Tilikum, Chapter 12
Skull wants to give you something. Something you won't be able to stop thinking about.
(It's Skull's turn to impress~)
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the-grin--reaper · 11 days
My very brief thoughts on the books + ranking worst to best
In twelfth is Soulsmith. I know Lindon is a rookie sacred artist, and this is a whole new world for him but this is the only book where I got genuine second hand embarrassment. It was good on the first read but I hate rereading it. Has some really good moments and introduces Eithan and Gesha so I'll cut it some slack. And not only does it introduce Eithan, his moments are also sooo good.
(Although I think Soulsmith is the worst book, I still like it - there is no Cradle book I dislike. And it has the weirdest bloopers out of all of them lmao)
11: Skysworn. Ending felt kind of abrupt. Eithan breaking in with the others was hilarious. And the Eithan vs Longhook fight. Lindon loses an arm (because of Eithan) and then gets called a weapon to his face (also by Eithan). All Cops Are Bastards - also assholes. Mercy's here!
In tenth is Blackflame. I like Blackflame, it just isn't as good as the others. Yerin and Lindon bonding <3 Lindon getting arrested in the last chapter was hilarious
9: Unsouled. People think Unsouled is weak but it's NOT it's really good. Lindon has some really good lines: "I'm listening, not meditating on boyhood trauma." "They say even a dog remembers a beating." Etc.. The disrespect Lindon treats Deret with was CRAZY tho.
Overall, arc 1 is my bottom 4 but that's just because this is Lindon warming up a lil
8 is Uncrowed. I don't like tournaments sorry. All the stuff before the tournament with the training is the only reason it's not bottom four. The whole Lindon v. Pride thing is hilarious though
7: Ghostwater. I know this one is usually ranked higher but I actually didn't like it allllll that much. Ziel was introduced! Lindon gets knocked out by fish meat, the cops get dunked on, etc. But eh.
In number six is Underlord! The fucking cannons aiahdosjs. Eithan is soooooo funny in this one ("Don't let it be said I stop my students from making the wrong decisions") I absolutely adored this book!! Charity and Dross were also really funny in this one. "You came looking for me" "If you face Wei Shi Lindon before underlord you will surely die." Ugh, it's so good. Plus Orthos teaching Lindon that it's okay to cry !!
In fifth is Reaper. Lindon sits on a throne!!!!! I really liked the beginning and the Ozriel reveal was really cool. Plus all the Eithan and Lindon bonding!!!!! Lindon breaking a table when he spoke with his dad was insanely funny - guy has anger issues. Also Orthos literally going "who's Lindon" to Redmoon as if it isn't well known that he is Lindon's contract partner was 💀💀
Fourth is Dreadgod. So many heists! Cunty Lindon ("Apologies but this looks like my land")!! Emriss is SUCH an icon. Lindon and Shen's confrontation! Emriss blatantly lying to the other monarchs. LARIAN!!!!! Plus Malice trolling Lindon and Justice wanting to just die because Malice is making him fuck with a really powerful Sage.
Now for the podium:
In third is Waybound. I love action and this one is FULL of fights. The Monarchs being assholes to each other gave me life. Also the Bleeding Pheonix calling Lindon "brother"!!!! Shen getting continually dunked on was so funny and Emriss and Cladia were EPIC! Plus Calling Storm DIES. Also Lindon's reunion with Eithan <3333333 (If you haven't already noticed, they are my fav duo)
Second place is Bloodline. This one is quite unpopular but I ADORE it! Lindon beating the shit out of Daji was GREAT!! Lindon's homecoming (GONE WRONG). ORTHOS AND LINDON REUNITE! KELSA AND LINDON REUNITE. Eithan trolls Jai Long and murders Rahm. There are so many good scenes. And Lindon's "walk"???
And, unsurprisingly, number one is Wintersteel. POINTS. RUBY! Pride and Eithan bet on whether Lindon is going to die 💀💀. Lindon ACCIDENTALLY becomes a Sage. The hunger arm is finally getting put to good use! There's a reason it's a fan fave.
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naffeclipse · 2 years
Shit this is almost 2 pages shjavsns I def failed at summarizing this I'm so srry shjsvsjsvsbs you don't have to read it tho shsjvsnsvsbsvsbssvbsvsbs
But okay, first, for context, I guess you have seen my oc before? But here's normal Polar
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They were basically in the role of the Y/N before they were killed by Vanny (wrong place wrong time) and ended up accidentally and unknowingly possesing an animatronic and losing most of their memory
So I kinda tried to adapt their story/situation to the Sleuth Jester's universe
This was back when Time to Bow was the latest chapter released I think? So I mainly thought up to that point hsjsvsjsv but basically, first, they needed to know Sun and Moon beforehand, so started looking for roles they could have worked on alongside them, trying to avoid detective bc variety is more fun, but bc of the time and a lot of positions being condensed in like only one or two still landed on that lmao, so ex-detective (yeah I did research for this don't look at me SHJSSVSKCDNSVSNSVSSJ) (also that's it, that's the doodle, their design as a human for this au, that's the only decent one I'm srry Naff shsjscsnscsjshjsbs I was thinking of doing more since you wanted to see but I'm still not sure of their design so A) But yeah, as a human, they would have been a detective, ocassionally working together with Sun and Moon, the three of them eventually becoming good friends
Here sgsjvsjssvsns the real thing I'm giving you is the info bc hsjssvsbsbsvnsvssbvs
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Anyway, their inevitable death should have come from the inside, soo what I was thinking was that, again being in the wrong place at the wrong time, probs with their guard down, they happen to catch one of the corrupt cops doing smth incriminating and, having been spotted, are taken out before they can actually do smth
Nnot sure if their cause of death would have been faked or what (I guess???), but their body is found and they are pronounced dead. Sun and Moon finding out later
Now, wasn't sure how to go abt the whole possesing an animatronic body bit bc in the pizza plex it can happen a lot more easily than in this setting dvsjvdsj (and there's also their celestial design oops) but I basically thought of 3 possible scenarios: since Eclipse has parts just in case and has to get them from somewhere, was considering the possibility of an animatronic body being transported to extract them or even worse, going off of that one ask, a scenario in which he does plan on keeping y/n alive after they die and, actually finding out abt the ineffectiveness of scooping them beforehand, decides to get a body built for them. Polar's animatronic design is a celestial one, so since idk what eclipse would actually do in this scenario and I'd need to justify this anyway dvsjdvnsvd let's just say that in this case he decided to go with that to make it more likely for y/n to stay with him bc of the rarity of the parts or to match or some shit idk lol. Going with either of those would mean, however, that Polaris, by accidentaly possesing the body and escaping before it can get to Eclipse, stole smth from him (the scenario in which it was supposed to be y/n's future body making it muuuch worse and I bet personal, but in the other one they'd still have stolen a good bunch of valuable parts so dvksvdkd) and soo I bet he'd be after them.  Scenario number 3 and the most unlikely, is that maybe there just happened to be an animatronic body around there somewhere for some reason vssjsvsjsvs and a celestial one at that SHJAVSNSVSMVASNV yeahh I don't think so lol But anyway, like in the original version, they'd only remember bits and pieces from before they died, but in this case I think they might be able to put together that they at least had worked closely with the police at some point, aaand, even if they can't remember who or anything specific, that a cop tried to kill them (killed them but they don't know that vdjdvj) So, I'm guessing they'd end up going into hiding just to be safe and try to figure stuff out from there
Bc of their sense of justice and desire to help but distrust of the police, I think eventually they'd start stocking up on stolen medicine, parts & tools, and the like to be able to help (to the best of their abilities) those that need it but, for one reason or another, can't get help anywere else; after some time starting to be known by some as a safe space where one can get some medical help (and even some information and more particular supplies, but even less people would know abt that part ;) ) They probably thought abt more direct/hands on work, but decided against it to keep a low profile (specially if they actually stole from eclipse vdjdvdj)
Soo eventually they'd meet y/n through this and I imagine they'd become someone y/n might go to on ocassion
They'd probably wear smth to cover their face so their identity isn't as exposed, and here's where I got kinda stuck with the design, bc depending on the scenario it'd be how and how much it'd vary from their original one (for example, normal Polar's rays aren't retractable, so those would have to stay uncovered, but in this version they might be??? Idk) But anyway, I imagine at some point y/n might have gotten to see them without the mask or smth and, after finding out abt the rarity of parts like the celestial wire and seeing as Polar looks similar to the three celestial animatronics they know, I bet they would have gone to them before actually risking going to Eclipse, they wouldn't be able to provide them with it tho and y/n would still have to go to him (I'm... not even sure if they would know what that is vjdvdjdb it would be smart to, but idk how easy that information is to find?)
So basically, the main storyline would stay p much the same, they'd just be an added bonus lmao
I imagine y/n wouldn't mention Polar to the detectives? At least at first and not in any significant/traceable way, bc of the the way y/n works + the secrecy of it, but idk
In theory, at some point they'd find out abt eachother and eventually learn the truth abt Polar's identity, even thought they could also just not find out depending on how everything were to play out vsjdvsj idk but Polar would probably get a sense of trust and familiarity from them that contradicts the way they feel abt the police, being kinda ???? abt it
(In the scenario that the body was made for y/n, if Eclipse were to mention smth identifiable abt it, y/n could internally be like "wait, isn't that..." which could eventually lead to questions abt how they came to be if the body was in theory just that, a body)
And I'll just leave this here and scuttle under a rock ahjsvsjsvssncsnsvabs
Oh my gosh, I love them!! That's such a tragic tale but I find it very fitting for the Sleuth Jesters story!! Oh man, that would be so cool to have Polar and Y/N interacting, and even see Polar with the detectives!
This is just my two cents, but I really dig the animatronic body being meant for Y/N, commissioned by Eclipse but gets unwittingly taken by Polar!! I just find that super compelling and a story just lying in wait right there! Not to mention the lost memory!!
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kylos · 4 years
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i was asked to make some fic recs of stuff i’ve been reading since tros dropped but since tumblr has a glitch where i can’t add a “read more” cut in asks, i decided to make it a separate post because i have a LOT. all of them are rated E except for like, three lmao and they’re mostly modern au ones with some fix-its thrown in. i’ll put two of my favorites outside of a cut and the rest after it.
(won’t you let me) walk you home from school by somethingdifferent modern au. ongoing. ben and rey are co-workers at a private school. rey as a elementary school art teacher is SO CUTE. her and ben have a slow burn enemies to lovers situation going on and god, what can i say about this fic. one of THE BEST reylo fics i’ve ever read. incredibly in character. you know those fics that are so enthralling that they draw you in and you realize like 3 hours later that you’ve read the whole thing? this fic is one of those stories. it reels you in. and REY. i hate fics that are like, “she’s so plain and mousy and ordinary and lanky” like, NO. i love that this author characterizes her as the vibrant, sweet, radiant person she is. and ben’s deadpan humor in this is amazing. he’s got it so bad for rey but he’s such a self-sabotaging goof. just, god. i can’t stress enough how amazing of a fic this is. a must read. and if you love what we do in the shadows, read somethingdifferent’s cracky wwdits x reylo crossover oneshot - it’s hilarious
a place to go by delia-pavorum (literaryminded) modern au. bit of a slow burn. ben and rey are strangers and accidentally both end up at luke’s cabin during xmas vacation because luke, a fellow teacher at rey’s school lends it to her for the holiday and a certain grumpy tol nephew of his happens to drop by thinking it’s vacant. they get snowed in. [in bill hader’s stefan voice] this fic has everything: bed sharing, an enemies-to lovers dynamic, slow dancing to frank sinatra, snark, british!rey and ben finding her accent adorable, ben reading jane austen to a sick rey, smut, and fluff. another one of the best reylo fics i’ve ever read in the past 5 years i’ve been a shipper. it’s so well written and it made me cry with how moved i was by it. i stayed up all night reading all 8 chapters it was that good.
the man, the stallion, and the wind by voicedimplosives modern au. i love this fic so, so, so much. rey picks up a hitchhiking ben and they have to hang out in her trailer while the winter storm calms down. so fluffy and smutty i love it so much. their characterizations are perfect. definitely a fic that i’m gonna come back to read over and over again.
between two lives by neonheartbeat modern au. rey’s a model and her car breaks down in the middle of nowhere and she stays with mechanic ben solo while her car gets worked on. SUCH a good fic. the build up to their relationship is *chefs kiss* and the smuttttt. amazing. and i was not prepared for all the feels.
carve your name upon my heart by TourmalineGreen modern au and 3 chapters. one of the most unique fics i’ve ever read. it actually got me really emotional and i like, hardly ever cry reading fics. rey’s an artist that creates a sculpture (ben) that comes to life. such a beautiful fic, i absolutely adore it.
big dick problems by TourmalineGreen modern au. rey and ben are co-workers at a book store and ben being a kind of aloof person, rey thinks he hates her (she’s wrong ofc asdklfjsd). anyway one day at work she sees that he was browsing the r/bigdickproblems subreddit on his phone aaaand i won’t say more. seriously, go read this. it’s SUCH a good fic, ben & rey are so in character and it’s a good plot.. it’s one of those fics that i’m definitely gonna come back to re-read a bunch of times.
rebel side of heaven by jeeno2 modern au. ben and rey are friends, but i guess they’re more so acquaintances in the same friend group. ben’s a virgin and rey offers to teach him about sex but unbeknownst to her, ben’s got a massive crush on her 😏
tattooed heart by KyloTrashForever modern au. one of the best modern au fics i’ve ever read. i stayed up all night reading it, it was soooo good. just. the smut, the fluff. i can’t recommend it enough. the description: “ Rey Johnson has found herself down on her luck lately. A week long vacation to Hawaii for her best friend’s destination wedding should be just the thing she needs, only her day has been hell. Hell, her year has been hell. When the hot bartender with that fucking mouth makes her an enticing proposition, she finds herself unable to refuse. Besides, it isn’t as if she’ll ever see him again...”
sealed to me by glittergothh canonverse and takes place after tlj. this could serve as a tros fix it tbh because it’s like it’s own movie. i love the plot and ben & rey are so in character. the knights of ren actually play an integral part in this. love the finn/ben interactions.
love like ghosts by Yours_Truly_Commander_Shepard canonverse. my favorite tros fix-it fic so far. features the world between worlds, ezra, ahsoka, and anakin. rey goes back in time to save ben. and the scene where rey visits ben on mustafar 👀🔥 LORD. i LOVE this so much and it was just what i needed to read after the train wreck that was tros.
I've Got You, Babe by crossingwinter modern au. oneshot. a REALLY cute t-rated fic about ben taking care of rey after she gets the flu :’)
charcoal and petals by Hormonal_Trashbag modern au. a really sweet tattoo artist/flower shop worker fic that i really enjoyed! i’m a sucker for this trope because of abigeyedowl’s gorgeous tattoo-artist!ben and florist!rey art tbh
9 Pints by tigbit modern au. ben’s a vampire. oh my god this fic is amazing. it’s still ongoing but some of the best smut i’ve EVER read. a bit of a slow burn but man. it’s so good.
miles from where you are by Mooncactus modern au. i hardly EVER read anything under M but this has to be one of THE best reylo fics i’ve ever read. their characterizations, the slow burn, oh my god. it’s SO good and funny and fluffy. enemies to lovers perfection. the description: “After an argument over Star Wars fandom with a "gatekeeping, entitled monster" with the cryptic username of KyloRen, Rey finds herself stuck in a series of unavoidable video calls.”
saving mr. wanks by LovesBitca8 modern au. oneshot. rey catches ben in the act of uh, wanking off in the men’s restroom lmfaooo. it’s rare when a fic actually makes me like cry of laughter and this fic was hilarious. and the SMUT oh my god. so good.
auld lang syne by KyloTrashForever modern au. oneshot. ben and rey are roommates. ben keeps getting text messages from an unknown number with uh, explicit pictures and he eventually accuses rey of sending them to him ASLKDFJSD. i won’t say more because i don’t wanna spoil it but i love this fic sm.
bliss, balance and birth by crossingwinter canonverse. oneshot. ben teaches their daughter how to read. this is SO cute and just what i needed to read after tros.
gorgeous by Ever-so-reylo (Ever_So_Reylo) modern au. ben and rey are co-workers and they end up having to go on a company retreat. enemies to lovers perfection
caught in the headlights by jeeno2 modern au. twoshot. “Rey Johnson forgets to wear a bra to work. Fortunately, nobody notices. (Except for Ben Solo.)” 😏
transference by fear_of_being_bitten modern au. ongoing. rey is ben’s psychologist so this is definitely a taboo fic but GOD the tension between them is like no other fic i’ve read. ben’s an asshole with this air of bravado about him because he’s trying to cover up his insecurities and rey is having none of his shit no matter how much he tries to push her buttons. it’s so well written and another one of the best reylo fics i’ve read. i’m so eager for each update to the fic. here’s an excerpt:
“So you enjoy controlling powerful women,” Rey repeats, making her voice sound uninterested.  She takes notes, although it’s unlikely she’ll forget a word of what he’s saying.  It gives her an excuse to look away from him.
“I do.  But it’s not the taking of the control that I like.  I’m big enough that I can take whatever I want.”
me when i read that:
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aaaand that’s it for now. i’m still continuing to read fic like every day since i got laid off (thanks covid lmao) so feel free to hit me up in a few weeks or months or whatever and i’ll share more of my fave fics <3
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bleedingdesert · 3 years
Ko Playlist Time
my ko playlist is like fukin dreadfully small and all other ko playlists r fukin woobafied to fukin hell so uh plus im realizing my tie is very specifically towards canons servant era- so im figuring that shit out (sdr2 a course, but also like likely not the dr3 anime) i was gonna follow a prompt guide until it had weird undertones and the blog hated kink LMAO so imma free ball it
IM EARTH - Black Dresses worthlessness but like sexi Cotard’s Solution - Will Wood big chapter 5 trial vibes bc cha boi sure did try 2 make his murder look like a suicide (side note i saw some1 say i “accidentally killed chiaki”?????? fuck off) I’m a Sucker for a Liar in a Red Dress - Adam Jensen obsession w someone/something that can absalutely destroy ur ass REMOVED SONGS
Teenage Dirtbag - wheatus more canon ko than i am (like probs more anime ko than anything), came from a place of tryin 2 figure shit out using canon but like just aint me  please put me in a medically induced coma - carolesdaughter suicidal but in the wrong way, more self pity than i feel in ko shifts ADDED SONGS
I Want To Hurt Myself - Mr.Kitty Heart Heart Head - Meg Myers There’s A Good Reason These Tables Are Numbered Honey, You Just Haven’t Thought Of It Yet - Panic! At The Diso
and then i got distracted so i ended up w a grand total of.......... one more song than i started with LMAO thak u for comi to my tedtalk 
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inevitable love (Yandere!Taehyung x SmolBaby!Reader)
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You obviously couldn’t take care of yourself, so Kim Taehyung took matters in his own hands. Literally.
Warning: Harassment, loads of capitalism (kinda ironic that I hate capitalism, considering I’m an Econ student sigh), big dog chase idrk, y/n complains a lot lmao also she’s textbook smart but lowkey dumb,,, like me, I'm literally y/n anywaYS 
CHAPTER ONE (Honestly, its more of a prologue)
P.S Sorry, this one's mostly focused on Y/N, I promise Taehyung will make it in the next chap! 
Word Count: 1.4k
This was ridiculous. You had graduated from one of the finest business schools in the world, yet, here you were, sitting in your shabby studio apartment, listening to another rejection after the countless job interviews while watching the paint peel off the walls. You never really thought life would lead to this, you sitting here on your mattress, eating (probably uncooked) ramen, and crossing another job opportunity. The ramen wasn’t that bad, there were no complaints about it from your side anyways, because you couldn’t cook for shit and any food other than premade food was a waste in this household. You still have nightmares about the incident when you accidentally forgot to take off the plastic packaging off the sliced cheese before making a cheese sandwich in the microwave. Only to watch the microwave - and the cheese – explode in front your eyes. The poor baby.
