining the Sorority’s carpet and your morning. So, you watched each and every wobbly step as you did your best to navigate your way out of the crowded, trashed halls of the post-party filth. Fortunately, it seemed you’ve risen before anyone else, no conscious creatures for you to deal with. 
The clock struck six o’clock as you strut down Greek row, your steps more firm now, waking you up more with each step. However, waking up meant more hangover symptoms, though you weren’t exactly sober. You made it about four more clumsy steps down the sidewalk before a car slows down next to you. This has happened to you more times than you can count, but never when the birds were fucking chirping. You huff out in irritation, walking faster, thus, less firm as you tried to remain calm. 
Who the hell pulls up to you when it’s fucking sunrise?! Unbelievable. 
You only make it two more steps before the right next to you. Even though you tell yourself not to, your head swivels to look at the driver on instinct. He looks vaguely familiar, you’ve seen those cheeks somewhere but his name is lost on you. You acknowledge him with a questioning look as he rolls down the window.
“Want a ride?” He offers like you’ve known him for ten years and your pets were best friends. You were expecting a catcall but his voice was full of awkward sincerity and a bit of reluctance that couldn’t be faked.     
“I thought chivalry was de-ad.” You choked, giving a nudge with your words to test his sincerity.
“I thought you liked girls more and don’t believe in it anyway.” He dished back. Okay, fair. This guy’s a real one. 
“Touché... Ohhh what the helll-” You huffed, “I’ll take it.” You vaguely recognize him and he seems to know you too so what can hurt; that’s at least how you look at it in the buzzed moment. 
His unimpressive car comes to a smooth stop, you hear the doors unlock and you sluggishly yanked the door open and groan as you slide in, kindly ignoring the mess because you’re not much better. 
 “Did you not party last ni’?” You blurted, looking over at him with a dry smile. As you do, you can really take him in. His dark, messy hair and his cute over-expressive face, topped with a pair of doughy cheeks. Despite the cuteness, there’s not a doubt in your mind this is some frat boy on the college team, though you’re not even sure what team is in season right now. One thing was for sure though, his guns were proudly out of a cut out muscle-t like a living, breathing fuckboy starter pack. Infuriatingly, he pulled it off, he looked too attractive for this time, on the weekend especially. With all that being said, he seriously looks like the kind of guy that should be as fucked up as you are right now. And yet, here he is, behind the wheel looking as sober as a slice of bread.
“Nah,” He starts, getting his foot off the brake and turning back into the road, “me and my soulmate stayed in ‘cuz coach is making practice earlier than usual.” 
Well, that train left the station. “Ahh, that-that's too bad.” You heard yourself pettily trail off. 
“Nah, ‘zall good. I think coach is taking it out on us ‘cuz his wife found out he’s doin’ drugs and gambling again-“
“Do ya have any friends like you?” You blurted out again. 
“Do ya got any friends that do things like this?” You grumbled, resisting the urge to facepalm at yourself. Fucking hell, Y/n.
“That go to practice this early? Yehh. The whole fucking basketball te-“ 
“No!” You hiss, head pulsing, his voice is too goddamn loud. “Gentlemen!” clarifying and sulkily leaned your head against the cool window. 
“Ohhh!!~” Then he belts out laughing like a blaring fire alarm, making your entire brain rattle.
“Shhhh!” As you turn to glare at him, you realize your turn was coming up. “Wait!! Turn here!!” 
He hissed and stepped harshly on the breaks. “This one?” 
“Yeah!!-“ it was already too late when you unnecessarily clarified, so he had to turn around and go turn in again. Thank god the streets were dead at this date and time. You’re sure he broke at least four traffic laws.
“Shit, man!! You can’t say that and then expect me to make the turn, I got too excited!!” He was beaming, far too excited for your dumb question and not at all concerned about his chaotic driving. 
“What the fuuck?!?! You’ got a soulmate-“
“No, dumbass!!” He whines like you just missed the best play in the whole game, too bad there aren’t instant replies for day to day conversations. “I have a bro who we’ve been trying to get laid.~” And now he makes the turn, good job buddy. 
“Okay, two stops from now you’re gonna turn left.” It is then that you realize the last part of what he just said. “Huh? Li-like frat bro?”
“Yeah, dude. He’s so pissy I don’t think his hand is doin’ it for him anymore.” The dude laughed at his own joke, elbowing you in the side. Normally you would have joined in and punched him but for some reason, your little fucked up heart started to warm up hearing about this cute frat boy.
“Ahhhh.” And then you laughed a little too late, his wingmanning ass didn’t notice.
“Yeah! And he says books are better than pussy so that’s how we know he’s becoming a lost cause. We’re placing our bets that he won’t get it on until he finds his soulmate.” 
“What a swee-eetheart.~” You hiccupped with dazed eyes and chapped smile. You had to admit, you were endeared. You never heard about a dorky, innocent fraternity boy before, and you never would have thought that it would appeal to you.
“Is it this one or the next one?” 
“This one. So whoo’z this friend of yours-“ Unfortunately you were caught off by a ringtone blasting at the fullest volume making your brain wail in pain, for the second fucking time this morning. 
He just snickers. “Sorry, gotta answer this… Yuh~?” You just huffed and closed your eyes, deflating a little bit. 
For some unknown reason, that name made you jolt back up into your seat. ‘Seungmin’, why does that sound so familiar?! 
