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Newton B. Drury Scenic Parkway Orick, CA NY -> CA (and back), 2021
Contact ©morningcallsphotography
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newsbrand · 13 days
Tupac Shakur (1971 - 1996)
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ruggedneversmooth · 5 months
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runs-4-pinkcupcakes · 2 years
I love the rain. Any reason to wear my boots. 💋
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today i learned that purple roses are my favorite
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thebasswizzard · 2 years
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Drifting.... watching the world go round ✨
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vudue · 1 year
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swordsintheforest · 2 years
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Cool mushrooms seen after damp weather.
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newsbrand · 2 months
Richie Rich broke his leg during his performance and still kept freestyling at Larussell's Backyard show in the Bay Area Oakland
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confrontthefamiliar · 5 months
New moon in Taurus: the return to the west
By the new moon in Taurus I was still waiting on myself to go back to finish the last two posts for the full moon in Scorpio and the eclipse in Aries.
The day of the new moon I was hungover but with friends, each one of them heartbroken, each one of them dumped the previous week or so.
I told them I felt better than ever, having been single so long, nearly three years solidly, except for the last three or four flings, that were definitely real relationships but also not.
So maybe it hasn’t really been a year even. I guess technically it has been a winter and a spring. But I was also single last winter and spring. Just had someone close to me. I haven’t had anyone that close to me for a winter and a spring.
There was a fall, a winter, and a spring I was alone before. Singlehood fascinates me. Something I never aspired towards exactly. But something that feels really good right now. I feel better than ever.
But the day of the new moon I felt sick from drinking and boating and boarding the afternoon and night before. All that coors and tequila and whiskey. I saw Truth before I left the west side and told him I was boating. He said, “well that’s because you’re local!”
I spent the eve of the new moon fingering my friend’s old map of California before the 80 got built. He showed me the pieces of his airbnb which were pieces of Nevada City in animals and photography and books and art.
I went down to the west side this time knowing I was looking at what would happen to me that would tell me more about how I was going to get back down there. How I was going to get back to the place I was pulled out of, that I fled, that I left.
When we went to the grocery store to get provisions for the boat I felt the culture of Nevada County, the west side of it in that moment and the east side of it in spirit and thought how you really never need to travel anywhere to see the culture. This was lake people red neck hippie culture and I sang Tyler Childer’s, “Lord it’s a mighty hard livin’ But a damn good feeling to run these roads,” on the drive home.
I got pulled along on the boat because I ran into an old friend who suggested we live together who brought me to look at a house then out to lunch with friends. And then we were all out there on the water and wake boarding and swimming, things I need to get by and feel alive. I live in an adventure place. I have my climbing and boarding.
And then we were talking about our heritage and I remembered that I wanted to know why exactly they built the 80 and what every crevice of our land was and meant and how these towns got built up and who was who and what was what about a community.
The east side of Nevada County is richer, and Easter. The west side is more red neck and agricultural.
Something new for the new moon. I had this thought last night, the night after the new moon. Why do I keep imagining this couple as suffering? Why not visualize them in the best light possible?
I struggled with romantic relationships badly last year and I wondered why it always went downhill. At 31 my solar return was libran! The air sign of Venus! But that was just the main theme. It didn’t determine the outcome. Astrology never determines the outcome. It is up to us, always. It helps to shed light on what is happening in terms of the narrative… this new moon showed a mars conjuncting my natal moon, a lot happening in my second house, opposite my natal pluto.. A year ago I was so worse off. Now I am doing really well. I am in the right place. I just have to find a new place. A return to the west.
And for my transformation now, now that the sun is opposite my Pluto, I ask to shed the jealousy I suppose I am feeling for the relationship he chose over ours. I am good at transmuting jealousy, I’ve already called in so much of what she had into my own life. I suppose I am confounded that she would even choose him. And this is a pattern of mine, of feeling more fascinated by the previous woman or the post woman than the man himself. As a year has now passed since I first walked away, let this be a crescendo of release, of transformation, of healing.
As romantic options continue to blossom up in my path may I find good lasting friendships along the way. May I attract a man one day who will bring me pleasure, wisdom, and strength so that together, we can help to lift up this world into an era of peace and love.
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icedoutfourtwenty · 5 months
drink smoke fuck
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wranalla · 5 months
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Starting a new series 314pm.com #314studios #fineart #gallery
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kvvvnjamz · 10 months
I came to kinda a shitty realization last night.
All my life there has been 2 places I really wanted to live, in the fantasy reality I would live my younger years in San Francisco and later years or whenever I just decided to live more peacefully would move to some small central or northern coastal town in CA. I long since have given up on SF, it's been so expensive most of my adult life and quite honestly has changed so much from the city I fell in love with and would visit. Not because of the shit they talk about on the news, but the underlying issue they choose to ignore of gentrification and techies obliterating the culture of the city that makes it such a wonderful place. Sure it's visually stunning as it will FOREVER be, even if the big one finally hits and knocks everything to rubble, but the vibrant culture is on life support. I will say it's beautiful to see, from afar now unfortunately, that there are people from The City really hanging on against all odds and by any means necessary. Unfortunately unless something drastically changes in my personal life, my bankroll is not long enough to be a part of that place. Kinda went on a tangent there, but I had this same realization about what has been my dream as I've gotten older of living in small coastal town. I was just sitting on the couch and realized that will never happen and if anything I'll more than likely be forced to move even further east away from home due to rising cost of living. It's always been something in the back of my mind I have said "this is only temporary, I'll be there one day." Now I see it for what it is, another impossibility. I'm destined to stay stuck in the city I am in, one that I only live in because my car broke down here on my way back to California and had no real other choice but to just figure something out here. Rent's doubled here since then and same goes for the places I want to go. I miss those waves, the sea air, and all that. I just want that to some capacity in my life. The only place my mind has ever truly felt at peace is when I am among the crashing of waves feeling how truly small I am on this earth looking out on the vast seemingly infinite sea. No drug, no movie, no words, or anything else have ever made me feel as okay as watching that fog roll in. I am not a religious person, but that to me is heaven and it lives as this little place in my mind that I latch on to for any sense of hope. So snapping out of that and basically crushing it casually at 9pm on a Friday while I'm watching Youtube is kind of fucking me up. I hope I can shake that, cuz it's the one thing no matter how delusional and poorly planned it is that one little thing I can grasp on to. I'm yapping here, and this is probably some real 1st world probs type shit but also just a sign of the real lack of mobility we have in this life.
Just wanted to put that down into words so I could express it.
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sapphos-daydreams · 2 years
Its snowing at my house and I hope it sticks cause we only get snow like once every ten years
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cringefail-clown · 9 months
I think you should make Gamzee the manager but no one knows thats his role until one day Calliope mentions it and they're like "wait what? We have a manager?" because he tends to just be in the back taking care of the pastries/food
that is terrible i love it im doing it
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Carly Thinfen & Kaitlyn Tom got into Juilliard!!! 🤩
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