Glancing at your watch, you realize that you have to head downtown to your job – which was paid under minimum wage, but it did make you better off than the homeless, and the jobless. You could still afford at least one meal a day (Was cup ramen considered a meal?) and the chef at the diner would sneakily give you food, sigh, he was so nice. Sometimes, you look back, and think where things went wrong. You were basically a child genius, always a couple classes ahead of your peers, you got almost got a perfect score on the SAT at the first try (it was a 1560!), you got your bachelor’s degree at the age of 18, instead of the usual 22. You look back and see how you used to think that you could afford a luxurious penthouse apartment in Manhattan and pay off your student loans within a year, while working in one of the best companies in world.
You did have the textbook knowledge, but who was there to teach you about the practical world? The real world? The textbooks didn’t teach you how to pay your water and electricity bills, they didn’t teach you how to hold your tears back when the landlord puts a suggestive hand on your waist, they didn’t teach you how to accept countless rejections, or how to use coupons while grocery shopping, or how to ignore the everyday catcalls, or how to walk through the streets at night. They didn’t teach you how to cope with the fact that your father died but you didn’t have enough money for a flight back to your hometown, they didn’t teach you how to not shout at your mother who got a new family, they didn’t teach you the reality.
So, here you were, two years later, serving disgusting men who harassed you, while wearing a skirt that was too short for your liking and heels that made your feet ache every single day. Somehow, it was worse today. Your hair wouldn’t co-operate, your mascara had officially dried out and no amount of contact solution could revive it from its flaky texture, your manager basically manipulated you to wear red lipstick, and these goddamn heels won’t stop hurting your feet.
At this point, I’m just going to die from the chronic feet pain, you thought.
It was just an endless day of serving, picking up dirty dishes, and of course, ignoring the occasional disgusting words of “endearment” from your customers. You were just picking up the mess of ketchup left by a couple of rowdy boys who sat here 15 minutes earlier, repeatedly asking for your number. Interesting enough, despite all the catcalling, you can only recall four people asking for your number.
The first one had been a wannabe bike rider, he was tall, around 6’4 – give or take – and quite chunky with a full curly beard down to his chest. Despite knowing some people who would dig this vibe, you personally didn’t love the entire ensemble. In fact, you cringed whenever you saw these people perform their tricks on the streets (You cringed even more when you saw them fall and smash their head open. Yikes).
You remember, it was your third day at the newly acquired job, and while you weren’t all that ecstatic to start working here (You were already looking for other, more well paid jobs with more benefits), you still respected the job requirement and went up to the customer and asked, “What would you like to order, sir?” in your sweetest voice possible.
“Well, what’s on the special menu?”
Special menu? You weren’t informed about any special menu, maybe your manager forgot to tell you?
“I’m sorry, I’m quite new here, I’ll go confirm this special menu with my manager,” and just as you tried to go to your manager – who by the way had been keeping an eye on you since you got here, you could say she wasn’t exactly fond of you – scary biker dude grabbed your wrist, a little too tight to be called comfortable, and you couldn’t help but wince.
“Oh sweetheart, you’re the first and only item on the special menu. And I’d like to order that, with a side of Vanilla milkshake,”
Okay, crinnngggeee.
And then, as impossible as it seemed, you were forced to smile and laugh it off, even if it disgusted you to the core. And then, you were manipulated to hand over your phone number.
Just go with the flow, Y/N, just go with the flow. Block it later, no worries.
He was known to be a usual customer, but surprisingly, he didn’t actually ever come to the diner after that, nor did he call you. Now that you notice, no one you gave your number to, actually did call you. Whether it was the biker, or the druggie, or the 50-year-old man who promised to buy you a yacht. Eh, he was so old, he probably died on his way home. So, you never knew whether to take it as an insult, or a blessing.
Well, this day was almost over until 5 minutes before closing down, a bunch of people, who were probably high, because of the unmistakable scent of weed coming from them – came and demanded to be served. Of course, the manager could score any penny she could, so of course, you were forced to work overtime again. Without getting paid.
Finally, a little after 1am, you could take off these horrid heels and slip into the much comfier sketchers. Sure, you had glued them a couple of times, and sure, they kept on breaking because you’ve had them since high school, but it’s okay. You’ll live.
You were halfway down the route to your house, as you tried to rub your fingers together and somehow magically take away the freezing wind this cold night brought. As you walked, you attempted to feel your phone in your back pocket – annddd just when you thought your day couldn’t get any worse. You’d probably left it back in your locker or your apron’s pocket and for a second you contemplated whether it would be worth it to go all the way back at 2am to get you phone. You almost decided against it, but remembered that you would get the confirmation call from the job interview you gave on Thursday, anytime tomorrow. And so, you decided to go back. Well, this was one of the worst decisions of your life. Scratch that, it was the worst decision of your life.
You reached the diner in approximately 10 minutes, but obviously, everything was locked and there was no way you’d sneak in there because, phew, if you got caught you’d lose the only job you have. Just as you turned back, you saw the biggest fucking dog you’ve ever seen. You didn’t know much about dogs, except for the fact that you’re shitless scared of the big, scary ones – and this was definitely a big, scary one. His fur was coated with black, brown and red spots, about half your height, and had teeth that could tear a human in mere seconds.
You didn’t really know whether to run or gently walk away, making it think you weren’t a threat – you took a couple slow steps back while looking at it in the eye, but you’re a dumbass and suddenly decided to run. Somehow along the run you lost the dog. And one of your shoes. And your apartment keys. And your bag which contained this week’s paycheck.
Well, you were fucked.
A/N: Please do give feedback! Also, tell me if you want to be on the taglist for this!
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dalishkadan · 3 years
writers tag game
got tagged by @noire-pandora and i was going to do this yesterday but SURPRISE SURPRISE I FORGOT LMAO
1.How many works do you have on AO3?
uh *mumbles* two hundred and thirty-seven ... (though seriously considering taking one of them down at least for a little while to sort out what i want to rewrite and also the tags)
2.What’s your total AO3 word count?
1,373,295 (eep!)
3.What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
groove is in the heart - 551
it's always been you - 373
wrong number (or "what happens when you accidentally send your boss a dick pic") - 327
angel, interrupted - 321
sudden realisations - 305
(it is no surprise to me that these are all in the supernatural fandom and all but one is destiel asdfghjkl)
4.Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
i always do! i don't always get back to them right away but i always want to let a commenter know that their comment is appreciated because it issssssssss <3
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
i would have said too heavy, a fic where anders mourns his lover hawke that was left in the fade, but i'm actually planning a sequel that will make it happier, so technically it won't really be ... i'd therefore say where fate led them, because two lovers breaking up is one thing, but breaking up by one person blowing up the other's airship and then ending up in a quickdraw duel with them where one kills the other is a whole other level.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
i don't really count my one-shots because the smutty ones naturally have a happy ending of sorts (hurr hurr hurr) but of my multi-chapter fics ... i'd probably say dark legacy. marane loses some of her brotherhood brethren but she exacts vengeance for them in the dread father's name, kills the emperor of cyrodiil (and gets all the fame and notoriety that goes along with that), gets a whole new sanctuary, and basically gets to rebuild the dark brotherhood from the ground up in the night mother's image. plus a new lover in the form of cicero. is there anything else a good listener needs?
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
do modern characters in fandom worlds count? lol if not then no, i don't think i have yet. yet being the operative word, because i do have things planned. but i have a lot of things planned, so.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
i did once, but it wasn't really bad and i'm not sure i would classify it as hate. basically someone read part two of a series and lamented certain things in that story that are also present in the first story and are just clearly a part of the series aesthetic. i get it, it's not for everyone. not sure why they felt the need to read 160k of posted work before saying so, but to each their own. i do think i circumvent hate comments by requiring folks to be signed in to leave one. i'm sure i probably miss out on comments by guests, but for my mental health's sake, i'd rather leave it to logged in users only. put your money where your mouth is ... or, in this case, your account.
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
oh yes, i write quite a lot of it, too, and in a good variety! from vanilla to kinky to even dangerous (and appropriately tagged).
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i'm aware of, thankfully
Have you ever had a fic translated?
not that i've been told, at least lol
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
no, though a friend of mine have gone back and forth with a dao canon divergence. both of us are just at different points in our writing right now, though, so who knows if/when it will see the light of day. i don't usually co-write, though, because my writing muse is so finicky, it's not really dependable.
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
i don't think i could choose, don't make me!
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
honestly, at this point, it's unfortunately one i felt very passionate about: angel, interrupted. i had started slowly writing it and building up this au when the poor quality of the show just began wearing on me and the fandom in general wore on me even further until i've ... kinda just fallen out of love with it. :/ i don't hate it, not at all, i guess i just need more time and separation from the bullshit. at least i hope that'll help. i truly do want to finish it, i just feel absolutely no drive to do so right now.
What are your writing strengths?
angst, definitely lol
What are your writing weaknesses?
dialogue and certain characters
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
i think it's cool and i like to incorporate it when i can. i am kinda leery and cautious when i don't actually know the language well, myself, tho. i don't wanna muck it up lol.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
in general? star wars. that i posted on ao3? harry potter.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
it feels like i keep harping on this one lol but the path we choose is just one i'm so, so proud of. the examination of guilt and regret in the form of a one-shot set against the mojave, with the courier discussing their issues and joshua graham offering support and comfort. one of my friends called joshua (in this fic) a shepard rather than a hand of vengeance, and i really do like writing him that way. plus zelda needs all the help she can get lol and really, we all do.
i tag @dreadfutures, @warpedlegacy, and @dumbassentity! if you were tagged before, sorry :P and no pressure if you don't wanna partake. and if anyone wants to do this, consider this your tag!
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leviskokoro · 4 years
Mari in Twisted Wonderland | Abridged Version | Heartslabyul
Chapter 1
Mari had her first prophetic dream and she’s like owo whats this
It was about Alice seeing the Card soldiers paint the white roses red and shit. 
But then, she was awoken by a loud knocking and wonders who it could possibly be at this hour. 
Grim and her decided to go down. Though, she tried finding a weapon first, just in case the person turns out to be some murderer or whatever. Manages to find a knife
They went downstairs to the front door and opened it to see who it was. Turns out that it was Ace. 
She relaxes and lets her guard down.
Ace: Is that a knife?!
Mari: Yeah, what if you were a murderer? 
Grim: Hah! I would’ve taken care of it myself, puny human— Huh?! You got a collar on!
“I ate a tart,” Ace replied, crossing his arms with a scowl on his features. 
Mari tilted her head in confusion and curiosity. “A tart?” 
He nodded. “I was hungry when I got back to the dorm and I found some tarts inside the fridge. Three whole tarts! So I ate one and it was really good. Then the dorm leader found me eating his tart and was all like “Tart theft is unforgivable! OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!” and that’s how I got this collar… The end.” He used a shrill and high-pitched voice to imitate his dorm leader’s words. 
She couldn’t help but stand in silence at that story, squinting. 
“Both of you are in the wrong,” Grim simply remarked with an unamused look on his face. To which the girl nodded in agreement. 
“Isn’t sealing away my magic for stealing a tart a bit too far?!” Ace cried out. “For a wizard, it’s like having your arms and legs chained up. And there were three whole tarts, it’s not like he could eat all of them by himself. There’s got to be a limit to how narrow-minded you could be!” 
“Which is why you’re both in the wrong,” Mari retorted, “You should’ve asked permission first, but he also shouldn’t be so harsh.” 
All he could do was groan at her reply. 
Grim’s eyes widened and he crossed his arms. “What if the tarts were for a party? Someone’s birthday, or something. Heh, I’m a genius.” He grinned, sharp teeth glinted in the moonlight. 
“Birthday?” Ace asked, placing his hand on the back of his head. 
“That might explain why he was so angry,” Mari said, deciding to clean up a little more since she was awake. The two just watched as she did this, not helping because they were little shits.
He huffed, narrowing his eyes at her. “I thought you were gonna say he was being tyrannical, prefect.” 
She shrugged. “He was certainly being unreasonable, but it’s wrong to steal,” she replied as she took a broom and sweeped the dusty floor. 
Grim glared at him, placing his paws on his hips. “You’re at fault for stealing his tart in the first place.” 
“There’s a chance he’ll forgive you if you apologised tomorrow,” the brunette girl advised him as she threw away the dust that she swept up. The wood under her feet creaked as she returned. 
“Grudges over food are the worst,” her partner remarked, an unamused expression on his face. His bright blue eyes widened in realisation. “Wait! I never got those tuna cans from the Headmaster!” 
“Fine. Whatever. All I gotta do is apologise, right?” Ace sighed. He looked at her with a glare. “This is your idea, so you better come with me.” 
All she did was nod. She was going with him regardless anyway. 
“So, where do I sleep tonight?” He asked, an inquisitive look in his eye. 
“You’re actually staying the night?” Grim crossed his arms. “Every room aside from ours is still a mess. Clean a room for yourself.” 
He made a face. “Bleh, I don’t wanna.” Then, he turned to Mari with a smile. “Prefect~ Let me sleep in your room. I’m slim, so I won’t take a lot of space.” 
Grim’s eyes widened to the size of saucers at her lax response. “Ffgnaa?! You’re just going to say yes?!” 
“I’m used to sharing beds with people.” Mari proceeded to have a flashback to every time the Demon brothers invited themselves to her room and stayed there without really giving her a choice in the matter, as well as every time she had to sleep in the same room as them. Honestly, at least Ace had the decency to ask first. 
“Sweet! Thanks, Mari.” Ace flashed her a grin. 
After that, they all went to their rooms to sleep. The boy was right, he didn’t take up much space. Plus, the bed was big enough for the two of them. Unfortunately, Ace hogged the sheets. The bastard. 
When morning came, so did the loud knocking. This time it was Deuce and he scolded Ace for getting collared. 
While heading to class, Grim teased Ace about his collar and not being able to use magic. 
Ace will remember that.
They went to the Heartslabyul dorm and Mari is like -surprised pikachu- 
She loves it a lot. The hearts and roses were gorgeous. If only she had magic, then she would’ve been sorted into a nice dorm. Ugh. 
No matter. She’d just have to work hard to make the Ramshackle dorm shine. 
Then they met the e-boy-- I mean, Cater and he was painting the white roses red. 
Mari proceeds to have flashbacks to her dream earlier. Huh. Maybe it was just a coincidence. 
Dude recognises them as the notorious first years that broke the 10,000,000 madol chandelier so he takes a selfie with them. 
He has them paint the roses with him. Grim accidentally sets the roses on fire, Deuce accidentally turns them blue. Turns out it’s a bad idea to ask freshmen that are inexperienced with magic to do your chores. 
Ace complained and asked why they’re painting them red. He said that they look pretty as white roses. Mari agreed and expressed that she felt that the natural colors of the roses were fine. 
Cater explained that it’s tradition for roses to be red for Unbirthday parties. And that they use flamingos in seven different colors for croquet with hedgehogs as the balls. 
Mari wondered if that was safe or ethical. Either way, this dorm was proving to be quite strange for her. 
Ace remembered that he was supposed to apologise. Cater asked if he had a tart of apology and he said no. 
Cater told him that he can’t let him in the dorm then. The first years tried fighting him but lost and got kicked out. 
The bell rang and they had to really rush to Potions class. 
Crewel appeared and Mari had a “Oh no he’s hot!” moment. She paid extra close attention to him during class. 
Then it was History class. Mari mostly looked at Lucius more than Trein but was also fascinated with learning the history of Twisted Wonderland.
 Then PE came around. Mari saw Vargas and was like “Damn he got some tiddies lmao” Then she dies.
Jk. But the 20 laps and 100 pushups were exhausting for her. 
It was break time. Ace and Deuce talked about the classes not being too different from regular school. Mari agreed that they were somewhat similar to the classes she had at RAD. 
Then they noticed Grim was trying to skip class. 
Ace made fun of Mari for losing him and told her that if she wanted his help, then she should buy him a chocolate croissant. Deuce wanted an iced latte. 
All it really took for Mari was to give Deuce her best puppy eyes until he agreed to help. Then she said she didn’t want Ace’s help since he didn’t have his magic anyway. This aggravated him into helping her. Heh, suckers. 
Turns out she didn’t really need their help anyway since she just scolded Grim into going with her, saying he won’t become a great wizard if he didn’t put effort into his studies. 
It was lunchtime and Grim got into trouble with delinquent upperclassmen over food since he bumped into them and the egg broke. One of them said that breaking the egg is the best part about eating carbonara. 
Which confused Mari greatly because she loves eating carbonara and has never ever heard of eating egg on it. Perhaps it was normal in Twisted Wonderland too. Heartslabyul was already strange enough. 
They got into a fight but won this time and the delinquents ran off, yelling about pasta again. 
The first year group started eating and Grim asked what the other dorms are like. Cater popped up next to them, surprising the four of them. Turns out Trey was with him as well. 
Cater basically just tried to get all buddy buddy and exchanged numbers. 
Mari told him she didn’t have a phone and he offered to go phone shopping with her and called it a date
She was just like “bro im fucking POOR” 
Trey told him to chill and they went back on track. Cater started a conversation about the seven dorms.
Time for Mari’s reactions to the other dorms
Heartslabyul - Ew. She doesn’t like overly strict people or environments. 
Savanaclaw - Haha, furry jock dorm. Probably found Jack hot since she’s into the strong silent types. 
Octavinelle - Sea Witch’s dorm, huh? Does that mean they’re business guys? Oh look, it’s that weird guy from the entrance ceremony that “wanted Riddle’s collar” 
Scarabia - The smart ones, according to Trey. There’s the guy who got his butt set on fire during the entrance ceremony and there’s… a really hot guy that’s exactly her type. His hair looked so long and silky and his eyes were mysterious. 
Pomefiore - 
Grim: there’s a super cute girl over there! 
Deuce: A girl besides Mari in an all-boys’ school?!
 Mari: Nah that’s a dude 
Ace: Eh? How do you know? 
Mari: I can see his adam’s apple 
Mari, internally: Shawty had them apple bottom jeans, boots with the fur-- 
So apparently Pomefiore is the “Beauty” dorm and the dorm leader has like five million followers on Magicam. That’s cool, but she’s more interested in their poisons. 
Ignihyde - Cater called the students of that dorm introverts. Trey said that they were good with technology. They seemed real neat. 
Diasomnia - Powerful and considered celebrities, as well as having an aura that makes them hard to approach. Though, Mari lowkey thought that about everyone except that one guy that got his butt set on fire. He seemed very friendly. Maybe it was her social anxiety talking, maybe they were actually just intimidating. Anyway, Lilia popped up from above and scared them. He basically just said that he’s not a child and that Diasomnia welcomes students from other dorms. So there’s that, at least. Though, this doesn’t do anything to extinguish the intimidating aura from the rest of their students. Then the strange dude left. 
Ace started talking shit about Riddle while Mari blankly stared at Riddle who was right behind him. Boi he ded
Riddle then went on with his spiel about rulebreakers. Honestly, Mari pretty much spaced out during this in order not to roll her eyes at him. 
Then he left to get two sugars for his lemon tea that the rules state that he’s supposed to drink after a meal.
Trey tries to explain that Riddle’s intentions aren’t bad and that he’s just trying to make the dorm better. 
To which Mari replies: “Sometimes it doesn’t matter what your intentions are. If you’re clearly making the people around you unhappy and uncomfortable without actual regard for how they feel, then that’s that.” 
And Grim said: “Someone with good intentions doesn’t randomly collar people!” 
They laughed, but one could easily tell that it wasn’t genuine. 
Then bam, more exposition comes and Cater explains what unique magics are. 