“Well, speak of the devil!!~” He got too excited and looked at you, and gives you an over-enthused wink. You’re assuming this is the frat bro. “Your car won’t start??~~” This dude, you still don’t quite remember the name of, was really playing this up. For possibly the same unknown reason, him talking to this dude has your full attention. Normally you’d eavesdrop half-heartedly but this time your whole heart started to beat a way it never has before, begging you to soak up as much of this half conversation as possible. 
“Of course I’ll drive my wittle brother!!~... -fuck off a few days totally does count!!- Whatever!! Anyway, fair warning, I became a fucking uber this morning, I’m driving this girl too so prepare yourself!!... Shhh, it’s not a joke! And she’s really hot; make sure your heart and dick are ready.” 
You were about to beat this dude before you vaguely heard the muffled voice on the other line chew him out for you. You couldn’t hold in your smile before you realized; even though you were abnormally giddy, now is not the goddamn time to meet this kid. You looked like you were run over by three different military-grade vehicles and you’re more than sure you had lipstick marks from last night smeared in various places all over you. But most importantly, you were in a limbo of drunk and hungover. You needed way more rest and sustenance before you should interact with anyone of importance. You opened your mouth to scream at him but you were cut off yet again. 
“...Yeah, yeah. Anyways, I’ll turn around now, just for you.~ I’m pretty sure we’re close to her dorm but who cares how late I’m gonna be for practice! I’m making shit happen! See ya in a sec, muah!” If you weren’t high key starting to panic, you would’ve laughed at this dude’s unending ridiculousness. There is no way in hell you’re gonna meet this familiar stranger‘s friend that he’s setting you up with at six fucking a.m. in a frankly disgusting state.
“Do not turn around or I swear to fucking Rupaul-“
“No can do, bro. Besides, you seemed interested in him so why not!?! Be grateful! I’m gonna have to run double the fuckin laps cuz a’ this.”
‘“Why not’?!! I just got outta’ a stranger’s bed and I’m still drunk and somehow hungover too and my dorm is just around the corner-“
“Listen; bros before hoes. Frat legacy.” And with that, he chuckled as he turned the car around for the second time today. You take back the gentleman comment you gave him earlier, he’s a pile shit. 
“I’m gonna fucking jump out of the car-“ you groaned with a bluff, tugging at your smeared face and he smugly locked the doors before you could finish. “Cmonnn!~ It’s too fucking early for this shit, man! Why didn’t I just keep walking or just stayed-“
“I'm doing you a favor!~”
“Dropping me off when and where I asked you to is doing me a favor! That’s literally why I’m in your messy ass car that smells like rancid fuckin’ cheesecake in the first place!!”
“Hey, now you’re just being mean!”
You groaned and glared out the window, opting to ignore him now. This argument had you sobering up. This just really wasn’t it. You resisted the urge to pull down the mirror and see how bad you really looked but, you would rather not know how bad it is. Knowing your past morning afters, you’ve looked a hell of a lot cuter every other time. 
It seems like you’re just gonna have to grin and bear it and let this one go. There’s plenty of bitches in the sea. Bitches that never made you heart skipped like this before- and without you even meeting them-
All you could think about how embarrassing and fucked up this whole thing he’s pulling is as you glare at the passing sidewalks and cars parked at the side of the roads. You wish the passing textured and crumbly neighborhood sidewalks could swallow you up. It’s not often that you felt so burdened at an awaiting social encounter these days. You hated this.
“And we’re here!!” He stops and proudly puts the car into park. “Okay, Siri, call ‘Noodle Bitchass’.” 
The fuck-
-“I’m sorry. I didn’t get that. Would you like me to search the web for ‘Nude space app’?”-
“Ughhhhh. Fuck you!! I said, ‘Call~ Nooo-DiLL BiiiiTCh AAAssss’~~!!!”
 -“Okay. Calling Noodle Bitchass nerd emoji, middle finger emoji in medium tan’.”- You were about to cry in shocked laughter but the guy answered too soon so you had to snort into your hand and curl in on yourself. 
“Yah!! Han Jisung!!” Holy mother almighty, his voice is pure sunshine and honey. Your body slowly uncurled back up on its own. Fuck, okay it’s on speaker. Shit, I can’t even breathe, can’t make a sound.
“We’re here, man.” 
“Hhhhh… she’s not still with you is she?” Is it possible to be attracted to a voice? I think I’m attracted to a voice. 
“Hell yeah, she is! Suck it up, bro. You’re already making me late and she’s fine~!!”
“Oh for fuck’s sake, Jisung-“ Oh, good lord. Him swearing really just--
“Get in or I’ll leave you here and set her up with Innie instead.” You just heard the guy sigh and the sound of a facepalm, you’re guessing, before the line went dead. And finally. You could finally howl with laughter, or perhaps it was more like manic screaming in infatuation.  
You have never, in all your years of living felt like this because of a person. Is this what it feels like to be whipped? Fuck, fuck, fuck- It’s like I’m at a concert- but not really and-
You were still in the thick of it when a door ripped open. When you reflexively looked over, all the air that was left in your lungs pathetically wheezed out of you like a sad balloon. 
Then the sensations all hit you.
Wow, okay the drunkenness and hangover is gone? I feel good? I feel alive, I feel the cool late autumn air? I feel feelings; feelings I’ve never felt before? You were light as a mother fuckin’ feather and astounded as all burning hell. You were openly experiencing so many intense emotions, something that hasn’t happened in so many years. 
At that moment your mouth and his gawk right open at the exact same time, not that the two of you noticed. Without any volition, your eyes immediately drown in the other. Okay, he’s actual artwork? He was dressed so cute like he was ready to take some cute aesthetic photos for a dumb little blog. Oh god, he smells like a cup of tea in the forest after it rained?! That’s so specific- but. He smells so lovely. 
His hair was pure angelic fluff and his skin was a light, silky caramel. You watched before your tired, dry eyes, the caramel in his cheeks rise into the purest shade of pink and his eyes widening into adorable little saucers. When they met yours, they were sparklier than any ring on any finger; you swear to god herself, you felt electricity crackle in your veins like wood to the fire.  Your eyes couldn’t pull away, you felt like a giddy little kid again. Whirling with excitement and curiosity as you looked at him all bundled up for the late fall weather. Your heart began to sing, sing triumphantly as if you broke some sort of curse- 
Wait, hold up. 
Hold the fuck up. 
I think he’s my soulmate?! But I can’t possibly have one-
That’s when your entire body began to heat up in question. None of this made sense to you. 
How is this possible? How is this fucking possible?! The only thing your brain seems to produce in reaction is unending, spiraling questions. For each and every one of them, whether rhetorical or not, you didn’t have a sensical explanation or possible answer. This didn’t make any sense, it went against everything you ever knew to be true. 
You couldn’t have a soulmate, your maternal lineage fucked that up for you, it was what you were born into without a choice. A perpetual heartbreak, something that started out as merely coincidental to grow into a family burden that carried on precariously. How can it be that for generations, the youngest daughter in the family never got to meet their soulmate until now, until you? You were on the brink of a fucking existential crisis. 
Seungmin seemed shocked as well, though leagues and leagues below the ballgame you’re dealing with right now. He looked shocked; appearing delightfully surprised. Shocked as if he wasn’t expecting to be surprised with a present on a random and unimportant Wednesday, not shocked as if he just broke a generations-long family streak. 
Before you can continue these heavy ass thoughts, Jisung blasts out an interruption yet again.
“Jisung, shut the fuck up.” To your surprise, it was Seungmin who interrupts ‘Jisung’ and not you, as he gets the rest of the way into the messy car. His put-together ass looks completely out of place in this shitty car, it made you try to hold in a smile as closes the door with barely restrained enthusiasm. 
Before he turns back, you force yourself to face forward and try to calm the hell down and calmly reassess the situation. 
Alright... You met your not plausible-soulmate, out of all places in time and space, in the car of a kinda-stranger who offered you a ride home in the early-ass morning after getting laid at a sorority party. 
Okay. Great. This is great.
You cleared your throat and tried to remain cool. “O-okay, awesome. Where ar-are we heading to first?” Okay, that wasn’t entirely cool but maybe you can blame it on literally everything else wrong with you in this situation. 
“I don’t know, man. I deadass wanna just skip practice altogether and-” Jisung was interrupted by the sound of a camera’s shutter. You instinctively whip your head around towards the sound, only to be met with Seungmin camera-handed. He has the fucking nerve to take two more in the time it took for you to whip around. 
“WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!?” Your voice ripped out of you, croaking out like an enraged toad. He then takes the final picture as you’re screeching at him. This just kept getting richer and richer. First, Jisung’s bullshit, then life-altering realizations that you broke some sort of generations long streak of not having a soulmate, and now your seemingly miraculous soulmate taking unexpected, embarrassing photographs of you in the worst state you’ve ever been in?
“Taking your picture.” He grinned with a shrug, no guilt or shame to be seen nor heard. You could not hold in squawks of disbelief. His pride and excitement seemed to only grow at your bewilderment, he had the nerve to do a precious ‘hehehe’, the kind that little kids do after they steal a cookie from the jar. 
“Give me that!” You sneer as you go to savagely rip it right out of his perfect hands. However, the two of you seemed to be matched in more ways than one; neither of you would budge, equally as strong as the other. 
“No way! You’ll delete them!!” 
“Yeah, exactly!! ‘No way in hell will I let you keep pictures of me like this!” 
“‘No fuckin’ way will I let you delete them!”
You gritted your teeth. “Then let me take pictures of you!!!” And then you can sneakily delete-
“Yeah and then you’ll delete yours.” How the fuck did he know-
“Seungmin, just give her the goddamn camera so I can drive and drop your hormonal asses off before coach murders me.” 
There was a raging fire in Seungmin’s eyes as he slowly and painfully let go of his forsaken camera so you could tentatively take it. Upon retrieving the camera your fingers accidentally grab unto Seungmin’s. Resulting in a little static shock zap, startling you and heating up your cheeks immediately with a jerk and a hiss. Seungmin reacted similarly, blinking like pink dust blew into his eyes to land on his cheeks. Your hand yanks it back towards you before you even realize it. Jisung was far too excited to watch this drama unfold right before his wide eyes. 
 If this was a normal day for you you’d jump to delete those humiliating pictures of yourself immediately, looking nothing short of the cheshire cat. But this was evidently not a normal day in any sense of the word, so, what you did was unlike you. You huffed out a breath to encourage yourself before slowly raising the camera to your dominant eye and focused the lense as best you could. 