Then they start talking about tarts. Mari offered to help make one with Trey and Ace while Deuce and Grim wanted out. They only wanted to help after Trey said they could eat some tart if they helped out. 
They started chestnut picking and met Leona who was a fucking bitch because she accidentally stepped on his tail. 
Jk. He drinks his respect women juice so he’s not as mean and leaves her with only a warning for the most part. 
She and Grim got back to Ace and Deuce, they picked the chestnuts and got back to the Heartslabyul dorm to make that tart. 
Trey made his whole joke with the oyster sauce but Mari just looked at him with pure disbelief in her eyes. Then Trey realized he needed more ingredients since they brought too much chestnuts and Deuce and Mari volunteered to buy them from the shop. Grim also said he wanted to come since he was tired of mixing flour. 
So they go to the Mystery Shop and get the shit. Mari wonders for a moment if Sam has got anything that could possibly help her get home but then shakes her head, saying she’ll see about that later. They head back to the Heartslabyul dorm but run into trouble, then came the reveal of Deuce’s “Bad Boy” personality. Mari was like -surprised pikachu- while he beat the shit out of the delinquents, silently cheering him on. After that, he got upset because his “honor student” persona was gone. It’s especially bad since he felt that he scared Mari. 
Achievement unlocked: Deuce’s Backstory 
Grim asked if being an honor student meant that he should just grin and bear everything. Mari agreed and reassured that being an honor student didn’t necessarily mean that he should be a pushover. Then she broke it to him that the eggs were unfertilised and would never hatch. Now it was his turn on the surprised pikachu face. 
They bought another set of eggs and went back to the Heartslabyul dorm safe and sound. The tart was finished. Hooray! Though, Deuce was still shocked about the chicks so Mari had to pat his back. They started eating some tarts after Cater came by to check on them. He then brought up Trey’s unique magic.
Trey revealed his unique magic and explained it to them. They were impressed. But once they were done, he told Ace he can’t sleep in Heartslabyul and gave him and Deuce permission to sleep in the Ramshackle Dorm so they did. 
Next day. They got to the Unbirthday Party and Ace gave the tart to Riddle. 
Riddle is like “Fuck you. The Law of the Queen of Hearts says one must never bring a mont blanc tart to an Unbirthday Party! REEEEEEE” And then Mari wonders how many rules there are. He answers with 810 and that he memorized them since he’s dorm leader. She’s like “Dude, he’s a freshman, he can’t possibly memorize every rule.” To which Riddle countered with “I memorized them on my first day in NRC! If I can do it, then he should be able to as well.”
“Not everyone has to be like you!” She proceeds to have flashbacks to her narcissistic grandmother who always believed that she was right and demanded that everyone be like her. This causes her to dislike him. 
“As the dorm leader of Heartslabyul, out of respect to the strictness of the Queen of Hearts, I can’t ignore this violation. Throw the mont blanc and these rulebreakers out!” 
Ace started arguing with him as well and the two third years tried to help. Riddle goes on about how he has the highest grades and is the most powerful, which makes him the most correct. This makes Mari’s stomach churn more because of how much he reminds her of her grandmother. Grim says he’s a selfish tyrant who wastes food and ends up getting himself and Deuce collared as well. 
Then they get thrown out by the third years and meet Chenya, who gives them a tip to talk to Trey and unlock Riddle’s tragic backstory. 
And they did. Because it’s always a good idea to listen to the advice of a strange guy who pops into conversations head-first, literally. 
Achievement Unlocked: Riddle’s Backstory Part 1 
Mari’s reaction was that she sympathised with him and understood, considering that her grandmother was somewhat similar. However-- 
“His past is not an excuse for him to be a tyrant. Perhaps that’s harsh of me to say, but I still stand by it. He believes he’s right all the time and fails to notice how miserable the rest of Heartslabyul is.”
Ace put in his two cents and said it was Trey’s fault that he’s like this, dropping a truth bomb on him. Mari agreed and said “Friends help each other to become better people, not allow them to grow worse and worse.” Then he called Trey lame for being afraid of getting his head chopped off. 
Crowley pops up like “STFU THIS IS THE LIBRARY YOU LIL SHITS” and they said he was the loudest so he started whispering “stfu you lil shits”
They explained the situation and he suggested moving dorms but Ace was like “but thats a pussy move” so he suggested fighting Riddle to the death for the position of dorm leader. But without the “to the death” part. Ace and Deuce agreed to challenge Riddle. Grim wanted to go too but Crowley said other people from different dorms can’t so he got sad. 
Timeskip to the match and it was over in less than 5 seconds. Mari told Riddle that he was wrong but then he started mocking her and her family for barely being able to use magic and having a bad education and then called her completely inadequate. She just looked at him blankly considering that she didn’t particularly care about him insulting her or her parents. 
But then Ace punched him for saying that. And Mari was internally like, “I have decided that I love this guy”. Then he went onto this speech about how kids aren’t their parents’ trophies and that it was Riddle’s fault for not making a friend scold him for being a tyrant. He also calls him a baby. But not like the “uwu baby” kinda way, the kind of immature brat kinda way. 
Shit hits the fan and Trey finally had enough and used his unique magic to overwrite Riddle’s to remove the magic-sealing collars. Then Riddle fucking overblots. 
Mari is definitely surprised. Then noticed the creature behind him to look similar to the beast she and the shared brain cell trio fought in the Dwarves’ Mines. So, she steeled herself and ordered the trio to attack Riddle, especially once Crowley said that he’d lose his life if this went for too long. The third years came to help as well while their Headmaster evacuated the other students.
And they beat the shit out of Riddle. Then Mari kinda spaces out again and has this vision of Riddle’s past. This wasn’t the first time she has seen a vision of someone else’s past, but it still confused her. She wasn’t in the Devildom anymore, and she didn’t have magic. 
Achievement Unlocked: Riddle’s Backstory Part 2 
Then she’s shaken back to earth by Ace and he’s like “Oi, don’t space out now, dumbass.” “Did you see that?” “See that Riddle overblotted? How could I not?!” “Nevermind” 
Riddle is crying and she feels bad so she rubs his back. Her motherly instincts get the better of her at this point. He’s surprised at how she’s treating him, considering the only female figure he had in his life was his mother who was strict and harsh. When Ace started yelling at him, she scolded him and told him to yell at him later. 
“Ace, cut him some slack. You can yell at him when he’s recovered. He almost died ffs” “SO DID WE” 
Then he told Riddle to do the Revenge Unbirthday Party. Riddle agreed before Mari and Crowley decided to take him to the infirmary. Since she was gone, Grim got to eat the black rock again. 
While Riddle was recovering from blot, Mari took it upon herself to help him out. He appreciated it a lot. 
After the Revenge Unbirthday Party, Mari thought about her experience so far. The strange dreams, the overblot, the vision. 
Then she remembered something. Before leaving the Devildom, Barbatos pulled her aside and had a talk with her. He held her hand and a faint glow emitted from it before he let her go. “A fragment of my power,” he said. But she didn’t understand what he meant. 
When she slept that night, she saw Belphie and nearly cried because she missed him. Then she explained what happened to her and that she was in Twisted Wonderland. He told her that he’ll inform the others so that they can find a way to get her back, and that she should hang on in the meantime. 
And so she did, unaware that her adventure just begun.
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 263: [Immigrant Song Intensifies]
Previously on BnHA: Ujiko sicced five Noumus on Miruko. Rephrase that: Ujiko sicced only five Noumus on Miruko. In hindsight this was obviously a mistake. Miruko proceeded to laugh and jump around kicking all of them and literally ripping the head off of the strongest one’s neck with nothing but her thighs. It was legendary and awe-inspiring and also she lost an arm but WHO EVEN CARES, I’m still pledging my allegiance to her. Miruko once beat the sun in a staring contest. Miruko’s calendar goes straight from March 31st to April 2nd, because nobody fucking fools Miruko. Anyway so also the heroes are finally attacking the League of Pliff’s HQ and Skeptic is running around all “AHHHH” so I guess we’ll see how that goes now.
Today on BnHA: Things finally get started over in Gunga, although for the time being most of the kids from 1-A and 1-B are still sitting around in the woods all pent-up and anxious and restlessly shipping KamiJirou. Meanwhile on the front lines, three-and-a-half-year-old Kaminari Denki is all “SOB I WANT TO BE BACK WITH MY FRIENDS WHERE IT’S SAFE”, to which Midnight, who I would just like to remind you is (1) an adult, (2) a teacher, and (3) a person responsible for this literal child’s safety in any number of other capacities, responds with “SORRY KIDDO WE NEED YOUR QUIRK.” I have yet to see any compelling evidence that they really do need it, but putting that dubious matter aside, Kaminari does kick some ass once he gets over his anxieties. Meanwhile Cementoss tears a building in half, Tokoyami reflects on how he was exposed to Kaminari’s good and pure moral character during their many soulful jam sessions, Hawks is about to kill Twice, and – wait, what.
a few stray thoughts since this chapter is taking forever to come out today. one, the good guys need to take out Twice and Toga as soon as they find them, because they’re currently the deadliest combination in the League. Twice for obvious reasons, and Toga because I’m pretty sure she got some of Aizawa’s blood that one time back during the Basement arc, and that fact coupled with the fact that she can now use the quirk of whoever she transforms into spells big trouble for the good guys since she can basically just cancel out whoever’s quirk she wants. plus she’s probably also immune to Midnight’s quirk. all in all bad news
two, it is interesting that Hagakure is the only 1-A kid we haven’t seen yet! probably just me overreacting, but still interesting!
(ETA: we do see her standing next to Mina in this chapter, so so much for that. you get out of it this time Tooru!)
and three, I’m not clear on whether or not Skeptic has actually figured out that Hawks betrayed them, or if he just suspects it, or if he thinks that Hawks leaked something accidentally and doesn’t realize that this entire time the dude was 100% playing them. I’m sure we’ll find out shortly. but regardless of how this plays out, I’m already dreading Twice’s reaction to all this :/ my sweet innocent baby. HE THOUGHT YOU WERE HIS FRIEND HAWKS. HE TRUSTED YOU. fff I really hope Twice’s inherently good and trusting nature isn’t a casualty of all this. then again I still think Twice himself is very unlikely to survive this. so basically I’m just bracing myself for pain sob
(ETA: oh this is bad.)
(ETA 2: by the way just to clarify, the above paragraphs were all written on Friday, and the rest of this recap+all ETAs were written the next day when I finally got to read the chapter! this is not important in any way whatsoever but now you know and that’s half the battle!)
“it’s time” holy shit finally lol. you all have been camped out over here for weeks now. not that I didn’t thoroughly enjoy each and every second of Miruko’s one-woman murder show, but it is nice to finally check in with you guys over here so we can get to work at last and I can get a better feel for who’s about to die. cuz someone here is dying guys
the chapter is called “I wanna be with the others!!” so. this is gonna be a Kaminari chapter isn’t it. I wonder what fresh new traitorous hijinks he’ll be getting up to this week. that detestable scoundrel
Mineta is being all weasel-y and reluctant, and honestly, I’m a bit annoyed. and for once it’s not directed at him! it’s like... how do I explain it. okay, so like, the manga is showing him being all cowardly and clearly not at all happy about being out here, and the fact that it’s Mineta doing it only adds to the general flavor of this being the wrong attitude to have and just a really shameful way of acting in general, because it’s Mineta and we all know Mineta is vile and so clearly he’s in the wrong here! the only thing is though, I actually don’t blame him even if he’s being a little shit about it, because the kids absolutely should not be here in the first place. are they strong? fuck yes. are they gonna end up being the ones to turn the tide once everything inevitably goes to shit, and thus the others are really goddamn lucky that they’re here? probably. does that make it right to conscript kids and send them out here to a soon-to-be war zone which the adults have very little control over meaning that some of these children will almost certainly be injured and traumatized and possibly even killed? nope! not right at all! no amount of “plus ultra” can justify this, folks. and “we get that it’s wrong but that’s just the fucked up times we live in” doesn’t actually justify it either, even if the HPSC seems to think so
but having said all that, there’s clearly nothing to be done about it at this point, and I’m about to enjoy this chapter of the kids presumably kicking ass even after all that whining, so I’ll just carefully climb down from my soapbox now. but I’m still keeping it handy just in case!
who the fuck is this Thundercats guy who looks like he was part of an old timey street gang in 1920s Chicago
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lol can he hear the villain hotel being ripped in half over there in the distance
and speaking of hearing, Jirou is popping her earbuds into the ground to do some reconnaissance of her own I guess!
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the heroes?? she better not mean the villains. oh lord I still don’t have the faintest idea how they’re planning on actually containing them all. well, brace yourselves everyone. here comes the shitshow
now Gangs of New York is making the most unnecessary speech in the history of this manga
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were any of them actually going to be careless?? I’m pretty sure they understand the gravity of the situation my dude. and if they didn’t, I’d say that’s honestly on you guys and not on them because, again, they’re kids. and if you didn’t want a bunch of teenagers goofing off during your incredibly dangerous and vitally important do-or-die hero mission, then maybe you shouldn’t have brought a bunch of teenagers to your incredibly dangerous and vitally important do-or-die hero mission
“listen makeste are you just going to sit around all day bitching about my cardinal sin of daring to involve your precious little darlings in the actual plot,” the imaginary Horikoshi that sits around trying to keep these recaps from veering off track interjects. and okay fine
sob it feels wrong to see MomoJirou there without their Kaminari
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(ETA: and there is Hagakure on the left, FYI. at least I think that’s her?)
their baby boy is all out there alone in the woods. is that why you were really listening, Jirou? you can tell me, I promise not to make a big deal about it
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I lied, I might make a big thing about it. what a beautiful March day for some OT3
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HE’S ONLY TWO YEARS OLD!! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!? MIDNIGHT YOU BETTER KEEP HIM SAFE!! at least until he makes it back safely into the hands of his friends, the League of Villains
meanwhile here’s a fun tip, this manga gets 100x funnier if you scroll back up to that panel of Jirou being all serious and saying “they’re on the move” now that we know that this outburst is almost certainly what she was listening to lmao. “oh, Kaminari is crying, that must mean they’re getting started”
and here they go!!
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who is that in the witch hat?? COULD THIS BE THE LEGENDARY MAJESTIC, AT LONG LAST? this person looks like they cobbled together their entire hero costume from Sero’s bedroom. just ransacked it and draped all of his tapestries and throw pillows every which way over some Adidas pants. goddammit who is this person, I need to know everything about them right now
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and he’s shouting back “no I don’t think you adults are pathetic at all!” while still looking terrified! goddammit how do I cast protection on a fictional character in a manga. I don’t play D&D, but D&D players can do that, right? how do I create a shield around my party. Kaminari you stay put while I try and figure this all out
lmaoooooo Tokoyami’s words of encouragement
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A MAGNIFICENT FELLOW. you guys I’m gonna be honest, lately I’ve been enjoying these fan scanlations even more than the official ones at times. obviously Viz’s are fine and good, but sometimes it’s almost like they localize everything a little too much, you know? most people don’t go around calling other people magnificent fellows, but would Tokoyami? yes. yes he would. I believe this in every fiber of my heart
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“KAMINARI, I REALIZED WHEN WE WERE PLAYING GUITAR TOGETHER... WAY TO WHITE-KNUCKLE THOSE SICK FRETS, HALEN.” thank you so much for that Tokoyami but we are kind of in the middle of something so I’m not sure if right now is really the time to start asking my boy here for his autograph. after, maybe
now Cementoss is literally screaming “ATTACK!” and throwing subtlety to the winds
and now we’re back to this!
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and it looks like this is most likely Cementoss using his quirk to tear the building in half! so that’s one mystery from last week solved! holy shit you guys I just realized we’re actually going to see Cementoss in action. so long as the environment is right, dude is a literal earthbender. we may be in for a rare treat
Skeptic is shouting at his minions to alert the Council. it’s okay, Cementoss already alerted them for you I’m pretty sure
so he’s sending Violet and Black to the front entrance, and Cleveland and Carmine to the Assembly Hall (where the Council is). these, if you recall, are the names of the various Vanguard squads, though I don’t recall who is actually on which squad and I really don’t want to go back and look it up... but fine!
okay, Twice is on the Black squad and Dabi and Otter Pop are on Violet. so they’re being dispatched to the front, while Toga, Compress, Spinner, and Skeptic himself (how convenient for you Skeptic) are heading to the Assembly Hall. isn’t that nice that Dabi is heading out to the front, where my son Kaminari “Clapton” Denki is. hahaha. fuck
Lefty Hair is now making a sudden appearance and giving Skeptic some threatening “you majorly fucked up and the only reason I’m letting it slide for now is because we’ve got bigger things to worry about” vibes, which I like. also he has a cigarette. it’s been a while since I’ve seen a manga character actually smoke a cigarette. I guess only villains are allowed to smoke them now
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HOW MANY PEOPLE IS CEMENTOSS GOING TO KILL TODAY. place your bets. and is cement stronger than fire. please don’t die Cementoss
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by the way I like how a key part of their “let’s contain all the villains” plan was to open up their secret HQ and spill them all out like a bunch of ants. everyone knows this is the best way to keep people contained. instead of stationing people outside of every exit, let’s just make the entire building into one giant exit and MELEE AWAY ALL YOUR PROBLEMS
who died and made Lefty the smartest guy in the room
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if only they had all listened to you, Mister Smart Guy. you’re so smart. why didn’t they put you in charge. probably just because they were jealous
booooo it looks like Black and Violet are attacking but Twice and Dabi are nowhere to be found! because they’re part of the Council?? boooo
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Best Sweaterist can do anything a sweater can do. it’s not a very good power. everyone was all “you look like the number 3 hero you must be really strong” and so she got promoted waaaaay above her skill level and it’s too late for her to do anything about it now so good luck Best Sweaterist
finally some people from the League!
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(ETA: Dabi is either going to arrive just in time to save Twice, or just in time to witness Hawks murdering him, and I’m not sure which would be worse.)
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I CAN’T FUCKING WAIT TO HEAR THIS WITH MY OWN TWO EARS IN THE ANIME. IT’S GONNA BE SO GREAT AH MAN. but real talk, Miruko should be above him in the power rankings. I’m sorry I don’t make the rules. but unless you kill three Noumus within the next few pages here I’d say it’s pretty clear cut
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Kaminari you sweet little lamb, it’s going to be okay. you just take a deep breath and zap some of these PLF fuckers and then you can go run and hide and you’ll be playing tacky arcade games and eating hit-or-miss-quality pizza before you know it
Kami is actually in a lot of danger here what with how helpless he gets after he uses too much of his quirk though. (unless of course you subscribe to the theory that he doesn’t actually go dumb at all and that’s when he’s secretly transmitting his traitor messages to the zetans.) whose fucking idea was it to put him on the front lines, honestly. he’s only four!!
fuck me, Midnight sees him panicking and she’s being all soothing and encouraging while also being ridiculously sexy as usual. dammit Midnight
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hey Kaminari if you want to think about Momo and Jirou I’m not going to complain, I just want you to know that. you can even make it all platonic by just saying “my friends.” either way is fine and I will respect your smokescreen
ahh he’s turning around and the camera is zooming back to the woods where the rest of 1-A are!
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the title of this chapter is becoming surprisingly meaningful!! well played!
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I don’t even know what to say?! I basically just slapped both of my cheeks and said “AWWW” out loud?! would you fucking look at these two bisexual icons living it up in this the year of our lord 2020. what a blessing
oh hey this guy decided it was time for him to talk again
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okay Kami I give you permission to go pikachu on his ass. go ahead and show us why the heroes went ahead and violated ILO conventions in order to bring you here
don’t tell me this guy is also an electric type. lol who could have guessed that, there were absolutely no clues at all in his hairstyle or anywhere else. I would definitely have noticed something like that because I definitely pay attention to these things lol
(ETA: and presumably the heroes knew the identities of the Vanguard squadron leaders thanks to Hawks, and knew they had to have some sort of plan in place for this guy’s quirk, hence them being all “hey Kaminari let’s talk.”)
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MOTHERFUCKER WAS THAT A SHOUNEN WOOSH???! whaaaaaat oh shit everybody brace yourselves
and now a Tokoyami flashback to the two of them jamming like little hero Hendrixes
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because he prioritized the health of his fingers beneath his desire to learn the guitar to help his friends perform, you realized he was truly a magnificent fellow. aw shit it’s all coming together
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look how evil that smile in the last panel is. clearly the traitor. probably this other electric man is his dad
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just. it’s like this weird and crazy feeling that’s a combination of adrenaline and chills-rushing-up-your-spine. that’s the sensation of clicking to a page and suddenly seeing the thing we fucking knew was going to happen, but just because we knew doesn’t mean we actually wanted it to happen, shit
holy shit. does Jin have to die in order for the heroes to succeed? probably. do I want it to actually happen? NO. am I suddenly reevaluating every single thing I thought I knew about Hawks and mentally updating Jeanist’s presumed mortality status in my head?? yes. are Hawks’s eyes here going to give me nightmares for the entire coming week? also yes. am I really unsettled wondering if those eyes were the last thing Jeanist ever saw? listen why do you keep asking me all of these intrusive and deeply upsetting questions like I’m some kind of magic 8 ball?? am I going to be on the edge of my fucking seat now waiting for next week? fuck
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wingsporkhalo · 4 years
He’s Mine: A BakuDeku Fic Spork- Chapter 2
Here I am with chapter 2 of this mess!! For those of you who are new, I read a terrible My Hero Academia fanfiction and made funny commentary on it with some good buddies. Chapter 1 is here! https://wingsporkhalo.tumblr.com/post/190957730961/hes-mine-a-bakudeku-fic-spork-chapter-1
Support me on Patreon! I am poor!! https://www.patreon.com/WingSongHalo And check out my YouTube channel, where you can see video sporks!! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgTMFf7W6SyWoZdpqY9ZdPw/
Last time, the story started in the middle of an inexplicable fight, Izuku gave Shoto his phone number and had multiple houses, and Katsuki told Izuku he doesn’t want Izuku to call anyone by their first name but him! Because being controlling is romantic, right?? (Sarcasm.)
In today’s chapter, Katsuki attempts to confess his “love,” Izuku is forced to dress as a girl, Shoto kidnaps Izuku, I rant about people uke-fying my favorite characters, and Kirishima offers some terrible advice!
Special thanks to my dear friends @the-wizard-l​, @kittykatz009​, @satsuneade​, and Phos for co-commentating!
Without further ado, let’s move ahead to Chapter 2!
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My friend Phos: It’s reviewing the same stuff!!! What?? Me: but Phos!! This time it's in a different Point of View, though you'd never know that from the lack of detail!!
Um what am I doing here .
[sigh] I ask myself that every day, sonny
Why dose? Uh, because it keeps you from taking too much medication?
Why dose my chest feel weird when I see deku with half'n'half.
Uhhh... maybe you know he's lactose intolerant and you're concerned for him as a friend? ....naaahhh
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Phos: “Damed nerd” Me: I mean, from what i know of Bakugou's character, he always instantly regrets talking to Izuku Why would he be stuttering in his own head??! Also, what the fuck is damhed? Is it like being a shithead, but less profane?? Disided. Uhhhh... I guess that's when... something has two sides? I guess??
After I payed for the thing I wanted,
God this detail!! I'm so moved!!
Why was Izuku just running around? Was he late? I thought you were 10 minutes early?
I catched up to him
Sure. With your umbrella? Were you using it to travel like fucking Mary Poppins??
“Ahh” he said falling on the wet ground
I love how unemotional that is.
"DEKU HEAR" --the sound of me being completely out of character? Oh yes. I hear it
Wh--? What bottom of his uniform was he grabbing? I??? I hope you mean like the edge of the blazer?? My friend Jaz: Bottom of his shoes Phos: Bottom of the uniform might mean bottom of the pant leg— Oh Me: I mean, valid interpretations all of them, but it really sounds like he's grabbing ass if you just say "the bottom of his uniform" because that's... where the bottom is... moving on.
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I don't get it. Has Bakugou supposedly found Izuku's stare cute this whole time, or is this a recent thing? It's so outside the realm of possibility that it's not computing
We walked to school together.
Oh my, how exciting! I wondered what was going to happen next!! And you told it so efficiently, with as few words as possible! Bravo!!
So like, WERE you getting closer or did it just FEEL like you were?
I feel like if their faces ever touched, reality would just collapse in on itself because the laws of nature would be violated
(either that or it would have to be a "one of them literally fell from a great distance onto the other one" situation)
(Which I guess isn't too far fetched since they get thrown around a lot)
Again the damh nerd is here.
Did I say something wrong?
Ohhhhkay I'm just. So confused. WHY is Bakugou suddenly aware of his "feelings," WHY is he suddenly so much nicer, and WHY is he just deciding all of a sudden to confess his love?? That's the kind of thing you WRESTLE with, if you accidentally fall in love with the dude you've hated for like 11 of your 15 years of life!! My friend Wiz, evidently affected by the reality-warping powers of this fic: jhwbebhjfewjhbwfjh
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Uh why did he have to come at a time like this.
B... because the bell is going to ring?...
Wow, I wish I could communicate entire sentences with just my face. Seems like a useful talent. Maybe that guy in class 1-B with the speech bubble for a head would be best at that
"Kacchan here" Why yes, he is here. Not sure why the sudden caveman-speak, though
Then half'n'half went of with my deku
[sits there staring at nothing for 5 seconds] [shakes self] Sorry I was just reeling at the sheer ridiculousness of everything about that sentence
I felt kind of bad leaving kacchan behind.
Then it just transitions to the next scene because fuck internal monologue I guess Jaz: When did he become Your Deku? Me: THEIR TEACHER NEVER SHOWED UP??? BITCH WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO AIZAWA??? Also, wouldn't it naturally fall to Iida to take over and decide their next course of action, as class rep? Why are the girls all hijacking the class??? Jaz: They hogtied Iida, of course Me: They're putting their names on a stick... oh god... tHEY'RE ORGANIZING A DEATH TOURNAMENT "Deku come with me" "I'd love to but that's not the pairing of this fic" Jaz: Dhdududidifhf
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I love how Izuku has no agency in this fic; he just goes with whoever and does whatever, helpless against the whims of those around him. And by love, I mean hate. I fucking hate that.
Uh *sigh*
Wow that's a mood. Jaz: Wtf is even going on Me: lskjdlkksjdf Not that Izuku wouldn't dress up as a girl if someone told him to, but I think he'd usually at least like a reason for it "Izuku the All Might Cheer Squad is missing a member; could you sub in?" "[throws everything off his desk and stands up at once] I've been waiting for this moment" My friend Satsu, just arriving: Finally caught up and I'm CACKLING Me: Somebody get Ochaco to Recovery Girl!! She's taken a blow to the face and there is BLEEDING aH THANK U SATSU <3 Satsu: HI MOM, ((note: my server calls me Mom. LOL)) lol this is so bad 😂 😂 Wiz: I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IS EVEN HAPPENING HERE JHBDJBH Me: Honestly, I think Izuku would be dreadfully embarrassed if everyone stared at him no matter WHAT he was wearing Satsu: Yeah but like, why uraraka suddenly dressed him like that??? What is the thinking process that that would be okay in the school omg Me: “Why would you do this to me uraraka-san“ Wiz: I’m crying Me: "Look, it was in my contract that I had to appear in 50 badfics a week. I'm sorry, Deku" "[hangs his head] No that's fair"
Satsu, didn't you know?? This is just what happens when the teacher doesn't show up Satsu: Aw damn, if I knew ;-;
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Wiz: I am. So confused wjhbfe Satsu: They all ran of Me: he stoped, but I can't.
Then I ran of
It was a run of girlishness and embarrassment, I'm guessing. Did they all say the slashes, or? Jaz: Did Todoroki just kidnap Deku? Wiz: These things happen Satsu: Oh dear, the last sentence My eyes Me:
Izuku ran of
--Shame and frilliness--
Mabey we went to far
"Sorry, I can't go with you this weekend. Mah bae and I are going to far." "To where?" "Far. It's this restaurant across town" Wiz: jhwbewehbj Me: What the--why was Izuku running for his life? WHAT DID HE DO Shoto: [pushes Izuku] Izuku: thank you! Shoto: uh... s-sure... should I be concerned that you just thanked me for shoving you Izuku: Probably! Wiz: MOOD Satsu: Kdbdkdbfkjf Me: What the--why's Shoto rubbing Izuku's head? Is it a good luck ritual or has Izuku turned into a puppy? Wait, no, he still has hands. I'M CONFUSED Phos: I still don’t understand the dress and wig.Well, girls uniform. Satsu: You’re not alone with that lol Me: Look, sometimes ya see an adorable messy-haired befreckled shonen protagonist and ur just overwhelmed with the desire to see him in drag....... I guess? Phos: I mean Yeah that sounds exactly like what this fic is doing Me: It sounds to me like they wanted to write moments where Shoto and Katsuki would get to interact with Izuku while he's a delicate, soft little maiden [rolls eyes] Wiz: :’)) Me: STOP UKE-FYING MY IZUKU, YOU FETISHIST Satsu: They always do that to my dear main characters :( Me: Me pulling these badfic authors up by their collar: listen here you yaoi sluts... my son Izuku is more manly than 90 other shonen protagonists put together... Jaz: Omggggg WING Phos: "yaoi sluts" I will never have a chance to use that and man I’m upset about that Satsu: Heck yeah! Me: LSJKFLKSDJ PHOS Satsu: MOOD Phos: I’m not in a lot of fandoms where yaoi is the norm in badfic! Me: Really? It kind of seems like it's the norm in every fandom nowadays. Look I love a lot of slash pairings, but yaoi I have a problem with. Yaoi is fetishization, yaoi is semes and ukes and one of them has to be "the girl" essentially and it's gross Phos: Agreed! Me: ANYWHO [steps off my soapbox] Wiz, a bit behind on the messages: YAOI SLUTS JHBFJHF
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No body saw him, but several pairs of eyes did. Three of them were Shoji's. Wiz: Wing I love you Me:
Something told me he went out side
Was the something lazy writing? I LOVE U TOO WIZ <3 <3 <3 Satsu: It's cracking me uo that it says "Bakago P. O. V" Me: Does... does this person honestly think that's how you spell "damn"? I... wh? The kinds of mistakes this person is making are not really things I see from people who speak English as a second language--tenses are more or less usually correct, etc--so I'm just. How. How do you get it wrong that many times
"Ahh" I heard someone screaming
Really? Cuz when you write it like that it looks more like what you'd say while sinking into a hot bath after a long day. Satsu: Wait, didn't Todoroki kidnap him? Where did he go? Phos: He’s been consumed by the love triangle void Satsu: He just vanished lol Me: Yeah he was like "finally, my Love Interest™️ is in drag, so I must make the most of this and Romance him" and fucked the hell off dragging poor Izuku with him Satsu: LMAO PHOS Me: SLAKFJDLKJ PHOS Phos: bows Thank you Me:
It was Deku being chased by boys
The Izuku Midoriya tag on pixiv, basically
I picked up deku and put him over my shoulder.
This is the second BakuDeku fic I've seen where Bakugou throws Izuku over his shoulder like a goddamn bag of potatoes and it's portrayed as Romantic. Wiz: w h y Satsu: I'm still wondering, is this supposed to be BakuDeku or TodoDeku? Or both????? Phos: Both, I think Me: I think it’s both, yeah Satsu: Aw, dang. My poor baby. :( Phos: I’d bet real money this doesn’t end properly, like it’s not finished Me: yeah the story is technically called "he's Mine! (tododeku kacdeku) (boku no hero academia)" Satsu: Kfbdkfjf jf Wiz: Oh joy Me: which, like, first off, who the FUCK calls it Kacdeku? I'm pretty sure I heard my cat say that while throwing up once Wiz: gfthghuji Phos: Adobe (That was a corrected keysmash) Satsu: I was about to say about kacdeku veing a very weird ship name lol Ah fuck, I always end up changing one letter or eating a whole word Me: "ADOBE" IS THE BEST KEYSMASH LSKJDKFSL mkay SO I don't think Bakugou would literally kill those boys, but he would definitely threaten it Also, how is Izuku supposed to get changed? Did he bring his other clothes with him??
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Phos: BOLD ITALIC AUTHORS NOTE Wiz: jhbjhbjhk Me: I... guess he had his uniform? ALSO YES, ONE OF MY FAVORITES, DEFS A SQUARE ON MY BADFIC BINGO Phos:
Or ... fuck him
Wow I hate this Me: I do not remember Bakugou ever looking like a lost cat, nor do I think a lost cat is a very good descriptor because cats just kinda hide or come up to people and yell when they're lost. ...Actually that second one does describe Bakugou; never mind. Katsukitty "ALL THEM BOYS" SHEEEEE-OOOT! IZUKU DONE GOT HIMSELF A HUMDINGER OF A SOUTHERN ACCENT, NOW, AHYUH-HYUH!!! I walked on a head? Wow, that takes talent. Most people use their feet but I guess if you wanna be Extra
I all ways want to force him
I mean, there are a lot of ways; do you really have to want all of them?
to force him agents a wall
Whoa, what? Where did these agents come from?? Are they investigating Todoroki's sudden disappearance?? Satsu: In which universe Bakugo is nicer with Deku more than with Kirishima Me:
and kiss him passionately
jfc. I just... hhhh. No.
Or... fuck him
Yeah that's about right. Katsuki: [thinks of Deku] well, fuck him :\ Satsu: LMAO LFBFKFHFKFB Phos: Scbsbsfddb Me: Also, Satsu, you summoned my favorite rocky cinnamon roll
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Satsu: Also I don't remember what part of season 3 are you refering to dear author lol JUST, PLEASE STOP WITH THE DAMH ALREADY Phos: What even is that page.... Me: So I guess I should be surprised that Kirishima is just suddenly here, but considering he seems to follow Bakugou everywhere, I'm not.
"I've seen you with midoria and I thought I could help"
What's midoria? Is it a medical condition? "Man, I came down with a nasty case of midoria. I was in the bathroom like seven times last night" If that's the case, Kirishima could help by just giving him some Pepto. Satsu: Kdbejqhevjdvfjd Wiz: pfffft Me:
"Well for one change your..."
Mind? Clothes? Tires once every four years or 10,000 miles? Satsu: Your brain cells!??? Me:
"well be less angry and more happy with him"
"Are you telling me to change who I am!!"
"Well... yeah, kinda. I mean, I love ya, bro, but your attitude kinda sucks." "........Okay, fair"
"Unless you want him to be with todoroki!?"
Uhhh, does what Izuku wants factor into this at ALL, or...? Also, sure, if someone doesn't like you, just change who you are! Works every time, at least until you forget which version of yourself you were using with each person!! Wiz: yaaaaaaaaayyyy Me:
Damh him
Uhhh... okay. [points to self] Wing, me.
"Fine I'll change but only when I'm around deku!"
Sure! Sounds like the basis of a healthy relationship! (: The last decade of abuse doesn't matter!! Wiz: :')))))
AND THAT IS ALL FOR CHAPTER 2! Next time, Shoto makes terrible jokes and lies to Izuku’s mother, Izuku and Shoto go on a date, and our helpless damsel protagonist gets attacked by a villain!! Next post will be up very soon! Thanks for reading <33333
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atopearth · 5 years
Liar! Uncover the Truth Part 5 - Scheming Socialites Spin-Off
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I guess the ritual is that the story always starts off with a cheating boyfriend lol! Heroine in this one and I guess the rest of her friends are all rich though. Rich people problems now? Well, that was creative… Using a planner to keep track of when he’s meeting what girls and then him actually having a twin to swap places with all the time on dates etc, and they’re using the heroine as the mould for an android girl they want to build? Yep, she sure found a wonderful cheating boyfriend. And so for the sake of the future of her family company, she’s gotta marry a rich guy they can do business with and her time limit is by graduation to find one that’s suitable for her, otherwise she’ll have to marry this cheating boyfriend that has a twin, I can feel how desperate she must be feeling already…
1st Liar HAHAHA, what is a professional virgin??? Textbook knowledge with no experience I guess?? Maan, they stole her bra? There’s an underwear thief going around? Yeah… That’s not fun. Btw, I dislike the heroine’s hair being down in the accusation portions, it doesn’t look nice… I’m sure they could have kept her bun hair and still make it look nice from the side somehow…😣 It makes her look so plain too :( LOL Hayato is such a pervert to steal her bra and bury his face in it just so he can visualise her breasts😥 Although, I have to say, I feel like it was unnecessary to put that virgin part in this liar bit, the story makes it seem like all virgins are like this and would do something like this and it makes it sound like such a bad thing to be a virgin, which is pretty slack tbh, especially since the main problem is that he’s a pervert lol. And nope, don’t feel sorry for him nor will I understand him in any way.
2nd Liar Damn, how awkward would it be to go to a mixer and meet your ex there lol, and regardless it sounds like a shitfest since the other girls are like your best friends so whoever goes for the ex is not gonna be in for a good relationship lol. Anyway, Nagi seems like a nice guy, lolll when he joked to the heroine to feed him. Hahahaha the king game is the best, it’s a common game you see in Japanese media where everyone has a numbered stick except one person who has the king stick and they can order whatever number to do something to another number or to the king e.g. when the heroine asked Shunya (number whatever) to flick the forehead of Anko (number whatever). You don’t know who is what number so it can be pretty romantic or cute, or funny such as when Koh (Yu) asked number two to kiss him on the cheek (since he’s king) thinking that it’s one of the girls but it’s actually Shunya hahaha.
Omggg when Shunya said ‘I love you’ to the heroine as part of the game but then privately messages her and says that he was serious when he said that, and then even looks away blushing after she looks at him once she’s read it. Such a flirt lol. I was wondering what the problem would be this time around, guess there’s someone in the group that likes to upload videos, and they uploaded the whole mixer party online and even had shots of the heroine’s panties when she stumbled because she was a bit drunk🤨 This person is very…🤨 But lol, oh yeah, Shunya was the one that always knows what’s on the tests, yeah I remember thinking he was dodgy for sure because of that, didn’t think he would hack the security camera to get this footage to upload though lol. And his “reasons” for starting to do all this was silly zzz.
3rd Liar Hmmmm, so this one is kinda about which rumour about which person is actually true? Not really buying the one about the gay guy, but I’m pretty sceptical about Akari after she gave the heroine the wrong time for the shoot and took her spot, it was the heroine’s fault for not having her planner and not knowing the time but stilllll, she does seem to hang with guys a lot and act suspiciously. Sounds like a long stretch for Mio to be having an affair, seems more like she’s buying stuff for her dad that she doesn’t see much or something.
Yay I’m right! Like, seriously, who bothers to type 15:00, totally a liar, totally meant the 5:00 so that the heroine would be late. But wow, she’s been stealing boyfriends, stealing jobs and sleeping with all these guys in the entertainment circle making it seem as if she’s their girlfriend but she’s really not😶 and now it’s biting back at her because the guys she’s been playing with are friends that regularly hang out together! This is why you shouldn’t play around with guys so close to you and could be friends lol. I guess reading the True end is better than the secret end for SS?🤔 Akari sleeps with so many men because she seeks the validation she can’t get from her father from them since her dad will never praise her and will always disapprove of her modelling and her appearance when she should be working hard like her capable brother that’s in the police force, but really, even though she works hard, her dad doesn’t see it or really care, so it’s pretty saddening. Doesn’t give her the right to play with the guys like she’s serious though, she should be open with the fact that she’s playing lol. Anywho, her problem, her life, still despicable to steal jobs, especially from friends, like wth, don’t buy or care about her story.