At least I can photograph how irritatingly handsome he looks at this hour. 
You took the first picture, zooming in on his now grouchy, but still stupidly handsome face. Then you zoom out as far as possible, hoping to take in this entire scene in front of you, his angry posture in an adorably preppy outfit, this messy, disgusting car and how out of place he looks in it.
“Only two more.” Seungmin huffs with an eyeroll and by some divine power (perhaps the same divine power that made this odd miracle happen in the first place), you clicked fast enough to get some of that petty behavior visually documented. You pressed down twice, sadly that was your limit you agreed upon.
You didn’t even look at the pictures you took nor the ones Seungmin took so that you wouldn’t be tempted to delete them. It felt like you were committing a saintly act; as if simply taking his picture like you said you would, without deleting anything made you pure and free of sin. Perhaps this twisted reality of somehow defeating the ancestral odds had you feeling undeservingly self-righteous.
“You better not delete yours either.” You sneered once more, before jabbing the camera back into his sweatered chest. This time you were determined not to turn around again, you couldn’t risk him taking any more pictures. You also aren’t entirely sure you could handle seeing his stupid perfect face once more. This was an outrage and this was your way of protest. Also, an unspoken miracle, but enough of that.
You swiveled your head away from Jisung and Seungmin, fully leaning into the cool window and began to count the street lights and stop signs. As the grueling seconds ticked by the more concentrated you tried to be. Soon enough the concentration turned sleepy and before you knew it, you were knocked out. All your adrenaline fueled energy depleted.
All through your protest-turned-snooze, Seungmin couldn’t seem to keep his eyes off of you. He couldn’t help but find it endearing how you could be an absolute riot only to pass out three minutes later. It hurt how cute he found you, no matter how scandalous you seem to be. You seemed so genuinely shocked, it made him want to cry. And he’s also fairly certain that this isn’t new to you, you not only partied all night and regularly. And judging from the markings on your skin, you might’ve done a little bit more than party last night. In fact, it might’ve even enticed him, might’ve gotten him a little hot under the collar. It wasn’t an exaggeration to say that he already whipped and he hasn’t even caught your name.
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Headcanon: Big sis (hcs?) w/ Law, Smoker and Bartolomeo
(Honestly, I was a little lost while writing this. Also I didn't write Bartolomeo's part cause I kept deleting, re-writing and deleting again and nothing seems to work, sorry :(. Plus, this feels more like a scenario rather than a headcannon so I worte it like one, sorry again but I hope you enjoy this version anon-senpai!♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡)
•He smirks as soon as he sees his big sister's ship and Jolly Roger getting closer to their "meet-up".
•Her ship bears a flag with the traditional skull and crossbones, the skull is wearing a pair of thin, purple shades, a half hoodie with hearts on the end of it and red lipstick. On the end of the deck, waving at him the captain.
•She has a darker skin tone, short black hair than him and only has tattoos on her face. His sister sports a large black jacket that she wears like a cape, a dark blue shirt with a yellow heart in the center, a pair of black, long jeans with gray crosses and a white boots.
•"Took you long enough." He'd tell her as soon as they hug it out. And he wasn't kidding, he was very young when he took on the life of piracy and he expected his sister to do the same, just a little earlier than him.
•His ego is stroked a little, knowing that that it'll take a long time before she can reach his 500 million bellie bounty, but he doesn't say it to her face.
•He looks at her crew and does a critical analysis of each individual member. They're not as good as his but he knows that they can handle themselves since she chose them to join her.
•When he took her to his ship/submarine, she was immediately knocked down by a tackle/hug from Bepo, she laughs but holds him close, missing her "favorite teddy bear".
•During the tour, she finally noticed the theme of his jolly roger and she gets a little sentimental, having missed Corazon just as much as he does and they stayed in his private office, not allowing anyone to come in, and talk.
•"So, you finally did it, and by yourself no less?"
"N-No, as much as it hurts to admit this, I had help from Mugiwara-ya."
"Strawhat-ya? I thought you didn't like the kid..... don't tell me my wittle doctor got a crush?"
"I-It's not that! It's just that we came to a mutual agreement to stop Doflamingo, th-this'll only last until Kaido is stopped so don't get any ideas-ya!"
"I know, I know, I'm just messing with you-ya..... You know, the next time we meet up, it'll be on separate terms."
"...... I know."
"Well, may the best doctor win?"
"Of course-ya."
•It wasn't easy making this meetup, he had to make sure his den den wasn't being tracked in order to make this call, he had to come up with a terrible excuse to convince Tashigi to stay behind and train the new recruits.
•He wasn't happy when he made the call and he isn't happy now. Smoker tried his best to remove the scowl on his face when he her pirate flag of a skull and crossbones with 3 cigars on it's mouth.She smokes much more frequent than he does and he doesn't quite approve it since she doesn't have a devil fruit to help negate the "side effects" of their habits.
•The ship stops near the docks and out comes his sister and she has changed a lot since they last met. She let her hair grow, showing the white and light green locks shine in the sunlight. The captain sports a very muscular build like he does as shown through the half buttoned up shirt that shows off her six pack.
•Her clothing consists of a long light green coat that goes all the way down to her feet, a short sleeved button up shirt that, like Smoker, isn't completely buttoned up, blue jeans and brown shoes.