4th Liar Lol at the heroine meeting all the guys coincidentally and they’re all interning at Media Act (the setting in Office Deception). Right now tbh, Shotaro and Kaname are pretty unappealing so I don’t really have anything to say about them. Nagi seems cool but that’s all too. Tbh, I’m kinda hoping all the guys are a dud, she gets a best friend at the end and then marries her butler Haru🤣 I feel like he’s the only one she has a genuine bond with, the rest are so superficial lol. Hmmmm maybe Haru is secretly a rich boy! That would be nice, they were so cute eating the birthday cake together and talking about her internship. She needs to dump all those other guys and get with himmmm!
How scary for the heroine though. Accidentally stumbling upon illegal deals for guns at a party that you thought was just some fun😶 I find it so hard to take any of the guys seriously when they just all randomly confess like that though lol. Anddd it’s Kaname! Tbh, I don’t remember anything about this guy besides him being in the same club as the heroine lol. His True End on how he initially traded things his explorer brother brought back and then it becoming a big thing with him eventually going deeper and holding parties and then letting them get out of control because he thinks he’s “helping people out” by doing these people favours for them to trade there. Yeah, no. I have no idea how the son of a top attorney could be so silly and think so naively when it comes to illegal stuff that probably ends up killing people. It’s ridiculous. Outrageous. No sympathy, do not care, would call police on their parties but too scared that I’d get killed lmao.
5th Liar Hmmmm I think that a big problem that I have with this story is that for each liar, I don’t really know what the story is going along to and what is the problem with the “liar” until like the last two chapters before the accusation part where the heroine suddenly finds out some random problem, and right when she discovers the problem, she discovers the culprit too! It’s just so…bad in terms of how the story flows imo. Anyway, the story isn’t particularly interesting either too, since as usual, another guy confesses, she travels around Kyoto and then they realise someone has been posting her photos and details of her and her trip on a blog as if it’s her blogging.
After looking at the blog posts, it’s obvious that it’s Senri, he’s the only one that knows that the handkerchief is a Chinese peony specifically and not a tree peony. Sigh, I liked him the most out of the three personally. Well, Anko is cute I guess lol, but sigh, Senri, why are you a disappointment? Yeah that was creepy, Senri, your true ending just made me even more uhhh wth lol. I thought these true endings were supposed to make me sympathise with them but it just makes me even more disgusted with them lol. So creepy of of him to make a blog about her and all the things she does “out of love”, like dude, that ain’t love, you’re just obsessed and infatuated with her, you don’t even know her, you haven’t even talked to her since she was 8 like whaaaat. Not gonna feel sorry for you even if you cry, Senri. Totally disappointed in him. Anyway, at this rate, I don’t like any of the guys so I hope one of the girls is the one lol.
6th Liar Toru and Azusa are brothers?? Well, he sounds dodgy already. Uhhh Nagi knew that the water bottle had lotion without opening it? Can all the good looking ones stop disappointing meeeee!? I don’t like Sosuke or Shotaro either but I thought Nagi looked pretty good, sighhhhh. Why be a kinky fetishist and kidnap the heroine for, sighhhhh. Lol, I honestly feel like these stories and reasons are getting even more shallow as the story goes on, it’s just so…basic? Like, Nagi just found out he’s a masochist when his girlfriend slapped him when she wanted to break up, and then now he’s like this, it’s like uhh okay? What did the heroine do to make him so into her? Okaaay. Well, I guess it’s good that the heroine is open to reporter jobs as well, wasn’t sure why she was so keen on the magazine editor job specifically when her reasons for wanting it weren’t something only that job provided, but whatever.
7th Liar Right now, I don’t think I’ll be surprised at whoever is the traitor friend. I feel like it’s Anko just because she feels so fake? She’s way too sweet and nice that it’s impossible for her to be real! Mio’s cool so I want her to be the best friend🤣 Honestly not sure how safe it is for the heroine and them to pick mushrooms in the forest when they’re complete newbies relying on the web to see if these mushrooms are edible or not like hmmmm… That doesn’t sound very safe at all!
Hahahah, I’m sorry Anko, you were the genuine good friend LOL. I’m pretty sure Mio cut her finger on purpose just to interrupt the heroine’s conversation with Shotaro. Aaaand she did, no idea why Mio is like this but geez~ Lol, awesome, she loves the heroine and is obsessed with her to the point that she is willing to die together with her, yay, what a wonderful best friend. I don’t get why if the one she likes is the heroine, why would she get the heroine lost in the mountains by herself in the snow and force her to take cover in a cave???? Like, what if she slipped or got so lost she couldn’t find it and died? I am so confused and weirded out. As expected, Mio is so obsessed with her because she was the first person she met that didn’t act fake and genuinely wanted to be friends with her and liked hanging with her, she’s still weirdly obsessed for no reason though.
8th Liar Rental boyfriend?! Aren’t they all rich?? Why do they need to be a rental boyfriend??? I guess they might be disowned or something? Shotaro seems so suspicious though lol, with all the women’s clothing, earrings and credit card bills etc in his “house”, hard to not doubt him tbh. Although Sosuke with two toothbrushes in one cup is kinda hmmmm… I feel like it has to be Sosuke, he probably bought all that food he said he cooked (like why was it so expensive when she paid for half?!), and having perfume and toothbrushes just seems way too dodgy. Well, my gut feeling was right even if my reasons to choose him were not hahaha! So, he’s poor and ridden with debt from his father, and his mother got sick from raising him and his siblings, so even though her condition is better now, he hopes to get a good job or marry into money so his family won’t need to suffer anymore. That’s logical. I don’t blame Sosuke for trying to lie his way through to get the heroine for that reason, doesn’t change the fact that it’s something he shouldn’t have done since he’s blatantly lying to get her money, but it just shows how desperate he is I guess, considering how tough it must be to take care of siblings, work and feed everyone :( But yeah, anyway, still don’t like Shotaro and still think he’s dodgy and hope he is, so that the heroine can go with Haruki!🤣
9th Liar Uh, what? The heroine is going to be betrayed by someone she trusts and even though there should only be two liars left to pick from, they decided to add another two, with one being Haruki? Zzzz. I don’t know but I don’t like this format, it’s like suddenly introducing another two characters that I should be suddenly considering as a part of the liar story. It’s like dude, I barely remember this Professor Mori, why is she suddenly a liar candidate, at this point in the story, I’m not gonna feel anything even if she betrays the heroine😪 Only Haru is the one that consistently appears enough in the background for you to care if he actually betrays the heroine tbh, just because I feel like Shotaro and Anko are such superficial characters that lack personality, and I much prefer and enjoy the little things the heroine and Haru share every now and then with them talking so unreservedly with each other etc.
Well, considering the suspicious calls Haruki has made throughout the story and the only one you’d care about betraying the heroine at this point, it’s most likely him. I really want it to be Shotaro, but if we take the fortune teller guy’s words to be the truth with Anko being her best friend and Shotaro being the guy she’s destined with, then really it only leaves Haru and the professor. And yeah, the professor is such a side character that I doubt it’s her. Sigh, Haru, it’s like one disappointment after another for me throughout this story lol. Reading the true ending for Haru was tough, he’s had a pretty unfortunate childhood. He initially had a nice family with a younger sister and they all loved his piano playing, but then his parents passed away, he got shafted to relatives that used his piano skills to earn money, his sister fell ill and passed away too, and then he somehow got picked up by the heroine’s dad to take care of the heroine, and by staying beside her, he got to experience all those emotions he had lost. So it’s pretty saddening that they made him one of the “liars”.
I’m quite dissatisfied with Scheming Socialites tbh, the story, the reasons for lying, the personalities for the characters, everything felt rather forced and done in quite a mundane way. Also doesn’t help that Shotaro has such a cookie cutter personality that they try to make redeeming in the end by having the same interest as the heroine, but really, it’s so superficial. I honestly only really liked Liar Uncover the Truth. Office Deception and Scheming Socialites just didn’t have the same spark and didn’t have particularly interesting liars, and their reasons were so uncreative compared to the first, oh and I totally didn’t care for them at all, at least for the first series, I felt some sort of emotions towards each liar but for the latter series, I just seriously couldn’t care for them and just felt that they were ridiculous instead. I’m not even mad at any of the liars because I feel nothing for them, yeah it’s that terrible lol. So yeah, I would only recommend playing the first series and Itaru’s Lovers Route to feel complete haha.
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eottoghe · 5 years
Little Boxes - Eleven
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A Jeonghceol Domestic AU where they live in suburbia with their six year old son Chan. Jeonghan is an active member of the PTA, a soccer dad and chauffeur, and a supportive parent all around. His loving husband cares deeply for his passions and will follow him to the end of the world if it keeps him and his family happy. Follow their journey as they get caught up in fun and zany adventures when they fall outside of the guide lines of your average neighbor. Don’t really know where I’m going with this, but I want to see how many different domestic prompts I can get out of this AU before I run out of steam.
First Chapter
Previous Chapter
NOTE: This takes place before all the holiday stuff. I just can’t plan for shit and write too slow lmao.
Autumn begins to settle in quickly. Warm sunshine accompanies a light breeze. The leaves start to change color and ever so slightly dangle from their branches, ready to fall. It’s sweater weather and warm tea time, but not quite cool enough for fluffy coats and mittens yet. With the sky being so clear and the temperature being just right, Jeonghan decides to take Chan to the park. Other parents in the surrounding area have noticed the scenic day and have brought their own kids to the playground as well. It’s relatively full. Not too much so that he couldn’t easily keep an eye on his kid, but enough to where the other kids could keep Chan company. Once too many has Jeonghan gotten stuck on a slide because Chan just insists on racing with him. He watches from the sidelines and lets him be a rowdy six-year-old for once.
Of course, it doesn’t take long for Jeonghan to garner some unwanted attention, so he puts on a fake smile to greet a parent that frequents this area. She’s rather distracting and he couldn’t remember her name if he tried, but she doesn’t seem to notice. He doubts she even realizes how annoying she is. Or if she does, she probably finds it charming. Apparently, she is in the PTA too but is a little more reserved so maybe that’s why he doesn’t remember her. He cuts his eyes between her and Chan (they call him overprotective, but he says its just diligence). She mentions something about saving pictures in her phone about some hot dad from the bake sale. Before Jeonghan can effectively pry into her gallery, he hears a shout that sounds all too familiar.
His heart stops, stomach drops, and he hurriedly hops over some children just to get to the source of that scream. He starts panicking once he sees his son on the ground in front of the swing sets. He’s got a skinned-up knee and a bloody palm and his crying echoes through the park achingly. Jeonghan runs over and immediately picks up the boy, checking his face for any life-threatening injuries. He sighs when he sees none. A flurry of questions and hushes come out of Jeonghan, instantly soothing the boy.
“What’s wrong baby? What happened?” He’s bouncing Chan on his hip and through broken cries and hiccupping he hears him say something about a girl pushing him. He connects the dots and sees some long-haired child around his kid’s age swinging merrily back and forth. Once Chan sees her again, he begins to cry more, burying his snot covered nose into Jeonghan’s shoulder. The dad knows he should just take the younger home to get him all cleaned up, but not before giving this brat a piece of his mind.
“Excuse me. Can I speak to you for a moment, sweetie?” It’s clear Jeonghan is a bit upset but tries to keep a calm demeanor so as not to trigger the parent that is sure to be lurking. If they are not monitoring their child like they should be, he’ll take that step for them. If they won’t discipline them, he will. A good scolding is necessary otherwise they’ll never learn. The girl continues to swing but does at least look at him with a bored expression. Kids can be so rude these days. “Now I know you probably didn’t mean it...” Even though Jeonghan knows damn well she is old enough to know better, “ …but it’s not nice to shove others aside to get what you want. Pushing someone off a swing is unacceptable behavior.” She has the nerve to yawn, “I’m sure you wouldn’t want your mom or dad to know what you’ve been up to, but I think it’s best if I talk to one of them.”
Before Jeonghan can even ask for the kid to point out their parent, he hears a vicious voice bark out, “Why are you harassing my daughter?"
Jeonghan is so offended because he’s not the one doing the harassing! “Harrassing?” he begins to tell them off, but when he turns around, it’s like the whole world comes to a full, screeching halt. Fate is on some fuckshit today.
 Jang Doyoon. Age 28. Number 19 on Jeonghan’s hit list.
Don’t be fooled. Just because he’s 19, does not mean there’s any less of a loathing for him. In fact, Jeonghan’s list is quite long so he’s still somewhere around the top 20%. It’s just Jeonghan’s luck that he runs into him after so long. It’s a small world (and at this moment he wishes he was on the opposite side of it).
Once, long before, Jang Doyoon seemed hellbent on ruining his whole life. He’d transferred to the same university as him and maybe it was some kind of territorial defense mechanism that had Doyoon making every encounter absolutely terrible. Jeonghan almost fought him once the other “accidentally” bumped into him with a freshly brewed cup of coffee in his hands. Even more, he didn’t even say sorry after staining his blouse and causing minor burns. Oddly, Jang Doyoon vanished after that. Jeonghan never questioned it, just closed that chapter in his book. Jeonghan hadn’t thought anything else of the boy.
That is… until now.
The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree. He mentally rolls up his sleeves, pulls up his big boy pants and prepares to stand up to the bully he never had the chance to.
“When my son was using the swing, your kid pushed him off.” His tone remains polite yet challenging. Jeonghan is a cordial man with a short temper. His soft exterior shields unsuspecting people from his true wrath.
But Jang Doyoon has accepted the challenge. “Well did she have reason to do so?”
Jeonghan is like a cauldron of molten lava now. His brain stutters, not believing the audacity this man has to ask a question like that. “What did you just say?” He raises an eyebrow.
“If your kid is hogging the swings, don’t you think it’s only fair to take turns?” Jeonghan can tell his cattiness has remained intact all these years later.
“I guess delinquency runs in the family.” Jeonghan leans in real close and his voice gets real low. “If you or your spawn of Satan ever comes anywhere near my child again, I will personally hand your ass over to you on a silver platter.”
Jeonghan makes sure he has a firm grip on Chan, the six-year-old still clinging tightly in his hold. He makes a dramatic exit, not once glancing back at the man who triggered his inner Mama Bear. There’s a cloud of dust in his wake and a couple stunned parents fishing for new gossip. If Jeonghan were to retell the story, be sure to expect explosions in the background, fire—lots of it, and a man quaking in fear.
On the walk home, he’s speaking sweet words to the child easily winding him down. Chan’s still shaken up, never really having been the focus of a bully’s rampage. His bawling has now turned into slight sniffling. He’s just too kind for this world. Jeonghan feels awful that someone so mean could target his precious baby. He hopes Chan never has to see her again (and that he never has to see her father).
He sits Chan on the counter of his bathroom once they get home. Chan knows how it feels to get cuts cleaned. It makes him want to cry all over again at the memory of it. It was too similar to his bike accident a few months ago. He never wanted to go through that again, but here he is. His dad reaches toward him with a cotton ball. He knows it isn’t water soaked through it because water doesn’t burn. And the smell is never that strong. He flinches each time it gets closer.
“I need you to be still, baby. It’ll take longer to clean if you keep moving around.”
“But it huuurts…” The pout is so much like Seungcheol’s that Jeonghan has to refrain from rolling his eyes.
“I know. I know. But it’s the only way to make it better. Can you be a big boy for me?” That seems to do the trick as Chan stops fidgeting on the counter and sits up a little straighter. His eyebrows flatten out into a line as he mocks what he thinks determination should look like. He’s already cried so much today. He wants to be a big boy who doesn’t have a fit when the stinging, burning water like thing gets too close. He nods.
But the contact makes all of that go out the window. He yelps and kicks his leg in surprise. His pout has returned and his wide eyes swell with brimmed tears. Thankfully Jeonghan catches his leg before he gets kicked. Holding it in place, he dabs the wounds a few times and fully cleans up any remnants of pebbles and blood. Even when Chan starts crying again and trying to shy away, he holds fast and tries not to let it affect him as much. It’s hard though. Seeing Chan cry and knowing he’s the one causing the pain makes his own heart wrench. He feels so guilty that he wasn’t able to protect his baby in the first place.
“I’m almost done. I’m so so sorry.” Jeonghan croons. The six-year-old’s fists come to tighten in the collar of Jeonghan’s shirt, an attempt to distract himself.
Jeonghan finishes up with Spiderman decorated band-aids. It’s the only good thing of this whole ordeal because Chan finally smiles seeing one of his favorite superheroes. They don’t have any plans for the rest of their day so Jeonghan thinks it’s a perfect time to watch cartoons and let Chan eat snacks and ice cream before dinner for once.
Next Chapter
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ryouverua · 6 years
Trial 5 - So about that one thing... (1)
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Investigation 1 / 2 - second half is where I put my own theories that I penned before playing the trial. 
and man was I proven wrong almost instantaneously lmao - but I’m getting ahead of myself. On with the show!
Poor K1-b0, honestly. He had such a great epic speech planned, totally interrupting Monokuma’s normal opening for the trial -
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- only for Monokuma to completely undercut him, aka the opening of this post. 8′D You’ll prevail over robophobia one day, K1-b0! One... day....
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Good luck trying to pull that on Maki, though. 8′D
H-Hm. The fact that you’re asking that means that you’re either putting on a really good act right now, or I am so very, very wrong right out the gate. But with that said, where is the sixth person? Maybe that’s what I should call them, honestly. The Sixth Person. The Unknown Loudmouth who thrives off others’ attention. The Mysterious Purple Boy Wonder. ‘K’, if you will.
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omg they... have question marks... on their faces.... Now this is definitely a first. So we’re actually going to go the whole trial without either of them, huh. Sure, one of them being gone I was half-heartedly prepared for, but both? Damn.
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I’m 99% sure ‘Never let a good crisis go to waste’ is like Monokuma’s theme or something.
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They are?! Have they been hiding in here the whole time??? That... is actually a really good hiding place? Though I have no idea how they’d be able to get down here before a trial was called...
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There’s that same base assumption: Culprit = Mastermind = Kokichi. But what if one of those isn’t true? Or, well, two? Could it be Culprit = Mastermind? Or Culprit = Kokichi? Or just... well, neither?
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Man, just... the fact that you’re trying to shut down discussion really lends itself to suspicion. I don’t think I’m drawing the wrong conclusion by saying she was the one who cleaned up after the fact, but I suppose the option of her outright killing Kokichi or mercy-killing Kaito is still a possibility? I still don’t think she’s the culprit because I don’t think she was able to get in until after the crossbow shots were fired (aka let in by Kaito) but...
Or... or if she found Kaito dead already, from illness, and then crushed the body to frame Kokichi for it... but if she thought he was the mastermind, then she would think he’d have control of the full trial and would know that selecting him as the culprit would be the wrong answer, right??? Yeah okay following that idea to the end was pointless in the end but at least I got it out of my system. >3> I also don’t think she would disrespect Kaito’s body like that tbh unless she had to, so...
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Oh man are we going to get an end-of-trial reveal then? I’m just gonna be vibrating anxiously in my seat then, I suppose. look Sweetcheeks we’re in sync again!
Aaaah, the class is so small now... I mean, we don’t even have the sixth person we should have. This is sixth chapter-levels of small. what is with the number six showing up all of the sudden
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I had to grab this screenshot because tell me this doesn’t give off the impression of a sniper scope lens! Maybe that’s just me? I just really like taking a moment to appreciate the design of the text in the trials ~
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I didn’t think this was going to come up so early!
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And the one to the back looks bad.... Was it just dripping, or do those correspond with the drag marks? It seems to imply that they do...
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Shuichi and I are all about those implications and circumstantial evidence lol
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Meanwhile Maki is all about that supposed ‘direct’ evidence. Which, you know, fair! .... is what I would say if I didn’t think she was participating in a cover-up. But the motive behind the coverup... just saying ‘she wants to save Kaito’ isn’t really good enough for me, because that means she’s forfeiting everyone else’s lives in the process of the trial proceeds by its own rules - which it seems to be doing.... And, yeah, everything outside is gone, and she did agree to mercy-kill everyone before they saw the flashback light, but -
Oh, that’s an interesting thought. Kaito overthrows Kokichi, accidentally killing him in the process thanks to Maki’s poisoned arrows. Kaito succumbs to illness, or is going to in short order. Monokuma AI is still up and running, and Maki thinks it’s just because it can run independently of Kokichi, maybe? So she takes advantage of it in order to mercy-kill everyone like Gonta (and maybe Kokichi) wanted last chapter, while letting Kaito die without anyone else thinking he was a murderer? Is this her using her Ultimate Assassin ability in the most compassionate way she can, maybe?
I.... don’t know if I’m 100% satisfied with that answer... but it is an answer..........
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It’s not a question of wants, my dear Sweetcheeks - she needs to push this narrative. The real question is if she actually believes it herself.
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i thought the answer was bloodstain whoops
Thank goodness there wasn’t. 8′\ I don’t think even Danganronpa could stylize the gruesomeness out of that.
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“You think that comment about ‘the last time you touched a woman’ was bad? I’m going to show you that I can eviscerate you without even lifting a finger.”
Maki is a force to be reckoned with, damn.
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too soon? .... yeah okay
I’M LAUGHING HOW MANY SHIP WAR TRIALS ARE WE GOING TO HAVE why can’t we all just ot3 in peace guys
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They are low-key fighting about who knows Kaito the best down to how he dresses himself I cannot believe -
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“Have you ever considered he was wearing it like a cape like an absolute no-taste madman? Or reverted to the ‘tied around waist’ trend?  When you two broke up, it changed him, Shuichi - it changed him!”
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“Just like Kokichi Imeanwhat, you didn’t hear me say that, nope -”
also too soon probably
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Defeat... but how does this defeat him? The theory I have addresses why she would be so determined/have more knowledge than she’s letting on, but it definitely doesn’t neatly answer how implicating him as the culprit would ‘defeat’ him outside of letting Kaito out unscathed. :x
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Oooh, are we going to address that point now? I feel like once we’ve resolved that, we’ll be ready to start breaking things down into easier-to-solve chunks!
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Oh... um... o-okay but -
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actually oooh she said ‘Momota’ without an `ific behind it - is that a first, or did I only just notice now?
Edit: I’ve been corrected, she’s apparently not used it for a while now. I’m not surprised I just didn’t notice until now. 8′D
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I.... I don’t even know what to think right now.... I thought I’d come up with something good in terms of why it was Kaito and not Kokichi, thinking it would be maybe a twist for partway through the trial or something, but then??? he just fucking busts in 15 minutes late with whatever DR’s equivalent of Starbucks is like ‘WHAT UP GUYS WHAT DID I MISS?’
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can I just say I really appreciate Hiro Shimono right now holy crap
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but I just heard Kokichi scream something along the lines of (and I’m totally going to butcher this with my limited knowledge, I apologize):  “ORE WA SHIMASEN! MINNA WO AISHITERU KARA!” Isn’t that along the lines of ‘I won’t [die], I love all of you?” or ‘Everyone loves me?” or something? man I’m totally butchering this aren’t I lol please feel free to correct me
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As for the english reference we have a confirmed Sinatra fan among us - that’s some pretty great taste you’ve got there, kiddo! hey maybe the japanese one was a detective conan ED ref or maybe I’m just reaching as usual
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U-Uh I don’t know about that? I find the exisals pretty impressive, personally. I bet Tsumugi is secretly fangirling as an big mecha!anime nerd.
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Good question, tbh - why did Kaito’s voice come out of the exisal? I’d consider the idea of them both being in there, but... but we discovered a body, right? And bloodstains? Unless an old body was reused (and there’s precedence in the series for that), but I don’t know how they would manage it???
Also I’m mad at myself WHY did I accidentally delete the ‘cracker’ cap, japanese Kokichi literally just said ‘cracker’ out loud and it was amazing!!!
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..... I.... DAMN IT THAT IS A GOOD REASON. Fine, you win this round, K.
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I MEAN... YEAH....
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oh shit you did what now
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UM?!?! NO, CAN WE NOT?!?!
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Oh.... Oh no.
I have questions about why the video sped up for a moment and also why he isn’t moving at all (is he??? dead before being placed there???)  but I’m going to push them to the side for a moment because
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Oh dear :(
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how many love interests must this boy be forced to watch die damn it
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kalgalen · 7 years
Blood On My Name (1/?)
So I started that thing about two years ago, and i've only finished the first chapter (go me!). I do have big plans for that fic though, so please comment if you like it, it'll encourage me not to sit on my ass for two more years until the next chapter lmao
The first chapter contains mentions of abusive relationship.
(it’s also on ao3 but since tumblr isn’t allowing people to put links in posts anymore it’s all here. you can still come and give me a kudo if you want! my username is kalgalen there as well.)
The icy water felt like a slap on their face, stinging their skin unpleasantly but clearing up their mind from the alcoholic fog it had sunk in the previous night. They breathed in deeply, trying to get their upset stomach to settle. Reluctantly, they raised their eyes from the sink, their hands clutching tightly at the white porcelain to avoid simply falling over and cracking open their skull on the edge of the bathtub. Their gaze drifted up until it met their reflection in the mirror. As usual, it was a surprise to discover their own face - features that should have been familiar, but somehow always looked all wrong and out-of-place.
Hawke lifted a hand to their hair, futilely attempting to comb the messy bangs back in some sort of order. The shade was incorrect, but no matter how many times they tried to dye it, it never was the color Hawke felt it was supposed to be.
It was a very uncomfortable experience to see a stranger blinking back at you every morning.
Hawke grabbed the red toothbrush - unsuccessfully attempting to ignore the blue one next to it, purposefully forgotten by its owner as an absence painful reminder - and squeezed a bit of toothpaste on it before starting to brush their teeth. It would most likely fail at ridding their mouth of the taste of bile and cheap wine, but it was better than to bury themselves back under the covers and ignore the entire world until it stopped hurting.
When they were done, they thoroughly rinsed their mouth and splashed some more water on their face. The small efforts at self-care were comforting and much needed, and Hawke almost felt human again by the end of it. Recovering two small pills from a white and blue box - elfroot-based painkillers, strong enough to deal with the throbbing headache Hawke could feel pounding at the edge of their mind - they exited the bathroom.
Painful headaches often meant accidentally setting things on fire, and that wasn't a thing Hawke was willing to deal with this early in the morning - or, as they discovered when they took a look at the kitchen clock, at half two in the afternoon.
To be fair, they had passed out pretty late the previous night. This shouldn't have been a surprise.
Hawke retrieved a glass from a cupboard, noticing how empty it had started to look. They'd have to do the dishes in the near future. Why didn't they get a dishwasher sooner? It would have spared them countless arguments with their siblings about whose turn it was to do the chores - and it would have cleared some time for their mother to live her life instead of taking care of her three grown-up children.
Hawke set the glass on the table with a bit too much vivacity. There was no use crying over spilled milk. It was too late for regrets.
But even as they kept repeating themselves that what had passed had passed, sitting alone at a kitchen table designed for a much larger number of people, sipping their water to nurse their hangover, Hawke was becoming more and more aware of the silence around them. There was faint sounds of  traffic coming from outside, echoes of Kirkwall living and moving around them, but in the Amell estate stillness filled every corner, laying dust and shadows down where laughs used to ring. The emptiness weighted hard on their shoulders, making it difficult for them to breathe. Guilt, loneliness, the indescribable fear of not having anybody to hold, to talk to, to acknowledge their existence - everything was being weaved into a knot Hawke could feel tightening against their throat.
Breathe in, breathe out. Don't think about the time you could have spend with Mother, if you hadn't been so selfish. Don't think about Carver enrolling in the army and leaving for Seheron, because risking his life there was preferable to putting up with your presence here. Don't think about Bethany who chose to accept that scholarship for Ostwick's University, when Kirkwall's offered exactly the same program. Don't think about how disappointed Father would be of his first born for failing at keeping the family together, and instead lamenting about their own fate while nursing a hangover.
Don't think.
Their breathing back under control, Hawke finished their drink in one gulp and got up, setting the glass in the stainless steel sink among the other dirty dishes. They’d have to take care of that later.
Merrill always found social conventions baffling. So little of it made sense, and "that's how things are" wasn't a good enough reason for her to follow absurd rules. Why should she leave a beaten animal at the hands of its abusive owner? How could an employer decide that more money for them outweighed a better living situation for the people below them? Why was she allowed to walk on this patch of grass, but not on the one just next to it?
Granted, that specific patch of grass had been situated on the other side of a fairly large wall, which usually meant strangers weren't welcome beyond that point.
Still, Merrill didn't do anything wrong. A garden was made to be visited, not locked behind iron gates and open only to a handful of rich important people. She had climbed the wall separating the backyard of the precinct from the rest of the town and walked the paved alleys drawn according to Orlesian patterns. She had touched the rough barks of the oaks, grazed the soft skin of the birch trees, smelled some of the delicate roses blooming on an ancient stone arch. There hadn't been anyone around at the time, and she had decided that she deserved a short nap near the quiet stream running across the garden. She had settled on the grass, breathing in the fresh smell of clean water and healthy flora, the cacophony of the city reduced to a dull and distant background noise.
This wasn't something she had the occasion to experience often back in the alienage, and she had drifted off pretty quickly - only to be woken up by a loud voice demanding to know what she was doing here, and a large hand descending on her to grab her arm.
She had been brought in Viscount's Keep itself and sat on a chair in front of a stern-looking woman. Merrill could feel her silently judging her too-sharp ears and the shape of her eyes, all the small details that betrayed the non-human blood in her veins. She had affected an innocent expression and batted her eyelashes.
That kind of person was always willing to believe she was too dumb to lie, and she wasn't about to overlook any points in her advantage.
Half an hour later, Merrill had given every first name she could think of but her own, invented a dozen family names from her surrounding, and she was pretty sure the lady behind the desk would have locked her up long ago hadn't she been convinced that Merrill was, in fact, incapable of remembering her own name. Merrill loved it when some people's bias against the elf-blooded population worked in her favor.
"Let me see her! You don't have the right to- Hey! Hands off!"
Merrill looked toward the sound of the commotion, catching sight of light blond hair. It confirmed what the yelling already told her: that Velanna was here, and ready to tear her way through half the precinct to get to Merrill. She smiled and raised her hand.
"I'm here, Vel," Merrill waved as her roommate shoved aside a policeman twice her size.
Velanna all but ran to her, catching her hands as if to make sure she was okay - in fact, Merrill could feel tendrils of magic reaching out to her, assessing her condition.
"Creators, you're okay," Velanna signed in relief, before glaring daggers at Merrill's interrogator: "Why is she being detained?"
"Trespassing," the woman answered. She had gotten even surlier at the sight of Velanna's facial tattoos.
“Oh, lethalin," Velanna sighed. "Again?"
The use of the elven word was mostly destined to keep Merrill's name hidden, but it also made the cop shift uncomfortably on her chair.
"Miss, your friend needs to stop doing that. Viscount's Keep gardens are an inestimable heritage. We can't simply open it to people-"
"People like us?" asked Velanna with a smile that showed all her teeth. "Knife-ears? Vermin? Go ahead, you can say it. It's nothing I haven't heard before."
"I wouldn't..." the woman stammered, looking horrified - and, Merrill noticed, slightly shameful. "I didn't mean to-"
"But you did," Velanna interrupted her, venomous. "You shemlen cops only care about your own, don't you?"
The woman's expression became stormy under the insult, and Merrill nervously pulled her coat tighter around her body. This was going too far. She opened her mouth to intervene, when a new voice rose.
"That's enough."
Velanna kept her eyes fixed on the person she seemed to consider as her new archnemesis while Merrill turned to the speaker. It was another policewoman, her red hair tied back and a disapproving expression on her face. For some reason, her straight posture and the fine line of her mouth looked familiar to Merrill, as if she was an echo of a blurry dream.
“I’ll take care of this,” the familiar woman said, and gestured for Merrill to get up.
Merrill did so, eager to get away from the battle of will occurring between Velanna and her interrogator - she literally could feel sparks crackling in the air. She had to take her friend’s hand to drag her away from the desk and toward the red-haired lady waiting in front of a door.
“Enter,” the woman said with a gesture in direction of the inside of the office. “It won’t take long."
Merrill squeezed Velanna's hand in a way she hoped was reassuring and stepped into the room.
It was small, but the window opened in the opposite wall made it look more spacious. The shelves aligned on the walls, neat and structured, implied that the office's occupant was an adept of order and organization, but the desk in the middle of the room suggested otherwise. Covered in uneven piles of paperwork, there was barely any space to write. A small place was cleared at the foot of the desk lamp for a frame the size of a hand and an empty mug. Merrill could discern a name on a copper plate half-buried under circulation forms: A. VALLEN.
The woman - Vallen, Merrill guessed - closed the door behind them and looked at her.
"I'll be quick. I can arrange for this incident to be forgotten-"
"Why would you do that?" Velanna questioned. She wasn't as aggressive as before, but she was still tense, and had placed herself a bit in front of Merrill. The message was clear: don't try anything funny.
Vallen looked slightly annoyed at the interruption. She barely glanced at Velanna before continuing, talking directly at Merrill:
"As far as I'm concerned, you didn't do anything wrong. You're free to go, on one condition."
Velanna mumbled "here it is". Merrill simply nodded.
"What is it?"
Vallen looked incredibly tired for a couple of second. She sighed.
"Just... Don't get into anymore trouble.”
"That's all?" Merrill exclaimed. She could feel Velanna holding her hand a little tighter, her manner of saying: don't trust her.
The woman shrugged.
"Those gardens have been made to be admired. Keeping people away from them is stupid, but it's the law."
Merrill nodded.
“Fine. I’ll be more careful.”
Vallen offered her a tight smile, as if she wanted to seem friendly without having the slightest idea of how to actually get to that result.
She walked to the door and pushed it open, waving for them to get out. When Merrill walked passed her, she added:
"Next time, don't get caught."
The door closed in their face, and Merrill opened her mouth, closed it again, and finally said:
"Well, she didn't exactly say I couldn't come back. Right?"
Velanna rolled her eyes.
Aveline exhaled in the relative privacy of her office, leaning against the door she just closed. Fishing her cellphone out of her pocket, she scrolled through her contacts until she found the one she was looking for, and pushed the dial button. While she waited for her interlocutor to answer, she approached the window. It gave directly over the stairs leading to Viscount's Keep and offered her a good view of every person coming and going around it.
Over the phone, a man picked up.
He sounded distracted. Aveline didn't bother with pleasantries and got directly to the point.
"I think I found one of the persons you are looking for."
On the other end of the line, she could hear the man brighten up.
"Really? Who, and how? Do I have to bail anybody out of jail?"
Aveline made a face. What kind of person knowingly searched for people for whom being in prison was an expected situation? She replied nonetheless:
"A woman. Small. Dark hair, green eyes. About... twenty years old?  Might as well be in her early thirties, though."
This was the thing that confused her the most about elf-blooded people: they didn't seem to age.
"Sounds like Merrill," the man mumbled - more to himself than to Aveline, she suspected.
"She trespassed in the Keep's gardens. That's where we found her," she continued.
The man chuckled.
"Yeah, sounds like Merrill alright. She always loved that place."
"You have weird friends," Aveline remarked. The woman and her tattooed companion had exited the police station and were currently standing in the middle of the stairs. The blonde seemed upset and was making large movements with her arms. The brunette - Merrill - appeared to be trying to calm her down.
"Hey, Red. They are your friends too."
"You convinced me to help you - but I don't know those people. I don't consider them my friends." After a second, she added: "And it's Deputy Chief Vallen for you, serah Tethras."
This brought another laugh from him.
"In another life, you got angry at me for not giving you any nicknames."
"This is not-" She huffed in irritation. "Even if I believed in your reincarnation tale, this is not "another life". As far as I'm concerned, this is the only life I have."
"Oh, Aveline. Ever the skeptical. Good, we need people like that too."
Aveline ignored the provocation.
"What do you even want from her?"
"Same as always. I want to reform the old gang." He sounded almost nostalgic. "Actually, it's a good thing you found Merrill first."
On the outside, Merrill had taken her friend's hand between her own. Apologizing, maybe, for a reckless - if usual - behavior.
"And you're just going to... what, walk up to her and announce that your souls have been acquaintances since the Dragon Age and that it means you have to hang out until you die again? Do you really think she's going to believe you?"
But as soon as the words left her mouth, Aveline reconsidered them. If one person in Kirkwall was disposed to swallow that kind of fiction, it was probably that girl.
Obviously, Tethras knew it too. He emitted a short bark of laughter.
"See, that's the difference between you and Daisy. She's a believer. And she's smart. Perceptive. She'll know. Do you still have the pictures of the others?"
Aveline absently glanced over to her coat, knowing the drawings he had given her were stuffed in one of the pockets.
"Good. Keep me updated."
She produced a noncommittal grunt. She didn't appreciate being given orders by civilians. Tethras visibly took it as a solid "yes".
"Good," he repeated. There was a short pause before he said, almost shyly: "Aveline?"
"What?" she breathed out wearily.
"Thank you."
Then he hung up.
The sound of keys outside the apartment made Fenris raise his eyes from his book. He tensed up imperceptibly as the door latch unlocked and instantaneously admonished himself for still having this reaction - you are safe now, and he cannot hurt you.
Some things were hard to remember some days.
Fenris slipped an old receipt between the pages of the book and stood up just as Varania pushed the door open, struggling to bring in three groceries bags. Her cheeks were red and her breath was short, obvious result of having dragged heavy bags up four flight of stairs. She frowned as soon as she saw her brother standing in their kitchen.
"Help me with this, will you?" she groaned, straightening up and putting a hand against her painful back.
He immediately joined her and grabbed two of the bags, hauling them on the kitchen counter with a grunt, and started to sort the items in the cupboards.
“How was your day?” he asked, putting away a couple of cans of beans in the storage cabinet below the microwave.
“Good, good. The usual. A guy brought in a dog with a broken leg, another arrived with a snake that somehow managed to tie itself into a knot. There was that kitten - white, fluffy, pure Orlesian Longhair, a real beauty - who started puking everywhere as soon as the examination started. It took two hours for me to clean everything. Oh, and a woman wanted to know if she’d get a fennec by breeding a fox and a cat? Yeah, I know,” she said, noticing Fenris’ disbelieving expression. “Like, how do you intend on catching a fox, lady?”
“That’s the lesser part of the problem,” Fenris mumbled, storing away the last of the foodstuff and scrunching up the plastic bags to put them away with their collection of other plastic bags stuffed in a bigger plastic bag. Varania just shrugged.
“I’m glad I wasn’t the one who had to explain to her exactly how impossible it was. I wouldn’t have been able to be half as patient as Arianni was. Anyway, how was your day?”
Fenris emitted a non-committal grunt, leaning his back against the counter.
“It was fine,” he answered eventually. “Got some reading done.”
“Did you get out of the apartment at least? Get some fresh air?”
He huffed. Varania sighed.
“You know you should get out more. It’ll do you some good.”
“I already go out! I work!” he protested, annoyed and feeling guilty.
“I meant go out for fun, and you know it. Socialize a little. Make some friends.”
Fenris smiled sweetly at his sister.
“I don’t need any friends. I have you.”
Varania tutted, grinning despite herself.
“You won’t get away with it by acting charming. I know all your tricks, they won’t work on me.”
Fenris laughed.
“Maybe I do need some new friends, some who will fall for my tricks.”