•There was a long, awkward silence as soon as they're in front of each other. Neither says anything until she opens up her arms, not knowing what to do. He stares at her and sighs, but hugs her anyway.
•"How's it been Smoky?"
"Well my day was going fine until I found out that my PIRATE sister was causing trouble in the Grand Line."
"Oh I'm fine."
"That's not what I'm worried about."
•They chatted for a while, her crew waiting inside the ship. She was impressed, to see her cute little brother become a vice admiral of all things. She's rather proud, knowing all the training paid off.
•The rest of the day consists of uncomfortable silence while one of them tries to start a conversation and leading to his sister introducing him, which much resistance from his side, to her crew and he only stares at them, judging and wondering how they ended up this way.
•Soon she was giving him a tour of her ship until out of nowhere, Smoker suggests that they talk privately.
•"Okay, so what did you want to--"
"Why what?"
"Why a pirate?"
"Ugh, not this again--"
"Please, just tell me, why a pirate?"
"..... The strict life of a Marine was never my thing, I wanted to know what the world offered."
"While breaking the law?"
"Hey! You know that traveling isn't cheap, getting your own ship is much easier."
"But why become a pirate then? Wouldn't it have been easier to just have a ship a travel?"
"Smoker! You and I both now that no matter what I could've done, the Marines would have still considered me a pirate!"
"I'm sorry but I don't regret doing this, this is the life I wanted."
"I know.... I just don't want you to get caught."
"Don't worry about me, Smoky. You know it'll take a lot to put me down."
"I'm aware, but.... just to be sure, could you try being a shichibukai?"
"Hmmm, I'll think about it."
"That's all I ask.... please stay safe."
"I will."
•They part ways soon after and he returns to his crew, he is at least satisfied to know that she isn't like the other pirates, but she's still a pirate no less. All he hopes is that she makes the right choice.
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elvendara · 7 years
Duuuuuuuuude your story of MC going through a divorce and ending up Saeyoung is so beautiful! You should make a whole story based on that like Saeyoung's reaction when Jun wanted him to go to the school event and how Saeyoung actually figured out he was in love with MC. (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))♡
Sorrythis took so long. I was busy with Yooranweek and….another week that Iparticipated in :)
But Iloved this idea, and decided to go through the same time frame and events fromSaeyoung’s POV.
A young brunette walked in with atoddler who giggles at the silly jingle overhead. Saeyoung smiled, how couldyou argue with the laughter of a child? The boy ran to the shelves andimmediately grabbed a cubed toy and it lit up at his touch. His mom tried toget him to put it back, her voice frightful, he’d heard that tone many timesfrom parents who had  never been in hisshop.
He walked down the aisle, setting thefinished toy on a higher shelf. “That’s ok, these toys are made to be playedwith.” He informed her as he tried to wipe his hands on his apron.
He walked towards them and knelt by theboy. He wanted to show him what else the cube could do. His cubby face lit upwhen Saeyoung showed him the secret buttons that opened up panels and hegiggled as he closed them, waiting for him to open them again. Saeyoung sharedhis laughter. He glanced at the boy’s mother and she had a strange look in hereyes, as if it was a surprise to see her son so happy. He blushed at theintimate emotion he witnessed from her. He gave the cube back to the boy andstood, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. It was a habit he had picked upfrom Saeran, and he hated that it made his emotions so readily clear.
“Ifyou need anything, let me know, feel free to let him play as long as he wants,there’s a reason the toys aren’t packaged.” Saeyoung let her know,intending to leave them to browse.
“Whatif someone breaks them.” She asked fearfully.
Saeyoung laughed, everyone eventuallyasked something like it. “No worries,it takes a lot to break them, plus, I’m pretty good at fixing just aboutanything. Anyway, I don’t sell them to make a profit, I just like seeing kidshappy.”
“Oh.”She said. Saeyoung wanted to make sure she didn’t feel as if her son mightbreak something expensive she would have to pay for. Honestly, he lost money withthe toy shop, but he had plenty of money. He really just enjoyed doingsomething with his hands that brought joy to people, not pain. He blushed againand turned before he could make a bigger fool of himself. He watched them,wondering why she looked so sad.
He could feel her watching him. Thinking he wasstill asleep. She did that often, he was sure the same doubts ran through hermind. He knew that first meeting had been important to him. But he told himselfit didn’t matter. He’d noticed the ring on her finger and knew she was married.Whether she was happy or not, was none of his business. He did find the kidcute, so before they left, he let her know about the workshop he held duringthe week. He knew it was selfish, but he had wanted to see them again.
MCintroduced him to her almost ex-husband. Saeyoung could tell right away why shewas leaving him. He was an asshole and when he had disrespected his brother andYoosung, Saeyoung had dropped his nice guy mask and dragged him outside, awayfrom the kids and the parents. He felt Saeran right behind him. Once they wereoutside Saeran pushed past Saeyoung and grabbed the man by the neck and slammedhim against the wall.
“Wantto call me faggot to my face?”
“Getthe fuck off me! I’ll call the cops!” Meko threatened, but he looked terrifiedof what Saweran would do. Saeyung had been ready to intimidate the man, but,Saeran was doing better than he ever could. If there was one thing that pissedSaeran off more than anything else, was someone saying or doing anything tohurt Yoosung. And god help him had he layed a finger on Jun. Saeyoung leanedagainst the building, next to Meko as Saeran squeezed the man’s throat.
“Goahead! Where’s your phone?” Saeran reached around behind the man and patted hisback pocket. Meko squeaked at the touch. Saeran grabbed his phone and thrust itat him.
“It’s911! Give them my name, I don’t mind going back to prison!”
Saeyoungguffawed. “Maybe Yoosung might care.”
“He’llunderstand.” Saeran stated.
Mekoglanced towards Saeyoung and pleaded with his eyes, his voicebox was beingcrushed at the moment.
“Oh,I’d help you. But, my brother has a thing about people disrespecting hishusband. I mean, if it was just him, he wouldn’t give a shit, but, with hishusband in there, and the kids, you see how it’s completely out of my hands!”Saeyoung spread his hands out and shrugged.
Mekotried to swipe at Saeran, but he wasn’t strong enough. Saeran might look lean,but it was mostly muscle, and he worked out a lot, he found it helped with hisanxiety.
“Badidea, you’re just making him mad. Why don’t we do this. I’ll get him to let yougo and we will go back inside, while you get the fuck out of our sight and stayas far away from us as you can get. Also, don’t be a douche to your wife andson.” Saeyoung stepped up to the man and was less than an inch from his face.
“Ican hack into your life and ruin you forever. I can make it look like youcommitted a crime and it would never trace back to me. I can send you to jailfor the rest of your life. So, do me a favor, act like a fucking man and adecent father! Or leave them the hell alone.” He turned and walked away. Mekobegan to gurgle and clutch at Saeran’s arm.
“Lethim go Saeran.”
“Heneeds to apologize!”
“Thatpiece of shit doesn’t deserve to talk to Yoosung.”
Saeransmirked and dropped Meko. “You’re right.” They walked back into the store andresumed their workshop.
MC had never asked him what had happened while theyhad taken Meko out. He would have told her the truth had she wanted to know. Thatnight he’d looked up Meko Hun and attached several worms to collectinformation, if he ever needed it, it would be there. He had not been bluffing,Saeyoung was ready to send the man to jail to keep him away from MC and Jun. Hehad told himself it was something he would do for anyone who needed his help,except, he had found himself wanted to do it whether he needed to or not. He hadto restrain himself. MC was not a damsel in distress and he was not a whiteknight. But he could not help thinking about her constantly. She was always onhis mind and he found himself creating toys that he knew Jun would go crazyover. They spent a lot of time in his shop, as she went through her divorce,she told him that it was the one place where Jun acted his age and playedwithout any hesitation or fear. MC and Jun became familiar faces in the store,becoming friends with even Saeran and Yoosung. Saeran would tease Saeyoungabout her, but he never pressed her for a relationship, he knew that she wastoo raw from the last one.
The doorchime began to play and Saeran groaned, rolling his eyes. Yoosung sat on thecounter and giggled at his irritation. Saeran pushed at him but Yoosung grabbedhim and kissed him, making Saeran groan in a completelty different way.
“Heyyou two! Kids come in here!” Saeyoung teased.
MCwalked up to the counter and Jun ran to Saeyoung, throwing himself on thered-head. Saeyoung laughed and picked him up, tossing him in the air andcatching him, sitting him on the counter next to Yoosung. Yoosung ruffled hishair, “Hey Jun, when you gonna start working? Make some money?”
Junpushed Yoosung’s hand away and giggled. “I too wittle!”
“Little?What? I was working at your age!” Yoosung told him.
Jun’seyes grew wide and the adults all laughed.
“Imade you something Jun, wanna see it?” Saeyoung asked. Jun nodded excitedly andsucked on his fingers.
Saeyuongreached under the counter and pulled out a metal train engine car.
“Wow!”MC had told Saeyoung how crazy Jun was about trains. He handed the train to Junand picked him up, setting him on the floor. He took the train back and put itdown, with the push of a button, it began to roll, slowly, but it gave outlittle puffs of smoke and pushing another button, it blared its horn. Juncrawled behind it, pressing all the buttons, which did different things.
MClaughed and thanked Saeyoung. She was blushing as she reached into her bag,without a word, she handed Saeyoung an envelope and one to Yoosung.
“What’sthis?” Saeyoung asked.
“They’reinvitations, for Jun’s school’s Winter Escapade. The teacher asked him who hewanted to invite, and, he wanted to invite you.” MC stared at the floor, as theyopened the invitations. They smiled at Jun’s attempt to write their names.Saeran and Yoosung descended on the boy. Saeyoung’s hands trembled. Why wasthis silly invitation affecting him this way? He looked up at MC and his heartskipped a beat. He wanted to take her in his arms, but he resisted, he alwaysresisted.
MC had told him later that when she had receivedthe invitations to give to him and Saeran and Yoosung, she had realized howimportant they had all become to her and Jun. Most importantly, it was when sherealized that she was in love with him. It still made his insides warm when hethought about it. He had been so scared to make a move, but in the end it hadbeen MC who had asked him out. And today marked their 8th yearanniversary. They had three beautiful children who were spoiled rotten and heloved it! He loved her, he wanted to take care of her, he wanted to protecther, he wanted her to be happy. He hated that she still felt insecure in theirrelationship, he hated the man who had made her feel that way, So each day hemade sure to make her feel the way she should feel. Loved, wanted, cherished,respected. It was easy, because he felt that way about her each and every day.