There was a loud thump against the wall of the living room, and Fenris couldn’t help but jump, instantly tense. A series of muffled words came from the neighboring apartment, expletives screamed by a feminine voice the siblings knew too well.
“They’re fighting again,” Varania said, somber.
“You mean, Hadriana is angry and Orana is afraid,” Fenris growled, his heart still beating fast and hard from the scare. Really, he should have been used to it by now; it happened at least twice a week, more if Hadriana was feeling particularly cruel. She would yell at her girlfriend - probably for no particular reason, since Orana seemed to be an adorable person, always polite and agreeable when Fenris bumped into her on the landing, whereas Hadriana was cold and distant. No audible response would come from Orana when those outbursts happened, and Fenris could only imagine her trembling in front of her partner, unable to defend herself.
The whole situation hit too close from home, and he dug his nails into the palm of his hands to avoid doing something he’d regret - although driving his fist into Hadriana’s face seemed like an excellent idea at the present time.
“We can’t do anything,” Varania reminded him softly. “As long as she doesn’t hit Orana, we can’t call the police. They won’t believe us.”
“Why do we have to wait for Orana to get hurt? It didn’t work out that well for me, did it?”
Varania looked uncomfortable and shifted on her feet, avoiding his eyes.
“Look, maybe I could talk to Orana next time I see her. I might be able to convince her to do something. Maybe move away, or something.” She tentatively crossed his gaze. “I’m sorry, I can’t do more.”
He shrugged.
“Okay. I have to go get ready for work now. I’ll be coming back home at 3, so don’t wait up on me.”
He left the kitchen without a look behind him, feeling sick in his stomach.
Thrift-shops were the richest places on Thedas.
Not because of the monetary value of what was being sold, obviously - but because of the memories attached to them. Isabela had retrieved a massive amount of souvenirs wandering through piles of discarded belongings, echoes of ageless arguments or fleeting moments of happiness dancing at the tips of her fingers as she ran them through dusty old clothes, half-corroded jewelry and stained records of times long passed.
But Isabela wasn't interested in sweet family memento. What she was looking for was far more tangible - and lucrative.
She was riffling through crackled maps. Among those were some ancient enough to have belonged to her great-grandmother - not that she ever met her: Grandma Iria had died at sea long before Isabela herself was even born. Some were barely readable, the ink rubbed away by the brush of countless hands. Most were only pieces of paper, and Isabela pushed them aside, her brows furrowing as she waited for a sign, a familiar tug on her mind that would tell her there was an interesting secret trapped in one of the scrolls.
After fifteen minutes of fruitless research, Isabela sighed in frustration. Some days were not lucky. She straightened back up, leaving the box of maps, and stretched ostensibly. Her eyes ran distractedly on the shelves around her. Any of the objects exposed here could contain an information that might be worth selling: some long-buried scandal, the location of a forgotten treasure - or even better, of an antique dwarven thaig. Anything she could make a profit of, really. Isabela didn't count being picky among her character flaws.
She was going to inspect a bundle of delicate porcelain figurines when a glint on the far wall caught her eyes. Walking carefully around crates of cracked glasses, she approached the item that had attracted her attention.
It was a sword - or rather, a dagger. It was about as long as her thigh, the blade delicately curved and lines carved in the faded material of the guard. It looked rivaini in origin, and Isabela found it inexplicably familiar. Something in her looked upon that weapon and claimed: mine.
Throwing a glance around to check if anybody was in sight, Isabela got on the tip of her toes to unhook the dagger from the wall. It weighed nicely in her hand, her fingers a perfect match for the grooves in the wood. It was bigger than the knives she was used to, but it seemed like it had been made for her.
She gasped when the flash hit her, etching images into her mind with a stunning clarity.
She could see herself, a indigo kerchief keeping her hair out of her face and long black boots climbing high on her legs. She had the blade strapped in her back, along with its twin. She was walking on a beach, recalling a soft seashore wind caressing her skin. She could hear people talking, but their voices sounded distant, as if coming from behind a wall of water. Three people were with her - friends, her brain supplied. One of them was a woman with a heart-shaped face and huge, luminous eyes, clad in a green tunic and some sort of chainmail suit. She was holding a staff in her right hand and conversing with her companion, a man of small stature wearing a dark armor and bowing slightly under the weight of the monstrous sword sheathed in his back. He looked sour, and Isabela felt mocking words escaping her mouth, once again without being able to understand them. The man's lips twisted in annoyance, but the woman started to laugh. It was only then that Isabela noticed their pointed ears and the markings on their faces.
Isabela knew a lot of people who had elven ancestors, but that was the first time she met the Real Deal. Those memories were old.
Suddenly, the elves quieted, and Isabela herself fell silent without knowing why. Then she noticed the last member of their group had stopped in front of them, a fist half-raised to signal them to wait. Isabela couldn't see the face of their leader, only the dusty fur pauldrons on their shoulders and the clawed gauntlets protecting their hands. They were talking, and whatever they said seemed to worry the elves who exchanged a glance and readied their weapon. Isabela felt her body shift into a fighting stance. There was a couple of seconds of anxious waiting.
And the undead started to rise from the ground.
The blade produced a loud clang when it hit the ground, startling Isabela. She breathed in deeply, trying to calm the beating of her heart as her eyes searched for terrifying zombies reaching for her. Of course, there was none.
"Hey! What was that?" the owner of the shop roared from beyond the racks, making chipped teacups and other random trinkets rattle on their shelves.
"Nothing, Xenon! Go back to sleep!" Isabela yelled back.
"Didn't sound to me like nothing! What you break, you pay for, ye pirate!"
"I didn't break anything, you old rag! Maker," she mumbled, leaning down to pick the dagger up. It was - thankfully - intact. She grazed the edge of the blade almost tenderly, fascinated, and whispered to herself: "I didn't break it, but I'll pay for it."
This was far more interesting than the location of any lost treasure.
The collar was painfully constricting his throat, making the simple action of breathing an act of rebellion. He tasted blood in his mouth, like copper and iron on his tongue. He wanted to scream, to fight, to break free from the chains and to tear the entire place down. They didn't have the right. They couldn't.
Except they very much could. They had all the power he didn't possess, the power to fill him with emptiness - or to lock him up and throw away  the key.
The walls were close, too close. It seemed like he could touch two opposite sides of the room just by laying down, and the top of the room looked low enough to bump his head against, if he ever had the courage to stand up.
He was going to die here.
The realization hit him, and it felt as if the ceiling had cracked and dropped on his shoulders. He was going to die here, and there was nothing he could do about it.
Anger and despair filled his lungs like molten lead. The manacles were burning on his wrists,  making something stir in him - something terrible, something that should have stayed asleep and that he couldn't let out again at any cost. Something that demanded
Anders woke up in a cold sweat, heart pounding fast in his chest. He sat up in a jump, mouth gaping and eyes wide, glance shooting from one darkened corner to the next, in search for an eventual threat - but he was alone, save for the little ball of fur nuzzling at his side.
"Hey, Purr," he mumbled, his voice hoarse and his tongue feeling like a piece of old parchment.
Purrcival meowed softly, pushing his nose against the man's hand. Anders obliged him and started petting the cat, distractedly rubbing at his own throat with his free hand. He couldn't remember the details of his dream, but the bits and pieces he did remember - the horror, the helplessness, the all-encompassing rage - made him glad he had woken up when he did; those were memories he wasn't eager to relieve.
Shooing the cat off the bed, Anders pushed away the covers and got on his feet. The sun was shining through the gaps in the blinds, inscribing rays of light on the old wood floor beneath the window. Given the spot on which they fell, it had to be about two in the afternoon - the previous night had been rough. Anders picked up his cellphone from the place he had dropped it beside the bed. He tapped the screen twice and squinted at the time it displayed: 02:43. Lirene wouldn't be needing him before five - for her official business, and for the less official one. In the meantime, he could definitely treat himself with some coffee.
Getting dressed rapidly in dark, nondescript clothes, he grabbed the woolen beanie on the kitchen table, stopped to check if Purr's bowls were still filled enough, and paused in front of the mirror by the door.
Anders ran a hand through his hair, tugging at the black strands. The blonde roots were starting to show. Dying his hair was a poor attempt at camouflage, but every precaution was worth taking.
Pulling the hat over his head and shrugging his coat on, he left.
Real Dwarves didn't dream.
Real Dwarves did business, stayed among themselves, hoarded old things. Real Dwarves remembered.
Real Dwarves didn't dream, and so Varric had no idea how to call the remnants of images and feelings that clouded his mind in the mornings.
It certainly couldn't be drunken hallucinations. Those were always nice, at least.
The stories in his head told tales of fighting and blood, of struggle and death. It was wreckage and thunder, treasons and old wars he only knew from what he had read in some dusty records kept in the vaults. But it was also a story of a family lost and found, only to be lost again, and composed of the most eclectic group of people Varric could ever dare to imagine, much less write about.
There was the pirate queen, all sharp smiles and sharper daggers. There was the fierce human warrior, cold-face and warm-heart. There were the two elves, similar only by the shape of their ears and the glint of their eyes. There was the spirit mage, with his shattered soul and gentle hands. And bringing them together, the Champion.
Varric’s idea of the Champion’s appearance was ever-changing. Some nights they would be a tall, broad-shouldered man with golden eyes and a booming laugh. Some other they would become a petite woman, milky skin clashing with raven hair, a whirlwind of blades and fire. Sometimes they would only be a blurry figure clothed in leather and iron, leading their mismatched group of strays into battles they always won, against all odds. Under every appearance, they inspired respect and loyalty. Under every appearance, they were his friend.
At first, Varric had discarded the dreams as a weird fantasy - having such strong bonds with a handful of companions seemed like such an incredible experience, and he hadn’t been able to replicate it with any of the other people he’d met during his life. When he had realized, through extensive researches in his family’s library, that the dreams were strangely close to events that had happened centuries ago, he had started to delve into the secret history of Thedas, the one the Chantry had managed to camouflage under the guise of myths and legends: the magic, the wars between races before humanity had conquered most of the known world, the slow decline of the elves until their blood was so watered down by human blood that their race was all but considered extinct. The dwarves had managed to survive by refusing to blend their genetics in the general mix, allowing them to preserve a large chunk of their culture, but even their heritage was fading as time went by.
The records were also talking about a mysterious figure that had saved Kirkwall countless times - a Champion, defeater of Arishok and slayer of demons. They were never described physically, instead defined by the people accompanying them. It had been quite a shock to see his own name scrawled on the brittle pages of the yellowing volume, as it had been to discover the names of the people he’d been seeing in his dreams: Isabela, Aveline, Fenris, Merrill, and Anders. It had somehow felt right, like relearning the names of his own family after far too long spent apart from them.
Since then, he hadn’t stopped looking for them, knowing that eventually, they’d all end up in Kirkwall again. That was, after all, where they belonged.
Aveline had been easy to track down. Varric was a very loveable person, and after making friends with some off-duty policemen at the Hanged Man, he’d quickly discovered that Deputy Vallen, a severe woman with red hair, was one of the persons he’d been looking for.
The others were proving harder to find. He wasn’t sure they even were in Kirkwall; after all, the world was a big place. He had asked around, giving physical descriptions to acquaintances that were most likely to see a lot of people and getting portraits drawn to allow Aveline to help him.
Despite his best efforts, his research was being unsuccessful, and he had been ready to give up, resolved to not meeting those persons he was linked to through life and death, when Aveline had found Merrill.
Seated at his desk, Varric smiled as he sorted through his papers. Merrill, the sweet elven blood mage. A part of his brain wanted to call her Daisy, and so he did. He was a bit disappointed he hadn’t been the one to discover her, but he was glad she had been found. Aveline had reacted with a lot of suspicion to his story of reincarnation and family bonds so tight they could last through the ages; he was sure Merrill wouldn’t be so hard to convince.
He got up from his chair, slipping his notes on the group in their folder and locking them up into a drawer. His family regarded his research on the subject as the result of his overactive imagination, and even though he didn’t think they’d ever try to interfere with his quest, he didn’t want to take the risk of finding his papers ruined and every clue he’d found so far destroyed.
Varric stretched, releasing the tension coming from several hours of being hunched over a desk. He put away his reading glasses and grabbed his coat off the back of his chair.
Time for some coffee.
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makeste · 5 years
BnHA Smash!! 01 and 02: Smash!!Might is a Fucking Menace
okay, so. I have about a million other things I should be doing instead, including (1) responding to asks and/or finishing in-progress metas, (2) reading Vigilantes, and last but not least, (3) actually making a dent in the ever-increasing backlog of Actual Work That I Really Should Be Doing Instead.
so naturally I’m procrastinating by taking my first stab at reading BnHA’s cute 4-panel omake spinoff series, BnHA Smash!! IT JUST MAKES SENSE. look, I have exactly one thing I felt like actually doing and not procrastinating today, so I might as well do the thing. basically it’s my attention span’s world and I’m just living in it.
anyway! so apparently this series was scanlated by good ol’ Fallen Angels. that’s right; prepare yourselves for some very creative cursing, fellas. other background info for anyone who, like me, is unfamiliar with this spin-off: this series debuted on November 9, 2015, a little over a year after the original series. said original series was currently at chapter 66, meaning the Final Exam arc was just wrapping up.
so now that we’re all properly oriented, let me go over a few disclaimers real quick and then we’ll get started!
all comments are my unspoiled reactions from my initial readthrough of the chapter. I did a quick edit for grammar and clarity afterward, and added a few ETAs in the process, but aside from that there are no changes.
I’m aware that not everyone may be familiar with Smash!! even if they’ve read/watched the original series, so I’ve tried to make this recap comprehensible even if you haven’t read the spin-off. that being said, it’s probably more enjoyable if you have, so you can either purchase the first volume from Viz here, or read the chapter online (I don’t want to link directly, but the spin-off is available on most of the usual sites. literally just google “read mha” and you’ll find some good options).
this readthrough contains a handful of sorta-kinda spoilers for the BnHA manga, although there are no direct spoilers. just an indirect reference to a joke in chapter 242, as well as a reference to a theory which as of now is in no way canon. but just to be on the safe side I’m posting a heads-up.
and I think that’s it! so here we go.
so we’re opening with a brief summary of the series. people have superpowers and shit’s nuts. you know the drill
there’s also a brief description of the way that the superhero economy works, complete with Mt. Lady’s employees unionizing and demanding better pay
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guys I keep staring at this and thinking that surely, SURELY it doesn’t say what I think it says. sidekick... what... manager??
you know what? Viz unfortunately doesn’t include this series as part of their subscription package (WHAT AM I PAYING YOU FOR, VIZ), but it does at least include a free preview of Smash, and I bet you that this, the first fucking page of the series, is a part of that preview. so... let’s see...
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okay, see, this actually makes sense! so did the FA scanlating team collectively all have a fucking stroke?! just, what??
this is one of the reasons why I had difficulty reading Vigilantes too, tbh. those early chapter scans were, uh. but at least Vigilantes has a Viz scanlation too. I don’t want to spend 10 bucks just to read one volume of this, but we’ll see. anyways
so now there’s a strip about baby!Izuku watching his favorite clip of All Might saving one hundred people from a bus accident or whatever
lol Inko you should not have left your shrewdly calculating four-year-old son unattended omg
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and this is why you don’t leave your credit card info saved on the computer when you have kids. life lessons learned today
this is the first indicator we have ever had that baby!Izuku wasn’t perfect and was, in fact, capable of being a little shit and giving his mom plenty of gray hairs in his own special way. ngl, I fucking love it
also 12,800 yen is about $118 USD, which is honestly a really good deal for a year’s worth of textbooks. he got three boxes of books! I just googled the average cost of college textbooks, and the google article said the average student spends about $1200 a year. so this is a fucking steal tbh
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at least install a fucking adblocker ffs. you’re lucky quirk supplement ads are the worst of the ads he’s getting! PARENTAL CONTROLS
now we are cutting to a comic about baby!Izuku defending another boy from my problematic fave, as seen in page one of the original series!
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I’m not clear on how much of this spin-off can actually be considered canon. my understanding is that it is Horikoshi-reviewed and approved, even though he doesn’t actually write it. but it’s obviously a humor series, so a lot of it is just going to be jokes. that being said, I think my approach is going to be “if it’s not completely ridiculous and doesn’t contradict the actual manga, go ahead and consider it canon”
(ETA: I might change this up after reading the first two chapters. most of these strips would have terrifying implications if they were actually canon sob.)
anyhoo, this actually does contradict the manga in that we saw this encounter play out very differently. but I kind of wish it was canon regardless because looool. these cocky preschoolers and their fucking Battle Tears
the next comic is Mt. Lady accidentally stepping on a guy’s face and the guy being way too fucking happy about it (read: having a fucking nosebleed and taking an upskirt shot). we’re just going to skip this entirely. this is another problem I was having with Vigilantes too. you know, for all my complaints about Mineta and such, BnHA as a whole is so much tamer than it could be, and I need to give Horikoshi credit for that. he mostly knows where to draw the line, and to his credit he’s also much, much better about this kind of thing than he was when he first started. maybe Mineta’s standings in the character poll results are helping to clue him in
anyway, I’ll mostly just skip past the iffy stuff because I don’t have patience for it and there’s still plenty of other stuff to cover. so on to the next strip
which features a bunch of reporters fawning over Mt. Lady’s flashy quirk while Kamui Woods laments in the shadows
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and yet we know this kid will have a prominent rise within the next six months. it’s so strange to revisit the start of the series and see how much things have changed in such a short time
oh my god
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no one who dresses up as a giant mushroom could possibly have good intentions. I. just
and look at the fucking disappointment in Deku’s eyes. KAMUI WOODS HE BELIEVED IN YOU!
now some strange man is coming up to Deku and is all HEY YOU, YOU’RE A HERO OTAKU, TELL ME WHAT TO BUY MY SEVEN-YEAR-OLD SON FOR HIS BIRTHDAY. better not ask him unless you’re prepared to shell out $120 bucks for some fucking textbooks
hey, what!!