He could no longer keep up the appearance of sleepand his lip curled into a smirk. “How long are you going to stare at me beforeyou come over here and kiss me Mrs. Choi?” MC giggled and scooted his way.Saeyoung opened his eyes and devoured her beautiful face. How had he gotten solucky? She was the best part of his life. He wasn’t worthy of such a wonderfulgift, but he was thankful to have it, and he would never let it go.
“Happy Anniversary my love.” She received hispassionate kiss and responded with her own passion, their tongues exploringeach other, hands caressing flesh.
Unfortunately, before they could really get startedon celebrating their anniversary the door burst open and the kids came in withbreakfast. Saeran and Yoosung in tow. Saeyoung wondered if it was karma fromall the times he had interrupted Saeran and Yoosung with one of his stupidpranks. He shook his head, but he wasn’t upset, or angry. This was his lifenow. This was his family. A family he never thought he would be able to have. Heloved the smiles on his children, loved knowing that he was making them happy,making MC happy. He watched her eat, watched the kids giggling and proud oftheir accomplishments. And he closed his eyes, sending a small prayer up toheaven. “Thank you, God, for all the blessings you have allowed me to have.Amen.”
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nerdyfangirl57 · 7 years
The Grumpy Hufflepuff
Written for Sterek Bingo 2017 (On AO3)
Summary: Laura hid Derek’s scarf. It’s snowing. Hogwarts has never seen such an angry Hufflepuff walk through it’s corridors.
Derek was going to kill Laura.
She knows how much he hates the cold and yet she decides to be the biggest jerk to ever live and hide his scarf when she knew it was going to snow the next day.
So, yeah, it’s no wonder that Derek feels more pissed off than usual which seems to have scared the hell out of some first years in his house this morning when he woke up.
Derek still doesn’t understand why people are so shocked when they realize he’s a Hufflepuff, it’s not like being cheerful and happy all the time is a requirement to get sorted into Hufflepuff, just because he’s not smiling 24/7 doesn’t mean he’s any less of a Hufflepuff.
He just doesn’t like people.
Especially Laura. She’s the worst.
When Derek arrived to his potions class he was in a particularly bad mood after having to get snow out of his eyebrows, so to make matters even worse, Stiles thought it would be a good idea to sit next to Derek today.
It’s not like the thought of Stiles sitting next to him in potions upset Derek, he always enjoys when the talkative Slytherin spends time with him.
They’ve had at least one class together since they were 1st years and Derek would be lying if he said he didn’t find the Slytherin utterly adorable with his constant chatter and spastic flailing accompanied by dazzling whiskey colored eyes and a mischievous smirk that does not make Derek’s heart pound whenever he sees it.
Not that the Hufflepuff would ever let anyone know of his feelings for Stiles. It would be a complete disaster if Laura ever found out about his little crush on the Slytherin, besides, it’s not like Stiles would ever return his feelings.
Surely the young wizard was just talking to Derek during some of the classes they had together out of pity.
“Hey sourwolf! Congrats on looking grumpier than usual, I didn’t think that was possible.” Stiles joked with a carefree smile on his face.
Derek’s face stayed blank. “It’s cold.”
“Well you’re bundled up pretty nicely. The only thing missing is a scarf to complete the ‘I hate winter’ look you’re clearly going for.”
“Laura hid my scarf.” The Hufflepuff grumbled.
Stiles blinks for a moment. “Why would she do that?”
Derek scowls at the thought of his older sister. “She’s mean.”
Stiles loses it as he starts laughing hysterically in the middle of class until he is driven to the point of tears.
Derek doesn’t really understand what was so funny but he finds it impossible to resist the urge to smile when Stiles is laughing so gleefully right beside him.
When class ended and it was time to leave to their other scheduled class Derek couldn’t help but scowl at the snow outside. It was somehow colder than it was in the morning and Derek did not appreciate it.
It should be illegal to hide someone’s scarf.
He’s so focused on trying to make the snow melt under his intense gaze that he doesn’t even notice Stiles coming from behind him until the young wizard is wrapping something around his neck.
Derek looks down to find a Slytherin scarf wrapped cozily around his very cold neck and turns back only to come face to face with a smiling Stiles.
“Since you seem so upset about your scarf I figured you could use mine as a substitute.” The Slytherin gives him a brief once over. “Green is a good color on you actually. It brings out your eyes.”
And with that the speckled beauty walked down the corridor to his next class, leaving a speechless Derek in his wake.
If the Hufflepuff spent the rest of the day with his nose buried in the soft fabric of the scarf just to keep smelling the scent of Stiles that lingered, it was nobody’s business but his own.
Within him taking only a handful of steps into the dining hall Laura was plastered by his side with an all too knowing gleam in her eyes.
He should have known better than to walk in with a Slytherin scarf around his neck.
“So,” she said, going for innocent but missing by a mile, “where’d you get that scarf Der-bear?”
Derek shrugged. “Someone.”
The Gryffindor hummed. “And does this someone have a name?”
“Not one I’d ever tell you.”
Laura smirked. “It’s Stilinski’s isn’t it.”
Derek didn’t say anything. No matter what he said Laura would use it as ammunition.
Her smirk only grew as his silence dragged on. “You’re adorable you know? Acting all big and bad when you’re really nothing but a big teddy bear crushing on the Slytherin Prince.”
The Hufflepuff scowled and ignored her for the rest of the day. She reached new levels of annoying to try to get his attention but Derek persevered and managed to refrain from acknowledging her existence.