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WE DIDN’T EVEN GET TO SEE WHAT HE BOUGHT HIM? unless it’s the action figure the kid appears to be holding? but I’m just going to go ahead and assume Izuku recommended the number one best gift that any seven-year-old child would love, i.e. a giant sword
now it’s a sludge monster omake!
so Izuku is trudging home all depressed after CERTAIN INCIDENTS, and Sludgey is glooping his way out of a sewer towards him
oh no All Might
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my biggest takeaway from this is the fact that the entire second half of chapter one takes place after All Might has emerged from a fucking sewer. I forgot all about that somehow. or maybe it never fully processed until just now. but omg. this entire chapter must have smelled so fucking bad. these poor kids
wow All Might
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sure called that one wrong. ah well nobody’s perfect
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lmao, Smash!!All Might appears to be quite a bit more vain than the original. wow dude
btw, friendly reminder (and I think this is something that was actually pointed out to me after one of the recaps; that’s one of my favorite things about doing these) that All Might, after saving Deku, actually read his notebook before signing it. super-fast, I guess, because he’s the best. but yeah, so he knew exactly how smart and observant Deku was, and how much he wanted to be a hero. his decision to pick him as his successor didn’t just come out of the blue; even before the “my body moved on its own” thing, there was a lot Deku had going in his favor. this is one of those little details of which BnHA has so many, and which I love
lmao what the fuck
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ngl this version of the series would have been amazing in its own way. but yeah. so this is why we clearly can’t assume everything in Smash!! is canon lol. but I can already tell I am going to enjoy the shit out of this series
now we’re cutting to Deku running at Sludgey in order to save Kacchan, oh shit. the most dramatic part of chapter one. clearly no moment is sacred
sob what
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I don’t understand this strip at all. is this supposed to be a serious moment inserted unexpectedly among this multitude of joke strips? or did I miss the punchline? heeeeelp
(ETA: okay so. my best guess is that All Might wrote all over Deku’s life-saving advice, and so the joke is that Deku no longer knows what to do when assaulting sludge men because HIS NOTES ARE RUINED. idk. what does 25 P mean??)
now All Might has Done The Thing and saved my boys, and now Mt. Lady is helping with the cleanup. scooping up all the bits of sludge and putting it in trash bags
oh my god
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nope nevermind. nope. nope
-- shit. okay, you know what? this first chapter has been a real in-your-face reminder of the fact that the sludge monster was not made of cute sparkly 2018-trending-fad slime, but was in fact composed of RAW FUCKING SEWAGE. (ETA: to be clear, I’m pretty sure the joke in this strip is that she accidentally picked up dog-doo during her clean-up. but still, the fact that it was indistinguishable from the rest of the gunk speaks for itself.) I think I forced myself to gloss over this fact originally due to the nope factor. but just. Izuku and Katsuki were both choking to death on this shit?? and just, how the fuck did they make it out of this not traumatized
and also, like. All Might was straight up going to leave Izuku alone afterwards, just, “well enjoy your autograph, fine citizen” and blasting off out of there. and everyone fucking saw Katsuki almost suffocate to death later on, and after giving him a pat on the back they fucking let him go off on his own too? and you can’t even make the argument that this was Just Another Day In Quirk Society either, because more than a year later, Katsuki is still a bona fide fucking celebrity from the media coverage of his attack. it clearly was not something that happens every day. in conclusion, these kids are resilient as fuck, and thank god for that because people apparently just do not give a shit, holy christ
anyway. at least Mt. Lady had gloves
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Smash!!Might is so fucking shady omfg. probably sells cheap counterfeit electronics on Amazon
oh shit and that’s the end of the fucking chapter lol. that’s it?? that was only eight pages. fuck it, let’s read another. but first here’s Horikoshi’s note on the spin-off
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so he really feels that Neda gets the spirit of the series and understands him. that’s very encouraging. the best spoofs and parodies are done out of love. I really think I’m going to enjoy this series
so! onward to chapter two
so here’s All Might dressed as Mr. 2 Bon Clay from One Piece, I guess??
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“you know what’s funny? dressing a man in girl’s clothes LOL.” guys can we grow the fuck up. and also acknowledge that All Might can look good in anything, so this questionable gag wouldn’t have even landed anyway. you work that tutu All Might
lmao check out the past users of OFA here
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All for One for All theory fucking confirmed lol. just look. that’s him in the back of the conga line. clearly
so Deku is all “hell yes why would I possibly say no??” but then
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HIS LIMBS. lmao. sign here
in all seriousness, given the shit this kid has been through since the part of the series, All Might probably should have gotten him to sign a liability waiver of some sort. not that it would have stood, since Deku is underage! anyways Deku you totally have grounds to sue the shit out of the Symbol of Peace should you ever choose to do so. and the trend of Smash!!Might being shady af continues yes please give me more I love it
so now All Might is giving Deku his fitness plan which has a really elaborate name
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given that this is Smash!!Might, I can’t help but wonder if this plan is in actuality some sort of MLM scheme. All Might are you trying to get Deku to do Herbalife
lol what in the fuck
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the original series skipped right over a hell of a lot, it would seem. like the time Deku traveled to Arizona and fought coyotes in a poncho
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I’m starting to suspect that Neda-sensei might be on some sort of substance. “let’s see what jokes can I make about chapter 2 of BnHA. I know, I’ll send the protagonist to a fictionalized version of the American Southwest in a sombrero, and then turn him into a 65-year-old oil tycoon.” naturally
lmao that’s really it, that’s the strip. moving right along. okay??
now Izuku is staring at the intimidating piles of Beach Trash and is all “I HAVE TO PICK ALL THIS SHIT UP?”
omg Deku no
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somebody call Marie Kondo. Deku none of this is salvageable. not even to reuse in a color page photoshoot spread four years from now
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anyways I don’t know what Smash!!Might is so upset about. he probably wove some kind of clause into the contract Deku signed that allows him a percentage of the profits. unless Deku already spent it all on textbooks
what the fuck is this fucking series lmao
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time for a round of “what is All Might casually crushing in this panel?” is it (a) a cardboard box, or (b) like, a mini-fridge or some fucking shit. IT COULD BE EITHER. IT MAKES EQUALLY AS MUCH SENSE EITHER WAY. “HEROES THESE DAYS ARE [FLEEEEEEX] OBSESSED WITH BEING FLASHY” 
holy shit no wonder he ran away to the Sierra Nevada. it’s only a matter of time before this freak fucking kills someone
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my jokes about the mangaka being high as a fucking kite when he wrote this are gradually becoming less jokes and more serious inquiries??
lol so he coincidentally just stumbled across All Might and Deku at this exact moment
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do you guys remember during the final exam when All Might beat the everloving shit out of Deku and Kacchan, and everyone was all “JESUS CHRIST WOULD YOU LEARN TO FUCKING HOLD BACK A LITTLE THEY ARE CHILDREN YOU MANIAC.” but now we can see plain as day that he was, in fact, holding back. anyways Smash!!Might is terrifying as shit and if this had been the main series I would have already pegged him as the final villain by this point
here he is now wearing an old-timey bathing suit but looking more like an escaped convict than anything else
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this panel is actually canon. I’ve decided. this 100% definitely happened at some point. especially the swimsuit
now two bikini babes are walking up and they’re all “IS THAT ALL MIGHT??” with excited sparkly eyes because they don’t know that he’s actually a deranged con artist who crushes refrigerators like empty soda cans. this spin-off has truly opened my eyes
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now Deku is approaching his mom all serious and says he wants to change up his diet
and she’s looking at the menu he prepared all impressed and thinking that she might join him. as long as it’s for your health, Inko. if this manga starts making jokes about your weight, I will beat it over the head with Deku’s textbooks
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THIS WENT IN THE EXACT OPPOSITE DIRECTION I WAS EXPECTING, AND THIS IS THE MOST AMAZING THING I’VE EVER READ WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. the whole fucking family is on the juice. and the fucking mangaka is on some special juice of his own oh my stars
now we’re cutting to Mt. Lady stomping on a car
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thank fuck no one was actually in there. also does she not wear shoes
and also, it only just occurred to me that she must be another person with a special quirk costume, because her suit shrinks and expands along with her. Hagakure and Momo are really getting shafted by the costume design team here. they need to fire some people
anyway so Mt. Lady slipped on this carelessly placed vehicle and fell down and crushed an entire building whoops
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bruh, you think you’re “ow.” let’s hope that building was empty too
and now she’s toppling another building just fucking because, I guess. and saying she can’t do urban areas
lmao and now the sidekick [CENSORED] manager from chapter one is back to guilt-trip her omg
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I need this man to show up in every freaking chapter. please. respect my wishes
and now Izuku is standing on top of his collected pile of garbage screaming in victory
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I only just realized that there’s still a big old Pile O’ Trash on this beach, though. someone needs to haul all of this junk away. or else get All Might and Mt. Lady to crush it all with a combined effort
oh shit here it comes y’all, the famous “eat my hair” scene. potential comedy gold right here omg
lol what the fuck
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this man is a fucking billionaire and he’s out here clipping coupons and deleting pictures of his son in order to make room for them smdh
okay now we’re doing the hair scene
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oh. oh no. I know where this is going sob please keep this comic rated PG for the children Neda
motherfucker they really --
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Smash!!Might is a straight-up felon. this man has no fucking scruples. that’s okay Midoriya-shounen, if you don’t want to eat my hair we could just try some REDACTED, jesus christ I am going to need some bleach for my eyes after this
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lmao sob. well, two chapters in and we’ve established that no territory is off-limits here. it’s a brave new world. wow
 so that’s it! our introduction to BnHA Smash!! I enjoyed it a lot and I will definitely be reading more! I’m not sure what kind of schedule I’ll keep, but this is a really good procrastination manga thus far, so knowing me I might actually work my way through this relatively quickly. especially since the Manga At Large is on break this week. anyways my deepest apologies to the many people who have been requesting for me to start Vigilantes instead. I just need something lighter right now, and this is a good fit. one of these days I’ll get my shit together with the other two spinoffs as well.
30 notes · View notes
makeste · 6 years
BnHA Chapter 031: Just How Many Kids Am I Gonna Have to Adopt
Previously on BnHA: Bakugou went on a roaring rampage of revenge. The once-mighty class B ate some humble pie and got shut out of the finals. Tokoyami was the fucking MVP and kept Team Deku’s hopes alive at the last second. Todoroki used his Arm That Reminds Him of His Dad Who He Hates for a half second and had instant angst. He, Deku, Baku, and the mind control guy with purple hair advanced to the final round along with their teammates. Todo and Deku went off to have a private chitchat while their dads met up in a random hallway.
Today on BnHA: Todoroki thinks All Might is Deku’s dad (but is he wrong?). He then tells Deku all about his dad, who is terrible. And his childhood, which is also terrible. And his scar, which, you guessed it -- terrible. All Might and Endeavor have their own separate conversation during which Endeavor is, wait for it... terrible. Deku has no idea how to respond to any of this, so he affectionately declares war. Bakugou listens in on the whole thing because of course he does. I basically lose all of my shit and then some and I’m not gonna pretend like I didn’t.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 68 now, so any ETAs will reflect that. Although there is one ETA here that was written the day after I read the chapter and is noted as such.)
well hello there Todoroki! are you about to become my third adopted son from this series, because it’s getting a bit crowded tbh. but you’re all good boys, so. it’s hard to say no to you
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finally some more info about this guy!
his mouth is relatively ill-mannered? I haven’t gotten that vibe from him
(ETA: and I still haven’t? like is he using the wrong kind of keigo or something and I just never noticed or what)
Todoroki’s burn scar: dot dot dot. except that this is one of the few things I think I might have accidentally spoiled myself for, because there was a gif making the rounds a while back that I happened to see accidentally. which is my own damn fault, and it’s not like it’s other people’s job to keep me from getting spoiled. if anything this taught me to take extra care now that I’m at the point where I know and recognize the majority of the cast, and am thus more potentially spoiler-literate than I was before
(ETA: haha so let me just explain here. I actually was not spoiled, but I thought I was. what happened was that I saw a gif of Todoroki lying on the ground and then his flames slowly ignited, starting from around his left eye right where his scar is, and then expanding to cover the scar. and I thought, oh, that must be what happened originally before he learned to control it! hence, burn scar! little did I know that was not the case at all and that the actual story was so. much. worse. omg. but the whole thing really set me up to be properly shocked, so.)
he apparently is another one who’s not immune to his own abilities! he has to use his left side to regulate the temperature changes from the right so he doesn’t give himself frostbite or anything like that
“if he uses his left side for too long”... yeah I’m pretty sure I did spoil myself there lmao. we’ll see, I guess
IZUKU: “you wanted to talk?” TODOROKI: [GLARES]
well this is off to a smashing good start
there goes Deku comparing everyone and everything to Kacchan once again! Todoroki apparently has “a much colder sort of intimidation”
“you overwhelmed me. so much that I broke my own pledge.” it’s kind of a stupid pledge, honestly, Todo
whoa hold up
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did this kid just fucking put two and two together and actually come up with four
“I felt the same pressure coming from you.” hahaha! you don’t say! :’D
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I’m pretty sure he’s not! he supposedly does have an actual bio dad somewhere out there, but we’ve never seen him and he doesn’t seem to be around! but!! aside from that, All Might did pass down his quirk and he has adopted him now, so! I’m gonna give him close to full marks for accuracy!
motherfucker, Deku is going off on some meandering rant of denial and it’s possibly the least convincing thing I’ve ever seen
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lol Deku. at this point maybe just shut up
now he’s asking why Todoroki thought that. well I guess it must be because he himself is the son of a famous hero, right?
oh shit
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yeah, come to think, it really does imply the existence of a “but” there, huh
now he’s telling Izu that his dad is Endeavor. would Izuku have already known that, what with the degree to which he tends to stalk his favorite heroes? the number two hero having a son his own age definitely seems like the type of factoid he would have made a note of
“all the more reason for me to crush you.” boys, no. :( why are all of my sons so antagonistic toward each other
cut to All Might and Endeavor!
All Might is being super nice so naturally Endeavor basically tells him to shove it!
hey, Endeavor! get fucked!!
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he’s talking about how Todoroki (or “little Shouto” as he calls him... what was the Japanese equivalent? don’t tell me it was Shouto-chan) (ETA: nope, just the same -shounen suffix he uses for all of his kids) won the round even without using his left side, and says that “someone has been raising him well”
are you guys going to have a battle of who is the best dad
?! All Might is asking him for tips on how to dad?
All Might, maybe he’s not the best guy to ask? unless you’re going for a “how to make your son hate your guts” thing here
oh. whoa. hold the fuck up
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All Might is all, “wut”
lmao I just realized he basically went up to Endeavor and was like “can you give me some advice” and Endeavor’s response was basically, “FUCK YOU!! NO!!! I HATE YOU!! ALSO!!!! MY SON WILL BE BETTER THAN YOU AND THAT’S THE ONLY REASON I HAVE A SON IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!”
and he said all of this while being, just... on fire. just all over the fucking place
what a weird conversation, is my point
he says Todoroki is a “rebellious little brat”, but that he’ll make him surpass All Might
back to Shouto! Shouto we’re on a first name basis now
his dad basically embodies the worst of all this pro hero crap. the complete antithesis of All Might
All Might. bud, hold up. we need to sit down and discuss. there are three of them now, All Might. we need to do everything we can to make sure that none of these impressionable young kids ends up going down the wrong path and ending up like this salty fuck. I apologize for my language, All Might, but this is serious stuff. I know Katsuki is pretty rambunctious, but he has a good heart underneath it all, I’m sure of it. Deku is a good influence on him. now, I don’t know what kind of emotional damage this new one has been dealt, but he seems all right so far, so we just need to make sure he stays on track and makes some good friends, and is doing all this because he wants to be, and not because his POS father tells him it’s what he’s supposed to do
-- oh sorry guys I went off track there
so anyway, Shouto is telling Deku all about his horrible dad who wanted to be better than All Might but wasn’t better than All Might (AND HE COULD NEVER!!!!)
so he “came up with another plan.” oh honey ;_;
Deku apparently doesn’t have any idea why Shouto is telling him all this, because he’s still relatively new to this shounen protagonist stuff, and it’s his first tragic backstory. hush and just listen for a sec, Deku
“quirk marriages” fucking shit we’re really getting into fucking eugenics now. that got real heavy real fast
so basically Shouto’s dad forced his mom’s family to agree to marry their daughter to him. WOW. WOW
now Deku has shut up and looks properly horrified
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I’m glad he understands that his father is a total piece of shit, though. like, good. good fucking show, Shouto, you keep it up
“as I remember it, mom was always crying...” ;_;
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poor Deku really does look so shaken up all of a sudden. like, he has the best mom in the world, who loves him so much even without him having a quirk (as far as she knows). and then along comes this cool kid who seems to have it all, but in fact his home life was horrific and abusive, and he just came up and told Deku all of this out of the blue lol, and I say lol, but I’m not actually lol, you guys, I’m so not lol
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okay. okay, dude, I get it. but! I still think that if you were to go ahead and use it, it would still be fine, because in the end you are not him, you’re not his tool, you are you, and you can go ahead and be as incredible of a hero as you want, and it’ll be in spite of Endeavor and certainly not because of him
(ETA: this is basically exactly what Deku ended up telling him. only I bet you I could have done it without dramatically ripping every fucking limb in my body to shreds. but hey, you know, shounens gonna shounen)
does U.A. have counseling. aside from All Might, who to be fair does try his best. but like, real counseling
because if not, they should. have counseling
-- !!!!!!!!!!!!
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[shaking out hands to dispel all of my crazy excited nervous energy] oh my god. deep breath. okay
s-sigh. okay, Deku. now you have to say something, okay? don’t think about it too much, just. say something back to him, dude
oh shit Shouto’s walking off now. DEKU YOU DIDN’T SAY ANYTHING!!!!
also!! Shouto mentioned the All Might connection again, so even if Katsuki hadn’t heard him the first time, he definitely heard him now
ugh I’m SO FUCKING DYING TO KNOW just how much Kacchan has actually put together when it comes to the “Deku received his powers from All Might” thing and it drives me fucking crazy and I’m pretty sure I’m not going to get answers any fucking time soon. this manga has been good to me so far, but not that good
(ETA: this is a next day ETA! like, just to be clear, I haven’t read any additional chapters yet. but I was thinking on this some more, and basically I’ve come to the conclusion that Katsuki must know. the thing is, I keep forgetting just how insanely thorough Horikoshi is when it comes to his attention to detail. and I just can’t see him going out of his way to show Katsuki within earshot of a conversation like this, twice (here and on the bus to USJ), and not have that lead up to anything. yes, Katsuki has shown himself to be fairly oblivious to a lot of the goings-on surrounding him if it doesn’t involve him directly. but we’ve also seen that he absolutely does pay attention if the matter involves Deku. and he showed during the fight with Kurogiri and the rest that he’s definitely clever enough to pick up on subtle clues and connect the dots. and the thing is, the thing with Deku getting his power from All Might is not subtle at all. it’s the most obvious fucking thing ever, so obvious that two of Deku’s other classmates have come close to figuring it all out even without any hints. and neither of them had Deku literally come up to them and say “I got my quirk from someone else, but I can’t say from who.” yeah, Bakugou didn’t seem to understand it at the time. but he’s had time to process it since, and I just can’t see any way he wouldn’t have made the connection by now. so until we’re shown otherwise, I’m going to operate under this assumption from now on.)
(ETA 2: as of chapter 68, this is still up in the air! so I stand by it! I’m putting it out there!)
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and he says he’ll repay everyone who helped him by becoming the best
“let me return your declaration of war with my own.” awww. “declaration of war” isn’t really the best description for it lol. not when it’s being done like this
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a healing shounen bond of determination is born
meanwhile Kacchan’s still listening in but doesn’t say anything. last time he got upset because they were having a rivalry without him. I wonder if he’s gonna let them have this thing for themselves this time around
don’t worry Kacchan, no matter what happens you’ll always be Deku’s number one rival. seriously, no matter how many other people he goes around declaring war on, you’re the one that fucking inspires him and lights that crazy fire in him and spurs him on to do crazy things and be amazing. you and All Might. but he’s not in love with All Might
lunch break is over. I wonder if they ever got to eat lunch
lol I’m so checked out of the sports festival now. I just want these three to go get ice cream together and chill
apparently they prepared some sort of “recreational activity” for the kids that didn’t end up making it to the final
um. what
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I’m hovering my hand over the “cancel” button once again, people. don’t make me do it
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...okay, we’re back to the actual plot now
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I mean come on, you can’t have a fucking shounen tournament arc without a fucking tournament
wait a sec. I’m looking at these individual panels, and the only conclusion I can draw is that Aoyama and Ojiro were somehow on the purple haired guy’s team this entire time and I didn’t realize it?? how’d he manage that? (mind control. obviously.)
quick bold predictions: MY GIRL OCHAKO TAKES IT ALL. LET’S GOOOOOO
more seriously, Deku and Todoroki will obviously have to fight each other, most likely in the final. so Bakugou is probably out in the semi or quarterfinals. although I can’t picture him going up against Deku again this soon, and if the finale is going to be Deku and Shouto, having Baku fight Shouto first kind of takes away from that, I feel? so maybe he won’t make it to the semifinals either. in which case probably the purple haired guy will, along with... MY GIRL OCHAKO. DID YOU NOT HEAR ME EARLIER. LET’S DO THIS. PLEASE. SOB
(ETA: honestly this tournament ended up surprising me at every turn. what a fucking ride)
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Tetsutetsu is actually a pretty easy name to remember, but I just like calling him Steel Ryohei so much because I feel like it’s so fucking accurate
this guy really likes spinach
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