The next day he went up to Stiles with the intention of returning his scarf even though Derek wanted to keep it more than anything. Stiles just let him borrow it yesterday because he was complaining during class about it being cold, he probably wants his scarf back now that Derek found his.
The Slytherin smiled when he caught sight of Derek. “Hi sourwolf! To what do I owe this pleasure?”
Derek tried not to stare at the dazzling smile on the other wizard’s face for too long. “Here.” Derek said while thrusting the Slytherin scarf into Stiles’ face.
The young wizard scrunched up his face in confusion. “Dude, you can keep it. I wasn’t expecting you to give it back.”
“But it’s your only scarf.”
Stiles simply shrugged. “I can always get another one.”
Before Derek knew what he was doing, he found himself taking off his own scarf and wrapping it around Stiles.
“Then keep mine.”
The Slytherin blinked, looking at a complete loss, before a light blush dusted his cheeks and a shy smile tugged on his lips.
Derek was surprised the other boy didn’t just tell him no and give the scarf back to him, instead, Stiles ducked his head and mumbled a small ‘thank you’ under his breath.
The Hufflepuff felt the tips of his ears burn at the sight before him before allowing a faint ‘you’re welcome’ to slip his lips as he left to take his seat.
Him and Stiles wear each other’s scarves every day after that. They never talk about it and everything between them seems to have gone back to normal with the exception of a few more hidden glances added into the mix.
The one thing that has changed has been the way the other students perceive them. Apparently everyone thinks they’re dating now and it annoys Derek to no end.
Not because he doesn’t want to date Stiles but because of how adorable everyone thinks it is.
People just can’t stop talking about how the cute Hufflepuff that glares at everyone and looks like he’s constantly contemplating murder got with the trickster Slytherin that talks to much and knows how to best piss off every member of the Hogwarts staff without ever actually getting in trouble.
Derek isn’t cute okay? He just isn’t. If anyone is cute in their so called relationship it’s Stiles.
The Slytherin casts the Serpensortia Spell just to play with the little snakes he creates and calls them his ‘wittle sneks’ and if that isn’t the definition of adorable Derek doesn’t know what is.
It’s a few days later when Stiles sits next to him in potions again.
“I’m so sorry.”
Derek blinks. Stiles has never apologized for sitting next to him before, he just, did it.
“For what?” The Hufflepuff inquires.
Stiles’ face turns red. “People have been… well I guess… Okay so there’s a rumor going around that we’re together and everyone believes it.”
Derek rolls his eyes. “I know that.”
“I swear I didn’t- wait… you know?”
The wizard simply nods.
Stiles blinked owlishly. “And you’re not upset by this?”
“No.” Derek stated. “Uh, are you?”
“What? No of course not! If anything I just wish it wasn’t just a rumor.”
Stiles seemed to have realized what came out of his mouth because he flails so hard he almost slaps Derek in the face and his mouth falls open as if he wants to say something but can’t finding the right words.
“Bloody hell! I didn’t mean that- well, I did mean that but I know you don’t want to do anything of the sort with me and that’s completely okay! I just let my mouth get away from me, you know, dysfunctional brain-to-mouth filter and all that. You can forget I said any of that, in fact, I’ll forget I said any of that. Now it’s forgotten, see? It’s so forgotten I don’t even know what we’re talking about right now. Hi Derek how are you? Do you remember what we were talking about just now? Because I sure as hell don’t.”
The Hufflepuff couldn’t help it, he laughed, causing Stiles’ lips to turn downward in a slight pout that should not be as adorable as Derek thinks it is.
“I’m sorry,” Derek says in between soft chuckles, “it’s just I’ve never seen you so flustered before. It’s cute.”
“Cute?” The Slytherin asks, looking dumbfounded. “I am a Slytherin, I am not cute. I’m offended you would even think that.”
Derek shrugs. “I’ve always thought you were cute.”
Oh no.
Stiles looks up at him at that, blinking continuously as if making sure he was actually experiencing this. “You… you think I’m cute?”
Derek is about to take it back, say he didn’t mean it like that, but then he looks at Stiles and finds huge whiskey colored eyes staring back at him with wonder and what appears to be hope shinning inside them.
The Hufflepuff finds himself nodding slowly, his face heating up the longer those gorgeous eyes look at him, and can’t help the way his heart skips a beat when a brilliant smile lights up Stiles’ face.
A moment passes before the Slytherin whispers, “I think you’re cute too.”
Derek wishes he could say his smile was as blinding as Stiles’ but it was small and shy, nothing more than a slight tug of lips.
Stiles didn’t seem to mind though, his smile widen more, which Derek could have sworn was impossible.
“So, uh,” Stiles starts nervously, “you want to, maybe, go on a date sometime?”
“Yeah, yeah I’d… I’d like that.”
Maybe he should be embarrassed by how breathless his voice sounded in that moment but Derek couldn’t care less, not when Stiles is looking at him like he’s the most amazing thing in the world.
After a moment of hesitation, Derek holds his hand out to Stiles, butterflies swarming his stomach when the Slytherin interlaced their fingers together and let Derek lead them down the corridor.
When the wind picked up Stiles huddled closer to Derek until the Slytherin was nearly glued to the other wizard’s side.
Maybe the cold wasn’t as bad as Derek originally thought.
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